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Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Skill Area: Language All of our products are copyrighted to

Ages: 5 thru 11 protect the fine work of our authors.
Copying this entire book for any reason is
Grades: K thru 6 prohibited. You may, however, copy the
worksheets as needed for your own use
with students.

Any other reproduction or distribution

of these worksheets is not allowed,
LinguiSystems, Inc. including copying this book to use as
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1-800-PRO IDEA TDD: 1-800-933-8331
1-800-776-4332 (for those with hearing impairments) ISBN 0-7606-0201-8
About the Authors

back, left to right: Lauri Whiskeyman, Kelly Malone, Nancy McConnell, Paul Johnson, Barb Truman
front, left to right: Linda Bowers, Karen Stontz, Rosemary Huisingh, Carolyn LoGiudice

This spirited group of writers from LinguiSystems collaborated on

No-Glamour Language Elementary. Together they have many years
of experience educating and working with both the young and the
old to improve their language skills. In true LinguiSystems style,
these authors also make it a priority to have fun with life and our
language and hope that this philosophy is reflected throughout
these pages.

Illustrations: Margaret Warner

Cover design: Roberta Johnson
Page layout: Christine Buysse
Table of Contents

Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5

Describing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7

Classifying . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27

Comparing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .47

Antonyms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .67

Synonyms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .87

Following Directions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .107

Sequencing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .127

Riddles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .147

Cause and Effect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .167

Predicting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .187

Paraphrasing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .207

Main Idea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .227

Summarizing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .241

Giving Reasons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .255

Opinions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .275

Multiple Meanings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .295

Idioms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .315

Analogies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .335

Answer Key . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .355

No-Glamour Language 3 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Although No-Glamour Language Elementary isn’t glamorous, it’s far from dull! We’ve
written each and every page knowing that students like to have fun (and so do their
teachers!). No-Glamour Language Elementary gives students the opportunity to enjoy
language while learning they can actually manipulate their environments with it. What

For each of the 17 sections, you’ll get 14-20 pages of activities. While most of these
can be done independently, they are more entertaining and beneficial if you guide your
students’ work. By bringing your language expertise to these pages, you’ll awaken
your students’ natural curiosity about the twists and turns of our unique language.

Students will learn that comparing, contrasting, using antonyms, and using synonyms
are all precursors to understanding and making analogies. They’ll relish discovering
that words can have multiple meanings and that knowing synonyms makes
paraphrasing easier and more interesting. However you approach using No-Glamour
Language Elementary, the outcomes regarding your students’ language improvement
will be obvious in their academic performance.

Besides using the activities in direct instruction, try No-Glamour Language Elementary
• 10 minute take home assignments
• general classroom language improvement
• parent-student instruction (sent home with the student to improve
student AND parent language skills)
• teaching English as a second language
• peer teaching
• student mentor teaching with a younger, language delayed student
• portfolio entries

Finally, we hope you find No-Glamour Language Elementary comprehensive. This

bunch o’ book was a great team effort so we could bring you enough language
activities for years to come. Go ahead, use it like you would the Yellow Pages . . . over
and over again until it’s all worn out.

Carolyn, Paul, Lauri, Barb, Karen, Rosemary, Linda, Kelly, Nancy

No-Glamour Language 5 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Describing 1 Name __________________________

Find all the things that are bigger than you. Circle them.

No-Glamour Language 7 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Describing 2 Name __________________________

Find all the things that can be red. Color them with your red crayon.

No-Glamour Language 8 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Describing 3 Name __________________________

Draw a box around each animal that has spots.

No-Glamour Language 9 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Describing 4 Name __________________________

Find all the things that can be made of wood. Circle them.

No-Glamour Language 10 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Describing 5 Name __________________________

Draw a line under all the things that are furry.

No-Glamour Language 11 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Describing 6 Name __________________________

Find all the things that are too big to fit in a suitcase. Draw an X on each one.

No-Glamour Language 12 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Describing 7 Name __________________________

Listen and follow these directions. You’ll need a green and brown crayon.

❶ Find the dinosaur with a long neck. Draw a ribbon around its neck.

❷ Find the dinosaur with spikes on its tail. Color it green.

❸ Find the dinosaur with sharp teeth. Color it brown.

❹ Find the dinosaur with three horns on its head. Draw some grass under its feet.

No-Glamour Language 13 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Describing 8 Name __________________________

Listen and follow these directions. You’ll need a green and brown crayon.

❶ Find the frog with only two spots. Draw two more on his back.

❷ Find the frog sitting on a lily pad. Color him green.

❸ Find the frog doing a dance. Draw a hat on his head.

❹ Find the frog sticking out his tongue. Draw a fly on his tongue.

❺ Find the frog sitting on a tree branch. Color him brown.

No-Glamour Language 14 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Describing 9 Name __________________________

Circle the picture that matches each description.

1. You use this to brush your hair.

2. This is made of metal.

3. This has wings.

4. This lives in the jungle.

5. This is squishy.

No-Glamour Language 15 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Describing 10 Name __________________________

Look at the clues for each picture. Cross out the one that doesn’t belong.

1. fruit 2. expensive
juicy rectangular
oval huge
purple appliance

3. thing 4. fast
funny machine
person two wheels
big nose toy

5. prickly 6. reptile
dead bird
pretty hoots
plant feathered

No-Glamour Language 16 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Describing 11 Name __________________________

Write each word in front of the description it matches.

ring kangaroo yo-yo zebra paper clip

wallet basketball iron watch leash

1. ______________________ This is something you use to hold papers together.

2. ______________________ You use this appliance to smooth wrinkles out of clothing.

3. ______________________ This is a toy on a string.

4. ______________________ You use this when you walk a dog.

5. ______________________ You wear this jewelry on your finger.

6. ______________________ This is where you put money.

7. ______________________ This animal has black and white stripes.

8. ______________________ This animal carries its baby in a pouch.

9. ______________________ This is a round toy you bounce.

10. ______________________ You wear this jewelry on your wrist.

No-Glamour Language 17 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Describing 12 Name __________________________

Give a blank sheet of paper, a pencil, and some crayons to a friend. Ask them to draw the
pictures you describe. Then describe these pictures using lots of details. The words above
each picture will help you get started.

When your friend has finished drawing, compare her pictures to the pictures on this page.

1 2
circle little lines half circle circle dot
all around yellow near the top middle ends
outside pointing up

3 4
all around from the bottom rectangle smaller
small circle going up and down inside middle
top end ovals triangle on top
touching line at the bottom

No-Glamour Language 18 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Describing 13 Name __________________________

Ask a friend to play a thinking game with you. See how many answers your friend can think
of for each item below. Then trade places with your friend, and see how many answers you
can think of.

1. Tell one thing about something you might see in a . . .

refrigerator closet
bedroom book
backpack car

2. Tell two things about something you might find . . .

at an art supply store at a library at a restaurant

on a playground in a mall at a shoe store

3. Describe something you see . . .

outside in the winter on a street

at school in a kitchen at a music store

4. Describe something you might wear . . .

to play football in the rain to go swimming

to ride a bicycle to paint in a school play

No-Glamour Language 19 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Describing 14 Name __________________________

Play the “I’m Thinking Of” game with a friend. Pick one of these products to describe, but
don’t tell your friend which one you’re thinking of. Give one clue at a time until your friend
guesses the picture.

No-Glamour Language 20 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Describing 15 Name __________________________

Circle the word that matches each description.

1. This is something you see in the dark sky that isn’t the moon.

sun star Pluto Earth

2. This is something small and soft.

pillow marble marshmallow rock

3. This is something you eat that is sweet.

cookie dill pickle lemon hamburger

4. This is something you do at school that isn’t a school subject.

music art reading recess

5. This is an appliance that you type on.

computer stove television CD player

6. This is a tool you use to cut something.

wrench pliers stapler scissors

7. This is a place where you go to buy shoes.

library hotel music store department store

8. This is a small appliance you use on your hair.

can opener toaster radio hair dryer

No-Glamour Language 21 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Describing 16 Name __________________________

Read the clues for each item. Cross out the clue that doesn’t describe the item.

1. It’s a place.
airport Flight attendants and baggage handlers work there.
It’s where you wash your clothes.
It has a control tower and runways.

2. This is a person.
police officer A police officer can arrest people.
A police officer usually wears a uniform.
A police officer is always a man.

3. This is a place.
skateboard You stand on it.
It has wheels.
You should wear a helmet when you use it.

4. This is a place.
Canada There’s snow there all year round.
It’s a country north of the United States.
Its people speak more than one language.

5. This is a person.
singer This person can be a man or a woman.
A singer sings songs.
No singers get paid for their work.

No-Glamour Language 22 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Describing 17 Name __________________________

When you describe an object, some features are more important to mention than others.
Read the descriptions and put a check mark beside the two most important features for
each object.

1. _____ It has wings.

airplane _____ You fly places in it.
_____ It’s made of metal.

2. _____ It eats leaves.

giraffe _____ It has a long neck.
_____ It’s an animal.

3. _____ You take pictures with it.

camera _____ It’s usually black.
_____ It uses film and batteries.

4. _____ You plug it in.

CD player _____ You listen with headphones.
_____ It plays music.

5. _____ You cut paper with them.

scissors _____ They’re made of metal.
_____ They have handles and blades.

6. _____ It’s a flower.

daisy _____ It has petals.
_____ It grows.

7. _____ It’s big.

Jupiter _____ It’s a hot planet.
_____ It’s the largest planet in the solar system.

No-Glamour Language 23 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Describing 18 Name __________________________

Complete the chart for each item.

What is it What is it What parts

Item used for? made of? does it have?

1. pencil

2. in-line skate

3. locker

4. microwave oven

5. telephone

6. bicycle

7. watch

8. toothbrush

No-Glamour Language 24 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Describing 19 Name __________________________

Fill in the circles to describe each item.

volcano ambulance

pizza telescope

No-Glamour Language 25 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Describing 20 Name __________________________

Write three important features to describe each object or animal.

1. tiger 2. fire alarm

________________________________ ________________________________

________________________________ ________________________________

________________________________ ________________________________

3. shovel 4. necklace
________________________________ ________________________________

________________________________ ________________________________

________________________________ ________________________________

5. newspaper 6. car
________________________________ ________________________________

________________________________ ________________________________

________________________________ ________________________________

7. shark 8. fork
________________________________ ________________________________

________________________________ ________________________________

________________________________ ________________________________

No-Glamour Language 26 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Classifying 1 Name __________________________

Circle all the things you see inside a library.

No-Glamour Language 27 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Classifying 2 Name __________________________

Draw a line under all the things that have points.

No-Glamour Language 28 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Classifying 3 Name __________________________

Draw a box around all the things you use with food.

No-Glamour Language 29 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Classifying 4 Name __________________________

Find all the things from the box that are hidden in the picture. Write them under the group
name where they belong.

blender sweater truck corn

carrot ball hair dryer cap
skateboard shorts tomato toaster

Appliances Clothing

_______________________________ _______________________________

_______________________________ _______________________________

_______________________________ _______________________________

Vegetables Toys

_______________________________ _______________________________

_______________________________ _______________________________

_______________________________ _______________________________

No-Glamour Language 30 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Classifying 5 Name __________________________

Follow the directions for each row.

1. Circle all the shapes.

2. Circle all the furniture.

3. Circle all the toys.

4. Circle all the plants.

5. Circle all the insects.

No-Glamour Language 31 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Classifying 6 Name __________________________

Cross out the thing that doesn’t belong in each row.






No-Glamour Language 32 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Classifying 7 Name __________________________

Follow the directions for each row.

1. Circle the foods that are crunchy.

2. Draw a box around the vehicles that only have four wheels.

3. Draw a line under the things that are made of paper.

4. Cross out the things you wear that aren’t made of cloth.

5. Cross out the thing that is not soft and white.

No-Glamour Language 33 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Classifying 8 Name __________________________

Fill in the name for each group of pictures.

1. 2.

3. 4.

No-Glamour Language 34 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Classifying 9 Name __________________________

Fill in the chart with words from the word box.

hurricane starfish snow shorts

nail clipper tweezers stingray shark
sunglasses tornado sandals rain
toothbrush sundress hairbrush whale

Summer Clothing Ocean Animals

_______________________________ _______________________________

_______________________________ _______________________________

_______________________________ _______________________________

_______________________________ _______________________________

Personal Care Items Types of Weather

_______________________________ _______________________________

_______________________________ _______________________________

_______________________________ _______________________________

_______________________________ _______________________________

No-Glamour Language 35 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Classifying 10 Name __________________________

Think of another member for each group. Write it on the blank.

1. Fast Things 2. Body Parts

car arm

plane leg

cheetah waist

_____________________________ _____________________________

3. Cold Things 4. Flowers

ice cube daisy

snow rose

icicle pansy

_____________________________ _____________________________

5. Things in the Bedroom 6. Fruit

bed watermelon

dresser peach

hanger grapes

_____________________________ _____________________________

7. Things with Wheels 8. Trees

car maple

skate oak

van sycamore

_____________________________ _____________________________

No-Glamour Language 36 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Classifying 11 Name __________________________

Read each sentence. Circle True or False for your answer.

1. A turkey is a bird. True False

2. A microwave oven is an appliance. True False

3. You eat furniture. True False

4. Dogs, cats, and gerbils are pets. True False

5. A skateboard is clothing. True False

6. We use transportation when we want to go somewhere. True False

7. A diamond is a shape. True False

8. Carrots and celery are healthy snacks. True False

9. Purple, green, and lavender are flowers. True False

10. A sister is a tool. True False

11. Friends and family are people. True False

12. Toys are fun to play with. True False

13. Saturn, Pluto, and Earth are planets. True False

14. A picture is a fastener. True False

15. A ladder is equipment. True False

16. Television, radio, and newspapers

are means of communication. True False

17. A kitten is an occupation. True False

18. A stallion is a dog. True False

19. We buy feelings at the grocery store. True False

20. Diamonds and emeralds are jewels. True False

No-Glamour Language 37 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Classifying 12 Name __________________________

These sentences don’t make sense. Underline the word in each sentence that doesn’t
belong. Then write a word in the blank that makes sense. The first one is done for you.

1. An ostrich is a reptile with very long legs. ______________________

2. A hot dog is a drink we eat in a bun. ______________________

3. Baseball is a season we play in the summer. ______________________

4. Pencils are clothing we write with. ______________________

5. Roses are games we put in bouquets. ______________________

6. A vacuum cleaner is a furniture to clean rugs. ______________________

7. A motorcycle is a place with two wheels. ______________________

8. A violin is a dish we play with a bow. ______________________

9. Happy and sad are senses we sometimes feel. ______________________

10. Hour, minute, and day are place words. ______________________

11. Uranus and Pluto are houses in the solar system. ______________________

12. A stegosaurus is a bird with spikes on its tail. ______________________

13. A vase is a room for flowers. ______________________

14. Snaps, buttons, and zippers are tools on clothing. ______________________

15. Chocolate and strawberry are pieces of ice cream. ______________________

No-Glamour Language 38 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Classifying 13 Name __________________________

Choose words from the box to complete the crossword puzzle. Be careful! You won’t use all
the words.

Across: Down:

2. _____ is a month in the summer with 1. A _____ is a container.

3. Your aunt’s child is your _____.
5. A _____ is furniture you sit in.
4. A _____ is a fastener.
7. Stand and _____ are actions.
6. One school _____ is to walk quietly in the
8. _____ is an emotion you can feel when
you’re scared. hall.

9. The body part above your shoulders is

your _____.


No-Glamour Language 39 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Classifying 14 Name __________________________

Cross out the one that doesn’t belong in each row. Then tell why it doesn’t belong.

1. summer winter snow spring

2. pen ruler crayon marker

3. zoo museum park bear

4. meow limb bark leaves

5. custodian engineer principal teacher

6. Thursday Tuesday Sunday June

7. locker closet chair cupboard

8. quarter dollar nickel dime

9. motorcycle mini-van car pickup truck

10. rock wood pillow metal

11. staple tape bow wrapping paper

12. science books math social studies

13. volcano sea ocean lake

14. yacht canoe submarine buoy

15. rat mouse keyboard drive

16. shiny man smooth rough

17. triceratops T-Rex stegosaurus thesaurus

18. cast crutches scenery props

19. cucumber orange apple tomato

20. century millennium million year

No-Glamour Language 40 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Classifying 15 Name __________________________

Fill in the blanks for these group names.

1. A ______________________ is an animal.

2. ________________________ is a color in the rainbow.

3. A ______________________ is a tool.

4. A ______________________ is warm clothing.

5. A ______________________ is water transportation.

6. A ______________________ is a farm animal.

7. A ______________________ is a bird.

8. A ______________________ is a soft food.

9. A ______________________ is an occupation.

10. A ______________________ is a baby animal.

11. A ______________________ is an insect.

12. A ______________________ is kitchen furniture.

13. ________________________ is a sport.

14. ________________________ is the name of a month.

15. ________________________ is a boy’s name.

16. A ______________________ is a snack food.

17. ________________________ is a time word.

18. A ______________________ is a fastener.

No-Glamour Language 41 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Classifying 16 Name __________________________

Fill in the group names for these things.

1. A tape measure is a ______________________ .

2. Pizza is a ______________________ .

3. Football is a ______________________ .

4. Roasted chicken is a ______________________ .

5. Cheese, milk, and yogurt are ______________________ .

6. A cheetah is a ______________________ .

7. Earrings and watches are ______________________ .

8. Math, science, and social studies are ______________________ .

9. A barber is an ______________________ .

10. Green beans are ______________________ .

11. An elbow is a ______________________ .

12. Paul, Sam, and Abdul are ______________________ .

13. An empty jar is a ______________________ .

14. Plates and bowls are ______________________ .

15. A vest is ______________________ .

16. An aunt and a cousin are ______________________ .

17. The movie theater is a ______________________ .

18. Angry and frustrated are ______________________ .

No-Glamour Language 42 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Classifying 17 Name __________________________

Fill in a word to match the category listed under each blank. Then write the words where they
belong in the story. When you’ve finished, read your mixed up story aloud!

1. _______________ 5. _______________ 9. _______________

season building part appliance

2. _______________ 6. _______________ 10. _______________

equipment thing you read furniture

3. _______________ 7. _______________ 11. _______________

place thing you write place

4. _______________ 8. _______________ 12. _______________

place writing utensil time word

It was ________________ break and Jessica couldn’t think of anything to do. She tried

calling her friends on the ________________, but no one was ________________. Jessica
2 3

went into her ________________ and closed the ________________. “Maybe I should clean
4 5

my ________________,” she thought. “No way! I’m not that bored,” she said to herself. Next

Jessica thought of reading a ________________, but she had read all the ______________s
6 6

in her ________________. “I’ve got it! I’ll write a ________________,” she decided. Jessica
3 7

took out a pad of paper and a ________________. After she sharpened the _____________
8 8

in the ________________, she sat at her ________________. “Hmmm,” she said out loud,
9 10

“now who should I write to?” Just then the ________________ rang. It was her friend Kim.

Kim wanted Jessica to go to the ________________ with her. Guess the _______________
11 7

could wait until ________________!


No-Glamour Language 43 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Classifying 18 Name __________________________

Read the clues and write the name of the category on the line.

1. Ethan is going to camp. He packed shirts, shorts, socks, and a pair of shoes. What are

these things called? ______________________

2. Jenn loves to eat grapes, melon, and apples for snacks. What are these things called?


3. The music store has a sale on clarinets, drums, and trumpets. What are these things

called? ______________________

4. Jason is looking for a car in the new car lot. He sees vans, trucks, and RVs, too. What

are these things called? ______________________

5. The quarterback had bandages on his head, shoulder, knee, and hand. What are these

things called? ______________________

6. Yoko likes to collect caterpillars, ladybugs, and grasshoppers. What are these things

called? ______________________

7. People are different from animals. One way is that people can feel happy, sad, excited,

or disappointed. What are these things called? ______________________

8. Companies make their business mining silver, copper, and iron. What are these things

called? ______________________

9. In science we studied tornadoes, thunderstorms, and snowstorms. What are these things

called? ______________________

10. You can pour milk, iced tea, paint, and gasoline. What are these things called?


No-Glamour Language 44 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Classifying 19 Name __________________________

Choose two categories for each item. Write them in the blanks.

food plant animal fruit reptile

meat mammal flower dairy tree

1. yogurt ______________________ ______________________

2. snake ______________________ ______________________

3. rose ______________________ ______________________

4. hot dog ______________________ ______________________

5. lizard ______________________ ______________________

6. lily ______________________ ______________________

7. evergreen ______________________ ______________________

8. dog ______________________ ______________________

9. banana ______________________ ______________________

10. hamburger ______________________ ______________________

11. fox ______________________ ______________________

12. melon ______________________ ______________________

13. sausage ______________________ ______________________

14. cottage cheese ______________________ ______________________

15. gerbil ______________________ ______________________

16. maple ______________________ ______________________

17. turtle ______________________ ______________________

18. milk ______________________ ______________________

19. daisy ______________________ ______________________

20. kiwi ______________________ ______________________

No-Glamour Language 45 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Classifying 20 Name __________________________

Fill in the blanks with things that match the clues.

1. an appliance you don’t use in the kitchen ______________________

2. a bear that isn’t brown ______________________

3. a brush you don’t use on your hair ______________________

4. a vehicle that doesn’t take you places on land ______________________

5. furniture you don’t sit on ______________________

6. a flower that isn’t red ______________________

7. a food you don’t cook before you eat it ______________________

8. an animal that doesn’t have hair ______________________

9. a liquid you shouldn’t drink ______________________

10. a color that isn’t in the rainbow ______________________

11. a game that doesn’t use a ball ______________________

12. a writing utensil that doesn’t have ink ______________________

13. a time word that isn’t on the calendar ______________________

14. a planet that isn’t closer to the sun than the Earth ______________________

15. an insect that doesn’t fly ______________________

16. reading material that isn’t long ______________________

17. a relative that isn’t a woman ______________________

18. a hygiene product you don’t use on your teeth ______________________

19. a mammal that doesn’t live on land ______________________

20. a fuel that isn’t gas ______________________

No-Glamour Language 46 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Comparing 1 Name __________________________

Color the pictures in each row that are alike. Tell how they are alike.






No-Glamour Language 47 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Comparing 2 Name __________________________

Look at the pictures in each row. Circle the picture that is different. Then tell why it is






No-Glamour Language 48 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Comparing 3 Name __________________________

Look at the pictures in each box. Tell how they are alike. Then tell how they are different.

1 2

3 4

5 6

No-Glamour Language 49 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Comparing 4 Name __________________________

Look at the picture and follow the directions to find things that are alike and different. You’ll need a red, green, orange, black,
and purple crayon.

1. Find the things that are alike because they’re drinks. 4. Find the vegetable that is different because it’s orange.
Draw a green circle around them. Draw an orange X on it.

2. Find the drink that is different because it comes in a 5. Find the things that are alike because they’re dairy
bottle. Color it red. products. Draw a red check mark on them.

3. Find the dairy product that is different because it’s 6. Find the things that are alike because they’re vegetables.
frozen. Color it green. Put a black box around them.

No-Glamour Language Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Comparing 5 Name __________________________

Look at the clowns. Draw lines to show which ones go together.

1. Find the two clowns that are dressed exactly the same.

2. Find the two clowns that are dressed the same, but are wearing different hats.

3. Find the two clowns that are dressed the same, but are wearing different shoes.

4. Find the two clowns that are wearing the same pants, but different shirts.

5. Find the two clowns that are wearing the same shirt, but different pants.

No-Glamour Language 51 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Comparing 6 Name __________________________

Look at the two pictures. List three ways they are alike. Then list three ways they are

Alike Different

1. ________________________________ 1. ________________________________

2. ________________________________ 2. ________________________________

3. ________________________________ 3. ________________________________

No-Glamour Language 52 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Comparing 7 Name __________________________

List two ways each pair of items are alike.



2. ______________________________


3. ______________________________








No-Glamour Language 53 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Comparing 8 Name __________________________

List two ways each pair of items are alike.













No-Glamour Language 54 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Comparing 9 Name __________________________

Look at each pair of words. Tell one way they are alike. Then tell one way they are different.

1. orange—banana

alike: ________________________________________________________________

different: _____________________________________________________________

2. clock—watch

alike: ________________________________________________________________

different: _____________________________________________________________

3. newspaper—magazine

alike: ________________________________________________________________

different: _____________________________________________________________

4. swimming pool—bathtub

alike: ________________________________________________________________

different: _____________________________________________________________

5. flashlight—candle

alike: ________________________________________________________________

different: _____________________________________________________________

6. closet—trunk

alike: ________________________________________________________________

different: _____________________________________________________________

No-Glamour Language 55 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Comparing 10 Name __________________________

There are many kinds of transportation. Look at each pair of words. How are they alike?
How are they different?

1. car—taxi

alike: ________________________________________________________________

different: _____________________________________________________________

2. train—subway

alike: ________________________________________________________________

different: _____________________________________________________________

3. helicopter—airplane

alike: ________________________________________________________________

different: _____________________________________________________________

4. rowboat—sailboat

alike: ________________________________________________________________

different: _____________________________________________________________

5. bicycle—skateboard

alike: ________________________________________________________________

different: _____________________________________________________________

6. fire truck—tow truck

alike: ________________________________________________________________

different: _____________________________________________________________

No-Glamour Language 56 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Comparing 11 Name __________________________

Think about these foods. Describe them before they are cooked. Then describe them after
they are cooked. Think about how they are different. Write your answers in the chart.

Before Cooked After Cooked




mashed potatoes




tomato soup

macaroni and cheese




No-Glamour Language 57 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Comparing 12 Name __________________________

Look at the chart. How was last summer different from this summer? How was it the same?

Last Summer This Summer

number of kids at day camp 25 30

number of boys 14 14

number of girls 11 16

number of kids who had gone to

camp before 17 15

number of kids signed up for a 20 20

full day

Compare the numbers from last summer to this summer. Circle the answer to each question.

1. number of kids at day camp last summer more fewer same

2. number of boys at day camp last summer more fewer same

3. number of girls at day camp last summer more fewer same

4. number of kids who had been to camp before last summer more fewer same

5. number of kids who stayed for a full day last summer more fewer same

No-Glamour Language 58 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Comparing 13 Name __________________________

How are you like your friends? Choose two friends. Then complete the chart. How are you
like your friends? How are you different?

Me My Friend My Friend
______________ ______________

hair color

eye color


favorite school

favorite TV show

favorite snack food

favorite sport

pets at home

Now answer the questions.

1. Which friend are you most like? ____________________________________________

2. What is one way you and your friends are alike? ________________________________


3. What is one way you and your friends are different? ____________________________


4. What is one way your friends are alike? _______________________________________


5. What is one way your friends are different? ___________________________________


No-Glamour Language 59 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Comparing 14 Name __________________________

Think about how these birds are alike and how they are different. Then choose words from
the box to complete the crossword puzzle.

hummingbird parrot falcon

penguin woodpecker roadrunner
owl cardinal goose

Across: Down:
2. this bird looks like it’s wearing a tuxedo 1. this small bird can hover like a helicopter
4. this bird can fly faster than the fastest 2. this bird has pretty colors like a rainbow
race car 3. this bird makes a sound like a hammer
5. this bird makes a honking sound like a 6. this bird is a good hunter like a hawk
7. the male bird is as red as strawberries
8. this bird can run as fast as a person on
a bicycle

No-Glamour Language 60 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Comparing 15 Name __________________________

How is your state or country different from other states or countries? Choose another
state or country and compare it to where you live. Complete the chart, and then answer
the questions.

I am comparing it
I live in ________________. to ____________________.


average temperature

average amount of rainfall

geography of the land

leisure activities

special holidays/events

1. Why would people want to visit where I live? __________________________________


2. Why would people not want to visit where I live? _______________________________


3. Why would people want to visit the place I am comparing to where I live?



4. Why would people not want to visit the place I am comparing to where I live?



No-Glamour Language 61 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Comparing 16 Name __________________________

Write sentences to compare and contrast the following items. The first one is done for you.

two sports: volleyball/basketball

compare: In both volleyball and basketball, the players wear uniforms.

contrast: In volleyball you spike the ball, but in basketball you slam dunk the ball.

two music groups:_________________________________________________________



contrast: ________________________________________________________________


two fast food restaurants: ___________________________________________________



contrast: ________________________________________________________________


two video games: _________________________________________________________



contrast: ________________________________________________________________


No-Glamour Language 62 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Comparing 17 Name __________________________

Imagine you want to buy a bike. Take a look at the two advertisements for the bikes below
and fill in the chart.

Puffy Schween




number of speed settings

extra features

Now that you’ve compared and contrasted the two bikes, which bike would you buy? Why?




No-Glamour Language 63 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Comparing 18 Name __________________________

Fill in each blank with a word or words that makes sense.

1. The ______________________ was as quiet as a mouse.

2. The ______________________ was as light as a feather.

3. The ______________________ was as shiny as a new penny.

4. __________________________ was as boring as watching paint dry.

5. The ______________________ was as cold as ice.

6. The ______________________ was as hard as rock.

7. The ______________________ was as sticky as glue.

8. The ______________________ was as dry as a bone.

9. The ______________________ was as breakable as a mirror.

10. The ______________________ was as colorful as a rainbow.

11. The ______________________ was as sharp as a tack.

12. The ______________________ smelled as good as a flower.

13. The ______________________ was as clean as a whistle.

14. __________________________ was as fun as riding a roller coaster.

15. The ______________________ was as comfortable as an old pair of shoes.

No-Glamour Language 64 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Comparing 19 Name __________________________

Read each analogy and fill in the blank with a word that makes sense.

1. Blanket goes with bed like rug goes with


2. Gloves go with hands like boots go with ______________________.

3. Car goes with driver like airplane goes with ______________________.

4. Breakfast is to lunch like morning is to ______________________.

5. Tired is to sleep like hungry is to ______________________.

6. Elastic is to stretch as glue is to ______________________.

7. Ketchup is to bottle as toothpaste is to ______________________.

8. Story is to read like song is to ______________________.

9. Silk is to smooth like sandpaper is to ______________________.

10. One is to three like single is to ______________________.

11. Date is to calendar like time is to ______________________.

12. Easy is to simple like hard is to ______________________.

No-Glamour Language 65 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Comparing 20 Name __________________________

Read the comparisons. Fill in the each blank with a word that makes sense.

1. A ____________________ can be as long as a ruler, but not as long as a yardstick.

2. A ____________________ can be as tall as a basketball net, but not as tall as a

telephone pole.

3. A ____________________ can be as small as a tennis ball, but not as small as a

golf ball.

4. A ____________________ can be as loud as a car horn, but not as loud as an airplane

taking off.

5. A ____________________ can be as hot as an oven, but not as hot as fire.

6. A ____________________ can smell as bad as sour milk, but not as bad as a sewer.

7. A ____________________ can go as fast as a car, but not as fast as a train.

8. A ____________________ can be as big as a pig, but not as big as an elephant.

9. A ____________________ can be as thin as a pencil, but not as thin as a piece

of spaghetti.

10. A ____________________ can be as bright as a lamp, but not as bright as a flash

of lightning.

11. ______________________ can taste as hot as chili but not as hot as a jalapeño pepper.

12. ______________________ can be as heavy as a computer but not as heavy as

a refrigerator.

No-Glamour Language 66 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Antonyms 1 Name __________________________

Look at the pictures below. Draw a circle around each pair that shows opposites.

1 2

young old day night

3 4

friends pals little big

No-Glamour Language Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Antonyms 2 Name __________________________

Draw a line to match the opposite pictures.

full under

over bottom

stop empty

top go

No-Glamour Language 68 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Antonyms 3 Name __________________________

Look at each picture under the . Find a picture under the ▲ that shows the opposite
meaning. Draw a line to match the opposites.

same apart

awake light

heavy asleep

together different

No-Glamour Language 69 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Antonyms 4 Name __________________________

Look at each set of pictures under the . Circle the picture that is an antonym for the
picture under the .★


happy tired sad

thin fat hairy

man child woman

No-Glamour Language 70 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Antonyms 5 Name __________________________

Draw an opposite for each picture and write the antonym on the line.

1 2

short smile

3 4

broken up

No-Glamour Language Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Antonyms 6 Name __________________________

Look at the words on each present. If the words are antonyms, color the present.

No-Glamour Language 72 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Antonyms 7 Name __________________________

Read the word in each box and think about what it means. Then look at the words below
each picture. Underline the antonym of the word in the box.

float add sour

climb swim sink subtract multiply divide mean rotten sweet

make-believe bent king

funny real best straight crooked sharp mother queen crown

true give outdoors

false right hard drop lift take outside indoors summer

No-Glamour Language 73 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Antonyms 8 Name __________________________

Look at the nursery rhymes below. Replace the word below each line with an antonym from
the box. Then read and enjoy the nursery rhymes. Be careful! You won’t use all the words in
the boxes.

