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Chapter 1: Introduction 5
1.1. License ....................................................................................... 5
1.2. Installation ................................................................................... 6
1.3. Overarching topics .......................................................................... 6
1.4. Credits ....................................................................................... 6
Chapter 2: Reference 7
2.1. Overview .................................................................................... 7
2.2. Quick Reference ............................................................................ 8
2.3. The ER and Room Modes .................................................................. 9
1 Introduction

1.1. License

Copyright (C) 2008 by H. L. Goldberg.

The contained software is given to use under a freeware license.

This software is provided free of charge but the author retains copyright.
You are not allowed to make any copies or redistribute this software including but not
limited to making the software available for download or making this software part of
a software CD compilation.

You are not allowed to sell or to rent this software. You are not allowed to reverse
engineer this software.

You are allowed to use this software for any artistic application including commercial
music production.

This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty. In no event
will the author be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software.

'VST' is a Technology and Trademark by Steinberg.

1 Introduction

1.2. Installation

• Windows XP, SSE support
• Tested and known to work in many VST compatible hosts

Put one of the “.dll” files contained in this archive in the VST Plug-In folder of your
host. Choose either the SSE1 or the SSE2 version depending on the capabilities of
your computer.

1.3. Overarching topics

Warning: Lower your listening volume while operating the Plug-In to avoid hearing
damage or damage of speakers or any other equipment.

Usage tips:
• Use the 'OUT' knob to level the outgoing audio and for handy A/B compari-
• Use <ctrl> + mouse left click on a knob or switch to restore default position
• Use <shift> + mouse left click on a knob to fine adjust values

Some general tips on reverberation:

1. Less is more in todays modern music productions

2. In some cases adding just some early reflections is enough and no full reverb
tail is necessary – use the epicVerbs 'AMBIENCE' mode for this
3. Feed the audio through a delay into the reverb to achieve that “larger then life”
4. Use EQ to remove resonances or shape the overall frequency response of the
room simulation

And always remember: garbage in, garbage out ;-)

1.4. Credits

Grafic design by Patrick Barca, – it was a pleasure to work with you.
Special thanks to the community and all the beta testers.
Many thanks to Christian Budde for his famous Plug-In analyzer.

2 Reference

2.1. Overview
This reverberation device aims at both: Tight small rooms and ambiences well suited
to modern drum and vocal productions up to large “epic” halls as known from high
quality outboard gear. This reverbs sound ranges from rather concrete or even edgy
up to smooth, transparent and artifact free reverb tails. It is designed for maximum
flexibility and usability and to take place as a true high quality stereo main reverb.

epicVerb features two different sounding reverberation modes and 6 different stereo
early reflection models. There are some standard reverb controls like ‘TIME’, ‘DAMP’
or ’PRE-DELAY’ as well as reverb tail modulation and detailed control over very first
reflections as an option.

It offers different reverb time handling for high and low frequencies as well as a musi-
cal sounding EQ section containing two “BootEQ” equalizers and additional high- and
lowpass filtering.

2 Reference

Plug-in specification

• PC / VST compatible
• SSE and Assembler optimized sound engine
• State-of-the-art digital signal processing
• Smooth reverb tail processing without any ringing or metallic sounding artifacts
• Different reverb and early reflection modes for maximum flexibility

2.2. Quick Reference

PRE-DELAY Pre-delay time in ms

TIME Reverb decay time in ms
+10s This switch adds 10 seconds to the 'TIME' parameter. This way one can
obtain reverberation decay times from 10 up to 20 seconds
SELECT ER Steps through the 6 different early reflection models (see below for further
details). Selecting a specific ER also changes internally the size of the
room model
DAMP Damps the reverb tail (this actually affects reverb decay time)
REVERB/ EV features one 'REVERB' algorithm and in addition an extra 'AMBIENCE'
AMBIENCE mode. The ambience mode features just the ERs and no reverb tail
MOD Dials in the reverb tail modulation (sometimes refered to as "chorus")
RT-LOW The device offers different reverb time handling for high and low frequen-
cies and this is done through RT-LOW which defines the reverb time for the
low frequency range as a multiplier to TIME
RT-XOVR Defines the crossover frequency according to RT-LOW
1st 2nd ER Control about the very first early reflections is given with this parameter
section: Changes timing and level of the early reflections behavior - use
this to obtain a more focused or diffuse sound. It can change the overall
sound as well ranging from a more 'colorful' to a rather 'transparent'
sound. Changing the first affects the second and changing both affects
other reverb details under the hood as well. This way altering the timing
can affect the overall reverberation even if both 'LEVEL' controls are set to
minimum (left most position). Timing is displayed in ms. Level control is
unity in upper middle position and increases clock-wise (decreases
counter clock-wise)
GAIN-FREQ, The two EQ knobs: The outer ring selects the frequency and the inner
HiQ knob increases or decreases that frequencies gain (+/-12dB or +/-18dB in
HiQ mode). Inner knob in upper middle position is 0dB
HP-LP Highpass and lowpass filter
MID-SIDE Alters the width of the output signal by M/S processing
DRY-WET Mixes the unprocessed (dry) and the processed (wet) signal
OUT Output gain in dB
ON Power on

The ER and Room Modes

2.3. The ER and Room Modes

HALL ● Large room size

● Widely distributed reflections
● Works best for larger reverbs
PLATE ● Medium room size
● Centered / even ER's
● More centered sound and reflection distribution
ROOM 1 ● Smallest room size
● Mostly centered / even sound
● Best for smaller things and small plate simulations as well
ROOM 2 ● Small room size
● Different and uneven ER distribution
● Works good as well for large halls
REFLEX ● Medium room size
● Offers more pronounced reflections
● Good for FX types of sounds or pseudo 'spring reverb'
ECHO FX ● Large room size
● Features some ghostly delays
● Cool for weird FX things

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