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Really Important Things

You Already Know,
But Keep Forgetting

Ernie J. Zelinski
Author of the international bestseller
How to Retire Happy, Wild, and Free
101 Really Important Things You
Already Know, But Keep Forgetting
(Click the respective title to read more about the book)

How to Retire Happy, Wild, and Free: Retirement Wisdom

That You Won’t Get from Your Financial Advisor

The Joy of Not Working: A Book for the Retired,

Unemployed, and Overworked

Career Success Without a Real Job: The Career Book for

People Too Smart to Work in Corporations
Really Important Things
You Already Know,
But Keep Forgetting

Ernie J. Zelinski
COPYRIGHT © 2008 by Ernie J. Zelinski


No part of this book may be reproduced in any form, except
brief excerpts for the purpose of review, without written
permission of the publisher.
Published by Visions International Publishing in association
with Ten Speed Press.

Ten Speed Press

P.O. Box 7123
Berkeley, California 94707

Published in Spanish by Amat Editorial, Barcelona
Published in Russian by Gayatri Publishing, Moscow
Published in French by Stanké International, Montreal
Published in Chinese traditional characters by Yuan-Liou
Publishing, Taipei
Published in Chinese simplified characters by CITIC
Publishing House, Beijing
Published in Korean by Mulpure Publishing, Seoul
Published in English in Malaysia by TrueWealth Publishing,
Kelana Jaya

Library of Congress Cataloguing-in-Publication Data

Zelinski, Ernie J. (Ernie John), 1949–
101 really important things you already know, but keep
forgetting : how to make your life more enjoyable day-by-day,
year-by-year / Ernie J. Zelinski.
p. cm.
ISBN 978-1-58008-882-4 (alk. paper)
1. Conduct of life. I. Title. II. Title: One hundred one really
important things you already know, but keep forgetting. III.
Title: One hundred and one really important things you
already know, but keep forgetting.
BJ1581.2.Z44 2007

Printed and bound in Canada

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 — 12 11 10 09 08 07
Dedicated to My Wonderful Mother
Violet Zelinski
(Waselyna Gordychuk)
August 5, 1921 – February 8, 2007

Who passed away while I was completing this book — and meant
so much to her friends, her relatives, and me for so many years.
We all love you and miss you dearly.
Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1
1. You Don’t Have to Know the Meaning of Life
to Enjoy It Fully . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3
2. Life Is Tough — But Then Again, Compared to What? . . . . .5
3. Life’s a Breeze When You Work As Hard at
Simplifying It As You Do at Complicating It . . . . . . . . . . . . .7
4. Happiness Doesn’t Care How You Get There . . . . . . . . . . . .9
5. Slow Down in Your Pursuit of Happiness and It’s
More Likely to Catch up with You . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11
6. Predict Your Failures and You Will Become a
Highly Successful Prophet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13
7. The Pain of Unfulfilled Dreams Can Be the Worst
Ache You Will Ever Experience . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15
8. If You Want to Be a Star, It's Best Not to Bother
with Other Things . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17
9. Do the Difficult and Uncomfortable If You Would
Like an Easy and Comfortable Life . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20
10. Ordinary People Attain Extraordinary Success
— You Can Too! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23
11. Overnight Success Happens Only in Fairy Tales,
Trashy Novels, and Bad Movies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25
12. To Know and Not to Do Is Not Yet to Know . . . . . . . . . . . .27
13. Always Expect the Unexpected Because the Only
Certainty Is Uncertainty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29
14. Too Much Safety Is Dangerous for Your Well-Being . . . . . .31
15. You Can Observe a Lot Just by Watching . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33
16. Don’t Mess Around with Reality and Reality
Won’t Mess Around with You . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35
17. If You Don’t Want to Accomplish Something
Important, Any Excuse Will Do . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37
18. Self-Pity Costs Nothing and It Is Worth
Just As Much . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .39
19. You Can Be a Victim or You Can Be Successful
— You Can’t Be Both, However . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .41
20. If Something Is Boring You, It’s Probably You . . . . . . . . . . .43
21. All Worry Is Wasted . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .45
22. Procrastination Is the Art of Keeping Up
with Yesterday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .47
23. Don’t Buy Expensive Socks If You Can Never
Find Them . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .49
24. Book Smart Does Not Mean Life Smart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .51
25. Contrary to Popular Belief, Time Is Not Money . . . . . . . . . .53
26. Slow Down and the Rest of the World Will Slow
Down for You . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .55
27. A Good Friend Is Much Cheaper than Therapy
— and Ten Times As Helpful! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .57
28. Ten Million Dollars Cannot Buy What Great
Friendship Can . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .59
29. One True Friend Is Worth More than 10,000
Superficial Ones . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .61
30. If You Can Be Happy Only with Others — and Not
Alone — You Are Not a Very Happy Person . . . . . . . . . . . .63
31. People Are Only Human — If They Weren’t, Life
Would Be Different . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .65
32. It’s All Too Easy to Overestimate Your Ability to
Change Others . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .67
33. Giving Advice to Anyone Means That You Either
Lose or Break Even . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .69
34. Don’t Walk away from Negative People — Run! . . . . . . . . . .71
35. If You Hang Around with a Bunch of Blunderers
Long Enough, You Will Become One Yourself . . . . . . . . . .73
36. There’s Insanity on Both Sides of the Debate
When You Argue with an Idiot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .75
37. The Best Way to Impress People Is by Not Trying
to Impress Them . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .77
38. Nice People Are Often Not Good People and Good
People Are Often Not Nice People . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .79
39. Everyone in This World — Including You and
Me — Is Selfish . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .81
40. When Someone Fails to Keep a Commitment, There
Is a 95 Percent Chance That It Will Happen Again . . . . . .83
41. Good Deeds Are Seldom Remembered; Bad Deeds
Are Seldom Forgotten . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .85
42. The Surest Way to Failure Is Trying to
Please Everyone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .87
43. It’s Always Easier to Stay Out of Trouble than to
Get Out of Trouble . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .89
44. Don’t Take It Personally; They Are Doing It to
Everyone Else . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .91
45. The More Important It Is, the Less Chance That
Anybody Is Going to Do It for You . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .93
46. Belief Is a Disease . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .95
47. Beware of Experts — Particularly Those with the
Most Knowledge and Experience . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .97
48. Being Reasonable Wins Us the Booby Prize of Life . . . . . . .99
49. Wise People Learn More from Fools than
Fools Learn from Wise People . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .101
50. Be Careful with Your Heroes; Don’t Put
Any of Them on a Pedestal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .103
51. It Doesn’t Cost Much to Be Kind, But It Can Be
Very Costly Being Too Kind . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .105
52. Being Right at All Costs Is like Being a Dead
Hero — There Is No Payoff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .107
53. The Most Creative Shortcut to Success Is to
Reevaluate What Success Means to You . . . . . . . . . . . . .109
54. Instead of Criticizing Someone’s Success, Why
Not Learn Something Valuable from It? . . . . . . . . . . . . .111
55. Your Past Is Always Going to Be the Way It
Was — So Stop Trying to Change It! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .113
56. All You Can Experience Is the Now, So Why
Aren’t You There? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .115
57. If Your House Is on Fire, Warm Yourself by It . . . . . . . . . .117
58. Living Well Is the Best Revenge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .119
59. You Don’t Have to Watch One Minute of TV to . . . . . . . . . . .
Be Happy — and Perhaps You Shouldn’t . . . . . . . . . . . . .121
60. You Are the Biggest Cause of Problems in Your Life . . . . .123
61. Many of the Things You Want Will Give You
More Problems than You Can Ever Imagine . . . . . . . . . . .125
62. You Can Change the Quality of Your Life
Instantaneously . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .127
63. The Severity of Your Problems Is a Matter
of Perspective . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .129
64. You Aren’t Going to Solve the Problem If You
Don’t Identify It Properly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .131
65. No One Can Give You Wiser Advice than You Can . . . . . .133
66. Take Special Care of Yourself — Because No
One Else Will! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .135
67. A Walk or Run in Nature Is the Best Medicine
for Many of Your Ailments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .137
68. The Shortcut to Being Truly Fit and Trim Is
Long-Term Rigorous Action . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .139
69. Your Mind Needs a Good Run Too . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .141
70. Life Isn’t Fair and It Will Continue to Be That Way . . . . . .143
71. There Is No One Big Deal in Life That Will
Save Your Hide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .145
72. The World Doesn’t Owe You or Me or Anyone
Else a Living . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .147
73. You Can't Always Get What You Want, But You
Can Get a Lot More than You Think You Can . . . . . . . . .149
74. There Is More to Positive Thinking than Thinking
Positive Thoughts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .151
75. What Will Keep You from Getting What You Want
Is Not Knowing What You Truly Want . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .153
76. You Aren’t Going to Get Much of What You Want
Unless You Ask for It . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .155
77. Getting Rid of Your Desire for Something Is As
Good As Possessing It . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .157
78. Want What You Have and You Will Always Get
What You Want . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .159
79. You Are Already a Millionaire — Your Creativity
Makes It So . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .161
80. If Patience Is Just the Art of Concealing Your
Impatience, You Better Be Very Good at It . . . . . . . . . . . .163
81. Opportunity Knocks Often — How Often Are
You Home? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .165
82. To Double Your Success Rate, Just Double
Your Failure Rate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .167
83. Compromising Your Integrity for Money, Power, or
Fame Will Come Back to Haunt You Big Time . . . . . . . . .169
84. There Are Many Fascinating Worlds Without Money . . . . .171
85. More Money Won't Bring You More Happiness
— It Works the Other Way Around! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .173
86. True Prosperity Is Living Easily and Happily
Whether You Have Lots of Money or Not . . . . . . . . . . . . .175
87. Financial Insanity Has Its Own Big Following
— Including You and Me . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .177
88. Spend More Money on Your Personal Development
than on Your Next Hairstyle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .179
89. To Have a Good Grasp of Money, Try Joyfully
Parting with a Fair Portion of It! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .181
90. Being a Success at Work Is Irrelevant If You
Are a Failure at Home . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .183
91. The Work Ethic Is a Terrible Mistake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .185
92. Work As Hard As You Have to for a Comfortable
Living — and As Little As You Can Get Away With . . . . .187
93. It’s Best to Leave Perfection for the Misfits of this
World to Pursue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .189
94. Most Activities Worth Doing Should Be Done in
the Most Haphazardly Fashion Possible . . . . . . . . . . . . .191
95. If You Are What You Ain't, Then You Ain't What
You Truly Should Be . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .193
96. You Can’t Make a Big Difference in This World
Unless You Are Different . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .195
97. Look Inside and You Will Find More Outside . . . . . . . . . .197
98. Your Envy Is the Satisfaction and Happiness
That You Think Others Are Experiencing . . . . . . . . . . . . .199
99. If the Grass on the Other Side of the Fence Is
Greener, Try Watering Your Side . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .201
100. No Matter How Successful You Become, the Size of
Your Funeral Will Still Depend upon the Weather . . . . . .203
101. Be Happy While You Are Alive Because You
Are a Long Time Dead . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .207


