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Dedications: To my father, Donald L.

Sweeney, who
CREDITS showed me that you don't need superpowers to be a
hero. And to my niece, Elizabeth Grace Sweeney, who
Author: Patrick Sweeney will grow up in an age of new horizons - and new
Original Concept: Mark Arsenault heroes.
Cover Art: Storn Cook Additional thanks to: My consultants, who advised
Cover Design: Mark Arsenault me on everything from the proper structure of a DA's
Interior Illustration: Steve Bryant, Stom Cook, Albert office to the Spanish language: Linda Beymer, Kate
Deschesne, Louis Frank, Gary Mitchell, Bryce Casa, Rob and Patty Humphrey, Steven S. Long,
Nakagawa, Greg Smith Karen Yelton and many others mentioned elsewhere
Coloring & Digital Enhancements: Mark Arsenault in these acknowledgments
Cartography: Joe Coleman All my gaming companions of countless campaigns
Editor: Mark Arsenault gone by: Brian "Voltus" Michaelson, Mike "Hero with
Project Editor: Greg Lloyd Claws" Matts, Byron "Green Mantis" McLeod, Rych
Editorial Contributions: Geoff Berman, Amy "Dr. Anthrax" Davis, Jeff "Cerebrix" Davis, Hugh
Crittenden, Steve Kenson, Tomas Skucas "Quasi-Quantam" Morrison, Joey "Cyber" Paschane
Project Art Coordinator: Nicole Lindroos and all the others.
Graphic Design Concept: Philip J. Reed, Jr. Also, the San Angelo Roundtable on America Online:
Layout: Mark Arsenault, Bruce Harlick Geoff Berman, Storn Cook, Amy Crittenden, Jim
Crocker, Basil Drake, Steve Kenson, Tomas Skucas,
Michelle Knight and Greg Lloyd, all of whom were
Acknowledgments generous with both their time and ideas. An extra
Special thanks to: Rex Hodge, my best friend and one- thanks to Greg Lloyd, who reviewed the completed
man gaming think tank; Sara Hodge, for putting up manuscript and helped me find all kinds of typos,
with all our gaming silliness; and Mark Arsenault glitches and inconsistencies.
for taking a chance on an unpublished author to And, of course, Hero Games, for starting the whole
launch his campaign universe. thing in the first place.

Copyright© 1998 by Gold Rush Games. All rights reserved under International Copyright Convention. San Angelo: City of Heroes,
The Justice Foundation and all characters and their likenesses are trademarks owned by and/or copyright by Gold Rush Games.
Hero System, Champions and Hero Games are registered trademarks of Hero Games ( Used under license; all
rights reserved. All situations, incidents and persons portrayed within are fictional and any similarity without satiric intent to individu-
als living or dead is strictly coincidental.
Published and distributed by Gold Rush Games, P.O. Box 2531, ElkGrove, CA 95759-2531; (916) 684-9443 (Tel/Fax);
[email protected]. Visit our web site at P_A_G,_E...,


Second Printing Stock # H300 ISBN 1-890305-03-0

INTRODUCTION. . . . • . • .. . . .. . . . 5 The Wharves . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . 42 City Government • • . . . . • . • . . . . • . • . . 66
How To Use This Book • • . . . • . • . . . . • 7 Points of Interest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 The Mayor's Office . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
In a New Campaign . ..... . ........ 7 Midtown ... . ................ , . 44 The City Council ... ...... .. .... .. 67
In an Existing Campaign . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Brackett Park ................ . 45 Selected Council Members . .. ..... 67
In Other Genres ....... . ..... . . . . . 8 Piper Glen ................... 45 City Employees . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ... 68
Additional Information •.....•..... 10 Poverty Gulch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Notable City Departments . . . .. . . . . 68
University Commons ........... 47 City Officials of Note. . . . . . • ..... 70
WELCOME TO SAN ANGELO .... • 11 Points of Interest . . .. .......... 47 City Commissions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 71
Basic Premises . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . • . . . 12 Other Communities .............. 48 Economic Development Commission . 7 I
Origins .. ... ............... . ... 12 Arroyo Verde . . . . . . . . .. .. • ... . 48 Other City Commissions of Note .. . . 71
Origin of Superpowers . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Point oflnterest . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Notable Places . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
Frequency of Superpowers . . . . . . . . 13 Brenton ...... . . ....... . ..... 49 County Government .•......•.••.•. 72
The World . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Points of Interest ... . . ........ 50 The Board of Supervisors . . . . . . . . . . 72
Aliens... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Castle Heights ........ ....... . 50 Prominent Supervisors . . . . . . . . ... 72
Magic . ...... . ............... 14 Points of Interest .. . . . .. .. . ... 50 County Employees ..... . .......... 73
Science and Technolgy . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Eastside ....... ......... .... . 51 Medical Examiner's Office . . . . .. . . 73
The Role of Supers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Neighborhoods of Note .. ...... 51 Other County Departments ........ 74
Supers and Government . . . . . . . . . . 16 Points of Interest . . . .......... 52 County Officials of Note .......... 76
Supers and the Law ...... ....... 17 Lakeview ....... . ....... . .... 54 County Commissions ..... . ... .... .. 77
Supers and Society . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Neighborhoods of Note .. . . . .. . 54 Notable Places . . . ....... .... . ... . 77
Timeline ............••........ • . 18 Points oflnterest .... .. .. ..... 55 State and Federal Governments • ..... 77
San Angelo . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 La Vista .................. .. . 55
Topography and Climate . . . • . • • . . . • 20 Neighborhoods of Note . . ... ... 56PUBLIC SAFETY . . . ......•..• .. . 78
Points of Interest . .. . . ........ 57
Law Enforcement .... •.. . ... ..•... 78
A DESCRIPTION OF SAN ANGELO .27 Northside . ...... ......... .... 57 San Angelo Police Department .. .. ... 78
Vital Statistics . • . • • • . . . . . . . . . . • . . 28 Neighborhoods of Note . ...... . 57 Structure of the Police Department .. 78
The Layout of the Region . . . . . . . . • . 29 Points of Interest ............ . 58 Divisions of the San Angelo PD..... 81
Lakes and Rivers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Pleasant Grove ... . .... • ....... 59 Officers of Note . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 88
Areas of the Region .. . ... • ........ 29 Points of Interest .... . .... . ... 59Notable Locations .......... . .... 88
The Delta .... . ............... . 29 Rancho Madera ........... .. . . 60 Uniforms and Insignia ........ ... . 88
The Foothills . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Southport ........... . ........ 60 San Angelo County Sheriff's Dept ... . 88
Regional Communities . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Neighborhoods of Note ........ 60 Structure .................... • . 89
Canfield ....... .. . ......... . . . 30 Points of Interest . ...... . ..... 61 Divisions of the Sheriff's Dept . . . . . 91
Garrett's Landing .............. . 30 South San Angelo. . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
Personnel of Note .. . . .. ......... 94
Marshall . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. ..... 30 Neighborhoods of Note .... . ... 61 Notable Locations . .. .... ........ 94
Points of Interest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 West San Angelo .... . ......... 62 Uniforms and Insignia .......... . . 95
The Layout of the City .......••.... 31 Points of Interest .. ....... . ... 62
State Law Enforcement Agencies .. . .. 95
The Streets . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . 31 Utilities .. •... . .. ......•.. ..• •... 63 Federal Law Enforcement Agencies . . . 96
Prominent Landmarks . . . . . . • . . . . . . 32 Water ......... .. .. . ........... . 63 Corruption . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
Areas of the City . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Sewers ... ....... ... ... ........ . 63 Brutality and Excessive Force ...... 96
Commerce and Industry . . . . . . . . . . 33 Gas and Electricity ................ 63 Emergency Services . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
Tbe Port of San Angelo . . . . . . . . . . 34 Telephones . . . . . ... . ............. 63 San Angelo Fire Department . . . . . . . . 97
The Rail Yard. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Getting Around San Angelo ..••.... . 63 Structure of the Fire Department . . . 97
The Waterfront . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . 34 San Angelo International Airport .. ... 63 Bureaus of the Fire Department . . . . 99
The City Core . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Other Airports ................. .. 63 Uniforms and Insignia ........... 101
Downtown . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Helicopters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
Notable People . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 01
The Armory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Buses and Light Rail .... .. ........ 64 Fire Protection Districts ........... 101
Chinatown . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Railroads . .. . ................... 65 State and Federal Agencies . . . . . . . . 102
City Center . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . 38 Taxis .............. .... ........ 65 Private Ambulance Firms ....... . . . I 02
Old San Angelo . ....... . ..... . 39 Boats and Ships ............ . ..... 65 The .Judicial and Penal Systems ..•.• 103
Riverfront .. . .... ... . ....... . 39 The District Attorney's Office . . . . . . 103
Map of Downtown San Angelo .. . .40 GOVERNMENT ........ . •...•.... 66 Structure of the D.A.'s Office . .. .. 103
PAGE Tbe Strip . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Government Jurisdictions .. •.. .. . . •• 66 Divisions of the D.A.'s Office .... . 103

C tty of S11n Angot.o 4500 -

Table of Contents

Notable People . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 05 Wei Cheng . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139 Orion Labs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174

The Public Defender's Office ...... . 106 Schools and Instructors of Note .... . 140 Other Laboratories & Research Firms . 175
Structure of the PD's Office . ... . .. 106 The Medical World ........... . •.. 141 Ren Westlake ................... 176
Notable People . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I06 Faraday Memorial Clinic .......... 141 Other Inventors and Scientists of Note. 178
The Probation Department . . . . . . . . . I 07 University Medical Center .. ... . . . . 142 The Social Scene . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . 178
State and Federal Attorneys . . . . . . . . I 07 Other Hospitals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143 Clubs and Organizations . . . . . . . . . . 178
The Court System . . ...... . ....... 107 Prominent Doctors .... . . .. ....... 144 Argonaut Society ............... 178
State Courts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 08 The Military World ...••.•.....•.• 145 Other Clubs and Organizations . . . . 179
Federal Courts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I09 Forgan Air Force Base . . . . . . . . . . . . 145 Secret Societies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179
Judges of Note . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109 Other Military Installations . . . . . . . . 146 The Cyber Underground . . . . . . . . . 179
The Corrections System . . . . . . . . . . . 110 Military Personnel of Note .. ... . .. . 146 Order of the Knights Templar . . . . . 180
State Corrections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 The Mystic Scene .•....•.••...••. 147 The Street Scene ..• .... ...•. ••••. 181
Federal Corrections . . . . . . . . . . . . 112 Chinatown .. ..... .. .... .. ..... . 147 Poverty and Homelessness ......... 181
Orloff Building ... . . ............ 147 Ernie "Tinfoil" Theiles . ... .. .... 182
LIFE IN SAN ANGELO . • • • • • • • . . 113 Raven Books .. .. ......... . ..... 147 Other Street People ............. 183
The Academic World ....•.. ... .... 113 Other Mystic Places .. .. . . .... . ... 148 Charities and Shelters . . . . . . . . . . . . 183
Higher Education .... ............ 113 SpearofDestiny .. ............... 148 Golden Rule. ......... . .. .. . .. . 183
University of CA, San Angelo . . . .. 113 Other Mystic Artifacts ............ 149 Kitchens and Shelters . . . . . . . . . . . 183
Other Colleges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114 Mystic People .................. 150 Other Charities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 184
Community Colleges .. ... . . . . . . . 114 The Political World . • • • . • • • • • • . • • 151 The Wealthy Scene .••...••••••.•• 185
Scholars of Note . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 Senator Catherine Forbes ......... . 152 Thomas Caldecott (Clockwork) . . . . . 186
Public and Private Schools ... . . .... 116 Other National Politicians ..... .. .. 153 Prominent Wealthy People . . . . . . . . . 188
SA City Unified School District . . . 116 Local Politicians ................. 154 Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous . . . 189
Private Schools .... ......... ... 117 Political Activists . ............... 154 Skyline Club .. ... ............. 189
Educators of Note . . ......... .. .. 117 The Professional World ••••.•... • • . 155 Royal Grove Country Club . . . . . . . 189
The Commercial Scene •.•••••....• 119 Banking and Finance . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155 Other Places of Note . .... . .. .... 190
Local Chains .... . ...... .. ... .. . 119 Prospector Bank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155
Barnes Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119 Other Financial Institutions .. .. ... 155 MEDIA, ENTERTAINMENT AND
Other Local Chains ... .. ..... ... 119 Financiers and Money Men .. .. . . . 156 THE ARTS . . . . • • • • . . • • . . . . • • • . . 191
Prominent Stores ............. ... 120 Investigations and Security ......... 157 The Media ....•••...•......•.•.• 191
Shopping Malls ... . .......... . . . 122 Taylor Mackenzie . ..... ........ 157 San Angelo Newspapers . ......... . 191
San Angelo Plaza . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122 Other Private Investigators . .. .. . . 158 San Angelo Times . .... . . . ...... 191
Other Malls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122 Bail Bonds and Bounty Hunting .. .. 159 Other Newspapers . .......... . .. 192
The Corporate World • • ...••• • •. .• 123 Security Firms .. . ............ . . 160 Madeleine Sainte-Marie . . . . . . . . . 194
Corporations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124 The Legal Scene . .. . . . . . . ........ 161 Other Reporters of Note . . . . . . . . . 195
Avalon Enterprises . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124 Madison, Fairchild & Associates ... 161 Radio Stations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196
Eclipse Industries ... .... .. . . ... 124 Other Law Firms ... . .. ... . •.. .. 161 Major Radio Stations . . . . . . . . . . . 196
Hunter-Price Arms ...... . ...... 126 Prominent Attorneys . . . . . . . . . . . . 162 Radio Personalities . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196
Peregrine Aircraft ... . ...... • . .. 126 The Publishing Scene ..... ..... .. . 163 Television Stations . . . ... . . . ...... 197
Other Corporations of Note . .. .... 127 Publishers of Note . ... . . .. . .. . . . 163 Television Reporters & Personalities 197
Other Corporate Executives .... 133 The Religious World ..•.•....•••.. 164 Major Local Television Stations ... 198
The Development Industry ... . .... . 134 Catholic Archdiocese of San Angelo .. 164 Sports . . . . . . . • . • • . . . . . . . . . . . . . • 199
Morgan Development Co. . . . . . . . . 134 San Angelo Christian Center .. . ... . 164 Professional Sports Teams ......... 199
Other Development Companies Other Religious Institutions of Note .. 165 Pro Sports Personalities of Note . . . 199
of Note . . . . . . . . . . . .. ........ 134 Rev. John Warden ...... .. ..... .. . 166 College Sports ............... .. . 200
Benjamin Morgan ... . .... .. . . . . 135 Other Prominent Religious Figures ... 167 Recreational Sports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200
Other Builders of Note . . . . . . . . . . 137 Light of Truth Ministry ... . ... . .... 168 Arenas. Stadiums and Coliseums .... 200
Labor and Union Activity . . . . . . . . . 137 Elijah, Light of Truth acolyte .... . . . 169 Annual Sporting Events .. .. ....... 20 I
The Intellectual Scene •.•....•••.•. 138 Other Fringe Religions and Cults ... . 170 Restaurants, Bars & Clubs .•••....• 202
Horizon Institute . . ... ... . .. .. ... . 138 Dreamweaver . . ... .. ......... . .. 171 Nightclubs and Bars .............. 203
Justice Foundation ........... .. .. 138 The Scientific World ..•.•..•...•.. 173 Restaurants . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . 204
Other Institutions of Note .......... 138 The "Brain Trust" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173 Twister's .... ................. 204
The Martial World •••..••.•..•••. 139 Helix Technologies. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . 173 Other Restaurants of Note .. ...... 205 PAGE

Twister . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206 Vietnamese Gangs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225 The Bard .. ... ..... . ..... .... 238
Other Restaurateurs . . . . . . . . . . . 207 Vietnamese Gang Members of Note225 Dynamo ..................... 240
The Local Music Scene . . . . . . . . . . 208 Paragon, the Perfect Human ...... 242
Bands and Musicians of Note ... . 208 ALLIES AND ENEMIES ..... . ... 226 Enemies .................... .. . 244
Concerts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208 Allies ............... .. ....... . 226 Amok ... . ................. .. . 244
The Fine Arts and Museums ...... 209 Justice Foundation ..... . ...... . . 226 Bloodsport ....... ... ....... ... 246
Classical Music ............... . 209 Azteca . . ................... 227 Phobia ....................... 248
Classical Musicians of Note . . . . . 209 Cavalier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 229 Photon ....... . ............... 250
Drama and Dance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209 Corona ...... . . . ............ 231 Siren .... ....... . ........... . 253
Theater and Dance Companies Lotus .. ... . ................ 233
of Note .......... . ......... 209 Savant . .. .. . ................ 235 AFTERWAl<D ... ....... . ..... . . 255
Dancers and Thespians of Note . .. 210 TurboJet ... . ....... . . ....... 237 Origins of San Angelo .... . . . ..... 255
Libraries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210 Justice Foundation Headquarters . . 237 Author's Afterword .. . ... .. . .. . . . 255
Museums .. . .... .. ........... . 210 Solo Heroes ......... ... ....... 237 Bibliography .. . .. .. . . .... .. . . .. 255
Mission San Angeles ........... 210
Other Museums of Note . . . . . . . . 2 IO
Theaters and Auditoriums ..... . .. 212
Visual Arts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212
Artists and Ait Dealers of Note ... 212
Parks, Recreation Facilities and
Other Attractions .... . . . ...... . . 213
Regional Parks ....... . ..... .... 213
Lake Oro State Recreation Area . . 213
Samuel Brackett City Park . . . . . . 213
Other Noteworthy Parks ........ 213
Theme and Amusement Parks . . . . . 215
49er Amusement Park ......... . 215
Annual Community Events . . . . . . . 215
San Angelo County Fair. . . . . . . . 215
Other Annual Community Events. 215


UNDERWORLD ....... . .... . ... 216
Overview . . ... .... . .. .... . .... . 216
San Angelo Crime Statistics ...... . 216
The Drug Scene . ...... . ........ 217
Organized Crime ................ 217
Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs . . . . . . . . 218
Flaming Skulls ............... 218
Other Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs .. 218
Motorcycle Gang Members of Note 2 19
Street Gangs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220
Exiles ................... ... 220
Nomads .................... 220
Prophets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 221
Other Street Gangs . . . . . . . . . . . . 221
Catseye . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 221
Other Gang Members of Note . ... 222
Tongs ........................ 222
William Shiyu Yuan ........... 223
Wing Chao ............ .... .. 223
Other Tongs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 224
PAGE Other Tong Members of Note ... . 224

The City of Heroes
Jerry Abbot
Clarion Staff Columnist

San Angelo is truly the City of

Some of them soar through the sky
or shoot fireballs from their fingertips.
Picking up a car means no more to
them than hoisting a barbell doe.11 to
you or me. Incredible inventions,
weird creatures and travels to bizarre
places are everyday occurrences in
their world.
Clad in their colorful costumes.
these heroes awe, amaze and inspire
the rest of us.
But other heroes in San Angelo wear
costumes of a different kind. They pin
on badges or pu 11 on heavy fire gear
before going t@ work. A pilot's hel-
met. a reperter's notebook, a first aid
kit or a teacher's chalk - these are
the tools of the Golden City's every-
day heroes.
And still others do nothing more
extraordinary than go to work every
day, just to put food on the table and a
roof over their kids' heads.
They build the houses. make the
factories go, grow the food and keep
the streets clean. They make the city
work, and ensure that ii keeps o.r1
working for their children after them.
Heroes, ever~ one.
Heroe!'i, in a City of Heroes.

r.11y 01 S.11 .Angolo 4SOD -

This book presents four-color Champions in three
dimensions - a vibrant world of superhuman powers, What is
gadgets, hero teams, dastardly enemies and all the other
hallmarks of the comic books, carefully packaged in a
Champions is a role-playing
cohesive setting with a nod toward realism.
game published by Hero Games
No Champions campaign can promise total realism
set in the fun, fantastic world
- and such a campaign wouldn't be much fun any- of four-color superhero comic
way. Part of the joy of Champions is the utter unreality books.
of it all. To fly, punch down brick walls, bounce bullets Using pencils, paper and
off your chest... who wouldn't want to be a superhero? dice, players create characters
But continuity and cohesiveness aren't beyond the and play out adventures. In
reach of Champions. Nor are cities that are more than these adventures, they imagine themselves to be play-
mere scenery for titanic slugfests, or well-rounded char- ing the role of their player-character, or PC, as they
acters, superpowered or not, with real-life desires, fears interact with other players, non-player characters, or
NPCs, and the world around them. A Gamemaster, or
and aspirations.
GM, describes the world and referees the action.
Moreover, a fresh breeze is stirring in the comics in-
San Angelo: City of Heroes uses Champions 4th
dustry. After years of grim storylines and gritty anti- Edition mles, available at your local hobby store or by
heroes, the four-color protectors of truth, justice and order from Gold Rush Games, a distributor and lic-
liberty are making a dynamic comeback. Hope, joy and ensee of Hero Games. This book is also fully compat-
a sense of optimism are returning to the comics, tem- ible with the new 5th Edition Hem System mies.
pered by insights gained from deconstructing the su-
perhero genre.
As a result, every aspect of the comics and Champi-
"Dit/')1011 see the big fight on lV last night" Ni
ons campaigns, from high-tech corporations to the very not 7\, Pl . o,
·~.ton~ loton took"" the Justice Foundtttion
origin of superpowers, has been re-evaluated for this
oi·er m dowmown. Bo): wltat u battle. Too bad he
book to foster a refreshed, revitalized approach to the gtJI awuy.
age-old world of superheroes. "This is .ruch "" ama~illg lime lo be alive, All
Inside these pages, you'll explore the bustling streets rlu:fe !1eople with 111perh1mu111 f>owers. lmagifle lhlll
of a living city with a rich history, visit interesting land- - able ro fly. or control the weather, or..• well
marks, meet hundreds of fascinating people, uncover m1yrh111g you can think of '
villainous plots and, perhaps, spot a hero or two soar- ''.A'~'' iL,'s 1101 just the supe1:t Ir:~ the sciemists
ing in the sky far overhead. b1u/dm,y, mcredihle im•e11tion.r, rhe martial arts
Best of all, you'll get to step inside this world and ~tasters: the ~rdinary people who Pltl '"' mash und
j1gl11 crime. I ve even hearcl 1'1111101·" ab" I • ,,,
walk around for awhile. Find out what it's like to fly, I .. "" WIU/J'uS
w w fight supernat11ral 11lmut.f we llei•er el'f'll k110 •
or shoot energy blasts, or toss tanks around. Join a team. <1bm11! 1-l
Fight crime. Save the world. "K~nd of hard I<> helie1•e it's all huppening nglu
Be a hero. here ,,, San Angelo. ~Ju k11t>u~ I'm St<1ning a
Welcome to San Angelo: City of Heroes. .vcmphook for my kids, so they can look back and
see wlwt 1vent on here.
··A_~t!r all. these llel'Qe.r and all - the)' might nof
be aroimd forever. You j11s1 nei·er know k'ht1t's goin
to hap/1m rlleu day,f ... " g
- Mike Tucker. 36. lah assistant

1~-' " I~.- mJlmi 11~
How to Use This
Ry 01 '' An~lo 4M>C -

Book "I love this town! The streets are clean, the
•, people are friendly. And theres a real can-do
'~ spMr here in Sw1 Angelo. People help their
San Angelo: City of Heroes presents a coherent, dy- 1
neighbor~' our. I belong ro Kiwanis - we've got
namic city setting for four-color Champions campaigns.
In keeping with the traditions of the comics, San one of the highest participation rates in the state.
Angelo is a fictional city whose exact location has de- \ The state!
liberately been left vague but is presumed to be some- j "Look, I can see you think I'm putting you on.
where on the West Coast - a locale often ignored by · Here's what I mean: Back in '90, when Alloy got
comic books and Champions campaigns alike. sick ... well, you can't e:r:actly get health i11sur-
In addition, San Angelo is set in a new campaign . ance in that line of work. So people all over Stm
world, totally independent from the Champions Uni- Angelo donated money for hi.'i medical bills.
"Service clubs held every kind offu11d-rC1iser
verse and Champions: The New Millenium worlds
published by Hero Games. This campaign world fea- you can think of ... seemed like there were two or
~ three almost every weekend. And schoolkids,
tures new heroes, new enemies and new organizations
t;ollecting loose clumge. I saw photos in the
of all kinds.
paper- jar after jar of pennies, nickels, yo11
Full details on the lively, engrossing metropolis of
name it. The whole community pitched in to help
San Angelo are included, covering everything from
city government to popular nightspots. A/Toy 0111, just like he'd always helped us. Its the
spirit of thi!i place.
The book also contains information on the resident
heroes, villains and normals of San Angelo, along with "I don't know, maybe it 8 the heroes - sort ofa
Hero System statistics for many of the characters and good example, you know wlwt I mean? OK. some
gadgets presented. of tlumr are jerks, like t'1Clt Paragon guy, bw you
get my point.
A timeline outlines San Angelo's past, and possi-
'A11yhow, that~ what/ love about San Angelo."

bilities for its future are offered. In addition, the book

provides an explanation of the origin of superpowers,
notes on legal matters for super-crimefighters and in-

- ...
-Chip Hamacker, 29; real estate agent
' --
formation on living in a superpowered world. Novice players and GMs may want to use the Jus-
Finally, San Angelo: City of Heroes is jam-packed tice Foundation hero team, covered in complete detail
with tips and suggestions on how to use all these de- starting on Page 227. Once you are familiar with the
tails to create memorable characters, adventures and Hero System rules, you can start creating your own
campaigns. superheroes to protect San Angelo.
San Angelo: City of Heroes contains a tremendous Experienced GMs may want to customize their San
amount of information. Don't despair if you don't get Angelo campaign. The book has been designed for this,
all the way through it right away, or can't remember with numerous open slots in listings for player or GM
creations. Open spots have been left on the City Coun-
every last detail. Familiarize yourself with the basics
of the city, then refer back to the book as needed. cil and other important institutions as well.
Players are especially encouraged to take advantage
of the fully detailed city to create links between their
In a New Campaign PCs and the world around them. Pick a university for
Obviously, San Angelo: City of Heroes is eminently your PC to attend, or decide which corporation em-
usable as the basis for a new Champions campaign. ploys her. Need a DNPC, or just wondering who your
Just skim through the book, create some PCs and start hero's parents are? San Angelo: City of Heroes is filled
playing! with NPCs ripe for inclusion in a PC's background.

