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Experion Process Knowledge

System (PKS)

Experion Server Specifications and

Technical Data

Release R210
Revision Date: May, 2005
Version 1.1
Experion Server Specifications and Technical Data EP03-200-210
Release R210 Version 1.1

Experion Server Specifications and Technical Data

Table of Contents Page

Revision History ...............................................................................................................................iii

Introduction ...................................................................................................................................... 4
Server Overview........................................................................................................................... 5
Product Description and Features ................................................................................................... 6
Real Time Database..................................................................................................................... 6
Executive Subsystem ............................................................................................................... 6
User Interface Subsystem ........................................................................................................ 6
Acquisition and Control Subsystem.......................................................................................... 6
History Collection Subsystem ................................................................................................... 7
Alarm and Event Subsystem .................................................................................................... 7
Report Subsystem .................................................................................................................... 7
Redundancy Subsystem........................................................................................................... 7
Configuration Subsystem.......................................................................................................... 7
Point Structures ............................................................................................................................ 7
User-defined Parameters.......................................................................................................... 8
User-defined Structure.............................................................................................................. 8
Algorithms................................................................................................................................. 8
Container Points ....................................................................................................................... 8
Point Scripting........................................................................................................................... 8
User-defined Data Formats ...................................................................................................... 8
Enterprise Model .......................................................................................................................... 8
Asset Model .............................................................................................................................. 9
Alarm groups ............................................................................................................................ 9
Networking.................................................................................................................................... 9
Fault Tolerant Ethernet ............................................................................................................. 9
Ethernet .................................................................................................................................... 9
ControlNet................................................................................................................................. 9
Server Scripting ............................................................................................................................ 9
Extended Event Archiving .......................................................................................................... 11
System Management ................................................................................................................. 11
System Performance Server .................................................................................................. 11
System Event Server .............................................................................................................. 11
Configuration Studio................................................................................................................... 11
Options........................................................................................................................................... 13
Server Redundancy.................................................................................................................... 13
Fault Tolerant Ethernet............................................................................................................... 13
Distributed Systems Architecture ............................................................................................... 14
Consolidated Alarm Summary and Trending.......................................................................... 14
Honeywell Systems Integration .................................................................................................. 15
TotalPlant Solution (TPS) System Integration ........................................................................ 15
Honeywell TDC3000 Data Hiway Integration ......................................................................... 15
Honeywell Safety Controller Integration ................................................................................. 16
OPC Connectivity Options.......................................................................................................... 17
About OPC ................................................................................................................................. 17
OPC Advanced Client............................................................................................................. 18
OPC Display Data Client ........................................................................................................ 19
OPC Client Interface............................................................................................................... 19
OPC Data Access Server ....................................................................................................... 19
OPC Alarm & Event Server .................................................................................................... 19

Experion Server Specifications and Technical Data EP03-200-210
Release R210 Version 1.1

OPC Integrator........................................................................................................................ 19
Redirection Manager .............................................................................................................. 20
SCADA Interfaces ...................................................................................................................... 20
Open Data Access ..................................................................................................................... 21
ODBC Driver ........................................................................................................................... 21
Network Server ....................................................................................................................... 22
21 CFR Part 11 .......................................................................................................................... 23
Electronic Signature Option .................................................................................................... 23
Application Enablers................................................................................................................... 23
Batch Reporting ...................................................................................................................... 23
Recipe Management............................................................................................................... 23
Point Control Scheduler.......................................................................................................... 23
Alarm Pager ............................................................................................................................ 23
ODBC Data Exchange............................................................................................................ 24
Application Toolkit ...................................................................................................................... 24
Specifications and Sizing ............................................................................................................... 25
Server PC ................................................................................................................................... 25
Redundancy Performance.......................................................................................................... 26
Database Sizing ......................................................................................................................... 26
History Collection ....................................................................................................................... 27
History Sizing.............................................................................................................................. 28
Real Time Database SCADA Point Structures .......................................................................... 29
Data Access Performance.......................................................................................................... 30
Notification Performance ............................................................................................................ 30
Distributed Systems Architecture ............................................................................................... 31
DSA Publishing Server Communications Performance ......................................................... 31
DSA Subscribing Server Communications Performance ....................................................... 31
Miscellaneous DSA Specifications ......................................................................................... 31
Alarm Pager................................................................................................................................ 32
Model Numbers.............................................................................................................................. 33
Server Hardware ........................................................................................................................ 33
Server Database ........................................................................................................................ 33
Server Redundancy.................................................................................................................... 33
Distributed System Architecture ................................................................................................. 34
Additional Honeywell Device Integration.................................................................................... 34
SCADA Interfaces ...................................................................................................................... 34
Application Enablers................................................................................................................... 35
Application Toolkit ...................................................................................................................... 35
Open Data Access ..................................................................................................................... 35
OPC............................................................................................................................................ 35
Engineering Tools ...................................................................................................................... 35
On-Process Migration................................................................................................................. 35
21 CFR Part 11 Option............................................................................................................... 35
Glossary ......................................................................................................................................... 36

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Experion Server Specifications and Technical Data EP03-200-210
Release R210 Version 1.1

Revision History

Revision Date Description

1.0 November 2004 Release Revision
1.1 May 2005 Update with minor corrections

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Experion Server Specifications and Technical Data EP03-200-210
Release R210 Version 1.1


Experion Process Knowledge System Experion Platform

The Experion™ Process Knowledge System The Experion™ platform provides the
(PKS) is a next-generation process foundation for the Experion Process
automation system that unifies people with Knowledge System (PKS), integrating all
process, business and asset management process control and safety management
to help process manufacturers increase (including non-Honeywell systems) into a
profitability and productivity. It is the only single, unified architecture. Robust and
process automation system to focus on scalable, the Experion platform is built on
people – making the most of the knowledge Honeywell’s 30 years of experience in
they hold. Experion improves business delivering process control and safety system
performance and peace of mind by expertise. It takes customers well beyond
collecting and integrating process and Distributed Control System capabilities by
business data across the entire facility, providing next generation automation control
making information and knowledge available through embedded decision support and
where and when needed, thereby enabling diagnostic technology that drives information
people to make the right decisions. At the to the decision maker. The safety
heart of the Experion PKS is the Experion component maintains the security of an
platform, which provides a foundation for independent environment from the mainline
integrating all process control and safety control system, increasing security and
management (including non-Honeywell system dependability. The result is a unified
systems) into a single, unified architecture. automation platform that elevates safety
The Experion platform embeds advanced and process availability, as well as
applications to improve process production and profitability
performance, asset and people
effectiveness and business agility.

Figure 1. Experion PKS Overview Architecture Diagram

Architecture Overview
Experion comprises many different integrated hardware and software solutions depending upon
the needs of the installation. Figure 1 is a representation of the many possible nodes that can be
utilized in the flexible and highly scalable Experion architecture.

Experion Server Specifications and Technical Data EP03-200-210
Release R210 Version 1.1

Server Overview
This document describes the specifications For more information about Experion, please
and technical data for the Experion Server refer to:
hardware and software. The Server is a • EP03-100-210 Experion Process
required component of Experion. All the System Overview
functionality described in this document, • EP03-210-210 Experion Station
including the options, are core functionality. Specification and Technical Data
That is, it is developed as a system and • EP-3-300-210 Experion Platform
licensed as options to allow users to simply CEE-based Controller Specifications
purchase what is necessary. and Technical Data
• EP03-310-210 Experion Application
Options can be purchased at any time and Control Environment
added to a system with a simple license key. • EP03-400-210 Experion Chassis
Most options do not even require an I/O Modules - Series A Specification
additional software installation. These and Technical Data
include functions such as: • EP03-410-210 Experion Rail I/O
• Server Redundancy – an on-line Modules - Series A Specification
synchronized backup provides high and Technical Data
availability to your process. • EP03-420-210 Experion
• Distributed Systems Architecture Galvanically Isolated/Intrinsically
(DSA) – DSA brings multiple Safe Rail I/O Modules - Series H
“systems” together in a seamless Specification and Technical Data
manner. • EP03-430-210 Experion PM I/O
• Honeywell System Integration – Specifications and Technical Data
Honeywell Systems such as TDC • EP03-440-210 Experion DeviceNet
2000, TDC 3000, TPS, and FSC are Specification and Technical Data
comprehensively integrated into • EP03-450-210 Experion PROFIBUS
Experion. DP Specification and Technical
• OPC Connectivity Options – the Data
Experion Server can serve data and • EP03-500-210 Honeywell Fault
alarms and events to OPC clients or Tolerant Ethernet Specification and
it can act as a client to other OPC Technical Data
• SCADA Interfaces –multiple
interfaces to RTUs, PLCs, and other
devices to integrate these devices
into your control system.
• 21 CFR Part 11 Functions –
Experion provides the necessary
functions, such as Electronic
Signature support, for regulated
• Alarm Pager – send alarms directly
to your maintenance crew’s pagers,
e-mail, and more.
• Open Data Access – Whenever
you need to get Experion data into a
spreadsheet or database, for
example, Open Data Access is
• On-process Migration – migrate
the Server software from a current
release to the next available release
without taking Experion off-line.

