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UPDATED 5/22/18

Selected icons by Lorc and Delapouite under CC BY 3.0



Name: Name: Name:

Your hawk can aid you when it is aloft. You and your horse ride as one. Your hound is your steadfast companion.
{{ Far-seeing: When you Undertake {{ Swift: When you Face Danger with {{ Sharp: When you Gather Information
a Journey, or when you Resupply by +edge using your horse’s speed and using your hound’s keen senses to
hunting for small game, add +1. grace, or when you Undertake a track your quarry or investigate a
{{ Fierce: When you Secure an Advantage Journey, add +1. scene, add +1.
with +edge using your hawk to harass {{ Fearless: When you Enter the Fray or {{ Ferocious: When you Strike or Clash
and distract your foes, add +1 and take Secure an Advantage with +heart by alongside your hound and score a hit,
+1 momentum on a hit. charging into combat, add +1 and take inflict +1 harm or take +1 momentum.
{{ Vigilant: When you Face Danger +1 momentum on a hit. When you Compel with +iron using
with +wits to detect an ambush or {{ Mighty: When you Strike or Clash at threats of violence, add +1.
approaching threat, add +1 and take close range while mounted, add +1 and {{ Loyal: When you Test Your Spirit in the
+1 momentum on a hit. inflict +1 harm on a hit. company of your hound, add +1 and
take +1 momentum on a hit.

0 +1 +2 +3 0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 0 +1 +2 +3 +4


Name: When you are bound by loyalty to a leader When you are maimed...
or faction... {{ You focus your energies. Reduce your
Your raven heeds your call. edge or iron stat by 1 and add up to +2
zz When you Swear an Iron Vow to serve
{{ Sly: When you Face Danger or Secure your leader or faction on a critical to wits or heart, or +1 to each (either
an Advantage with +shadow using your mission, you may reroll any dice. stat should not exceed +4).
raven to perform trickery, add +1 and When you Fulfill Your Vow and mark {{ You overcome your limitations. Reduce
take +1 momentum on a hit. experience, take +1 experience. your maximum health or spirit by
{{ Knowing: When you Face Death, add {{ When you Sojourn in the company of 1 and ignore the max momentum
+2. your banner-kin, add +1 and take +1 penalty for being maimed.
{{ Diligent: Your raven can carry momentum on a hit. {{ You have stared down death before.
messages, allowing you to Secure an {{ When you Enter the Fray bearing When you are reduced to 0 health, take
Advantage, Gather Information, or your sworn banner, add +1 and take +1 momentum. When you Face Death,
Compel from a distance. +1 momentum on a hit. When you add +1.
burn momentum while carrying your
banner in battle, take +1 momentum
after you reset.
0 +1 +2


When you wield a unique weapon God’s Name: zz When you attempt to Heal using
imbued with the power of blood iron... herbal remedies, and you have at least
Stat: +1 supply, you may choose one (decide
before rolling).
zz When you say your daily prayers, you
{{ Instinct: When you are ambushed • Add +2.
may ask your god to grant a blessing.
and Enter the Fray, add +2 and take +1 • Take or give an additional +1 health
If you do, roll +your god’s stat. On a
momentum on a hit. on a hit.
strong hit, take +3 momentum. On a
{{ Baleful: When you Compel or Secure weak hit, suffer -1 spirit in exchange {{ When you Heal a companion, ally, or
an Advantage using threats with your for +2 momentum. other character, and you score a hit,
weapon in hand, add +1 and take +1 take +1 spirit or +1 momentum.
{{ When you Swear an Iron Vow to serve
momentum on a hit. {{ When you Make Camp and choose the
your god on a divine quest, you may
{{ Fury: When you inflict harm with roll +your god’s stat and reroll any dice. option to partake, you can use your
your weapon, you may inflict +1 harm. When you Fulfill Your Vow and mark herbs to create a restorative meal. If
When you do, suffer -1 spirit. experience, take +1 experience. you do, you and your companions may
{{ When you Sojourn, and spread the word take +1 health. Any allies who choose
of your god, you may roll + your god’s to partake may also take +1 health.
stat and take +1 momentum on a hit.


