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1. Tactical planning is an extension of-----

a) Operational planning b)Strategic Planning c)Proactive planning d) None
2. Long term planning involves a period of-----
a) 15 to 20 years b) 10 to 15 years c) 5 to 10 years d) 10 to 20 years
3. Operational planning is done by
a) Top level management b) Middle level management c)Lower level managementd)None
4. Reactive planning is comes before environmental changes take place
a) True b)False
5. Informal planning is done by
a) Large organizationsb)Small organizationsc) Middle level organizationsd) All of the above
6. Recruitment of right people in an oraganisation is
a) Staffingb) Organizing c) Controlling d) Planning
7. Which type of organization is also called as Line organization
a) Functional organizationsb) Staff organizations c)Scalar organizationsd) Project Organizations
8. Expert Guidance and specialists are available in which organization?
a) Functional organizationsb) Staff organizations c) Scalar organizations d) Both a&b
9. The objective of planning is to-------
a) Controlling b)Supervisingc)Directingd) Decision making
10. For a manager to control or direct the work to an employee, the manager must have
a) Line authorityb)responsibilityc)referent powerd) staff authority
11. The chain of superiors from the highest authority to the lowest authority in the organization is
a) Unity of directionb)Unity of commandc)Centralizationd) Scalar chain
12. Purchase order includes
a) Quantity of itemsb)Invoice numberc)Quantity in stockd) All above
13. Out of following which is not the objective of good plan?
a) To reduce uncertaintyb)To increase productivityc)To avoid heavy mental pressured) To get
14. Which of the following is/are the key features of organization?
a) Social inventionsb)group effortsc)accomplishing goalsd)all of the above
15. What is the correct sequence of planning procedure?
(P)Planning premises (Q)Implementing plan & tasking corrective actions (R) Evaluating Alternatives &
selecting the best (S) Developing alternative plans (T) Fixing Objectives
16. Which type of organizational structure can be applies to small scale industry?
a) Lineb)Line & staffc)functional d)none of above
17. Organizing process transfers ---------- into reality?
a) Plansb) Tasksc) Problemsd)None of these
18. An organization is:
a) A physical location where people work b) A group of people working for the same
company c) An intended arrangement of people to achieve specific purposed) None
19. In the organization,----------------empowers the superior to make a subordinate to do the work
a) Policies b) Authority c) Employment d) Finance
20. ------------ skills refers to ability to work effectively with others and build cooperative work
groups to achieve organizational goals
a) Organizationalb) Human relation c) Leadershipd) Motivating
21. The managerial skills which involve the ability to see the organization as a whole is called----
a) Conceptual skills b)Technical skills c)Human skills d) Tactical skills
22. Which of the following is not a correct statement regarding operational planning
a) It decides the detailed use of resources for achieving targets b) It is carried at lower level of
managementc) It is more detailedd) It is long term planning
23. ----------------is the process of dispersion of decision making authority throughout the
a) Centralizationb) Decentralization c) Responsibility d) Duplication
24. Which of the following are the functions of staffing? 1. Recruiting 2.Training 3.Directing
a) 1,2,3,4 b) 1,2,4 c)1,2,3 d)1,2
25. ----------------are the organization objectives and ----------------- are the documented ways that
organization intends to meet those objectives
a) Standing plans:Single use plans b) Stated goals:Real goals c)Specific goals:Directional plans d)
Goals: Plans
26. Matching human needs with job needs is also called as
a) Manpower planning b)Material planning c)Mahine planning d) None
27. Hire workers at higher salary is the effect of
a) Ignoring manpower budget b) Recession c)Lock outs d)All of the above
28. Supervisors are-------------focused in planning
a) Externally b)Internally c)Everywhere d) Nowhere
29. Group dynamics focuses on-----------
a) Individual benefit b)Gossiping in group c)Team work d) None
30. Internal premises of planning does not include------------
a) Sales forecast b)Ability of organization in the form of machines, methods c)Technological
chnages d)Behaviour of employee and owners
31. If one woker produces average 100 units of job per month and the demand for one month
is1000.The salary of a woker is 1000 per month. callculate the total labour cost.
a)10000 b)10 c)100 d)1000
32. Some common aspect(s) of standard(s) listed below
a)Quantity b)Quality c)Cost & Time d)All of above
33. The purchase of land and building isan example of-----
a)Group decision b)Minor decision c)Major decision d)Spot decision
34. Strategic plans are
a)Single use plans b)Long range plans c)For lower management levels d)Standing plans
35. Deciding the planning period involves-----
a)Decision regarding time span b)Decision regarding alternatives c)Decision regarding processes
d)Decision regarding control
36. Which of the following is the first step of organizing process?
a)Formulating plans and policies b)Establish enterprise objectives c)Identify and classify objectives
