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M.B.A Course Structure and Syllabi

Minimum Credits required for M. B. A. Degree

I to IV Hard CoreCourses Soft Core Courses Total


Numbers Credits Numbers Credits Numbers Credits

13 52 10 40 23 92

Minimum Courses to be registered by a student in a normal phase to

successfully complete MBA Degree in four semesters.

Semesters Hard Core Courses Soft Core Courses Total

Numbers Credits Numbers Credits Numbers Credits

I 4 16 2 8 6 24

II 4 16 2 8 6 24

III 3 12 3 12 6 24

IV 2 8 3 12 5 20

Total 13 52 10 40 23 92
Minimum Courses to be registered by a student in a normal phase to
successfully complete MBA Degree in ODD and EVEN semesters.

Semesters Hard Core Courses Soft Core Courses Total

Numbers Credits Numbers Credits Numbers Credits

ODD 7 28 5 20 12 48

EVEN 6 24 5 20 11 44

Total 13 52 10 40 23 92


Hard Number
Core/Soft of Credits
Sl. No. Title of the Course Core

MBAH 501 Entrepreneurship and Small Business HC 4

MBAH 502 Management Accounting HC 4

MBAH 503 International Business Environment HC 4


MBAS 504 Strategic Financial Management SC 4

MBAS 505 Security Analysis and Portfolio SC 4


MBAS 506 Tax Planning SC 4


MBAS 507 Marketing Research and Consumer SC 4


MBAS 508 Promotions and Distribution SC 4


MBAS 509 Retail Management SC 4


MBAS 510 Training and Development SC 4

MBAS 511 Employees Relations Management SC 4

MBAS 512 Stress Management SC 4


MBAS 513 Principles and Practice of Banking and SC 4


MBAS 514 Banking and Insurance Products SC 4

MBAS 515 International Banking SC 4


MBAS 516 Hospital Service Management SC 4

MBAS 517 Hospital Planning and Administration SC 4

MBAS 518 National Health Plan and Health SC 4



Hard Number
Core/Soft of Credits
Sl. No. Title of the Course Core

MBAH 551 Strategic Management HC 4

MBAP 552 Project Report*** HC 4


MBAS 553 Financial Services SC 4

MBAS 554 International Financial Management SC 4

MBAS 555 Corporate Financial Restructuring SC 4


MBAS 556 International Marketing Management SC 4

MBAS 557 Services Marketing SC 4

MBAS 558 Rural Marketing SC 4


MBAS 559 Global Human Resources Management SC 4

MBAS 560 Compensation Management SC 4

MBAS 561 Performance Management SC 4


MBAS 562 Legal Aspects of Banking and Insurance SC 4

MBAS 563 Treasury and Risk Management SC 4

MBAS 564 Rural Banking SC 4


MBAS 565 Quality Management in Healthcare Organisation SC 4

MBAS 566 Legal Issues in Healthcare and Business Ethics SC 4

MBAS 567 Health Entrepreneurship SC 4

* Soft Core Courses in I and II Semesters:

Any two soft core coursesfrom the available Soft Cores shall be selected by a student
at the commencement of I and II Semesters. The Department Council/ Affiliated
College will announce at the beginning of the first and second semesters, any two or
more soft core papers which will be offered during I and II semesters depending upon
the availability of faculty and the demand for soft core courses. The minimum number
of students opting for a soft core course should be ten.

** Elective Groups:

Any one groupfrom the available Soft Core Groupsshall be selected by a student at
the commencement of III Semester. Once a group has been selected, no change in the
selected group will be allowed later in the fourth semester. The Department/ Affiliated
College will announce at the end of the second semester, any one or more Soft Core
Groups which will be offered during III and IV semesters depending upon the
availability of faculty members and the demand for soft core group. A Soft Core
Group can be offered if there are minimum ten students opting for that group.

***Project Work:

A student in the third semester shall register for a Project Work which carries 4 credits
in the fourth semester. Work load for Project Work is one contact hour per
student per week for the teacher. The student shall do field work and library work
in the remaining 3 credit hours per week.
MBAH 501: Entrepreneurship and Small Business

Workload : 4 hours per week. - Total credits: 4

Examinatio : 3 hours 70 marks
Objectives : The objective of the course is to familiarize the students with the
process of entrepreneurship and the institutional facilities
available to an entrepreneur in India.
Pedagogy : Lectures, assignments, practical exercises, discussions, seminars.

Chapter 1: Entrepreneurship: Concept of Entrepreneurship and Entrepreneur –

Definition – Process of entrepreneurship –Theories of Entrepreneurship -
Characteristics of successful entrepreneurs – Functions of an Entrepreneur -
Family Entrepreneur- Growth of Entrepreneurship in India - Entrepreneur and
Entrepreneurship in economic development – Entrepreneurship Development
Programmes (EDPs).
Chapter 2: New Ventures and Business Plan: Business idea – methods of
generating ideas – sources of business idea – evaluation of the environment –
analysis of the industry and the competitors – final selection of the business idea.–
Business Plan - Need for a Business plan - Steps in the preparation of business
plan - Operating plans and financial plans- Organizational Plan - Marketing plan-
Marketing functions –Market research and its implications.

Chapter 3: Feasibility Planning - Planning paradigm for new ventures - Stages

of growth model - Fundamental of a good feasibility plan - Components of
feasibility plan.

Chapter 4: Business Acquisitions and Franchising: Kinds of Mergers and

Acquisitions - Advantages and disadvantages of acquiring established business -
considerations for evaluation of business - Methods of valuing a business -
Franchising – advantages and disadvantages of franchising – evaluation of
Franchise arrangement .

Chapter 5: Managing growth: Life cycle of an entrepreneurial venture - Role of

entrepreneur during various transition stages – Growth and Strategic Management
– Growth through Expansion, Diversification, joint venture, Sub-Contracting.

Chapter 6: Financing a new venture: Financing and its effects on effective

asset management - Alternate methods of financing - Venture capital and new
venture financing, Venture capital process, venture leasing, Private Equity,
Foreign Direct Investments, Foreign Institutional Investments - working out for
working capital requirement, Government agencies assisting in financing the

Chapter 7: Small Business and Government Policy: Role of Small Business in

building the economy - Strengths and weaknesses of small business – Definition
of small business under the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development
Act, 2006 – Small business after Liberalization, Privatization and
Globalization(LPG) - Export potentials of Small Scale Industries - Causes for
small business failure - Success factors for small business. Government Policy in
respect of Small business; Role of Central Government and State Government in
promoting Entrepreneurship with various incentives, subsidies, grants etc. – with
special reference to ‘Export oriented unites’ .

Chapter 8: Women and Rural Entrepreneurship: Growth and Challenges to

Woman Entrepreneurs, Achievements of Woman Entrepreneurs, Role Models of
Woman Entrepreneurs. NGO and Rural Entrepreneurship- need for rural
Entrepreneurship-Problems of rural Entrepreneurship.

Chapter 9: Legal aspects: Requirements for successful patent grants - steps in

obtaining a patent - Registration of trademark - copy right and the concept of fair
use - Protection of intellectual property.

1. Hold Davis H - Entrepreneurship - Prentice Hall of India.
2. Siropolis Nicholas - Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 6th edition - All India
Publishers and Distributors.
3. Prasanna Chandra - Projects, Planning, Analysis, Selection, Implementation and
Review, 4th edition - Tata McGraw Hill
4. Peters Hisrich - Entrepreneurship, 4th edition. - Irwin McGraw-Hill
5. Burns Tim - Break the curve - International Thomson Business Press
6. Harvard Business Review on Entrepreneurship - Harvard Business School Press.
7. R V Badi and N V Badi - Entrepreneurship, Recent Edition -Vrinda publications
(P) Ltd.
8. C.S.V.Murthy - Small Scale Industries and Entrepreneurial Development -
Himalaya Publishing House.
9. MadhurimaLallShikhaSahai - Entrepreneurship - Excel Books.
10. S.S .Khanka - Entrepreneurship Development - S. Chand and Company Ltd
11. Marc J. Dollinger -Entrepreneuship Strategies and Resources - Pearson Education.
Workload : 4 hours per week. - Total credits: 4
Examinatio : 3 hours 70 marks
Objectives : The objective of the course is to familiarize the students with the
concept of management accounting and its uniqueness, its
applications in various managerial applications and various tools
used in the managerial decision making process.
Pedagogy : Lectures, assignments, practical exercises, discussions, seminars.

Chapter 1: Introduction to Management Accounting: Management Accounting Vs

Cost Accounting - Management Accounting budget Vs. Financial Accounting – Role
and scope of Management Accounting – Role of Management Accountant.
Chapter 2: Budgetary Control: Elements of management planning and control
system – Budgeting as a tool – uses and organisation of Budgets – Organisation for
Budgeting Control – The Budgeting process – steps in preparation of budgets –
classification of budgets – Functional budgets – cash budgets – master budget – Fixed
Vs. Flexible budgets – budget reports – Budget variances and reporting. Zero based
budgets. Responsibility Accounting – Cost centre – Revenue centre – investment
centre – profit centre.
Chapter 3: Cost of Capital: Cost of equity, debt, retained earnings, rights and bonus
issues – weighted average cost of capital.
Chapter 4: Capital Budgeting: Appraisal of long-term projects – techniques of
appraisal – Payback, Accounting rate of return, NPV, IRR and profitability index.
Chapter 5: Marginal Costing and Break-even Analysis: Absorption vs. Marginal
costing – contribution analysis – Relevance of Marginal Costing – P/V ratio – Break-
even analysis. P/V and Break-even graphs – C-V-P analysis.
Chapter 6: Cost analysis for decision making: The role of costs, relevant costs,
differential costs – cost behaviour – make or buy, product mix decisions, accepting
special orders, decision to shut down or continue operations – marginal pricing and its
relevance limiting factors – formulation of linear programming model using product
mix and limiting factors.
Chapter 7: Analysis and Interpretation of financial statements: Uses and
limitations of financial statements, Trend analysis and ratio analysis. Practical
problems using company annual reports.
Chapter 8: Statements of changes in Financial position: Funds flow and cash flow
analysis – Net working capital schedule – International and Indian accounting
standards on statement of changes in financial positions – practical problems using
company annual reports.
Chapter 9: Working Capital estimates for companies: Estimating the requirements
– Gross working capital and net working capital – operating cycle.

1. Charles T. Horngren -Introduction to Management Accounting - Pearson
2. Robert N.Anthony& Glenn A. Welsch -Fundamentals of Management
Accounting -Richard D Irwin.
3. W.M.Harper -Management Accounting-Trans-Atlantic Publications.
4. Manmohan&Goyal -Principles and Practice of Management Accounting-
SahityaBhawan,Agra .
5. Anthony A. Atkinson-Management accounting-Pearson Education.
6. Issac Wayne Keller &William L. Farrara -Management Accounting for
Profit Control-McGraw- Hill, Inc., U.S.
7. Robert S.Kaplan -Advanced Management Accounting- Prentice Hall.
8. Robert S Kaplan &Anthony A Atkinson - Advanced Management
Accounting -Pearson Education Asia.
9. Hrishikesh Bhattacharya - Working Capital Management(Strategies and
10. Satish B Mathur- Warking Capital Management and Control(Principles &
Practice)-New Age International Publication.
11. I M Pandey- Financial Management- Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd.
12. S.P.Jain&K.L.Narang-Cost and Management Accounting, -
KalyaniPublishers .
13. M.Y.Khan&P.K.Jain- Management Accounting - Mc Graw hill, New
14. Coombs-Management Accounting-SAGE South Asia Publication.
15. J.Madegowda- Management Accounting-Himalaya Publishing House.
16. Horngreen ,Sundem,Stratton- Introduction to Management Accounting -
Prentice Hall India, New Delhi.
17. Pandey IM – Management Accounting- Vikas Publishing House, New
Delhi, 3rdEdn.
18. Sahaf MA- Management Accounting : principles and practice - Vikas
Publishing House, New Delhi, 3rd Edn.
MBAH 503: International Business Environment
Workload : 4 hours per week. - Total credits: 4
Examinatio : 3 hours 70 marks
Objectives : The purpose of this paper is to enable the students learn nature
scope and structure of International Business, and understand the
influence of various environmental factors on international
business operations.
Pedagogy : Lectures, assignments, practical exercises, discussions, seminars.

Chapter 1: Introduction to International Business: Importance nature and scope of

International business; modes of entry into International Business internationalization
process and managerial implications. Approaches to international business. Trade

Chapter 2: Environmental Context of International Business: Framework for

analyzing international business environment – Domestic, foreign and global
environments and their impact on international business decisions.

Chapter 3: Global Trading Environment: World trade in goods and services – Major
trends and developments; World trade and protectionism – Tariff and non-tariff
barriers; Counter trade.

Chapter 4: International Financial Environment: Foreign investments-Pattern,

Structure and effects; Movements in foreign exchange and interest rates and then
impact on trade and investment flows. Capital flows, foreign investment flow and
barriers: FDI and FIIs

Chapter 5: International Economic Environment: World Economic and Trading

Situation; International Economic Institution and Agreements; WTO, IMF, World
Bank UNCTAD, Agreement on Textiles and Clothing (ATC), GSP, GSTP and other
International agreements; International commodity trading and agreements. BRICS
and BRICS Bank

Chapter 6: Regional Economic Groupings in Practice: Regionalism vs.

multilaterallism, Structure and functioning of EC and NAFTA; Regional economic

Chapter 7: Multinational Corporations and their involvement in International

Business: Issues in foreign investments, MNCs and host and home country relations;
technology transfer, Global Operations-need and importance of outsourcing,
advantages of outsourcing to India, Global manufacturing system and practices-
Current issues and future developments. Global competitiveness; Indicators of
competitiveness – competitive advantages of nations. .

Chapter 8: Emerging Developments and Other Issues: Growing concern for ecology;
Counter trade; IT and international business.

