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Cult of the Sundered Kingdoms: Player's Guide

Cult of the Sundered Kingdoms: Player's Guide

Player’s Guide
Author: Anthony Pryor Layout and Graphic Design: Charles A. Wright
Developer: Greg A. Vaughan Front Cover Art: Artem Shukayev
Producer: Bill Webb Interior Art: Felipe Gaona, Brian LeBlanc, andMarcin Rudnicki
Editor: Laura Sheppard


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Cult of the Sundered Kingdoms: Player's Guide

Memoirs of a Rogue
As I had gained far too much notoriety as a result of an unfortunate
affair involving Lady Marenne, two geese, and a high priest of Orcus, I
finally decided that Bard’s Gate had grown far too exciting for my tastes,
and it was with relief that I booked passage on an especially disreputable
The Land
merchantman bound for the city of Lowport. I’d made my choice in haste, At first glance, the Sundered Kingdoms don’t seem to be a good prospect for
for I knew little of the region — only rumors that it was a desolate and the aspiring adventurer. I’d caution all you young pups to keep in mind that
lawless place, sparsely populated and full of dangers. Upon my arrival appearances are often deceiving. It’s true that Sunderland and its surrounding
in Lowport some weeks later, I set to learning what I could, only to find territories is a pretty bleak place, with vast stretches of grassland, thick and
that it was indeed a desolate and lawless place, sparsely populated and ancient forests, and weathered hills that look as if they haven’t felt the touch of
full of dangers. a civilized tread in centuries. But look just beneath the surface and you’ll see
It seemed like the perfect place for one such as me, and so began a five- far more — you’ll see the glint of gold and the hint of lost treasures, just sitting
year sojourn during which I was happy to call the Sundered Kingdoms there waiting for someone brave or foolhardy enough to seek them.
my home.
— From Memoirs of a Rogue, Volume VII: The region commonly called the Sundered Kingdoms lies primarily
To the Sundered Kingdoms, by Titus the Grey within the confines of the District of Sunderland, an old designation
that has little real meaning in these lawless times. Adjoining regions —
There is significant controversy over the true identity of the celebrated the Matagost Peninsula, Old Burgundia, the Duchy of Southvale, and
thief, assassin, and adventurer known to history as “Titus the Grey.” Some Ramthion Island — are also included in the region. Sunderland, however,
claim that he never truly existed, others that his multi-volume memoirs comprises the largest portion of the Sundered Kingdoms, and it is a dry,
are a mish-mash of truth, exaggeration, and outright lies to the point that largely inhospitable place where inhabitants cluster in small settlements
no one can tell the difference. Regardless, his description of Sunderland to protect themselves from hostile humanoids and dangerous predators.
Province and its environs is one of very few coherent accounts of the Water can be scarce here, and most rivers are seasonal, diminishing
region and therefore widely cited in scholarly works and histories. Though to trickles or transforming to mud in the dry season, and forcing animals
the reader is well-advised to take Titus’s tales with a hefty grain of salt, his to cluster around watering holes. Only near the forested slopes of the
memoirs remain entertaining — and possibly useful — reading. Gundlock and Moon Fog Hills (which have their own perils) is the land
especially arable, and can host small farms or vineyards. Even where there
is water — the Lonely Moor in central Sunderland being one example —
the terrain is treacherous, and harbors dangerous creatures of all sorts.

Cult of the Sundered Kingdoms: Player's Guide
Erskaelosi Ramithi
Heldring Kaf

The People Traveling in

Outside the cities, Sunderlanders are tough and independent, used
to dealing with their problems directly and not expecting a king or lord the Sundered Kingdoms
to step in and fix things for them. On the other hand, this makes them
a provincial, superstitious, and untrusting lot, as likely to welcome a Travel through the Sundered Kingdoms is often an adventure in itself
stranger as you are to welcome a viper in your bath. To be sure there are — given the wildness and vast extent of the landscape and the viciousness
hospitable Sunderlanders, but they’re usually the ones who run the inns of its inhabitants, any party of adventurers should take especial care when
and waystations, or the merchants and community leaders who realize setting off into the wilderness, particularly if they plan on spending nights
that they need the outside world. But on the whole, we found the locals out in the open. Those who do travel in Sunderland and its environs, either
less than helpful, unless we spread our coins around generously. And even out of necessity or mad desire for fame and wealth, invariably travel in
then they remained surly, acting as if they were doing us a favor just by large and well-armed groups.
tolerating our presence. The roads provide some small measure of security, but in many cases
they are nothing more than a convenience to predators — a place where
Most of the folk of the Sundered Kingdoms are humans of Foerdewaith prey congregates for easy access. Elsewhere, travel by an unprepared or
extraction, since the armies of Foere crossed the region many times in inexperienced group is tantamount to suicide, for the land away from
pursuit of conquest. Left behind in the wake of numerous wars, these the roads is a true wilderness, albeit interrupted here and there by small
folk managed as best they could, toiling under the rule of kingdoms from pieces of civilization. Trackless, inhospitable, and filled with foes, the
Foere to Burgundia to Oceanus, and making their own way when those back country of Sunderland is a challenge even for veteran adventurers.
kingdoms fell or withdrew. Today the Foerdewaith stock remain a rugged,

resourceful people, but long isolation and the cruelties of history have
made them wary of outsiders and slow to give their trust.
Others dwell here as well. The Erskaelosi barbarians wander the
southern plains, and have a reputation for thievery and dishonest dealings, We followed the Burgundian Road for several days. In most places
though they themselves claim they’re no more unreliable than anyone else. calling it a “road” would be considered generous, but we traveled anyway,
The Heldring arrived as fierce marauders, and have since evolved into the slogging through mires and over holed, rough stretches that slowed us to
relatively peaceful folk of Southvale, among the few truly hospitable folk a crawl. How anyone could have led a caravan down this glorified goat-
in the Sundered Kingdoms. The Kaf, on the other hand, are a grim, dour track was beyond me.
people confined to the Kildren Peninsula. “Who else thinks that we’d be better off just traveling overland?” I
With the invasion of Ramthion and the Matagost Peninsula by the asked, one wet and particularly miserable morning several days out of
legions of Oceanus, it’s more common to see folks of Oceander ancestry Lowport. “This is easily the most pathetic excuse for a road I’ve ever
in those regions, though they are few and tend to stick to more heavily encountered, and believe me that’s saying something.”
populated areas. There is also a steady stream of folks from other lands, “Don’t be too sure,” Byrosh said with a very annoying grin (that
especially in the near-lawless city of Lowport, where the growing bastard could find the humor in a pile of coffins, believe me). “You’ve
popularity of wagering on the bloodpits has drawn many foreign tourists, never traveled on the Old Kingdom Road. Besides, you really don’t want
travelers, and investors. to see what kind of horrors you’ll find away from the roads.”
I snorted, rolling my eyes. I was young, you see, and thought that I’d
seen it all.
“Oh really?” I said. “What sort of horrors would we find?”