City OI S..rt At.g•fo • t.OO -

Introduction "U-1!'e protect People fro

natural disarte . m super-criminals
In Existing Campaigns .
tnal accidents but
·• I'S. 3/reet sc
um and lndus-
San Angelo can easily be incorporated into an exist- firom themselves. • " we can't protect them
ing Champions campaign, including one set in the
Champions Universe, or revised to embody favorite - Savant, 48, Justice FouncJa~· b
•lon ero
elements of past campaigns.
GMs with existing campaigns not already set in any
particular city, or set in a sparsely detailed one, can
just designate San Angelo as the campaign setting. and other problems - fertile ground for Dark Cham-
As noted above, open slots have been left in many pions crimefighting. Also, the San Angelo Under-
aspects of San Angelo for GMs and players to fill. More world provides information
radical modifications can also be made- if a GM has on street gangs and orga-
already written up the mayor, for example, then a sub- nized crime in the city.
stitution can be made. GMs in search of an even
GMs with campaigns set in other cities, whether real grittier overall setting can
or fictional, can arrange for PCs to visit San Angelo. give San Angelo a darker
Perhaps an enemy they are pursuing flees to the West outlook by twisting the in-
Coast, or maybe the villainous agency they are investi- terpretations of key NPCs,
gating has a secret base or laboratory near the city. places and institutions.
Packing the PCs off to a strange city for an adventure For example, Mayor
or two is an excellent way of injecting some new life Alex Martinez, presented
into a long-running campaign. In fact, some GMs and as a dedicated public ser-
players may want to make the move permanent. vant, might be recast as a
Or GMs can use the people, institutions and places of cynical vote-grabber more interested in his next step
San Angelo to spruce up their own campaign cities. up the political ladder than in the welfare of his con-
San Angelo: City of Heroes contains more than 200 stituents.
NPCs from all walks of life, along with scores of neigh- Or Police Chief Jack O'Shea can be transformed into
borhoods, shops, corporations, charities, entertainment an out-of-touch idealist blind to the corruption riddling
venues and other interesting details. Any or all of them his department, instead of a strong, moral leader for
can be transplanted to another city, if the GM desires. the clean and efficient San Angelo PD.
In a few cases, no changes at all are needed. Eclipse
In Other Genres Industries, a greedy, unethical corporation in the midst
of a ruthless top-level power struggle, works equally
Although San Angelo has been designed for use with well in both four-co lor and Dark Champions settings,
four-color Champions, it can be adapted for use in most for example.
other campaign genres with a little extra work. Future The San Angelo setting works best in "minor super-
Gold Rush Games products may flesh out San Angelo powers", "occasional superpowers" or, of course, "full-
for use in some of these genres. fledged superpowers" Dark Champions campaigns.
GMs interested in a "no powers" Dark Champions
Dark Champions campaign can simply assume that the supers are busy
Since four-color Champions characters often focus pursuing their own agendas and rarely mix with ordi-
on national, global or even galactic threats, there's nary society. Supers can be seen as mysterious figures
plenty of room for street-level adventuring in San involved in cosmic affairs beyond the comprehension
,.........,..,.1 Angelo. of most people, who can only gaze upward in awe as
f ~~~e~ A number of the neighborhoods detailed in A De-
l8 scription of San Angelo are troubled by drugs, gangs
they engage in inexplicable confrontations and con-


- City of 11111 ""

-so~ -

"Everyone talks about the Golden .

ever mentions Veloddad , Age, but no one
Since San Angelo has been designed specifically as I guess. He was h ... you d call him Velocity,
a city populated by superpowered individuals, remov- a ero to us Chicano k .d ,
ho Id
s u have .feen him ' ' s. You
ing those influences entirely in order to create a pure out the drug deale !","n. He fought crime, chased
rs. out you ne
"no-powers" setting will be a bit harder, but by no the papers, 'cause he hel . ver saw his name in
means impossible. Much of the government, public barrio, instead of g . rped his people, down in el
"Now 110 omg offall over the world
safety, business and lifestyle information does not one even reme b h. .
hinge on the inclusion of superpowered individuals, shame. But we rememb ; ers is name. Damn
ber him." er zm. We'll always remem-
although some revisions to the city's recent history
will be necessary. - Esteban Vega, 61 , weJder
The extensive information on the police and sheriffs
departments in Public Safety will be especially help- San Angelo.
ful to Dark Champions gamers. Also, ideas for plots Some neighborhood descriptions in A Description of
involving corruption of public officials can be gleaned San Angelo also contain references to the early days
from the Government chapter. of the city.

Golden Age Champions Cyber Hero and Star Hero

The Golden Age of heroes ran from 1936 to about The 1990s city of San Angelo could be extrapolated
1950 in San Angelo, a time when the lines between into a futuristic city usable in either of these science-
heroism and villainy were more fiction genres. For example, the San Angelo Interna-
clearly drawn. tional Airport could become the San Angelo Starport.
A handful of solo heroes and And the Hunter-Price Arms factory could produce beam
at least one hero team faced off weaponry, not handguns and rifles.
with vile arch-criminals, Nazi The changes wrought by scientific advances will have
saboteurs andotherenemies in to be taken into consideration, however. After all, if
the streets of a younger, more flying cars are common, will there still be a road and
innocent San Angelo. highway network?
GMs and players interested Changes in construction materials and techniques will
in a Golden Age Champions almost certainly result in a downtown rising much higher
campaign should examine the than that of modem-day San Angelo. Perhaps the change
timeline in Welcome to San Angelo. Some of the has opened up room for spacious parks and gardens --
neighborhoods in A Description of San Angelo date or, in a grimmer Cyber Hero setting, has merely al-
back to the 1930s, as do some corporations covered in lowed the overburdened city to barely keep up with
Life in San Angelo. rampant overpopulation.
Finally, some of the quotes from city residents, found The community descriptions in A Description ofSan
in the margins of San Angelo: City of Heroes, contain Angelo and corporations in Life in San Angelo are
clues about the people, places and happenings of the good places for prospective Star Hero or Cyber Hero
Golden Age. GMs to start.

Western Hero Horror Hero

The city of San Angelo began in the rough-and- A "de-powered" city of San Angelo can provide a
tumble days of the Gold Rush, a perfect opportunity relatively mundane backdrop to spine-tingling adven-
for some Western Hero adventuring. tures in a Horror Hero campaign.
GMs interested in reconstructing Old San Angelo After all, foul creatures of the night, minions of for- NUMBER
are advised to examine the timeline in Welcome to gotten gods and other terrors are bound to be all the
Clry rA Son Angolo -45-00 -

more surprising, and hence, frightening, when they are in a pulp adventure campaign are advised to examine
found in a typical American city instead of some the timeline in Welcome to San Angelo. Some neigh-
haunted moor or ancient castle. borhood descriptions in A Description of San Angelo
The contrast between the ghastly night-time world also contain references to the early days of the city,
of the PCs and the sunlit, everyday San Angelo around and several corporations outlined in Life in San
them also fits well with the Horror Hero genre. Angelo got their start in this time period.
For a really different campaign, elements of Horror
Hero and Champions could be blended in a San Angelo Fantasy Hero
where paranormal powers are rare and unacknowledged. This may be the least appropriate genre for San
Supers conceal their bizarre powers in a dark, para- Angelo. As a modern metropolis, San Angelo has little
noid world laced with government conspiracies, corpo- in common with the rustic towns and villages found
rate schemes, mad scientists and freakish occurrences. in most fantasy worlds.
The PCs might be supers themselves, or normals who However, the city could be used as the setting for a
are somehow drawn into this twilight world of super- modern Fantasy Hero campaign, in which magic is
powers and secrets. real and the dimensional boundaries twixt Earth and
Faerie have been breached. Magicians, witches and
Pulp Adventure other spell-casters could exist, but keep their powers
The two-fisted, high-adventure world of pulp-era hid<len. Likewise, dragons, shapeshifters and assorted
heroes also occupies a place in San Angelo's history. magical creatures might move unseen through the
The 1930s exploits of the Argonaut Society, an or- world.
ganization of explorers, air aces, archeologists and As described under Horror Hero, the contrast between
other adventurers, are described in Life in San Angelo. the mystic world of the heroes and the everyday go-
As with Western Hero campaigns, GMs interested ings-on around them is a hallmark of such campaigns.

Additional Information
Not all the information in San Angelo: City ofHeroes is presented in the main body of text. Look for these
layout features for additional details on the city or how to use it:

Campaign Tip I GM's Option I
These boxes contain hints on how to use the in- I These boxes offer suggestions on customiz- I
formation presented in this book to create better I ing your campaign to suit your preferences and I
characters or adventures. I gaming style. I
These highlight extra details, such as organiza- ·---------------~
tion charts, Champions statistics for equipment and
Top IO lists for San Angelo. This information has
Quotes from San Angelo residents are scat-
been set apart from the main text to make it easier to tered in the page margins thro1ighout the book.
find. Some describe momentous events ofthe past, while
Many of the Top IO lists contain open slots for others pass on interesting rumors.
players or GMs to fill in. This allows you to easily Mostly, howeve1; these quotes offer insights into
add elements of your existing campaign or to cus· how ordinary citizens view San Angelo and its resi-
PAGE dent supers.
NUMBER tomize a new campaign.

C1C'/ OI S." AnV"IO
Welcome To San Angelo
·~ -

San Angelo is an attractive, lively city of nearly San Angelo is a fictional metropolis blending ele-
3 million souls that traces its history to the Span- ments of Los Angeles, San Francisco, Sacramento and
ish missions of the 1700s and the Gold Rush of other West Coast cities to provide a vivid, detailed
the 1800s. background for Champions campaigns.
First a rough-and-tumble mining camp, then a Government, law enforcement and other aspects of
railroad town and agricultural center, San Angelo city life are modeled after real-world examples and
has today grown into a major urban center with a carefully integrated with fictional elements inspired
diverse economy. High-tech industries, along with by the four-color comics.
banking, insurance and public sector jobs, fuel a The city is presumed to be somewhere in the Central
robust local economy. Valley of Northern California, but its exact location
The towering skyscrapers of City Center, where has been left vague in the tradition of the comics.
million-dollar deals are brokered every day, are a
key stop for visitors, and tours of the bustling Per- r----------------~
egrine Aircraft plant and other top industries are I GM's Option
offered regularly. San Angelo can easily be relocated to another
But modem San Angelo hasn't forgotten its heri- part of the country. Other Western states, particu-
tage. The beautifully restored Mission San Ange- larly those with a mining heritage, will work best,
les, historic Old San Angelo and Brackett House but GMs willing to do a little extra work can adapt
Museum are just a few must-see stops for his- the city to an East Coast, Midwest or even South-
tory-minded visitors. ern setting.
Built at the confluence of two rivers near lovely For example, a GM who wishes to use San
Lake Oro, the city offeres tourists a vast array of Angelo in Texas will find many aspects of the
recreation, sports and entertainment options. Bi- city, such as the Mission San Angeles, carry over
cycling, jogging and walking along the lush Del seamlessly. A few minutes spent changing the
Oro River Parkway are popular pastimes. Water gold-mining references to denote oil-drilling, such
sports on the two rivers and lake are equally popu- as renaming Prospector Bank to Wildcatter Bank,
lar, and San Angelo boasts two professional sports will yield a city well-suited to a Texas locale.
teams for your enjoyment. Or, as described in the Introduction, if convert-
An agreeable climate of warm summers and mild ing the city seems like too much work, GMs can
winters makes outdoor activities especially entic- just incorporate the appropriate elements of San
ing. Angelo into an original creation or a real-life city.
But San Angelo also has a spirited nightlife, with
many nightclubs, live music venues and fine din- ~----------------·
ing spots catering to almost any taste. Fine arts
connoiseurs will find the Center for the Perform- 1- S n Angelo
ing Arts and Historic San Angelo Opera House The Real. sa Angeo-~
\ (!,,n Angelo.
entrancing. Numerous theaters, art galleries and -ri1ere really i sa an l. est Texas about
'' . entra w . .
museums also call the city home. Texas. Located in c f pal\as. the real ctty
And no description of San Angelo could possi- 260 mHes soothwcst o \ din the I g70s and
was fo\ln< e
bly be complete without a mention of the colorful, of San AngeIo . . d al g4 .ooo.
awe-inspiring superheroes who dwell there ... i..a . a population esttrnate e ila111e the fie-
,,~ · thesam '
- San Angelo Visitor's Guide, Aside from sharing \ al san Angelo have
. I San Angelo an<. re
San Angelo Chamber of Commerce ti 0 na .
no connect10n.


<:Hy of Stl\ 4ngt1D 4500 -

Welcome To San Angelo

Basic Premises kid

"My firs1 to San Angelo? u'ell 1
· m , was ust a
This book is based on certain suppositions about the - i:ottldn t have been more than JO years old I
"'~~Ile mil 1m 1•ac·nrio11 i~·ir/J my .fami(l: · ·
world of San Angelo. . ~e suw all the .~iglm you read about . t'
The first, of course, is that superpowers are real. But guiiJf'i.. k l 'b m r1e
"''' 011 .r: 1 (?rn• f!,.,.11a..,. 11 , .. - . , •
. _, '"• IC K'/1'""' Ti.owar.
the origin and frequency of superpowered individu- M.111111eman
l'tW I
c·'~·Ie ... I e1•e11 dmgged m"'..v parems c •
als, state of technology, existence of aliens and role of ·,..~ ~'."place:" Ill Sky R<1118er'.<; memoir.1-, like /Jartm
supers in society are also vital considerations. UM.~ old hideom. Except they'd tom ii II ,,
years a uown
San Angelo: City of Heroes takes a slightly conser- . ago to 11wke mon1 .for an office buil l' B
how wa.I' I 10 klll/11'? t mg. ut
vative approach to these questions.
Frankly, the world posited by many comic books and "No, The Twister's rest<111ra111 '1ot'11 '1 • I
Tl · . '· 1
' e~e11 npe11ec
yet. w1swr fwd Just .~tarted out as" hero ha,·k
Champions campaigns just doesn't make sense. For ex-
then. Y..111 klw111, he Wt1s the first super I ei;,. ..
ample, heroes travel by starships and teleport devices as a Our f. r a. · r "''' .~mH
''~ ay '" .um A11gefo, we well' t.wning ' t >f
matter of routine, but ordinary citizens still drive to work tllf! Metropoliru11 M1t:tt!11m and I .ww him f1v o' o
each day in polluting, unreliable automobiles. overhead rhm h ·
.. · . · ·
· ig l'Clf'e hl/lowi11!( behind fiim
Or, to take another example, aliens are almost ev- I out lu·re <IS roon ,,.. I I 1 ...
I· l · " gnu uatei from
erywhere, but there are no interstellar embassies or .r. ' school.
ug • I mean' how cou/'(I.11 .I'I<n1 Oil trll!
' fa1111
trade accords. In fact, the governments of Earth seem a,rer seemg .romc1hil1g like 1/mf!"
to have no formal contacts with extra-terrestrial life at - Kenny Anderson, 22, laborer
all - aside from the occasional invasion, of course.
A restrained view of these genre elements paves the way
for a diverse and colorful world that still bears some re- Origins
semblance to our own. This needn't be a restriction on the The first part of any good superhero story is the ori-
imagination or creativity ofgamers, however. gin - just how did she get those amazing powers,
Even if the existence of aliens is not commonly known, GMs anyway? The origin and frequency of superpowered
and players can still create alien characters who hide their other- individuals are crucial considerations in defining the
worldly origins from the public. Likewise, the rarity of high world of San Angelo.
technology doesn't preclude the existence of a hero in powered
armor or a villainous mad inventor.
In fact, using these genre elements with restraint can
Origin of Superpowers
make such characters more, not less, interesting and The existence of all superpowers in the world of San
fun to play. And fun, not strict realism, is the goal. Angelo can be traced to the creation of two

GM's Option
singularities, one in 1936 and the second in 1982.
A singularity is a point in space-time at which the
laws of physics do not apply. In short, anything can
If you or your players disagree with some of these
premises, change them! You and you alone are in charge happen in a singularity.
of your Champions campaign. Make it one that will In nature, singularities can be created when a star
offer the most enjoyment to you imtl your players. collapses so completely that it gains infinite density
&m Angelo: City of 1-/eroex is a resource. not a and gravity, while occupying a point in space so in-
straitjacket. Uae the portions you find useful, und significant as to be infinitely small. Black holes , for
disregard the purrs you don ' t example, are a form of singularity with a gravity so
GMs should be aware, however, that future Gold intense that even light cannot escape.
Rush Games products set in San Angelo will he But physicists think other singularities may be so small
NUMBER based on these premises in the interest of product as to allow the occasional emission of particles. Such
continuity and cohesiveness. singularities are thought to be inherently unstable.
1$_ ~a, or S.n 4.ogolO •$00 -

Welcome To San Angelo

The nature of the changes

sparked by the flux varies
greatly. Some people exhibit
only latent or minor powers,
while others are capable of de-
stroying entire cities - or
In some cases, the change al-
ters the appearance, physiol-
ogy and even personality of
the person. A body of living
steel or a nightmarish
insectoid form are just two
The link between the
singularities, flux energies and
The two singularities created in San Angelo were of superpowers is not commonly known, however. Even
the second type. supers do not recognize the connection.
Both singularities emitted bursts of a bizarre energy
While a few researchers are investigating the possi-
known as "flux radiation." Invisible and undetectable,
bility of a tie between supers and the flux, the bi-
the flux has an odd effect on the ,.....~-------
world of San Angelo, bringing the
Singularities zarre nature of singularities complicates their task.
For example, singularities do not deal with time
improbable and impossible to life. Siagufarities are a re11l-
in a linear fashion, as do humans. A singularity's
A catalyst rather than a cause, flux life phenomena s1 ill being
studied by scientists. Of effects could well extend into what we see as the
energies seem to bend reality in course. singularities have
future, or even the past. In fact, supers could have
some inconceivable way. OC\'cr given unyone on our been created by the flux before the "creation" of
The most visible change Eanh superpower" - a1
the first singularity!
wrought by the flux is the creation least. as for as we know!
For more mfonnalion on This might account for the mystic powers or en-
of superhumans, individuals sud-
real-life i;ingufarities, hanced abilities attributed to many heroes of an-
denly endowed with astonishing check out some of the
cient myths and legends, as well as numerous su-
powers and abilities formerly seen books listed in 111': Refer-
pernatural creatures.
exclusively in the world of comic encC" section or the Bihli-
Theother-dimensional energies of
ogr11phy m the end of San
A11gelo: C;,y <if Heme.r. Frequency of Superpowers
the flux do not directly create super- The first singularity, created by accident in a gov-
powers, but rather allow them to exist where they would ernment lab in San Angelo in 1936, was unstable and
otherwise be considered unthinkable. collapsed almost immediately.
No one can tell who will be affected and who will The resultant brief burst of flux energies had a slight
not, or exactly what brings about these changes. Some reality-altering effect on the world, inducing creation
individuals gain their powers following bizarre acci- of only a handful of relatively low-powered
dents, while others attribute them to mutations, ex- paranormals concentrated on San Angelo.
periments gone awry, cosmic energies, magic or di- The second singularity, created by scientist Hal
vine influence. Revette in 1982, remains active, though the destruc-
The handful of children born to superhumans to date tion of Revette's containment system prompted thelli GE•
has proven that, at least in some cases, superpowers infinitely dense singularity to sink into the Earth. It ~~eER
can be passed on from generation to generation.
settled into an elliptical orbit around the planet's core.~
As the epicenter from all over the globe - boosting the ratio of supers
one of these new- of the initial burst to normals far beyond the statistical average.
~ fm~gled hemes can hold a
,Rcandle to the M'
of reality-bending
flux energies, the
Finally, not every paranormal develops full -fledged
superpowers. A high percentage have perhaps one or
e was the fir.rt, I rel/ . San Angelo area ex- two minor powers, which may even be latent or un-
} you, and he didn ~ need perienced the high- controllable. These individuals are known as low-pow-

any fancy supe1power.r to
get the 1·oh -' .
cmne. llt!lfher. ..
est concentration of
unexplainable phe-
ered metahumans, or LPMs.
Most LPMs choose not to become heroes or crimi-

l - Ervm Baumgartner. nomena, including

83, rerired the creation of
nals. Some keep their powers hidden, or are unaware
that they even exist, while others try to take advantage
of their special abilities in their work. For example,
Since the singularity continues to emit flux energies, San Angelo house painter Jeremiah Trent uses his
new superhumans are still being created around the stretching powers to work without a ladder, scaffold-
globe - particularly when the singularity's irregular ing or other special equipment, but he's not interested
orbit takes it close to the surface. in becoming a costumed crimefighter.
The Earth' s crust seems to deflect or dilute the ener-
gies emanating from the singularity, however, slowing
the rate of superhuman manifestations and other im-
The World
Superpowers aside, the world of San Angelo features
The frequency of modern supers seems to be about 1 a few other classic elements of the comics and Cham-
pions campaigns worth noting.
in 250,000. This means there are approximately 1,000
supers in the United States at any given time.
This represents only a statistical average, however. Aliens
Some regions have fewer supers, while others, espe- The existence ofextra-terrestrial life remains an open
cially major cities, are home to higher concentrations question for most citizens of San Angelo. Some people
of paranormals. argue passionately that aliens exist, while others con-
With a population of about 3 million, San Angelo tend just as ardently that humankind is alone in the
would have about 12 resident supers. Since the actual universe.
number of active supers in the city is far higher, it's Reported encounters with UFOs or aliens are rou-
clear that strict statistical averages are not always ac- tine!y dismissed by skeptics and the government as out-
curate. right lies, misunderstandings ofnatural phenomena, en-
In the case of San Angelo, its status as a key popula- counters with supers or other mistakes.
tion center and a well-known focus of superhuman ac- If aliens do walk among the people of San Angelo,
tivity has attracted paranormals they have hidden their existence well- no doubt aided
by the profusion of supers, many of whom sport bi-
,. ·1ce I 'Hey, you're that Azteca guy.' zarre appearances, powers and personalities.
U , go, ' dI 'So hey
and he goes, 'Guess I am,' an ~o, . ' ,
dates?· Arul lies like, Magic
'~so you .ever ~oa-~~ I'm ati. 'Well, Pm 16 nexl Magic, hitherto consigned to rumor and supposition,
ometimes, nu · ' ·'k J guess
' l 'ke 'Gotta go. i.;I e. has burst into reality courtesy of the inexplicable flux
month,, and hes z ' - . ·r.ww? ''
{ h on a mission or somcuf11ng, yof/ It , energies flooding the Earth.
e was - Tiffany Ambrose, 15, student The blurring of the line between possible and impos-
sible puts wizards, witches and other mystic mas

