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6of!o&.A ~ ;Jt:" 3ft'a",:

. . '\

Proclamation No. 72112011

" " I~ · , .' .

Urban Lands Lease Holding Proc1amation. ~'..~ ~3ge 6220

\ : . .!

f.. 7':r:: 4:'fC :m,'r,jl1it§ .\ ; J" ' ~ " ~ -; /.


rll,t""Y (I;VI Qt1:~/ ri/ll1lJ ,f'11 I'm"! ~'P;;'

WHEREAS, it is p;ovide\l bY,Article 40 of the

ll'I(p'} \' OU')""r) '}<;' 1'')-'II ,n 'Hlt.+ If',
Constitution of the Federal Democratic Republic of
\' (JD (0'''' (.,m ,1>'/'9" n
,1, '? :n.l: "'i.Wln rHl.'H-I>,·.r
Ethi opia Ibo t land is the property of the State and the
tI.>'.t.~'/: ,'i. quil ,,·r'i.FI: iT'f](\.h :It? (/U')"'/~y·"t·
peoples of Etllio pia and that itsuse shall 'be subject to
}\ ·-;·/·X' j ()'I-f.}'1'} (! olll!"/·1
specific regulation by law;
- .'. .... -,~

. ;

DaD'" V'lt'!: nU-fl·?'u hr,~/'·I·-h..t,{,.. a7.!)J:r-t;" WHEREAS, the sustainable' rapid economic
ntu\<>:Y' Oanm) -i l'j 'n "p, "Jt\(Jl' ~/'IlJJ~'r1' r·!·tlnt) growt h registered aciOSS all economic sectors and
6. n )"} ri-.. /I',"U7. 1,.(':1+ ('h -,-"? ou6o'" r,:t,7"'V} regions in th e country has necessitated continuously
Otl'l'l:'r"i'C; t111 (1)/'~: J~_t.Jf }dJ(,f:'l,OVG }\'} ":Jlfd/J and illCrCJsingly the demand. for urban lqnd which
(lu1Y:t.·I·~· )'.V7" IH;!' 'n;!",. (l·I·~()flC.· (tr,:~'H requires such an appropriate adrnipistration that it is
-r1n. re D (.:/' U·(l:/· ),::'C(1 :/' 9"'\'ii (\.0'1' O"'l.:r-A efficient and responsive to land resources
- .
. ~
),.')"·.<;>,,C nk·l~n· 01'(71'''':'' ,riln.:/, (luUtn·!

l\·"I)t\mT (\m-rrt:)· try1 f\~ ')'{h {t:r, l\ffi.',·"'1

rml(...}.t; (]f)!..:,' f/h '}·flL·)· 'lOJ' /:t. "'/-1' I WIlEHEAS, the prevalenc~ o(good governance'
is a fou~dation al institutional requisite for the
./,rrj" cH· (\'/·'.(lr\ 1"1'/ ·11I.i' IPG'i'" uu().\";",,,
dt: \,l.'lnpm~Hl of an d1icicnt, effective, equitable and
'~IA1..'(; -i'tI,_!'-J:',, :,- illit_'lfl-} {\'j ·';_tJ·9" 1'01'(..+
we!i fun ctioning land and landed property market, the
11(\(1'/")<;' {'u"(.,:/' 'hn;l'''~Iil''} ""'(1-1'.:)".<;, "'I,P,.;!'
sustenance of a robust free market economy and for
9':)'-'} (\a7t..~1'l' ~aV't1:)"-A feDt..'} ,\t1 ,/·}\}'.c
building transparent · and accountable lar,d
pc'H' (\!7D'I"i~')' f ooAfl?" f,t1'/' ·'if,G o"',"C administration system th at ensures the rights and
A}!..---"7 ovuJL:)'(I~ '1- 9: °71]: ~(l'lo,), OUfllY'I,r obligatiolls of the lessor and the lesse~;
" ,.:,' ",J .

!" \
Oi...N·P;J' 6<,P.. t -'1'1: ·v,.'1°ht.f\J'1: tT·(1n.h NOW, THEREFORE, in .accordance with sub-
;h 'l on'/air:/' ). ')O}>i'-o' :if; '>o·t1 i,'H' ?; f UCV) u.-tiele (2)(a) of Article 55 of the Constitution of the
ODIPt.+ P"'l.h,]'!ta;· ,;j ·m·X:.A:: Federa! Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, it is herby
proclaimed as follows:

n '- ".:> 7· 00 .,..,,6+ .:>I~tQ 7'."'."". 'iJti

Unit Price Negarft G. P_O.Box 80001

---- --- -- - -- -- - - -- - - - L
1~ J...'~ lr l\. ~:Jl.+ ..:m,ill <#I-rC § "'.lie It +1 r~!i ',r Federal Negarit Gazeta No.4 2SCI November, 2011 .... page 622 1

1. Short Title

This Proclamation may be cited as the "Urban

.eu h 'I' J:.' " I'b 'I'''') f1;V} 1111.1/ fIIw n Y1l fro") Lands Lease Holding Proclamation No. 721 /2011.
},<I'y!: '1:1'C 'i,xr.ii/lUi.ii" '/"011" tun'h, .e:HAu

2. Definitions
In this Proclamation unless the. context otherwise
r :PI'I, },1il'fl IV\ ;rC'r'F' P"'l.omw· l'Atr'I req uires:
(1(1'/"1'(; (W.t! }!'f':~: OJ·fl'l':-
11 "lease" means ' a system of land tenure by
ii! "tl.1!" On ,} (17.1~ (1""»'. (1 m'A I which the right of use of urban land is
(TnU'!.')· rh·/·"'! (1)' 1'01'111-"1'" on,rH' acquired under a . contract ' of a de finite
r O?,1:}(H' fOvt.,.} .ell;/' flu')' "O"! period;

!J./ " PII'I'",) f1;J-" "')fI·'" IIh1'",) MrP.f.t-'1? 2/ " urban land" means land located within an
roll'} bAA (j}'J'i'l' P"'!1'f uu,;,.)· ~(j}' I administrative boundary of an urban center;

")H""i" °7t1·(, "'III:JJ>; n,·)· r·":1.'!~ 3/ "urban center" means any locality having a
{m n+ aJJ~9° Ni'i. w.e'F' IIIU' f1~ .e municipal administration or a population size
f lJ1lll ,,:'re .p(\w''l IlIt.v (IJ.J'i'1' of2000 or more inhabitants of which at least
HOan.y. f"'l.If'taJ< fOal< ;).eA /lu/·nC'l 50% of its labor. force is engaged in non-
Ql"f," fllJ", P'tr ~.e {""O"'!,:, tr'," agricultural aClivities;
f°'1:I;~n·} (\11'111. ~aJ,r

iii " bAA" "'11'1'(' nh,·!-r·i\·.f t".Q"tr',,/; 4/ "region" means any state referred to under
P,. 'f" t/t·n..r"T: uT·IlI'l.h ,~,'I un'} "I/"'(' Articl e 47(1) of the Constitution of the
h','l'x' ~~/;( k" ) r " 'aJ)f\h"'O>' ~ri·;:tD·9u Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia;
llClA 1m·I

"pll'I·n'l (,J'i'I'P'y'C" "7t1 ,). P}\)!,(, (,nil 5/ "city administratio~" '~~ans the Addis Ababa
11,/·"'1 M"·P,Y.C w.e'F' i'J':t.,P,'P h-""'! CitY Administration or the Dire Dawa City
itl'1-!'P,l,C 'wl·I ' Administration; , '

6/ "appropriate b~dy" ine~s a body of a region

i,',' j "}\"]IHI .pAm' hllA" "'11'1')' ('11'1'''7
or a city administration vested with the power
fl)"i t."?fI·l·i;f.C'l I'I"'IA"'I')' /"A((/'i
to aaminisler and develop urban land;
P·/'I' mm· rhAA mj!,'F', ph'I'''7
;·dl·l·~ J?.C ~\}lt\ 'IO)'!

7/ "public interest" means the use of land

'f,/ "r.MI,n 'j':/>9"" "'11'1'(' n-,,'I')' (IJ.e'F'
defined as such by , the decision of the
n'I'1I'1'1'u ""·J7.!'; ,MI(1'.('· 00°10:1' ~.e appropriate body in confonnity with urban
.1',1'1'(1/"> ' l'in:P"'/y)- 1'I"'/t,.77'1''l "'l'i plan in order to ensure the interest of the
Otr )!,;, it,b<;''''l..f'C A"'/')"> n'l,nl.e~ ;I· people to acquire direct or indirect benefits
1'I"'I1An:I' ,,"]'1'(1 .fI'lQJ< ,,1,/.\ niH' from the use ' of the land and to consolidate
n'lOJ' T~'J O1''''t,.), {';"ll ,n 'I")''F' .(]I'I" sustainable socio-economic development;
P"'l.IDcli Q)· ('uPfo·(· l"n:!""'F' im·I
8/ "urban plan" means structural plan, local
if " (' b·I·D·1 T'\'}" "'ltl·)· /~A"l'i ~flOl' J."A development plan"or basic plan of nn urban cen ter
relj',,'l>!"." U.:JfP' ·'"6.Cf cPl.i·1" YAm- {'h-"'''I includi ng annexed descriptive documents which
ull f{·;h~·(i: T'I'}T S')',',l}n. A",/:,' T'l.'i arc legally cndor~cd by the authorized body ano
GJ.e,9 u C/)u"'l.;J·(1! T"~} ".If'} '\Ilt fl 6U·tj: have legally binding effect;
""II("('J' !":r-') ,ea.L7"t·AJ

t.. r~Ir A ~,, ~ o). ?ILt11 oft°re .2 1~C !~ .f'} r ·(i.Q 'l.r Federal Ncgarit Gazeta No.4 2Sdr. November, 2011 ... . page 6222

91 " tender" means a modality of transferring

" W,4;J' " "711:/' ,'h,""7 r{/V~+ y-,';J '
(j 'lOt rOJ',~·.\:' C ,...-c'}·l· 1I"Y.,w/lI· \'(1). lease of urban land to a bid winner fu'filling
.,;,. \. ' . '. " :.' ..

X';:'C ODllt.C,r, :f· ODflL+ M'I to the competition r~qu.irements issued based on
. - " .'-, . .'
; ,
Auoz.tnm· "'6"1,t-:-;:' rh1'''7 out-'r 111\.11 the rule of mark~ .Cjl!,~, of urban land
ruoz.·H A"-II -'/. llA 'r ~m'l tenure; ( ..~ . '\ '."
, ' . . '; ~J " , ' :". l'~ . i .
10/ "aIlOlment" means a modality . applied for
II . "Y" .1'.1]" "'lA'!' II bL1. L;I' I\. (H ',,'/);.
providing urban lands by lease to institutions
A"'l y-:r·t\, ·t,!~u'l·l· {'IH''''/ {1;J' II I\. '1/
that could not be accommodated by way of
r "'l. ,01' .t:. II '/' (j A .). ~ (D' r tender; ", ;_ ! '. ,

I II "lease benchmark price'!' means the threshold

"rtvif UfJ'/'rf 'PrO)" IPItvl' 'ptj" 'l'l) roue'lc.: .. ,'
price determined by taking into account the
A"?:" h Q)·:)·c::f· f(IDIlC'U' ma.1.'t T ~~C

")'I~;J09':f' ql\,n,'· hljqn. f"'L~o). "/') fJ;I ,

cost of infrastructural development,
7':[.<;, 'l'fl("Y'~"'I I\"?'Ifl'} r"'LJ'Il.,t:\1(J)o'l demolition cost as well as compensation to be
wmS 1'I'/·~ll.7':l~ f"'Lh.l.A I, ~n ~... paid to displaced persons in case of built up
I\./'d'· 1,"I~'n )'~'1:"" oupt,C ·y·:r·'I ;l·fln. areas, and ether relevant factors; ,
.:'c ~ j~ '~"·r~) ·l; I r.) ·~ ? }"
),,,,(.'1 fOVi,,'" f1\.1/ 'P.? ~",'I
121 "grace period" "means ,a time 'frame that a
" (·H~;J' 'I,IL " °71'1')' ont. ,], Ot\.11 P,/,tA' lessee is relieved from , payment after
f.(\ :I· nO" ['uDi.",:'t ['1'1,11 ,1-5:'00 )J't',f' effecting the advance lease payment and
1IIIt,II f1;\'~ (1I'},o.,,: oul/&.A )'1'111 ')"1 before the commencement of the annual lease
uoh.,A h(f,,;e:(/D?~ (It.·} hh'i:)' ~I\ 1ft;' payment;
1.1 ,',A .e [""U, 'I'.\:' 1\ ,], [' M.:.e:) , '/.IL ;m'I
.;, '
IE/ "fI:VtP,CY:" u11'1')' f'ii·t~·" 1l;l")P,CY.' 13/ "standard" means .parceling standard or
m}'.~ P01>t.')·'i' (fPt.,} ~h oP(.jf standard of real Property data base or any
I1;VI!lC,l;- Q)}'.9" I\.~ un~:Q), r . Il;l''I!; C J:­ other standard; . :.... ::.(.. ': ;'~ . .'. ,"':: '.
;aJo1 " ~ r , .'., I.

141 "construction ' start·up" rp.ean~ 'the .construction of

12/ ""n~;J' (fP'/.U"C " VYI\')' fl(1;1 'OI' ~.e
at least the foundation and" erection of re-
II u·fI 0..', ' h'I' &"/' '''''' "I'1~;I' w.e9" ,l.'t~ enforcement bars' (0 _: cast' .' coJunms of the
, ..
n.J"11I l' UPlP':,]' Po.. oPpo..'l'<;, (' /l"'} penni ned constl:ucti9n Ar,~uild,ing on the place;
-n 11;1 , t\U?lww'l r"'L./'fl1"t\, fl' ,,'1 " -f· , .," -, :.. :'. ', . ~. ,.;
:. .
11 (. ,n" f "? -II ~ p t- "'I til 'i' .,,:j> ;.,. 1 ". 'O:.'~ ~~~" ... \. ,
lSI "completion 'of" foundation" . means the
. 1M "fouw(.,], "l'}~;J' "?m'i'~';Y" "'11'1',' fl.,,;· construction phase based on the plan
au II (.:/, l"I"ia,. "n '1;1 , uv,:.,,' 'I'<l'<;:~ whereby the , ."building , site is . dug,
""''', no"'{\. hc u 7;J- r'r'l"~T fwilA reinforcement J concrete is .•filled in and its
' .., -.J.
... ' , " ~< . ,~
po..(1}' r·/'tn'i'""r'i' fonJ':opC)'w, OJI'IA floor is completed"and erectiOn of its first
"1Y:"I!l '?'}~;I'Q)' r,,·;e:01>(.n·} ~"'1
wall is started; '. ' -;, .". \, '.
; , .....'. '
16/ "half-completion of construction" means:
V) '(i.~ !'l.V"; fupu'(.,':'H ['1111',:),,'; a) in the case of a villa, .completion of
(\"1(..1' cu·:J·£: (w'/.J'ftt,A '/o Cl:I,~o·rooJ fo undation,. columns and tqp beam; or
' ...
rt· "?m<;,;' ;YJ ' .

b) in the case of a multi-story building,

1\ ) c::" ,tlf·t foow(.,"'}'i' hm 'H'llll' completion of fOl)1ldation and 50% of the
wM":)" ",,11'1' ,7(101)'Y' rOY.If',..)·'}
['(It\.;J' p t , "'lm<;"I'~'T m.e9"
total number of slabs~ ~r floor'
.' ! ' ;- 1'';)' ~. , . ". . .
cJ in the case of a.reale~tate development,
,h ) tA (j'U'I' !'l.U") I'V'''·'}?" '011" 1':)" completion of the construction phase
"J'}IJ:)' h't)',h"IIJ(I' (jIW 't(M referred to, as the case ' may be, in
h'}-i'7.: .,,0.. t.J'.. A (V) wi!.?" (II) paragraph (a) or (b) of this sub-article
O"'(/Dllh'I'''' J'.(.jf "?m<;,'r~'T relating to the entire blocks.

t.'. Ir A ~;> t'l ' ..?/LtTl ir'T'C i 1)\C lX ""} .t'i'l§ 'l. V"" Federal Negarit G:u.cta No.4 2SCIt. November. 201l .... page 6223

171 "completion of constniction'! means the full

.Iil "on'1)' "'Im<;'4"p" "'III')' 111\.11 (,·N.'I't. completion of a building and make it ready
fl)· ~J', 1.1 .... 1)11 f'rJ.-tt.1 "nl1;J-
for use by i~ialling basic utilities in
n'himar r-n'l;J- 6,:1'1: -ill'} -II·
naP'''. an/u/.,·:t·r; lPLf Tt; h1A-Jf\",f·":j, accordance with ': the", issued construction
'/·":I.t",·O)·I\·/· IIh1A'1I\"} 1/·/~: "'IJ',:l"/ pennit on a land permitted by lease;
181 "old possession" ~eanS a pl%fland legally
T5':1 " ~!]c .e/l;J'· "711'} Ph'i' '''l (1;J' Ot\.11 acquired before the Urban center entered into
I'iC'l'} uIJ·l·P't.C hUD~UD{, Ot.-I· oa, the leasehold system' or a ·land provided as
,?1~ ur>'i'L~: P"·J'lIm.e'!" 11.11 'J''']!] compensation in kind to persons evicted
t.'e tn1"t 11;>'1 flilJC J'.)I;)' 'l·',Ii. from old possession;
{J'!":H, f'/'r'lm (1;J' ~(Il.:r . ' ~ ., '

