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Asian Development Foundation College

Tacloban City

Program Title: Grade 2

Course / Subject Title: Mathematics
Module No.: 7- Summative
Instructor(s) / Author(s): Araceli A. Pascual

Module Learning Outcome(s):

1. Identify the concept of division
2. Identify and learn division as repeated subtraction
3. Divide numbers using sets
4. Divide numbers using the number lines
5. Find the relationship of division to multiplication
6. Give the inverse equation of a given division sentence
Method(s) of Assessment: Alternative response, Pre-Test, Post Test, monthly assessment

Assessment Criteria:

Student / Parent / Guardian guide notes:

Lesson 1: Division Concepts as Repeated Subtraction
Lesson 2: Division of Numbers Using Sets and Number lines
Lesson 3: Division as the Opposite or Inverse of Multiplication
Asian Development Foundation College
Tacloban City

Topic: Division Concepts as Repeated Subtraction

Lesson No.: 1
Learning Outcome(s):
1. Show division as repeated subtraction
2. Identify the parts of a division sentence

Method(s) of Assessment: Alternative response, Pre-Test, Post Test, monthly assessment

Assessment Criteria:

Key Concept(s):

Key Terms:

Division Concepts as Repeated Subtraction

 Division is a repeated subtraction.

 Dividend is the number that is divided.
 Divisor is the number that divides.
 Quotient is the answer in division.
8 ÷ 2 = 4 Quotient

Dividend Divisor

4 Quotient
Divisor 2) 8 Dividend

We read the division sentence as “8 divided by 2 is equal to 4.”

 Division can also be illustrated as repeated subtraction Let us study

this problem.
Asian Development Foundation College
Tacloban City

Example 1:
Brielle is sick. The doctor has prescribed her to take 2 tablets
of medicine daily. How many days will the medicine last if she
buys 12 tablets?

First day: 12 - 2 = 10 tablets left

Second day: 10 - 2 = 8 tablets left
Third day: 8 - 2 = 6 tablets left
Fourth day: 6 - 2 = 4 tablets left
Fifth day: 4 - 2 = 2 tablets left
Sixth day: 2 - 2 = 0 tablet left

 Subtracting numbers repeatedly can be made shorter by division.

Instead of subtracting 2 from 12 six times, we can simply divide 12
by 2.

12 ÷ 2 = 6

Example 2:
Asian Development Foundation College
Tacloban City

How many groups of 3s are in 18?

To solve, you can subtract 3 from 18 for a certain number of

times until the difference becomes 0.

18 15 12 9 6 3
- 3 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 3
15 12 9 6 3 0

 Division is the repeated subtraction. You subtract the numbers as

many times as you can until the difference becomes 0. The
quotient is the number of times you subtracted the numbers.
For the problem above, we write the division sentence as

18 ÷ 3 = 6. There are six 3s in 18.

References, Additional materials, and Links:

Integrative Mathematics 2
Realistic Math 2

Program Title: Grade 2

Course / Subject Title: Mathematics
Asian Development Foundation College
Tacloban City

Module No.: 7 - Summative

Activity/ies for Lesson No.: 1

Write Yes or No.

_____ 1. Division is a repeated subtraction.

_____ 2. Dividend is the number that is to be divided.
_____ 3. Divisor is the number that divides the dividend.
_____ 4. Quotient is the answer of division
_____ 5. ÷ is the sign or symbol used for division and is read as divided
Asian Development Foundation College
Tacloban City

Program Title: Grade 2

Course / Subject Title: mathematics
Module No.: 7 - Summative
Exercises for Lesson No.: 1

How many times can you subtract the following numbers? Fill in the
box with the correct missing number to complete the equation. Then
write the division sentence on the blank.