A-1. Thank Your Mother a Lot While She Is Still Alive . . . . . . .213
A-2. Flowers, Cards, and Candy Are Not the
Essence of Mother’s Day . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .219
A-3. Fortune Resides on the Other Side of Fear . . . . . . . . . . . .221
A-4. Forget How Old You Are — This Becomes
More Important the Older You Get . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .223
A-5. Flat Out — Great Friends Rock! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .225
101 Really Important
Things You Already Know,
But Keep Forgetting
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101 Really Important Things You Already Know, But Keep Forgetting 1

Have you ever noticed how history has a habit of repeating itself? Many
situations in which you find yourself today are likely similar to ones you have
experienced sometime in the past. The other participants, as well as the stage,
may have changed along the way — the deep-laid plot and intriguing drama
are all too familiar, however. Through each of the scenes, you get to learn
several important concepts of living that you have already learned several
times — but keep forgetting.
You may have first encountered some of these life principles when you
were in grade school. Nevertheless, you have had to relearn them from time to
time, in some cases too many times to count. Keep in mind that it is all too easy
to carry the baggage of your youth into your later years. You don’t want to be
sixty or seventy years old and saying, “Any day now, I am going to get my act
together and stop making this same costly mistake over and over again.”
This is the reason that this book focuses on many of those life lessons that
most of us have already learned — but for some mysterious reason keep
consigning to oblivion. Sometimes it’s not all that mysterious; it’s just a case
of our acting out of emotion instead of consulting our intellect. Knowing which
situations to avoid and which principles to follow is important for a full,
rewarding, happy, and enlightened life. Indeed, failure to abide by these life
lessons can drastically affect our personal and vocational success.
In large measure this book is autobiographical. Even while writing it, I
occasionally found myself promptly violating one of the principles about
which I had just written. In one case, it was somewhat embarrassing when it
cost me some money and my pride. I thought of the graffiti writer who claimed,
“I learn from my mistakes — I can make the same mistake with greater ease
the second time around.”
To be sure, experience increases our knowledge, but it doesn’t necessarily
decrease the number of our mistakes. Best-selling author Richard Bach wrote,
“Learning is finding out what you already know. Doing is demonstrating that
2 101 Really Important Things You Already Know, But Keep Forgetting

you know it.” It follows that knowledge can be called wisdom when we start
using it and benefiting from it. Intelligent action, in other words, is required to
transform valuable knowledge into wisdom.
You will notice that much of the content in this book is just plain common
sense. Oliver Wendell Holmes Sr. once said, “We all need an education in the
obvious.” In the same vein, a Latin proverb states that common sense is not all
that common. What’s more, philosophers tell us common sense in an unusual
amount leads to wisdom.
I hope that this book will also give you an insight or two instead of just
reminding you of what you already know. There may indeed be a few life
lessons that you previously haven’t learned. Martin Vanbee warned us, “Learn
from the mistakes of others — you can’t live long enough to make them all
After reading this book you may finally get the message about some of
life’s important principles so that you don’t have to relearn them the hard way.
Perish the thought of never violating all the lessons in this book, however.
There will always be moments of weakness in your life during which you
repeat some mistake you have made several times before.
Your goal should be to minimize the number of important lessons you keep
forgetting and the number of times you forget them. Try to read this book with
an open heart and an open mind. Apply the principles that resonate with you
and discard those that don’t.
Whenever working on a new project, I always keep in mind the words of
Thomas Carlyle: “The best effect of any book is that it excites the reader to
self-activity.” My wish is that the life lessons in this book infect you with the
inspiration, motivation, and commitment needed to attain your dream of
having a full, relaxed, satisfying, and happy life.
101 Really Important Things You Already Know, But Keep Forgetting 3

You Don‛t Have to Know the Meaning
of Life to Enjoy It Fully
Ever since human beings developed the abilities to reason and explore, they
have searched for the big secret. Philosophers, scientists, and theologians alike
have been searching for the undisputable answer to the question: “What is the
meaning of life?” This perplexing question has resulted in a wide range of
conclusions and arguments, including scientific theories, authoritative dogma,
philosophical conjecture, and spiritual explanations.
As a matter of course “What is the meaning of life?” is the most profound
question most individuals ask themselves at some point during their lives. The
question in itself is open to various interpretations: Why are we here? Who are
we? Where did we come from? What is the purpose of life? Will we experience
life after death?
To get the upper hand on everyone else, you yourself may be determined
to get to the bottom of this mystery called life — not even sure how much
longer you can hang on if you don’t find it. Plain and simple, it is unlikely that
you will succeed. All things considered, there likely will never be an answer.
Many individuals with greater talent and knowledge than you and me have
come up empty-handed. You will find that the deeper you go, the more the
mystery will deepen.
You may even decide to go traveling around the world in search of the
magical answer to life. The further the better, you think — maybe even
ashrams in Colorado or the Himalaya Mountains in south-central Asia. Once
you get there, you will make an interesting discovery: The only answers and
enlightenment you get to experience in ashrams in Colorado or mountaintops
in India are the answers and enlightenment with which you arrived.
This doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t learn more about the world. It’s
rewarding to explore and discover the fascinating aspects of life. By all means,
keep looking to improve your understanding of many things around you. It’s
best to let some of the more profound things remain mysterious, however.
4 101 Really Important Things You Already Know, But Keep Forgetting

