Data Fabric Architecture (More Detail) - Version 1.0

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Data Fabric Architecture (More Detail)

AM 3.0 Generic template VERSION: AUTHOR: 2018/03/14 by Charles Edwards VERSION AUTHOR: 2018/05/10 by Charles Edwards

[01] External Interacting Parties

These are the range of external parties that supply data
to and access data from the enterprise.

External Party Business actor

Business Regulated
Client Collaborator Competitor Contractor Counterparty Dealer Distributor Franchisee Intermediary Licensee Licensor Outsourcer Partner Provider Public Regulator Shareholder Supplier
Customer Entity
Business actor Business actor Business actor Business actor Business actor Business actor Business actor Business actor Business actor Business actor Business actor Business actor Business actor Business actor Business actor Business actor Business actor Business actor
Business actor Business actor

[02] External Party Interaction Zones, Applications, Channels and Facilities [05] External Data Sensors
These are the set of applications and data interface and Sources of remote data measurements.
exchange points provided specifically to External Interacting
Parties to allow them supply data to and access data from
External Party Application interaction the enterprise. These can be hosted internally or externally
or a mix of both.
External Data Sensors Application interaction
Internally Hosted Applications Cloud Hosted Extension Applications
Data Sensor 1 Data Sensor 2 Data Sensor 3 Data Sensor n
Messaging Shared Upload or External Facing File Transfer Portal Forms Website eCommerce Application Application Application Application
[04] External Third Party Applications Application Download Application Applications Application Application Applications Applications Applications interface interface interface interface
These are third-party applications (such as social media platforms)
that contain information about the enterprise or that are used interface interface interface interface interface Trusted interface interface interface
by the enterprise to present information to or interact with Path
External Interacting Parties or where the enterprise is referred to,
affecting the perception or brand of the enterprise.

External 3rd Party Applications Interaction [03] External Party Interaction Zones Data Stores
These are applications and sets of data created by
[06] External Data Devices
the enterprise to be externally facing where
external parties can access information and interact These are devices connected with services offered
Banking Government Tax Supplier Other with the enterprise. by the enterprise (such as ATMs and Kiosks).
Union Application
Application Application Application Application(s) External Party Data Stores Application collaboration
Application Application
Application Application
External Data Devices Technology interaction
component External Facing
component component component component Messages Data Store Files Data Store Web Portal Data Website Data Store eCommerce Data
Application Data Barcode
Application Application Store Application Application Store Application Access Point of Sale
Store Application ATM Node Kiosk Node scanner
component component component component component Control Node Node
component Node
Social Media Social Media Social Media Social Media
(Facebook) (LinkedIn) (Twitter) (Instagram)
Application Application Application Application
Application Application Application Application
component component component component [07] Data Intake/Gateway
This is the set of facilities for handling data supplied
to the enterprise including validation and transformation
Internally Hosted Applications Cloud Hosted Extension Applications including a possible integration or service bus. This can
be hosted internally or externally or a mix of both.

Data Intake Gateway Application collaboration Data Intake Gateway Application collaboration

Data Import Application Data Validation Application Data Transform Application Data Quality Data Concentrator
component component component Application component Application component

Data Collection Application Data Transfer Application Data Workflow

[10] Desktop Applications component component Application component
These are applications used by individual users to view and author documents.

Desktop Applications interaction Integration Application collaboration Integration Application collaboration

Trusted Path
Document Document Video Enterprise Service Bus Application component Enterprise Service Bus Application component
Collaboration Internet Browser
Sharing Management Conferencing
Application Application
Application Application Application
component component
component component component

[08] Line of Business Applications [09] Line of Business Applications hosted outside the organisation
Word Processing Presentation Spreadsheet Instant Messaging
eMail Application This represents the set of line of business applications This represents the set of line of business applications deployed on external
Application Application Application Application deployed on enterprise owned and managed infrastructure infrastructure used by business functions to operate their business processes This
component used by business functions to operate their business
Line of Business Application collaboration includes cloud facilities such as external data storage and XaaS facilities and an
component component component component Line of Business Application collaboration processes. integration service to connect external data to internal data

Develop and Manage Market and Sell Products Deliver Products and Customer Service Environmental Health and Human Resources Information Technology Finance Capability Risk Capability
Facilities Management Knowledge, Improvement External Relationships Capability
Products and Services and Services Capability Services Capability Capability Safety Capability Capability Capability
Capability and Change Capability

Application A Application C Application E Application G Application I Application M Application O Application Q Application S Application U Application K Application X
[13] Document Centric Applications
Doc Management Systems - These are systems used to
component component component component component component component component component component component component
manage transactional and ad hoc structured and unstructured
documents in a formal and controlled manner, including
the metadata assigned to documents. Application B Application D Application F Application H Application J Application N Application P Application R Application T Application V Application L
Doc Sharing & Collaboration - These are tools used within Application Y
the enterprise to share and collaborate on the authoring component component component component component component component component Trusted Path component component component
of documents. component
Document and Information Portal - This provides
structured access to documents and information
including externally hosted applications providing
these facilities.

Document Centric Applications collaboration

[11] Data Storage Platforms [12] External Application Operational Data Stores
Cloud Hosted Extension Applications Internally Hosted Applications Operational Data Stores - These are the various operational These are the various operational data stores used by the Line of Business Applications
data stores used by the Line of Business Applications. used by Line of Business Applications Hosted Outside the Organisation.
Data Storage Platforms Application collaboration
Document Document and
Unstructured Data Stores - This provides structured access
to documents and information including externally hosted Data Storage Platforms Application collaboration
Document Sharing & Organisation Organisation applications providing these facilities.
Management System Information Portal Application Performance Organisation Operational C
Collaboration System Processes Data Stores Operational A Data Operational B Data XaaS Data Stores
Application Application Data Stores Application Data Stores Application
Application component Application component Stores Application Stores Application Application component
component component component component
component component

Unstructured Data Document and Metadata Application Usage Data Application Logging Data Data Stores Data Stores Synchronisation Organisation Operational D
Document and Meta-Data Stores Trusted Path External Data Stores
Trusted Path Stores Application Data Stores Application Stores Application Stores Application Synchronisation Service Service Application Data Stores Application
Application component Application component
component component component component Application component component component

[15] Data Reporting and Analysis Facilities [16] Data Mastering [14] Cloud Extension to Data Mastering, Reporting and Analysis Facilities
This represents the set of facilities to extract operational data from business These are facilities to create and manage master data and data extracted from These are facilities to create and manage master data and data extracted from
applications, create, store and manage reference and master data, create and store operational data to create a data warehouse and data extracts for reporting and operational data to create a data warehouse and data extracts for reporting and
enduring data and analyse the data including reporting, visualisation, mining and analysis. This includes an extract, transformation and load facility analysis. This includes an extract, transformation and load facility
modelling. These can be hosted internally or externally or a mix of both. These can be hosted internally or externally or a mix of both These can be hosted internally or externally or a mix of both
Data Reporting and Analysis Applications collaboration Data Mastering Applications collaboration Data Mastering Applications Data Reporting and Analysis
Extract, Transform and Load Application collaboration collaboration Applications collaboration
Data Extracts Reports Application Analysis Application
Application component component component Data Warehouse - Data Store Data Lake - Data Store Master Data - Data Store Reference Data - Data Store Add in here Add in here
whatever is not whatever is not
Application component Application component Application component Application component hosted internally. hosted internally.
Trusted Path
Data Mining Data Modelling Data Visualisation
Data Mart X - Data Store Data Mart Y - Data Store Data Mart Z - Data Store
Application component Application component Application component
Application component Application component Application component

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