Hollies Care Services Research Project

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Unit- 06

Research Project

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Title of the project...........................................................................................................................3

1. Introduction..................................................................................................................................3

2. Background of the Study.............................................................................................................3

3 Rational for the Research..............................................................................................................4

4. Research Questions......................................................................................................................4

5. Research Aims and Objectives....................................................................................................4

6. Research Methodology................................................................................................................6

6.1. Quantitative and qualitative strategy....................................................................................6

6.2. Sources of data......................................................................................................................6

6.3 Primary and secondary research method...............................................................................7

6.4. Population and sampling.......................................................................................................8

6.5. Analytical tools.....................................................................................................................8

6.6 Advantages and Limitations of Research Methods...............................................................9

6.7 Expected Outcomes...............................................................................................................9

7. Literature Review......................................................................................................................10

8. Analysis and Findings................................................................................................................11

8.1 Analysis and Findings..........................................................................................................11

8.2 Overview of the Findings....................................................................................................18

9. Conclusion, Evaluation, and Recommendations.......................................................................19




10. References................................................................................................................................21

Title of the project
Examining the methods of recruitment and selection of The Hollies Care Services

1. Introduction
Recruitment and selection is one of the most crucial facts and parts of the human resources
management in Health and Social Care (HSC) like the Hollies Care Services. The services
quality of the HSC staffs relates with recruitment and selection of quality applicants. As the
professionals have to recruit and there are different approaches to recruit them. The research
project defines the ways of recruiting staffs, medical practitioners in HSC care. There are some
significant issues of the recruitment and selection process like the sources of employees, steps of
recruitment and selection. The research projects define the relation of recruitment and selection
process with other HR functions (Smith, 2015). The employees training and development
program relates with recruitment and selection program. If the staffs are recruited more qualified,
there require less training programs.

2. Background of the Study

Health and Social Care organization require the skilled and qualified staffs, practitioners and
managers as this sector totally depends on the services of the medical staffs. Recent information
about the services quality in the health and social care is very disappointing. There are many
changes in the practices, systems and procedures of providing services to the patients. General
people in UK has become more concern about the services quality in the health and social care.
The reputation of the health and social care organization also relates with quality services
provided by the medical practitioners. The involvement of technology skills providing treatment
has become greater. The recruitment and selection process in the health and social organization
are focusing on the technology skills of employees or not also be the reasons of the research
project. the objectives to provide quality services and recruit the most qualified applicant can be
the focus on the research project. There are so many reasons behind examining the recruitment
and selection process of Hollies Care Services.
3 Rational for the Research
The Health and Social Care (HSC) services in UK are degrading in recent times and the journals,
news and patients are discussing about the services quality in HSC organizations. The
Recruitment and selection process of the HSC organizations relates with quality services. The
best approaches of selection and recruitment may solve the quality problems in HSC. The HR
practices like recruitment and selection ensure the quality employees in the organizations. there
are some other HR activities like training and development, motivation, compensating and
compliance management. the HR practices specially the recruitment and selection process should
be evaluated to understand the actual facts of the degrading HSC services (Smith, 2015). The
details about recruitment and selection will be analysis in the research projects.

4. Research Questions
The research projects satisfy some questions related with recruitment and selection in Hollies
Care Services.

 What are the major approaches of recruitment and selection?

 Why the recruitment and selection process relates with quality services of HSC
 How the applicants can be tested in the selection approaches?
 What are the major sources of recruitment and selection of applicants?
 What are the advantages and disadvantages of recruitment and selection approaches?

5. Research Aims and Objectives

The aim of the research project is to define and evaluate the recruitment and selection
approaches in the Hollies Care Services.

Research Objectives

There are some objectives of the research project. They are:

 To define the steps and methods of recruitment in Hollies Care Services

 To define the selection methods and stages to recruit employees in Hollies Care Services
 To define the sources of recruitment and selection
 To clarify the advantages and disadvantages of recruitment and selection from the
internal and external sources
 To evaluate the impact of research and selection approaches with services quality in
Hollies Care Services
6. Research Methodology

6.1. Quantitative and qualitative strategy

The research project focuses on two broad categories of data like qualitative and quantitative.
According to these categories, there are quantitative and qualitative strategies to execute the
research project in wright manners.

