Dipole Moment

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International Journal of Computational and Theoretical Chemistry

2014; 2(2): 14-19

Published online May 30, 2014 (http://www.sciencepublishinggroup.com/j/ijctc
doi: 10.11648/j.ijctc.20140202.11

Computational (DFT
DFT) simulations for comparative
prediction of chemical reactivity and stability of linoleic
and stearic acid molecules
Ituen, E. B.1, *, Asuquo, J. E.1, Ogede,
O O. R.2
Physical/Theoretical Chemistry Research Unit, Department of Chemistry, University of Uyo, Nigeria
Department of Science Technology,
y, Federal Polytechnic, Ado-Ekiti,
Ado Nigeria

Email address:
[email protected] (Ituen, E. B.)

To cite this article:

Ituen, E. B., Asuquo, J. E., Ogede, O. R.. Computational (DFT) Simulations for Comparative Prediction of Chemical Reactivity and
Stability of Linoleic and Stearic Acid Molecules.
Molecules International Journal of Computational and Theoretical
cal Chemistry.
Vol. 2, No. 2, 2014, pp. 14-19. doi: 10.11648/j.ijctc.20140202.11

Abstract: The frontier molecular orbitals (HOMO and LUMO) of stearic and linoleic acidss were simulated using density
functional theory (DFT) at the B3LYP/6--31G*basis set level with the use of Spartan ’10 wave function software with a view to
comparing their reactivity and stability based on some theoretically calculated parameters. The total energy (absolute values),
energy gap between the HOMO and LUMO, LUMO EHOMO, total energy and global hardness values of stearic acids were found to be
higher than those of linoleic
oleic acid while values of ELUMO, dipole moment and global softness calculated were higher for linoleic
acid than stearic acid. Results show that linoleic acid would have higher reactivity and lower stability than stearic acid due to
its relative softness. Spectroscopic investigation gives similar spectral positions with an additional infra-red
i vibrational
frequency at around 3000 cm-1 for linoleic
oleic acid.

Keywords: Chemical Reactivity, DFT,

DFT Frontier Orbitals, Linoleicc Acid, Stability, Stearic Acid

1. Introduction
Linoleic acid (LA) is an unsaturated omega-6 fatty acid
with molecular formula C18H31COOH.. It is a colorless liquid (ii)
at room temperature. In physiological literature, it has a lipid Figure 1. Molecular structures of (i) linoleic acid (ii) stearic acid.
number of 18:2 cis, cis-9,12.
9,12. Chemically, linoleic acid is a
carboxylic acid with an 18-carbon
carbon chain and two cis double Table 1. Summary of some physical properties of stearic acid and linoleic
bonds; the first double bond is located at the sixth carbon from acid.
the methyl end, hence the name omega-6. omega Linoleic acid
Properties Stearic acid Linoleic acid
belongs to one of the two families of essential fatty acids.
acids The
Molecular mass (g/mol) 284.48 280.45
body cannot synthesize linoleic acid from other food Appearance White solid Colourless oil
components. Stearic acid is a saturated fatty acid with an 18- 18 Density 0.847 g/L at 343 K 0.99 g/cm3
carbon chain and has the IUPAC name octadecanoic acid. acid It is Melting point (K) 343 261-268
a waxy solid having the chemical formula CH3(CH2)16CO2H. Boiling point(K) 652 503
Salts or esters of stearic acid are called stearates [1]. Figure 1 Solubility in water 3.0 g/L 0.139 mg/L
shows the structure of stearicc and linoleic acids while a
summary of some physical properties ties of stearic and linoleic 2. Computational Method
acids are shown in table 1 for easy distinction.
Density functional theory (DFT) is a popular quantum
mechanical calculation tool for probe into structures and
reactivity of chemical molecules. In this study, DFT at the
(i) B3LYP/6-31G*basis
31G*basis set level is used
u to calculate the
International Journal of Computational and Theoretical Chemistry 2014; 2(2): 14-19 15