1. Jack be nimble.

Jack be ______________________. top

(slow) over
Jack jump ______________________ the candlestick. up

2. Jack Sprat could eat no ______________________,

His ______________________ could eat no lean. messy
(husband) fat
And so between the two of them, thin
They licked the platter ______________________.

3. ______________________ Mother Hubbard went to the cupboard

To get her ______________________ dog a bone. pretty
(rich) Old
But when she got there, the cupboard was bare. many

And so her poor dog had ______________________.


No-Glamour Language 74 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Antonyms 9 Name __________________________

Two words in each of these boxes are antonyms. Circle the two words that show opposite

1 2
front side high clean

back top quiet dirty

3 4
fat wet wild alive

dry short dead still

5 6
work run cousin uncle

drive play aunt grandma

7 8
why maybe nobody crowd

yes no army everybody

9 10
behind ahead best worst

beside below most burst

No-Glamour Language 75 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Antonyms 10 Name __________________________

Find the antonym for each numbered word in the word box. Then write the letter of the word
you chose on the line. Each word in the box will be used several times.

A. push D. good G. fat

B. laugh E. cheerful H. enemy
C. warm F. go I. bold

_____ 1. pull _____ 13. pal

_____ 2. gloomy _____ 14. tug

_____ 3. shy _____ 15. cool

_____ 4. slim _____ 16. wicked

_____ 5. drag _____ 17. slender

_____ 6. friend _____ 18. bashful

_____ 7. weep _____ 19. buddy

_____ 8. evil _____ 20. sob

_____ 9. chilly _____ 21. timid

_____ 10. cry _____ 22. thin

_____ 11. come _____ 23. glum

_____ 12. bad _____ 24. arrive

No-Glamour Language 76 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Antonyms 11 Name __________________________

These classroom rules can’t be right! Fix the rules by choosing an antonym from the box and
writing it above each underlined word.

outside walk raise always quiet sit open kind

No-Glamour Language 77 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Antonyms 12 Name __________________________

Oh, no! The librarian wrote the wrong titles on these books. Fix the titles by writing an antonym above each
underlined word.








No-Glamour Language Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Antonyms 13 Name __________________________

Because some words have more than one meaning, they can have more than one opposite.
Choose two words from the box that can be opposites for the word on each line. Write one
word in each circle. The first one is done for you.

heavy married left spring new

spring shiny soft young dark
sharp wrong rise plural easy

young old new

1. 2.

right hard

3. 4.

single dull

5. 6.

light fall

No-Glamour Language 79 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Antonyms 14 Name __________________________

Write an antonym for the word under each line. Then work the math problem.

1. ____________________ 24 ____________________ 39. __________

(Add) (to)

2. ____________________ 63 by 9. __________
+ -

3. ____________________ 75 ____________________ 37.

(Subtract) (from)
__________ x÷
4. ____________________ 18 by 6.
__________ < >
5. Hannah, Keith, Sara, and Kevin raised money for their school. Hannah raised $59.00.
Sara raised $101.00. Keith raised $78.00. And Kevin raised $84.00.

Who raised the ____________________ money? ____________________


Who raised the ____________________ money? ____________________


Who raised ____________________ money than Keith? ____________________



How much did the children raise ____________________? ____________________


No-Glamour Language 80 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Antonyms 15 Name __________________________

The scrambled words on the right are antonyms for the words on the left. Unscramble each
word and write it on the line. Use the word box at the bottom of the page if you need help.

1. start ____________________ niifhs

2. guilty ____________________ nnneotic

3. often ____________________ dmlose

4. liquid ____________________ odsil

5. backward ____________________ rwdoafr

6. fact ____________________ citifno

7. brave ____________________ lwadcryo

8. positive ____________________ gteavnie

9. public ____________________ vipatre

10. graceful ____________________ scmuyl

11. poverty ____________________ atwhle

12. failure ___________________ cesssuc

negative fiction wealth innocent

private solid success clumsy
finish cowardly seldom forward

No-Glamour Language 81 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Antonyms 16 Name __________________________

Choose words from the box to complete mix fix split bend
this crossword puzzle. Be careful! You
remember evil freeze villain
won’t use all the words in the box.
deny melt debit precious
whisper exit debut ceiling
compliment yell total vertical

Across: Down:
1. Antonym for hero 1. Antonym for horizontal
3. Antonym for thaw 2. Antonym for admit
6. Antonym for floor 3. Antonym for break
7. Antonym for entrance 4. Antonym for good
8. Antonym for insult 5. Antonym for forget
11. Antonym for credit 9. Antonym for worthless
12. Antonym for shout 10. Antonym for partial

No-Glamour Language 82 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Antonyms 17 Name __________________________

Read the sentences below. Then circle the antonym for each underlined word.

1. We store things we don’t use in the attic.

closet basement garage

2. The magician is so good she can make a tiger vanish right before your eyes.
disappear depart appear

3. I got detention because I was tardy for class.

late prompt overdue

4. Some day I want to play major league baseball.

main movable minor

5. I don’t like it when you criticize my friends.

praise blame pick

6. The lawyer advised his client to decline the terms of the contract.
conceal reject accept

7. If you cheat on a test, the teacher might fail you.

stop pass entertain

8. If you don’t succeed the first time, try again!

fail prevail share

9. The airline delayed my departure time.

arrival leaving exit

10. The planes were grounded due to inclement weather.

severe bad mild

11. The firefighters were called to extinguish the fire.

douse ignite inspect

No-Glamour Language 83 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Antonyms 18 Name __________________________

This antonym puzzle has been started for you. Find the antonym for each word by changing
one letter of the previous answer. Change one letter in the word boys to find the antonym for
employee and so on. Use your thesaurus if you need help!

1. An antonym for sells is _B_ _U_ _Y_ _S_.

2. An antonym for girls is _B_ _O_ _Y_ _S_.

3. An antonym for employee is ___ ___ ___ ___.

4. An antonym for profit is ___ ___ ___ ___.

5. An antonym for lad is ___ ___ ___ ___.

6. An antonym for fail is ___ ___ ___ ___.

7. An antonym for future is ___ ___ ___ ___.

8. An antonym for first is ___ ___ ___ ___.

9. An antonym for found is ___ ___ ___ ___.

10. An antonym for win is ___ ___ ___ ___.

11. An antonym for hate is ___ ___ ___ ___.

12. An antonym for stay is ___ ___ ___ ___.

13. An antonym for less is ___ ___ ___ ___.

14. An antonym for painless is ___ ___ ___ ___.

15. An antonym for doubtful is _S_ _U_ _R_ _E_.

No-Glamour Language 84 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Antonyms 19 Name __________________________

Replace the words in parentheses with antonyms from the box. Then read this short story
about Orson Welles and the War of the Worlds.

mock war fictional young

proceeded silence late aliens
began huge mysterious dropped

On October 30, 1938, a _____________________ (elderly) actor named Orson

Welles broadcast a radio program that made history. On that Halloween-eve, Welles

_____________________ (concluded) his show by telling his listeners he was

presenting an adaptation of H.G. Wells’s book, _____________________ (Peace) of

the Worlds.

Welles _____________________ (receded) by interrupting a music program

with _____________________ (real) news flashes about _____________________

(explainable) explosions on Mars and “a _____________________ (tiny), flaming

object” that had _____________________ (ascended) on a New Jersey farm. A

newsman at the scene reported that a UFO had landed and hideous creatures were

emerging from the ship. Suddenly his microphone fell to the ground and there was

_____________________ (noise).

The play was entertaining for most of Mr. Welles’ listeners. But some people

had tuned into the show _____________________ (early) and had no idea it was

_____________________ (factual). They believed New Jersey really was being

invaded by _____________________ (citizens) from Mars!

No-Glamour Language 85 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Antonyms 20 Name __________________________

Add a prefix from the box to each word below to form the
correct antonym. Then write a sentence using the antonym. im- il- un-
in- ir-
1. sane ______________________



2. polite ______________________



3. legal ______________________



4. comfortable ______________________



5. responsible ______________________



6. curable ______________________



7. resistible ______________________



8. possible ______________________



No-Glamour Language 86 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Synonyms 1 Name __________________________

Look at the puzzle below. If a word is a synonym for big, color the space it is in yellow. If a
word does not mean the same thing as big, color the space blue.

What shape did you find hidden in the puzzle?

No-Glamour Language 87 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Synonyms 2 Name __________________________

Match the pictures that mean almost the same thing.

hat below

under print

shut close

write cap

No-Glamour Language 88 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Synonyms 3 Name __________________________

Look at each picture under the★ . Find a picture under the ▲ that means almost the
same thing. Draw a line to match the pictures.

★ ▲

glad rug

chair dot

spot seat

carpet happy

No-Glamour Language 89 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Synonyms 4 Name __________________________

Put an X on the pictures that do not mean the same thing.

nap sleep

day night

smile frown

No-Glamour Language 90 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Synonyms 5 Name __________________________

Circle the two pictures in each box that mean almost the same thing.

cup mug spoon

warm cold hot

sleepy shy bashful

No-Glamour Language 91 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Synonyms 6 Name __________________________

Two pictures in each box mean the same thing. Cross out the picture that means
something different.

leave go play

big tiny huge

cry laugh giggle

No-Glamour Language 92 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Synonyms 7 Name __________________________

Look at the words below each picture. Circle the two words that mean almost the same thing
as the picture.

1 2

stairs room house steps hat chef cook food

3 4

pals friends girls parents fish bug bird insect

5 6

lid bottom top pickles bathe wash drink swim

7 8

bed cushion pillow cover climb run throw toss

No-Glamour Language 93 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Synonyms 8 Name __________________________

Find these characters’ real names. Look at the name below the picture of each character.
Then pick a word from the box that means the same thing and write it on the line.

Skinny Mighty Stinky Rip Tiny Sparkly Noisy

Smelly Tear

1. ____________________ 2. ____________________

Shiny Thin Little

3. ____________________ 4. ____________________ 5. ____________________

Loud Strong

6. ____________________ 7. ____________________

No-Glamour Language 94 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Synonyms 9 Name __________________________

Read the sentences below. One word is underlined in the first sentence. Find the word in the
second sentence that has almost the same meaning. Underline that word.

1. The tortoise and the hare were ready to start

their race. Porcupine blew his whistle to begin
the race.

2. The hare hopped very fast. The other forest

animals had to move out of his way because he
was so quick.

3. The tortoise crawled very slowly. The forest animals watched as he crept along the path.

4. The hare knew he was far ahead of the tortoise. “That silly turtle will never catch up with
me,” thought the hare.

5. And so, the hare laid down for a nap. Soon he fell into a deep sleep.

6. The tortoise continued to crawl along the path. He passed the hare who was resting next
to the trail.

7. The hare woke up just as the tortoise finished the race. The tortoise was done, and the
hare had lost the race.

No-Glamour Language 95 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Synonyms 10 Name __________________________

Look at the word below each picture. Then write another word that means almost the
same thing.

messy sofa

1. ____________________ 2. ____________________

thin furry

3. ____________________ 4. ____________________

listen cash

5. ____________________ 6. ____________________

No-Glamour Language 96 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Synonyms 11 Name __________________________

Can you solve these puzzles? Write a synonym for the word below each line and name
the picture.

1. license _______________ 2. _______________ -of-war

dish pull

3. _______________ willow tree 4. tooth _______________

crying choose

5. _______________ stick 6. _______________ neck

lawn tortoise

7. milk _______________ 8. butter _______________

jiggle soar

No-Glamour Language 97 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Synonyms 12 Name __________________________

Read each sentence below. Think of another word that means the same as each underlined
word. Write that word on the line.

1. My neighbor is very friendly. ____________________________

2. My aunt drives her car to work each day. ____________________________

3. Sometimes my sister really makes me mad! ____________________________

4. It’s not safe to play in the street. ____________________________

5. What is that awful smell? ____________________________

6. My dog got dirty when he rolled in the mud. ____________________________

7. If it rains, make sure you close the windows. ____________________________

8. I spilled my drink on the carpet. ____________________________

9. I feel sick today. ____________________________

10. He’s a good friend of mine. ____________________________

No-Glamour Language 98 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Synonyms 13 Name __________________________

Find the word that’s used twice in each sentence. The second time it’s used, cross it out and
replace it with a synonym from the box.

appears nation bothers important

treacherous conceal errors divide

1. Do you want to split this pizza with me? I’ll split it evenly so we each get the same
number of pieces.

2. My country is a great place to live. It’s the best country in the world!

3. I need to hide this present. If I don’t hide it, I won’t be able to surprise my friend.

4. Sometimes I make mistakes. I think it’s okay to make mistakes because that’s how
you learn.

5. The party seems to be going well. Everyone seems to be having a good time.

6. It’s urgent that I call my teacher. I have something urgent to tell him.

7. Hiking up the mountain can be very dangerous. There are several sections of the trail that
are very dangerous.

8. My sister really annoys me. It annoys me when she throws a tantrum in the store.

No-Glamour Language 99 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Synonyms 14 Name __________________________

Choose words from the box to complete the crossword puzzle.

vacant cologne adult gain

arrive inspect reply rude
cavern amateur pupil clue
revere shears prank omit

Across: Down:
2. synonym for student 1. synonym for answer
4. synonym for perfume 3. synonym for trick
6. synonym for examine 5. synonym for delete
9. synonym for respect 7. synonym for cave
10. synonym for empty 8. synonym for scissors

No-Glamour Language 100 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Synonyms 15 Name __________________________

Circle the synonym for each underlined word.

1. The circus workers set up the big top in the vacant lot.

different huge empty

2. When you finish your dinner, put the leftovers in

this container.

recipe refrigerator holder

3. The box of glassware was marked “fragile.”

breakable hazardous free

4. I detest spiders and snakes.

own hate like

5. Earthquakes, floods, and tornadoes are natural disasters.

catastrophes mistakes seasons

6. Troy cleaned his room until it was immaculate.

decorated spotless comfortable

7. I always blush when I’m embarrassed.

afraid angry humiliated

8. Patrick Henry said, “Give me liberty or give me death.”

freedom danger permission

No-Glamour Language 101 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Synonyms 16 Name __________________________

Circle the synonyms in each pair of sentences below. Be careful! There’s one pair of
sentences that has two sets of synonyms. Can you find them?

1. Some animals hibernate all winter.

I wonder what it’s like to sleep that long!

2. The students were silent when the teacher walked in the room.
The teacher knew something was wrong because her students were never that quiet.

3. Erin was the winner of the race.

She’d never been a champion before.

4. Justin is an amateur at playing golf.

He does very well for a beginner.

5. My grandfather agreed to help me with my homework.

I’m not sure why he consented, but I’m glad he did.

6. We heard some peculiar sounds in that old, deserted house.

There were whispers, thumps, and other odd noises.

7. The mountain climber looked at the peak of the mountain.

She was determined to reach its summit.

8. He delayed getting in line.

Because he hesitated, he didn’t get a ticket.

9. I took lots of pictures while I was on vacation.

When I got home I showed the photographs to my friends.

10. There are many periodicals at the library.

It’s great to be able to check out my favorite magazines!

No-Glamour Language 102 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Synonyms 17 Name __________________________

This synonym puzzle has been started for you. Find the synonym for each word by changing
one letter of the previous answer. Change one letter in the word tall to find the synonym for
sphere and so on. Use your thesaurus or dictionary if you need help!

1. A synonym for speak is T A L K .

2. A synonym for high is T A L L .

3. A synonym for sphere is ___ ___ ___ ___ .

4. A synonym for hairless is ___ ___ ___ ___ .

5. A synonym for brave is ___ ___ ___ ___ .

6. A synonym for chilly is ___ ___ ___ ___ .

7. A synonym for crease is ___ ___ ___ ___ .

8. A synonym for cross is ___ ___ ___ ___ .

9. A synonym for before is ___ ___ ___ ___ .

10. A synonym for center is ___ ___ ___ ___ .

11. A synonym for ripped is ___ ___ ___ ___ .

12. A synonym for painful is ___ ___ ___ ___ .

13. A synonym for several is ___ ___ ___ ___ .

14. A synonym for identical is ___ ___ ___ ___ .

15. A synonym for arrived is ___ ___ ___ ___ .

16. A synonym for crippled is L A M E .

No-Glamour Language 103 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Synonyms 18 Name __________________________

Many careers have synonyms for their names. For instance, a writer is also called an author.
Choose words from the box to finish these sentences. Then put the circled letters in the
matching spaces below to find a synonym for career.

accountant custodian dentist journalist professor magistrate

apothecary thespian artist aviator attorney physician

1. A synonym for pilot is ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____.

2. A synonym for janitor is ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____.

3. A synonym for actor is ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____.

4. A synonym for doctor is ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____.

5. A synonym for bookkeeper is ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____.

6. A synonym for lawyer is ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____.

7. A synonym for pharmacist is ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____.

8. A synonym for reporter is ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____.

9. A synonym for judge is ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____.

10. A synonym for teacher is ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

11. A synonym for career is ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____.

No-Glamour Language 104 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Synonyms 19 Name __________________________

Read this short story about Anne Frank. Then replace the words
in parentheses with synonyms from the box. Use your thesaurus
if you need help. You won’t use all the words.

related instructed lived attacked

rights immediately rarely defend
found apprehended reign tormented

Anne Frank was a young Jewish girl who lived in Amsterdam, Holland, during World

War II. In 1940, Adolf Hitler’s Nazi armies invaded Holland. Under Hitler’s

____________________ (rule) the Jewish people were ____________________

(persecuted). Many ____________________ (privileges) were taken away from them and

they were ____________________ (ordered) to wear yellow Stars of David on their

clothing so they could be ____________________ (instantly) recognized.

Many of the Franks’ friends were sent to concentration camps. They never returned.

To ____________________ (protect) themselves, the Franks went into hiding. For two

years, they lived in the upstairs rooms of a large, old building in downtown Amsterdam.

During this time, Anne kept a diary. She ____________________ (described) everything

that happened to her family as they hid from the Nazis.

On August 4, 1944, the Nazis ____________________ (discovered) the Frank’s

hiding place. The Franks were ____________________ (arrested) and eventually sent to

concentration camps. Anne died in the concentration camp. She was fifteen years old.

Only Mr. Frank ____________________ (survived). After his release from the

concentration camp, he had Anne’s diary published. More than 18 million copies of her

diary have been sold.

No-Glamour Language 105 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Synonyms 20 Name __________________________

Match these unusual words with their more common synonyms. Use your dictionary or a
thesaurus if you need help. Then write sentences using the unusual words.

Unusual Words Common Words

topsy-turvy racket
flapjack jail
bamboozle cheat
skedaddle upside-down
hubbub scram
balderdash pancake
calaboose nonsense

1. ______________________________________________________________________


2. ______________________________________________________________________


3. ______________________________________________________________________


4. ______________________________________________________________________


5. ______________________________________________________________________


6. ______________________________________________________________________


7. ______________________________________________________________________


No-Glamour Language 106 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Following Directions 1 Name __________________________

You’ll need some crayons for this page. Look at the pictures and follow the directions.

1. Color the ball blue. 5. Color the boot orange.

2. Draw a red line from the boot to the 6. Draw a yellow square around the cat.
7. Draw a brown circle around the picture
3. Draw a green circle around the girl. you like best.

4. Put a purple X on the pizza. 8. Color the cat any way you want to.

Following Directions
No-Glamour Language 107 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Following Directions 2 Name __________________________

Look at the letters, shapes, and numbers below and follow the directions.

1. Draw a line from the 3 to the 8. 5. Draw a star next to the first letter of the
2. Circle the letter m.
6. Write a word after the R that starts with R.
3. Color in the triangle.
7. Draw small circles in the square.
4. Put an X on the letter e.
8. Make a large box around all the letters,
shapes, and numbers.

3 R

A 8

Following Directions
No-Glamour Language 108 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Following Directions 3
Teacher note: Ask students to listen carefully to your directions and do what you say.

1. Walk around in a circle.

2. Point to the door.

3. Say your name loudly.

4. Count to ten quickly.

5. Put your hands in your lap.

6. Wave to me.

7. Draw a circle in the air with your finger.

8. Raise one foot.

9. Hold up three fingers.

10. Shake hands with a person next to you.

11. Pretend to comb your hair.

12. Bend over and touch your shoes.

13. Put your hands on your hips.

14. Walk to the door.

15. Raise both hands.

16. Point to a picture on the wall.

17. Pretend to peel a banana.

18. Touch your knee with your thumb.

Following Directions
No-Glamour Language 109 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Following Directions 4 Name __________________________

Each direction has two things to do. Read the directions carefully to make sure you do both

1. Write your name. Write your age. ___________________

2. Draw a circle. Draw a square. ______________________

3. Make an X. Make a +. ___________________________

4. Draw two triangles. Draw a line connecting the triangles.


5. Write your favorite color. Write the grade you are in. _____________________________

6. Write five different numbers. Write five different letters. ___________________________

7. Draw a line above the line. Put a star on the line you drew. ________________________

8. Draw anything you want on the line. Circle it when you are done. ___________________

Following Directions
No-Glamour Language 110 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Following Directions 5 Name __________________________

Each direction has three things to do. Read the directions carefully to make sure you do all
three things.

1. Draw a box. 2. Draw a flower.

Draw a smaller box on top of it. Draw a bee buzzing around.
Draw a circle around both boxes. Draw the sun in the sky.

3. Write a friend’s name. 4. Draw the moon.

Write your teacher’s name. Draw four stars.
Write the principal’s name. Draw a small spaceship.

Following Directions
No-Glamour Language 111 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Following Directions 6
Teacher note: Give each student a copy of page 113 and some crayons. Ask students to
listen carefully to your directions and do what you say.

1. Draw a box around the bunny wearing glasses.

2. Cross out the bunny talking on the telephone.

3. Circle the bunny eating a sandwich.

4. Find the bunny wearing tennis shoes. Decorate the shoes.

5. Draw musical notes by the bunny playing the piano.

6. Write the name of one of your favorite books under the bunny reading a book.

7. Write your name on the paper where the bunny is writing a letter.

8. Draw polka dots on the dancing bunny.

9. Decorate the blanket of the sleeping bunny.

10. Draw a blue hat on the bunny in the middle.

11. Color the bunny wearing tennis shoes yellow.

12. Color the bunny that is reading purple.

13. Draw a drink for the bunny that is eating a sandwich.

14. Color the bunny that is sleeping brown.

Following Directions
No-Glamour Language 112 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Following Directions 6, cont. Name __________________________

Look at the bunnies. Listen carefully and follow the directions.

1 2 3

4 5 6

7 8 9

Following Directions
No-Glamour Language 113 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Following Directions 7 Name __________________________

Read and follow the directions carefully.

1. Circle all the odd numbers.

2. Draw a box around all the even numbers.

3. Put Xs over the two numbers whose names start with vowels.

4. Underline your age. If your age isn’t there, write it on the line. ____________________

5. Write the number that comes after 10 next to it.

6. Put the number 0 in the right place.

7. Draw an arrow to the answer of 3 + 3.

8. Draw another arrow to the answer of 10 5.

9. Put a star by the number that rhymes with door.

10. Make a happy face in the number 0.

1 2 3 4 5

6 7 8 9 10
Following Directions
No-Glamour Language 114 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Following Directions 8
Teacher note: Give each student a large sheet of paper and some crayons. Ask students to
listen carefully to your directions and draw what you say.

1. Sammy is a big snake. Draw a picture of Sammy. He has purple spots on half of his
body. He has green stripes on the other half of his body. His eyes are blue and he is
very happy.

2. Draw a picture of a tree. The tree has red, yellow, and orange leaves. Draw a nest on
one of the branches. Draw a bird flying to the tree.

3. Draw a picture of a kite. The kite is in the sky. It is red and yellow. The kite has a long
tail with two bows on it. Draw a picture of yourself flying the kite. Draw a big smile on
your face.

4. Draw a picture of Flora. Flora is a big fish. She is covered with a beautiful orange and
blue design. She has brown eyes. Flora likes to eat plants. Draw some plants near

5. Draw a picture of a garden. There are little yellow flowers next to big orange flowers. Tall
red flowers are next to the yellow flowers. There are also some vegetables growing in
this garden. Draw two corn stalks. Draw some tomatoes growing on a vine. Draw some
bugs in the garden.

6. Draw a silly-looking monster. The monster has long, blue fur. The monster also has a
really long tail. Draw a small hat on the monster’s head. This monster likes to read.
Draw a book in one hand. This monster also likes to eat bananas. Draw some bananas
near the monster.

Following Directions
No-Glamour Language 115 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Following Directions 9
Teacher note: Give each student a copy of page 117. Ask students to listen carefully to your
directions and do what you say.

1. Imagine you’re in a new school and need to find your way around. Look at the
pictures. Put your finger in the middle square where the principal’s office is. Now
get ready to move.

2. You want to know where to go if you ever feel sick. Go up one square. Where are you?

3. Now you want to go where you sing and learn about musical instruments. Go left one
square and down two squares. Where are you?

4. The next room you want to find is where you eat lunch and exercise. Go up two squares.
Where are you?

5. If there is ever something broken in your classroom, your teacher will send you to find the
person who can fix it. Go down two squares and to the right one square. Who do you
meet in this office?

6. The janitor offers to take you to the room where supplies are kept. You leave his office
and go right one square and up one square. What is this room called?

7. You thank the janitor and ask him where the room is where students get to draw and
paint. He directs you to walk left two squares. Where are you?

8. The next place you want to find is a place with lots of books. Go down one square and
right two squares. Where are you?

9. Finally, you decide that you need to find your new classroom. Walk up two squares. Did
you find it?

Following Directions
No-Glamour Language 116 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Following Directions 9, cont. Name __________________________

Look at the map of your new school. Listen carefully and follow the directions.

Following Directions
No-Glamour Language Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Following Directions 10
Teacher note: Give each student a sheet of paper and some crayons. Ask students to listen
carefully to your directions and draw what you say.

1. If you are wearing tennis shoes, draw a red circle. If you aren’t wearing tennis shoes,
draw a green circle.

2. If your first name has five letters or fewer in it, write your name at the bottom of your
paper. If your name has more than five letters in it, write your name at the top of
your paper.

3. If you are right handed, make an X on the right side of your paper. If you are left handed,
make an X on the left side of your paper.

4. If you are wearing something blue, draw two blue stars on your paper. If you aren’t
wearing something blue, draw two blue squares on your paper.

5. If you wear glasses, draw a circle around your name. If you don’t wear glasses, underline
your name.

6. If you have brothers or sisters, draw a tree on your paper. If you don’t have any brothers
or sisters, draw a flower on your paper.

7. If you walk to school, write yes on your paper. If you don’t walk to school, write no on
your paper.

8. If you went to this school last year, draw a rainbow on your paper. If you went to a
different school last year, draw the sun and some clouds on your paper.

9. If your classroom has 15 desks or more, write the number of desks it has in one corner
of your paper. If there are fewer than 15 desks, write the number of desks it has near the
middle of your paper.

10. If your teacher is a woman, draw two wavy lines on your paper. If your teacher is a man,
draw two straight lines on your paper.

Following Directions
No-Glamour Language 118 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Following Directions 11
Teacher note: Tell students you are going to give them three directions. Ask them to listen
carefully and do exactly what you say in the right order.

1. Touch your nose. Stand up. Turn around twice.

2. Clap your hands. Touch the floor. Stomp your feet.

3. Count to ten. Raise your hands. Go to the door.

4. Jump up and down. Touch your shoulders. Say your name.

5. Turn off the light. Bark like a dog. Open the door.

6. Sing a short song. Snap your fingers. Stand on your tiptoes.

7. Walk backward to the wastebasket. Touch your toes. Close your eyes.

8. Spell your name. Hop on one foot. Touch your knees.

9. Tap your foot. Wave your hand. Cover your eyes.

10. Pretend you are sleeping. Turn around once. Hop on one foot.

11. Make a big smile. Clap your hands four times. Sit on the floor.

12. Skip around the room. Open the door. Turn off the light.

13. Say the name of a book you have read. Touch your nose. Stretch.

14. Raise your right hand. Pick up a pencil. Stand up.

15. Say the alphabet. Wiggle your fingers. Meow like a cat.

16. Stand behind your chair. Touch your ears. Run in place.

17. Tap your foot. Pretend to throw a baseball. Look sad.

18. Scratch your leg. Say the principal’s name. Make a funny face.

Following Directions
No-Glamour Language 119 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Following Directions 12
Teacher note: Ask students to listen carefully to your directions. Tell them you’ll ask them to
do something, but before they do it, they have to tell you some things.

1. Walk around your desk twice after you name something that goes in a refrigerator.

2. Turn around three times after you name a bird that can’t fly.

3. Take four steps backward after you count to 20.

4. Clap your hands five times after you say the alphabet.

5. Jump up and down three times after you name an animal that lives in a tree.

6. Walk backward to the door after you name something with wheels.

7. “Swim” your way around the room after you name a pet that lives in a cage.

8. Hop to the wastebasket on one foot after you name a musical instrument with strings.

9. Touch your toes five times after you name an animal you don’t find in a zoo.

10. March to the door after you name a food that is cold when you eat it.

11. Touch all four walls in the room after you name something with numbers on it.

12. Skip around the table after you name two words that rhyme with the word door.

13. Balance on one foot for 10 seconds after you say a nursery rhyme or poem.

14. Hop like a frog after you name something that grows on a tree.

15. “Fly” around the room after you name something round.

Following Directions
No-Glamour Language 120 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Following Directions 13 Name __________________________

Read the directions for each section below. Then look at the answers to see if the directions
have been followed correctly. Write yes next to each direction that has been followed
correctly. If a direction hasn’t been followed correctly, write no in the blank.

1. Write true or false after each statement.

a. _______ You can use metal in a microwave oven. false

b. _______ Raccoons make good house pets. F

c. _______ It is safe to swim in a pool alone. no

d. _______ Hawaii is the 50th state in the United States. true

2. Cross out the item that doesn’t belong in each group.

a. _______ pears celery apples bananas

b. _______ gloves slippers boots socks

c. _______ 2 5 4 G

d. _______ drums violin guitar cello

3. Circle the best answer for each item.

a. _______ Maine is a state on the ______ coast. west north east

b. _______ Which month comes after July? June August September

c. _______ Which bird can’t fly? penguin robin duck

d. _______ The opposite of ______ is terrific. good awful nice

Following Directions
No-Glamour Language 121 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Following Directions 14 Name __________________________

Read each direction. If you can follow the direction given, do so. If you can’t follow the
direction, put an X on the line.

1. After you write today’s date, circle it. ________________________________________

2. Write your middle name. _________________________________________________

3. Draw it, then color it red. _________________________________________________

4. Write the numbers 1 through 10. ___________________________________________

5. Put a check mark beside it. _______________________________________________

6. After you hear it, write it down. ____________________________________________

7. Write a word that rhymes with school._______________________________________

8. Write the opposite of it. __________________________________________________

9. Write the first five letters of the alphabet. ____________________________________

10. Cross it out, then write it again for practice. __________________________________

11. Write another word for child. ______________________________________________

12. Write the name of one of your favorite books._________________________________

Following Directions
No-Glamour Language 122 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Following Directions 15 Name __________________________

Look at each graph or chart. Then follow the directions.

Student Sick Report

Number of Students






1. If any bars show more than 40, draw Xs in them.

2. If any bars show less than 10, color them in.
3. If any bars show the same amount, draw diagonal lines in them.
4. If any bars show more than 30, but less than 50, draw vertical lines in them.

School Supply Sales


Units Sold


100 Key: = pencils

50 = notebooks


a. Connect the symbols for notebooks with a dotted line.

b. Connect the symbols for pencils with a solid line.
c. For each day, color the symbol for the item that sold the least.
d. Draw a circle around the day on which the greatest number of total items was sold.
e. Cross out the day on which the least number of total items was sold.

Following Directions
No-Glamour Language 123 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Following Directions 16 Name __________________________

Follow the directions in the box. Then follow the directions for the items below the box.

✓ Cross out every other direction, starting with number 2.

✓ Draw a blank line after the question on number 5.
✓ Fill in the blank on number 7 with a word that makes sense.
✓ Write your own direction for number 9.
✓ List the numbers of the questions not done yet: ___________________

1. Circle every number 1 on this page.

2. Write your full name at the bottom of this sheet.

3. Draw a house on the back of this sheet.

4. Fold this sheet in half.

5. Add 4 to your age. What is the total?

6. Draw a circle in the middle of this sheet.

7. Write the name of your ___________________ at the top of the page.

8. Make an X by the page number on this sheet.


10. Put a check mark next to the box above.

11. List two words that rhyme with book. ___________________ ___________________

12. Write your teacher’s whole name on the line. _________________________________

Following Directions
No-Glamour Language 124 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Following Directions 17 Name __________________________

Follow the directions for each section. The directions change, so read them carefully.