Experion Server Specifications and Technical Data EP03-200-210
Release R210 Version 1.1

Product Description and Features

Real Time Database display updates, requesting scheduled

At the heart of the Experion Server software reports, watch dog timers for custom
is the real time database. The following applications.
information is stored in the real time
database: User Interface Subsystem
• Acquired Data – data read from or For server-connected Stations, this
related to controllers subsystem manages two tasks:
• Process History – historical store of • Keyboard requests, and
acquired data • Writing data to the Station and
• Alarms and Events reading data entered at the Station
• System Status
• Configuration Data – details on how Acquisition and Control Subsystem
the Experion Server subsystems For Control Execution Environment (CEE)
have been configured to operate devices, such as the C200 controller and
• User Defined Data – structures to The Application Control Environment (ACE)
store application specific information node, this subsystem manages a dynamic
cache of data for display on graphics, for
To maintain data integrity, memory resident history, and for use by external applications.
portions are periodically written to the hard This cache grows and contracts dynamically
disk in a process known as checkpointing. depending on the needs of its users –
Station displays, applications, etc. This is
The Experion Server software consists of a an extremely powerful mechanism as it
number of functional subsystems as shown means that not all data is polled from the
in Figure 2. C200 controller (and other CEE devices).
Rather, data is only subscribed and updated
Executive Subsystem by exception based on a need from a user.
Time keeping and scheduling is the major And, if more than one user or application
function of the Executive subsystem. In requires the same set of data, the cache
essence, this subsystem manages all provides this data without making duplicate
scheduled tasks throughout the server. requests to the controller. When users stop
This includes items such as requesting requesting data, the cache no longer asks
for the data.

Executive Data acquisition and control for
SCADA devices is also handled by
User Interface
User Interface this subsystem. When points are
downloaded to the server using Quick
Builder, scan tables are built that
define how data will be acquired. The
Time Acquisition
server polls the devices (RTUs, PLCs,
Database Control
Control etc.) at periodic rates. Depending on
Database the interface, report by exception and
other scanning mechanisms are
Report Collection

Figure 2. Server Subsystems

Experion Server Specifications and Technical Data EP03-200-210
Release R210 Version 1.1

History Collection Subsystem (0 to 15) can also be assigned to further

The on-board history collection system of differentiate alarms.
the Experion server is composed of three
history classes. All alarms are recorded as events.
• Standard History Additionally, login actions, operator actions,
' 1 minute snapshot and configuration changes are logged in the
' 6 minute average event journal.
' 1 hour average
' 8 hour average Report Subsystem
' 24 hour average The report subsystem is designed to create
• Fast History reports from a list of standard and optional
' User selected – 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 reports. This subsystem maintains the
(default), 10, 15, or 30 report configuration for scheduled or on-
second snapshot demand execution.
• Extended History
' 1 hour snapshot Redundancy Subsystem
' 8 hour snapshot The redundancy subsystem is designed to
' 24 hour snapshot fail over to a backup server in the event of a
single failure of the primary or controlling
Historical data can be archived. The server. Please see the section titled Server
archiving capabilities include the ability to Redundancy on page 13 for more details on
retain archives on the server hard drive, this optional function.
move the archive to another drive after a
defined period of time, or to delete the Configuration Subsystem
archive after a defined period of time.
The real time database manages the
Archiving will not occur if the hard drive falls
configuration information downloaded by
below a configurable amount of free space.
Configuration Studio.
Once collected, historical data is seamlessly
accessible by Point Structures
• Trend displays For process points (those points resident in
CEE devices such as the C200 controller), a
• Custom displays
standard database point structure is built in
• Reports
the Real Time Database upon download to
• Application programs
the device. This point structure includes a
• Spreadsheets minimum of necessary parameters.
• ODBC compliant database Additional parameters are dynamically
added to the point database as needed
The archiving capabilities provide effectively when requested for display, history
unlimited duration of historical storage. collection, etc. This supports the dynamic
cache (see the Acquisition and Control
If additional history features are necessary, Subsystem section) by providing an explicit
Honeywell’s Uniformance PHD is optimally link to the data. In this way, the cache does
suited for the task. not have to learn where to get the data each
time it is subsequently requested.
Alarm and Event Subsystem
Alarming for points from CEE devices, The database also provides the following
known as Process points, are alarmed and standard point structures:
time stamped at the controller. SCADA • Analog point structure
point alarms are initiated, time stamped, and • Status point structure
acknowledged by the server. • Accumulator point structure
• User defined structure
Each of the configured alarms can be • Algorithms
assigned a priority ranging from Journal, • Container points
Low, High to Urgent. An alarm sub-priority
• OPC advanced points

Experion Server Specifications and Technical Data EP03-200-210
Release R210 Version 1.1

For further detail on the parameters Container Points

associated with Analog, Status, and Container Points support the Template
Accumulator point structures, please see Display capabilities. A container point
page 29 in the Specification section of this combines a group of logically associated
document. points into a single point structure. The
container point parameters are flexible. For
Each point in the database has a number of example, a container point could be built for
associated parameters, all of which can be a tank that includes the:
referenced relative to a single tag name or • Level
‘composite point’. • Temperature
• Fill valve status
User-defined Parameters
• Drain valve status
With each of the above point types, it is • Agitator status
possible to add user-defined parameters to
the existing pre-built parameters. This Point Scripting
enables tags to be extended to contain free
With each standard SCADA and Process
format values, constant values, or values
point, an easy-to-use VBScript can be
used by applications and scripts to store
attached to enable powerful point based
calculated or derived plant information.
scripts to be processed. These scripts can
User defined parameters can be assigned to
be enabled: OnAlarm, OnChange,
history collection.
OnNormal, OnAcknowledge and more. The
powerful scripting environment also enables
User-defined Structure
Library scripts to be created, enabling
In order to support other types of data such repetitive logic to be simply applied on many
as user entered or calculated data from points. For further details, please refer to
application programs, the server provides a the section titled Server Scripting on page 9.
user-definable database area that is fully
integrated into the system. Data contained User-defined Data Formats
in this database is accessible by:
Data formats convert field values into values
• Custom Graphics
that are more useful for operators and other
• Custom Reports applications. In addition to a wide range of
• Server based Application Programs standard data formats appropriate for the
• Network based Applications optional SCADA interfaces, you can create
Programs user-defined data formats for the OPC
• Composite points Client, Allen-Bradley, and Modicon
In addition to standard point processing When a SCADA point is configured to use
functions and VB scripting, the system an unscaled user-defined data format, the
allows additional processing through the use value is formatted, but not scaled, prior to
of standard algorithms that may be attached loading it into the parameter. Therefore, the
to an analog, status or accumulator point. scaling for each parameter that uses the
Functions provided by these algorithms format must be defined. Scaled user-
include: defined data formats will format and scale a
• Arithmetic calculations field value before loading it into the
• Boolean calculation parameter.
• Maximum/minimum value
• Integration Enterprise Model
• Run hours totalization With the volume of process and business
• Group alarm inhibit information growing rapidly and pressure for
• Report request increased efficiency continuing, the Experion
• Application program request Enterprise model provides sophisticated
data support for today’s operators and
engineers. The enterprise model delivers a

Experion Server Specifications and Technical Data EP03-200-210
Release R210 Version 1.1

consistent definition of all the data in the provide “DCS network” functionality. FTE
plant or mill, ranging from a high-end provides a robust and high availability
business view down to individual points. The network infrastructure for communicating to
enterprise model goes well beyond Experion Stations, C200 controllers, ACE
Distributed Control System capabilities by Nodes, etc. Refer to page 13 for more
providing a unified framework for decision information about FTE. An FTE software
and diagnostic support that is used by license is bundled with the Server base
engineers, operators, and applications. software. FTE hardware can be added to
implement the solution.
Two unique components form the base of
the enterprise model: the asset model and Ethernet
alarm groups. Details of the implementation Experion Servers also support an Ethernet
and use of asset model and alarm groups network to communicate to nodes
are given in the sections below. throughout the system.
Asset Model ControlNet
The asset model represents the hierarchical As an option, ControlNet can be used to
organization of items in the enterprise, for communicate with C200 controllers. For
example process units, individual pieces of more information, please refer to document
equipment or facilities etc. EP03-300-200, Experion Controller
Specification & Technical Data.
The operator navigates and manages the
process from this intuitive hierarchical
representation. Alarms are grouped and Server Scripting
visualized using the asset model and Server Scripting encompasses two features.
similarly, when configuring an operator or The first provides scripting support to allow
station scope of responsibility, the engineer the behavior of the Server-resident
has the ability to manage this from the same subsystems and its run time objects to be
hierarchical representation. extended. Examples of server objects are:
• Server
Assets and the asset model form the core of • Points and Parameters (described in the
the Experion Enterprise Model and replace section titled Point Scripting)
the flat area structure that was available in • Reports
previous releases of Experion. • Assets
• Tasks (Application Programs)
The user configures these scripts to be run
Alarm groups by the server either periodically or when a
The alarm group functionality provides a specified event occurs. In addition, standard
mechanism to aggregate and indicate alarm displays are supplied to allow the user to
status for a disparate collection of points. monitor the status of running scripts.
For example, points contained by several
different assets may be in use on a single Example scenarios of when to use server
graphic. If the operator needs to have this scripts include:
graphic linked to an operator keyboard • Raising an Urgent Alarm when
button, the Alarm Group can be used to Related Points Go into Alarm
represent the LED alarm states for all the • Changing the Ranges of Related
points in use on the graphic. Points
• Checking a Point's Value after It has
Gone into Alarm
Networking • Using Auxiliary Parameters to Store
and Display Data
Fault Tolerant Ethernet • Reading Data from a Text File
• Checking a Value at Regular
Honeywell’s patented Fault Tolerant
Ethernet (FTE) network utilizes off-the-shelf
networking hardware to allow Ethernet to

Experion Server Specifications and Technical Data EP03-200-210
Release R210 Version 1.1

• Generating and Emailing Reports Server’s run time environment. Automation

(see Figure 3) Controllers include products such as
• Capturing and Storing Data in a Microsoft Visual Basic, Word, Excel, Access
Text File and any programming environment that can
• Emailing in Response to use Microsoft COM objects.
Unacknowledged Alarms
• Launching an External Application Server scripting uses the Server OLE
• Performing the Same Calculation on Automation Object Model as the means by
a Set of Points which it interacts with the server objects.
These two features together form the Server
Scripting support. The
architecture employed by
Server Scripting gives it
great flexibility and
functionality. There are
some tasks however, that
are better suited to a
custom application.