d)Delegation of activities
37. Motivation factors while matching people with job can include----
a)Salary b)Security c)Status and Satisfaction d)All of above
38. Which of the following is not the type of groups in organizing resources?
a)Formal groups b)Informal groups c)Inactive groups d)Both formal and informal groups
39. Delegation of authority means-------
a)Financial release b)Material release c)Manpower release d)Power release
40. Planning by supervisor requires following skills qualities within themselves
a)Ability to plan and control the work b) Full knowledge of men, machinery, and machines
c)Democratic Leadership d) All of the above
41. Supervision makes plan for -------- time.
a)Shorter(day or week or month) b)Longer(years) c)Indefinite d)Quarterly or Half yearly
42. Choose the wrong statement from following—
a)Responsibility creates authority b)Authority creates responsibility c)Authority is the right to give
orders and power to exact obedience d)Higher authorities have more responsibilities
43. Major function of planning involves supervisor for-----
a)Manpower planning and communicating requirement to HR department b) Scheduling different staff as
per best suitable combination of availability of resources c) supervision and maintain quality of work in
project d) All of the above
44. Advantages of written communication are
a)It gives evidences about event b)It provide permanent record for future c) Reduces chances of
misinterpretation d)All of the above
45. Proper instructions issued by supervisor to his subordinates result in-
a)Maintain quality standards b)Completeness of work in time c)Reduce heavy rejection d)All of the
46. Direction is managerial function performed by ------------- at largest scale
a)Lower level management b)Subordinates c)Top level management d)Middle level management
48. A supervisor is involved in ------------ planning
a)Long term b)Strategic c)Operational d)Corporate
49. The three essential managerial skills required by any successful manager in an organization are------
a)Technical,human and social b)Human,empirical and conceptual c)Technical, interpersonal and
controlling d)Technical, human and conceptual
50. Organizing becomes necessary when-------to achieve some common objectives
a)One person work b)Two person work together c)Two or more person work together d)None of the
51. Delegation of authority means-----
a)Financial release b)Material release c)Manpower release d)Power release
52. Group members must give first priority to----
a)Personal interest b)Organizational interest c)Leader interest d)None of the above
53. Plans are made for----activities
a)Past b)Future c)Present d)None of the above
54. Which of the following is not an objective of organizing resources?
a)Division of authority and responsibility b)Undefined objectives c)An effective system of
communication d)Well organized and coordinated group of people
55. Food, clothes and shelter are---------
a)Physiological needs b)Security needs c)Self actualization needs d)Self esteem needs
56. The element that is linking process of managerial function is:
a)Planning b)Controlling c)Communicating d)Representing
57. Complex nature of work demands a------------span of control
a)Wide b)Small c)Flat d)Fast
58. According to M S Hardly Planning is deciding in advance what is to be done. It involves the -----------
from among alternatives
a)Selection of objectives b)Selection of policies c)Selection of procedures and programmes d)All of the
59. While matching job in organizing the manager must consider-----------facts into account
a)Why people work b)Why people work for you c)a&b both d)None of the above
60. Forming groups while organizing resource may create ------conflict in groups
a)Goal b)Role c)Stress d)Undefined
61. Planning by supervisor requires following skills qualities within themselves
a)Ability to plan and work b)Full knowledge of men, machinery and machines c)Democratic leadership
d)All of the above
62. Choose correct hierarchy of plan in organization
a)1.divisional plan 2.Corporate plan 3.Departmental plan 4.Sectional plan b)1. Corporate plan 2.
divisional plan 3. Departmental plan 4. Sectional plan c)1. Sectional plan 2. Corporate plan 3. divisional
plan 4. Departmental plan d)1. divisional plan 2. Departmental plan 3. Sectional plan 4. Corporate plan
63. Effective communication requires:
a)A sender b)A receiver c)Information and sender d)Information and understanding
64. The process of deciding what to do, when to do and how to do is called:
a)Organizing b)Controlling c)Planning d)Directing
65. The process of dividing work and then grouping them into units and sub units for the purpose of
administration is called:
a)Departmentation b)Organization c)Committee d)All of the above
66. The method of recruitment and selection will depend upon:
a)State of economy b)The size of organization c)Types of training programs in company d)Objectives of
the company
67. MSBTE board is --------- controlling organization for all colleges affiliated to MSBTE
a)Centralized b)Decentralized c)Non unique d)All of the above
68. ----------- are basis as well as part of planning by supervisor. They give direction to planning
a)Staffing b)Workers c)Objectives d)Mangement
69. Which of the following cannot be the factor for job security
a)Good salary b)Near retirement c)More frequent chances of sickness d)Chances of accident at work
70. -----------planning is based on past performance of organization and less uncertain
a)Strategic b)Operational c)Middle level d)Blind
71. What are approaches in selecting an alternative
a)Experience b)Experimentation c)Research an analysis d)All of the above
72. Arrange the following planning steps in chronological order: 1.Identification of alternatives
2.Evaluation and selection of alternative 3.Measuring and controlling process 4.Developing
derivative/supportive plans
a)1-2-3-4 b)1-2-4-3 c)2-1-3-4 d)1-3-2-4
73. Communication barrier(s) in the international environment is(are)
a)Loss by transmission b)Loss by poor retention c)Poor listening d)All of the above

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