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TERM 20.2A - YEAR 2020-2021 Code:

Course Abbreviation and Number: MK402DE01
Duration of Exam: 5 DAYS
 Open book




 Đánh máy bằng phần mềm Microsoft Word, và bảng số liệu bằng Microsoft Excel (nếu
có): đặt tên theo cấu trúc như sau: HỌ TÊN SINH VIÊN_MSSV_MK402DE01_0100
 Sinh viên nộp bài qua Course khóa học Elearning: Quản trị marketing B2B qua đường

 This examination is worth 50% of the final assessment.

Đạo đức liêm chính học thuật: "(i) Mỗi sinh viên cần thực hiện đạo đức liêm chính
bằng cách bảo mật bài làm của mình không được cho sinh viên khác xem. (ii) Sinh viên
không được sao chép quá mức các nguồn tài nguyên trên internet. GV sẽ thực hiện test
mẫu ngẫu nhiên, và nếu phát hiện sinh viên vi phạm 2 mục trên thì bài thi sẽ bị đưa ra
hội đồng đánh giá và trừ điểm và xử lý kỷ luật theo quy định của Trường"

Hanoi Plastics Joint Stock Company (HPC) was established in 1972, headquartered in
Group 12, Phuc Loi Ward, Long Bien, Hanoi and became a member company of An Phat
Holdings - Plastic Plastic Group Art from the end of2018.
HPC is equipped with modern and modern production, production lines and equipment
systems imported from the US, Western European countries, Japan and some new
industrial countries (NICs) with mechanized qualifications. and relatively high
automation. HPC is considered as the leading modern and advanced plastic
manufacturing company in Vietnam, being the leader of North Vietnam in the technology
of producing high quality industrial engineering plastic products according to
international standards.

In terms of products, HPC has manufactured hundreds of high-tech plastic products,
which are also supplied to industries and civil users, meeting domestic demand for
imported goods and rapidly increasing export turnover. The main products of HPC are
electronic and telecommunication components, motor vehicle parts, air conditioning
components, plastic pallets. All of these product categories have exclusive HPC
registered trademarks, are mass produced on automatic machines, equipment systems,
advanced technology by imported standard materials and managed pepper. International
standard ISO 9001-2015 is of high quality according to Japanese standard JIS 10K. HPC
has a wide network of customers, from global multinational corporations such as Honda,
Toyota, Piaggio, LG, Panasonic ... to big domestic enterprises such as Vinfast, Dong Anh
Plastic Company ...

As a member of An Phat Holdings, an important link in business ecosystem, HPC will

have new development strategies to become a leading company in the engineering plastic
industry in Vietnam.

The key to helping Hanoi Plastics "accelerate"
“Independent and proactive in technology is a big dream of many businesses. And in
order to realize that dream, it is necessary to research and develop (R&D), invest in
facilities and people, especially a team with good expertise, understanding background
knowledge. Gathering this team, creating conditions for them to rub and resonate is a
priority in the field of supporting industries today,” said Mr. Bui Minh Hai, Chairman of
Hanoi Plastics Joint Stock Company.

When focusing on this field, An Phat Holdings Group has researched and given clear
orientations and strategies to carefully build infrastructure, invest in equipment, and
apply technology for manufacturing. get important details and components for big
companies. In particular, the Group has invested and turned Hanoi Plastics into an
enterprise capable of designing and manufacturing all kinds of molds from super-
precision to large-sized molds for the automotive industry, but few enterprises which can
be done in the country.

Instead of having to cooperate with one or more third and fourth parties to design,
manufacture and test molds, which increases production costs and time, the end-to-end
finishing of products within the company. You will improve quality and reduce costs.
With two factories in Hanoi and Hai Duong, especially possessing a modern mold
system, Hanoi Plastics is now competitive enough to strongly develop this segment.

In particular, the company attaches great importance to the development of core human
resources. When working with FDI customers, Hanoi Plastics completes the basic criteria
required by partners, then coordinates with consultants to come up with products that
exactly meet partners' requirements. Every year, the company organizes training and
retraining of key human resources, sending to participate in training courses, training
with research experts and providing effective solutions in production labor.

"We believe that, in order to create components with high complexity and high
brainpower, the human resource strategy is an extremely important strategy," added Mr.

