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Original Research Article Journal of College of Medical Sciences-Nepal, Vol-13, No 2, Apr-June 017

ISSN: 2091-0657 (Print); 2091-0673 (Online)

Open Access
Analysis of maxillary anterior teeth proportion in relationship with
lower facial height and malocclusion

Rajesh Gyawali, Varun Pratap Singh

Shri Jagdishprasad Jhabarmal Tibrewala University, Jhunjhunu, Rajasthan, India

Correspondence ABSTRACT
Dr. Rajesh Gyawali Background & Objectives: Maxillar y anter ior tooth to tooth
Phd Scholar, proportion has a special value in dental esthetics. This study aimed to
Shri Jagdishprasad Jhabarmal assess the apparent proportion of maxillary anteriors and possible
Tibrewala University, association with lower anterior facial height and malocclusion type.
Jhunjhunu, Rajasthan, India Materials & Methods: One-hundred and sixty samples with well
aligned maxillary dentition were selected and the lower anterior facial
Email: height was measured with digital caliper. Molar relationship was
[email protected] examined and intraoral frontal photograph was taken for digital
measurement of tooth proportion. The ratio of maxillary canine to lateral
ORCID ID: and lateral to central incisors were measured and compared between
gender and the sides. These ratios were further compared among various
DOI: malocclusion type using ANOVA and its association with lower anterior
jcmsn.v13i2.16717 facial height was evaluated with Pearson’s correlation. Results: Most of
the samples had Class I molar relationship (70%) followed by Class II
Article received: 26th Nov 2016 (23%) and Class III (7%). The mean lower anterior facial height was
Article accepted: 4th May 2017 62.82mm and ratio of maxillary lateral to central incisor and canine to
lateral incisor was 0.68 and 0.76 respectively. No statistically significant
difference was found when the ratio was compared between the gender
and the sides. These ratios were statistically different from the golden
ratio and has no significant correlation with lower anterior facial height.
These mean ratios were also found similar across the malocclusion type.
Conclusion: Ratio of appar ent dimension of maxillar y canine to
lateral incisor and lateral to central incisor was different from the golden
ratio and showed no association with lower anterior facial height and
malocclusion type.

Key words: Golden pr opor tion; malocclusion; lower anter ior facial
height; tooth proportion

Citation: Gyawali R, Singh VP. Analysis of maxillar y anter ior teeth pr opor tion in r elationship with
lower facial height and malocclusion. JCMS Nepal. 2017;13(2):262-7.

