The Christian Messenger: Fifth Avenue Church of Christ

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The Christian Messenger

Fifth Avenue Church of Christ

115 W. Fifth Ave.
Lancaster, OH 43130
740-654-0626 – e-mail: [email protected]
March 22, 2011

Brad Seevers April 17, 2011

Senior Minister
Palm Sunday Services
Combined worship on that day.
David Tingler Sunday School at 8:45am
Associate Minister Worship at 10:00am
(Easter Cantata)
Glen Shady Evening Worship at 6:00pm
Youth Minister

Sunday Services
1st Worship
8:00 a.m.

2nd Worship
10:30 a.m.
If you would like to present flowers in memory of a
Bible School loved one, in honor of a special occasion or to beautify
9:15 a.m. the sanctuary for Easter, you can do so this Sunday,
April 3rd. Tulips, lilies or daffodils are $8.00 each and
Evening Worship due when placing your order. Ladies will be in the
6:00pm library to take your orders.
Sunday School 64
First Morning Worship 74
Second Morning Worship 82
ONE FINAL NOTE about the “Keenagers
Total Morning Worship 156 Retreat” at Round Lake Christian Camp!
Evening Worship 44 This annual retreat will be held on Tuesday,
Family Reunion (3/23) 33 April 12. The day gets underway with a
Weekly Budget $ 4,471.00 continental breakfast from 8:30 to 9:50am.
Budget Received $ 3,663.12 There will be three speakers and two
Cantata Book $ 8.00 workshops. The program will conclude with
Van Fund $ 30.00 a banquet at 4:45pm. The registration fee of
SERVING SCHEDULE – April 3, 2011 $28, per person, covers meals and program.
(We will share the cost of gas for travel.) A
At the Table 1st David Riggenbach, Larry Bussey sign-up sheet is posted. Please take one of
George Lambert, Jack Hardwick the registration forms, complete it and return
Serving 1st
Tim Huffman, Bill Kelly it to me along with your registration fee.
At the table 2nd David Riggenbach, Larry Bussey (Checks should be made to “Round Lake
Serving 2nd G. Lambert, R. Troutman, T. Dean
N. Hinson, P. Hinson
Christian Camp”.) Our departure time, on
Pastor of the Week David Riggenbach April 12, is 7:00am.
PM Deacon George Lambert
SENIOR SAINTS: It’s time to begin
Offering Counters Team 5 registering for “Senior Saints in the
Smokies”. If you have never attended, you
COMMUNION PREPARATION should consider doing so. It’s a great week
1ST Worship Larry King
of relaxed inspiration and fellowship. The
2nd Worship Fred Griffith
gathering is held on the Johnson Bible
GREETERS College campus. The date is May 30 to June
1ST Worship Nancy Speakman, Lori Highfield 3. If you are interested in attending, please
2 Worship Neal Rudolph see me regarding registration forms, etc.
Sunday School Laura Wersell, Reta Conrad WEDNESDAYS: The focus of our two study
2 Worship Nick & Tracy Hinson groups (10:00 am & 6:30 pm) is the book of I
Preschool Helper Carolyn May
Corinthians. Why not join us for one of the
Early Elementary Helper Thea Kallenberg
Upper Elementary Helper Becky Hoagland sessions.
6-8 Grade Helper Delores Payne
Visitor Center 1st Worship Shirley Alexander SUNDAY EVENINGS: Our current series of
Visitor Center 2nd Worship Bev Puckett lessons finds us in the book of Proverbs. The
theme for April 3: “Advice For Making
SECURITY Choices”. (Prov. 23:18) and on April 10, it is
1st Worship Dick Shumaker “Responsible Response” from Prov. 15:1, 28.
Bible School Paul Hoagland
(The Lord’s Supper is available at this
2nd Worship Tom Puckett
Evening Worship Dick Shumaker 6:00pm service.)
Upcoming Events
Apr. 16-17
CIY: Believe (Jr. High Conference). We
will leave on Saturday at 1:00pm and Children of God...
"Train a child in the way he should go, and
travel to Anderson, IN for this amazing when he is old he will not turn from it."
Proverbs 22:6
weekend. Please let Glen know ASAP if
This was written by a 2nd Grade student that attends
you are interested. FACC regularly. He did this on his own and brought it
to church to share last Sunday. I only added
Apr. 18-22,
punctuations to this here and there. Everything else is
Middle School/High School service his words. I pray that it will encourage you.
The forgivnes of Jesus
week. Details coming soon.
Ounce upon a time Long ago ther was a man
April 24, Easter! namd Jesus. he helpt the poor he feed the
Need to have $2000 raised for pallet of sike and held wonds and he had folloers that
riskd ther lives to tell other people about
food to Haiti. God. One day Jesus went and told people
that he was going to sacefis himself for every
ones sins thay had did over the years so
Prayer Concerns people beat him up and calld him holubul
nams and after that he cared his cross up a
 Raising money for pallet of food for
hill and he got naild up to it and people
 That God would raise up workers
started to throw sharp stuff at him. After that
from within the church who are
he was put in to a grave and three days later
passionate about working with young
he rose agin and people went and told other
people the news that Jesus rose and some
people saw him. The end.
By Andrew Jaison Daubenmire