1- 2. 6 from 12 Division sentence:

- 6 - 6

3-5 . 10 from 30 Division sentence:

- 10 - 10 - 10

6-7. 9 from 18 Division sentence

- 9 - 9
Asian Development Foundation College
Tacloban City

Program Title: Grade 2

Course / Subject Title: Mathematics
Module No.: 7 - Summative
Quiz for Lesson No.: 1
Match the subtraction sentences in column A with those division
sentences in column B. Write the letter only on the blank before the


___ 1. 12 8 4 a. 12 ÷ 2 = 6
- 4 -4 - 4
8 4 0 b. 12 ÷ 6 = 2

___ 2. 12 9 6 3 c. 12 ÷ 12 = 1
- 3 - 3 - 3 -3
9 6 3 0 d. 12 ÷ 4 = 3

___ 3. 12 6 e. 12 ÷ 3 = 4
- 6 -6
6 0

___ 4. 12 10 8 6 4 2
- 2 - 2 -2 -2 -2 -2
10 8 6 4 2 0

___ 5. 12 - 12 = 0

B. Find the quotient.

6. 8 ÷ 2 = _____

7. 50 ÷ 10 = _____

8. 25 ÷ 5 = _____
Asian Development Foundation College
Tacloban City

Program Title: Grade 2

Course / Subject Title: Mathematics
Module No.: 7 - Summative
A. Encircle the correct answer.
1. It is the shortcut for repeated subtraction
( Multiplication Division Addition )
2. Which is the dividend in the sentence 45 ÷ 9 = 5?
( 45 9 5 )
3. How many 5s are there in 50?
( 5 10 50 )
4. It tells the total number of elements in the set.
( divisor dividend quotient )
5. How many groups of 3 are there in 21?
( 3 7 21 )
6. What is the value of N in the equation N ÷ 3 = 12?
( 12 36 3 )
7. It tells the number of jumps or arrows on the number line.
( dividend quotient divisor )
8. What is the inverse operation of division?
( multiplication subtraction addition )
9. What is the result when a number is divided by the same number?
( 0 1 the same number )
10. Which is a wrong division sentence?
( 12 ÷ 12 = 1 5÷0=0 9 ÷ 1 =9 )
Asian Development Foundation College
Tacloban City

11. What operation will you use if you want to check the answer in your
division equation?
( addition multiplication subtraction )
12. Which symbol can make the sentence correct?
36 4 = 9
( x ÷ + )
13. How many times are you going to subtract 2 from 10 until you get a
difference of zero?
( 6 5 10 )
14. Father bought a dozen (12) of oranges. He divided these equally to
his 4 children. How many oranges does each of his child receive?
( 5 3 4 )
B. Find the quotient.
15. 32 ÷ 4 = ______

16. 48 ÷ 8 = ______

17. 18 ÷ 3 = ______

18. 56 ÷ 7 = ______

19. 21 ÷ 3 = ______

20. 15 ÷ 15 = ______
Asian Development Foundation College
Tacloban City

Program Title: Grade 2

Course / Subject Title: Mathematics
Module No.: 7 - Summative
A. Shade the heart if the number in the box makes the sentence is
1. 24 ÷ 6 = 4
2. 18 ÷ 2 = 9
3. 9 ÷ 3 = 4
4. 27 ÷ 9 = 3
5. 8 x 7 = 54
6. 3 x 2 = 6
7. 9 x 9 = 72
B. Write Yes or No.
_____ 8. Division means sharing or grouping things equally.
_____ 9. Division can be done easily by using sets and number lines.
_____ 10. There are three 5s in 15.
_____ 11. In 42 ÷ 6 = 7, the divisor is 7.
C. Write the correct division sentence or multiplication sentence for each
12. 16 ÷ 2 = 8
Multiplication sentence: _____ x _____ = ______
13. 9 x 5 = 45
Division sentence: ______ ÷ ______ = ______
14. 32 ÷ 4 = 9
Multiplication sentence: _____ x _____ = ______
15. 7 x 9 = 63
Division sentence: ______ ÷ ______ = ______
Asian Development Foundation College
Tacloban City

D. Write the subtraction sentence for the given equation in the box.
16-17. 20 ÷ 4 = 5

E. Write the division sentence for the given set and number line.

18. _____ ÷ ______ = ________

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

19- 20. ______ ÷ ______ = ________

Asian Development Foundation College
Tacloban City

Program Title: Grade 2

Course / Subject Title: Mathematics
Module No.: 7 - Summative
Choose and write the letter only.