1. Write a word from the left-hand column next to its antonym in the right-hand column.

raise dull

wonderful lower

sweet sour

sharp boring

interesting horrible

2. Draw a line from the food in the first column with the food it goes best with in the
second column.

peanut butter eggs

macaroni French fries
spaghetti jelly
bacon meatballs
hamburger cheese

3. Fill in the blank with a word from the word box.

a. A ____________________ uses heated air to fly. helicopter airplane

hot-air balloon glider
b. A ____________________ can hover in the air.

c. A ____________________ looks like an airplane, but has no engine.

d. An ____________________ can hold many people.

4. Cross out the item that doesn’t belong in each group.

a. gopher squirrel chipmunk robin

b. toothpaste comb shampoo soap
c. jacket nightgown pajamas bathrobe
d. ketchup jelly mustard mayonnaise

Following Directions
No-Glamour Language 125 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Following Directions 18 Name __________________________

Look at some maps or encyclopedias. Choose a country you want to know more about.
Then follow the directions below to draw a map of that country.

1. Draw an outline of the country’s border in the box.

2. Use stars to show the largest cities.
3. Identify any major rivers with a line of tiny Xs.
4. Color the area of any major lake blue.
5. Fill in the areas of any mountain ranges with tiny brown Os.
6. Label any surrounding countries or oceans using all capital letters.

The name of this country is __________________________________.

Following Directions
No-Glamour Language 126 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Sequencing 1 Name __________________________

Cut these pictures apart. Glue the pictures in the boxes in order to tell a story. Then tell the story to someone.

No-Glamour Language Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Sequencing 2 Name __________________________

Cut these pictures apart. Glue the pictures in the boxes in order to tell a story. Then tell the story to someone.

No-Glamour Language Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Sequencing 3 Name __________________________

Cut these pictures apart. Glue the pictures in the boxes in order to tell a story. Then tell the story to someone.

No-Glamour Language Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Sequencing 4 Name __________________________

Words like first, next, and last tell us the order of things. Look at the boxes below. Which box is first? Which one is next?
Which one is last?


Copy the first box here. Copy the next box here. Copy the last box here.

No-Glamour Language Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Sequencing 5 Name __________________________

Draw a picture for each sentence of these stories. Then use the words first, next, and last to tell your stories to someone.

1 2 3

Aunt Rose heated popcorn in the The corn kernels began to pop. All the kernels popped.
microwave. Mmm, time to eat popcorn!

1 2 3

Marta heard her alarm go off. She opened her eyes. She got out of bed and stretched.
Time for school!

No-Glamour Language Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Sequencing 6 Name __________________________

Each row of pictures tells a story, but the pictures are mixed up. First cut out all the pictures. Divide them into two stories.
Then put the pictures for each story in the right order. Use the pictures to tell each story to someone.

No-Glamour Language Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Sequencing 7 Name __________________________

Read this story. Then number the pictures to match the story.

Kevin went to Michael’s apartment to ask him to play. First they played with
Michael’s puppy. Then they rode their bikes. They stopped to swing in the park.
Then they said good-bye and went home.

No-Glamour Language 133 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Sequencing 8 Name __________________________

Follow each direction. You’ll need a red, blue, green, and yellow crayon.

1. Color the third duck red. Color the first duck yellow. Color the second duck blue.

2. Color the first bug red. Color the last bug yellow. Color the third bug green.

3. Color the fourth car blue. Color the second car red. Color the third car blue.

4. Color the first hat yellow. Color the last hat green. Color the second hat blue.

No-Glamour Language 134 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Sequencing 9 Name __________________________

Read each story. Then number the sentences in the order they happened.

Daniel was planning to go camping with his friend’s family on Saturday night.
When Daniel woke up Saturday morning, it was raining. Daniel decided that he
didn’t want to go camping in the rain, so he asked his friend to spend the night

_____ a. Daniel’s friend invited him camping.

_____ b. Daniel decided to sleep at home.
_____ c. It was raining.

Todd couldn’t wait for his mom to get home from work. His class had gone on a
field trip to the zoo that day and he wanted to tell her about it. His teacher let
him ride on an elephant!

_____ a. Todd rode an elephant.

_____ b. Todd’s class went to the zoo.
_____ c. Todd waited for his mom to get home from work.

Robin’s dad asked her to do some work around the house after school. He
gave her a list of jobs he needed done. Robin told her dad she’d do the jobs as
soon as she finished her homework.

_____ a. Robin did the jobs.

_____ b. Robin finished her homework.
_____ c. Robin went to school.

Jacob was late! He ran out of the apartment so quickly that he left his wallet on
his bed. He didn’t even notice the wallet was missing until he stood in the lunch
line at school.

_____ a. Jacob ran out of the apartment.

_____ b. Jacob left his wallet on the bed.
_____ c. Jacob stood in line for lunch.

No-Glamour Language 135 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Sequencing 10 Name __________________________

Read all the sentences. Then cut them apart and put them in order to tell the story.

When the clothes were dry, they folded them neatly.

Dad asked Isaiah to help him do the laundry.

Later they washed the light clothes and towels.

They washed the dark clothes and towels first.

They put the clean, wet clothes into the dryer.

First they gathered all the dirty clothes.

They put the clean clothes away last.

Next they sorted them by color.

No-Glamour Language 136 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Sequencing 11 Name __________________________

Think of something you like to do. Do you like to make something in the kitchen? Is there a
game you like to play? Write one thing you like to do on the title line. Then draw pictures of
the steps you take to do this activity. Draw your pictures in the right order.

Title: ________________________________________

1 2

3 4

No-Glamour Language 137 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Sequencing 12 Name __________________________

Teacher note: Tell students you’re going to read a sentence, but the words will be all mixed
up. Ask them to put the words in the right order to make a good sentence.

1. the, door, open (Open the door.)

2. thirsty, is, Rick (Rick is thirsty.)

3. like, I, pizza (I like pizza.)

4. roses, are, some, red (Some roses are red.)

5. fleas, dog, my, has (My dog has fleas.)

6. tonight, please, me, call (Please call me tonight.)

7. want, I, milk, more (I want more milk.)

8. sick, Katelyn, today, is (Katelyn is sick today.)

9. thunder, you, hear, do (Do you hear thunder?)

10. that, saw, movie, I (I saw that movie.)

11. ready, lunch, is, our (Our lunch is ready.)

12. going, I, home, am (I am going home.)

13. where, your, sister, is (Where is your sister?)

14. name, her, is, what (What is her name?)

15. Jeremy, jacket, lost, his (Jeremy lost his jacket.)

16. sharp, not, is, pencil, my (My pencil is not sharp.)

17. number, my, phone, is, here (Here is my phone number.)

18. mail, did, letter, my, you (Did you mail my letter?)

19. cut, pie, Dad, the, apple (Dad cut the apple pie.)

20. read, please, story, a, me (Please read me a story.)

No-Glamour Language 138 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Sequencing 13 Name __________________________

Cut out these boxes. Then put them in order of the days of the week. Start with Sunday.

Wednesday Sunday

Thursday Monday Friday

Saturday Tuesday

No-Glamour Language 139 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Sequencing 14 Name __________________________

Teacher note: Have students use a calendar if they need visual cues to do this activity.

Let’s practice thinking about the days of the week.

1. Pretend today is Thursday. What day will it be tomorrow? ______________________

2. Pretend today is Monday. What day will it be tomorrow? ______________________
3. Pretend today is Saturday. What day was it yesterday? ______________________
4. Pretend today is Wednesday. What day will it be tomorrow? ______________________
What day was it yesterday? ______________________
5. Pretend today is Sunday. What day was it yesterday? ______________________ What
day will it be tomorrow? ______________________
6. Pretend today is Tuesday. What day will it be tomorrow? ______________________
What day was it yesterday? ______________________
7. Pretend today is Friday. What day was it yesterday? ______________________ What
day will it be tomorrow? ______________________
8. Pretend today is Monday. You have a test in three days. What day will you have a test?
9. Pretend today is Wednesday. You saw a movie two days ago. What day did you see the
movie? ______________________
10. Pretend today is Sunday. You found a dollar bill on the sidewalk three days ago. What
day did you find the money? ______________________
11. Pretend today is Tuesday. You had spaghetti for lunch the day before yesterday. What
day did you have spaghetti for lunch? ______________________
12. Pretend today is Saturday. You are invited to a birthday party a week from today. What
day is the party? ______________________
13. Pretend today is Saturday. The weather forecaster says it will rain two days from now.
What day will it rain? ______________________
14. Pretend today is Friday. Your friend has invited you to a baseball game the day after
tomorrow. What day is the baseball game? ______________________

No-Glamour Language 140 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Sequencing 15 Name __________________________

Cut out the months of the year. Mix them up. Then put them in order. Start with January.

January February March

April May June

July August September

October November December

No-Glamour Language 141 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Sequencing 16 Name __________________________

Teacher note: Give students a copy of page 141 if they need visual cues to do this activity.

Let’s think about the months of the year.

1. Pretend it’s June. What month comes next? _______________________

2. Pretend it’s October. What month was last month? _______________________
3. Pretend it’s March. What month comes next? _______________________
4. Pretend it’s December. What was last month? _______________________
5. Pretend it’s February. What month comes next? _______________________
What was last month? _______________________
6. Pretend it’s January. What was last month? _______________________
What month comes next? _______________________
7. Pretend it’s May. What month comes next? _______________________
What was last month? _______________________
8. Pretend it’s November. What was last month? _______________________
What month comes next? _______________________
9. Pretend it’s March. What month comes next? _______________________
What was last month? _______________________
10. Pretend it’s August. What month was last month? _______________________ What
month comes next? _______________________
11. Pretend it’s April. What month comes next? _______________________ What was last
month? _______________________
12. Pretend it’s July. What month comes next? _______________________ What was last
month? _______________________
13. Pretend it’s November. What is the month after next month? ______________________
14. Pretend it’s October. What was the month before last? _______________________
15. Pretend it’s May. Your friend’s birthday was two months ago. What month was your
friend’s birthday? _______________________
16. Pretend it’s August. Your cousin’s birthday is the month after next. What month is your
cousin’s birthday? _______________________

No-Glamour Language 142 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Sequencing 17 Name __________________________

Note to teacher: Have a clock or non-digital watch available for reference if necessary.

Let’s think about different times of the day.

1. Pretend it’s 9:00 in the morning. What time was it two hours ago? ________________
2. Pretend it’s 2:30 in the afternoon. You need to be home in three hours. What time do
you need to be home? _______________________
3. Pretend it’s 8:00 at night. Your friend will call you in half an hour. What time will your
friend call? _______________________
4. Pretend it’s 1:15 Saturday afternoon. You want to see a movie one hour from now. What
time does the movie start? _______________________
5. Pretend it’s 10:30 in the morning. You started working on a math problem 15 minutes
ago. What time did you start working on the problem? _______________________
6. Pretend it’s 4:00 in the afternoon. It has been raining since 2:30 this afternoon. How
long has it been raining? _______________________
7. Pretend it’s 6:30 in the morning. The sun rose half an hour ago. What time did the sun
rise? _______________________
8. Pretend it’s 3:00 in the afternoon. Your soccer practice starts in 20 minutes. What time
does your soccer practice begin? _______________________
9. Pretend it’s noon. You’re going to the library in an hour and 15 minutes. What time will
you go to the library? _______________________
10. Pretend it’s 7:00 in the morning. You have to be at school in an hour and a half. What
time do you have to be at school? _______________________
11. Pretend it’s 10:00 in the morning. Your teacher said you may read whatever you want for
45 minutes. What time will your reading time be finished? _______________________
12. Pretend it’s 4:15. You’re going to a friend’s dance recital at 7:00. How much time do you
have before the recital begins? _______________________
13. Pretend it’s 9:30 in the morning. How much time is there before noon?
14. Pretend it’s 1:15 in the afternoon. You just got to the beach. You don’t want to be in the
sun for more than 45 minutes. What time do you need to get out of the sun?
15. Pretend it’s 7:45 in the morning. You just got on the bus to school. It takes 20 minutes
for the bus to get to school. What time will you be there? _______________________

No-Glamour Language 143 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Sequencing 18 Name __________________________

Choose one of the science projects below or think of your own project. Then write five
important steps for your project. Finally, explain to someone how you will do your project.
Talk about the five steps you will take in the order you will do them.

✓ Show how washing your hands can ✓ Make a model of our solar system.
kill bacteria. ✓ Make a model or a poster of the
✓ Show that plants need water to grow. water cycle.
✓ Show what makes things sink or ✓ Other __________________________

Step 1: __________________________________________________________________


Step 2: __________________________________________________________________


Step 3: __________________________________________________________________


Step 4: __________________________________________________________________


Step 5: __________________________________________________________________


No-Glamour Language 144 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Sequencing 19 Name __________________________

Think about what happened yesterday. Use some of the time words in the box to write in your
diary. Write what happened in the order it happened.

first later on finally then

next before during after


No-Glamour Language 145 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Sequencing 20 Name __________________________

A time line shows important events in a way that’s easy to see and remember. Read this
story about Mahatma Gandhi. On another sheet of paper, make a time line to record the
important dates and events in his life. Here are the steps to follow:

1. Circle the date of each event.

2. Write all the dates below the time line in the order they happened.
3. Write a brief description of each event above its date on the time line.

On January 30, 1948, the world lost a great leader — Mahatma Gandhi. How
did Mahatma Gandhi become a famous leader?

Gandhi was born in India in 1869. As a boy, he was shy and serious. At age
13, he married a girl his age. The marriage had been arranged by their
parents. By 1891, Gandhi had finished law school in London.

In 1893, he went to do legal work in Africa. There he was discriminated against

because he was Indian. Gandhi spent the next 21 years working for Indian
rights in Africa.

In 1915, Gandhi went back to India to work for the disadvantaged in his own
country. He was arrested for his work many times, but he never used violence.
He fasted to protest unjust laws. By 1920, many people followed his leadership
to protest unfair laws without using violence.

During World War II (1939-1945), Gandhi led a movement to free India from
British rule. In 1942, he was jailed for the seventh time for his political beliefs.

Although India became free in 1947, Gandhi was upset that Indian Hindus and
Muslims couldn’t live together peacefully. In 1948, he fasted to get these
groups to stop fighting. Their leaders agreed to peace. Twelve days later,
Gandhi was assassinated on his way to a prayer meeting. But Gandhi’s
teaching and leadership continued, especially his example of nonviolent

No-Glamour Language 146 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Riddles 1 Name __________________________

Solve these transportation riddles. Write the number of the picture by the sentence that describes it.

1 4

This vehicle has a trunk.

Many people use this to get places quickly.

2 You should always wear a helmet when 5


you ride this.

This uses gasoline to run but it doesn’t

have wheels.

3 This vehicle has four wheels but 6

no backseat.

You can fit more than four people in

this vehicle.

No-Glamour Language Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Riddles 2
Teacher note: Give each student a copy of page 149. Ask students to name each picture.
Then say, “I’m going to give you clues about one of these things. Listen to what I say. Then
guess which one I’m talking about.”

1. You eat it.

It has meat inside it.
It has a bun.
What is it? (hamburger)

2. You eat it.

It is salty and crunchy.
It can be straight or it can have a special shape.
What is it? (pretzel)

3. You eat it.

It is salty.
It is popped before you eat it.
What is it? (popcorn)

4. You eat it.

You don’t have to cook it before you eat it.
It has a yellow peel.
What is it? (banana)

5. It has skin.
It is white inside.
It is yellow, green, or red.
What is it? (apple)

6. It has a shell.
The shell is very hard.
It can move by itself.
What is it? (turtle)

7. It has a shell.
You cook it before you eat it.
It has a yolk inside it.
What is it? (egg)

8. It has a shell.
You eat it.
It has two nuts inside it.
What is it? (peanut)

No-Glamour Language 148 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Riddles 2, cont. Name __________________________

No-Glamour Language 149 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Riddles 3
Teacher note: Give each student a copy of page 151. Ask students to name each animal.
Then say, “I’m going to give you clues about one of these things. Listen to what I say. Then
guess which animal I’m talking about.”

1. I am a big animal.
I have a mane on my neck.
I live in the jungle.
What am I? (lion)

2. I am a big animal with a tail.

Someone could ride on me.
I can pull a wagon or a carriage.
What am I? (horse)

3. I live in a jungle.
I can be many different colors.
I have a big beak.
What am I? (parrot)

4. I have a tail.
I can be big or small.
I live in the water.
What am I? (fish)

5. I live in a jungle.
I can be many different colors.
I don’t need arms or legs to move.
What am I? (snake)

6. I have a tail.
I am a big animal.
I give you milk.
What am I? (cow)

7. I am a big animal.
I have stripes.
I am shaped like a cat.
What am I? (tiger)

8. I have a tail.
I have fur.
I like to chase mice and birds.
What am I? (cat)

No-Glamour Language 150 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Riddles 3, cont. Name __________________________

No-Glamour Language 151 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Riddles 4
Teacher note: Give each student a copy of page 153. Say, “I’m going to tell you about the
pets different children want. Then guess which pet each child wants.”

1. Rita wants a pet she can hold. She doesn’t want her pet to live in a cage.
She wants to walk her pet on a leash and teach it to do tricks. Which pet
does Rita want? (dog)

2. Drew wants a pet that’s easy to take care of. He doesn’t want to hold it or
take it for walks. He just wants to watch it swim in a bowl. Which pet does
Drew want? (fish)

3. Robin wants a furry pet that she can hold. She wants it to be small enough
to fit in her hands. She has a special cage for it with a water bottle and lots
of toys. She hopes her pet likes the big wheel inside its cage. Which pet
does Robin want? (hamster)

4. Jamal wants a pet that’s soft and furry. He doesn’t want to take it for walks.
Jamal wants to watch his pet eat lettuce and carrots. He built a special cage
to keep his pet outside in nice weather. When it’s too cold outside, he can
take the cage into his garage. Which pet does Jamal want? (rabbit)

5. Lydia wants a pet that’s soft and cuddly. She doesn’t want to bother with a
cage for her pet. She wants a pet that purrs. Which pet does Lydia want?

6. Hector wants a pet that doesn’t have any fur. He doesn’t care if he can hold
it. He’d rather just watch his pet walk around slowly when its out of its cage.
He doesn’t want a bird. Which pet does Hector want? (turtle)

7. Simone wants a pet that can stay in a cage. She’s allergic to fur, so her pet
can’t be furry. She wants her pet to be her favorite color, blue. She’s going
to try to teach it to talk. Which pet does Simone want? (parakeet)

8. Katelyn wants a pet that doesn’t need a lot of attention. She doesn’t want to
play with it or take it for walks. She just wants to watch it climb around its
terrarium and catch worms and insects. Which pet does Katelyn want?

No-Glamour Language 152 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Riddles 4, cont. Name __________________________

No-Glamour Language 153 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Riddles 5
Teacher note: Ask students to listen carefully to what you say and guess where you are.

1. Wow, look at those elephants! I love the way they do tricks. Here come the
clowns! Where am I? (circus)

2. I love coming here. Sometimes I can listen to a story. Sometimes they have
a special exhibit to check out. I always find at least two books to take home
to read. Where am I? (library)

3. I have a great seat this time. There’s no one in front of me, so I can see the
whole screen. The previews are on now. Mmm, this popcorn tastes great!
Where am I? (movie theater)

4. I need to sharpen my pencil. It’s almost time for math. If I finish my math in
time, I can go out for recess. Where am I? (school classroom)

5. Grandma just had an operation on her leg. The doctors and nurses are
taking good care of her while she heals. We’re bringing her flowers. Visiting
hours have just started. Where am I? (hospital)

6. What a great day to watch a game! We can see the whole field from here.
My cousin is playing quarterback today. I hope he scores three touchdowns!
Where am I? (football stadium)

7. Wow, we almost had an accident! I’m glad I have my seat belt on. That
truck didn’t stop at the STOP sign, and it almost ran into us. Where am I?
(in a car, on a street)

8. We have lots of shopping to do today. It’s really hot outside, so I’m glad we
can stay indoors to do all our shopping. We’ll meet our friends at the food
court for lunch. I like lots of the stores here, but my favorite is the pet store.
I hope we have time to visit it while we’re here. Where am I? (mall)

9. Hardly anyone is here today, so there’s no waiting for the slide. I think I’ll try
the new climbing bars next. My little brother is feeding the ducks with my
stepmom over at the pond. I can see my dad jogging with his friends.
Where am I? (park)

No-Glamour Language 154 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Riddles 5, cont.

10. We’ve played a few games. I won a prize! Here comes Brian’s mom with
his cake. There are ten candles on it. Brian has to wait till we finish singing
to him before he can blow out the candles. After we eat cake and ice
cream, Brian will open his presents. Where am I? (birthday party)

11. Mmm, it smells so good in here! We put our order in, but our food isn’t
ready yet. We each got to choose one topping. I chose pepperoni! Where
am I? (pizza parlor)

12. I’m looking for mushroom soup for my grandma. It’s in aisle three. I’ll push
the shopping cart over to aisle three. Then I’ll look for the next thing on the
shopping list. Where am I? (grocery store)

13. I have a bad sore throat, so Dad brought me here. There are several other
people waiting here, too. Some little kids are coloring at a table. Most of
the adults are reading in their chairs. Every now and then, a nurse opens a
door and calls someone’s name. I wish she’d call mine soon! Where am I?
(doctor’s office, medical clinic)

14. I’ve never seen so many fish before! I love to stand right in front of one of
the big windows and watch all the fish inside the tank. There’s a diver
feeding the fish now. In a few minutes, we’re going to watch a special
dolphin show. Where am I? (aquarium, Sea World)

15. This is a small place, but there’s a lot to choose here. There are fresh
cookies, pies, breads, and cakes. We’re going to pick up a cake for my Bar
Mitzvah. Where am I? (bakery)

16. We got here early for my appointment. I can’t wait to sit in the special
chair. Last time, I had one cavity. I’ve been brushing my teeth and flossing
more often since then. I sure hope the X-rays don’t show any cavities this
time! Where am I? (dentist’s office)

No-Glamour Language 155 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Riddles 6 Name __________________________

Read these riddles. Then write the letter of the best answer for each one in the blanks.

1. What’s worse than finding a worm in your apple? _____

a. lots of poodles
2. What’s a great dessert to serve at a Halloween party? _____

b. finding half a worm

3. What do you see on the ground after it rains cats and dogs? _____ c. Smiles. There’s a mile

between the S’s.

d. in baseball fields
4. Where do they keep the biggest diamonds in Chicago? _____

e. i-t

5. What’s the longest word in the world? _____ f. booberry pie

6. Amphibian is hard to spell. How do you spell it? _____

No-Glamour Language Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Riddles 7 Name __________________________

Read these riddles. Then write the letter of the best answer for each one in the blanks.

1. How do creatures from outer space drink their hot chocolate? _____

a. Moo York
2. How does an ocean say good-bye? _____
b. a little squirt

3. What’s the most popular city for cows? _____ c. It waves.


d. from flying saucers

4. What do you get if you cross a lemon and a cat? _____

e. at the baa baa shop

f . a sourpuss
5. What do you call a baby whale? _____

6. Where do sheep get their hair cut? _____

No-Glamour Language Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Riddles 8 Name __________________________

Read these riddles. Then write the letter of the best answer for each one in the blanks.

1. Why did the silly woman stand in the rain with her purse open? _____

a. c-a-t b-a-c-k-w-a-r-d-s
2. How do you spell cat backwards? _____
b. thunder

3. What’s the best paper to use to make a kite? _____ c. She was hoping for a change
in the weather.

d. a potato or a needle
4. What did the Earth say when it was flooded? _____
e. “Now my name is Mud!”

5. What claps without using hands? _____ f. flypaper

6. What has an eye that never blinks? _____

No-Glamour Language Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Riddles 9
Use the riddles on pages 161-166 to expand your students’ vocabulary, language, and critical
thinking skills. Give the first clue. Then elicit and record as many guesses as possible that fit
that clue. For example:

Clue 1 — It is made of metal.

Guesses — scissors, ax, paper clip, safety pin, thumbtack, key, bracelet, ring, staple,
mailbox, spoon, knife, fork, pan, garbage can, magnet, bird cage, picture frame

As your students brainstorm their guesses, encourage discussion of any guesses that don’t fit
the clue. For example:

Guess — money

“Is all money made of metal? Could we use another word that means money, but only
money that’s made of metal? Yes, a coin or a quarter would fit the clue.”

Give the second clue. Ask your students to pick which guesses to the first clue are still in the
running. Make a new list of these items, or highlight them in the first list. Have your students
explain why or how each one fits both clues. Then ask if anyone can think of new guesses
that weren’t listed before. For example:

Clue 2 — It is used to fasten things together.

Guesses from Clue 1 — paper clip, safety pin, staple

Additional guesses — button, snap, zipper

Give the third clue. Ask your students to choose the best guess. Have them justify why it’s
the best guess.

Clue 3 — It has teeth.

Answer — zipper, because a zipper is made of metal, fastens things together, and has

Note: The riddles on pages 160-164 are about concrete items. They help students to apply
what they know about categories, functions, and attributes. The riddles on pages 165-166 are
about abstract concepts, like friend or surprise. These riddles are more sophisticated, but just
as helpful to students as a way to expand their vocabularies and to encourage them to be
flexible thinkers.

No-Glamour Language 159 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Concrete Riddles
1. It is round.
2. It is made of rubber.
3. You can bounce it. (ball)

1. You put something into it.

2. It is made of paper.
3. You put a stamp on it. (envelope)

1. It is round.
2. You eat it.
3. You can make it into a prune. (plum)

1. It is in the sky.
2. It is bright.
3. You see it before you hear thunder. (lightning)

1. You eat it.

2. It is sweet.
3. It is white.
4. You can sprinkle it on cereal. (sugar)

1. You look through it.

2. It is made of glass.
3. It makes tiny things look much bigger.
4. You use slides with it. (microscope)

1. It is long and thin.

2. You eat it.
3. You cook it before you eat it.
4. It goes with sauce and meatballs. (spaghetti)

1. It is a fruit.
2. It is yellow on the outside.
3. It is smaller than an apple.
4. It is sour. (lemon)

1. You write or draw on it.

2. It’s shaped like a rectangle.
3. It hangs on a classroom wall. (chalkboard)

1. It is a man.
2. He is a relative.
3. He has a niece or a nephew. (uncle)

No-Glamour Language 160 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Concrete Riddles, cont.
1. It is made of water.
2. It has fish in it.
3. It has waves. (ocean)

1. You put it on.

2. It protects you outside.
3. Bugs and mosquitoes don’t like it. (insect repellent)

1. It has a shell.
2. You eat what’s inside.
3. You cook it before you eat it.
4. You can scramble it. (egg)

1. It is a fruit.
2. It can be red or green.
3. It grows in bunches. (grapes)

1. It is outside.
2. It is red and white.
3. It is by a street or streets.
4. It makes cars stop. (STOP sign)

1. It is sharp.
2. It is not manmade.
3. It is on a stem.
4. It is part of a rose bush. (thorn)

1. It is black and white.

2. It is an animal.
3. It can make a big stink. (skunk)

1. It has two hands.

2. It comes in many sizes.
3. It tells you the time. (clock)

1. It makes a loud noise.

2. The noise warns people.
3. It carries sick or injured people to a hospital. (ambulance)

1. It has windows.
2. It has wheels.
3. It carries many passengers at the same time.
4. It doesn’t run on tracks. (bus)

No-Glamour Language 161 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Concrete Riddles, cont.
1. It has wings.
2. It likes bright flowers.
3. It used to be a caterpillar. (butterfly)

1. You can sit in it.

2. You can’t sit in your own.
3. Yours disappears when you stand up. (lap)

1. It has a lens.
2. It has film.
3. You take pictures with it. (camera)

1. It is made of water.
2. It can cover the ground.
3. It can lift and turn into a cloud. (fog)

1. It has many seeds in it.

2. It grows on a tree.
3. It is hard before it opens.
4. It is part of an evergreen tree. (pine cone)

1. It is part of your body.

2. You open it or shut it.
3. It has things inside it.
4. You put your food into it when you eat. (mouth)

1. It is a dairy product.
2. Sometimes it has fruit in it.
3. It is healthier for you than ice cream or cheese. (yogurt)

1. It has seeds.
2. It is sweet.
3. It is juicy.
4. It is green outside and pink inside. (watermelon)

1. It is small.
2. It is part of your body.
3. You can wiggle it.
4. It is part of your foot. (toe)

1. It is for safety.
2. You use it in an emergency.
3. It puts out small fires. (fire extinguisher)

No-Glamour Language 162 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Concrete Riddles, cont.
1. You open it or shut it.
2. It lets you in or out.
3. It is part of a fence. (gate)

1. It is made of paper.
2. It comes in a roll.
3. It helps you clean up spills. (paper towel)

1. It is like a picture.
2. It has a key.
3. It shows roads, highways, and cities. (map)

1. It is long and thin.

2. It is straight.
3. It is flat.
4. You use it to measure things. (ruler)

1. You wear them.

2. They have lenses.
3. They protect your eyes from bright sunlight. (sunglasses)

1. It has teeth.
2. It is for grooming.
3. It keeps hair neat. (comb)

1. It has keys.
2. You use your fingers to make it work.
3. It has a screen. (computer)

1. It is hard.
2. It floats.
3. It is very cold.
4. It melts when it gets warm. (ice)

1. It is sharp.
2. It has a point.
3. It holds things on a bulletin board. (thumbtack)

1. It is a natural disaster.
2. It involves water and wind.
3. It is more dangerous for beaches than for inland areas. (hurricane)

No-Glamour Language 163 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Concrete Riddles, cont.
1. You can’t see it.
2. You can feel it.
3. It moves things. (wind)

1. It gives off light.

2. You can’t carry it.
3. It is in or near the water.
4. It is a warning for ships. (lighthouse)

1. You wear it.

2. It is for safety.
3. It floats.
4. You need it to ride in a motor boat. (life jacket)

1. Two people can play it.

2. It has rules.
3. It has round game pieces.
4. The game board has red and black squares. (checkers)

1. It keeps changing its shape.

2. It is bright.
3. It can change colors.
4. It can be big or small.
5. It has smoke sometimes. (fire)

1. It is a woman.
2. She had at least one child.
3. At least one of her children had a child. (grandmother)

1. It has numbers on it.

2. It helps you plan ahead.
3. It usually has 12 months of the year in it. (calendar)

1. You have it sometimes.

2. It changes its shape.
3. You see it best in bright sunlight.
4. It is dark.
5. It goes where you go in the sun. (shadow)

1. It is flat.
2. It has many parts.
3. You put the parts together. (jigsaw puzzle)

No-Glamour Language 164 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Abstract Riddles
1. It is like a movie.
2. It is in your head.
3. It happens while you sleep. (dream)

1. You make it or give it to someone.

2. It can be hard to do.
3. You use it after you make a mistake. (apology)

1. It is a number.
2. It has to do with money.
3. It is what you need to pay to buy something. (price)

1. Sometimes you feel this with your body.

2. It is easy to take care of.
3. It means you need a drink. (thirst)

1. It is a way to feel inside.

2. It is a good feeling.
3. You get it when you have done something well. (pride)

1. It happens at a store.
2. It is on signs at the store.
3. It can help you save money. (sale)

1. It has numbers in it.

2. You need it to mail a letter.
3. It has a ZIP code in it. (address)

1. It is a way to feel inside.

2. It is an uncomfortable feeling.
3. You feel this way when you think something bad will happen. (scared)

1. Everyone has one.

2. You got it when you were born.
3. It comes once a year, unless you were born February 29th. (birthday)

1. You can hear it.

2. You can play it or sing it.
3. It has notes and rhythm. (music, song)

1. They are something you can give or get.

2. They usually have steps.
3. They tell you what to do or where to go. (directions)

No-Glamour Language 165 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Abstract Riddles, cont.
1. It is something you think.
2. It is not a fact.
3. It is usually based on facts. (opinion)

1. It is private.
2. It is not for sharing with many people.
3. It can be about anything most people don’t know. (secret)

1. It is special to you.
2. You can change it if you want to.
3. It has letters in it.
4. You got one when you were born. (name)

1. Once you use it, it’s gone.

2. It makes things move or go.
3. It comes from fuel. (energy)

1. It can fly.
2. It can go quickly or slowly.
3. You can measure it.
4. You use a watch, clock, sundial, or hourglass to measure it. (time)

1. Lots of people have had it.

2. It comes with a rash that itches.
3. Children often get it in the spring. (chicken pox)

1. You can’t taste it or see it.

2. It is in your mind.
3. You have to say it or show it to someone else. (idea)

1. It involves many people.

2. It can be long or short.
3. It is the opposite of peace. (war)

1. It is a copy of something.
2. It is far away.
3. It repeats what you say. (echo)

No-Glamour Language 166 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Cause & Effect 1 Name __________________________

For each picture under the ★ , circle a picture under the ▲ that shows what happened.