191 "manufacturing .industry , premise" means

If!! "f"'lH.h'ft')"1 h,'}f,.I'i '!-t (1Y' plots of land reserved, developed or allotted,
"7t..:{. (JOlJt, 'I' ~,m:p,/>,!" 1,,\,) (lOr'lL'} in accordance wiih lIie lilrjd use plan, for use
t..°'/'/'''.[l'l't')''1 h. V;.r'l·I·t ~,1A "lfl o ,} of manufacturing industry; ,
P" . iJ IiI\ (]J .e'l0 I' 'f·lI.? ~ (]J J'.'!" r-l'r'l m
(1;J' ~aJo1 201 "mega real estate" . ' . . means
. .
a housing
development involying of at
7.11 ""llf·": ('A {J-j;.} " "71\-} {Jh',·'l":Y'
least I ,000. resid~~iial u~its" with a view to
lJ)'I'i'!' ('''V'fm''} rUDer tJ' (J,'} :Y·"}c
alleviating the shortage of housing in urban
II. UD L 'i; II. 'til ,.J:" (]J J'. '!" fill. t. J'. h 1 A
centers by way of sell or ient;·'
'?I\o,} r"'l,lJ)·l\. f1.f'lI'i hii7i. ,e 'I 'dl'
(J"y.:r.,) {''''I.'WI rfL·r·:Y· A"7'I' ~IJ),r 2 II "projects having special , national signific-
ance" means development projects having
?'iii/ "M· V1t.'T~
</.,ePo .1'<\'1'01' TC'J>:h,n',"
outstanding contributions ' in the success of
"'lfl'I' M>.'H' Po.l' OJ':1'H' ,I·t. '}{JG: the country's growth and transfonnation, or
C"'l'ri'} M;,/'"': tim''!' r"'l..I' tJD m, rA projects wb ich; in the course of expanding
"'l-)' TC').>:t/'l':Y'T (JJ,e'}u r'}-cHIC UDfI the country's cooperative. relations with other
1t:Y' II. "'l M · ,/. {]"'I. U 1· h ,}.pl'i;l' Ib!-" '{. countries, are . intended to lay ' strong
V1t'{: hll"l\·:r· U1C'1' .?c I\O'IS t.-r- foundation for '· the relations between the
(,-,.Yj f\ "IT';,',·) UD'JJL')' 7\)·~:1·"· I';)' countries;
'{'P,. Tr.' !':h,y.:j'· <;'I'a),1
221 "Ministry" means , the " M,inistry of Urban
'(,'f./ ""'l. ~.I'i'L· C" "7t.. ,). rh'I'''7 A "'l~' r, Development and Construction;
, ."... , :) ~~'; ' I ~';.

rlt'I{].'(·t.h7i'} "'I.'I.I'I'I;C ~(JJ'1 23/ "person" means any ,natural or juridical

tEl "om· " "7(1':1' "'l'F':o)''!" f'hi.'!'C' (lm· person;
a),!:'.,!" 0,,,"/ rflat'i')' {lV,(] 'I' P'h'lmOl'
241 any expression in ,the masculine gender
~\!JA ~m'I
includes the feminine,
?lii/ "'l'}~:(ll'9u {](]J'}Y.' f':J' r-J'1t\O(ll' flb'l'
'} '!" J'. (,1:1, '!" t. A:r

...' ,
e. r-rVl"'l,~'r ro t'\') 3. Scope of Application "

J'.V h'l':r:: fll'f'''7 (1;1'1 {]"'l.OOfllJ·} 1Ih,7'f' This Proclamation shall be applicable to all urban
k.l' (j)'I'i'!' CJfI. "7r,~:0I''JD h-r'l"1' 'hI. Y"'I.H· centers with in Ethiopia with regard to urban land,



'JIi li'tfItfi J.,.f.lrA ~?/.-r "lL~ .fI1'C § 1~C 1: 'r") flt§ ~.9" Federal Negarit Gazda NO.4 28* November, 2011 .... page 6224


ii. /l1.p~~
4. General
', .; /,

{i/ fIH'''? (l;V} f{]lJ/l1'/'9" (]lJlI'''' 111\." II The right to use of urban land by lease shall
f"7,&.'i'J'.GJ· AU111l' f?t- '1"}9"c,' be pennitted in order to realize the common
interest and development of the people.
oY:','r /,V!.m·A A"7J':t.°l J!,IfCJA::

N/ 1'1\.11 m,t.;1· ~"}C(l,}c,' I'UO,:,.)· MIIlJ'I' 21 The offer of lease tender and land delivery
system shall adhere to the principles of
(JC'H; "IA?'H·C; "'/l1,f'4Y", f·HI1·A
transparency and accountability and thereby
11"7.1:'1'."1 ' aO'(Jc,"}C; ,II A ii· Mt-O
preventing corrupt practices and abuses to
II{]lJMhA h'•.t:·l\" fll.'j h'},<;.If'}
•UO 7. I'. "I 11 A(J ensure impartiality in ,the process .
'r ::
31 Tender shall reflect the 'prevailing transaction
r./ mt.;1' faD':' ,,"} rw'}"" fAa,·",·'I' value ofland.
'P? I' "2, ,r M ') {]lJ1f I A l\ (J 'ra
41 The urban land delivery system shall give
2/ rh,,'''? (l;J' MIlJ'I' (JC'H; rU1j(J"}c,' priority to the interests of the public and
I'll'!' '1" T '} 'I' ·1' 9" flo/'''' "2, ~ ,.,. (J °UI h (J C urban centers to ', ensure rapid urban
rh1'''7 A "7'/'1 lI"7oj'/l1'}CJ ~"""'e development ,and equitable benefits of
(J1I'~ (7l"}'I.~: fl~11") · hnj"7'l.~')' citizcns and thereby ensure the sustainability
(JU?I.,77'P I'Ll1t'I:} A"? ')' 'l'III}':,,)· of the country's development.
r"'l.,r t.,'J"l'P anti"} AAII,I'::

5. Prohibition of Land Possession and Permission

ht\, '1/ po t :r (l}< ill fl,+ uo ,!' '1/" au ~ '" .f: other than Lease Holding '
II Without prejudice to the provisions of Article
1i/ I'II.U ~\'P;'::
I.'H'?' r, Y:'}?1,?'1'
h'}7.'/·rn(J·/: If'] "71~'m'9" t'lw' ffH'O? 6 of this Proclamation,. no person may
{]lJ':'-1-'} fill.ll ~\'P;':: h'/·7.~·l'la'· 1'1\.11 acquire urban land other than the lease
po C '} ", m· lXI, OV j' 1/ A f, :). A '1" a holding system provided under this
21 No person may ~clo~e , an,d use any plot of
'1./ "7'}<;'m·9" t'lm· A"lfJ'(J IllIa,· AlIA
t.:Jo Y: t}j'7') fiU?'eH h,f'II(J1' J!,1';1'
land adjacent to _his , - lawful possession
'II jll'} rh-r"7 (l,+ M4.~.y. without the perIJlission , of. the appropriate
ovht\AC; /lU111</'9 D Af,'fA'1"1I body. ~I ', .':' J L"., ':'i,":'l" -'
,. '" ."
31 No region or city administration may pennit
, r.; "7'g'",.9" hAA wf,9" I'M''''I MIT or transfer urban land in 'a manner contrary to
J\y.C rlll.ll M'.~ tH'7.~11OJ· 0)'61.1. the provisions of this Proclamation.
{'fHO? /lU~.}'} an'!:./' .t:. wJ!,';U "7(1'/'
, f)M: ~.j!. :-{·tI '/"::
§/ rhAl\·:r- Ilru?':j'· f,U h'l';':: 1I"'w(t~ 41 Regional cabinets may speeil)' urban centers
1.1~ '/'t.l\"'~ ttf,lfl h'H.~ f, f°'l.J~t. to which this -,-, Proclamation remain
"lfJ:fm·'} h'/''1''1' I\.wM· f,';i-f)t\.11 inapplicable for a certam period; provided,
1f'l9D M')f. h 7S (J'r "', 9" C' 0"7 ') r. however, that such transitional period, with
?,' GJ· 90 h'I'"? '1 j!. 'I·t.X"2, II}!. 7. t. "1 in which the Proclamation remain
I\.<fo j!. (''''{''i',~rH' j'apii:J'ltJ' ·I.IL inapplicable in any urban center, may not be
fl/.'/"tl,r ,}m',I' i\.(JtI'I' Af,:r'A9"" more than five years starting from the date of
the coming into force of this Proclamation.
., '=-- -

11." l /U.'.tll'[,- l...J'vt-A );;t·} .? -liTe Q 'lP'C Xt <1'0) M?Ui <}.~ Federal Ncgarit Gazeta No.4 28111 - November, 2011 . " page 6225

?if nll.1I ~'H'r.· '1MI ~\'Hr.' fiJi 1"I'{]I'fI 51 Urban centers Jeferred to in sub-article (4) of
' . .. -;' r ·o ."
/)./;,/, 11'1',/0:)'. n{]I'i'i:rlt)' 1.1~O)· a)'ll'r this Article imiy;' within ' the transitional
rtl'i'O? r;v} tl,Om· 1"'1.1'1\,'''' Or.f.\,L;J- period, pennit urban land holding through
f- iJ'<; t:\:: r f,Q,L;J'OJ' oP~ i'j 'I' ;J'l"
tender. The bid bench mark shan be the
1'~\tlflO,OJ' "OD;)''C I'r;J' Il&.'c' 'l'oP'}
annual land ~ rent of the 10Clllity.
,eU'<; t.\::

',flC g,lf;:l,,v'1' Glf. fI,11 rt,), M"'l."'I'~,n,'" o. Conversion of Old Possessions to Lease HOlding
"-' ,
II ' The modalily of ~onverting old possessions into
Ii! 'Inc; f',I':J'fl,:r, (/),1'.1'1.11 /"&'), 1'''7,'/'(' lease hold shall be determined by the Council of
~,n+ IN,;J' "'i~.t1'l:1' nOV"I-CIIOl' llC Ministers on the basis of a detailed study to be
llC 'l'<;:/' 'If- 'l,uorC,r, O"2.~(}')'r.':r· submined by the Ministry; provided however, that
'l"lle ~~ f-mo<;t:\p iJ'~'l" I''l'<;'b the process of such study may not preclude a
'I,y":/' 1"/flC h.&.f-'/'oo'} oPIIM'} revisi on of the existing rental rale applicable to old
ll.e II 1'1 Il t.\ 'l":: possessions. :

V nl!.U ~,'}</<?; '}O'(} i','}</>?;, (ii)UlJwL'} 21 Where parceling of plots of urban land in
~qC,11 (J'''L'I,(',;,n,),
}'.ll:J'P':)" accordance . with ' ,the,' approved national
m·H ' II i\7 C M'lj; Y..L):f N.:\ 02. h'} standard and the \ll'Qan 'p lan, in the course of
"l, U"} n "2.?Y:'I'o), (};:l"}J\ CY.:<; ntH' converting old, pos~essions into ' lease hold
°701' T'I'} oPt"L'}' O"2.1.L"J 7i'}i'j'i pursuant to ' sub-article (1) of. this Article,
r"'l. '1-'11'1 aJf-'l" 1'''2.('Q,UDC I'h·/''''I (1;)' results in the reduction or increase of the size
f-I I ;). o/."C:- of a plot: '
v) h'''l.T',om· f-I I ;)'
tlJ', fI"?~<'I a) compensation shall be paid in accordance
'H1L '} l,oJfl;n flfllIl' a,"J tIPU't.,), with the appropriate law for any property to
11"1 J~1t6,'1t:\r aJf-'l" be removed from the land so reduced; or

1'1 ) (\'''Lr,I;j,UDLor .ell;)' 1'''2. 6.?' 00 OJ· b) the payment to be made for the
tl"':Y (M.ll ~\'?fl'lI .e(}'/·<;1P,t\:: additional land obtained shall be treated
in confonnity with the relevant lease

31 Notwithstanding th~ provisions of sub-article

Ef I'II.V (,'}</'?;' '}M, (,'}</'?;' (li) S:'};J'b
(1) of this Article,where a property attached
n. 'lC9u mCJc .ell;)' 'I.e 1'06.t. 'Hlt.,), on an old poss~~~ipn i~ transrerred to a third
fll'l~'}'H' hm·Ctt "Ott.,.·/,C O"'l'i':/~lIl''l'' party through ' 'any modahty other than
(1ll 'i1f: I'It'1.'I i)m· h,I''11'16. 'J'Ot.,/: 1"/''1 inheritance, ,the person to whome the
1'1(..1'1:/. (Jm· 1'11 ;)'0>' fl'U~I';)' fI.U"} 1'''7, property is transferred becomes the possessor
:1"flO1' IIA.': /~t,}· ool)/"}' Y,l1'<;t\:: through lease holding.

§j (,"}fl~ fll'llIl' (,~A <'I.e6."'~ I'''''I~ 41 In order to" " re~larize possessions held
.1',11;)' 9':)"'} rC'H fI"'Itt/l/ hAtl°1'·<j' without the authorization of the appropriate
I'h,/-"'I >,rH'p' J'.C'i·· 1'''2..1' GJ Ifl. :-':OJ·'} body, the possessions which have found to be
J?,')(1:r· '/'h,)'I'I"
hh,/·qo:r- TI\'}.,. acceptable in accordance with urban plans
and parceling , standard, following the
h 'Ii'} '1't iJ;V}P, C.1:' (, /'IC '/'<I'CJ.e ~,),
regulations to be issued by regions and city
1''''1.Y'''j>'. f-1 1;)'P':l" (]tt, 11 rt')·
,!. administrations, ,shall ,be administered by
f-'/' p, ~&'fI·::
lease holding. ,;"'; .

I.... f . t.t\ ;.7~ ,r· ?tI/'1 <Ir'l'C ~ 1 ~C IS ol'1 ~i'lQ 'l .r Fc&ral Negaril Gazela No,~ , 2S~ . ~ov~lJlbcr. 2011 .... page 6226

('if (J1/.lJ ~,'Hr, 1M) ~\'H".. (2) uor'l':'} 51 The regularizal,i,op process lobe undertaken
(J h MI" :}". r, (J h-t·"'/ htH"'" f.C:Y· r a 7 r'l by regions " and ,t ci!), ; administration in
' 1. 11tll'l··U. ,). ,,.,1. '/"'1. raY.II"/"'· J~ I; . accordance willi sub.~article (4) oflhis Article
M':0 11°'l.)\~'(J'} 'f"> 'F..'l"C fjl'lGl' shall only be effective with in four years of
f')· ,}ao,1' m'lI'!' ,(];!: J!,lfr, t\:: . the coming into force afthis Proclamation,
~ };-:~I" " ' l iC) 'tfr- " ~ ' ~" ",' ,1.'_:"
,. .... ~, !- • .!...Jo , ,,"~'...'jM ,.:.,• .:._ , ...' ~ _ .:·'.

'f,f ~f]C ,r.lf;)·r, PI\.11 J!,lf;!. ~\H. ·I'I\,"t\ 61 Where an application to merge an old
,!"r~: 'I'C(l .elf;J·OJ· >, '}-':.''''''''t\ possession with a lease hold is permitted, the
h,,·t.'I' Yo m-p"".elf;rm· ' (JI\. 1/ <"'b'I'
entire possessiQn ' ;shalL; be .:administered as'
lease hold tenure. ~::' ''~' . ""!':'
. .e'/'P, Y.,:.t\::
. ,; , .. ~' '''' · .f ~~. ';) "' ,'(-- .
.. "".
. 71 The lease rat.~s, ipphC~bl~ ;1'0 possessions
XI (W.O i,,-r?,' aor'l.:,l· lilY. 1\.11 <"'b'I'
I' "?:I 11' .ell)' J" :Y.'} (J,/--uol'l h ' ,· ' 1' 6.)\°'1. converted into lease' hold tenures pursuant to
{''''!.If'/OJ· {'I\. 11 n<;:,I' aom'} (JAl]fj(l.(IJ· the provisions of. this Article shall be the
1'1\. '1/ {II'i'(i 'I','} UP'''': 'I' .eU' 'i't\: : lease bench mark price of the locality,
., . , I , ' ; : ~f A !~ :l '~'. ~: ' i
7. Leasehold Permit of Urban Land "
rh-t""l (l;)' 01\.11 Muo'j:'" j'; ' < ' ; ' ~" ~ ~" ~'; ',' .
An urban land shall be pennitted to be held by leasehold:
rh ,/',,:! (l;J' (JI\. 11 7-.VU'll f''''l.6.'I'f..a;·:-
11 if its use is in conformi!), with the urban plan
iii h",07(1}' 'r,,'} Nl(l}' r'l.lf' r(l)' n"i·, guidelines or. ::iLthe ·urban center does not
i,m:J"/'9" ,f:'}:n
h,,·070>' 'f'l'}
have such guideli;les; ' as per the regulations
{'1\,1'I111' r'l.lf'} ht\r'l·/D.e9° rh·I'°Y A{f'I'
issued by .{ the : .:region , or the ci!)'
~;y'~. {''''lymolo)''} f.'H] (]unh'I·t\I 7-.r,
administration; and
; ' . t- ;\ ' :i' •• ~ I~', ; " ~ ,

21 throu~ :r,e ~~~~~f ?l'~ender or allotment.

'. r +,' ! ;::, ,,~.

8. Urban Lands Prepa~~d' fci'r :Tender

" i,"lfj,(] .rl\m· i,!jt\:- The approp ri~te bp~:f ,shall ascertain that:
,.' , ' j
lif 1\ (,r.l.':;)' {"!'II,'}7>~ rh ' I'",] (l;J'J":r. II prior to, ad ,:ertiz~(i!rbari lands prepared for
{\a,'II,n .e4.. haoy.':,:J'r'(IJ· (J6.')·:- tender, the lands:' .'\ " '
:; ' : '.'i • i t , • ~

a) are free·frQrn. legal9lairtls of any party;

lJ) jl'Ti~'(1J'9u (' J',1fj~'t\ '\'J' -I: ill " l ' .. , ", '" . -:, " '"

aOI)'r,'I:m·'H . ' .. . i " ,~, " '" :'

, ,.~ I. h ~~ , I i: ~'.' . . ;' .