Consult Table 1 to help

classify tasks into those that
are well suited to Server
scripting and those that are
better addressed by a
custom application. Some
tasks qualify for both
categories, and the rules are
flexible when deciding what
Figure 3. Server Scripting Editor tasks can and cannot be
performed by Server scripts. Where
The second feature is the Server OLE possible, existing server functionality should
Automation Object Model that allows be used in preference to writing Server
Automation Controllers to access and scripts. Standard server functionality
manipulate objects that exist within the optimizes the task implementation.

Table 1. Server Scripting versus Custom Application

Task Server Script Custom Application
Extend server functionality via information transfer Yes Yes
Relatively short processing (< 50 lines of code) Yes Yes
Used to provide linkage to other applications via automation servers Yes Yes
Code is interpreted at run-time. Yes No
Code is compiled and optimized at build time. No Yes
Computationally intensive No Yes
Optimized for supervisory control No Yes
Iterative code No Yes
Relatively complex user interface requirements No Yes
Extensive file handling No Yes
Script (program) state preserved on failover No No
Language VBScript Visual Basic, C++, etc.

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Experion Server Specifications and Technical Data EP03-200-210
Release R210 Version 1.1

Extended Event Archiving summary display that apply to process

Extended Event Archiving may be used alarms and messages can now be utilized
when the events logged by the system must with Windows system events. For example
be archived for later review. Storage the system can be configured such that the
capacity is dependent upon media capacity, operator must acknowledge a system alarm
but storage of over 1 million events is easily from the Alarm Summary display in the
achievable. Approximately 60 Mb of hard same manner that a process alarm is
disk space is required for every 100,000 acknowledged.
events archived.
Configuration Studio
Archived events can be restored so that they Experion hosts an integrated environment
are available for reporting. Event archives that substantially improves engineering and
are restored to a playback database. They configuration management.
are then available for reporting and can be
viewed on the Event Summary display. Configuration Studio exposes engineering
activities as tasks rather than tools to the
System Management user. All tasks are applied at a system level
The Experion infrastructure includes multiple meaning that you can configure all the
PC-based nodes. To manage the PC based servers in your system from one location. A
infrastructure as one system, Experion system is defined as one or more Experion
includes two key components to monitor PC servers, networked together and designated
performance in an integrated manner. by the user to work together in a unified
System Performance Server
Common tasks in Configuration studio will
The System Performance Server (SPS)
be performed within the Configuration Studio
collects real-time system information such
framework itself or launch specific
as CPU usage and available free memory,
applications such as Control Builder, Quick
from any Windows 2000 or Windows XP
Builder or HMIWeb Display Builder.
node. The SPS data is exposed as OPC
data items and available to be historized,
Additions and modifications to the Experion
trended or displayed on a process graphic in
database can be made while the system is
a manner consistent with process data
on-line and Station and Configuration Studio
access. Additionally, any OPC Data Access
can be accessed remotely using a Remote
Client has access to the data for use of the
Engineering and Station Server.
data in other applications.
Control Builder
System Event Server
Control Builder enables the configuration of
Similarly to the SPS, the System Event
control strategies in the Control Execution
Server (SES) collects and consolidates
Environments (CEE) of the C200 and
Windows 2000 and Windows XP Event Log
Application Control Environment (ACE). It is
information and exposes them as OPC
used to configure hardware – such as
alarms and events. For example an event
networks, I/O modules, controllers, and
can be generated when a node reports, via
fieldbus devices – as well as control points –
the Windows event log, that a disk is nearly
like regulatory control, device (motor)
control, discrete logic, sequential logic and
special user-defined functions. Further
The Experion Alarm and Event subsystem is
details about Control Builder can be found in
integrated with the System Event Server
the CEE-based Controller Specification &
such that system related alarms or events
Technical Data document.
can be viewed from the Alarm Summary
display. The unique features of the alarm

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Experion Server Specifications and Technical Data EP03-200-210
Release R210 Version 1.1

Figure 4. Configuration Studio sample display

the relational database provide are the user-

Quick Builder defined fields that can be used for
Quick Builder allows users to configure termination schedules, wire numbers, etc.,
points, communication links to and a standard set of reports.
controllers/RTUs, stations and printers.
Quick Builder leverages a relational
database engine to provide greater HMIWeb Display Builder
productivity through capabilities such as HMIWeb Display builder is a powerful tool to
filtering user views of the database, create custom displays. Details about
multipoint edit facilities and the intuitive HMIWeb display builder can be found in
Windows style interface. Other features that document the Experion Station Specification
& Technical Data document.

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Experion Server Specifications and Technical Data EP03-200-210
Release R210 Version 1.1

Screen Updates
Server Redundancy
The Experion Server is optionally redundant.
The redundancy subsystem provides a high Database
availability platform by enabling a pair of Checkpoints
similarly configured servers to support each
other in a primary/backup fashion. Should Flex
Primary Backup Station
the Primary fail, a fully functioning Backup Server
assumes the Primary role. Primary refers to
the specific server that is actively acquiring
data from the controllers/RTUs and serving
data to the clients. The Primary propagates
all database transactions to the Backup over
a redundant network so that both databases Data Acquisition
remain in complete synchronization.

The backup server takes over from the

primary server if one of the
following conditions occurs:
Figure 5. Server Redundancy
• The primary server
hardware fails and the
backup cannot communicate with it applications, which benefit from the high
• All network links between the network availability FTE provides, without
primary and backup server are requiring any additional software
broken configuration. Normal Ethernet nodes (non-
• The primary loses C200 FTE) can also connect to an FTE network
communications and benefit from a more available
• A user does a manual failover communications environment than
conventional Ethernet redundancy schemes
In addition to synchronizing necessary offer.
database files, the redundancy subsystem is
capable of automatically copying user files
from the primary server to the backup.

Fault Tolerant Ethernet

As an alternative to conventional Ethernet
redundancy schemes that typically employ
two separate Ethernet networks, Experion
can be deployed using FTE. The FTE
software license is bundled into the Server FTE Node 1 FTE Node 2
license, so only FTE networking hardware is
needed to implement the solution. Figure 6. Sample FTE Configuration
Showing Four Data Paths from One FTE
The FTE solution employs a single logical Node to Another
network over redundant media and does not For additional FTE information, refer to the
require a server or station to re-establish a FTE Specification & Technical Data
network connection. By providing more document.
communication paths between nodes, FTE
tolerates more faults, including all single
faults and many multiple faults. In addition,
FTE is transparent to higher-level

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Experion Server Specifications and Technical Data EP03-200-210
Release R210 Version 1.1

Distributed Systems Architecture Consolidated Alarm Summary and

Distributed Systems Architecture (DSA) is Trending
the ideal solution for integrating processes The Alarm Summary (for details on the
when there are multiple control rooms, or for Station Alarm Summary, please refer to the
segmenting control across units. DSA Experion Station Specification & Technical
provides the ultimate flexibility for both Data document) shows a consolidated list of
operations and control using an integrated local and remote alarms. The remote
security model, providing consolidated alarms displayed to an operator are those
alarms and seamless data access amongst from the remote areas for which alarms are
many other features. enabled on the local server, and which have
been assigned to the Station or operator.
Distributed Systems Architecture also Local and remote alarms can be filtered in
provides the maximum flexibility for the same way. The Station Alarm Zone
geographically distributed sites. For shows the highest priority unacknowledged
example, it allows multi-segment pipelines alarm, regardless of whether it is a local or
and oil and gas fields with a large number of remote alarm.
wells to be managed from multiple remote
locations, as well as a central control room – An operator can navigate directly to the
another industry first from Honeywell. Associated or Point Detail display for a
remote alarm, just as for a local alarm.
The figure below shows an example of a
distributed system connected using a wide Similarly, when a trend includes a remote
area network. The master control center point, historical data for that point is
accesses data from the servers at each retrieved from the remote server in real time.
remote site. It may or may not have its own
locally connected controllers. The servers at
the remote sites may also exchange
information with each other logically creating
a global database including:
- Global real time data access
- Trending of real time and historical
system wide data, on a single trend
- Global alarming
- Global system messages

Figure 7. Distributed Systems Architecture Example

Site A

Site B Site C

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Experion Server Specifications and Technical Data EP03-200-210
Release R210 Version 1.1

Honeywell Systems Integration Ethernet Bridge, Experion is enabled as a

preferred access device on the Hiway. This
Experion continues to provide a range of Bridge provides Experion with efficient
options for integrating Honeywell systems. Ethernet access to Hiway data and can
coexist with other preferred access network
TotalPlant Solution (TPS) System devices, like the Basic Operator Station or
Integration Extended Operator Stations. The Data
Hiway Ethernet Bridge is a Honeywell
Experion provides full-scale integration of
product, so it provides reliable, stable
TPS using the Experion Server TPS and
integration with the existing Data Hiway
Experion Station – TPS. The details of
equipment. Bridges may be redundant for
these nodes are available in the Experion
any Data Hiway. Multiple Data Hiways are
TPS Integration Specification & Technical
supported with additional Data Hiway
Data document.
Ethernet Bridges.
Honeywell TDC3000 Data Hiway
All box/slot configurations on each box can
be performed via system displays in
Experion provides a tight integration with a Experion. No custom displays are required.
wide range of Honeywell TDC3000 Data Box status information can also be displayed
Hiway devices. No other system can meet directly in Experion with the supplied system
the level of integration provided by Experion displays. If Box errors are reported, a full
for existing Data Hiway equipment. description is immediately displayed on the
Controller Summary Display, allowing an
Experion’s Integration with TDC3000 begins operator or engineer to take remedial action.
at the Hiway layer. Using a Data Hiway

