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Senior High School

Introduction to the Philosophy

of the Human Person
Quarter 1 - Module 1:
Holistic Perspective and Partial Point of View

Photo taken from

Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 1 – Module 1: Philosophy - Definition and Origins, Holistic Perspective and
Partial Perspective
First Edition, 2020

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Borrowed materials (i.e., songs, stories, poems, pictures, photos, brand names,
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Every effort has been exerted to locate and seek permission to use these materials from their
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over them.

Published by the Department of Education

Secretary: Leonor Magtolis Briones
Undersecretary: Diosdado M. San Antonio

Development Team of the Module

Writer: Leonard Patrick F. Bayno

Editor: Imelda Canoy
Reviewers: Clavel D. Salinas
Candida Purgatorio (Moderator)
Illustrator: Leonard Patrick F. Bayno
Layout Artist: Leonard Patrick F. Bayno
Management Team: Marilyn S. Andales – Schools Division Superintendent
Marilyn S. Andales – Schools Division Superintendent
Leah B. Apao – Assistant Schools Division Superintendent
Ester A. Futalan – Assistant Schools Division Superintendent
Cartesa M. Perico – Assistant Schools Division Superintendent
Mary Ann P. Flores – CID Chief
Novie O. Mangubat – SGOD Chief
Isaiash T. Wagas – Education Program Supervisor - LRMDS
Clavel D. Salinas – PSDS/SHS Division Coordinator

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Department of Education – Region VII, Division of Cebu Province

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Telefax: (032) 265-6405
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Introductory Message

“It is not enough to have a good mind. The main thing is to use it well.”
- Rene Descartes

This module is designed in the current era where the country and the world have
been affected by the COVID-19 crisis. Through this, young people can continue to study at
home. This self-help module is of great help for young students to provide basic and profound
knowledge on philosophy.

To avoid getting caught up in the call of globalization, it has to be early enough to study
philosophy. The world is full of competition. By the end of Senior High School, students will
have to master all the knowledge and skills in five skills: reading, speaking, listening, watching
and writing. This module aims to develop the students’ critical thinking, reasoning (both in
writing and speaking) and problem-solving skills. With this, the students are equipped with an
armor of knowledge enough to face a big battle in life. With the creation of this module, the
students will consider meeting the requirements of the new curriculum. This is designed for
tracks anchored in academic pursuits.

In addition to the material in the main text, you will also see this box in the body of the

Notes to the Teacher

This contains helpful tips or strategies that

will help you in guiding the learners.

The tasks in the module are prepared to respond to the various tracks that are taken.
The following tracks are academic, technical vocational, artistic, design and sports activities.

This module has the following parts:

This section of the module will keep you on track on

WHAT I NEED TO KNOW the competencies and objectives expected for you to

This section diagnoses your knowledge of the subject


This section gives a brief introduction and background

of the lesson.

This section gives a thorough presentation of the


This section presents the entire discussion of the


This section gives comprehensive activitiy/ies for

WHAT’S MORE independent practice to solidify the knowledge and
skills of the given topic.
This section of the module provides activity/ies to
WHAT I HAVE LEARNED process the learning and understanding of the given

This section gives activity/ies for the transfer of newly

acquired knowledge and skills to a real life situation.

This section gives an activity that assesses your

mastery of the lesson.

This activity strengthens the knowledge of the


This section contains answers to all activities in the



This module is exclusively prepared for you to learn lessons in this core subject
entitled “Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person”. The activities are carefully
devised to meet your level of knowledge and understanding. Hopefully, with great patience
and hardwork, this module can help you fully comprehend and assimilate the definitions and
origins of Philosophy and the concept of holistic perspective and partial perspective. Fear not
if you do this alone for this is a guided module. Directions are provided in every part for your

Here is the competency expected for you to master:

PPT11/12-Ia-1.1: Distinguish a holistic perspective from a partial point of view

At the end of this module, you are expected to:

1. Distinguish a holistic perspective from a partial point of view.

2. Write a holistic perspective and a partial point of view based from the given
3. Show appreciation of the importance of fairness and justness in handling a conflict.


