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Daily Lesson Log Teacher Area
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The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts of tests of
A. Content Standards hypotheses on the population mean and population proportion.
The learner is able to perform appropriate tests of hypotheses involving the
B. Performance Standards population mean and population proportion to make inferences in real-life
problems in different disciplines.

1. The learner illustrates a null and alternative hypothesis. (M11/12SP-IVa-1)

C. Learning Competencies /
2. The learner formulates the appropriate null and alternative
hypotheses on a population mean. (M11/12SP-IVb-1)
Write the LC code for each

Null and Alternative Hypothesis

A. References
1. Teacher's Guide Pages Statistics and Probability Quarter 4 - Module 1: Test of Hypothesis pp. 5-10

2. Learner's Materials Pages Statistics and Probability Quarter 4 - Module 1: Test of Hypothesis pp. 3-7

Banigon, R.B., Camilon, M.G., Manalo, C.B. (2018), Statistics and Probability for
3. Textbook Pages
Senior High School, ERC Cubao Quezon City, pp. 74-79
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource (LR) portal
B. Other Learning Resources
A. Reviewing previous lesson Activity 1: Arrange Me!
or presenting the new lesson
Arrange the following Jumbled Letters
1. lunl 6. porabibtyli
2. hstehyopis 7. esttign
3. aemn 8. raapemter
4. latnoipoup 9. quaetily
5. tastsitcis 10. teraltivena
B. Establishing a purpose for the Activity 2: Story of Duck
A student is taking a biology class that studies animal behavior and is assigned
the following research:
In a certain species (mallards), male ducks have green heads and females are a
plain color. Probably the purpose of the green coloring of the male heads is to
attract the females. The question is: are female ducks also attracted to the green
color in food, for example in bread?
We basically want to know if female ducks are indifferent to green bread versus
plain bread or if they prefer green bread. What will be the hypothesis in the

Possible Answer:
Idea 1: Female ducks are indifferent to plain versus green bread.

Idea 2: Female ducks prefer green bread.

C. Presenting examples / When a female duck of the above-mentioned species is confronted with two pieces of
instances of the new lesson bread, one plain and one green, the probability of picking the green one will be called p.
Write the two previous ideas in terms of p.


Idea 1: p=
Idea 2: p>

We call these confronting ideas 'statistical hypotheses'. The first one states that the ducks
equally like the green and the plain bread. This statement is called the 'null hypothesis'
because it represents an idea of no difference and is labeled by the symbol 'H 0'. The
second idea says that the ducks prefer the green bread and states something different
than the first one, so it is called the 'alternative hypothesis'. The symbol used for the
alternative hypothesis is 'Ha'.

D. Discussing new concepts and -Null was defined as having no value or amounting to nothing
practicing new skills #1 -In statistics, a hypothesis is an assumption or conjecture about a population parameter
which may or may not be true.
In the scientific method, the hypothesis is constructed before any applicable research has
been done.
-Null hypothesis is a statement denoted by 𝑯𝟎, that states that there is no difference, no
changes, nothing happened, no relationship between a parameter and a specific value, or
the independent variable has no effect on the dependent variable.
-It makes a statement about the population not the sample. The true value of the
population parameter is specified in writing the null hypothesis
I n symbol, it is written using the format below:

H : μ=100.

-Alternative hypothesis is a statement denoted by 𝑯𝟏, is a statement that states that there
is a difference, an effect, change, relationship between a parameter and a specific value,
the independent variable has an effect on the dependent variable, or something

-An alternative hypothesis is a statement that directly contradicts a null hypothesis by

stating that that the actual value of a population parameter is less than, greater than, or
not equal to the value stated in the null hypothesis.

In symbol, it is written as:

H 1 : μ ≠ 100
H 1 : μ< 100 or
H 1 : μ> 100
-The alternative hypothesis will also determine the type of hypothesis testing will be
-One-tailed test will be used when using > or <.
-Two-tailed test will be used when ≠is used.
E. Discussing new concepts and Activity 3: Null or alternative?
practicing new skills #2
Read and understand the given statements and find out whether it is a null hypothesis or
alternative hypothesis. Write H 0 if the given is a null hypothesis and H 1 if alternative

In 2015, it was recorded that around 34% of the population in 2015 were not married. A
researcher surveyed a random sample of 500 couples. He found out that 18% of them
were living together but unmarried. Test at 5% significance level if the current
percentage of unmarried couples is different from 34%.