1\ ) rh-t·"'/OJ·'
,'}if. uolfr,":O)· 'n
,/--h"I-I\O)· p./,,,
b) are prepared i;t,89I)fo~ity with the
urban plan;
<- . .... ' . .- -. '
c) have access to basic infrastructure; :·
'/, ) (1lJ u.>':;)· 'P. I' uo /J'': ./. t\ "'] .} i. OJ'
;) ' C':" ~,;"C(l;" .r":1:0I· m·U"J·'H
,' ~' ~ , ', ' ' \: . , ~, >

d) are parceled; 'delineated; assigned with

",, ) ,I"li'j'ti'/I'" ['(",1'1 )':'}:J)', (" H'I, unique parcel identificationl1l1l11bcrs;
M'I:m·r, A[~ r'ii'}'tj'i a u <\)" -I:'rc
r"/'rI(~;':{1)· OD(}'r,":a>·'H "'1.1 , \,. /:t . :'~ " , '~ ' 7' 'i ,
e) have.. sit~:~ plans., and . fulfill other
lP) l)J!,:t· T"ir"1\,<\"'1'. Al'1',"1. ~',\','nv necess~ p~~condit\ons; and
V·~,;1·?"·)'· r"'II,?)!:":':a>' anv','"
")·n 'h'i

21 the teJ;lder ,proce~s , is implemented in

111 f ('hl.I.;J'ar ht.lI~ 9" "I A;r.'~ .)-C;' 'I'mJ'
manner that secures the appropriate price o
4:~')' 11/\001' h"'boC I'UDt,·/,·' :/·hhfl'i'
the land : following . t4e ruleS of transparency
'1';> n"'u t'J1 '5 UD A h- UD h t;' w}· n and
. \ . '
. A ., .. '
" .,'. , ..
. . ', I " . .. , "~ I, j '.

"" I. ;> 7'T' i, /\ n,). :: '.

fi. /l1Xb1.;J' l"I'II;>i; I'h-l""1 jl;J: UDI.1{P'1, 9. Information Relating to Urban Lands Prepared
for Tender ~ Ii' ' :', ,",'. :~ ,"

til /\bf.l.I.;J: I''''II;>~ rh.,.""

jlj'') I'''Y.UD II The ,,>~f~~~tiO~: urban land ;~lating: ',to
/\h-'1' UDI."f. I'jlj'w· ')' Y.1."f.T 1'/\.11 prepared for tender, shall · contain the land
01'~'It' 'P ;>·co 1t"lIl·m·'" .1''1'1'0,. tl.lI°'f grade, the lease benclmiark price and othe
lIC'IIC UDI."f. 7'1'" 00.1'11 hllO')'" detailed relevant datas. '

!U /\ (.Q,t.;J . I"/'II;>~ rh"''''1 jl;J' I""M 21 Where the : urban land prepared for tende
I't\ "1 :1- ""CI· ",·n cr, I'll t.lIl\9" ()fI. }; requires a special development program and
I'''Y. J'M,A 1 OJ· hif~ fA"'/'''' auC'!' implementation action plan, such devel op
'?111, 'I I'i', t.lI ~ 9" (t tI. P, 01' (J au 1.11'or ment program and action .,plan shall be
w, t'! 'T' h VI. I] .,. ..,. J'. Y. I. ,'J A :: included in the inforinatiOli:·· . . .
I. /I('!), I.;.r 1'''?,1'crr · ph¥'! jl;J'P''f- (J:"1:') 10.
/11)1 ioil &1. f!/I "" 1:1."1
1/ The appropriate bQdiesshall: :, . J
!il A"Ifl11 J''I'I'w· hIl'lT" ' .1, ~2 .r .cl r·j ~t ·, l: •• ! ·"·.~ ":; ;~:~:." ;

U) r t. ,.,.
(JD h ;PCp.}' <j; '\ H '} 'i HI- ~ ..,. a) based on the demand for urban land and
r "2-~ ~ "} II 'far'} I' to. "'I:r- au iIfi:r au fI devel,0I''P.~!lt ,.I~rioriti~,. pu~licize their
I.'''' 0 "'I 1: I. "} or '} (JD oj, II m.l.;1' I' "2- annual plans indicating the quantity of
Jwm")'') rh1""'1 (l;)' (JDm') 001'11 urban .land to be preseltte!i for tender;
H 61-P,'far'} IIU11{1 J'.i· "'I~I.,,}I and
'hco ':.. ;, ';'r .·;.'· :"'~1 .. . '

b) make the information referred to in

/\) n/I.U "",~ l,''''';r.· Ii 1'.,.00/1 Article 9 of thiS P~oclamation easily
h·I,')·" UDI."f.7'1· all/n· n4''1/\, accessible to the public.
/\ ..I' 1;;':fOr h '}P" l' A "'I Y: ~ '71
A ('\fFf: OJ'"
21 The appropriate bodies shall be responsible fo r
~/ i,"I'I'(I J''I;I'o>' i,II'I')' i,H'X' -)().(I
ensuring the .Jimcly . supply of urban land in
i,')4> x' (Ii) 0'''''1. .). II Ull'(J i. J ~1. ·H··1 accordance' with the. plans publicized pursuant 10
)..1-P,;far'} '/'h'}lIar w;P·/',. fmn'~ 1'01' sub-article(ij oj-ibis Article.
t"c' i,·pcn·'" )"'l-;;S'c f''''IY:I. "' ?'\&.H
. ' : ... ~ ~" \~.,
11. Tender Process' , .. ~
Ili. r al,l.j' 'I,f.·)·
:·.. •__ ;-, '.l l:' t: ~;'-'f . · . :. '<',

iii 1t'?iJ ·n NIW' 1tI]A 1'/\,11 {,I~,I.;J· /\"'/1] II The ; appfopriate . body ' shall advertize lease
'/.S.: 1'(.T.l.I.;J: "'UI;J:CD-!:J' "'lOl'fl!')' t;' tender and forthwith put bid documents on
1'(.hl.I.;J' MJ:' Oon'l' 1ttlll,,,,,, sale. . '«') '1 ':: ,,~\ - ; ;.
'~" \:' ; . J ·"1A '.~ i :h
V I'ml.;J· ()~J:' 7iJ'"V' (J(.T.l.I.;J:OI' /100ft
21 The sale "of bid .documents shaIl be in a
1" -.: f' "Y. t. A 'r IJ' fl· (10/' 'I /I, (J "Y. J"l ~ 001,
manner accessible to anyone willing to bid;
A'? iJ 11 I' "Y. t. 09" J'. if 'I t\1 if '19'" 1t" J:' provided, ·however,that no single bidder'may
' 1'''''1./,·:),' 1\i,'}Y: n;J' !iil'}Y: ('(.1,1,/.;)' be · allowed to. buy more than one bid
()'I.~· n'lJ'. (JUD,?',')' auwP,Y.C document for the same plot.
(I.e :1" A 9"::

.,i.,---,-_ _ _____. ______ .._.___ . ... '._ ....,... _

'11> iltHtt 6-.Y.(rA Ut.·} ;m.t'1l 4l'l'C Q ...,xc I~ .,., Eli!? 'l.r" Federal Negarit Gazcla No.4 28111 November. 2011 .," page 6228

3/ The amount of bid bond shall be determined

EI Pm.I.;J· "7I'1hOc.!' Of'm'} mIAl\·;r·"
by regulations of regions and city
(J h'/'''7 l,I'I'/',v, J'. (!,:f· O"2.wm· J'. '}(l:!'
administrations; pr()vided,' however, that it
raZWO'} If''." (I"']'}lj'W'9" U'i;J' hao
may not bdess than five percent of the land
&"1; ri'l.1/ t7D~'t!' 'P;J hh9"(l'l' (laD,Y. lease benchmark price.' .'".,
O:J·:r- I\U"} /1.e:1'·AI'":: ."
"', l:

41 A bid shall be cancelled if less than three

§I i'I t7D Y:onC,r '/.IL (lw"l r1\1/ {,r.l,I.;J' bidders participate ,in ~he" first round of
O..!"}(l '!'(l,l· 'rw,v,,v,t?''f' !JA<l'I.O· tender.
Lr.l.I.;J'W· .e 01. 'fA::
5/ The highest bidder declared a winner
(;j O/I'l'I.Om· P(.J.l,I.;J· 'P;J" N'Y:"?.!' on the basis of his bid price and the amount
h4:,r t7DIll'} "I.e '/'aopC'Y' h'/:'/'lj'm"} of advance payment he offers,
'{'r'n ,f?'!' 'i'''''I, &,;1" PI.I,l.<:;J'W· Mi" .I,
.elf''' ,~::
61 The list of winners with the details of their
'fJ fM,1,I.;J· i,il'l !i,9':!' 'IIC1IC'I y'rf..1· scores shall be made public on a notice
far,~',!:'C m'm,l' fl"'](l;J·w<£.!' ,'ltt.?' board,
i'IU1Hl .e1, onJ'.t.'1 I,MH'::
7/ Rcgions and city 'administrations shall
'j,f hAl\·:)·''l ['tH'''7 1,(l'/''<lJ'.(!':f' WJA prepare in advance plots of urban land, to be
1'1 "2.!J ~,{;. Ptllj:,/·~, 'r9"U C'T' '/'!~"']'1' 1 assigned through .'. tender, for higher
If'(l'C;J'l\·:r'T ('{ILC,' 9"C9"C '/'*",],1'1 education institutions,'" hospitals, health
research institutiops,. I four, star and above
CUI 11&':/' tlh'W,' hll..!' Oil,e J'.t.>: "" hotels and mega real estate developments, to
:/'0)' If''/;l\''l 11r, "lll,1j: tA (l 'l; ,f· 'f.
be undertaken by th~ p~ivate seclor.'
ruy'lf'~' (l;)'p:r·'} O:P.r.-"2.f (I"']U;JJ>;'r - ", ,.\\:' ~; " " 1 '.,: .• ,,' .', . >
(l;r?':!; (lml.;J' h"lc]'O pa ?,(l-/''l1?. "

O'V} U'i;J' J'ov;J';J'o.:: 81 Notwithstanding the provisions of sub-article

(4) of this Al1icle, land may be assigned,
5:1 (IIW iI'H'Y, '}(J-{I i,'H'lI' (9.) ['·/·Y. ~'I through tender process, even to a sole bidder
1w' fl.',"C9" (l1,r.l.I.;J·m· l'lt7Dtj'/'1j: p'I' where his project falls under sub-article (7) of
I.(lm· i,'},\': '/'6/'I,6-:r- ,o;f fl.U"}9" TC' this Article' and·where' his capability to
J>;h'i' (l1i.U i,'}</>?;' '}(l.(l h'}'i'?;, (7;) implement the, development> project is
/U C r u'l. w.l',';i' tl U' ~ ["'7 A "7 :/' i, .} au. verified by the relevant body,
'. :
{,'?CHI iJi'la>' {,IIA· '/'I..~'?(T1 .e(l·I''1·
12. Allotment of Urban Land
Hf . 0 9" J'. C] M "2. 0 'r ? h 't-"'l (l;f: II Allotment of, urban Iand~· may, upon
decisions of the cabinet, of ·the concerned
V O"2. ov l'ltl'l'm· hAA w.e9" fh'/-"']
region or the city administration, be
1,(l'I·P.Y,C !J(J.~, t""rwO~' P"'l.h'l'IVt-
permitted for: : ''',' "
['tl'I'''? (1;J'9';" (l1'"J'.c] '1,;8.,('/1·
Ii. &,</. ,l;. PI :"(. 'I ti.:-
a) . office premises of budgetary govemment
U) MlnIlY:-'!· \,,,,,.) .. /,,+ ""/'"e.l' Il,'y:·;"·
entities; \'~'I:'"
t'l1l.C h'IA '?I\'·1· [''''Lm·/\. (1:)·$1,;r·1 '( ", ,,"; ,

(Iuu'i a /r:" mj'.9" (](]7 1,.1':&-7-1, b) social service " institutions run by
,t:'c~:,r,;r, 1\ "'z.tlz:.v,. "'/u(]t-'e 1'/, government or. charitable organizations;
7P. "/1\.;/' ovll"'. '1':I:"7')' [>07.""1'1.
(l;J'9';)~r ,,- ,.

t.Y~(,'A '/;.Jt-)- ?Jbfl) '11'1-1. !! ')Y,C It 4"1 .l:'i'iJi 4-.11" Federal Ncgarit Gazcta No.4 28
November, 2011 .... page 6229

,h) iltn"}"}1I,1' II "Y.!l%,c\, r,~/~ [lo'i' c) public residential. housing construction

programs and government approved self-
CY fL'Y':("' Aay'I' TC:"!;"'1°:"" 7,,,
n(/U'}"]II:/' M"ralt'l', tl"?!l%,""
help housing constructions;
1It'1I i1 I'll r?;,. [/0 'I C ,I' fL'I'
"J'}fl;l' ~Il';i' razUl'fl' (l;J' ~:f'l
d) places of ,; 'rI'0r~hip . of religious
(fT') M,'l'''/'/' '1'9:"7'''' MOAt> "?'l%:{ organizations;
P'''l.m·'', (1;l'9':;'1
'v) II"?H.));!'';'},,! ~,:},\\.(I.},;~:r·1 e) manufacturing industries;
1:\"7:/' (''''i,ill·ll· fI,')'!'>:""1 i
t'.) 11m>'}'?!",!, :JC (HY,t'.'/. (j'Ju'!"
f) use of embassies and international
'd·:r- M,,'!"flQ9):r·'1 IIM.'!'>'''I''!:
organizations as per agreements entered
J:' C».:.)" :r·
1"/ A "llI"I' f"?,m·t\. into with the government;
(l:1' 9':r- I
g) proj ects having special national
I)) nTIAI\· Ttoll.i'.'H OJ,e'!" nil'!' significance and considered by the
°1m' Ml'l'P,y,C tJ'H;iJ hl';l'{! president of the region or the mayor of
1\!1fl.;',GJ· Ilazoo~, A(', ~,7/~1: the city adminisjrationand referred to
4,,e P, ,,-vr OJ' TC'!': h'Y.1~ I''''l. the cabinet..: d \ c·, : · ·
(l1'Il, (1;1' ~:'i'"
2/ A person displaced 'due'· to urban renewal
~/ Oh'!''''1 oOA(\ "'IAo'n- TeO};,.r rtoy,} program shall be' entitled to a substitute plot
1·',i'i. f""/.VF} f'~<1C .el';}' 'llloo'fl'} r'}h ofland, ... , .
f1:J' f"'l°J'n· an,n:/' .e'iLq'A:: .<t '
3/ A lawful tenant of government or kebele
EI il h (.\.t\ m,e '!" il Y: to P, 'P h"'ay I' (}v, owned residcntial house in a region or Dire
"111:" (]J,r,?" l"I'illh [Ill I," ';.f fL:!' 1)?'P. Dawa shall be. entitled to allotment of
·!·tI!,.;', f'll"l (j(l). mH'"? m>A(\ '''fA residential plot of land at bench mark lease
(17:/- '"1"(:"',&.9''' 9"if}Y:/' 'I-'/i"i. n(1?.rJ' price if displaced due to urban renewal
,n:I' '1,/1, 'i"/'h. fL'l' f"?.J' 1 'HI 'I"} program and could not be provided with
V'i;l' ,,?[/O;FI',r· IJA'i';f.1\ rOl>~·';,I' access to substitute Jl0USing; . provided>
fl. 'I' (fUII';,P rh'!'''? (1;J' illl,11 [/O~'ti however that he shall deposit money, as
'P ,:> r"7'?'H' [/O'(]'r .es t'. '/' A:: tJ''i9
u detennined by the appropriate body, in a
)\ '?fl·n ,r ,~Ol' /, !lA 1'''?,mtl'/Ol'' ? /. q>,!" blocked bank account to show his financial
"?'iJ' 1'}/Hl illl"! riJ'ih '//1'0 position.
"'J(j'i,(/D7 },,\O:h:
41 A lawful tenant of government or kebele
(if OA,IUI MfJ h'!'''? I'OO'},,!{)')' m,e'!" owned residential house in Addis Ababa shall
?'I'OI\, {lD',"';.I' fL'l' U?'l: oj'h;",e rll'~ be entitled for facilitated purchase of
OlD' flll'!'''?Ol' (lDA(t U'lA"'H' TC'''1 condominium housing unit if displaced due
;,.'!" rh 'j,P 'I' '1"l7i. ll"'l.II"Hl')' 1,tb to urban renewal program .
.F . ' .),.\,'
r ,:>;" (fl>',"';,I' n,~, (I"!'fr r"'l.J"I'}il')'
v,~,:J' J~(/U;F·f'lI;l'A"

?if faD'jOln,} W,e'!" l"I'(l1h no}!.': fL'I' 51 A lawful tenant of government or kebele
u;:>q~ ,!'Il;",e fin (WI' OIl'!''''] [lOA(t owned business house shall be
°'lAay:(, Te''');'''!'' '!")-O.P;I' 'f'~l'i. accommodated as per the decision of the
(]"VY'in:(, 'l,Ib 1l'''l,01'l\h'hIl' hAA concerned region or city administration if
Ol j~7U ('tH''''] I, II .,.j; J',C il "'l,cn(J '/lIl- displaced due to urban renewal program.
0" IJ' t'. ']' ,e1l'1" 1 Yo A::

J-Y.. IrA ~ ..?kl- ;m.'" -I!Te ~ .... ~C !Z <f>., n i.;i '! .9" Feder;)) Ne ~:trjl Gaul,l No. 4 l8C. November. 201) .... p:lJ;t 62)0

Zt: , r hT"'! (I;J' 9".!: Ii 'l' ,I' 1: "4'M; 11 13. Reguest for Urb"n Land Allotment
Ph-""'l [1;l' 09"1'.1i i\"'ltlJ'.~-} 01'\.11 Request for urban land ' lease holding through
f"'l,'pC'O 'l'.l'<l: tl"'iJl'I-I\"C' ,;JC allotment shall be accompanied by:
OU 'I>("(j M\O'r:-
II support letter from the supervising authority
fi/ 'l'/'I: ,f"I'(,!lm' ./.;:7' \'Il'l.e '1' ,r'''I''lt of the rcquesiing institution or from pertinent
hilA OJj~9n fllC": hll"'} P,v:.?r,: sectoral bodics;,'
J'. '0 P, n.!
fl./ (J[1;i·OJ· I\j'. r"'l.h';(JJ~aJ· TC'f.ll·)· 21 detailed study " ~i · the project to be
11CIIC 'l'';'('1 'A'; implemented "t the requested site; and

r; II TC':.':tJ·l: "'HI/..7.U<U 31 evidence showing "the budget allocated for

(JJ':-,/' "Ult'.'P,:: implementing the project.
z§. rhT"'l (1;1- PIi, ,1 'I'r') 14. Urban Land Lease Price
~/ "'l'}:;'m'9" r!H''''1 (1;1' PMI (IO~7j q':J 1/ Every plot of urban land shall have a
.e'it'.'PA:: rooF; '1'.".1 ,)·ou'; 1Iy",m' (Jo'!. benchmark lease price, The valuation method
<ID II t!;J' ,,: CJ' ) 11:-'11" '.j'.,; I'll '1'''1 II f) -!. P, .t: shall be determined 'on the basis of the
C':" oa\~(llifl' Y:Hl:)'. oo,Pt'.-). 1'1'11'1"1" objective conditions of each urban center in
:f.'} ~!] /,. q: I;.).;)' ou~ '1' O"'l.'!: t'. 0/ .e (JJ accordance with regulations issued by the
0';/.\:: respective regions and city administrations,

"1 Ollu ~I'}</>R' '}O·fI h-}</'x' (Ii) (IOt'lt'.'[. 21 A price map shall be prepared based on the
P'/"t'!'\m"} PIl'l'"7 (1:)-;0:)" PI'\. 11 a~,!i'i bench mark prices of different locations
'P,;J avOt. -I· fl,"]'v:t'.'1 I''I';J '/'tn'; IIC;)' computed in accordance with sub-article (I)
00 1I.?;e: ,j' II t\ n·/-::· of this Article.