Cult of the Sundered Kingdoms: Player's Guide
Byrosh’s face froze suddenly as he pointed a trembling finger south.
“That sort.”
I looked, and was instantly sorry, for lurching toward us out of the dust
Wilderness Inns and Roadhouses
were three of the largest trolls I had ever seen. With our unpleasant experience in Trevi behind us, the sight of
I loosed my scimitar and glanced back at Byrosh who was busy Khelestia’s Rest was a welcome one. The crowd of diminutive fey and the
mumbling the first part of a protective spell. swarm of flapping sprites were no longer an annoyance — rather they
“All right,” I said in a disgusted tone. “You’ve made your point.” were the heralds of safety, comfort, and recovery.
Khelestia herself ushered us into the common room, and her faerie-
The Sunderland District is crisscrossed with roads in various states dragon, Shae, flew close at hand, clearly agitated at our condition.
of repair — testament to its past as a prize in the struggles of empires. Khelestia summoned a brownie whose name I remembered was
Today these roads are the main arteries of travel and commerce, plagued Goldsleeves, and he immediately saw to our wounds, patching cuts and
by thieves, raiders, and all manner of lurking dangers, and patrolled only scratches and administering soothing potions.
rarely by the kingdoms that claim the region. And so it was for several days as we recovered in comfort and security,
Much of the Burgundian Road, which runs west from Lowport, is protected by the fey magic that held hostile creatures at bay and made
in poor repair, unpaved and rutted, and frequently haunted by brigands, Khelestia’s Rest such a pleasant island in a troubled, violent land.
forcing travelers to go forth in large, well-armed groups. Unfortunately, despite this protection, Esteban still managed to succumb
In far better condition is the Southvale Causeway, a main thoroughfare to his own nature and his childish inability to keep his hands to himself.
from Southvale Duchy to the rest of the Sundered Kingdoms to the north Among Khelestia’s constantly rotating cast of fey helpers was an especially
(those who travel should expect to pay for the privilege, especially in the enchanting nymph whose name was as ethereal as she was, for after leaving,
Burgundian town of Emryl, where the locals exact various fees and taxes, I could no longer remember it. We all fell in love with her, of course, for that
enriching the local nobles and merchants). is the nature of nymphs, and though I was still young I was sensible enough
The mighty King’s Road comprises an informal western edge of the to know real love from fey enchantment, and also knew what kind of trouble
Sundered Kingdoms, and much of its northern end is well-maintained by I’d be asking for if I acted on it. Esteban had no such qualms — he was a hot-
the city of Endhome, which relies on the route for trade with the south. blooded man from a hot-blooded people, and once he had recovered from the
Endhome also sends patrols down this road in an often-fruitless effort to beating we’d taken in Trevi, he was ready for what he called “recreation.”
keep it free of banditry and raids by humanoids. Unfortunately for him, this recreation consisted of being overly friendly
Hollow Road, which skirts the southern edge of the shadow-haunted with the aforementioned nymph, and after one or two polite refusals he
Moon Fog Hills, has seen much greater traffic in recent years due to the grew angry, demanding that she pay attention to him. This was his biggest
reopening of several silver mines in the region, and has actually received mistake, for a mob of fey quickly descended on him, and in moments he
some much-needed repair. had been spirited away, leaving us to wonder and shake our heads sadly
Stretching between Endhome and the occupied Matagost Peninsula, at his foolishness.
Soldier’s Road is both a vital trade route between the new territories I shed few tears for the man — we’d been none too fond of him, and I
quickly apologized to Khelestia and the fey for his behavior. After a time
of Oceanus and Endhome, and a potent lure for gnolls and other savage
they forgave us, and all returned to normal. When I asked Khelestia what
raiding tribes. Oceander and Endhome patrols are both encountered
had happened to Esteban, she only smiled and told me that he would be
here as well, and tend to be suspicious of those traveling without proper
away for a time, learning manners from some very harsh taskmasters. I
identification or clear intentions (i.e., smugglers and adventurers).
shuddered and let the matter drop.

Almost every town of any size has an inn or tavern, but it is the
wilderness inns that lie scattered around Sunderland that serve a vital role
for those folk who must traverse the region’s roads. Merchants, pilgrims,
adventurers, and others usually travel in large groups, often with large
trains of baggage and animals, a situation that makes roughing it a risky
and often all but impossible task. That’s where the region’s inns and
roadhouses come in — providing food, rest, stables, and some measure of
security, though often at outrageous prices.
These prices are often justified, as maintaining what amounts to a
small, self-sufficient fortification deep in a hostile land is an expensive
undertaking indeed. Inns may be abandoned, change ownership and name,
or mysteriously vanish altogether, making their presence anything but
certain. Though the list is clearly subject to change, some of the better
known inns throughout Sunderland are listed here.

The Dancing Gnoll

Location: Soldier’s Road, south of the Sand Hills
Proprietor: Bruze Netalis
Located along one of the most widely traveled, heavily patrolled, and
probably not-coincidentally hazardous roads in Sunderland, the Dancing Gnoll
is a welcome sight to a weary traveler (its sign displays the grisly image of a
captured gnoll “dancing” at the end of a hangman’s rope). Boasting two huge
common rooms and twenty sleeping chambers, and surrounded by a highly
defensible stone wall, the Gnoll offers both comfort and safety. Innkeeper Bruze
Netalis is a veteran of the Foerdewaith army who found retirement far too dull
and bought the place from its previous owner twenty-two years ago.
Since then, Bruze has expanded the inn’s facilities, strengthening its
walls to such an extent that neither bandits nor gnolls have ever tried to
test the place’s defenses. He also sets a fine table, with fresh fish from
Kadalon Bay, game caught by his own hunters and trappers, and exotic
fruits and berries imported from many lands.
Cult of the Sundered Kingdoms: Player's Guide
None of this comes cheap, and Bruze charges 10 gp per night per
person, plus 5 sp per animal. While travelers often grumble at the prices,
no one has yet found a better place to stay on a cold, rainy night when the
gnoll tribes are hunting.

The Knight and Lion

Location: King’s Road, just north of the Gundlock Hills
Proprietor: Suzael Brightstar
Suzael is a half-elf who claims noble ancestry from both parents. Why,
then, she is running a roadhouse in one of the more desolate parts of the
world remains anyone’s guess, but the Knight and Lion has proved so
popular over the years, that few, if any, question her stories.
Built in a fanciful, pseudo-elven style, the inn is deceptively delicate-
looking, and boasts defenses both magical and mundane that have kept
hostile forces at bay for nearly 100 years. The establishment has ten small
but comfortable rooms, and a modest stable overseen by an old druid known
only as Matrika. The kindly Suzael charges on a sliding scale based on what
guests can afford (ranging from 1 cp to 10 gp per night), but those who think
to deceive her should be advised that she has an almost unnatural ability to
determine an individual’s funds or lack thereof, and con artists often find
themselves locked out in the cold, permanently banned from the inn.
Suzael also seems to have an agreement with the fey clans of the
Gundlock Hills, who warn her of any danger or unusual activity and
provide her with foodstuffs to feed her guests. Suzael’s menu is a bit
bland for some tastes, as she sets a strictly vegetarian table, but the food
is filling nonetheless. In contrast, Suzael serves some of the best wines
in the region, and her cellars are stocked with vintages from several
local Gundlock wineries. Her patronage is especially sought-after by the
vintners of the region, and she has been known to engage adventurers to
help out any local vineyards that face peril from bandits or monsters.

