Observation by Malderez

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key concepts in elt

Angi Malderez

Why observation is Observation is commonly used in education as a tool to support

important understanding and development. It is one of two common ways of
getting information which can help us make sense of educational
situations, gauge the e¤ectiveness of educational practices, and plan
attempts for improvements. The other way is by asking people. The
shortcomings of one way can be o¤set somewhat by using the other, and
they are therefore often used together.
Daily, practitioners use their ability to observe—to notice even very subtle
clues to what might be happening inside learners’ heads—as a tool in
managing the learning/teaching process. Some also use it more
consciously to manage their own development of this responsive

What is meant by Observation does not just mean ‘seeing’. It is most often used to include
observation ‘hearing’, as well as using other senses to collect information (for
example, on temperature or smell). In real life the acts of perceiving,
interpreting, assessing, and reacting, for example, can often seem
simultaneous (think, for instance, about those processes in our decisions
to cross a busy road). So for some, observation can mean all of these
things together.
Furthermore, in phrases such as ‘doing an observation’, the meaning of
the term ‘observation’ extends beyond the central activity to the events
that surround it, such as pre- and post-observation discussions of one
type or another.
However, in education observation is used for many reasons. Most of
these see observation as obtaining, and often recording, what we notice,
in order to support the elaboration of starting points for further work.
These starting points are most usefully descriptive accounts (‘the boy
yawned’) rather than interpretative (the boy was bored), or evaluative (that
was boring), whatever the eventual use of the observation.

Types of observation There are four main purposes for observation: for professional
development, for training, for evaluation, and for research. The di¤erent
purposes of observations will have an impact on who observes and how
often, who the other participants (or observees) are, who learns or
benefits from the information collected, the nature of the learning, the

ELT Journal Volume 57/2 April 2003 © Oxford University Press 179
breadth of focus, where observations occur, and what happens before
and after observations.

Observation for This category includes observations where an observee makes (perhaps
development with support) their own decisions about how to use the observer and
their observations. This person is most often the teacher of an observed
class or classes. In working with the observer’s perspective, a teacher can
develop not only their ability to notice but also their pedagogic reasoning,
so that student learning will be more e¤ectively supported. Peer-
observation, all in-service, and most pre-service mentoring, as well as
various forms of practitioner research (such as ‘Action’, ‘Exploratory’, or
‘Classroom’) most often fall into this category. Pre-observation
discussions will centre on what the observee wishes the observer to
notice (Williams 1989). This may be more or less specific, depending on
stages in development spirals. In post-observation meetings, the
discussion is led by the observee (Malderez 2002). The observer only
o¤ers information when invited. The main learner decides whether or
not to publicize in any way the information or learning gained from the
experience. The observer respects this right.

Observation for This category includes observations where the focus of learning is on
training ‘skilled practitioner behaviour’. Typically decisions about what should be
learnt are made by people other than the trainees. Trainees may be the
observers of experts at work, or be observed making attempts at skilled
behaviours. Most often, observation for training is used in pre-service
situations, although it may also feature in in-service development work,
when identified as a need by the learner. There will almost always be a
pre-determined focus for observation, and often a designed observation
schedule to go with it. Post-observation discussions will be led by the
trainer-as-expert and ‘feedback’ (as descriptions, interpretations, or
evaluations) given by the trainer and/or other observers.

Observation for This category groups observations where the main purpose is for the
evaluation observer to make a judgement. Trainers may need to use observation for
this purpose as part of a decision-making process about whether trainees
can pass courses. People with managerial responsibilities may use it
within sta¤ appraisal systems, and to guide strategic sta¤ development
planning. These ‘managers’ may be from within institutions or from an
external cross-institutional inspectorate. Project-related researchers may
use observation for evaluation to assess impact and guide further
planning. Typically, observations for evaluation will be multi-focused,
and use quite complex checklists or schedules. In contrast to the previous
categories, the main ‘learner’ here is the observer, and the paymasters to
whom they report. Pre-observation meetings, if they occur, tend to focus
on procedures and the schedule being used, and in post-observation the
results of the assessment are given either in face-to-face ‘feedback’
sessions or written reports.

Observation for This category includes any observations which are carried out for the
research main purpose of creating public theories. The researcher is the main
learner, and although ultimately most researchers would like their

180 Angi Malderez

theorizing to make a positive di¤erence to practices, the focus is initially
on generating descriptions and plausible explanations of educational
phenomena. Data are gathered using carefully designed and focused
observation schedules. Consenting observees will often be given general
information about the observation beforehand, but will generally have to
wait some considerable time before being informed about the outcomes,
which are almost always made public.

Conclusion Observation is a much more complex area than might at first appear.
This is partly because any individual observer’s perception is naturally
selective and di¤erent from any other’s. In addition, the historically
widespread use of observation for evaluation only, (even when
supposedly as part of ‘training’ or even ‘development’), has led to an
understandable reluctance of many to being observed. This is perhaps
because of the threat to self-esteem, and/or because being told about
others’ judgements has been minimally helpful. (There is no direct link
between public theories and an individual teacher’s practice.)
Finally, the same person can wear di¤erent observer ‘hats’. Many of us
are called upon to use di¤erent kinds of observation in our work. It
seems therefore very important to be clear about the purpose of each
observation, and the related issues as discussed above, every time we
observe or are observed.

References Wallace, M. 1998. Action Research for Language

Malderez, A. 2002. ‘In-service adviser mentor Teachers. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
development’ in D. Hayes (ed.). Making a di¤erence: (Chapter 6, Research and Development).
The experience of the Primary English Language
Project. Sri Lanka. Colombo: The British Council. The author
Williams, M. 1989. ‘A developmental view of Angi Malderez is a Lecturer in TESOL at the School
classroom observation’. ELT Journal 43/2: 85–91. of Education, The University of Leeds. Her main
interest is language teacher education, and ways of
Further reading supporting professional development through
Malderez, A. and C. Bodoczky. 1999. Mentor mentoring or experiential workshops. She has
Courses: A resource book for Trainer Trainers. lived and worked in France, North Cyprus, and
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (Chapters Hungary, and contributes to development projects
4 and 7, Development and Evaluation). in Sri Lanka, Botswana, China, and Bahrain.
Mason, J. 2002. Researching Your Own Practice: The Email:[email protected]
Discipline of Noticing. London: Routledge-Falmer
(Development and Research).
Wajnryb, R. 1992. Classroom Observation Tasks: A
resource book for Language Teachers and Trainers.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (Training
and Development).

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