★ ▲

Cause & Effect

No-Glamour Language 167 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Cause & Effect 2 Name __________________________

Answer the questions to tell what you think will happen.

1. What will happen to this glass of milk

when the boy adds chocolate?

2. How will this girl’s hair look when she

takes the towel off her head?

3. What will happen now that school

is over?

4. What will Grant do now that he’s not

feeling well?

5. What will Mr. Trimble do now?

Cause & Effect

No-Glamour Language 168 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Cause & Effect 3 Name __________________________

Draw a line from each picture on the left to show why it happened. Talk about what happened
and why. The pictures you connect will show cause and effect.

Cause & Effect

No-Glamour Language 169 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Cause & Effect 4 Name __________________________

Draw a picture to show one cause for each thing that happened below.

My aunt told me I did a good job. The tree fell with a huge crash!

Kelly’s dog barked loudly. Natalie lost her house key.

Cause & Effect

No-Glamour Language 170 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Cause & Effect 5 Name __________________________

Follow the directions to show how every cause has an effect.

1. Grandma forgot to water her plants. Circle the picture of how they look.

2. William didn’t return his library book on time. Put an X on the picture of what William will
have to do.

3. Dad didn’t pay any attention to the gas gauge in his car. Put a sad face on the picture of
what happened.

4. Uncle Ken forgot to pay his cable TV bill. Color the picture of what happened.

5. Daphne forgot to set her alarm last night. Underline the picture of how she reacted when
she woke up.

Cause & Effect

No-Glamour Language 171 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Cause & Effect 6 Name __________________________

Follow the directions to show how every effect has a cause.

1. Callie’s cat purred softly. Circle the picture that shows why this happened.

2. Someone robbed the Nelsons’ garage while they were on vacation. Circle the picture that
shows why this happened.

3. The line for hot lunch was longer than ever before! Circle the picture that shows why this

4. Maureen heard the sirens and saw a fire truck go racing by. Circle the picture that shows
why this happened.

5. The children laughed and clapped their hands loudly. Circle the picture that shows why
this happened.

Cause & Effect

No-Glamour Language 172 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Cause & Effect 7 Name __________________________

Underline the effect and circle the cause for each sentence. The first one has been done for
you. If you need help, ask yourself these questions.

What happened? = effect Why did it happen? = cause

1. Mrs. Hines slipped and fell because the sidewalk was covered with ice.

2. Anthony was hungry so he fixed himself a sandwich for lunch.

3. Because it was her grandmother’s birthday, Hope made her a special card.

4. Ed has a cast on his leg today because he broke it in gym class yesterday.

5. Because of the snowstorm, we stayed home from school.

6. The teacher gave each of us a sticker because our group was the first one done.

7. My sister is grounded for a week because she stayed out too late last night.

8. The phone call was for her stepmom, so Danielle went to get her.

9. Jordan scored a goal in the soccer game because he had practiced hard all week.

10. Carol got a cramp while running because she didn’t stretch out before the race.

Cause & Effect

No-Glamour Language 173 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Cause & Effect 8 Name __________________________

Tell the cause and effect of each pictured story.

1. We stayed inside for recess because it was raining.

effect ___________________________________


cause ___________________________________


2. Lava poured out of the exploding volcano.

effect ___________________________________


cause ___________________________________


3. Kennedy was sick today so she stayed home.

effect ___________________________________


cause ___________________________________


4. Wearing glasses helps this boy see better.

effect ___________________________________


cause ___________________________________


Cause & Effect

No-Glamour Language 174 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Cause & Effect 9 Name __________________________

Each passage below describes an effect. Write each cause in the box under the passage.

1. Tara opened the refrigerator door. “Ick! Something sure smells,” she thought. “Dad must
have forgotten to clean out all the leftovers from last week.”

Cause Effect

__________________________ Something in the

➔ refrigerator smelled bad.

2. Tad looked at his watch and frowned. “I’m in trouble now. I was supposed to be home at
5:00,” he thought.

Cause Effect

➔ Tad is in trouble.

3. Mr. Tidd woke up with a start. He heard his apartment door open. “Oh no!” he thought.
“I wonder if I remembered to lock the door?”

Cause Effect

__________________________ Someone is coming in

➔ Mr. Tidd’s apartment in
__________________________ the middle of the night.

Cause & Effect

No-Glamour Language 175 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Cause & Effect 10 Name __________________________

Look at these pictures. They each show an effect, or result, with more than one possible
cause. As you look at the pictures, ask yourself, “Why did this happen?” Then fill in the
ovals to show possible causes.

causes effect




Cause & Effect

No-Glamour Language 176 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Cause & Effect 11 Name __________________________

Think about the effect these new inventions would have on people. Write your answers in the chart.

Invention (cause) Description People’s Reactions (effects)

numbers begin with 6:00 at the top and end

with 5:00 where the 11:00 used to be

Wacky Wall Clocks

one shoe comes as a high-top and the

other as a low-top

Two-Top Tennis Shoes


tennis balls are used to knock down 6-inch-

tall pins made of light plastic

Tennis Ball Bowling

a cross between a plum and an apple — the

skin is purple and the inside is very crisp


a store that specializes in nails, tacks,

screws, and pegs

Nothing But Nails

Cause & Effect

No-Glamour Language Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Cause & Effect 12 Name __________________________

Read these stories. Each one will tell you the effect. Ask yourself, “What made it happen?” to
find out the cause.

A Weather Problem

Every day after school, Latoya walks to her

apartment. She and her dad live there.
She gets home about 4:00 and her dad is
home by 6:00. Latoya doesn’t mind staying
alone except when it’s raining.

1. What causes Latoya to be frightened of staying home alone when it’s raining?



Hamster Habits

My hamster’s name is Hammie. He has

two odd habits. One of Hammie’s habits is
to chew the bars on his cage. The other
habit is how he sorts through his food to
eat the sunflower seeds first.

2. What causes Hammie to chew on the bars of his cage?



3. What causes Hammie to sort through his food?



Cause & Effect

No-Glamour Language 178 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Cause & Effect 13 Name __________________________

Some things that happen cause an effect. Answer these questions to see if some causes
make things change for the better or the worse.

1. A man smokes two packs of cigarettes a day. What will be the

effect on his health?



2. Rose’s mom just had a baby. What effect will the baby have on
Rose’s life?



3. Connor picked this puppy to take home from the Humane Society
because it was the runt of the litter. What effect will the puppy
have on Connor’s life?



4. A hurricane blew through this town and caused a great deal of

damage. What will be the effect on the townspeople?



5. Stella just made a new friend she really likes. What will be the
effect of this new friendship on Stella?



Cause & Effect

No-Glamour Language 179 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Cause & Effect 14
Teacher note: Tell students you’re going to read them a story. Let them know you’ll stop once
in a while to ask them about the cause and effect of things that happen.

Chloe’s Friend
Chloe was a lonely eight-year-old girl. She was lonely because she lived on a
farm . . . millions of miles from her friends in town.

• How was Chloe feeling? (lonely)

• What do you think the effect of her loneliness was? (sad, unhappy)

Chloe’s grandmother lived with her, and that helped keep Chloe from getting too
bored. Chloe taught Grandmother how to whistle and how to act like an alien.
Sometimes, Chloe read stories to Grandmother.

• Who lived with Chloe? (her grandmother)

• What was the effect of her grandmother living with her? (Chloe had someone
to talk to so she wouldn’t get too bored.)

Grandmother liked stories because they made her remember things. When
Chloe read a story about an animal shelter, Grandmother remembered the
kitten she found when she was four years old. When Chloe read a story about
fishing, Grandmother remembered how to bait a hook.

• What made Grandmother remember things? (stories)

• What effects do you think Grandmother’s memories had on Chloe? (Chloe
got to know her grandmother better.)

Best of all, Grandmother enjoyed going to the barn with Chloe. They taught the
animals how to whistle and how to act like aliens. And the animals liked hearing
stories, too.

• What did Grandmother enjoy most? (going to the barn with Chloe)
• Why did Grandmother like going to the barn? (She and Chloe liked to play
with the animals.)

Cause & Effect

No-Glamour Language 180 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Cause & Effect 15 Name __________________________

Lots of kids don’t like the rules they have at home and at school. Think about the rules in the
chart. How would you change them? Write at least one positive and one negative effect for
each rule you change.
How I Would
Rule Change It Positive Effect Negative Effect

No running in the

No talking in the

Limit phone
conversations to
five minutes.

No friends in the
house without an
adult present.

No watching TV
until all homework
is finished.

No chewing gum in

Cause & Effect

No-Glamour Language 181 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Cause & Effect 16 Name __________________________

In real life, things don’t always stop with one cause and one effect. Each story below has a series of causes and effects.
Use the graphs to show the chain of events. The first one has been started for you.

Chris bought a new computer game. Then she didn’t have any money to go to a movie. She decided to ask
her brother for a loan. He gave her part of his allowance.

buying new caused having no money caused caused

computer game ➔ ➔ ➔

Operation Cleanup

Jamie Perez got tired of looking at trash on his way to school, so he talked to his fifth-grade class. Because of
his talk, Jamie’s class helped him clean up the school’s neighborhood. The City Council was so impressed
with Jamie’s class that it declared a citywide cleanup day.

caused caused caused

➔ ➔ ➔

Cause & Effect

No-Glamour Language Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Cause & Effect 17 Name __________________________

Events in real life often have a series of causes and effects. Read the paragraphs about how
Amelia Earhart got her start piloting airplanes in the early 1900s. Then complete the graphs
to show the chain of events.

While visiting her parents in California, Amelia Earhart made her first flight with
the record-breaking pilot, Frank Hawks. Amelia said the experience was one of
“breathtaking beauty,” and that she knew exactly what she wanted to do with her
life. Nothing would stop her from learning to fly.

Amelia began taking private lessons from another woman pilot to learn to fly. A
year later, Amelia made her first solo flight. After that, she was hooked on flying
for good!

A year after her first solo flight, Amelia used all of her savings and money she
got for selling her few valuable possessions to buy her first airplane. Having her
own plane allowed Amelia to make more flights, and soon she had set the world
altitude record for women. Little did Amelia know, this was just the beginning of
her famous flying career.

Amelia makes first flight sed
with Frank Hawks




cau set world altitude record

for women

Cause & Effect

No-Glamour Language 183 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Cause & Effect 18 Name __________________________

Natural disasters can have serious effects on people. Describe what effect each of these
disasters would have on the people nearby.

1. volcano



2. hurricane



3. flood



4. tornado



5. draught



6. earthquake



Cause & Effect

No-Glamour Language 184 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Cause & Effect 19 Name __________________________

Answer these questions with one or more answers.

What would happen if . . .

1. you got locked out of your apartment after school? ___________________________


2. you forgot a dentist’s appointment? ________________________________________


3. you forgot someone’s name and you wanted to say hello? ______________________


4. you weren’t wearing a watch and you needed to know the time? _________________


5. you wore old, dirty clothes to a friend’s party? _______________________________


6. you got caught stealing from a grocery store? _______________________________


7. you missed your ride home from school? ___________________________________


8. someone rang your doorbell and you were home alone? _______________________


9. you listened to really loud music for too long? _______________________________


10. you wanted to make a phone call from a pay phone but you didn’t have any money?


Cause & Effect

No-Glamour Language 185 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Cause & Effect 20 Name __________________________

Some actions can be bad for people’s health and well-being. Other actions are dangerous or
risky for some people and fine for others. Tell whether each action below can have either a
positive or negative effect on a person’s life and why. Remember, some activities can be both
positive and negative, depending on the person.

1. smoking _____________________________________________________________


2. drinking too much alcohol _______________________________________________


3. eating fattening food ___________________________________________________


4. motorcycle riding ______________________________________________________


5. scuba diving __________________________________________________________


6. flying in an airplane ____________________________________________________


7. forgetting to brush teeth _________________________________________________


8. taking drugs __________________________________________________________


9. walking alone at night __________________________________________________


10. cheating on a test _____________________________________________________

Cause & Effect
No-Glamour Language 186 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Predicting 1 Name __________________________

Match the pictures in Column 1 with the pictures of what might happen in Column 2.

Column 1 Column 2

No-Glamour Language 187 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Predicting 2 Name __________________________

Sometimes it’s good to think ahead about what MIGHT happen so that you can avoid problems. Use the clues in the
picture to tell what might happen next.

No-Glamour Language Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Predicting 3 Name __________________________

Uh, oh! Someone forgot to close the door to Buster’s dog pen. Tell someone what Buster might do.

No-Glamour Language Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Predicting 4 Name __________________________

Circle the picture of what you think will happen next.

1. Hannah just checked out a book at the library. What will she do next?

2. Raoul is getting ready for bed. He put on his pajamas. What will he do next?

3. Kristin bought a toy train for her brother’s birthday. What will she do next?

No-Glamour Language 190 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Predicting 5 Name __________________________

Look at the pictures. Use the clues in the pictures to draw what might happen next in the
empty boxes.

No-Glamour Language 191 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Predicting 6 Name __________________________

Sometimes it’s very important to pay attention to time. Read each story. Then circle the
picture that shows what might happen if the person didn’t pay attention to the time.

1. Karen needs to get to work early today. She has an important meeting with her boss this

2. Aaron’s dad promised to take him to a movie on their next weekend together. Aaron really
wants to see the new Disney movie.

3. Shelby’s friend fell on the ice yesterday and broke her leg. Shelby wants to take some
cookies to her friend.

4. Andrew is looking forward to his date with Shannon. He’s going to give Shannon some
of her favorite flowers.

No-Glamour Language 192 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Predicting 7 Name __________________________

Look at the pictures below. Predict what will happen next from the clues in the picture.

1. What will happen next? ___________________________________________________

2. How do you know? ______________________________________________________

3. What will happen next? ___________________________________________________

4. How do you know? ______________________________________________________

5. What will happen next? ___________________________________________________

6. How do you know? ______________________________________________________

No-Glamour Language 193 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Predicting 8 Name __________________________

Some of these people are good thinkers and others aren’t. Think about what might happen to
each of these people. Circle Yes if the person is a good thinker. Circle No if the person isn’t
a good thinker. Then tell why.

1. Yes Why? ________________________________

No ____________________________________


2. Yes Why? ________________________________

No ____________________________________


3. Yes Why? ________________________________

No ____________________________________


4. Yes Why? ________________________________

No ____________________________________


5. Yes Why? ________________________________

No ____________________________________


No-Glamour Language 194 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Predicting 9 Name __________________________

Read the situations below. Then predict what each person will say.

1. You forgot to take your homework assignment to school. What might your teacher say?


2. Your stepdad calls you to come eat dinner. You don’t go because you’re watching an
exciting TV show. What might your stepdad say?


3. You spill milk on the floor in the school lunchroom. What might the janitor say?


4. You lose a library book. What might the librarian say?


5. You invite a friend to spend the night. What might your friend say?


6. You score a basket during gym class. What might your classmates say?


No-Glamour Language 195 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Predicting 10 Name __________________________

Look at the pictures and answer the questions to predict what might happen.

1. What will happen if this person takes the

nest of baby birds from the tree?




2. What will happen if Sharon doesn’t wear

her hearing aid?




3. What would happen if Chris hung up on





4. How would Juan’s father feel if Juan went

to live with his mother?




No-Glamour Language 196 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Predicting 11 Name __________________________

Look at the pictures and answer the questions to predict what might happen.

1. This man is having trouble reading the menu.

What do you think the clerk might say?




2. Jeff can’t fall asleep because the people

next door are making too much noise.
What do you think Jeff will do?




3. These kids are arguing over a play. What

do you think might happen?




4. Paul just told José that he can’t go to camp

like they had planned. What might José say?




No-Glamour Language 197 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Predicting 12 Name __________________________

Make up your own story about these pictures. Then predict what will happen next.

1. What’s happening? _________________________


What will happen next?______________________


2. What’s happening? _________________________


What will happen next?______________________


3. What’s happening? _________________________


What will happen next?______________________


4. What’s happening? _________________________


What will happen next?______________________


No-Glamour Language 198 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Predicting 13 Name __________________________

This family is at the hospital. Look at the picture and answer the questions.

1. What might happen after they talk to the nurse? _______________________________


2. Who do you think is staying at the hospital? Why? _____________________________


3. What do you think the mom and dad will do after the girl is in bed asleep? __________


4. What do you think the mom will do with the books? _____________________________


5. What will happen if this family is hungry? _____________________________________


6. What might the mom and dad do if the little girl gets frightened about staying in the

hospital? ______________________________________________________________


No-Glamour Language 199 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Predicting 14 Name __________________________

Ms. Cortez just looked out the window and saw the school bus pull away, but Alex didn’t get
off the bus as he usually does. Look at the picture and answer the questions.

1. What could Ms. Cortez be worried about? ____________________________________


2. What could she do to find out why Alex didn’t get off the bus? ____________________


3. If she calls the school, what might she ask? __________________________________


4. If Alex walks in the door right now, how might Ms. Cortez react? __________________


5. What do you think Ms. Cortez will do if the school and Alex’s friends don’t know where

he is? ________________________________________________________________


No-Glamour Language 200 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Predicting 15 Name __________________________

This family is going on vacation. Look at the picture and answer the questions.

1. Where do you think they might be going on vacation? __________________________


2. Where do you think they’ll sleep at night? ____________________________________


3. Where do you think they’ll eat dinner? _______________________________________


4. What will happen if they run out of gas? ______________________________________


5. How does this family know where they’re going? _______________________________


6. If it rains, what changes might the family make for the evening? ___________________


No-Glamour Language 201 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Predicting 16 Name __________________________

These kids are doing stuff at home to help. Look at the picture and answer the questions.

1. Alison is standing by the table. What might she do next? ________________________


2. Nancy is taking glasses out of the cupboard. What might she do next? _____________


3. Nicholas is reading a “To Do” list. What will he do next? _________________________


4. What might the kids’ parents say when they get home? _________________________


5. What do you think the kids will do after they’ve finished everything on their “To Do” list?


No-Glamour Language 202 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Predicting 17 Name __________________________

Juanita delivers newspapers every day after school. Look at the picture and answer the

1. What do you think Juanita is wondering about? _______________________________


2. Why do you think there are two newspapers on the step? _______________________


3. What might Juanita do next? ______________________________________________


4. How might she be feeling? ________________________________________________


5. Would it make a difference how she might feel if she knew this neighbor was out of town

or if she new this neighbor was old and lived alone? Why? ______________________


6. Why do you think the shades are down? _____________________________________


No-Glamour Language 203 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Predicting 18 Name __________________________

Something bad is happening to the environment. Look at the picture and answer the

1. What is causing this pollution? _____________________________________________


2. What might happen to the river because of the pollution? ________________________


3. What might happen to the people who live by the river? _________________________


4. What could the factory do to clean up the environment? _________________________


5. What might happen to the factory if it doesn’t stop emptying hazardous waste into the

river? _________________________________________________________________

6. What would happen to the workers if this factory closes? ________________________


No-Glamour Language 204 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Predicting 19 Name __________________________

Something troubling happened to these brothers on their way home from school. Let’s say it
has something to do with drugs. Look at the picture and answer the questions.

1. What do you think happened to the boys? ____________________________________


2. How do you think they got into that situation? _________________________________


3. What do you think they’re telling their stepmom? _______________________________


4. What do you think their stepmom will do next? ________________________________


5. How do you think the boys will feel after talking to their stepmom? _________________


6. How will the boys avoid this problem tomorrow? _______________________________


No-Glamour Language 205 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Predicting 20 Name __________________________

These people have a problem. Look at the picture and answer the questions.

1. What do you think the girls are saying? ______________________________________


2. How do you think the woman feels? _________________________________________


3. How do you think the man feels? ___________________________________________


4. What do you think the problem is? __________________________________________


5. What might happen after the children stop arguing? ____________________________


6. How could these people solve their problem? _________________________________


No-Glamour Language 206 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Paraphrasing 1—5
Paraphrasing 1

Teacher note: Give each student a copy of page 208. Say, “Look at the picture and listen to
what I tell you about a boy named Max. Say each thing back to me using your own words.”

1. Max is a little boy.

2. Max was very sleepy.
3. Max’s dad helped him get his pajamas on.
4. Before Max went to bed, his dad drew the shades on the window.
5. Max was asleep before his head hit the pillow.

Paraphrasing 2

Teacher note: Give each student a copy of page 209. Say, “Look at the picture and listen to
what I tell you about Lucy’s foster family. Say each thing back to me using your own words.”

1. Lucy lives with 2 other children in a foster family.

2. Lucy’s foster mother is a kind woman.
3. She takes Lucy and the other children lots of fun places.
4. Yesterday, they took a picnic lunch to the park.
5. They ate their lunch under a big shade tree.

Paraphrasing 3

Teacher note: Give each student a copy of page 210. Say, “Look at the picture and listen to
my story about Morgan’s soccer game. Then repeat the story using your own words.”

1. Soccer is Morgan’s favorite sport. Her teammates say she can run as fast as lightning.
During the game last week, she scored the winning goal. Her parents caught all the
action on video.

Paraphrasing 4

Teacher note: Give each student a copy of page 211. Say, “Tell me what’s happening in each
of these pictures.”

Paraphrasing 5

Teacher note: Give each student a copy of page 212. Say, “Tell me a story about this

No-Glamour Language 207 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Paraphrasing 1, cont. Name __________________________

No-Glamour Language Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Paraphrasing 2, cont. Name __________________________

No-Glamour Language Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Paraphrasing 3, cont. Name __________________________

No-Glamour Language Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Paraphrasing 4, cont. Name __________________________

1 2

3 4

No-Glamour Language 211 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Paraphrasing 5, cont. Name __________________________

No-Glamour Language Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Paraphrasing 6 Name __________________________

Look at each group of sentences. Put Xs next to the two sentences that mean almost the
same thing.

1. _____ a. Jake smiles.

_____ b. Jake grins.
_____ c. Jake frowns.

2. _____ a. The sun is hot.

_____ b. The sun is cold.
_____ c. The sun is warm.

3. _____ a. Maria is sad.

_____ b. Maria is angry.
_____ c. Maria is mad.

4. _____ a. The bunny is hairy.

_____ b. The bunny is soft.
_____ c. The bunny is furry.

5. _____ a. I’m sick.

_____ b. I’m ill.
_____ c. I’m tired.

6. _____ a. Brad folded his paper.

_____ b. Brad ripped his paper.
_____ c. Brad tore his paper.

7. _____ a. Can I speak with you?

_____ b. Can I talk with you?
_____ c. Can I walk with you?

8. _____ a. The store is huge.

_____ b. The store is open.
_____ c. The store is big.

No-Glamour Language 213 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Paraphrasing 7 Name __________________________

Read each sentence. Then circle the letter of each answer that says the same thing in a
different way.

1. Renee can grow any vegetable in her garden.

a. Renee likes to cook.
b. Renee knows a lot about growing vegetables.
c. Renee lives in the country.
d. Renee has a big garden.

2. This worm is huge.

a. This worm is enormous.
b. This worm is strong.
c. This worm is happy.
d. This worm is proud.

3. Seth baby-sits for Michael and Carrie.

a. Seth likes Michael and Carrie.
b. Seth goes for a walk with Michael and Carrie.
c. Seth lives next door to Michael and Carrie.
d. Seth watches Michael and Carrie while their
mom is at work.

4. Tracy draws well.

a. Tracy has lots of crayons.
b. Tracy sits at her desk while she draws.
c. Tracy is good in art.
d. Tracy is drawing a picture.

No-Glamour Language 214 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Paraphrasing 8 Name __________________________

Read the sentence that goes with each picture. Then choose a word from the box that means
almost the same thing as the bolded word. Rewrite the sentence using the new word.

silly hard scared trash moist

1. Pandy is afraid of thunder and lightning.


2. Jack thinks in-line skating is difficult.


3. The grass is always damp in the morning.


4. Tara took out the garbage after school.


5. The picture Michael drew was funny.


No-Glamour Language 215 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Paraphrasing 9 Name __________________________

Match these words and phrases.

1. stinky a. once every seven days

2. weekly b. lie down

3. border c. break up

4. listen d. not bumpy

5. round e. put a line below

6. divide f. hear what I say

7. touch g. feel this

8. smooth h. in a circle

9. rest i. along the edge of

10. underline j. smells bad

No-Glamour Language 216 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Paraphrasing 10 Name __________________________

Read each sentence. Then put an X next to the sentence that means the same thing.

1. I have butterflies in my stomach.

_____ a. I ate butterflies for lunch.
_____ b. I’m nervous.

2. My teacher said I’m sharp as a tack.

_____ a. My teacher said I have a pointed head.
_____ b. My teacher said I’m smart.

3. The doctor said I’m fit as a fiddle.

_____ a. The doctor said I’m healthy.
_____ b. The doctor said I should play a musical instrument.

4. Taylor woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning.

_____ a. Taylor was crabby when she woke up.
_____ b. Taylor didn’t sleep on her side of the bed.

5. The teacher’s instructions were as clear as mud.

_____ a. The teacher’s instructions were confusing.
_____ b. The teacher dropped her instructions in the mud.

6. My little sister is always bugging me.

_____ a. My little sister is always throwing bugs on me.
_____ b. My little sister is always bothering me.

7. Everyone likes Dorothy. She has a heart of gold.

_____ a. Everyone likes Dorothy. Her heart is made of gold.
_____ b. Everyone likes Dorothy. She has a kind heart.

8. I’m worried about Ted. He looks a little under the weather.

_____ a. I’m worried about Ted. He’s very pale.
_____ b. I’m worried about Ted. He’s standing under a rain cloud.

9. Grandpa looked like a fish out of water at the rock concert.

_____ a. Grandpa looked like he didn’t belong at the rock concert.
_____ b. Grandpa was soaking wet at the rock concert.

10. Mr. Winn said his new tractor cost an arm and a leg.
_____ a. Mr. Winn paid for his new tractor with an arm and a leg.
_____ b. Mr. Winn’s new tractor cost a lot.

No-Glamour Language 217 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Paraphrasing 11 Name __________________________

Look at these signs. In your own words, write what they mean.

1. _____________________________ 2. _____________________________

3. _____________________________ 4. _____________________________

5. _____________________________ 6. _____________________________

No-Glamour Language 218 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Paraphrasing 12 Name __________________________

Write what each symbol on this page means to you.

1. _____________________________ 2. _____________________________

3. _____________________________ 4. _____________________________

5. _____________________________ 6. _____________________________

7. _____________________________ 8. _____________________________

No-Glamour Language 219 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Paraphrasing 13 Name __________________________

Read each sentence. Then choose a word from the box that means almost the same thing as
the bolded word. Rewrite the sentence using the new word. You won’t use all the words.

annoying abrupt calling interrogated

altering repair permit breakable
resides break follow consented

1. Don’t make any sudden movements.


2. I agreed to help my brother with his paper route.


3. My dad won’t allow me to stay up past ten.


4. The lawyer questioned the witness about the crime.


5. I dropped the box marked “fragile.”


6. Will you quit bothering me?


7. Ms. Martin lives near the airport.


8. This book will show me how to fix my bike.


9. He was disqualified because he didn’t obey the rules.


10. Daniel is always changing his mind.

No-Glamour Language 220 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Paraphrasing 14 Name __________________________

Rewrite each sentence replacing each underlined word with a word or phrase that means the
same thing.

1. I need to speak to you.


2. My room is messy.


3. I ripped my pants when I fell down.


4. We walked along a winding path.


5. I’m very tired.


6. Leo’s grandfather is famous.


7. The crowd was silent.


8. Never cross a road without looking both ways.


9. Teri fell down the stairs today.


10. The strong man raised the barbells over his head.


No-Glamour Language 221 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Paraphrasing 15 Name __________________________

Rewrite this story using your own words.

Clarabel was worried. She was supposed to be at the

king’s castle for dinner in less than an hour, but she was
many miles away. She looked proudly at the beautiful
wings on her back. Clarabel could fly faster than any other
genie in the kingdom, but she knew she couldn’t fly fast
enough to get to the king’s dinner on time. She had to
think quickly. Clarabel looked at the magic wand in her
hand. She didn’t use the wand very often because she
was always getting her magic spells mixed up. But, this
time, it seemed like she had no other choice. Clarabel
waved her wand and poof - she landed with a thud on the
drawbridge of the king’s castle. Clarabel dusted herself off
and flew gracefully to the castle dining room to enjoy the
king’s feast.










No-Glamour Language 222 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Paraphrasing 16 Name __________________________

Answer each question by circling yes or no.

1. If someone made an error, did he make a mistake? yes no

2. If you walk through the exit, are you going into a building? yes no

3. If something is dangerous, is it safe? yes no

4. If you pick out something, do you choose it? yes no

5. If you have an oar, do you have a paddle? yes no

6. When you pitch a ball, do you throw it? yes no

7. When something you wear is too tight, is it loose? yes no

8. If you move ahead, are you going forward? yes no

9. Was the Cowardly Lion brave? yes no

10. If you’re in shallow water, is it over your head? yes no

11. If you’re the first in line, is everyone else behind you? yes no

12. If a knife is dull, is it sharp? yes no

13. If you say you’re starving, are you hungry? yes no

14. If you are weak, can you lift something that is very heavy? yes no

15. When something thaws, does it get colder? yes no

16. When you jog, are you running? yes no

17. If your teacher says you’re being too loud, are you noisy? yes no

18. If something is straight, does it have curves? yes no

19. If someone is tardy, is she late? yes no

20. If food is delicious, does it taste bad? yes no

No-Glamour Language 223 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Paraphrasing 17 Name __________________________

Answer each question by circling yes or no.

1. If someone conceals something, does he hide it? yes no

2. If something is perfect, does it have a flaw? yes no

3. If you make a fortune, are you rich? yes no

4. When you omit an answer, do you leave it in? yes no

5. If you are slender, are you thin? yes no

6. Is your best friend your enemy? yes no

7. If you are following someone, are you leading the way? yes no

8. If you polish something until it shines, is it dull? yes no

9. If you attended class, were you present? yes no

10. Does the sun go down at dawn? yes no

11. Do survivors of an accident die? yes no

12. If a line is vertical, does it go up and down? yes no

13. If you are timid, are you shy? yes no

14. If something is temporary, does it last forever? yes no

15. If a piece of cake is moist, is it dry? yes no

16. If you read a book that’s fictional, is it true? yes no

17. When you adore someone, do you hate her? yes no

18. If the air is polluted, is it dirty? yes no

19. When you recycle something, do you throw it away? yes no

20. If something is comical, is it funny? yes no

No-Glamour Language 224 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Paraphrasing 18 Name __________________________

Rewrite each sentence or paragraph, replacing the underlined words with other words or
phrases that mean the same thing.

1. That noise is driving me up the wall!


2. When Jeff fell in the mud, it was hard for me to keep a straight face.


3. I’ve got my fingers crossed for you.


4. I felt bad because I broke my promise.


5. Why don’t you make up your mind?


6. My aunt is a health nut. She jogs every morning and goes to the gym to work out every
night. When I spent the weekend with her, I had to roll out of bed at the crack of dawn. I
ran with her, but I had to stop every minute or so to catch my breath. By the time we got
back to her apartment, I was so exhausted I wanted to hit the sack again.









No-Glamour Language 225 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Paraphrasing 19 Name __________________________

Read these common proverbs. Then write what you think each one means.

1. Haste makes waste.


2. Actions speak louder than words.


3. An apple a day keeps the doctor away.


4. All that glitters is not gold.


5. Birds of a feather flock together.


6. Don’t count your chickens before they’re hatched.


7. Two heads are better than one.


8. A picture is worth a thousand words.


9. Beggars can’t be choosers.


10. Look before you leap.


No-Glamour Language 226 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Main Idea 1 Name __________________________

The most important thing in a story or picture is called the main idea. Look at each picture.
Tell the main idea.

Main Idea
No-Glamour Language 227 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Main Idea 2 Name __________________________

The most important thing in a story or picture is called the main idea. Look at each picture.
Tell the main idea.

Main Idea
No-Glamour Language 228 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Main Idea 3 Name __________________________

What is happening in each picture? Tell someone the main idea of each.

1 2

3 4

Main Idea
No-Glamour Language 229 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Main Idea 4 Name __________________________

The most important thing in a story or picture is called the main idea. Make up a story to go
with these pictures. Then tell the main idea.

Main Idea
No-Glamour Language 230 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Main Idea 5 Name __________________________

Draw a picture to go with each story below. Then tell the main idea.

Do you hate ants? Then maybe you should get an anteater for a pet! A giant
anteater can eat 30,000 ants in one day. It can scoop up as many as 500 ants
with each flick of its long, sticky tongue.

Astronauts don’t sleep in beds while in space. Instead, they sleep in bags that
are strapped down to stop them from floating around. They even have to tuck
or tie their arms in to stop them from waving around!