Sometimes too much understanding of something beautiful — such as the

scientific explanation for what causes the Northern Lights to be visible in the
night skies of northern U.S.A., Europe, Russia, and Canada — makes it less
In the same vein, having the absolute understanding of life — if there ever
will be one — would undoubtedly make life less enjoyable. Richard Bach in
Illusions wrote, “Learn what the magician knows and it’s not magic anymore.”
Not to mention that desperately contemplating the meaning of life can lead to
stress, ulcers, high blood pressure, and a lack of success. At the extreme,
people frantically searching for the meaning of life have been known to
commit suicide.
Even if you discover the absolute meaning of life, you may realize that it
doesn’t really make any difference to the quality of your existence anyway.
Your answer may be that ultimately life is pretty meaningless, that we are all
insignificant grains of dust in the grand cosmic scheme of things, that we are
all leading random lives, that our existence doesn’t affect anything or anyone.
George Carlin may have actually found a far better answer to the meaning
of life. Now don’t get too excited, because his answer isn’t as profound as you
may anticipate. Carlin once said that the ultimate meaning of life is “to find a
place to put all your stuff.” This, indeed, is as good of an answer as any other.
In short, if you want to reduce the existential angst in your life, give up
your self-adopted role as chief investigator of what makes this universe rock.
No amount of brooding about the meaning of life can take the place of going
out there and enjoying all it has to offer. The mistake most people make about
pursuing the meaning of life is searching for the answer instead of living it. The
search in itself may give some people meaning but it seldom brings a smile to
their faces.
How right Rita Mae Brown was when she said, “I finally figured out the
only reason to be alive is to enjoy it.” When you learn to enjoy all that life has
to offer, there is no need to understand it. Viewed in this way, the meaning of
life is to live fully — to enjoy the ride, in other words.
101 Really Important
Things You Already Know,
But Keep Forgetting
(240 pages)
at Fine Bookstores
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101 Really Important Things You Already Know, But Keep Forgetting 7

Life‛s a Breeze When You Work As Hard at
Simplifying It As You Do at Complicating It
Yes, life is tough. But life can be a lot easier when we keep things simple.
Surprisingly, you would think that human beings would work at simplifying
their lives, but the opposite is true. Given a choice between a simple way and
a complicated way of doing things, most people will choose the complicated.
Preposterous as it may seem, some of us will even spend time inventing a
complex way when none is immediately available.
No question, we do not need to make our lives more difficult. Given the
opportunity, plenty of other individuals in this world will gladly do this for us.
Life’s unexpected events will also put our creativity to the ultimate test without
our having to create our own special difficulties.
The words you are least likely to hear from anyone in American society
today are “My life is way too simple.” Fact is, most individuals make their
lives way too complicated and wonder why they have so many big headaches
and major problems.
Why people make their lives unnecessarily complicated is a mystery to
philosophers and psychiatrists alike. I am just as amazed at how far out of their
way most people will go to find a myriad of methods to complicate their
personal and business lives. They waste a lot of money, time, and energy on
pursuing things that bring them nothing in return. They may also hang around
people who will do them absolutely no good.
All of us, to some extent or another, practice the philosophy of my good
friend Todd Lorentz, who stated, “Just living in this world is a psychotic
pursuit.” At some point in our lives we all have the tendency to make our lives
unbelievably complex and depressing. We manage to do this with our material
possessions, work-related activities, relationships, family affairs, thoughts, and
emotions. As is to be expected, we are unable to achieve as much as we would
like because we invite too many physical and mental distractions into our lives.
Yet life’s a breeze when we work as hard at simplifying it as we do at
8 101 Really Important Things You Already Know, But Keep Forgetting

complicating it. If you are the type of person who can’t leave home without
four-fifths of your personal possessions, it’s time to lighten up a little on your
journey through life. Without delay, get rid of the burdens that have become a
drain on your time, space, money, and energy. Do something today to make
your life less complicated.
To enjoy life to the fullest, you must periodically identify the things that
complicate your existence. This applies to both the personal and career aspects
of your life. Make a list of the things that no longer serve a worthwhile purpose
in your world. Ask your friends to add to this with suggestions as to how you
can simplify things. Your friends may see much opportunity where you may
see none.
Sure, you didn’t invent complexity. You do your absolute best to perfect it
at times, however, don’t you? Keep in mind that making the simple complex
doesn’t take ingenuity. Making the complex simple — now, that’s ingenuity!
Apply common sense and you won’t have much difficulty in simplifying
your existence. This is about getting the excess baggage out of your life. “No
man can swim ashore,” observed the Roman philosopher and dramatist Seneca,
“and take his baggage with him.” To be sure, life is much easier if you don’t
carry excess baggage.
Whatever your destination, you can’t afford to carry excess baggage for
too long. On trains and airlines, it will cost you extra money. On the trip called
life, it will cost you much more than money. At best, you won’t succeed in
achieving your goals as quickly as you otherwise would. At worst, you will
never succeed in attaining your goals. Not only will this deprive you of
satisfaction and happiness, but it could cost you your sanity in the end.
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Too Much Safety Is Dangerous
for Your Well-Being
“No one from the beginning of time has had security,” proclaimed American
diplomat and writer Eleanor Roosevelt. Her words are ones to ponder carefully.
Security is one of those things most — if not all — people strive for all of their
lives. The dark side of security, however, is that it is an illusion at best. Too
much safety, in fact, is dangerous for your well-being. In more cases than you
can ever imagine, the bigger risk is in not taking the risk.
As a matter of course we all have a tendency to grow comfortable with
existing conditions — even those that do us absolutely no good (there are many
forms of mental illness). For instance, in the workplace we end up tolerating
dead-end jobs, professions we dislike, and companies that mistreat us. Of
course, we resist making changes because we fear the unknown.
You yourself may have settled into a comfortable and predictable routine.
There comes a time, however, when you have to find something that will
stretch your talents more. You must have faith in yourself. When your instincts
tempt you to take a risk on something that is not a life-and-death matter, then
do so with confidence.
If you are dissatisfied with your career choice, the greatest risk may be in
not leaving your job. Don’t wait for the right time to quit. It’s best to do it now
because there is never a right time. There is risk involved in most important
decisions. A recent survey by the Royal Bank of Canada showed that
successful entrepreneurs, who left their secure jobs to be on their own, believed
taking chances made them stronger and wiser. Paradoxically, by taking the
road with more risks, they achieved more security.
Of course, risk-taking can be dangerous for sensation-seekers. So don’t be
rash and risk losing everything you have. It’s not intelligent to take extremely
high or uncertain risks. Wise people take calculated risks. The key is to take
smart risks instead of stupid ones. If you are a fifty-year-old man, you stand a
one-in-two-hundred chance of dying in the next year. Since you may not be
32 101 Really Important Things You Already Know, But Keep Forgetting

around in any event, why not take some calculated risks that may pay back big
dividends in happiness and satisfaction?
Contrary to popular wisdom, the risk of taking action can be less than the
risk of inaction. Life is a perilous journey at best. Incredible romance,
remarkable fame, and outstanding success are attained by those individuals
who take substantial risks. On one hand, you can play it totally safe and wind
up with what you already have to your name — you may even wind up with
less. On the other hand, you can take a few risks and cash in on a few
wonderful opportunities and wind up with a lot more of the things you would
like out of life.
Traveling on a risk-free road, unfortunately, won’t get you to any important
destination. Unfavorable odds shouldn’t keep you from pursuing what you
know intuitively you were meant to do. Many people will criticize you for
attempting those things that they wouldn’t dare attempt themselves. Cowards,
who would like you to remain a coward, should be ignored. There is a time you
have to be courageous and dive into the unknown with the intention of
swimming with what fate brings your way. Happiness and satisfaction will be
much more forthcoming when you have the courage to pursue your
When your inner voice is telling you to take a risk, it’s best to do so even
though your rational mind may be telling you otherwise. Following the tried
and proven path may appear the safest. In some ways it is. But blazing your
own trail will bring you more adventure and satisfaction and leave tracks for
others to see. Conversely, you won’t leave any tracks following a trail that’s
heavily traveled by the masses.
If the path you have taken in life feels really safe, then likely it is not the
right path. When you look back on your life, you’ll regret the things you didn’t
attempt more than the ones you did and at which you failed. The virtue of risk-
taking is emphasized in this old adage: “Someone who tries to do something
and fails is a lot better off than the person who tries to do nothing and
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Giving Advice to Anyone Means That
You Either Lose or Break Even
One day German poet Otto Erich Hartleben consulted a doctor about his health
problems. The doctor advised Hartleben to quit smoking cigarettes and to stop
drinking alcohol. The doctor added, “This visit will cost you three marks.”
“I’m not paying you,” retorted Hartleben, “because I’m not taking your
Undoubtedly, you have found this out through experience: Most people
won’t follow advice — regardless of how good it is — as was the case with
poet Otto Erich Hartleben. Your advice may very well be helpful, but if it
means that the recipient of the advice must put in some work and effort, he or
she will likely discard it. Giving advice may not only be a waste of your time
and energy — it can be dangerous as well.
It is particularly dangerous to offer advice when the person hasn’t asked for
it. Some people will refuse to take advice regardless of how good it is and how
noble your intentions are. Your relationship with them can get strained to the
limit if you persist. People may not realize that you are trying to help them. On
the contrary, they may think that you are highly judgmental and are trying to
make them wrong. Your advice is likely to be ignored because most people
don’t want to admit they are wrong.
Trying to solve other people’s problems with your unsolicited advice is as
futile as trying to change people. It’s best not to get immersed in other people’s
problems, including those of your spouse, friends, and co-workers. Trying to
solve their problems is tantamount to saying they aren’t capable of doing it on
their own. Benjamin Franklin may have given us the best advice possible about
giving unsolicited advice: “Wise men don’t need advice. Fools don’t take it.”
It may be dangerous to give advice even if it is solicited. The problem is
the advice we give others may be the opposite of what they expect or desire.
“When a man comes to me for advice,” quipped Josh Billings, “I find out the
kind of advice he wants, and I give it to him.” Giving advice that people expect
70 101 Really Important Things You Already Know, But Keep Forgetting

