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The Pocky Aliens


Dirk Michael Roscher


My newest book is about beings that come from another world from a far away planet.

On this planet live the Pockyaliens they are wonderful and funny creatures.

Their planet was destroyed by another asteroid.

But many of the Pockyaliens survived the catastrophe.

Their advantage over other creatures is that they can survive in space.

Let's see what adventures the Pockyaliens will have here on Earth.

Chapter 1

The destruction of their home planet

80 million light years from Earth on the planet Irus.

It is a very beautiful planet, all covered with green forests and meadows.

Simply a paradise where the Pockyaliens felt at home.

But this beautiful planet was now doomed.

Out in space a huge asteroid was approaching Irus.

While the Pockyaliens had a carefree life.

Now this life was destroyed already soon.

The danger raced faster and faster towards the home planet Irus.

Now the asteroid hit Irus, there was a terrible bang and the Pockyaliens flew through the air.

The asteroid itself now destroyed the whole planet.

Suddenly there was silence and the Pockyaliens held on to a remnant of their home planet.

They now realized that it was getting a little cold in space.

But somehow the cold didn't bother the Pockyaliens.

And on they went to have fun on the 1 kilometer chunk.

Three years later!

On the earth at the Nasa one discovered the big boulder.

Over Satellite one pursued now the direction of the large flying asteroid.

The Nasa and the government were united, if this lump should bang on the earth, then there would be a
gigantic deluge at the east coast of the USA.

The president of the USA met now with his employees, what they could do against the threatening
danger from the universe, in order to destroy the giant large Asteroid?

The top general suggested that the solar reactor in France could be used for this purpose, as laser

To destroy the asteroid so that the Earth would escape this deluge.

The President was very pleased with this idea and everyone agreed with this proposal.

But then came a call from NASA, the Hubble Space Telescope discovered on this asteroid small beings
jumping back and forth.

"Mr. President on the asteroid little creatures jump up and down and from here we have to sit down
together again!

Here it concerns living beings, which can survive even the icy cold of the space.

The best thing we can do is send a robot to collect the creatures and bring them back to Earth."

The president spoke up:

Yes, we should do that by all means."

Now the president spoke to his staff:

Something has changed, NASA just called me.

We are not alone in space, there are little creatures on the asteroid, jumping up and down on it!"

The employees looked at each other a bit surprised and could hardly believe their ears what they had
just heard.

One of the president's employees replied:

Are you saying that there are aliens on the boulder in space that can do without oxygen?

The president replied:

Yes, that's it!"

In the meantime in Space!

The Pockyaliens were having fun in space, running back and forth.

One took out a hammer and hammered the other Pockyalien into the ground.

Only his eyes peeked out of the ground and he winked.

The other Pockyaliens laughed their heads off.

In the other way, the Pockyaliens looked cute and sweet, but they could also become dangerous if they
felt threatened.

They have a very special gift, they can turn things into reality with their thoughts.

From behind now another asteroid came and rammed the other asteroid, on which the Pockyaliens

Now the Pockyaliens rejoiced even more because the asteroid was now flying even faster through space.

Everyone screamed (yay) and they ran back and forth on the boulder.

Through their ability, they had created a kind of artificial gravity on the boulder.

Therefore, they were not flung into space.


The Satellit
Now a satellite was prepared on Earth to collect the little Pockyaliens.

The robot that was to collect the Pockyaliens walked like a spider.

But it could also roll to move around even better.

Various tests were made with the robot.

Everything passed this robot with very good, the team was very satisfied.

The robot itself could think and act independently.

In the office of Professor Diddelholz

(In the lab!)

In the office of Professor Diddelholz and in his laboratory it was as usual quite hectic.

Professor Diddelholz was a very great and well-known scientist on Earth.

His researches were well known, one invention of which was a solar sail, which could move through the
sun and through the cold of space.

This solar sail converted the cold cosmos into energy.

It's almost like a refrigerator, but upside down.

He worked once again on a completely new invention, namely on a Time Machine.

But somehow the experiments kept going wrong.

Just when he thought everything would go well, the Time Machine exploded and Professor Diddelholz
looked completely charred.