Directions: Read the questions carefully. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. What does the term philosophy mean?

a) “love of goodwill“
b) “love of critical thinking“
c) “love of wisdom“
d) “love of logic”

2. What point of view looks at all aspects of a situation?

a) holistic perspective
b) partial point of view
c) holism perspective
d) partition point of view

3. Holism comes from the Greek word...

a) holos
b) sophos
c) logos
d) apeiron

4. Which of the following scenarios demonstrates a partial point of view?

a) referring to only one source of information for your research paper

b) participating in a mandated seminar
c) listening to both your teachers’ and parents’ advice on how to improve your grades
d) watching videos over the internet

5. Which of the following situations demonstrates pedantry?

a) answering “in our house” when asked, “Where do you live?”

b) making a movie review of the movie entitled “Batman: The Dark Knight”.
c) reading about biography of Rene Descartes
d) debating with a friend about the boon or bane of lockdown in the Philippines

6. Who among the following students may have already developed a broader philosophical

a) Mara, who regularly monitors the emotional well-being of her classmates

b) Sansa, who always listens to all sides of the argument before giving any advice
c) Theon, who consistently chats with her classmates about their hobbies and
perspectives in life
d) Trish, who is a loner, but a keen observer

7. What makes doing philosophy different from doing other disciplines of science?

a) It always requires logical and critical thinking.

b) It always asks questions about life.
c) It always ends with a conclusion.
d) It always requires empirical proof.

8. Which of the following statements is true?

1. Both partial and holistic points of view are good contributors to doing philosophy.
2. Reflection is not required in doing philosophy.

Select your answer.

a) Both statements 1 and 2 are false.

b) Statement 1 is false. Statement 2 is true.
c) Statement 1 is true. Statement 2 is false.
d) Both statements 1 and 2 are true.

9. Who is the father of philosophy?

a) Confucius
b) Anaximander
c) Socrates
d) Aristotle

10. Which statement about philosophy is correct?

1. Philosophy is the rational science of all things that seeks for the ultimate
causes of reality.
2. Points of view from different people are always contradicting.
3. Philosophical reflection does not develop evaluative skills.

Select your answer.

a) statement 2
b) statement 3
c) statement 1
d) All statements are incorrect.



Directions: Read the poem below.

Blind Men and the Elephant – A Poem by John Godfrey Saxe

Here is John Godfrey Saxe’s (1816-1887) version of Blind Men and the Elephant:

It was six men of Indostan,

To learning much inclined,
Who went to see the Elephant
(Though all of them were blind),
That each by observation
Might satisfy his mind.

The First approach’d the Elephant,

And happening to fall
Against his broad and sturdy side,
At once began to bawl:
“God bless me! but the Elephant
Is very like a wall!”

The Second, feeling of the tusk,

Cried, -”Ho! what have we here
So very round and smooth and sharp?
To me ‘tis mighty clear,
This wonder of an Elephant
Is very like a spear!”

The Third approach’d the animal,
And happening to take
The squirming trunk within his hands,
Thus boldly up and spake:
“I see,” -quoth he- “the Elephant
Is very like a snake!”

The Fourth reached out an eager hand,

And felt about the knee:
“What most this wondrous beast is like
Is mighty plain,” -quoth he,-
“’Tis clear enough the Elephant
Is very like a tree!”

The Fifth, who chanced to touch the ear,

Said- “E’en the blindest man
Can tell what this resembles most;
Deny the fact who can,
This marvel of an Elephant
Is very like a fan!”

The Sixth no sooner had begun

About the beast to grope,
Then, seizing on the swinging tail
That fell within his scope,
“I see,” -quoth he,- “the Elephant
Is very like a rope!”
And so these men of Indostan
Disputed loud and long,
Each in his own opinion
Exceeding stiff and strong,
Though each was partly in the right,
And all were in the wrong!

Directions: Answer the questions deliberately.

1. Enumerate all the partial point of views of the six blind men.
2. Give your own holistic perspective of an elephant.
3. What is the moral lesson of the poem?



Directions: Write your holistic perspective and partial point of view/s of the given picture.