C 1. It is the shortcut for repeated subtraction.

a. Subtraction b. Multiplication c. Division

A 2. It is the number to be divided.

a. dividend b. divisor c. quotient

A 3. It is the number that divides the bigger number or the dividend.

a. divisor b. quotient c. dividend

A 4. It is the answer of division.

a. quotient b. divisor c. dividend

B 5. It is the total number of elements.

a. divisor b. dividend c. quotient

A 6. It tells the number of sets or arrows on the number line.

a. quotient b. dividend c. divisor

B 7. It tells the number of units in each arrow.

a. dividend b. divisor c. quotient

B 8. Which is the divisor in 36 ÷ 4 = 9?

a. 36 b. 4 c. 9

C 9. How many arrows will you draw on the number line in the sentence
30 ÷ 5 = 6 ?

a. 30 b. 5 c. 6
Asian Development Foundation College
Tacloban City

A 10. How many 4s are there in 20?

a. 5 b. 6 c. 4

A 11. There are ____ 5s in 45.

a. 9 b. 8 c. 7

C 12. What is the answer when a number is divided to itself?

a. zero b. itself c. one

C 13. Any whole number divided by one is equal to_

a. any number b. one c. itself

A 14. What is the result when zero is divided by any nonzero number?

a. zero b. no answer c. any number

C 15. Which sentence is wrong?

a. 12 ÷ 1 = 12 b. 9 ÷ 9 = 1 c. 15 ÷ 0 = 0

A16. Which is the inverse operation of division?

a. multiplication b. subtraction c. division

C 17. Which is the inverse equation of 32 ÷ 4 = 8?

a. 8 x 4 = 32 b. 4 x 8 = 32 c. both of them

C 18. How many times are you going to subtract 3 from 18 until you get
a difference of 0?

a. 9 b. 3 c. 6

C 19. What operation will you use to check if the division solution is

a. division b. subtraction c. multiplication

Asian Development Foundation College
Tacloban City

C 20. What division sentence can you form using the numbers below?

9 45 5

a. 45 ÷ 5 = 9
b. 45 ÷ 9 = 5
c. both of them

A 21. Which is the correct division sentence of the given subtraction


12 9 6 3
- 3 -3 -3 - 3
9 6 3 0

a. 12 ÷ 3 = 4
b. 12 ÷ 4 = 3
c. 12 ÷ 2 = 6

C 22. Which number sentence has the greatest quotient?

a. 36 ÷ 9 = n
b. 40 ÷ 10 = n
c. 24 ÷ 3 = n

B 23. Which is the division sentence for the given sets?

a. 12 ÷ 3 = 4
b. 12 ÷ 4 = 3
c. 12 ÷ 2 = 6
Asian Development Foundation College
Tacloban City

A 24. What will be the divisor if you write a division sentence for the
given sets?

a. 3 b.12 c. 4

B 25. Mother bought a dozen (12) of donuts. She divided these equally
to her six children. How many donuts will each child have?

a. 6 b. 2 c. 12

B 26. Which is the correct division sentence of the arrows drawn on the
number line?

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

a. 15 ÷ 3 = 5 b. 15 ÷ 5 = 3 c. 15 ÷ 15 = 1

A 27. What will be the correct dividend for the given number line?

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

a. 16 b. 8 c. 2

C 28. Which equation cannot be divided exactly?

a. 30 ÷ 5 = n
b. 24 ÷ 6 = n
c. 16 ÷ 3 = n

C 29. Which number can be divided exactly by the second number?

a. 32 ; 4 b. 45 ; 9 c. both of them

C 30. Which number can be divided exactly by 8?

a. 48 b. 16 c. both of them
Asian Development Foundation College
Tacloban City

B 31. What is the value of N in 27 ÷ N = 9

a. 9 b. 3 c. 27

A 32. What is the value of N in 28 ÷ 4 = N

a. 7 b. 8 c. 28

A 33. What is the value of N in N ÷ 3 = 12

a. 36 b. 32 c. 12

A 34. What will you do if the dividend is missing?

a. multiply the given divisor and quotient

b. divide the given divisor and quotient
c. none of them

C 35. To check if the division solution is correct, we have to

a. multiply the quotient and the divisor then

b. their product should be equal to the dividend
c. both of them

C 36. What multiplication sentence can you form using the numbers in
the box?