1. Bennet, Roger, International Business, Financial Times, Pitman Publishing,

London, 1999.
2. Bhattacharya, B., Going International: Respon se Strategies of the Indian Sector,
Wheeler Publishing, New Delhi, 1996.
3. Czinkota, Michael R., et. al., International Business, the Dryden Press, Fortworth,
4. John D Daniel, Lee H Radebaugh and Daniel P Sullivan, International Business:
Environment and Operations, 10th Edition., Pearson Education.
5. Griffin, Ricky W. and Pustay, Michael W, International Business: A Managerial
Perspective, Addison Wesley, Readings, 1999.
6. Hill, Charles W. L., International Business, McGraw Hill, New York, 2000.
7. Aswathappa K, Essentials of Business Environment, 10th Revised Edition, HPH.
8. Francis Cherunilam, International Business , Revised Edition, PHI
9. Francis Cherunilam, Global Economy and Business Environment , Revised
Edition, HPH.
10. Vishal Kumar, International Business, 1st Edition, 2015, Kalyani Books.
11. Rosy Joshi and Sangam Kapoor, Business Environment, 2 nd Edition, 2015,
Kalyani Books.
12. A Mustafa, International Business Environment, 1st Edition 2013, Kalyani

Workload : 4 hours per week. - Total credits: 4

Examination : 3 hours 70 marks
Objectives : The objective of the course is to provide knowledge about
various functions of financial management and decisions.

Pedagogy : Lectures, assignments, practical exercises, discussions, seminars.

Chapter 1: Financial Management: Objectives and Functions.

Chapter 2: Valuation of securities: Approaches to corporate valuation, valuation of

equities including cash flow, dividends and earnings approach -valuation of debts
and preference shares.

Chapter 3: Capital Structure: factors affecting capital structure, Capital structure


Chapter 4: Leverage: Operating leverage, financial leverage, combined leverage,

EBIT and EPS analysis, ROI and ROE analysis.

Chapter 5: Dividend policy: Factors affecting dividend decisions. Walter model,

Gordon model, Rational expectations model corporate dividend behavior of
companies, Legal and procedural aspects.

Chapter 6: Institutional setup for term finance and working capital finance: term
lending institutions and commercial banks, NBFCs. (detail study of IFCI, IDBI etc. is
not required).

Chapter 7: Venture capital funds: Stages in Venture capital financing, Business

plan, elements of a business plan, the process of venture capital financing, methods of
venture capital financing, future prospects of venture capital financing.

Chapter 8: Project planning and analysis: project - Meaning and concept - Project
life cycle -generation and screening of ideas - Analysis of market and demand -
Technical and Financial Analysis

1. Rajiv Srivastava and Anil Misra- Financial Management- OXFORD University

2. Prasannachandra -Financial Management- Tata Mc GrawHill
3. I M Pandey -Financial Management-Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Lt. New Delhi
4. Lawrence D. Schall &Charles W. Haley -Introduction to Financial Management-
McGraw Hill.
5. Van Horne- Financial Management and policy- PHI .
6. John J Hampton -Financial Decision Making-PHI .
7. Prasanna Chandra -Finance Sense –Tata McGraw Hill.
8. Prasanna Chandra - Project management-Tata McGraw Hill.
9. GirishAhiya& Ravi Gupta - Systems approach to income tax
10. Harvey Maylor-Project Management- Pearson Education
11. R C Mishra abdTarunSoota-Modern Project management- New Age International
Pvt. Ltd.
12. Dr Vinod K singhania , Monica Singhania - Students Guide to Income Tax
13. Vishwanath.S.R-Corporate Finance(Theory and Practice)-Response Books
14. K Nagarajan-Project Management-New Age International Pvt. Ltd.
15. Jakhotiya GP- Strategic Financial Mangement- Vikas Publishing House, New
Delhi, 2ndEdn.
Workload : 4 hours per week. - Total credits: 4
Examination : 3 hours 70 marks
Objectives : The objective of the course is knowledge about capital market
and various investment avenues, the risk return associated with
different investments. It also aims to provide different techniques
of evaluating the investments.
Pedagogy : Lectures, assignments, practical exercises, discussions, seminars.

Chapter 1: Investment Environment: Real estates and financial assets - short term
&long term -call money , treasury bills , CDs, CPs, LCs, discounting of bills ,
equities, bonds, debentures, fixed deposits, mutual fund units, tax sheltered saving
schemes , life insurance and pension products, securitised and non securitised
investments, warrants and convertibles and non-convertibles , financial derivatives,
Foreign equities - investment process .

Chapter 2: Securities Market: Primary & secondary -Structure and functioning of

the market, stock exchanges- listing, trading and settlement procedures– OTCEI,
NSE, BSE, MCX-SX, - important international stock exchanges- depositories -recent
developments -stock market indices - BSE SENSEX, BSE -100, BSE-200, Nifty,
Dollex and, an overview of other indices - calculation of index.

Chapter 3: Risk And Return: systematic & unsystematic risk - calculation of beta -
using beta to estimate return - expected risk & return - Significance of beta in the
portfolio theory – estimation of beta from historical share prices, market risk.

Chapter 4: Economic , Industry & company analysis: economic forecasting &

investment decision -economic forecasting methods -industry analysis -classification
schemes -key characteristics -industry life cycle -company analysis -financial and
non-financial factors .

Chapter 5: Efficient market theory – Forms of market efficiency, Weak form

efficiency - random walk hypothesis, semi strong and strong form efficiencies – tests
for weak, semi-strong and strong form efficiencies.

Chapter 6: Technical analysis : concept -types of charts -Dow theory -price pattern -
support and resistance levels -relative strength analysis -moving averages -breadth of
the market -volume -momentum -confidence index -contrary opinion theory -
oscillators – stochastics -Elliot wave theory.

Chapter 7: Portfolio Selection & Portfolio Analysis: rate of return -indifference

curves- calculating expected returns & standard deviations of portfolios -efficient set
theorem -concavity of the efficient set - Markowitz model, Sharpe’s single index
model-diversification, Constructing optimal portfolios using Markowitz’s model and
Sharpe’s models.

Chapter 8: Capital asset pricing model : assumptions -capital market line -security
market line -arbitrage pricing theory -factor models -pricing effects -two factor and
multiple factor models. Arbitrage Pricing Theory (APT) – Factor Models – Principles
of Arbitrage, Arbitrage portfolios, pricing Effects, Multiple Factor models, Identifying
the factors.
Chapter 9: Derivatives: Options – put and call options, -Trading-margin -valuation-
binomial option pricing model –Black-Scholes model -index options. FUTURES -
hedgers & speculators -contract -markets -returns -expected & current spot prices -
futures options -index future.

Chapter 10: Portfolio Revision and Evaluation – Managed portfolios, Mutual

Fund – Concept, history and types, Advantages and disadvantages, Net Asset
Value, Indian Mutual Fund Scenario, Performance measurement using Sharpe,
Treynor, Jenson, Fama and M2 measures, information Ratio performance
measures, GT Performance Measures.


1. Donald E Fischer & Ronald J Jordan -Security Analysis and Portfolio

Management-Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi.
2. Gordon J Alexander, William F Sharpe and Jeffery V Bailey- Fundamentals of
Investments-Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi.
3. Prasanna Chandra-Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management- Tata Mc
Graw Hill, New Delhi.
4. William Sharpe- Portfolio Theory and Capital Markets -McGraw-Hill Ryerson,
5. V K Bhalla,-Investment Management: Security Analysis and Portfolio
Management-S Chand & Company Ltd. New Delhi.
6. James L Farrel - Portfolio management-McGraw-Hill/Irwin.
7. Fairplace, Cormac Butler,D C Gardner – Credit Derivatives - Financial times
Prentice Hall .
8. Robert Jarrow&Stuart Turnbull- Derivative Securities - South-Western College
9. N D Vohra and B R Bagri - Futures and Options - Tata Mc Graw Hill, New Delhi.
10. Mahajan - Futures & Options -Orient Paperbacks (vision Bks) N Delhi.
11. Albert J. Fredman& Russ Wiles -How mutual funds work - New York Institute of
12. Sahadevan & Thiripalraju - mutual funds -data, analysis, and interpretation -
Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi.
13. Khatri Dhanesh Kumar- Investment Management and Security Analysis- Mc
Millan Publishers India Ltd.
14. Ranganatham M., Madhumathi R.- Security Analysis and Portfolio Management-
15. Parameshwaran Sunil K.- Futures of options, concepts and applications- Tata
16. Punithavathy Pandian-Security Analysis and Portfolio Managemnt-Vikas
Publishing House Pvt Ltd., New Delhi.
17. S Kevin-Security Analysis and Portfolio Management - Prentice Hall of India,
New Delhi.
18. Dr. V A Avadhani- Investment and Securities Market in India- Himalaya
Publishing House, New Delhi.
19. Rajiv Srivastava-Derivatives and Risk Management-Oxford University Press,
New Delhi.
20. John C Hull and Sankarshan Basu-Options, Futures and Other Derivatives,-
Pearson Education.
21. Barua ,Verma & Raghunathan -Portfolio management- Ahmedabad Indian
Institute of Management .
MBAS 506: Tax Planning
Workload : 4 hours per week. - Total credits: 4
Examination : 3 hours 70 marks
Objectives : The objective of the course is to familiarize the students with the
tax laws and know the impact of tax laws on companies and
individuals. It also aims to provide different strategies to
minimize the tax liability.
Pedagogy : Lectures, assignments, practical exercises, discussions, seminars.
Chapter 1: Tax Laws and Rules: Income tax Act, Wealth tax Act, Expenditure Tax
Act, Interest Tax Act, Finance Act, Black Money and Imposition Tax Act. Indirect
Tax. Current Tax Rates. Central Excise and VAT, Customs Duty, Service Tax,
Central Sales Tax and VAT, Primer on GST

Chapter 2: Tax Planning: objectives and significance, Tax Evasion, Tax Avoidance
and Tax Planning; Types of tax planning. Special Problems covering on the
assessment of individuals, Firms, AOP, Companies. – Tax planning with special
reference to employee’s remuneration - Scope of Tax Planning / Tax avoidance / Tax

Chapter 3: Corporate tax planning: areas of corporate tax planning; Partnership tax
planning, Fund Structuring, Mergers & Acquisitions, Private Equity Investments, Real
Estate Investments, Tax Treaty, Planning / Withholding Taxes, Tax controversies,
Exempt Organizations, VAT and other indirect taxes
Chapter 4: Tax planning in respect of Amalgamation or de-merger of Companies or
business restructure, Tax planning with reference to setting up of a new business;
locational aspects, nature of business; Planning of tax holiday benefits, limitations on
the tax planning exercises, flexible planning premises; planning in the context of court
ruling and legislatives amendments.
Chapter 5: Tax planning with regards to specific managerial decisions such as to
make or buy, own lease or hire etc. Tax planning with Books for Reference to
financial management decisions such as capital structure of a company and tax
incidence; tax as a variable in computing cost of capital; tax considerations in
dividend policy and bonus share issue

Chapter 6: Tax planning and important provisions of wealth tax and court rulings and
legislatives amendments pertaining to wealth tax. Return of Income and assessment,
Advance payment of tax. Tax deduction at Source.

Chapter 7: Personal tax planning: Income and Expenditure; Employment Income,

Expenses and Allowable Deductions, Other Taxable Benefits, Income and Dividends
from a Business and Self-Employment, Investment Income and Expenses, Personal
Deductions, Income Splitting Tax-Advantaged Investments, Deferred Income Plans.
Permissible Exemptions, Deductions, Rebates, Relief and Filling of tax return.
Books for Reference:

1. Vinodh .K. Sanguine, Direct taxes Law and Practice, Taxman’s Publication,
2. S Datey, Indirect Taxes-Law &Practice, Taxman’s Publication, 2012-13
3. Ravi Gupta and Ahuja, Systematic Approach to Income Tax,Barath Law
4. DinkarPagare, Law and Practice of Income Tax, Sultan Chand and Sons, New
Delhi, 2012-13
5. Kaushal Kumar Agrawal, Direct Tax Planning and Management, Edition
2007, Atlantic.
6. Kaushal Kumar Agrawal, Corporate Tax Planning (Volume - 1) 6th Edition,
7. Rajeev Puri and Puja Gaur, Corporate Tax Planning and Management, 13th
Edition 2016, Kalyani Books.
8. Direct and Indirect tax up to date.

Workload : 4 hours per week. - Total credits: 4

Examination : 3 hours 70 marks
Objectives : The objective of the course is to familiarize the students with the
consumer behavior.
Pedagogy : Lectures, assignments, practical exercises, discussions, seminars.
Chapter 1: Marketing Research: Definition: Aims and objectives – contribution of
marketing research. Need and scope for marketing research. Techniques of marketing
research. Steps involving research procedure.

Chapter 2: Research Methodology & Research plan: Research design, types of

research, exploratory and descriptive steps involved in research design.

Chapter 3: Data Collection: Types of data, sources; secondary data, limitations of

secondary data; primary data- questionnaires, question sequence, question
requirements, types of question, conducting the survey.

Chapter 4: The Sampling Process & Data Processing: The sample, theory of
sampling, types of sampling, probability and non-probability methods of sample
selection. Data processing methods, tabulation, analysis and interpretation of data;
statistical tool for data analysis, Use of statistical software packages. Preparation of
the research report.

Chapter 5: Consumer Behaviour: Consumer behaviour as marketing discipline -

meaning and scope of consumer behaviour – decision process approach; Psychology
and consumer behaviour.

Chapter 6: Nature of Buyer behaviour process: Buyer behaviour models,

Consumer decision processes. Nature and characteristics of Indian consumer buying

Chapter 7: Consumer behaviour and social influences, Forms of social influences

– culture, subculture, social class, reference groups, family, sales person’s influence,
influence of advertising and other situational influences.