frontier molecular orbitals energies, optimized geometric calculated using DFT at the B3LYP/6-31G*basis set level
structures, dipole moments, total energies, energy gaps, for stearic acid is higher than that of oleic acid (see table 2).
global hardness and softness, absorption and vibrational
spectroscopic properties of stearic acid and linoleic acid. 3.3. HOMO-LUMO Energy Gap
These parameters are calculated using Spartan ’10 It is common knowledge that similar to the way electrons
wavefunction software [10]. The calculated values were occupy the atomic orbitals, electrons occupy the molecular
correlated with the reactivity and stability of the fatty acids orbitals surrounding the molecule. The formations of
and the results obtained were used as a basis for molecular orbitals are from the linear combination of atomic
comparison. orbitals or more specific, from the wave interaction of atomic
orbitals. The study of energies of pairs of frontier orbitals,
3. Results and Discussion namely HOMO and LUMO of molecules provide reliable and
quantitative data for straightforward prediction and
3.1. Dipole Moment comparative study of stabilities of molecules both from
An important parameter that helps in the understanding chemical and thermodynamic viewpoints. It has been reported
of interaction between atoms in the same or different earlier that HOMO-LUMO energy gap (∆E) is an important
molecules is the dipole moment. It is a measure of the net stability index [2]. A large energy gap implies higher stability
molecular polarity, which is the magnitude of charge (/Q/) and lower chemical reactivity and vice versa. From the
at the either ends of the molecular dipole time the distance calculations made using DFT at the B3LYP/6-31G* basis set
between the charges (equation 1). Dipole moment increases level, EHOMO of stearic acid (-7.47 eV) is greater than that of
with increase in electronegativity of atoms [8]. Chemical linoleic acid (-6.30 eV). Also, the ELUMO of stearic acid (0.29
reactivity usually increases with increase in dipole moment. eV) is less than that of linoleic acid (0.24 eV). This suggests
The use of dipole moment to probe chemical reactivity than linoleic acid would be of higher reactivity than stearic
according to our theoretical study suggests that linoleic acid. The higher reactivity of linoleic acid would indicate a
acid (µ=1.78 Debye) would be more reactive than stearic lower stability relative to stearic acid.
acid (µ=1.26 Debye), which would imply that stearic acid It could further be seen from the calculated amount of
would be more stable than linoleic acid.. ∆E values (table 2) that stearic acid has higher band gap
energy than oleic acid. Thermodynamically, a lower energy
µ = /Q/r (1) is representative of higher stability of molecules and low
reactivity. However, a molecule may be
thermodynamically stable but kinetically unstable.
Therefore, the proposed higher stability of stearic acid may
be ascribed to kinetic stability due to saturation of the
hydrophobic moiety compared to the unsaturation of that of
linoleic acid. The two double bonds at positions 9 and 12
from the hydrophobic component in addition to the
hydrophilic carboxylic group of linoleic acid would
Figure 2. The density of (i) stearic acid and (ii) linoleic acid using DFT probably convey enhanced reactivity on the molecule. An
at the B3LYP/6-31G*basis set level. experimental verification would probably help to provide
more explanations these discrepancies.
3.2. Total Energy

The minimum value of the total energy functional is the

ground state energy of a system [3]. The electronic charge
density which yields this minimum is then the exact single
particle ground state energy. This makes the total energy
calculated by quantum mechanical method a beneficial
parameter. The total energy determines the occurrence or
non-occurrence of chemical reactions and stereospecific (i)
paths in intra- and intermolecular processes.The total
energy of a system is composed of the internal, potential,
and kinetic energy. Hohenberg and Kohn [4] proved that
the total energy of a system including that of the many
body effects of electrons (exchange and correlation) in the
presence of static external potential (for example, the
atomic nuclei) is a unique functional of the charge density. (ii)
Figure 2 shows the density of stearic acid and palmitic acid
Figure 3. Optimized structure of (i) stearic acid and (ii) linoleic acid
From our study, the total energy (absolute values) using DFT at the B3LYP/6-31G*basis set level.
16 Ituen, E. B. et al.: Computational (DFT) Simulations for Comparative Prediction of Chemical Reactivity and Stability of
Linoleic and Stearic Acid Molecules

3.4. Global Hardness and Global Softness

On the basis of the assumptions of the HSAB principle

of Pearson, [5], within the framework of density functional
theory, chemical reactivity and stability of a molecule may
be associated with its global hardness (α) and global
softness (β) calculated according to equation 2 and 3.
Increase in hardness increases movement of the system
(i) towards a more stable configuration-equilibrium
configuration. When a molecule moves away from its
equilibrium configuration its hardness value decreases.
Greater hardness therefore implies high stability and low
reactivity. Global softness has an inverse relationship with
hardness: soft molecules undergo changes in electron
density more easily than the hard molecules and are more
reactive than the hard molecules [7]. Values of global
hardness and global softness calculated for stearic acid and
linoleic acid show that stearic acid would be harder than
linoleic acid. In other words, linoleic acid would be a softer
Figure 4. The highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO) density of (i) molecule than stearic acid. This is in agreement with the
stearic acid and (ii) linoleic acid using DFT at the B3LYP/6-31G*basis
higher reactivity and lower stability earlier predcted for
set level.
linoleic acid than stearic acid.

