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Having read about Microservice Architecture, let us now understand how you can
deploy those microservices.

In this course, you are going to learn:

 Different patterns and strategies used to deploy services

 Packing services

 Tools and techniques to automate service deployment

 How services communicate among themselves?

 Microservices and Service Deployment

 A Microservice application is made up of tens or even hundreds of
services, written in different languages and frameworks.

 Each service is a mini-application that must be provided with the

appropriate memory, CPU and other resources. In spite of the
complexity, deploying services must be reliable, fast and cost-

 Automation is the Key

 As shown in the graph, the cost of fixing a bug increases

exponentially as you move forward in Stages of the Software Life
Cycle. Moreover, testing and orchestrating ten's or hundreds of services,
manually can be a tedious and buggy experience.

 The process should be automated as much as possible from Continuous

Integration (CI) to Continuous Deployment (CD). This could save you a lot
of time and money.

 Packaging Services
 Every service might require a different set of dependencies for its
 For example: App-1 requires Node-v6 and App-2 requires Node-v8 for its
proper execution.

 Satisfying dependencies of all the services can be a tedious and challenging

job. Hence, you need both the service and its dependencies packed as
single Docker or VMI images, before the service deployment.

Need for Isolation Among Services

You can package all the services as separate Docker or VMI images and create
isolation. These images are then used to create the instance of the service. Services
isolation is needed for the following reasons:

 Deploying multiple microservices on a VM can influence/disturb other

micro-services running on same VM.

 One micro service might generate so much load and suck all the resources
of your machine, that the other microservices might die.

 You can easily scale up a microservice running on individual VM when the

load increases.

 When all the processes running on a VM belongs to one micro service, it

becomes easy to spot the naughty one to analyze the error.

 You can easily decorate the entire environment of the VM with all the libraries
and dependencies required by microservice, and deliver it as a single
image (Virtual Machine Image).
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Packaging Services Using Containers

Containers act as a small box that isolates applications and allows them to run
within a single kernel and OS. They are configured with scripts and libraries that
the application depends on.

Tools you can use: Docker, LXC etc.

Packaging Services Using VMI

Virtual machine Images provide stricter isolation to applications, as each VM
has its own kernel and OS.

Tools you can use: Packer, Aminator, Boxfuse etc.

VM vs Container Technology
Container packages the application first then deploy them on servers. VMis created
first on the host machine; then applications are deployed on them.

Both containers and VMs are virtualization technology but they differ in few

 OS: All containers share host machine's OS, while each VMs have their own
 Load: Containers are lightweight, whereas VMs are heavy.

 Security: Containers are less secured, whereas VMs are more secured

 Portability: Docker containers are easily portable but with the same kernel's
OS as of previous host machine.

 Using _______ you can run multiple OS.

 Containers
 Vms

Deployment Strategies
Most common challenges while deploying your services to live production
environment, from the final testing stage are:

 to minimize downtime as much as possible and

 to rollback immediately if things did not work out as expected.

You can ensure safer deployments by reducing downtime and risks through
following strategies:

 Blue-Green Deployment

 Canary Releasing

 Blue-Green Deployment

 In Blue-Green Deployment, you have two identical production

environments, called Blue and Green. One of them, let us say Blue, is live
and another one (Green) is idle, which has the new version of the software.
When confident after final testing, you switch the router to the new
environment (Green) to handle all the traffic and requests. Blue is idle now.

 If things did not go as expected, the router is changed back to Blue.

 Else, if you are happy with the deployment, the Green continues to handle
traffic and the Blue environment is used for next version deployment.

 It is also known as Red-Black or A/B Deployment.

Amazon has been practising Blue-Green
Deploymentssince more than 10 years.

Canary Release

In Canary Release, you will gradually roll out the new software to a group of
users, to verify it is working as expected. Once you are confident with the new
version, then you can gradually increase traffic to the new version by deploying it
to more servers of your infrastructure.

Facebook uses Canary Deploymentto achieve

rapid release at massive scale.
The spirit of Blue-Green Deployment is deploying
at onceand the spirit of Canary Deploymentis
deploying incrementally.
Same Strategy on Monoliths?
You might be wondering, why these strategies are implemented with
microservices and not monolithic applications?

These strategies are more effective with Microservices, as they

 are much smaller deployment units when compared to monolithic apps

 require less comprehensive tests

 install and start much faster

 need fewer resources in operation.

Deployment Patterns
There are different ways in which you can deploy your microservices:

 Multiple services in single server

 Single service in single server

 Serverless Deployment.

 Multiple Services in Single Server

 This is a traditional approach to application deployment, where you configure

each server (physical or virtual) and run multiple services.

Pros and Cons

 Efficient use of resources

 Faster deployments: Just copy the service to host and run it.

 No isolation of service instance

 You cannot easily monitor or limit resources used by each service


 Complexity increases as microservices can be written in different languages

or frameworks, Development team will have to share lots of details
(dependencies and libraries to run service) with Operations team to run the
service successfully.

Single Service in Single Server

In this pattern of deployment, you run single service on each server/host. There
are two ways of doing this:

 Pack each service instance as Virtual Machine Image (VMI)

 Pack each service in a Container

Each Service as VMI

 Easy to monitor and allocateamount of CPU and memory to each service.