Main Idea
No-Glamour Language 231 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Main Idea 6 Name __________________________

Read each paragraph. Then check the box that tells the main idea. Remember, the main
idea is the most important thing.

1. The Fuzzy Tomatoes is a hot new band. Yesterday they came to our
school. They played a concert for the whole school. The best song
they played was “I Love Paste.”

❑ I like the Fuzzy Tomatoes.

❑ The Fuzzy Tomatoes played a concert at our school yesterday.
❑ The whole school liked the concert.

2. Chris loves basketball. He’d rather play basketball than watch TV. His
favorite team is the Phoenix Suns. Chris likes to pretend he’s a Phoenix
Sun when he plays basketball.

❑ Chris’s favorite thing to do and think about is basketball.

❑ Chris hopes he can play for the Phoenix Suns someday.
❑ Chris likes basketball better than TV.

3. Lonnie loves to draw. Every morning she gets out her drawing kit of
pencils, markers, chalk, and paper. She thinks about what she’ll draw
and works at it until it’s finished. She really likes to draw nature scenes.
Today she’s drawing a picture of a farm.

❑ Lonnie draws every morning.

❑ Lonnie draws with markers, pencils, and chalk.
❑ Lonnie’s favorite thing to do every day is draw.

Main Idea
No-Glamour Language 232 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Main Idea 7 Name __________________________

Read each message. Then put a check mark next to the sentence that tells the main idea.

1. Lots of kids like to play baseball! If you’re one of them, come to Little
League tryouts Tuesday after school. Gloves and bats will be provided.

❑ Little League tryouts will be Tuesday after school.

❑ Baseball is a fun sport!

❑ You don’t need a glove or bat to play Little League.

2. Mr. Martinez reads stories in the library every day before school. He can
make his voice sound just like the characters in the story. If you get to
school early, stop by the library to listen to one of Mr. Martinez’s stories.
It’s really fun!

❑ Mr. Martinez can change the sound of his voice.

❑ Get up early to get to school before it starts.

❑ Mr. Martinez reads stories before school in the library.

3. Want to learn how to juggle? Kirby the Clown will be giving lessons
once a week during gym for one month. You’ll start with tennis balls and
work your way up to bowling pins. Be sure to bring protective footwear!
Sign up in the principal’s office.

❑ Bring your gym shoes to the principal’s office.

❑ Kirby the Clown will be giving juggling lessons in gym class.

❑ If you want to learn how to juggle, start with tennis balls.

Main Idea
No-Glamour Language 233 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Main Idea 8 Name __________________________

Every paragraph of a story has a main idea. Write the main idea of each paragraph on the
line below it.

It’s Dreamy!

Dreams are the stories our brains make up while we sleep. We

see and hear things as if they’re really happening to us.

1. Main idea: _______________________________________

Dreams can be happy, but sometimes they’re sad or scary. It’s

important to remember that dreams are only happening inside
our heads.

2. Main idea: _______________________________________

A scary dream is called a nightmare. Sometimes, if you’re very

scared, you may cry out or shout while you’re sleeping. A
nightmare stops when you wake up.

3. Main idea: _______________________________________

Do dogs dream when they sleep? Sure! Sometimes their legs

will move and they’ll make noises as though they’re hunting.

4. Main idea: _______________________________________

Main Idea
No-Glamour Language 234 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Main Idea 9 Name __________________________

Sometimes the main idea of a paragraph is stated in one sentence. Other times, you have to
make up your own sentence to explain the main idea.

Read each paragraph. If the main idea is stated in one sentence, underline it. If it isn’t, write
your own sentence to tell the main idea.

❇ ❇ ❇ ❇

Antarctica is the coldest continent on Earth. Temperatures can plunge

to more than 100 degrees below zero. Ice never melts there. It just
keeps building up. Did you know there’s enough ice in Antarctica to
cover the United States with a layer of ice that’s two miles thick?

1. Main idea: _______________________________________

❇ ❇ ❇ ❇

If you’ve looked in sidewalk cracks lately, you’ve probably seen hard-

working ants gathering food for their colony. Ants carry loads that are
much bigger than they are. If you were as strong as an ant, you could
lift your bed with one hand.

2. Main idea: _______________________________________

❇ ❇ ❇ ❇

Have you ever seen a geyser erupt? The famous geyser Old Faithful
blows its top every 65 minutes. Twelve thousand gallons of water
blast 150 feet in the air. Old Faithful hasn’t missed an eruption in over
100 years.

3. Main idea: _______________________________________

❇ ❇ ❇ ❇

Main Idea
No-Glamour Language 235 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Main Idea 10 Name __________________________

Details tell more about the main idea. Read each list of details below. Then write the main
idea on the line.

Main idea: ___________________ Main idea: ___________________

Details: sink Details: bed

shower dresser
medicine cabinet

Main idea: ________________ Main idea: ________________ Main idea: ________________

Details: TV Details: sink Details: car

lamp stove rake
couch microwave bicycle
end table refrigerator lawn mower

Main Idea
No-Glamour Language 236 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Main Idea 11 Name __________________________

Supporting details tell about the main idea of a paragraph or story. You can figure out the
main idea by thinking about the supporting details.

Read each list of supporting details. Then write a main idea that matches these supporting

You need a football.

You need a team of nine players.
You need football helmets.
You need a team to play against.
You need a football field or large grassy area.

1. Main idea: ______________________________

The skunk sprays a stinky, oily liquid.

An opossum lies with its tongue hanging out and
plays dead.
An armadillo curls itself into a tight ball.
Chameleons change color to match things around
Turtles bury their heads, arms, and legs in their hard

2. Main idea: ______________________________

1 lb. ground beef or turkey, browned

1/2 cup chopped tomato
1/2 cup chopped onion
1 cup shredded cheese
1 cup chopped lettuce
1 package taco shells

3. Main idea: ______________________________

Main Idea
No-Glamour Language 237 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Main Idea 12 Name __________________________

Supporting details tell about the main idea of a paragraph or story. You can figure out the
main idea by thinking about the supporting details.

Read each ad and underline the supporting details. Then list the supporting details. Finally,
use the supporting details to state the ad’s main idea.

For years people have been trying to find a better way to “go” in the dark.
Finally the search is over! For only $29.95, you can own Star Twinkle’s Glow-
in-the-Dark Toilet Seat! This device gives a soft glow which lights your path
to the bathroom. Choose from a variety of colors, including warm pastels.
Order your “glowseat” today!

Supporting details: ____________________________________________



Main idea: ___________________________________________________

Popcorn Galore presents the tastiest, fluffiest microwave popcorn yet! We

offer many flavors, including natural, butter, and caramel. If you’re a little
more daring, we’ll tempt your taste buds with unusual flavors like blueberry,
rocky road, and pineapple. Our popcorn contains no fat, no cholesterol, and
no calories! The price is right, the box is biodegradable, and the grocery
shelves are full. Buy now and get a coupon for 50 cents off your next

Supporting details: ____________________________________________



Main idea: ___________________________________________________

Main Idea
No-Glamour Language 238 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Main Idea 13 Name __________________________

You know that supporting details tell more about a main idea. Nonsupporting details don’t
relate directly to the main idea. These details aren’t as important as the supporting details.

Read each passage. Then underline the main idea. Draw a line through each nonsupporting
detail. (Hint: There are two nonsupporting details in each passage.)

Ellen’s dog, Nibbles, is an unusual dog. He’s four years old today. Whenever

anyone pets him, Nibbles sneezes. And it’s not just your average sneeze — it’s

a humongous, blow-out sneeze! Nibbles also sneezes after he eats or drinks

anything. Nibbles has light brown hair with white paws and a white chest. Maybe

we should give Nibbles a more unusual name to go with his unusual habit —

like Gesundheit!

My older sister makes a lot of noise. Our puppy barks and wants to play. My big

sister always plays her music so loud that we shout when we want to talk to each

other. She’s fourteen years old. The phone usually rings about every ten minutes

for my sister. It’s too noisy at home to think, let alone do my homework!

Jefferson Elementary School will be having its biggest fund-raiser of the year this

Saturday. Saturday isn’t a school day. The school’s teachers will be hosting a

carnival to raise money to buy new computers. Space Aliens is my favorite

computer game. Tickets for the carnival games will be fifty cents each. There will

be many fantastic prizes to give away.

Main Idea
No-Glamour Language 239 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Main Idea 14 Name __________________________

Underline the main idea in each of the paragraphs below. Then write the supporting details
on the lines under each paragraph.

Dan had a crazy dream last night. He dreamt that he found a magic ring in
his box of Fruity-Os at breakfast. When he put on the ring, he suddenly had
special powers!



Dan was astonished. He soon realized that his special powers gave him the
ability to communicate with animals. When he went outside, Dan listened in
amazement as two birds argued over the best way to build a nest. When Dan
spotted a toad hopping through the grass, he gave him directions to the nearest
pond. Dan even helped a small squirrel gather acorns.



Dan’s dog, Champ, was in the backyard, too. Champ had spent all morning
looking for his favorite bone, but it was nowhere to be found. When Champ
noticed Dan’s new powers, he immediately asked Dan for help finding the bone.
They searched under rocks, behind bushes, and in Champ’s dog house. Finally
they found the bone in the grass under Champ’s favorite tree.



Champ thanked Dan for his help. Just then Dan spotted a beautiful butterfly.
But when he tried to talk to it, the butterfly was frightened and flew away. Dan
looked at his hand and realized he had lost his ring. His special powers were
gone! “Champ, I need your help!” Dan called, but Champ didn’t seem to notice.
He was too busy chomping on his favorite bone!



Main Idea
No-Glamour Language 240 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Summarizing 1 Name __________________________

When you talk about a story, you tell about who. Tell about who as you draw pictures in the

Who lives with you? Who is your favorite friend?

Who is your favorite TV star? Who sits next to you in class?

No-Glamour Language 241 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Summarizing 2 Name __________________________

When you talk about a story, you tell what happened. Tell what happened in these sets of

No-Glamour Language 242 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Summarizing 3 Name __________________________

A story tells where and when. Look at these pictures. Tell where and when they happened.

No-Glamour Language 243 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Summarizing 4 Name __________________________

Look at this picture and answer the questions.

1. What happened? ________________________________________________________

2. Who did it happen to? ____________________________________________________

3. Where did it happen? ____________________________________________________

4. When did it happen? _____________________________________________________

No-Glamour Language 244 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Summarizing 5 Name __________________________

Look at this picture and answer the questions.

1. What happened? ________________________________________________________

2. Who did it happen to? ____________________________________________________

3. Where did it happen? ____________________________________________________

4. When did it happen? _____________________________________________________

No-Glamour Language 245 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Summarizing 6 Name __________________________

A summary is a short way of telling about what you’ve seen or read.

Fill in the Summary Guide below to answer important questions about this story. Then put an
X in front of the statement that tells the summary of the story.

Angelo had never had a real job before so he was excited to be working for Ms.
Jackson. On Saturday morning, Angelo dusted, mopped, and vacuumed her
apartment. In the afternoon, he helped Ms. Jackson take care of her new baby.
At the end of the day, Angelo was tired but proud of the work he had done.

Who is the story about?

Where did it happen? When did it happen?

What happened first? What happened next? What happened last?

____ Ms. Jackson’s apartment is really dirty.

____ Angelo went to Ms. Jackson’s apartment. He was tired and wanted to take a nap.

____ Angelo started a new job Saturday. He’s helping Ms. Jackson clean her apartment
and take care of her baby.

No-Glamour Language 246 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Summarizing 7 Name __________________________

Fill in the Summary Guide below to answer important questions about this story. Then put an
X in front of the statement that tells the summary of the story.

This was Emily’s first visit to a roller-skating rink, and she was a little nervous. She
put on her skates, but at first, she was afraid to go out on the rink. After a little
coaxing, Emily’s dad talked her into trying to skate. She did great! She even won
a prize for being the best skater.

Who is the story about?

Where did it happen? When did it happen?

What happened first? What happened next? What happened last?

____ On her first visit to the rink, Emily was afraid to skate. She decided to try skating and
won a prize for being the best skater.

____ There was a contest at the skating rink. All the skaters had to skate around the rink.
The skaters who fell were out. The last skater in the rink won a prize.

____ On her first visit to the rink, Emily was too scared to skate.

No-Glamour Language 247 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Summarizing 8 Name __________________________

Before you can summarize a message or story, you have to decide what information is the
most important. A good way to do this is to ask Who?, What?, When?, Where?, Why?, and
How? Let’s try it.

Read this message and answer the questions to find the important details.

Attention students: Ms. Sullivan doesn’t feel well so she

won’t be coming to school today. Her students should go
to the cafeteria instead of to her classroom. Mr. Loras will
meet you in the cafeteria to give you your assignments for
the day.

1. Who is this announcement about? __________________________________________

2. What is the problem? _____________________________________________________

3. When is this happening? __________________________________________________

4. Where should the students go? _____________________________________________

5. Why is the announcement being made? ______________________________________

6. How will the students know what their assignments are? _________________________


7. Look at the information so far. What are the most important details?



8. Now use the information from your answers to write a summary of the message.



No-Glamour Language 248 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Summarizing 9 Name __________________________

Before you can summarize a message or story, you have to decide what information is the
most important. A good way to do this is to ask Who?, What?, When?, Where?, and Why?
Let’s try it.

Read this story and answer the questions to find the important details.

It was a bright, sunny day. Jake was riding one of his

grandfather’s horses and exploring the woods near his
ranch. Suddenly, a wolf appeared. The wolf crept closer
and closer to Jake’s horse. Jake sat as still as he could in
the saddle. There was no way to escape! Then the ranch
dog, Pandy, charged the animal and scared it back into the
woods. He was saved!

1. Who is this story about? __________________________________________________

2. Where did this happen? ___________________________________________________

3. When did this happen? ___________________________________________________

4. What was the problem? ___________________________________________________

5. How was the problem solved? ______________________________________________

6. Look at the information so far. What are the most important details?



7. Now use the information from your answers to write a summary of the story.




No-Glamour Language 249 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Summarizing 10 Name __________________________

Before you can summarize a message or story, you have to decide what information is the
most important. A good way to do this is to ask What?, Where?, How?, and Why? Let’s
try it.

Read this passage and answer the questions to find the important details.

The roadrunner isn’t just a cartoon creature. It’s a real bird

that lives in the desert. When it’s hungry, a roadrunner
runs around trying to find lizards, snakes, grasshoppers,
and spiders. A roadrunner can run 25 miles per hour! You
can often see a roadrunner chasing after a rabbit, but he
isn’t really trying to catch it. Instead, the roadrunner is
hoping to catch the insects the speedy rabbit scares out of
hiding as it runs past.

1. What is this passage about? _______________________________________________

2. Where do roadrunners live? _______________________________________________

3. How fast can a roadrunner run? ____________________________________________

4. Why do roadrunners chase rabbits? _________________________________________

5. Look at the information so far. What are the most important details?



6. Now use the information from your answers to write a summary of the passage.




No-Glamour Language 250 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Summarizing 11 Name __________________________

A good summary includes only the most important information or details. Nonsupporting
details, or details that aren’t as important, should be left out of your summary.

Read each passage. Ask yourself questions to find the important details. Then draw a line
through each nonsupporting detail. (Hint: There are two nonsupporting details in the first
passage and four nonsupporting details in the second passage.)

Egyptian Pyramids

Egyptian pyramids aren’t just big and awesome-looking

structures, they were very important to ancient
Egyptians. We’re studying pyramids in school. I got an A
on my report. The bodies of Egyptian kings were buried
inside or under a pyramid in a secret room. These secret
chambers were often filled with treasures of gold and
precious objects. The pyramid was meant to protect the
king and his treasure.

The Saguaro

What lives in the desert, is 60 feet tall, and 150 years old?
A saguaro cactus! Lizards live in the desert, too.

Saguaro cactuses are the largest cactuses in the western

United States. We went out West on vacation last year.
Their trunks can grow to be over two and a half feet wide.
Each gigantic cactus weighs more than two elephants
combined! I’ve seen elephants at the zoo.

The Saguaro National Monument in Arizona is home to

many of these huge and beautiful cactuses. It’s hot in
Arizona. If you visit there, don’t expect to see these
plants change overnight. The saguaro is one of the
slowest-growing plants in the world. It often takes over 30
years to form its first branch.

No-Glamour Language 251 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Summarizing 12 Name __________________________

A good summary includes only the most important information or details. Nonsupporting
details, or details that aren’t as important, should be left out of your summary.

Read the passage below. Write the supporting and nonsupporting details in the chart where
they belong. Then write a summary.

Campfires and Cave People

What was the most important discovery of the early cave people? It was probably
the campfire. I learned how to build a campfire in Cub Scouts last year. The heat
from their campfires kept cave people warm on cold nights. I just use a thick quilt!
The fire’s light let cave people see after the sun went down. They also used their
campfires to cook their meat and to scare away wild animals. I love to roast
marshmallows over a campfire! For early cave people, the campfire was a very
special companion.

Supporting Details Nonsupporting Details

Summary ________________________________________________________________



No-Glamour Language 252 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Summarizing 13 Name __________________________

Putting something into your own words without shortening it is called paraphrasing. We
paraphrase when we retell something.

On another sheet of paper, practice paraphrasing what you read below. Then shorten the
information to summarize what you’ve read. Write your summary on the lines under each
paragraph. Remember to only include the most important details in your summaries.


Penguins are interesting little creatures! They stand up most

of the time, except when they get tired. Then they rest flat on
their chests on the smooth ice or snow and push themselves
forward. They look like little toboggans as they kick
themselves along with their webbed feet.

Summary ________________________________________________________________


A Breath of Fresh Air

Do trees really breathe? You bet! Like other plants, trees take
in air through tiny openings on the bottom of their leaves. The
air inside the leaves and the energy from the sun help trees
make food so they can grow. That’s why pollution is bad for
trees, too. If the air is dirty, trees can’t feed themselves very
well and they die.

Summary ________________________________________________________________


No-Glamour Language 253 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Summarizing 14 Name __________________________

Putting something into your own words without shortening it is called paraphrasing. We
paraphrase when we retell something.

On another sheet of paper, practice paraphrasing what you read below. Then shorten the
information to summarize what you’ve read. Write your summary on the lines under each
paragraph. Remember to only include the most important details in your summaries.

Abducted by Aliens

Have you seen the new Harold Schwartzenfinger movie? It’s

about two boys who get abducted by aliens while in the woods.
The boys are gathering materials to use in a school project when
a spaceship lands nearby. Although they’re friendly, the aliens
insist on keeping the boys for observation. Schwartzenfinger
plays the private investigator hired to find the missing boys.

Summary ________________________________________________________________


That’s Entertainment!

Glenview Middle School held its Fourth Annual Student Talent

Show last night to raise money for new playground equipment.
Tickets were $2.00 for adults and $1.00 for children.

Together, the students and teachers raised over $1,200.00.

Principal Chaney will present the money to the PTA president at
next week’s meeting.

Summary ________________________________________________________________


No-Glamour Language 254 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Giving Reasons 1 Name __________________________

There are reasons things happen. Circle three reasons we need rain.

1 2

Rain helps flowers grow. Rain helps cars run better.

3 4

Rain helps food grow on farms. Rain gives us water to drink.

Giving Reasons
No-Glamour Language 255 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Giving Reasons 2 Name __________________________

There is a reason for almost everything we do. Circle three reasons you might see a doctor.

1 2

You break your arm. You are very sick.

3 4

Your shoes get dirty. You need a checkup.

Giving Reasons
No-Glamour Language 256 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Giving Reasons 3 Name __________________________

Each picture shows something that happened. Circle the real reason it happened. Cross out
the silly reason.

Action Reasons

A bird catches a worm. to feed a dog to feed its baby

The car is filled with gas. to fly to drive

A girl buys some gum. to chew to stick to her shoe

Giving Reasons
No-Glamour Language 257 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Giving Reasons 4 Name __________________________

There are often good reasons for doing things you don’t want to do. Let’s find some in the
situations below.

1. Circle two reasons you should go to sleep on time.

You won’t be grumpy You won’t be tired You’ll get super powers.
the next day. at school.

2. Circle two reasons you should take a bath or shower.

You’ll look clean. You’ll be a better You’ll get rid of germs.

basketball player.

Giving Reasons
No-Glamour Language 258 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Giving Reasons 5 Name __________________________

There are often good reasons for doing certain things. Let’s find some in the situations below.

1. Cross out the picture that isn’t a reason for going to school.

You get to see your friends. You learn things. You get to spend time with
your family.

2. Cross out the picture that isn’t a reason to do chores at home.

You’ll make your You’ll get to school Your home will be cleaner.
parents happy. on time.

Giving Reasons
No-Glamour Language 259 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Giving Reasons 6 Name __________________________

Look at each picture. Circle the words you think describe it. These words might be reasons
someone would like or not like something. Then answer the question, and tell someone why
you answered the way you did.

1. sweet crunchy

soft good for you

apple Do you like apples? ________

2. exciting fun

noisy a waste of time

video game Do you like to play video games? ________

3. fun easy to do

hard to do not fun

singing Do you like to sing? ________

4. scary smooth

interesting fun to hold

snake Do you like snakes? ________

Giving Reasons
No-Glamour Language 260 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Giving Reasons 7 Name __________________________

If you have an opinion, you should give a reason. After you say whether you like or don’t like
something, use the word because to begin your reason. Look at these opinions:

I like apples because they are crunchy. Reason: apples are crunchy
I don’t like spinach because it has no taste. Reason: spinach has no taste

Read each sentence. Then fill in the blanks with the words from the box that fit best. The first
one is done for you.

like don’t like because

don’t like
1. I _____________________ because
to watch baseball _____________________ it’s not very


2. Coaches _____________________ their teams to play poorly _____________________

they want them to win.

3. Most people _____________________ sunny days _____________________ they can

spend time outside.

4. Lots of people _____________________ rainy days _____________________ they have

to stay inside.

5. Some pet owners _____________________ cats _____________________ they are quiet

and clean.

6. Some pet owners _____________________ dogs _____________________ they have to

be taken out often and make a lot of noise.

Giving Reasons
No-Glamour Language 261 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Giving Reasons 8 Name __________________________

Circle the reason that completes each sentence best.

1. Marla looks both ways before crossing a. she wants to cross safely

the street because __________. b. she wants to get home quicker

2. Trey drinks a lot of milk because a. it’s good for him

_________. b. it doesn’t taste good

3. Dogs bark because __________. a. they’re sick

b. they’re excited

4. Pro athletes are good at their sports a. they don’t care

because __________. b. they practice

5. People watch funny movies because a. they want to laugh

__________. b. they want to feel sad

6. A bus has lots of seats so it can a. go faster

__________. b. carry lots of people

Giving Reasons
No-Glamour Language 262 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Giving Reasons 9 Name __________________________

There is a reason for every action. Match each action with the best reason to do it.

Action Reason

1. We go to the park to protect my feet.

2. I wear shoes to get them clean.

3. I ride the bus to buy food for dinner.

4. Dad puts clothes in the to play.

washing machine

5. Grandma goes to the to get to school.

grocery store

6. People exercise to stay healthy.

Giving Reasons
No-Glamour Language 263 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Giving Reasons 10 Name __________________________

People use the word because to state reasons. Here’s an example.

Why do people wash their hair? Reason: People wash their hair because
they want it to be clean and shiny.

Complete each sentence below by writing a reason after because.

1. Why do people go to the dentist?

We go to the dentist because ____________________________________________


2. Why shouldn’t we eat lots of candy and junk food?

We shouldn’t eat lots of candy and junk food because ________________________


3. Why should we recycle bottles and cans?

We should recycle bottles and cans because _______________________________


4. Why should you wear a helmet when you skate or ride a bicycle?

You should wear a helmet when you skate or ride a bicycle because _____________


5. Why shouldn’t we watch so much TV?

We shouldn’t watch so much TV because __________________________________


6. Why do babies cry sometimes?

Babies cry because ___________________________________________________


Giving Reasons
No-Glamour Language 264 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Giving Reasons 11 Name __________________________

People use the word because to state reasons. Here’s an example.

Why do birds build nests? Reason: Birds build nests because they
need a place to lay their eggs.

Complete each sentence below by writing a reason after because.

1. Why do dogs need to be walked?

Dogs need to be walked because ________________________________________


2. Why should you listen to your teacher?

You should listen to your teacher because __________________________________


3. Why shouldn’t you run in the halls?

You shouldn’t run in the halls because _____________________________________


4. Why shouldn’t you listen to music that’s too loud?

You shouldn’t listen to music that’s too loud because _________________________


5. Why do we go to school?

We go to school because _______________________________________________


6. Why shouldn’t you answer the door when an adult isn’t home?

You shouldn’t answer the door when an adult isn’t home because _______________


Giving Reasons
No-Glamour Language 265 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Giving Reasons 12 Name __________________________

We use the word because to begin a reason. There are other words you can use to give
reasons, too.

We go to school because we need to learn.

We go to school to learn.
We go to school so we can learn new things.

Complete each sentence with a word from the box that makes sense. Underline the reason
in each sentence. Tell someone whether you agree or disagree with each sentence.

because to so

1. People put gas in their cars ___________________ keep them running.

2. We brush our teeth ___________________ we won’t get cavities.

3. You wear a seat belt in the car ___________________ stay safe in an accident.

4. You should drink milk ___________________ it helps make your bones strong.

5. Wash your hands before you eat ___________________ you don’t get germs on
your food.

6. I pick up after myself ___________________ keep my mom happy.

7. I throw trash in the garbage can ___________________ I don’t want to litter.

8. People like to take pictures ___________________ remember good times.

9. Pull your chair close to the table ___________________ you don’t drop food in your lap.

10. Soccer is a tiring game ___________________ you’re running the whole time.

Giving Reasons
No-Glamour Language 266 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Giving Reasons 13 Name __________________________

Underline the reasons in the sentences. Remember to look for the word because, to, or so at
the beginning of a reason.

Use the reason you underline to answer each question.

1. Whales live in the ocean because their skin would dry out on land.

Why do whales live in the ocean? ___________________________________________


2. Apple tree branches have to be strong to hold up lots of apples.

Why are apple tree branches strong? ________________________________________


3. Plants need lots of water so they can grow and flower.

Why do plants need lots of water? ___________________________________________


4. The river flooded because its banks couldn’t hold all the rain.

Why did the river flood?____________________________________________________


5. Eat five fruits and vegetables a day to keep your body healthy.

Why should you eat five fruits and vegetables a day? ____________________________


6. Pluto is the coldest planet in the solar system because it’s so far from the sun.

Why is it so cold on Pluto? _________________________________________________


Giving Reasons
No-Glamour Language 267 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Giving Reasons 14 Name __________________________

Complete each sentence with a reason of your own.

1. A basketball needs air so ________________________________________________.

2. People eat pizza because ________________________________________________.

3. We visit zoos to ________________________________________________________.

4. Teachers are important people because ____________________________________


5. Football teams wear different colors so _____________________________________


6. Track athletes wear spikes on their shoes to _________________________________


7. The library is a good place to go because ___________________________________


8. Baseball players need to be fast so ________________________________________


9. Soccer players wear shin guards to ________________



Giving Reasons
No-Glamour Language 268 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Giving Reasons 15 Name __________________________
Think about the things you do every day. Is there a reason you do each thing? For example,
what’s the reason you get out of bed every morning? Do you do it because you’re ready to
wake up, because you need to get ready for school, or because your mom tells you to?

Write something you do at each time of day. Then write a reason you do it.

What do you do . . . Reason

right after you get up?
____________________________ __________________________________

as soon as you get to school?
____________________________ __________________________________

when recess is over? __________________________________

____________________________ __________________________________

when the bell rings to go home?
____________________________ __________________________________

right before you go to bed?
____________________________ __________________________________

Giving Reasons
No-Glamour Language 269 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Giving Reasons 16 Name __________________________

Each person below has an opinion. Underline the reason each person gives to support
her or his opinion. Look for the word because. That word is often used in a reason.

Too many people drive cars. Fewer people should drive cars because
it would cut down on pollution.

Do you agree with this person? ________________________________________________

Why do you feel that way? ____________________________________________________


Students should have homework every night. Teachers should

assign more homework because kids today don’t study hard enough.

Do you agree with this person? ________________________________________________

Why do you feel that way? ____________________________________________________


Wild animals shouldn’t be kept as pets. Some animals shouldn’t be

pets because they could hurt themselves or their owners.

Do you agree with this person? ________________________________________________

Why do you feel that way? ____________________________________________________


Kids shouldn’t have to wait until they’re 18 years old to go to an R-rated

movie by themselves because many of the same kinds of shows can be
seen at home on TV.

Do you agree with this person? ________________________________________________

Why do you feel that way? ____________________________________________________


Giving Reasons
No-Glamour Language 270 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Giving Reasons 17 Name __________________________

Think about the things you do every day. Do you do things for more than one reason? For
example, do you go to school to learn, to see your friends, or to have a place to be while
your parents are at work?

Read each pair of reasons below. Put a check mark by the reason that makes the
most sense.

1. ________ Everyone should ride bicycles to work because it would cut

down on pollution from cars and trucks.

________ Everyone should ride bicycles to work because bikes come

in lots of cool colors.

2. ________ Don’t let the water run while you brush your teeth because
it makes too much noise.

________ Don’t let the water run while you brush your teeth because
it wastes water.

3. ________ At the end of the school day, walk down the halls so you won’t trip
and fall on someone.

________ At the end of the school day, walk down the halls so everyone can
watch you go by.

4. ________ Wear your gloves on a cold day to keep your fingers from getting

________ Wear your gloves on a cold day to keep your hands clean.

5. ________ Use a lot of sunblock on a sunny day to help you smell good.

________ Use a lot of sunblock on a sunny day to keep from getting


Giving Reasons
No-Glamour Language 271 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Giving Reasons 18 Name __________________________

People will listen to your opinions if you back them up with good reasons. Complete the opinions below. Then give two
reasons to support your opinion.

Opinion Reasons

1. What is your favorite TV show? 1. ____________________________________________________

____________________________ 2. ____________________________________________________

2. What is your favorite school subject? 1. ____________________________________________________


_____________________________ 2. ____________________________________________________

3. What is your favorite sport? 1. ____________________________________________________

_____________________________ 2. ____________________________________________________

4. What is your favorite game? 1. ____________________________________________________

_____________________________ 2. ____________________________________________________

Giving Reasons
No-Glamour Language Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Giving Reasons 19 Name __________________________

The person below has a tough decision to make. Read his problem. Then answer the
questions about the reasons he should or shouldn’t do something. Read closely to find
the reasons.

Lance wants to stop at the arcade with his buddies after

school. He’s not sure he should go because he has a lot of
homework to do. Another reason not to go is because his
mom told him to come right home after school to help her
clean the apartment. Lance knows being with his friends will
be a lot more fun than homework or cleaning. He’s not sure
what to do.

1. What are two reasons Lance shouldn’t go to the arcade?

a. __________________________________________________________________


b. __________________________________________________________________


2. What is one reason Lance wants to go to the arcade?



3. What would you do if you were Lance? What are your reasons?






Giving Reasons
No-Glamour Language 273 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Giving Reasons 20 Name __________________________

The person below has a tough decision to make. Read her problem. Then answer the
questions about the reasons she should or shouldn’t do something. Read closely to find
the reasons.

Jada is taking a social studies test. She notices her best friend is copying
her paper. Jada knows copying is wrong and she should tell the teacher.
Copying is wrong because Jada’s friend won’t learn anything if all she does
is copy. Another reason copying is wrong is it’s unfair for Jada to do all the
studying while her friend gets the same grade. On the other hand, if Jada
tells on her friend, their friendship would probably be over. Another reason
to not tell is that other kids will probably tease Jada and call her a tattletale.
What should Jada do?

1. What are two reasons Jada should tell on her friend?

a. __________________________________________________________________


b. __________________________________________________________________


2. What are two reasons Jada shouldn’t tell on her friend?

a. __________________________________________________________________


b. __________________________________________________________________


3. What would you do if you were Jada? What are your reasons?




Giving Reasons
No-Glamour Language 274 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Opinions 1 Name __________________________

When you give an opinion, you say whether or not you like something. Circle each thing
below that you like. Put an X through the things you don’t like.

No-Glamour Language 275 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Opinions 2 Name __________________________

An opinion is how you feel about something. Look at each picture. If you like it, circle the
. If you don’t like it, circle the .

like don’t like




monster truck




playing soccer



No-Glamour Language 276 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Opinions 3 Name __________________________

An opinion is how you feel about something. Look at each picture. If you like it, circle the
. If you don’t like it, circle the .

like don’t like


in-line skating






painting a picture



No-Glamour Language 277 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Opinions 4 Name __________________________

Draw a picture of each thing you like to do or don’t like to do.

a game I like to play a game I don’t like to play

an animal I like an animal I don’t like

No-Glamour Language 278 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Opinions 5 Name __________________________

Draw a picture for each opinion.

something I like to do at school something I don’t like to do at school

a TV show I like a TV show I don’t like

No-Glamour Language 279 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Opinions 6 Name __________________________

Read each sentence. Circle the word or words that tell how you feel.