Our Prayer Requests

Charlie May LeRoy Shaner & family Mabel Stevens Tom Puckett Laura Wersell
Pat Davis Wes Camp Jim Cox Dorothy Herman Evelyn Wersell
Wanda Dickson Julie Stuck Deb Dobson Judy Smith Cliff Byers
Our Troops George Andrews Sharon Bloom Joe Lockhart Diane Williams
SERVING SCHEDULE – April 10, 2011

At the Table 1st Tom Puckett & Charlie May

Dale Rose, Carmel Marsh, Dick
Serving 1st
Shumaker, Jerry Baker
At the table 2 Tom Puckett & Ned Tomlinson
Serving 2 Dale Rose, Neal Rudolph, Don Taylor,
Dale Thornton, Ned Tomlinson Women’s Prayer Breakfast
Pastor of the Week Tom Puckett Saturday, April 30th - 9:00am
PM Deacon Dale Rose
Mary Alice Coats speaking
Offering Counters Team 1 Concert by Lancaster High School
Swinging Gales Jazz Band
1ST Worship Larry King
2nd Worship Fred Griffith

1ST Worship Ruth Andrews & Jeanne Noble
2nd Worship Dick & Marg Shumaker
Sunday School Laura Wersell & Thea Kallenberg
2nd Worship Courtney Beiter
Preschool Helper Debbie Cooper
Early Elementary Helper Nancye Rose
Upper Elementary Helper Larry King
6-8th Grade Helper Mike Cooper
Visitor Center 1st Worship Sue Tingler
Visitor Center 2 Worship Bev Puckett

1st Worship Paul Alexander
Bible School Ray Coats SYMPATHY
2nd Worship Mike Cooper We extend our
Evening Worship Paul Hoagland heartfelt sympathy to
LeRoy Shaner and
family on the death
Looking ahead of his wife, Mary.
You and your family
to are in our thoughts
Easter Sunday! and prayers. May
Services God comfort during
this difficult time.
April 24, 2011!
Sunrise Service – 7:00am
Easter breakfast – 8:00am Security Meeting
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Sunday School – 9:15am 7:30pm
Morning Worship – 10:30am For all members of
the security team.
There will be no Evening Worship.
“A Note from brAd….”
This week we will wrap up our series on the “Things that a loving God hates”. We will take a look
at the theme of “Hands that kill innocent blood”. I do hope you will join us.

As the Palm Sunday cantata draws near, I do hope you will begin inviting friends and family to be
here to celebrate our Lord. Many are working hard to provide the best musical presentation that we
can. I am sure you will be blessed as we seek to prepare hearts for the risen Lord.

Isn’t it great to see new faces coming to Fifth Avenue? God is honoring our efforts to communicate
to this community that our church exists. I hope that you never tire about sharing your faith and
never give up on those you are praying for to come to this place to hear about Jesus. Whether you
recognize it or not, your words and actions will be the biggest contributor or detriment as to
whether someone comes to church here. Scriptures remind us that we are “Ambassador’s for
Christ” (2 Cor. 5:20). Let’s make Him proud of the way we live.

I am excited that this Fall we will have two young men attending Cincinnati Christian University.
Please pray for Joe Hoagland & Patrick Hinson as they seek direction on how God is leading their
lives for Christian service. Please pray for all our college students that they will be strong and make
wise decisions for their lives.

Last week, Courtney Lockhart was baptized into Christ. Please pray for her during this difficult time
as her father has terminal cancer. May God surround her with positive influences during this
challenging time.

Have a great week.

Brad Seevers, Eph. 3:20-21

A new Life Group will be held at Tim

and Marie Huffman’s home beginning
April 10th @ 5 P.M. The study is called:
“GET REAL” & is based on the book
of 1 John. It is a 5 week commitment.

Still looking for an opportunity for Bible study?

Join us on Wednesday’s for Family Reunion. There
are two options: Mayberry Bible study in the
Fellowship Hall and I Corinthians in Room 208.
Both start at 6:30pm. Join us!
We will be decorating the church for Easter on
Thursday, April 14th at 7:00pm. We would
appreciate anyone who would be able to help with
this project. I want to remind our members that we
have a “prayer chain” at the church. If
you are not currently on the chain and
want to receive prayer requests by
phone, then please indicate on the back
of your silent roll call card, and we will
put you on the list of people to call. We
do not use the phone tree anymore for
We want to thank everyone for your prayers prayer requests.
for Jim during his medical tests. He got good
news from the results.
Jim and Pat Wheeler

Blood pressure
checks will be taken
this Sunday, April 3
in the library.

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