may be a good strategy at times, but it can be dangerous in certain situations.

Taking into account that many people don’t have a complete and sensible
appreciation of their own predicaments, it follows that they may in fact expect
advice that will end up hurting their cause.
Even giving good advice can get you in trouble — particularly when it
involves the truth. Oscar Wilde wrote, “It is always silly to give advice, but to
give good advice is absolutely fatal.” There is a lot to be said about telling the
truth — but telling the truth in many cases is on the first rung of the living-
dangerously ladder.
For instance, whenever a friend asks you how she can improve the meal
that she just cooked for you, it is wise not to mention the twenty things you
would have done differently. Otherwise, you could end up without an
opportunity to eat any more of the soufflé because you will be wearing it over
the expensive shirt you wore for the first time.
All things considered, giving advice to anyone means that you either lose
or break even. You seldom win. Whenever people accept your advice, and it
turns out to be helpful, people likely won’t acknowledge you for it. They may
not even remember that you gave it to them. Whenever they accept your
advice, and it turns out to be harmful, people won’t forget who gave it to them.
They will probably even resent you for having given them bad advice.
Summing up, it’s best to avoid getting involved in people’s personal
affairs, especially if you haven’t been asked. As a well-balanced individual you
shouldn’t need to inflate your ego by giving unsolicited advice. If you are
going to give any, however, advise the person that it’s best to avoid freely
accepting advice from anyone else — and that includes you.
Whenever you feel compelled to respond to a request for advice, say it
simply. Make it short. Don’t rant and rave. Even so, on extremely sensitive
matters, be sure to duck when flying objects start coming your way.
101 Really Important Things You Already Know, But Keep Forgetting 79

Nice People Are Often Not Good People and
Good People Are Often Not Nice People
We live in a culture in which being a nice person is considered tantamount to
being a good person. The result is that many nice people are mistaken for fine
human beings, when, in fact, they haven’t earned this distinction due to their
serious character defects. On the other hand, many really good people are
mistaken for having serious character defects just because they aren’t the nicest
people around. So what makes a good person? “A good head and a good heart,”
Nelson Mandela reminded us, “are always a formidable combination.”
No doubt at times it’s hard for a lot of us to differentiate between the good
guys and the bad guys. A friend of mine, for instance, is not the nicest person
in the eyes of his friends and acquaintances. He is direct and often upsets others
by telling the truth about events, people, and things. Yet my friend is one of the
most generous individuals when it comes to giving money or other help to
friends, panhandlers, and other people in need. Contrast this with many so-
called nice people who seldom go out of their way to help others —
particularly those in need.
The reality that nice people often are not good people and good people
often are not nice people is a major disconnect for many of us. We want
everyone to be nice because this is a lot easier to take than having people be
direct, rude, or angry with us. Fact is, niceness is a facade that many
individuals lacking exemplary character use for ulterior motives. Some of the
nicest-appearing people are desperate for affection from others. Certain
psychiatrists and psychologists claim that behind the nice-guy facade there
usually lurks considerable repressed anger — waiting to be transformed into
despicable acts against others.
The core of the matter is that we have to be on guard with many nice
people. We can allow them to get by on charisma for only so long. After that,
they better show some endearing character traits. Clearly, many people are nice
so that they can distract us to take advantage of us. They will try to get in front
80 101 Really Important Things You Already Know, But Keep Forgetting

of us in a lineup or entice us into the biggest scam the world has ever seen.
People seeking to con others out of money or anything else invariably project
themselves as a model of virtue. Your making a snap decision about their
character based on their niceness can lead to serious consequences and
disillusionment later on.
At the extreme are nice people who steal from senior citizens, commit sex
crimes, or murder their relatives — not exactly the epitome of sterling
character. How often have you heard others say, “He seemed so nice all the
time,” when describing someone who has just assaulted, or even killed,
Good people, on the other hand, are not nice all the time. In his renowned
study of self-actualized individuals, researcher and humanistic psychologist
Abraham Maslow found that people at the highest level of psychological
development aren’t the most pleasant humans whom you will encounter. Self-
actualized people aren’t calm individuals. Indeed, temper outbursts are
Unlike nice people, self-actualized human beings can be constructively
critical of others when the need is there. Because they don’t pretend to be
something they aren’t, these good people aren’t pleasing to everyone all of the
time. Although they are generally very tolerant of others, self-actualized
individuals are likely to create a big scene when people engage in insincerity,
dishonesty, or stupidity.
If you want to surround yourself with human beings who possess great
character, who will support you in making a difference in this world, don’t
overlook the good people just because they aren’t nice all the time. Many good
people have insecurities; they get angry and they may even get dejected about
life. You will have to put up with their occasional anger, impatience, and
disgust because they will not tolerate lying, cheating, inconsideration, or
hypocrisy. Nonetheless, their honesty, sincerity, decency, goodness, wisdom,
and consideration will make you realize that you are in great company.
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It‛s Always Easier to Stay Out of Trouble
than to Get Out of Trouble
Think of some of the great difficulties that you have experienced over the years
— ones that you invited into your life on some level or another. This applies to
financial dilemmas, dysfunctional relationships, speeding tickets, lawsuits,
time-wasting arguments, health problems, and family feuds. For good measure,
you can add any other predicament that you could have bypassed in some way
or form. Wouldn’t it have been easier to avoid these situations than trying to
get out of them later?
For example, you may have gotten yourself in a financial quagmire. Your
bills are coming in faster than you can rip them up, you are so broke you can’t
afford to go window-shopping, and your major creditors are skulking the
bushes looking for you. Obviously, this situation is not simply an out-of-money
experience that will dissipate on its own. Because you did not react early, you
must now get out of serious financial trouble before the situation becomes even
more critical.
The key to staying out of trouble — financial or otherwise — is to control
your behavior that attracts trouble. We often invite trouble into our lives when
we see something as terribly important, not realizing that, in fact, it is rather
insignificant in the higher order of life. Just as telling, we invite trouble into
our lives when we see something as trivial, when, in fact, it is important for our
well-being and peace of mind.
Clearly, vigilance is the best defense against trouble entering our lives. The
person who does not have the presence of mind to identify potentially
dangerous outcomes finds it virtually impossible to avoid trouble in the short
term and the long term. People who stay out of trouble concentrate on the
important matters and ignore the superficial ones. Their response to potential
trouble involves strategies on how to avoid the situation totally. They admit to
having made mistakes in the past by not taking appropriate action and won’t
let it happen again.
90 101 Really Important Things You Already Know, But Keep Forgetting

