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The guide of sins

During the movie, you realize that John Doe uses the guidance of sins that
Dante Alighieri did in his famous work The Divine Comedy. Starting with
gluttony, to the envy and anger.

• Gluttony: the fat man found murdered was forced to eat and keep eating,
as John was pointing with a gun and once he got hit with it.
Torture the stopped twice to go buy food. He had a bucket for vomiting. The
throat was swollen and there was internal bleeding, which caused his death.

• Greed: a lawyer who in the words of John Doe was "a scoundrel who spent his
life freeing murderers, rapists and kidnappers." Based on Shakespeare's The
Merchant of Venice, in a text that said "a kilogram of meat, no bones or nerves,"
referring to a kilogram of meat that had to pull out, decided that the meat was
left over from his belly, well known as "love handles" or "love handles", and
caused bleeding to death.

• Laziness: a guy who called himself Victor. Found their mark on the scene
of the crime of 'greed', so they went to investigate. In his
apartment they discover his body, strapped to a bed, with photos, the first in
exactly a year earlier. Missing a hand that had been used in the crime scene
DEAD, HE WAS IN COMMA. The doctor says he can’t speak,
because the brain capacity has been damaged because of torture, also has
started to bite his tongue and his muscles are atrophied. He died in hospital.

• Lust: John Doe had to manufacture a belt with a knife in front. A man and a
prostitute are forced to have sex using the blade, causing fatal injuries in the
vagina and internal organs. The body of the prostitute is not shown, but
the man who was forced to have sex with her is seriously disturbed and
unable to speak, plus the police had well taken care of the crime scene.

• Superb: the murderer cuts off the face of a woman who was known for her
face and has two options: call emergencies, and live without your face, or take
some pills you have in your other hand and die. The woman takes the pills.

• Envy: John Doe is the last sin and the wife of Mills is the last
victim to find. After a postal truck approaches the place where
supposed to find the bodies Mills stays with John
When Somerset realizes he has the box, runs to Mills. John, based on
indirect Mills lets you know who went to visit his wife, because he envied his
life. Wanted to play an exemplary husband, but he could not avail,
and took her heat to remember it, killing her and killing the child who had
come to birth.

• Ira David Mills is the last sin to make the victim John Doe. After Mills
communicate to the murder of his wife, he begins to babble, while Somerset,
who is returning to the van where he just saw the head of the wife of
Mills in a box received by courier (the viewer does not see the head) , not to
shout throw the gun that points to Doe. Somerset tries to convince him that,
if fired at John, he has won. Mills, blinded by the "anger" shoots him several
times. He is arrested and taken into a police car, severely mentally impaired,
to jail.

After naming all the deadly sins seen in the movie seven, each applied in
different cases resulting in a fatal destiny.

The film to be honest I did not like it because it is so much suffering, pain, blood
and, murder.

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