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PG Diploma in VLSI SoC Design and Verification

Course Structure*

Module Module Name Duration (Hrs) Credit

Code* Total Theory Lab s
VS 501 Embedded C and ARM Cortex 143 39 104 5 (3+2)
VS 502 VLSI Fundamentals 78 26 52 3 (2+1)
VS 503 FPGA Architecture and Programming 78 26 52 3 (2+1)
using Verilog HDL
VS 504 ARM based SoC Design 78 26 52 3 (2+1)
VS 505 Advanced ARM SoCs and OS Porting 78 26 52 3 (2+1)
VS 506 ARM based SoC Verification 91 39 52 4 (3+1)
VS 507 Project 208 208 4
Total 754 182 572 25
Optional Preparatory Module
VS50P Analog and Digital System Design 78 26 52 3 (2+1)

*These programs are conducted as workshops/ internship. Modular admission is available and
those who are completing all the modules are eligible for PG Diploma in Embedded System
Design and IoT on production of the Provisional Degree Certificate of B.E./B.Tech.

** VS-AD course is optional-Those who would like to refresh the fundamentals of Analog and
Digital Design can enroll for this module. An extra 3 credits will be awarded after successful
completion of the module.

Course Preamble:

The complex Very Large Scale Integrated (VLSI) systems are built on System on Chips (SoCs).
In a SoC usually, many processor cores and the essential peripherals are wrapped. To design a
SoC, knowledge in processor architectures, various bus protocols, etc. are essential. Also, the
SoC verification is more challenging as it involves the verification of many complex scenarios.
Therefore usually the SoCs are emulated on a Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) and the
real chip verification will be carried out before spin.

This VLSI SoC Design and Verification course focus on building the necessary industry skills
required to work in SoC Design/Verification/FPGA Emulation projects. The course focus on
industry-standard Advanced RISC Machine (ARM) processors based SoC design, verification,
and FPGA emulation. The necessary skills (Verilog HDL Coding for synthesis, FPGA

Architecture and programming, System Verilog based Verification, etc.) required to fetch an
industry job are covered in this course. The course will transform the successful participants into
industry-ready employable engineers. In addition, it helps to hand-hold startup industries in the
VLSI SoC Design/Verification/Emulation domain.

Objective of the Course

PG Diploma in VLSI SoC Design and Verification Course is intended to impart skills essential
for VLSI Circuits design, ARM based SoC design, Verification, Software programming, OS
porting and building applications.

Outcome of the Course:

The successful participants will have;

1. In‐depth knowledge, skills and comprehensive understanding about the

Electronics fundamentals, SoC Design and Verification methodologies and industry
practices followed by VLSI Design Companies across the world.
2. Ready employability in multiple roles available in VLSI Industry.
3. Refined skillsets, knowhow and confidence needed for entrepreneurship in VLSI Design
and Verification industry.

Duration: 754 Hours

Target Audience: BE/B.Tech (ECE/EEE/AEI/CSE/IT/Biomedical/Medical Electronics,

Mechatronics and allied branches) / M.Sc. (Electronics/CS).


Ongoing with 3rd semester completed.

However, they will be issued course certificate only on production of their provisional/degree

* VS50P: Analog and Digital System Design (Preparatory module)
Module Duration: 78 Hours (26 hours theory and 52 hours lab)


The objective of the course is to provide a thorough understanding about the elements and
techniques for analog and digital system design.

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of the module, the candidate shall be able to:

 Design and analyse Analog and Digital Electronic systems.

Target Audience: Target Audience: BE/B.Tech (ECE/EEE/AEI/CSE/IT/Biomedical/Medical

Electronics, Mechatronics and allied branches) / M.Sc. (Electronics/CS).


Ongoing with 3rd semester completed.

Prerequisite: NIL

Course Description

Analog Concepts

 Introduction to Analog Circuits

 BJT Small Signal Model
 MOS Circuit Model, Biasing of Circuits
 Amplifiers, MOS Amplifiers
 Frequency Response of Amplifier
 Differential Amplifier
 Feedback Theory
 OPAMP Circuits

Digital Concepts

 CMOS Logic Design

 Combinational Circuit Design
 Sequential Circuit Design
 Memories
 Design of controller and Data path units
 State Machines
 Design Examples & Case Studies

Reading List

1. Design of Analog CMOS ICs - Razavi. The best book available on CMOS analog.
2. Microelectronic circuits : Adel Sedra and Kenneth C. Smith
3. Franco S, Design with Operational Amplifiers and Analog Integrated Circutis
4. CMOS Analog circuit design - Allan and Holberg
5. Analog Integrated Circuit Design - Ken Martin and David Johns
6. Digital Design by Morris Mano & Michael D Ciletti
7. Digital Design: Principles and Practices by John F. Wakerly
8. Digital Design by Frank Vahid