The theoretical and descriptive data are the focus of qualitative strategy. Some issues and factors
collected in the theoretical for, opinion of the respondents. The theoretical and descriptive data
management strategy is called the qualitative strategy.

There are numerical information regarding the costs, compensation, services cost and so to
define the research outcome with mathematical equation. The strategy to manage the numerical
and statistical data can be defined as the quantitative strategy.

Justification of strategy

The research project of Hollies Care Services requires both qualitative and quantitative strategy
to evaluate the research topic and reach specific outcome.

6.2. Sources of data

There are two sources of data like primary sources and secondary sources. The researchers have
to collect information from both sources to find out the fact.

Primary Sources: the actual source of information of the respondents can be defined as the
primary sources of information (Padgett, 2016). The major primary sources of information are
event, speech, written document, and historical file, information from questionnaire and
interview and so.

Secondary Source: the information from the analysis of primary information like literature
review, thesis, information form online and websites and so is the secondary source of

Justification of strategy
The research project will be completed from the primary sources asking questions and
interviewing the respondents. The observation method can be effective for the research project.

Secondary data will be collected from company statistic, government statistic and others articles
and newspapers.

6.3 Primary and secondary research method

Research project deals with two different types of data like data from primary sources and
secondary sources. The management of the primary sources of data relates with primary research

The secondary methods define the approaches to manage the secondary data. The secondary
methods are different from the primary methods as the quality of data differs. Research projects
management plan define the methods of research in details.

Primary Research methods

Interview: the data collection methods to contact with respondents directly and asking
predetermined questions to know the respondents opinion and answer.

Questionnaire: The primary researches methods focus on specific questionnaires contain a set
of questions and the respondents are asked to answer the questions.

Observation: the approaches to observe the activities of the respondents to understand the facts,
practices and issues of any specific factors can be defined as the observation methods.

Focus group: the researchers set some specific group of people based on their characteristics to
collect the require information like customers of young ages, educated customers, female
patients in HSC organizations.

Secondary research methods

Internet and website: there are huge information in the internet and websites in articles,
research and survey format. The researchers can easily collect information form the online and
social media using internet and visiting websites.
Reports of different Institutes: there are some institutes, which complete some research on
specific topic and recent problems. The researchers can collect the information from these

Previous Information and research: there are many research paper and information available
to organizations or researcher in previous. The previous information can be used to collect

Justification of strategy

The research projects of Hollies Care Services to define and evaluate the recruitment and
selection process will be accomplished using primary and secondary methods.

6.4. Population and sampling

The population indicates the major group of people who are the respondents for the data
collection. The sampling plan can be the limited number of respondents from the whole group.
The sampling can be random choice, planned choice and some other ways.

The sampling plan should be in such a manner that every group of respondents can participate to
the data collection proportionately.

Justification of strategy

The population of the Hollies Care Services will be the employees, HR executive and patients.
There will be 100 respondents form these groups as sample. The sample will be selected
according to equal proportionate from every group.

6.5. Analytical tools

Collected data form the different sources will be analysed through regression analysis, scatter
diagram, graph and mathematical tools (Padgett, 2016). The qualitative information will
analysed using the survey, supporting by the consultant. Microsoft office can be helpful to
present the data analysis.

Justification of analytical methods

The research project will be analysed using the survey tools, theoretical analysis by the
consultant and numerical tools. The representation of the analysis will be using MS Office.

6.6 Advantages and Limitations of Research Methods

The research project will be accomplished based on primary data collection methods to have
actual data from the respondents. Primary data-based research projects have the possibility to
achieve actual outcome than secondary data-based research methods. Qualitative and
quantitative both analysis methods will be applied to reach the outcomes. Do every aspect will be
cover by the research methods. The questionnaires methods of data collection have been adopted
by which actual and written data will be collected that may be supportive to have quality
research outcomes.