Snurri’s Inn
Location: Burgundian Road, between Lowport and Terrin The Lost Lament
Proprietor: Snurri Boldheart Location: Hollow Road, between the Moon Fog Hills and the
Snurri Boldheart is a dwarf of advanced years who nonetheless runs his Matagost Range
inn like a well-oiled machine, overseeing a staff of halflings who tend to Proprietor: Salim Gorvezal
the inn’s guests and keep its nine sleeping rooms and two suites spotlessly Situated in a particularly ill-omened location on the eastern edge of the
clean. Snurri also isn’t adverse to picking up his axe and defending his fearsome Moon Fog Hills, and backed up onto the desolate lower slopes
place, either, as a band of mercenaries reinforced by a necromancer of the Matagost Range, the Lost Lament is a dark and gloomy-looking
and his undead friends recently found to their dismay. Their armor and stone structure with multiple gables and a heavy iron fence intended to
weapons are currently on display in the inn’s common room, and only the keep out the local wildlife and overly inquisitive visitors. Salim Gorvezal
most strident objections of Snurri’s wife, Maedra, prevented him from and his pale, big-eyed children run the inn, quietly serving guests and
mounting the necromancer’s head above the fireplace for all to see. tending to their animals. Rumor has it that Salim has a wife, though no
The inn is plain but comfortable, and, as noted, it is kept scrupulously one ever sees her — tales abound that she is a demoness, a vampire, an
neat. Snurri has been known to fly into berserk rages at the sight of any immortal sorceress, or various other fancies, but Salim himself is mum
dust or grime, though fortunately he does not take his anger out directly on regarding her very existence.
his employees or guests, confining himself, instead, to ferocious outbursts None of this is to say that the the Lost Lament is a bad inn — it is, in
of extremely creative profanity. fact, quite comfortable if one doesn’t mind the dark, somewhat sepulchral
Rooms here are a relative bargain for the region: 4 gp per night for décor and its gloomy surroundings. Rooms are almost luxurious and run
everyone, period. This includes one simple meal per day — an extra silver from 4–8 gp per night. Food varies from simple and plain, to fanciful
buys a second. The halfling staff are all extremely solicitous and polite, gourmet meals prepared by Salim’s son, Reginald, who is said to be a
and despite Snurri’s rages, they love their employer dearly. genius in the kitchen.
Other rumors surround the inn — that those who sleep there have
prophetic dreams presaging disaster, that Salim has a deal with the local
Lezcano’s Inn ghouls or vampires and gives them every tenth guest (or twelfth, twentieth
or hundredth, depending on who’s telling), that he secretly worships the
Location: Eastern Burgundian Road, just west of Lowport demon lords whose followers lurk in the hollow hills to the west, and
Proprietor: Father Lezcano Bredroga so on. Most people pooh-pooh these rumors and insist that Salim is just
Located a few miles outside Lowport, this fortified combination of inn eccentric, but this doesn’t stop them from carefully locking their doors at
and temple of Thyr represents a refuge for those who wish to avoid the night whenever they stay.
city’s rampant crime and violence. Good Father Lezcano, a humble friar
serving in Thyr’s name, offers shelter and comfort to anyone of good
intentions who seeks them, and has established himself as a determined Khelestia’s Rest
foe of both the high priest of Grotaag and Tyrant Baljulias himself, both
of whom have sworn to destroy the place. So far their attempts have been Location: Near the intersection of the Burgundian and Old
repulsed, but most think it is only a matter of time before a final reckoning Kingdom Roads
takes place. Proprietor: Khelestia Whiteraven
Cult of the Sundered Kingdoms: Player's Guide
Khelestia Whiteraven is a known witch of no small skill, making her is a Foerdewaith woman who has no real quarrel with either side, and her
status as an innkeeper a bit of a mystery. Her house is a deceptively small even-handed treatment of native rebel and foreign invader alike has led
establishment on the edge of the Wildlands (some claim that it is actually to an unspoken truce that allows the combatants to meet here free of the
larger on the inside than the outside), near where the Burgundian Road threat of violence.
meets the rutted Old Kingdom Road, and is remarkable in that it is staffed The Pirate King is a picturesque stone structure perched above the
almost entirely by fey creatures. The sprites, brownies, atomies, and pixies crashing surf below, and it remains a safer and far more secure place than
who help at the inn seem to do so out of genuine affection for Khelestia most wilderness roadhouses. Amalya and her family maintain the inn and
— anyone or anything who seeks to do their employer harm will face their serve excellent basic fare, and the Ramithi and Oceanders who have come
wrath, and the outcome of such incidents is never pretty. to love the place take special care to keep it and its guests safe from harm,
Khelestia also numbers among her allies several highly intelligent lest their peaceful refuge from conflict be damaged or destroyed.
cats of apparent fey ancestry, a moondog named Tavi, and an iridescent
purple faerie dragon called Shae. Needless to say, a visit to Khelestia’s
Rest is quite an experience, with guests tended to by fluttering faeries and
tiny humanoids, occasionally inspected by cats of alarming intellect, and
sometimes even engaged in conversation by the dog and the faerie dragon. “You there!” shouted the Oceander captain as his adjutant took his
Food is also provided by Khelestia’s fey, and can vary from sweet fruits helm and bloody sword. “Who are you and what is your business on the
and berry cakes to freshly hunted stag or boar from some distant forest. Soldier’s Road?”
Khelestia does insist that the fey let her guests sleep, however, and those I must admit that the man’s manner rubbed me the wrong way. Had we
who have spent nights there report that the place is especially pleasant not just stood shoulder to shoulder and defeated a bloodthirsty band of
and restful. gnolls, sending them off in shrieking panic? Such a thought apparently
A night’s stay at Khelestia’s Rest can cost anywhere from 5–20 gp, as never entered the captain’s mind as he glared imperiously at me, awaiting
the fey also set the price based on how interesting the guests are. Khelestia my reply.
sometimes overrules them if she thinks they’re being overly cruel, but for
“What’s wrong with you?” he demanded. “Are you capable of speech?
the most part, lets them do as they please.
Or are you both deaf and dumb?”
Behind me Torvalda growled as her grip tightened around the haft
The Pirate King of her axe. I shot her a warning glance and replied to the Oceander as
politely as I could.
Location: The north coast of the Sea Dagger, about 50 miles “We’re just travelers,” I said. “Bound for Southvale from Endhome,
west of the Damerhold ambushed on the road by gnolls. And my thanks for helping us drive them
Proprietor: Amalya Raen off, Captain.”
The man seemed unimpressed, glancing at our weapons and battered
Strategically located between the Ramithi stronghold of Farketh armor. “You seem more like troublemakers to me, out to loot tombs and
Knowe and the Oceander fortress of the Damerhold, this seaside inn rob innocent villagers of their livelihoods. I think you all should come with
is well-known as unofficial neutral ground where both Oceander and us, so we can sort out exactly who you are and what you’re up to.”
Ramithi are served without favor or prejudice. Innkeeper Amalya Raen My hand curled around a concealed throwing dagger. I was still willing

Cult of the Sundered Kingdoms: Player's Guide
to use diplomacy, but right now nothing was off the table. “Oh come
now, Captain. I’m sure we can reach an understanding without an ugly Gnolls
confrontation.” Gnoll clans are the scourge of the arid northeastern areas, where
The Oceander’s expression softened somewhat and the captain smiled resources are scarce and only the strong survive long. Gnolls are
wanly. “Perhaps if we were to assess you a slight road fee and receive scavengers and opportunistic hunters, traditionally following the herds
assurances of your good intentions, we can come to an understanding.” of small Sull bison and red-tailed deer, and making temporary camps at
I sighed. It was a cost of doing business. Besides, in our injured state I waterholes, among small copses, or inside cave complexes. The advent of
truly doubted we could take on an entire Oceander patrol. major human settlement and roads changed their lives permanently, and
“Very well,” I said. “How much would you consider fair?” now the gnolls have added the role of resourceful raider to their hunting
Not all dangers in the Sundered Kingdoms arise from monsters or Today, gnolls hunt in packs consisting of several family groups,
hostile humanoids. Even those tasked with keeping the peace can imperil invading human settlements, preying on travelers and caravans, and
travelers. Armed parties, usually light cavalry, ride along the roads near attacking domestic sheep and goat herds for food and sport. They are
cities like Oestre and Lowport, safeguard caravan traffic along the King’s generally not interested in plunder, though some have finally learned that
Road, or patrol other vital routes, seeking to keep the local bandits and it can be bartered for useful trade goods. Some tribes engage in slave raids,
humanoid tribes in check — usually with only limited success. keeping captives in thrall and working them to death, then feasting on
While the Endhome and Oceander patrols are carried out by relatively their remains. Some unscrupulous traders have forged uneasy agreements
well-disciplined military units, other patrols vary greatly in self-control with gnoll tribes, providing them with supplies, weapons, and tools in
and skill. Outside Lowport, for example, mercenary guards are almost as exchange for plundered treasure and slaves.
bad as the outlaws that they are supposedly there to counteract, extorting Most gnoll clans keep hyenas, and, in some cases, the larger and
gold from every passing caravan and shaking travelers down for valuables. fiercer hyaenodons, as guards and hunting animals. These creatures are
Not even the allegedly well-trained Endhome or Oceander troopers are treacherous, however, and will sometimes turn on their masters, killing
immune from charging “road tolls” and related fees, as Titus the Grey and them and then loping off into the wilderness. Usually however, the gnoll
his companions discovered to their dismay. beast-masters keep their pets happy with a combination of rewards,
punishments, and even druidic magic.
Some tribes have fallen under the command of outside leadership,
Humanoid Tribes and Raiders controlled by especially powerful spellcasters, demons, or even warlords,
who buy their loyalty with promises of food, prey, and territory. Gnolls are
The gnolls’ attack was heralded by the ululating cries of their not always the best choice as minions, for their bestial nature makes them
hyaenodons, a tactic that they clearly intended to terrify us, but which in chaotic and ill-disciplined, but non-gnolls with strong personalities can
reality warned us and gave us time to prepare. When the gnolls descended sometimes turn them into a serviceable fighting force.
on us, snarling and foaming like rabid dogs, we stood well-armed and More “advanced” gnoll clans that trade are often better-armed than
ready to fight. their fellows, with steel weapons, leather or metal armor, and even a small
Nevertheless, it proved a challenging battle, for most of our unfortunate number of enchanted items. These clans represent a special challenge, and
hirelings perished in the first moments, torn asunder by the gnolls’ savage often find themselves in conflict with heavily armed patrols from Oceanus
four-footed beasts. Byrosh unleashed a torrent of flames that caught the or Endhome. Humans caught trading with these gnolls are punished
advancing beast-men squarely, and the dry air was filled with the scent of severely, usually on the spot and without trial.
burnt fur and flesh. Then they were on us, but Torvalda’s axe was thirsty,
and three more of the foul things fell before it. As she fought, I moved and
struck as quickly as I could, slicing at tendons, stabbing exposed necks
One of the most adaptable and persistent of humanoids, orcs have
and abdomens, hamstringing, wounding, then dancing away. inhabited the Sundered Kingdoms for countless millennia, and remain
It was a near thing despite our efforts. Akli the priest was hard-pressed, there in large numbers today. Their long history has led to significant
uttering healing prayers at one moment, swinging his iron-shod staff the diversity in their ancestry, and orcs of several different varieties can be
next, until he fell, treacherously struck from behind by a gnoll’s club. found: common orcs, greenskins, ghost-faced orcs, blood orcs and even
All seemed lost in that moment, for Byrosh had fallen as well, and — it is rumored — the fearsome black orcs, servants of the dread demon
Torvalda was wounded in a dozen places. It was then that I heard harsh lord, Orcus.
shouts and the sound of hoofbeats striking the rough paving stones of Orcs are common in some areas, though they are especially numerous
Soldier’s Road. I looked up to see a squad of armored cavalry charging in the moorlands of south-central Sunderland, where they build semi-
toward us, swords drawn, polished steel breastplates shining, their leader permanent villages in hidden or highly defensible positions. Cunning
resplendent in the colors of the Empire of Oceanus. trackers and outdoorsmen, the orcish warriors take pains to learn all the
secrets of their surrounding territories, and when hunting, try to funnel
The wild and inhospitable nature of the Sundered Kingdoms is, in fact, their prey into bogs or marshy regions where they become trapped and can
a terrible forge that hammers out weakness, leaving behind the strongest be killed at the orcs’ leisure.
and most ruthless of creatures — creatures such as gnolls, orcs, and ogres. Orc tribes number between a dozen and a hundred individuals, with
As human civilizations rose and fell, armies marched and cities burned, names like the Broken Bones and the Pigskulls. They usually carry crude
the humanoids of the region moved in to fill the vacuum, ruthlessly taking insignia based on their tribal identities, and are ruled by the biggest and
advantage of the chaos sown by others. Today they remain one of the most strongest of their number — often orogs or even ogrillon. These tribes
persistent threats in and around the Sunderland District. frequently war with each other for control of particularly valued territories
For the most part, these humanoids live in autonomous, seminomadic — especially those with the easiest access to roads.
tribes, moving from place to place and gaining sustenance through Some, more “enlightened” orc tribes have struck deals, forming
hunting, gathering, raiding nearby settlements, and preying upon rudimentary alliances, combining forces and sharing plunder. Unlike the
passing traffic on the roads. Rule is inevitably by the strongest, and most gnolls, orcs like treasure and often decorate their huts and caves with
of these groups scratch out a minimal existence only a hairsbreadth the spoils of their raids. Some orcs also practice basic metallurgy and
from starvation. Their bloodthirstiness is therefore a function, not just leatherworking, crafting crude weapons and armor, but for the most part,
of their inherent savage violence, but also a deeply-ingrained survival they prefer to steal items that others have made.
mechanism, created by countless generations of deprivation. In addition
to those listed below, other humanoid and monstrous creatures can be
found throughout the region — kobolds, goblins, giants of all sorts, Ogres
athach, troglodytes, etc. — but the following are the best known and Groups of ogres may be found throughout the Sundered Kingdoms,
most frequently encountered. but are especially likely to be encountered in more rugged regions
Cult of the Sundered Kingdoms: Player's Guide