EI PI'\. 11 00'/'1' 'P;J (lJo/;I''/!'!1,} m'(J,y. 31 The benchmark lease price shall be updated
h,}.'!.:':.\;· O.,f"ifl (J\'V't\-)' '}uv-/: ont!M at least every two years to reflect current
M\O-c":: conditions.

15. Grnce Period

z(; , P1'- C' 2' 7.11,
1/ Any persoll pennitted urban land lease
{il P~I'I''''l [1;j' ()I'\.'II \"I''{.'I'J!,t\'} t'lm' 7'iJ'. holding may be allowed grace period
A,"]-I: a)j"~ro {,1A"lll"-f; '}.e~·I· I':)'·e·;l' depending on the type of "the intended
7.lL t\.t'lm!/J· j'.:)'·I\A:: lle11'· (J!JAf\":j',,; development or service. The details shall be
(JII'I''"] ~,fI'I'P, f.C':r· f1'''l.mo1l· 1':1(1:)'· determined by regulations to be issued by the
.1', (j) II <;' A :: regions and city administrations .

21 The grace period shall commence from the

V \,:)'-(:,). 'I,lL 1'(.:11 (1)'(.\ h'h~,t'.ul>()')' ·t,,} date of the conclusion of the lease contract
J?:?DC' I''''L;Nl'fl lJ''i (J'"]'} <;' OJ'9" IN.)' and may not last beyond the date of
h"l'IIJ)' "'1111 ';'<I..7-,r 7. It (IO,(Jt, 'I' completion of construction.
f t\ (J 'I' 9":: .. " '.

, ', '

t_J'~/rt\ ', ;J/. ·l· ;"L"I 'IITe ~ .~""c: Xi; .;.., l:i'i.!! 'J .Y'" Federal Negil!il Ga:LCI:J No.4 ~.8~ November, 10 11 , .. plge 6231

tJ'Ft'. 1",,,\:1= PART THREE

1'1'1'1'&7 (l;]> 1'\.11 }v"l·tP. .!?'r, ADMINISTRA TION OF URBAN LAND
I.t f' i\, 1/ II'r 0.
,16. Lease Contract
I 11 Any person pennitted urban land lease
iii 111/.11 (,'I')'.' au",t..), ('/I'1''''l (I;). 1M:!!
I\·{;i.j~·l! ["/'&.'I'Y.l\')' clG)' f,,,}IHl IIAO)'
holding in accordance with this Proclamation
shall conclude a contract of lease with the
~\!lt.\ :J[; 1',\.71 m·t.\ (7CJ~.("I.'l"
appropriate body: '" .
.e 'i' ClI:J' A::
2/ The lease contract shall include the
if.1 flUl (!l.t\. ("'riIl;I' (7CJ},;u" ('''nil;)'
construction start-up time, completion time,
U?,n(,"{):i~lr f'l,(,:.e (\6.'IU?U lJ·~.:J·f payment schedule. grace period. rights ano
!':r- (~ :). liLT rm'A toms ('m·A ' I"/' Il~ obligations of the parties as well as other
f7lJ.(J +~. "'
Y.,;J' JJJ1' },·H.{)'~· 1\,1\-:)"- appropriate details.
~, "} q .(]',.). ,f' ~ '1:0)'1 1/C,/C tH,;) , 9""["
"7 11'1")' iddH'::
31 A person pennitted urban land lease holding
i'l 1'11'1''''1 1lt\.7l 1,'}.v,.~11 (" /'&.'I'Y.t,."
shall be made. aware of the contents of the
()(I}. fA, 1/ ah~ hOll t.t.uu. 11.<,')' {Jl\m·l\.
lease contracLand shall effect the down
jo II :1' /, Vi..(' (II,;" '1' I.e? II ;" J:''''l.J' payment of the lease price prior to signing
fOUlo,Am"} f"nl/'O (7CJm'} '/0. rW/J!:t."1 the contract.
'7J.'";J· ~,tI,(]'h,

41 A person wh~\ h~ :'~igned a lease contract

L . fiF 1'1'1 .11 {(I·A {'.I.t.u a (to', rlll.tJ /, 'p:£..' ~,'}
~ . shall be issued with a lease holding certificate
. '1'Y,' :U n"'7I'1Om, UIJ(tt,.'" nOoo. {""//.7}';
prepared in acco~dance with Article 17 of this
,. /

('{\:II ~I(;J' 1''l''r'lhC mt.'H·r,' (l;J·aJ··}

Ocr.>MI ,j'·j;H·· ("'?t.h·(] ~lfr,'t.\:: I Proclamation and shall receive the plot of·
land by persoIiillly appearing on site.

<il ~,"I{H! ,('Am· {,!IA Ill/.II i,")·/·;l,· '}(l'il [

51 The appropriate body shall have the
responsibility to follow up and ensure that the
~\'HY,' (ii) f7lJOd· Chh-(J r-r-'-:,oanO-/' I urban land handed over pursuant to sub-
Ph-I'''? [1;)' IIlt11 aJ·{\. UVIPt.:'· }'Pi.{\"?
I an}!.t.-}.'}"; n?'lOll", rO?,/lI..I\O)· 1'1\,11
article (4) of this Article is developed in
accordance with the lease contract and that
~ fir,: J' [j] ,p-I;'} 111'04' ],1"1'.1.)\ 0 0 fl!w"i1"I' the annual lease payment is effected timely.
h ,} :1' A (,u'l J"; t."J</' P"'l t. 71'1' ;)~ t, '1'/'

17. Lense Holding Certificate

I iii PIH''''/ (l;)- (]i\, 11 P'I·.I."'Yot\·l· 1'l0l' 1',\,11

j'.I':)· 1"{Jhc ",t.-FI· j'.l'ltll'I'A"
II Leasehold certificate . shall be issued to a
person to whom .ap ~rban land lease holding
is permitted. .. . " .
1 V Pi\,11 j',I';)' V$"'flhc Wt.·,.·..,. r°?!H·{\, 21 The leasehold certificate shall include the
~ 'l--~ (lfJ")A6/'i.f":r· "fl-Y' U 0 j'll }dIO'}"-
" following particulars:
U) (1:)' (1/1,'11 r·/',{"/'Y.f\-/··} n{/)· au.t\.[ a) full name of the lessee including grand
flY\J ll/\r/l\J'~'!'I
father's name;
b) size and location of the plot;

I.. J'.(A\ ~ :J t'r ;JILn, 4t'1'C M 1~C lZ .'} fiU CJ .9'" ,_~, 2011 "" page
Federal Negarit Gazefa No.4 2•11• No-'-- 6232

c) the type of service, land grade and plot

rll ) [' (l;l' G),'t r~,1Ao'f'd' '})'..H-T f.t. number; . ..,
:",'i" rTI'I"'/' </:'I'CI
uu ) 1'(I;J'l)I"i m:/'"'' 1'(1."11 '/',~'; II'}Y: d) Ihe total lease amount "nd down
°'LY P'/'tI6.I'IO>,'t (}DIll'n payment;

lP ) or '} OIl,/: r"'l6. '" (]I1O>- 't Pfl. 1/ 11lj: Y e) the amount of the annual lease payment
l7l1 m'} r. 11lj: Y G)' r "'lm 'i"'" 1- /l'/"} and the time of the flOallease payment to
'I,nt be effected; . '
t. ) PI'I,11 )'..I';J'O)- WHo I''''l.y,,e/l-V}
f) the lease period,
II Oil'}:.
18, Period of Lease .

• 1/ The period of urban land lease shall vazy

!il rh-,-"'/ (l;J- fl.11 l/(]I1't h'tf.l'h·/''''/m· 1'6
depending on the level of -urban development
1.'1 -/, y, a:
r. r A "'/ T P' to CD- /I Clj: 01)'.. 'J" and se~tor of development.activity or the type
I'h1A"II'I"'" '},eH h.l'Iy,e 1''''l1'A If<;' of serYlce and shall have the ceiling of:
f1jt,Ya>' },} Yo "'L h·/'(\ al' )'..If'i'' A'-

a) in any urban center:

U) 007r.'l'al·'J" 11" ,,,,/,-
(l) 99 years for residential housing,
(ii) (WD';' {,J' (I.·}T IIll.e 1i\r, 'L'h';' science and technology, research
t\ .. ~~ r fI.?Ucrcr, Tr; ,}· r ,,(lU")
and study, government offices,
",11'1' uopty (1.'1'1 11117 hY: charitable organizations, and
{.-'l-I' J!.' c~'I'r, 11'1,1'."''''/' ·/':1:9· religious institutions;
lU 'Jan ;J':/'l
en 1'It1'l-"'/ '?-/lC'i" g' ,}OU;J"l-l (2) 15 years for urban agriculture;

(3) as per agreement entered with the

(1,' ) iI-'4'fil"""l;hr, lI'JiI?" ~,.,.r,:
government for diplomatic missions
'1,:1:..,·/' non"}", p.} M·?"~·)­
and international organizations;
anu'':'l- 11"'.0)(1') '}on'}l
b) in Addis Ababa:
fl) / Mfl 11..,-",/,-
(I) 90 years ' for education, health,
eli) iVr'J"UC,}T flmST flflllA'i"
cui ture and sports;
M;rc·/, 1 '}(]I1;H'l
(2) 70 years for industry;
e~) flil:M.{l·/'t, it ,}(]I1;J'o)-J
(3) 60 years for commerce;
(El fl'},?,!!.·~' ,}(}D;J"U
(4) 60 years for others;
eli) M\.i\" l' :j;' '} (]11 ;H'l

,h) /lfl,i\.:j', 11'1"/":)":- c) in other urban centers:

cri) 1I'/-7u/JC,/-l MnS1 t\'lIiAr. (I) 99 years for education . health,

M;r C'/' lii '}(]11 ;),,1-1 culture and sports; ,

(2) 80 years for industry; ,

(i0 flh.'}'<;-{l''!:t. 'it ,}(]I1;J"I'l
" .' . !, (. ~

(3) 70 years for commerce;

(n l\'},?,!!.' it ,}ou;J'N
(4) 70 years for others.

110 ~ii..n~ijF. t.y.t·tI, ~;Jt/t- ?ILI1J 4I'1'C ~ 1>iC It </'1 fi'i.!i ~J1" Federal Negarit Gazeta No"4 28111 No~mber. 2011 .... page 6233

, ., :.:" c'- ;,

!II f1I1,!1 },'}<l>?' IMI h'}<I-?', (li) 21 Notwithstandin& the provisions 0'[ sub·article
(" /'Y-'ITlo>' (L',"C7u : - (J) of this Article:

U) (Jfl'/,tw' LI/~ Yfl I'fI:1I )'.1/;.1' a) a lease period may be extended for
11 0'0 '} fI "'l. In)'. :1' I' A "'l'} P't- period of time of not more than half of
(ll;"S" h1A '? (I. ,), I/,/'£O() "0>'
I/ov'} the specified ceiling for a development
activity or service requiring an extended
(T)t,P h'?"'fli /),e(JA'r n,i,r.l,OVC
period of lease on account of its unique
n) n'/,ILm' (lAO?'l' P't- 'P;p~ ~,e
1l'7,eOl'n, rlH''''l (1;.1'9>"'(' ~,e fI"'l. b) a ceiling of five years of lease period
,/>r:fl' O,"I,bC 'I,lL r"'llJ(J';''1;'i'' 1,,1'1 shan be applicable to' short-tenn
'j''''/.j''/; '1,:/:°7,1, 1'(1;.1' 'P ,i'·j;p,:r· economic and social activities intended
hM"t"l,l· '}ov,} fI"'l,e(JA'P VL to be carried· out on urban lands not
(lA,11 Y,(H''i''1P,A,:: ?"}J.'.MltJl'/. designated 'for immediate development
'ri: (>,'/'<70 'itry, VL A,:)·y,t"l'l'I:Ol· use, Such lease period may be renewed
/', :r 'l tI ::
for the same period of time where it is
19. Renewal of Period of Lease

II The period of lease may be renewed upon its

iii I'n,11 /ia p '} rt,Y(J:!' (JOJ·}-f: 1''''I.'lvY} expiry on the basis of the prevailing bench
1'[l;J'QJ"} ('(t,11 ov'/~' 'f' ,'1'1 1\,(1....,.. m'n., mark lease' priCe and other requirements;
c,H',,} (JDIP(.') (J"'l,f:L"1 n,:)·i',.t"l provided, however, that the lessee may not be
,eTIiA:: 1f""~ I'A,11 /lao'" n,;.I·J.'.t"l entitled to ,compensation where the lease
W'l j',:""tlfl;[' V·l'.;.1· fI/\"1I fln,eI';.I'(/J· 1/"1 period could not be renewed,
1,.£', h 6, A~:: '; :, ' _';:7. /

!U rlll:tJ I,'H'?' IMI I,'H'?' (li) fl'l'ovn 21 The period of lease shall be renewed pursuant
1/'1'0>' OO"'L')' flM~/I;.I'Ol· 1'/\.1/ /lov'" to sub-article (I) of this Article, only if the
/\.;.I'i',.M,l· roH'flm' 1'1\.1/ lIov~, I\.Y(J,9' lessee applies ,in,)I'riting to the appropriate
body within 10 to 2 years before the expiry
II): Mh !I ,}ap'l' Mlt'i'<'.o>' .f:t.t"l fl,\m'
~1.1I. m-fl'P f\Y:'):" ~\'i·(;.Kt."JI\·I· {Jul..A
of the period of lease,
'/.'} /,''lfl'fl 'lAm· 1,IIA (l?"'/\,~: II(JDt\lH'
.[J;}: J',II'<;',~::
31 The appropriate'body shall notify to the applicant,
[I h·lfl·(J ,PAOJ' 1,IlA "'lOVAh!J'm, fl·/'t.fl in writing, its decision within one year from the
A'''' fl,,'}Y: ,}ov,l' 'I.IL m't"l'!' m'tr~,m"} date of submission of the application, and where it
A(, (lll A '11> (J i\" ,h,lj: "'l tr OJ~' "A fl·}:: faits to communicate its decision with in such
flll,!! '1,r!, OJ·t"l'!' OJ,tr~,OJ''} 'V/)w,'} (L'/'C period, it shall be deemed as though it has agreed
to the renewal request. In such case, the contract
(]{,.P:rj'} '!'J"!:m' 7,'iY.'/·{l''7''7 '!"Y''f'l:'
shall be renewed on the basis of the prevai ling
(J (j) ;;, ,I: fl a'l.'l t. (I)' I' n,'11 aD't ij" 'P ,"J 'I
benchmark lease price and for the period pertinent
Ar.1A "l{t 'I: O
1l":t.O{/l(IJ' ('fl:1I /lao'} to the type of the service,
(1D (j L .j. \'(t,11 OJ'fl, ,e;.l' Y. tr A::
.< ,, ;

41 The officer or employee who has failed to

iii flll,!! 1:'Hr, 'iM'! h'H?' (I.') ovlvd· respond in ,~cc9rdaric,e with sub-article (3) of
OVA" Jllt"li/l'} r',ot.(l')· I' /"(r ;)Ii.l, this Article shall be held accountable for the
(I),e7" Ivt,,/·:;' (Joy:/)'" ~h'},f")' ry.t.t'l adverse cO/1~equences, of the renewal, if any,
["0, ."!, !I/i 'I'In,('</; .elI'C,·A::

I...Y.t...A ~-'t'l' ;JtI,"1 <I!'l'C R 11lC 18 -1'1 fi'i.§ '7.S"" Federal Negarit Gazeta No.4 28111 November, 2011 .... pabc 6234

n'. pa,'nt.! 7.!t.

20. Period of Payment
iii f'h'I·n'l 0:;' (1i,:/1 [',"'I.'I'Y.II'} (j(J)' /llr.1.l.
aJ"~ (,(.'D(lu r. f1 ('''~,f'f1.1.t:\ 1a;,'~ VL 11 A porson permitted urban land lease holding
may be given a period of lease payment
"19":" OJ·fI'l· 007f11fJ')' ('o?,m(O f'(!Dt/
taking into account the payback period of the
•. Y '1.1L t'U'lIlIGl' .e:Ht\:: ia vestment.
.. .
f./ N.r: V?J ti'l:,f' ?,'}f.rhAI\,I) rll'l''''1 21 The amount of down payment, to be
MH'·r, y'~· . U·i.;I' P"'LOlf'O tJ''i' hlll'/''I'I determined in accordance with the prevailing
1'(1;1'01' 1'1\:11 ilc,:,r (!Dm'} XII {/l"Y' "'/~f1 factors of th~ region or the city
PI\II·}'9":: administration, may not be .less than 10% of
the total lease amount
. i
of• the
, -
, '. ,~,
urban land .
; .
U r~',~·"'/..P )j(/:.Pm, IH'llt,1I II;)" P"'l'"
~OJ' 1'r.:11 '1'.:1 lI{/lJti6,,f' lIa"'/, ~.lI'A 31 The remaining balance of the lease amount
'}on :J"/~ hS,r r mu.?9" j~U'r,' A" shall be paid on the basis of equal annual
installments during the payment term.

fjl lI'i't>aJ' hc,:.r 'I.e IIh.'N,p,'.r YJ.I:' (nll 41 Interest shall be paid on the remaini ng
P"'!I1.1'.? f f al(\.t:· ' I'(I"~ (lDu·~·I' alll.V: balance as per the prevailing interest rate on
.eh.,"A:: f"''l,01'IIII'I'aJ' },I,A fl'(II'}'f;'} loans offered by the Commercial Bank of
r"'IIl.l'.CJ' mM'.· .,.(lU'} "'11;1':/'(\" C111' Ethiopia. The appropriate body shall have the
;)"e I'a</.r.·~"/ ;~".,H · },(I(H':: responsib ility to follow up the cun'ent loan
interest rate and to update the applicab le
interest rate accordingly. .