) Ct!y !JI $•n 4nOolo • SOO -
~ "Yes, I did say she was
r. u(ful womt.111
Welcome To San Angelo
"/was worlcingfor 1l1e mosr ueti v• h
I ever s<1w. b111. honey'. .i e
Professor Rabinowitz up )
ters on equal footing with was cor11rolli11g 1111 mmd searchers. The extreme effort and
in the observatory in the
hills above Lake Oro - their superhuman counter- ui ihe 1ime!" expense involved make creation
lousy pay, but I got parts. Whether powered by - Kur\ Sanchet.. 24' of a duplicate unlikely, and mass
course credit at CSUSA. ley lines, elemental forces construction worker production of such suits nearly
Anyway. I was alone up or even vile necromantic L inconceivable.
there one night when I
saw it. A bright, glowing rituals, their spells are fully as In addition, the presence of at least two time travelers
object passing through effective and powerful as those from the 21st century in modern San Angelo has accel-
Ursa Major. of legendary spell-casters. erated the development of technology in certain fields.
"At first I thought I'd Indeed, the time-defying na- Finally, the influence of the flux on technology can-
discovered a comet.
ture of the singularities respon- not be discounted. Some of the gadgets carried by su-
Then it changed course.
And this wasn't any sible for the flux could account pers simply should not work. They violate accepted
plane - at the end, it for tales of magician s and scientific principles, use inexplicable energy sources
split into five smaller sorcerors down through the or represent fantastic advances in manufacturing. Cop-
lights that shot off in all ages. ies of these devices are rarely possible, and working
directiotis. Plus, some of
the instruments at the Unlike most superheroes, replicas are rarer still.
lab picked it up, so I however, mystic masters tend to Many of the inventions of so-called "mad scientists"
knew I wasn't just seeing stay out of the limelight-per- or rogue geniuses fall into this category.
things. haps due to the oft-stated belief In any case, examples of hyper-advanced technology
"The Prof got really
that ordinary folk could never are rare and often singular.
excited and had me
check with the local truly understand the unseen ar-
airports for radar cane forces at work in the "What are the&e supers teaching o~r chil- .
records, but no luck. So world.
a few days later. this Air dnn .? That might makes right, and,q violence ts
Fmce im~.~tiRator .thows the m1ly so/11tio11 ro eve1' problem.
lip, interviews me for Science and _ Mary Ann Battaglia, 36~ homemaker
two hour.~ mu/ <:w~li.~- Technolgy
Ctlll!tt '"l
011r rec:orcl.v 011
The world of San Angelo par-
tlll' thi11g.
"The Proffinally got allels 1990s Eruth in technology The Role of Supers
alwld of the Air Force and science for the most part. Just how do these superpowered heroes, mysterious
report abow a year This applies to supers as well wizards, crackpot inventors and megalomaniacal arch-
later. They detemlined
- get this - it was 'an as normals. A few San Angelo villains fit into the world around them? Perhaps more
unidentified paranor- companies are extremely high- importantly. how does the person in the street feel about
mal. ' Yeah, sure. " tech by our standards, but these them?
- Curtii; Kwan. 26. are based primarily on exLrapo- The emergence of super powers has certainly rede-
gr11du11te sludent
lations of existing technology. fined the world of San Angelo in some subtle and not-
For example, Helix Technolo- so-subtle ways.
gies has produced a human clone. While this might seem While the activities of supers are responsible for intro-
far-fetched, researchers on our Earth have already suc- ducing some new concepts to the world - costumed
ceeded in cloning frogs, mice and sheep. crimefighters, for example-in most cases the ramifica-
Hyper-advanced technology, representing huge leaps tions of superpowers are dealt with in the context of exist-
in scientific or technical concepts, also exists in San ing laws, organizations and other aspects of society.
Angelo, but generally represents the fruit of intense la- For example, no independent law enforcement agency
bor or isolated cases of individual brilliance. has yet been formed to battle superhuman crime. But
For example, the powered armor worn by the hero numerous existing agencies. from the FBI to local po- GE
Cavalier is the product of a vast top-secret military Iice departmenLs,. have created specialized squads or r~'"
project involving billions of dollars and dozens of re- bureaus to <lea) with the problem. 5
"Somebody tum on the TV, quick! No, no,
Although supers may feel remote from normal soci- Channel 7! KABL has a special bulletin - the
ety at times, supers and normals live in the same world. Justice Foundation just radioed an alert about
,, , ..
"8e"$1 Girl'! Why <ltJ you Well{! to know al>our l~r? a stolen nuclear warhead. Hurry up. .
look. I hm~ Reds. Now I'm /Wt Sllying you we one, - Jeff Warner, 28, auto mechanic
bur I liare 'em."
~-~-~---~--- Nate Rangel, 72, retired ties, though they are still subject to the same laws, regu-
lations and procedures as any other citizen.
Supers and Government For the most part, matters involving American su-
Every nation bas reacted differently to the emergence pers are handled by the appropriate branch or bureau
of supers. In totalitarian states, many supers simply of the local, state and federal governments.
disappear - whether into secret Jabs, prisons or elite For example, a super involved in drug smuggling
military units is impossible to say. The only public he- mightbe investigated by the DrugEnforcementAgency,
roes are official government supers. while the FBI or CIA would deal with the case of an
Less repressive regimes may not force all supers into international super-spy. Likewise, a super who emits
government service, but still keep a tight rein on the toxic chemicals could draw the attention of the EPA.
activities of unsanctioned paranormals. And a few na- On all levels, the U.S. government has been slow to
tions have so few supers ac; to make formulating an recruitsuperpowered individuals for jobs or official po-
official policy moot. sitions - perhaps out of fear of making a misstep.
In the United States, a high concentration of supers There are rumors that the American armed forces have
coupled with a tradition of personal freedom have com- organized secret units of paranormals, though such re-
bined to give paranormals wide latitude in their activi- ports are denied by military leaders.


City ol S10 Ai>qwlo 'SQQ -

Welcome To San Angelo

Supers and the Law Of course, most attorneys aren't interested in taking
The existence of superpowers has sparked the cre- cases in which the person being sued has no way of
ation of some new laws to deal with specific problems, paying a judgment. A destitute hero, or one whose true
but for the most part the activities of supers are cov- identity is a secret, isn't a good target for a civil suit.
ered by existing statutes. Even if a suit does come to trial, few juries are likely
A person who uses her flame powers to steal a proto- to enter an award against a hero - especially in a case
type beamgun is still guilty of armed robbery despite her filed by a criminal - as long as the hero has acted
somewhat flashy M.0., for example. Likewise, using su- fairly responsibly and reasonably.
per-strength to thrash an innocent bystander is battery -
potentially battery causing great bodily injury. Sanctioned Heroes
Most states have passed laws equating the use of su- Sanctioned heroes are supers who work directly with
perpowers in a crime with the use of a deadly weapon, police or other law enforcement agencies, either as out-
providing for enhanced sentences of criminal supers. right employees or under some kind of formal agree-
The activities of non-sanctioned crimefighters are also ment. As a result, they are bound by the same restric-
largely covered by pre-existing statutes. tions and procedures as other peace officers. In return,
In most states, ordinary citizens have nearly as much power sanctioned heroes have full police powers within the
and authority to make arrests a~ peace officers. They are jurisdiction of the .sanctioning agency, not to mention
access to personnel, equipment and confidential records.
even allowed to use force if necessary, as long as the force
Most law enforcement agencies require sanctioned
used is reasonable to overcome resistance to the arrest.
heroes to reveal their true identities - at least to the
The legal blame for property damage, injuries to agency - undergo background checks and go through
bystanders and other mayhem resulting from a super- special training.
battle is normally pinned on the criminal whose resis- In San Angelo, the City Council or Board of Supervi-
tance caused the ruckus in the first place. sors must approve sanctioning agreements with heroes.
Also, independent heroes are not held to the same The Justice Foundation hero team is sanctioned by the
standard as peace officers in matters of warrants, city and county.
searches and so on. Evidence collected by private citi- Non-sanctioned, or independent, heroes may well have
zens can still be used in court even though it would be informal relationships with law enforcement agencies
but essentially operate as private citizens. They have
thrown out if it had been gathered by officers using
no police powers and are subject to arrest themselves if
the same methods.
they break the law. Non-sanctioned heroes normally do
Although independent heroes could be called vigi- not have access to confidential files, though some have
lantes, in practice the word usually refers to individu- been known to obtain such material through "friends
als who break the law in the name of justice. A super on the force."
who killed suspected criminals instead of turning them Most heroes are non-sanctioned, trading the protec-
over to police would be a vigilante, for example. tions and resources of sanctioning for the freedom to
Vigilantes are certainly subject to arrest for their operate outside the rules and procedures constraining
crimes, and particularly violent or bloody vigilantes may "official" heroes.
be hunted by police almost as much as criminal supers.
While criminal laws may protect independent he- r----------------~
roes from being arrested, as long as they act responsi-
I Additional Information I
bly, they are no protection against civil suits.
I GMs and players interested in a comprehensive look I
I at how the existence of superheroes and supervillains I
Heroes can be sued for causing injuries, property dam- I might affect the legal system should check out Dark I
age, even emotional distress. Not only can innocent I Champions: Heroes of Vengeance by Steven S. Long. I
bystanders file suit, so can the criminals!
L----------------.1,~~~ AGE

c.ry of $.tl11 £ng1.1lo
Welcome To San Angelo
4'>00 -
Supers and Society Some choose to use their powers to benefit society,
Supers have a unique role in society. Their incredible motivated by altruism, a desire for fame, religious faith
powers and amazing adventures accord them a celeb- or just a flair for adventure. Others see their superhu-
rity formerly reserved for the most popular actors and man abilities as a pa~h to riches. power, revenge or
models. even world domination.
The public is hungry for news of their fantastic doings, But many supers fall somewhere between these two
devouring endless news stories and magazine articles on extremes. They may be heroes or criminals, but often
high-profile heroes and their enemies. Public battles be- take on these roles unwillingly. A desperate financial
tween supers are likely to attract every news crew in the situation could push a super over the edge just as eas-
city, not to mention crowds of gawkers. ily as a normal. Likewise, family pressure could force
Fans seek their autographs, memorabilia and even the son of an illustrious hero into the crimefighting
political opinions. Some supers have cashed in on their business, regardless of his personal desires.
celebrity by marketing licensed comic books or other Other supers are busy pursuing personal goals, and
merchandise. a few just want to be left alone.
Even those supers who shun the spotlight attract plenty On the criminal side of the street, a few organized
of attention when they reveal their powers in public. crime groups have taken advantage of the existence
Behind the public adoration, however, lies another of supers to boost their power. For example, yakuza
face. Envy, prejudice and fear are also parl of the equa- syndicates and Chinese tongs are known to employ a
tion when it comes to the public's view of paranormals. handful of superpowered members.
The god-like feats of supers can inspire resentment The Mafia, on the other hand, tends to be more old-
in normals, while the pampered lifestyles of a handful fashioned and shuns the use of supers, who attract all
of high-profile heroes are a source of jealousy. kinds of unwanted attention.
And even those who admire the good deeds of he- Most supers involved in organized crime activities are
roes worry about what might happen if those powers simply hired guns, but a few are full-fledged members of
were ever turned against normals. the organization. They are a part of the hierarchy, subject
Just how do the supers themselves feel about their to the same orders and discipline as any other soldier.
powers? For example, a Chinese super who joins a tong may
For some people, the granting of superpowers ful- be richly rewarded and reserved for special assign-
fills a life-long dream, while others find their newfound ments, but he still must obey the commands of his
abilities a curse. superiors and conform to other tong expectations.

Timeline 1s28 1848

This section provides a timeline of Aprl~ 22: The. Mexican government January 24: James Marshall discovers
important dates and events in the history seculanzes the M1ss1on San Angeles and gold at Sutler's Mill in Coloma on the
of San Angelo. Actual "real-world" grants much of its la~d to rancher Juan American River, starting the California
events are not listed. unless they some- Madera, who establishes the Rancho Gold Rush.
how involve or affect San Angelo. Madera. . February 2: The Treaty of Guadelupe
November 30: The Church Hidalgo t:nus the Mexican-American War
• S 1792 .h . c d h closes the now-reduced M1ss10n San An- and cedes California to the United States.
Au t 12. pams pnests 1oun t e
Mission San An M" . f h ge1es, regar ded as of a f ru·1 ure The treaty signers are unaware of the dis-
H · An geh1es, or fl iss10n of t e as it has attracted few converts from covery of gold a few days earlier
1 . gNe1s,that t Ce c_ofn ~ence 0 two
. oeys nearby California Indian tribes. June 14: The land holdings of rancher
nv r m or em a11 orma. 1846 Juan Madera are apportioned to an assort-
1821 June 15: The Bear Flag Rebellion be- ment of squatters and other American
September 27: After two revolution- gins in Sonoma and the California Re- claimants. Madera returns to Mexico.
ary wars, Mexico wins its independence public is declared. Less than a month 1850
PAGE from Spain and gains possession of Cali- later, U.S. Marines land at Monterey and March 21: Indiana farmer Samuel
fornia. claim California for the United States. Brackett packs up his family and sets out
~- cr11 o1 lien Ano• •500 -

Welcome To San Angelo

For the most part, however, criminal supers operate

"/ run a sidewalk fruit stand outside my market,
independently of organized crime. and one morning I'm out there sweeping up the
In the final analysis, superhumans in San Angelo are walk. Old Mr. Brodsky is complaining about the
just like anyone else. Some are good. Some are bad. spots on my oranges - I keep telling him, those are
And most just do the best they can. the organics, they're supposed to have spots, but
does he listen to me?
"This other regular custome1; I don't know her
name, I call her the Squeezer. She comes in every
Terms and Conventions day, squeezes all the fruits and vegetables, bmises
In the world of San Angelo, people with super- them up real good. Well, she's there too, squeezing
powers are commonly known as supers. Official away. I'm keeping an eye on this you11g guy hanging
titles, such as names of government agencies, tend around, making sure he's not pocketing anything,
to use the term paranormals. Supers who use their when suddenly these hoodlums come /earing up the
powers to fight crime, perform rescues and accom-
"There's two of them, real wild-looking, and one
plish other good works are sometimes called he- yanks the Squeezer's purse right off her am1 as they
roes. nm by. She takes a tumble and starts s<;reaming.
These phrases are used throughout the main text "Well, old Mr. Brodsky trips one of them up with
of San Angelo: City of Heroes. his cane. But the second punk. the one with the
The terms "villain" and "supervillain" are not usu- purse, he'.r getting away. Then the young guy grabs
ally used in the world of San Angelo. In a nation an apple, winds up and throws it. Bing! Right in the
where people are considered innocent until proven back of the head, and the hood goes down. I talked
guilty, labeling someone a villain - not to men- to the kid later; turns out he's the pitcher on his high
1' tion a supervillain - raises all kinds of legal and school baseball team.
"Some people think the only heroes around here
ethical concerns.
are the ones up in the sky. I know better."
Note that this style only applies to "real-world"
- James Frankel, 52, market owner
information in San Angelo: City of Heroes. Game-
oriented material, such as the Campaign Tips and
GM's Option boxes, use all of these phrases for "San A11gelo is the Golt/en City. Wlietller its 24
convenience and variety. karat or fool's golcl depends on who you OSK. •
- Paul Quigley, 42, newspaper colurnmst

to win his fortune in California. The months of fruitless panning. Word of the become the neighborhoodof Poverty Gulch.
fami ly joins a wagon train in Indepen- discovery spreads. and prospectors flock July 4: After a long day of celebrating
dence, Mo., bound for the gold fields. to San Angelo. Independence Day, drunken prospectors
September 9 : The U.S. Congress ad- April 20: Amos Barnes founds the first form the Miner's Protective Association
mits California to the union as a free general store in San Angelo and strikes it and hang a suspected claim jumper. The
state. rich selling supplies to the hordes of gold association is the first of several vigilance
September 19: The wagon train con- miners. committees to operate in the San Angelo
taining the Brackett family arrives at September 2: The first mu rder in San mining camps.
the ri ver confluence near the abandoned Angelo takes place when a quarrel over a November 21: A vigilante association
Mission San Angeles . The settlers claim turns violent. The town soon gains a kills the town marshal when he tries to pre-
found a town, named after the nearby reputation as a rowdy, violent place of sa- vent them from lynching a prisoner at the
mission, but cartographers mistakenly loons, street brawls, dance halls, squalid San Angelo Jail. Future marshals let the
record it as San Angelo and the altered mining camps and frequen t shoot-outs. vigilantes operate unchecked.
name sticks. 1854 1856
1852 May 12: The First Baptist Church of San June 30: Exaggerated tales of the kill-
.January 18: Samuel Brackett discov- Angelo, the first non-Catholic church built ing of a prospector by a Native American PAGE
ers gold in the Del Oro Ri ver after 18 in the town, is dedicated in what will later prompt the Indian Springs Massacre. An
'Llw.11 Clly of Sen /lngoto

Welcome To San Angelo

4500 -

"I love !{Oi11g U> Twi.tter's mrd seeing <11/ tile
supers memorabilia. 11rey have Iii\' oltl t<.1, twne, uf
<:011rse, tAJu/ the (i1aui11m du1i11 rlwf Cbairi cc1rried,
San Angelo
San Angelo is a thriving modem American metropo-
a11d some of Lm1gl>mv 's arrows. Olr. lie:~ from
Sea ff le - llit'y luwe Stt{fffrom all over '" Twi.~rer 's. lis. Millions of people call the city and its surrounding
"Right now I'm 4'(1Vi11g up for ti ticket to 1/ie communities home, making San Angelo the sixth-larg-
diariry bt11/ for t/1e wo1ne11 '.\' ceme1: I hear r/1e est city in the U.S .
J11s1ice fow1dati1111 will be tire~. f llope I ca11 get A hub of business activity, the city has a diverse eco-
Corona\. <111wgrap/I." nomic base and an expanding role in the world of high-
- Stacy Chung, 24, becretary tech industry. Several top international corporations
are based in the area.
San Angelo is also a city of contrasts. Glittering high-
Design Considerations society balls take place just a few blocks from gritty soup
Along with the basic suppositions about the world, San
kitchens and shelters. Mom-and-pop groceries exist side
Angelo: City of Heroes is based on certain principles of
world-building. Here are a few: by side with the soaring skyscrapers of multibillion-dol-
• The PCs are the most important heroes in the lar corporations. Suburbs of winding streets and neatly
campaign. manicured lawns lie a few miles away from inner-city
• Supers are people with powers, not the other way neighborhoods rife with crime, drugs and violence.
around. And ordinary people look. up from their everyday
• Normals are just as interesting as supers. lives from time to time as the colorful, costumed he-
• There are more heroes and villains around than roes and criminals who share San Angelo with them
just the ones with superpowers. pass by overhead.
• Every PC, NPC and agency should stand out as a
unique entity.
• Diverse ethnic, national and religious backgrounds
make for memorable, realistic NPCs.
Topography and
• In any conflict between realism and fun, fun wins.
• The best campaigns tell a story. Climate
• A good campaign book presents all the informa- Built at the confluence of two rivers in a rich agricul-
tion necessary to start gaming, yet leaves GMs and
tural valley, San Angelo overall has a fairly flat land-
players opportunities to exercise their own creativ-
ity without having to discard parts of the book. scape marked by a few rolling hills.

angry mob attacks an encampment at In· tablished in San Angelo. 1863

dian Springs, killing many Native 1861 January 10: The Robber's Roost
Americans and burning their posses- October 24: The creation of a transcon- Shootout. Marshal Gabriel Price and a
sions. The shameful incident is ignored tinental telegraph line brings about the end posse track ou!law Ethan "Sidewinder"
by local schools and historians for the of the Pony Express. Smith and his band to Robber's Roost,
next 125 years. November 1: Outlaw Ethan north of modern-day Lake Oro.
1858 "Sidewinder" Smith begins robbing stages "Sidewinder" Smith is killed in the sub-
October 7: Civic leaders, tired of the en route to San Angelo. The wily robber sequent gunfight. Price is wounded, but re-
crime and violence dominating San manages to evade several posses led by covers.
Angelo, hire wandering lawman Gabriel Marshal Gabriel Price. 1865
Price to clean up the town. Price names 1862 November 11: Entrepreneur Leland
himself town marshal and begins to run July 1: Scottish immigrant Angus Shaw and banker Jeremiah Bannon found
troublemakers out of town. He also O'Toole publishes the first edition of the the Valley Pacific Railroad to link San
cracks down on the vigilance commit- San Angelo Clarion. The weekly paper will Angelo to the transcontinental rail line
tees, which start to fade away. go on to become one of the two largest daily under construction across the Siena Ne-
PAGE 1860 papers in San Angelo. vadaMountains. The company brings thou-
April 3: A Pony Express stop is es- sands of Chinese laborers to California to