At that moment, an employee called from the president.

And Mr. Diddelholz went to his smartphone, coughing.

The employee only heard the professor coughing and he asked him if everything was all right.

Professor Diddelholz answered: "Yes, thank you, everything is fine with me, only my latest invention is
not working out so well.

What is it and why are you calling me?

The employee explained everything to the professor, that they had discovered aliens, but not on a
planet, but on an asteroid.

The professor became now lucid and said:

How now on an Asteroid?

The employee said: Yes, exactly and that's why we need your help,,!

The professor replied: Of course I will come,,!

Chapter 3

The arrival of the Pockyaliens to Earth!

Professor Diddelholz was now warmly received at the headquarters to take a closer look at the situation.
The president was also waiting for him and asked the professor:

What can we do now?

After all, they are living beings, but we don't know whether they are peaceful or not!

That is why we need their help.

The professor Diddelholz answered:

What do you know about the alien beings anyway?

An employee said to the professor:

They destroyed our robot and they can do without oxygen in space.

In the meantime on the huge boulder the Pockyaliens could even accelerate the flying boulder by their

And from the distance they even already saw the earth.

It was very similar to their planets, when they saw that, they now steered the huge boulder directly
towards the earth.

On Earth, in the space headquarters was suddenly a through each other.

The employees had suddenly become completely nervous.

When they noticed that the asteroid was getting faster and faster and was racing closer and closer to the

Immediately it was reported to the president and the professor.

Mr. President, said one of the employees:

They are coming towards the Earth faster and faster.

But we know now by the calculations where the asteroid will land on Earth.

Whether the beings will survive it, we don't know yet.

It's all very uncertain, and if they do survive, they're going to look pretty charred.

The right angle of entry!

The Pockyaliens now disappeared into the interior of the asteroid, because they were more protected
With the help of their thoughts, they steered the boulder into the right angle of entry, so that they
would not be charred.

Now the Pockyaliens entered the Earth's atmosphere.

It became warmer and warmer in the boulder, but through their thoughts a protective shield formed
around the asteroid.

This prevented the Pockyaliens from burning in the rock.

Now they had passed through the Earth's atmosphere.

And raced with high speed in the direction of a farm.

Where just a farmer fed his chickens.

He heard a loud noise, a kind of humming, and when he looked up, he could not believe his eyes.

He screamed to the sky:

No, no, please stop!

Don't hit here, stop!

Then he ran away, there was a huge bang.

The shock wave sent the farmer flying through the air.

When the farmer got up again, all he saw was naked chickens running across the farm.

His farm was completely gone and some cows were stuck on the trees.

But nothing had happened to them and the farmer himself had a nervous breakdown and started
counting the cows that were hanging on the trees.

Then he started counting:

One cow is hanging on the big tree, the second cow is lying in front of the tree.

The third cow makes moo and hangs on the small tree.

In the Space Center!

The president called now the general Hopfmalschief and said to him:

General Hopfmalschief they get now the order to go to the place where the asteroid has hit.

The said to the president:

I will immediately gather my people to reach the area and to secure everything there.
Chapter 4

The army comes rolling!

In a U.S. barracks, General Hopfmalschief gathered his troops.

Now they all gathered on the grounds.

And the General Hopfmalschief said to his troops:

Today history will be made, today we will meet real aliens.

From another planet we don't know if these beings are peaceful or if they want war to conquer our

That's why it's our job to find out.

Off you go in the military vehicles.

So now the military unit went to the space center to pick up Professor Diddelholz.

The professor was already waiting for the military unit.

At the main entrance there were three surveillance cameras for security.

First the papers were checked at the main entrance, then they were let through.

The professor Diddelholz now met the general Hopfmalschief.

He said to the Professor Diddelholz:

Welcome to our secret mission alien base.

In the meantime, on the farm!

The Pockyaliens had the ability to put everything back in order.

They brought the cows back to earth by thoughts.

Even the destroyed house of the farmer they brought back into the old condition, as it had looked

The farmer himself was so amazed that he could not close his mouth.

With the asteroid they came with, they sent him back into space.
The farmer was so amazed that he didn't even notice a fly crawling in his mouth.