Partial point of view/s:

►I see a junked bettle car.

►This is a junkyard and I see all sorts of junks.
►I see some people.

Holistic Perspective:

►The picture shows a junkyard where there are

people living in it.

1. 2.

Partial Point of View/s: _______ Partial Point of View/s: _______

___________________________ ___________________________
___________________________ ___________________________
Holistic Perspective: _________ Holistic Perspective: _________
___________________________ ___________________________
___________________________ ___________________________

3. 4.

Partial Point of View/s: _______ Partial Point of View/s: _______

___________________________ ___________________________
___________________________ ___________________________

Holistic Perspective: _________ Holistic Perspective: _________

___________________________ ___________________________
___________________________ ___________________________


Partial Point of View/s: __________________________

Holistic Perspective: ____________________________


Directions: Read the situation carefully and answer the given questions below thoroughly.

On a hot Monday, Alarick went to a nearby car shop to have his car checked. He was
bothered by the unsteadiness of the steering wheel. Michael, the mechanic on duty, checked
the suspension and bolted joint of the car. The suspension and bolted joint were okay because
it was fastened very well. Michael then concluded that it was a problem of alignment of the
wheels. He realigned the wheels and told Alarick to have a test drive. Alarick drove around the

city to check if the problem of the unsteady steering wheel persisted. Indeed, the problem is
not solved despite the realignment of the wheels. Alarick was very disappointed because he
wasted P650.00 for an unsolved issue.

On the next day, Alarick decided to go immediately to Toyota, Talisay. Alarick

told the mechanic named Gabriel about the realignment of the wheels but still the
problem of the unsteady steering wheel persisted. Gabriel, with so much curiosity,
checked the suspension and bolted joint of the car. He concluded the same thing as
Michael. He also checked the alignment and it was okay. He examined all the possible
parts of the engine, including the ATF (Automatic Transmission Fluid) and the gear box.
In the end, he found out that the problem was in the power steering itself. He said that it
was a difficult problem to see because the power steering was electronically programmed.
It was not the usual “manual-thing” to do. Then, Gabriel checked the power steering status
through the computer. Good enough, the problem was very evident. He immediately made
some adjustments. It was done in less than an hour.

Alarick paid all the charges for the repair. When he drove back home, he was very
happy because the problem of the steering wheel is no more.


1. Where specifically in the situation is the partial point of view? Explain.

2. Where specifically in the situation is the holistic perspective? Explain.
3. What is the moral lesson of the given situation?


What Is Philosophy?

The word philosophy means “love of wisdom”. Philosophy ignites an individual’s

critical thinking and seek for things beyond the normal eye can perceive. Philosophy is the

rational science of all things that seeks for the ultimate causes of reality.

Through philosophy, an individual can break walls and enter into a boundless possibility.

What is the difference between holistic thinking and partial thinking?

Holism comes from the Greek word “holos,” meaning literally everything, whole.
Holistic perspective refers to a perspective that considers large-scale patterns in systems.
This is often described as looking at the “big picture” when describing and analyzing a situation
or problem. A holistic perspective requires an individual to have an open mindset and an
ability to get the general sense or impression regarding a situation. Partial point of view,
on the other hand, focuses on specific aspects of a situation. The partial point of view is an
important component of analytical thinking, as an individual focuses on certain areas or aspects
of a problem in order to understand it. Though partial point of view is useful, philosophy utilizes
holistic perspective in making sense of problems and issues related to the human experience.

Holistic Perspective and Partial Point of View

Holistic Perspective Partial Point of View

►Looks at all aspects of the given problem ►Looks at only a limited number of aspects
or situation. of the given problem or situation.
►All aspects are given importance when ►Conclusions are made based on considering
making conclusions. some, but not all, sides of the problem or
►All aspects are tied in together to form a situation.
general overview of the problem or situation.
A teacher scolds Student A after Student
A teacher listens first to both stories of her B accused him of stealing her pencil case.
two arguing students before making any However, the teacher only listened to the
conclusion about the issue. story of Student B, and not Student A, before
deciding to scold the student.