such as the Wildlands, the Gundlock Hills, and the lower reaches Only three true cities of any size exist in the Sundered Kingdoms, and
of the Forlorn Mountains. These are often family groups — male, all of these are near the Sinnar coast: Sunderland’s capital, Penmorgh;
female, and their immature offspring — but sometimes several groups Oestre, the leading city of Matagost; and the filthy pirate-city of Lowport.
combine into a gang, or allow solitary ogres to join them for a time. The city of Endhome easily surpasses any of these, but is beyond the
These groups lair in remote locations such as rough ravines, caves, or Gaelon River, and technically, considered to be outside the Sundered
swamps, where they build primitive shelters and store the remains of Kingdoms. The former crown-city of Trevi could once boast the title of
their prey for later consumption. Most of their victims’ possessions are jewel of these lands, but is now a humanoid-haunted ruin, while Tyr calls
carelessly tossed in midden heaps, unless an especially bright piece of itself a city, but in reality, is little more than a vast, armed camp.
jewelry or shiny bauble catches an ogre’s eye. They do not normally
take weapons or armor, preferring to fight barehanded, or, at best, with
a functional rock or club. Penmorgh
Though they are primitive and largely disorganized, these ogres are
nevertheless a constant threat, for they have few qualms about attacking Weeks of deprivation in the trackless reaches of the Wildlands had left
anything they consider to be edible — which, in their eyes, is just about us all bruised, battered, and in extreme ill-temper. When Byrosh suggested
anything living, including other ogres. Occasionally, larger parties may we spend some time relaxing in Penmorgh, none of us had either the
draw the attention of several groups of ogres, who would then attack in an strength to object or any good alternative suggestions. Tyr was a dreary
uncoordinated but extremely dangerous pack. place that I wholeheartedly wished to avoid, while Oestre was too distant,
and I’d already had my fill of Lowport’s hospitality. It was with more of a
sense of resignation than anything else that we packed our bags, saddled

Cities our horses, and rode dejectedly into Southvale.

Once we’d arrived in Penmorgh and secured comfortable lodging at
the King’s Head Inn, I began to relax somewhat, for, at least initially,
There are few enough cities fit to be called such in the entire vastness of Penmorgh proved to be the very place we needed to recover from hard
the Sundered Kingdoms. Those that do exist hug the coast for dear life and weeks of adventuring. Located in the most secure and stable region in
subsist on trade with each other and foreign lands. They range from the all the Sundered Kingdoms, Penmorgh won’t win any prizes for its civic
sophisticated calm of Penmorgh to the filthy chaos of Lowport, with the monuments or picturesque views, but it is damnably calm.
crowded streets of Oestre somewhere in between. They’re a nice enough At least on the surface.
change from the tiny communities of the plains and the wilderness, but in I suppose it was inevitable that it all end in spectacular fashion, as it
their own way they’re just as dangerous. Out in the grasslands you might so often does with folks like me and my friends. Now that we were feeling
find yourself attacked by a gnoll warrior or stalked by a lion — in the better, we had actually started to lay plans for our next endeavor and were
streets of Lowport you’re as likely to be press-ganged into service on a spending time in a particularly disreputable dive called the Black Chalice.
pirate ship or murdered for your shoes, while in Oestre you might end up When Esteban got into a dispute with some burly local over the same
being thrown into prison for saying something bad about the Oceanders woman (or perhaps the same gnome or something — gods only know with
or making fun of the Governor-General. In either case, keep your guard Esteban) and the local’s friends joined the fray, we had no choice but to
up and don’t get too comfortable. defend our companion, and, to make a long story short, the interior of the
Cult of the Sundered Kingdoms: Player's Guide

Cult of the Sundered Kingdoms: Player's Guide
Chalice ended up in ruins, while we ended up spending the night in a cell. can easily find candidates here. The Chalice is also popular with freelance
We expected to be released the following day, assessed a small fine and dungeon delvers seeking patrons, rumors or adventuring parties.
sent on our way, but it was not to be. We were instead roused out of our
cell at an unconscionably early hour, dragged to the Merchant Guild hall,
and presented to a stern-faced man whom we were told was one Gebhart The Order of Iron
Berizon, Guildmaster of Penmorgh. One of the strictest orders of paladins in all known lands, these grim
My heart sank, for I knew as well as anyone that the guilds ran the warriors of Muir are headquartered in a great, windowless fortress of
city, and if we were meeting their supreme leader, the situation had to be stone with a single iron door, symbolically always kept open to signify
especially dire. their goddess’s open and accepting nature. Led by the stern Lady Astrid
“We’ve heard of you and your friends,” he said, without preamble. Dugganey, the paladins dispatch missions into the darkest heart of the
“We’ve heard that you are professional troublemakers, that you’ve been Sundered Kingdoms, seeking out evil and chaos wherever they find it.
causing havoc in the hinterlands for quite some time now, and that you While friendly with other faiths, they only allow strict Muir worshippers
were responsible for a fire, explosion, and the release of several dangerous into their order. In some cases, they may work with non-Muirites, engaging
wild animals in the streets of Lowport.” good-aligned adventurers and mercenaries to assist in their vital work.
“Whoever told you that is a baseborn liar,” I replied. “We’re innocent
travelers on our way to...” I faltered for a moment, trying to think of a Palskann’s Outfitters
suitably distant destination. “To Courghais. Yes. Courghais.” In addition to its status as the most stable and peaceful city in the
Berizon smiled at that. It was a thin, cold, humorless smile. Sundered Kingdoms, Penmorgh also serves as temporary home to
“That’s unfortunate,” he replied. “Because if you were those adventurers and dungeon delvers. A comfortable, reliable base for
troublemakers I’d heard about, I might have had employment for you, exploration and travel in the adjoining Wildlands, the city has developed
helping me rid the city of a criminal organization known as the Adderfang a number of businesses that aid in the provisioning of adventuring
Guild, and you’d have earned an official pardon for your offenses. But as endeavors. Palskann’s Outfitters, owned by a friendly halfling woman and
you are not actually these troublemaking adventurers, I’m afraid that I’m her family, is a typical business that caters to adventurers. She provides
going to have to impose the harshest punishment possible under the—” all sorts of adventuring gear — sturdy clothing, boots, belts, backpacks,
“I’m sorry,” I interrupted, raising a hand. “Did you say we started a rope, 10-foot poles, preserved foodstuffs, maps, tools, and even weapons,
fire in Lowport? I thought you said Endhome. In that case, well, yes, we arrows, and sling bullets (though she leaves armor to more skilled
are those troublemakers you’ve heard about.” craftspeople). Her prices are fair, though quality is often questionable,
Berizon gave me a satisfied nod. “Well, I’m glad we finally got that as she gets her supplies from various third parties. She is also a valuable
cleared up. Now, would you like to hear more about my proposal, or shall source of rumors, local news, information about other adventuring groups,
I just sentence you to death immediately and save us all some time?” and word of who is hiring freelancers.

