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Acharya Vinoba Bhave English Medium Secondary School

Transition Exam – March, 2021

Subject: English Max Marks: 60

Grade: IX Duration: 2.5 hours
Date: 03.05.2021


(A1) Do as Directed (04)

(1) Write two compound words starting with “sun”.

(2) Find out 4 hidden words of minimum 3 letters from – ‘ridiculously’
(3) Spot the error in the following sentence and rewrite it.
We is very late for school today.
(4) Arrange the following words in alphabetical order.
Elephant, donkey, monkey, ant, bat

(A2) Do as directed. (06)

(1) Complete the following word-chain of adjectives.

Happy, y , , ,
(2) Make a word register of 8 words related to ‘Classroom’.
(3) Identify the Type of Sentence
(i) When we come home, we first wash our hands.
(ii) Please complete your assignments.

(A3) Do as directed. (10)

(1) Underline the helping verb.

(iii)We should keep our surroundings clean.
(iv) I should return home before my mother gets upset.
(2) Make a word chain of nouns:
Apple, e___,_______, _______ ,________
(3) Write the antonym(opposite meaning words) of:
a. Clean, b. Small
(4) Identify the Kind of Sentence:
(i) My sister and I walk to school with my best friend, Namita.
(ii) The dog ran onto the street so the car swerved.
(5) Write the correct plural forms of the given nouns:
(i) ferry
(ii) calf
(iii) person
(iv) country


(Reading Skill, Vocabulary and Grammar)

2. (A) Read the following passage and do the activities. [10 Marks]
(A1) State whether the following statements are True or False. (2)
(i) Maya was not excited to live near her relatives.
(ii) Maya warmly greeted all the visitors when they came to welcome her family to Mumbai.
(iii)Maya was looking forward to making new friends in Mumbai.
(iv)Maya’s family was moving due to her father’s new job.

Maya’s house looked like it was hit by a hurricane. There were boxes all over the house and Maya
couldn’t find her things anywhere.
Her family was moving from Lucknow to Mumbai. It was a big move, and Maya didn’t want to
leave. She did not want to have to make new friends somewhere else. Her friends in Lucknow were just
fine. “I don’t want to move to Mumbai,” she said.
Her father said, “Maya, this is a good move for the whole family. I have a new job. We will live near
all our relatives. We will be able to see your grandparents, uncles, aunts and cousins.”
“I see them now at holidays,” Maya said.
“Yes, but we can see them everyday in Mumbai,” he said.
“I still don’t want to go,” Maya said stubbornly. Who would play badminton with her? Who would
sit next to her in class? Tears streamed from Maya’s eyes as she packed her toys and clothes.
A few days later, her family arrived at their new house in Mumbai. “How beautiful!” her mother
exclaimed as she looked at the street. “Can you hear the sound of the sea? Isn’t it wonderful, Maya?” she
But Maya would not talk to anyone. “I will not like it here,” she said to herself. Maya’s relatives and
the neighbours came to welcome them. Maya crossed her arms in front of her. She did not want to be in
Mumbai. She would not be happy! Later that day, the doorbell rang again. Maya opened the front door.
A group of smiling children stood there. One tall girl, holding a badminton racket, stepped forward,
“My name is Enu,” she said. “Would you like to play with us?”

(A2) Answer the following questions in complete sentences (3)

(i) Why did Maya not want to move to Mumbai?
(ii)Why did Maya’s father say that moving to Mumbai would be a good move for the whole family?
(iii)From the story, find one fact which shows that Maya and Enu share a common interest.
(A3) Fill in the blanks with suitable adjectives. (1)
(i) Maya must have felt as she packed her toys and clothes.
(ii)If I was Maya, I would feel to move to another city where my father had a new job.
(A4) Do as Directed (2)
(i) Mother loved the street. She loved the sound of the sea.
(Use a conjunction to join the two simple sentences into one compound sentence)
(ii) Maya didn’t want to go to Mumbai because she loved Lucknow.
(Convert the sentence into 2 simple sentences)

(A5) Do you think Maya will become friends with Enu and the other children? Why? (2)

Q2. (B) Read the following passage and do the activities. [10 Marks]

It was a cold Saturday afternoon and Mintu had spent an hour decorating the walls of his room with
pictures of the planets, spaceships, aliens, and stars. He was wondering to himself whether his room
looked ‘spacey’ enough for his friends, when just then the doorbell rang and in came Harish. “Hello,
Mintu. Wow, what have you done to the walls? Are we talking about space ships today?” he asked.
Before Mintu could reply, Feroz and Guttu came in too and asked amusingly, “Hey, are we going for a
ride on a space ship?"
“Very funny, Guttu. You’ll frighten everyone,” Mintu warned.
The doorbell rang again and Mintu opened the door to welcome Jaya and her little sister, Maya.
“Since everyone’s here, let’s have some snacks,” he said, inviting them to the table. There were moon
pies, Venus sandwiches, Saturn cookies and Neptune ice tea.
“Gather round,” Mintu said later, “And let’s talk about outer space today, something fascinating.
Firstly, who knows all the planets in our solar system?”
Maya said, “I know Earth and Mars.”
“I see, nobody knows. Here’s a way to learn them. There’s a sentence — My Very Eager Mother Just
Served Us Nine Pizzas. You can remember the names that way,” Mintu smiled.
“There’s a planet called Nine Pizzas?” asked Feroz.
“No, don’t be silly. This is just an innovative way to remember the names of the planets. Take the
first letter of each word and that’s what the planet begins with. Mercury is the first, then Venus, Earth,
Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and finally Pluto.”
“I get it Mintu, if we remember that sentence, it will help us remember all the planets,” Guttu
"Mintu, can we talk more about the planets?" asked Harish.
The small group of friends chatted about the nine planets and what they looked like; they talked
about other space words like comets, asteroids and meteors and the mysterious Black Hole and the
Milky Way. And in this way, they spent yet another wintry Saturday.