α=∆ 2 (1)

β=1 α (2)

Tables 2. Some molecular properties of stearic acid and linoleic acid

calculated using DFT at the B3LYP/6-31G* basis set level.

Parameter Stearic acid linoleic acid

EHOMO (eV) -7.47 -6.30

ELUMO (eV) 0.29 0.33

∆E (eV) 7.76 6.63

Total energy -23348.69 -23281.75

Dipole moment (Debye) 1.26 1.78

Global hardness 3.88 3.31

(ii) Global softness 0.2577 0.3021
Figure 5. The Lowest unoccupied molecular orbital (LUMO) density of (i)
stearic acid and (ii) linoleic acid using DFT at the B3LYP/6-31G*basis
set level.
Table 3 (a). Mullikan charge distribution of stearic acid calculated using DFT at the B3LYP/6-31G* basis set level.

ATOM C1 O1 O2 H2 C2 H1 H4 C3 H5 H6
CHARGE +0.579 -0.464 -0.569 +0.407 -0.354 +0.171 +0.177 -0.252 +0.154 +0.130
ATOM C4 H3 H7 C5 H9 H10 C6 H8 H11 C7
CHARGE -0.262 +0.122 +0.152 -0.254 +0.133 +0.132 -0.255 +0.125 +0.129 -0.260
ATOM H12 H13 C8 H14 H15 C9 H16 H18 C10 H17
CHARGE +0.128 +0.128 -0.253 +0.125 +0.127 -0.259 +0.135 +0.127 -0.254 +0.125
ATOM H19 C11 H20 H22 C12 H21 H23 C13 H25 H26
CHARGE +0.126 -0.253 +0.133 +0.127 -0.255 +0.126 +0.126 -0.260 +0.128 +0.128
ATOM C14 H24 H27 C15 H29 H30 C16 H28 H31 C17
CHARGE -0.254 +0.127 +0.127 -0.260 +0.126 +0.137 -0.246 +0.125 +0.125 -0.247
ATOM H32 H34 C18 H33 H35 H36
CHARGE +0.130 +0.130 -0.441 +0.140 +0.141 +0.141
International Journal of Computational and Theoretical Chemistry 2014; 2(2): 14-19 17

Table 3 (b). Mullikan charge distribution of linoleic acid calculated using DFT at the B3LYP/6-31G* basis set level.

ATOM C1 O1 O2 H2 C2 H1 H4 C3 H3 H5 C4
CHARGE +0.577 -0.462 -0.572 +0.407 -0.355 +0.173 +0.174 -0.249 +0.149 +0.150 -0.258
ATOM H6 H8 C5 H7 H9 C6 H10 H12 C7 H11 H13
CHARGE +0.128 +0.128 -0.254 +0.131 +0.131 -0.254 +0.127 +0.127 -0.253 +0.130 +0.142
ATOM C8 H14 H16 C9 H17 C10 H15 C11 H18 H19 C12
CHARGE -0.302 +0.136 +0.135 -0.103 +0.118 -0.094 +0.119 -0.348 +0.145 +0.149 -0.100
ATOM H21 C13 H20 C14 H22 H23 C15 H24 H26 C16 H25
CHARGE +0.119 -0.097 +0.117 -0.304 +0.139 +0.136 -0,253 +0.135 +0.134 -0.249 +0.126
ATOM H27 C17 H29 H30 C18 H28 H31 H32
CHARGE +0.126 -0.248 +0.130 +0.130 -0.433 +0.140 +0.142 +0.147

Table 4 (a). Bond order of stearic acid calculated using DFT at the B3LYP/6-31G* basis set level.