The capital of Southvale Duchy is a sprawling city and, with a

population over 23,000, is easily the largest in the region after Endhome.
Officially under Oceander rule, Penmorgh continues to be a dominant
force both socially and economically, and its preeminence has helped There is a saying that the best place to hide a book is in a library, a
keep the province at peace for many years. Though ostensibly ruled by leaf in a forest, and a criminal in a city. This is doubly true for the city
Mayor Lem Mastlan, it is known to all that the powerful Merchant Guild of Lowport, a lawless place ruled by a ruthless warlord. Lowport was
truly controls the city, and through it, also dominates trade in the region. once called Parthos, a fortress-city built by the ancient Hyperboreans and
Penmorgh’s history hasn’t always been peaceful. Given control of the rebuilt by the ambitious Kingdom of Foere, then occupied by the armies of
fortress city of Parthos three decades ago, provincial officials were unable Oceanus in the wake of the sack of Trevi.
to govern, and soon lost control of the city to the tyrant, Gathos the Cruel, In recent years, the city has fallen on hard times. It was abandoned
who renamed the city Lowport, an indignity which still stings the civic by the Oceanders, dumped in the lap of the rulers of Penmorgh, and
pride of Penmorgh to this day. was finally conquered by a barbarian warlord called Gathos the Cruel,
Visitors to Penmorgh are welcome, though they are expected to keep the who completed the once-proud settlement’s humiliation by renaming
peace, or at least prevent any violence from spilling out into the streets. it Lowport. Gathos himself has since died on the blades of a rival, the
The law is enforced at least in part by the intimidating paladins of the half-orc gladiator, Baljulias, who immediately seized the throne, naming
Order of Iron, based in the temple of Muir. Many business opportunities himself Baljulias “the Great” and commencing a rule of even greater
exist for the enterprising merchant or adventurer, and some businesses chaos and bloodshed. Today, the place teeters on the brink of anarchy,
likely to be encountered here include: and true rulership extends little beyond the length of a blade.
All of this makes Lowport a promising destination for those who wish
The King’s Head Inn to disappear or avoid the authorities, and after my misfortune in Bard’s
Gate, I hired onto a leaky merchant galleon, bound for the Sinnar Coast.
Probably the finest establishment in town, the King’s Head is run by
the Burgundian, Henri Balfour and his family. Old and well-appointed, After a few short weeks I was in Lowport, a haven for criminal classes,
the inn was the scene of an infamous plot of old by loyalist noblemen to and for rootless adventurers, wanderers, corsairs, and rough folks of all
kill the king of Burgundia. Each of its six sleeping rooms contains four varieties, and within hours I knew that I would fit in perfectly.
beds, and cost 4 gp per night per person. Food is served by the skilled
cook, Lobelia Goodwife, and includes hot breakfast, cold lunches, and Lowport is a rough, lawless city that easily lives up to its name. For
dinners with entrees such as wild boar, stew, soup, and a variety of fruits, the past three decades, it has been run by force: first, under the ruthless
salads and compotes, reasonably priced at 2sp per meal. The King’s Head Gathos, and, now, by his successor, the even more bloodthirsty Baljulias.
is a popular destination for foreign merchants and wealthier visitors, who The only real law in Lowport is that of the sword, so almost every criminal
sometimes wish to hire adventurers or guards. activity takes place openly. Murder, kidnapping, smuggling, slavery, and
piracy are all considered perfectly fit careers for Lowporters. The city’s
network of criminals and corsairs is extensive, with some ships originating
The Black Chalice Tavern as far away as Bard’s Gate and even the distant Razor Coast, but woe unto
On the other end of the hospitality spectrum from the King’s Head, the the pirate captain who reaves too close and attracts the wrath of Oceanus or
Chalice is an especially infamous destination that draws a rough crowd — Endhome. Such individuals invariably end up fed to the sharks and replaced
criminals, guild thieves, and ne’er-do-wells of all sorts. Food and drink by captains who are more likely to follow Baljulias’s edicts. Otherwise, the
are plentiful and largely awful, but good enough for the price. A nightly city is wide open to any activity that one can get away with.
fight between factions is all but guaranteed, and betting on such contests is Entertainment is similarly brutal, with gladiatorial combat between
a popular pursuit. Those seeking to employ anyone for nefarious purposes slaves or professional fighters gaining in popularity. Officially banned in
Cult of the Sundered Kingdoms: Player's Guide
most parts of the old Foerdewaith empire, battles in the bloodpits attract here are different. Oceanus runs the place, and they’re no pushovers,
audiences from across the city, and even some more “civilized” fans — especially if you think you can get away with flaunting the governor-
nobles and wealthy individuals from Oceanus, Endhome, Bard’s Gate, general’s authority or openly breaking the law.
Foere and more distant lands — sometimes travel here (under heavy My companions and I arrived there reluctantly, given our past
guard, of course) to witness and wager on the mayhem. disagreements with Oceander authorities. We nervously passed the city
Physically, Lowport is a maze of tottering buildings, like a great gates but were not stopped. We took rooms at an undistinguished inn, then
organism that has sprouted from the rambling old fortifications. Few made our way with all discretion to Corvidan’s Shop, where our employer
people know the city’s complete layout, and visitors are advised to hire had insisted we meet.
trustworthy local guides, though fully dependable folk are hard to come Corvidan was most pleased to see us, but seemed nervous, and quickly
by in this place. shuttered his establishment as soon as we were inside. We promptly
Baljulias rules the city with an iron fist from his opulent quarters in the provided him with the cache of scrolls that we’d obtained in the Gundlock
old fortress, assisted by a crew of violent orcish and human cutthroats Hills, and gave him a brief account of our adventures there. Handing over
and his “spiritual advisors,” the human priest, Othothulva, and the orcish the promised gold, Corvidan noted to us that we had largely confirmed his
cleric of Grotaag, Chak-rak, both of whom consider violence and mayhem theories about the cults of Sunderland and their origin, but added that we
to be vital parts of their faith, and also feel that they can best express their had raised still more questions in his mind.
devotion by accumulating as much gold and as many slaves as possible. “I have another job for you, if you’ve an interest,” he said. “I’ve
Though businesses in Lowport tend to appear and disappear overnight, discovered evidence that one of those damnable cults has infiltrated the
there are a few well-known establishments of interest to adventurers. inner circles of this very city.”
This, of course, piqued our interest — not necessarily because we gave
a damn about what cults had infiltrated what inner circles, but because
The Bloody Cutlass there might be more loot in it for us. I asked what he meant.
Drinking and rooming establishments in Lowport come and go, but the “I’d like you to investigate some highly-ranked nobles and their
Cutlass has managed to somehow hang on over the years, becoming the merchant friends,” he said quietly. “They’re all members of the same
most reliable destination for those who wish for a place to stay while social club, and I suspect that the club is nothing but a front for recruiting
within the city’s labyrinthine confines. Innkeeper One-Eyed Sue, a new members into some secret society.”
former pirate captain and professional killer, keeps order in a world of I raised my eyebrows, thinking that investigating an exclusive social
chaos, decreeing only that fights always be fair, and that the winners are club would also present ample opportunities to line our pockets with
responsible for cleaning up any blood or entrails left behind. Her staff wealthy members’ riches.
of thuggish pirates, guild thieves, and professional gladiators is always “What’s this club called?” I asked.
on hand to enforce her rules, and will not hesitate to remove (sometimes Corvidan smiled grimly. He had me hooked and he knew it.
permanently) any unwanted patrons. Rooms here are expensive, but Sue “Ever hear of the Sons of Sefagreth?”
guarantees their security, a promise that she manages to keep despite the Oestre is the prime city of the Matagost Peninsula and, as such, is the
low character of her guests. center of Oceander power in the region. A well-fortified city protected
by two curved, concentric stone walls, Oestre is centered on the massive
Zaagra’s Bloodpit marble edifice of the Lord’s Palace and the temple of the God of
Commerce, Sefagreth. The city has grown more crowded in recent years
Lowport’s gladiatorial arenas are an important source of income for
the city, and none are better known than Zaagra’s. In this underground with the influx of Oceander colonists, and affordable housing is hard to
complex, four separate pits can accommodate hundreds of spectators come by. The city compensates for this by maintaining a good number
while Zaagra’s clerks take bets, tally profits, and pay off the handful of inns and rooming houses, and competition between them keeps prices
of big winners each night. Almost any kind of combat can be seen here reasonable.
— one-on-one, team battles, fights with wild animals and monsters, The city’s populace is quite learned, and it is home to several libraries,
even magic duels (Zaagra and his employees are indemnified against scriptoria, and institutes of learning, including an arcane college and
an institute of history and science. In general, Oestre’s people are
any fatalities among his spectators, as the danger is considered just
also generous and well-mannered, though there is a tendency toward
another aspect of the excitement). Zaagra himself is a big, barrel-chested
conspicuous consumption and the ostentatious display of wealth. Many
man of uncertain age and ancestry, with a loud laugh and a true love
rich Oestreans belong to exclusive clubs and societies with names like
for competition. He is also a ruthless gangster, ready to eliminate any
the Sons of Sefagreth, the Golden Eagles, the Lords of Commerce, and
competitors who rival his popularity at a moment’s notice. Zaagra is
the Favored Ones. Many rumors swirl around these groups, with some
always looking for guards, enforcers, and, of course, contestants for his
claiming that they engage in secret rites and even demonic worship. Most
bloody, brutal competitions.
dismiss these tales as jealous rumormongering, but a few believe that
there may be something there worth investigating.
Mariner’s Labor Exchange Some better-known establishments and businesses likely to be
This grandly titled enterprise takes its name from the official building encountered in Oestre include:
where it is housed, which once served a legitimate function in the old
days when the city was called Parthos. Today, it is a clearing house for
pirates, where sailors can hire onto various ships and captains can obtain
School of Arcana
A small but distinguished institution, this college has been in Oestre
new crewmembers. In this case the term “obtain” is very broad, for the
for most of the past century. Five full-time professors under Headmistress
Labor Exchange also employs press gangs — groups of thugs who scour
Tarishal Rennek provide instruction in basic arcane magic to a student
the city looking for individuals whom they can “recruit,” usually with the
body that rarely exceeds twenty. The school is housed in a complex of
help of clubs and rope. New arrivals in the city are particularly vulnerable,
buildings not far from the Lord’s Palace, and the city’s leaders are known
for they don’t usually have friends or allies to keep them safe. Many an
to select their magical aides and advisors from among the school’s alumni.
adventurer has arrived in Lowport one day only to find him- or herself
It is said that there is a great trove of powerful magical items in the school’s
shipping out on board a leaky corsair the next.
hidden vaults, and that Headmistress Tarishal has in her keeping several
very dangerous artifacts of a chaotic and evil nature.
Historical Society Archives
After the bloody anarchy of Lowport, the relative calm of Oestre will A dedicated group of scholars from a number of universities combined
probably come as a pleasant change. Don’t be fooled — you can die just their resources nearly a decade ago to try to assemble a definitive
as quickly and just as dead in Oestre as in Lowport. It’s just that the rules collection of important documents and artifacts related to the history of the
Cult of the Sundered Kingdoms: Player's Guide
Sundered Kingdoms. To this end, they have collected and cataloged items loyalty, but nothing concrete beyond another loaf of bread and a bag full
dating back over five millennia, including stone tablets created during the of turnips.
reign of King-Chieftain Aracor, Hyperborean parchments, ancient elven
volumes bound in dragonskin, rare histories, and chronicles about the In areas with traditions of strong central authority — the Duchy of
kingdoms and battles of the past into an assembly that is all but priceless. Southvale, the Matagost Peninsula, communities near Endhome —
The archives are open for inspection, though visitors must pay a fee and townsfolk and villagers are much the same as they are elsewhere in the
do their research under the watchful eye of the staff and well-paid guards. world, with the expected mixture of friendly and distrustful attitudes.
Outside of these “civilized” regions however — on the dry plains of
Sunderland Province and in the wilderness of Old Burgundia — the
The Sons of Sefagreth Hall people grow more isolated, and many are openly hostile to strangers.
One of the leading social clubs for wealthy Oestreans, the Sons of This is an understandable attitude given the region’s long history of
Sefagreth are officially dedicated to the betterment of their city, helping deprivation, military conquest, and raids by hostile outsiders. Strangers
the less fortunate and preserving valuable ancient historical artifacts. In must work very hard to gain villagers’ trust, and even then it might not
reality, the group’s members seem to spend their time attending lavish be given fully. Nevertheless, even minimal trust and friendship with the
galas, dinner parties, and fêtes of all kinds, while occasionally paying lip inhabitants of the region’s smaller communities can mean the difference
service to their mission and currying favor with the mayor and governor- between life and death for adventurers.
general. Some in Oestre accuse the Sons of being nothing but a front Small, vulnerable, and often deprived of vital resources, these towns
for rich people to show off their wealth, while others accuse it of worse are sparsely scattered across the plains and moorland. Some typical towns
offenses, including secretly worshipping demons — accusations which and villages in the Sundered Lands are described here.
its members laugh off as wild rumormongering by rivals or churlish
peasants who have nothing better to do. Nevertheless, the rumors persist,
whispered in taverns and alleys, and the Sons of Sefagreth continue on as
they always have.
A tiny settlement on the edge of the Lonely Moor, Dimmelhill is one