Limitations and risk are related with every methods of research. if the primary data is biased by
the respondents. Questionnaires developed for the research project may not be able cover all the
aspects of the recruitment and selection process. The analysis methods can be different. From the
different analysis methods, the results can be different. Only questionnaires methods cannot be
able to collect the require data. The time and finance shortage can be the limitations of the
research project.

6.7 Expected Outcomes

The research project on the recruitment and selection will define the impacts of recruitment and
selection on the HSC sectors. The bets methods of recruitment and standard steps of recruitment
will set according to the research results. There are some specific tests to select the applicants.
The most effective tests and selection approaches will be defined by the research project. There
are some sources of the recruitment and selection. The appropriate sources of recruitment will be
evaluated in the report.

The impacts of HSC services of recruitment and selection will be define as the outcome of the
project. The advantages and disadvantages of the recruitment and selection sources will be the
expected outcome s of the projects. The research projects support the HR executives in HSC
sectors to define the relation with HR functions and legislation.
7. Literature Review
According to Padget (2016), recruitment and Selection are significant practices of human
resource management in the organizations. The health and social care organizations require the
recruitment and selection approaches to recruit qualified staffs. Recruitment is the practices of
identify the number of employees recruited in the organizations, planning to recruitment from
internal and external sources, advertising the job circulars and try to attract the customers having
some specific objectives. Recruitment is the process to attract people to apply for specific posts.
The success of the recruitment depends on the more applicants for any specific posts (Boselie,
2010). The recruitment can be in there major ways like direct methods, indirect methods and
supported by third party . The HSC organizations like Hollies Care Services recruit using
different recruitment methods. The understanding about the recruitment methods will be develop
in the research projects.

Lacey (2010) explained that selection process defines the activities to manage applicants who
have applied for any specific posts. There are some basic selection procedures like CV sorting,
call for written expand, select the qualified candidates, call for interview and select the final
applicants for the job. There are some tests like attitude tests, performance tests and
psychological tests (Boselie, 2010). HSC organizations like Hollies Care Services select
applicants using different approaches. The most effective and supportive selection procedures
and steps will be defining in the research projects.

The recruitment and selection have different sources like external and internal. The research
projects will evaluate the most suitable sources of the recruitment and selection. The recruitment
and selection procedures of the medical staffs should be some specific stages as the actual
performance of the applicant can be define (Smith, 2015). There are many HSC organizations are
concern about recruitment and selection process as the quality of services relate with these HR
practices. The research project of Hollies Care Services has to evaluate the facts of the
recruitment and selection in HSC sectors to ensure quality services.

Research project will deal with defining the appropriate recruitment and selection approaches to
have better employees. Quality in the health and social services has become the most expected
issues. North Bristol NHS Hospital offering higher quality services to the patients and The
Hollies Care Services has the objectives to become the leading services provider in UK.
8. Analysis and Findings

8.1 Analysis and Findings

Questionnaires Respondents Scope of Analysis
1. What are the major recruitment methods HR Executives, To find out the recruitment
in the Holies Care Service? Employees methods
2. What are the major steps of recruitment HR Executives, To identify the steps in the
process in The Hollies Care Services? Employees recruitment process
3. What are the major steps of selection HR Executives, To define the steps of
process in The Hollies Care Services? Employees selection process
4. What are the major tests in the selection HR Executives, To define the major selection
and best for the Hollies Care Services? Applicants tests
5. What are the sources of recruitment and Employees, To identify the recruitment
selection of the Hollies Care Services? HR Executives and selection sources
6. What are the advantages and Employees, To identify the advantages
disadvantages of internal sources of HR Executives and disadvantages of internal
recruitment and selection in The Hollies sources of recruitment and
Care Services? selection
7. What are the advantages and Employees, To identify the advantages
disadvantages of external sources of HR Executives and disadvantages of external
recruitment and selection in The Hollies sources of recruitment and
Care Services? selection
8. Do you think that appropriate recruitment Employees, To define the relation with
and selection will ensure quality services in HR Executives recruitment and selection
Hollies Care Services? with quality services in HSC
9. What do you think, recruitment and Employees, To identify the relation
selection of Hollies Care Services relates HR Executives among HR practices
with other HR activities?