In addition, Hanoi Plastics plays an important role in supporting industry development

programs organized by the Ministry of Industry and Trade, in order to expand, connect
trade and share experiences with many businesses and ministries , departments, branches
in the same field.

The company has been actively participating in production improvement cooperation
programs of the Ministry of Industry and Trade in combination with FDI enterprises.
Members of Hanoi Plastics are An Trung Industries Limited and Vietnam Precision
Mechanics and Mold Manufacturing Company Limited (VMC) which are also evaluated
by FDI enterprises as excellent enterprises in improvement and growth programs steps in
improving production capacity and quality control.

Which path for Vietnamese businesses?

In the face of fierce competition in the marketplace and to catch the shifting wave, many
businesses are facing the challenge of comprehensive change to become a supplier. Take
Hanoi Plastics Joint Stock Company (a member of An Phat Holdings) - a long-time
supplier for Honda, Toyota, Samsung, Foxconn... as an example.

In 2010, Hanoi Plastics became the first supplier of plastic components for Toyota
Vietnam. Up to now, the company's plastic parts have been present in most of Toyota's
cars assembled in Vietnam and become the leading supplier of plastic components. It is
an important partner in Toyota Vietnam's strategy to increase the localization rate.

"Developing core competencies is the best way for businesses to overcome all challenges
and stay sustainable in the market" - Mr. Bui Minh Hai shared the lesson of Hanoi
Plastics when becoming a supplier for the Group. top group.

In 2020, thanks to the application of 5s rule and standardization of work, as a result,

Hanoi Plastics has cut costs by an estimated VND 2.8 billion through mold
improvements, on average labor productivity increases by 10 %.

The change took place in both quality and quantity when Hanoi Plastics was one of the
first enterprises to invest and develop injection molding plastic technology in Vietnam. In
parallel with processing machines, Hanoi Plastics is one of the few Vietnamese
enterprises to invest in auxiliary equipment such as large-sized 3D measuring machines
to serve the inspection of finished products to meet the requirements of partners in terms
of accuracy. exactly products that not many Vietnamese enterprises can meet.

The asphalt road Hanoi chooses, according to Chairman Bui Minh Hai, is determined to
pioneer in spearhead fields, first of all, the segment of plastic components in the high-
tech field of automobiles - motorcycles and electricity and electronics. .

Besides traditional customers such as Honda, Toyota, Samsung, Piaggio..., Hanoi Plastics
is investing in production improvement, updating new technology, training high-quality
human resources and especially preparing financial resources. solid key to seek and
expand cooperation with global corporations.

The story of how to become a supplier for multinational corporations, though not new, is
still a conundrum for many business owners. However, if businesses are proactive in
being creative, enterprising, and boldly innovating technology, there are opportunities for
Vietnamese enterprises to participate more deeply in the global supply chain when the
global manufacturing industry is more deeply connected to the world.






1. Let’s analyze the successful strategy of Ha Noi Plastic Joint Stock Company
through bridge to profit – consits of 4 component of a business model (4.0 marks)
a. Customer interface
b. Core strategy
c. Strategic resource
d. Value network

2. Select one of the four member companies of HPC and analyze the target market
for the company in Ho Chi Minh City based on the macro market segmentation
variable and the micro market segmentation variable. (2.0 marks)

3. Please prepare a bidding document including product specifications, quality

standards, prices structure and support services for the following request: (2.0

a. As a professional marketer, please help the company build a typical sales
cycle: task performed through sale process (1.0 marks)

Lead Generation

Lead Qualification

Bid and Proposal

Negotiations and
Sales Closure


Customer care and support

b. Decide how to organize your company’s personal selling effort according

to product oriented sales organization or market centered organization and
Explain the reason why you do that ? (1.0 marks)



A business concept is a must-have of every operation that differs them from their
competitors, and Ha Noi Plastic Joint Stock Company (HNPJSC in short) is not a

There are 4 component of the successful strategy of Ha Noi Plastic Joint Stock Company,
which is:

1. Customer Interface
- Fulfillment and Support which is the channels that HNPJSC applies in order to
reach and support its customers

HPC adopts direct channel distribution strategy which is a channel without independent
intermediaries, such as agents, wholesalers, retailers involved in the distribution process.
HPC products are distributed directly from the manufacturer to the customer through the
activities of the sales staff of the enterprise. In the B2B market, the unpopular high-tech
products, such as the injection molding plastic technology of HPC, are sold directly by
the company's sales representatives because they are well-trained and have in-depth
product knowledge. For that reason, applying direct channel strategy is suitable for HPC.
Besides, the goal of this strategy might be to reduce operating costs which come up with
higher profit or lower price to increase the competitive advantage.