Chapter 8: Consumer motivation: Major components of consumer motivation,

consumer perception, key factors in perception. Nature of consumer learning, major
factors in learning. Consumer attitudes: Concept, components of attitude, relation of
consumer attitude to consumer behaviour.
References :

1. Bradley-Marketing Research: Tools & Techniques- Oxford.

2. SunandaEaswaran & Sharmila J. Singh-Marketing Research: Concepts, Practices and
Cases- Oxford.
3. Naresh K. Malhothra, Satyabhushan Dash -Marketing research : an applied
orientation -Pearson education .
4. Alvin C.Burns - Ronald F Bush,Marketing Research- Pearson Education.
5. Dr. S. Ramesh Kumar -Case Studies in Consumer Behaviour- Pearson Education.
6. S Ramesh Kumar -Conceptual Issues In Consumer Behavior Indian Context -
7. Schiffman Leon G. and Kanuk Leslie Lazar - Consumer Behaviour -Pearson/
Prentice Hall.
8. G.C.Beri- Marketing Research-Tata McGrew Hill Education Private Limited.
9. Hair, Bush, Ortinau- Marketing Research- Tata McGraw Hill
10. Nargundkar - Marketing Research -Tata McGraw Hill.
11. Cooper Schindler- Marketing Research, Concept& Cases-TMGH.
12. Loudon D.L. and Bitta Della - Consumer Behaviour,Tata Mc Graw Hill.
13. M. N. Mishra- Modern Marketing Research -Himalaya Publishing House
14. C.N. Sontakki -Marketing Research- Himalaya Publishing.
15. Suja R. Nair- Consumer Behaviour and Marketing Research- Himalaya
16. Suja R. Nair- Consumer Behaviour in Indian Perspective- Himalaya Publishing.
17. S.A. Chunawalla- Commentary on Consumer Behaviour- Himalaya Publishing.
18. C.N. Sontakki- Consumer Behaviour- Himalaya Publishing.
19. Rajeev Kumar- consumer behavior- Himalaya Publishing.
20. Wek, Rubin- Marketing Research- Prentice Hall India

Workload : 4 hours per week. - Total credits: 4

Examination : 3 hours 70 marks
Objectives : To understand the importance of promotion and distribution
function in the entire chain of marketing.

Pedagogy : Lectures, assignments, practical exercises, discussions, seminars,

case studies.

Chapter 1: Advertising: concept, importance, objectives- types - role of advertising-

advertising Copy - Layout, Advertising agencies - working and services-Advertising
budget-methods- Media and media selection, scheduling – types of ad appeals-
Evaluation of advertising effectiveness.

Chapter 2: Public relations-concepts, objectives- importance of public relations,

Methods of public relations , issuing of News and Information, Issuing press releases,
integration of public relation into the marketing mix, power of publicity, corporate
publicity, Relationship marketing-Sales promotion-concepts and importance-tools and
types - promotion budget-methods and types-Direct marketing , its nature and
importance- new developments in promotion- kiosk marketing, Guerrilla Marketing.

Chapter 3: Sales Management-concept and its role in the firm – Sales Planning-
Sales forecasting, methods of sales forecasting -sales budgetary procedure, methods
of sales forecasting, Sales personnel planning– recruitment, selection and training-
territory management. Sales compensation, Evaluation of sales force performance .
Personal Selling process.

Chapter 4: Physical distribution- distribution channel-channel logistics-channel

design-channel advantages and disadvantages-Cost/benefit analysis of channels -
importance of channel marketing – distribution network building. Retail management
and its importance.

Chapter 5: Supply chain management –concept, objectives, inventory management,

uses of SCM- advantages and limitations-Current trends in SCM.

Chapter 6: Virtual marketing: technological development, development of e-

commerce, different commercial models, diverse roles of websites. Virtual value
chain, disintermediation, cyber-mediaries.

1. Eugene M. Johnson, David L Kurtz, Eberland K Scheving –Sales Management,
Concepts, practices & Cases- Mc Grow-Hill
2. J.L.Gattome and D.W.Walters- Managing Supply Chain-A Strategic
Perspective- Palgrave Macmillan
3. B.S. Sahey - Supply Chain Management –Mcmillan
4. U.C.Mathur- Advertising Management-New Age International Publications.
5. Belch MA and Belch GE - Advertising and Promotion- An Integrated Marketing
Communication Perspective -Tata McGraw Hill.
6. Batra Myers and Aker - Advertising Management -Pearson/ Prentice Hall.
7. S.A.Chunawala and K.C. Sethia- Advertising -Himalaya publication House.
8. Kenneth.E.Clow, &Donald Baack – Integrated Advertising, Promotion and
marketing Communication- Pearson Education.
9. Tapan. K Panda & Sunil Sahadev-Sales & Distribution Management- Oxford
Higher Education.
10. S.C.Bhatia-Retail Management-Atlantic Publishers & Distributors.
11. SwapnaPradhan -Retailing Management -Atlantic Publishers & Distributor.
12. Berman-Retail Management: A Strategic Approach- Pearson Education India.
13. Mentzer- Supply Chain Management-Sage Publications
MBAS 509: Retail Management
Workload : 4 hours per week. - Total credits: 4
Examination : 3 hours 70 marks
Objectives : To understand the concepts of effective retailing and the recent
trends in retailing in India.

Pedagogy : Lectures, assignments, practical exercises, discussions, seminars.

Chapter 1: Introduction: An overview of Retailing – Challenges and opportunities

– Retail trends in India – Socio economic and technological Influences on retail
management – Government of India policy implications on retailing. Emerging trends
in retailing: Changing nature of retailing, organized retailing, Modern retail formats,
E-tailing, Challenges faced by the retail sector
Chapter 2: Retail Formats: Organized and unorganized formats – Different
organized retail formats – Characteristics of each format – Emerging trends in retail
formats – MNC's role in organized retail formats.
Chapter 3: Retailing Decisions: Choice of retail locations - internal and external
atmospherics – Positioning of retail shops – Building retail store Image Factors
determining the location decision, Steps involved in choosing a retail locations,
Measurement of success of location - Retail service quality management – Retail
Supply Chain Management .
Chapter 4: Retail Shop Management: Visual Merchandise Management – Space
Management – Retail Inventory Management – Retail accounting and audits - Retail
store brands – Retail advertising and promotions – Retail Management Information
Systems - Online retail – Emerging trends.
Chapter 5: Retail Shopper Behaviour: Understanding Retail consumer behaviour,
Factors influencing the Retail consumer, Customer decision making process, Types of
decision making, Retail shopper behavior – Shopper Profile Analysis, Complaints
Management - Retail sales force Management
Chapter 6: Understanding the Retail Consumer: Importance of Market research
for understanding retail consumer behaviour. Market Segmentation and its benefits,
Kinds of markets. Strategy for effective market segmentation- Strategies, Retail value
Chapter 7: Retail Operations and Retail Pricing: Store administration, Premises
management, Inventory Management, Store Management, Receipt Management,
Customer service, Retail Pricing, Factors influencing retail prices, Pricing strategies,
Controlling costs.

1. Michael Havy ,Baston, Aweitz and Ajay Pandit, Retail Management, Tata
Mcgraw Hill, Sixth Edition, 2007
2. Ogden, Integrated Retail Management, Biztantra, India, 2008.
3. Patrick M. Dunne and Robert F Lusch, Retailing, Thomson Learning, 4th
Edition 2008.
4. Chetan Bajaj, Rajnish Tow and Nidhi V. Srivatsava, Retail Management,
Oxford University Press, 2007.
5. Swapna Pradhan, Retail Management -Text and Cases, Tata McGraw Hill, 3
rd Edition, 2009.
6. Dunne, Retailing, Cengage Learning, 2nd Edition, 2008
7. Ramkrishnan and Y.R.Srinivasan, Indian Retailing Text and Cases, Oxford
University Press, 2008

Workload : 4 hours per week. - Total credits: 4

Examination : 3 hours 70 marks
Objectives : To understand the need for training and development and various
methods of training and development.

Pedagogy : Lectures, assignments, practical exercises, discussions, seminars.

Chapter 1: Introduction to Training and Development: understanding the concept

of training, education, learning and development- a comparison. Functions, training
process, Models of management training, approaches to management training and
development, levels of management training, current trends, concept of HRD.

Chapter 2: Need for Training and Development: determination of training needs

and objectives, areas of training, motivation for trainers and trainees, training formula,
techniques, responsibilities, areas and problems, organising training programmes.

Chapter 3: Methods of Training: Onthe job and off the job training, apprenticeship
training programme, training of rank and file workers, supervisors. Latest methods of
training, the operative and supervisory staff training.

Chapter 4: Management and Organisation of Training: responding to learners’

needs, transfer and conducting training, positive reinforcement, motivational
incentives and strategies- Keller’s Arcs Model, training manuals, selection and
training of trainers, ILO and training in new skills, government agencies and workers’

Chapter 5: Effectiveness and Evaluation of Training: Monitoring Trainee’s

Performance, Faults Analysis, designing training programmes, evaluation of training ,
models of evaluation, stages of evaluation, job behaviour evaluation, cost benefit
analysis, evaluating training staff performance, action strategies to improve training
effectiveness, reviewing effectiveness of training , evaluation of training costs, human
resource accounting.

Chapter 6: Management Development Programmes: Need and objectives,

methods of management developments- lectures, field trips, panel discussions,
behaviour modelling, brain storming, case studies, role play, action mazes, critical
incident, in-basket, team tasks, job rotation, buzz groups, syndicate discussions,
simulations, business games, fish bowls, T groups, transactional analysis, managerial
grid, organisation development, transcendental meditation, and latest methods of

Chapter 7: Competency Based Management Training: introduction-concept of

competency, competency based training programmes- need and importance, purpose
and characteristics, paradigm shift in management training.
Chapter 8: Administration and Limitations of MDP: Evaluation of MDP,
comparative value of different methods, making training and development effective.
A survey of training and development programmes in India.

1. Frank H E, Hounsell J D, Kubr M -“An Introductory Course in Teaching and
Training Methods for Management Development”-ILO Publication, Geneva.
2. Mohnet and others- Training and development- A Sectoral Analysis-Oxford and
IBH publication.
3. William E. Blank - Handbook for developing Competency Based Training
Programs- Prentice Hall, New Jersey.
4. PanduNaik. G -Training and Development- Text, research and cases- Excel Books,
New Delhi.
5. R.K.Sahu- Training and Development, 1stedn- Excel Books, New Delhi.
6. P.L.Rao- Training and Development, 1stedn- Excel Books, New Delhi.
7. B.L.Gupta- Management Training and Development-Vrinda Publications, Delhi.
8. Raymond A Noe and Amitabh DeoKodawani- Employee Training and
Development- Tata Mc Graw Hill.
9. Argyris C- Reasoning, Learning and Action- San Francisco, Jossy Bass.
10. Bob Wilson, Methods of Training- Individualised instructions-
ParthenonPublishing Group Ltd, Park Ridge.
11. Davies Eddie-The Training Managers Handbook- Crescent Publishing House,
New Delhi.
12. S.Nakkiran and M.Karthikeyan - Training Techniques for Management
Development-Deep and Deep Publications, New Delhi.
13. Taylor.B and G. Lippitt, Management development and Training Hand
Book- Mc Graw Hill, New Delhi.

Workload : 4 hours per week. - Total credits: 4

Examination : 3 hours 70 marks
Objectives : To understand the significance of employee relations in modern
organizations and various legislations relating to employees
Pedagogy : Lectures, assignments, practical exercises, discussions, seminars.

Chapter 1: Introduction: Concept and importance of Employee relations,

comparison between Industrial relations and Employee relations, paradigm shift from
IR to ER, trends in employee relations management.

Chapter 2: Employee Relations Management at Work: A strategic frame work,

policies and processes, culture and employee relations, the role of ER manager, the
future of employee relations. Changing characteristics of industrial employees.

Chapter 3: Employee Relations and Legislations: Regulations of employee

relations- ID Act, 1947. Regulations of working conditions- Factories Act, 1948,
Contract Labour Act, 1970, Shops and Establishments Act, 1953.Regulations of
social securities- ESI Act, 1948, Worksmen Compensation Act, 1923, Payment of
Gratuity Act, 1972. Regulations of wage- Payment of Wages Act, 1936, Minimum
Wages Act, 1948, Payment of Bonus Act, 1965.

Chapter 4: Employee Discipline: Code of Discipline- Industrial Employment (SO)

Act,1946. EmployeeGrievance handling procedure, Domestic inquiry procedure.

Chapter 5: Employee Relations and Negotiation: Conflict and Negotiations,

situations requiring negotiation, integrative and distributive negotiation strategies, the
basic negotiation process- strengthening collective bargaining, employee counseling

Chapter 6: Industrial Conflict: Nature of conflict and its manifestations - conflict

data and trends, Conflict resolutions, tripartite and labour administrative machinery,
Prevention andSettlement of industrial disputes; Rise of industrial disputes - meaning
and forms ofIndustrial disputes, Causes & effects of industrial disputes, right to strike
and industrialpeace, Settlement of industrial disputes, Joint consultations,
negotiations, conciliation andmediation, Arbitration (Voluntary & compulsory)
Adjudication Procedure.

Chapter 7: Workers participation in Management: Introduction and concept -

determinants, forms and level of participation -Sachar and Verma Committees,
workers’ participation in management in India -Jamshedpur experiment -workers
participation and different schemes - workers participation in Management practices
in USA, UK, Germany, China and Japan.

Chapter 8: Prevention of Sexual harassment at workplace: Meaning and

significance, Supreme court verdict in Vishaka Versus State of Rajasthan case,
Employer responsibility to create harassment free work place, Training of employees
for good behavior, Modifying service rules to include sexual harassment as
misconduct. Punishing the perpetrator and protecting the victim.

1. Singh P.N. and Neeraj Kumar- Employee Relations Management - Pearson
Education, Noida,.
2. Charles Myers-Industrial Relations in India, 2ndedn - Asia Publishing House,
3. VermaPramod -Management of Industrial Relations - Oxford and IBH.
4. Mamoria, Mamoria and Gankar -Dynamics Of Industrial Relations-Himalaya
Publishing House.
5. ArunMonappa- Industrial Relations, TataMc.GrawHill- New Delhi.
6. Sinha P.R.N, Sinha I.B and Shekhar S.P-Industrial Relations- Pearson Education.
7. Srivastava S.C-Industrial Relations and Labour Laws, 5thedn-Vikas Publishing
8. Singh B.D-Industrial Relations and Labour Law- Excel Books.
9. Sarma A.M-Industrial Jurisprudence and Labour Legislation, 5thedn - Himalaya
Publishing House.
10. Davar.R.S- Personnel Management and Industrial Relations,10thedn -Vikas
Publishing House.
11. Kapoor N.D- Hand Book of Industrial Law - Sultan Chand and Sons, New Delhi.
12. Venkataratnam C.S- Industrial Relations - Oxford University Press, New Delhi.
MBAS 512: Stress Management
Workload : 4 hours per week. - Total credits: 4
Examination : 3 hours 70 marks
Objectives : The objectives of the course is to provide the causes for stress
and the techniques of handling stress.
Pedagogy : Lectures, assignments, practical exercises, discussions, seminars.