Then the fly slid down his throat and he coughed and coughed.

Now he could hardly breathe and he was getting really red in the face.

The Pockyaliens went to him and he felt a little burst of energy and the farmer could breathe again.

At that moment, one of the soldiers hopped out of the military car and wanted to shoot at the pockies.

The general was still shouting:

No, don't shoot at these creatures have they gone crazy?"

In the next moment, when the soldier was about to pull the trigger, the rifle became completely soft and
melted like chocolate in the soldier's hand.

The whole detachment saw the Pockyaliens emitting some kind of energy from themselves.

It was like a buzzing sound that was heard.

They moved their body from left to right.

And then it was all over, the Pockyaliens just looked at the soldier angrily.

The soldier walked up to the creatures, said:

Hereby I sincerely apologize to you, please forgive me."

Then the beings nodded in the same beat.

The soldier went back into the military vehicle.

And General Jumpy said to the soldiers before he went back into the military vehicle:

I'll talk to you later in my office.

The soldier nodded.

When the army realized that the alien beings were completely harmless.

Called, the general bouncy skewed the president:

Dear President, the alien beings from outer space are completely harmless, we will take them to an
island where no people live and where no people come.

As if the Pockyaliens understood and suddenly began to rejoice.

The president replied:

Have these beings understood us?

To which the general said:

I guess it looks like these creatures can understand us even through a smartphone."

So now the Pockyaliens were brought to a lonely island in the middle of the Bermuda Triangle.

There they felt really comfortable and thanked us by humming loudly.

From then on, the alien beings lived on Earth, where they had now found a completely new home.

Chapter 5

The other aliens and Voyager 1!

The prehistory of Voyager 1 (English Voyager 'traveler') is a spacecraft of the US space agency NASA for
the exploration of the outer planetary system and interstellar space within the Voyager program. It was
launched on September 5, 1977 from Launch Complex 41 at Cape Canaveral on a Titan IIIE Centaur
rocket. Its identically constructed sister probe, Voyager 2, had launched 16 days earlier on a different
trajectory. Voyager 1 first flew to the planets Jupiter and Saturn, and on August 25, 2012, it became the
first human-made object to enter interstellar space.

On a distant planet, as the Voyageur 1 flew by, it was pulled in by a tractor.

It was examined by the aliens and they found the point in space, how they could come to the earth.

With that the earthlings had set an alien species in motion, which were very dangerous.

This alien species was always on conquest to keep new slaves on their Planet.

Basically, it was also a little stupidity of the humans, because they presented themselves on the golden
platter through Voyageur 1, as an appetizer and thereby aggressive aliens have the chance to conquer
and enslave a new planet.

The aliens on this planet took a closer look at the golden platter.

And quickly realized that the human species are stupid creatures.

They noticed very quickly that they were destroying their own environment and were fighting each

The aliens now came together on their planet to consult on their planet.

All the aliens voted to conquer this strange blue planet and exterminate the people on it or make them
new slaves.

The aliens also thought, who makes war and destroys its own environment, it has not earned to live.

These aliens saw themselves as a kind of space police, which must save other planets from the evil in the

Now all the war spaceships were passed by.

To free the blue planet from the people.

The Pockyaliens now lived together with the humans on Earth on a lonely island.

There was enough food for the small beings from space.

The island was in the middle of the Caribbean and was very beautiful to see.

Blue sky and white dream beach actually an island to recover.

Exactly correctly belonged actually now this island belonged to the Pockyaliens and they jumped back
and forth and enjoyed this time.

One of the Pockyaliens went for a walk on the beach and saw a snake crawling along the Beach.

He walked up to the snake and said to the snake:

Shall we be friends?

But the snake bit and the Pockyalien bit back and ate the snake.

After that he burped very loudly in a very deep tone, this burp went on for almost a minute.

And it was very loud even the birds sitting on the trees flew away in fright.

The other aliens built some kind of slingshot and shot each other through the air.

One flew against a tree and quickly ran back to the slingshot.

Another flew into a rock and immediately saw a bunch of stars flying around his head.