VS 501: Embedded C and ARM Cortex Microcontrollers
Module Duration: 143 Hours (39 hours theory and 104 hours lab)

This module aims at familiarizing the students in embedded concepts, programming in ‘C’ and
ARM Architecture. This module covers the introduction to embedded systems and advanced
topics in ‘C’ such as Memory management, Pointers, Data structures which are of high relevance
in embedded software is considered in depth. This module also covers the Architecture of ARM
and application development with ARM Cortex Microcontrollers.

Learning Outcomes
After successful completion of the module, the students shall be able to understand:

 Development of Embedded applications using Embedded C

 Usage of ARM Cortex Microcontrollers with Embedded C Programming for Application

Target Audience: BE/B.Tech (ECE/EEE/AEI/CSE/IT/Biomedical/Medical Electronics,

Mechatronics and allied branches) / M.Sc. (Electronics/CS).


Ongoing with 3rd semester completed.

Prerequisite: NIL

Course Description
Embedded Concepts
Introduction to embedded systems, Application areas and categories of embedded systems,
Overview of embedded system architecture, Specialties and trends in embedded systems,
Development and debugging Tools.

‘C’ and Embedded C

Introduction to ‘C’ programming, Storage Classes, Data Types, Controlling program flow,
Arrays, Functions, Memory Management, Pointers, Arrays and Pointers, Pointer to Functions
and advanced topics on Pointers, Structures and Unions, Data Structures, Linked List, Stacks,
Queues, Conditional Compilation, Preprocessor directives, File operations, Variable arguments
in Functions, Command line arguments, bitwise operations.

Introduction to ARM Cortex Architecture
Introduction to ARM Architecture, Overview of ARM, Overview of Cortex-M Architecture

Cortex M3 Microcontrollers & Peripherals

Cortex M3 based Microcontroller architecture, Memory mapping, ARM Cortex M3 Peripherals
– GPIOs, Timers, UARTs, Cortex M3 interrupt handling (NVIC), ARM Cotex-M3 Programming
and application development.

Reading List

Text Books:
1. Embedded/Real Time Systems Concepts, Design and Programming Black Book, Prasad,
2. Let us C by Yashwant Kanetkar.
3. The Definitive Guide to the ARM Cortex M3, Joseph Yiu, Newnes.

Reference Books:
1. Embedded Systems Architecture Programming and Design: Raj Kamal, Tata McGraw
2. Embedded C, Pont, Michael J
3. Embedded Systems an Integrated Approach: Lyla B Das, Pearson
4. C Programming language, Kernighan, Brian W, Ritchie, Dennis M
5. Art of C Programming, JONES, ROBIN,STEWART, IAN
6. ARM System Developer's Guide - Designing and Optimizing System Software by:
Andrew N Sloss, Dominic Symes, Chris Wright; 2004, Elsevier.
7. ARM Cortex M3 Reference manual.
8. STM32Ldiscovery datasheets, reference manuals & Application notes.

VS 502: VLSI Fundamentals
Module Duration: 78 Hours (26 hours theory and 52 hours lab)


The objective of the course is to give students solid introductory knowledge on VLSI design and
the application of these concepts.

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of the module, the candidate shall be able to:

 Get an overview of VLSI Design, its importance in the electronics industry, and its

Target Audience: BE/B.Tech (ECE/EEE/AEI/CSE/IT/Biomedical/Medical Electronics,

Mechatronics and allied branches) / M.Sc. (Electronics/CS).


Ongoing with 3rd semester completed.

Prerequisite: Analog and Digital Circuit Design basics (VS module)

Course Description

Introduction to VLSI
Introduction to VLSI Design Flow: Front-end and Back-end, Industry standard VLSI Design
Tools. CMOS transistor theory, CMOS inverter characteristics, Fabrication steps of a CMOS

Circuits and Layout

Transistor level schematics and layouts for: CMOS inverter, NAND, NOR Gates, D-Flip Flop,
D-Latch. On chip wire modelling. Bonding diagram, packaging and assembly.

Timing in VLSI circuits

Gate Delays and Logical effort. Combinational logic circuit critical path optimization. Usage of
P/N ratio to determine the best delay/power trade-off for logic gates. Timing in sequential
circuits, timing constraints, maximum frequency of operation, techniques to improve timing.