Clearly, you must recognize and react to the warning signs of trouble if you
want to avoid major disruptions to your life. The key word is react. Be
proactive and take absolute control of your life. To avoid having to get out of
trouble, you must develop strategies to stay out of trouble.
There may be times, for instance, when you are tempted to indulge in a
physical confrontation to settle some matter. If you get involved, you are sure
to regret it later. Just think of the consequences. You may end up being beaten
up. This doesn’t sound like something for which you should strive.
The second thing that may happen is you get lucky and beat up your rival.
Unless you get some perverted pleasure from beating up people, it doesn’t
sound like something that will bring you satisfaction. Of course, the third thing
that can happen is both you and the other combatant get hurt, in which case,
both of you lose.
The way to stay out of trouble — instead of being faced with getting out
of trouble — is to choose your life’s battles carefully. Indeed, you shouldn’t
fight a battle if there is nothing to win. Most of the physical confrontations in
which people get involved offer no positive benefit to anyone.
When it comes to avoiding physical fights with tough guys, you are
welcome to use my strategy. I can proudly report that I won all three of my last
fights involving tough guys — by at least half a mile! In other words, I took
appropriate action to avoid the dangerous outcomes that usually occur in
physical confrontations.
Again, the key to staying out of any sort of trouble is to control the
behavior that gets you in trouble. Cool is what you want. Calm, in fact, works
even better. In case you still didn’t get it, the overall lesson here is that it’s
always easier to stay out of trouble than to get out of trouble.
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Be Careful with Your Heroes; Don‛t
Put Any of Them on a Pedestal
“Show me a hero,” quipped American writer F. Scott Fitzgerald, “and I will
write you a tragedy.” The ultimate tragedy, however, is the vast majority of
modern hero-worshipers in the Western world who revere false heroes. So
much so, that hero is one of the most misused words in the English language.
As a matter of course hero today is mostly applied to people who do well
in sports or in the financial world or in show business and have gotten a lot of
publicity. Unfortunately, the modern American hero is somebody whom we
adore, respect, worship, or idolize for all the wrong reasons. With this in mind,
it’s best to be careful with your heroes. Don’t put any of them on a pedestal.
After all, no one — even a true hero — deserves to be there.
Granted, there is not anything basically wrong when we admire celebrities
of sports and popular culture, such as Michael Jordan, Wayne Gretzky, Oprah
Winfrey, Jerry Seinfield, David Letterman, Mick Jagger, and Celine Dion.
These people have been creative and extremely successful in their own right.
Nevertheless, spending too much time watching and talking about celebrities
robs us of precious time and energy that could be used in attaining significant
accomplishments ourselves.
The core of the matter is that there seems to be a totally unwarranted, yet
broadly accepted, belief by the public that modern heroes are larger than life.
Given enough time, however, most sports celebrities, movie stars, singers, and
politicians end up displaying behavior that astonishes even those who have
looked up to them. On the extreme are those pop idols with character flaws so
serious that they would make the Devil proud.
Another dark side of modern hero-worshipers is that most live their lives
vicariously through their false heroes. If you are living vicariously through a
false hero such as a rock star, a baseball player, or a movie star, what does this
say about your own character? Shallow, or even deficient, wouldn’t you say?
Undoubtedly you are telling yourself that you are not good enough yourself as
104 101 Really Important Things You Already Know, But Keep Forgetting

a human being — not proud of your own accomplishments in life, in other

words. Living vicariously through gurus, sports celebrities, and movie stars
limits you from creating the life that you want.
There is one thing of which you can be certain. A true hero does not live
vicariously through someone that he or she admires. So what constitutes a true
hero? Hungarian revolutionary leader Lajos Kossuth concluded, “It’s the
surmounting of difficulties that makes heroes.”
Based on this measure, true heroes know how to steer past major obstacles,
jump over some more, and blow up even more as they proceed toward their
own definition of success. Even so, a true hero is not infallible. He makes
mistakes. He sometimes falters. He may even stop accomplishing for a period
of time but he never gives up in his quest to make this world a better place to
The true heroes are those people who have overcome hardship and made a
significant contribution to this world but who are never given any publicity by
the media. For example, Father Bob McCahill rides his run-down bicycle
through the streets of Bangladesh helping the sick who are too poor to visit a
hospital. Individuals such as Father McCahill who work with the street people
of this world are doing incredible work. Unfortunately, we seldom, if ever, hear
or read about them in the media. These people would make much better role
models for youths and adults alike than today’s spoiled sports celebrities and
movie stars.
All told, even the most accomplished and well-mannered heroes shouldn’t
be idolized. It’s inspiring and constructive and rewarding to use them as role
models — but don’t live vicariously through them. They have their insecurities
and they have their problems.
No human being is worthy of excess esteem from others. Truly self-
confident individuals can admire the accomplishments and success of another
person, but they don’t think anyone is superior to them. They also know that
the belief in the superiority of heroes can limit their own power to attain what
they want out of life.
101 Really Important Things You Already Know, But Keep Forgetting 111

Instead of Criticizing Someone‛s Success, Why
Not Learn Something Valuable from It?
It’s interesting and somewhat dismaying how many people will look up to
anyone who wins a multimillion-dollar lottery — but will deride anyone who
has worked either hard or smart to attain prosperity and real success. Jules
Renard put this in proper perspective, however: “Failure is not the only
punishment for laziness: there is also the success of others.”
American composer Irving Berlin, who led the evolution of the popular
song from the early ragtime and jazz eras through the golden age of musicals,
wrote more than 800 pop songs. One day Berlin gave a young composer named
Cole Porter counseling on how to become more successful in the music
business. “Listen kid, take my advice,” Berlin warned Porter, “never hate a
song that has sold half-a-million copies.”
No doubt Cole Porter took Irving Berlin’s advice seriously given the huge
success that Porter himself achieved as a composer. What Berlin told Porter is
great advice for all of us. Instead of criticizing someone’s success, why not
learn something valuable from it? Whether it’s a highly successful song,
painting, or computer, we should be admiring and blessing it. Even more
important, we should be learning why it is so successful so that we can adapt
its positive features into whatever product or service we are ourselves trying to
sell to the world.
Anyone who has been a success can teach you a lot. If you resent
successful people, chances are you will never be successful yourself. How
could you? You would have to become someone whom you resent. Thus, you
will always set yourself up, consciously or unconsciously, so that you don’t
succeed. What’s more, you will have a lot of great excuses — but no good
reasons — why you have not attained what success means to you.
The core of the matter is that any misfit can criticize and most do. The
universe, however, has ingenious ways of keeping pathological critics in their
rightful place. It makes them incredibly miserable inside. Moreover, the
112 101 Really Important Things You Already Know, But Keep Forgetting

universe ensures that real success eludes these people for their entire lives. Oh
sure, they become successful critics, but that’s about all. The last time I
checked, there was no Nobel Prize awarded for criticism and I have yet to see
a statue made in honor of a critic.
It is a mistake when we make successful people wrong for their
achievements. No matter how deserving we are, we can’t truly enjoy the things
we desperately want until we allow others — even people we dislike — to have
the same things just as readily as we would like. Instead of getting you on the
road to Success City, criticizing successful people will get you headed full tilt
in the opposite direction toward where the misfits of this world hang out. It’s
called Loserville. So where would you like to hang out? Loserville or Success
If you choose Success City as the place you want to be, you must learn not
only to avoid criticizing successful people, but also to disregard the negative
comments made about you. The more successful you become, the more
criticism you will receive. Truly successful people get bashed a lot, mainly by
the lazy, jealous, and broke, who apparently have nothing better to do with
their time, aside from watching a lot of TV.
Successful people, however, are used to — and spiritually above — the
misconceptions, criticism, and untrue statements that negative people utter
about anybody and everybody who is successful. Unkind words will even
motivate certain already successful people to greater heights.
Above all, keep in mind that avoiding criticism is an unattainable task —
even to the most renowned people in this world — because the most
degenerate of misfits can easily criticize the greatest of accomplishments ever
pulled off by humankind. And, of course, they do. The silver lining is that
receiving a lot of criticism from the misfits of this world is a good sign that you
are well on your way to success — or that you have already arrived!
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No One Can Give You Wiser
Advice than You Can
No doubt you have noticed that it isn’t all that difficult to get advice for your
problems — regardless of the size or nature. To be sure, most individuals will
be more than happy to give you guidance on anything imaginable and declare
that it is great advice. A lot of them have likely adopted one of Oscar Wilde’s
principles: “The only thing to do with good advice,” concluded Oscar, “is to
pass it on. It is never of any use to oneself.”
As a matter of course most people close to you will have opinions on how
you should spend your life. Parents will tell you what you should be doing for
happiness and fulfillment. So will brothers and sisters, not to mention teachers,
friends, advertisers, newspapers, magazines, and television shows.
When I was in my midteens, for instance, my dream was to be either a
schoolteacher or an entrepreneur. Unfortunately, I made the mistake of going
into engineering because of a school principal’s dubious advice. He figured
that I would make a great engineer because I was a whiz at math and physics.
Boy, was he ever wrong! I ended up dedicating over ten years of my life to
obtaining an electrical engineering degree and working as an engineer in a
corporation. What a waste of my life — given that I never did get to understand
electricity! What’s more, I am organizationally averse, which means I am
happiest and most productive working on my own creative projects on a laptop
in coffee bars, where I don’t have to deal with the hassles of corporate life.
Here’s the bottom line: Whether it’s deciding on how big of a house to buy,
how much money you should save, what career to pursue, or how to raise your
children, you should be extremely careful about accepting counseling from
other people. This is particularly true when you accept advice from too many
people. “He who builds to every man’s advice,” warns a Danish proverb, “will
have a crooked house.”
The question that arises is: How good is the advice that you receive from
others? Free advice particularly is suspect at best. Artist Anselm Feuerbach
134 101 Really Important Things You Already Know, But Keep Forgetting