Other Pockyaliens banged together in the air because the others had also built a slingshot.
How they had built these slingshots no idea honestly.

Because many things the Pockyaliens can make with their thoughts.

The Pockyaliens were also friends with the animals on this island now because they spoke their

One Pockyalien was talking to a mouse, another was talking to a bird.

They had adapted very quickly to the earth, but just in their own way.

Through their thoughts they created their own defense laser system.

WiTheir defense system was light years ahead of humans.

The military had the mission to check in on Pockys every now and then.

(This is the new nickname of the Pockyaliens).

General Hopfmalschief now visited the island and he could not believe his eyes what he got to see.

The general wondered how they managed to do such a thing.

The soldiers who were on the island with the general were also very surprised.

They had transformed half the island into a city.

And the other half they left to the animals and they even came with them into the city, because there
was also something to feed the animals.

The Pockyaliens lived in harmony with the animals in this new City.
All the soldiers were amazed when they saw the big city.

Flying objects in the sky, which looked almost like small UFOs.

Now the general went to this city to talk to the Pockys.

Now robots were coming to meet him as well.

Then the general stumbled over a robot cat, it just looked at him and started talking:

So please, sir, next time open your eyes, I'm not a stumbling block.

The general Hopfmalschief looked at the robot cat only completely astonished.

And the robot cat went on its way.

The next moment a flying car approached him and said to him:

General Hopfmalschief please get in, I will take you to our boss.

Hopfmalschief could not believe his eyes when he was approached by a flying car.

The general replied:

Yes, I will come with you.

He got into the flying car, the flight itself does not take long.

5 minutes later!

A small palace could already be seen from a distance.

The general put his hands over his head and thought (am I dreaming now?)
then he said to himself:

Sew or?

The palace itself looked like gingerbread houses the Hopfmalschief could hardly believe it.

When the flying car landed, General Hopfmalschief saw

how several alien grapes were spinning a big spider web.

They were small pockyalien grapes having a lot of fun with each other in a corner.
They gave off strange light signals,

with which the Pockyalienscrews entertained themselves.

They exchanged information among themselves about how big the net should become.
Now General Hüpfmalschief got out of the flying car and many Pockyaliens came running towards him.

There were Pockyaliens in different colors and they all looked kind of funny.

They were jumping back and forth, looking forward to the visit, greeting him in a very friendly way.

One of the Pockyaliens said:

Welcome to our Pocky Island we are always happy to have people visit us.

We will first introduce you to our boss, he is a very nice blarg.

A Blarg is a being from our former neighbor planet.

The Blargs and the Pockyaliens have been very good friends for a very long time.

To which General Hopfmalschief replied:

Thank you very much and you Pockys are our friends."

When he saw the Blarg, he was speechless.

But the Blarg met him very friendly.

Hello welcome my dear general, you are always a welcome guest here.

My name is Abercrombie and I am from the planet Nelvinus.

A planet that is right next to the Pockytans , unfortunately this planet no longer exists.
I would like to talk to them about the trade between the humans and the Pockyaliens."

Just as the general was about to say a word to Hopfmalschief, his smartphone rang.

And the general answered it, "Excuse me, please, the president is calling me right now."

The president said to the general on the smartphone:

We have detected another spacecraft in space, it is on its way to Earth.

Please come to the headquarters immediately, I will be waiting for you.

And the funny thing is that they sent us a photo of the satellite Voyager 1!

The General said to the Blarg:

Please excuse me, but there is an alien spacecraft on its way to Earth."

The Blarg nodded understandingly and the general was flown shortly after with the flight car to the
space center.

Where the president was already waiting for him.

When the General Hupfmalschief arrived, he immediately went with the President to the main

In the main headquarters there were several employees who monitored the radar to receive also new
messages from the alien spaceship.

Just at that moment, when both of them had just entered the main office.

Came a message from the alien spaceship.

(Who is your world leader on this planet?)

(We want to talk to him now)!

The president answered on a voice message:

On our planet there is no world leader only a president who leads the country in which lives."

On Earth there are different forms of government, but there is never one that has the whole planet
under his control.

That would violate human dignity and the sense of justice.