1. I like don’t like swimming.

2. I like don’t like apples.

3. I like don’t like going to bed before 8:00.

4. I like don’t like jumping in puddles.

5. I like don’t like watching basketball games.

6. I like don’t like puppies.

7. I like don’t like dinosaurs.

8. I like don’t like the dark.

9. I like don’t like taking a bath.

10. I like don’t like working on a computer.

11. I like don’t like watching scary movies before bed.

12. I like don’t like going to the dentist.

No-Glamour Language 280 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Opinions 7 Name __________________________

Complete each opinion with the word or words from the box that tell how you feel.

like don’t like

1. I ____________________ talking on the telephone.

2. I ____________________ elephants.

3. I ____________________ cauliflower.

4. I ____________________ riding on the bus.

5. I ____________________ chicken noodle soup.

6. I ____________________ watching baseball on TV.

7. I ____________________ playing basketball.

8. I ____________________ singing along with the radio.

9. I ____________________ staying inside for recess.

10. I ____________________ reading scary stories.

11. I ____________________ going on long trips in the car.

12. I ____________________ getting up early in the morning.

13. I ____________________ working on a computer.

14. I ____________________ doing experiments in science class.

No-Glamour Language 281 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Opinions 8 Name __________________________

Complete each opinion with the word or words from the box that tell how you feel.

likes doesn’t like

like don’t like

1. Our teacher ____________________ us to be quiet and listen.

2. Our principal ____________________ us to make a lot of noise in the hall.

3. A basketball coach ____________________ it when her team loses.

4. I really ____________________ to listen to rap music.

5. Our class ____________________ to take spelling tests.

6. I ____________________ to think there are people living on other planets.

7. I ____________________ getting shots from the doctor.

8. Most people ____________________ to be told they’re doing a good job.

9. Our gym teacher ____________________ us to throw balls around after we’ve

been told to stop.

10. Our class ____________________ it when we don’t have a lot of homework.

11. Most dogs ____________________ to be scratched behind the ears.

12. I ____________________ it when people sitting near me smoke cigarettes.

No-Glamour Language 282 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Opinions 9 Name __________________________

Read each sentence. Circle if you agree. Circle if you don’t agree. Circle if
you don’t know how you feel.

agree don’t agree don’t know

1. Every kid’s desk should have a computer.

2. We should drink soda for every meal.

3. Kids should get to give teachers tests.

4. Our parks should be kept clean.

5. There should be no more recess.

6. The school day should be a lot longer.

7. Pets should be allowed in school.

8. Kids should only be allowed to watch TV

on the weekends.

9. We should stop exploring space.

10. Everyone should share.

No-Glamour Language 283 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Opinions 10 Name __________________________

We use the words like and don’t like to tell how we feel about things. There are other words
that tell how we feel, too.

Look at the words in the box. The words on the left mean the same as like. The words on
the right mean the same as don’t like. Use words from the box to complete each opinion.
You’ll use some words more than once.

enjoy detest
love dislike
favor don’t care for

1. I ___________________ doing story problems in math.

2. Helping to clean our home is something I ___________________ doing.

3. If I were my teacher, I’d ___________________ it when everyone talked during class.

4. I think our whole class would ___________________ a tour of a radio station.

5. I really ___________________ mushrooms and onions on my pizza.

6. Most kids ____________________ getting up early in the morning.

7. I ____________________ listening to the radio or the TV while doing homework.

8. Watching movies on the VCR is something I ____________________ doing.

9. I ____________________ having my picture taken.

10. Why do you think most people ____________________ ice cream, but

____________________ cooked spinach?

No-Glamour Language 284 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Opinions 11 Name __________________________

Answer these questions with your own opinions. Compare your opinions to your classmates’
opinions. Talk about your differences of opinion.

1. Who is an athlete you enjoy watching? _____________________________________

2. Who is an athlete you don’t care for? _______________________________________

3. What breakfast cereal do you favor? _______________________________________

4. What breakfast cereal do you dislike? ______________________________________

5. What song on the radio do you love? _______________________________________

6. What song on the radio do you detest? _____________________________________

7. What board game do you like playing? ______________________________________

8. What board game don’t you like playing? ____________________________________

9. What do you enjoy doing during recess? ____________________________________

10. What do you dislike doing during recess? ___________________________________

No-Glamour Language 285 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Opinions 12 Name __________________________

Take a poll of people’s opinions. Ask at least ten people the questions below, and keep track
of their answers on another sheet of paper. Then count their answers to figure out the most
popular responses. Record your findings in the chart. Compare your results with classmates’
results. Are there differences? Why do people have so many different opinions?

Most Popular Second Most

Answer Popular Answer

What’s your favorite type of music?

Who is your favorite sports team?

What’s your favorite sport?

What’s your favorite breakfast food?

What’s your favorite dessert?

What’s your favorite thing to do

on a sunny day?

What’s your favorite thing to do

on a rainy day?

What’s your favorite school subject?

No-Glamour Language 286 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Opinions 13 Name __________________________

Use the information to write complete sentences that state your opinions. The first one is
done for you.

1. Opinion: don’t like What: something you have to do after school

I don’t like walking my little sister home after school.


2. Opinion: like What: a book or movie



3. Opinion: don’t like What: school subject



4. Opinion: like What: athlete, TV star, or singer



5. Opinion: like What: animal you might have as a pet



6. Opinion: don’t like What: something you have to eat



No-Glamour Language 287 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Opinions 14 Name __________________________

You can tell a person’s opinion by the words he uses. Read what each person says. Then
put a check mark next to the correct answer to the question. Explain your answers to

1. “Yuck!” Marla said. “This spaghetti tastes like someone dropped it on the floor.”

Does Marla like the spaghetti? ❑ Yes ❑ No

2. “You should have seen that movie,” Tony smiled. “It was great!”

Did Tony like the movie? ❑ Yes ❑ No

3. Tia laughed, “Mr. Lee is the funniest teacher I’ve ever had. He even makes math fun.”

Does Tia like Mr. Lee? ❑ Yes ❑ No

4. “I played Space Disaster at Jacob’s house,” Mario said, “but Robo-Dude was a lot better.”

Did Mario like Space Disaster ? ❑ Yes ❑ No

5. “Did you read Night of the Hawk?” Sheila frowned. “If you haven’t, don’t bother.”

Did Sheila like the book? ❑ Yes ❑ No

6. “The Knicks won the game at the last second,” Tori said. “I couldn’t stop jumping up
and down for ten minutes.”

Does Tori like the Knicks? ❑ Yes ❑ No

No-Glamour Language 288 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Opinions 15 Name __________________________

There are good and bad ways to express your opinions. Here are some words you should
avoid using when giving your opinion so you don’t make people mad:

awful stink
hate the worst
worthless rotten
boring stupid

If you use a word like awful to describe something someone else likes, you could hurt her
feelings. Plus, people may not pay attention to your opinions if you use words that offend

Read the poorly expressed opinions below. Underline the words that might make someone
mad if she disagrees with what was said.

1. I thought the Ratman and Bobbin movie was boring.

2. Don’t you think Mr. Franklin is an awful cook?

3. I hate all this math homework. It’s stupid that we should have so much.

4. The Nets are a really rotten team. Most of their players are worthless.

5. My sister stinks at playing the saxophone. I hate listening to her.

6. I don’t know why you even try to play tennis. You’re the worst player I’ve ever seen.

7. This video is so boring. Who cares about the stupid life cycle of a butterfly?

8. Watching TV is worthless. All the shows these days really stink.

9. I hate eating broccoli. It’s the worst food I can think of.

10. We took an awful field trip to a box factory. It was a rotten way to spend the day.

No-Glamour Language 289 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Opinions 16 Name __________________________

It’s natural for people to have different opinions. Sometimes people feel so strongly about
their opinions, they’ll even fight over them. One way to avoid trouble with opinions is to learn
how to express them diplomatically. That means you give your opinion calmly and without
using words that might make someone mad.

Read each pair of opinions. Put a check mark next to each opinion that is stated

1. ❑ Marco is the worst goalie I’ve ever seen.

❑ Maybe Marco would play better at a different position.

2. ❑ Taylor practices the piano a lot but doesn’t seem to get better.

❑ Taylor is a rotten piano player.

3. ❑ I hate the way Ms. Stein writes on the chalkboard.

❑ I wish Ms. Stein would write a little larger. I have trouble reading from the

4. ❑ That pizza was awful. I wouldn’t eat it.

❑ I don’t think I’ll order pizza there again. It wasn’t the best I’ve had.

5. ❑ Before we could go to the ball game, my grandpa made us sit through a

boring concert.

❑ I enjoyed the ball game much more than the concert.

6. ❑ The San Diego Chargers is a team that needs improvement.

❑ The San Diego Chargers stink.

No-Glamour Language 290 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Opinions 17 Name __________________________

Read each poorly expressed opinion below. Then rewrite the opinion to sound more
diplomatic. Get rid of the words that might make someone mad, and replace them with less
emotional words. Here are some examples of emotional words that can be replaced with
more diplomatic ones:

awful replace with not very good

boring replace with not very exciting
hate replace with don’t like
worthless replace with could be better

1. My little brother is awful at video games.

My little brother is not very good at video games.


2. The catcher for our baseball team is really worthless.



3. The school play was so boring, I slept through the whole thing.



4. I heard your band play. I think you guys stink.



5. I hate this stupid song. It’s really awful.



No-Glamour Language 291 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Opinions 18 Name __________________________

There are many sides to every issue. Read each issue and what some people have to say.
Cross out the opinions you don’t agree with. Then write your opinion. Be ready to give
reasons for your choices.

1. Issue: kids watching TV

Kids should Kids should only watch Kids should get to

only watch shows their parents watch anything they
educational TV. say are OK. want to on TV.

I think __________________________________________________________


2. Issue: food served in the school cafeteria

The cooks should Kids should choose Kids should choose

choose what to what is served in what is served one
serve every day. the cafeteria. day a week.

I think ___________________________________________________________


3. Issue: wearing helmets while riding bicycles

You should wear a You should only wear a Bicycle helmets don’t
helmet whenever you bicycle helmet if you’re really protect you, so
ride a bicycle. riding in traffic. don’t wear them.

I think ___________________________________________________________


No-Glamour Language 292 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Opinions 19 Name __________________________

Look at each controversial issue. Write two opinions people might have on the issue. Then
put a check mark beside the opinion you agree with more. An example is done for you.

1. Issue: curfews for kids under 16

✓ Opinion #1 __________________________________________________________
❑ All kids under 16 should be home and off the streets by
8:00 in the evening.

❑ Curfews for kids under 16 are not a good idea and won’t
Opinion #2 _________________________________________________________

make anyone safer.


2. Issue: kids causing trouble at the mall and in stores

❑ Opinion #1 _________________________________________________________


❑ Opinion #2 _________________________________________________________


3. Issue: professional athletes’ salaries

❑ Opinion #1 _________________________________________________________


❑ Opinion #2 _________________________________________________________


4. Issue: recycling

❑ Opinion #1 _________________________________________________________


❑ Opinion #2 _________________________________________________________


No-Glamour Language 293 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Opinions 20 Name __________________________

Read each news story below. Then write and explain your opinion.

1. The mayor announced a new plan today. He said that every street in the city will
have a special lane for bicycles. The bicycle lanes will make it safer for riders to
ride around the city. Cyclists are very happy. Many people who drive cars aren’t
very happy, though. They’re mad because adding new bicycle lanes means
some of the car lanes will be taken away. Car owners think it will be harder to
drive around in the city.

What’s your opinion? Explain. ________________________________________




2. Many schools are trying something new. They are putting boys and girls into
separate classes. Some educators think students will learn better if they are in
separate classrooms. They think that a boys only or girls only class will learn
more if students aren’t spending time looking at the other sex. Lots of students
aren’t too happy about this change. They want to stay in the same room with
their friends rather than be split up.

What’s your opinion? Explain. ________________________________________




3. Computers have become important in schools. In fact, some people say that
every student’s desk should contain a computer. They think a computer in every
student’s hands will cut down on paper use and help kids learn better. Other
people aren’t so sure. They believe that computers are too expensive and have
to be replaced too quickly. They also say students can learn with books and
study, not computers.

What’s your opinion? Explain. ________________________________________



No-Glamour Language 294 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Multiple Meanings 1 Name __________________________

Draw a line from each word to both of its meanings.




Multiple Meanings
No-Glamour Language 295 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Multiple Meanings 2 Name __________________________

Draw a line from each word to both of its meanings. Then use each word in a sentence to
show the two meanings.




Multiple Meanings
No-Glamour Language 296 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Multiple Meanings 3 Name __________________________

Draw a line from each word to both of its meanings. Then use each word in a sentence to
show the two meanings.





Multiple Meanings
No-Glamour Language 297 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Multiple Meanings 4 Name __________________________

Circle the picture telling the meaning of the bolded word.

1. Devin loved to splash in the waves.

2. Keesha woke up with a bad cold.

3. Aaron heard his dog bark.

4. Kyle sat on the front step.

5. Sandra showed me her shiny, new ring.

Multiple Meanings
No-Glamour Language 298 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Multiple Meanings 5 Name __________________________

Circle the picture telling the meaning of the bolded word. Then make up a sentence to
describe the other picture.

1. Antoine was serving punch at the party.

2. He mixed up the punch in the kitchen sink.

3. He tripped on a rock and fell.

4. The punch bowl broke into many pieces.

5. Antoine had a minor cut on his finger.

Multiple Meanings
No-Glamour Language 299 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Multiple Meanings 6 Name __________________________

Use each word from the box to label two pictures.

pen bowl bark watch

1. ___________________________ 2. ___________________________

3. ___________________________ 4. ___________________________

5. ___________________________ 6. ___________________________

7. ___________________________ 8. ___________________________

Multiple Meanings
No-Glamour Language 300 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Multiple Meanings 7 Name __________________________

Draw a line from each sentence on the left to the picture that shows its meaning on the right.

1. “Batter up!” the umpire yelled to start the game.

2. I licked the batter from the mixing bowl.

3. The flowers were limp from not being watered.

4. Zach walked with a limp after he hurt his leg.

5. There are twelve inches in a foot.

6. My foot swelled after I stepped on a bee.

Multiple Meanings
No-Glamour Language 301 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Multiple Meanings 8 Name __________________________

Write the letter A or B to match a picture to each sentence. Then try to think of a third
meaning for each bolded word.

_____ 1. Kelly cut her finger with the scissors.

_____ 2. It happened when she cut the man’s hair.

_____ 3. Jack was in a hurry. He charged into the store to get some dog food.

_____ 4. He forgot to bring his checkbook so he charged it.

_____ 5. A stray duck flew over Mr. Edward’s yard yesterday.

_____ 6. He had to duck under a tree to keep from getting hit.

Multiple Meanings
No-Glamour Language 302 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Multiple Meanings 9 Name __________________________

Read the story below. Underline the multiple meaning words. Then put an X by the correct
definition for each word you underlined.

It was a warm, spring day. Marguerite finished her

breakfast and rinsed the dirty dishes in the sink. On her
way out the door, she heard the telephone ring and went to
answer it.

“Hi, Marguerite,” said her friend, Katie. “Meet me outside

and we can walk to school together.”

“Great!” said Marguerite. “I’ll watch for you.”

Marguerite saw Katie coming around the corner and gave

her a big wave.

1. ring _____ a piece of jewelry worn on the finger

_____ the sound a telephone makes

2. watch _____ to be looking or waiting

_____ a small clock worn on the wrist

3. sink _____ to go to the bottom

_____ a basin with a drain and faucet for supplying water

4. spring _____ water that comes out of the ground

_____ a time of year when plants begin to grow

5. wave _____ water that moves along the top of an ocean or lake
_____ what someone does when he says hello or good-bye

Multiple Meanings
No-Glamour Language 303 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Multiple Meanings 10 Name __________________________

Write the letter A or B to match a picture to each sentence. Then try to think of a third
meaning for each bolded word.

_____ 1. The horses love to drink from the cool spring.

_____ 2. The spring in my new pen is broken.

What’s another meaning for spring? Use it in a sentence. ___________________________



_____ 3. Keenan’s favorite T-shirt is light blue.

_____ 4. Scott always forgets to turn off the light.

What’s another meaning for light ? Use it in a sentence._____________________________


Multiple Meanings
No-Glamour Language 304 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Multiple Meanings 11 Name __________________________

Read the sentences below. Then choose the correct meaning for the underlined word and
write that letter in the blank.

1. palm a. part of your hand b. a tree

_____ Myrtle had never seen a palm until she went to Hawaii.
_____ As she walked off the plane her palms began to sweat.

2. state a. to say b. a part of the United States

_____ Myrtle was thrilled to be visiting the 50th state.

_____ “Your luggage will arrive downstairs,” stated the skycap.

3. hand a. body part on the end of your arm b. to help

_____ “May I give you a hand with your luggage,” asked the skycap.
_____ Myrtle put the luggage ticket in his hand.

4. trip a. to fall or stumble b. vacation or travel

_____ “I’m so excited to be on this trip,” thought Myrtle.

_____ As she ran toward the taxi, she started to trip over a rock.

5. cast a. a characteristic or quality b. a rigid mold

_____ Myrtle spent her week in Hawaii in an ankle cast.

_____ Her broken ankle didn’t put a negative cast on her vacation.

6. charm a. a piece of jewelry worn on a b. to soothe, please, or delight

bracelet or necklace

_____ Myrtle was charmed by the beauty of Hawaii.

_____ She bought a souvenir charm to take home.

Multiple Meanings
No-Glamour Language 305 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Multiple Meanings 12 Name __________________________

Think of the meaning of each bolded word as it’s used in the passage below.

It was a tie score in the fourth quarter with only seconds

to go. Michael passed the ball to Tyler. Tyler dribbled

up the court. He charged to the basket. His shot went

in. Our team beat the champions! The fans went crazy!

For each bolded word, write a sentence to show a different meaning.

1. tie ___________________________________________________________________

2. pass _________________________________________________________________

3. ball __________________________________________________________________

4. dribble _______________________________________________________________

5. court _________________________________________________________________

6. charge ________________________________________________________________

7. beat __________________________________________________________________

8. fans __________________________________________________________________

Multiple Meanings
No-Glamour Language 306 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Multiple Meanings 13 Name __________________________

Read the passage below. Fill in each blank with a multiple meaning word. Use the definitions
in the box to help you. (Hint: You’ll use each word two times.)

state — an area of land; to say something

right — opposite of left; correct

judge — to decide if something is right or wrong; a

person who helps solve problems in court

odd — strange or unusual, opposite of even

quarter — a coin worth 25 cents; 1/4 of something

Nan and Stan were having an argument. Nan accused Stan of stealing some money. Instead

of fighting, they asked Dan to be their ____________________ and decide who was

____________________. “____________________ your problem,” said Dan. “He stole my

____________________,” cried Nan. “Impossible,” said Stan. “You said you lost it over a

____________________ of an hour ago.” “Is it a crime to lose something in this

____________________?” snapped Nan. “That’s ____________________,” said Dan. He

spotted something. “Nan, look to your ____________________.” There on the floor was a

shiny object. Dan picked it up. “This was an easy case for me to ____________________,”

said Dan. Nan thanked Dan. “Let me split it with you,” she said. “You can’t,” replied Dan.

“Twenty-five is an ____________________ number.”

Multiple Meanings
No-Glamour Language 307 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Multiple Meanings 14 Name __________________________

Match the words in the middle column with the correct definitions in Column A and in Column B.


a group of people sound a certain type or group

a light breeze nail a heavy stick

a musical tone back a part of your body

a noise you hear club a part of your fingers or toes


a place to keep valuables odd a short message

friendly or generous kind choosing someone for a special

group or team
something you pound note
into wood free from harm or secure
something you read in good condition
strange or unusual the opposite of even
the opposite of front to reserve ahead of time

Multiple Meanings
No-Glamour Language Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Multiple Meanings 15 Name __________________________

Read each definition. Pick a word from the word box and write it next to the correct definition.
Then decide if the word is a noun (a person, place, thing) or a verb (action). Write noun or
verb on the blank.

cast duck steer dash

judge yak state

Word Definition Noun or Verb?

1. __________ a throw of a line as in fishing __________

2. __________ a swimming bird __________

3. __________ one who decides questions brought before a court __________

4. __________ to lower the head quickly __________

5. __________ to direct the course as in a car __________

6. __________ a punctuation mark used to show a break in thought __________

7. __________ a young ox __________

8. __________ to talk non-stop __________

9. __________ one of the fifty units that makes up the USA __________

10. __________ to move quickly; to run __________

11. __________ a hard, plaster wrap to immobilize a broken bone __________

12. __________ to form an opinion __________

13. __________ a large, long-haired ox __________

14. __________ to express in words; to say __________

Multiple Meanings
No-Glamour Language 309 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Multiple Meanings 16 Name __________________________

Match each word in the box to two of its definitions.

_______ 1. city serving as the seat of government

_______ 2. a large area of grassy land

_______ 3. garbage or trash A. grasp

_______ 4. glowing with light; shiny B. plain

_______ 5. to hold onto C. suspend

_______ 6. not fancy D. capital

_______ 7. to send a message E. settle

_______ 8. an uppercase letter F. relay

G. bright
_______ 9. to spend foolishly

H. waste
_______ 10. to agree or decide

_______ 11. to expel from school

_______ 12. to understand

_______ 13. to make a home

_______ 14. a race

_______ 15. intelligent or clever

_______ 16. to hang

Multiple Meanings
No-Glamour Language 310 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Multiple Meanings 17 Name __________________________

Read the following headlines from the newspaper. Tell what the underlined word means.
Then write a sentence or make up your own headline to show another meaning using the
underlined word.

1. Scientists Receive Odd Photos From Mars


2. Pollution Leaves Historic Lake in Sorry State


3. Leaders Suspend Peace Talks


4. Four Rock Bands to Perform Downtown Tonight


5. Area Farmers Getting Ready for Fall Harvest


6. New Health Club Grand Opening Next Saturday


7. County Fair Opens with Fireworks Display


8. Local Teen Catches Three-Foot Salmon


Multiple Meanings
No-Glamour Language 311 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Multiple Meanings 18 Name __________________________

Read each sentence. Decide on the meaning for the underlined word. Then answer the

1. Would you like to pay for this with cash or charge it?
What does charge mean in this sentence? _________________________________
Where might you hear this sentence? _____________________________________

2. I’d like one burger with everything and one burger plain.
What does plain mean in this sentence? ___________________________________
Where might you hear this sentence? _____________________________________

3. Your cast can come off in two weeks.

What does cast mean in this sentence? ___________________________________
Where might you hear this sentence? _____________________________________

4. Ladies and gentlemen, let’s give our performers a big hand!

What does hand mean in this sentence?___________________________________
Where might you hear this sentence? _____________________________________

5. What would you like with your sandwich, salad or chips?

What does chips mean in this sentence? __________________________________
Where might you hear this sentence? _____________________________________

6. How would you like your steak, sir? Well-done or rare?

What does rare mean in this sentence? ___________________________________
Where might you hear this sentence? _____________________________________

7. Okay class, grab your weights and let’s get in shape!

What does shape mean in this sentence?__________________________________
Where might you hear this sentence? _____________________________________

Multiple Meanings
No-Glamour Language 312 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Multiple Meanings 19 Name __________________________
Read each situation. Write a sentence to go with the situation using the multiple meaning

1. A teacher is yelling at a student for daydreaming and not finishing his work. What could
the teacher say? Use the word waste.



2. A recycling expert is giving a presentation to your class. She is encouraging everyone to

recycle. What could she say? Use the word waste.



3. The owner of a riding stable is warning you about a certain horse you’d like to ride. What
could he say? Use the word bucks.



4. Your friend is telling you about a new CD by your favorite group. She wants to buy it but
she doesn’t have the money. What could she say? Use the word bucks.



5. Your PE teacher announces your class will be playing tennis. He coaches you as you play.
What could he say? Use the word racket.



6. You have 10 friends spending the night at your house. Your parents can’t sleep and they
yell down the stairs at you. What could they say? Use the word racket.



Multiple Meanings
No-Glamour Language 313 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Multiple Meanings 20 Name __________________________

Read each phrase using a multiple meaning word. Write your own definition for the word next
to each phrase. An example is done for you.

something to cover a window or lamp

pull down the shade _______________________________________

sit in the shade under a tree where you’re out of the sun

1. instruction manual _____________________________________________________

2. manual transmission ___________________________________________________

3. no minors allowed _____________________________________________________

4. a minor bruise ________________________________________________________

5. decline the offer _______________________________________________________

6. a steep decline in the road ______________________________________________

7. turn on the grill ________________________________________________________

8. The police grilled the suspects. ___________________________________________

9. the Pacific coast _______________________________________________________

10. coast down the hill _____________________________________________________

11. lock the vault _________________________________________________________

12. The gymnast practices her vault. __________________________________________

Multiple Meanings
No-Glamour Language 314 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Idioms 1 Name __________________________

Choose the picture that shows what this sentence means and explain your answer.

Brian caught a cold.

1 2

No-Glamour Language Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Idioms 2 Name __________________________

Choose the picture that shows what this sentence means and explain your answer.

Tina has a frog in her throat.

1 2

No-Glamour Language Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Idioms 3 Name __________________________

Choose the picture that shows what this sentence means and explain your answer.

Kerry said she would hit the books right after dinner.

1 2

No-Glamour Language Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Idioms 4 Name __________________________

Choose the picture that shows what this sentence means and explain your answer.

Ian was all ears when his mom told her friend she’d like to get a puppy soon.

1 2

No-Glamour Language Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Idioms 5 Name __________________________

Choose the picture that shows what this sentence means and explain your answer.

Nicole’s little brother really stole the spotlight last night.

1 2

No-Glamour Language Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Idioms 6 Name __________________________

Choose the picture that shows what this sentence means and explain your answer.

Derek has a heart of gold.

1 2

No-Glamour Language Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Idioms 7 Name __________________________

Choose the picture that shows what this sentence means and explain your answer.

Erin spilled the beans about the surprise party.

1 2

No-Glamour Language Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Idioms 8 Name __________________________

Think about the first sentence. Then put an X on the line next to each answer that means
about the same thing as the sentence.

1. Dinner is on the house.

_____ a. Your dinner is served on the roof.

_____ b. Your dinner is free.

_____ c. You don’t have to pay any money for your dinner.

2. Marty is down in the dumps.

_____ a. Marty is sad.

_____ b. You can find Marty at the dumps.

_____ c. Marty is in the basement.

3. Karen is pulling your leg.

_____ a. Karen is very angry.

_____ b. Karen is teasing you.

_____ c. Karen is playing a joke on you.

4. Lester takes forever and a day to get ready for school.

_____ a. Lester takes Forever and a Day Vitamins before school.

_____ b. Lester is always ready for school early.

_____ c. Lester takes a really long time to get ready for school.

5. Jane has basketball on her brain.

_____ a. Jane carries a basketball on her head.

_____ b. Jane thinks about basketball a lot.

_____ c. Jane can’t think about anything but basketball.

No-Glamour Language 322 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Idioms 9 Name __________________________

Think about the first sentence. Then put an X on the line next to each answer that means
about the same thing as the sentence.

1. Dana gave up chocolate cold turkey.

_____ a. Dana doesn’t eat chocolate turkey anymore.

_____ b. Dana suddenly stopped eating chocolate.

_____ c. Dana eats vanilla turkey, but not chocolate.

2. Dr. Morris really opened my eyes.

_____ a. I learned something important from Dr. Morris.

_____ b. Dr. Morris helped me to see better.

_____ c. Dr. Morris taught me something.

3. They are not out of the woods yet.

_____ a. They are lost in the forest.

_____ b. They still have a problem.

_____ c. They are still in danger.

4. Kate pulled the wool over my eyes.

_____ a. Kate pulled my hat down over my face.

_____ b. Kate put a wool cloth over my eyes.

_____ c. Kate fooled me.

5. My brother says geometry is a piece of cake.

_____ a. My brother thinks geometry isn’t hard to learn.

_____ b. My brother thinks geometry is a dessert.

_____ c. My brother thinks geometry is as easy as pie.

No-Glamour Language 323 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Idioms 10 Name __________________________

Think about the first sentence. Then put an X on the line next to each answer that means
about the same thing as the sentence.

1. Whenever people argue, Louis puts his head in the sand.

_____ a. Louis thinks arguments are as much fun as a sandbox.

_____ b. Every time people argue, Louis pretends he is invisible.

_____ c. Louis tries to ignore people when they argue.

2. Every time I turn around, Marita has a new cat.

_____ a. Marita has one cat after another.

_____ b. Whenever I twirl, Marita gets a new cat.

_____ c. I can’t believe how quickly Marita gets a new cat.

3. Let’s mend our fences before school gets out for the summer.

_____ a. Before it’s summer, let’s make sure all our fences are fixed.

_____ b. Let’s make up before summer starts.

_____ c. We should settle our differences before the summer starts.

4. An apology was on the tip of Kelly’s tongue.

_____ a. Kelly was almost ready to say she was sorry.

_____ b. Kelly had a sore tongue.

_____ c. Kelly was just about to apologize.

5. When Dad asks Jon to do something, it goes in one ear and out the other.

_____ a. Jon doesn’t listen when his dad wants him to do something.

_____ b. Jon quickly forgets what his dad asks him to do.

_____ c. Jon’s dad can send messages right through Jon’s head.

No-Glamour Language 324 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Idioms 11 Name __________________________

Think about the first sentence. Then put an X on the line next to each answer that means
about the same thing as the sentence.

1. Manuel wanted to ask Julie to the dance, but he got cold feet.
_____ a. Manuel couldn’t ask Julie to the dance because his feet were frozen.

_____ b. Manuel wanted to ask Julie to the dance, but he was too nervous.

_____ c. Manuel was afraid to ask Julie to the dance.

2. I’d give my right arm to go to the rock concert.

_____ a. Going to the rock concert is really important to me.

_____ b. I’ll give you my right arm if you give me a ticket to the rock concert.

_____ c. I really want to go to the rock concert.

3. Uncle Leo is all hung up about using computers.

_____ a. Uncle Leo’s computer wires are all tangled up.

_____ b. Uncle Leo isn’t comfortable about using a computer.

_____ c. Uncle Leo is nervous about using a computer.

4. Rosemary has horses in her blood.

_____ a. Rosemary knows a lot about horses.

_____ b. Rosemary is related to a horse.

_____ c. Rosemary has a blood disease.

5. Josh is dead to the world until noon on Saturdays.

_____ a. Josh sleeps until noon on Saturdays.

_____ b. Josh goes into outer space until noon on Saturdays.

_____ c. It’s no use to try to wake Josh before noon on Saturdays.

No-Glamour Language 325 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Idioms 12 Name __________________________

Match each saying on the left to a sentence on the right that means the same thing.

1. He will drop a line to his pal. a. He won’t live very much longer.

2. Keep this under your hat. b. He doesn’t compromise.

3. His days are numbered. c. He will lose.

4. Quit bugging me. d. He took all the blame.


5. Don’t lose your temper. e. He can grow plants well.

6. He has a fat chance of winning. f. Stay calm.

7. He’s afraid of his own shadow. g. He will write his friend a letter.

8. He has a green thumb. h. He is scared easily.

9. He drives a hard bargain. i. Leave me alone.

10. He took the rap for us. j. Don’t tell anyone about this.

No-Glamour Language Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Idioms 13 Name __________________________

Match each saying on the left to a sentence on the right that means the same thing.

1. I had to cough up some money. a. I let go of Ron.

2. My eyes popped out when I saw him. b. I told Ron I’m not going.

3. I’m having a ball! c. I’ll be around.

4. I get the picture. d. I was surprised when I saw him.


5. I’m in the same boat. e. I didn’t pay any attention to Ron.

6. I’ll turn over a new leaf. f. I understand.

7. I turned a deaf ear to Ron. g. I had to pay.

8. I turned Ron loose. h. I’ll do better.

9. I turned down Ron’s invitation. i. Me, too.

10. I’ll turn up sometime. j. I’m having a wonderful time!

No-Glamour Language Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Idioms 14 Name __________________________

Match each saying on the left to a sentence on the right that means the same thing.

1. You eat like a bird. a. That was a good idea.

2. Don’t lay a finger on me! b. You don’t eat very much.

3. Don’t beat around the bush. c. Do the job right.

4. You went back on your promise to me. d. You deserved that.


5. You made a good point. e. Hurry up.

6. You really hit the nail on the head. f. Don’t touch me!

7. Try to keep your nose clean. g. Don’t get into any trouble.

8. It’s time for you to get cracking. h. You didn’t keep your word.

9. You had that coming to you. i. Get to the point.

10. You shouldn’t cut corners. j. You figured that one out.

No-Glamour Language Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Idioms 15 Name __________________________

Match each saying on the left to a sentence on the right that means the same thing.