9 27 3

a. 9 x 3 = 27
b. 3 x 9 = 27
c. all of the above

B 37. Jiana and her three friends divided the 24 fresh flowers equally
among themselves. How many flowers will each of them have?

a. 12 b. 6 c. 8
Asian Development Foundation College
Tacloban City

A 38. If the divisor is missing, just

a. divide the dividend by the given quotient

b. multiply the dividend by the given quotient
c. both of them

B 39. Arabella received 20 pieces of chocolate candies from her

godmother. She shared half of these to her cousin. How many chocolate
candies does each of them have? What operation are you going to use to
solve this problem?

a. addition b. division c. multiplication

C 40. I am a two- digit number. When I am divided by 4, the quotient is

9. What number am I?

a. 13 b. 5 c. 36
Asian Development Foundation College
Tacloban City

Program Title: Grade 2

Course / Subject Title: Mathematics
Module No.: 7 - Summative
Answer key for Exercise No.: 1

How many times can you subtract the following numbers? Fill in the
box with the correct missing number to complete the equation. Then
write the division sentence on the blank.

1- 2. 6 from 12 Division sentence:

- 6 - 6

3-5 . 10 from 30 Division sentence:

- 10 - 10 - 10

6-7. 9 from 18 Division sentence

- 9 - 9
Asian Development Foundation College
Tacloban City

Program Title: Grade 2

Course / Subject Title: Mathematics
Module No.: 7 - Summative
Answer key for Quiz No.: 1
Match the subtraction sentences in column A with those division
sentences in column B. Write the letter only on the blank before the


___ 1. 12 8 4 a. 12 ÷ 2 = 6
- 4 -4 - 4
8 4 0 b. 12 ÷ 6 = 2

___ 2. 12 9 6 3 c. 12 ÷ 12 = 1
- 3 - 3 - 3 -3
9 6 3 0 d. 12 ÷ 4 = 3

___ 3. 12 6 e. 12 ÷ 3 = 4
- 6 -6
6 0

___ 4. 12 10 8 6 4 2
- 2 - 2 -2 -2 -2 -2
10 8 6 4 2 0

___ 5. 12 - 12 = 0

B. Find the quotient.

6. 8 ÷ 2 = _____

7. 50 ÷ 10 = _____

8. 25 ÷ 5 = _____
Asian Development Foundation College
Tacloban City

Program Title: Grade 2

Course / Subject Title: Mathematics
Module No.: 7 - Summative
Answer key for Module Pretest:
A. Encircle the correct answer.
1. It is the shortcut for repeated subtraction
( Multiplication Division Addition )
2. Which is the dividend in the sentence 45 ÷ 9 = 5?
( 45 9 5 )
3. How many 5s are there in 50?
( 5 10 50 )
4. It tells the total number of elements in the set.
( divisor dividend quotient )
5. How many groups of 3 are there in 21?
( 3 7 21 )
6. What is the value of N in the equation N ÷ 3 = 12?
( 12 36 3 )
7. It tells the number of jumps or arrows on the number line.
( dividend quotient divisor )
8. What is the inverse operation of division?
( multiplication subtraction addition )
9. What is the result when a number is divided by the same number?
( 0 1 the same number )
10. Which is a wrong division sentence?
( 12 ÷ 12 = 1 5÷0=0 9 ÷ 1 =9 )
Asian Development Foundation College
Tacloban City

11. What operation will you use if you want to check the answer in your
division equation?
( addition multiplication subtraction )

12. Which symbol can make the sentence correct?

36 4 = 9
( x ÷ + )
13. How many times are you going to subtract 2 from 10 until you get a
difference of zero?
( 6 5 10 )
14. Father bought a dozen (12) of oranges. He divided these equally to
his 4 children. How many oranges does each of his child receive?
( 5 3 4 )
B. Find the quotient.
15. 32 ÷ 4 = ______