We humans live in a free democracy."

Only 5 minutes later a new message came back:

We are the Ons and we are taking over this planet from today you have exploited enough this planet you
call Earth.

Resistance is futile, we are the Ons!"

Everyone in the main office was shocked, they all looked at each other.

Shortly after, a video message now came from the leader of the spaceship:

My name is Perpol and I want you to surrender without resistance.

If not, we will exterminate you or your kind.

We will give you 24 hours to think about it, if not, we will attack you without warning.

That will be all for now."

The president threw his hands up in horror and said:

We have no chance against this superior force."

To this the general Hopfmalschief replied:

But we have friends who can help us if I talk to them or even speak to them then there is a great hope
that humanity can be saved."

The president looked at the general and nodded at him.

Meanwhile on the island of Pockyaliens !

They were jumping all over town and throwing coconuts at each other.

Then one of the Pockyaliens shouted:

Hit! Bull's-eye!"

And the other Pockyalien said in response:

I don't feel good at all."

And fell over!

Then they saw a helicopter land in the middle of the city.

And the general got out of the helicopter.

The Pockyaliens called out to him:

Hopfmalschief do you also want to join the coconut shooting?"

The general said:

My friends the matter is serious we are threatened by other aliens they want to destroy our planet and
therefore I must absolutely speak Abercrombie."

One of the Pockyaliens told him:

You will surely find him in the ditch because he has also been hit by two nuts."

General Hopfmalschief looked questioningly at the Pockyalien.

Then he went to Abercrombie who was just coming to.

Abercrombie said to the general:

My, those coconuts have got it in them."

Then the general spoke to Abercrombie:

We need your help, we are threatened by other aliens who want to destroy our Earth in 24 hours better
said us humans you can help us, after all we are friends!"

Abercrombie looked at the general, turned to Pockyaliens and shouted:

Do we want to help the humans because they are threatened by other vicious aliens.

Because otherwise our friends would be destroyed."

The Pockyaliens looked at each other and all shouted in chorus:

Yes we will help our friends because they have welcomed us well on their Planet!"

Tears came to the general's eyes and he had to struggle to say anything at all.

After 5 minutes of fighting with the tears, the general was finally able to answer Hopfmalschief:

Thank you so much for your help you will be forever in your debt."

Abercrombie looked at the general in amazement and said:

I will come with you to your headquarters and tell the other aliens what I think of this stupid plan."

Then Abercombie got on the helicopter.

On the way, the general said to Abercrombie:

How are you going to let your population know what to do?"

Abercrombie replied:

With thought transmission what else can't you humans do?"

No, we can't!"

replied the general.

Abercrombie said, "No problem, maybe we can teach you."

Now they were in the headquarters and Abercrombie sent a voice message to the leader Perpol.

(Perpol what is this threatening gesture my name is Abercrombie I am a Blarg and the humans are our

(Together with the humans we live here on earth in peace leave the humans alone and fly back to your

When Perpol heard this, he could not believe his ears.

He knew that where there is a Blarg, there are also the Pockyaliens and means big trouble for every
being in Space.

Perpol began to rage and kicked the spacecraft controls with his right foot.

Den he knew it wouldn't end well messing with the Pockyaliens.

The whole crew watched as Perpol threw a tantrum.

And started freaking out, shouting:

I'm going crazy now, the Pockyaliens are here, why the Pockyaliens of all people?"

Then he accidentally got to the self-destruct button on his own spaceship.

And everybody said in chorus on the spaceship:

Oh you holy pockyaliens amen!"

There was an explosion and Perpol was seen flying through Space.

He still said:


At headquarters, people rejoiced because the threat had destroyed itself.

And Abercrombie flew back on his island to the Pockyaliens.

This ends the 1st part of the Pockyaliens from 2022 they come back again your friends, the Pockyaliens.


Pockyaliens are funny little creatures that are harmless, but they can be dangerous for the.

When it comes to their friends, the humans.

They protect the humans and help them because they see the humans as their best friends.

Soon there will be a 2nd part of this and also a 3rd part of Pockyaliens but comes with time.
Be patient, the Pockyaliens will come again, I promise.

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