Chapter 1: Understanding the Nature of Stress: The Meaning of Stress. The Body’s
Reactions to Stress. Sources of Stress: Across the Lifespan. Adaptive and
Maladaptive Behaviour. Individual and Cultural Differences, Stressors unique to
Women. Emotional aspects of stress: Emotions; The Emotional Basis of Stress;

Chapter 2: Strategies of Stress Management and Prevention: Challenging Stressful

Thinking. Problem Solving and Time Management. Psychological and Spiritual
Relaxation Methods. Physical Methods of Stress Reduction.

Chapter 3: Preparing for the Future: College and Occupational Stress. Care of the
Self: Nutrition and Other Lifestyle Issues. Stress and Conflict in Relationships

Chapter 4: Strategies of Synthesis and Prevention: Resilience and Stress. Optimal

Functioning. Making Changes Last, Small Changes and Large Rewards

Chapter 5: Stress in the Home, Overcoming Monetary Stress and Unhealthy Worry,
Stress and the Workplace, Dealing With Frustration and Anger. Coping Strategies and
Interventions; Management Standards and Management Competencies.

Chapter 6: Stress and Performance and Stress Intervention – Interpersonal, The

relationship between stress and performance, Stress intervention – interpersonal,
Time management, Relaxation technique -- progressive relaxation technique

Chapter 7: Cognitive aspects of stress: Stress and Cognition; Psychological effects of

stress; Stress and Memory; Stress and Other Cognitive Variables; Stressful
environmental conditions on cognitive performance.

Chapter 8: Stress Reducing Exercises.


1. Conquer Your Stress by C.L. Cooper, S. Palmer. Publisher: Universities Press

2. Brilliant Stress Management: How to Manage Stress in Any Situation by Mike
Clayton. Publisher: FT Press (2011)
3. The 7 Laws of Stress Management by Anthony D. Parnell Publisher: Indra
Publishing House (2009)
4. Stress Management by Prof. P. K. Dutta , Publisher: Himalaya Publishing House
5. Sumita Roy, Managing Stress, Sterling Publishers, (2012).
6. Barlow, Rapee, and Perini, 10 Steps to Mastering Stress: A Lifestyle Approach,
Updated Edition, (2014), OUP USA

Workload : 04 hours per week

Examination : 03 hours - 70 marks
Objectives : This course aims at introducing the principles and practices
follow by banking and insurance sector to the students.
Pedagogy : Lectures, assignments, practical exercises, discussions,
Chapter 1: Banking system and structure in India – Types of banks in
operation – Role of Reserve Bank and GOI as regulator of banking system –
Provisions of Banking Regulation Act and Reserve Bank of India Act.
Chapter 2: The terms banker and customer – types of relationship between
banker and customer – Bankers obligations to customers – Right to lean, setoff,
appropriation – Provisions of Negotiable Instrument Act, 1881 – Bankers legal
duty of disclosure and related matters.

Chapter 3: Customer’s accounts with banks- opening – operation – KYC

norms and operation – Types of account and customers – nomination – settlement
of death claims – Banking Technology – Home banking – ATMs- Internet
banking- mobile banking-Core banking solutions – Debit, Credit and Smart cards

Chapter 4: Banker as lender – Types of loans - Overdraft facilities –

discounting of bills – Financing book dates and supply bills – Charging of
Security bills – pledge – mortgage – assignment; Cases.

Chapter 5: International banking – Exchange rates - Documentary letter of

credit – financing exporters and importers – ECGC Policies and guarantees; and
Chapter 6: Introduction to Insurance – Insurable Interest – Human Life value
concept – Elements of Insurance Risk – Principles of indemnity – Principles of
Utmost good faith – Principle of Subrogation – Insurable Interest – Proximate
Clause – Players in Life and Non-Life Insurance sector – Insurance documents –
Procedure for issue – Alterations – duplicate policy – Nomination – Assignment
– Lapse and revivals – Assignment – Foreclosure.

Chapter 7: Types of Insurance – Life Insurance and General Insurance Products

including unit linked plans – Re- Insurance – Nature of Re Insurance risk – Types
of Re-insurance- Reinsurance agreements – legal frame work of life and general

Chapter 8: Underwriting (Process and Principles) – underwriting in Life

Insurance – Underwriting in Nonlife insurance Banc assurance – concepts –
critical issues – functional aspects – Indian scenario – Future prospects –
Insurance Accounting – Financial Analysis and valuations –Solvency and
performance measures.

1. Gupta P K -Fundamentals of Insurance – Himalaya Publishing House.
2. IIBF -Principles and Practice of Banking – 2/e, Macmillan, New Delhi.
3. Marrison.C-The Fundamentals of Risk Measurement –Tata Mcgraw Hill.
4. Dr.P.Subba Rao &Dr.P.K. Kanna- Principles and Practice of Bank
Management-Himalaya Publishing House.
5. W F Gephart - Principles of Life Insurance – Mac Millan
6. K C Shekhar – Banking Theory and Practice – Vikas Publishing house
PVT Ltd.
7. Shekhar KC, ShekharLekshmy – Banking Theory and practices - Vikas
Publishing House, New Delhi.
8. Machiraju HR- Indian Financial System- Vikas Publishing House, New
Delhi, 4thEdn.
9. Monika Mittal and Reena Matta, Insurance Management, 2nd Edition
2016, Kalyani Books.

Workload : 04 hours per week

Examination : 03 hours - 70 marks
Objectives : This course aims at introducing the types of banking and
insurance products and its applications to the students.

Pedagogy : Lectures, assignments, practical exercises, discussions,

Chapter 1: Deposit Products – Savings Bank – Current Account – Demand
deposits – Term Deposits – Concepts of low cost deposits – Certificate of deposit
– Bulk deposits – Costing of Deposits.

Chapter 2: Remittance Products: Demand draft – Travelers’ Cheques – Gift

Cheque – Mail Transfer – Telegraphic Transfer – Multicity cheques – EFD –

Chapter 3: IT Products: MICR Cheques – Channel Banking – Core Banking –

Internet Banking Mobile Banking – ATMS – Debit card – Credit card – RTGS –
EFD – Cases.

Chapter 4: Loan Products: Short term loans- Long term loans – Consumer loans
- Education loans – Housing loans – Business loans – Farm loans- Kisan Credit
cards – Corporate loans – Syndication – Micro Finance – Cases.

Chapter 5: Life Insurance Products: Types of insurance policies - Features of

term insurance – Features of Endowment Assurance – Role of Term and
Endowment in product designing – Types of Life Insurance policies – Annuity &
pension policies – Whole life policies – Money back policies – Market-Linked
Insurance products, Riders, Pension Products, Marketing of Life Insurance –

Chapter 6: Health Insurance Products: Individual Medical expense Insurance –

Long term care coverage – Disability Income Insurance – Mediclaim Policy –
Group Mediclaim Policy – Personal Accident policy.
Chapter 7: Fire Insurance – Fundamental principles – Fire insurance Contracts -
Proposals Fire insurance proposals – Special Coverages – Fire Insurance Claims-

Chapter 8: Motor Vehicles Insurance: Need – Types – Factors to be considered

for premium fixing – Motor Insurance claims- Cases.

Chapter 9: Miscellaneous Products: Burglary – Jeweller’s Block Insurance –

Baggage Insurance – Banker’s Indemnity Insurance – Aviation Insurance –
Fidelity guarantee insurance – Public liability insurance.

1. IIBF -Principles and practices of Banking –, 2/e, Macmillan, 2011.
2. Jyothsna Sethi and Nishwan Bhatia, Elements of Banking and Insurance - PHI.
3. Handbook on Insurance – I.R.D.A Publication, New Delhi.
4. Ben G. Baldwin, The Complete Book of Insurance: The Consumer's Guide to
Insuring Your Life, Health, Property, and Income, Irwin Professional
Publishing; Revised edition (December 1995)
5. Loomba Jatinder, Risk Management and Insurance Planning, PHI
6. Uma Narang, Insurance Industry in India, Edition 2013, New Century Publication
7. Indian Institute of Banking and Finance (IIBF), Banking Products and Services,
Taxman Publications Private Limited (2010)
8. Indian Institute of Banking and Finance (IIBF), Insurance Products (Including
Pension Products) Taxman Publications Private Limited 2015
9. M N Gopinath, Banking Principles and Operations, Snow-white; 6th Edition 2016
MBAS 515: International Banking
Workload : 4 hours per week. - Total credits: 4
Examination : 3 hours 70 marks
Objectives : To provide an overview of international banking scenario,
various international financial institutions and the framework of
international finance market.
Pedagogy : Lectures, assignments, practical exercises, discussions, seminars.

Chapter 1: Evolution of international banking: International banking: A Functional

Overview –Banking for financing of exports and imports of goods and services.
International payments system.
Chapter 2: International capital markets-financial market flows beyond national
boundaries, Debt and non-debt flows; volatile and stable flows; interest rate
differentials and their role in demand for and supply of funds across borders.
Chapter 3: Offshore banking centres and their role international financing, Global
Balance sheet of banks. Asset and liability managements of foreign banks
Chapter 4: International lending, policies and practices, transaction cost and risk in
international lending. Profitability of international banking. Loans to foreign
corporation, syndicated loans; financing foreign government s. Issues of information
symmetries and adverse selection. Regulatory and supervisory aspects .Trends in
international banking in India
Chapter 5: Foreign exchange risks; the exchange rate swings and their effects on
bank’s net worth.
Chapter 6: International rating agencies. Country risk. International financial stability
and the central role of banks in financial stability.
Chapter 7: International Financial Institutions: Word Bank, IMF, BIS, Regional
Development Banks, New Development Bank.
Chapter 8: Issues relating to international financial architecture.


1. Rupnarayan Bose, Fundamentals of International Banking, Laxmi Publications

2. World bank, IMF ADB, BRICS Bank websites.
3. IIBF (Indian Institute of Banking and Finance), International Banking,
4. Jane Hughes and Scott MacDonald, International Banking: Text and Cases, 1st
Edition, Pearson.
5. Lees Francis A, International Banking and Finance. Palgrave Macmillan
6. Indian Institute of Banking & Finance (IIBF), International BANKING - Legal
and Regulatory Aspects, Jain Book Agencies.

Workload : 4 hours per week – Total credits 4

Examination : 3 hours 70 marks

Objectives : To make the students familiar with the various services of the
OPD, Radiology, Diagnostic and other specialty services offered
by the hospital and risk management practices.

Pedagogy : Lectures, assignments, practical exercises, discussions, seminars.

Chapter 1: Introduction Evolution of Hospital Services, Features, objectives

importance, service quality concept and its significance, recent development and
present conditions of health care services in India.

Chapter 2: Clinical Services: Outpatient services, Day care, Accident and

emergency services, impatient Dept. operation theatre, intensive care, PMR service.

Chapter 3: Speciality Service: Pediatrics, OBG, GYN, ENT, Ophthalmology,

Orthopedic, Psychiatry, Anesthesia Dental, Superspeciality, Neurology, Thoracic
Surgery, Neurology, Nephrology, Dialysis Unit, Transplantation Survey

Chapter 4: Diagnostic and Therapeutic Services: Laboratory Services Radiology,

Pharmacy – Blood Bank and Transfusion.

Chapter 5: Supportive and Utility Services: Dietary Services, Linen and Laundry
Pharmacy – Mortuary – Ambulance. Marketing and public relations, Housekeeping –
Biomedical Department, Purchase Department, Engineering and maintenance Medical

Chapter 6: Risk Management: Hospital Waste Management, Nosocomial Infections

– Disaster Management. Hospital Security Services – Occupational Safety in

1. Sakharkar B M-Principles of hospital administration and Planning-Jaypee
2. Goel S.L. & Kumar R. - Hospital Core Services- Deep & Deep Publications
Pvt. Ltd.
3. Kunders G.D. -Hospitals facilities planning and management- Tata McGraw –
Hill publishing Co. Ltd.

Workload : 4 hours per week – Total credits 4

Examination : 3 hours 70 marks

Objectives : The objective of the course is to provide understanding about the

uniqueness of hospital organization, structure, subsystem related to
total system, multi- disciplinary and multi-dimensional aspects of
health care, Planning and designing of various services and safety
measures, applications of computers for the evaluation of hospital

Pedagogy : Lectures, assignments, practical exercises, discussions, seminars.

Chapter 1: History and Development of Hospitals: Definition Classification role

and functions. Hospitals in India today – Hospital as a system.

Chapter 2: Planning of Hospitals: Promoting and building – new hospital- Planning

the hospitals – Planning for a new hospital – guiding principles in planning hospital
facilities and services Preliminary Survey – Financial Planning – Equipment Planning
– Permanent Hospital Organization – Planning Early Consideration – Operational
Planning and Functioning Planning. Facility Master Plan – Design Team – Design
Development Stage – Plan Stage – Planning the hospital building. Building contract
and contract document – furnishing and equipping the hospital – purchase of hospital
equipment ready to operate stage. Before opening the hospital commission and
Chapter 3: Organization of the hospital: Overview – organization structure –
Management structure – organization charts.
Chapter 4: Management of the hospital: Introduction – Two lines of authority in
hospital – professional management of the hospital – orientation training and
development, getting the hospital to be in readiness - To operate professionally.
Chapter 5: Planning and Designing Administrative Services:
a. Introduction
b. Executive suite
c. Financial Management Unit
d. Hospital Information system
e. Nursing service Administrative unit
f. Human Resource Management
g. Public Relations
h. Marketing.
Chapter 6: Planning and Designing Medical and Ancillary Services: Outpatient
services – Emerging Services – Clinical Laboratories – Radiological – Radiation
therapy department – Nuclear medicine – surgical department – Labour and Delivery
suit- Physical therapy – Recreational therapy speech and hearing therapy – cardiac
catheterization laboratory (CATH LAB).

Chapter 7: General Nursing Unit – Pediatric Nursing unit – Obstetrical Nursing Unit
– Psychiatric Nursing – Isolation Room – Intensive care unit –coronary care unit (ICU
CCU). New born nurseries.
Chapter 8: Planning and Designing Supportive services: Admitting Department –
Medical Record Department – Central sterilization and supply Department –
Pharmacy – Material Management. Food Services Department Laundry and Linen
Department- Housekeeping – volunteer department.