16. 48 ÷ 8 = ______

17. 18 ÷ 3 = ______

18. 56 ÷ 7 = ______

19. 21 ÷ 3 = ______

20. 15 ÷ 15 = ______
Asian Development Foundation College
Tacloban City

Program Title: Grade 2

Course / Subject Title: Mathematics
Module No.: 7 - Summative
Answer key for Module Posttest:
A. Shade the heart if the number in the box makes the sentence is
1. 24 ÷ 6 = 4
2. 18 ÷ 2 = 9
3. 9 ÷ 3 = 4
4. 27 ÷ 9 = 3
5. 8 x 7 = 54
6. 3 x 2 = 6
7. 9 x 9 = 72
B. Write Yes or No.
_____ 8. Division means sharing or grouping things equally.
_____ 9. Division can be done easily by using sets and number lines.
_____ 10. There are three 5s in 15.
_____ 11. In 42 ÷ 6 = 7, the divisor is 7.
C. Write the correct division sentence or multiplication sentence for each
12. 16 ÷ 2 = 8
Multiplication sentence: _____ x _____ = ______
13. 9 x 5 = 45
Division sentence: ______ ÷ ______ = ______
14. 32 ÷ 4 = 9
Multiplication sentence: _____ x _____ = ______
15. 7 x 9 = 63
Division sentence: ______ ÷ ______ = ______
Asian Development Foundation College
Tacloban City

D. Write the subtraction sentence for the given equation in the box.
16-17. 20 ÷ 4 = 5

E. Write the division sentence for the given set and number line.

18. _____ ÷ ______ = ________

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

19- 20. ______ ÷ ______ = ________

Asian Development Foundation College
Tacloban City

Program Title: Grade 2

Course / Subject Title: mathematics
Module No.: 7 - Summative
Answer key for (Quarter) Exam:
Choose and write the letter only.

C 1. It is the shortcut for repeated subtraction.

a. Subtraction b. Multiplication c. Division

A 2. It is the number to be divided.

a. dividend b. divisor c. quotient

A 3. It is the number that divides the bigger number or the dividend.

a. divisor b. quotient c. dividend

A 4. It is the answer of division.

a. quotient b. divisor c. dividend

B 5. It is the total number of elements.

a. divisor b. dividend c. quotient

A 6. It tells the number of sets or arrows on the number line.

a. quotient b. dividend c. divisor

B 7. It tells the number of units in each arrow.

a. dividend b. divisor c. quotient

B 8. Which is the divisor in 36 ÷ 4 = 9?

a. 36 b. 4 c. 9

C 9. How many arrows will you draw on the number line in the sentence
30 ÷ 5 = 6 ?

a. 30 b. 5 c. 6
Asian Development Foundation College
Tacloban City

A 10. How many 4s are there in 20?

a. 5 b. 6 c. 4

A 11. There are ____ 5s in 45.

a. 9 b. 8 c. 7

C 12. What is the answer when a number is divided to itself?

a. zero b. itself c. one

C 13. Any whole number divided by one is equal to_

a. any number b. one c. itself

A 14. What is the result when zero is divided by any nonzero number?

a. zero b. no answer c. any number

C 15. Which sentence is wrong?

a. 12 ÷ 1 = 12 b. 9 ÷ 9 = 1 c. 15 ÷ 0 = 0

A16. Which is the inverse operation of division?

a. multiplication b. subtraction c. division

C 17. Which is the inverse equation of 32 ÷ 4 = 8?

a. 8 x 4 = 32 b. 4 x 8 = 32 c. both of them

C 18. How many times are you going to subtract 3 from 18 until you get
a difference of 0?

a. 9 b. 3 c. 6

C 19. What operation will you use to check if the division solution is

a. division b. subtraction c. multiplication

Asian Development Foundation College
Tacloban City

C 20. What division sentence can you form using the numbers below?