1. What are the major recruitment methods in the Holies Care Service?

Methods Respondents Percentage

1. Direct Methods 25 25%
2. Indirect Methods 55 55%
3. Third Party methods 20 20%
Major Recruitment Methods






Direct Methods . Indirect Methods 3. Third Party methods

The HR of Health and Social care services contact directly with the universities, institutions to
recruit new graduates and specialist for the organization can be defined as the direct method. The
training institutions can be the target of the HSC organizations. The approaches of recruiting
through advertisement, tests, CV analysis can be the indirect methods. When the agency recruits
employees for Holies Care Service, it can be define as the third party methods. There are 55
percent respondents define that indirect methods are chosen for the recruitment. The rest of the
employees are recruited form direct and third party methods.

2. What are the major steps of recruitment process in The Hollies Care Services?
There are different approaches of recruitment and selection approaches. The Holies Care Service
focus on the above given recruitment and selection process. Initially the organization has to
identify the required number and skills of employees. The second stage is the recruitment
planning and then souring and advertising the job circular. CV sorting and defining the interview
candidates is the next stage of the recruitment.

3. What are the major steps of selection process in The Hollies Care Services?

Screening Reference
Applicatio Interview Decision
Test Check
n Sorting

The research on the steps of selection plan of Holies Care Service defines the above given steps.
Initially the organization executes the CV sorting and creates scope for the screening test, call for
interview and then check the references. After these steps, the recruitment and selection panel
define the candidates who are finally selected and appointed for the job.

4. What are the major tests in the selection and best for the Hollies Care Services?
Selection Tests Respondents Percentage
Aptitude Test 30 30%
Intelligence Test 20 20%
Personality Test 20 20%
Performance Test 30 30%

Major tests in selection







Aptitude Test Intelligence Test Personality Test Performance Test

There are some tests, which define the selection of applicants. The supportive tests are aptitude
and performances test. 30 percent respondents believe that aptitude and performance test ensure
the selection and evaluation of the applicant quality. The intelligence and performance test also
define the quality of the employees.

5. What are the sources of recruitment and selection of the Hollies Care Services?

Sources Respondents Percentage

Internal Sources 30 30%

External Sources 70 70%

Sources of recruitment and selection of the Hollies
Care Services

Internal Sources
External Sources

There are two major sources of recruitment and selection like internal and external sources.
There are about 70 per cent respondent select external sources as the recruitment and selection
sources. The internal source of recruitment is also important. 30 per cent respondents believe that
internal source can be effective for recruitment and selection.

6. What are the advantages and disadvantages of internal sources of recruitment and selection in
The Hollies Care Services?

Advantages of Internal Sources Disadvantages of Internal Source

Cost effective and less time consuming Few number of applicants
Selecting the previously known applicants Minimizing the scope of entering employees
new idea and understanding from outside
Motivating the existing people Demotivation for the employees who are not
No requirement of introductory training Always create vacancy for another posts
These are the major advantages and disadvantages of recruiting employees from internal sources.
The HR executives have opinion about these factors of advantages and disadvantages of internal
sources in Hollies Care Services.

7. What are the advantages and disadvantages of external sources of recruitment and selection in
The Hollies Care Services?

Advantages of External Sources Disadvantages of External Source

Huge number of applicants Require long process, huge cost and time
Selection of highly qualified applicants Selection can be biased
Recruiting applicants from different culture Employee turnover rate is high
Fully satisfy all the vacancy Require introductory training and le

There are some advantages and disadvantages of the external sources of recruitment and training.
The HR executives and employees of Hollies Care Services have the experience of above
advantages and disadvantages of external recruitment and selection.

8. Do you think that appropriate recruitment and selection will ensure quality services in Hollies
Care Services?

Answer Respondents Percentage

Yes 70 70%
No 30 30%

Recruitment and Selection relate with HSC Services









Yes No

The recruitment and selection of Hollies Care Services relates with services quality. In the
recruitment and selection, the best employees and applicants are selected for the specific posts.
About 70 percent respondents believe that, better recruitment and selection ensure quality
services in HSC care. Some respondents believe that management and training process can
ensure services in HSC care.