(B1) Which of the following titles is best suited to the main idea of the story? [Choose one] (1)
a. A Cold Saturday Afternoon
b. A ‘Spacey’ Discussion
c. A Day on a Distant Planet
d. Space Decorations
(B2) Answer the following questions in complete sentences [Answer all 3 questions] (3)
(i) What is the setting of the story?
(ii) What did Mintu and his friends do before they started talking about outer space?
(iii)What was Mintu’s innovative idea to remember the planets?
(B3) Identify 2 compound words from the passage. (1)
(B4) Identify the proper and common nouns from the passage below and fill in the table: (3)

It was a cold Saturday afternoon and Mintu had spent an hour decorating the walls of his
room with pictures of the planets, spaceships, aliens, and stars.
Proper Nouns Common Nouns

(B5) Personal Response (2)

‘Mintu had spent an hour decorating the walls of his room with pictures of the planets, space ships, aliens,
and stars. ‘How would you like to decorate your room? Describe in 2-3 sentences.

Q2. (C) Read the following passage and do the activities. [10 Marks]

Best Friends or Not?

Anjali and Neeti had been best friends since kindergarten. They were very different people.
Anjali loved reading and was taking dance lessons but Neeti preferred sports and enjoyed
watching movies. Anjali and Neeti would play together in the park and on rainy days, they stayed
indoors making crafts or playing video games. Some days they were very friendly; on other days
they argued about what to do. One day, they couldn’t agree on what game they wanted to play.
“We always do what you want to do Neeti, it’s my turn to choose.” Anjali was getting frustrated.
“Fine, go play on the swings by yourself, I’m playing badminton,” Neeti shouted. Anjali
left angrily and when she got home, she realized she still had Neeti’s notebook. Well, I’m not
giving it back today, Anjali thought.
The next day at school, when their teacher asked for their notebooks, of course Neeti didn’t
have hers, and she had to stand in a corner of the classroom. Anjali was troubled because she
knew she should have told Mrs. Raju that she had Neeti’s notebook.
At lunchtime, Anjali handed Neeti’s notebook to Mrs. Raju and explained the problem.
“Would you help us solve our problem?” Anjali asked.
Mrs. Raju readily agreed and called both the girls after school. They each said that they got
frustrated with the other person a lot because they didn’t always want to do the same things, but
they never really solved their problem. One of them just always went home.
Mrs. Raju helped them realize that best friends didn’t always have to play together every
day. So, they decided to just play together a couple of times a week, and take turns picking the

(C1) Complete the following sentences (1)

(i) One day, Anjali got frustrated because .
(ii) Anjali was troubled because she knew she .

(C2) Answer the following questions in complete sentences [Answer all 3 questions] (1)
(i) What did the two best friends, Anjali and Neeti like to do together?

(C3) Choose the correct option (2)

(i) What was the cause of the argument mentioned in the passage?
a. They couldn’t agree on which movie they wanted to go to
b. Neeti insisted in going to Bela’s house while Anjali didn’t want to
c. They couldn’t agree on what game they wanted to play
d. They couldn’t agree on whether cats were better pets than dogs
(ii) In the sentence above, the underlined word means the same as:
a. were very friendly with each other
b. didn’t like each other
c. ignored the other person
d. became very irritated with each other

(C4) Personal Response (1)

What would you do if you were Neeti and your friend didn’t return your notebook?

(C6) Put the events of the story, ‘Best Friends or Not?’ in the correct order (5)
Neeti and Anjali decided that they would just play together a couple times a week.
(i) Anjali realized she had Neeti’s notebook, but decided she would not give it back to her.
(ii)During lunch, Anjali brought Neeti’s notebook to Mrs. Raju and explained the problem to her.
(iii)One day, Anjali got frustrated because she thought they only did what Neeti wanted to do.
(iv)Neeti did not have her notebook so she had to stand in the corner during class.
(v)After Neeti and Anjali fought, Anjali left angrily and went home.

Mrs. Raju advised Neeti and Anjali that best friends don’t always need to spend time together.


Q5. (A) Letter Writing: Attempt any one of the following activities. [5 Marks]
Read the following snippet and write a letter based on it.

A1. Informal Letter:

You are Karan/Kiran Shirke, staying at B/12, Sai Sadan, Sita Bardi, M.G.Road, Nagpur.
Your close friend Akshay/Akshaya is in the habit of staying awake late at night. Write a letter to him/
her with the help of the points given in the snippet. You may add your own points to support your

Points: 1. Staying awake at night, disturbs sleep cycle

2. We cannot wake up early the next day.
3. We feel tired because of lack of proper sleep.
4. We cannot concentrate on studies.
5. It affects our digestive system.

Q5. (B) Observe the picture and write 5 sentences about it. [5 Marks]

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