may or may not have been too cynical when he said, “If someone gives you so-
called good advice, do the opposite; you can be sure it will be the right thing
nine out of ten times.” When people give you free advice, consider their
motives, and what they stand to lose should they give you bad advice. Mark
Twain put free advice in proper perspective: “He charged nothing for his
preaching and it was worth it too.”
In general, you should put more credence in advice for which you have to
pay at least some money. The person who charges you for her words of wisdom
has a reputation to protect. If follows that giving bad advice could hurt her
livelihood. On the other hand, people who give free advice have little to lose
in the event that their advice turns out to be bogus.
Some individuals have an uncanny ability to invite themselves into our
lives with advice that we haven’t even asked for. It’s okay for them to suggest
that we leave our mates or our jobs. If the decision turns out to be completely
wrong for us, however, who suffers? Will they find us another mate or another
job? Of course not. They will go merrily along with their own lives while we
suffer the consequences of having accepted their so-called words of wisdom.
Advice from other individuals may appear very reasonable to them, and it
may appear reasonable to you. Some decisions, nonetheless, are best made
intuitively instead of reasonably. Listen to that inner voice when making
decisions. Don’t become overly logical and practical.
Accepting too much guidance from people can leave the responsibility for
your life in the hands of others. You must feel free to do it your own way. Don’t
allow anyone to make decisions for you, no matter how good they are at
making decisions in their own lives.
“Think wrongly, if you please,” remarked British writer Doris Lessing,
“but in all cases think for yourself.” Ask for other people’s advice, give it some
consideration, and then make your own decisions. Since we are discussing
advice, allow me to give you some of my own. My best advice for you is to
never accept anyone else’s advice — after all, nobody can give you wiser
advice than you can.
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If the Grass on the Other Side of the Fence
Is Greener, Try Watering Your Side
At some point in our lives we all fall into the trap of believing that the grass is
greener on the other side. Whenever you think so, you may want to check it
out. Once you get there, you will probably realize that the grass on the other
side is pretty much like the grass on your side. What’s more, you may even
discover that the grass is not green at all.
But if the grass on the other side of the fence is actually greener, try
watering your side first. Watering your side is a metaphor for getting your
emotional act together and doing something about making your life better. This
is about responsibility and commitment. You can sit around and climb
imaginary mountains because they aren’t there — or you can climb real
mountains because they are there. Which do you think will bring you more
Ron Smotherman in his book Winning Through Enlightenment concluded:
“Satisfaction is for a very select group of people: those who are willing to be
satisfied. There aren’t many around.” If you want to be in the select group of
people who are generally satisfied with their lives, you must come to terms
with the fact that green grass on your side of the fence — a full, relaxed,
satisfying, and happy life, in other words — is the result of commitment and
Generally speaking, this is not understood by most humans: We are always
free to change our futures by being more alive and creative in the present.
Happy, successful people don’t expect mysterious forces to make tomorrow
worth living. They themselves make it that way by what they do today.
According to the Buddha, “What we think, we become.” Therefore, always
think and act as if you and your life really matter. At the same time, don’t do
things because you feel you have to do them. Do things because you want to.
The difference in the results you attain will be beyond belief.
It is folly to strive for total comfort, however. Comfort is a double-edged
204 101 Really Important Things You Already Know, But Keep Forgetting

sword. A little will increase health and happiness — too much, and it will
destroy both. Thus, be creative, active, and productive by pursuing challenging
activities that require a great deal of risk and discomfort.
Have all your goals much bigger than merely making yourself
comfortable. A life of passion, purpose, and success is almost always
uncomfortable. Pursuing true success entails all aspects of life — the joys and
the sorrows, the dullness and the excitement, and the accomplishments and the
failures. This will eventually make the grass on your side of the fence a lot
greener, which other people will attribute to your good luck.
Luck, incidentally, is the word we often give to remarkable success that
someone less privileged and talented than we are has attained. Believe that
remarkable success is a result of luck and you will have a lot of lousy luck
come your way. Accept that remarkable success is a result of good character
and creative action and you will bask in a lot of good luck — and a lot of green
Let go of the notion that everything in life should be easy. If you succeed
on the first try, you can be assured that it won’t happen again. Either that, or
what you have accomplished is not worth boasting about.
Everything keeps its best character by being put to its best use. This applies
to both people and things. Thus, pursue goals in harmony with your character
and values. Anything short of this and you will be cheating yourself out of
many hours of happiness and satisfaction each and every day. Just as telling,
there will be no green grass on your side of the fence.
Whatever you dream of doing, begin today. “Twenty years from now you
will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you
did do,” warned Mark Twain. “So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the
safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”
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101 Really Important Things You Already Know, But Keep Forgetting 205

No Matter How Successful You Become, the Size of
Your Funeral Will Still Depend upon the Weather
Perhaps you want to amass a pile of money that would make Warren Buffett
and Bill Gates look like paupers. Alternatively, you may be after the Pulitzer,
the Nobel, an Oscar, a Tony, a Juno, or an Emmy. No doubt fame and fortune
may be yours if you work hard enough. Contrary to popular belief, however,
there is less to fame and fortune than first meets the eye.
In our materialistic and celebrity-crazed society it’s hard not to think of a
happy and successful person as someone who is rich and famous. Fame and
fortune are okay in their own ways, but these are not essential ingredients for
having lived a full, relaxed, satisfying, and happy life. Few of us derive our
greatest joys in life from money, power, or prestige.
To say nothing of the undesirable elements that fame and fortune tend to
bring with them. Fred Allen once quipped, “A celebrity is a person who works
hard all his life to become well-known, then wears dark glasses to avoid being
recognized.” Pablo Picasso, with much stronger credentials than I have on the
subject of fame and fortune, remarked, “When you are young and without
success, you have only a few friends. Then, later on, when you are rich and
famous, you still have a few — if you are lucky.”
Another dark side of fame and fortune is that by the time you acquire them,
you will likely discover they don’t bring as many rewards as you originally
thought they would. Before you devote your life to becoming rich and famous,
it may do you good to ponder this important message from Michael Pritchard:
“No matter how rich you become, how famous or powerful, when you die the
size of your funeral will still pretty much depend upon the weather.” I might
add that whether lunch is served can also determine how many people show up
at your funeral.
Now, back to being alive. It doesn’t matter so much what you do for a
living, or how much fame and fortune you attain at what you do, but whether
you enjoy peace, health, and love most of the time. If you don’t have these,
206 101 Really Important Things You Already Know, But Keep Forgetting

what can replace them? Don’t lose sight of the fact that happiness is not a
destination, but a journey, a by-product of performing a job well, having good
health, doing our duty, pursuing our goals, accepting the inevitable, loving the
world, showing gratitude, helping others be happy, and living fully.
Take a close look at the great people of the world. Think Mother Teresa!
Think the Dalai Lama! Think Nelson Mandela! Think Mahatma Gandhi! These
remarkable individuals lived or live with little material possessions but have
experienced happiness, joy, and self-fulfillment throughout their lives. They
didn’t zealously pursue happiness, joy, and self-fulfillment as goals in
themselves. Happiness, joy, and self-fulfillment resulted from a higher
purpose, one that involved working toward the common good of humanity.
Live your life like the great people of this world and you will make your
stay on Earth as close to a heavenly experience as it can be. Indeed, Zen
masters tell us that there is no sense in waiting for Heaven. Zen says that this
is life, and today, this is Heaven. Put another way, this is it! Today, this is all
you get. Take it or leave it. And you can’t leave it. Therefore, make the best of
it. This way, in the event you get to Heaven, you will be well-prepared to enjoy
yourself there.
The rest of your life begins right now. It can be more than it has ever been.
Enjoy everything in life that you can. It is a mistake not to. Let it be a wondrous
life. Life is all around you. Live it to its fullest, with all your senses. Listen to
it! Look at it! Taste it! Smell it! Feel it!
By all means, spend a good portion of your time attaining the personal
success you would like to attain. Ensure, however, that you experience a full,
relaxed, satisfying, and happy life along the way. Whatever success means to
you, your journey toward it should feel better than the destination. If you are
doing what’s right for you, it will — regardless of how much fame and fortune
you attain.
Life Lessons
101 Really Important Things You Already Know, But Keep Forgetting 213