?il OJ:"":'} 11l'1l4', no? .et.?9" '}(/lJ ;)'7: hr,:,f' 51 Failure to pay the annual payment in time as
'I.e I'},.·H·P;.p ·}"l.r; Wih 1I111\'. r 'IIX'C originally scheduled shall result in penalty
hc,:,r 9':)" 'I.e nc'? '1'1\01' 1"1'''/:'' ". (III '} fcc equivalcnt to ' the rate of penalty fcc
(/lJU' ~ ./. 01"['''''/..f'. 116. 'IA:: imposcd by the 'Commercial Bank of
Ethiopin on defaulting debtors.

'XI 1'1\.11 t]M'.II;J'Q). 1'1\,'/1 lJr,:yOl"} II (lUh 61 Where a lessee has failed. to make payments
t.t:-.. n "'l.·/t] Oi· r·/.IL 1f.'n tIl'f1'r I,AI/ within the specified time limit and
6.r.'i' ('yo n'!' '}(fD.!. al'11,,: IMII')' },'?t]'n accumulated arrears for three years, the
Yflol' i,'IA 'i 'n~'I;'i .ell 1I(IUr.'I' f1ol'1/C,: appropriate body shall · have the power to
oP.m· (fUh 6.,r' I""I'/,A /"A""} .e'i'~1·A:: seize and sale the property of the lessee to
co llect the arrears.

%! nll.u },'Hr.· h'iMI i,'H'?;' (li) MIl! (?i) 71 The provisions from sub·article (1) to (5) of
. 1"/'1.'/1101' Ill/.U t.1'»;
h'}</>:-;- T.!I 'iMI this Article may not be applicable to urban
i,'}<I'x' (li) ·I·t- Iuf.A (U) OJ.e9" ((IU) land hold ing granted by allotment to a
(!DIP {,;f· f1fJllnj.':,!, p(ID'}a/p" I' {/l'/,,&j' budgctnry government entity or a rcligiolls
(1,), m.e7" t.1.e u 'l';';)"I: ,/·:l:9u n9u~iJ institution pursuant to paragraph (3) or (d) of
W'?JI'P rh'I''''! (I;)' ".e 'U.y,u'l. sub article (I) of Article 12 of this
A,(~U"}9n:: 1)"/,9" t]l\flj.>;'}· \'(fl"} ,,//,, ;/. Proclamation; provided, however. that the
ULJrpty (t'l: ljJ,e!'u YJ~o'}(,u:J '{l: -1':':011' budgetary government entity or the religious
(J9"Y.t] Y·l'l' m·" (Jul..··f· f1 a 'l{M'H' institut ion provided with urban land b)'
r'l'll/i.llol··} '1"1 1''''/.'1. 11 h,,:y .ehr,:~A:: allotment shall pay an amount equivalent to
th e compensation ' paid in the course of
clenri ng the land.

iii: i7i.rX~n;' tJ"trA ~.:Jt,·r ;JIl.flJ .pTC Q 1"~C l~ +J M7i.f:! 'l.Y'" Feder;l Ncgarit Gazcta No.4 28* November. 20)1 "" page 6235

21. Utilization orUrban Land Leaseholding

fi/i, 00.11 r-r ill I'h..,,,,,, (It' t,m.p-I'9"
lil rh',,"'7 (I;J' tUI fJl\.e/l;J' 01\,11 {I)' 1\. 11 A lessee of urban land shall use the land for
{I),tJ'P O'I'ODI\t!-rar r'l,IL 1}'.'n {I),tJ'P the prescribed purpose within the period of
time stated in the lease contract.
[l;)'m"} I\-/'ti,-I'}'.I\-r MA "111";" '1'0/9°
~.e "'7 '" A A1\ n;/':: 21 Notwithstanding the provisions of sub-article
V (l1I.ll ~,-H?;' -}MI t,'}<1>?;' (li) r-'·}'.~11Gl· (1) of this Article, the lessee may apply to the
nsC9" 1'1\,11 fJl\.eII;J'{I)' 1'[l;J'{I)"} appropriate body to convert the use of the
Am7','r I\ODl\al'P t,"lfJ'(j <\I\{I)' ~,IIA land.
I\.f aD 1\ h :,. .e :y, <\ A::
31 The appropriate body may authorize the
el ~\alfJ,(j ,r 1\ {I)' t,!IA I';J"I'}'.O'· 1'[l;J- proposed land use where it ascertains that it
~\ 1l1.P 'I: 9° h h" ''''7 {I)' rOD to -). t, 1ll,9' -I' r is in conformity with the land use plan of the
T~'} ,'JC r"'7.e;;6~h ODtfV} l'I..r~,'J"}'P urban center.
dW)'IIl"} I\.t,+.l'.: .e:f·<\A::
22. Commencement of Construction
tl!{, aOfJ;!' fri\(Jl'&ODC

Iii un~:(ll'9u \'1\:11 ql\.ell;)' (j1\:11 0\'1\.

11 Any lessee shall commence construction
O,"ODI\t!.,·O', nil, 1}'.,(j OD/}J~,), "l'}fJ;J'
within the period specified in the lease
00'f,ODC ~\I\n'h: contract.
iII n,w ~\'H?;' '}o·tJ t,'t</'?;, (Ii) r,'·}'.~ 21 Notwithstanding the provisions of sub-article (1)
1'10>' fl.'lC9'" A'}}'. "l'}fJ;)'m' aJ·{J,fltJ of this Article, the period of commencement of
'(j't-'!. ,d' ;J'(' hAI\, Gl,el'u 1'11'1''''/ t,{J'" construction may be extended depending on the
ijY,<;, n"'I.faWlar Y:}'fl ODI}J~,), r"1'} complexity of the construction and in accordance
fJ;)' au )!yo Cf 'l,ILar I\, t.ur .e:1" <\ A:: with regulations to be issued by the concerned
region or city administration.

31 Without prejudice to the provision of sub-article

EI flW l,'i<I'''; 10·11 l,I-I'?' (li) y;'},n h'}}'.'I' (5) of this Article, where a lessee fails to
,nO'I' lY'~ "'ll",'",·?" 1'11.11 fJlI.eI I;!, OIW commence construction within the period
A'H'?, '}(J.(I ~,'H?' (Ii) hr, (i0 UP/Pt.'} specified under sub-article (1) and (2) of this
O·/'im'l'"n· ["1ft lJ.'.'(J OJ'lI'}' "I/Q;.I·Or'} Article, he shall be liable to pay a penalty fee
IIAJ>:aut. (I;)'m,'} h·I,t.hnn,} 'I. It J>:9"C' amounting to seven percent of the total lease price
,f'AOJ") ['11.11 tl<t:,f'r, I'm~'<\<\OJ'1 1'11.11 'I'.? in addition to a lease amount that covers the
('lQ'I' Oa"·Y· (lO'I',"" ,.iP,.II'l:A '1·J.'.C1 period from the date he took possession of the
(I;)'al·'i ,,"jIHl ,f'AQl' l,IIA u"A« ,et.!lQt.\" land; and the appropriate body shall take back the
fil (jl/.U ~,'pj,:: it'H7. Xl( '}O·{J ~,'H?· ei.')
0" ", t. :" \' 11"'''7 (l;J' .ell;J' \'-"&.4'}'.I\'} 41 Where a person permitted urban landholding in
{JO\. (jll,!! ~,'H7. '}O·{J ~\'H?;, (li) IS accordance with sub-article (3) of ArtIcle 12 of
00 O"IPt.;" fl'rUl{J~Ol' I''I,/b l}'.'(j m·{J'P this Proclamation fails to commence construction
within the period specified under sub-article (I)
o}'}fJ;)' !IA'f,OD~ I\it'rr "'7f1.r 01'''1 and (2) of this Article, he shall be liable to pay a
I' rn h '/.')0(1 11'1' film' 1'} 1I,(j <\J', '/' M' penalty fee equivalent to three percent of the
(jOD,I" '/'<1"1")" [l;J'aJ"} ~,"lq,(j f{JO\' deposit in his blocked bank account; and the
~\!,t\ "~'A(I .e~hfJA:: appropriate body shall take back the land.

51 Where a lessee , permitted urban land

'{if OIl.U M'J:- ~\'H7.. Xl( '}O·{J it'H'?;, (li) leasehold in accordance with paragraphs (a),
".t. luKA (U)T (1\)1 «,,)1 (OD) O'j.'.r (b), (c), (d) or (f) of sub-article (1) of Article
(~) ODLP~'} [l;J' \,,"tiA'}'.I\')' PI\, l' 12 of this Proclamation fails to commence
fJlI.eII;J' flll,!! l,i'I'X' '}(h'1 ~\'HX' (li) construction within the period specified
IIr, (M) {IV IPt.:/, (j"'Ul{J~Ol' ("I,IL '/}'.,n under sub-article. (1) and (2) of this Article,
Q)·tJ'P "n fJ;J , 'IA;i':OD~ 1'1\,11 ",,1\, the leasehold contract shall be terminated;
'/'*C{H (l;)'ol·'i ~,"lfJ'O fl\(JI' it'l(.\ and the appropriate body shall take back the
01' (.\ /) J' t. f] (.\ ::
.--- -- -~ -. -
= ==:::.c..;::c..=..:--=- - --- ---

t. r. t-p. ~.:>t·} .?tL"1 4I:1'C ~ 'ViC l~ -tOt nLn 'l.9"" f ederal Ncgarit Gazeta No. 4 28'111 November. 2011 .... page 6236

23. Complcli on of Construction

, I) r. "I'} 11;J: M "'! iT1 ~. ,.',:p

1 li/ o'n~:(lHlu
1'1\,11 f]1Ij'.I';J' I'II,V'> ~,'H' ?·
},'Hr,' (10 '1-S (E) .e.:'}.n:u";i·
II Any lessee shall .complete construction
within the period , speci.(ied in the lease
i oj'h,1-!,," fr l\,l l 0),1\. l!l'fl'l' (Hu"l\iH'o,' contract following the .provisions of sub-

r'l,lb 1y"(1
(;nIP':")' "],}rJ;1'D)'" "im'!'!':/' article (2) and (3) of this Article,

I Ii.! r"rifi;j' "'im'!'!"}.!' [,'I,lb 'IYAl 7,'>y' 21 The time limit for completion of construction
shall be as follows: ",. _.
! "'lh'j't.tI'· f',iJ'!A:-
a) up to 24 months for smali construction
bJ lip to 36 months for medium
construc tion projects;
c) up to 48 months for large construction

E/ (>anil;j' Y,t.l;'9':r' (lhAl\o 1''1 ntH''''! 31 The classification' of construction projects

~\fl'/ 'P' !',r.':r' (l"Zmm, Y.'}(11· .f~Ult'l shall be determined by regulations to be
issued by regions and city administrations,

fil (lll,!! },'H1.' 'itHl },'H'?' (li) ("/'J:', 41 Notwithstanding the provisions of sub-article
'I'lm' fl. <;>r.9" h'>y' "}'I 1];1' 0)' OJ·ll'Il,) (I) of this Article, the period of completion
'[]'i"!, A\';1'(' hAI\' mj',9° rtH'''? "fI'I' of construction may be extended depending
; .' P,Y.~, (I "V'(lJ"la>' Y.'I'(l (JDwt.:/· fon I on the complexity of the construction and in
11;1' "?m'l'H' J' 'I,ILm' 1\,(,,119" .f~:f· , accord;: mce with regulations to be issued by
Itt\:: lJ'lt9\\ t\"r}q:)· tI'/tU"'I';"J" {} (fIUi 1 regions or city administrations; provided,
II1W" ,n:i~ljlj '}.11, (( tlTij;:oJ-9 u u·~:J·:- however,. that the total completion period
may not exceed: .

U) l\ iI 'dl'/ ' ~: "n !J;J , IltJ·I\:/' '~a"'1' I a) Iwo years .and six months for small
I/I·I.(~'(I'I ' ()Jr. ! construction projects; .

i\) .~(JD (lhl\~: '7 '} 1);1' 11~,(,,'1' 'lm-':,'! b) fOllr yean for medium construction
/\ (,'" projects;

,J,) i'ltl-':':-r,: "nil;1' 11~\9"llT '}(JD,)·r c) Ii ve years; , [or Jarge construction

; , , t·." '; i .• ,
(JD 'n t, 'l' i,g, l A 9"::

(;1 ",!'g: m'9" \,11,1/ ill\f',I';J' !lIl,V ~,'}<f'1.' I 51 Where a lessee fail s to complete construction
'}th~ },')</'1.' (n 01>/l't.:t' !l'/'m(j',Ol' I within the time limit specified under sub-
I"I,IL '1.",-(1 "n'1;Jorn", '1~1I1t;"H' ~,"I .
articl e ( I) of this Article, the lease contract
'Hl ,('(III" i,l/A ('l\.1/ iJ)'l\:} (I"'l!;>t.'l' sha ll be terminated and the appropriate body
(1;J'O)" } (JD (~ (I 0°1.11'(1 ,I'. ',)",'1 A::
sha !l take back the land,
'hI 1'(l.'It (ll',':>. \,' I'~I:t.llln:!· ,)m' (I (,. (j, (Il(.!,),
11I'!J':I'I:t, (!Ie IJ.':>.Otllll 'I,ll. ""n'!' 61 The person whose lease contract is
(10;)'0)' 'If', (""6.1. " ' (I t. ·I:'} "'n";,} I [r;r",inaled shall, at his own cost, remove his
),i\O')'" I1II,U9" ~\"/'1'n Yl\(I)' ~,;IA I property hom the land within six months.
(loU-": "'!rlm·";"1-." oullll1:t, ~\t'lfi '}:: I The appropriate body shall serve a written
notice to such person to this effect.
fl\.11 fll\f',I';J'a,·
011.1) h'H?· '}D'll I
~"H'?· en 'Hl I. ,!:'} 'll)',., 71 Where a person rails to' remove his property
oPu't. ,)-
~,'7il '(l .1'1'.(1)' ),fJA:- I in accordance with sub-ruticJe . (6) of this
Article, tl:o appropriate body may:

-- - - - ----- - - -----------------

a) upon ascertaining the confonnity of the

V) :f)l"'C ''nIJ;!'OI' (IT-l~' QPl'Il·l- V'I' incomplete construction with the plan,
1'1fJ ","Dlr'!· '} i,l;J'1rn °nIJ:J-O)"} transfer it, through open tender, to a
"'lm'l'i':p'I aPill'I')I'" fI<Pf."1-A ( IGl' person who can complete and use the
{}"IAo (.J,1,<'.:)· 'Hlt.,,:,} (lG°ti'r I building' or ' ', .,j . , " .
, " ( '

(J'l('; 'I'~l\ fi: l mj!..'l'"

b) clear the land at its own cost and rccover
1\) 'H I I. ,I,) (JUl' . ilia.). (J'"I'I!;';, lll\.'li I such cost from the lease down payment
'}.f?:"'!..f i/r,:,f'O" 1lI.e?" (III,V ,\g');' I or, in the case of a person permitted
1\ 1'1' 7. n ·)(!·fI }, 'i'i'l,' (i') 0'"'' t. :1' urban landholding in accordance with
1":9";:11 (' IH''''I (1)- .ell;)' Y·hl.'/'i1. sub-article (3) of ArtiCle 12 of this
A:i'" t'lm" ~'G'LanO(I 'I' fu)"} I\h·l·7° Proclamation, from the deposit in his
"'I-i)' OliO} (' Win '1.<'111 11'l-Yli(J)' blocked bank account.
n/loCl ~.e ·i'tiA'r· <ll bLl.a>·') "7(joofi.ill
.e :HI.I,. 81 The appropriate body shall recover the costs
t;1 t,'?IJ'(l ,l'flOJ' ~'!IA (jIl,U ~,'}</'7.' (na·t, of the sale undertaken pursuant to sub-articie
,,'Hii' IV(U) aPu>d- hOU.7.S'° (7)(a) of this Article from the proceeds of the
·ti.p bj,l' h07:;:}' '](l o.~ WP(.1:1:;i sale and return the halance, if any, to the
1\ (I'/{h( ,/, ')U {i OlIO' OJ r.J:J).IJ:f." 'l'-; (1 owner.
'/'&'6, ')'Hi'(] 11/\ fllJflol>'(j 'j, ,,·m'·~·1i I
J' X.c ;) t\ " 1/ 24,
Transfe rring and Pledging of Leasehold Right
tlii, f t\. 11 OIl 01 'r '! 1!N''Ujof- ~ tI tj;" (J 'PlI'r 'I fill "'II'I,P 11
II Without prejudice to the p eriod of lease
til OIl,V ,,'I'~ ,,'}</>i\' X:t
'W'O A'Hii' Cli)
determ ined pursuant' to sub-article (1) of
000'('::' ("/'rIl(!'IC)o \'I\,'/I I/Ou',<;, M,')
Article 18 of this Proclamation and the
-I',"" 7,','; 'jMl ~, 'Hr.' (ii) (""]'.'1'1'1"" fl;!' obligation to use the land for the prescribed
OJ") fI"·6.'I'Y..fI:/· },1A"7t',-.1- 'I"h
-l,e purpose in accordance with sub·article (1) of
f"'i'P A °1 J!,,:)' "'} J:,'hnO'I' If" "'l'g' I Article 21 of this Proclamation, a lessee may
G")I'" (,i\.11 1Ji\,eJl;!' aP'(l":'} tl°10'!''1f1<t: transfer his leasehold right or use it as
w,e)l'" ntl6. IIw' 1'1\, 11 ~I<j;,l' o"m'} (l'/'O collateral or capital contribution to the extent
'1'r,- 1I"'i{],l'11 w,e)r" (ll-j'C;!'A M'r'/' of the lease amoUnt already paid,
P'I '" (\oO(wl')I'" ,e:f'-lAa
2/ If a lessee, with the ~~ception of inheritance,
v "'i";;'O)·)r" (,,\1/ I]fI,ell;!' PI\, 11 Ol"fl'I,,} wishes to transfer his leasehold right prior to
"l,} IJ;J , nauy: 0 0 "_ ro,e)l'" ,?'tl];!'OJ~'} commencement or half-completion of
w,a>n'j tl"'iIll'l 'I"/! (l,{.''''' hOJ'C{) flo,,' construction, he shall be required to follow
'pC ~1()'1-'l!\ r,: \1U,(-'i-flo)' ~,oll],O 1]1'10>' transparent procedures of sale to be
~,II _~ 'i:,["I'(; [' ''V',l''/()')- '?A:\' ("{i.e"!." supervised by the appropriate body.
/"C'H"i (j (JI'Ii'I't\ }'.l)" ;,:""
I 31 III Iho ovent of transfer of leasehold right in
EI f'tI,11 ,eli;!' flll,V (,'H?l 'W'() n'H'''· I ac~ordance with ;sub-anicle (2) of this
(I{) [ID1}.1l.:/' 1't'I' O\II<;::- I Article:

U) \"l-,!,i\{)'om' ('1\,'11 hl):Yr,- ?I\,'1i lir,:

'pO)' {jrl'Hl fL'rov,!, J'i1 'I;~ (";lJlm·
II c.) the effected .lease payment including
interest thereon, calculated at bank
d~posit rate;
(D .~.r,,: 1
b) volue of the already executed construction;
tI) ("/'tlC,' OJ/OJ' "nlJ;!' 'P ,'.1 r 1, c,- and
,II) PI\, 11 Ol"(l'I: (lOl'-r'lM· V·!'1'fm·
c) 5% of the transfer lease value;
I' I\, 1i 1';J (; (j aPf· J
tlfI,11 l](iJIV.(J-l: 1,'},O,.'I'Ctt,/· '/'KC? shall be retained · by the lessee, and the
A,:'/'/, ~,"lq,n ~flOl' ~'~IA 1fl. J~Y_t.,'JA" remaining balance shall be paid to the
appropriate body.
,-, '. ..
_ ,-- ' --'. --.-•. -~- -----------

1)1,,' ird't 0t i,.Y"t·,:... 'I'?{.·)· ;JII. "I 4<1'C li 1"iC J.2: q.'} .¢:7i§ ~.9'" Federal Ncgarit Gazeta No.4 28 th November, 2011 ... . page 62 38

~ r'lU ~,+~ ,o·n h'~~ (I ) ~,~~ 4/ Notwithstanding th~ provisions of sub-article

I1scr mn?"rn·9 v fl\11 flll.eII:J ' on (I) of this Article, where a lessee uses his
fl;J' h(]P]>:(]P1· 11t1.·} VII.11 on·I1·'" 11'1' leasehold right -, as ' collateral prior to
n'f~' 0'lr).p'" f"'l. Til OJ· hl\ll f·l;x·nz.r commencement of construction; the collateral
t/r,:,f' (Il ' ~ j~ J,'r~: l,'}</'X'
?,'j[ '}(J.r) value may not exceed the balance of the lease
~,'Hi\' (El {In'''C':t· II.Y-.t'.?· fon··/I· down payment after cOllsidering possible
,/-1''li't·:r· :J'1I1101' 11°'i.'/'t:OJ· fnll'll deductions to be made pursuant to sub-
(]pm'} .elYc,'t.\:: article (3) of Article 22 of this Proclamation,

(;j Il Ii.V 7,')</>>'.' '}(J. () >, ')</' )\' (Q) auu,!.,}· 1'1\.1/ I 51 Where a lessee who has used his leasehold right as
col/aleral in accordance wilh sub-article (4) of this
(/U-(I-[:'i WP(I:'.r; J}(}YII rim- fJ fl'{):Jo (,
Articl e is in default and a claim, supported by a
°/~:J· GJ ··' qI\U"W"I·I. (ffl)()·)- i) OIJ)' "I(" (I)' It..e
court exec ution order, .on the collateral is
f't:C"· 7"U.!l,9o '}-6'111 f.,." 1\.<.11 ,}, n,>; presented, the appropriate body shall, upon
'P ),1: It'I'!.1l 7,"/'1,11 )'I\ID' },'IA 1'1\.11 OJ'I\·'}
terminating the lease contract, take back the land
},9:C{1l a" t. 'I:,} Iluvl.n,n lliI.U 7,'1'):" >,')<1')\'
and settle the claim to the extent of the balance of
!t~ lO'() hl 'I')\' (El auu'!.,]' (""I.f.!.',. the lease down payment after retaining the
-; ·1·'l,r,~"·r"i M)N;,r, 'l'tID' '} r,'P()']'r, I] 1\ au deductions to be made pursuant to sub-article (3)
;'l -(1 '1: .r. tl'/:'lA:: 'l· t· 6, 111/·0 ')1\90 1\1\.11 of Article 22 of this Proclamation, and return the
:;:~ ~ ,.. .e
I} I'l an ,fl, I: {I" A 11 iI;j' A :: surplus, if any, to the lessee.
. !",
t.:',.'. %/ Iltl.~ ~,~\;'I.,} r)rr~'l' 'ItV/'J'.t:1 1lr)'I' 6/ Unless agreed 'otherwise, a building
'-'-.'/~ . </>C (Jan,:. ·]· faufll'l' 9" an,n,]- n~'IH'" 1\..1'11 constructed on a leasehold and its accessories
-. ' \
' :; <
IDj'.9° 1'1.'1',,1\'1: (Jm't,'I: -I.e r'I'1~I}OJ' U'}~" shall be subject to' the collateral or transfer
hv')Ym· ,? C P'!'f J'I~ uv1A1J'?'1' O1"(J']- where the right to the use of land is made as
{dlr.' ,e.,f<it. OJ.e9° .e1·~t.1.AI ;>, VtV'9" collateral or transferred, Similarly, the right
()l'i'i(,' h,I\'i'lm· :JC P·l'.f .fIf- ou..,/.\. 'l.f?>i',
to the use of land shall be subject to the
WI'l,:I'r,' 1'I.,r'II· m.e ?" 1i,'I · ~,'If· nn"f.,')·
collateral or the transfer where a building on
!'OP IIl 'J' 9" a O '(J'J,9" ldl(~ .e.,f'IA OJJ',9"
leasehold and its ' accessories are used as
co llateral or transferred, .
M o'/'};;' m,r t'im' (jont,:/- VOl:P'f -rll:t' P"?,
(lPrrn 'l</'r 1I"'l'?'r,(, n m/n'll ll'I·Y..:'> 7/ lf any person repeatedly transfers leasehold
;J"'l. 'I,ll. "J'}fl;J' ,'),fll1<;"'l"'1- P/I:I! {lo'(J right, without completion of construction, in
'f,'} P"'I.,r' ()'I'<\t\ r,: hl1'~ P"7,.onl\ll'l·",' anticipation of speculative market benefits,
h!l'~ (jff'l'g'm·r Pl\ll (.r.l.~:J' 7,'}?'J~ the appropriate body , may bar him from
')'1',,: 1I,t1l\)]ilm, fA'I'JA:: participation in, future bids.
, ,
.. " , . .
1;/ IlI!,U {,'i'/' 7,' onIP~'} PI\ 11 (lP,(H-
(J"'I'l:r'm'7° tJ'l,:J' 0.'1' <\11'1: 111\11 OJ'/I, 8/ The transfer of the leasehold right in any
r'j·onl'.h,f;'.l ' P/I.11 I)M~ II:J'rn' "IJ'.:J-:l'1' circumstance pursuant to the provisions of
OCTO·t\, )'/1 ;/'.\': on IH:J' on'(J'" (\1'<\11 this Article shall unconditionally transfer all
6,(\'1' Y'Ii'I'~' mn .e·j·<\1i 1, /1,:: contractual obligations assumed by the lessee
to the third party to, \yhom the leasehold right
is trans ferred'- -' ':' ,' , ., " -

25. Termination of Leasehold and Payment of


II The leasehold of urban land shall be

terminated where: .' ':
v) flil,e.i';J ·Ol' I1ll.lJ {,'I']::: {,'H'?'" !'!Ii
·}O·r) l,'H'~ (I) onu'd· (l:J'O)"} I a) the I~ssee has failed to use the land in
THo ~J~ fllJ'PfJJ accordance with sub-article (I) of
Article 21 ofthis Proclamation;

1lt; iTl.H0.ii 'j~t'A ~;)t")· ;m."1 ·j.!1·C i ,,)P,C f.'S .,."J Jtn.9. 'UI" Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 4 28 110 November, 20 11 .... page 6239

Il) (l;J·m· 1l,1.11-(1 'I""',/" '/"011" 1l1l.11 b) it is decided to use the land for other
I,/A "711·,1, ~,Vtm'A I\.wr.n 0).!'.'1" purpose 'due to public interest; or
,"l ('fUI .!'./';1' I/UO~. fll/,u (,'I']:!: I,}<I'X' c) the .lease perigd is not renewed in
:W 'W,I) I,'HI'> , (~) {ft''''''t.'? accordance ~ith sub-article (I) of Article
IIA;J'J:.r'tI 19 of this Proclamation,
fVi; t. 'I' J'.:r- <l (,\::

2/' Notwithstanding 'ili~',pwvision of sub-article

f./ PI/,ll I,HI'> 'iO·1) h'HI'> lli/(U) ,e.," '?'}, (I)(a) of this Article where it is ascertained
flS C '1" (l ;hn· 'I") '1" " .!'. f (,\ 'P Il or that the land has not been used for the
flr,>/''/''(j'/bC :h7' O'r~~7'la)· (ft"vt.,), intended PurPose ai 'a result of force majeure
', 11/,1''1'' n'\J'. (jlf~ '1"h,f '?' {]IJlf~' as provided for ,under the civil code,the
IH't.,?7111 f,"7f]'(j film· hIlA hf,1' 9" appropriate body ' niay " authorize time
WI .!'. flll'im ' 'juh'j y .?, l'f]hiO)"i 'I.n extension to compensate .time lost due to the
1'0'l..1'/1hrl '/'Lf.L"'lt 'I.IL 1l.&.'}X· force majeure situati9D, "
)',:r II (,\ ::

r; I'tl'l'''7 (l;J' 1'1\.11 )',11:1' Ol/,lI f"}</> ii' 31 The lease paymeni shall be returned subject
'iD,1) f"}</> ii' liil(lI) {/D'v t. :/. t'l,;:t.'I' to the deduction of costs incurred and penalty
'/"111.0" OJGL1S "u"'''L '/""'i(l ('Il:11 fce where the leasehold of urban land is
hr,:,rm· l\f](W"'(j'/: '/'{lIJ'\'1i )',If<;'(,\:: terminated in accordance, with sub-article
(I)(a) of this Article:' "
, "

QI I'h ' /'''') (l:1' 1'1l.11 )',I';J' IlII.lI I,'}</>r.- 41 Where the leasehold of,; urban ,land is
'iO'1) 1,'Hx' lii/( II ) 00 t. '/' t'l,~/:t.·r terminated iri accordance with sub- article
'l/'l,!'.JI;1'O)' 1,"/IHI 'l/'lw· ,},"/ o",it.:I· (l)(b) of this Article, the lessee shall be paid
,/ ·uU(/I(/I;~ 11"1 j', h&.l\ 'I' A ::
commensurate compensation' in accordance
with the relevan,t law, '
r..; I'h'/''''/(l;J' 1'/'1:11 J'.I';J· OIl,U I,'HX' 51 \Vhere the le!lsehold 'o( urban land is
';O'{j I,'H'?" 11i/(," ) (lIJwt.'/. t'l.:~t.'l' terminated in ' accordance with sub-article
f]/'I)',I';)'Q)' Mlh l,'jJ'; q{]IJ '} f]l\OJ' 'l.lL (1)(c) of this ,Arti, c le,the lessee shall hand
.' .,
. :".
OJ'!I'I' (1(l;J'aJ' '\)', ,rt'l&.t.w·'} 'i,nt.,/· over the land to the appropriate body by
(I "'l';'i-'I' (I;1-i))"i 1,"/f]'(1 '\/'Im' 1,/1('\
, " .' .

removing, within one year, the pwperty

00 (,\ (I "7(1 t. ll,n I, Il (1'-"':
situated on the land, ",; .. "
• .l " .: .
6/ The appropriate, body may' take over the land
'AI f]1'lj', I';J'O)' Ilrr.u l,'}</>I'> '}O·I) l,'}</>I'> together with 'the, prop,rty thereon without any
(Ii) rH·{lIJl\t!'/·m· r1.l/, 'I~'O OJ·I)'I' payment where ,the lessee has fai led to remove the
"(jt.-I:' 1),\',<'1 r"'l.OOl\h+m· hl)A (I;J. property within the period oftime set forth in sub-
m·'} t!'/i·(jt.,/: J'l\'ID'},/" h'f:J' I\.ml) article (5) of this Article, and may order the police
Y.m' J'.:{IIA:: 1l}, 6, 'lOfl o , 'ju /,1)6.11'1, where it finds it necessary for the enforcement of
If'," r'l. J"I 'i'm' 7'Il,I)'; "'/1/'1/ .!'.:)'·,\A:: the takeover.

7/ Where the leasehold of urban land is tcnninated

'];j 1111,l! I,'j<[or.- '}(}-{j 1,'H7, I?i/(Il) (lIJ'P
pursuant to sub-article (I)(b) of this Article, the
t.,). ('1\.1/ (1).(,\ r'l.!l:t.'I' 1'(1;)'0)' Chh'(j
taking over of ,the land shall take place in
(,au, DUDaJ' fllW I,'!')',: l,'i'I'x' tjiii
accordance \vith!"th·c p.~ovisi~ns of Article 31 of
fl 'I' Y. ~'l'l (I)' (lIJ 'v t. '/' )',If<;' A:: this Proclarnatio·n'. j ::, - '. " ,

. ! ' t' ,

. ' .;' li ;' ; ." . .. '. '.'

Feder;!! Negarit , G~ta No.~. 2.8~ ~ovem.~r•. 2011 ... . page 6240

11 <j: A "t.-r
r h1-"'1 fl;!= fIt\ "'I fIt\ .,,:p

26. Power to Clear Urban Land

.\ f·.I ,o.'. ·· H'fJ l\ .. f. '),1' •. , f,.·/: ~'·;

. \ ;~ '! II . The approeriato. , \><>dy · s.hail . ~l,Iye the power,
61 A"I rt {I Y fI ar ," I-J Ah fl ;!= ar fI O'l) <'I ar . whe~e ,i t is,~.t.\le p'ubli,c ,ipter~si. to clear' and
, {I t -r l' 00 llj llj Of I-J "f (I:P.r:"'l. Y "H, takeo~~ri ,)\U'b<l(1 Aapd .up~~ ,payment of
h •. A (1"'/ y,: t "I 1'111''''/ {I;!= .e1 1;1-' commens\lfllte ~o1)lP,ensat!on, ,I? adv.ance, for
fI ill 11·(1 '1' 'r )1" fl. rt A I' "'/ (} fI'I' 0/ 'I the properties to be' removed from the'land.
ponthll rt\llj, .e'lt'Pi.\::
21 A person displaced due to an action taken
f/ 011.11 }'}<I'I\.' '}n·fl },'}<I'",- (Ii) <mll'(.')- pursuant to sub-article (I) of this J\rticle shall
(I "1. OHtr.' hC)1"~ )1"11, Y'r -I'~7i. , be provided \yit!{asubstitute plot of land
1\ "'l.11' ~ Or tl ar 00 m 't- (111 A fl· , (I).e)1" within the urban'; 'centre ' the: size of which
(J/l'l''''/m' M'/-?'Y.C f"'l.oJln )1"')-h ' shall be detennined by the region or the city
(1;1' (lh'/''''/m' m·M' .etlm'PA:: administration.~1.·, ( ,~~' :' ' .'' !· i~ i.! .:'[;

31 Notwithstanding the provisions of sub-article '

E/ PIl.U I,'H'?;, '}O·(} ~,"l'?· (li) y':'};J7, (I) of this Article, no land leasehold may be
IlS C)1" r t1'l-"'/ {I ;1- (I t\. 11 r Y II tl <II' cleared, ' prior ! to . the ', expiry of the lease
ft\.11 OJ·I\. '} rtfl"'/h(lP 1'(1;1- Am:l' period, 'tiniess 'the lessee · has " breached the'
:1 'contractof'lease; the 'us'e of !he land is not
4'(11)' hh1''''/ar Tn ;JC t\.lljllj)1"
r"'l.i·A I]floolf~· (I).e)1" fl;!=ar 00,"1 compatible with the urban plan or the land is
required . for .deyelopm~nt activity, to be
r'l' fI"'l..I'I-J' , fA"'/'r rt. Mol,
<'17. 11'<;' (10017"/: )1"h'}y,.,. I-JAIf~ (I(} undertakell bigo~erllrilt;~i; . ' , .
1 . .. - .", (. ',: : ' ,. , - ,.
'I .. ,' e rt\.11 1100',. IJ"'/I\'" (I ....,. ..
-.",' . . ..' .", .':.'