Towns and Villages

of very few hamlets in the region. Its people tend small herds of goats,
farm private plots of land, and hunt in surrounding regions, including
the moors. Though many villagers can serve as guides and have
Yes, the people in the Sundered Kingdoms are pretty inhospitable, considerable knowledge of the surrounding territories, Dimmelhillers
unless you happen to be staying at an inn where their livelihood depends tend to be surly and uncooperative (more so even than other inhabitants
on keeping you safe and happy. Our reception in the small village of the province) owing to raids by bandits and bad experiences with
of Dimmelhill, on the edge of the bleak region called Lonely Moor, unscrupulous or violent outsiders. Gaining a Dimmelhiller’s trust can be
was relatively chilly, for it was the height of the dry season and what valuable, however, as they are willing to share their meager bounty and
little fodder remained was carefully hoarded and not to be shared with offer shelter to those who help protect their settlement or its inhabitants.
strangers. Dimmelhill has no real leader, but the elderly Grandmother Biza is
Unable to find lodging, we were forced to camp outside town, under the generally considered to be the real authority in town, with most villagers
wary and suspicious gazes of the Dimmelhillers and beyond the rather consulting her in important matters.
feeble wooden palisade that the locals had erected to keep out the odd orc
and goblin raid. We passed the first night in grave discomfort, determined
to press on into the moors the following day, in search of the Black Stone Tirigoth
tower that we’d heard so much about.
The next morning brought a surprising visitor — a local woman A tiny fishing village that clings to the southern edge of the Matagost
who said her name was Marias and who actually brought us a loaf of Range, Tirigoth rarely sees foreign visitors and remains largely oblivious
hard, black bread for breakfast. When we thanked her, she addressed us to the outside world. Conflict has arisen recently when a band of dwarven
fearfully, her eyes full of tears. miners murdered a villager, leading to a ban on dwarves within the town.
“Please, good sirs and ladies,” she said, her voice frail and trembling. Mayor Limper Karl and his sheriff, Callawagn, are both on edge, fearful
“I’d ask a favor of you. My husband, Guthrin — as good a man as ever of attacks and reprisals by outsider dwarves, and would be happy for
you’d want to meet — and our son, Ty — a sweet child who loves his assistance in the settlement’s defense.
mother and is obedient in all things — went a-hunting in the moors three

days past. They swore they would stick to the Monk’s Path and return
promptly, but they’ve yet to return, and none of the other folk in the village
have the courage to go search for ‘em. They whisper that Guthrin and Ty
are gone, snatched away by the moor-trolls or drowned in a bog. I beg Boasting a population of 165, Billockburne is the largest village located
you, good folk, to find them for me. I can offer you little, save the thanks in the wilderness of the Lonely Moors. Absorbed with their daily lives
of a grateful woman.” — mainly sheep herding, peat cutting, and a small amount of trade with
Of course my first response was to ask what was in it for us besides her other settlements in the moor — its inhabitants have little time for politics
undying gratitude, but before I could speak Torvalda piped up. or the outside world, and a hunter named Tom Gorn serves as the town’s
“Shush, good woman,” she said, laying a comforting hand on Marias’s only real official. Local Brisban Scutt runs the town’s only tavern, and
shoulder. “If your kin live, we’ll find them for you, and ask nothing save with the proper inducement, might be persuaded to rent out a room or two.
your good wishes in return.” Otherwise, the locals are tough and independent, though for the most part,
I swore inwardly. We had other business, and the needs of an they tend to lack the region’s typical distrust of strangers.
impoverished peasant in an unfriendly town meant little to me. But
Torvalda had a big heart for all her gruff manner, and as Akli the priest
and my other companions smiled, nodded, and joined in on the enterprise, Malthlyn
I had no choice but to painfully nod and paint on a smile of my own.
I relate this story primarily to illustrate an important point — that to A once-prosperous village located uncomfortably close to the Moon Fog
gain the trust and friendship of the backward, ill-mannered folk of the Hills, Malthlyn boasts a palisade, small temples to both Freya and Stryme,
Sundered Kingdoms, one has to provide favors and services far in excess God of Strength, and accommodations at the comfortable Ore Road Inn.
of what they offer in exchange. For when we returned two days later, Though Malthlyn suffered hard times when the local silver mine closed,
leading the two muddy, exhausted, but very much alive villagers back its fortunes have recently improved with the mine’s reopening and the
to a loving wife and mother, we had clearly gained their friendship and return of commerce. Rumors coming out of the region, however, suggest

Cult of the Sundered Kingdoms: Player's Guide
that all is not well, and that shipments have been interrupted by unknown
forces, though these stories have not yet been fully investigated.