Looking at the characteristics of holistic perspective and partial point of view, it can be
concluded that using a holistic perspective is more desirable in doing philosophy than using a
partial point of view. Partial point of view only promote limited knowledge on the situation. This
leads to wrong conclusions.


Directions: Complete the following statements using a partial point of view approach and a
holistic perspective approach.

Example 1

The movie entitled Batman: The Dark Knight is ____________________.

Partial Point of View Approach

The movie entitled Batman: The Dark Knight is very depressing because Bruce Wayne, the
Batman, suffered a terrible defeat.
(This is a partial point of view approach because the statement is too one-sided, making a direct

conclusion without even considering the good side of the movie.)

Holistic Perspective Approach

The movie entitled Batman: The Dark Knight is very nice because it conveys a very great
philosophy about ethical principles and it portrays the reality of life (there is victory and defeat).
(This is a holistic perspective approach because the statement acknowledges both the good and bad

side of the movie and considers it as a lesson in life.)

Example 2

Married life is __________ because ________________________.

Partial Point of View Approach

Married life is difficult because it restricts an individual’s freedom and constant financial

problems will arise.
(This is a partial point of view approach because the statement quickly jumps to a negative conclusion

without considering the advantages of marriage.)

Holistic Perspective Approach

Married life is bittersweet because it is a journey filled with happiness and sadness; it is a
partnership where a man shares joy, burden and responsibility with a woman.
(This is a holistic perspective approach because it accepts both the advantages and disadvantages of


Example 3

Chilli sauce is ______________________.

Partial Point of View Approach

Chilli sauce is not palatable because it tastes very hot.

(This is a partial point of view approach because the statement is too one-sided.)

Holistic Perspective Approach

Chilli sauce is too spicy yet very tasty because it heightens the appetite of a person during a
(This is a holistic perspective approach because the statement considers the pros and cons of a chilli


Activity Proper

1. President Rodrigo Duterte is __________ because _____________________.

Partial Point of View Approach


Holistic Perspective Approach

2. COVID-19 has spread uncontrollably because _______________________________


Partial Point of View Approach


Holistic Perspective Approach


3. COVID-19 cases in Cebu City constantly rises because ________________.

Partial Point of View Approach


Holistic Perspective Approach


4. Wearing of face masks is __________ because _________________________.

Partial Point of View Approach


Holistic Perspective Approach


5. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the world is __________ because ______________

Partial Point of View Approach


Holistic Perspective Approach


6. Gov. Gwen Garcia’s shaming on a specific doctor is __________ because _________


Partial Point of View Approach


Holistic Perspective Approach




Directions: A situation is presented to you and make your best course of action using holistic

1. Ned is a father of two little girls, Sansa and Arya. He is only a “trisikad” driver. Due
to the Enhanced Community Quarantine (ECQ), his means of livelihood has been cut off.
One day, Sansa and Arya asked him to buy two ice cream. Feeling intense pressure for the
cravings of his daughters, he went quickly to the nearest convenient store which was 7Eleven
with not a single penny inside his pocket. He walked around inside the convenient store. Then,
he went to the fridge section. He got two small plastics of ice cream and hid them inside his
pocket. He waited for the right moment. When the security guard moved away from his post,
he rushed towards the door and slowly opened it. You happened to be outside and saw what
he did. With holistic perspective, what will you do?

2. It was Friday. You and your sister decided to have a dinner at SM Seaside around
7:00PM. You worked at the Cebu City Hall as a secretary of the city mayor while your sister
worked at the IT Park as a call center agent. In the afternoon, after you punched out, you
immediately took a taxi on the way to SM Seaside. You arrived at 5:30PM inside the mall.
Since you are too early at your appointed meeting time with your sister, you decided to do a
little shopping. Your sister, on the other hand, punched out at 6:00PM. Then, without a second
to waste, she took a taxi and headed directly to SM Seaside. However, there was a heavy

traffic at Mango Avenue. Your sister got upset because of the traffic. It was already 7:00PM
and your sister was still at B. Rodriguez Sreet. You were very hungry and started to lose your
patience. At 7:53PM, your sister finally arrived at the mall. You met with each other at 8:06PM
inside the Harbor City restaurant. What will you say and do to your sister?