 Isolation for each service.

 Packing each service as VMI acts as a black box. This helps you
to encapsulate the service implementation technology.

 Less efficient in resource utilization.

 VMs are heavy and slow to build (except Boxfuse).

Each Service In a Container

 Similar benefits as VM

 Lightweight

 Fast to build

 Less mature infrastructure than VM (rapidly increasing though).

 Containers share the same kernel of host OS, which makes them less
secure than VM.

Netflix primarily uses Aminator tool for packing

each service as single VMI (Amazon's EC2 AMI).

Serverless Deployment

Upload your services to public cloud service provider and run itwhenever you want.
Cloud service providers will take care of your (physical/virtual/containers) and other

Few environments that you can use for Serverless Deployment:

 AWS Lambda
 Azure Functions
 Google Cloud Functions

Pros and Cons

 Faster software release.
 Reduced cost of development and operations
 Allows developers to focus on code and deliver updates faster with zero
administration work

 Security issue might come as the server and resources are not in your
 As you do not control servers, you cannot install any monitoring software. You
will have to depend on tools from vendors for monitoring and debugging
your services.
 On scaling up, the server might need some time before it could handle requests.
This problem is known as cold start.
 Netflix uses AWS Lambda for managing their
AWS infrastructure.
 Source

Which of the following strategy will not deploy new software to your users
at once?
A/B Deployment
Red-Black Deployment
Blue-Green Deployment
Canary Release

Ways to Automate Deployment

The main aim of microservices is independent deployment. Manual deployment or
correction is not practically possible due to a large number of microservices; the
process has to be automated.
There are different ways in which you can automate deploying services and have
popcorn enjoying your favorite show. They are

 Installation Scripts
 Deployment Tools

Installation Scripts
 Only install the necessary software packages, generate configuration files and
create user accounts on your computer
 Such scripts, when called repeatedly, might fail. For example, a script is called
to update configuration file or account that is already present in the
machine would fail, as they cannot be overwritten easily.
 You can implement these using Shell scripts.

Deployment Tools
 You can use other DevOps toolslike Puppet, Chef, and Ansible, to deploy and
configure your servers.
 You can describe the desired state that your system is supposed to look after
 Running the same installation (for example, Ansible script/playbook) multiple
times will not do any further changesto your system as the system is already in
the desired state.
 You can easily configure multiple servers at the same time.

Inter Service Communication

Just as the phrase goes: Good communication is the key to success in life;
so is the communication among your microservices, to make a successfully running

Wait, did you just wonder how microservices would communicate when they are in

Well, you can achieve Service Inter-Operability through:

 Synchronous Communication
 Asynchronous Communication
Asynchronous Communication
In Asynchronous Communication, the client (you may think of your browser) sends a
message to a service, assuming it will not receive the reply immediately from service.
The client does not get blocked. Hence the user can continue other work.

Example: You can start ten message threads with your ten friends on Fresco Talk
and handle the response as they come in (async).

In short, asynchronous communication does not require a response to proceed to the

next task.

 Standard protocols used in Asynchronous Communications

are AMQPand STOMP.
 Open source messaging systems you can choose from RabbitMQ, Apache
Kafka, Apache ActiveMQ, and NSQ.

Pros and Cons

 Client and service need not be available at the same time.
 The client need not use service discovery mechanismto determine the location of
a service instance.
 No blocking
 Provides good user experience.

 Response time is unpredictable.
 It is more complicated as the client needs to match the response with the
request because the service response was not immediate and meanwhile the
client would have sent multiple requests to other services.

Synchronous Communication
In Synchronous Communication, the client sends a request to service and waits for
the service to respond immediately.

Example: In online bank transactions, you are not supposed to refresh website and
cannot do any other task on the page until the response comes
In short, the response is a must to proceed to next task in synchronous

 Standard protocols used in Synchronous Communications

are REST and Thrift.
 Open-source API design toolsyou can choose from RAML and Swagger.
Further Reading: Why Synchronous REST is not Recommended for Microservices

Pros and Cons

 Simple to implement.
 You can easily test an HTTP API from your browser (using Chrome
Extension: Postman) or from CLI (using curl).
 This technique is firewall friendly.
 Response is received immediately.

 For long-running operations, user experience degrades.
 Client and service should be available for the duration of the exchange.
 Clients must know the location of the service instance, using service discovery.

Message Formats
These are two message formats that can be used to transfer data among

 Text format: JSON, XML

 Binary format
Service Mesh

A service mesh is a dedicated infrastructure layer for handling the

traffic between service-to-service communication. It is implemented as an array of
lightweight network proxies that are deployed alongside application code, without the
application needing to be aware.

Few tools to implement Service Mesh:Linkerd and Istio.

Source: Buoyant, IBM

Let us look at one of the tools that implement service mesh.
Wrapping Up
Hope you had fun learning this course.

Let us revise your take away from this course:

 The necessity of Automated Deployment.

 Packing services and their dependencies in a single box using Containerization
or VMI technology.
 Different strategies and patternsof micro service deployment.
 Scripts you can write to automate deployment.
 Different ways and formats for service communication.

Think Tank
Before leaving a question to ponder:

Each microservice has its own private place to store data using SQL or
NoSQL database.
How can you maintain consistency and retrieve data from multiple services?

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