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Printable Writing Paper

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p. 2 Portrait Paper for l oose paper
writing (hal f and full)
p. 11 Landscape Paper for l oose
paper writing (hal f and full)
p. 21 Portrait Paper with space for
stapling (hal f and full)
p. 30 Landscape Paper with space for
stapling (hal f and full)

w w w.t hi sre a di n g m a m m Cli p a rt & Fo nts by:

Terms o f Use: This printable pack was created for you to use at home with your
child(ren) or with multi ple learners in a single classroom/tutoring setting. Please do
not sell, host, reproduce, gi veaway, or store on any other site (incl uding a bl og,
Facebook, 4Shared, Dropbox, Amazon Inspi re, etc.). Thank you!
(loose paper)

This version works best if

learners are writing on loose
See p. 21 of this download if
you want to use these pages
for learners to create books.

w w w.t hi sre a di n g m a m m

(loose paper)

w w w.t hi sre a di n g m a m m

You’ll LOVE
our two writing series:

Click on links:
1. Preschool & Kindergarten Writing Lessons

2. Simple Writing Lessons for Primary Grades

3. Find ALL our writing activities & printables:
w w w.t hi sre a di n g m a m m
(with space for stapling)

This area allows you to have

a space for students to
staple the pages together to
create a book.
Otherwise, learners might
write too far to the left, and
stapling pages together
could cover up their writing.

w w w.t hi sre a di n g m a m m

(with space for stapling)

w w w.t hi sre a di n g m a m m


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