BOND ORDER C1O1 C1O2 C1C2 O1O2 O1H2 O2H2 C2H1 C2H4 C2C3 C3H5
MULLIKAN 1.866 1.069 0.968 0.065 0.037 0.760 0.921 0.920 0.993 0.931
BOND ORDER C3H6 C3C4 C4H3 C4H7 C4C5 C5H9 C5H10 C5C6 C6H8 C6H11
MULLIKAN 0.936 1.010 0.938 0.929 1.007 0.929 0.932 1.011 0.938 0.939
BOND ORDER C6C7 C7H12 C7H13 C7C8 C8H14 C8H15 C8C9 C9H16 C9H18 C9C10
MULLIKAN 1.014 0.942 0.938 0.995 0.939 0.942 1.012 0.930 0.938 1.005
BOND ORDER C10H17 C10H19 C10C11 C11H20 C11H22 C11C12 C12H21 C12H23 C12C13 C13H25
MULLIKAN 0.939 0.938 1.003 0.933 0.938 1.011 0.938 0.939 1.014 0.943
BOND ORDER C13H26 C13C14 C14H24 C14H27 C14C15 C15H29 C15H30 C15C16 C16H28 C16H31
MULLIKAN 0.939 0.989 0.939 0.943 1.011 0.938 0.932 1.007 0.939 0.933
BOND ORDER C16C17 C17H32 C17H34 C17C18 C18H33 C18H35 C18H36
MULLIKAN 1.011 0.942 0.943 1.016 0.953 0.952 0.952

Table 4 (b). Bond order of linoleic acid calculated using DFT at the B3LYP/6-31G* basis set level.

BOND ORDER C1O1 C1O2 C1C2 O1O2 O1H2 O2H2 C2H1 C2H4 C2C3 C3H5
MULLIKAN 1.866 1.069 0.968 0.065 0.037 0.760 0.921 0.920 0.993 0.931
BOND ORDER C3H6 C3C4 C4H3 C4H7 C4C5 C5H9 C5H10 C5C6 C6H8 C6H11
MULLIKAN 0.936 1.010 0.938 0.929 1.007 0.929 0.932 1.011 0.938 0.939
BOND ORDER C6C7 C7H12 C7H13 C7C8 C8H14 C8H15 C8C9 C9H16 C9H18 C9C10
MULLIKAN 1.014 0.942 0.938 0.995 0.939 0.942 1.012 0.930 0.938 1.005
BOND ORDER C10H17 C10H19 C10C11 C11H20 C11H22 C11C12 C12H21 C12H23 C12C13 C13H25
MULLIKAN 0.939 0.938 1.003 0.933 0.938 1.011 0.938 0.939 1.014 0.943
BOND ORDER C13H26 C13C14 C14H24 C14H27 C14C15 C15H29 C15H30 C15C16 C16H28 C16H31
MULLIKAN 0.939 0.989 0.939 0.943 1.011 0.938 0.932 1.007 0.939 0.933
BOND ORDER C16C17 C17H32 C17H34 C17C18 C18H33 C18H35 C18H36
MULLIKAN 1.011 0.942 0.943 1.016 0.953 0.952 0.952

3.5. Spectroscopic Investigation acid at around 1400 cm-1 may be assigned to the cis C=C
twin functionality present in its molecular structure. This
Results obtained from theoretical calculation of peak may also be used to justify the higher reactivity of
electronic absorption wavelength and vibrational linoleic acid over stearic acid. The peaks at about 1700-
frequencies of stearic acid and linoleic acids are shown in 1800 cm-1 may be assigned to the carbonyl present in the
figures 5-8. From the above figures, it may be inferred that hydrophilic carboxylic acid ends of both molecules. On the
the spectroscopic characteristics of linoleic acid and stearic other hand, the ultraviolet spectra of the fatty acids show
acid are dissimilar. The fingerprint region of infra-red only very slight differences in their absorption wavelengths.
spectrum of linoleic acid showed sharp and intense peaks
than stearic acid. The prominent intense peak for linoleic
18 Ituen, E. B. et al.: Computational (DFT) Simulations for Comparative Prediction of Chemical Reactivity and Stability of
Linoleic and Stearic Acid Molecules


Figure 6. Infra-red spectra of (i) stearic acid and (ii) linoleic acid using DFT at the B3LYP/6-31G* basis set level.


Figure 7. Ultra-violet spectra of (i) stearic acid and (ii) linoleic acid using DFT at the B3LYP/6-31G* basis set level.

hardness and softness values and spectral bands and peaks.

4. Conclusions It has also been concluded that linoleic acid is a soft
On the basis of this study, it has been concluded that molecule compared to stearic acid. Our study has also
linoleic acid would show higher chemical reactivity than shown that stearic acid would be more stable than oleic
stearic acid judged from the values of their band gap acid. However, experimental verification would be needed
energy differences, total energies, dipole moments, global to further ascertain adherence to these predictions.
International Journal of Computational and Theoretical Chemistry 2014; 2(2): 14-19 19

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