Chapter 9: Planning and Designing Public area and Staff facilities.

Chapter 10: Planning and designing Hospital Services: Factors impacting on the
service engineering Department – Maintenance Department – Clinical engineering
(Biomedical) Electrical system, Air conditioning system – water supply and sanitary
system – centralized medical gas system – communication system – environmental
control – solid waste management – transportation.
Chapter 11: Safety and security in Hospitals: Safety in hospital – security and loss
prevention system – fire safety – bomb threat – Alarm system – desatrol and desastrol
preparedness plan.

1. G.D. Kunders-Hospitals – Facilities Planning and Management- TMH.
2. Shakthi Kumar Gupta, Sunil Kant, R. Chandra shekhar, SidharthaSatpathy-
Modern Trends in Planning and Designing Hospital Principles and Practice-
3. Davies Llewellyn R. & Macaulay HM - Hospital Planning and
Administration-Jaypee Brothers, New Delhi.
4. Sakharkar B.M. – Principles of Hospital Administration and Planning -Jaypee
publishers, New Delhi.
MBAS 518: National Health Plan and Health Economics
Workload : 4 hours per week. - Total credits: 4
Examination : 3 hours 70 marks
Objectives : To provide knowledge and to create awareness about national
health plans and heath economics.

Pedagogy : Lectures, assignments, practical exercises, discussions, seminars.

National Health Plan

Chapter 1.
National Health Policy; Relevant policies in health sector; National Five-Year Plans;
National Rural Health Mission; National Urban Health Mission;
Chapter 2.
National Health Programmes like Reproductive and Child Health (Phase II)
Programme, National Vector Borne Disease Control Programme, Revised National
Tuberculosis Control Programme, National Leprosy Eradication Programme, National
Tobacco Control Programme, Integrated Disease Surveillance Project, National
Programme for Prevention & Control of Cancer, Diabetes, Cardio-Vascular Diseases
and Stroke etc.
Chapter 3.
Innovative health schemes: Janani Suraksha Yojna, Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojna

Health Economics

Chapter 4.
Understanding of Macro-economic environment for making Decision in the
Organizations that provide health care;
Chapter 5
Understanding of different concepts and tools that are used in economics for
understanding their applicability in the health care sector;
Chapter 6
Understanding demand for health capital and health care; Cost analysis for
organizations that supply health care and cost functions; Economics analysis for profit
and non-profit health services providers; Location decision for better health delivery;
Chapter 7
Economics of health policy and planning; Pricing of health services and health
insurance; Scope for public-private participation in health care and its modalities.


1. Kishore, J. (2011). National health programs of India: national policies &

legislations related to health (9th ed.). Century Publication.
2. MoH & FW, GoI .(2005). National Rural Health Mission – Framework for
Implementation (2005-2012).
3. MoH & FW, GoI .(2010). National Rural Health Mission – The Journey So
Far, 2005-2010
4. MoH & FW, GoI .(2010). National Urban Health Mission – Framework for
5. MoH & FW, GoI. (2011). Annual Report, 2010-2011.
6. MoH & FW, GoI and DFID. (2009). Directory of Innovations Implemented in
the Health Sector.
7. MoH & FW, GoI and WHO Country Office for India. (2009). Health
Committee and Commission Reports, 1946 to 2005.
8. MoH & FW, GoI. (2005). National Rural Health Mission (2005-2012) Mission
9. Park, K. (2011). Park’s Textbook of Preventive & Social Medicine (21st ed.).
M/S Banarsidas Bhanot.
10. Planning Commission of India: Faster, Sustainable and More Inclusive
Growth: An Approach to the Twelfth Five Year Plan (2012-17).
11. Planning Commission of India: High Level Expert Group Report on Universal
Health Coverage for India (2011).
12. Taneja, D. K. (2011). Health Policies and Programmes in India (9th ed.).
Doctors Publications.
13. Culyer, A. J. (2000). Newhouse Handbook of Health Economics. Vol.1 and II.
Amsterdam: Elsevier.
14. Folland, S. et. Al. (2000). Economics of Health and Health Care. New York:
Prentice Hall.
15. Henderson, James. W. (2011). Health Economics and Policy (3rd ed.). South-
Western: Education Publishing.
16. Philips, Jacob., & Rapoport, John .(2003). Economics of Health and Medical
Care (5th ed.). Jones & Bartlett publishers.
17. Todd, Maria .(2009). The Managed Care Contracting Handbooks (2nd ed.).
Productivity press.
18. Venkat Raman, A., & Bjorkman, J. W .(2009). Public Private Partnership in
Health Care in India. London: Rutledge.

Workload : 04 hours per week – Total credits: 04

Examination : 03 Hours. 70 marks

Objectives : To acquaint the students with top level management strategies vis-à-vis
environmental analysis and internal resource inventory.

Pedagogy : Lectures, assignments, practical exercises, discussions, seminars.

Chapter 1: Overview of Strategic Management- Meaning of strategy - An

architecture of strategy - Nature and value of strategic management - Responsibility
towards multiple stakeholders - strategic management process.

Chapter 2: Strategic Analysis-Environmental Forecasting- Importance of

forecasting- Forecasting techniques. Analysis of internal Environment - internal
environmental factors - Resource based view of the firm- assessing internal strength
and weaknesses- (SWOT Analysis)

Chapter 3: Strategic Analysis- Analysis of external Environment - Factors in

external environment-structural analysis of industries - Generic competitive
strategies- Frame work for competitive analysis.

Chapter 4: Strategy Formulation - Hierarchy of static intent, vision, mission, goals,

plans- strategic programming - organisational appraisal.

Chapter 5: Operational level strategy - Approaches to managing at operational

level - Role of TQM and CPR - Three primary care processes.

Chapter 6: Business level strategy - Elements of competitive strategy - types of

tactics - defining the business - competitive advantage across market life cycle.

Chapter 7: Corporate level strategy - Role of diversification - Forms of

diversification - means of diversification - Benefits of diversification - limiting factors
of benefits of diversification.

Chapter 8: International level strategy - worldwide perspective - Strategic

considerations for MNC's (IBE) - International strategy and competitive advantage.

Chapter 9: Strategy implementation – Activating the strategy, structural

implementation, behavioural implementation, functional and operational
implementation. Strategic evaluation and control.

Chapter 10: Governance and Ethics - Governance and Ethical issues in strategic
management- corporate governance, stakeholder power, corporate social
responsibility, business ethics, managing strategic change.
1. Miller Alex- Strategic Management- McGraw Hill
2. Pearce John A and Robinson Richard B-Strategic Management-McGraw Hill.
3. Jauch Lawrence R and Glueck William F- Strategic Management and Business
Policy- McGraw Hill
4. Porter Micheal E.-Competitive Strategy- Free Press Publication
5. Daniel J. McCarthy, Robert J. Minichiello, Joseph R. Curran- Business policy and
strategy-Richard D Irwin Inc, All India Traveller Bookseller.
6. Bourgeois III L J Management- Hardeourt Brace Co.,
7. AzharKazmi-Business Policy and Strategic Management -Tata McGraw Hill
8. KachruUpendra.-Strategic Management – concepts and case-Excel Books.
9. Chandan JS, Gupta NS- Strategic Management- Vikas Publishing House, New
10. Nag A- Strategic Management : Analysis, Implementation and control - Vikas
Publishing House, New Delhi.
11. Lomash S, Mishra PK- Business policy and Strategic Management- Vikas
Publishing House, New Delhi.
MBAH 552: Project Report

A student in the third semester shall register for a Project Work which carries 4 credits
in the fourth semester. Work load for Project Work is one contact hour per student per
week for the teacher. The student shall do field work and library work in the
remaining 3 credit hours per week.
Work load : 4 hours per week - Total credits: 4
Examination : 3 hours 70 marks
Objectives. : To offer Specialised knowledge in existing and emerging areas of
merchant banking financial services..
Pedagogy. : Lectures, assignments, practical exercises, discussions, seminars.
Chapter 1: Financial System: functions of a financial system, components of
financial systems, Structure of a financial system. Problems of Indian financial
Chapter 2: Merchant Banking - historical perspective - nature of services provided
by Merchant bankers - structure of merchant banking firm - setting up and managing a
merchant banking SEBI regulations on merchant banks.
Chapter 3: Financial Markets -capital markets -primary markets -methods of raising
funds from primary market -public issue - SEBI guidelines for primary issue and
relevant t company law provisions to primary issue -secondary market operations -
internet trading (introduction to the concept ) -global markets -issue of American
depository receipts and global depositary receipts- guidelines on their issue -emerging
trends .
Chapter 4: Financial services: underwriting -stock broking depositories. Consumer
finance -car financing -financing of consumer durables and other services provided by
financial service companies.
Chapter 5: Credit rating: approaches and process of rating- credit rating agencies-
CRISIL and ICRA, CARE ratings for financial instruments-methodology of rating,
rating of companies based on acceptable ratios (Altman’s z-score ratios).
Chapter 6: Treasury Management Services: Treasury as an independent profit
center - investment of surplus funds - money market operations - treasury bills,
commercial bills, commercial papers, certificate of deposits, Gilt edged securities
Chapter 7: Leasing: Concept and classification of leasing - present legislative frame
work of leasing - lease evaluation (lessors & lessee's point of view) - tax aspects of
Chapter 8: Hire Purchase: Introduction -Concepts and characteristics - legal aspects
and tax implications-financial evaluation
Chapter 9: Central and Commercial Banking: definitions- functions -
nationalization of banks -RBI-functions and working
Chapter 10: Insurance -role of insurance in financial framework - General insurance
-life insurance -marine insurance -medical insurance and others, recent trends in
insurance industry, impact of privitisation on insurance industry.
1. L.M.Bhole-Financial Institutions and Market-TataMcGraw-Hill Publishing
company Ltd.
2. Sharpe, Alexander and Bailey – Investments - Pearson
3. I Friend M Blume, J Crocket.-Mutual funds and other institutional investors –
McGraw Hill.
4. Sanjay Lal and Paul Streeten.- Foreign investments, Transnationals and
Developing Countries- Macmillan Press
5. N. J Yasaswy -Personal Investment and tax planning- Vision Books, New Delhi.
6. Suneja– Banking- Suneja Publishers.
7. Shekar and Shekar - Banking Theory and practice – Vikas Publishing House.
8. Julia Holyoake ,William Weipers - Insurance 4th Edition - Financial World
9. M Y Khan- Financial Services-Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Ltd.
10. Gordon and Natarajan -Fiancial Markets and Services - HPH
11. Indian institute of banking and Finance, Principles Practices of Banking -
12. Indian institute of banking and Finance, Legal and Regulatory Aspects of Banking
- Mac Millan.
13. Pandian P – Financial Services and Markets - Vikas Publishing House, New
14. Shashi K Gupta and Nisha Aggarwal, Financial Services, 5th Revised Edition,
2014, Kalyani Books.

Workload : 4 hours per week - Total credits: 4

Examination : 3 hours 70 marks
Objective : To give a specialised knowledge of significance of Foreign exchange
and its relevance to survival of Companies in international markets
Pedagogy : Lectures, discussion, seminars, assignments.

Chapter 1: International economics and international finance - Interdependence

of national economics - competitive advantage.
Chapter 2: International Monetary System: Meaning; Evolution of International
Monitory system – Bimetallism, Classical gold standard, Interwar Period, Bretton
Woods System of exchange rate, exchange rate regime since 1973, International
Liquidity IMF, solution for financial crisis – major financial crisis.
Chapter 3: International Flow of Funds: Capital flows and flight - International
liquidity - external debt and equity financing. Meaning of Balance of payments –
components of BOP, Significance of BOP to the multinational corporation, trends of
Indian Balance of payments, Role of IMF in BOP crisis.
Chapter 4: International financial Markets and Instruments - International capital
and money markets. Arbitrage opportunities - integration of markets - International
capital and money market instruments GDRs, ADRs, Euro-Bonds, CPs, FRNs, Euro
deposits, Eurocurrency markets.
Chapter 5: Financing of foreign trade - managing international trade transactions -
pre and post shipment credit, LCs,UCPDC INCO TERMS- cash in advance and
consignment sales - Bankers acceptances.
Chapter 6: Foreign Exchange Market: Structure and market infrastructure, major
participants, Spot market, quotations, cross rates, currency arbitrage, forward market,
forward quotations, relationship between forward rate and future spot rate,
Forecasting exchange rates. determinants of exchange rates, Exchange rate behavior,
Law of one price, purchasing power parity, interest rate parity, Fisher effect,
International Fischer effect – implications.
Chapter 7: The Indian Forex markets: Overview of the Foreign Exchange
Management Act-Convertibility of rupee -exchange control - Indian exports &
imports -policies -practices -and documentation.
Chapter 8: Measuring Exposure to Exchange rate fluctuations: The investor
hedge argument, Currency diversification argument, Stakeholder diversification
argument. Types of exposure – Transaction exposure, economic exposure, translation
Chapter 9: Managing Transaction Exposure: Hedging exposure to payables and
receivables – Forward or Futures Hedge, Money Market Hedge, Options Hedge;
Limitations of Hedging, Hedging for Long Term forward contracts – parallel loan;
alternative hedging techniques – leading and lagging, cross hedging, currency
Chapter 10: Managing Economic exposure and Translation exposure:
Translation methods; current / noncurrent, monetary / non monetary, current rate
methods. Economic exposure- How to measure economic exposure, determinants of
operating exposure, managing operating exposure.
Chapter 11: Interest rate derivatives and SWAPS: Interest rate swaps, currency
swaps, interest rate forwards futures, structured notes.
Chapter 12: Country Risk Analysis: Significance of country risk analysis - political
and financial risk, assessment of risk factors, country risk ratings, techniques to assess
country risk, measuring country risk, preventing host government takeovers.
Chapter 13: Managing short term assets and Managing working capital in a
multinational firm: Concept of Working Capital. Cash, receivables and inventory –
short term asset financing, centralized V/S decentralized cash management, bilateral
and multilateral netting of internal and external net cash flow. Management of
receivables, management of inventory, Short term financing.
Chapter 14: Financing Decisions by MNCs and long term investment appraisal:
International investment decisions: Cost of capital for international investments –
cost of equity capital, Cost of debt, Weighted average cost of capital, Discount rates
for foreign investments, capital budgeting in MNCs– NPV, APV methods.
Chapter 15: Transfer pricing & divisional performance analysis transfer pricing –
low mark up and high markup policy, Methods for establishing an arm’s length