The terrain becomes more hilly to the east, where the Floods, however, pose a grave danger to the city. In
foothills of a sizable mountain range begin just beyond the the early days of San Angelo, flooding from the two
Lakeview area Hills, gorges, ravines and other rough ter- rivers nearly destroyed the town several times. Now
rain also mark the Lake Oro region, and steep bluffs rise the flood control system anchored by Oro Dam keeps
over the Del Oro River below Oro Dam. the problem in check most of the time.
Countless creeks and streams meander throughout But prolonged heavy rainfall can tax the system to its
urban San Angelo. A few have been channeled into limit. Levee breaks on the swollen rivers have flooded
underground culverts or drainage canals, but most re- outlying communities in recent years. Problems in the city
main relatively natural. proper have so far been limited to a handful of flood-prone
The city enjoys a temperate climate, with hot sum- neighborhoods along creeks, however.
mers and mild winters. Temperatures in the summer Earthquakes are a slight concern in San Angelo. The
average 85 degrees, but periodic heat waves push the region is considered fairly stable seismically, and no
mercury to 105 degrees or more. Summer thunder- known faults run through the metropolitan area. The
storms occur occasionally, though skies are generally closest nearby fault is found near the town of Marshall,
clear and humidity tends to be low. which was badly damaged by a 1918 earthquake.
In winter, temperatures range from below freezing to Severe earthquakes along the coast are normally felt
the low 60s. Rainstorms with high winds are frequent, in San Angelo, but rarely cause any damage. In fact,
and heavy morning fogs are encountered almost every day. the relative seismic safety of the region has been a
The sky can be overcast for weeks at a time in winter. major selling point in bringing corporate computing
It very rarely snows in San Angelo, and when it does centers and high-tech industries to the city.
the snow melts within a few hours at most. The foot-
hills and mountains east of the city experience regular Campaign Tip
heavy snowfalls. Supers with weather-control powers are a staple of the
Hail, pounding rainstorms and dangerously high comics and Champions campaigns. While they are un-
winds are about the extent of severe winter weather in likely to induce long-tenn climatic changes, these indi-
San Angelo. Tornadoes can form when conditions are viduals might have a profound short-tenn effect on San
Angelo weather.
right, but seldom last more than a few minutes or cause
GMs can use these NPCs to account for aberrant
much damage. weather or even un-natural disasters in the city. For ex-
Hurricanes and volcanic eruptions are not a threat in ample, San Angelo nonnally has little chance of being
San Angelo, though some peaks in mountain ranges struck by a major earthquake - but when Temblor hits
north of the metropolis are long-dormant volcanoes. town, all bets are off!

help lay tracks . Some of the workers 1873 launches preparations to construct an Old
fou nd the Chinatown neighborhood of April 20: The first public library is es- World cathedral to replace the sadly di-
San Angelo. tablished in San Angelo. lapidated chapel of the old Mission San
1866 September 5 : T he San Angelo Clarion Angeles.
January 1: Gabriel Price steps down reports on the rise of criminal tongs con- October 20: A smallpox epidemic deci-
after 8 years as town marshal. Grateful troll ing illegal gambling. prostitution, mates nearby tribes of California Indians.
San Angelo residents and civic leaders opium dens and other crime in Chinatown. 1886
present him with an engraved gold watch, Efforts to blot out the tongs fail, as do sug-
April 13: Fire again devastates down-
and the aging lawman settles into a quiet gestions to eradicate Chinatown itself. town San Angelo, despite the efforts of the
retirement. 1882 volunteer fire brigade. Twelve buildings
1868 August 30: Fire sweeps through down- are destroyed and four people ki lled.
J<'ebruary 24 : A heavy rainstorm town San Angelo, gutting 23 buildings. August 2: Joshua Price, son of famed
causes the Del Oro River to rise, result- 1884 lawman Gabriel Price, and partner Silas
ing in the worst flooding to dale in San September 12: Newly arrived Bishop Hunter finish construction of the Hunter-
Angelo. Twelve people are killed. Cristoforo D'Amicoclaimsa parcel of land Price Arms factory in Irish Bar. PAGE
outside town for the Catholic Church. He
daily newspaper July 23: The "Hatchet Wars," a bloody
competing against underworld conflict between rival tongs,
the now thrice- erupts in Chinatown over control oft he prof-
weekly San Angelo itable opium and gambling trades.
Clarion. The rival 1927
Clarion switches to May 30: Following nearly nine months
daily editions a of killings, street fighting and other vio-
year later. lence, the "Hatchet Wars" in Chinatown
1915 come to a close. The Wing Chao tong
September 1: emerges as the dominant force in the
University of Cali- Chinatown underworld. A mysterious young
fornia, San Angelo, man known only as T'ien Lung now con-
founded. trols the tong following the assassination
1918 of its former dragon head during the con-
August 3: An flict.
earthquake hits the 1928
town of Marshall, April 25: AdvenLUrerTyler North founds
destroying 12 the Argonaut Society, an assembly of ex-
buildings in the plorers, flying aces and other daredevils.
old - fashioned The society builds a private dining club and
downtown district.
museum in Midtown.
The quake also
causes moderate November 13: Aircraft designer Arnold
damage in San Havelind and pilot Gig Norris form Norris
Angelo. Air in the back of a San Angelo drug store.
Havelind designs racing biplanes for dare-
1919 devil flier Norris.
February 14 :
The conflict in Eu- 1931
rope ended, World February 2: The Whisper, a masked
War I pilot "Ace" c1imefighter, breaks up a liquor smuggling
Braddock returns ring on the San Angelo riverfront. An eerie
1892 home to San Angelo to become a daredevil cloaked figure who operates mostly at night,
May 9: Craftsmen finish construction of barnstormer. Based at a South San Angelo the Whisper strikes fear into the hearts of
the Cathedral of St. Mary, a vast Gothic airstrip that will later become a municipal the city's criminals. He is the first of a hand·
church in a neighborhood that soon be- airport named in his honor, Braddock per- ful of mystery men, dark avengers who fight
comes known as Cathedral Square. But forms at air shows throughout the western for justice in the back alleys of San Angelo.
Bishop Cristoforo D'Amico, still dissatis- United States. 1932
fied, orders construction of other assorted 1923 December 5: Antonio "Hacksaw"
religious structures surrounding the cathe- December 5: Bishop Cristofaro Torricelli establishes a crime family in San
dral. D' Amico dies, bringing to anend the cease- Angelo and takes steps to control the ille-
1897 less construction at the Cathedral of St. gal liquor trade in the city. Torricelli, whose
Mary. claims of ties to East Coast mafia families
November 3: Residents vote to incorpo- are never proven, comes into immediate
rate San Angelo as a city, despite a vigor- 1925 conflict with the Whisper.
ous anti-cityhood campaign by the Valley September 2: The Order of the Knights
Pacific Railroad and other railroad inter- Templar, an ultra·secret fraternal society, 1934
ests. is established in San Angelo by financier July 5: Pilot Gig Norris perishes in a mid-
1898 Andreas Hunt. The club claims to trace its air collision at the San i\ngelo Airshow. His
January 1: San Angelo officially be- history back to a historical order of knight- business partner, Arnold Havelind, renames
comes the newest incorporated city in Cali- hood active in the Crusades. A nondescript their company Peregrine Aircraft and it goes
fornia. The elected City Council takes of- meeting hall is built in Cathedral Square. on to become a top manufacturer of mili-
tary and commercial airplanes.
fice, with Hiram Washington serving as the 1926
first mayor. Pioneer prospector Samuel June 10: Explorer Tyler North discovers 1935
a lost city of the Mayans in the Cenu·al
Brackett, an honored guest at the first coun- September 17: The last known sighting
cil session, dies two days later at the age
American jungle. North and his compatri- of the Whisper. In a battle with the Torricelli
_ _ _.of84. ots fight their way out of an attempt to sac- gang, which took up gun-running follow-
ing the repeal of Prohibition in 1933, the
, ~~GE 1902 rifice them to the ancient Mayan gods, and
cloaked vigilante and his nemesis, gang

March 31: Vernon Fletcher publishes the make a narrow escape when an erupting leader Antonio "Hacksaw" Torricelli, are
tirs1 cdirion of the San Angelo Times, a volcano destroys the lost city.


CIT) al ,, An.g•ie> '&GO -

W I LicLS ILA tlo

killed when a burning warehouse collapses. the world develop superpowers in the wake 1939
The Whisper's body is never found. of the incident, starti ng the so-called Mar ch 13: The Liberty Corps tangles with
1936 Golden Age of heroes. Clockwork and his gang of thugs during a
A ugust 29: A government lab in San 1937 jewel heist at the San Angelo Metropolitan
Angelo accidentally creates what is later Aug ust 21: The Minuteman, a s tar- Museum. Clockwork escapes in the first of
determined to be a singularity, a breakdown spangled hero who flies via a prototype many confrontations with the hero team.
in the laws of space and time. The unstable jetpack, foils a downtown bank robbery. He Decem ber 1: The U.S. Army Air Corps
singularity collapses 6.3 seconds later, but turns the captured gunmen over to the FBI. establishes Forgan Field, named after the
not before flooding the world with a burst The Minuteman exemplifies a new breed first pilot from San Angelo killed in World
of bizarre energy dubbed "flux" radiation of heroes, more colorful and straightfor- War I, in Plea~ant Grove.
by scientists. The strange energy field acts ward than their shadowy predecessors, the 1940
as a catalyst, making the impossible sud- mystery men. February 20: The Liberty Corps foils a
denly possible. A handful of people around 193 8 scheme by Baron Frost to induce anew ice age
June 19: Explorer Tyler North departs on Earth, but not before the madman freezes
EXCERM' FROM .JOURNAi. OF on an expedition to investigate reports of a half of downtown San Angelo. Fortunately, the
AME RICAN SCIENCE: lost valley of prehistoric creatures. He never corps rescues those trapped in the ice and keeps
W/t,.11 one '~"tfldi!rs thr .... ,.1 r •
ret urns, and the Argonaut Society begins property damage toa minimum a~ thecity thaws.
""' ••1S1111r f"'ll'cr
fl«:t'.rsury· Ir> brin11 " .flngulu111v imn bt>t'ng to fade away. 1941
rf11' Sllf(gcsriim tl1w " r:ut/c,·rlt11; of J'dlmrur: July 4: The Liberty Corps forms in San D ecember 8: The United States enters
"'"'Y l11mi accid1111tully CTFutc'Cl """ ill ,1,,. Angelo to battle crime, particularly the World War II. Hundreds of San Angelo resi-
1930s is f 1m1/umc11rnl/y almurL threat posed by newly created superhuman dents enlist or report for military duty. An
Dr. Revette oml hlJ tYJllfague4 c!f 1936 criminals. Founding members are Sky employment boom at Forgan Field brings
t'oultl iw mm-t l1aw• cmued "frt.ak Ranger, Commando X , D r. Oblivion, Night- thousands of out-of-work people to San
r(11gu"1riry thou my 8-yM,.·uld Ja11JllitC'f ingale, Colossal Man and Beast Girl. The Angelo from all over the nation, im:luding,i o---"il
f:Olf/1/ i1mcfl-ertu111/y built/ a /11 i·/011 rr11c1or Minuteman remains independent, but works many African Americans. When land lords
fit;m lier 1!/ic111istry :rt.•/ with the Liberty Corps on occasion. refuse to rent to them, some build their own


crude shacks out of aircraft parts crates in police. Air Corps into the independent U.S. Air
what will eventually become Pleasant November 18: The Liberty Corps of- Force in 1947.
Grove. fers memberships to returned super-vet- 1949
December 15: The Liberty Corps vol- erans Atomic Kid and Silver Samurai. A October 12: The House Committee on
unteers for active military duty. The De- furious Commando X threatens to quit the Un-American Activities, fresh from its in-
partment of War declines, citing the dam- team if Silver Samurai, a Japanese-Ameri- vestigations of Hollywood and the U.S.
age to home-from morale should any he- can, is allowed to join, but Nightingale State Department. begins looking into pos-
roes be killed in overseas combat. The he- persuades him to stay. sible communist leanings in the superhero
roes instead battle saboteurs, spies and 1946 community. HUAC investigators reveal
fifth-columnists in the United States dur- May 29: Tensions between Liberty that Beast Girl once belonged to a college
ing World War II, though there are rumors Corps teammates Commando X and Sil- debate club later identified as a commu-
of covert missions behind enemy lines. ver Samurai ease after a mysterious mis- nist front. No charges are brought, but her
1942 sion to Japan. The two eventually become career as a movie serial star is destroyed
May 7: About 7,500 Japanese and Japa- close friends. and Beast Girl goes into seclusion.
nese-American residents of San Angelo, October 7: Rumors that escaped Nazi 1950
most of whom are farmers, are evacuated leaders and superhumans are forming a August 24: Someone steals an artifact
to internment camps in Modoc County and "Fourth Reich" in South America begin reputed to be the mystical Spear of Des-
Arizona. In all, 110,000 Japanese-Ameri- to circulate. tiny from a traveling exhibit at the San
cans from the West Coast are interned in 1947 Angelo Metropolitan Museum. The relic
spring. February 18: The Piper, a malevolent is never recovered.
November 3: The Minuteman foils a plot entity from another dimension, uses the September 14: The federal government
by the Nazi saboteur Doppelganger to de- arcane power of his magic flute to mind- completes construction of Oro Dam, form-
stroy the Allied Chemicals plant in West control the people of San Angelo. The ing Lake Oro. Along with enhancing flood
San Angelo. Liberty Corps is outlawed and goes on the protection, the dam provides power and
1943 run, pursued by local police and military water for urban San Angelo.
September 29: A Japanese-American forces under the Piper's sway. November 29: The Atomic Kid, who
hero named the Silver Samurai debuts dur- February 21: Relying heavily on the had volunteered for military duty again
ing the Allied invasion of Italy, assisting mystic knowledge of Dr. Oblivion. the after the dissolution of the Liberty Corps,
the 442nd Regimental Combat Team. Stars Liberty Corps battles the Piper and his is reported killed in action in Korea. The
and Stripes later reports that the Silver mind-controlled minions in Cathedral retirement of most heroes, and the incar-
Samurai, a first-generation Japanese- Square. ceration, death or disappearance of their
American whose parents own a San Angelo The Piper is exiled to his home dimen- superhuman foes. brings the Golden Age
fruit orchard, volunteered for duty from the sion, and the people of San Angelo are to a close.
Tule Lake internment camp in Modoc freed from his evil spell. Unbeknownst to 1954
County. the heroes, the Piper's magic flute remains January 18: Investors found Eclipse In-
1945 behind. A passer-by later finds the instru- dustries in San Angelo. The corporation
May 14: The Liberty Corps heads to Eu- ment and sells it to a pawn shop, where it will eventually become a globe-spanning,
rope just days after the fall of Germany to gathers dust for the next SO years. multi-billion-dollar conglomerate.
help round up fleeing Nazi superhumans. April 30: Nightingale and Sky Ranger
of the Liberty Corps are maITied in a beau- 1963
Extensive post-war investigations reveal March 3: The Port of San Angelo opens
that many Nazi "ubermen" died on the tiful ceremony at the Cathedral of St.
to handle the cargo shipping needs of the
battlefield during the final defense of Ger- Mary. Nightingale announces her retire-
many. Others were captured, but a few re- ment from the hero team.
main unaccounted for. August 4: Commando X quits the Lib- 1965
erty Corps, though he and Silver Samurai April 23: The first passenger flight takes
February 19: A new hero dubbed the
remain friends . He becomes a covert gov- off from the newly constructed San Angelo
Atomic Kid appears for the first time in
ernment agent fighting communism in the Metropolitan Airport.
combat on the island of Iwo Jima, helping
U.S. Marines fight their way ashore. U.S. and around the world. 1966
September 20: Released from the intern- 1948 November4: Ma1jorieQuarles becomes
ment camps , Japanese and Japanese- January 1: The Liberty Corps formally the first woman elected to the San Angelo
American families return home to San breaks up, though it has not acted as a City Council.
Angelo. Some find that their neighbors have team in several months. Beast Girl soon March 10: Time traveler Averell
looked after their homes and farms. 0th· signs to star in movie theater serials for a Pendleton arrives in modern San Angelo
ers, however, find their property destroyed Hollywood studio, while her colleagues after fleeing the violent, decaying Earth
or stolen. become solo crimefighters, retire or find of 2061 through a prototype time-gate he
October 2: Threats. arson and violence new careers. had constructed.
PAGE against returning Japancst· :111tl Jnpanese- February 5: Forgan Field is officially 1968
NUMGEA American residents are reported. sume rc- renamed Forgan Air Force Base, in keep- April 2: Liberty Square, a memorial to
puledly involving 101:<11 civit.: teHdcrs and ing with the reorganization of the Army the Golden Age hero team in San Angelo,
CltyofSOnAnlJ'>'O • soo -

Welcome To San Angelo

is dedicated in a ceremony involving most a catalyst to the de-

of the surviving members of the team. The velopment of super-
inclusion ofBeastGirl in a monument statue hu man powers by
of the Liberty Corps sparks some contro- some individuals .
versy over her blacklisting during the post- The greatest concen-
war "Red Scare." Far-right organizations tration of supers are
threaten to picket the dedication, and Beast created near San
Girl does not appear at the ceremony. Angelo, the epicenter
1970 of the radiation, but
J a nuary 17: Averell Pendleton founds paranormals soon ap-
Avalon Enterprises, a company devoted to pear around the
humanitarian research aimed at solving world.
problems such as world hunger and pollu- T he connection be-
tion. tween Revette's
August 5: Marietta Grey establishes the failed experiment,
Temple of Atlantis in Midtown. Grey "flux" radiation and
claims its teachings are based on the spiri- superpowers remains
tual enlightenment passed on to her by spir- unknown, however.
its of ancient Atlantis. 1983
1972 September 13: Af-
March 16: Changes in California earth- ter numerous delays,
quake safety codes force the closure of the the renovated Cathe-
Cathedral of St. Mary and various related dral of St. Mary is re-
buildings. The archdiocesian offices are opened to the public
moved to St. Kieran's Catholic Church in on a limited basis.
City Center. The Catholic Church
decides not to refit
1977 the various other
September 8: Prominent attorney Davis bu ild ings in Cathe-
Mackenzie is convicted of taking bribes in
dra l Square to meet
a scandalous trial that has gripped San earthquake safety
Angelo all summer. His partner. Michael codes, and they re-
Bailey, is sentenced to prison after testify- main closed.
ing against Mackenzie. Archdiocesian offices remainatSt. Kieran's
1978 a prototype time-gate.
Catholic Church downtown.
February 9: Franklin Colt founds Orion November 19: A gunman kills Harvey
1985 Chow, editor of the Chinatown Express
Labs, a research-oriented company that March 2: A wind-powered hero known
soon leaps to the forefront of scientific and newspaper, as the newsman eats his lunch
as Twister appears in San Angelo, rescu- at a Chinatown restaurant. The killer is
technological discovery. ing construction workers from a collapsing never caught, though police link Chow's
1981 building. slaying to his numerous exposes on the
July 29: Harry Hogan, once the Golden April 23: In a ceremony marking the 20th tongs. His daughter, Suzy Chow, takes over
Age hero known as Sky Ranger, publishes anniversary of the San Angelo Metropoli- the Chinatown Express and continues to
Wings of liberty, his memoir on the ad- tan Airport, the rapidly expanding commer- report on organized crime in Chinatown.
ventures of the Liberty Corps. The book is cial hub is renamed the San Angelo Inter-
a moderate best-seller. 1990
national Airport.
Febr uary 5: The Horizon Institute, a
1982 1986 think tank focusing on the supers phenom-
Ma y 27: Physicist Hal Revette, a junior J a n uar y 21 : Kidnappers take the infant enon, is founded.
scientist at the creation of a freak singular- son of wealt hy San Angelo financier Ma rch 15: Former Soviet geneticist
ity in 1936, succeeds in a 45-year effort to Alastair McDermott. Alloy, a superstrong Vladimir Kaminov founds Helix Technolo-
purposely create a singularity. Revette hero with a metallic body, rescues the child. gies with his son and daughter-in-law. Se-
hoped to form a captive singularity as a September I : Marietta Grey takes young cretly funded by time traveler Ren
power source, but an unexpected burst of Kirsten Whitfield, a child with precogni- Westlake, the trio begins an intense effort
energy destroys his equipment and univer- tive dreams, in at the New Age Temple of to build hyper-advanced genetic engineer-
sity laboratory. Revette is believed dead, Atlantis. Whitfield grows up to become ing, cloning and rapid maturation equip-
and the infinitely dense singularity sinks Dream weaver. ment.
below the Earth's surface in an irregular 1988 September 22: Alloy dies at University _ _~
orbit around the planet's core. June 1: Ren Westlake, a fugitive war Medical Center of a rare blood disorder re- PAGE
Like its 1936 predecessor, the singular- crimi nal from 2063, arrives in modern San lated to his living metal body. Thousands NUMBER
ity emits bizarre "flux" radiation, acting as Angelo after fleeing his pursuers through of people attend his funeral.
city ot sa ~ Angolo •ooo -