Processor Architecture and Design for Testability

Introduction to processor architectures. Data path and Control path Design, Design of a simple

Stuck at fault model, Generation of test vectors to find stuck at faults, scan chains, Introduction
to BIST, IEEE boundary scan methodology.
Reading List

1. Digital Integrated Circuits - A design perspective: JAM M RABEY

2. CMOS VLSI Design: A Circuits and Systems Perspective-Book by David Harris and
Neil Westes
3. Digital Design and Computer Architecture-Book by David Harris
4. Digital VLSI Chip Design with Cadence and Synopsys CAD Tools-Book by Erik

VS 503: FPGA Architecture and Programming using Verilog HDL
Module Duration: 78 Hours (26 hours theory and 52 hours lab)


The objectives of the course is to:

1. Provide a thorough understanding about and hands-on with digital design & Test bench
based verification using Verilog HDL.

2. Provide a thorough understanding about and hands-on practice with FPGA based digital
system design and emulation.

Learning Outcomes

After successful completion of the module, the students shall be able to:

 Author Design IPs for VLSI using Verilog HDL

 Develop Test benches using Verilog HDL
 Prototype digital Systems using FPGA
 Emulate, debug & Characterize reusable IPs

Target Audience: BE/B.Tech (ECE/EEE/AEI/CSE/IT/Biomedical/Medical Electronics,

Mechatronics and allied branches) / M.Sc. (Electronics/CS).


Ongoing with 3rd semester completed.

Prerequisite: Completion of module VS 501

Course Description

 Introduction to Verilog HDL & Hierarchical Modeling Concepts

 Lexical Conventions & Data Types
 System Tasks & Compiler Directives
 Modules, Ports and Module Instantiation Methods
 Gate Level Modeling
 Dataflow Modeling
 Behavioural Modeling
 RTL Design and Logic Synthesis and Synthesis issues
 Design Verification using Test benches
 Architecture of popular Xilinx FPGAs
 FPGA Design Flow - Xilinx Vivado®
 Logic Synthesis and timing for FPGA
 IP Core based Design
 Debugging using Embedded Logic Analyzers
 Design problems using Xilinx® Platforms
 Case Studies on FPGA Based implementations
 Mini-project and Case Studies

Reading List

1. Verilog HDL - A guide to Digital Design and Synthesis by Samir Palnitkar.

2. A Verilog HDL Primer by J.Bhasker.
3. Verilog HDL Synthesis, A Practical Primer by J. Bhasker
4. Verilog Digital System Design by Zainalabedin Navabi
5. FPGA-Based System Design by Wayne Wolf
6. Advanced FPGA Design Architecture, Implementation and optimization by Kilts
7. Embedded Core Design with FPGAs. by Zainalabedin Navabi
8. FPGA Prototyping by Verilog Examples by Pong P. Chu
9. Modeling, Synthesis, and Rapid Prototyping with the VERILOG HDL by Michael
D. Ciletti

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VS 504: ARM based SoC Design
Module Duration: 78 Hours (26 hours theory and 52 hours lab)


The objective of the course is to provide a thorough understanding about and hands-on practice
with ARM based SoC design and emulation using FPGA.

Learning Outcomes

After successful completion of this module, students should be able to:

 Prototype a SoC on FPGA
 Perform low-level software design for Arm-based SoCs and high-level application
 Acquire ability to use a commercial tools to develop Arm-based SoCs

Target Audience: BE/B.Tech (ECE/EEE/AEI/CSE/IT/Biomedical/Medical Electronics,

Mechatronics and allied branches) / M.Sc. (Electronics/CS).


Ongoing with 3rd semester completed.

Prerequisite: Completion of module VS 503

Course Description

 Introduction to Programmable SoCs

 AHB Light bus architecture
 Building a System on Chip- Integrating AHB peripherals to ARM
 Timer,GPIO,7 segment Display
 Interrupt Controller
 Software Programming of ARM SoC

Reading List

1. ARM System-on-Chip Architecture by Steve B. Furber

2. ARM Assembly Language: Fundamentals and Techniques by William Hohl
3. The Definitive Guide to the ARM Cortex-M0 by Joseph Yiu

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VS 505: Advanced ARM SoCs and OS Porting
Module Duration: 78 Hours (26 hours theory and 52 hours lab)


The objective of the course is to

 Provide understanding about developing ARM advanced SoCs (Arm Cortex-A series),
from creating high level functional specifications to design, implementation and testing
on FPGA platforms using standard hardware description and software programming
 Provide understanding of the techniques essential to port Operating System on FPGA
with ARM Core.

students who are capable of developing Arm Cortex-A based SoCs, from creating high level
functional specifications to design, implementation and testing on FPGA platforms using
standard hardware description and software programming languages

Learning Outcomes

After successful completion of the module, the students shall be able to:

 Development of ARM advanced SoCs on FPGA and development of applications.

