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TITLE: Arrange an exhibition cum sale of products produced out

of waste.

PRACTICAL SIGNIFICANCE: It will explain how exhibitions are

arranged and how products are chosen.

Relevant program outcome:- PO1,PO2,PO3, PO5,PO9,PO10


knowledge about how events and exhibitions are organized.


comprehensive business plans.

Ecopro has organized an exhibition cum sale.
Under the patronage of Shri AnanthKumar, Honourable Member of
Parliament [Bengaluru South] and central cabinet minister for
Parliamentary Affairs and Chemicals & Fertilisers, over two lakh school
children are being served midday meals everyday through five Community
Kitchens. Adamya Chetana is also running various projects in the areas of
Child, Women development and sustainable development of villages.

ZERO garbage kitchen: Adamya Chetana kitchen at Bengaluru is a ZERO

garbage kitchen. More than 500 kg of garbage that was being produced
earlier every day was reduced to zero by Reduce-Reuse-Recycle. Green
waste is used to produce compost or biofuel. Water is used to water plants,
and so on. No waste goes to the municipal garbage bins anymore!

Fossil-free fuel: Our kitchen in Bengaluru also runs entirely on fossil-free

fuel. We switched from LPG/Diesel to bio-fuels like briquettes, thus saving
over 7.500 LPG cylinders every year.

From the kitchen to the Dining table: Our unique plate bank has 10,000+
sets of plates, spoons, tumblers, etc. which are used at events not only by
Adamya Chetana but also by others organising any event. This eliminates
a huge amount of waste in the form of disposable plates and cutlery.

Green Bengaluru 1:1: Our Chief Patron Shri AnanthKumar’s concern for
the environment led us to launch a program to plant 1 crore saplings in
Bengaluru in the coming years. From a desirable ratio of 7 trees to a
person, we in Bengaluru have 7 persons to a tree! There is a need to
reverse this trend. We have already planted and are nurturing about a lakh
saplings in the last one year and the program continues.

Subhiksha Gram including Plastic waste management: Our

comprehensive village development programs include planting trees, water
management, plastic waste management, etc.

RESULT:- We have arranged an exhibition cum sale of products

produced out of waste.

CONCLUSION:- Hence We have successfully arranged an

exhibition cum sale of products produced out of waste and made
a report of it.

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