1. Shapiro C. Alan - Multinational Financial Management-Wiley India Pvt. Ltd.
2. Maurice D. Levi - .International Finance-Routledge.
3. K. S. Sharma- Institutional Structures of Capital Markets in India-Writers and
Publishers, Corp.; sole distributors: Sterling Publishers, Delhi.
4. Rodriguez & Carter. - International Financial Management-Prentice Hall.
5. Keith Pilbeam. - International Finance - Palgrave Macmillan.
6. V.A.Avadhani. – Marketing of Financial Services and Market- Himalaya
Publishing House.
7. V.A.Avadhani- International Financial Management- Himalaya Publishing
8. P G Apte - International Financial Mangement -Tata McGraw Hill
Publishing Company Ltd.
9. VyuptakeshSharan - International Financial management-Prentice Hall
10. Jeff Madura - International Financial Management- Cengage Learning
India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
11. UCPDC- ICC Publications
12. Joseph Daniels & David Vanhoose- International Monetary and
13. H R Machiraju - Intemational Financial Markets and India -New Age
International (P) Limited Publishers
14. David K Eiteman, Arthur I. Stonehill& Michael H. Moffett - Multinational
Business Finance-Addison Wesley Longman Pte. Ltd.
15. MadhuVij-International Financial Management-Excel Books, New Delhi.
16. Kevin S-Fundamentals of International Financial Management-Prentice
Hall India.
17. Dun and Broadstreet- Foreign exchange Markets- Tata McGraw Hill
Publishing Company Ltd.
18. Bekartgeert and drick J. Robert-International financial Managemen- PHI
Learning Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
19. Rajwade A.V.-Cash & Derivatives markets in foreign exchange-Tata McGraw
Hill education Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
20. Eiteman K. David et al- Multinational Business finance-Dorling Kindersley
India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
21. Eun School and Resnick Bruce-International Financial Management- Tata
McGraw hill publishing company Ltd., New Delhi.
22. Madura -International Corporate finance- cengage learning India Pvt. Ltd.,
New Delhi.
23. JanakiramanSundram, -Derivatives and Risk Management- Dorling
Kindersley India Pvt. Ltd.
24. Somanath V S -International Financial Management- I.K. International
Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
25. C. Jeevanandan- Foreign Exchange and Risk Management-, Sultan Chand
and Sons, New Delhi .
26. Francis Chenmilam - International Business- Prentice Hall India
MBAS 555: Corporate Financial Restructuring
Workload : 4 hours per week. - Total credits: 4
Examination : 3 hours 70 marks
Objectives :To provide an in-depth understanding of all aspects and
intricacies of law and practical issues affecting and arising out of
corporate restructuring
Pedagogy : Lectures, assignments, practical exercises, discussions, seminars.
Chapter 1: Introduction: Meaning of corporate restructuring, need, scope and
modes of restructuring, historical background, global scenario, national scenario.
Strategic planning, competitive advantage and core competence, strategy formulation,
routes for executing strategy – start up, mergers, acquisitions, takeovers,
disinvestments and strategic alliances.
Chapter 2: Mergers and Amalgamation: Need and reasons, legal aspects,
procedural aspects relating to commencing of meetings and presentation of petition
including documentation, economic aspects including effect on the interest of small
investors; accounting aspects, financial aspects including valuation of shares, taxation
aspects, stamp duty and allied matters, filing of various forms.
Chapter 3: Takeovers: Types of takeovers, legal aspects - SEBI takeover
regulations, procedural aspects, economic aspects, financial aspects, accounting
aspects, taxation aspects, stamp duty and allied matters, payment of consideration,
bail out takeovers, takeover of sick units.
Chapter 4: Revival and Restructuring of Sick Companies: The problem of sick
industries and their revival with special reference to the law relating to sick industrial
Chapter 5: Funding of Mergers and Takeovers: Financial alternatives, merits and
demerits, funding through various types of financial instruments including preference
shares, non-voting shares, buy-back of shares, hybrids, options and securities with
differential rights, employer stock options and securities with differential rights,
takeover finance, ECBs, funding through financial institutions and banks,
rehabilitation finance, management buyouts.
Chapter 6: Corporate Demergers/Splits and Divisions: Difference between
demerger and reconstruction; modes of demerger - by agreement, under scheme of
arrangement, by voluntary winding up; tax aspects, tax reliefs, Indian scenario,
reverse mergers.
Chapter 7: Post-Merger Re-organisation: Accomplishment of objectives - criteria
of success, profitability, gains to shareholders; post-merger valuation; measuring post-
merger efficiency; factors in post-merger reorganisation.
Chapter 8: Financial Restructuring: Buy-back of shares – concept and necessity;
SEBI guidelines; Government’s guidelines, procedure and practice for buy-back of


1. J.M Thakur, Takeover of Companies, Snow White Publications Pvt, Ltd;

2. V.K Kaushal, Corporate Takeovers in India, Sarup & Sons, New Delhi
3. Dr. J.C. Varma, Corporate Merger and Takeovers, Bharat Publishing House
4. L.M .Sharma, Acquisition, Amalgamation, Merger Takeovers, Company Law
Journal, New Delhi
5. ICSI Publication, Handbook on mergers and Amalgamation, ICSI Publication
6. Galpin Timothy J. Mark Headim, Complete Guide to Merger and Acquisition,
Jossey Bases Publisher
7. Gaugman Partick Ed, Readings in Mergers and Acquisitions, Black Wall
8. P.S. Sudarsan, the Essence of Mergers & Acquisition, PHI
9. Prakash B Yaragol and Basavaraj C S, 1st Edition, 2015, Kalyani Books.

Workload : 4 hours per week - Total credits : 4

Examination : 3 hours 70 marks
Objectives : To give an in depth analysis of international marketing, its opportunities and
promotional policies of the governments to augment trade.
Pedagogy : Lectures, assignments, discussions, seminars, case analysis.

Chapter 1: International Marketing: Scope, need and importance. International

marketing environment. Export Barriers: Tariff and non-tariff. Kinds of tariffs,
measuring the effect of tariffs and non-tariffs, foreign exchange control (recent

Chapter 2: Export Procedure and Documentation: Processing of an export

order. Principal documents- invoices, LIC, Certificate of origin, SIB, Bill of
exchange, Mate receipt, Documents for claiming export assistance, Duty draw
back bill, Av 4 form.
Chapter 3: Export Product Planning and Policy: Product planning and
development, product strategies, product positioning, product standardisation V/s
adaptation, factors affecting standardisation of product line, brand policy , product
adaptation strategies, planning for overseas market

Chapter 4: Export Pricing (pricing in international marketing): Export pricing

and terms of trade, pricing policies, pricing strategies. Methods of payment.

Chapter 5: Distribution: Distribution channels - and overview, direct V/s indirect

export, forms of direct exporting: Built-in export department, self contained export
department, separate export company, combination of export manager, joint
marketing groups indirect exporting. Merchant exporters - visiting, resident buyers.
Distribution logistics. Role of multinationals in International marketing - Joint
ventures and turn-key projects

Chapter 6: Export Promotion: Export promotion (E.P.) measure, institutional

arrangement to promote India's exports. Export promotion councils, commodity
boards, trade development authority, federation of Indian export
organisation(FIEO), export processing zones, Indian institute of foreign trade,
export inspection council, state trading corporation of India (STC), export houses,
trading houses, star trading houses, super star trading houses.

Chapter 7: Export Financing: Role of commercial banks, export credit guarantee

corporation, export import bank, terms of payment: Payment in advance, open
account, documentary bills D/P and D/A, documentary credit under letter of credit.

1. T.A.S Balagopal- Export management- Himalaya Publishing House.
2. Francis Cherunillam- International Marketing–Himalaya Publishing House.
3. Varshney, Bhattacharya – International Marketing- Sulthan Chand &sons
4. Francis Cherunillam- International Trade and Export Management-Himalaya
Publishing House.
5. M.Y. Koul- International marketing – Anmol Publications.
6. B. S. Rathor - Export Marketing –Himalaya Publishing House,
7. Ken Wainwright- Practical Export Marketing - Littlehampton Book Services Ltd.
8. RajanSaxen& M C Kapoor -International Marketing Concepts, Techniques and
Cases- Tata McGraw hill.
9. V.Kripalani -International Marketing - Prentice Hall, New Delhi.
10. S.A. Chunawalla -Essentials of Export Marketing - Himalaya Publishing House.
11. Warren Keegan -Global Marketing Management - Pearson / PHI.
12. Rakesh Mohan Joshi -International Marketing - Oxford.
13. Johny K. Johannson -Global Marketing - TMH.
14. Justine Paul- International Marketing: Text & Cases - Tata McGraw-Hill
15. Rajagopal – International Marketing – Vikas Publishing House, New Delhi.
Workload : 4 hours per week – Total credits 4
Examination : 3 hours 70 marks
Objectives : To equip the student with the marketing strategies used in the
emerging services sector.
Pedagogy : Lectures, assignments, practical exercises, discussions, seminars.

Chapter 1: Introduction to services: Concepts, Contribution of service sector in

the economy, reasons for the growth of services sector, Characteristics of Services,
Different service Marketing activities, Categorizing Service Processes , Service
Marketing Mix – 7P’s of Services Marketing, Concept of service marketing triangle,
Marketing challenges in service industry.
Chapter 2: Consumer behavior in services: Search, Experience and Credence
property of services, Customer expectation of services, two levels of expectation,
Zone of tolerance, Factors influencing customer expectation of services; Customer
perception of services - Factors that influence customer perception of service,
Service encounters, Customer satisfaction, Strategies for influencing customer
perception; The purchase process for services – customer behavior at different
points in the service experience; Managing demand and capacity– Lack of inventory
capability, Understanding demand patterns, Strategies and Tools for matching
capacity and demand, coping with fluctuating demand, Waiting line strategies.
Chapter 3: Managing Relationships: Building customer relationship through
retention strategies, Relationship marketing, Evaluation of customer relationships,
Benefits of customer relationship; Market segmentation - Basis and targeting in
services; complaint handling and service recovery.
Chapter 4: Service standards and Managing service quality and productivity –
Concept of Service quality, Contrasting quality components in manufacturing and
services, capturing the customer’s perspective of service quality, generic dimensions
customers use to evaluate service quality, The SERVQUAL Scale, The GAP Model,
measuring and improving service quality, Tools for analyzing and addressing
service quality problems, Defining and measuring productivity, improving service
productivity, TQM
Chapter 5: Designing and managing service processes and Planning the service
environment - New service development types, stages; blueprinting, steps,
identifying failure points, failure proofing, fail-safe methods for service personnel,
fail-safe methods for the customer, service process redesign; the customer as co-
producer, levels of customer participation, self service technologies, service firms as
teachers, Customers as partial employees; the problem of customer misbehavior,
addressing the challenge of Jay customers.
Chapter 6: Pricing of services- Pricing Revenue Management and Distribution of
services – objectives of pricing, foundations of setting prices- cost based, value
based, competition based, Revenue management –meaning, strategies, ethical
concerns and perceived fairess of pricing policies, pricing issues, pricing fences.
Distribution in the service context, the type of contact: options for service delivery,
decisions about place and time , service delivery in cyberspace, role of
intermediaries, internationally distributed services.
Chapter 7: Customer’s role in service delivery - Importance of customer &
customer’s role in service delivery, Strategies for enhancing Customer participation,
Delivery through intermediaries- Key intermediaries for service delivery,
Intermediary control strategies.
Chapter 8: Role of marketing communication and Physical evidence in
services: Importance of communication in service marketing, four categories of
strategies to match service promises with delivery, Methodology to exceed customer
expectation; Types of services capes, Role of services capes, Frame work to
understand services capes and their effect on behavior, Guidance for physical
evidence strategies.

1. Valarie A. Zeithmal& Mary Jo Bitner- Services Marketing - TMH.
2. Christopher Lovelock- Services Marketing- Pearson Education.
3. Kenneth E Clow& David L Kurtz- Services Marketing: Operation, Management,
and Strategy-Biztantra.
4. Ravi Shankar -Services Marketing: The Indian Perspective- Excel Books.
5. RajendraNargundkar-Services Marketing -TMH.
6. GovindApte-Services Marketing - Oxford.
7. Hoffman& Bateson- Services Marketing - Cenage Learning.
8. Peter Mudie and Angela Pirrie-Services Marketing - Elsevier.
9. Audrey Gilmore -Services Marketing and Management- Response Books - Sage
10. Jha S. M- Service Marketing - HPH.
MBAS 558: Rural Marketing
Workload : 4 hours per week. - Total credits: 4
Examination : 3 hours 70 marks
Objectives : The objective of the course is to provide conceptual
understanding on the Rural Marketing with special reference to
Indian context and develop skills required for planning of Rural
Pedagogy : Lectures, assignments, practical exercises, discussions, seminars.

Chapter 1: Overview of Rural Marketing –Evolution of Rural Marketing in India

Definition- Nature –Scope- Characteristics and potentials of Rural Marketing -
Importance of Rural Marketing- Socio-Cultural-economic & other environmental
factors affecting Rural Marketing-A comparative Analysis of Rural Vs Urban
Marketing- Size &Structure of Rural Marketing – Emerging challenges and
Opportunities in Rural Marketing.

Chapter 2: Rural Markets & Decisions: Profile of Rural Marketing, Consumer

Profile- Rural Market Equilibrium-Classification of Rural Marketing – Regulated -
Non Regulated. Marketing Mix- Segmentation- Targeting, Position. Rural Marketing
Strategies. Role of Central, State Government and other Institutions in Rural
Marketing. Integrated Marketing Communication in Rural Marketing.

Chapter 3: Product & Distribution: Product / Service Classification in Rural

Marketing - New Product Development, Brand Management in Rural Marketing.
Rural Distribution channel management- Managing Physical distribution in Rural
Marketing- Fostering Creativity& Innovation in Rural Marketing- - Sales force
Management in Rural Marketing.