1. The current percentage of unmarried couples is different from 34%.

2. The current percentage of unmarried couples is 34%.

An average construction worker hourly rate pay in the Philippines is Php 62.50 with a
standard deviation of Php 6.01. A random sample of 20 manufacturing workers were
asked on their hourly rate and found that they had an average of Php 50 hourly rate pay
with a standard deviation of Php 5.00. Construct a 90% confidence interval for the
difference between the average hourly rate for construction workers and the average
hourly rate for manufacturing workers.
3. There is a significant difference between the average hourly rate for construction
workers and the average hourly rate for manufacturing workers.
4. There is no significant difference between the average hourly rate for construction
workers and the average hourly rate for manufacturing workers.

A chemist invented an additive to increase the lifespan of rechargeable battery. The said
additive will extend on average the battery’s lifespan to 48 months.

5. The average lifespan extension of rechargeable battery is 48 months.

6. The average lifespan extension of rechargeable battery is not 48 months
F. Developing Mastery (Leads to Read and understand the statement below. Write the mathematical symbol of the null
Formative Assessment 3) hypothesis and alternative hypothesis of the following statements.

1. The average number of years to finish basic education is 14 years.

2. At least 40% of private school students transferred to public school during the
COVID 19 pandemic.
3. The mean weekly expenses of a family during the COVID 19 pandemic increased at
most by 15%.
4. Thirty-five percent of senior high school students enrolled to a track/ strand because
of peer pressure.
5. During the COVID 19 pandemic, 8% of COVID 19 cases in the country were
confirmed death cases.
6. The mean number of new normal learning facilities a school have is not more than
7. During the COVID 19 pandemic, more than half of the residents in cities decided to
stay in their remote provinces
8. Forty-five percent of the students attended online learning delivery mode.
9. At most, 55% of the public-school teachers were advised to stay at home during the
opening of classes.
10. At least 70% of the public school used blended learning delivery mode

G. Finding practical applications of

concepts and skills in daily living


How will you react to the posts of Mocha Uson?

What is the relevance of hypothesis and hypothesis testing towards spreading reliable

Does hypothesis testing help in preventing fake news?

H. Making generalizations and What is Hypothesis testing?

abstractions about the lessons
How will you differentiate Null and Alternative Hypothesis?

I. Evaluating Learning Write the Null Hypothesis (H0) or the Alternative Hypothesis (H1) of the

1. H 0 :μ=10.2 H 1 :_______
2. H 0 :_________ H 1 : μ ≠ 32.6
3. H 0 :_________ H 1 : μ> 45
4. H 0 :μ ≥ 10.2 H 1 :_______
5. H 0 :¿ H 1 : μ ≠ 0.87
6. H0: The average IQ of Grade 10 students is 110

7. H0: The proportion of male rats in the population of rats is 45%.


8. H0: _______________________
H1: The mean height of Asian women is different from 61 inches.

9. H0: _______________________
H1: The proportion of obese children ages 3-10 is higher than 40%.

10. H0: _______________________

H1: The mean amount of dispensed coffee of a new vending machine is
greater than 300 mL.

J. Additional activities for Determine the null and alternative hypothesis in the statement below:
application or remediation
A manufacturer of ethyl alcohol has developed a new packaging design.
He claims that the new packaging design has an average reduction of
production expenses of Php 5.00 per bottle with a standard deviation of
Php 2.00. A manager of one of their satellite production branch claims
that the 200 samples of this new packaging design has an average
reduction of production expenses of Php 3.00. Test the difference of the
population and sample means at 0.05 level of significance.
V. REMARKS 1. In case students experience difficult circumstances teacher will provide
self-leaning modules that includes the activities and discussions of the
2. This video lesson will be uploaded and sent to teachers Facebook
account and messengers’ group chat of the learners for the access of
A. No. of learners who earned
80% on the formative assessment
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for remediation
C. Did the remedial lesson work? No.
of learners who have caught up with
the lesson.
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation.
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my principal
or supervisor can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I used / discover which I
wish to share with other teachers?

Prepared by:

Teacher I

Checked by:

Master Teacher I



Sec. School Principal I

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