Table 2. Supported TDC3000 Data Hiway Devices

Controller Type Acronym Description/Notes
Basic Controller CB The Basic Controller handles continuous Input/Output operations. It
accommodates I/O for eight modulating slots, plus eight analog inputs.
Extended Controller EC The Extended Controller handles continuous Input/Output and logical
operations. It provides 16 modulating slots, 16 status outputs (8 SOA, 8
SOB), and 16 optional status inputs.
Multifunction Controller MC The Multifunction Controller (MC) and Advanced Multifunction Controller
(A-MC) handle continuous Input/Output operations, logical operations,
Advanced Multifunction A-MC and sequential control for batch operations. Each MC and A-MC has the
Controller capacity to control 16 modulating slots and can handle: up to 32 analog
inputs, up to 72 analog outputs, up to 256 digital inputs, and up to 64
counter inputs.
Low Level Process Interface LLPIU
Unit (PIU)
High Level Process Interface HLPIU PIUs are used when a large number of process variables need to be
Unit (PIU) monitored or fed to a higher-level module.
Low Energy Process LEPIU
Interface Unit (PIU)
Data Highway Port DHP The Data Hiway Port (DHP) and LCS 620 Hiway Interface Module (HIM)
provide a generic interface for non-Honeywell devices, for example:
programmable controllers, analyzers, tank gauging systems, machinery
monitoring systems, emergency shutdown systems, data acquisition
systems, and compressor control systems.
LCS Hiway Interface Module HIM The 620 LCS programmable controller can optionally interface directly to
the Data Hiway using a Hiway Interface Module (HIM) that plugs into the
processor rack of the controller.
Reserve Basic Controller RCD The Reserve Basic Controller Director, Reserve Extended Controller
Directory Director and Reserve Multifunction Controller Director are used to
Reserve Multifunction RMCD monitor the status of the primary and backup controllers when redundant
Controller Director controllers are configured. They are also used to switch control from the
Reserve Extended Controller RECD primary controller to the backup, and back again to the primary if
Director required.

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Experion Server Specifications and Technical Data EP03-200-210
Release R210 Version 1.1

Experion provides a CL/MC (Control (QMR™) technology, increase system

Language for Multifunction Controller) diagnostic capabilities and improve system
compiler, which has the same capability as tolerance for critical applications.
the CL/MC compiler used in TPS systems.
This allows the user to write, compile and The safety controller platforms integrate into
manage control strategies for the the Experion platform in two ways:
Multifunction and Advanced Multifunction • Single or redundant Ethernet
Controllers, in Experion. The complier also connection to the Experion Server
allows the CL/MC source code from a TPS (with or without FTE)
system to be re-compiled on the Experion • Single or redundant fault tolerant
Server after TPS specific tags have been serial link to the Experion Server
replaced with their Experion equivalents.
While Experion is not able to compile SOPL A redundant Ethernet integration with
programs (the language used by EOS Experion delivers a TÜV approved
Stations), it can be used to upload and redundant, fault tolerant integration,
download the compiled object code to the irrespective of whether the safety controller
controllers. is redundant or not. Detailed safety
controller status and extended diagnostics
Services are also available with the are available to Experion Station. The
Experion TDC3000 Integration to redundant safety controller contains two
electronically convert your existing separate TÜV AK 6 (SIL3) approved
EOS/BOS Hiway databases and perform Ethernet communication interfaces (covered
SOPL to CL conversions. This unique by sophisticated diagnostics) communicating
service takes your existing 8” or 5 ¼“ real time fault tolerant data synchronously to
database images and builds a compatible Experion. If a connection via Ethernet is not
version in Experion. possible, a redundant, fault tolerant, RS232
or RS485 serial link is supported.
Honeywell Safety Controller Integration The safety controller Sequence of Events
(SOE) functionality is integrated with
Honeywell provides two safety controller Experion. Signals configured for SOE are
platforms: time stamped by the safety controller and
• Fail Safe Controller (FSC) - the transferred to the Experion Server upon
proven safety controller, with a read request. The request frequency is
installed base of more than 5000 configurable. Additionally, the safety
systems and controller and Experion Server can be
• Safety Manager - the next configured to implement time
generation safety controller. synchronization. Data acquisition and
control is managed as described in earlier
Experion can unify with both safety sections with the advanced capabilities of
controller platforms into a single plant-wide report by exception scanning for high
safety system architecture. The safety performance.
controller platforms, with its high diagnostic-
based Quadruple Modular redundancy

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Experion Server Specifications and Technical Data EP03-200-210
Release R210 Version 1.1

On-Process Migration 4. Once the upgraded Server node’s

This optional feature provides the ability to operation is confirmed the previous
migrate the software from a current release release Server node can be stopped
to the next available release without taking and upgraded to the latest release
the Experion System off-line. In other software.
words, Experion stays on-line allowing the 5. The Server node last upgraded is
operators to maintain their view and control then started and synchronized
of the process during the upgrade returning the system to a standard
procedure. redundant configuration.

On-Process Migration is available for the

Experion Servers and controllers when OPC Connectivity Options
configured with redundancy. This section
expands upon the Server On-process About OPC
Migration capabilities. Please refer to OPC (OLE for Process Control) consists of a
document EP03-300-200, Experion set of standards that define interoperability
Controller Specification & Technical Data for amongst different automation and control
more information regarding the controller applications, field systems and devices, and
On-process Migration capabilities. business and office applications. For
When configured for redundancy, this information
feature allows the Server’s software to be about OPC,
upgraded. This involves the following visit the OPC
process: Foundation’s
1. The backup Server node will be Web site,
taken offline and upgraded to the
new release and restarted. OPC provides data from a data source
2. The newly upgraded Server will then (server) and communicates the data to any
be synchronized with the running client application in a standard way, thereby
primary (previous release) Server eliminating the requirement for an
node. application to have specific knowledge about
3. The Server nodes will be placed in a a particular data source, such as its internal
dual primary mode. In this mode structure and communications protocols.
the upgraded Server node’s
operation may be tested and Experion integrates OPC with DCS
confirmed against the previous technology to create the most flexible and
release Server node. powerful OPC suite available, with a broad
range of Client, Server and redundancy
OPC technologies as highlighted in the table

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Experion Server Specifications and Technical Data EP03-200-210
Release R210 Version 1.1

Table 3. OPC Connectivity Options

Alarms OPC OPC Ancillary
OPC OPC Data & Data Alarm & OPC
Connectivity Version Access Events Access Event applica-
Tool Features support Clients Clients Servers Servers tions
OPC Integrates complex data SupportOP
Advanced structures and their C A&E √ √
Client corresponding alarms version (mapped to
into Experion. 1.01, OPC
and OPC advanced
DA version points)
OPC Display Brings OPC Data into Supports
Data Client displays without having OPC DA √
to build points. version 2.0 (display
OPC Client Maps information from Supports
Interface an OPC Data Access OPC DA √
server into Experion versions 1.0 (mapped to
SCADA points for the and 2.0 Experion
purposes of SCADA
historization, control and points)
OPC Data Allows OPC Data Supports
Access Access Clients to view OPC DA √
Server Experion point data and versions 1.0
the hierarchical and 2.05
OPC Alarm & Exposes Experion’s Supports
Event Server alarm & event data via OPC A&E √
the OPC Alarm & Event version
Standard 1.01
OPC An open method Supports
Integrator allowing bi-directional OPC DA √
data transfer between version 2.0
two or more systems for
the purpose of
supervisory monitoring,
alarming and control.
Redirection Provides OPC Server Supports
Manager redundancy by OPC DA √
transparently redirecting versions 1.0
client requests to a and 2.05.
secondary OPC Server Supports
when the primary OPC OPC A&E
Server is unavailable. version

OPC Advanced Client

OPC alarms are displayed and
The OPC Advanced Client option contains acknowledged in the same way as Experion
the OPC Advanced Alarm & Event Client alarms, giving operators a uniform user
and the OPC Advanced Data Client. The interface. For example, when an OPC alarm
OPC Advanced Client solution provides the is received, it appears in the Alarm
unique capability to integrate complex data Summary; and when an operator
structures and their corresponding alarms acknowledges the alarm, confirmation of the
into Experion. acknowledgement is sent to the OPC alarm
and event server.
OPC Advanced Alarm & Event Client
The OPC Advanced Alarm & Event Client Facilities are provided for mapping assets
allows Experion to seamlessly integrate from the source OPC Alarm & Event Server
Alarm & Event Data from other OPC Alarm into Experion assets. Functionality is also
& Event Servers directly into the Experion provided to map alarm attributes from the
Alarm Summary.