Chapter 5: Rural Consumer Behaviour: Consumer Behaviour Model in Rural

Marketing- Rural Marketing Research-Retail & IT models in Rural Marketing-CSR
and Marketing Ethics in Rural Marketing- Source of Financing and credit agencies.
Advertising & Media Role in Rural Marketing.

Chapter 6 Trends in Rural Marketing: e- Rural Marketing-CRM &e-CRM in

Rural Marketing- Advanced Practices in Rural Marketing, Social Marketing-Network
Marketing- Green Marketing in Indian and Global Context-Co-operative Marketing-
Micro Credit Marketing- Public Private Partnership Model in Rural Marketing,
Advancement of Technology in Rural Marketing- Structure of Competition in Rural

Chapter 7: Rural Marketing Research: Rural Market Research, marketing research

Process, Evolution of, rural marketing research, Sources and methods of data
collection, Data collection approaches in rural area, Data collection tools for rural
market, research tools for rural market. Limitations and challenges in rural marketing
1. Rural Marketing – C G Krishnamacharyulu, Lalitha Ramakrishnan – Pearson
2. Rural Marketing: Indian Perspective By Awadhesh Kumar Singh
Satyaprakash pandey New age publishers
3. Rural Marketing – U.C.Mathur, excel books, 1/e 4. Indian Rural Marketing
Rajagopal Rawat Publishers
4. Pradeep Kashyap and Siddhartha Raut, The Rural Marketing Book
(Paperback) 2005, BIZTANTRA,

5. Dogra Balram and Karminder Ghuman, Rural Marketing: Concepts and

Practices (Paperback) 2007, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Ltd.

6. Pradeep Kashyap , Rural Marketing (Old Edition) Paperback – 2011, 2nd

Edition, Pearson.

7. C.S.G. Krishnamacharyulu and Lalitha Ramakrishnanan, Rural Marketing

Text and Cases, 2nd Edition, (Paperback) – 2010, Pearson Eductation.

Workload : 04 hours per week

Examination : 03 hours & 70 marks
Objective : To expose the students to the concepts, principles and the changes
Occurring in the field of HRM at the national and international levels
with global contemporary business examples.
Pedagogy : Lectures, Assignments, Practical exercises, case studies, seminars,
Role play Game play.

Chapter 1: Introduction to Global HRM - nature and scope, domestic versus

Global HRM, types of global business, Globalisation and HRM, Impact of national
culture on HRM and employee management issues, multi- culturalism, HRM in
Cross-Border Mergers & Acquisitions, the Role of HR Departments in MNCs –
Competencies for International HR Managers.

Chapter 2: Theoretical framework – Approaches to the study of GHRM –

Convergence Theory, Marxist theory, cultural approach, Hofstede model and
Trompennar Model – Confucian Dynamism - Andre Lawrent, Models of International
HRM – Pooles adaptation of the Harvard Model – Brewster and Bournois Model,
Organisational structure and design in global organisations.

Chapter 3: International staffing – policies and practices, techniques and sources of

global recruitment, selection process, global labour market differences, global
compensation factors, components, approaches and cultural impact on compensation,
global compensation practices and recent trends in global staffing – expatriates
failures & their minimization.

Chapter 4: Global Management Development – role of expatriate training, pre-

departure training, development of staff and international assignments, training
strategies, HCN & TCN training, repatriate training, emerging trends in training.

Chapter 5: Performance management – significance and concerns of performance

management, setting individual performance goals, performance variables,
performance appraisal for expatriates, feedback, linking rewards and results,
challenges in managing performance, country – specific management practices.

Chapter 6: Repatriation – Re-entry and career issues, culture shock, benefits from
repatriates, challenges of re-entry, repatriation process, managing repatriation,
designing a successful repatriation programme.

Chapter 7: Comparative Labour Relations – Key issues, international pressures on

national practices, multinational ownership and collective bargaining, women in
global business, Quality Circles, participative management, responses of Labour
Unions to MNCs.

Chapter 8: Global HRM practices – an overview of HRM in USA, UK, Japan, West
Germany, China & India, innovative management techniques and their influences,
social responsibility and global business ethics and International HR managers, future
of GHRM.
1. Evans, Pucik&Barsoure, The Global Challenges – Framework for International
Human Resource Management - Tata McGraw Hill/Irwin.
2. Peter J. Dowling and Welsh – International Human Resource Management -
Thomson Publications.
3. Aswathappa, K &Sadhna Dash– International Human Resource Management -
4. Tony Edwards & Chris Rees, International Human Resource Management -
Pearson Education.
5. Monir H. Tayeb– International Human Resource Management, Oxford University
6. Rao P.L. – International Human Resource Management - Excel Books.
7. Dennis R. Briscoe and Randall S.Schuler- International Human Resource
Management, Routledge Publications.Hilary Harris- Chris Brewester and Paul
Sparrow Publications,
8. Hilary Harris, Chris Brewester and Paul Sparros– International Human Resource
Management- Routledge Publications.
9. Bartlett C., Ghoshal S. and Birkinshaw, J– Transnational Management: Text,
Cases and Readings in CrossBorder Management, Boston, M.A. McGraw-
10. Geert Hofstede (1980) – Cultures, Consequences: International differences in
work related values-Sage Publishers.
11. IAN BeardWell& Len Holden - Human Resource Management- Macmillan
12. Gary Dessler, Human Resource Management, Prentice Hall.
13. Willy McCourt and Derek Eldridge- Global Human Resource Management-
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.
14. Gordon Redding & Bruce W Stening - Cross-Cultural Management-Edward
Eelgar Publishing Limited.

Workload : 4 hours per week

Examination : 3 hours - 70 marks
Objectives : This course aims at providing theoretical foundations, designing and
methods of reward and remuneration strategies practiced in business
Pedagogy : Lectures, assignments, practical exercises, discussions, seminars etc.

Chapter 1: Introduction: Concept, historical development of payment systems and

importance. Components and Dimensions of compensation program, Factors
influencing compensation, The 3-p compensation concept.

Chapter 2: Economic and Behavioural Dimensions of Compensation

Management: Economic theory of wages and its limitations.Motivational issues in
compensation management, organizational justice and compensation, impact of
Compensation on employee behaviours, consequences of dissatisfaction with
compensation. Job evaluation and compensation.

Chapter 3: Managing Compensation: Designing a compensation system, Internal

and external equity in compensation system, Framework of compensation policy,
compensation as a retention strategy.

Chapter 4: Performance Based Compensation: Significance of performance

appraisal system, effect of compensation on performance and motivation, pay for
performance system, meeting the challenges of pay for performance system, types of
pay for performance plan, compensation and performance, competency based

Chapter 5: Wages and Salary Administration: Concept of wages, the wage

determination process, methods of wage fixation, theories of wages, types of wages,
wage differentials, wage policy and its importance, legal framework and
compensation, objective of national wage policy.

Chapter 6: Benefits and Administration: Benefits determination process,

Employees benefits and services, legally required benefits-dearness allowance,
employee stock option plan(ESOP), types of retirement benefit plans, Flexible
compensation/benefits plans, significance and types of various incentives.

Chapter 7: Compensation of special groups: Top executives, special features and

components, Compensation for CEO, fringe and retirement benefits, perquisites,
culture and pay.

Chapter 8: Emerging Issues and Trends: Tax implication of Employee

Compensation package to the employer, tax efficient compensation package, Salary
structuring, recent changes in taxation, comparative international compensation, new
trends in compensation management.


1. Milkovich G. T, Newman J .M, &VenkataRatnam C. S- Compensation -

McGraw Hill Irwin.
2. Deb Tapomoy-Compensation Management, 1stedn-Excel Books, New Delhi.
3. Armstrong, M and H Murlis Reward Management: A Hand Book of
Remuneration Strategy and Practice -Kogan Page, London.
4. Martocchio J. J.-Strategic Compensation - Pearson Education.
5. Gerhart B &Rynes S L-Compensation Theory, Evidence and Strategic
Implications-Sage Publishers, New Delhi.
6. Sarma A.M-Understanding Wages and Compensation Management -Himalaya
Publishing House. Mumbai.
7. Dr. KanchanBatia- CompensationManagement, 1stedn - Himalaya Publishing
House, Mumbai.
8. B.D.Singh-Compensation and Reward Management, 1stedn - Excel Books,
New Delhi.
9. Wallace M.J. and Fay C.H- Compensation Theory and Practice - Tata Mc Graw
10. Henderson, Richard I- Compensation Management in a knowledge Based
World -Printice
11. Director Soms, MS- 27, Wage and Salary Administration IGNOU, New Delhi.
12. Decenzo A, David and Robbins P Stephen- Personnel/HRM, Prentice Hall of
India, New Delhi.
MBAS 561: Performance Management
Workload : 4 hours per week
Examination : 3 hours - 70 marks
Objectives : The course aims at providing theoretical foundations, designing and
methods of reward and remuneration strategies practiced in business
Pedagogy : Lectures, assignments, practical exercises, discussions, seminars etc.

Chapter 1: Introduction - Definition, concerns and scope - Historical developments

in Performance Management - Performance appraisal Vs performance management -
performance management Vs Human resource management - processes for managing
performance - Essence and Implications of Performance Management-critical

Chapter 2: Planning Performance Management- Designing and Implementing

Performance Management Process – Performance Planning, defining objectives and
performance standards, defining capability requirements, performance management
system implementation, automation of performance management process, legal

Chapter 3: Performance and Development - Setting objectives - Organizational and

individual performance plans - Components of Managers performance and
development plan - setting mutual expectations and performance criteria. Performance
and potential management

Chapter 4: Monitoring and Mentoring - Introduction - Supervision - Objectives and

Principles of Monitoring - monitoring process - periodic reviews - problem solving -
engendering trust - role efficacy. Measuring Performance – Managing for results,
managing behaviour, managing competencies, conducting performance reviews

Chapter 5: Annual Stocktaking -Stock taking performance - process of Judgment vs

process of analysis - stock taking discussions - Delivering efficient feedback - 360-
Degree Feedback- stocktaking potential - Tools for stocktaking potential.

Chapter 6: Appraising for Recognition & Reward -Purpose of Appraising -

Methods of appraisal - appraisal system design - Implementing the appraisal system -
Appraisals and HR decisions.

Chapter 7: Organisational effectiveness -Role of Leadership and Change in

organizational effectiveness - rules of thumb for change agents - performance
management skills - Operationalizing change through performance management.

Chapter 8: High Performing Teams -*Building and leading High performing teams
- team oriented organizations - developing and leading high performing teams.
Management team performance, managing organizational performance, performance
management and pay, performance management training, evaluating performance


1. Prem Chadha: Performance Management, Macmillan India, New Delhi, 2003.

2. Michael Armstrong & Angela Baron, Performance Management: The New
Realities, Jaico Publishing House, New Delhi, 2002.
3. T.V.Rao, Appraising amd Developing Managerial Performance, TV Rao
Learning Systems Pvt Limited, Excel Books, 2003.
4. David Wade and Ronad Recardo, Corporate Performance Management, Butter
Heinemann, New Delhi, 2002.
5. Henderson, Compensation Management in a Knowledge Based World 9/e
Pearson Education.
Workload : 04 hours per week
Examination : 03 hours - 70 marks
Objectives : To acquaint the students with the legal aspects relating to
banking and insurance sector.

Pedagogy : Lectures, assignments, practical exercises, discussions,


Chapter 1: Legal framework of regulation of Banks: Control over

organization of Banks; Regulation of Banking Business; Returns- Inspection and
winding up; Banking Regulation Act 1949; RBI Act 1934.

Chapter 2: Legal aspects of Banking Operations: Responsibility of Paying

Banker – Collecting Banker – Indemnities – Bank guarantees – Letters of Credit –
Bill Finance; Cases.

Chapter 3: Law relating to securities and modes of charging: Types of

borrowers – Types of Credit facilities – Secured and unsecured loans –
Registration & satisfaction of charges; Cases.

Chapter 4: SARFAESI Act, 2002: Introduction – Securitization of financial

assets – Enforcement of security interest – Banking Ombudsman scheme 2002-
Procedure for redressal of grievances – Arbitration procedure – Conciliation;

Chapter 5: Recovery of Assets due to Banks: FI Act of 1993 – Tribunal and

appellate tribunals, Provisions and procedure of tribunals – Bankers Book of
Evidence Act 1891; Cases.

Chapter 6: Insurance Contract Analysis: Legal framework of Insurance

Business – Claims Negotiation – Understanding Contracts Structure – Standard
Contract; Cases

Chapter 7: Legal aspects of Insurance: Insurance Act 1938; Indian contract Act
1872; Consumer protection Act 1986; Life Insurance Act 1956; IRDA Act 1999,
Re-insurance and Double Insurance; Motor Vehicles Act 1938 and 1988- Public
Liability Clause 1991; Case.

Chapter 8: Insurance Documents: Insurance forms- proposal forms; Cover

notes – Certificate of Insurance; Policy forms – Endorsements – Other
Documents; Cases.

1. Legal and Regulatory Aspects of Banking Operations – IIBF, 2/e, Mcmilan,
New Delhi.
2. P.K.Gupta-Insurance & Risk Management ,2/e-Himlaya Publishing House,
3. Natarajan &Gorden-Banking Theory Law & Practice - Himalaya Publishing,
4. Shekhar KC, ShekharLekshmy- Banking Theory and practices - Vikas
Publishing House, New Delhi.
Workload : 04 hours per week
Examination : 03 hours - 70 marks
Objectives : This course aims at introducing the concept of banking risk and
its managing strategies.

