Group 1 - MRA - Research Design

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Market Research and Analysis

Research Design

Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the degree of Masters of Business

Jatin Mehta (2028601)
Kanika Puri (2028629)
Avinash Kaur (2028627)
Kushal J (2028638)
Hemanth V J (2028640)

Prof. Rupesh Kumar



28 February 2021
Title of the study:

To study “the factors affecting the customer perspective on the purchase decision of
e-vehicles in the Bangalore City”

Statement of the problem:

Transport segment is the greatest purchaser of oil in India. Since India imports in excess of
three fourth of its oil demand, the oil imports have repercussions for public imperativeness
security. In view of high oil dependence on transport, moreover addresses about 10% of CO2
surges and is an direct focus on air pollution. The paper examines the different co-advantages
of EVs as CO2 surges decline, imperativeness security and air defilement. Other than the co
advantages, EVs can in like manner have co-costs and threats, for instance, from the huge
scope interest for batteries. This paper intends to investigate the significance of e-vehicles in
the minds of the Consumers in keeping up sustainability in the environment.

Research Questions:
1. What are the resources and the infrastructure required to adopt the e-vehicles in India?
2. What tax/ fee structure will the government use to replace the petrol tax?
3. Can the increased demand for the electricity be handled by the power grids?
4. Where will the batteries be charged and how long will it take?
5. What will be the range an e-vehicle would provide for a full charge?
6. Are electric vehicles dangerous in nature?
7. What other new technologies will electric vehicles bring?
8. How to measure the willingness of the customer from a petroleum fuelled vehicle to
an e-vehicle?
9. What all will be the dominant factors that would contribute towards the success of an
e-vehicle at a marketplace?
10. Are e-vehicles the prominent solution for mobility in future?
Objectives of the study:
The objective of this research is to:
 To study the perceptions and expectations of potential for alternative technologies in
auto mobiles such as electric vehicles.
 To know why electric vehicle could not get enough customer attraction.
 To study the willingness of buyers of considering electric vehicles as a practical
commuting option and at when.
 To study the maximum price consumers can afford for buying an electric vehicle.
 To study the other options available for a range consumer with respect to existing
batteries used in electric vehicle.
 To study the government initiatives taken for promoting electric vehicles and
subsidies provided on electric vehicles and batteries.
 To study the current expectations of consumers with respect to electric vehicles that
will lead to future potential customers.
 To study the current threats that is causing slow growth of electric vehicles.

Scope of the study:

This study is chosen to address the issue of absence of information with the public
concerning EV, Further this study illuminates the utilization of these vehicles in the
personalities of the buyers. To address the issue of Air pollution and environmental Hazards
to greatest degree while utilizing EV.

Sources of Data Collection:

The data will be collected from both primary and secondary sources.
 Primary Data: Primary data collection method for the following study will include
questionnaires and interview schedules.
 Secondary Data: Secondary data collection method for the following study will
include articles, journals, government websites and magazines.
Research Methodology:
Geographical Area Bangalore City
Population Potential Customers at the Bangalore City
Research Area e-vehicles
Sample Size Around 400 potential customers
Sampling Method Probability Sampling method
Data Collection Primary: Questionnaires and Interview
Secondary: Articles, Journals, Government
websites, Magazines.
Statistical Tools Correlation & Regression Analysis
Descriptive Statistics
Graphs and Charts
Research Type Survey Based descriptive statistics

Sampling Design:

Sample Size:
Based on Glenn D Israel formulation, wherein
n= N/1+N(e)2 where N is the total population and e is the error level.
In our case the total population(N) is 1Cr (Approx.)
And the error level considered is 0.07
Hence the sampling size is brought down to 205 Potential customers

Sampling Method:
The total population(N) in our case is known. Hence, We are following a probability
sampling method

Questionnaire Design:
A questionnaire of certain questions will be prepared for which appropriate options will be
made available to the respondents in the given form. The questionnaire will be created with
the help of Google dogs which will be in the format of an electronic survey form. It will be
easy to send the form via mail to many number of users. Apart from this questionnaire it will
be easy to upload it on various social networking sites.

Type of research:
It requires descriptive methodology to analyse the customers perception on purchase decision
of e-vehicles.

Period of the study:

The study covers a period of 3 months i.e., from February 2021 to April 2021.

Tools and techniques of data analysis:

The study uses following tools and techniques to analyse the customers perception on
purchase decision of e-vehicles:
 Correlation & Regression Analysis
 Descriptive statistics
 Graphs and charts

Limitations of the study:

 The study analyses the customers perception on purchase decision of e-vehicles in the
Bangalore city only.
 The study covers only 3 months of research. Hence, the time constraint.
 Reliability of the data.
 Biasness
 Manipulation of the data.

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