zz When you Turn the Tide, envision how zz When you Resupply or Make Camp in zz When you adopt a false identity, roll
your vows give you strength in this the wilds, add +1. +wits. On a strong hit, you may add +2
moment. Then, add +2 (instead of +1) {{ When your supply is reduced to 0, roll when you make moves which directly
when you make your move. +wits. On a strong hit, envision how leverage this identity. If you score a miss
{{ When you Secure an Advantage or you manage to scrape by, and take on a move with a 10 on either challenge
Compel by telling a hard truth, add +1 supply. On a weak hit, suffer -1 die, in addition to any other outcome,
+1 and take +1 momentum on a hit. momentum in exchange for +1 supply. your deception has been uncovered or
On a weak hit or miss, envision how On a miss, you are Out of Supply and is no longer effective. On a weak hit, as
this truth complicates your current must mark unprepared. above, but add +1 and your deception
situation. {{ Your life of solitude sets you apart from will be undone on a 9 or 10.
{{ When you Fulfill Your Vow and score others, but makes you alert to danger. {{ When you leverage your false identity
a weak hit or miss, you may reroll any When you Sojourn or Make Camp in to make a relationship move, you may
dice when you Swear an Iron Vow to the company of strangers, you may roll +shadow instead of +heart and
set things right. roll your action die twice and take the take +1 momentum on a hit.
highest result. If you do (decide before {{ When you Secure an Advantage by
rolling), a strong hit counts as a weak revealing your true identity in a
hit. dramatic moment, reroll any dice.



zz When you Gather Information or When you Fulfill Your Vow (formidable or When you are corrupted...
Secure an Advantage using your greater) in service to an elder mystic, and {{ You harden your heart. Reduce your
knowledge of tracking, woodcraft, Forge a Bond to train with them... heart stat by 1 and add up to +2 to
or wild animals, add +1 and take +1 zz When you perform a ritual, you may shadow (your shadow should not
momentum on a hit. suffer -1 supply or -1 health and add exceed +4).
{{ When you Face Danger or Secure an +1 (decide before rolling). If you {{ You are attuned to the realms of
Advantage by hiding or sneaking in the choose to suffer -health, Endure Harm shadow. When you perform a ritual,
forest, add +1. after the ritual is complete. add +1.
{{ When you Face Danger to dissuade {{ When you tattoo the essence of a ritual {{ You know the sly ways of death. When
a woodland animal or beast from onto your skin, envision the mark you you Face Death, you may roll +shadow
their attack, draw them away from create. You may then obtain or upgrade instead of +heart. You may also suffer
something, or bait them into a trap, that asset for 1 less experience. -1 momentum and add +1 (decide
add +1 and take +1 momentum on a {{ When you Secure an Advantage to before rolling).
hit. ready yourself for a ritual, envision
how you prepare. Then, add +1 and
take +1 momentum on a hit.



zz When you Gather Information related zz When you Gather Information or zz When you Secure an Advantage,
to mystical forces or creatures, add +1 Secure an Advantage using your Compel, or Forge a Bond by sharing an
and take +1 momentum on a hit. knowledge of horrors or beasts, add +1 inspiring or enlightening song, poem,
{{ When you interact with fellow mystics and take +1 momentum on a hit. or tale, envision the story you tell.
or mystical creatures through a {{ When you slay a horror or beast (at Then, add +1 and take +1 momentum
relationship move, add +1. least formidable), you may take a on a hit.
{{ When you pierce the veil and study trophy and use it one time to: {{ When you Make Camp and choose the
someone or a situation, roll +wits. On • Power a ritual: When you or an ally option to relax, you may share a story
a strong hit, envision the truth you make a ritual move, reroll any dice. with your allies or compose a new
learn and how it might help you (Ask • Prove your worth: When you story if alone. If you do, envision the
the Oracle if unsure). Then, take +3 Sojourn, reroll any dice. story you tell and take +1 spirit or +1
momentum. On a weak hit, the truth {{ When you Swear an Iron Vow to kill momentum. Any allies who choose to
is unsettling; take +2 momentum and a horror or beast, you may reroll any relax in your company may also take
suffer -1 spirit. On a miss, this truth dice. When you Fulfill Your Vow and +1 spirit or +1 momentum.
introduces new complications or mark experience, take +1 experience. {{ When you Sojourn within a
undermines your quest. community with which you share a
bond, add +2 instead of +1.