9 45 5

a. 45 ÷ 5 = 9
b. 45 ÷ 9 = 5
c. both of them

A 21. Which is the correct division sentence of the given subtraction


12 9 6 3
- 3 -3 -3 - 3
9 6 3 0

a. 12 ÷ 3 = 4
b. 12 ÷ 4 = 3
c. 12 ÷ 2 = 6

C 22. Which number sentence has the greatest quotient?

a. 36 ÷ 9 = n
b. 40 ÷ 10 = n
c. 24 ÷ 3 = n

B 23. Which is the division sentence for the given sets?

a. 12 ÷ 3 = 4
b. 12 ÷ 4 = 3
c. 12 ÷ 2 = 6
Asian Development Foundation College
Tacloban City

A 24. What will be the divisor if you write a division sentence for the
given sets?

a. 3 b.12 c. 4

B 25. Mother bought a dozen (12) of donuts. She divided these equally
to her six children. How many donuts will each child have?

a. 6 b. 2 c. 12

B 26. Which is the correct division sentence of the arrows drawn on the
number line?

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

a. 15 ÷ 3 = 5 b. 15 ÷ 5 = 3 c. 15 ÷ 15 = 1

A 27. What will be the correct dividend for the given number line?

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

a. 16 b. 8 c. 2

C 28. Which equation cannot be divided exactly?

a. 30 ÷ 5 = n
b. 24 ÷ 6 = n
c. 16 ÷ 3 = n

C 29. Which number can be divided exactly by the second number?

a. 32 ; 4 b. 45 ; 9 c. both of them

C 30. Which number can be divided exactly by 8?

a. 48 b. 16 c. both of them
Asian Development Foundation College
Tacloban City

B 31. What is the value of N in 27 ÷ N = 9

a. 9 b. 3 c. 27

A 32. What is the value of N in 28 ÷ 4 = N

a. 7 b. 8 c. 28

A 33. What is the value of N in N ÷ 3 = 12

a. 36 b. 32 c. 12

A 34. What will you do if the dividend is missing?

a. multiply the given divisor and quotient

b. divide the given divisor and quotient
c. none of them

C 35. To check if the division solution is correct, we have to

a. multiply the quotient and the divisor then

b. their product should be equal to the dividend
c. both of them

C 36. What multiplication sentence can you form using the numbers in
the box?

9 27 3

a. 9 x 3 = 27
b. 3 x 9 = 27
c. all of the above

B 37. Jiana and her three friends divided the 24 fresh flowers equally
among themselves. How many flowers will each of them have?

a. 12 b. 6 c. 8
Asian Development Foundation College
Tacloban City

A 38. If the divisor is missing, just

a. divide the dividend by the given quotient

b. multiply the dividend by the given quotient
c. both of them

B 39. Arabella received 20 pieces of chocolate candies from her

godmother. She shared half of these to her cousin. How many chocolate
candies does each of them have? What operation are you going to use to
solve this problem?

a. addition b. division c. multiplication

C 40. I am a two- digit number. When I am divided by 4, the quotient is

9. What number am I?

a. 13 b. 5 c. 36
Asian Development Foundation College
Tacloban City

Program Title: Grade 2

Course / Subject Title: Mathematics
School Year & Semester: 2020-2021/ 2nd semester
Instructor(s): Araceli A. Pascual

Contact information:

Course / Subject Website URL:

Course / Subject Syllabus Outline:

Course / Subject Outcomes:

Course / Subject Method(s) of Assessment:

Course / Subject Assessment Criteria:

Course / Subject Rubrics and Grading System:

Course / Subject References, Textbook(s), Additional Materials, and Links:

Asian Development Foundation College
Tacloban City

(Program Title)
(School Year & Semester)
(Course / Subject Title)
Module No.: 7
Asian Development Foundation College
Tacloban City

Topic: Division of Numbers Using Sets and Number lines

Lesson No.: 2
Learning Outcome(s):
1. Identify the concept of division using the sets and number line
2. Write a division sentence from the given sets and number line
3. Find the quotient of a number without remainder.

Method(s) of Assessment: Alternative response, Pre-Test, Post Test, monthly assessment

Assessment Criteria:
Key Concept(s):

Key Terms:


Division of Numbers Using Sets and Number lines

 Division shows equal portioning of a set of objects.

 Division can also be done by using the set.
 Dividend is the total number of elements or objects in the set.
 Divisor is the number of elements of objects that are grouped in
the set.
 Quotient is the number of groups of elements in a set.
Let us try to study the example below and answer the questions
that follow.

