4th Summative Test Applied Eco Summative

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Applied Economics

Hermosa National High School

Culis, Hermosa, Bataan

4th Summative Test in Applied Economics

II. Choice the letter of the correct answer.

a. market f. oligopoly
b. interaction and variations g. monopolistic competition
c. business professionals h. perfect competition
d. market structures i. monopoly
e. economics and marketing j. economists and marketers

___ 1. These are the key points in evaluating business’ economic environments.
___ 2. What do you call the type of market structure in which there is a single
merchant of a product for which there is no close alternative?
___ 3. It is one of the social relations wherein people exchange goods and services.
___ 4. Market structures deal with strategic decision making and focus on what?
___ 5. It is a type of market structure wherein a similar product has many sellers.
___ 6. Who are the people concerned about market structures because they have
different approaches in this said matter?
___ 7. What do you call the type of market structure in which differentiated product
has many vendors?
___ 8. Who can precisely judge industry, policy changes, and market news?
___ 9. What provides the existence of different market structures?
___ 10. It is a type of market structure wherein there are few sellers of a
standardized or a differentiated product.


_____1. In a monopoly, many companies sell the same product.

_____2. The consumers benefit more in buying monopolized products.
____3. You are not allowed to buy a monopolized product.
____4. Monopolies are illegal businesses.
____5. The monopolist can set the product’s price.
___6. In MONOPOLY, consumers have a lesser benefit, especially when the product is
essential to them, making them buy it despite being expensive.
___7. A perfectly competitive market requires few barriers to enter and it is easy for
producers to quit whenever they want.
___8. In Oligopoly, it is also difficult to enter this market since there are a lot of barriers.
____9. The government can react to these by demanding price regulations, establishing
competition laws, nationalizing the monopolies, or by not doing anything at all.
___10. When the price elasticity coefficient is -0.3. It is elastic.
Applied Economics


DIRECTION: State if the given situation is a MONOPOLY or NOT and explain why.

1. Jason went to the mall last week to purchase a gift for Clara. He then noticed that
there was a newly opened accessory shop and bought a necklace for her despite being too

2. Your friend opened a cake shop. He then asked you to come and buy some. You can’t complain so you
ended up buying one. Unexpectedly, it tasted good. When you came back there the following week, the
cake you bought last time was already unavailable.

3. Barbara went to the market yesterday to look for a cosmetic product. She bought 5 pieces of it and they
all have different brands.
Applied Economics



1. Explain why Economics is considered as Social Science.


2. Explain why Economics is considered as an Applied Science.


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