Life Lesson A-1

Thank Your Mother a Lot While
She Is Still Alive
Regardless of their age, the large majority of mothers care for their children in
a thousand little ways that their children tend to take for granted.
Unfortunately, most of us don’t realize how much our mothers mean to us until
they are no longer around. Of course, there are many people who truly
appreciate their mothers and express their gratitude for them.
“All that I am or ever hope to be,” remarked Abraham Lincoln, “I owe to
my angel Mother.” George Washington declared, “I attribute all my success in
life to the moral, intellectual, and physical education which I received from my
mother.” Jewish people have a proverb about mothers that is even more
eloquent: “God could not be everywhere and therefore He made mothers.”
Given that my mother passed away while I was in the middle of
completing the new edition of this book, allow me to share how I never got to
express my love and appreciation for her as much as I would have liked. On
the first Sunday of February 2007 I was contemplating whether I should go to
a musical performance at our local jazz club. I gave consideration to the fact
that on the previous Sunday I had not visited my mother, which I had done
virtually every Sunday for almost twenty years. Thus, I decided to skip the
musical performance.
I picked up some items from a local supermarket deli and headed over to
my mother’s apartment. This particular Sunday my sister, Elaine, and her
husband, Lorne, also showed up and we had an enjoyable dinner together.
Later I noticed that my mother was wheezing after she climbed a flight of
stairs. She also complained about how her legs had gotten really stiff lately.
Even so, I would later find out that my mother told her best friend that she
had a really great day, because my sister, my brother-in-law, and I had visited
her. What’s more, earlier in the day, just as my mother was about to call my
brother, Kenny, who lives out of the city, he called and talked to her for an hour.
As it turned out, this was the last Sunday dinner that I enjoyed with my
214 101 Really Important Things You Already Know, But Keep Forgetting

mother. You can imagine how fortunate I felt that I had skipped the musical
performance. Two days later I called my mother to ask her how she was doing.
She complained of severe headaches that wouldn’t respond to Tylenol. Later in
the evening my sister and her husband drove my mother to the hospital. The
doctors decided to keep her for two or three days because of her low oxygen
level but they didn’t think it was anything serious.
On Wednesday afternoon when I visited my mother at the hospital, I was
stunned to find out that the doctors had diagnosed her with acute leukemia. The
head doctor indicated that she could live for several weeks — even months —
if they gave her blood transfusions and chemo drugs along with morphine.
Needless to say, I left the hospital in somewhat of a daze.
That evening I decided that I would visit my mother at least once every day
until she passed away. I also decided to get a nice black book in which I would
write down all the special things that I wanted to thank her for. I was also going
to encourage other people to write in the black book all the things that they
liked about my mother.
As fate would have it, the next day my mother took a turn for the worse.
The doctor phoned early in the morning and indicated she had only a few days
left with her likely losing mental capabilities in a day or two. Soon after I got
to the hospital, I decided that I should bring my mother’s best friend, Mary
Leshchyshyn, to see my mother one last time while she still had her mental
capabilities. After I brought Mary to the hospital, she and my mother were able
to spend half an hour together while the rest of us went for coffee.
When we got back to my mother’s hospital room, I noticed that my mother
had gotten worse and was gasping for oxygen. At this point I felt that she might
not last more than a day. So I immediately thanked my mother for two or three
important things that she had done for me.
She responded — as she struggled for oxygen — by thanking me
specifically for having come over every Sunday. (At this point I truly realized
how much my weekly Sunday visits meant to her.) I also told my mother that
the reason that I had never married was that I had never met a wonderful
woman like her.
101 Really Important Things You Already Know, But Keep Forgetting 215

Shortly after, my mother’s best friend, Mary, stated that my mother looked
really tired and that she should go home to let my mother rest. My mother was
able to say a few more words to Mary including “Don’t get what I got.” Mary’s
last words to my mother were “See you later.” I would find out soon after from
my sister that my mother whispered, “Oh no, you won’t.” But Mary didn’t hear
Sadly, while I was driving Mary back to her apartment, my mother passed
away. My sister, Elaine, and her husband, Lorne; my cousin, Jerry, and his
wife, Lil; and the hospital chaplain, Blaine Allan, were there with her and said
a prayer while she passed away. Surprisingly, my mother at eighty-five had her
mental capabilities and even a great memory right until her last minutes, given
that she was giving instructions to my sister about the funeral, including the
dress she wanted to be wearing and how she wanted her head tilted just a bit in
the coffin instead of straight up.
I found out a few interesting things shortly after my mother passed away.
Blaine, the hospital chaplain, had visited my mother in the early morning and
spent about an hour with her. She talked to Blaine about what a great life she
had had and how she was sure she was going to pass away that day. Blaine also
indicated that my mother was not trying to hang on like some people do.
Later that morning, when my sister arrived, my mother told her, “I’m
done.” My sister responded, “What are you talking about?” My mother replied,
“I lost the stone from my family ring. It’s gone so that means that I am gone
too.” My mother was so sweet and so strong during her last hours. Even the
hospital staff talked about the deep affection they had developed for her during
her short stay in the hospital.
As hard as my mother’s death was on me, there was something remarkably
spiritual about it. There were also a few things for which I had to feel grateful.
My mother did not have to suffer for a long time like so many people do in
their later years. I was thankful that Elaine, Lorne, Jerry, Lil, and Blaine were
there with her to say a prayer when she passed away. I also felt relieved that I
had brought Mary to the hospital so that she and my mother got to spend half
an hour together before my mother left us rather unexpectedly that day.
216 101 Really Important Things You Already Know, But Keep Forgetting

After I left the hospital that fateful afternoon, I felt blessed that I was able
to see my mother her last day and thank her for at least two or three special
things that she had done for me. But I was also terribly saddened that I did not
get to give her a hundred more reasons why she had meant so much to me. So
I wrote a letter to my mother, which follows this photo of her in her twenties:

February 8, 2007

Dear Mom:
I am so saddened that you left us rather suddenly while knowing
that in many ways it was the right thing for you to do. I am sorry that
I was not there when you passed on but I know that you appreciate
that I brought your best friend Mary to see you one last time and I
know that Mary appreciated having the chance to see you one last
time. Unfortunately, while I was driving Mary back to her home, you
left us but Elaine, Lorne, Lil, Jerry, and Blaine were there with you.
I will miss you. I hope that we meet in Heaven. I know that from
the way you treated me and the way you treated others — and how
much they held you in great esteem and admiration — that you have
an outstanding chance of entering Heaven — far greater than me,
that’s for sure. But I will remember the great things that people loved
about you and try to instill as many of your great qualities in myself
as I can from now on. Perhaps I will get into Heaven as easily as you.
Because you left rather suddenly, there are so many things that I
wanted to thank you for but didn’t get a chance. Here are just some of
the things I wanted to thank you for:
101 Really Important Things You Already Know, But Keep Forgetting 217

• Thank you for having stuck by my side so many times and

gotten yourself in trouble with Dad when he thought I should
be doing something else with my life.
• Thank you for lending me the money to publish my first book
although, as you said when I was paying you back, you
thought you would never see the money again.
• Thank you for making a prompt decision around eight years
ago to sell your house and move into the St Andrew’s
Retirement Complex — I know that your living in the
apartment complex rather than continuing living isolated in
the house added several years to your life — and of course joy
in other people’s lives.
• Thank you for still making the great cabbage rolls this last
Christmas that you made all these years even though you had
been quite ill just before the holidays.
• Thank you for having taken care of your best friend Mary by
buying groceries for her when she couldn’t make it out on her
own due to her low energy level.
• Thank you for having had the ability to always be so pleasant
with everyone that you met.
• Thank you for your appreciation of other people — I can’t
recall your ever having said a bad word about anyone.