Welcome To San Angelo tions causes a toxic spill at Allied Chemi- of Supervisors in a special election to replace
cals, an Eclipse Industries subsidiary. Sis- the late Rod Weber.
ters Christina and Maria Spiros are among 1996
1991 those injured.
May 17: The Faraday Memorial Clinic, Janua ry 19: Suffering from amnesia, the
September 19: The first Twisters res-
named for the late hero Kip Faraday, or taurant opens in the fashionable Wharves clone Cameron begins competing in under-
Alloy, opens in midtown. Funded by fin - district. Filled with supers memorabilia, ground pit-fighting bouts - some to the death
ancier Alastair McDermott, the clinic the theme restaurant is owned by retired - as Bloodsport.
treats injured supers and normals caught hero Twister. February 20: Marietta Grey, founder of the
in the crossfire of super-battles. Temple of Atlantis, dies. Her protege,
October 21: Having returned home to
October 29: The Ferret, a superskilled the midwest with her still-comatose sis- Dreamweaver, who has the power to enter and
freelance thief, steals a jewelry collection ter, Christina Spiros discovers that the influence dreams, takes over as head of the
worth hundreds of thousands of dollars mutagenic properties of the toxics spilled New Age temple.
from the home of a wealthy San Angelino at Allied Chemicals have given her sound- May 1: The freelance thief known as the
in his first appearance. Ferret steals materials from an ultra-secure
based powers. She begins to train herself U.S. Army laboratory in the midwest for an
1992 in her newfound abilities. unknown employer.
July 1: The San Angelo Police Depart- December 12: Dr. Anton Megalo goes May 19: Ati:er turning the lab materials over
ment establishes the Paranormal Ale1t Re- underground after authorities discover his to his contractor, the Ferret learns they include
sponse Team to handle incidents involv- cybernetic experiments on patients at San test batches of a deadly plague virus devel-
ing superhuman criminals. T he heavily Angelo County General Hospital. oped by the military. The Ferret infiltrates the
armed, highly trained squad is the fi rst 1995 secret base of his former employer, retrieves
such team to be formed by a local law February 28: Helix Technologies suc- the viral samples and returns them to the Army.
enforcement agency in the United States. ceeds in creating a human clone with peak August 30: An anti-Paragon backlash swells
November 26: The hero, Mind-Master, normal human abili ties. Named Cameron, among San Angeli nos fed up with the perfectly
appears for the first time, foiling a rob- he is rapidly matured in a special nutri- annoying perfectness of the hero. Paragon an-
bery at a high-tech Arroyo Verde labora- ent tank developed by the I.ab. nounces he will not be seeking office in 1996.
tory. April 18: Cloning expert Vladimi r 1997
1993 Kaminov dies in a boating accident on Ma r ch 24: Peter Quayle, a young college
.January 13: Twister prevents Shrap- Lake Oro. Two days later, the Helix Tech- music student, buys a secondhand flute from
nel from carrying out a threat to des troy no lugies lab is <lestroyed in a fire. a Cathedral Square pawn shop. Quayle dis-
City Hall, but suffers crippling injuries Cameron disappears . covers that the flute has arcane powers, and
in the battle. May 7: Peter and .ludy Kaminov resolve takes on the role of the Bard, a mystic protec-
August 9: The thief known as the Fer- to secretly carry on the work of Helix tor of Cathedral Square, as he learns more
ret defeats an ultra-high-tech security sys- Technologies and embark on a crash pro- about the flute's power. He does not know the
tem to steal plans for a prototype fuel cell gram to recreate the lost cloning equip- instrument is actually an ancient magical arti-
from Orion Labs for a corporate rival. ment. fact once used by the Piper.
November 2: A never-before-seen su- May 24: Robin Fleming makes his de- June 3: San Angelo homemaker Mary Anne
per, whom the press dubs Amok, goes on but as Paragon, the Perfect Human, fight- Battaglia founds STOP, or Supers Trashing Our
a destructive rampage through downtown ing crime in San Angelo with perfect pre- Peace, which decries violent public battles
San Angelo, causing extensive property cision according to a perfectly designed between paranormals.
damage. He disappears among the rubble master strategy. The brilliant, handsome July 26: Peregrine Aircraft hires Dynamo,
while police and fire personnel are busy Paragon becomes a public figure, mak- a Georgia superhero who gained fame for be-
rescuing trapped victims. ing television appearances and authoring ing the first superhero to make commercial
1994 articles for prominent magazines. endorsements, as its new security consultant.
J anuary 1: T he Justice Foundation July 2: Amok goes berserk in the Ar- Her actual duties primarily involve public re-
think tank forms a hero team of the same mory neighborhood downtown, demolish- lations work. Dynamo moves to San Angelo.
name. Founding members are leader Co- ing several stores and smashing countless September 18: Photon appears and attempts
rona, Cavalier, Azteca and Savant. cars. The Justice Foundation battles him to free Amok during a hearing at the San
January 21: Peregrine Aircraft donates to a standstill, but the crazed Amok pulls Angelo County Courthouse. The Justice Foun-
a prototype VTOL passenger jet, dubbed a building down around himself and the dation and Paragon battle Photon over down-
the Turbokl, lo Lhe Jusli1,;t: Foundalion. team barely escapes. Amok disappears. town San Angelo, narrowly forcing him to flee.
February 15: Wealthy heir Robin September 30: Supervisor Rod Weber Amo k disappears in the confusion, but
Fleming injects himself with the experi- is killed when his Jeep overturns while Photon's apparent plan to recruit him for a new
mental paragon drug. The drug acceler- he works on his Gan-etts Landing farm. band of superhuman criminals fails. Photon
ates his physical and mental development Weber, who was alone at the time, is vows revenge on the heroes for interfering with
to an astonishing degree. Fleming qu ickly found dead several hours later. him.
reaches the apex of normal human abil- October 11: The Paragon Fan Club October I: Christina Spiros returns to San
ity, becoming a perfect human. He decides forms, encouraging young people to keep Angelo with a list of names of those she
to put his new abilities to work for the physically fit, stay in school, resist pres- holds responsible for the 1994 accident at an
PA_G...,..e"' goou of human ity. t111d begin~ an incense sure to use drugs and keep out of gangs. Eclipse Industries subsidiary. As the sonic-
NUMBER traini ng regimen in the nmr1iul arts. gym- November 2: Erik Bates, a retired de- powered Siren, she intends to make com-
unstics and other skill11. fensive end for the San Angelo Miners pany executives pay fur their negligence -
26 August •l: C<l~l-Cull i ng Qfl safety prccau- football team, wins election to the Board with a vengeance.


The moon rises over down1own San
Angelo, a pale golden orb against the night
sky as I fly my nightly patrol over the
darkened streets of the city. First to the
Twilight Tower, a slate-gray monolith
towering 01•er even its companion sky-
scrapers in City Center. The frenetic
energy of the financial heart of the Golden
City has.faded with the sun, and I take a
two-minute rest.
Then it 's off to Midtown. Anotherfis({ight
at 13th and Kirby, outside Rocky's Bar and
Grill, but two SAPD patrol cars pull up. I
hover 01•erltead, listening to the live music
pounding its way out of the bar-sounds like
Roughhouse. I wish I had time to listen
longer, bw the o..fficers are separating the
combatants and it's time for the Cathedral
Square leg of my patrol.
The streets of Cathedml Square are silent
and deserted, a.~ alway.t. I don't know why I
bother with this part of my route, actually. I
think I love the Gothic architecture,
especially the Cathedral ofSt. Mw y, too
much to drop it. Another two-minute rest
stop, among the stone gargoyles 011 an
older building near the cathedral. The bells
begin to toll, and a cloud of bats emanates
from tlze belfry, flying about the spiky Old
World church towers in consternation.
The radio buuon in my right ear beeps
twice - a message from Justice Foundation
HQ. Savant has the monitor dury tonight.
He tells me that Anarchy has been sighted
down in Arroyo Verde. Probably some kind
of burglary scheme at 011e of the high-tech
labs out there.
I tell Savant to warm 11p the Turbo/et-I'm
on my way in ...
- Private journal of Callie Dalton, aka


Cny of ~n A"!l•lo •!>¢0 -

A Description of San Angelo

Vital Statistics Percentage of population registered to vote: 62%
Size: 247 square miles (metropolitan area) Average election turnout: 44.6%
(18 miles long by 14 miles wide)
Average Elevation: I 33 feet Democrat: 48% Libertarian: 3%
Independent: 5% Republican: 41 %
Climate: Temperate.
Green: 2% Other: 1%

Population Government, city: Mayor Alex Martinez,

Residential. total county: 3,041,213 City Council.
Residential, city: 1,532,782 Government, county: Board of Supervisors.
Residential, unincorporated county: 1,508,431
Civilian Workforce: l.6 million
Tallest Buildings:
Twilight Tower, 42 floors (567 feet)
Racial Background Prospector Bank Building, 38 floors (513 feet)
White: 52% Black: 14% San Angelo Corporate Center, 32 floors (432 feet)
American Jndian: .95% Latino: 22%
Asian/Pacific Islander: 11 % Other: .5%

Religious Background
Percentage of population attending
religious services in past seven days:
Catholic: 43% Muslim: 2.5%
Buddhist: 2.1 % Protestant: 46%
Jewish: 3.4% Other: 3%

Leading Protestant
Church of Jesus Christ, Latter-Day Saints
Southern Baptist
Presbyterian Church USA
Assemblies of God

Average household incomes: $22,200 in
Brenton to $128,000 in Lakeview.
Percentage of households below poverty
line: 12.4%
Unemployment: 6.8%
Median home price: $124,000
Average monthly rents, two-bedroom
apartment: $440 to $675


~ -1 .l mml C1t1otlloaAnQ910

A Description of San Angelo

•SoO -

Layout of the
San Angelo County lies at the heart of a broad river
valley, nestled against the foothills with the Sierra Ne-
vada mountains to the northeast and east. The wedge-
shaped county extends southward along the Del Oro
River to the edge of a delta feeding into the Pacific
Metropolitan San Angelo covers the northern two-
thirds or so of the county. Most of the rest of the re-
gion is rural farmland, marked by farmhouses, dairies
and an occasional small town.
Oro County lies to the west, just across the Del Oro
River from the city. The Port of San Angelo and com-
munity of West San Angelo are located in Oro County.
The rest of the county is heavily agricultural, consist-
ing mainly of thousands of acres of farmland and a
few small towns.

Lakes and Rivers

Two rivers and a reservoir are the main waterways
of San Angelo County.
The Del Oro River, roughly translated as River of
Gold, flows down from the Sierras through the foot-
hills northeast of the metropolis. Most of the prospect- and placid, the San Angelo River is popular for fish-
ing of Gold Rush-era San Angelo took place on this ing, boating and water-skiing.
river. Both the San Angelo and Del Oro rivers can be un-
Oro Dam blocks the river just north of San Angelo, expectedly cold, especially during the spring snow-
forming Lake Oro reservoir. The lake is a key source melt, and have dangerous currents. Several people
of drinking water for the city, not to mention a popu- drown on both rivers every year.
lar recreation attraction. The federal government built
the dam in 1950 to provide flood protection and power
for the region. Areas of the Region
Below the dam, the river flows through the down- The landscape around metropolitan San Angelo con-
town to its confluence with the San Angelo River, then tains some locales of interest in and of themselves.
continues on to the delta and the Pacific Ocean.
The Del Oro River is not navigable above the The Delta
confluence, but it is popular with rafters. Whitewater The Del Oro River feeds into a delta leading to the
enthusiasts prefer the much more challenging stretches Pacific Ocean at the extreme southern tip of San
above Lake Oro, though. Angelo County.
The San Angelo River flows down from the foot- A dreamy land of drawbridges, ferries, wandering
hills east of town, heading west to the confluence. The waterways and morning mists, the fertile delta region
river is navigable to the foothills, but most cargo ships ~,-A_G""!'E'"'r
contains 50 or more islands and more than a thousru1C..I ...
now put in at the port, south of the confluence. Wide miles of maze-like channels.

Cir)' ('JI S•I\ Angoto 4SGO -

A Description of San Angelo

The timeless bayou country has reminded more than town reciprocates with strong support for the institution.
one person of the Deep South. An incorporated city, Canfield is governed by its own
Water-skiers are a common sight on the delta, while five-person City Council. The city contracts with the
the region's striped bass, bluegill, sturgeon and black San Angelo County Sheriff's Department for law en·
bass draw countless anglers. Houseboat excursions are forcement.
also popular.
. ti radio about it- Garrett's Landing
• "l heard something on ie 0 Dam again? A sleepy delta town of 2,000 people, Garrett's Land-
' threatening to blow up ro
someone s . Th h roes will stop them. ing lies along the Del Oro River as it makes its way to
No I'm not worried. e e
the ocean amid a series of sloughs and islands. The
,;They always d~." . massage therapist
- Mindy Rivers. 34 , town gained its name as an early shipping stop fre-
quented by the colorful steamboat captain Quincy
The Foothills Today, bait shops, general stores and filling stations
The Gold Country, a forested region of gently roll- are pretty much the height of the commercial scene in
ing foothill country laced by rivers that pour down Garrett's Landing. A few bars and restaurants com-
from the Sierra Nevada, lies to the east of San Angelo. pete to attract tourists returning from a day of water-
Covered brjdge:s, mining museums, swimming holes borne fun on the delta.
and ghost towns are just some of the sights, intermixed Delta Community College is located just outside
with an occasional town or 19th-century hotel. town, and a small community hospital in town pro-
Several closed mines are found in the Gold Country, vides basic medical care for delta residents.
along with a few active mining operations. The foot- Garrett's Landing is an unincorporated community
hills are also home to some award-winning wineries. governed by the county.