3. Mariane is a nurse. She was told by the hospital management to report any suspicious
employees who have symptoms of COVID-19. Her head nurse, named Rayneria, was her
close friend for 8 years. Rayneria was known for her severe allergies. One day, on their
shift together, Mariane noticed that Rayneria had a sore throat because of her hoarse voice.
Mariane even saw her sneeze and cough secretly. Rayneria obviously seemed a little awkward
to Mariane. What is Mariane’s best course of action?


Directions: Apply a holistic perspective in understanding this popular issue in the society

Manila Bay Rehabilitation: The Use of Dolomite Sand



Name: _________________________________ Date: _______________

2 / Needs
5 / Excellent 4 / Very Good 3 / Average 1 / Unacceptable
This paper is clear This paper is The writer is Topic is not well- As yet, the
and focused. It mostly focused, beginning to defined and/ paper has no
holds the reader’s and has some define the topic, or there are too clear sense
a t t e n t i o n . good details and even though many topics. of purpose or
Relevant details quotes. development central theme. To
Ideas and quotes enrich is still basic or extract meaning
the central theme. general. from the text,
the reader must
make inferences
based on sketchy
or missing details.
The organization Paper (and T h e Sentences within The writing lacks
enhances and paragraphs) are organizational paragraphs a clear sense of
showcases the mostly organized, structure is make sense, direction. Ideas,
central idea in order, and strong enough to but the order of details, or events
or theme. The makes sense to move the reader paragraphs does seem strung
order, structure the reader. through the text not. together in a
of information is without too much loose or random
compelling and confusion. fashion; there is
moves the reader no identifiable
through the text. internal structure.
The writing has an The writing The text hums The text seems The reader has
easy flow, rhythm, mostly flows, and along with a choppy and is to practice quite
and cadence. usually invites steady beat, but not easy to read a bit in order to
Sentences are oral reading. tends to be more orally. give this paper a
well built, with businesslike than fair interpretive
strong and varied musical, more reading.
structure that mechanical than
invites expressive fluid.
oral reading.
The writer The writer The writer shows The writer seems Errors in spelling,
demonstrates a understands reasonable to have made punctuation,
good grasp of good writing control over a little effort to use capitalization,
standard writing conventions and limited range of conventions: usage, and
conventions usually uses them standard writing s p e l l i n g , grammar and/
(e.g., spelling, correctly. Paper is conventions. punctuation, or paragraphing
punctuation, easily read and Conventions capitalization, repeatedly
Conventions capitalization, errors are rare; are sometimes u s a g e , distract the
grammar, usage, minor touch-ups handled well grammar and/ reader and make
paragraphing) would get this and enhance or paragraphing the text difficult to
and uses piece ready to readability; at have multiple read.
conventions publish. other times, errors.
effectively errors are
to enhance distracting and
readability. impair readability.
The form and The format The writer’s The writer's The reader
presentation of only has a few message is message is only receives a
the text enhances mistakes and is understandable understandable garbled message
the ability for generally easy to in this format. occasionally, and due to problems
the reader to read and pleasing paper is messily relating to the
understand and to the eye. written. presentation of
connect with the the text, and is
message. It is not typed.
pleasing to the
Rubric taken from


Multiple Choice: Read the question slowly and answer carefully.

1. It is when conclusions are made based on considering some, but not all, sides of the
problem or situation.

a) partition point of view

b) holiness pespective
c) holistic perspective
d) partial point of view

2. It is when all aspects are tied in together to form a general overview of the problem or

a) partition point of view

b) holiness pespective
c) holistic perspective
d) partial point of view

3-4: Read the paragraph carefully.

Hinata and Hanabi rode a jeepney on their way to school. A few blocks from their
home, the jeepney stopped because it was a red signal. A minute later, a mature-looking
man suddenly entered the jeepney and distributed a white envelope. It was some sort of a
solicitation envelope from an unknown religious organization. Hanabi ignored the envelope
and closed her eyes, pretending to be asleep. Hinata, who sat beside Hanabi, took the time
to read what was written on the envelope. After reading, Hinata put a ten-peso coin inside the
white envelope. Then, the mature-looking man took back all the envelopes that he distributed.