How many mangoes are there in all? _____

How many mangoes are there in a tray ? ______
How many trays of mangoes are there? _____

The division sentence is 20 ÷ 4 = 5

Total number elements number of

of elements in a tray trays
Asian Development Foundation College
Tacloban City

 Division can also be performed by using the number line.

 Dividend is the number to be divided
 Divisor is the number of units in each jump or arrow
 Quotient is the number of jumps or arrows.
Let us try to solve the problem below.

Joseph gathered 15 flowers. He gave three flowers to each

of his teachers. To how many teachers did he give flowers?

Let us answer this using the number line below.

Steps to be done.
1. Starting from zero, draw arrows with 3 units in each arrow.
2. Continue making or drawing arrows with the same number of
units until you reach the number 15.


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

divisor dividend

The division sentence is 15 ÷ 3 = 5

Answer: Joseph gave 3 flowers to each of his 5 teachers.

References, Additional materials, and Links:

Realistic Math 2
Integrative Mathematics 2

Program Title: Grade 2

Asian Development Foundation College
Tacloban City

Course / Subject Title: mathematics

Module No.: 7 – Summative
Activity/ies for Lesson No.:2

Identify the part that is being described. Write dividend, divisor,

quotient or division on the blank.

1. It is the total number of elements. __________________

2. It is the number of units in each jump or arrow. _____________
3. It is the number of jumps or arrows on the number line. ___________
4. It is the number of small groups of objects in a set. ______________
5. It is the grouping of things equally. _________________
Asian Development Foundation College
Tacloban City

Program Title: Grade 2

Course / Subject Title: Mathematics
Module No.: 7 - Summative
Exercises for Lesson No.: 2
Draw arrows on the number line to find the quotient.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

16 ÷ 2 =

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

16 ÷ 4 =

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

12 ÷ 3 =

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

15 ÷ 5 =

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

14 ÷ 7 =

Program Title: Grade 2

Course / Subject Title: Mathematics
Module No.: 7 - Summative
Asian Development Foundation College
Tacloban City

Quiz for Lesson No.: 2

A. Write the correct division sentence for each set.

Division sentence: ______÷ ______ = _______

Division sentence: ______÷ ______ = _______

Division sentence: ______÷ ______ = _______

B. Answer the given questions.

4. How many 4s are there in 28? _____
5. How many 5s are there in 45? _____
6. How many 10s are there in 90? ____
C. Find the missing number in the division equation.
7. 12 ÷ ______ = 2
8. ____ ÷ 3 = 18
9. 36 ÷ 4 = ______

Program Title: Grade 2

Course / Subject Title: Mathematics
Module No.: 7 - Summative
Asian Development Foundation College
Tacloban City

Answer key for Exercise No.: 2

Draw arrows on the number line to find the quotient.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

16 ÷ 2 =

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

16 ÷ 4 =

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

12 ÷ 3 =

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

15 ÷ 5 =

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

14 ÷ 7 =

Program Title: Grade 2

Course / Subject Title: mathematics
Module No.: 7 - Summative
Answer key for Quiz No.: 2
A. Write the correct division sentence for each set.
Asian Development Foundation College
Tacloban City

Division sentence: ______÷ ______ = _______

Division sentence: ______÷ ______ = _______

Division sentence: ______÷ ______ = _______

B. Answer the given questions.

4. How many 4s are there in 28? _____
5. How many 5s are there in 45? _____
6. How many 10s are there in 90? ____
C. Find the missing number in the division equation.
7. 12 ÷ ______ = 2
8. ____ ÷ 3 = 18
9. 36 ÷ 4 = ______

Topic: Division as the Opposite or Inverse of Multiplication

Lesson No.: 3
Learning Outcome(s):
1. Find the difference of multiplication and division.
2. Give the opposite equation of a given division sentence into multiplication sentence or vice
Asian Development Foundation College
Tacloban City

Method(s) of Assessment: Alternative response, Pre-Test, Post Test, monthly assessment

Assessment Criteria:

Key Concept(s):

Key Terms:

Division as the Opposite or Inverse of Multiplication
 Division is the inverse or opposite of multiplication
 We can find the relation of division to multiplication by checking
the division equation through using the multiplication.
 To find out if the quotient in a given equation is correct, we simply
use multiplication.
Let us try to study the given equation below.
Dividend divisor quotient factors product

12 ÷ 2 = 6 6 x 2 = 12

 Skip counting can be applied to both multiplication and division

since they are inverse operations.

