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English – Common Notes Grade: III

Prose 3: Williwu Learns to Make Friends

I. Vocabulary:

1. Halloween
2. closet
3. scampered
4. pleaded
5. moaned
6. spell
7. brew
8. thatch house
9. gurgled
10. eager

II. Give the synonyms and frame sentences using the following words:

1. pleaded – begged
The poor man pleaded for money.

2. scampered - moved quickly with short steps

The puppy scampered to a corner when it saw the big dog.

3. spell - words that have magical power

The witch cast a magic spell to change the boy into a frog.

III. Give the antonyms:

1. bright X dark
2. unhappy X happy
3. worst X best
4. slowly X quickly
5. enemies X friends
IV. Answer the following questions:

1. Why did Williwu want to go to the moon?

Williwu wanted to go to the moon because it was Halloween and

all the witches were getting ready to party on the moon.

2. Why did Williwu plead for a new broom?

Williwu pleaded for a new broom because her broom was

destroyed by the mice that were in the cupboard.

3. Did Williwu learn to be less shy? How do you know?

Yes, Williwu learnt to be less shy. I know it because she asked for
help from the willow tree, the well and Valerie.

4. What is the meaning of the line, ‘It’s up to you, Williwu’ in the


The line ‘It’s up to you, Williwu’ means that if Williwu wants to go

to the moon, it entirely depends on her, whether to ask help from
others or not.

5. How did Valerie help Williwu?

Valerie helped Williwu by bringing her friends with her to move

the stone from the well.

V. Extracts:

1. “Williwu was a little witch girl. She was very excited about
partying with little witch girls from other parts of the world.”

a. What is the festival that is being celebrated in this lesson?

Ans: The festival that is celebrated in this lesson is Halloween.

b. Where was the party taking place?

Ans: The party is taking place in the moon.

2. “’Williwu,’ he said, ‘Spells never do any magic. Only friends can.’”

a. Who said this to whom?

Ans:The stone said this to Williwu.

b. Why did the stone say this to Williwu?

Ans: The stone said this because the spell, cast by Williwu to
move the stone did not work.


1. If you’re a witch like Williwu and you have the power to cast a
spell. What will you do with that power?

Ans: Student’s response

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