3. Who do you think displayed a partial point of view?

a) the mature-looking man

b) Hanabi
c) Hinata
d) None of the above

4. Who do you think displayed a holistic perspective?

a) the mature-looking man

b) Hanabi
c) Hinata
d) None of the above

5-7: Focus on the picture and read the statements below it carefully.

Statement 1: The painting portrays a black panther and a bird.

Statement 2: The painting portrays a face of a woman that was formed due to the
position of the twigs and branches of a tree and also the posture of the
black panther and the bird.
Statement 3: The painting portrays a face of a woman, a black panther and a bird.

5. Which of the following statements above is a partial point of view?

a) Statement 1
b) Statement 2
c) Statement 3
d) None of the above

6. Which of the following statements above is a holistic perspective?

a) Statement 1
b) Statement 2
c) Both statements 1 and 3
d) Both statements 2 and 3

7. Which of the following statements is the best holistic perspective?

a) Statement 1
b) Statement 2
c) Statement 3
d) None of the above

8. Mr. Claudio wanted to buy a new television. With holistic perspective, what will he do?

a) Mr. Claudio will immediately choose the cheapest available television.

b) Mr. Claudio will listen to the suggestions of his children.
c) Mr. Claudio will listen to the suggestions of his children and at the same time
will do a thorough research about the qualities and prices of a television.
d) None of the above

9. It refers to a perspective that considers large-scale patterns in systems.

a) partition point of view

b) holiness perspective
c) holistic perspective
d) partial point of view

10. It focuses on specific aspects of a situation.

a) partition point of view

b) holiness perspective
c) holistic perspective
d) partial point of view

11-12: Read the following situations carefully.

Situation 1: Teacher Jasmine bought all sizes of bondpapers for future use of her
Situation 2: Frances kept only her G-Tech sign pens because G-Tech is her favorite

11. Which of the following situations above is an example of a holistic perspective?

a) Situation 1
b) Situation 2
c) Both situations 1 and 2
d) None of the above

12. Which of the following situations above is an example of a partial point of view?

a) Situation 1
b) Situation 2
c) Both situations 1 and 2
d) None of the above

13-14: Focus on the picture and read the statements below it carefully.

Statement 1: The painting portrays a pink flamingo.

Statement 2: The painting portrays a face of a woman.
Statement 3: The painting portrays a landscape that forms into a face of a woman
because of a standing pink flamingo and the cascading leaves and
fruits of a tree.

13. Which of the following statements is a holistic perspective?

a) Statement 1
b) Statement 2
c) Statement 3
d) None of the above

14. Which of the following statements is a partial point of view?

a) Statement 1
b) Statement 3
c) Both statements 1 and 2
d) Both statements 2 and 3

15. Mr. Vito reads different newpapers everyday.

a) partition point of view

b) holiness perspective
c) holistic perspective
d) partial point of view


Directions: Make a photo collage (from birth to current photo) showing a holistic view of your
life. Make a short description of every photo you put in the collage.

Name: Date:
Grade & Section:

(From Birth to Present)


Name: _________________________________ Date: _______________

Criteria 4 3 2 1
The collage
includes all All required Many of the
1-2 of the required
Required required elements are required elements
elements are
Elements elements as well present on the are missing from
as additional collage the collage.
All items of Few items of
Almost all items
importance are Some items of importance
of importance
clearly labelled importance are are labelled.
are labelled
with interesting labelled. Some of Some items are
Labels with appropriate
details. The the chosen text mislabelled.
information. The
chosen text is is unclear and The chosen text
chosen text is
clear and easy to difficult to read. is unclear and
read. difficult to read.
All graphics are Graphics are
Some graphics Few graphics
carefully selected related to the
are related to are related
to enhance the topic. Most
the topic, but to the topic.
Graphics understanding pictures are clear
some graphics Many graphics
of the topic. The and enhance the
are unclear or are unclear or
best pictures have understanding of
confusing. confusing.
been chosen. the topic.
The collage is
The collage is
The collage fairly attractive, The collage is
is attractive in but some poorly designed
attractive in
terms of design elements are and very
terms of design
Appearance and layout. Most poorly spaced unorganized.
and layout. The
pictures and and/or cluttered. Many elements
pictures and
text are well The collage are poorly spaced
text are well
organized. appears slightly and/or cluttered.
There are There are There are There are 7 or
no spelling, 1-3 spelling, 4-6 spelling, more spelling,
punctuation, or punctuation, or punctuation, or punctuation, or
grammar errors. grammar errors. grammar errors. grammar errors.
Rubric taken from