zz When you Face Danger or Secure zz When you Swear an Iron Vow to zz When you Undertake a Journey and
an Advantage by lying, bluffing, someone who fought beside you, or burn momentum, envision how
or cheating, add +1 and take +1 Forge a Bond with them, you may roll you reorient yourself. Then, take +2
momentum on a hit. +iron instead of +heart and take +2 momentum after you reset.
{{ When you Compel someone and score momentum on a hit. {{ When you Gather Information or
a miss, you may try a new approach {{ When you burn momentum in Secure an Advantage by carefully
by inventing an elaborate lie on the combat, envision how your hard- surveying the landscape or scouting
spot. Envision what you say and reroll won fighting experience gives you ahead, add +1 and take +1 momentum
any dice. On a strong hit, they accept advantage in this moment. Then, take on a hit.
your lie as the truth and you take +1 +1 momentum after you reset. {{ When you Swear an Iron Vow to safely
momentum. Anything other than a {{ When you Resupply by looting the guide someone on a perilous journey,
strong hit counts as a miss as your dead in a field of battle, add +1 and you may reroll any dice. When you
deceit is laid bare. take +1 momentum on a hit. Fulfill Your Vow and mark experience,
{{ When you Forge a Bond and confess a take +1 experience.
lie, roll your action die twice and take
the lowest result. On a hit, take +2
momentum and mark one more tick.



When you Fulfill Your Vow (formidable or Specialty: When you wield a bow...
greater) in service to a seasoned warrior, zz When you Secure an Advantage with
zz When you Secure an Advantage by
and Forge a Bond to train with them... +wits by taking a moment to aim,
crafting an item which is useful in
zz When you Secure an Advantage by your current quest, or when you Face envision where you intend to land
sizing up your foe in a fight, or in a Danger to create or repair an item in a your shot. Then, add +1 and take +1
charged situation which may lead to a perilous situation, add +1 and take +1 momentum on a hit.
fight, add +1 and take +1 momentum momentum on a hit. {{ Once per fight, when you Strike or
on a hit. {{ As above, but you may suffer -1 supply Clash, you may take extra shots and
{{ When you study or train in a new (after you roll) for an additional +1. suffer -1 supply. When you do, reroll
weapon or technique, you may {{ When you give an item you create as any dice, and take +1 momentum and
purchase or upgrade martial focus a gift to commemorate an important inflict +1 harm on a hit.
assets for 1 less experience. event or relationship, you may (one {{ When you Resupply by hunting, add +1
{{ When you Turn the Tide with a sudden time only) reroll any dice when you and take +1 momentum on a hit.
change of weapon or technique, and make a relationship move (not a
your next move is a Strike, you may progress move).
inflict +1d6 harm on a strong hit.



When you are unarmed or fighting with a When you wield a dagger or knife... When you wield a bladed weapon in each
non-deadly weapon... zz When you are in position to Strike hand...
zz When you Secure an Advantage with at an unsuspecting foe, choose one zz When you Clash or Strike, you may
+iron by engaging in close-quarters (before rolling). roll your action die twice and take
brawling (such as hitting, tripping, or • Add +1 and take +1 momentum on the highest result. You must commit
smashing), and score a hit, you may a hit. to this approach before rolling. If you
also inflict 1 harm. • Inflict +2 harm on a strong hit. do, inflict +1 harm on a strong hit and
{{ When you Strike or Clash, you may {{ When you Compel someone at the count a weak hit as a miss.
inflict 2 harm (instead of 1) if you point of your blade, or when you rely {{ Once per fight, when you Secure an
suffer -1 momentum (decide before on your blade to Face Danger, add +1 Advantage with +edge by making a
rolling). and take +1 momentum on a hit. bold display of your combat prowess,
{{ When you Face Danger or Clash {{ Once per fight,when you Secure you may reroll any dice.
against a brawling attack (such an Advantage with +shadow by {{ When you Draw the Circle, you may
as punches, kicks, slams, trips, or performing a feint or misdirection, reroll any dice.
grapples), add +1. reroll any dice and take +1 momentum
on a hit.