 Port the Linux OS on FPGA with ARM Core

Target Audience: BE/B.Tech (ECE/EEE/AEI/CSE/IT/Biomedical/Medical Electronics,

Mechatronics and allied branches) / M.Sc. (Electronics/CS).


Ongoing with 3rd semester completed.

Prerequisite: Completion of module VS 503, VS 504

Course Description

 ARM SoCs (Arm Cortex-A series)

 AXI Bus Architecture
 Design of ARM based advanced SoCs

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 Integrating AXI Peripherals to ARM SoC
 Linux Porting and running application
 Design an Acceleration IP (Signal/Image Processing)
 Interfacing Acceleration IP with ARM SoC and FPGA Acceleration.

Reading List

1. ARM System-on-Chip Architecture by Steve B. Furber

2. ARM Assembly Language: Fundamentals and Techniques by William Hohl
3. Cortex-A Series Programmer's Guide for ARMv7-A by Arm
4. GNU/LINUX Application Programming, Jones, M Tims
5. Embedded Linux: Hardware, Software, and Interfacing, Hollabaugh, Craig,
6. Building Embedded Linux Systems: Yaghmour, Karim
7. Embedded/Real-Time Systems: Concepts, Design and Programming: The Ultimate
Reference, Dr. K.V.K.K. Prasad, Published by Wiley DreamTech, 2003
8. ARM System Developer's Guide - Designing and Optimizing System Software by:
Andrew N Sloss, Dominic Symes, Chris Wright; 2004, Elseiver.
9. FPGA-Based System Design by Wayne Wolf
10. Advanced FPGA Design Architecture, Implementation and optimization by Kilts

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VS 506: Verification of ARM based SoC
Module Duration: 91 Hours (39 hours theory and 52 hours lab)


The objective of the course is to provide understanding of the techniques for SoC Verification

Learning Outcomes

After successful completion of the module, the students shall be able to:

 Perform design verification of complex SoCs using System Verilog

Target Audience: BE/B.Tech (ECE/EEE/AEI/CSE/IT/Biomedical/Medical Electronics,

Mechatronics and allied branches) / M.Sc. (Electronics/CS).


Ongoing with 3rd semester completed.

Prerequisite: Completion of module VS 504, VS 505

Course Description

 Introduction to VLSI Verification-Verification Architecture, Test automation, Assertions

and Coverage.
 System Verilog Features
 Basic Data Types
 Operators
 Bus Function Modeling
 Interfaces, RTL Processes
 Clocking Blocks
 Randomization, Coverage
 Arrays & Queues
 Direct Programming Interface
 Monitors & Checkers
 Functional Coverage
 Processes and Events

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 Verification Planning & Challenges
 SoC Verification Concepts
 Coverage Driven Verification,
 Assertion Based Verification.
 Constrained Random Verification
 Clock Domain Crossing Verification
 IP Verification Case Study

Reading List

1. Writing Testbenches: Functional Verification of HDL Models by Janick Bergeron

2. SystemVerilog for Verification by Chris Spear
3. System Verilog for Design by Chris Spear
4. RTL Modeling with SystemVerilog for Simulation and Synthesis by Stuart Sutherland
5. System Verilog Assertions and Functional Coverage by Mehta
6. Logic Design and Verification Using SystemVerilog by Donald Thomas
7. Designing Digital Systems With SystemVerilog by Brent E. Nelson


"IEEE Standard for System Verilog-Unified Hardware Design, Specification, and Verification
Language," in IEEE Std 1800-2017, vol., no., pp.1-1315, 22 Feb. 2018, doi:
10.1109/IEEESTD.2018.8299595.Available online at

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VS 507: Project Work
Module Duration: 208 Hours

The objective of project work is to demonstrate the candidates’ skill and knowledge in solving a
real work Engineering problem involving VLSI Design or Verification.

Learning Outcomes

After successful completion of this module, the candidate shall be able to:

 Undertake and indecently complete a real world Industry problem involving VLSI
Design or Verification using state of the art industry standard tools and practices

Target Audience: B.E./B.Tech./MCA/BCA/NIELIT A Level Completed or Ongoing with 3 rd

semester completed.

Prerequisite: Completion of modules relevant to the chosen project problem.

The participants can choose projects involving one among the following;

RTL Design, ARM Based SoC Design, Verification, ARM Based SoC Applications, etc.

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