Regional Communities Marshall

While the city of San Angelo dominates the region, A rural community of about 15,000 in southern San
Angelo County, Marshall anchors the vanishing farm-
the county contains several small rural communities,
two of which are also incorporated cities. ing heritage of San Angelo County.
The small town has an almost Midwestern look, com-
plete with a looming water tower emblazoned with
Canfield the Wildcat logo of the Marshall High School football
A town of 12,000 people located near Lake Oro, team.
Canfield relies on the nearby reservoir and California Agriculture and ag-related industry provide most of
State Prison, Canfield, to underpin its economy. the jobs in Marshall. Tractor dealers, farm insurers,
Every summer, hundreds of thousands of people on canneries and feed stores are just a few of the key
their way to the beaches, marinas and campgrounds businesses in town. Outside town are numerous dair-
surrounding Lake Oro pass through Canfield. Gas sta- ies, along with some farmland and cattle ranches.
tions, swimwear shops, boat rentals and others capi- The Marshall Airport, home to several cropdusters,
talize on the traffic to snare some business. Restau- lies on the edge of town, and the San Angelo County
rants, outdoors supply stores and bait shops also ben- Landfill is just a few miles away.
efit. An incorporated city, Marshall has its own City
The state prison located just outside town provides a Council and small police department. A volunteer fire
...........,...... steadier source of employment. Prison jobs have sup- department with a core of paid personnel provides fire
~~~E~ ported some Canlield families for generations, and the protection.

Points of Interest Layout of the City
Canfield Indian Rancheria: A 20-acre reservation
for Native Americans found a few miles outside the
The city of San Angelo got its start at the confluence
town of Canfield. About 30 families from various tribes
of the San Angelo and Del Oro rivers. Now a sprawl-
live on the rancheria in a collection of modest houses
ing metropolis, the city has outgrown these early
and mobile homes.
boundaries to cover an immense area.
Unemployment and poverty are serious problems for
The actual city limits of San Angelo only enclose a
many rancheria residents.
portion of the metropolis-about half the residents of
The state established Canfield Indian Rancheria in
urban San Angelo live in unincorporated communi-
1923 for homeless Native Americans of any Califor-
ties governed by the county.
nia tribe. A united council elected by residents over-
Like most other West Coast cities, the population
sees the rancheria.
density of San Angelo is low compared to East Coast
Residents are discussing opening an Indian casino,
cities. High-rises are really only found downtown,
featuring card games and bingo, to provide jobs and
mostly in City Center, and mainly provide office space
bring in revenue to upgrade living conditions at the
for businesses.
rancheria. The proposal has nearby residents worried
Even in the center of town, high-density residential
about increased traffic.
buildings such as apartment houses with hundreds of
Clavell Quarry: A closed granite quarry near the
tenants are fairly rare. Most people prefer to live in a
town of Marshall. In its heyday, the operation pro-
house or smalJ apartment complex.
vided granite for the construction of several city land-
Outside the city core, single-family homes are the
marks, including California State Prison, Canfield, and
norm. Suburban apartments, condos, offices and stores
the San Angelo County Courthouse.
rarely rise higher than three or four stories. Retail busi-
The quarry shut down in the 1960s, and the deep pit
nesses line most major streets, clustered in strip malls
is now filled by rainwater. It is a popular swimming
or shopping centers intermixed with office parks.
hole for youngsters from nearby Marshall.
As a result, urban San Angelo sprawls over a huge
Lightning Strike Mine: An abandoned gold mine
portion of the county. Cars or mass transit are a vir-
in the hills around Lake Oro. The Lightning Strike Min-
tual necessity, particularly outside the downtown.
ing Co. operated the mine for more than 80 years be-
fore the gold gave out in I 971.
The mine, a maze-like warren of tunnels and shafts, The Streets
is closed to the public due to the numerous hazards, Streets in central San Angelo tend to follow a grid
including cave-ins, unmarked shafts, pockets of poi- pattern. In the downtown, north-south streets are let-
son gas and flooding. tered, while east-west streets are numbered. Some
While the Lightning Strike Mine may be the most downtown streets are one-way, and narrow alleys be-
extensive, there are numerous old gold mines in the tween buildings are common on many blocks.
foothills above the reservoir. In outlying parts of the city, roads follow the typical
suburban model of meandering neighborhood streets
Other Points of Interest feeding into wide boulevards that serve as major traf-
California State Prison, Canfield (p. 111) fic corridors. Many streets have Spanish names, while
Delta Community College (p. 114) others are named after prominent San Angelinos.
Delta Community Hospital The metropolis has expanded over the years to en-
Marshall Airport (p. 64) gulfseveral formerly outlying towns, such as Lakeview
Marshall Community Hospital and Castle Heights. The old-fashioned grid-style down-Cji ip!o-o'A....G"""eiiiii'

San Angelo County Landfill (p. 77) towns reappear in the older parts of these communi- NUMBER
= ties. 31
City o1 ~"" Anaolo 450Q -

A Description of San Angelo

Top 5 Busiest Downtown "I'm hanging out in this traffic jam on Wayne
Intersections Street when suddenly-KA-BI.AMI-there's this
1. Mission St. and Center Parkway (F8) explosion up the street. Everyone jumps out of their
2. Liberty Blvd. and Center Parkway (F5) cars and we see these supers slugging it out a.few
3. Curry St. & Wayne St. (C9) blocks up.
4. Kane St. & Center Parkway (F7) "Total bummer, man. Non-violence-increase the
5. Cuny St. & Lee St. (E9) peace. you know? Anyway, all thesefrealcy psyche-
delic flashes and explosions are going off, but it's
Prominent Landmarks all happening too fast for us to figure out whar 's
going on.
Cathedral of St. Mary ''Then this flaming dude comes flying right over
Gold Panner Statue us. Sparks are falling eve1ywhere, people are
A stone monument sculpture of a grizzled gold screaming and diving under cars. Real wild scene.
So this other flying dude comes barrelling along and
panner holding up a nugget. Sculpted in the 1960s,
lays the first guy out with a wicked uppercut.
the stalue stands outside City Hall. "He lands-KA-RUNCH!-right on the roof of my
Liberty Square '69 VW. He's wasted, out cold, but my Bug catches
Minuteman Circle fire anyway. I'm standing there thinking, 'My
A traffic circle in Confluence Point Park near City Grateful Dead tapes!'
Center. A bronze statue of the Minuteman, a revered "My insurance guy totalled it out. I was bummed. I
San Angelo hero of the Golden Age, stands in the cen- really dug that VW. "
-"Starchild" Zane, 44, record shop owner
ter of the circle. ringed by flowerbeds.


Clfy ot 8•11 Anaoio .ia.oo -

A Description of San Angelo

Mission San Angeles

Twilight Tower
Points of Interest
In the interest of space, landmarks that are de- I
scribed in other chapters are not detailed under I
Tirr1e, like an ever-rolli11g stream, neighborhood Points of Interest. A box in each I
Bears all its sons away; Points of Interest listing explains where to find I
( They.f1:yforgo1te11. a~ .a dream landmarks covered by other chapters. I
) Dies at tlw opening day. Pocket parks, small plazas and other local points I
<" Isaac Watt~. Psalm 90 of interest are described under the appropriate I
~ - lnscription at base of Minuteman statue community, unless they are considered landmarks I
or regional attractions. I
The * symbol marks sites particularly suited for I
Areas of the City hero or villain bases. I
A great profusion of communities comprise the city L----------------~
of San Angelo. Fast-paced center of business, outly- Top 5 Beautiful Neighborhoods
ing bedroom community or gritty industrial district, 1. Poverty Gulch
every area plays a vital role in the life of the city. 2. Falcon Bluff
3. Brackett Park
4 . Royal Grove
Neighborhoods 5. Piper Glen
San Angelo: City of Heroes describes every part Source: San Angelo Board of Realtors
of the city, from the downtown to the suburbs. Each
community is broken down into numerous neigh- Commerce and Industry
borhoods, some of which are also described. San Angelo has a thriving economy based on high-
But no effort has been made to describe every tech industry, though retail and service-oriented en-
neighborhood in San Angelo - for one thing, there terprises also keep the financial heart of the city pump-
are hundreds of neighborhoods in the metropolis! ing. In addition, public employment, including civil-
More importantly for gamers, leaving parts of some ian jobs at Forgan Air Force Base, makes up a healthy
communities open allows GMs to create their own chunk of the San Angelo job market.
neighborhoods for specific adventures, PC back- Downtown San Angelo is the heart of the city's busi-
grounds or other purposes. ness scene. Skyscrapers and office towers house the
Future Gold Rush Games products set in San headquarters of several top corporations, along with
Angelo may also provide details on new neighbor- every kind of business or professional office imagin-
hoods. able.
On a slightly different neighborhood-related topic, Stores and other retail outlets are found throughout
San Angelo is home to people of almost every eth- San Angelo, of course. Several huge shopping malls
nic, national and religious background imaginable. are located in the downtown, La Vista and South San
A few neighborhoods, such as Chinatown, have Angelo areas.
become identified with people of a particular back- Heavy industry is concentrated in Northside,
ground. Southport and West San Angelo, while high-tech en-
This does not mean that everyone in Chinatown terprises tend to congregate in Arroyo Verde.
has a Chinese background, however. And it cer- Light industrial operations are scattered throughout _ .......,ii i j

tainly doesn't imply that every Chinese or Chinese PAGE

the city, often in small complexes of inexpensive ware- NUMeeR
American person in San Angelo lives in Chinatown. house-style buildings.
.Wdl Chy of San Angolo

A Description of San Angelo

4SOO -

"See thflf crack in tlle ~will? Chrome did ''"'' for shipping bulk commodities, the port opened just
with her Jmre Jilt. Sire was tning w punch Aztecti. as heavy manufacturing plants gave way to light in-
bw Jw dodgetl j11st tl1e11 sn Chrome mi ~std. dustry and high-technology enterprises.
"l SdW it all from tlte rcsw11111ru wlter~ I work. Agriculture and timber products from surrounding
across 1/le street. W1ien it was 111/ over. /\zrec11 counties remain the primary cargoes passing through
a.c:ked me out. 81111fla1 ·:; a whole ntlter sto1)' .. : .. the port.
-Stephanie Van Dom. 22. wrutrCSll

The Rail Yard

The 610-acre Valley Pacific Railroad freight yard in
Top ·15 Employers Employees Pleasant Grove played a vital role in the early days of
l. San Angelo County 32,727 San Angelo.
2. Peregrine Aircraft 23,390 Built at the opening of the transcontinental railroad
3. San Angelo City Unified School District 17,159
shortly after the Civil War, the yard helped keep the
4. City of San Angelo 16,244
5. Univ. of California, San Angelo 12,415 town going after the Gold Rush dried up. First agri-
6. Forgan AFB (civilian jobs) 10,300 culture, then industry relied on the railroad to carry
7. University Medical Center 7,000 goods to market.
8. Kelley Hospitals 6,960 In spite of increased competition from the trucking
9. FoodBasket Markets 6,855 and air freight industries, the railroad continues to play
10. HyperDyne Computers 6,500 a vital role in the San Angelo economy. And the rail
11 . Anderson Phannaceuticals 5,620 yard is the nerve center of the railroad.
12. St. Mary's Hospitals 5,2 IO Trains from across the United States are broken up
13. Consolidated Electronics 4,940 at the yard into individual boxcars, which are then re-
14. Taiyo Corp. 4,485
assembled into new trains bound for various destina-
15. California State Univ., San Angelo 2,702
Source: San Angelo Chamber of Commerce
tions. It's all done to keep the freight carried by rail
moving as efficiently and quickly as possible.
The yard sees 12,500 boxcars a week and services
85 locomotives daily. The operation employs l,560
The Port of San Angelo people and has a $91 million payroll.
The Port of San Angelo, actually located opposite Railroad security officers patrol the 4-mile-long yard
the city in Oro County, handles the cargo shipping on constant lookout for hobos, who illegally hop free
needs of the region. rides on freight trains to travel all over the United
Opened in 1963, the 450-acre facility includes count- States. Intruders in the freight yard are arrested for
less piers, cranes, rail spurs, grain elevators and ware- trespassing, but the ceaseless tide of transients foils
houses. About 220 people work for the port, which every attempt to end the practice.
handles up to 1.6 million tons of cargo every year. Pollution is also a serious problem at the Valley Pa-
A panel named by local cities and counties oversees cific Railroad yard, particularly soil and water con-
port operations, tamination left over from the careless practices of its
which brought in early days.
op o argoes
$14.1 million in
1997 revenues.
1. Rice (401,203 tons) ··1 remember my <:/a(/ telling me abour Veloc:idad
The Port of San 2. Wood Chips (388, 992 tons) racing the freight trains /x1ck in tht> '40s us tltey
Angelo has never 3. Fertilizer (173,435 tons) came imo 10w11, l~ading for tire rail yard. lie
alwt1ys won, of ccmrl·e."
'" PAGi: performed as well
as expected, how-
4. Wheat/Com (95,312 tons)
5. Logs (60,083 tons)
34 ever. Best-suited Source: Port ofSan Aneelo
-Diane Hazleton, 4 J, homemaker


Campaign Tip·
The V•dley· Pacifi.t; Railroad f~eight yards are a tricts charged with levee upkeep fight a constant battle
great selling for a super-battle, wilh plenty of box- with gophers, erosion and other problems.
car~ and loco,mctives for brickti to tess arou11d- The Del Oro River Parkway, stretching from Lake
thou~h the financial aftermath of such a cJash might
Oro to the downtown, is a 30-mile-long system of bi-
be less· enjoy!}bk cycle paths, parks and nature areas. A popular, beauti-
The ·~ards are also a cool pface for C\!run·n:i1~g battle ful retreat in the midst of the city, the parkway is truly
between low- or evt;.n non-powered e11emies. Tbe1•e one of the jewels of San Angelo. Crowds of bicyclists,
are plenty of hiding places. not t~ mentipn lots or in-line skaters, hikers, joggers and other visitors of all
cover and chances fo,r exciting close encmmters ages can be found on the parkway's paths and trails at
·with speed1J1g locomoJiv.e$.. all times of year.
A less hospitable extension of the parkway lines the
The Waterfront river through downtown San Angelo. Thick underbrush
An extensive levee system lines the rivers in San edges much of the narrow, crumbling bicycle paths,
Angelo, augmenting the flood protection provided by which are less well-traveled than the rest of the park-
Oro Dam. Built of packed earth, the levees are cov- way. San Angelinos consider the downtown parkway
ered by grass, boulders and sometimes concrete to curb a little dangerous.
erosion. Elsewhere, the riverfront has not been extensively
Construction on the berms, aside from an occasional developed. A collection of riverside restaurants and a
road or bicycle path, is prohibited to protect the integ- few paddlewheelers can be found on the Del Oro River
rity of the levee system. Even so, the reclamation dis- in The Wharves district downtown.


Cny or S.n Anf)Ok) 4S(lO -

A Description of San Angelo

The City Core

The frenetic, fast-paced downtown and laid-back
neighborhoods of Midtown constitute the core of the
Golden City.

The heart of San Angelo, downtown encompasses a
profusion of diverse neighborhoods. Shining skyscrap-
ers rise from the bustling financial nerve center of City
Center to define the San Angelo skyline, while a few
blocks away tourists crowd the streets of Chinatown
hoping to experience a taste of the Orient.
Five-star hotels, fine dining, theaters, nightclubs and
other attractions add to the sparkle of the downtown,
as do numerous statues, monuments and plazas cel-
ebrating the city's past. And the shadows of the high-
rises fall across a few neighborhoods in decay, places
of fear and grim despair.
San Angelo got its start in the area now considered
downtown, anti several of the oldest neighborhoods
of the city are found there. In particular, the restored
l 800s-era storefronts of Old San Angelo recreate the
early days of the city for visitors and schoolchildren.
Now the economic nucleus of San Angelo, the mod- The Armory
ern downtown is primarily a business district that at- A gritty neighborhood of rooming hotels, shelters,
tracts hundreds of thousands of suburban commuters liquor stores and soup kitchens, the Armory takes its
each day. From the tallest office tower to the hum- name from the central National Guard Armory.
blest old-fashioned grocery, the businesses found The last stop for San Angelo 's down-and-out, the
downtown play a vital role in the daily commerce of neighborhood has one of the highest concentrations
San Angelo. of homeless people in the city. Despite complaints by
Residential neighborhoods are also part of down- Vietnamese and Laotian refugee families who have
town, though they tend to be overlooked by outsiders. moved into the Armory, nothing seems likely to
The housing market consists chiefly of older apart- change.
ment homes, second-story flats over storefronts and a Dilapidated brick hotels, some nearly a century old,
scattering of houses. rise over Armory streets crowded by shelters, dining
The people of downtown are as diverse as its neigh- halls, missions and olher charities. A han<l[ul of neigh-
borhoods, ranging from artists in hip Riverfront lofts borhood stores, offices and cafes occupy age-worn
to pensioners in cheap Armory rooming hotels. The commercial buildings, though many storefronts stand
homeless are a sizable, and very visible, component empty.
of the downtown population. The National Guard Armory, a blocky, concrete
The high concentration of people and businesses in structure, and the San Angelo County General Hospi-
downtown San Angelo gives rise to a booming crime
r- --
PAGE rate, 1hough only a few neighborhoods are thought to
tal are the two largest buildings in the neighborhood.
Seedy liquor stores scattered along the main boule-
)e rea 11 y uungerous.
·• c·Hy po1·tee 11ave H strong pres- vards, intermixed with an occasional greasy spoon
36 ence 1lmmghout the area. diner, thrift store or gloomy bar, constitute the bulk of


•• / Wtl.\' wotk{11g"' the Twilig/11 Tower »:hen. tllf/t
awful H"rcic'nse mo11 attocked. ·1~e l~uild111~;11~t
persuade the City Council to force some of the shel-
Marted shoking. "f'he comput~r slid n~/Jt oj] Ill)
ters to relocate.
"We ran for the elevators, but someone ~old us City police are a regular sight on Armory streets,
they weren't safe so we went dow~ the .stairs. where they handle endless cases of public intoxica-
Twenty-eight stories down! All this noise and tion, disturbances, noise complaints and fistfights be-
debris falling. it was terrible. . til tween derelicts. Reported crimes in the Armory tend
"We didn 't even know what was happening un to involve property thefts or trespassing, but crimes
someone with a transistor radio told us that against the homeless are rarely reported to police.
Hardcase was threatening to tear down the Assaults, robberies, rapes and even murders are not
building. The Justice Foundation showed up to ·r
unknown among the down-and-out residents of the
srop him. B.\I the time we got down to the lobby, '
was all over.
"/had to take a week off to calm my ne_rv~s.
They had to close the o.ffice while the budding was Chinatown
repaired, anyway. " In the shadow of gleaming City Center high-rises,
- Nancy Griffith, 51, secretary the 50 square blocks of non-stop chaos comprising
Chinatown are distinct from any other part of the city.
the Armory commercial scene. Back streets are home Colorful, noisy and crowded, this neighborhood has
to recyclers, body shops and other light industry. the highest population density of any in San Angelo.
Enterprising Vietnamese and Laotian newcomers to Though not quite as renowned as San Francisco's,
the neighborhood have opened a few small restaurants the San Angelo Chinatown attracts a fair number of
featuring Southeast Asian cuisine. visitors each year. Innumerable restaurants, souvenir
There are few houses in the neighborhood, but some shops and other attractions can be found here, but the
older storefronts have second-story flats. Rooming ho- profusion of gloomy alleyways winding off the main
tels, aging structures nearly a century old, offer long- streets lead to the true Chinatown of grocery stores,
term housing for those too poor to scrape up the de- temples, laundries and bakeries.
posit for an apartment. Most tenants of these dingy, Founded by Chinese railroad workers in the late
pest-infested hotels are just a s hort step from 1800s, Chinatown flourished for a time but then stag-
homelessness. nated until anti-Chinese immigraiton laws were lifted
Cheap apartment homes near the looming San in the 1960s. Now no longer solely Chinese, the neigh-
Angelo County General Hospital house recent waves borhood has also become home to Japanese, Vietnam-
of Vietnamese and Laotian immigrants, who are un- ese, Laotian, Cambodian, Thai, Korean and Filipino
happy about the ever-declining state of the neighbor- immigrants.
hood and the large numbers of street people. Chinatown began to stir the interest of visitors in the
Panhandlers are endemic in the Armory, and home- late 1950s, and business ventures catering to the tour-
less people of all descriptions shuffle through the ist trade are now nearly everywhere.
neighborhood in daylight hours. At night, many fi nd A succession of souvenir shops, gaudily decorated
refuge in doorways or alleys. with gold-ornamented portals and brightly painted bal-
A glut of dining halls, shelters and other charitable conies, hawk plastic Buddhas, tloppy hats and other
endeavors are found in the Armory, including the tacky merchandise on Canton Street. Intersecting Can-
Golden Rule complex and the county-run N Street ton Street, Peking Street is closer to the real thing,
Shelter. with fresh-air markets offering fish, fruit and veg-
Residents of nearby neighborhoods claim that the etables, as well as spice stores and bakeries.
concentration of social services in the Armory serves But the dark, narrow back alleys threading through ~
as a magnet to the homeless, but have so far failed to Chinatown conceal all manner of treasures, including NuMeeR
hand. The very air seems to crackle with frenetic
Millions of square feet of office space are
crammed into just a few square miles, and the tall-
est buildings in San Angelo are found in City Cen-
ter. Many corporations have a headquarters, or a
least a di vision headquarters, in downtown San
Angelo, including Prospector Bank, Avalon
Enterprises and HyperDyne Computers.
-~! '( A 36-story high-rise, the new corporate head-
~- quarters of Eclipse Industries, is under construc-
."qtion in City Center. Slated for completion next
year, it will be the third-tallest building in San
Law offices, banks, stock brokerages, real es-
tate firms, ad agencies, publishing houses and
thousands of other businesses fill the shining tow-
ers of the City Center.
At ground level, copy centers and computer bou-
tiques serving the offices above, not to mention
the occasional deli jam-packed at lunch but other-
wise deserted, are found.
Multi-story parking garages, some public, some
private, are crammed here and there among the
forgotten curio shops, authentic restaurants, quiet high-rises, but the City Center has a severe parking
temples, various historic sites and a handful of Chi- shortage. On-street parking is limited on most blocks,
nese cultural centers. and always metered.
Crime in Chinatown is controlled by tongs, origi- Spreading out from the high-charged citadels of com-
nally benevolent associations formed to help the Chi- merce at its core, the City Center contains a sea of
nese populace get by in an often hostile new world. storefronts, office complexes, bank branches and civic
The tongs also controlled the vice and opium trades in buildings.
Chinatown, and over time these activities brought them University Medical Center covers several square
into conflict. The tong wars of the 1920s and 1930s blocks in City Center, as does the open-air San Angelo
gave Chinatown a reputation for violence that took Plaza shopping mall.
decades to shake, but now the tongs operate mostly Architecture buffs often visit the columned Federal
behind the scenes. Courthouse and domed San Angelo County Court-
house, not to mention the ornate St. Kieran's Catholic
City Center Church.
The ultra-modern City Center, a landscape of steel,
glass and concrete, is the lively, bustling heart of the ~·st as / could. Whew!
city. The gleaming office towers, high-rise hotels and ll "Sorry... lme ... rocfe as1..
Tl nk.sf()r rile water. Tlrt!'~e. the po
Ike they had

skyscrapers of the central business district define the !} ia l d s·
2/st Street c ose · ix
block detour. Some supers,
, ll y
San Angelo skyline. " . fi I 1do11 't k11ow. You wo11 t te m
~ome brg 8 11.
fii~.-'A--G~E"" Bicycle messengers weave through traffic-clogged .. . ·u ?"
boss I was late, .w1 you. 22 bicycle messenger
NUMBER streets as throngs of business-suit clad men and women -Nick Oela.nty, ,
38 pack the sidewalks, hriefcases and cellular phones in
Qly Of Satt At~.O t~ -

A Description of San Angelo

unsafe brick buildings built in the 1800s were rebuilt

"/had to get to a meeting with a client, a ve1y
importallf client. We're talking about a deal worth and restored to their original appearances, while a mod-
millions of dollars, got that? Millions! And the ern drainage system was built to replace the collaps-
traffic light was still yellow when I pulled into the ing, cavernous sewers of days gone by.
intersection. That's a fact. Now one of San Angelo's top tourist attractions, Old
"A station wagon comes flying into the intersec- San Angelo is packed with souvenir shops, restaurants,
tion and /, that is, there's a collision. I climb out of bars and a handful of museums. High-rent offices can
my Jag and look around. I'm not hurt, thank God. be found on the second and third stories of most build-
But the woman in the station wagon is making a ings, catering to firms more interested in ambience
horrible racket. Probably already planning her than convenience.
lawsuit-you know, I don't think she even had a job.
Mounted city police patrol the streets, and horse-
Probably some kind of welfare queen.
"So I get out my cell phone to call my client and drawn can-iages provide transportation for the roman-
let him know I'm going to be late. Oh, some riffraff tic. On-street parking is limited, and visitors are ad-
loafing around on the sidewalk came over to help vised to make use of nearby parking garages.
the woman. So I'm on the phone, and someone taps Some of the more historical attractions in Old San
me on the shoulder. I brush it off, and this silver Angelo include the first Prospector Bank office, a one-
metallic hand grabs my cell phone out of my hand room schoolhouse, the old City Jail and a state mu-
and crushes it. seum spotlighting the Gold Rush.
"/ tum around, and it's Alloy. So I asked him,
very politely, to move that stupid cow's car out of
my way so I could get to my meeting, and he went
berserk on me! Picked up my Jag and threw it into Originally a warehouse district. the wedge-shaped
the river! I nearly had a stroke! Riverfront neighborhood has undergone something of
"/ sued him of course, but then he died a while a renaissance in recent years.
later so it never went to trial. Pity. I would have Adventurous young artists, musicians, actors and pro-
taken him for everything he owned." fess ionals have renovated some aging warehouses into
-Kenneth Fisk, 45, financial consultant lofts, studios and other living spaces. Others have been
converted into dance clubs, bars and nightspots. A few
A number of government offices are found in the avant garde theaters have also sprouted in Riverfront.
City Center, including the historic San Angelo City The streets near Chinatown, in particular, boast a thriv-
Hall, county administrative offices and the federal ing nightlife.