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Experion Server Specifications and Technical Data EP03-200-210
Release R210 Version 1.1

source OPC Alarm & Event Server into OPC Data Access Server
Experion’s alarm attributes. The OPC Data Access Server functionality
allows OPC Data Access Clients to view
OPC Advanced Data Client Experion Point data for control, plant-wide
The Experion OPC Advanced Data Client is historization, etc.
primarily designed for integrating complex
subsystems, such as distributed control The OPC Data Access specification’s
systems. Such systems typically have point- optional point browse section has been
like structures that are defined as complex implemented, allowing OPC Data Access
data structures. Clients to view the hierarchical
Asset.Point.Parameter structure of the
Experion Server.
OPC items are mapped to OPC advanced
points. OPC advanced points are built in OPC Alarm & Event Server
Configuration Studio and licensed as
SCADA points. The OPC advanced point The OPC Alarm & Event Server is designed
supports creating arbitrary point parameter to expose Experion’s Alarm & Event data in
names to reference OPC items. an open manner to applications that require
this information.
After the OPC advanced points are built,
OPC Integrator
they can be added to trends, custom
displays, group displays, similar to other OPC Integrator is an open method allowing
point types in Experion. bi-directional data transfer between two or
more systems for the purpose of supervisory
monitoring, alarming and control. This type
OPC Display Data Client
of interface is commonly called an OPC
The OPC Display Data Client is standard Double Headed Client.
functionality in Experion and allows the user
to insert OPC Data into a display without the OPC Integrator is valuable in the following
need to build points (the user is not required scenarios:
to purchase points for when accessing OPC
data using this client). This is ideal for data
• A system provides an OPC data
that just needs to be visualized by the
access server, but not an OPC
operator and does not need to be alarmed,
client. The system needs to retrieve
historized, etc. OPC Data that is acquired in
data from Experion.
this fashion supports both reads and writes.
• Experion data needs to be
OPC data items can be added directly to transferred to a third-party OPC
custom displays without having to build server whenever it changes,
points in Configuration Studio. irrespective of the reason for the
change (including when the data is
OPC Client Interface changed by an operator).
• A system includes Experion process
The Experion OPC Client Interface is controllers and needs to transfer
primarily designed to integrate low- data efficiently between those
complexity subsystems, such as PLCs, controllers and some SCADA
RTUs, single loop controllers etc. interfaces at the supervisory control
Configuration involves individually mapping layer.
OPC items to Experion SCADA points
(analog, status and so on). If alarming is
required, configure the associated point's OPC Integrator has many built-in features
alarm properties. to ensure robust communication between
OPC Servers. OPC Integrator supports
This interface should be used whenever redundant Experion Servers and is
there is a requirement for Alarming and therefore itself redundant. OPC Integrator
there is no OPC Alarm & Event Server also supports redundant third party OPC
present. Servers natively. While OPC Integrator
supports redundant OPC Servers natively,

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Experion Server Specifications and Technical Data EP03-200-210
Release R210 Version 1.1

for the ultimate in OPC redundancy • Group and Item synchronization

support, Redirection Manager (RDM) is across two active OPC Data Access
recommended, offering benefits outlined servers.
below. • RDM will start the OPC Server if the
secondary node is available but does
There are many engineering timesaving not have the OPC server running.
features included with OPC Integrator, • Consolidates OPC connections
such as: instead of OPC Clients making
• The ability to browse assets, points separate connections into an OPC
and parameters that exist on the Server.
source or destination OPC Server,
• The ability to browse OPC Server SCADA Interfaces
ProgID’s on a particular server, and
In addition to a wide range of OPC tools,
• Bulk item, import and export utilities.
Experion provides dedicated Data
Acquisition and Control facilities to
While OPC Integrator could be used to
communicate with a wide range of
transfer data between two or more
controllers and Remote Terminal Units
Experion Servers, DSA has been
(RTUs), listed in Table 4.
specifically built for this application. DSA
allows data to be transferred, and also
Experion supports acquisition of data using
transfers alarms, history, security, and
messages, in a secure efficient manner.
• Periodic Scanning – utilizing this
technique, Experion optimizes
Redirection Manager communications traffic by
Redirection Manager (RDM) provides OPC automatically calculating the
Server redundancy by transparently minimum number of scan packets
redirecting client requests to a secondary required to collect the data.
OPC Server when the primary OPC Server • Report by Exception (RBE) – where
is unavailable. supported by the controller, this
technique is used to reduce the
RDM is typically used by third party OPC scanning load of the system while
Data Access and Alarm & Event Clients improving system response.
when connecting into the Experion OPC If necessary, periodic scanning may be used
Server. Because the Experion OPC Server in conjunction with RBE to ensure data
is redundant, third party clients don’t integrity.
intuitively know how to handle Experion’s
redundancy schema. When a third party On-line Configuration
client connects into the Experion OPC Given a sufficient level of system privilege, it
Server using RDM, handling of Experion’s is possible for users to view, manipulate and
redundancy schema is handled analyze all data related to the SCADA
transparently. interfaces. For example a user at any
Operator Station in the system (including
RDM can be used by Experion OPC Clients those operating remotely) could change an
that don’t handle redundant OPC Servers alarm limit for a point in an RTU.
natively such as the OPC Display Data
Client and the OPC Advanced Client. Other Diagnostics
Experion Clients that are redundancy aware Once a controller or RTU is configured and
can also take advantage of RDM for its placed in service, Experion automatically
superior redundancy capabilities. performs diagnostic scanning of the device.
Additionally, Experion performs checks on
RDM features include: data integrity of all data acquired from the
• Support for both OPC Data Access controller. Should an invalid or timed-out
and Alarm & Event standards. response be received, the data is ignored
and the transaction is recorded as an error.
Statistics are kept and displayed by the

- 20 -
Experion Server Specifications and Technical Data EP03-200-210
Release R210 Version 1.1

system on communication errors by means of displayed on a standard system display and

a communications barometer. The are available through the reporting sub-
barometer value will increment for every system or custom displays. If a controller
failed call and will decrement for each fails, all point parameter values that are
successful call. In addition, the system sourced from it are indicated as bad to the
alarms separate marginal and failure operator.
conditions based on user-defined limits to
advise the operator of a controller that is in
error. Communications statistics are

Table 4. Interfaces with Connection Details

SCADA Interface Software Connection Type

Honeywell FSC and Safety Manager Integration Serial and Ethernet
Honeywell S9000 Integration Ethernet
Honeywell 620 LCS Serial and Ethernet Interface Serial and Ethernet
Honeywell UDC 3000/5000/6300 Integration Serial ASCII
Honeywell Micromax LPU & Video Paperless Recorder Serial
Honeywell XLNET HVAC Controller Interface Software CBus
Honeywell DPR Recorders (DPR 100, 180, 250, 3000) Serial
Honeywell RM7800 Flame Safeguard Serial (to Q7700 Network Interface)
Honeywell Universal Modbus Interface (HC900, UMC800, Trendview, Serial and Ethernet
DPR180/250, UDC2300/3300, DR4300/4500)
Allen-Bradley Serial Interface (Does not require RSLinx) Serial
Allen-Bradley RSLinx Interface Serial, Ethernet,DH+, and ControlNet
Applicom Interface Proprietary
Asea Interface Serial
Bristol Babcock RTU Interface Serial
DNP3 Protocol Interface Open Standard Serial and Ethernet (UDP)
GEC GEM80 PLC Interface Serial
GE Fanuc Series 90 PLC via Ethernet (requires MZ-AUIF01) Ethernet
HITACHI Interface Serial
Modbus (RTU, Plus, ASCII, & TCP) Interface Serial, Modbus+, Ascii and Ethernet
Moore 351,352,353,383 Interface Serial
Moore APACS Interface Ethernet and Modulbus
Siemens S5/S7 &TI PLC Via H1 / TF API H1/Industrial Ethernet
YamatakeMA500 Interface Serial

Open Data Access Data Access are the ODBC Driver and the
Whenever another application requires data Network Server.
from the Experion database, Open Data
Access is required. For example, Open ODBC Driver
Data Access is required when: ODBC is a standard set of function calls for
• Reading data into a Microsoft Excel accessing data in a database. These calls
Spreadsheet enable utilizing Structured Query Language
• Running a query on the database (SQL) queries on the database. ODBC can
from Microsoft Access be used in any client/server architecture,
• A user written application is regardless of whether the database and
accessing the database client application are resident on the same
Each is considered a ‘user’ of Open Data computer, separated by a network, or even if
Access. The two main components to Open

- 21 -
Experion Server Specifications and Technical Data EP03-200-210
Release R210 Version 1.1

they are on different computers using ODBC Client can run on the server or on
different operating systems. any other computer on the network. Figure
8 shows a basic Experion ODBC driver
The ODBC Driver allows the Server configuration.
database to be queried using SQL
commands from ODBC client applications, Network Server
such as Microsoft Access. Additionally, The Network Server provides extremely
custom application written in Visual Basic or efficient, access to the Experion database
C++ can also access the server database for network based applications such as
via the ODBC Driver. The Server database Microsoft Excel Data Exchange and Network
is exposed as a number of read-only ODBC API options.
tables including Points, Event History and • Microsoft Excel Data Exchange
Process History. Driver features include: allows Microsoft Excel to obtain
• Open read-only access to plant real- real-time and historical data from
time and historical data the Experion system. This option
• Throttling to prevent performance provides read and write access to
impact data in one or more Experion
• Redundancy of data storage Databases, providing a powerful
• Fully functional examples for data consolidation and reporting
productivity improvements tool. Wizards for Microsoft Excel
It is optimized for Microsoft Access and are included to help set up the data
other ODBC ad hoc query/report to be collected.
applications. • Applications executing on other
network-connected platforms may
The Experion ODBC driver has two parts: easily access Experion real-time
the ODBC Server and the ODBC Client. data over the network using the
The ODBC Client handles the ODBC call Network API. The API provides
made by a client application and passes it to high-level subroutine calls in Visual
the ODBC Server. The ODBC Server C/C++ or Visual Basic to allow
processes the ODBC calls, queries the read/write access to Experion data
Experion server database and returns the in a networked environment.
information to the client application.
The ODBC Server always runs on the
Experion server computer. The Experion