1. She really stirred up a hornet’s nest. a. Speak up!

2. Cut it out! b. She’s had good times and bad times.

3. Quit horsing around. c. She’s been grumpy lately.

4. Her eyes were bigger than her stomach. d. She tried her best.

5. She’s been through thick and thin. e. She confused me.

6. It’s too soon to throw in the towel. f. Stop it!

7. She really threw me a curve. g. She took more food than she could eat.

8. She’s been out of sorts lately. h. Don’t give up yet.

9. She gave it her best shot. i. She made a lot of trouble.

10. Has the cat got your tongue? j. Quit wasting time.

No-Glamour Language Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Idioms 16 Name __________________________

Each sentence below uses an idiom. Rewrite each sentence so that it uses different words,
but keeps the same meaning.

1. Melinda threw a fit when she lost her diary.


2. Ray takes after his dad.


3. I always burn the midnight oil before big tests.


4. I’m burned about the park being closed for a year.


5. I hope I don’t blow it at soccer tryouts.


6. Don’t back out of our agreement.


7. Let’s call it quits for now.


8. We played a game to break the ice.


No-Glamour Language 330 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Idioms 17 Name __________________________

Each sentence below uses an idiom. Rewrite each sentence so that it uses different words,
but keeps the same meaning.

1. Roger gave us a hand building the birdhouse.


2. Time flew while we decorated the gym.


3. It’s raining cats and dogs this morning.


4. Lavonne is hooked on old movies.


5. Sue put her foot in her mouth with her comment about wheelchairs.


6. Dad goes into orbit when we get our phone bill.


7. Don’t get so hot under the collar.


8. Ned is on cloud nine now that he has his own bedroom.


No-Glamour Language 331 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Idioms 18 Name __________________________

Each sentence below uses an idiom. Rewrite each sentence so that it uses different words,
but keeps the same meaning.

1. Robin did her stepmother proud at the awards ceremony.


2. Come clean about what went on before school today.


3. My art project just didn’t cut the mustard.


4. Who is calling the shots on this project?


5. Let’s do away with homework.


6. If you forget your lunch money, you’ll have to do without.


7. Let’s get this show on the road!


8. We were carried away by the music.


No-Glamour Language 332 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Idioms 19 Name __________________________

Write a sentence using each idiom.

1. give up the ship


2. all wet


3. cut out for


4. eat crow


5. know the ropes


6. the writing on the wall


7. asleep at the switch


8. see eye-to-eye


No-Glamour Language 333 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Idioms 20 Name __________________________

Write a sentence using each idiom.

1. circular file


2. nose to the grindstone


3. got up on the wrong side of the bed


4. take the cake


5. cracked up


6. back-seat driver


7. let off some steam


8. break the news


No-Glamour Language 334 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Analogies 1 Name __________________________

Look at each picture on the left. Circle one picture on the right that goes with it.





No-Glamour Language 335 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Analogies 2 Name __________________________

Draw lines to match the pictures that go together.




No-Glamour Language 336 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Analogies 3 Name __________________________

Draw lines to match the pictures that go together.

No-Glamour Language 337 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Analogies 4 Name __________________________

How are you different from a bear? Circle the picture that answers each question and you’ll
find out.

1. A bear is covered in fur. What covers your body?

2. A bear eats fish. What do you eat?

3. A bear sleeps on the ground. Where do you sleep?

4. A newborn bear is called a cub. What do you call a newborn person?

No-Glamour Language 338 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Analogies 5 Name __________________________

Circle the two pictures in each row that go together. Then tell someone why they go together.





No-Glamour Language 339 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Analogies 6 Name __________________________

Circle the picture that answers each question.

1. An airplane travels through the sky. What’s something that travels on the road?

2. We use our hands to build things. Which animal uses its tail to build things?

3. Hot chocolate can warm you up on a cold day. Which drink can cool you off on a hot day?

4. We use a toothbrush to clean our teeth. What’s something we use to clean our bodies?

No-Glamour Language 340 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Analogies 7 Name __________________________

Think about an apple. Answer the questions about an apple.

1. What’s something you can make with apples? _________________________________

2. What do you do to an apple before you eat it? _________________________________

3. What colors can an apple be? ______________________________________________

4. How does the outside of an apple feel? ______________________________________

5. How does an apple feel when you bite into it? _________________________________

Now think about a banana. Answer these same questions about a banana.

1. What’s something you can make with bananas?________________________________

2. What do you do to a banana before you eat it? ________________________________

3. What colors can a banana be? _____________________________________________

4. How does the outside of a banana feel? ______________________________________

5. How does a banana feel when you bite into it? _________________________________

What are two ways an apple and a banana are alike?

_________________________________ _________________________________

What are two ways an apple and a banana are different?

_________________________________ _________________________________

No-Glamour Language 341 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Analogies 8 Name __________________________

Read the first sentence in each pair. Then circle the word that best completes the
second sentence.

1. A pencil has lead. A pen has ______________________.

ink paint marker

2. A person is covered with skin. A tree is covered with ______________________.

forest bark stem

3. You drink from a glass. You eat from a ______________________.

kitchen tablecloth plate

4. A TV has a screen. A book has a ______________________.

cover word program

5. People have hands. Dogs have ______________________.

tails paws hooves

6. You eat ice cream with a spoon. You eat salad with ______________________.

a fork your hands a bowl

7. People run on a track. They swim in a ______________________.

hotel sidewalk pool

No-Glamour Language 342 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Analogies 9 Name __________________________

Circle the letter of the best ending for each sentence.

1. Dog and puppy go together because ______________________________ .

a. a puppy is a baby dog

b. they both eat ice cream

2. White and snow go together because ______________________________ .

a. white is the color of snow

b. they are both colors

3. Bird and nest go together because ______________________________ .

a. birds don’t like nests

b. a nest is where a bird lives

4. Pencil and paper go together because ______________________________ .

a. they are both made of plastic

b. you use a pencil to write on paper

5. Water and clean go together because ______________________________ .

a. you get clean with water

b. water makes you dirty

No-Glamour Language 343 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Analogies 10 Name __________________________

Look at the pairs of words in each row. The bolded headings tell how the pairs of words go
together. But wait! One pair in each group doesn’t go together like the others. Circle it.

1. Vehicles and Where You Find Them

car/road broccoli/vegetable airplane/sky boat/water

2. Foods and Food Groups

banana/fruit carrot/vegetable pork chop/meat listen/music

3. Animals and Body Parts

elephant/trunk rat/tail rain/wet shark/fin

4. Weather and Seasons

thirsty/lemonade hot/summer cold/winter warm/spring

5. Objects and Their Shapes

dice/square kite/diamond basketball/bounce bagel/round

No-Glamour Language 344 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Analogies 11 Name __________________________

Circle the three pairs of words in each row that go together. Then write why they go together
in the box above each group. The first one is done for you.

1. an object and the sound it makes

telephone/ring sandpaper/rough car horn/honk watch/tick


birds/worms squirrels/nuts cows/milk rabbits/carrots


jewelry/ring foot/shoe hand/mitten head/hat


goal/soccer goalie/hockey touchdown/football run/baseball


calendar/date clock/time compass/direction calculator/batteries

No-Glamour Language 345 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Analogies 12 Name __________________________

The hardest part about working with analogies is figuring out how the words go together.
Read each analogy. Then use words from the box to complete the diagrams to show how
the words go together. The first one is done for you.


1. rock band is to guitar as orchestra is to violin

music group

measuring tool

2. squeak is to mouse as growl is to bear
land formation



music group
3. inch is to ruler as ounce is to measuring cup
unit of


4. tall is to mountain as low is to hill

No-Glamour Language 346 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Analogies 13 Name __________________________

An analogy is a way to compare things. This is an analogy:

apple is to red as banana is to yellow

Apples and bananas are both fruits. They are being compared by their colors.


apple is to red as banana is to yellow


Practice completing some analogies by choosing the word that best completes each

1. hand is to glove as foot is to _____________________

pants sock walk

2. kitchen is to refrigerator as bedroom is to _____________________

dresser curtains bathroom

3. sun is to day as moon is to _____________________

Wednesday morning night

4. duck is to quack as lion is to _____________________

roar chirp bark

5. keyboard is to computer as pencil is to _____________________

pen write paper

No-Glamour Language 347 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Analogies 14 Name __________________________

Complete each analogy with the word from the box that best completes it.

1. telephone is to ring as door is to _____________________

creak knock drink

2. number line is to numerals as alphabet is to _____________________

letters story library

3. book is to thick as magazine is to _____________________

thin colorful interesting

4. dog is to kennel as zebra is to _____________________

aquarium zoo gymnasium

5. date is to calendar as time is to _____________________

TV calculator clock

6. oven is to cook as dishwasher is to _____________________

cool melt clean

No-Glamour Language 348 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Analogies 15 Name __________________________

Complete each analogy with the word or words from the box that best completes it. Be
careful, these are a little harder!

1. science is to experiment as math is to _____________________

division story problem calculator

2. cartoons are to funny as the news is to _____________________

long TV serious

3. game cartridge is to video game as _____________________ is to computer

disk game joystick

4. streetlight is to sidewalk as _____________________ is to living room

chair fan lamp

5. gymnasium is to basketball game as _____________________ is to football game

stadium track end zone

6. water is to thirst as food is to _____________________

feast eat hunger

No-Glamour Language 349 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Analogies 16 Name __________________________

Below are the beginnings of some analogies. Read each one carefully to see what is being
compared. (The bolded words in parentheses will help you figure this out.) Then complete
each analogy by writing the words that fit best.

(action is to sport)

1. hit is to baseball as _________________________________

fix is to car cheer is to crowd kick is to football

(season is to weather)

2. winter is to snow as _________________________________

sun is to hot spring is to rain summer is to July

(animal is to habitat)

3. fish is to lake as _________________________________

bear is to forest rabbit is to carrot bird is to fly

(action is to type of entertainment)

4. listen is to CD as _________________________________
band is to play read is to book finish is to homework

(part is to whole)

5. leaf is to branch as _________________________________

flower is to stem eat is to vegetable trunk is to forest

(word is to opposite)

6. start is to finish as _________________________________

huge is to big easy is to simple add is to subtract

No-Glamour Language 350 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Analogies 17 Name __________________________

Read each analogy. Put a check mark beside each one that doesn’t make sense. Rewrite
the incorrect analogies so they make sense.

___ 1. coffee is to cup as juice is to glass


___ 2. grass is to green as water is to purple


___ 3. jet is to wings as boat is to sail


___ 4. people are to sidewalk as cars are to buildings


___ 5. gym is to play as classroom is to sleep


___ 6. hardware store is to tools as grocery store is to carpeting


___ 7. plate is to dishes as chair is to furniture


___ 8. brother is to male as sister is to relative


___ 9. yogurt is to dairy as potato is to vegetable


No-Glamour Language 351 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Analogies 18 Name __________________________

Read each analogy. Put a check mark beside each one that doesn’t make sense. Rewrite
the incorrect analogies so they make sense.

___ 1. touchdown is to football as foul ball is to baseball


___ 2. token is to subway as ticket is to concert


___ 3. bowl is to soup as cup is to crackers


___ 4. paddle is to canoe as propeller is to train


___ 5. stream is to lake as river is to ocean


___ 6. two is to ears as one is to feet


___ 7. me is to mine as they is to theirs


___ 8. few is to many as seldom is to never


___ 9. book is to write as house is to buy


No-Glamour Language 352 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Analogies 19 Name __________________________

Now you’re on your own! Complete each analogy with a comparison of your own.

1. dog is to bark as __________________________________________

2. cola is to brown as _________________________________________

3. stop sign is to octagon as ___________________________________

4. guitar is to strings as _______________________________________

5. police officer is to squad car as _______________________________

6. milk is to jug as ___________________________________________

7. movie is to theater as _______________________________________

8. tie is to neck as ___________________________________________

9. taco is to spice as _________________________________________

10. slow is to walk as __________________________________________

11. stripes are to zebra as ______________________________________

12. three is to tricycle as _______________________________________

No-Glamour Language 353 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Analogies 20 Name __________________________

Complete each analogy with a comparison of your own. Be careful. These are a little harder!

1. tornado is to wind as _______________________________________

2. caterpillar is to butterfly as ___________________________________

3. football player is to helmet as _________________________________

4. centennial is to 100 as ______________________________________

5. disk is to computer as ______________________________________

6. books are to backpack as ___________________________________

7. dolphin is to mammal as ____________________________________

8. author is to book as ________________________________________

9. child is to children as _______________________________________

10. morning is to early as _______________________________________

11. geese is to goose as _______________________________________

12. curtain is to window as ______________________________________

No-Glamour Language 354 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Answer Key
Suggested answers are provided for tasks except those that have a wide variety of appropriate, acceptable responses. Be sure
to ask students to explain their answers to enrich expressive language skills, as well as to gain insight into answers that differ
from those listed here. Sometimes unexpected answers are absolutely acceptable, if they are supported by logical thinking.

2. saw page 23 What parts does it page 29

3. bird ✓ You fly places
1. ___ have? Box: fork, bowl, can
4. monkey in it. 1. tip, eraser opener, cheese
Page 7
Circle: dinosaur,
5. tomato ✓ It’s made of
___ 2. buckles, wheels slicer, microwave,
metal. 3. lock, handle, door frying pan
apartment building,
tree, helicopter,
Page 16 ✓ It has a long
2. ___ 4. door, buttons,
Cross out: neck. motor page 30
chair, giraffe
1. purple ✓ It’s an animal.
___ 5. numbers, cord, Appliances: blender,
Page 8
2. huge ✓ You take
3. ___ receiver hair dryer, toaster
3. thing pictures with it. 6. wheels, Clothing: sweater,
Color: rose, barn,
apple, jelly, fire truck
4. toy ✓ It uses film
___ handlebars, seat shorts, cap
5. dead and batteries. 7. face, hands, band Vegetables: carrot,
Page 9
6. reptile ✓ You plug it in.
4. ___ 8. handle, brush corn, tomato
Box: ladybug, leopard,
✓ It plays
___ Toys: skateboard,
page 17 music. page 25 truck, ball
Dalmatian, giraffe, cow
1. paper clip ✓ They’re made
5. ___ volcano — hot, erupt,
2. iron of metal. lava, red page 31
Page 10
Circle: pencil, table,
3. yo-yo ✓ They have
___ ambulance — vehicle, Circle:
4. leash handles and emergency, fast, 1. diamond, triangle,
telephone pole,
5. ring blades. siren square
toboggan, ruler
6. wallet ✓ It’s a flower.
6. ___ pizza — food, crust, 2. desk, bed, rock-
Page 11
7. zebra ✓ It has petals.
___ toppings, slices ing chair
Underline: kitten,
8. kangaroo ✓ It’s a hot
7. ___ telescope — lens, 3. yo-yo, in-line
9. basketball planet. instrument, metal, skates, basketball
slippers, caterpillar,
gorilla, fox
10. watch ✓ It’s the
___ faraway 4. pine tree, flower,
largest planet in tree
page 19 the solar system. page 26 5. ladybug, grass-
Page 12
Answers will vary. 1. stripes, cat, wild hopper, bee
Draw an X on:
page 24 2. emergency,
elephant, car, lamp,
page 21 What is it used for? danger, loud page 32
computer, desk/chair
1. star 1. to write 3. handle, dig, blade Cross out:
2. marshmallow 2. to skate 4. jewelry, chain, 1. glasses
Page 13
3. cookie 3. to store books, clasp 2. frying pan
1. brontosaurus
4. recess coat 5. paper, daily, 3. rabbit
2. stegosaurus
5. computer 4. to heat food or printed 4. glue
3. tyrannosaurus rex
6. scissors drinks 6. wheels, doors, 5. apple
4. triceratops
7. department store 5. to talk to people trunk
8. hair dryer 6. for fun or to get 7. fish, teeth, fin page 33
Page 14
somewhere 8. metal, handle, 1. Circle the carrot,
1. Draw 2 spots on
page 22 7. to tell time prongs pretzel, corn
the frog with 2
Cross out: 8. to clean teeth 2. Box the car and
1. It’s where you Classifying mini-van.
2. Color the frog on
wash your What is it made of? 3. Underline the
a lily pad green.
clothes. 1. wood, lead page 27 notebook paper,
3. Draw a hat on the
2. A police officer is 2. plastic Circle: bookcase, stationery, To Do
frog dancing.
always a man. 3. metal magazine, book, pad.
4. Draw a fly on the
3. This is a place. 4. metal computer, chair 4. Cross out the
frog’s tongue.
4. There’s snow 5. plastic watch and
5. Color the frog
there all year 6. metal, rubber page 28 necklace.
sitting on a
round. 7. glass, leather, Underline: pencils, 5. Cross out the die.
branch brown.
5. No singers get plastic, metal crown, star, scissors,
paid for their work. 8. plastic, brushes elf shoes page 34
Page 15
1. jewelry
2. clothing
1. hairbrush

No-Glamour Language 355 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.

3. sports equipment 11. houses, planets 18. crutches; others 15. mammal, animal cheese, and ice
4. places to live 12. bird, dinosaur are parts of a 16. plant, tree cream.
13. room, container play 17. animal, reptile 6. Draw a black box
page 35 14. tools, fasteners 19. cucumber; others 18. food, dairy around the celery
Summer Clothing 15. pieces, flavors are fruits 19. plant, flower and carrots.
sunglasses 20. million; others are 20. food, fruit
sundress page 39 time words page 51
shorts Across: page 46
sandals 2. July page 41 Answers will vary.
5. rocker Answers will vary.
Ocean Animals 7. sit Comparing
stingray 8. panic page 42
starfish 9. neck 1. measuring tool page 47
whale 2. food Color:
shark Down: 3. sport 1. apartment
1. bucket 4. meat buildings
Personal Care Items 3. cousin 5. dairy foods page 52
2. police cars Alike: time, words on
hairbrush 4. snap 6. cat, wild animal 3. dogs
toothbrush 6. rule 7. jewelry board, teacher
4. airplanes Different: papers in
nail clipper 8. school subjects 5. mountains
tweezers page 40 9. occupation teachers hand,
1. snow; others are 10. vegetables papers on bulletin
page 48 board, number of
Types of Weather seasons 11. body part Circle:
hurricane 2. ruler; others are 12. boys’ names students
1. dog
tornado writing utensils 13. container 2. cardinal
snow 3. bear; others are 14. dishes page 53
3. shark 1. balls, used in
rain places 15. clothing 4. tree with nest
4. meow; others are 16. relatives sports
5. girl with plain shirt 2. furniture, things
page 36 parts of a tree 17. place
1. race car 5. engineer; others 18. emotions you sit on
page 49 3. can be mailed,
2. hand work at school Differences will vary.
3. Popsicle® 6. June; others are page 43 delivered, opened
Similarities are listed. 4. keep you warm,
4. carnation days Answers will vary. 1. both are triangles,
5. pillow 7. chair; others are wear on your
have stripes upper body
6. apple places you store page 44 2. both are in the
7. wheelbarrow things 1. clothing 5. insects, fly
sky 6. take pictures, use
8. pine 8. dollar; others are 2. fruit 3. both are writing
coins 3. instruments batteries
page 37 9. motorcycle; 4. vehicles 4. both are body
1. True 11. True others have four 5. body parts page 54
parts on your face 1. have wheels,
2. True 12. True wheels 6. insects 5. both are used in
3. False 13. True 10. pillow; others are 7. emotions seats
reading/writing 2. balls, used in
4. True 14. False hard 8. metals 6. both are things
5. False 15. True 11. staple; others are 9. types of weather sports, round
we use to clean 3. can go inside,
6. True 16. True used to wrap 10. liquids our bodies
7. True 17. False presents can sleep in
8. True 18. False 12. books; others are page 45 4. in the sky, fly,
page 50 wings
9. False 19. False school subjects 1. food, dairy 1. Draw a green
10. False 20. True 13. volcano; others 2. animal, reptile 5. animals, reptiles
circle around the 6. in the park, things
are bodies of 3. plant, flower milk, soda pop,
page 38 water 4. food, meat you sit on
apple juice, and
2. drink, food 14. buoy; others are 5. animal, reptile orange juice.
3. season, sport kinds of boats 6. plant, flower page 55
2. Draw a red circle 1. alike: fruits
4. clothing, utensils 15. rat; others are 7. plant, tree around the apple
5. games, flowers computer parts 8. mammal, animal different: orange
juice. has seeds; shape
6. furniture, 16. man; others tell 9. food, fruit 3. Color the ice
appliance how things feel 10. food, meat 2. alike: used to tell
cream green. time
7. place, vehicle 17. thesaurus; others 11. mammal, animal 4. Draw an orange
8. dish, instrument are dinosaurs 12. food, fruit different: clock is
X on the carrots. on the wall; you
9. senses, emotions 13. food, meat 5. Draw a red check
10. place, time 14. food, dairy wear a watch on
mark on the milk, your wrist

No-Glamour Language 356 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.

3. alike: things you page 58 8. sing 3. Old 3. Add, to, 112
read 1. fewer 9. rough poor 4. Multiply, 108
different: news- 2. same 10. triple none 5. least, Hannah
papers are 3. fewer 11. clock most, Sara
printed daily; 4. more 12. difficult page 75 more, Sara and
magazines are 5. same 1. front, back Kevin together,
printed weekly page 66 2. clean, dirty $322.00
or monthly page 59 Answers will vary. 3. dry, wet
4. alike: hold water Answers will vary. 4. dead, alive page 81
different: you Antonyms 5. work, play 1. finish
clean your body page 60 6. aunt, uncle 2. innocent
in a bathtub; you Across: page 67 7. yes, no 3. seldom
swim in a swim- 2. penguin Circle 1, 2, and 4. 8. nobody, 4. solid
ming pool 4. falcon everybody 5. forward
5. alike: give off 5. goose page 68 9. behind, ahead 6. fiction
light 7. cardinal Match: 10. best, worst 7. cowardly
different: a flash- 8. roadrunner full — empty 8. negative
light uses over — under page 76 9. private
batteries Down: stop — go 1. A 13. H 10. clumsy
6. alike: places to 1. hummingbird top — bottom 2. E 14. A 11. wealth
store things 2. parrot 3. I 15. C 12. success
different: a trunk 3. woodpecker page 69 4. G 16. D
is in a car; a 6. owl Match: 5. A 17. G page 82
closet is in a same — different 6. H 18. I Across:
building page 61 awake — asleep 7. B 19. H 1. villain
Answers will vary. heavy — light 8. D 20. B 3. freeze
page 56 together — apart 9. C 21. I 6. ceiling
1. alike: vehicles page 62 10. B 22. G 7. exit
different: you pay Answers will vary. page 70 11. F 23. E 8. compliment
to ride in a taxi Circle: 12. D 24. F 11. debit
2. alike: run on a page 63 1. sad 12. whisper
track Puffy 2. fat page 77
different: subway color: racin’ red, 3. woman 1. quiet Down:
is underground; blazin’ blue, blastin’ 2. sit 1. vertical
train is above black page 71 3. walk 2. deny
ground price: $125.00 1. tall 4. kind 3. fix
3. alike: air trans- warranty: 1 year 2. frown 5. always 4. evil
portation # of speeds: 10 3. fixed 6. outside 5. remember
different: airplane extra features: fuzzy 4. down 7. open 9. precious
has wings seat 8. raise 10. total
4. alike: water page 72
transportation Schween Color: page 78 page 83
different: sailboat color: red, blue, black fast — slow 1. Tall Circle:
travels by wind; price: $199.99 love — hate 2. Wild 1. basement
rowboat travels warranty: 5 years buy — sell 3. Mother 2. appear
by rowing # of speeds: 21 good-bye — hello 4. Day 3. prompt
5. alike: things you extra features: 5. Children 4. minor
ride excellent for hilly page 73 6. Summer 5. praise
different: you sit areas Row 1: sink, subtract, 7. Good, Bad 6. accept
on a bicycle; you sweet 7. pass
stand on a page 64 Row 2: real, straight, page 79 8. fail
skateboard Answers will vary. queen 1. wrong, left 9. arrival
6. alike: emergency Row 3: false, take, 2. soft, easy 10. mild
vehicles page 65 indoors 3. married, plural 11. ignite
different: fire 1. floor 4. sharp, shiny
truck puts out 2. feet page 74 5. heavy, dark page 84
fires; tow truck 3. pilot 1. quick 6. spring, rise 3. boss
tows vehicles 4. noon over 4. loss
5. eat 2. fat page 80 5. lass
page 57 6. stick wife 1. Subtract, from, 15 6. pass
Answers will vary. 7. tube clean 2. Divide, 7 7. past

No-Glamour Language 357 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.

8. last page 90 7. milk 4. amateur, hubbub — racket
9. lost X on 2 and 3 8. fly beginner balderdash —
10. lose 5. agreed, nonsense
11. love page 91 page 98 consented calaboose — jail
12. move Circle: 1. nice 6. peculiar, odd; Sentences will vary.
13. more 1. cup, mug 2. automobile sounds, noises
14. sore 2. warm, hot 3. angry 7. peak, summit Following
3. shy, bashful 4. road 8. delayed,
page 85 5. odor hesitated
young page 92 6. filthy 9. pictures,
page 107
began Cross out: 7. shut photographs
Students should have
War 1. play 8. rug 10. periodicals,
followed the directions
proceeded 2. tiny 9. ill magazines
at the top of the page.
mock 3. cry 10. pal
mysterious page 103
page 108
huge page 93 page 99 3. ball
dropped Circle: Replace: 4. bald
3 R red
silence 1. stairs, steps 1. split with divide 5. bold
late 2. chef, cook 2. country with 6. cold ▲ e
fictional 3. pals, friends nation 7. fold
aliens 4. bug, insect 3. hide with conceal 8. ford A ✩ 8
5. lid, top 4. mistakes with 9. fore

page 86 6. bathe, wash errors 10. core m O



Sentences will vary. 7. cushion, pillow 5. seems with 11. tore

1. insane 8. throw, toss appears 12. sore
page 110
2. impolite 6. urgent with 13. some
Answers will vary for
3. illegal page 94 important 14. same
those not provided.
4. uncomfortable 1. Stinky 7. dangerous with 15. came
5. irresponsible 2. Rip treacherous
6. incurable 3. Sparkly 8. annoys with page 104
7. irresistible 4. Skinny bothers 1. aviator
8. impossible 5. Tiny
6. Noisy page 100
2. custodian
3. thespian
3. X +
Synonyms 7. Mighty Across: 4. physician
2. pupil 5. accountant 4.
page 87 page 95 4. cologne 6. attorney
Color yellow:
1. begin
6. inspect
9. revere
7. apothecary
8. journalist
7. ✩
huge 2. quick 10. vacant 9. magistrate
giant 3. crept 10. professor page 111
jumbo 4. turtle Down: 11. profession Students should have
5. sleep 1. reply drawn the following:
Color blue: 6. trail 3. prank page 105 1. a box with a
mad 7. done 5. omit reign smaller box on
wet 7. cavern tormented top of it and a
small page 96 8. shears rights circle around both
tiny 1. dirty instructed 2. a flower with a
happy 2. couch page 101 immediately bee buzzing
3. skinny 1. empty defend around it and the
page 88 4. hairy 2. holder related sun in the sky
hat — cap 5. hear 3. breakable found 3. a student’s name,
under — below 6. money 4. hate apprehended their teacher’s
shut — close 5. catastrophes lived name, and the
write — print page 97 6. spotless principal’s name
1. plate 7. humiliated page 106 4. the moon, four
page 89 2. tug 8. freedom Match: stars, and a
glad — happy 3. weeping topsy-turvy — upside- spaceship
chair — seat 4. pick page 102 down
spot — dot 5. yard 1. hibernate, sleep flapjack — pancake page 113
carpet — rug 6. turtle 2. silent, quiet bamboozle — cheat 1. Draw a box
3. winner, champion skedaddle — scram around bunny.

No-Glamour Language 358 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.

2. Decorate bunny’s 3a. no 3a. hot-air balloon 3. plain, red, blue, 7. Thursday;
shoes; color b. no b. helicopter blue, plain Saturday
bunny yellow. c. yes c. glider 4. yellow, blue, 8. Thursday
3. Circle bunny; d. yes d. airplane plain, green 9. Monday
draw a drink. 10. Thursday
4. Draw polka dots page 122 4. Cross out: page 135 11. Sunday
on bunny. Students should follow a. robin _1_ a. 12. Saturday
5. Draw musical directions for 1, 2, 4, b. comb _3_ b. 13. Monday
notes; draw a 7, 9, 11, 12, and draw c. jacket _2_ c. 14. Sunday
blue hat on an X on 3, 5, 6, 8, 10. d. jelly
bunny. _2_ a. page 141
6. Student writes page 123 page 126 _1_ b. January, February,
name on paper. 50
Student Sick Report Answers will vary. _3_ c. March, April, May,
7. Cross out bunny. June, July, August,
Number of Students

40 X
8. Write the name of 20

Sequencing _3_ a. September, October,

a book under 0
M T W TH F _2_ b. November, December
bunny; color page 127 _1_ c.
bunny purple. School Supply Sales
page 142

9. Decorate blanket; 200 _2_ a. 1. July

Units Sold


color bunny 100

Key: = pencils

= notebooks
_1_ b. 2. September
brown. 0
M T W TH F _3_ c. 3. April
4. November
page 114 page 124 page 128 page 136 5. March; January
1. Circle 1, 3, 5, 7, Directions in box: Dad asked Isaiah to 6. December;
9. Cross out items 2, 4, help him do the February
2. Box 2, 4, 6, 8, 10. 6, 8, 10, 12. laundry. First they 7. June; April
3. Put an X on 1 Draw a line after #5. gathered all the dirty 8. October;
and 8. Answers will vary for clothes. Next they December
4. Answers will vary. words filled in on page 129 sorted them by color. 9. April; February
5. Write 11 next to #7. They washed the dark 10. July; September
10. Answers will vary for clothes and towels 11. May; March
6. Write 0 in front of #9. first. Later they 12. August; June
1. Questions not done: washed the light 13. January
7. Draw an arrow to 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11. page 130 clothes and towels. 14. August
6. Box with the circles is They put the clean, 15. March
8. Draw an arrow to 1. Circle the number first; box with the Z is wet clothes into the 16. October
5. 1 on the page. next; box with the dryer. When the
9. Draw a star by 4. 3. Draw a house on arrow is last. clothes were dry, they page 143
10. Draw a happy the back of the folded them neatly. 1. 7:00 a.m.
face in 0. sheet. page 131 The put the clean 2. 5:30 p.m.
5. Answers will vary. Answers will vary. clothes away last. 3. 8:30 p.m.
page 117 7. Answers will vary. 4. 2:15 p.m.
2. nurse’s office 9. Answers will vary. page 132 page 137 5. 10:15 a.m.
3. music room 11. Answers will vary. Pictures will vary. 6. 1 1/2 hours
4. gymnasium 7. 6:00 a.m.
5. janitor page 125 page 139 8. 3:20 p.m.
6. storeroom 1. sharp Sunday, Monday, 9. 1:15 p.m.
7. art room raise Tuesday, Wednesday, 10. 8:30 a.m.
8. library sweet Thursday, Friday, 11. 10:45 a.m.
interesting Saturday 12. 2 hours, 45
page 121 wonderful minutes
1a. yes page 133 page 140 13. 2 1/2 hours
b. no 2. peanut butter — 4 2 1. Friday 14. 2:00 p.m.
c. no jelly 1 3 2. Tuesday 15. 8:05 a.m.
d. yes macaroni — 3. Friday
cheese page 134 4. Thursday; page 144
2a. no spaghetti — Answers are given in Tuesday Answers will vary.
b. yes meatballs order left to right. 5. Saturday; Monday
c. yes bacon — eggs 1. yellow, blue, red 6. Wednesday; page 145
d. no hamburger — 2. red, plain, green, Monday Answers will vary.
French fries plain, yellow

No-Glamour Language 359 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.

page 146 2. a page 172 page 174 2. Rose will have a
1869 — Ghandi’s birth 3. f Circle: 1. effect: We stayed new brother or
1882 — gets married 4. e 1. Callie petting the inside for recess. sister; she may
1891 — finishes law 5. b cat cause: It was have to help take
school 6. d 2. the open garage raining. care of the baby;
1893 — moves to 3. the pizza menu 2. effect: Lava she will have
Africa; discriminated Cause & Effect 4. the burning poured out of someone to play
against for being building the volcano. with when the
Indian page 167 5. the clown cause: The baby gets older.
1893-1914 — works Circle: volcano was 3. He will be
for Indian rights in 1. boy smiling page 173 exploding. responsible for
Africa 2. boy crying 2. Anthony was 3. effect: She taking care of the
1915 — returns to 3. woman hungry stayed home. puppy; he will
India to work for screaming so he fixed cause: Kennedy have a dog to
disadvantaged 4. bus in front of himself a was sick. love and play
1920 — others follow school sandwich for 4. effect: He can with.
his example of lunch. see better. 4. Some people will
protesting without page 168 3. Because it was cause: The boy have lost their
violence 1. The glass of milk her grandmother’s wears glasses. homes; people
1939-1945 — leads a will turn brown. birthday, will help each
movement to free 2. wet, messy, Hope made her a page 175 other.
India from Britain tangled special card. 1. Something left 5. Stella will have a
1942 — is jailed again 3. The children will 4. Ed has a cast on over from last new friend to play
for his political go home, to after- his leg today week must have with; some of her
beliefs school programs, because he broke spoiled. old friends may
1947 — India to play sports. it in gym class 2. Tad is late getting get jealous.
becomes free 4. go to the doctor, yesterday. home.
1948 — fasts to stay in bed 5. Because of the 3. Mr. Tidd forgot to page 181
encourage Indian 5. call the police, get snowstorm, lock the door. Answers will vary.
Hindus and Muslims his windshield we stayed home
to stop fighting; fixed from school. page 176 page 182
assassinated 6. The teacher gave Answers will vary. Amelia makes first
page 169 each of us a flight with Frank
Riddles sticker page 177 Hawks → knows she
because our Answers will vary. wants to fly → take
page 147 group was the private lesons → make
5 first one done. page 178 her first solo
3 7. My sister is 1. It’s dark; the flight → buy her first
6 grounded for a thunder and airplane → sets world
2 week lightning frightens altitude record for
1 because she her; she’s afraid women
4 stayed out too the electricity
late last night. might go out; the page 183
page 156 page 170 8. The phone call rain makes a lot buying a new
1. b Pictures will vary. was for her of noise. computer → having no
2. f 2. He’s trying to get money → asked her
stepmom, out of his cage; brother for a loan →
3. a page 171 so Danielle went
4. d 1. Circle the wilted he likes the taste he gave her part of his
to get her. of the bars; he allowance
5. c plants. 9. Jordan scored a
6. e 2. Put an X on chews to have
goal in the soccer
William paying a something to do. Jamie didn’t like
page 157 fine. 3. He likes the looking at all the trash
because he had
1. d 3. Put a sad face on sunflower seeds → he talked to his
practiced hard all
2. c Dad walking to the best. class about litter
3. a the gas station. → Jamie’s class
10. Carol got a cramp
4. f 4. Color the picture page 179 cleaned up the
while running
5. b of the blank TV. 1. He may develop neighborhood → the
because she
6. e 5. Underline illnesses such as City Council declared
didn’t stretch out
Daphne waking cancer, lung a citywide cleanup
before the race.
page 158 up shocked. disease or day
1. c emphysema.