References, Additional materials, and Links:

Realistic Math 2
Integrative Mathematics 2

Program Title: Grade 2

Course / Subject Title: Mathematics
Module No.: 7 - Summative
Activity/ies for Lesson No.: 3
Asian Development Foundation College
Tacloban City

Write 2 division sentences and 2 multiplication sentences using the
numbers in the box.
7 42 6

Division sentences:

______ ÷ ______ = ______

______ ÷ ______ = ______

Multiplication sentences:

______ x ______ = ______

______ x ______ = ______

numbers in the box.

9 8 72

Division sentences:

______ ÷ ______ = ______

______ ÷ ______ = ______

Multiplication sentences:

______ x ______ = ______

______ x ______ = ______

Program Title: Grade 2
Course / Subject Title: Mathematics
Module No.: 7 - Summative
Exercises for Lesson No.: 3
Asian Development Foundation College
Tacloban City

A. Divide the numbers then check its quotient by using multiplication.

1. 20 ÷ 4 = ________
_____ x _____ = ________

2. 42 ÷ 7 = ________
_____ x _____ = ________

3. 50 ÷ 10 = ________
_____ x _____ = ________
B. Write Yes if the number in the box makes the sentence correct and No
if otherwise.
_______ 4. 8 x 3 = 24

_______ 5. 56 ÷ 7 = 8

_______ 6. 9 ÷ 9 = 9

_______ 7. 3 x 9 = 27

_______ 8. 72 ÷ 9 = 6

Program Title: Grade 2

Course / Subject Title: Mathematics
Module No.: 7 - Summative
Quiz for Lesson No.: 3
Asian Development Foundation College
Tacloban City


A. Give the missing number N to complete the sentence. Write your

answer in the box.
1. 14 ÷ 2 = N

2. N x 3 = 12

3. 36 ÷ N = 9

4. N ÷ 6 = 6

5. 7 x N = 14

6. N ÷ 5 = 8

7. 9 x N = 27

8. 40 ÷ N = 10

B. Find the quotient.

9. 24 ÷ 6 = ______

10. 42 ÷ 7 = ______

11. 80 ÷ 5 = ______

12. 32 ÷ 4 = ______

13. 12 ÷ 2 = ______

14. 45 ÷ 5 = ______

15. 27 ÷ 3 = ______

Program Title: Grade 2

Course / Subject Title: Mathematics
Module No.: 7 - Summative
Answer key for Exercise No.: 3
Asian Development Foundation College
Tacloban City

A. Divide the numbers then check its quotient by using multiplication.

1. 20 ÷ 4 = ________
_____ x _____ = ________

2. 42 ÷ 7 = ________
_____ x _____ = ________

3. 50 ÷ 10 = ________
_____ x _____ = ________
B. Write Yes if the number in the box makes the sentence correct and No
if otherwise.
_______ 4. 8 x 3 = 24

_______ 5. 56 ÷ 7 = 8

_______ 6. 9 ÷ 9 = 9

_______ 7. 3 x 9 = 27

_______ 8. 72 ÷ 9 = 6

Program Title: Grade 2

Course / Subject Title: Mathematics
Module No.: 7 - Summative
Answer key for Quiz No.: 3
Asian Development Foundation College
Tacloban City

A. Give the missing number N to complete the sentence. Write your

answer in the box.
1. 14 ÷ 2 = N

2. N x 3 = 12

3. 36 ÷ N = 9

4. N ÷ 6 = 6

5. 7 x N = 14

6. N ÷ 5 = 8

7. 9 x N = 27

8. 40 ÷ N = 10

B. Find the quotient.

9. 24 ÷ 6 = ______

10. 42 ÷ 7 = ______

11. 80 ÷ 5 = ______

12. 32 ÷ 4 = ______

13. 12 ÷ 2 = ______

14. 45 ÷ 5 = ______

15. 27 ÷ 3 = ______
Asian Development Foundation College
Tacloban City

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