When you wear armor... When you wield a staff... When you wield a shield...
zz Given a few minutes, you may ready zz In your hands, a humble staff is a zz When you Face Danger using your
your armor. When you are... deadly weapon. You may inflict 2 harm shield as cover, add +1. When you
• Lightly armored: Add +1 when you (instead of 1). Clash in close quarters, take +1
Endure harm. {{ When you Strike or Clash, you may roll momentum on a strong hit.
• Geared for war: Mark encumbered, +edge (instead of +iron). When you {{ When you bear a shield painted with a
and add +2 when you Endure Harm. do, inflict 1 less harm in exchange for meaningful symbol, and you Test Your
{{ Your well-designed armor lets you take +1 momentum on a hit. Spirit against a fearsome foe, add +1
the blow. When you are geared for war, {{ When you Secure an Advantage using and take +1 momentum on a hit.
add +1 if you Clash. your staff to disarm, trip, shove, or {{ When forced to suffer -health, you
{{ Your armor marks you as a hardened stun your foe, you may roll +edge may sacrifice your shield (it is now
warrior. Add +1 when you Compel if (instead of +iron) and take +1 destroyed) and ignore up to 5 harm.
your strength-of-arms is a factor. momentum on a hit. If you do, suffer -2 momentum or -2




When you wield a spear... When you wield an axe... When you wield a sword...
zz When you Strike or Clash and score zz When you Strike or Clash in close zz When you Strike or Clash and burn
a hit, you may inflict 1 less harm and quarters, you may suffer -1 momentum momentum, inflict +2 harm on a hit.
take +2 momentum. and inflict +1 harm on a hit (decide {{ When you Clash and score a strong hit,
{{ When you Strike or Clash in close before rolling). you may add +1 if you immediately
combat and score a strong hit, you {{ When you make a tribute to a fallen follow with a Strike.
may drive your spear home and inflict foe (formidable or greater) by carving {{ When you Swear an Iron Vow by
+2 harm. If the fight continues, Face a rune in the haft of your axe, roll drawing your sword, kneeling, and
Danger with +iron to retrieve your +heart. On a strong hit, inflict +1d6 grasping the iron blade, add +1 and
spear before using it again. harm (one time only) when you next take +1 momentum on a hit. If you
{{ When you Secure an Advantage by inflict harm. On a weak hit, take +2 let the sword draw blood from your
bracing your spear against a charging momentum. On a miss, this death hands, suffer -1 health in exchange for
foe, or when you hold a foe at bay troubles you and you suffer -2 spirit. an additional +1 momentum on a hit.
using your spear’s reach, add +1 and {{ When you Secure an Advantage with
take +1 momentum on a hit. +iron using your axe to batter at your
foe’s armor, weapon, or shield, add +1
and take +1 momentum on a hit.



zz When you summon a murder of crows zz When you wear an animal pelt and zz When you surround the remains of a
and ask a single question, roll +wits. dance under the light of the moon, roll recently deceased intelligent creature
On a strong hit, you interpret their +wits. On a strong hit, the wearer of the with lit candles, and summon its spirit,
calls as a helpful omen. Envision the pelt will add +1 when making a move roll +heart. Add +1 if you share a
response (Ask the Oracle if unsure) and with the related stat (wolf-edge; bear- bond. On a strong hit, its spirit appears
take +2 momentum. On a weak hit, iron; deer-heart; fox-shadow; boar-wits) and you may converse for a few
the crows ignore your question and and may continue to add +1 with this minutes (make moves, as appropriate).
offer a clue to an unrelated problem or stat until they roll a 10 on a challenge On a weak hit, the encounter is
opportunity in this area. Envision what die. On a weak hit, a 9 or 10 on a tenuous and troubling; you suffer -1
you learn (Ask the Oracle if unsure), challenge die will exhaust the power. spirit and have only a few moments
and take +1 momentum. {{ As above, but you may instead perform before it slips away.
{{ As above, and the crows will also help this ritual using the pelt of a beast (not {{ As above, but you may also commune
guide you on the proper path. On a hit, an animal). When you do, name the with the long-dead.
add +1 on the next segment when you related stat and also give the wearer +2 {{ When you perform this ritual, add +1
Undertake a Journey. momentum on a hit. and take +1 momentum on a hit.
{{ When you perform this ritual, add +1 {{ When you perform this ritual, add +1
and take +1 momentum on a hit. and take +1 momentum on a hit.