.el':) ·OJ·'} h,}·~,I\,r A.eJ'.t"l)1"::

41 The appropriate body shall have the power,
fil },"Ii}'(1 .f'fI<II· AliA (I,M OO'}1.r:
oJ'/, without the need ISsl!e a :c1earance order to
p'u' tr} rh'I''''/ (1;1' (l1I.U },1'j!: },'H'?,: , pursuant to 'Article 27 , of thi$. Proclamation
7,); (fUII'(.:" ('"'lllll'/"/;)' '-"")'1'11 uUllm and payment of compensation, to clear an
:,,'1 , 'lvI ouh&'A f))'(} •• A"/ rfl'H- illegally ; occupied ' urban i' land by merely
r r t. 'J' 'I '''' r?;' rr <j: "'/ (} m '}of> 4:.l' '(I;F'
serving If"written (notice of 'seven working
days to the occupant in person or by affixing
till 1\ .e I';raJ' fit, IJA (lou(lm'''' (I).e)1"
it to the property situated on the land.
(lfl;1'o>, (lIPt.tOJ· ,{It,'" <'I.e (louflmtt:
".Io U·i~ ~) ·i ;-U~ ·,:, ~~ ~' .
r a 7(}I\-H' rA"n .e'lt'PAr:
-.' '.. ·· ; ' :1' ·0 ····· ·~i:·t~· · ··~ .:!

1\%. r"'lM 'I" 1:,r ,1-0'111 27, Clearing Order , ' .' :'" , .", "
": ' . ". ' \ .. ~ .'.\...

iii (l1l.U),'PJ,: },'}of>?;' jn ')O.(} ~,f<!o?;, (Ii) II Where urban landholding is decided to be
cleared in accordance with sub-article (I) of
UDIPt'} rh,/''''/ fl;1- .efl;J' "'.<i.fI'/>:P
O,(I)tl'; .e11:J·OJ' I' "'l.fI'I,q,(Jol- 'UP t\.IJ Article 26 of this Proclamation, the possessor
, of the' land shalk be. served': with a ; written
6. A I' "'l. 11] OJ· f 'I U I ou m .,. ~, r, (I. tl1-
clearing order stating the time the land has to
1''''(1- fI OJ· r )1"')- h fl ;1- {)1 ..).'1 >"Irt n,
be vacated, the amount of compensation to be
'hn:/>('I r"'/(}(\</"t.l' 'hll111 tIIlflJ'." paid and the siie and locality ofthe s~bstitute
;J- o>' (I:\'U'r,: ,J'.tllljt\:: plot of land to' be ~vaiied. ' .; .
, : '. ,. ~ 1. . , .,;',.. •

E/ nll.u ~,'H?;' ')O.(} ~,"'of>'" (Ii) ODWt-)· 21 The periodofnotificatio~ to be given in

f'''l.t'lmo'· f"'/(}m'}-H;Y VL (It/All" accordance wit\l, sub-article (I) of this Article ,
~r-'l (lh',-",/ ~'(}''''?'J'.C':r. O"'· shall be detennined by' regulations to be
.I'.'fl :r· J'.ml\ 'I A r 11'~")1" (I ",/'}:;' tJ).)1" issued by die regions and the city
tN.;!' h2 -",;,.). Y'dl fI.lY'} ~,.e:f·A)1":: administrations; provided, however, that it
may not, in any way, be less than 90 days.

IJ. 6·/\ '/;1(.-1' ;1rL nl "''l'C !i ,p;c IE -1'1 rit!1 'tV"' F~elal Nc:garil Gllcla No. 4 28~ November, 2011 .... page 6241
. . . . . -' .

E/ l'''''l''I'O)· rll'I''''l n;J' j,11;J' !'(]D','? 3/ Where the plot of land to be cleared has a
,'P'} fl.')- Po,UII'} tun r"'lflM'</!J' government house ' on 'it, the clearing order
'}'o'III' r"'u',coOl" fl.'I" · fl°'l.J'fI·I ~ }; shall be served. to the ~ody, ?dministering the
house. ,.. .. - - . .. ..
Y: /. OJ· ~,I I t.\ .I', If, t.\ "

fi/ . (lILU h""".. "O·fI · h'Hr.- (0 (lPIPI.'}' 4/ If a house :a 'Clearing order · issued
r"'lM N~J' ,}-OI111 1""'It\t.II'} fl.,} pursuant to sub·article (3) of this Article is
. +ht-j,'Y' h~lI/' ,}t'JIII~ 1'~l.r)OJ· j t\tJA rented, the body which received the order
., f"'lflm'H</:J' '1.lto)· h"'l'II,.o/'/: (l,{. ')' .
.. \ shall take the necessary action ·10 tenninate
, .. . the contract ofrent' prior to. the expiry of the .
I'll.t-j, OJ't'I,'} t'I"'l:t: L'I' . i''''l.J'fI":{·A
notice' period. ; ".\ '~' ':l~ r; t~..~l! {
t,C9u ;o, Ol'aJ·M:· },MH'lI .

" ; ~ ' , ;, :,~ ': ' .< \; ,, -,

?l i:, f"'l M N:.I' 'ro win rJJ WI" . "'l fI m" 4'4; n 28. . Grievances Relating
. "
·: to Clearing Ord~r or
" . ' .-.- .
MtlPt\ll'/: il fl.·!:;J· ?'1', Notke .. ..!~ ": t ·:!.." ."!.
. .: t· f u·: · \':~ ·' i · !·
O/LU >d']!.: h')<Iol\' t~ ,(1·11 h')<Iol\' (ii) I I . A person served with Ii cleaTing order pursuant to
~",pi :1' (''''lI)I'\'I''I:.I' '}' o'111 r f.l. (to,· 0> )'.~" sub·article (I) of Article 27 of this Proclamation
'ro 0111 O','nl1llJ-}' 'Hli'} ~./? lfl un ,(I 'L' or any other person alleging infringement of his
(J>./?~o 'I' ·Pax ./?~1111~:t\ ('Otf.\ "'l'g'OJ'?" right or benefit as a result of the order may submit
nar '}'O'"I· Of-in (lUi r po/,. 'I'r;-,}' 01,11'1' his grie vance to . the"approprialebody, together
JI\OI''} . . t,IL'I:;!' tnlc11C ?"h'}J-I:<" wilh evidences substantiating his cause. within 15
a~llili ar :JC h"/'I11 ~I\ar hi,A "'l,pi11
: work ing days·after ·receipt of tile order.
j>.;l'·~A" . . .. !( ·~HH · '··· ;·
2/ Any person served with a notice pursuant to
f./ (l1l.11 J.q'J.: i,'HoY.· !I'y; '}Q·fI i,'HY.· (ii) sub·article . (4) : '.ofl.•Article '26 of this
(lDwt'. 'l' "Ulln',,,,,!:J' (' .l',t'.{J(J)' (JO)' Proclamation may submit his grievance to the
uUIIIl"'H:J'(ll' IIY.t'.t'lm· 1I{Jf/:I' I'rt· appropriate body, : together, )Vith evidences
'I,,'l' (/J·tJ'!' i,(J,' /:;J'Ol'" tnlc11C substantiating his ,: cause,;.. : .within seven
.. 9"h',J"I:, o~fI/.J:I'o)· ;lC hOIf/'1I 'I t'I OJ· working days after receipt of the notice .
. : . . :·~·; t, \ ;~ ; \· , ~ '~
. i,fJt. "'HL'II j,:r·'It.:: . ,., ~. -' , '

. 3/ The appropriate body shaIr properly examine

a grievance · submitted· to it in accordance
),"/t]'fl .f't\m· ),lrAnlLV ),'1-/'r.- ',O·fI
with sub·article (I) or (2) ofthfs Article and
i,'Hr. . UiJ 1Dj,9" (lI) (]DIP/. ,1,
notify its decision .,-to the .applicant in
r 4' /. n fI '/", iI (J,'I:;J' (J iI "I f/ II, (J "'l f1)?- ,}. writing. Where . the complaint is found to be
O)·t'j~, llu(jIl1:I'~' OJ·t'j~,Ol·" · M,fl.'I:;J·
unacceptable, -the ,'.decisjon ~ .. shall state the
i,:/' t-fl.m· nx'u'r,: '''It'Jm'p MIll ')':: reasons thereof: . ~I ~. ·1~ ;.;·.,,;· . , ·; \' '''''''t
l"pLnm' i,fl. '/:;1 , 1~'1'f/j, ~.} . J''I'rr
h If ~ 9" II', J' '/: n'? A r.- nOJ; t'J ); OJ· OJ· fI'I'
(IV? t'I r.- j, <;' en ;I'A::

:. i s '

?'ii. h'?'lll tJ/lOJ' i,'l/.1. m't'J~, 'If. t'lfl"'/:N:'fl 29. Appeals Against Dccjsio~; o(tI;~ j Appropriatc
.e'?tJ~ . Body ,' . .. . •

(i/ l,"/fHI .r'~,," hi/(\ III/.IJ J,'I'j!: l,'/'I'I\' ?; ;.~ II An applicant _wh~ .is . aggrieved by the
')(H) l,')</>I\' (E) {""Pi'}' (11)1110>' OJ")}' :j'C
decision of the appropriate body rendered in
r'/'n')' hIL'I:;!' h~'lr(l til"H,eD' flf-iOm· accordance with sub·article (3) of Article 28
. M) 4'r;-'l' "J'n'!' J!, "I 'l"f.'1 fllLU >d']!.: of thisProclarrlatiortmay ' :appeal \ to the
r.'}·P?,· 0 I7D fP i'" (j'''**(]OQ)'
./?"l'l'r fl°"- Appellate TribunaI"established· under Article
·7·1)'l, 'Y''' i 'l1 ./?1··~A" .
30 of this Proc!amation' wjthin :io days from
receipt of the decision?!, .; ...:. ...
-f· t : 'l' ~:;i ·i.·•.,·<.~

1~ i71.n:1 { J-"o/;,- I\ LJ;")' .'JII."1 {I'1'r. !i "t,..,r. x;..' .J•., lfi'i.ii '1.11"' Federal Ncgarit Gauta No. 4 28~ November, 20J 1 .," pa£e 6242

'iJ ·Fl'tm· r·h~.(ll\·l· ·t .e°Wf fl\rJ r /outr

21 The Tribunal shalt" examine the appeal and
render its decision within 30 working days
'Pt;'·} m·il',. (WC'l"e: m")~ ""r'!lll:/'
from submission of the appeal. It shall notify
~,Ml'I':: ?l'llllaJ" m·tr~'l" 1\·/'IltrIJt
;ts decision in writing to the parties.
rot (,"":t•• (lX' U'/j: "'I tr aJ:p h t'I (l·l'"

31 Decisions of the Tribllllal, except relating to

r/ (lll"! tlctlc ".e IIAlf~ (lr'!'I"/'C 9°TtI compensation, on issues of law and facts
(1;F'} I.f.l,'l"e: (ll\.t'l0'f (lJI"1'l" lf~ (llj:;:' including claims for substitute land shall be
~'lC hche:'f 'I.e '/oCJ'tm· r"tl'lmm· final.
aJotr~ r(W~f.l,lij' .elf'lA"

§/ (·Win>· ~uO n"'l.ou/\h·} I1l1m(l)o a,··n. ~C 41 A person dissatisfied with the decision of the
r·/·/'l')' 'rlJt-llt ron (l)o"'~(l)o 11 I.tl1 ",. Mi Tribunal on the issue of compensation may appeal,
'f>"'} or fl'l' /\ "'l. ou /\ h'I'or I'll"''''' .e"l'l '5 within 30 days from receipt of the decision, to the
/'l"'l. .,:C.~ (b.} ( rtH·"" .e°}'!1 fl"'l. rel eva nt municipal appellate court or, in the
,, :CX: n.·)· (lfI.(I(H· fI"1.""fIlH·0I· " .. J!.(I:" ab,ence of municipal appellate court, to the
11.,:·/·:;' r,:r.r: n.·} .e'?'11 ""~t.·n )~ i·· ~A" regular high court. ..

f./ 01lU h'}</'?;' ,(}or'! h,</'?;' (Ii) nowt.-} 51 An appeal under sub·article (4) of this Article
.e "1 fJ ~ (W 0/ t. .(l r "t 'f t'I aJo .e "1 CJ :~ CJ r. may be admitted only if the appellant has
~,V;.t\<I':I' ·N)'/11 r'/,l'Illl(l'} '} rh."oy handed over the land subject to the clearance
(1:)' ~,"1fJ·(l "t'lm' hl-tA IIr'!thOr, order to the appropriate body and attached
.rnt.h(lO·('·} elH' h.e"1fJ~ Ml,·/:;J·m· evidence to this effect.
:1(: ~,.r .e /' 11'1' t. (l '(l;r. .e If r, A::
61 The appellate court shall decide on an appeal
V (l1l.1! >,'}</'X' ·}o·n ~,'H'?;' (Ii) or,w(../, submitted to it in accordance with sub-article
.e'?fJ:f r·rl(lt'l-'/· /j:ct: (b.} .e"1CJ·]. (4) of this Article ~ithin 30 working days
fl</' lllt\·/· IJQj I' /-"tr "''IT w·lt'!' w·tr~ from its submission. The decision of the
noflm'} ~,t'I(l'h: \''i:c.r.- (b." w·tr),9" court shall be fmal.
rau('r.l.t.if .elf'lA::

\1) • . . M.e "In 1'I"t '/oC]'}. 30. Appellate Tribunal

{if rh'/''''I (l;J' "'IflM':j<" 1'11"/ 'l-P,r-:Y.

II Urban land clearing and compensation cases
.e "1 f)'} el '''l. 1· CJ '}.?' :f· 0 h 1M' :f·"
oh./. 0 7 i,fIo!'P, J'. e:';f. .e:t::J:"'II\.1I appellate tribunals shall ,b e established by
regions and city administrations.

fJ./ OIl.1! i,,<['?;' ,O·fI h,'p?;, (li) au"'l·l· 21 A Tribunal established pursuant to sub-article
r·f·**au ?·fJ'}. r ·/'lOt'l·/·'t .enJfJ:~ (I ) of this Article shall have the power, upon
U" C e: (l/ LV h 'I':e:
iI'1</' x· 2,' ;~ '} o· fI examining appeals submitted to it, to
i, '</'x' (n r·j·elm O)· tr~. '}
auIV('.). confirm, vary or reverse a decision rendered
r 7x'r,'/'T P"'Ii'ii)'t\ m.e9" ruui)'c ")..r;
in accordance with ··sub-article (3) of Article
rr'lma>··} aH)i. rOO/flt.Dr /-"A"f'} 28 of this Proclamation and to enforce its
L .e 'i' t. 'I' t\ :: decision.
I" r; r'/ofJ'}.ro· "'mtH ~"J'. h"1fJO' t'lhAII. 31 The Tribunal shall be accountable to the
mf,'l" t'lh"''''IaJ' M.,.P,f.C 9"hc (b-'/' council of the region or the city
.elf'l A:: administration, as the case may be.
ti/ ?·fJObOJ· ~,"1CJ'O 11'I1'(/)· hll"'} r·I'OJ·
41 The Tribunal shall .consist of not less than five
"lm· h?; f"'l.I"}t'l. hfJ ... ·} .e'i~.;J'AII
members drawn from different relevant bodies.
;, ,...,.. :
.. .

~'1 J..f. t· l\ ~,;Jt'r ;JIL"l 4l'l'C $! '1P.C i$ ""j 17Ui 'Ur.. Federal Ncgaril Gazeta No.4 28- November, 2011 .... page 6243

51 The Tribunal may. where il finds il
[;/ 'rCl'10)· ~,()t"'17. If'i 1\.1'11"0)' "'7Cl
necessary. order · the relevant' bodies to
'(]7'I' .l',,1:0I·'} M"'I' (]"'I1I11 01>-.l''P. provide expert · opinion or to produce
M·" .I' f ,j' an ", (] A (Jl f, 'I" "'I () I. 'P: ], Vi. evidence pertinent to a case before it.
"'C'i1(\'/' "'IY:t.'7 f,:r-I)A::

'k/ 'I'ClObOl' Mlt,I)? If'i 1\.1'1')"0)' f Tf\.{) 61 The Tribunal may order and use police force
;) f,A iI "'I II 11 f°?,oll)'r(Jl''} 0I'<'I~P1''I where it finds it necessary to execute its
'N-,IIJl1- "'I{)t,O'l" f,1'I)Au decisions and orders. ..' ;
'\ ." ;; i
" ~ ..,';',,\'. . ; "

7·(]'10)· Ila,"} (]<f'C 11"'1'1'1'01''1" 1'ltlJ'i

71 The Tribunal shal.! b¢ free of any influence
~~ f,IF'IA::
except the law. , ., .
81 The Tribunal may ' not be governed by the
;sf 'rCl '1 OJ·{)t-OI"} (l"'l..I'Il'ltD-'}(] 'I- VL provisions of the ordinary Civil Procedure Code
(lan~(]r,:m- f'f:'hltlld.. C {)~-I-"C'}·", while conducting its functions. It shall, however,
;n "I " f, an t- 'I" :: If 'i 'I" (] h A t'I, (J) f, 'I" be governed by expedient procedures to be issued
(] 11-1''''1 "()-t-.'! ~ 1- (l0?'(J)0") P·/'<I' I)m6. by the region or city administration,
M I~C'}'''' .f',ant-A::
iii f7,ClobQ)' i,Cl" '/' P{)t- II an'} (lhAt'I, 91 The term of office of members of a Tribunal shall
be detennined by the region or city administration.
(J)f,'1" 011-1''''1 M·I'.'!~1, f,(J)o'lA u