Cat’s Wife
A small and unexpectedly friendly community located on the King’s
Road, about 150 miles south of Endhome, Cat’s Wife takes its name from
a popular local fable about a cat seeking to purchase a wife. Images of
cats abound in the village, and the most popular local inn is the Cat’s
Rest, owned by the good-hearted Athele Brownlocks. At this inn, visitors
can obtain lodging in comfortable rooms, each supplied with its own cat.
Darker tales of werebeasts and the cult of Cybele persist, but are laughed
off by burgher Silas Buntervelt and his fellow villagers, including the
stern Karl Rustov, local priest of Thyr.

Lore, Legends,
and Places of Mystery
A place with as much history as the Sundered Kingdoms is sure to attract a
wealth of legends, myths, tall stories, and outright lies. Distinguishing one
from the other is what we, as adventurers, have to do. When we ventured
into the Wildlands in search of a warrior-king’s tomb, for example, we
discovered that we were chasing a piece of folklore, exaggerated in years
of telling, distorted by time, and all but unrecognizable. Needless to say,
we never did find that warrior-king’s tomb, but we did find two murderous
perytons and a band of hill giants, so the trip was not a complete waste
of time.
As Titus and his friends found, not all of the legends and rumors of the
Sundered Kingdoms can be taken at face value. Stories are recounted in
taverns, repeated in frightened whispers, or told to children at bedtime.
The following tales and rumors will be familiar to anyone who spends
time in the Sundered Kingdoms, though their relative truth or falsehood
will certainly require investigation.

The Cults
Throughout our travels in Sunderland and beyond, we continually
encountered rumors of underground cults — secret societies that
worshipped chaotic gods and extradimensional beings. Unfortunately,
solid evidence of these cults was hard to come by and could easily be
interpreted in multiple ways. Tales circulated in the Duchy of Southvale,
for example, of a cult that worshipped the demon Baphomet and drew to
it the beast-folk of the Wildlands — minotaurs, shapechangers, and even
the strange therianthropes that we had encountered there. On the other
hand, the mere presence of these creatures and their strange ruler was not
evidence of more widespread incidents of cultish activities in the Sundered
We also found proof — debatable proof, but proof nonetheless — of
such activities during our investigation of the Sons of Sefagreth in Oestre,
when we found robes and ritual objects associated with the worship of
the demon lord. Soon after our discovery, we found ourselves beset by
assassins wielding potent magic and enchanted weapons. Alarmed, we
investigated our patron, Corvidan — unfortunately his shop had been
utterly ransacked and he himself was missing. Almost every document
and communication in the place was gone too, save for a single fragment
of parchment which said, in Corvidan’s handwriting: “Seek the obelisk.”

Rumors abound of secretive organizations and cults, drawn by some

unknowable outside force to the Sundered Kingdoms, that worship
strange beings like Orcus, Pazuzu, Cybele, Dagon, and worse. Evidence
of these cults is, as Titus suggests, sparse and open to conjecture, for proof
of one cult is not proof of all the others.
What is known is that followers of (and creatures associated with)
certain deities and beings, tend to cluster in locations throughout the
Sundered Kingdoms. Even the ancient Hyperboreans spoke of finding
Cult of the Sundered Kingdoms: Player's Guide

primitive tribesfolk affected by outside evil forces and worshipping

“foul demons and monstrous creatures.” The Hyperboreans worked to
exterminate the cults, but many believe that they have persisted.
The Moon Fog Hills
Beastfolk are frequently encountered in the Wildlands and near the ruins Our encounters in the Mistwood Mines had shaken us — despite all of
of Trevi, and revere Baphomet, the god of minotaurs. Cybele-worshipping our experiences up and down the Sinnar Coast, we had not dealt with the
witches are rumored to stalk the swamps of southern Ramthion Island. horrifying reality of what dwelt in the Moon Fog Hills. Even today I am
Hostile fish-folk, and worse, congregate in the Dardanal Strait and whisper loathe to speak of it. All I will say is that there are things there that dwell
stories of ancient Father Dagon. Gnoll clans that venerate the demon lord only in nightmares, and any treasure that might be found can stay there,
Crocutus have gathered in the Sand Hills, and are rumored to be engaged as far as I am concerned. They say that the hills are hollow. Believe me
in large-scale excavations there. Insane or grotesquely diseased humans — the truth is much, much worse, and that is all I will say on the matter
have been discovered tending to slimes and oozes, feeding and raising in this present work.
them while singing the praises of the near-forgotten Jubilex. There are
many such examples throughout the kingdoms, but many claim that cult Tavern tales, skalds’ epics, and sagas repeated around campfires speak
activities there are no more frequent than elsewhere in the world. of the great Hyperborean invasions millennia ago, when the first mighty
If there is indeed an overabundance of cults in the Sundered Kingdoms, empire strode across the Plains of Sull, bringing death, destruction, and
how did they get there and why? Potential answers to this dilemma are as the “benefits” of civilization to a benighted people. One region that the
varied as the stories of the cults themselves. Some claim that the Sundered Hyperboreans never fully conquered was the area known today as the
Lands are cursed, doomed to attract evil due to the violence and bloodshed Moon Fog Hills. It remains a haunted place, named for the strange shining
that has plagued the realm for so long. Others believe that the Gods of mists that arrive each night, eerily reflecting the moonlight.
Chaos, in a rare show of solidarity, united to gain access to this world The Hyperboreans were set back by the savage wildmen of the region,
and have unleashed their followers on this, the weakest and most chaotic who seemed to appear and disappear at will. Try as they might, the
of regions. Still other tales say the opposite — that the Chaos Lords are invaders could not counter the wildmen’s strange abilities, even with
in competition with each other, seeing who can conquer the Sundered the most powerful countermagic. In the end, the legend that the Moon
Kingdoms first. Fog Hills were hollow, riddled with passages, and filled with evil sorcery
Those who have given ancient legends a close reading suggest that the sprang up, even as the wildmen themselves dwindled.
cults have existed since the days of the Ancient Ones, and they say, that Today the story persists, drawing explorers, scholars, and fortune
when the Chiefs of Sull combined their powers to defeat King-Chieftain hunters hoping to uncover hidden riches in the supposedly “hollow” depths
Aracor, something dire happened, though the specifics are not certain. of the hills. There are many stories of what these individuals uncovered
According to this theory, the chiefs succeeded in defeating their rival, — monsters, mutant animals, savage cults, the degenerate remains of the
but in doing so unleashed fearsome forces, allowing the Lords of Chaos ancient wildmen, and more — but so far no one has gained any of the
unprecedented access, and that this is the true source of the extensive cult wealth rumored to be hidden below. With the reopening of silver mines
presence in and around Sunderland Province. in the hills, a new spate of stories is making the rounds, drawing a new
crowd of seekers, but they seemed doomed to end up the same as their
Cult of the Sundered Kingdoms: Player's Guide
— that of which strain of lycanthropy with which we were to be infected.
The Ruins of Trevi Desperately, I chose to become a weretiger, and the three feline sisters
who had attacked us earlier approached me, their eyes glowing lustfully.
The region was every bit as wild and dangerous as we had been told. It was then that our newest member, Zarathe, proved her worth, shouting
We were forced to defend ourselves almost every night, and our silvered out a sacred word, calling upon her benevolent deity, and summoning an
weapons were soon tempered with the blood of savage lycanthropes — angelic, sword-armed being, seemingly crafted of pure, irresistible light.
werewolves, wererats, and even a trio of ferocious female weretigers, all The creature only remained for a few heartbeats of time, but it was enough
of whom escaped us, alive but wounded. And that is to say nothing of the to stagger our foes as we freed ourselves and fled. How we escaped from
well-equipped band of minotaurs who ambushed us one morning, and of those terrible ruins I cannot say, but without the priestess and her god’s
the even more disturbing shape-changers whom we encountered. These intervention, we’d have been there still, serving the fearsome creature so
creatures resembled humanoid lions, foxes, and even birds. I had never ironically called “the Beautiful Contessa.”
seen such things before, but priestess, Zarathe — our replacement for the We returned to Count Tarstel with our report. He grew pale as we
unfortunate Akli — assured me that they were well-known in the region, described the terrible ogre mage, her followers, and her strange power
and commonly called “therianthropes.” over them, and then departed the Wildlands forthwith.
It seemed clear that there was some greater power organizing these
creatures, for we overheard some speaking respectfully of a leader whom It’s said that the city of Trevi was once the jewel of Old Burgundia,
they called “the Beautiful Contessa,” who had taken up residence in the and that its walls repelled attacker after attacker. Trevi’s star fell over 160
ruins of Trevi. It seemed that once we reached the great city, we might years ago, when the merciless legions of Oceanus finally overcame its
actually discover this mysterious ruler’s true identity. celebrated defenses and laid waste to the entire region.
Trevi itself is truly a wonder, even in its decayed state. When one sees its Since that day, the remains of the great city have gained a fell reputation,
sturdy stone walls, the remains of its broad avenues and graceful towers, and the ravaged surrounding territories are known collectively as the
its stately mansions and proud temples, palaces, and gates, it is both Wildlands. Wild animals, beastfolk, lycanthropes, and other monstrous
wondrous and saddening. Once we had slipped into the city, we had little creatures seem unaccountably drawn to the place, banding together in
time to appreciate its vanished grandeur, for we were quickly set upon and loose associations to raid surrounding farms and villages, often slaying
subdued by a heavily armed band of shapechangers. every inhabitant in bloody, moonlit massacres.
Bound and helpless, we were transported to the remains of the grandly
domed royal palace, where we were confronted by the individual known
only as the Beautiful Contessa, a repulsive ogre mage wearing a crown The Witches of Southfell
with twin, rune-inscribed antlers and the rich robes of a priestess. She
was the new ruler of the Wildlands, she told us — served by the beasts, the Though I’m loathe to admit it, in all the years I spent wandering
shapechangers, and the moon howlers. We would soon serve her, too, for throughout the Sundered Kingdoms, I never set foot on Ramthion Island.
her lycanthropic servants would infect us with their horrid curse, forcing It’s a bad place, what with the Ramithi and the Oceanders fighting for
us to remain in the Wildlands forever. Each of us was given a single choice control, though I found some of the legends downright intriguing. It’s said