building. The police and sheriffs headquarters are like- The district got its start in the 1920s and 1930s, when
wise located in this d istrict, as is the San Angelo enterprising businessmen began constructing ware-
County Main Jail. houses to accommodate shipping on the San Angelo
The San Angelo Convention Center also attracts visi- River. When the Port of San Angelo opened a few
tors to the City Center. mi les downriver in 1963, the area began an economic
tailspin. Many warehouses fell into disuse, some even
Old San Angelo being seized by the government for non-payment of
Covering a 4- by 6-block area along the river, Old back taxes. In the early 1990s, the city targeted
San Angelo transports visitors back to the Gold Rush Riverfront for redevelopment efforts. Low-interest
origins of the region. Distinctive l 800s-era buildings
line raised wooden sidewalks and horse-drawn car- Campaign Tip
riages ply cobblestone streets. An abandoned warehouse in the seedier part of
An authentic part of Gold Rush San Angelo, the area Riverfront might make a good location for a vil-
lain hideout, PAGE
or for the base of a vigilante or un- NUMBER
was allowed to deteriorate shamefully until a restora-
tion effort took hold in the late 1950s. The decaying, derground hero team.
- - - ·SAN ANGELO : CIT"'f'! OP HEROES- - -
Clf1 al !ltn An111lo 4SOO -

A Description of San Angelo

NUMERICAL LISTING 67. Peregrine Aircraft HQ City Ce11ter MIDTOWN

68. Pantheon Steel 28th Street Theater ( 115) Brackett Park
69. Texxon Oil Co. Distr. Center All That Jazz (98) Minuteman Circle (I 17)
I. National Guard Armory
70. Justice Foundation Office Avalon Enterprises (20) Samuel Brackeu City Park (32)
2. SA County General Hospital
71. Justice Foundation Base Central City Racquel Club (90) SA Ctr for the Perlonning Ai ts (45)
3. N Street Shelter
72. Wilder Karate Center City Hall (7) San Angelo City Zoo (33)
4. Golden Rule (Homeless Shelter)
73. Wei Cheng Kung Fu School Delta Financial Bank (80) San Angelo Metropolitan Museum (46)
5. University Medical Center
6. San Angelo Plaza Mall 74. Kelley La Vista Hospital Eclipse Pina ( 17) Van Ruyter Museum of An (48)
75. Children· s Hospital of SA Federal Bui lding (64) PiperGle11
7. San Angelo City Hall
76. Pacific Glen Psych. Hospital Full Gospel Mission (86) Argonaut Society Hall (36)
8. San Angelo Police Dept
77. Orloff Building HyperDyne Computers ( 19) Temple of Atlantis (47)
9. SA County Sheriffs Dept.
78. Raven Books Justice Foundation (70) PoYerty Gulch
10. SA County Main Jail
79. First Bank of Chinatown Justice Foundation Team Base (7 I) Brackett House Museum (37)
11. SA County Courthouse
80. Delta Financial Bank Kelley Medical Center (30) First Baptist Church of San Angelo (38)
12. U.S. Federal Courthouse
81. Gromercy Press Liberty Square ( 16) San Angelo City College (35)
13. St. Kieran •s Catholic Church
14. SA County Admin. Building 82. I oner Light Publishing Old City Cemetary (25) U11iversity Com111011s
83. T' ien Sun Temple Pacific Glen Psych. Hospital (76) Al Qazar Mosque (42)
15. San Angelo Conven1io11 Center
84. Fu Shen Temple Peregrine Aircraft HQ (67) Catfish Cantina (99)
16. Liberty Square
85. Wong Taisin Temple Prospector Bank Building ( 18) Faraday Memorial Clinic (43)
17. Eclipse Plaza
86. f'ull Gospel Mission Rio Club (105) Franklin Park (40)
18. Prospector Bank Building
87. Jobz Inc. St. Kicran's Catholic Church (13) Fraternity Row (39)
19. HyperDyne Computers
88. San Angelo Blood Bank SA Administration Building ( 14) Harper School of Law (65)
20. Avalon Enterprises
89. San Angelo Women's Center San Angelo Blood Bank (88) Historic San Angelo Rail Depot (41)
2 I. First Prospector Bank Office
90. Central City Racquet Club San Angelo Clarion (95) Raven Books (78)
22. Old City Jail
91. San Angelo Times San Angelo Convention Center (15) Saint Mary's General Hospital (44)
23. CA S1a1e Gold Rush Museum
92. Business Chronicle San Angelo Co1pora1e Center (26) San Angelo Weekly (96)
24. Parker Square
93. Chinatown Express SA County Courthouse ( I I) University California San Angelo (34)
25. Old City Cemetary
94. Golden City Magazine SA County Main Jail (I 0) NORTHSIDE
26. San Angelo Corporate Center
95. San Angelo Clarion SA County Sherifrs Department (9) Irish Bar
27. Twiligh1 Tower
96. San Angelo Weekly San Angelo Pina Mall (6) Del Oro River Parkway (57)
28. Historic SA Opera House
97. Vietnamese Jou1nal San Angelo Police Department (8) Hunter-Price Arms (66)
29. St. Lawrence Dining Hall
98. All That Jazz San Angelo Times (91) Pantheon Steel (68)
30. Kelley Medical Center
99. Catfish Cantina Temple Beth Israel (31) Bai111011 Park
31. Temple Beth Israel
I00. Club Calypso Twilight Tower (27) Jeremiah Bannon Park (62)
32. Samuel B1ackeu City Park
IOI. 8-Ball U.S. Federal Courthouse ( 12) Veteran's Memorial Hospital (63)
33. San Angelo City Zoo
102. Laff Riot University Medical Center (5) EASTSIDE
34. UC San Angelo !UCSA)
103. Old Town Brewery Wharves North Missio11
35. San Angelo City College
104. The Matrix Club Calypso ( 100) Las Palo mas ( 112)
36. Argonaut Society Hall
105. Rio Club Golden City Magazine (94) Muro de los Heroes (54)
37. Brackeu House Museum
I06. Snakepi t Gramercy Press (81) St. Anthony's Cmholic Church (52)
38. First Baptist Church of SA
107. Tropicana Parker Square (24) San Angelo Spons Complex (5 l)
39. Fraternity Row
I08. Zero Hour River Princess Riverboat ( 113) Cemral East Side
40. Franklin Park
I09. Twister's Twister's (I 09) Children's Hospital of San Angelo (75)
41. Historic San Angelo Rail Depot
I 10. Ekaterina's Clli11atow11 Eastside City Park (53)
42. Al Qazar Mosque
111. Emerald Palace Chinatown Express (93) Mission San Angeles ( 123)
43. Faraday Memorial Clinic
112. Las Palomas Chinese Cultural Center ( 116) Cathedral Square
44. Saint Mary's General Hospital
113. River Princess Riverboat Emerald Palace ( 11 l) Cathedral of Saint Mary (49)
45. SA Ctr. for the Performing Arc.~
114. Theater Tuui First Bank of Chinatown (79) Ekaterina's (1 10)
46. SA Metropolitan Museum
47. Temple of Atlantis 115. 28th Street Theater Fil Shen Temple (84) Orloff Building (77)
116. Chinese Cultural Center T'ien Sun Temple (83) St. Basil's (50)
48. Van Ruyter Museum or Art
49. Cathedral of St. Mary 117. Minuteman Circle Wei Cheng Kung Fu School (73) LA VISTA
118. Veterans Memorial Bridge Wong Taisin Temple (85) North La Vista
50. St. Basil's
119. Golden City Expressway Bridge Riverfro11t Business Chronicle (92)
51. San Angelo Spo1ts Complex
120. Curry Street Bridge Inner Light Publishing (82) Fa.irtime Mall (55)
52. St. Anthony's Catholic Church
121. Suuer Bridge Jobi Inc. (87) Kelley La Vista Hospital (74)
53. Eastside City Park
122. Prospector Bridge The Mao·ix ( 104) Laff Riot ( 102)
54. Muro de los Heroes
55, Fairtime Mall 123. Mission San Angeles St Lawrence Dining Hall (29) La Vista Cabana Club (58)
TheaterTuui (l 14) Meridian Engineering (59)
56. CA Stme Univ. SA (CSUSA)
BY NEIGHBORHOOD Annory Sacred Heart Memorial Hospital (60)
57. Del Oro River Parkway
Golden Rule (4) San Angelo Christian Center (61)
58. La Vista Cabana Club
San Angelo County General San Angelo Women's Center (89)
59 Meridian Engineering DOWNTOWN
Hospital (2) Wilder Karate Center (72)
60. Sacred Heart Memorial Hosp. Old Sa11 A11gelo N Street Shelter (3) Zero Hour (I 08)
61. San Angelo Christian Center CA Slate Gold Rush Museum (23) National Guard Armory (I) College Garde11s
62. Jeremiah Bannon Park First Prospector Bank Office (21) The Strip California State Univ. San Angelo (56)
63. Veteran's Memorial Hospital Hisioric SA Opera House (28) 8-Ball (101) WEST SA N ANGELO
64. Federal Building Old City Jail !22) Snakcpit ( 106) Texxon Oil Company DiSLJ' Ctr (69)
65. Harper School of Law Old Town Brewery ( I03) Tropicana (I 07) Vietnamese Journal (97)
66. Hunter-Price Arms

crry o1 S.11 Ar.a•ro 'sco -

A Description of San Angelo

loans and tax breaks persuaded some property owners New to the scene are underground nightclubs, popu-
to convert their dilapidated warehouses into residential lar with young people into the Gothic or vampire scene.
or commercial spaces. Attired totally in black, with pale faces and dark
Now Riverfront is emerging as a hip address for ac- makeup, the patrons of these clubs only add to the ee-
tors, artists, musicians and other performers, not to rie unreality that is the Strip at night.
mention young professionals and other adventurous The numerous tattoo and piercing parlors in the
sorts. The area has a vibrant, village-style atmosphere neighborhood also attract disaffected young people.
coupled with a sparkling nightlife. Other than a handful of poverty-stricken families
Some of the city's hottest new nightclubs, including staying at the abundant cheap motels in the Stiip, the
the Matrix, are found in renovated Rive1front ware- neighborhood has very few permanent residents.
houses. Crime is profligate in the Strip. Nearly any variety
Also, empty warehouses are sometimes rented by of drug, from heroin or crack to the newest "designer"
teenagers for raves, underground all-night dance par- drugs, can be purchased here. Prostitution is rampant,
ties notable for the copious consumption of LSD, mari- along with sales of obscene materials such as child
juana and designer drugs. porn and almost any other vice crime that can be imag-
The tide of redevelopment has not reached every part ined.
of Riverfront, however. Several blocks continue to be The many "johns" who flock to the neighborhood
dominated by rusty, silent warehouses that are some- each night are also i::asy targets for thieves and rob-
times subject to break-ins by homeless people seek- bers, who know that few of their embarrassed victims
ing shelter. will report the crime.
The San Angelo Police Department has a heavy pres-
The Strip ence in the Strip, and the vice squad spends much of
A seedy collection of porn theaters, shabby motels, its time in the neighborhood.
adult bookstores, tattoo shops, sex clubs, massage par-
lors and underground clubs, the Strip is the rank un- The Wharves
derbelly of the downtown. In Gold Rush times, this part of the downtown built
In daylight hours, the Strip has a wan, faded look. a reputation as a rough-and-tumble waterfront district
Beer bottles, discarded hypodermic needles and other of rowdy saloons, dance halls and brothels. Over the
trash litter the streets. A few hardy barf1ies staggering years, these institutions died an inevitable death, and
off to an early start at favored watering holes are the the neighborhood became sadly dilapidated.
only signs of life. The low rents appealed to artists, and the area un-
But at night the Strip, lit by flickering neon signs, derwent a brief renaissance in the 1950s and 1960s as
comes to life once again. The strip clubs and darkened a center of the San Angelo art world before sinking
bars throw their doors open, while the nether regions back into decay.
of the Strip are transformed into an open-air market After decades of neglect, city leaders targeted the
for narcotics, flesh and other illicit pleasures. area for an ambitious redevelopment project in the late
Clerks at threadbare motels negotiate hourly rates 1980s. Lured by tax incentives and promised public
with streetwalkers and their patrons as nearby adult works projects, investors bought up the neighborhood
bookstores and porn theaters do a brisk trade. and rechristened it The Wharves.
The back-alley massage parlors and escort services Working together, the city and the property owners
of the Strip are often targets of police prostitution raids. marketed the area to hotel chains, swanky restaurants
A few fraying liquor stores round out the commercial and other high-class establishments. Construction be-
picture. gan soon after, and transformed the formerly rundown


Cny al SI" Angelo cSOO -

A Description of San Angelo

waterfront into a clean, attractive area of five-star ho- "Well, I ~o~ldn 't ever ordinarily be in that neighbor-
tels, fine dining and classy nightspots. hood, whats ll called, the Strip? Except my car, it, uh.
ha:f af!~t tire and I, um, pulled of{ the freeway.
Parker Square, a bright, open area surrounding a tiled
So tJ s dark, all the street lights are out and I'm
fountain, is popular with visitors and nearby office walking... no. I mean, changing my, uh, my tire. On the
workers alike. The steady streams of passers-by at- car. Um. and these guys, these thugs, come walking up.
tract an array of colorful street performers, including T~ey start pushing me around. They 've got knives,
jugglers, mimes and magicians. Pickpockets, flim-flam Pt~~e.f, a baseball bat. One of them grabs my wallet.
artists and other disreputable characters are also fre- Then, well, it all happened so fast. One of the punks
quent visitors. goes flying, and another collapses onto the pavement.
A collection of low-rise brick office buildings, a few 111ey're all shouting, I'm ducking, there's a whole
ba11Je going on around me. Just like that, it's all over.
remnants of the early days of the neighborhood, sur-
cmd the punks are sprawled all over the place and
round Parker Square. They mostly house advertising
Purugo11 s standing there He hands me back my wallet
agencies and design firms, along with a few ritzy eat- and tells me to go on home.
eries and watering holes catering to the style-conscious. "So that:r what happened.
"Um, look, you don't have to use my name, do you?"
Point s of Interest -Name withheld
*Eclipse Plaza: A 36-story office tower under con-
struction by Olympus Construction Inc. When com-
*Old San Angelo Sewers: Replaced by a modern
pleted, the building will house the corporate offices of
drainage system in the 1950s, the cavernous 1800s-
Eclipse Industries. Jt will be the third-tallest building
era storm drains below Old San Angelo are a dark re-
in the city.
flection of the bustling city above. A dank, crumbling
Liberty Square: An open plaza with an eye-pleas- maze of passages, the century-old drains are largely
ing mix of fountains, trees, grassy knolls and park unmapped. Some people claim they go on for miles
benches. The square honors the Liberty Corps, a hero below the streets of San Angelo. City officials dis-
team active in the 1930s and 1940s. A bronze monu- courage access to the sewers, however, citing the ex-
ment statue of the team stands at the center of the plaza. treme danger of collapse.
Liberty Square also contains a handful of bronze Prospector Bank Building: A 38-story office tower
plaques honoring more recent San Angelo heroes who that houses the corporate headquarters of Prospector
have been killed in the line of duty. Bank. Bank offices occupy the first several floors of
Most supers consider Liberty Square "neutral the tower, but the rest is rented by other companies.
ground" as a gesture of respect to the fallen heroes. The top story contains the exclusive Skyline Club, a
Even criminal supers are unlikely to attack foes here, private dining establishment catering to the ultra-rich.
and a few have at times arranged meetings with their The Prospector Bank Building is the second-tallest
heroic rivals at the plaza to pass on information, make building in San Angelo.
threats, discuss mutual enemies or fulfill some other *San Angelo Corporate Center: A 32-story office
non-combat purpose. tower, once the tallest building in San Angelo but now
Old City Cemetery: An 80-acre cemetery that dates eclipsed by newer developments.
back to the late 1800s. A wrought-iron fonce surrounds *Twilight Tower: Officially the Morgan Office
the old graveyard, which is crowded with headstones, Tower, this imposing piece of the city skyline is com-
a variety of monuments, crypts and tombs. Many San mon! y called the "Twilight Tower" for the smoked gray
Angelo pioneers are buried here. Historical brochures glass used in its construction. Built in 1988 by Mor-
are available, and weekend tours are sometimes held
at the cemetery.
gan Construction Co., the office tower rises 42 sto- .
ries, making it the tallest building in the city. '!'!':! ,

"These he1v•"· , .1 ,
"'" .otta); '"'~)''re.just k tJ. M
responsibility. umk at I ' .r. o
Their r. h · t u: mess they make :with all
The building has a high occupancy rate, housing in- Jl8 Tmg. And IOme ofTh
ought to lie as/1(1me l ose costumes-they
numerable law offices, accounting firms, consultants, •·1 '.
remember the Atomic J(.id b k .
engineering companies, stock brokerages and other WW.ZJ· 1vow
u ' ac m rhe Big o
there was l ne.
professional offices. Some of the top firms in the city saved my whole unit ataOk.
U!l'C> yo11 could be
pmud o.f
are found here, including the Jaw firm of Graham, that had us pinned d 11/tlW(l-too!.: OuT a pillbox
.. own.
Drake & Wagner, the political consulting firm of - Every Veterans Da,( I n over
Hardesty & Associates and Highland Securities. The mhu k' -1 g
111111 wul the to that stmue of
o <1 teroe,\' at Uber!)• S .
Twilight Cafe in the first floor is considered one of to sav rlwnks. 11ie VFW . · quare, 1us1
San Angelo's finer dining establishments. thel'e every' y·ear. h It' 11.\ed lo have ceremonies
' u 1ra1 prottv m 'hfe//
wt1y.ridt' "few veur:r "1 ·t uc hv the
SOmethin fi · , ago. 'OI 'tJ W(Jf /f's jlLfl
Other Points of Interest · g rom lt1story• cla.Yses tofiif.'-.. 1
guess. c ~ t11ese days, /
Chamberlain Administrative Center (p. 77)
"But I still run i1110 a few fc ll
City Hall (p. 72) l~tercms Du" !. .1 • : • e ows Ott/ there eve ,
Convention Center (p. 212) _,.. o '' vets like me .
the Atomic Kid an'/ t.- ' , commg ro remember
Federal Courthouse (p. I 08) " tru: ()f11ers. ,.
N Street Shelter (p. 183) -Hal Boyd, 70. retired
Golden Rule (p. 183)
Historic San Angelo Opera House (p. 2 12) something slackers in the relaxed neighborhoods of
Kelley Medical Center (p. 143) Midtown.
Police Headquarters (p. 88) Picnics and zoo visitors flock to the vast Samuel
St. Kjeran 's Catholic Church (p. 165) Brackett City Park, a vital escape valve from the pres-
St. Lawrence Dining Hall (p. 184) sures of city life, which defines the western edge of
San Angelo County Courthouse (p. l 08)
San Angelo County General Hospital (p. 143)
San Angelo County Main Jail (p. 111)
And high-fashion society balls in the elegant man-
San Angelo Plaza (p. 122) sions of Poverty Gulch and other exclusive enclaves
San Angelo County Sheriff's Dept. HQ (p. 94) are just another piece of the Midtown puzzle.
Temple Beth Israel (p. 165) As San Angelo began to spread out from its riverfront
University Medical Center (p. 142) origins, residents began to buy up land in Midtown.
Some of the first to build in the area were successful
"I I iear there(r f<>111tttlti11 l" . . prospectors who erected ostentatious Victorian man-
storm dmimr he/ow Old "11 tv111g m <JI</ sions in the Poverty Gulch neighborhood.
. YfJll k1101v. M h>Jtlll
fior nu/es. .
Angelo 11
• tey go (m Over the next century, Midtown continued to pros-
stmitatio depar1
11 y mther ""01 *~Ior th~.citv per as a residential offshoot of the downtown. Stores,
huddieJ· have .rpn;;~~j~J,~lld lz~ .rays s(Jme ofhis · offices and other businesses followed their custom-
there. Tiu• drv's k· . ,~weird crr!at11re do11·11
- ee1~1~g it all huJ·hed up. thouglt . .. ers, while universities, museums and libraries sprang
- V1vian Flanders 41 h up to educate the public.
' • omemaker
All these elements come together in modern Mid-
Midtown town, a funky yet pleasant mix of housing, businesses
An eclectic blend of sidewalk cafes, Victorian man- and nightlife.
sions, office buildings, museums, bungalows and bou- Along major streets, apartments or flats are often lo-
tiques, Midtown is the laid-back residential counter- cated upstairs from boutiques, restaurants and mom-
part to the high-energy downtown. and-pop stores of all types. A few comer groceries
In-line skaters jet down the streets at midnight, while remain in Midtown, survivors of the influx of super-
PA_G_e"''bicycles line the sidewalks outside the numerous cof-
i .... markets and reminders of days gone by.
NUMBER feehouses. A1tists, poets and musicians mix easily with Dusty bookstores, including some specializing in rare
young professionals, university students and twenty- or antique volumes, seem to be everywhere, sur-
Ctr, ol 5tn ~oolo •~OO -

A Description of San Angelo

rounded by shops catering to almost any need. A num- Brackett Park

ber of specialty shops can be found only in Midtown, Broad, leafy avenues lined by the homes of the well-
in fact. Art galleries, coffeehouses, funky dive bars to-do make up the Brackett Park neighborhood, which
and sidewalk cafes add to the charm of the commu- takes its name from the sizable park containing the
nity. San Angelo Zoo and other attractions found at the heart
Midtown also contains a number of old-fashioned of the community.
meeting halls built in the early 20th century by vari- The shady boulevards of the decidedly upscale neigh-
ous fraternal orders and lodges. The halls, which are borhood are traveled by Mercedes Benzes, Jaguars,
usually available for rent, are popular for wedding re- Porsches, Cadillacs and even an occasional Bentley.
ceptions, parties, aerobics classes and other uses. The neighborhood is also home to a stately progres-
The array of architectural styles seen in Midtown sion of elegant museums, theaters and other institu-
are a large part of its charm, with a preponderance of tions, including a performing arts complex, on Hall
Victorians, craftsman bungalows and commercial Boulevard just opposite the sprawling city park.
buildings that hint of other times. A high percentage The Victorian homes of Poverty Gulch continue into
of the houses have been converted into apartments or Brackett Park, mixed with classy Tudors, French cha-
offices. teaus, Mission-style homes, Southern Colonials and
The more exclusive addresses in Midtown are home other beautiful estate-style mansions.
to Victorian mansions, Tudor manors, colonial-style Expansive, well-manicured lawns shaded by tower-
homes and other high-toned architectural marvels. ing oaks, elms, ash and other trees front the refined
The area is home to the University of California, San homes, which are often protected by walls or fences.
Angelo. San Angelo City College, the oldest and larg- Stylish brownstones can be found in more densely
est of four community colleges in the county, can also populated portions of Brackett Park, along with a hand-
be found in Midtown. Several prominent San Angelo ful of clothing boutiques, swanky sidewalk cafes and
hospitals, museums, churches and other religious in- old-time ice cream shops.
stitutions are located in the community as well. One of the city's oldest neighborhoods, Brackett Park
Residents of Midtown are as varied as its architec- is home to some of the wealthiest and most influential
ture, ranging from older homeowners to university and San Angelinos. Retirees, investors, corporate execu-
community college students. Many young profession- tives, attorneys, doctors, and bankers are all well-rep-
als have made Midtown their home, and the district resented among its residents.
has long been popular with local artists.
Of course, more exclusive neighborhoods such as Piper Glen
Poverty Gulch and Brackett Park continue to be the Once a working-class neighborhood of bars, delis,
preserve of the wealthiest San Angelinos. barber shops, boxing gyms and fraternal lodges, Piper
Auto burglaries are a serious problem in Midtown, Glen has been overtaken by an influx of yuppies.
as most residents must park on the street, but other- Formerly known as Basque Ravine, afterthe shepherds
wise the community does not have an excessive crime who once camped there, the neighborhood began to
rate. change in the 1980s as weU-off professionals began buy-
ing up the stylish but fading houses in the area.
"Hey, you remember that crazy guy who spe_aks
They restored the homes and gave the neighborhood
at the City Council meetings every week, talking
about how the supers ore really angels of God? I a more upscale name, Piper Glen, that quickly sup-
saw him in Midtown today!" planted its original moniker. Soon a wave of cappucino
-Vicki Crowe, 18, student bars, pricey cafes serving California cuisine and other
yuppified establishments began to replace the blue- - - - .
collar businesses along Piper Avenue. ~:~E~ I
't>eO.Y" A/O.'Ui,
.-4terw o.-x-e 41'1!71A? we o.-x-e -k:i11,e.. --\'flo.'l)e 41'!!7IA
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filte ov...Y- ~ .aeo.Y-~'tt: :f-t:'s;;-- .aff ttie
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gilvir e"("" J:-'ut -4'41'i'l8.
A/o'Ui, We $OW 0. ~e<"'-/le'(""'(!!rf We We-<e
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f'.~ W/1e~ /1e Sdew Y-i8/1t- Ulie<"' ~ -Re was;.·
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('S We set. .a tf>...'<'tfe. A/o'Ui :f- co.~C-'"

~ 41'1!7IA (:'& Vi:PiC- ~ t/ii9' !P!A~
The stately historic Victorian mansions lin-
- Kerrie Kendall, 7, student ing the streets of Poverty Gulch are the pride of
the city. Meticulously restored and kept in impeccable
condition, they hearken back to the early days of San
The Argonaut Society hall, built by a loose collec- Angelo when the golden harvest of the rivers fulfilled
tion of daredevils and adventurers in 1930s San Angelo many a prospector's dream.
to house a social club and museum, has alone resisted The historic Brackett House, built by pioneer Sam
the tides of change. The building, owned by a handful Brackett after he struck it rich, can be found here, as
of surviving members, remains closed to the public. can the homes of many other early San Angelo resi-
Young urban professionals, many of whom are em- dents.
ployed as up-and-coming attorneys, corporate execu- The First Baptist Church of San Angelo, a pristine
tives and bankers in City Center skyscrapers, are the white clapboard church dating back to the Gold Rush
chief residents of Piper Glen. era, is found in Poverty Gulch. It was the first non-
A few old-timers, who stubbornly still call it Basque Catholic church built in the city.
Ravine, remember the rough-around-the-edges char- Elms and other street trees line the broad, shady av-
acter that once made the neighborhood distinctive. enues of Poverty Gulch, enhancing the beauty of the
neighborhood with bursts of color each autumn.
Aside from a few service stations at the edges of the
community, Poverty Gulch contains few commercial
enterprises of any type.
Each fall, a half-dozen or so of the Victorian man-
sions are opened to the public in a charity home tour
to raise funds for the Percival Cooper Children's Home.


City of n Aogelo 4500 -

A Description of San Angelo

University Commons Points of Interest

Popularly known simply as "The Commons," the Colonial T h eatre: An old moviehouse built in Mid-
University Commons neighborhood spreads out town in the 1930s. The Colonial Theatre shut its doors
around the UC San Angelo campus. A mix of frater- 20 years ago due to competition from new cineplexes,
nity houses, apartments, bookstores and coffeehouses, and is now sadly dilapidated. A favorite of historic
the community caters to the university lifestyle. preservationists, the theater has escaped demolition
Bicycles, in-line skates and buses are the preferred several times after strong protest campaigns persuaded
modes of transportation, and the local pizzerias, bars the City Council to halt the plans. There are rumors
and coffeehouses are packed nightly with young people that a ghost haunts the old moviehouse.
trying to get away from their studies for a few hours. Franklin Park: A Midtown pocket park containing
Conversation in The Commons ranges from the rankest a monument statue of Benjamin Franklin. The park is
gossip to debate on the philosophies of ancient Greece favored by pamphleteers and soapbox speakers, who
to furious shouting matches over politics. enlighten passers-by on everything from communism
Nearly all housing in The Commons has been built to UFOs. Activists from UC San Angelo sometimes
or converted for rental purposes. Homes in the neigh- hold rallies at the park.
borhood tend to be older, and many are divided into Historic San Angelo Rail Depot: A passenger rail
multiple apartments. Other lots are equipped with cot- depot dating back to the 1920s. The station, restored
tages, garage apartments or second homes, also for in the 1980s, features historic displays in the lobby.
rent. Its Spanish-style architecture gives the rail depot a dis-
The numerous apartment complexes in the area like- tinctive look.
wise tend to be older, with lower rents that appeal to
university students. Even so, those on tight budgets
often cram as many roommates as possible into their Other Points of Interest
apartments. Al Qazar Mosque (p. 164)
Close to campus, a "fraternity row" of Greek houses Brackett House Museum (p. 210)
can be found, though fraternties and sororities can also Faraday Memorial Clinic (p. 141)
be found elsewhere in The Commons. Most Greek First Baptist Church of San Angelo (p. 165)