- Information & Insight which involve the capture of knowledge from customers
and utilize it to offer increased value to them.

The customers of HPC are mainly foreign direct investment enterprises in the industry,
such as Toyota Vietnam, Honda, Panasonic, etc and large-sized domestic businesses,
such as Dong Anh Plastic Company, Vinfast, etc; which set strict standards, and require
high-quality technical materials from their suppliers to further improve product quality.
HPC has to fulfill the expectation of its customers by having production standard, such as
International standard ISO 9001-2015

- Relationship Dynamics which involve the dyadic nature of the buy/sell

relationship in order to understand customer expectations so it can exceed them,
increase the affiliation and lower competitive influences.

In the context of fierce competition in the marketplace, nowadays, many manufacturer
are struggling with the barrier of comprehensive changes to be able to become a supplier.

Thus, getting the basic criteria requested by partners completed is not enough, HPC had
to continuously improve the technology to meet the demands of its customers. It has
catch the shifting wave, and made breakthroughs in production technology, such as being
one of the very first manufacturers in Vietnam which invest and develop injection
molding plastic technology and invest in auxiliary equipment such as large-sized 3D
measuring machines to serve the inspection of finished products to meet the requirements
of partners in terms of accuracy. These high-tech equipment is totally not popular in
Vietnam, so that it helps to increase the competetive advantages of HPC, and gain trust
from customers.

- Pricing Structure - Employs a pricing policy and structure that enhances profits
but not at the expense of curtailing business. 

Because of being an Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM in short), the production

cost (such as: input materials, price fluctuations) is an important factor that mainly affects
the price of the products of HPC. It cannot be denied that there is no price-setter ignores
the cost factor when considering the price. The reason is that if we prolong the situation
that price does not cover enough costs for a long time, the business will go bankrupt.

Furthermore, for HPC, customer evaluation of the product value is also an element of its
pricing strategy. In general, the customer's evaluation of the product value, referred to as
the customer's perceived value in short, is the benefits that the customer receives from the
product. In terms of structure, perceived value includes: benefits from product
characteristics; benefit from service and technical assistance; reputation value;
negotiating value; relative value. As we can see, product characteristics of HPC could be
considered as high-technical, Proprietary technology, standardized, so that HPC could
offer the economical value for its customers, help them to further improve product

Besides, in the B2B market, it is very common for customers to send bidding documents
to suppliers which is a fairly popular form of transaction, so that bidding pricing method
is also applied by HPC

2. Core strategy

The core strategy includes three elements which are

- Business Mission
The business mission describes overall strategic objective, sets course direction, and
defines  performance criteria to measure progress.

Because of being a significant link in business ecosystem of An Phat Holding, HPC will
have new development strategies to become a pioneer in the Vietnamese engineering
plastic industry, not only to become a supplier for domestic corporations, but also to find
and expand cooperation with global enterprises/ multinational enterprises

To be able to actualize it, developing core competencies is the most effective solution for
HPC to overcome all challenges and stay sustainable in the market

- Product/Market Scope
Product/market scope defines where firm competes.
As we can see, HPC is considered as the leading modern and advanced plastic
manufacturing company in North Vietnam

- Basis for Differentiation

Basis for differentiation captures essence of how firm competes differently than its rivals
do. A business is differentiated when its value-adding activities are perceived as superior
and profitable. Value-added features need to motivate customers to pay a higher premium
than the cost of superior performance. To differentiate itself from competitors, HPC
provided superior performance by investing in auxiliary equipment such as large-sized
3D measuring machines to serve the inspection of finished products to meet the
requirements of partners in terms of accuracy; to satisfy responsiveness to complex
orders and customized to solve customer problems.

Furthermore, HPC also provides superior quality by reducing customer costs.