INTRODUCTION appreciated during smile. Hence, orthodontists or the

Orthodontic treatment aims to improve function, esthetic dentists have been reeling on size, shape,
balance and esthetics among various structural proportion of maxillary anterior teeth with the aim
components of the stomatognathic system, of enhancing the smile esthetics which further
however, enhancement of the facial and dental contributes to the overall beauty of an individual.
esthetics is the main reason for patients considering
the orthodontic consultation. Beautiful and Golden proportion is a constant ratio of 1.618:1
attractive face has an added advantage in the life of which is widely observed in nature and has been
an individual starting from the birth.1 Smile is the found to be pleasing to the human eyes. With the
most important aspect assessed by the perceiver introduction of golden proportion in dentistry,2 it
during any face to face interaction and maxillary was proposed in estimating the apparent dimension
anteriors are the prominent and dominant teeth of maxillary anterior teeth when viewed from the
Original Research Article Gyawali R, et al.
front. However, the literature witnesses a Table 1: Parameters measured with Image
continuous wide debate regarding the ideal J software:
perceived tooth to tooth ratio for enhancing esthetic MD13 Mesiodistal dimension of maxillary
smile.4-7 This ratio has been found to vary with right canine
race, gender, and ethnicity.8-10 In considering the MD12 Mesiodistal dimension of maxillary
factors affecting this perceived esthetic ratio, the right lateral incisor
vertical dimension of the face and malocclusion MD11 Mesiodistal dimension of maxillary
type has been given less importance. right central incisor
Hence, this study was carried out with the aim of MD21 Mesiodistal dimension of maxillary
assessing the apparent tooth to tooth proportion of left central incisor
maxillary anterior region and finding out the
MD22 Mesiodistal dimension of maxillary
left lateral incisor
possible association with lower anterior facial
MD23 Mesiodistal dimension of maxillary
height and malocclusion type. left canine
R1 Ratio of mesiodistal dimension of
MATERIALS AND METHODS maxillary lateral to central incisor
This study was started after obtaining the ethical R2 Ratio of mesiodistal dimension of
clearance from Nepal Health Research Council. For maxillary canine to lateral incisor
the sample size calculation, the assumptions made
the lens of camera to avoid the effect of rotation on
were: confidence level of 95%, significance level of
the photographic dimension.11
0.05, statistical power of 95%, and smallest relevant
The photograph obtained was transferred to a
difference of 0.01mm and the estimated standard
computer and the measurements made with the
deviation of 0.17. The standardized difference was
Image J (1.49) software (freely available at http://
calculated as the ratio of smallest relevant (Table 1). Data obtained from
difference to the estimated standard deviation
the measurements were uploaded in Microsoft
which was 0.58. Using Altmann nomogram, the
Excel 2013 and further to SPSS version 20 for
sample size would be approximately 150. Hence,
statistical analysis. All the measurements were
160 samples were chosen for this study with equal
made by a single investigator (RG).
number of males and females.
The study was conducted in the Department of
Orthodontics, B.P.Koirala Institute of Health
This study involved participation of 160 subjects
Sciences, Dharan, Nepal. All the patients with well
(80 in each sex). The mean age of the sample was
aligned maxillary anteriors and all the permanent
21.51 ± 2.78 years with a range of 12 to 25 years.
teeth present till second molars were included.
Most of them had Class I molar relationship
However, patients with prior orthodontic or
followed by Class II and Class III (Figure 1). The
restorative treatment of maxillary anteriors, attrited
distribution of the ratio of the apparent mesiodistal
or fractured anteriors, gingival inflammation or
tooth width was evaluated with Shapiro Wilk test.
recession involving the labial surface were
The p-values were above the level of 0.05
indicating the normal distribution of these variables.
After obtaining the informed consent from the
participants, the lower anterior facial height
(LAFH) was measured from subnasale to the lower
border of the soft tissue chin with the help of digital
Vernier caliper with the accuracy upto 0.01mm
(Mitutoyo: CD-8” CS, Japan). Intra-oral
examination was done to find out the molar
relationship. Molar relationship was classified into
Class I, Class II and Class III. Further, intra-oral
frontal photograph was made with Nikon D5100
camera with the patient lying comfortably in the
dental chair and the soft tissues retracted with the
two photographic plastic retractors. During the
photography, patient’s head was kept straight with
the coronal plane perpendicular to the long axis of Figure 1. Distribution of the molar relationship
Analysis of maxillary anterior teeth proportion JCMS Nepal 2017;13(2):262-7
Table 2. Intraclass correlation coefficient of remeasured parameters.
Re-measured variables LAFH MD13 MD 12 MD 11 MD 21 MD 22 MD 23
ICC 0.987 0.916 0.917 0.932 0.902 0.967 0.950

ICC: Intraclass correlation coefficient; MD: Apparent Mesiodistal dimension; LAFH: Lower anterior facial

Table 3. Paired t-test for comparison of Mean R1 and R2 between left and right side