Client PC or Experion PKS Server Experion PKS Server

Client PC or Experion PKS Server Experion PKS Server

Client Application Experion PKS

Client Application Experion PKS
Data Requested

Data Requested
Data Sent

Data Sent

Data Requested
Experion PKS ODBC Experion PKS ODBC
Experion PKS ODBC Experion PKS ODBC
Client Server
Client Server
Data Sent

Figure 8. Accessing Data via the ODBC Driver

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Experion Server Specifications and Technical Data EP03-200-210
Release R210 Version 1.1

21 CFR Part 11 reduced, providing extremely cost effective

The Experion Server provides enhanced automation.
capabilities to support the Pharmaceutical
industry and other FDA regulated industries Batch Reporting
and their unique requirements related to Batch Reporting enables integrated
regulations such as 21 CFR Part 11. These reporting of batches or lots of a production
features may be employed in any industry process run, to be compiled and archived
but are specifically designed to meet the automatically by the Experion Server. This
guidelines of 21 CFR Part 11. feature enables batch history and events to
be output either as a CSV file or directly into
Electronic Signature Option Microsoft Excel, if available. The Batch
This option enables the following: Report option is designed as a simple
• Electronic Signatures on C200 discontinuous batch or lot reporting option.
Messages For a complete batch solution with Experion,
• Electronic Signatures on SCADA please refer to TotalPlant Batch (TPB),
points which is completely integrated with Experion
• Journaling of OPC Server changes providing advanced batch control and
to the database advanced reporting tools.
• Journaling of Network Server
changes to the database Recipe Management
• Electronic Signatures on Point Recipe Management provides facilities to
Scheduler create recipes and download them to
• Support for reason sets for control nominated process units. Each recipe may
actions on SCADA points have up to thirty items, with recipes chained
• Journaling of changes that have together to form larger recipes, if required.
been made to the Server database Recipe items may be used to set ingredient
using Quick Builder. Full Printed targets, set alarm limits, set timers and place
name of the user that performed the equipment into correct operating state.
download will be recorded. Items may be individually enabled for
• Ability to securely enable and scaling.
disable Electronic Signatures by
location. Point Control Scheduler
The Scheduler option allows point
In addition to the electronic signature option supervisory control to be automatically
the following technical controls to meet 21 scheduled to occur at a specified time. This
CFR Part 11 compliance are available as may occur on a “one-shot” basis, daily,
standard functionality: workday, weekend, holiday, or a day of the
• System must be running to perform week.
Quick Builder downloads.
• Only windows users that are also Alarm Pager
Experion operators can perform The Alarm Pager option provides the ability
Quick Builder downloads. to page, SMS or email Experion operational
• The system will default to using Full and system alarms.
Operator name in events on startup
and the field to change this setting is Alarms can be forwarded to one or multiple
not shown on the system recipients, and can be escalated to another
configuration display. recipient if an alarm remains
unacknowledged. The availability of each
Application Enablers recipient can be defined such that alarms
The Experion Server provides powerful are only sent to those that can attend to
application enablers with configurable them.
(rather than programmatic) facilities to
support individual application requirements. Alarm pager can be configured to use a
Application implementation time is greatly service provider or a local base station for
the broadcast of pages or SMS messages.

- 23 -
Experion Server Specifications and Technical Data EP03-200-210
Release R210 Version 1.1

The information that is forwarded can be Application Toolkit

custom designed to include values such as Two application-programming interfaces
Time, Date, Point ID, Alarm, Priority, (API) are available. The first is for
Description and Value etc applications written to execute on the
Experion Server and the second is for
The Alarm pager option can be used in a applications that are required to run on
variety of ways. For example it allows network-based clients (that are not
operators to move away from their control necessarily operator stations).
room desk or can be used to alert non-
operational personnel to specific alarms. The API (programmed in C/C++) on the
server includes the following functions:
ODBC Data Exchange • Read and write to point parameters
This option enables two-way exchange of in the database
data between the Experion Server database • Access to historical data
and an ODBC-compliant local or network • Initiate supervisory control actions
third-party database. It uses standard • Access to the alarm/event
Structured Query Language (SQL) subsystem
commands. The Experion Server acts as a • Access to user-defined database
client application in this configuration, in • Provide a prompt for operator input
contrast with the ODBC Driver option where
the Experion Server acts a server The API (programmed in Visual Basic or
application. Data from an Experion Server Visual C/C++) on the network-based clients
database can be transferred to a third-party includes the following functions:
database, and data from a third-party • Read and write to point parameters
database can be transferred into the in the database
Experion Server database. Information • Access to historical data
exchanged includes point values, point • Initiate supervisory control actions
history, and user file data. Databases that
• Access to user-defined database
include ODBC drivers include Microsoft SQL
• Create alarms/events
Server, Oracle 7, Microsoft Access, and
Sybase 10. This option can be configured to
periodically exchange data or exchange on

- 24 -
Experion Server Specifications and Technical Data EP03-200-210
Release R210 Version 1.1

Specifications and Sizing

Server PC
A PC must meet the following specifications to be used as an Experion Server. These guidelines
are intended to provide a minimum baseline. Honeywell-supplied platforms will meet these
specifications but may not necessarily be the example platforms listed below. PCs purchased
directly through Honeywell carry full support as a qualified offering.

The table below lists suggestions per system size configuration.

Minimum System
This is the minimum hardware necessary to run the Experion components. It should be
used for small configurations that may consist of 1 non-redundant Experion Server with 1
Station or 1 Redundant Experion Server pair with 1 Station. The system typically only
includes passive monitoring and occasional report generation from a single screen.
Standard System
Configurations will consist of non-redundant Experion Server and multiple Stations or a
Redundant Experion Server pair with up to 1 DSA Server. A non-redundant Server can
support up 10-12 Stations or a Redundant Server can support 6-8 Stations. This type of
system includes 1 or 2 Stations with a single or dual screen actively monitoring and
occasional report generation.
Performance System
An advanced configuration may consist of a Redundant Experion Server pair, multiple
DSA Servers, and greater than 12 Stations with single, dual, or quad screen
configurations. This system typically includes active monitoring from multiple Stations
and random report generation.

Minimum Server/eServer/Remote
System Server/eServer Engineering and Station Performance
Configuration Server
Processor Dual 2 GHz Xeon or Dual 2.4 GHz Xeon or Dual 3 GHz Xeon or
Faster Faster Faster
RAM 1 GB 2 GB 2 GB

Networking 100 Mb Ethernet 100 Mb Ethernet 100 Mb Ethernet

1000 Mb Ethernet
Video Resolution 1024 x 768, 65K colors 1024 x 768, 65K colors 1024 x 768, 65K colors
Hard Drive 36 GB 36 GB 36 GB
Operating System Windows 2000 Server Windows 2000 Server Windows 2000 Server
Example Hardware Dell PowerEdge 1600, Dell PowerEdge 1600, Dell PowerEdge 1800,
Please contact your Dual CPU Dual CPU or Dual CPU or
Honeywell Dell PowerEdge 2600, Dell PowerEdge 2850
representative for Dual CPU Dual CPU
platform details.
Note 1 – In these configurations, paging may occur on these systems. Based on the intended usage of the platform,
this configuration is acceptable. For better performance, users should upgrade the systems with an
additional 512 MB of RAM.

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Experion Server Specifications and Technical Data EP03-200-210
Release R210 Version 1.1

Redundancy Performance
The Experion Server redundancy option is an extremely robust and mature subsystem designed
to provide the highest possible availability with the following specifications:

Checkpoint Period Default setting is 300 seconds (5 minutes)
User-defined File Backup Period Default setting is 60 minutes
Note 1 – This is the file backup for user-defined files. This is not to be confused with the automatic synchronizing of
database files between the primary and backup servers.

Database Sizing
The Experion Server database is sized per the following specifications:
Database Item Default Size Maximum Size
Point Count 50 → 20,000 Process Points Process Points + SCADA Points ≤
50 → 65,000 SCADA Points 65,000 Points
Experion Station – Flex 1 Æ 40 40
Experion Station – Console 0Æ 10 103

Experion Station – Console 0 Æ 3 per ES-C 0 Æ 3 per ES-C3

Extension Connections
Printer Connections 50 50
Channels 90 99
SCADA RTUs (Controllers) 100 255
Algorithm Blocks 6000 6000
Assets 4000 40004
Assignable assets5 1000 1000
Nesting depth for asset hierarchies 10 10
Children per asset No Limit ( up to the 4000 total No Limit ( up to the 4000 total
assets) assets)
Alarm groups6 5000 5000
Nesting depth for alarm group 5 5
Children per alarm group 500 500
DFDs (Dynamic Objects) on 1000 1000
Named Displays
Trend Sets 3000 3000
Operating Groups 16000 16000
Reports 1000 1000
Point Control Schedules 1000 1000
Operators 1000 32767
Recipes 500 32767
Concurrent Alarms 1000 1000
Concurrent Messages 1000 1000
Stored Events 32000 32767
Extended Events Limited by hard disk size Limited by hard disk size
STD History Point Parameters 2000 10000
EXTD History Point Parameters 2000 10000
FAST History Point Parameters 1000 100007
Number of User Files 3 150
Number of Application Tasks 80 80
Point Lists 2000 2000
SOE Entries 10000 32767

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Experion Server Specifications and Technical Data EP03-200-210
Release R210 Version 1.1

Note 1 – The Experion database can be comprised of a mix of SCADA and Process Points in increments of 100
Note 2 – When a system includes Process Points, the number of Stations connections may need to be limited to keep
the data access performance within specified limits (see the Data Access Performance table). Servers with
large numbers of Process Points may be limited to supporting a maximum of 20 Station connections.
Note 3 – The total number of Stations connected to one Experion Server is limited to 40. Stations counting toward
this limit include both ES-F, ES-C nodes and ES-CE nodes. Total of ES-C and ES-CE nodes combined
cannot exceed 20. No more than 10 ES-C nodes are supported within the server.
Note 4 – The asset model represents the hierarchical organization of items in the enterprise, for example process
units, individual pieces of equipment or facilities etc. This specification is a limit for a system that could be
comprised of multiple servers.
Note 5 – Assignable assets provide a way to assign assets to an operator's scope of responsibility. An assigned asset
includes all asset children of the assigned asset including any points associated with those assets or any
alarm groups that have been designated by that asset for scope of responsibility purposes.
Note 6 – This specification is a limit for a system that could be comprised of multiple servers.
Note 7 – This is a server limitation only. The actual amount of data that can be retrieved depends on the data source.

