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Emily Gutierrez

Professor Monterrey

English 5-7411

11 July, 2021

Annotated Bibliography

1. 246. (n.d.). Protecting against police brutality and official misconduct.

Brennan Center for Justice. Retrieved July 11, 2021, from
2. (Links to an external site.)

The article” Protecting against Police Brutality” talks about An African American man
named George Floyd who was killed by police after a clark thought he was using a fake
$20 bill to pay. The article portrays how Justice should be served. The article speaks
about a protest movement, A proposal would also help ensure how line placement
officers in the United States will live up to the same standards of professionalism. They
refer as they should send a clear message on what is happening in today's society with
police brutality. In this case this website is useful because it talks about how a person of
color's life was taken away from him due to police brutality and how this has a big
impact in our society to this day. It also talks about how change should be done. A
struggle talked about is fighting for justice, and a weakness is not receiving it.

2. lity-and-official-misconduct

Cowan, J. (2021, July 8). How California will investigate police killings. The New York

(Links to an external site.)

This article is about the changes being made in law enforcement with our society. For
example the article “ How California will investigate police brutality” demonstrates how
last year after the killing of George Floyd police officers had a messed up Spring against
police brutality and racism. they will now hold line for students accountable for
misconduct in a way of fighting discrimination in its myriad form. The strength of this
article shows how there is a change being worked on not quite completed yet but it's in
a progress therefore leading to change anyway line enforcement is taught and should
be punished when using a strong force against innocent people. Something that wasn't
useful is Polly Howe doesn't demonstrate what effects are being done after the Killing
by police brutality. I found this article useful because it's showing how our own
government is noticing the amount of killings they're going on because of police

3. O’Kruk, A. (2020, July 1). A look at police brutality in america. NBC10 Boston.

(Links to an external site.)

This article facts about and demonstrates the massive killings by police officers in the
United States. The article shows white, hispanic, black ratios of killings throughout the
years. A weakness about this article is how the most comprehensive data has come
from the efforts by news organizations for example The Washington Post. some strings
about the article show a data set. It states that 12% of the population black Americans
are the most likely to be killed by police. The Washington Post began tracking fatal
police shootings since 2015 and the rates remain steady; it shows that about a
thousand Americans died every year. Meaning to 99% of these cases not being charged
with any criminal charges against any police officers involved.

4. Brooks, D. (2020, June 16). How police brutality gets made. The Atlantic.

(Links to an external site.)

The article states that there was a poll question that reveals a shift in public opinion in
recent years, after a grant injury that didn't end up the officer who killed Eric Wagner in
2014 about 33% of Americans felt the police were more likely to use excessive force
against black rather than white people. the article demonstrates how more registered
voters said they oppose black lives matter then they said they support it. one thing
useful about this article is that it gave us a point of view of how our society views
everyone's opinion. a strength is that it demonstrates how the killings of past few years
and the black lives matter movement have a rising in response to them and he has
given all Americans and education in the systematic mistreatment of black people by
police forces across the country. this article is very useful because it shows the
audience how police enforcement targets people of color rather than white people there
for most of the killings and deaths have been African American people. Which then
involves racism in police brutality. A fight we've been fighting for as long as we've been

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