No-Glamour Language 360 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.

page 184 exercise; negative page 191 page 195 4. happy, relieved,
Answers will vary. effect if the area Draw pictures of: Answers will vary. angry
isn’t safe because mechanic fixing car 5. call the police;
page 185 you could get hurt waiter bringing food page 196 ask neighbors
Answers will vary. 10. negative effect; someone picking up 1. The mother bird and friends to
you won’t learn baby won’t be able to help look for him
page 186 anything and you take care of her
1. negative effect; could get in page 192 babies and they page 201
harmful to your trouble if the 1. woman running might die. 1. Answers will vary.
heart and lungs teacher catches for bus 2. She won’t be able 2. in the camper
2. negative effect; you 2. boy/son walking to hear very well. 3. the campground;
harmful to your into movie while 3. Jeremy might get in a restaurant
body, could cause Predicting others are leaving mad. 4. They could call a
you to get in an 3. burnt cookies 4. Juan’s father tow truck or the
argument or an page 187 4. woman answering would miss Juan. police, wait for
accident door in her He might also be someone to send
3. positive effect if bathrobe happy that Juan help, or walk to a
you’ve been sick gets to see his gas station.
or are sick and page 193 mother. 5. They’re using a
need to gain 1. The girl will tell map; they’ve
weight or nega- someone her bike page 197 been this way
tive effect; harm- was stolen. 1. “Could I read the before; they’re
ful to your body 2. She looks sur- menu to you?” following signs.
4. positive effect if prised to see an 2. He might put his 6. Answers will vary.
you drive carefully page 188 empty bike rack pillow over his
and wear a hel- girl might slip off with the lock on head; he might page 202
met and other monkey bars because the ground. call the police; or 1. set the plates on
protective cloth- she’s wearing socks 3. The boy will go to he might call his the table
ing; negative a protected area neighbors. 2. put the glasses
effect if you don’t girl might get hit by until it’s safe. 3. They could get in on the table
wear a helmet baseball because 4. There’s a tornado a fight; they could 3. decide what the
and protective she’s walking in warning. apologize; their children need to
clothing and get between 2 boys 5. The children are coach could tell do next
in an accident playing catch going to get in them to stop. 4. Answers will vary.
5. positive effect; fun trouble. 4. “Why not?,” “Who 5. homework, play,
and a good form girl going down slide 6. Their mom is will I do things watch TV, go
of exercise might run into boy getting home with?” outside
6. positive effect if standing at the bottom from work and
the person needs their apartment is page 199 page 203
to get somewhere kids might fall off the a mess. 1. Answers will vary. 1. why no one has
quickly; negative merry-go-round 2. the little girl; she picked up the
effect if the plane page 194 has her bear, the newspapers
crashes or the page 189 1. Yes; he’s check- mother is carrying 2. people on
person doesn’t Buster might: ing the nutrition children’s books, vacation; person
enjoy flying play with the ball, information on the the father is who lives there is
7. negative effect; dig in the garden, food labels. carrying a child’s sick or hurt
may result in an get into the garbage suitcase 3. knock on door;
increased risk of cans, take a nap 2. No; he’s not 3. Answers will vary. pick up papers;
gum disease and under the tree, pull wearing a life 4. read them to the call police
cavities on the sheet hang- jacket and he’s girl 4. afraid, curious
8. positive effect if ing on the clothes- standing up in the 5. They’ll go to the 5. Yes. If neighbor
the drugs are line canoe. cafeteria. was out of town,
prescribed by a 3. Yes; she’s putting 6. Answers will vary. he wouldn’t be
doctor to cure an page 190 on an apron there to pick up
illness; negative Circle: before cooking. page 200 papers; if elderly
effect if drugs are 1. girl reading 4. No; the ice isn’t 1. Alex didn’t get off person lived
taken improperly 2. boy brushing safe to skate on. the bus. there, he could be
9. positive effect if teeth 5. No; the dishes 2. call the school; sick or hurt.
the area is safe 3. girl wrapping may fall and call his friends; 6. Resident is out of
because it’s a present break if the pile look outside town; someone’s
good form of gets too high. 3. Answers will vary. sick.

No-Glamour Language 361 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.

page 204 3. She does lots of 3. moist 6. annoying page 224
1. waste and smoke fun things with 4. trash 7. resides 1. yes 11. no
from the factory the children. 5. silly 8. repair 2. no 12. yes
2. The fish and plant 4. They had a picnic 9. follow 3. yes 13. yes
life will die; water yesterday. page 216 10. altering 4. no 14. no
may become 5. They sat under a 1. j 5. yes 15. no
dangerous to tree and had 2. a page 221 6. no 16. no
drink. lunch. 3. i 1. I need to talk to 7. no 17. no
3. They could get 4. f you. 8. no 18. yes
sick; they might page 210 5. h 2. My room is dirty. 9. yes 19. no
move. Morgan loves soccer. 6. c 3. I tore my pants 10. no 20. yes
4. Answers will vary. Her teammates say 7. g when I fell down.
5. It might get she runs very fast. 8. d 4. We walked along page 225
closed down. 9. b a winding trail. 1. I can’t stand that
She scored a goal last
6. They’ll be out of 10. e 5. I’m very sleepy. noise!
week and won the
jobs; they’ll have 6. Leo’s grandfather 2. When Jeff fell in
to find new jobs. game. Her parents page 217 is well-known. the mud, it was
videotaped it. 1. b 7. The crowd was hard for me not to
page 205 2. a quiet. laugh.
1. Answers will vary. page 211 3. a 8. Never cross a 3. Good luck.
2. Answers will vary. 1. The girl is having 4. a street without 4. I felt bad because
3. what happened a birthday party. 5. a looking both I didn’t do what I
4. tell their dad; call 2. The squirrel is 6. b ways. said I would.
the police; call the stealing some- 7. b 9. Teri fell down the 5. Why don’t you
school one’s peanuts. 8. a steps today. make a decision?
5. better, not as 3. The police officer 9. a 10. The strong man 6. My aunt is
afraid is giving the man 10. b lifted the barbells serious about her
6. Answers will vary. a ticket. over his head. health. She runs
4. The boys are page 218 every morning
page 206 setting up camp. 1. Stop; don’t go. page 222 and goes to the
1. Answers will vary. 2. Cross here; Be Clarabel had to be at gym to exercise
2. worried, upset, page 212 careful, children the king’s dinner, but every night.
sad This is Goldilocks and crossing. she lived very far When I spent the
3. angry, frustrated, the Three Bears. 3. There’s an airport away. She knew she weekend with her,
upset When Goldilocks sat nearby. didn’t have time to fly I had to get up
4. Answers will vary. on Baby Bear’s chair 4. Here are the there, so she had to very early. I
5. Answers will vary. she broke it. That bathrooms. come up with another jogged with her,
6. Answers will vary. made Baby Bear sad. 5. Here is a pay plan. She decided to but I had to stop
phone use her magic wand. every minute or
Papa and Mama Bear
Paraphrasing 6. This is where you She hadn’t used it for so to rest. By the
were angry with
go out. a while because she time we got back
Goldilocks. was always mixing up to her home, I
page 208
1. Max is small. page 219 her magic. But she was so tired I
page 213
2. Max was tired. 1. handicapped didn’t have any other wanted to go
1. a, b
3. Max’s dad helped 2. This container is choice. So, she waved back to bed.
2. a, c
him get ready for recyclable. her magic wand and
3. b, c
bed. 3. poison, pirate POOF! She landed on page 226
4. a, c
4. Before Max went ship the castle’s drawbridge. 1. If you do some-
5. a, b
to sleep, his dad 4. idea, electricity She went in and had thing in a hurry,
6. b, c
pulled the shades 5. Don’t do this, no. dinner with the king. you may do it
7. a, b
down. 6. divide wrong.
8. a, c
5. Max fell asleep 7. good luck Page 223 2. The way you act
right away. 8. okay, yes, thumbs 1. yes 11. yes tells people how
page 214
up 2. no 12. no you feel.
1. b
page 209 3. no 13. yes 3. Eating healthy
2. a
1. Lucy lives in a page 220 4. yes 14. no food will help
3. d
foster home. 1. abrupt 5. yes 15. no keep you well.
4. c
2. Her foster mom is 2. consented 6. yes 16. yes 4. Just because
nice. 3. permit 7. no 17. yes something looks
page 215
4. interrogated 8. yes 18. no good, it doesn’t
1. scared
5. breakable 9. no 19. yes mean it is.
2. hard
10. no 20. no

No-Glamour Language 362 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.

5. People who like picture. When she page 236 of the year this running to catch a
the same things was done, she bathroom, bedroom Saturday. fly ball.
spend time showed her class- living room, kitchen, Cross out: Saturday 2. Two boys picked
together. mates her picture. garage isn’t a school day. up litter to clean
6. Don’t count on Space Aliens is my up a neighbor-
something before page 231 page 237 favorite computer hood.
it happens. Main idea: Anteaters 1. football game game. 3. A car drove
7. Two people are eat a lot of ants! 2. how animals through a puddle
smarter than one. Main idea: Astronauts protect them- page 240 and splashed the
8. A picture tells a must strap them- selves Underline: Dan had girl while she was
lot. selves down while 3. taco recipe a crazy dream last waiting for the
9. If you’re asking sleeping so they night. bus.
for a handout don’t float around. page 238 Supporting details:
(something free), Supporting details: magic ring in box of page 243
you should take page 232 $29.95, gives soft Fruity-Os, special 1. Where: on a city
what you get and 1. The Fuzzy glow to light your powers street
be happy about it. Tomatoes played path to the bath- When: summer-
10. Before you do a concert at our room, comes in Underline: He soon time
something, think school yesterday. warm pastels realized that his 2. Where: at home
about the conse- 2. Chris’s favorite Main idea: Star special powers gave When: bedtime
quences of your thing to do and Twinkle’s Glow-in- him the ability to 3. Where: in the
actions. think about is the-Dark Toilet Seat communicate with West
basketball. animals. When: in the
Main Idea 3. Lonnie’s favorite Supporting details: Supporting details: past
thing to do every flavors like natural, heard two birds
page 227 day is draw. butter, and caramel; argue; gave a toad page 244
1. Workers are unusual flavors like directions to a pond; 1. A girl gave a
building a new page 233 blueberry, rocky helped a squirrel valentine to her
bank. 1. Little League road, and pineapple; find nuts friend.
2. A boy and his tryouts will be contains no fat, 2. the girl standing
mom are ordering Tuesday after cholesterol, and no Underline: Champ 3. at school
food from a fast- school. calories; good price; had spent all 4. on Valentine’s
food restaurant. 2. Mr. Martinez biodegradable box; morning looking for Day
reads stories get 50 cent coupon his favorite bone.
page 228 before school in Main idea: Popcorn Supporting details: page 245
1. A girl is slipping the library. Galore has the best searched under 1. this girl is getting
on something on 3. Kirby the Clown microwave popcorn! rocks, behind new glasses
the floor and will be giving bushes, in Champ’s 2. the girl wearing
spilling her lunch. juggling lessons page 239 dog house; found glasses
2. A boy and his dad in gym class. Underline: Ellen’s bone in the grass 3. optometrist’s
are paying for dog, Nibbles, is an under Champ’s office
their food at a page 234 unusual dog. favorite tree 4. during the day
grocery store. 1. We have dreams Cross out: He’s four
while we sleep. years old today. Underline: His special page 246
page 229 2. Dreams can be Nibbles has light powers were gone! who — Angelo
1. A boy is washing happy, sad, or brown hair with Supporting details: where — Ms. Jack-
dishes. scary. white paws and a the butterfly was son’s apartment
2. A dog is burying 3. Nightmares are white chest. frightened; Dan’s when — Saturday
his bone. scary dreams. ring was missing first — Angelo dusted,
3. A boy is building 4. Dogs dream, too! Underline: My older from his hand; mopped, and
a sand castle. sister makes a lot of Champ didn’t notice vacuumed.
4. A man is deliv- page 235 noise. him calling to him second — He helped
ering a pizza. 1. Antarctica is the Cross out: Our puppy take care of Ms.
coldest continent barks and wants to Summarizing Jackson’s baby.
page 230 on Earth. play. She’s fourteen last — Angelo was
The girl thought about 2. Ants are hard years old. tired but proud of his
page 241
her art assignment. workers. work.
Pictures will vary.
She took her crayons 3. Old Faithful is a Underline: Jefferson
and a sheet of paper geyser. Elementary School X Angelo started a
page 242
from her desk and will be having its new job Saturday.
1. Two children
began to draw her biggest fund-raiser He’s helping Ms.
collided while

No-Glamour Language 363 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Jackson clean her 2. in the woods near page 251 forward with their page 258
apartment and take his grandfather’s Egyptian Pyramids webbed feet. Circle:
care of her baby. ranch Draw lines through: 1. grumpy boy,
3. during the day We’re studying A Breath of Fresh sleeping boy
page 247 4. A wolf was going pyramids in school. Air 2. clean girl, girl in
who — Emily to attack Jake I got an A on my Paraphrase: bathtub
where — roller-skating and his horse. report. Answers will vary.
rink 5. Pandy scared the page 259
when — Emily’s first wolf back into the The Saguaro Summary: Cross out:
visit to the rink. woods. Draw lines through: Trees need clean air 1. girl sitting on
first — She put on her 6. Jake was riding a Lizards live in the to make food so they grandmother’s lap
skates, but she was horse near the desert, too. can grow. 2. clock
afraid to go out on woods; a wolf We went out West on
the rink. appeared; Jake vacation last year. page 254 page 260
second — Her dad sat still in the I’ve seen elephants at Abducted by Aliens Answers will vary.
talked her into trying saddle; Pandy the zoo. Paraphrase:
to skate. scared the wolf It’s hot in Arizona. Answers will vary. page 261
last — She won a back into the 2. don’t like,
prize for being the woods; Jake was page 252 Summary: because
best skater. safe. Supporting Details: Harold Schwartzen- 3. like, because
7. Jake saw a wolf Heat from campfires finger’s new movie is 4. don’t like,
X On her first visit
___ while riding a kept cave people about two boys who because
to the rink, Emily was horse on his warm on cold nights. get abducted by 5. like, because
afraid to skate. She grandfather’s The firelight let cave aliens. Schwartzen- 6. don’t’ like,
decided to try skating ranch. The ranch people see in the finger plays the PI because
and won a prize for dog, Pandy, dark. hired to find the
being the best skater. scared the wolf They used campfires missing boys. page 262
back into the to cook meat and 1. a
page 248 woods before scare away animals. That’s 2. a
1. Ms. Sullivan Jake was hurt. Entertainment! 3. b
2. Ms. Sullivan won’t Nonsupporting Paraphrase: 4. b
be at school page 250 Details: Answers will vary. 5. a
today. 1. a roadrunner I learned how to build 6. b
3. in the morning 2. in the desert a campfire in Cub Summary:
4. to the cafeteria 3. 25 miles per hour Scouts last year. Glenview Middle page 263
5. so students know 4. to catch the I just use a thick quilt! School’s Fourth 1. to play.
what to do insects scared I love to roast marsh- Annual Student Talent 2. to protect my feet.
6. Mr. Loras will give out of hiding mallows over a Show was a huge 3. to get to school.
them their 5. real bird; eats campfire! success. Participants 4. to get them clean.
assignments. lizards, snakes, raised over $1,200.00 5. to buy food for
7. Ms. Sullivan won’t grasshoppers, Summary: for new playground dinner.
be at school and spiders; can The campfire was equipment. 6. to stay healthy.
today; her stu- run 25 mph; very important to early
dents should go chases rabbits to cave people. They Giving Reasons page 264
to the cafeteria; catch insects used it to stay warm, 1. We go to the
Mr. Loras will give scared out of to cook their meat, to page 255 dentist because
them their assign- hiding scare away wild Circle 1, 3, 4. we need to get
ments. 6. A roadrunner is a animals, and to our teeth cleaned
8. Ms. Sullivan won’t bird that uses its provide light in the page 256 and have them
be at school speed to catch darkness. Circle 1, 2, 4. checked for
today so her stu- lizards, snakes, cavities.
dents should go grasshoppers, page 253 page 257 2. We shouldn’t eat
to the cafeteria to and spiders to Penguins 1. circle bird feeding lots of candy and
get their assign- eat. Sometimes it Paraphrase: baby; cross out junk food
ments. chases rabbits to Answers will vary. bird feeding dog because they’re
scare these 2. circle car on road; high in calories
page 249 insects out of Summary: cross out car and not good for
1. Jake and his hiding. When penguins get flying our teeth.
horse tired of standing, they 3. circle girl blowing 3. We should
lie flat on their chests bubble; cross out recycle bottles
and push themselves shoe and cans

No-Glamour Language 364 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.

because it helps page 266 4. because many of anything by page 286
keep our world 1. to; keep them the same kinds of copying from Answers will vary.
cleaner and running shows can be Jada.
reduces waste. 2. so; we won’t get seen at home on b. It’s unfair for Jada page 287
4. You should wear cavities TV to do all the Answers will vary.
a helmet when 3. to; stay safe in an studying while her
you skate or ride accident Other answers will friend gets the page 288
a bicycle because 4. because; it helps vary. same grade. 1. No
it can protect you make your bones 2a. Their friendship 2. Yes
from getting strong page 271 would probably 3. Yes
seriously hurt. 5. so; you don’t get ✓ Everyone
1. ___ be affected. 4. No
5. We shouldn’t germs on your should ride b. Kids might tease 5. No
watch so much food bicycles to work Jada and call her 6. Yes
TV because it’s 6. to; keep my mom because it would a tattletale.
bad for our happy cut down on 3. Answers will vary. page 289
bodies when we 7. because; I don’t pollution from Underline:
don’t get enough want to litter cars and trucks. Opinions 1. boring
exercise. 8. to; remember ✓ Don’t let the
2. ___ 2. awful
6. Babies cry good times water run while page 275 3. hate, stupid
because they’re 9. so; you don’t drop you brush your Answers will vary. 4. rotten, worthless
tired or hungry or food in your lap teeth because it 5. stinks, hate
because their 10. because; you’re wastes water. page 276 6. worst
diapers are dirty. running the whole ✓ At the end of
3. ___ Answers will vary. 7. boring, stupid
time the school day, 8. worthless, stink
page 265 walk down the page 277 9. hate, worst
1. Dogs need to be page 267 halls so you won’t Answers will vary. 10. awful, rotten
walked because Underline: trip and fall on
they need exer- 1. because their someone. page 278 page 290
cise to stay skin would dry ✓ Wear your
4. ___ Pictures will vary. Check:
healthy. out on land gloves on a cold 1. Maybe Marco
2. You should listen 2. to hold up lots of day to keep your page 279 would play better
to your teacher apples fingers from Pictures will vary. at a different
because she/he 3. so they can grow getting frostbitten. position.
is helping you and flower ✓ Use a lot of
5. ___ page 280 2. Taylor practices
learn. 4. because its banks sunblock on a Answers will vary. the piano a lot but
3. You shouldn’t run couldn’t hold all sunny day to doesn’t seem to
in the halls the rain keep from getting page 281 get better.
because you 5. to keep your body sunburned. Answers will vary. 3. I wish Ms. Stein
might fall or run healthy would write a little
into another 6. because it’s so far page 272 page 282 larger. I have
student. from the sun Answers will vary. 1. likes trouble reading
4. You shouldn’t 2. doesn’t like from the chalk-
listen to music page 268 page 273 3. doesn’t like board.
that’s too loud Answers will vary. 1a. He has a lot of 4. Answers will vary. 4. I don’t think I’ll
because it can homework to do. 5. doesn’t like order pizza there
damage your page 269 b. His mom told him 6. Answers will vary. again. It wasn’t
ears. Answers will vary. to come right 7. Answers will vary. the best I’ve had.
5. We go to school home after school 8. like 5. I enjoyed the ball
because we want page 270 to help her clean 9. doesn’t like game much more
to learn. Underline: the apartment. 10. doesn’t like than the concert.
6. You shouldn’t 1. because it would 2. Being with his 11. like 6. The San Diego
answer the door cut down on friends would be 12. Answers will vary. Chargers is a
when an adult pollution a lot more fun team that needs
isn’t home 2. because kids than doing page 283 improvement.
because the today don’t study homework or Answers will vary.
person knocking hard enough cleaning. page 291
might be a 3. because they 3. Answers will vary. page 284 2. The catcher for
dangerous could hurt Answers will vary. our baseball team
stranger. themselves or page 274 could be better.
their owners 1a. Jada’s friend page 285 3. The school play
won’t learn Answers will vary. wasn’t very

No-Glamour Language 365 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.

exciting. I had page 298 for supplying Dan. He spotted 12. judge, verb
trouble staying Circle: water something. “Nan, look 13. yak, noun
awake. 1. wave of water X a time of
4. ___ to your right.” There 14. state, verb
4. I heard your band 2. girl in bed year when plants on the floor was a
play. You might 3. dog barking begin to grow shiny object. Dan page 310
want to practice a 4. cement step X what someone
5. ___ picked it up. “This 1. D 9. H
little more. 5. ring on girl’s does when he says was an easy case for 2. B 10. E
5. I don’t like this finger hello or good-bye me to judge,” said 3. H 11. C
song. It’s not Dan. Nan thanked 4. G 12. A
very good. page 299 page 304 Dan. “Let me split it 5. A 13. E
Circle: 1. A with you,” she said. 6. B 14. F
page 292 1. bowl of punch 2. B “You can’t,” replied 7. F 15. G
Answers will vary. 2. kitchen sink a time of year Dan. “Twenty-five is 8. D 16. C
3. rock when plants an odd number.”
page 293 4. bowl begin to grow page 311
Answers will vary. 5. finger with cut page 308 Sentences and
Sentences will vary. sound — a noise you headlines will vary.
page 294 page 300 hear; in good
Answers will vary. 1. bowl 3. A condition 1. odd — strange,
2. pen 4. B nail — something you weird
Multiple 3. bark not heavy pound into wood; a 2. state — condition
4. watch part of your fingers 3. suspend — halt,
5. pen Sentences will vary. or toes stop
6. bowl back — the opposite 4. rock — a kind of
page 295
7. watch page 305 of front; a part of popular music
8. bark 1. b your body 5. fall — autumn
a club — a group of 6. club — organi-
page 301 2. b people; a heavy zation
a stick 7. fair — a gathering
1. “Batter up!” the umpire yelled to start the game.
3. a odd — strange or of people accom-
2. I licked the batter from the mixing bowl.
b unusual; the panied by enter-
4. b opposite of even tainment and
3. The flowers were limp from not being watered.

a kind — friendly or amusements

4. Zach walked with a limp after he hurt his leg. 5. b generous; a certain 8. foot — unit of
a type or group measurement
5. There are twelve inches in a foot.

6. b note — a musical
page 296
6. My foot swelled after I stepped on a bee. a tone; a short page 312
message 1. make payment at
page 306 safe — a place to a later time;
page 302 Answers will vary. keep valuables; free department store
1. A from harm or secure 2. without anything
2. B page 307 draft — a light breeze; on it; restaurant
3. B Nan and Stan were choosing someone 3. a mold set on a
4. A having an argument. for a special group broken bone;
step 5. B Nan accused Stan of or team doctor’s office
6. A stealing some money. book — something 4. applause; play,
Instead of fighting, you read; to reserve concert
page 303 they asked Dan to be ahead of time 5. fried potatoes;
page 297
Underline: their judge and home, cafeteria,
spring decide who was right. page 309 restaurant
ring sink “State your problem,” 1. cast, verb 6. cooked so the
ring said Dan. “He stole 2. duck, noun inside is still red;
watch my quarter,” cried 3. judge, noun restaurant
wave Nan. “Impossible,” 4. duck, verb 7. physically fit; gym
1. ___
X the sound a said Stan. “You said 5. steer, verb class, exercise
telephone makes you lost it over a 6. dash, noun class
X to be looking
2. ___ quarter of an hour 7. steer, noun
or waiting ago.” “Is it a crime to 8. yak, verb page 313
X a basin with
3. ___ lose something in this 9. state, noun Answers will vary.
a drain and faucet state?” snapped Nan. 10. dash, verb
“That’s odd,” said 11. cast, noun

No-Glamour Language 366 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.

page 314 4. a, c lost her diary. 6. If you forget your 3. person painting
1. a book that gives 5. a, b 2. Ray looks and lunch money, you picture
directions acts like his dad. won’t have any 4. person kicking
2. done by hand page 325 3. I always stay up lunch. soccer ball
3. people under 18 1. b, c late studying 7. Let’s get started!
years old 2. a, c before big tests. 8. We loved the page 336
4. not serious 3. b, c 4. I’m angry about music. 1. juice box —
5. turn down 4. a the park being person drinking
6. downward slope 5. a, c closed for a year. page 333 popcorn —
7. a cooking utensil 5. I hope I do a Sentences will vary. person eating
8. question intensely page 326 good job at Meanings for idioms 2. chalk board —
9. shoreline 1. g soccer tryouts. are given. chalk
10. move by the pull 2. j 6. Don’t change 1. surrender, quit paper — pencil
of gravity 3. a your mind about 2. mistaken, wrong 3. tricycle —
11. a room or 4. i our agreement. 3. well-suited for handlebars
compartment for 5. f 7. Let’s stop for now. something car — steering
keeping valuables 6. c 8. We played a 4. admit a mistake wheel
12. leap, jump 7. h game to get to 5. to know how to
8. e know one do something page 337
Idioms 9. b another. 6. the obvious, milk — glass
10. d something that’s umbrella — rain cloud
page 315 page 331 certain to happen fork — spaghetti
picture 1 page 327 1. Roger helped us 7. failing to do one’s shoes — person
1. g build the bird- duty at the proper walking
page 316 2. d house. time
picture 1 3. j 2. Time went quickly 8. to be in agree- page 338
4. f while we deco- ment Circle:
page 317 5. i rated the gym. 1. skin
picture 2 6. h 3. It’s raining hard page 334 2. pizza
7. e this morning. Sentences will vary. 3. bed
page 318 8. a 4. Lavonne loves old Meanings for idioms 4. baby
picture 2 9. b movies. are given.
10. c 5. Sue said some- 1. wastebasket, page 339
page 319 thing hurtful with garbage can Circle:
picture 1 page 328 her comment 2. to keep busy 1. flower, tree —
1. b about wheel- doing one’s work both are plants
page 320 2. f chairs. 3. to get up in the 2. crayon, pencil —
picture 1 3. i 6. Dad gets very morning in a bad both are used to
4. h upset when we mood draw or write
page 321 5. a get our phone bill. 4. to win the prize; 3. trumpet,
picture 2 6. j 7. Don’t get so to be the most saxophone —
7. g upset. remarkable both are played
page 322 8. e 8. Ned is very happy 5. laughed; went by blowing air into
1. b, c 9. d to have his own crazy them
2. a 10. c bedroom. 6. passenger in a 4. bicycle, motor-
3. b, c vehicle who gives cycle — both
4. c page 329 page 332 the driver driving have 2 wheels
5. b, c 1. i 1. Robin made her instructions and travel on land
2. f stepmother proud 7. to release excess
page 323 3. j of her at the energy or anger page 340
1. b 4. g awards ceremony. 8. to tell someone Circle:
2. a, c 5. b 2. Tell the truth important news, 1. semi-truck
3. b, c 6. h about what often bad news 2. beaver
4. c 7. e happened before 3. lemonade
5. a, c 8. c school today. Analogies 4. soap/washcloth
9. d 3. My art project
page 324 10. a wasn’t very good. page 335 page 341
1. b, c 4. Who’s in charge Circle: 1. apple pie, apple
2. a, c page 330 of this project? 1. dog barking crisp, caramel
3. b, c 1. Melinda was very 5. Let’s get rid of 2. shoes on apple, apple-
upset when she homework. person’s feet sauce

No-Glamour Language 367 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.

2. wash it, peel it, 4. Circle: page 351
cut it into pieces goal/soccer, 1. correct analogy
3. red, green, yellow touchdown/football, 2. grass is to green
4. smooth run/baseball as water is to
5. crunchy, juicy Heading: Sports clear
and Their Scores 3. correct analogy
1. banana bread, 5. Circle: 4. people are to
banana cream calendar/date, sidewalk as cars
pie, banana cake, clock/time, are to streets
fruit salad compass/direction 5. gym is to play as
2. peel it Heading: classroom is to
3. yellow Equipment and learn
4. smooth Information It 6. hardware store is
5. soft, mushy Gives to tools as gro-
cery store is to
Answers will vary. page 346 food
2. animal, sound 7. correct analogy
page 342 3. measuring tool, 8. brother is to male
1. ink unit of measure- as sister is to
2. bark ment female
3. plate 4. land formation, 9. correct analogy
4. cover height
5. paws page 352
6. a fork page 347 1. touchdown is to
7. pool 1. sock football as run is
2. dresser to baseball
page 343 3. night 2. correct analogy
1. a 4. roar 3. bowl is to soup as
2. a 5. paper cup is to coffee
3. b 4. paddle is to
4. b page 348 canoe as
5. a 1. knock propeller is to
2. letters airplane
page 344 3. thin 5. correct analogy
Circle: 4. zoo 6. two is to ears as
1. broccoli/vegetable 5. clock one is to nose
2. listen/music 6. clean 7. correct analogy
3. rain/wet 8. few is to many as
4. thirsty/lemonade page 349 seldom is to often
5. basketball/bounce 1. story problem 9. book is to write
2. serious as house is to
page 345 3. disk build
2. Circle: 4. lamp
birds/worms, 5. stadium page 353
squirrels/nuts, 6. hunger Answers will vary.
Heading: page 350 page 354
Animals and 1. kick is to football Answers will vary.
What They Eat 2. spring is to rain
3. bear is to forest
3. Circle: foot/shoe, 4. read is to book
hand/mitten, 5. flower is to stem
head/hat 6. add is to subtract
Heading: Body
Parts and

No-Glamour Language 368 Copyright © 1998 LinguiSystems, Inc.

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