History Collection
The on-board history collection system of the Experion server is composed of three history
classes. To support daylight savings and time zones, all collected data is historized in Universal
Coordinate Time (UCT) time stamp.

History Class Size

Standard History • 1 minute snapshot
• 6 minute average
• 1 hour average
• 8 hour average
• 24 hour average

Fast History • Stores snapshots at regular intervals — called the fast history
interval. This user selected interval can be 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (default),
10, 15, or 30 second snapshot

Extended History • 1 hour snapshot

• 8 hour snapshot
• 24 hour snapshot

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Experion Server Specifications and Technical Data EP03-200-210
Release R210 Version 1.1

History Sizing
The Experion Server history subsystem meets the following specifications:

Default Number Maximum Number of
Default Duration of Samples Duration Samples

Standard History
1 minute snapshot 24 hours 1442 69 days 100,000
6 minute average 7 days 1682 416 days 100,000
1 hour average 1 month 746 11.4 years 100,000
8 hour average 3 months 281 91.2 years 100,000
24 hour average 1 year 368 273.8 years 100,000

Extended History
1 hour snapshot 3 months 2233 11.4 years 100,000
8 hour snapshot 1 year 1099 91.2 years 100,000
24 hour snapshot 3 years 1831 273.8 years 100,000
Fast History
1 second snapshot 2 hours 7262 27.8 hours 100,000
2 second snapshot 4 hours 7262 55.6 hours 100,000
3 second snapshot 6 hours 7262 3.5 days 100,000
4 second snapshot 8 hours 7262 4.6 days 100,000
5 second snapshot 10 hours 7262 5.8 days 100,000
10 second snapshot 20 hours 7262 11.6 days 100,000
15 second snapshot 30 hours 7262 17.4 days 100,000
30 second snapshot 60 hours 7262 34.7 days 100,000
Note 1 – The averages are calculated using the 1-minute base interval. That is, 6-minute averages are calculated on
six 1-minute values.
Note 2 – Only one of the Fast History intervals can be configured per server. The 5-second snapshot is the default
Fast History interval.

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Experion Server Specifications and Technical Data EP03-200-210
Release R210 Version 1.1

Real Time Database SCADA Point Structures

The following point structures and associated parameters are provided in the Real Time
Database when interfacing to SCADA devices.

Point Standard Parameters

Analog • Point Name • Scan Status • SP Low Limit
• Point Description • OP High Limit • 0% & 100% Range
• Control Deadband • Scan Period • Operator Control
• Process Variable • Scan Address • OP Low Limit
• Setpoint • Control Timeout • PV Clamp Flag
• Normal Mode • Alarm Permit Flag • Engineering Units
• Output • Alarm Status • Drift Deadband
• Mode • Up to 8 Alarm types 1 • Alarm Deadband
• SP High Limit • Alarm Status • Associated Display
• Up to 4 user definable • PV Last Processed
inputs Time 2
Status 3 • Point Name • Output • Output Pulse Width
• Point Description • Scan Status • Re-Alarm Status
• Output Width • Normal Mode • Associated Display
• Process Variable • Scan Period • Alarm Permit Flag
• Control Timeout • Scan Address • Input Width
• Mode • Alarm Priority • Control Failure Alarm
• PV Last Processed • Operator Control
Time 2 Level
Accumulator 4 • Point Name • Scan Status • Output Pulse Width
• Point Description • Normal Mode • Re-Alarm Status
• Output Width • Scan Period • Associated Display
• Process Variable • Scan Address • Input Width
• Control Timeout • Mode • Alarm Priority
• Output • Alarm Permit Flag • PV Last Processed
Time 2
• Operator Control • Control Failure Alarm
Level Priority
Note 1 – Supported alarms include: PV Hi, PV Lo, PV HiHi, PV LoLo, Deviation Hi, Deviation Lo, Transmitter Hi,
Transmitter Lo, Rate of Change, Control Fail, and Control Timeout. Each of the configured alarms can be
assigned a priority ranging from Journal, Low, High to Urgent. An alarm sub-priority (0 to 15) can also be
assigned to further differentiate alarms.
Note 2 – Each time the PV is polled from the RTU, Experion will track and maintain the time/date of when the value
last changed, or more specifically, was last processed. If the Analog point in Experion, has a drift deadband
of 1%, then the last processed time is not updated until the PV moves by >1%. Similarly, if the drift
deadband is 0%, then the last processed time is not updated until the PV moves slightly.
Note 3 – The PV of a status point can range from a single bit to a three bit digital input, allowing up to eight possible
Note 4 – Data associated with pulsed inputs are stored in the system in an accumulator point type that will provide
automatic tracking of instrument rollover.

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Experion Server Specifications and Technical Data EP03-200-210
Release R210 Version 1.1

Data Access Performance

The following specifications apply to the acquisition and control subsystem of the Experion
Maximum PPS from all Experion Controllers (C200, FIMs, and IOLIMs); not 4000 PPS
including ACE

Maximum PPS from all ACE nodes (Ethernet and FTE) 2000 PPS
Maximum DSA PPS from each remote DSA Server 1000 PPS
Maximum OPC PPS from all configured OPC Servers 1000 PPS
Maximum number of remote OPC Data Access Servers subscribed to by the 15
Experion PKS Server (OPC Data Access Client)
Maximum OPC PPS published to all OPC Clients 2000 PPS
Maximum number of remote OPC Data Access Clients supported by the 5
Experion PKS Server (OPC Data Access Server)
OPC Display Data Client: Maximum number of data values per display 40
OPC Display Data Client: Total number of data values per OPC server 1000

PPS – Average parameters per second

Note 1 – Not including SCADA interfaces to the server (i.e. A-B PLC 5, FSC, etc.)
Note 2 – This figure represents the theoretical maximum performance of the Experion OPC clients. Third Party OPC
Server performances vary considerably. Please check the performance of the target OPC Server for precise
performance figures
Note 3 – This figure represents the theoretical maximum performance. Parameter data from a given communications
subsystem can be retrieved no faster than the performance capabilities of that subsystem.

Notification Performance
The following specifications apply to the Alarm & Event subsystem of the Experion Server:
Maximum number of events (burst condition) 1000 events
Maximum number of sustained events/second 40/sec
Maximum number of sustained alarms/second 20/sec
Maximum number of remote OPC A&E Servers subscribed to by the Experion 5
Maximum number of remote OPC A&E Clients supported by the Experion OPC 15
A&E Server
Note 1 – The Experion Server Alarm System will handle an event burst of up to 1000 events, with a minimum time
between consecutive bursts. An “event burst” is defined as a group of events greater than 40/sec, received
from all connected Event Servers in a period of less than 3 seconds. The time period required between
consecutive bursts, to allow for event processing, can be calculated using the following formula:
∆T = BS/(40-ER)
∆T = # of seconds required between bursts
BS = Burst Size (number of events in the burst)
ER = Event Rate between bursts
1) 1000 Event burst and no events between bursts: ∆T = 1000/40 = 25 seconds
2) 500 Event burst with 30 events/sec between: ∆T = 500/10 = 50 seconds
Note 2 – Up to two events are also generated for every alarm, including one event for entering the alarm condition
and one for return to normal.
Note 3 – The Experion Server includes the option to support OPC Alarms & Events in addition to native Experion
notifications. When the Experion Server is configured to receive alarms and events from an OPC Alarm &
Event Server, the notification limits noted in this table are applicable to the combined set of events received
from all connected event sources.

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Experion Server Specifications and Technical Data EP03-200-210
Release R210 Version 1.1

Distributed Systems Architecture

DSA performance specifications are as follows:

DSA Publishing Server Communications Performance

Maximum Network Maximum Maximum
Available Network Throughput Throughput/Server Subscribing
1 2 3, 4
Bandwidth (Param/Second) (Param/Second) Servers
64 Kb 100 100 1
128 Kb 200 200 2
256 Kb 400 400 3
512 Kb 800 800 8
1Mb 1,000 1,000 9
2 Mb 2,000 1,500 9
10 Mb 10,000 2,000 9
100 Mb 100,000 2,000 9
Note 1 – “Available Network Bandwidth” means dedicated continuously available bandwidth for DSA use between the
Servers, and not shared bandwidth with other applications such as Station access or Control Builder Multi-
User access.
Note 2 – Maximum traffic on any individual network segment.
Note 3 – For Experion Servers with Process Points, the total parameter throughput caused by remote station
displays, local station displays, fast history, etc., cannot exceed 1000 parameters/sec.
Note 4 – A subscribing Station is one that displays data from another publishing server through DSA. A larger
number of Stations subscribing to remote data will result in a greater amount of network traffic. Absolute
maximum number of subscribing Stations/publishing Server is 20.

