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SUBJECT NAME Strategic Marketing for Sustainable Growth

The Subject builds on fundamental concepts introduced in the
Marketing Management and focuses on the development and
application of value-enhancing strategies utilized by marketing
managers. The Subject is of immense benefit to anyone who is or
plans to be involved in the product planning, market research,
pricing, communication, distribution, services delivery, and e-
commerce of an organization. The primary application of the Subject
SUMMARY/ is to help firms realize profits, but the concepts and models taught in
OVERVIEW the Subject can easily be applied to even not-for-profit firms.
Students will learn the components and constructs of a strategic
marketing plan, and will gain considerable experience in the analysis
of complex marketing decisions. In addition, this Subject examines
the major trends in marketing including the integration of marketing
communications, radical changes in the selling function and sales
force, customer relationship management, and the broadening role
of marketing throughout organizations.
Outline the process required to develop marketing strategies, and
describe the nature of key strategic decisions Make the students
aware of the major aspects of the planning and controlling of
marketing operations Demonstrate how some of the analytical
models and techniques be applied to marketing planning and control
to produce superior marketing performance Develop highly
sensitive environmental monitoring systems that are capable of
identifying trends, opportunities and threats at a very early stage
Develop an organizational structure and managerial mindset that
leads the organization to respond quickly and cleverly.
On completion of this unit you To achieve the learning outcome you
should be able to: must demonstrate the ability to:
Outline the process required to develop
Understand the basic concepts - evidenced
1 marketing strategies, and describe the
in class discussion
nature of key strategic decisions
Recollect of the major aspects of the Identify the right methods to plan and
2 planning and controlling of marketing control marketing operations- evidenced in
operations class discussion and case study

Demonstrate how some of the
analytical models and techniques be
Develop a model-for marketing planning
3 applied to marketing planning and
evidenced in class discussion
control to produce superior marketing
Develop systems that are capable of
Critically evaluate early stage marketing
4 identifying trends, opportunities and
systems- evidenced in class discussion
threats at a very early stage
Frame an organizational structure and
Learn the organizational structure and
managerial mindset that leads the
5 managerial mindset concepts – evidenced in
organization to respond quickly and
class discussion and case study
The pedagogy for this course includes:
APPROACH TO • Lectures on concepts in class
• Discussion of contemporary industry trends
• Analysis of case studies to understand ‘best practices’ field
project(s) to develop problem-solving skills
1 DSA Written examination 20 2 hours and 50 Marks
2 AT Class attendance 5 Throughout the course
Case study/ Assignments,
Presentation on various
CS / PR / OR /
3 topics, Viva- voce/ Quiz, 25 Throughout the course
Participation in class
Semester End Written
4 50 3 hours and 100 marks
Examination Examination

Outline Teaching Schedule

Unit Chapter in
Topic to be covered
Number the text book
Overview and Strategy Blueprint - Scenarios and simple rules
I Marketing Strategy – analysis and perspectives 1&2
concept, definition, orientation and perspectives
Environmental and internal analysis : market information
and intelligence
II 3
Strategic analysis of external and internal marketing
environment ‘Strategic fit’

Strategic marketing decisions, choices, and mistakes
Strategic choice and decisions at corporate level, SBU
level and functional level
Strategic mistakes and organizational failure
Segmentation, targeting, and positioning strategies
Segmentation tools, measuring effectiveness of target segments
IV 5
and perceptual mapping
Emotional segmenting and price-benefit position maps
Branding strategies 6
Complex nature of brands, branding and functionality, brand
equity and brand architecture, the brand wheel, the latest brand
Relational and sustainability strategies Relationship 7
VI marketing in the B2C context, CRM, competitive advantage,
customer experience management,
Product innovation and development strategies Disruptive
VII business models – products and technologies, horizons of 8
growth, innovation models, customization
Service marketing strategies
VIII Service experience and service quality, operational efficiency a 9
profitability, differentiation and competitive advantage
Pricing and distribution
Pricing and strategic options, online pricing, pricing strategy
IX 10
implementation distribution, multi-channel marketing
meeting of price and distribution strategies
Marketing communications
X Theoretical roots, MARCOMS Strategic process, media strategy, 11
operations and frequency
E – marketing strategies
XI E-markets,, navigation, IIDC Strategic process, Communities and 12
global issues
Social and ethical strategies
Firm and its role in society, environmental/green marketing,
XII 13
virtue matrix, new social compact

Strategy implementation, control, and metrics

XIII Implementation, budget, control, organization, metrics, financial 14
measures, market share and customer equity

Recommended Resources

Essential Textbook:

West, Douglas; Ford John; Ibrahim Essam; Strategic Marketing : Creating Competitive
Advantage; Second Edition; India Edition; OXFORD University Press
Reference Books:

1. Kotler, Keller, Koshy and Jha, Marketing Management, Pearson Publications

2. Subash C Jain, Marketing Strategy, Planning, Implementation, and Control, Cengage
3. Richard M S Wilson and Colin Gilligan (2011) Strategic Marketing Management: Planning,
Implementation and Control, 3rd Edition, Elsevier
4. Anderson & Vincze, Strategic Marketing, 2nd Edition, Biztantra Publications

Recommended Journals:

1. Journal of Marketing
2. Journal of Strategic Marketing
3. Journal of Relationship Marketing
4. Case Folio
5. Global Business Review
6. IIMB Management Review
7. Indian Journal of Marketing
8. Asian Journal of Management Cases

Useful research resources on internet:

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