Pedagogy : Lectures, assignments, practical exercises, discussions,

Chapter 1: Introduction to Treasure Management : Objectives – Concept –
Functions of integrated treasury;Process of Globalization – Evolving role of
Treasury as profit centre – Organization of treasury.
Chapter 2: Treasury Products : Short term funds and investment management
– Financial Marketing – Money Market – Capital Market - Call money –
Government Securities – REPOs Repo Rate – Repo Pricing Types of Repos –
certificate of deposits – rediscounting bills- commercial papers – Inter – Bank
Participation certificate – Collaterised Borrowing and Lending Obligations
(CBLO) ;ForeignExchange Markets and treasury – Linkage of domestic
operations with foreign operations.
Chapter 3: Asset Liability Management 1 : Risk Management Process – Risk
Organization – Asset LiabilityManagement (ALM) – Objectives – Organization -
Functions of ALCO – Risks – Interest Rate Risk Liquidity Risk – Assessment of
Liquidity – Maturity Profile and Interest rate Ladder Credit Risk – Currency Risk
– Capital Risk – contingent Risk – Basel Norms I, II, and III.
Chapter 4: Asset Liability Management 2 : Interest Rate risk and management
(IRRM) Interest rate risk – GAP analysis – Rate sensitive Gap Report – Duration
and Immunization – Managing IRRM with Derivatives – Simulation technique-
Asset Securitization.
Chapter 5: Asset Liability Management – 3 : Risk Exposure analysis - Stress
Testing – exposure Document – open position – stop-loss limit – Modified
Duration – Convexity- Risk Adjusted Return on capital (RAROC) – Audit Risk
Chapter 6: Financial futures – forwards – FRA and interest rate swaps – Cross
currency swaps – options – Caps – Floors and complex swaps for managing
interest rate risk – Foreign Exchange risk management using Derivatives.

Chapter 7. Sound practices for management and supervision of operational

risk (SPOR); Three approaches to SPOR; Operational risks – Identification –
effects and Causes – Assessment – Measurement – Scenario Analysis
Market Risk - types – Market risk identification – Model Risk – Risk
identification in practice
Chapter 8: Risk Measurement – Nominal Amount approach – Sensitivity
Based approach – Basis point value – Value at Risk (VaR) – Computation of VaR
– VaR and absolute VaR – Usefulness and Limitations of VaR – Back Testing –
Stress Testing.

1. Treasury Management- IIBF, Mcmilan, New Delhi, 2011.
2. Kotreshwar G -Risk Management: Insurance & Derivatives- 2/e, Himalaya
3. Chance -Introduction to Derivatives & Risk Management-, Cengage Learning,
New Delhi.
4.Saita.F- Value at Risk and Bank Capital Management,1/e- Elsevier Inc., U.K.
5. Rejda, George E.-Principles of Risk Management and Insurance- Addison Wesley
6. McNamara- Principles of Risk Management and Insurance-Addison-Wesley
7. Dorfman- Introduction to Risk Management and Insurance- Prentice Hall.
8. Williams &Heins - Risk Management and Insurance-McGraw Hill.
9. James S. Treischmann, Sandra G. Gustavson - Risk Management and
Insurance- South
Western Thomson Learning.
MBAS 564: Rural Banking
Workload : 04 hours per week
Examination : 03 hours - 70 marks
Objectives : This course aims at introducing the concept of rural banking
and its managing strategies.

Pedagogy : Lectures, assignments, practical exercises, discussions,

Chapter 1: Principles and functions of banking, Co-operative banking, Special
features, Negotiable instruments, Cheques, bill of exchange, Promissory Notes. An
insight into the rural banking scenario with special focus on prevailing
opportunities and challenges.

Chapter 2: Banker customer relationship, Psycho-demographic approach,

Customer centric vs business centric approach.

Chapter 3: Co-operative banking, agriculture and non-agriculture organization,

function of State Apex Co-operative banks and District Central Co-operative
Banks, RBI functions and role, NABARD, Lead Bank Scheme, RRB objective
and functions. Strengthening the Regional Rural Banks (RRBs), reforms in
cooperatives, expansion of the purview of the priority sector

Chapter 4: Banking and I.T., E-banking. ATM. M-banking in rural banking,

opportunities and challenges.

Chapter 5: Domestic Cash Management, ST/MT Funding, Meaning and

importance cash management, Objectives, Cash flow cycle, Cash flow budgeting
and forecasting, Electronic cash management, MT and LT funding, Term loans,
Securitization, Cost center, Profit center, Planning and control, Capital Budgeting.

Chapter 6: Liquidity Management- Objectives-Sources-Maturity concerns:

Projected cash and core sources- Contingency Plans- ST/NT Liquidity – Maturity
Ladder Limit- Internal control- Information- Netting.

Chapter 7: Regulation, Supervision and Compliance- Need and significance of

internal and external audit.

1. Banking Regulation Act.
2. K C Shekhar and Lekshmy Shekhar, Banking Theory and Practice, 21st
Edition, Vikas Publishing House

3. IIBF (Indian Institute of Banking and Finance), Rural Banking, Macmillan

4. IIBF -Principles and practices of Banking –, 2/e, Macmillan, 2011.

5. Bala Krishna A V and Sohani A K, Indian Rural Banking: Changing Paradigm
(Banking Series), ICFAI UNIVERSITY PRESS (2008).
6. Indian Institute of Banking Finance, Rural Banking Operations, Taxmann's
Publications (2012)
7. SSM Desai, Rural Banking in India, HPH
8. Gordon and Natrajan, Banking theory law & practice, Himalay Publishing
9. Premkumar Shrivastav, Banking theory and practice, Himalaya Publishing
10. Bhaktapada Roy, Rural Banking and Poverty Alleviation, Abhijeet,1 edition,
11. Basu. A.K. Fundamentals of Banking Theory and Practice.
12. Chatterjee, A., Bank Credit Management.
13. Choubay, B.N., Principles and Practice of Co-operative Banking.
14. Tanan, M.L. Banking Law and Practice in Nagotiable Instrument India
15. Tanan, M.L., Banking Law and Practice
MBAS 565: Quality Management in Healthcare Organization
Workload : 4 hours per week – Total credits 4

Examination : 3 hours 70 marks

Objectives : The objective of the course is to provide the students with a solid
foundation in the implementation of quality improvement
activities and the tools necessary to evaluate and improve their
efforts toward quality of care.

Pedagogy : Lectures, assignments, practical exercises, discussions, seminars.

Chapter 1: Introduction – concepts of quality and total quality. Components of

quality: Objectives and importance of quality improvement in health care
organization, continuous quality improvement, steps in quality improvement. Quality
Management philosopher. Dimensions of quality in health care organization.

Chapter 2: Quality control tools and techniques: TQM models, Quality standards,
ISO and its implementation. Brain storming – bench marketing initiation taken by the
ministry of health and family welfare statistical quality control, process charts, six
sigma concept, POKA YOKE and quality control tools, quality circle.

Chapter 3: Evaluation of Quality Management: Concurrent, terminal and cyclical

evaluate, audit in Health care, Nursing audit – Antibiotic audit, clinical audit, patient
satisfaction survey.

Chapter 4: Hospital Accreditation: Concept importance, benefits, accreditation

bodies, overview of standards, patient focused quality standards, quality improvement
and patient safety.

Chapter 5: Medical Audit: Meaning – Protocols – Audit Elements, Audit team

duties and responsibilities, Medical record audit, audit types, Audit methods, audit
monitoring, audit practice, constraints implementation.


1. Donald Lighter and Douglas C Fair - Quality Management in Health Care,

Principles and Methods -Jones and Bartlett Publishers.
2. James R. Evans -Total Quality Management– South Western Publishers 2nd
3. Pena, Jesus – Hospital Quality Assurance - Aspen Pub.
4. Hugh C.H. Koch – Total Quality Management in healthcare- Longman.
5. A.V. Srinivasan (Ed) - Managing Modern Hospital – Response Books.
6. Sarasmith Don S. M Clair, Rosalind Raine and Barnaby Reevs - Health care
Evaluation TMH.
Work Load : 4 hours per week – Total credits 4
Examination : 3 hours 70 marks
Objectives :To expose the students to the various legal aspects concerning
business, service and Healthcare and create awareness on the
relevance and their application.
Pedagogy : Lectures, assignments, practical exercises, discussions,

Chapter 1: Introduction: Overview of laws in business and healthcare – Source of

law – interpretation of law – Trade Union Act – Trust Act – Societies Registration

Chapter 2: Medical Legal Procedures – Medical Jurisprudence – Patient

confidentiality – Law of Torts – Law on Communicable diseases – Notifiable diseases
– WHO – International Heath Regulations.

Chapter 3: Environment Protection Act: Salient Features Occupational hazards,

Safety and Health Measures – Food and Drugs Laws – Drugs and Cosmetics Act –
Mental Health Act – Birth & Death Registrations Act – Biomedical Waste
management Act and their applications and relevance in healthcare.

Chapter 4: An overview of MCI Act, Pre Natal Diagnostic Test Act, Medical
Termination of Pregnancy Act, Organ Transplantation Act – Medical Negligence –
Consumer Protection Act – Patient Rights.

Chapter 5: Contract Labour and casual Labour Acts - an over view of Shops and
Establishment Act, Minimum Wages Act, Payment of Wages Act, Employees State
Insurance Act, Provident Fund Act, Payment of Gratuity and Equal Remuneration

Chapter 6: Introduction to ethics; nature, scope and purpose – Importance of

ethics and moral standards – Values, Norms, Beliefs and Standards – Normative
ethics in management – ethics and morals.

Chapter 7: Managing ethics – ethics and the organization – Myths about business
ethics – Ethical dilemma – Ethics and the Environment – Ethical decision making –
Moral Reasoning; Psychological perspectives – Moral Reasoning and Organization
Culture: Cultures based on fear, punishment and exchange.

Chapter 8: Ethics in Management – Ethics in HRM – Ethics in Marketing – Ethics

in Finance – Corporate Social responsibility: Pyramid of corporate social
responsibility, domains of corporate social responsibility – Ethical codes of conduct –
Protection of employees: guarding against sexual harassment.

1. Relevant case studies in healthcare should be taken up for discussion in the
2. Judicial decisions by Supreme Court and High Court.

1. Kuchhal M C– Business Laws -Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
2. Goswani V.G.–Labour& Industrial Laws - Central Law Agency, Allahabad.
3. Kapur N D - A Handbook of Industrial Law- Sultan Chand and Sons New
4. Raj kumar –Acts applicable to hospitals in India.
5. Knight Bernard – Legal Aspects of Medical Practice- Churchill Livingstone.
6. Saravanavel& Others – Labour Laws – Himalaya Publishing House, Bangalore.
7. Bhatia S.K. – Business Ethics and Managerial Values -Deep & Deep
Publications Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
8. Murthy CSV – Business Ethics: Text & Cases - Himalaya Publishing House,
9. Biswanath Ghosh – Ethics in Management and the Indian ethos -Vikas
Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
MBAS 567: Health Entrepreneurship
Workload : 04 hours per week
Examination : 03 hours - 70 marks
Objectives : This course aims at introducing the concept of health
entrepreneurship and its scope.

Pedagogy : Lectures, assignments, practical exercises, discussions,


Chapter 1: Introduction to Health Entrepreneurship: ethics and social responsibility

of health entrepreneurs; opportunities for health entrepreneurs; recent trends and
emerging issues for health entrepreneurs;

Chapter 2: Entrepreneurship strategy/Business model: Framework for new venture

development; entrepreneurial strategies across the life cycle of business growth- for
the emerging venture, for the growing venture, and for sustain growth in the
established venture;

Chapter 3: Financing options for the venture; key strategic roles of creativity,
opportunity identification, opportunity evaluation, and innovation in the emergence
and growth of entrepreneurial firms; case-study based learning from success, failures
and foibles of ventures in the health sector;

Chapter 4: Entrepreneurship (Business) plan: Nature, purpose and scope of business

plan; writing business plan; evaluating business plan; using and implementing various
components of the business plan – marketing plan, financial plan, operating plan and
organizational plan;

Chapter 5: Statutory requirements for launching a new health venture; Enterprise

growth: Impact of growth; sustaining growth; management challenges; sustaining the
entrepreneurial spirit; conflict, competition and collaborations business expansion
strategies and issues; exit strategies;

Chapter 6: Techno- Entrepreneurship: Foundations of the field; parameters of techno

– entrepreneurship; key processes of techno-entrepreneurship; incubation and
technology transfers; pivotal factors in the success of techno-entrepreneurship; case
studies of leading e-health and biotechnology companies to illustrate and substantiate
the successful techno-entrepreneurship paradigm; intellectual property protection;

Chapter 7: Social Entrepreneurship: Concept, need and opportunity of social

entrepreneurship; distinctive characteristics of the social enterprise context and
organizations; critical components of social entrepreneurship; business skills and
frameworks for achieving maximum impact through social entrepreneurship;
influencing policy to support entrepreneurship; case studies of social (health)
enterprises in national and international settings.

1. Drucker, Peter. F. (2009). Innovation and Entrepreneurship: Practice and
Principles. Amsterdam: Elsevier, Butterworth-Heinemann.
2. Fayolle, Alain. (2007). Entrepreneurship and New Value Creation: The
Dynamic of the Entrepreneurial Process. United States of America: Cambridge
University Press.
3. Francois, Therin. (2007). Handbook of Research of Techno-entrepreneurship.
United States of America: Edward Elgar Publishing.
4. Gundry, Lisa. K. & Kickul, Jill. R. (2007). Entrepreneurship Strategy:
Changing Patterns in New Venture Creations, Growth, and Reinvention.
United States of America: SAGE Publication.
5. Harold, P. Wlesch. (2004). Entrepreneurship: the way ahead (Paperback).
London: Taylor & Francis e-Library.
6. Harvard Business Essentials. (2005). Entrepreneur’s Toolkit: Tools and
Techniques to Launch and Grow your New Business United States of
America. Harvard Business School Publishing Corporation.
7. Kuratko, Donald F. (2008). Entrepreneurship. Theory, Process and Practice.
United States of America: South-Western, Cengage Learning.
8. Kuratko., & Hodgetts. (2009). Entrepreneurship in The New Millennium.
India: Cengage learning.
9. Mellor, Robert (2009). Entrepreneurship for Everyone: A Student Textbook.
Great Britain: T J International Ltd.
10. Plizer, Paul. Zane. (2007). The New Wellness Revolution: How to Make a
Fortune in the Next Trillion Dollar Industry. United States of America: John
Wiley & Sons.
11. Prahalad, C. K. (2010). The Fortune at the Bottom of the Pyramid: Eradicating
Poverty Through Profits. United States of America: Wharton School
12. Roy, Rajeev (2009). Entrepreneurship. New Delhi: Oxford University press.
13. Wei-Skillern, J., Austin, J. E., Leonard, H., & Stevenson, H. (2007).
Entrepreneurship in the Social Sector. United States of America: SAGE

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