zz When you take a drop of blood from a zz When you hold a weapon at sunrise zz When you look into flames to study
willing subject (not yourself) and cast and sing a keen for those it has killed, a remote person or location, roll
the rune-carved stones, roll +heart. roll +heart. On a strong hit (one time +shadow. You or someone in your
On a strong hit, you may Gather only) the wielder may inflict +1d6 presence must have knowledge of your
Information about that person and harm when inflicting harm. On a weak target. On a strong hit, you may Gather
people close to them (including insight hit, as above, but suffer -2 spirit as the Information through observation,
you and the subject have no knowledge voices of those who were slain join in and you may make this move using
of) by reading the runes. When you do, your song. +shadow. On a weak hit, the ritual
add +1. On a weak hit, the divination {{ As above, but on a strong hit, the requires extreme focus and leaves you
will require extra time and is troubling; wielder of this weapon may also (one troubled; suffer -1 momentum and -1
suffer -1 momentum and -1 spirit. time only) reroll any dice when they spirit.
{{ As above, but your divination can also attempt to End the Fight. {{ As above, but you may also study a
reveal information about this person’s {{ When you perform this ritual, add +1 past event.
future. and take +1 momentum on a hit. {{ When you perform this ritual, add +1
{{ When you perform this ritual, add +1 and take +1 momentum on a hit.
and take +1 momentum on a hit.



zz When you obscure yourself within the zz When you speak a person’s name three zz When you fashion a charm intended
gossamer veil of the shadow realms, times to the night wind, holding an to protect you from a specific person,
roll +shadow. On a strong hit, take +1 object which belonged to them, roll or a type of creature, envision what
momentum. You may also reroll any +shadow. On a strong hit, the winds you create and roll +wits. On a strong
dice (one time only) when you Face will whisper of this person’s need. If hit, when you leverage your charm to
Danger, Secure an Advantage or Gather you use this information when you oppose the target, add +1. You may
Information by hiding, sneaking, or Compel them, you may (one time only) continue to add +1 until you roll a 10
observing from concealment. On a reroll any dice. On a weak hit, the wind on either challenge die, at which point
weak hit, as above, but suffer -1 spirit. also whispers an ill omen. Envision the charm’s power is spent. On a weak
{{ As above, but you may also travel what it says, or Ask the Oracle, and hit, the charm’s power is spent on a roll
along the hidden paths of the shadow suffer -1 spirit. of 9 or 10 on either challenge die.
realms and can Undertake a Journey {{ As above, but on a strong hit you may {{ As above, but you may instead fashion
using +shadow. When you do, suffer -1 also attempt to Gather Information a charm which aids you generally
spirit. On a hit, mark one extra unit of from this person. If you do, reroll any against all supernatural threats, such as
progress. dice (one time only). mystic spells or horrors.
{{ When you perform this ritual, add +1 {{ When you perform this ritual, add +1 {{ When you perform this ritual, add +1
and take +1 momentum on a hit. and take +1 momentum on a hit. and take +1 momentum on a hit.



zz When you hold a totem of your animal zz When you paint yourself in blood zz When you walk a wide circle,
companion and focus for a minute or and ash, roll +wits. On a strong hit, sprinkling the ground with ash, roll
so, roll +heart. On a strong hit, you choose two. On a weak hit, choose one +wits. On a strong hit, choose two. On
may add an additional +1 when your but suffer -1 spirit. The effects last for a weak hit chose one.
companion aids you, and may continue several hours. • Take +1 momentum when anything
to add +1 until you roll a 10 on either • Protected: When you Face Death, crosses the boundary.
challenge die. On a weak hit, choose one. add +1. • Inflict 1 harm on anything or
• The connection is disturbing (suffer • Menacing: When you use anyone crossing the boundary.
-1 spirit). intimidation or fear to Compel or • Your ward is ‘likely’ (Ask the Oracle)
• It is painful for your companion (it Secure an Advantage, add +1. to trap an intruder within its
suffers -1 health). • Shadowed: When you Face Danger boundary.
{{ As above, and you may also perceive or Secure an Advantage by hiding or {{ As above, but improve the effect of
the world through your companion’s sneaking, add +1. your ward (+2 momentum, 2 harm, or
senses while you make moves aided by {{ As above, but improve the effect of one ‘almost certain’).
them (even when you are apart). of your choices (+2 instead of +1). {{ When you perform this ritual, add +1
{{ When you perform this ritual, add +1 {{ When you perform this ritual, add +1 and take +1 momentum on a hit.
and take +1 momentum on a hit. and take +1 momentum on a hit.

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