Right side Left side

Measurements Mean Diff 95% CI t P value
Mean SD Mean SD

Mean R1 0.681 0.067 0.677 0.083 -0.003 -0.009 to 0.016 0.582 0.561

Mean R2 0.757 0.141 0.756 0.149 -0.034 0.022 to -0.024 0.097 0.923

Table 4. LAFH, mean R1 and mean R2 comparison between male and female

Measurements Male Female Mean Diff 95% CI P value

Mean SD Mean SD

LAFH 64.60 5.69 61.04 4.79 3.56 1.92 to 5.20 0.000

Mean R1 0.68 0.07 0.68 0.06 -0.003 -0.024 to 0.016 0.708

Mean R2 0.77 0.12 0.74 0.13 -0.034 0.019 to -0.004 0.078

Two weeks later, 32 (20%) samples were selected golden ratio i.e. 0.618, and the result showed that
randomly and the measurements of LAFH, and the sample ratio was significantly different from the
apparent mesiodistal width of maxillary anteriors golden ratio, t(159)=12.084, p=0.000 and t(159)
were remade. The ICC (Intra-class correlation =13.987, p=0.000 respectively.
coefficient) of these measurements confirmed Further, the correlation of R1 and R2 was assessed
excellent intrarater reliability (Table 2). The with lower anterior facial height. The correlation
reliability of reassessment of malocclusion class coefficient was -0.004 and 0.000 for R1 and R2
was confirmed by Kappa which showed good respectively showing negligible correlation. The
reliability (k= 0.844). scatterplot also proves no linear relationship (Figure
The ratio between lateral to central incisor and 2 and 3).
canine to lateral incisor was compared between One-way ANOVA was performed to check whether
right and left side. The paired t-test showed no R1 and R2 vary across various groups of
significant difference between the right and left side malocclusion. It was found that there was no
for both R1 and R2 (Table 3).Hence, mean of right statistically significant difference in the ratios
and left side was calculated and subjected to further among various malocclusion types (Table 5).
statistical analysis. The mean R1 and R2 were 0.68
± 0.06 and 0.76 ± 0.12 respectively. DISCUSSION
LAFH, Mean R1 and R2 were compared between This study was undertaken with the aim of
the two sexes using independent sample t-test and assessing the microesthetic features of maxillary
no statistically significant differences were found anterior dentition and finding its association with
between the two sexes in R1 and R2. However, lower anterior facial height and malocclusion type.
lower anterior facial height showed a significant Most of the samples had Class I molar relation
difference between male and female (Table 4). followed by Class II and Class III. The
One sample t-test was done to check whether the epidemiological studies exploring malocclusion in
R1 and R2 was statistically different from the ideal Nepalese also found increased prevalence of Class I
Original Research Article Gyawali R, et al.
Table 5. ANOVA for comparison of R1 and R2 across the malocclusion types
Ratios Class I Class II Class III F P value
Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD
0.682 0.067 0.669 0.052 0.682 0.068 0.524 0.593
0.757 0.127 0.738 0.121 0.805 0.111 1.246 0.29

Figure 2. Scatterplot demonstrating the relationship Figure 3. Scatterplot demonstrating the relationship
between lower anterior facial height and ratio of between lower anterior facial height and ratio of
maxillary lateral to central incisor maxillary canine to lateral incisor

Table 6. R1 and R2 across various population

Study Population R1 R2

0.67 (male) 0.744 (male)

Sandeep et al29
South Indians
0.703 (female) 0.714 (female)

0.66 (male) 0.80 (male)

Hasanreisoglu et al30
0.65 (female) 0.79 (female)
Condon et al17
Irish 0.65 0.89
Agrawal et al27
Indians 0.72 0.84

Chinese 0.738 0.748

Indian 0.710 0.801

Al-Marzok et al6
Malay 0.744 0.786

Kanaparthy et al10
Saudi 0.689 (male) 0.626 (female) 0.60 (male) 0.550 (female)

Gyawali and Singh (this

Nepalese 0.68 (male) 0.68 (female) 0.77 (male) 0.74 (female)
Analysis of maxillary anterior teeth proportion JCMS Nepal 2017;13(2):262-7
malocclusion followed by Class II and III; and found to be 0.68 and 0.76 respectively with
hence it was quite common for such distribution in no statistically significant difference between
this study sample. the sides and sex.
No significant difference in R1 and R2 was found  The lower anterior facial height in male
when compared between the two sides and the (mean of 64.60 mm ± 5.69) was statistically
gender. This is similar to the results obtained in greater than female (mean of 61.04 ± 4.79).
Iranian students,4, 16 and Irish students.17Several  The ratios R1 and R2 do not correspond with
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