I could go on forever about the things that I would like to thank

you for, but I just want to wrap it up by saying I am somewhat
mystified — but nevertheless proud of you — for being able to live to
the age of eighty-five in generally good health and then make a fairly
rapid exit from this planet without having to suffer like so many people
do. Great work, Mom!
But I am going to miss you a great deal. Not having the regular
Sunday dinners as we have for so many years and not having someone
special to phone every day or two are going to be hard on me.
I promise to think of you as I live the rest of my life. I will give
much thought every day about the types of things you would have
wanted me to do and how you would have liked me to treat other
people. I know that this will make me a much better person and I hope
that I will have as many great people mourn my passing from this
planet as will come to mourn yours.

Thank you, Mom

With all my love

218 101 Really Important Things You Already Know, But Keep Forgetting

I placed this letter under my mother’s arm in the coffin when members of
my close family and I visited the funeral home to pay our respects the day
before the funeral. The next day, after I read a copy of the letter as the eulogy
during the funeral service conducted by Father Don Bodnar, a good friend of
mine commented that this is the type of letter we should all write to our
mothers while they are still living.
To be sure, you should thank your mother a lot for all that she means to you
while she is still alive — not only with letters but also with thoughtful
comments every time you see her. Clearly, your mother deserves much more
than a card, flowers, or candy once a year on Mother’s Day. Why not send her
a handwritten letter at least once a month? Start today because you never know
when she may lose her life suddenly.
Here are a few words from Washington Irving to remind us a little more
about how important mothers are to us: “A mother is the truest friend we have,
when trials heavy and sudden, fall upon us; when adversity takes the place of
prosperity; when friends who rejoice with us in our sunshine desert us; when
trouble thickens around us, still will she cling to us, and endeavor by her kind
precepts and counsels to dissipate the clouds of darkness, and cause peace to
return to our hearts.”
I was fortunate that I saw my mother fifteen to twenty minutes before she
passed away and was able to at least thank her for a few things. I am also
blessed that I get to dedicate this book to her and will have her name live on at
least in some small spiritual way due to me — and, of course, due to the great
person that she was. You may not get these same opportunities. So again, thank
your mother a lot while she is still alive. Trust me — you will deeply regret it
later if you don’t.
101 Really Important Things You Already Know, But Keep Forgetting 219

Life Lesson A-2

Flowers, Cards, and Candy Are Not the
Essence of Mother‛s Day
As much as I loved my mother, it will come as a surprise to some people that
over the years I didn’t buy her flowers, cards, or candy for Mother’s Day. I did
buy her dinner, however, and spent quality time with her every Mother’s Day.
Perhaps you should do likewise.
Truth be known, you don’t have to feel guilty about not buying gifts to help
your mother celebrate Mother’s Day. Not buying your mother cards, flowers,
or candy to help her celebrate this special event is not about being stingy and
saving yourself a few bucks, however. There is a much better reason. We have
to go back to the origins of Mother’s Day to place this matter in proper
Anna May Jarvis was just two weeks shy of forty-two, working for a life
insurance company in Philadelphia, when her mother (Mrs. Anna Reese Jarvis)
died on May 9, 1905. It was the second Sunday of the month. The next year
Anna May Jarvis made her life goal to see her mother and motherhood honored
annually throughout the world. Jarvis felt children often neglected to
appreciate their mother enough while she was still alive. She hoped Mother’s
Day would increase respect for parents and strengthen family bonds.
Two years after her mother’s death, Anna Jarvis and her friends began a
letter-writing campaign to gain the support of influential ministers,
businessmen, and congressmen in declaring a national Mother’s Day holiday.
In 1914, President Woodrow Wilson signed a proclamation from the U.S.
Congress to establish the second Sunday in May as Mother’s Day forevermore.
Ironically, the commercialization of the day she had founded in honor of
motherhood — today it is the biggest business day of the year for U.S.
restaurants and flower shops — was not what Anna May Jarvis had envisioned.
Jarvis wanted people to spend a lot of quality time with their mothers and let
their mothers know how special they were.
Sadly, Jarvis, who never married and was never a mother herself, retired
220 101 Really Important Things You Already Know, But Keep Forgetting

from her job at the insurance company to spend her remaining thirty-four
years, and her entire fortune of over $100,000, campaigning against the
commercialization of Mother’s Day.
Whenever she could, Anna May Jarvis would speak out. She was known
to crash florists’ conventions to express her distaste for their “profiteering”
from Mother’s Day. Eventually too old to continue her campaign, she ended up
deaf and blind — not to mention penniless — in a West Chester, Pennsylvania,
sanitarium, where she died in November 1948 at the age of eighty-four.
“Why not give your mother flowers, cards, or candy?” you may ask.
“Flowers,” declared Jarvis, “are about half dead by the time they’re delivered.”
As for candy, Jarvis advised, “Mother’s Day has nothing to do with candy.
Candy is junk. You give your mother a box of candy and then go home and eat
most of it yourself.”
“Well, then what’s wrong with cards?” you may add. Jarvis felt that “a
maudlin, insincere printed card or a ready-made telegram means nothing
except that you’re too lazy to write to the woman who has done more for you
than anyone else in the world.”
Tell your mother the truth about Mother’s Day and you won’t have to
spend money on flowers, candy, and cards to help her celebrate her special
event of the year. Heck, you don’t even have to buy her a copy of this book as
a gift. You should, however, make her dinner or take her out to a fine
Most important, you should spend a lot of quality time with her. Your
mother will appreciate this immensely. What’s more, if she were still living
today, Anna May Jarvis would be so pleased that you celebrate the second
Sunday of May with your mother in the true spirit and essence of Mother’s
About the Author
Ernie J. Zelinski is a leading
authority on early retirement and
solo-entrepreneurship. His recent
works include the career book
Real Success Without a Real
Job, the bestseller How to Retire
Happy, Wild, and Free (over
100,000 copies already sold and
published in seven foreign
languages), and the international
bestseller The Joy of Not
Working (over 225,000 copies Photograph by Greg Gazin

sold and published in seventeen languages).

Ernie has negotiated ninety-seven book deals with
publishers in twenty-seven different countries for his various
books — which have now sold over 550,000 copies worldwide.
Feature articles about Ernie and his books have appeared in
major newspapers including USA TODAY, Oakland Tribune,
Boston Herald, The Washington Post, Toronto Star, and
Vancouver Sun.
You can send an e-mail to Ernie at [email protected] or
write to him at:
Visions International Publishing
P.O. Box 4072
Edmonton AB
Canada T6E 4S8
To download a free e-book with over half of Ernie’s
international bestseller How to Retire Happy, Wild, and Free
or to download his other many free e-books such as The 237
Best Things Ever Said about Retirement and The 777 Best
Things Ever Said about Money — visit his funky websites:
101 Really Important
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But Keep Forgetting
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How to Make Your Life More Enjoyable

101 Really Important Things You Already Know, But Keep Forgetting
Day-by-Day, Year-by-Year
This inspirational guide is about all those really important life lessons that virtually all of us
have already learned but — for some mysterious reason — keep forgetting.
Adopting even one of these sometimes basic — sometimes profound — 101 concepts of living
will help you experience a more meaningful, more relaxed lifestyle filled with happiness and

What You Will Discover — or Rediscover — by Reading This Book

• Too much safety is dangerous for your well-being.
Really Important Things
• Predict your failures and you will become a highly successful prophet.
• Don’t buy expensive socks if you can never find them.
You Already Know,
• Nice people are often not good people and good people are often not nice people.
• It’s always easier to stay out of trouble than to get out of trouble.
• Being right at all costs is like being a dead hero — there is no payoff!
But Keep Forgetting
• Good deeds are seldom remembered; bad deeds are seldom forgotten.
• To double your success rate, just double your failure rate.
• Ten million dollars cannot buy what great friendship can.
• If the grass on the other side of the fence is greener, try watering your side.

Above all, 101 Really Important Things You Already Know, But Keep Forgetting presents
priceless advice that will help you live a happier, healthier, and wealthier life!

“I have learned much from Ernie. Read this book. It could very well
change your life for the better.”
— Azizi Ali, Multimillionaire, Best-Selling Author, and Professional Speaker

“Ernie Zelinski helps others find the time to live.”

— Boston Herald
Ernie J. Zelinski
Author of the international bestseller
How to Retire Happy, Wild, and Free

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