DSA Subscribing Server Communications Performance

Maximum Network
Available Network Throughput Maximum Publishing
1 2
Bandwidth (Param/Second) Servers
64 Kb 100 1
128 Kb 200 2
256 Kb 400 4
512 Kb 800 6
1Mb 1000 8
2 Mb 2000 9
10 Mb 10000 9
100 Mb 100000 9
Note 1 – “Available Network Bandwidth” means dedicated continuously available bandwidth for DSA use between the
Servers, and not shared bandwidth with other applications such as Station access or Control Builder Multi-
User access.
Note 2 – Maximum traffic on any individual network segment.

Miscellaneous DSA Specifications

Maximum alarm/notification rate 20/sec/server

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Experion Server Specifications and Technical Data EP03-200-210
Release R210 Version 1.1

Alarm Pager
The following specifications apply to the alarm paging option.
Protocols Remarks
Paging Entry Terminal (PET)
Telocator Alphanumeric Protocol (TAP)
UCP protocols Mainly used in Europe.
• UCP 01 The two-digit suffixes refer to the EMI command
• UCP 30 numbers being used by the provider.
• UCP 51
Note 1 – Service Providers in North America generally use the PET or TAP protocols.

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Experion Server Specifications and Technical Data EP03-200-210
Release R210 Version 1.1

Model Numbers
Server Hardware
Model Number Description
MZ-NTPC51 Dual processor Server with Windows 2000 Server (Dell 1800)
MZ-NTPC81 Dual processor Server with Windows 2000 Server, RAID-1 (Dell 1800)
MZ-NTPC71 Dual processor Server with Windows 2000 Server, RAID-5, 2U rack (Dell 2850)
TP-DFP202 Desktop 20.1” Flat Panel Display
MZ-PCEB23 Single port Ethernet Comm. Board, 100 Mbps for Server PCs
NE-NICS01 1 Dual port Ethernet Comm. Board, 100 Mbps (for FTE)
MZ-PCEM34 1 GB Memory Module for MZ-NTPC51, -81
MZ-PCEM42 2 GB Memory Module for MZ-NTPC51, -71, -81
MZ-PCDT03 Terminal Server-8 RS232 Ports, RJ45
MZ-PCEB12 8 Port RS-232/422/485 Serial Board PCI Bus
MZ-PCEB11 8 Port RS-232/422/485 Expansion Module
MZ-PCDD06 Trackball w/PS-2 Connector
See Fault Tolerant Ethernet Specifications and Technical Data document for FTE hardware

Server Database
Model Number Description
EP-DBASE1 Database Base Software
EP-DPR100 100 Process Point Adder to Database Size
EP-DPR01K 1,000 Process Point Adder to Database Size
EP-DPR02K 2,000 Process Point Adder to Database Size
EP-DPR05K 5,000 Process Point Adder to Database Size
EP-DPR10K 10,000 Process Point Adder to Database Size
EP-DSC100 100 SCADA Point Adder to Database Size
EP-DSC01K 1,000 SCADA Point Adder to Database Size
EP-DSC02K 2,000 SCADA Point Adder to Database Size
EP-DSC05K 5,000 SCADA Point Adder to Database Size
EP-DSC10K 10,000 SCADA Point Adder to Database Size

Server Redundancy
Model Number Description
EP-RBASE1 Redundancy Base Software
EP-RPR100 100 Process Points Redundancy Adder
EP-RPR01K 1,000 Process Points Redundancy Adder
EP-RPR02K 2,000 Process Points Redundancy Adder
EP-RPR05K 5,000 Process Points Redundancy Adder
EP-RPR10K 10,000 Process Points Redundancy Adder
EP-RSC100 100 SCADA Points Redundancy Adder
EP-RSC01K 1,000 SCADA Points Redundancy Adder
EP-RSC02K 2,000 SCADA Points Redundancy Adder
EP-RSC05K 5,000 SCADA Points Redundancy Adder
EP-RSC10K 10,000 SCADA Points Redundancy Adder

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Experion Server Specifications and Technical Data EP03-200-210
Release R210 Version 1.1

Distributed System Architecture

Model Number Description
EP-XRSVR1 DSA 1 Remote Server License

Additional Honeywell Device Integration

Model Number Description
EP-IHWFSC Honeywell FSC and Safety Manager Integration
EP-IHWS9K Honeywell S9000 Integration
EP-IHW620 Honeywell 620 LCS Serial and Ethernet Interface
EP-IHWUDC Honeywell UDC 3000/5000/6300 Integration
EP-IHWMMX Honeywell Micromax LPU & Video Paperless
EP-IHWXLN Honeywell XLNET HVAC Controller Interface
EP-IHWDPR Honeywell DPR Recorders (DPR 100, 180, 3000)
EP-IHWFSG Honeywell RM7800 Flame Safeguard
EP-IHUMB Honeywell Universal Modbus Interface (HC900, UMC800, Trendview,
DPR180/250, UDC2300/3300, DR4300/4500)

SCADA Interfaces
Model Number Description
EP-IDNP3P DNP3 Protocol Interface
EP-IMDBUS Modbus (RTU, Plus, ASCII, & TCP) Interface
EP-IABSER Allen-Bradley Serial Interface (Does not require RSLinx)
EP-IABRSL Allen-Bradley RSLinx Interface (requires EP-IRSL24)
EP-IABINT Allen-Bradley Integration (requires EP-IABSER or EP-IABRSL)
EP-IRSL24 Allen-Bradley RSLINX Software, Ver. 2.4
EP-IGES90 GE Fanuc Series 90 PLC via Ethernet (requires EP-IGEAPI)
EP-ISMNS5 Siemens S5/S7 &TI PLC Via H1 / TF API
EP-IGEM80 GEC GEM80 PLC Interface
EP-IYTMA5 Yamatake MA500 Interface
EP-IBBRTU Bristol Babcock RTU Interface
EP-IMR35X Moore 351, 352, 353, 383 Interface
EP-IAPLCM Applicom Interface
EP-IASEAI Asea Interface
EP-IMAPAC Moore APACS Interface
Note 1 – RSLinx is available in a variety of packages with varying degrees of functionality. One feature of RSLInx is
the exposure of underlying device data via an OPC Data Access Server. RSLinx OEM, the package
provided with this model number only allows non-remote (OPC client resident on the same PC as RSLinx)
OPC clients to connect to the OPC Server. If the OPC Data Access Server of RSLinx is required and must
be accessed by remote OPC clients, please purchase the RSLinx Gateway version directly from Rockwell
Automation or a distributor.

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Experion Server Specifications and Technical Data EP03-200-210
Release R210 Version 1.1

Application Enablers
Model Number Description
EP-AERMGR Recipe Manager
EP-AESHED Point Control Scheduler
EP-AEODBX ODBC Data Exchange
EP-AEPAGE Alarm Pager
EP-AEBRPT Batch Report

Application Toolkit
Model Number Description
EP-AEAPTK Application Development Toolkit

Open Data Access

Model Number Description
EP-UODA1U Open Data Access, per User

Model Number Description
EP-OPCCLI OPC Client Interface
EP-OPCCAD OPC Advanced Client
EP-OPCINT OPC Integrator, per Connection
EP-OPCSDA OPC Data Access Server, per Connection
EP-OPCSAE OPC Alarm & Event Server, per Connection
TP-RDM000 Redirection Manager

Engineering Tools
Model Number Description
EP-TQBLDR Quick Builder – SCADA database builder
EP-TDSPBD HMIWeb Display Builder

On-Process Migration
Model Number Description
EP-OPM0BS Base On-Process Migration Support
EP-OPM100 100 Point On-Process Migration Support
EP-OPM01K 1,000 Point On-Process Migration Support
EP-OPM02K 2,000 Point On-Process Migration Support
EP-OPM05K 5,000 Point On-Process Migration Support
EP-OPM10K 10,000 Point On-Process Migration Support

21 CFR Part 11 Option

Model Number Description
EP-ESIG01 Electronic Signature Option

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Experion Server Specifications and Technical Data EP03-200-210
Release R210 Version 1.1


Term or Acronym Description

ACE Application Control Environment
C200 Experion Controller
CEE Control Execution Environment
Cache (dynamic Performance feature of the Experion Server that allows it to read and
cache) write only to currently required parameters. This is in contrast to
constantly polling the controllers for all data.
Checkpoint(ing) A cyclic process that copies the contents of the memory-resident part
of the database to the backup server. This is not to be confused with
the constant update of the backup server’s database while the servers
are synchronized.
COM Component Object Model
Composite Point The Experion point structure that contains many parameters such as
PV, SP, Mode, etc.
DCS Distributed Control System
DSA Distributed Systems Architecture
Electronic Signature The legally binding equivalent of an operator’s handwritten signature
Experion Station - The HMIWeb Station that is directly connected to a TPS System and
TPS Experion Server - TPS. Acronym: ES-T
Experion Server - An Experion Server directly connected to a TPS System. Acronym:
HTML HyperText Markup Language
ODBC Open Data Base Connectivity
OLE Object Linking and Embedding
OPC OLE for Process Control
PLC Programmable Logic Controller
Process Points Points originating in a CEE device such as a C200 or ACE.
RDM Redirection Manager
RTU Remote Terminal Unit
SCADA Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition
SCADA Points Points configured to access devices via optional SCADA interfaces.
SMTP Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol
System Event The System Event Server exposes Windows events as OPC events so
Server they can be integrated into the Experion Alarm and Event subsystem.
Acronym: SES
System The System Performance Server exposes Windows performance data
Performance Server as OPC data so it can be integrated into Experion History and Displays.
Acronym: SPS
SQL Structured Query Language
TPS TotalPlant Solution

- 36 -
Experion Server Specifications and Technical Data EP03-200-210
Release R210 Version 1.1

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