9. What do you think, recruitment and selection of Hollies Care Services relates with other HR

Answer Respondents Percentage

Yes 60 60%
No 40 40%

Relation with other HR activities








Yes No

There are some other activities like training, performance evaluation, compensation and other
activities directly relate with others. About 60 per cent respondents believe that recruitment and
selection with other HR activities like training, promotion, compensation and motivation. The
recruitment and selection activities of Hollies Care Services ensure relates with other HR
8.2 Overview of the Findings
From the analysis and findings, the indirect recruitment methods can be the most supportive for
the recruiting new employees. Direct recruitment form different educational and professional
institutions can be effective as the recruitment methods. The recruitment methods should have
some specific steps like planning of Employees, advertising, CV collection and CV sorting are
the steps of recruitment. The major selection approaches also introduced in the findings. The
steps are interview, different tests, checking references and taking decision. The most effective
tests for the selection are performance and aptitude tests.

There are two sources of recruitment and selection. The findings define the external sources as
most effective for the recruitment and selection. Findings of advantages and disadvantages of
different sources will be helpful for the HR executives in HSC. The appropriate selection and
recruitment process ensure the quality services in the HSC organizations. The HR practices of
Hollies Care Services relates with recruitment and selection process. Like the applicants will be
recruited low quality, they require more training programs; require more motivation and
effective performance evaluation approaches. These major findings of the research project define
some directions and guidelines for the HR executives in Hollies Care Services to take effective
HR decision specially the recruitment and selection.

9. Conclusion, Evaluation, and Recommendations

Health and Social Care like Hollies Care Services always tries to develop the services quality in
the organizations. The staff’s management and control are some crucial practices in the HSC
organizations to manage the services quality. Recruitment and selection are the most important
practices of HR in HSC care. The given analysis and findings develop an understanding about
the recruitment and selection approaches and steps. the mostly used recruitment methods are
indirect methods. the external and internal sources both are used to recruit the applicants. The
huge numbers of applicants are recruited from the external sources. The important post, limited
number of applicants will be recruited from the internal sources. We have observed the crucial
parts HR practices like training, compensation and performance management relation with the
recruitment and selection approaches. The performance tests of the medical practitioners and
staffs should be compulsory to select the most qualified applicants. The research project will
evaluate and analysis every specific part of the recruitment and selection approaches on the

Evaluation of the project define some limitation and merits to having the different methods and
approaches. There are some limitations to execute the research projects. The primary data
collection of the research project has been biased in specific conditions like those that the
employees are not willing to give negative information about the HR practices in organizations.
The given time of the research project is not enough to complete the project. The costs of the
research project crucial facts; there is shortage of the costing to execute the research. The HR
practitioners may have some misunderstanding about the concepts of research that lead some
problems. The validity of the information may be changes as the situation of organizations
changes rapidly. The selection of analysis tools, data collection methods may be varying and the
results can be varying. These are the limitation of the research projects of Hollies Care Services
Hollies Care Services to evaluate the recruitment and selection approaches.

 There are some recommendations for the Hollies Care Services when they adopt the HR
practices to manage the employees. Some issues create scope for the services
development. The major recommendations are:
 Hollies Care Services should have appropriate HR planning to manage the every staffs
and medical practitioners in the organizations.
 The needs of the employees define which recruitment approaches and methods will be
effective. For this reasons, HR practitioners have to concern about the advantages and
disadvantages of the recruitment methods.
 There should monitoring and evaluation of selection process as the selection cannot
ineffective and biased. HR practitioners may introduce more tests and stages in the
selection approaches to select the appropriate applicants.
 The external and internal sources should be based on the specific requirement, conditions
and responsibility of the posts or employees.
 Hollies Care Services has to develop the other HR practices relating with recruitment and
selection as the management of staffs can be in right manners.

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