31. Takeover of Land

': .,~.' ..
!il rlLII l'}</or. ")Ml h"),"",' I'll Y.: '}.n II \Vithou t prejudice to the provision s of sub~articlc
~"Iy""'I\(/ 'I' U"i' ',"//1 '(/ .vII 0" "I'A (2) of this Article, the appropriate body shall take
"'IM""I:}' .)·)'1111 r'I't'ltIlO')"} (I;)' over urban land from any person who has been
1""/,(.110",· 1'}"I''''l II;). 'Ill y.I';)·W· 11"/ servcd with a clearing order within 90 days from
IJ'I'IJJ,I\OJ' 'I") aI.e9° 'Iu/OJ" ) 1\t1l'4'IlA the date of payment of compensation, or if the
6.;PJ'.~: 'IA11'7 J'."I'f" lju/tD- h"lI1'O 11/1 OJ' person refuses to take the payment, from the date
"IIA 1J9" (I1J"1 r'1'}/] 'I. u /,n h·I·1'ODmO·)- 'I' ") of depositing tiJe compensation in a blocked bank
l!..9I.lC: 01 (/'li"" w·tt'p .etfc,ot.\11 lff,oy6 account in the name of the appropriate body;
f-i'GJt'I7l'iY> flU/ jA'I'1'iIl'iGJ' 1'ItD- l'iop'I'IlA provided, however, that the appropriate body shall
06./17 '/./1, ',"]'HI jl'iOJ' h'IA Oil")/] r'H'OD pay the deposited amount whenever the entitled
tIlm·'} 'l'}I/'n ODIJIf)·)· ',MI')'" person intends to take the payment.
, .\

i/ ""ICl'(] ,PflOJ" "IjA r"'lM'I't.l' "'·lJI111 21 The appropriate body shall .take over a land in
(Jlf,'1" °7{)m'HtJ' p.f·om(l,I-'} ant, 'I' respect of which a clearing order' or notice haS
been served: . ~ I.>·; ".'-
r "'l.1. /l(] OJ-: -
. )' ',- t· · .
u) 'h'l I 11/. (J)f,'I" "'It'lm '} </'</!Y(J)- P~I. a) where the person served with the clearing
OO!' t'l0l' i111.U (,'I';e,: i,'H'?" f\'t '}O·{) order or notice has not lodged a grievance
(,')<i'y,' (?i) mf,'I" (Jt) uu/pt.·I, against the action in accordance with sub,
M,'!:;)' 'i,P-f'(;'(] 1\ 'rC 1 arlicie (1) or (2) of Article 28 of this
/\) il(]"/:;J''I'C(1 IliW (,'P;>: i,'HY.. ?';~
'}O·{) i,'Hr.' (I:) an UJt. 'I' l,fi,'/: b) where the grievance is dismissed .in
;)·OJ·'~ OJ''?'':/' \'O?,y YoCal o>.I)~, I\t'l 'r accordance with , sub-articl~ (3) of Article
" 'I nOJ· I) i OJ' I) f, f, '7 Cl;~ I) f, -" C 'n 28 of this Proclamatiori and no further
r'I:!'CI al,e'l" appeal is made against ihe decision; or

, . " ""

,h) nlLl! M':e.: il'H~ I'll! ,Ml il'H~ c) where an appeal submitted in accordance
(ii) (JUIP",,' ,e'?1J1 <I'cn nt/.tJ M':e.: with sub-article (I) of Article 29 of this
iI'Hr,' 0 '}Ml il'H~ (i0 (]DU'''''' Proclamation is dismissed in accordance
~ .e "I WI: '} OJ· .I': ,} nau:" "} OJ· <'l ~ with sub-article (2) of Article 30 of this
': ,\ fi/I'PI Proclamation .
.{ - .etJ''1(,\::
i.,'; ,
rll.U ~,'}<I>)I;: 'IMI I\'H~ (iil y;'},n (L'lCl'" 3/ Notwithstanding the provision of sub-article (1) of
n~U\<I"~m' out.,1· ~.e fH1A 1 *"'1. "'hA this Article, where there is no crop, perennial crop
~~': CD)'.'l" I\,~ 'Hlt::·} hl\,(\ rh'I''"! (1;1' or other propeny on a land in respect of which.
1Jt\,eII;1'(J}o P'"!M<I"p '}O'll' n~t::flm' Mi clearing order has been served, the · holder shall
'I' ".). or 'I' r 11'1''''' (1:1' ,e 11:1''''' ') ~, "}1J·n hand over the land to the appropriate body within
~flm' AlIA '"!nt::h'(] 1\1'\1)01':: 30 days from the date of receipt of the order.

iii il "}(1-(1 .I' 11(1)' ~,I,tI (1;)'O,.'} O"'I.t.h,nn ·1· 4/ The appropriate body may order police force ·
'tI& ;j.etl (/V1Il'/'?" MlliJI'~ tJ'~. when it finds it necessary to use force to take
r'L.P'l'}'m· p;rIlJI '/.etl "'JI/lI.e:r·'\tI:: over the land.

5/ The appropriate body may not be ' held

(:;/ n,1,7 011' aD'}?.!': P'r,PII phof''''7 n;J'
>-. '} .';.1\<1' ;1' (J'''l..I'.'' '7 n'J' 'l.I L n(1), aJ' '\.e responsible for any property situated on
,\11 'HId, 1,"'IJ'n .1'1101' MtI '/'IIl.e-!: illegally held plot 'o f urban land 'in the course
1,1. tJ"}?,,:: of clearing the land. '" .

". \. ~ \- . ; ...

h'i:A M"r'lr PARTFIVE ' .-


32. Powers and Duties DUhe Ministry

, . Z"

m;.~,n'I;1· P"Z/l'i'II·')' p'Af/)'}'1 '/·"llIt",·

.e ~·1·)' A:- The Ministry shall have the powers and duties to: {,'I'J::: OU·II,9· t/l~fI":r· 1I"'l:llJ 1/ foll ow up and ensure the proper
(]DIi,?"""} .eh:Jo./,'\tI T J't.;J"}f/)tll implementation ' of thiS- Proclamation in all
~ -- .
regions and city adminis~tlons;
~./ IIhtlt\·:r'l IIh,/,"'7 M'rP,J.'.C':r· N-h~,
h" PiI:p?" ,,} '}f];1'~'';:>'i: yr.C;Jt\l 2/ provide technical and . 'capacity building
support to regions
. and."city
, . administrations;
. ~

E/ nV'1C il'J''f: p,,:?, ?(]Dt,'!.r, (]D(.,:r ~h 3/ create, with the assistance of technology, a
{lIJ t.'f, 9' cr, '} n 'L-h'i fl· Jt r "'711 {lIJ '} r, modernized and harmonized real property
information system at the national level;
P"'7 r, n·n p t, 9':r. .e IV" t\1 ;. • -, " f " : .

, . -- .. '. '$ ;~ , ~.,' " , I

4/ adopt and follow up .the implementation of

§/ tJ7C il<!'<j: P{lIJ(.,,"t;' {lIJt.,-.,. ~h (]Dt."P:?'
national standards . pf real , properties data
:r.'} fl of·(]D 1\11'1' n;1', P, C I'- :1', J' 0'''/ Al base;
-r6.~tnO;J·'I:o.. '} .eh;1,,/''\tI!
5/ prepare model regulations, directives and manuals
(jl (,IW'} il(I'.~ "'ln6.?°'l.J' 'f" >'.tI J.'.W:f·T to be issued for the implementation of this
(]DOU (, j' P' :y.r, "7 'j 'P fI" :y. ,r II,;:> "P: A:: Procl amat ion,
'1Ti lrl n~n;· 4,)'.6·"" ~;J 6')' ,.."Jll.tTJ "1'C Q "IP.C It of'} fiLii ~.f'" FeJeral Negarit Gazeta No.4 28 111 November, 2011 ... page
, , 6245

0r. 1'11/.\1\'1"'<; 1'11'1....., M,,·P,}'..C":f· rAnnr; 33, Powers anti Duties of Regions and~
'/'''lflC Administrations
, "

Regions imdcity' admini~trations 'shall have the powers

and duties to: .

{;/ nU·fl·?"" h·'·'I"":f· CD·flT 1''''/.11OJ.'} au':':I' 11 administer land, in all urban centers, in
nlll! i\'r~ UUIP(.')' .f'fI"·}U~·':'fl.r accordance with this Proclamation;

21 issue regulations and directives necessary for

U .eU'} M)~ n"'/.1CJ fl o'!fl6..09 u 1''''/..f'fI
6.. A." j'.'} (l":f-r. UD{7I>(, J' 9'":f' J' (JJfIJ fl,::
the implementation of this Proclamation, '
" . ", ':'- .

34, Duty to Cooperate " ;, " ,

Any person shall have the duty to cooperate for

<ry'j','0l'9 U (tOI' .eu·n ,\'1'~
the implementation of this Proclamation,
t.1.P: ['uv·,·qIlC "'Yv;J' M\n·h, ,".,

35, Penalty

1i/ ' 1'a1'}J':A U7' fnflm r°'l..I'M'''! fJAU", II Unless the 'Offence" is 'pun'ishable with more
nfl' I"/'C,- severe penalty under the Criminal Code:

V) "'I')~'ar'l" .eV') I\'PJ":, (JILt! M'J": auw a) any officer or employee who is in charge of
I. -)- {' aJin- ,O(1:i-, tJ1'U>'(')' 7'1'·'} It "'Ifl implementing this Proclamation and
.,07" {'·I'oDJ'.1I ?~t. OJf!,y" wto·!·~' regulations and directives issued hereunder
'!'1(L YAtf~ 'l':"'l" It toe), OJf!,'l" It:V\ Wi lh intent to obtain for himself or to procure
It or It "'I fI1 "f .}, (J "'}1I11.- for anoth;rju,rsol\ undue advantage:
.~, - q .!~~: ' <lr _
1.!. ~~' f

(k) (JlLU M'J": h'!'J'.~11ar ora;], I'h1''''1 (I) grants an urban land in contravention of
(l;t-") 1'.,4'J'. },,}J'.U'~ hZ Mh 1(; the . provisions, of 'this proclamation is
'}au,} (I"Y,J'.C 1\ In· 1\"" to·} }" punishable 'with rigorous imprisonment
h'(lC :'iit Mh '(lC nit (J"Y,J'.CI\ from 7 to 15 years and with a fine from
flllHI au4'.·... .e4'flIAI , . Birr 40,000 up to Birr 200,000; ,

co l'a:1. t.;1' aot.r>i7':r-·) f!,i, 'I.f,"C"/1

(2) ," fails " 10 , disclose ' 'any infonnation
II "1:1. t.;1 ,MY: 7U b f." 'If!, 1J'.'1I
pertinent to a tender, restricts _the sale of
(VI'/.\ T fa,I,t.:), "l.J'.'I;") (U"I'!
bid documents. distoJ1 s the process or
eJJJ', ?" ('a,I.t.;1' "'ilL-I,) n,I\(II"" Iii; reverses the outcome of a lcnder is
Mil Xif ,}ou.} (l°'l.J'.CfI In, I\r punishable with rigorous impriso nment
to,/,}" Il'(lC 071, Ml! '(lC li.;::Ii1. from 5 to 12 years and with a fine from
(I"Y,J'.CfI fnll'(I au'I'l"· f!," , flIAI Birr 30,000 up to BirrISO,OOO;

(E) IlIl.V ~\'PJ": 1l't'J'.~1'lar W·G1l. •. (Jq" (3) acts in,violation of the provisions of this
11-1'17 OJ.f','l" 1I1Lt! }.q'»,' uuwt.:,. Proclamation or fails to take action
U"OI'(lJ:' [''''L'I'lOl''} I\C9u )f 'l,l'.OIf1X" requifl;d under this Proclamation is
11'I't. h/i MIl! n ",QU .), 1I"'/.J'.CIl
punishable with rigorous impdsonment
In· },,,,,to,), }" h'(lC 0i'i, Mh ·nc from 5 to 12 years and with a fine Irom
Birr30,OOO up to Birr 'ISO,OOO;
!'i,tlit (I "'LJ'.C 11 f1'}II'fj QU"',,,. '\ :,i ':" ':' :' '. ~ ': :' '

'- ; .

11> Ir...U!jI j~Y.Irl\. ~?t 'r .?IL"1 -tI'l'C i 1}jC It +1 f712 'l.V" Federal Nt:garit Gazeta No.4 2801. November, 2011 .... page 6246

II) ",!'}~:ar9:' 1\(1}- J'.U1 h'l']!- (1JJ'.'I" IlIl.U b) whosoever. in violation of the provisions .
M']!- OUlP t. .). I' (1Jffio f.'}{li·'} (1J J'.'I" of this Proclamationior /Iegulations or
aoout.p 9',,;.,} 11 ao.,.,\ II 'i: rh.,."'! 11;1''} directives issued hereunder . .. fences an
h'l'C' h.!'II T "1111;1' 'l'l~f.Il·l· (1J J'.'I" urban land, ~ndeltakes construction on it
hl\ 'l'1l~ )'.I';.i-(n· ,?C h'i''\'i't\ hZ Mh or encloses 'it with his · adjacent /and is
Iii 'lao·)· 1l"'lf.Cfl ,..,. },p't.r M' punishable with a rigorous imprisonment
hllc :'.in. Mh lIC Ui'i. 1l"'lf.Cfl from 7 to 15 years, .and with a fine from
f1'ill·11 av·I','·· )'.'/'''IAI Birr 40,000 up to Birr 200,000; ' .
,Il ) "'!'}~:!IJ·9· (J/J-I.",! fl.11 Gf.l.t.;1·
c) any bidder of urban .Iand lease tender who
r~/.llJP,y.c nOl' ('.l,n')'
"'Iflt.'Jf 1""t.111 presents a falsified documentary evidence or
ao "I M,' nflt.fl·}1 aot.]f hY.111' w)'.'I" conceals any evidence which he should have
hilA "'wp'P't .?C fluDuvlllllC r,MI')' disclosed or, connives , at an . act of fake
iD'.~·J.':C 'lY.t.1 h?; Mh H 'lao.} compctition is punishable with a rigorous
n=u.cll 11"/' Mt.·)· },<;' h'flC !ili'i. Mh imprisonmentfrom,5 to 12 years and with a
·oe litvi'i. O"'lJ:Cfl r-nIl·(1 {/V'h"" fine from Birr 30,000 up to Birr 150,000.
j~"'''l Au

'1./ "'!·}l1'01·r .eu'} l,'P~" · IlIW i,'P~ 21 Where any officer or· employee who is in
{lDUJI.·r from· f.,'}(J1·" {lD{lDtf?>1"} charge of implementing this Proclamation
, :- ..
fI"'!!l!"O?" f,/·{lDJ'.1l ?<\&. u,t.,/·l1' and regulations and directives issued
IlIl.U h'}N', 1Ml .1\H~· (li) r"'o»ll hereunder negligently commits the offence
!l'I: r'; '1'4, ,H'· 11 :/"t'l 'I-~ ~ ,1' h &.y, {lD hli specified under sub-article (I) of this Article,
Mh (i ')ou·1, (J"'l.Y.C!l >'P't..).r, tl'flC he shall be punishable with imprisonment
Ti'i.. Mh 'nc @'i.. (]"'l,.e.C!l rnll,n from 1 to 5 years and with a fine from Birr
av el' {}" . .ell~flJ A;. 10,000 up to Birr 30,000.

E/ o~'i?,:m'?" (JIW 1,1'i'?;' V·I-oDllh·,'"

31 Any asset which is the proceed of a crime
fro'})?;C\ g:C/.')· n{lDt.7.?" I'",'rf U·rn· committed in violation of the provisions of this
.- ..
nIj:CJ': n.+ ,H'll1 'hDC(t h"l(Hl fl101' Article shall be confiscated by a court order and
h'lA >.V;.t.h(Jm· f,?I.;Jt:Il' shall be surrendered to the appropriate bod y.

07;. r.,.i] 0;.., 'I-t. '1"'l. H f"'! g.'i t.'f!(J/' tnH· 36. Repealed and Inapplicable Laws

iii rh·/''''! (1;). nll.11 · f1t\OU,('l/'} >"'?"1'1 I I The Re-enactment of Urban lands Lease
(\ {/VP,'i1 °) I'cnrr)OJ· l,Q':e,: '/,'rc Ho lding Proclamation No. 27212002 is
mt· ii/j: j) .til! 11 I I.lJ 11 'P ~ ,,' 'Ii &. A :: hereby repealed.

V hll.u 1\'P~ ;JC fOZ:l't.'} "'I1<;'O"?" ,),"1 21 No law or customary practice shall, in so far
ro,er fhu't.C t'l'l"f.: IlIl.U M'~ as it is inconsistent with this Proclamation, be
Il'''i'i'',~· '1,.'ln" tI.e .,.,tYOZH applicable with respect to matters covered by
r. J'r '!' I. OJ' r :: this Proclamation,

37, Transitory Provisions

/il hA(\°1:" rh,/'''7 MH·.'lf.C1', 4'.e.?" r'l,A I I Regions and city administrations shall re.nder .
decisions, within three months after the
<pCnal' 1l>','PA'Pt'l tI.e fll· rh,,''''l (I;).
coming into force of this Proclamation, on
'I' ,r 1: 9' l' I n"'I, 00 (\ h ,). .1', Ii >. 'P ~ pc-ndi ng land holding requests in accordance
Iw(;(i-'/' y } X':9"C,' '111.:/' Y'{J·j· wl-··j-
with the fanner laws.
Vb w'!l'r (]'/'Y:'/°at· 1J"1 auu't.')· aJ"»,
OUf'lll1')' "fliF/'Ol'"


t.t.,&,t, '/.J(,,'} ,J11,(J1 <Il1'C Q ..,>:C It .1"} fit!! 'l,S"" Fedaill Negarit Gazeta NO.4 28111 November, 2011 .... page 6247

V .ell i,'P;1'.: !l{lUI\'l~-/: (]t.-), ]'"JCHl I] II aJ' 21 All lease holding contracts which have been
i.tlG\ ?'/'iC('oo, Pi\. 11 G)-II°'1.'S mll,V' concluded with the appropriate body and all
{lPwd' ['-/'iIr,(1l'/' P't,p>1.', 11;J'l~~;J' activities perfonned accordingly before the
7:01' -rm·n 4, -I' 6. ~o·O ;J';I:(J}' .e4''I''; t\" coming into force l>f this Proclamation shall
be valid and remam intact,' . -
-: ,.,~ jl <;,;' h" ('

38, Effective Date

.ell ],1';;:: (]6.,,f'.t.A '/;Jt-} ;JILllI ;J ..H" I/(J}'q(]:r
This Proclamatiori ;sh~ll co~e 'into force on the'
'n ;e:rc fOr, .ell'C.'A:: date of publication inthe Federal Negarit Gazeta,

Done at Addis Ababa, this 2S tb day of November, 2011


," ."
r.1. -c'I'X'.r t • .". t.~ 'l! J\.. 'l"11t.n.,I''l! PRESIDENT OF THE FEDERAL

" {"


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