Cult of the Sundered Kingdoms: Player's Guide
that the entire south end is infested with witches — a cult of evil women
who worship a goddess named Cybele and who hold secret sacrificial rites
deep in the trackless swamp. Why they do this depends on who’s telling the
story, but all tales speak of a dangerous hidden society devoted to wicked
A Hasty Farewell
causes and personal gain. Of course these are just the kind of rumors that I’d like to say that I left the Sundered Kingdoms with a heavy heart, but
draw adventurers, and if you’re the sort to follow them, I wish you luck in I’d be lying. It was self-preservation that drew me there in the first place,
your journeys. As for me, I find that swamp water is a good way to ruin a and it was greed, pure and simple, that sent me away. I’d been avoiding
perfectly decent pair of boots. Lowport for quite some time — since my arrival, in fact — but when I
took stock of the situation and discovered that, of my many companions,
This gloomy region of swampland at Ramthion’s southern tip is the only Torvalda and I remained, I decided that it was time to finally say
source of many legends and horrific tales, many centering on the dark my goodbyes and move on. A reliable source reported that Captain
Cult of Cybele and the mysterious doom of the town of Greenpool, still Grimblade’s sleek corsair the Avenger was in port, and I remembered a
the subject of terrified rumor nearly a century later. promise that she’d made me years before, that if ever I or my companions
Especially common are stories of witches who steal babies from their wanted to serve, she’d find a place for us.
cribs, and whose wizened fingers tap on windows in the night. The origins And so it was, with the combined forces of Endhome, Oceanus, and
of these witches are uncertain — in some stories they emerged from Bard’s Gate at my back, and a price on my head enough to make my
the swamp, created by demons or evil gods, in others they were wicked killer a rich man or woman, I made my way back to the twisting streets of
women who sought out power through blood and suffering, and in still Lowport, Torvalda in tow, and together we signed on with the delighted
other tales, the witches were honest humans led astray by sinister forces. Captain Grimblade and set sail for the even wilder and less predictable
A few legends even claim that the first covens were founded by the wife Razor Coast.
of an influential noble, who used dark magic to make her family rich and My time in the Sundered Kingdoms had not been safe, nor especially
powerful. profitable, but it had brought me boon companions, danger, and excitement
The nature of these witches’ worship varies depending upon who is enough for several lifetimes, and for that I was grateful.
telling the tale, but in nearly all of them, the witches worship the powerful Of my adventures on the high seas and beyond I shall write in my next
deity known as Cybele, the Magna Mater or the Goat with a Thousand installment, Memoirs of a Rogue, Volume VIII: Blood and Swords on the
Young. An ancient fertility goddess once propitiated with animal and Razor Coast.
human sacrifice, Cybele’s cult was supposedly exterminated centuries ago,
but in these stories her worship carries on in dark places throughout the
region, especially in the hidden depths of the swamplands. There, witches
gather to engage in secretive — and, in the more mature tales told in
taverns and sung of in music halls, orgiastic — rites, where living victims,
including children, are sacrificed in exchange for wisdom, magical power,
and the ability to see the future.

Cult of the Sundered Kingdoms: Player's Guide
that the entire south end is infested with witches — a cult of evil women
who worship a goddess named Cybele and who hold secret sacrificial rites
deep in the trackless swamp. Why they do this depends on who’s telling the
story, but all tales speak of a dangerous hidden society devoted to wicked
A Hasty Farewell
causes and personal gain. Of course these are just the kind of rumors that I’d like to say that I left the Sundered Kingdoms with a heavy heart, but
draw adventurers, and if you’re the sort to follow them, I wish you luck in I’d be lying. It was self-preservation that drew me there in the first place,
your journeys. As for me, I find that swamp water is a good way to ruin a and it was greed, pure and simple, that sent me away. I’d been avoiding
perfectly decent pair of boots. Lowport for quite some time — since my arrival, in fact — but when I
took stock of the situation and discovered that, of my many companions,
This gloomy region of swampland at Ramthion’s southern tip is the only Torvalda and I remained, I decided that it was time to finally say
source of many legends and horrific tales, many centering on the dark my goodbyes and move on. A reliable source reported that Captain
Cult of Cybele and the mysterious doom of the town of Greenpool, still Grimblade’s sleek corsair the Avenger was in port, and I remembered a
the subject of terrified rumor nearly a century later. promise that she’d made me years before, that if ever I or my companions
Especially common are stories of witches who steal babies from their wanted to serve, she’d find a place for us.
cribs, and whose wizened fingers tap on windows in the night. The origins And so it was, with the combined forces of Endhome, Oceanus, and
of these witches are uncertain — in some stories they emerged from Bard’s Gate at my back, and a price on my head enough to make my
the swamp, created by demons or evil gods, in others they were wicked killer a rich man or woman, I made my way back to the twisting streets of
women who sought out power through blood and suffering, and in still Lowport, Torvalda in tow, and together we signed on with the delighted
other tales, the witches were honest humans led astray by sinister forces. Captain Grimblade and set sail for the even wilder and less predictable
A few legends even claim that the first covens were founded by the wife Razor Coast.
of an influential noble, who used dark magic to make her family rich and My time in the Sundered Kingdoms had not been safe, nor especially
powerful. profitable, but it had brought me boon companions, danger, and excitement
The nature of these witches’ worship varies depending upon who is enough for several lifetimes, and for that I was grateful.
telling the tale, but in nearly all of them, the witches worship the powerful Of my adventures on the high seas and beyond I shall write in my next
deity known as Cybele, the Magna Mater or the Goat with a Thousand installment, Memoirs of a Rogue, Volume VIII: Blood and Swords on the
Young. An ancient fertility goddess once propitiated with animal and Razor Coast.
human sacrifice, Cybele’s cult was supposedly exterminated centuries ago,
but in these stories her worship carries on in dark places throughout the
region, especially in the hidden depths of the swamplands. There, witches
gather to engage in secretive — and, in the more mature tales told in
taverns and sung of in music halls, orgiastic — rites, where living victims,
including children, are sacrificed in exchange for wisdom, magical power,
and the ability to see the future.

ISBN 978-1-62283-257-6


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