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Quality. Christian. Education.

21st Century Literature from

the Philippines and the World
Quarter 1 Module 1: Lesson 2
Dimensions of Literary Text

21st Century Literature from the Philippines and the World
Quarter 1 Module 1: Lesson 2

MELC 1: Writing a close analysis and critical interpretation of literary texts and doing an
adaptation of these require from the learner the ability to identify:
a.) the geographic, linguistic, and ethnic dimensions of Philippine literary history from pre-
colonial to the contemporary
b.) Representative texts and authors from each region (e.g. engage in oral history research
with focus on key personalities for the students’ region/province/town)
Specific Objectives:
1) Identify the geographic, linguistic, and ethnic dimensions of Philippine literary history
from pre-colonial to the contemporary
2) take to heart these aspects and develop a genuine love for Philippine literature

Republic Act 8293, section 176 states that: No copyright shall subsist in any work of the
Government of the Philippines. However, prior approval of the government agency or office
wherein the work is created shall be necessary for exploitation of such work for profit. Such
agency or office may, among other things, impose as a condition the payment of royalties.
Borrowed materials (i.e., songs, stories, poems, pictures, photos, brand names, trademarks,
etc.) included in this book are owned by their respective copyright holders. Every effort has
been exerted to locate and seek permission to use these materials from their respective
copyright owners. The publisher and authors do not represent nor claim ownership over them.
Published by the Department of Education
Regional Director: Gilbert T. Sadsad
Assistant Regional Director: Jessie L. Amin

I. Introduction

We have learned from the first lesson of the richness of Philippine Literature from the Pre-
colonial Period to Contemporary Period. Indeed, we can say that the Philippine literature has
come a long way. In this lesson, we will examine a literary text and analyze its geographic,
linguistic and ethnic dimensions.
To understand literature, it is necessary that you ask yourself certain questions, such as
“Why does the author use this particular type of imagery, “Why does the author choose such
words?”. To develop your critical analysis skills, you have to observe the author's style and
intent carefully. Aside from reading the literary text, we also want you to think about it, react and
give meaning to it.
This module provides various activities and discussion for you to:

1.) identify the geographic, ethnic and linguistic dimensions of literary text;
2.) analyze a literary text using the formalist approach; and
3.) appreciate the various dimensions by examining the geographic, ethnic and linguistic
dimension of literary text.

II. Pre-Test

Before we start our learning journey, please try to answer the first task below. This task
will give you an overview of what you will learn as you go along this module. Make sure to finish
the task. Give it your best!

Activity 1.
Read the questions carefully and write your answers in another sheet of paper.
1. What critical approach in analyzing literary text focuses on the elements of a work-its
language, structure, and tone?
a. Feminist Approach b. Formalist Approach
b. Reader’s Response Approach

2. When and where the literary text takes place is considered in appreciating the _________
dimension of the text.
a. linguistic b. ethnic c. geographic

3. _________ conveys what the literary piece is about.

a. Imagery b. Theme c. Symbol

4. A formalist believes that a literary work is shaped by ______ and __________.

a. history and politics b. author and his/her biography
c. words and image

5. Who is the one telling in a literary piece?

a. narrator b. author c. character

Score: If you answered all the questions easily you did a great job.
If there were at least two questions that you had a hard time answering, you did well
but it means we need to learn more.

Let us begin and discover our new lesson.

III. Lesson Proper

Activity 2.
Let’s see how much you have remembered from the last lesson by identifying the
following works of literature and the period they belong. Write your answers in the blank.

Before you uncover the new lesson, we would like you to review the things that you have learned
from the previous module by doing the task below:

Source: Source:


Activity 3.
This time can you identify at least one important point that you have learned from
each period by completing the table below.

Periods of Philippine Characteristics


Pre-Colonial 1.

Spanish Colonial 2

American Colonial 3.

Japanese Occupation 4.

Contemporary Period 5.

Were you able to recall all the key points from different periods? Why do you need to
be familiar with the history of our Literature? How do you think this will help you?

Building Your Vocabulary

Before we begin our learning journey, let us enrich our vocabulary by doing the task below

Activity 4.

Fill in the vocabulary word cluster below. In the box on the left are words that you will
find in the poem on page 5. Identify the part of speech and write down two (2) words that you
associate with the word. Finally use the word in a sentence.

Vocabulary Word Cluster

Dare Synonyms: Sentence: _____________________________

Part of speech:

Behold Synonyms: Sentence: _____________________________

Part of speech:

Vision Synonyms: Sentence: _____________________________

Part of speech:

Activity 5.
Read the short poem below from Ivatans. Read it carefully and answer the questions
by writing your answers in a separate sheet of paper.