Instead of having to cooperate with one or more third and fourth parties to design,
manufacture and test molds, which increases production costs and time, the end-to-end
finishing of products within the company, HPC does it itself with two factories in Hanoi
and Hai Duong. That means they can lower the cost of the product, so that lower the cost
for their customers.

3. Strategic Resources

- Core competencies are set of skills, systems, and technologies that create
uniquely high value for customers.

Developing the core human resources is an important work which is concentrated by

coordinating with consultants to come up with products that successfully satisfy
requirement of customers. “Every year, the company organizes training and retraining of
key human resources, sending to participate in training courses, training with research
experts and providing effective solutions in production labor.”

- Strategic assets are more tangible requirements for advantage; includes brands,
customer data, distribution coverage, patents.

About branding factor: “HPC is considered as the leading modern and advanced plastic
manufacturing company in Vietnam, being the leader of North Vietnam in the technology
of producing high quality industrial engineering plastic products according to
international standards.”

- Core processes are methodologies and routines that companies use to transform
competencies, assets, and other inputs into value for customers.

“Besides traditional customers such as Honda, Toyota, Samsung, Piaggio..., Hanoi

Plastics is investing in production improvement, updating new technology, training high-
quality human resources and especially preparing financial resources as solid key to seek
and expand cooperation with global corporations.”

4. Value Network

“A value network includes those who complement and enrich the organization.”

HPC has beneficial relations with vendors, partners, suppliers and other supporters.

“The company has been actively participating in production improvement cooperation
programs of the Ministry of Industry and Trade (MIT in short) in combination with FDI
enterprises. It is also evaluated by FDI enterprises as excellent enterprises in
improvement and growth programs steps in improving production capacity and quality

Besides, it has a significant role in supporting industry development programs organized

by the MIT, to expand, connect trade and share experiences with many enterprises and
ministries , departments, branches in the same field.

Moreover, HPC also cooperates with experts, course providers to let employees
participate in intensive training courses..

Như chúng ta đã thấy, tình trạng sinh viên mới ra trường không thể tìm được việc do
thiếu kinh nghiệm, hay phải làm nhữung công việc trái ngành, ko đúng vs năng lực
chuyên môn ngày càng nhiều. họ phải làm những nghề khác để có thể trang trải chi phí
sinh hoạt

Do đó, chúng tôi với tư cách……

Định nghĩa, xe ôm công nghệ, shipper giao đồ ăn

 Là những công việc linh động về thời gian

 Tự do trong thu nhập
 Ko đòi hỏi chuyên môn, chỉ đòi hòi sức lực
 Công việc phổ thông
 Phổ biến ở các thành phố lớn, mức sống cao

Công việc đúng chuyên ngành

 Làm cho những doanh nghiệp

 Bị phụ thuộc/ ràng buộc
 Đòi hỏi kinh nghiệm chuyên môn, kỹ năng
 Ưu tiên những người có kinh nghiệm
 Mức lương cố định trong nhiều năm. Rất khó để tăng lương


Trang trải chi phí khi sống ở thành phố lớn

 Ko phải sinh viên nào cũng có điều kiện kinh tế

 Nhận hỗ trợ từ gia đình
 Sinh viên tỉnh, thuê nhà trọ, tốn rất nhiều chi phí

Chi phí thuê nhà, chi phí ăn uống, chi phí xăng xe, chi phí

Ăn mì gói

Ít có kinh nghiệm nên lương thấp

Thường phải trải qua khóa thực tập 3 tháng với mức lương thấp khoảng 3 triệu

Họ chủ động trong thời gian. Ko chạy xe thì có thể làm những công việc khác kiếm thêm
thu nhập

Tháp nhu cầu maslow

Có thêm tiền để gửi cho ba mẹ, để tiết kiệm

Chúng tôi ko nói là sẽ cố bám công việc shipper để có thể trụ vững

 Làm trong thời gian ngắn trong khi tìm kiếm 1 công việc khác lương cao hơn.

Mật độ dân số đông, nhu cầu shipper, xe ôm là rất cao, tỷ lệ đơn hàng rất nhiều, thu nhập
cao, nếu chăm chỉ.

Nghề nào cũng cao quý như nhau.


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