1. Enumerate all the partial point of view of the six blind men
Answers may vary
2. Give your own holistic point of view of an elephant.
Answers may vary
3. What is the moral lesson of the poem?
Answers may vary
1. Picture 1
Partial: ►I see a big face of an old man.
►I see a lady reading a book while sitting on a bench and an
old man looks at her from behind.
Holistic: The painting portrays a lady reading a book while sitting on a bench
ouside a village and an old man wearing a black cloak looks at him
from behind and the same time the painting forms into a big face of
an old man.
2. Picture 2
Partial: ►I see the whole face of Jesus in the painting.
►I see some people looking at Jesus from a distance.
Holistic: The painting portrays Jesus standing close to the river while some people
at the other side of the river looks at him in awe and the painting also
portrays a vague face of Jesus.
1. c. “love of wisdom”
2. a. holistic
3. a. doing philosophy
4. a. referring to only one source of information for your position paper
5. a. answering “letter J” when asked, “What is the capital of Japan?”
6. b. Julie, who always listens to all sides of the argument before giving any advice
7. a. It always requires logical and critical thinking.
8. c. Statement 1 is true. Statement 2 is false.
9. c. Statement 1
10. c. Statement 1
1. President Rodrigo Duterte is __________ because _____________________.
Partial Perspective Approach Answers may vary
Holistic Perspective Approach Answers may vary
2. COVID-19 has spread rampantly because __________________________________
Partial Perspective Approach Answers may vary
Holistic Perspective Approach Answers may vary
3. COVID-19 cases in Cebu City constantly rises because ________________.
Partial Perspective Approach Answers may vary
Holistic Perspective Approach Answers may vary
1. Where specifically in the situation is the partial point of view? Explain.
Answers may vary
2. Where specifically in the situation is the holistic point of view? Explain.
Answers may vary
3. What is the moral lesson of the given situation?
Answers may vary
3. Picture 3
Partial: ►I see a face of a bearded old man.
►I see a man sitting somewhere on the field and he looks at a beautiful
lady who happens to pass by.
Holistic: The painting portrays a man sitting somewhere on the field while looking
at a beautiful lady who happens to pass by and the painting also portrays
a face of a bearded old man.
4. Picture 4
Partial: ►I see a face of a man.
►I see a boy painting something under two big trees.
Holistic: The painting portrays a boy painting something under two big trees and
a face of man forms on the landscape of the painting.
5. Picture 5
Partial: ►I see a tree.
►I see many faces of different people.
Holistic: The painting shows a tree with its branches forming into different faces
of people.
1. Ned is a father of two little girls, Sansa and Arya. He is only a “trisikad” driver. Due
to the Enhanced Community Quarantine (ECQ), his means of livelihood has been cut off.
One day, Sansa and Arya asked him to buy two ice cream. Feeling intense pressure for the
cravings of his daughters, he went quickly to the nearest convenient store which was 7Eleven
with not a single penny inside his pocket. He walked around inside the convenient store. Then,
he went to the fridge section. He got two small plastics of ice cream and hid them inside his
pocket. He waited for the right moment. When the security guard moved away from his post,
he rushed towards the door and slowly opened it. You happened to be outside and saw what
he did. With holistic thinking, what will you do?
Answers may vary
2. It was Friday. You and your sister decided to have a dinner at SM Seaside around
7:00PM. You worked at the Cebu City Hall as a secretary of the city mayor while your sister
worked at the IT Park as a call center agent. In the afternoon, after you punched out, you
immediately took a taxi on the way to SM Seaside. You arrived at 5:30PM inside the mall.
Since you are too early at your appointed meeting time with your sister, you decided to do a
little shopping. Your sister, on the other hand, punched out at 6:00PM. Then, without a second
to waste, she took a taxi and headed directly to SM Seaside. However, there was a heavy
traffic at Mango Avenue. Your sister got upset because of the traffic. It was already 7:00PM
and your sister was still at B. Rodriguez Sreet. You were very hungry and started to lose your
patience. At 7:53PM, your sister finally arrived at the mall. You met with each other at 8:06PM
inside the Harbor City restaurant. What will you say and do to your sister?
Answers may vary
3. Mariane is a nurse. She was told by the hospital management to report any suspicious
employees who have symptoms of COVID-19. Her head nurse, named Rayneria, was her
close friend for 8 years. Rayneria was known for her severe allergies. One day, on their
shift together, Mariane noticed that Rayneria had a sore throat because of her hoarse voice.
Mariane even saw her sneeze and cough secretly. Rayneria obviously seemed a little awkward
to Mariane. What is Mariane’s best course of action?
Answers may vary
4. Wearing of face masks is __________ because _________________________.
Partial Perspective Approach Answers may vary
Holistic Perspective Approach Answers may vary
5. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the world is __________ because ______________
Partial Perspective Approach Answers may vary
Holistic Perspective Approach Answers may vary
Name: Date:
Grade & Section:
(From Birth to Present)
Answers may vary
1. d
2. a
3. b
4. c
5. a
6. d
7. b
8. c
9. c
10. d
11. a
12. b
13. c
14. c
15. c
Manila Bay Rehabilitation: The Use of Dolomite Sand
Answers may vary