Whose Face Do I Behold
(Translation by Florentino H. Hornedo from Muyin Paru Ñinu, An Ivatan Laji)

1. Whose face do I behold mirrored

2. Upon the warm water I am about to drink?
3. I dare not drink that the vision I may
4. Prolong!
5. If I die, bury me not
6. at the Cross of San Felix: bury me
7. under your fingernails, that I may
8. be eaten along with every food you eat;
9. that I may
10. be drunk along with every cup
11. of water you drink.
And now answer the questions below based on the poem read.

1. Who is the speaker in the poem? ________________________________

2. Who is being addressed in the poem? ____________________________

3. What situation is being anticipated by the narrator? ___________________

4. What situation is being anticipated by the writer? ___________________

You did a great job in answering the questions. Now let us learn more about the
ethnic group Ivatan and its geography. Let us get to know them more.
Activity 6.
Study the information below and perform the tasks that follow.

The Ivatan
Meaning: Ivatan is derived from Marunong (Filipino) and Chapatak (Ivatan) which
literally means “someone who knows”
Place of Origin :Batanes
Also known as : “Home of the Winds”
Topographic Description :Northernmost and the smallest province in the country.
It encompasses then chief islands and three of
Population :37.657
Religion : Today, the Ivatan are basically Catholic
Livelihood : farming, fishing
Famous For : Vakul and kinyaki (headdress), dakay (historical house)
Languages :Ivatan, Ilocano, Tagalog, English
1. Ivatan : Ipangudidi mu u mapya nanawu
English : Carry with you good teaching,
always bear in mind sound advice.
2. Ivatan : Matakaw ava dimu u kasulivan
English : Nobody can steal your knowledge

Photo by: FerdzDecena

Interesting Information:
1. Choose one geographical
information about the Ivatan that
excites you to explore and
explain your excitement.
_________ ________

2. Do you agree with the Ivatan’s ____________________________
saying that “Nobody can steal ____________________________
your knowledge” Express your ____________________________
idea in two sentences. ____________________________

Excellent work! Now that you have learned about the ethnic group Ivatan and their
geography, let’s learn about how to critically analyze the linguistic dimension of a text using
the formalist approach.

What is Formalist Criticism?

Formalist Criticism

• Formalist Critics (or New Critics) focus on the formal elements of a work - its language,
structure, and tone; they offer intense examinations of the relationship between form and
meaning within a work, emphasizing the subtle complexity of how a work is arranged.

• i.e.: how such things as diction, irony, paradox, metaphor, symbolism, plot,
characterization, rhyme, or narrative technique develop the overall meaning of the piece.

A formalist reads literature as an independent work of art rather than as a reflection of the
author’s state of mind or as a representation of a moment in history. Such things as
biography, history, politics, and economics, for example, are considered far less important
than the writing’s form. Words and image shape the work itself.

Applying Formalism in Analyzing a Literary Text

Step 1. The first step in the formalist approach is to read with an active and critical
mind and paying attention to the details of the poem.
Step 2. Next carefully examine how it is written in narrative form, or in stanzas.
Step 3. Note the word that appeals to the senses, more specifically look for images,
similes, metaphors and symbols used in the literary texts.
Step 4. Study who is narrating or telling what happens, who are the characters in the
literary piece and how are these characters revealed to the readers.
Step 5. Finally, how are these parts work together will tell you the theme and the
message it conveys. It answers the question what it is about.

Enrichment Activities

Activity 7.

This time go back to the poem on page 4. Let’s practice analyzing the linguistic
dimension of the poem from Ivatans using the formalist perspective. Read the instructions and
perform the tasks.

Are you done? Which question is easy for you? Which one is difficult to answer?

Do you find it easier to understand the poem using the formalist perspective? Do you
appreciate the poem’s meaning? Do you like how the poem evokes certain feeling when you
comprehend it better? If you answered a resounding YES to all these questions, you have
learned a lot from our module. Congratulations!


Activity 8.
You have come a long way in going through analyzing the literary selection. Now, let’s just
have a recap of what you have learned by answering the questions below.

1. What is a formalist approach? What does it look for in a literary text?


2. What is the significance of the formalist approach in analyzing a literary text?

3. How does analyzing the literary text’s geographical, ethnical and linguistic dimension
help in appreciation of literary works?


You did an awesome job in your learning experience and I believe that you are equipped
with the skills to analyze a poetry. To show these skills that you have acquired please do the
task below.

Activity 9.
This time, it is your task to analyze a poem from the 21 st century literature. This is not
your typical poem, so carefully read the poem and analyze it by following the steps in the
formalist approach.


