Detailed LP Solar System

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Division of Surigaodel Norte
Alegria, Surigao del Norte


February 27, 2020 1:00-2:00(Grade 7- STE)

I. Learning Objectives:

A. Content Standard : (Objective at the end of the Module)

The learners demonstrate understanding of the solar system.

B. Performance Standard: ( Objective at the end of the lesson)

The learners should be able to employ appropriate techniques using the compound microscope to
gather data about very small objects

C. Learning Competencies/Objectives: (at the end of the day’s lesson)

By the end of the session, students will be able to:

 Describe the planetary bodies that comprise our solar system(Cognitive)

 Recognize the order of planets in our solar system(Cognitive)
 Identify and explain basic information about the earth (Affective)
 Create a diagram to show the order of planets in the solar system (Psychomotor)
II. Content

Lesson: Space and Planets

Topic: Solar System

III. Learning Resources

References: Biology Modular Approach Textbook pp. 69-78
Biology: Nuffield Co- Ordinated Sciences
Instructional Materials: Audiovisual set (laptop, projector and speakers) graphic organizers (river
flow Chart, Venn diagram)
Teaching Strategies: Collaborative Approach, Interactive Approach, Oral and Paper- Pencil
Subject Integrated: Mathematics, English, and Esp

IV. Learning Procedures

Teacher’s Activity Learner’s Activity

A. Preliminary Activities

1. Prayer
“Before anything else shall we start our session
with a prayer? Everybody stand let us pray the (student’s pray the lord’s prayer)
Lord’s prayer.

2. Greetings
“Good morning class”. “Good morning Mrs. Reyes, it’s nice to see you today”.
Were okay ma’am.
“How are you today? “Yes ma’am”!
“Well, are you all ready for today’s activity?

3. Checking of Attendance
“Let me check your attendance first. Make sure
that you are in your proper seats so you will not
be marked absent. (Teacher checked attendance
using a set plan).
“Very good! Everybody is present.

B. Reviewing Previous Lesson

(Collaborative Approach)

“Do you still remember our lesson last meeting?”

“What did we discuss? “Last meeting we discuss about layers of the earth.”

“Very good Ryan.

“Can anyone give different layers of the earth “The layers of the earth according to composition are
according to composition?” crust, mantle and core.”

“Excellent Julienne. You gave us the correct

answer of the question.”

C. Motivation/Presenting the Lesson

“Before we start our lesson for today, we will be

having first a short activity.” Student’s will answer the following:

“This is a game called Three Pics, One Word.” PLANETS

“I will group you into two. I am going to show SUN
you group of pictures and identify the theme. SYSTEM
Below the pictures are blank boxes indicating STAR
how many letters are in the answer. You will be
given a slate board to write your answer. The
first group to raise the correct answer will gain 5
The group with the most number of points wins
the game.
“Isn’t it exciting?”

“Very good class you were able to identify the

pictures shown to you.”
“So what are those pictures all about?”
“Perfect!” “Those pictures show about Solar system.”
“Now what comes to your mind when you
encounter those words or those pictures shown
to you?” “Those words/pictures ma’am pertains to the planets in
the solar system”.
“Very good Jhon you are absolutely correct!”

“So based on our activity, what do you think

would be our lesson for today?
“It’s about solar system ma’am.”
“Exactly! It entails solar system. And today, we
are going to talk about it.

D. Discussing Concepts

“Can anyone from the class share his/her “ Our Solar System consists of a central star (the Sun),
knowledge about solar system?” the nine planets orbiting the sun, moons, asteroids,
comets, meteors, interplanetary gas, dust, and all the
“space” in between them.”

“Very good! So, solar system is composed of the

sun together with the eight/nine known major
planets and other celestial bodies that orbit
around the sun”.
So, this time, let us all recognize and learn the
basic information of all planets in the solar

“To understand more, how the planets in the

solar system are arranged and what are their
features let us all watch this video of the solar

While watching the video I want you to jot down

all important details of the solar system”.

“Am I making myself clear?

“Yes ma’am!

Class, what have we watched about?

“It’s all about our solar system ma’am”.
That’s right.

“What is the theory that explains how the solar

system was formed?” The Nebular Theory. About 5 billion years ago, shock
waves from a supernova disrupted a nearby nebula. The
nebula began to rotate, and gravity pulled more and
E. Developing Mastery more matter in to a central disk. That central disk
( Kinesthetic Solar System activity) became the sun. clumps of gas and dust formed around
the central disk. They would form the planets and other
 Teacher gives 9 planet’s mask to 9 student and objects in the solar system.”
stars for the rest of the class.
 Teacher is Sun at the center and planets rank
around her and stars stand also.
 Mercury is the second and a few paces away
from the sun. This student circles the sun.
 They make a video together and in line, all
planets tell their own features. They turn around
the sun. ( students’ perform their tasks independently)
 In order to check students understanding of the
lesson, the teacher gives True/False questions.

F. Making Generalizations of the Lesson

(Affective Approach)

“The solar system is composed of the sun

together with the eight planets and other
celestial bodies that orbit around the sun. the sun
is the center of the solar system. The 8 major
planets are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter,
Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. Venus and Uranus
rotate on their axis from east to west while the
six other planets are moving from west to east”.

“Is the Solar system important?

“As a student how will you take care of it?

“Solar system is important because it is where our planet

Very good Janelle. belongs”.
So it is accurate to say that it is an obligation by “Ma’am, what keeps the solar system in balance?
us to take good care of our solar system more
importantly our planet Earth.
“Our home planet provides us with life and protects us
from space. Earth, is a world unlike any other. It is the
only place in the known universe confirmed to host life.”

“What a perfect answer from you Jachin”.

“This time, can anyone give or suggest ways on  Reduce, reuse, recycle
how we can protect our earth?  Volunteer for cleanups in our community
 Conserve water
 Apply waste segregation
 Ban the use of plastic bags

“What keeps the solar system in balance is the

Gravitational Force of the Sun”.

“Oh! What a very good question from you, Kian”.

Can anybody answer Kian’s query?

Excellent! Answer from you Vincent.

“So basically, the Sun keeps all the objects

around it bound through this force and each
smaller object keeps the moons or asteroids
around them bound as well.

G. Evaluating Learning

A. In a ½ sheet of paper, answer the following:

Write TRUE if the statement is true and FALSE if
otherwise. (Students perform the task independently)
1. Apart from the planets, our solar system also
has asteroids and comets.
2. Our solar system is 200 years old
3. All the planets except Uranus orbit the sun
4. Neptune is the largest planet in the solar
5. Venus is the hottest and brightest planet in
the solar system
6. Mars is also called the red planet
7. The inner planets are warmer and rockier
8. The outer planets are cooler and gaseous
9. Jupiter has no moons
10. There are 6 planets in our solar system

B. Unscramble the name of the planets and

rank it according to its distance from the sun.
H. Agreement/ Assignment
Give at least five common practices/activity of
people in your community relating to the
different Moon Phases.

IV- Reflection:

A. No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation ________________

B. No. of learners who require additional activities
For remediation ________________
C. Did the remedial lesson work? No. of learners who have
Caught up with the lesson ________________
D. No. of learners who continue to require remediation ________________
E. Which of my teaching strategies work well?
Why did these work? ________________
F. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or
Supervisor can help me solve? ________________
G. What innovation or localized materials did I use? ________________
H. Discover which I wish to share with other teachers’ ________________

Prepared by

Reviewed by


Approved by

Secondary School Principal IV

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