Abella, Roberto D., M.Div., D.Min., Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person,
Quezon City, C & E Publishing, Inc., 2016.

Kleinman, Paul, Philosophy 101: From Plato And Socrates To Ethics And Metaphysics, An
Essential Primer On The History Of Thought, Massachusetts, Adams Media, a division
of F+W Media, Inc., 2013.

Gilbuena, Ariel, ‘Intro to the philosophy of the human person Chapter 1 the process of doing
philosophy’, SlideShare, 13 June 2018,
(accessed 29 June 2020).

Sardona, John, ‘Differentiate holistic perspective to partial point of view.’, Brainly, 7 March
2016,, (accessed 29 June 2020).

‘Blind Men and the Elephant’, All About Philosophy,

men-and-the-elephant.htm, (accessed 29 June 2020).

Burson Auto Parts, ‘Can you find the radiator?’, Facebook, 30 April 2012,
com/BursonAutoParts/posts/1734767573332307, (accessed 18 August 2020).

Matt, ‘Human Face Optical Illusion Paintings’, The Wallbreakers, 2 September 2013, http://, (accessed 6 July 2020).

Steven, ‘Incredible Optical Illusions by Oleg Shuplyak’, Cuded: Design & Inspiration, 4
July 2012,,
(accessed 6 July 2020).

Willis, Amy, ‘How many faces can you see in this tree?’, Metro, 1 January 2016,, (accessed 6
July 2020).

Artfinder, ‘Black panther 60x80cm, oil painting, surrealistic artwork (2013) Oil painting by
Artush Voskanyan’, Pinterest,,
(accessed 27 August 2020).

Artfinder, ‘Pink flamingo 60x80cm, oil painting, surrealistic artwork (2013) Oil painting by
Artush Voskanyan’, Pinterest,,
(accessed 27 August 2020).

‘Basic Essay Writing Rubric’,,

(accessed 27 August 2020).

‘Pic Collage Rubric’,

Rubric?fileID=102987, (accessed 27 August 2020).

For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:
Department of Education, Region VII, Division of Cebu Province
Office Address: IPHO PHL Bldg, Sudlon, Lahug, Cebu City
Telefax: (032) 265-6405
E-mail Address: [email protected]


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