Paolo Manalo

1. I’m like tripping right now I have suitcase fever.

2. Dude, man, pare, three people can be the same.

3. Except he’s not who he says he is, pare. He’s a sneeze with Chinese blood: Ha Ching!

4. Naman, it’s like our Tagalog accent, so they won’t think we’re all airs; so much weight it
means nothing naman.

5. Dude, man, pare, at the next stop we’ll make buwelta. So, they can see we know how to look
where we came from.

6. It’s hirap kaya to find a connection. Who’s puwede ba to be our guide?

7. Dude, man, can you make this areglo naman?

8. Make it pabalot kaya in the mall. So, they can guess what you’re thinking. That’s what I call a
package deal.

9. Who says ‘coz should be shot.

10. Only kolehiyalas make tusok the fish balls. Us guys, dude, pare, we make them tuhog.

11. Talaga, she said she’d sleep with you? Naman pare, when she says talaga, it means she’s

12. Hey, wala namang that-an!

Coñotation Analysis

10 | P a g e
Step 1. Note some about the poem that made an impact on you while reading it.

Step 2. Is the poem narrating the story?

Step 3. List down images, similes, metaphors or symbolism used in the poem that
depict geographic, ethnic and linguistic dimension of the poem.

Step 4. Who are the characters mentioned in the poem? List down the words that
reveal the character’s trait.

Step 5. What is the message being conveyed by the poem?

Excellent! You have used your critical thinking skills in analyzing the sample literary
text by looking into its geographic, ethnic and linguistic dimension. Now you are better
equipped in appreciating the next literary text on your next learning adventure.

IV. Assessment

Activity 10.
1. Which of these features of a text would a Formalist NOT be interested in?
a. Structure c. Author’s biographical background

11 | P a g e
b. Context d. Meaning of words
2. Which of the following appeals to the senses?
a. Imagery b. Simile c. Symbolism d. All of the above

3. In analyzing how the poem started with a rhetorical question you are looking at what
aspect of the literary text?
a. Form b. Setting c. Structure d. Symbol

4. Why does a formalist focus on diction, irony, paradox and narrative techniques in
obtaining the meaning of a literary piece?
a. A formalist considers the history to obtain meaning
b. A formalist wants to examine how the work is arranged
c. A formalist looks at how words shape the meaning of a literary piece
d. A formalist believes that a literary piece is a reflection of the author’s mind

5. What is revealed when imagery, character and setting work together?

a. Form b. Structure c. Symbol d. Theme

V. Enrichment/ Additional Task

Activity 11.
You would have noticed in the poem “Coñotation” how the words dude, man, pare were
repeated several times. Try to use these words around your house. Take note of your family
members’ reactions and how it made them feel. Write about the experience in your journal.


12 | P a g e
Key to Correction
Activity 1. Activity 6
1. b 1. Answers may vary
2. c 2. Answers may vary
3. b
4. c

Activity 2
1. Spanish Colonial Activity 7
2. Spanish Colonial 3. Answers may vary
3. American Colonial 4. Answers may vary
4. Pre-Colonial Possible Answer: Cemetery, death
5. Contemporary 5. Answers may vary
6. Answers may vary
Activity 3 Possible Answer: Food, water- what
1. Based on traditions, more on oral literature sustains us
2. religious/ secular, Spanish as medium of 7. Answers may vary
3. communication Possible Answer: Love that may never
4. Imitation of English and American Models/ be forgotten even after death.
5. Rise of short stories and Novels
6. Fiction prevailed over poetry / free verse
7. Use of symbolism and allegories Activity 8 (Application)
1. Answers may vary
Activity 4 2. Yes, the poem is telling a story.
Dare Synonyms: 3. Answers may vary
Geographic: Mall, kolehiyala, fishball
challenge, provoke, Linguistic: tagalog, dude, man, pare
Part of speech: verb
taunt Ethnic: “we know how to look where
we came from”, “when she says
Behold Synonyms:
talaga, she’s lying”.
4. Man, dude, pare
see, observe, view
Part of speech: verb 5. Answers may vary
Vision Synonyms:
eyesight, sight, Activity 9 (Assessment)
1. c
Par of speech: noun 2. True
3. c
 Sentences may vary. 4. marunong
Activity 5 5. True

1. The author
2. Answers may vary- loved ones
3. Answers may vary- death, separation

13 | P a g e

Lumbera, Beinvenido and Lumbera Cynthia Nograles. Philippine Literatue, A History and
Anvil Publishing, Manila Philippines 2005

Tayao, Ma Lourdes G., Alonzo, Rosario and Flores Eden Regala. 21st- Centure Literature from
the Philippnes and the World for Senior High School.

Gasulas Allen Montenegro,Mantarin Gerardo Gabriel Integrated English for Effective
Communication in Creative Writing. Phoenix Publishing House, Manila
Philippines 2017.

Solmerano, Ernesto Thaddeus, OndevillaMiel Kristian et. Al. Creative Writing K-12 Basic
EducationCurriculum Senior High School – Academic Track. OBE
Manila Philippines 2017.

Diyanni, Robert . Literature Approaches to Fiction, Poetry, and Drama. 2nd ed. Boston: McGraw


Mendoza, Paul Anthony and Silva Maristel , 21st Century Literature from the Philippines and
the World II. Accessed on June 23, 2020,

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