houses are huge, 2- to 3-story affairs, often decorated Horizons C lub
St. Mary's General Hospital (p. 143)
with banners or other displays. Noisy, rowdy parties,
Samuel Brackett City Park (p. 213)
sometimes with live music, are frequent.
San Angelo Center for the Performing Arts (p. 212)
Most residents of The Commons are connected to San Angelo City College (p. 115)
the university in some way. Students predominate, but San Angelo Metropolitan Museum (p. 211)
numerous professors and university employees also San Angelo Zoo (p. 214)
live in the neighborhood. Temple of Atlantis (p. 170)
Businesses in the neighborhood reflect the younger, UC San Angelo (p. 113)
university-oriented population. Fast food outlets, piz- Van Ruyter Museum of Art (p. 211)
zerias and inexpensive Chinese restaurants are popu-
lar, as are laundromats and bicycle repair shops. Cof-
feehouses and bars can be found on almost every block,
the Earth and make
it seems. And bookstores, including many offering .. "The supers plan to ta ke over . 't
~ . 1 est They're all m on ' •
used books, are everywhere.
Most arrests in The Commons involve underage 1 us ''°rmal humans theirs av .
. the her0es,

had mo but someone too i •
l p .if.
k 't "
w·' ,,.is, 35 , picketer
drinking and public drunkeness, though auto burglar- ... "JI.

ies are also a serious problem. Sexual assault cases PAG

are not uncommon, however.
Other Communities eluding Orion Labs, Helix Technologies and BioGen
Sciences. Several major corporations, like Eclipse ln-
The neighborhoods of downtown and Midtown dustries and Avalon Enterprises, have labs in the area.
might form the heart of San Angelo, but the metropo- Super-cooling for top-line computer systems, bio-
lis encompasses a dozen other suburbs, industrial dis- engineered crops and high-energy storage batteries are
tricts and communities. just a sampling of the projects being researched in Ar-
royo Verde labs.
Arroyo Verde The commercial scene caters to the daily influx of
High-tech factories, top research Jabs and pioneer- commuters from San Angelo suburbs. Drive-through
ing software design studios crowd the Arroyo Verde coffee stands, fast food stops, convenience stores and
valley just south of urban San Angelo. lunch delis are all common sights.
The leading-edge reputation of Arroyo Verde has at- A few subdivisions and modern apartment complexes
tracted many of the chief scientists, engineers and pro- are scattered among the office and industrial parks
grammers in the world of advanced technology to the comprising most of Arroyo Verde, but the residential
region, fueling the city 's latest economic boom. population is slight.
A sea of office and industrial parks surround a few Crime rates are moderate, primarily involving prop-
campus-like manufacturing plants in Arroyo Verde. erty crimes and auto thefts. However, cases of indus-
New complexes are springing up all over in response tfial espionage and even sabotage have been reported.
to the ongoing influx of new businesses. Meanwhile, In addition, many Arroyo Verde plants use toxic
contractors are busy extending roads, water lines and chemicals or other hazardous materials. While they
other necessary infrastructure as the county expands abide by stringent safety guidelines, accidents at these
Arroyo Verde southward. plants could be catastrophic for employees and possi-
Named for one of the many creeks in the region, bly even the rest of San Angelo.
Arroyo Verde once held only pasture-land and a few Virtually every large manufacturer has a private se-
fiuit orchards. As urban sprawl drew nearer, county curity force, and the business parks dotting the terrain
officials designated the area for industrial development, often contract with security firms for regular patrols.
but the land remained mostly agricultural until the late
1980s. Point of Interest
Construction of the huge HyperDyne Computers Arroyo Lake: A large artificial lake at the heart of
plant in the 1980s brought an influx of suppliers, ven- Arroyo Verde. The lake, a popular spot for lunch-time
dors and software designers to the region. The addi- picnics by employees of nearby businesses, provides
tion of new high-tech plants in the early 1990s estab- a stop for migrating ducks, geese and other waterfowl.
lished the area's reputation in the technological world. It also adds a welcome bit of greenery to the sprawl of
Its farmland past all but forgotten, Arroyo Verde now pavement, asphalt and concrete that makes up mod-
cultivates the fruits of advanced technology. ern Arroyo Verde.
In addition to HyperDyne Computers, one of the
city's top employers, Arroyo Verde is home to com·
panies manufacturing computer chips, circuit boards, Campaign Tip
advanced radio equipment, robotics, ultra-light aircraft As the premier center of high technology in San
and sophisticated vision-enhancing equipment. One Angelo, Arroyo Verde is a natural target for tech-
of the countless smaller firms in the district designs nologically-oriented villains. Thefts, kidnappings
and builds racing sailboats for international competi- and extortion schemes are all possibilities. Also,
tors. industrial accidents can provide a number of ad-
Private research-and-development labs in a va1iety
venture ideas or origin stories.
of scientific fields also call Arroyo Verde home, in-


CIC)I o! 5>11 An g~lo HOO -

A Description of San Angelo

Other Points of Interest
Avalon Enterprises (p. 124) "Ht:v. did .vou see the ShortStop tm Swrk Boule·
BioGen Sciences (p. 175) v(Jrd 1i1is m~ming? I dmw by cm my wciy IQ tile lab.
Consolidated Electronics (p. 128) Tiie whole vlac:e is.fl.auened. just a ·/leap q{ rub/Jfo.
CryoDynamics (p. 175) It's im:reclible. The cop there suid :mm'1. super
Eclipse Industries (p. 124) flifJptuJ om u1hen the clerk wouldn ~give him a free
FutureWorks Robotics (p. 175) Gw11d Slam Gulp.
Helix Technologies (p. 173) "/ do11 't know about you, but I would have given
HyperDyne Computers (p. 129) it to him."
Infinity Software (p. 130) -Christopher Gonsalves, 40, enginee
New Frontiers Inc. (p. 175)
Orion Labs (p. 174) Brenton is also home to numerous dedicated com-
Radiant Concepts (p. 175) munity activists who are fighting to take back their
Taiyo Corp. (p. 131) streets and parks, however. Pastors, youth center op-
erators, educators and a host of others face a daily
Brenton struggle to restore pride to the community.
One of the city's most relentlessly poor communi- Despite efforts to clean up the area, Brenton suffers
ties, Brenton has the dubious distinction of claiming from a grievous crime rate. Gang problems are acute
both the lowest per-capita income and highest crime in most neighborhoods. Bloody clashes between rival
rate in San Angelo. sets of the Nomads and Prophets street gangs are fre-
Block after block of cheap apartments, semi-aban- quent. Violence and property crimes of all kinds are
doned buildings and run-down tract houses plagued rampant in Brenton.
by crime and violence offer tangible proof that the com-
munity does not share the prosperity enjoyed by the Points of Interest
rest of San Angelo. The Bunker: A liquor store in a squat cement build-
Brenton also contains the highest concentration of ing resembling a World War II bunker, hence its name.
public housing in the city, rife with the social ills ail- The graffiti-covered Bunker seems to be a magnet for
ing many such projects. trouble, and community activists cite the business as a
Homebuilders seeking to cash in on the commuting major source of problems in the neighborhood.
opportunities offered by newly built Interstate 7 put Esperance Plaza: The largest public housing project
up the first houses in Brenton in the 1950s. But the in San Angelo County, with more than 750 units. For
community proved to be too distant from major em- years the Esperance Plaza Prophets virtually controlled
ployers to prosper. the complex, which became a glaring eyesore of bro-
Brenton deteriorated rapidly, and in the 1960s San ken windows, graffiti, torn fencing and discarded junk.
Angelo County built numerous public housing projects The county recently began a major cleanup effort at
to shelter its poorest residents. Esperance Plaza, making repairs, painting over graf-
The area's job outlook is bleak. A few convenience fiti and hauling away the piles of broken appliances in
marts, liquor stores, pawn shops and check-cashing front of some units. The Sheriff's Department has
outlets are about the extent of the business scene. The stepped up patrols near the complex and opened an
only supermarket shut its doors in the 1970s, and all office in a vacant unit to boost its presence inside the
efforts to attract a replacement have failed. projects.
Hardworking families from Korea, India and Viet- While several known gang members have been
nam own some small businesses in the vicinity. But evicted, many Esperance Plaza residents still live in
many storefronts are empty as owners opt for a safer, fear of the Prophets and are wary of aiding authori-
more profitable environment. Some now house a few ties. The outcome of the battle to take back control of
of the myriad churches in Brenton. the complex is still in doubt, and in large part depends _ __
Poverty and unemployment mire residents in this iso- on the county's willingness to continue funding the !'u~~e~
lated, neglected corner of the city. expensive campaign.


try of Son Angtlo .SOD -

A Description of San Angelo

Other Points of Interest "Whatcha doin '? Oh, these are for ole Mrs.
Mt. Zion AM.E. Church (p. 165) Marks. She broke her leg, so Moms makin' me do
her grocery shopping 'til she gets better.
"You 'member that fight on the 1V couple weeks
Castle Heights ago, where Amok threw that bus at Lotus? Dude,
Mrs. Marks was on that bus! Yeah. Messed her up.
Houses are popping up like weeds in Castle Heights
"Aw, J don't mind. Mrs. Marks, she cool. She
on the southernmost edge of metropolitan San Angelo.
useta bake me cookies. "
Thousands of head of cattle once roamed where -Jamal Pulliam, 14, student
streets, suburban homes and modern shopping cen-
ters now arise in a seemingly unstoppable tide of de-
A residential community with many homes dating
In the early days of San Angelo, the entire region back to the early 20th Century, Eastside contains sev-
was part of the vast Castle Ranch. Cattle baron Frederic
eral early suburbs of downtown San Angelo. It is gov-
Castle sold part of his land to the railroad in the 1870s
erned by the city.
for a depot and small town, which became known as
Separated from downtown San Angelo by the raised
Castle Heights. Interstate 7 highway, Eastside neighborhoods tend to
Over time, fruit and nut orchards began to replace be more spread out than the densely packed city core.
cattle ranching as the mainstay of the region. Castle Neat grids of shady streets are lined by single-family
Heights remained primarily a cluster of storefronts, homes and an occasional apartment house .
surrounded by a few blocks of houses, lining the old Most neighborhoods are quiet, slightly upscale en-
railway. In the 1980s, however, demand for new hous- virons with a bevy of beautiful homes in a variety of
ing for workers at nearby Arroyo Verde and Southport styles. The Gothic architecture of Cathedral Square
factories brought developers to Castle Heights. marks one exception, and to the north moneyed neigh-
Now suburban-style subdivisions surround old Castle borhoods give way to the grittier North Mission dis-
Heights, while modern shopping centers are found at trict.
either end of the tiny historic downtown district. Eastside neighborhoods are home to several San
Residents of Castle Heights tend to be middle-class, Angelo landmarks, including the vast Cathedral of St.
mostly employees at the high-tech factories in Arroyo Mary, Mission San Angeles and the San Angelo Sports
Verde. The community has a slightly below-average Complex.
crime rate. Housing development began in Eastside at the turn
of the century as well-to-do residents sought homes
Points of I nterest outside the crowded downtown but still conveniently
Castle Heights Auto Mall: A gigantic conglomera- close to their businesses. In time, Eastside became a
tion of auto dealerships just off Highway 170. popular address for middle-class residents as well.
Opened in 1993, the 100-acre facility contains 16 A few grocery stores, supplemented by hardware
dealerships representing every major foreign and do- stores, nurseries, dry cleaners and other small busi-
mestic automaker. About 5,700 new and used vehicles nesses catering to daily household needs, constitute
are on display at the lots, which rack up $450 million most of the commercial scene in the community.
in total annual sales. A handful of restaurants hearkening to tourists are
found near the Mission San Angeles, and gas stations,
. Other Points of Interest · fast food outlets and motels beckon to travelers on I-
Castle Heights Community Hospital 7. Industrial ventures play a key role in the North Mis-
P~GE Castle Heights Country Club (p. 190) sion economy, while authentic ethnic foods are a popu-

, __
Kelley Castle Heights Hospital (p. 143) lar commodity in Cathedral Square.


I ~ny,.,.......... o oo-

A Description of San Angelo

Single-family homes are the norm, though a few World flavor and a well-deserved reputation for eerie
small apartment complexes are located in the commu- goings-on.
nity, particularly in North Mission and Cathedral The sprawling Cathedral of St. Mary, built in the early
Square. 20th century, lies at the heart of the neighborhood,
Homeowners in most Eastside neighborhoods tend fronting a cobblestone plaza inhabited by hundreds of
to be middle- to lower-upper-class, and a generational pigeons and ringed by old-fashioned cafes, bakeries
change has brought an jnflux of young families into and shops.
the community. The Gothic architecture of the visually stunning ca-
Property crimes are the chief law enforcement com- thedral carries over to some of the apartment homes,
plaint of Eastside residents, though the North Mission townhouses and storefronts in the community. Arches,
neighborhood is troubled by gang problems. flying buttresses and even a scattering of gargoyles
adorn older buildings.
Neighborhoods of Note Enhancing the Old World feeling are the onion-
Cathedral Square: Shadowed by the towering Gothic shaped parapets of St. Basil's Cathedral, a Russian
spires of St. Mary's, the streets of Cathedral Square have Orthodox church serving as a distinctive architectural
an ominous air, especially at night, when tendrils of fog and religious landmark in the neighborhood
come stealing up from the river to veil the neighborhood Architecture and design students on field trips from
in a silent shroud of mist. various San Angelo universities are a frequent sight
One of the oldest outlying neighborhoods of down- in Cathedral Square.
town San Angelo, this community has a distinctly Old A portion of the neighborhood has been dubbed Little


C:t)' of s,..n AJ1QOH> .'J$.'J0 - -

A Description of San Angelo

Kiev to denote the Ukrainian, Russian and Eastern Eu- as Dio de los Muertos, or Day of the Dead, are assidu-
ropean origins of many residents. Bakeries, delis and ously observed by the faithful in the neighborhood.
restaurants catering to the tastes of these new arrivals Employment prospects are not especially good in
attract diners from all over San Angelo. North Mission. Many residents hold down low-pay-
The uncanny nature of Cathedral Square by night ing positions in San Angelo industries or any of a range
has given rise to innumerable tales of supernatural hap- of unskilled labor jobs.
penings in the neighborhood. The Bard, an arcane hero A variety of light industry operations have located
in medieval garb, serves as a mystical protector of the in North Mission, attracted by low rents and a ready
community. supply of cheap labor. Welding shops, souvenir t-shirt
North Mission: The North Mission district has be- printers and lumber yards are just a few examples.
come a focal point of Latino life in San Angelo, though Several towing companies and landscape mainte-
all ethnic groups ru·e well-represented among its popula- nance firms are also based in North Mission.
tion. Along with bodegas, a handful of supe1markets, phar-
Originally laid out as an industrial district, North Mis- macies and other shops catering to household needs,
sion never took off and soon became an inexpensive the commercial scene includes a number of well-re-
residential area. From the 1940s onward, the commu- garded restaurants serving authentic Mexican dishes.
nity attracted great numbers of Latino residents un- The San Angelo Sports Complex, the home arena of
able to secure housing in white neighborhoods. the San Angelo Nuggets basketball team, is located in
Housing ranges from aging single-family homes to North Mission.
old-fashioned apartment buildings. While most homes Crime problems are moderate to severe in North Mis-
are well-kept, the occasional eyesore with peeling sion. A number of gangs, some established in the late
paint, overgrown yards, rusting cars on blocks and 1960s, are active in the neighborhood. The Varrio Mis-
other debris catches the eyes of passers-by. sion Boys are considered the largest and most power-
Commercial and industrial buildings tend to be un- ful North Mission gang.
attractive structures often constructed of cinderblocks,
corrugated metal or other inexpensive materials. Points of Interest
Despite the rundown look of the neighborhood, a *Cathedral of St. Mary: A beautiful, eerily silent
vibrant spirit infuses North Mission. church in the Cathedral Square neighborhood. The vast
Strikingly colorful murals, many extolling Latino cathedral dates back to the early days of San Angelo.
pride, decorate walls throughout the community. Old- Displeased by the sad state of the chapel at the old
fashioned bodegas offer credit and a friendly atmo- Mission San Angeles, Bishop Cristoforo D' Amico
sphere to locals. Cultural festivals featuring mariachi claimed land for the Catholic Church in 1884 and in-
bands, Mexican folk dances and other highlights are sisted a cathedral that would properly extol the glo-
frequent. ries of God be built.
Religion is also key to the lives of No1th Mission The determined, some say obsessed, bishop person-
residents. St. Anthony's Catholic Church is the best- ally oversaw construction of the mammoth cathedral,
attended church in the city, and religious holidays, such a Gothic monument on a scale rarely seen on the West
Coast. Soaring twin towers crown a facade decorated
"Naw, I don't go into Cathedral Square no more. with sculptures, with additional towers, a profusion of
Too creepy, ya know? Besides, I heard there's this flying buttresses and spiky pinnacles rising around the
new hero workin • the neighborhood. Whattyacallim- upper reaches of the edifice. Huge stained-glass win-
rlte Brat? Naw, wail, it's the Bard. Yeah, an' Joe dows give walls a cu1tain-like appearance, and leer-
Kushnick ~e"t. hes got some magic flute thingie. ing stone gargoyles serve as rainspouts.
M.esses Wlf yer head. Nothin • to be Joo/in• around
NUMBER wrt, ya ask me.,, D' Amico continued to add to the cathedral over the
next 40 years, surrounding it with a haphazard collec-
-Bill Ward, 45, criminal
City Of on A1>g•lo 4 SOO -

A Description of San Angelo

tion of chapels, vestries, religious libraries, convents out for a picnic lunch are all frequent sights at the pleas-
and other buildings. ant park.
Adding to the confusing layout are a series of tun- Muro de los Heroes: The "Wall of the Heroes," a
nels, catacombs and other underground spaces. mural in the North Mission neighborhood that com-
Construction finally ceased after D' Amico died in memorates Latino heroes. The Aztec king Montezuma,
1923, and St. Mary's served as a center of Catholic farm labor leader Cesar Chavez and Golden Age speed-
life in San Angelo for the next 50 years. But changes ster Velocidad are just a few of the images on the col-
in earthquake safety laws forced the closure of the ca- orful mural.
thedral in the early 1970s. The offices of the archdio- The artist Emilio painted the Muro de los Heroes
cese were moved to St. Kieran's Catholic Church in under a grant from the city Arts Commission and re-
City Center, where they remain today. development agency.
Renovation efforts, hampered by court suits filed by
historical preservationists, allowed the church to re-
open the cathedral on a limited basis in 1983. The rest Ot er Points o Interest
Children's Hospital of San Angelo
of the sprawling Gothic complex in Cathedral Square
Mission San Angeles (p. 210)
remains closed to the general public.
Order of the Knights Templar (p. 180)
Eastside City Park: A sizable park in an upscale St. Anthony's Catholic Church (p. 165)
Eastside neighborhood featuring a duck pond, play- St. Basil's Cathedral (p. 165)
ground, soccer fields and a grassy picnic area. Jog- San Angelo Sports Complex (p. 200)
gers, walkers, parents pushing strollers and families


tty un AllQ!lk) • -

A Description of San Angelo

ally became known as Lakeview for the

reservoir to the north.
As urban San Angelo crept east-
ward in the I 950s and 1960s, the
community became a popular address
for residents seeking a less crowded locale
and Lakeview now anchors the east edge
of the metropolis.
Retail-oriented businesses predominate in
Lakeview, particularly in the old down-
town. The core area is particularly well-
known for its many antique shops.
The community has a full range of hous-
ing options, from older homes downtown
to huge mansion-style houses in exclusive
Along with residents of all income lev-
els, Lakeview is home to some of the
wealthiest people in San Angelo, particu-
larly in the Falcon Bluff and Royal Grove
ndgh borhoods.
Crime in Lakeview tends to be fairly light,
especially given the heavy use of private
security forces and gated streets in upscale

Neighborhoods of Note
Lakeview Falcon Bluff: Perhaps the most exclusive address
Once an outlying town, Lakeview has been engulfed in San Angelo, Falcon Bluff is home to a handful of
by the tide of urban development sweeping out from beautiful estates overlooking the picturesque Del Oro
central San Angelo. The community is governed by River Canyon below Oro Dam.
the county. Gated driveways wind off into the densely wooded
An old-time downtown of sidewalk storefronts and hillside, leading to the magnificent blufftop mansions,
cross-hatched streets forms the core of Lakeview. some boasting dozens of rooms. Most homes are not
Newer suburban-style subdivisions, sc1me exclusive visible from the street, lending residents a cherished
gated communities of custom-built homes, surround bit of privacy.
central Lakeview. The acres of pro petty surrounding each architectural
Found at the base of the foothills leading to the Si- masterpiece boast elaborate gardens, horse pastures,
erra Nevada, the hilly community offers several fine woodland areas and vast green lawns.
views of Lake Oro. While there are no commercial enterprises in Falcon
Lakeview started out in the early I 900s as a cluster Bluff, the estates provide plenty of employment for
of shops serving neary fruit growers and other farrn- servants, chefs, gardeners and handymen.
1 ers. In those days, it was known as Hamilton Corners. Some of the city's wealthiest residents, including
·~~!~e~ Construction of Oro Dam in the 1940s brought a new Aristeides Pappagianis, Thaddeus Long and Benjamin

prosperity and new name to the town. which eventu- Morgan. dwell in Falcon Bluff. Fancy high-society par-
ties are held almost every weekend at one or the other but the firm seeks to rezone the valley for construc-
of the mansions along the blufftop. tion of high-end housing. The proposed project would
Crime in the ritzy neighborhood is light. Most es- create hundreds of construction jobs and bring in mil-
tates are equipped with burglar alarms, motion sen- lions of dollars.
sors, video cameras and other security gear, not to But critics claim that Quail Valley is an environmen-
mention private security officers. tally sensitive habitat for several endangered species.
Royal Grove: A wealthy suburban enclave in an ex- They want the land set aside as a nature preserve. The
clusive part of Lakeview, Royal Grove surrounds a fire hazards of extensive development in the brushy
championship golf course and country club. hills and canyons are also a concern.
Vast custom-built homes costing $500,000 or more County planners are evaluating the advisability of
are the norm in Royal Grove. Some of the most valu- allowing development in the valley, under heavy pres-
able houses are built right on the golf course. The pri- sure from both factions in the high-stakes dispute.
vate links are owned by the Royal Grove Country Club,
the most expensive and prestigious country club in Other Points of Interest
the city. Ashcroft Riding Stables (p. 190)
The community also contains a handful of small, up- St. Mary's Lakeview Hospital (p. 143)
scale shopping centers housing pricey boutiques and Lakeview Airport (p. 62)
eateries. Lakeview Community College (p. 114)
Royal Grove Country Club (p. 189)
Numerous top corporate executives, business own-
ers, doctors and attorneys live in Royal Grove. The
neighborhood is popular with the city's "nouveau La Vista
riche" crowd. La Vista is a solidly middle-class mix of quiet sub-
The streets of Royal Grove are privately owned, and urban neighborhoods and commercial ventures rang-
security personnel guard a gate at the entrance to the ing from corner convenience marts to gigantic
subdivision 24 hours a day. The community also em- shoppping malls. The unincorporated community is
ploys a private security patrol. Most homes are governed by San Angelo County.
equipped with costly alarms and security systems. On weekends, neighborhood yards are full of activ-
ity as residents mow lawns, trim shrubs, garden or just
Points of Interest chat over some iced tea. Backyard pools are almost a
Hunt Gardens: A stunning garden on the former requirement, and nearly every driveway has a basket-
estate of 1920s financier Andreas Hunt in Falcon Bluff. ball hoop over the garage door. Parks, front yards and
The lavish garden includes a hedge maze, delightful even streets are often the scenes of after-school games
burbling fountains and numerous sculptures. A small of football, kickball or baseball.
replica of Stonehenge can also be found in the garden. Key La Vista boulevards, meanwhile, are clogged
Exotic plants and rare flowers from all over the world by shoppers traveling to the vast shopping malls and
bloom in the Hunt Gardens. other shrines to consumerism in the community.
The estate, owned by East Coast relatives since In the 1940s, real estate entrepreneur Thomas Porter
Hunt's death in 1952. is open to the public on week- bought up several hundred acres of orchards and pas-
ends. The mansion is closed, but guided tours of the ture land west of the burgeoning city of San Angelo.
gardens are offered for a reasonable price. He built scores of low-cost homes for returning World
Quail Valley: A valley in the foothills above War II veterans, giving rise to modern La Vista.
Lakeview at the heart of a controversy involving en- Now La Vista contains both housing and consumer-
vironmentalists and builder Benjamin Morgan.
The Morgan Development Co. purchased Quail Val-
oriented commercial ventures, and numerous office - --r1
parks housing every kind of professional or business ~:~e~
ley in 1995. The property is zoned for agricultural use, office imaginable.
Clry of Sin M9'1IO HOO -

A Description of San Angelo

Retail strip centers and larger shopping centers an- ever, and a handful of streets are known for spacious,
chored by supermarkets handle the everyday needs of lovely estate-style homes. Apartment complexes, some
suburbanites, but the real commercial powerhouses are quite large, are generally limited to major boulevards.
La Vista malls. A host of parks, neighborhood schools, churches and
The community contains several malls, ranging from library branches round out the residential picture in
small but select collections of ritzy stores catering to La Vista.
an upscale clientele up to gigantic, multi-level malls Most residents own their homes, and range from re-
jammed with hundreds of stores. Shoppers throng these tirees to mid-level managers or government employ-
mega-malls, and the parking lots are almost always ees. La Vista is also home to innumerable retirement
packed. The largest, most popular example is the three- communities and nursing homes for seniors.
story Fairtime Mall, located in Western La Vista. Crime problems are light to moderate in La Vista,
Family-oriented entertainment venues, such as movie which boasts a number of Neighborhood Watch
theaters, miniature golf courses, bumper boat rides and groups.
bowling alleys are also popular.
In addition, outdoor recreation opportunities abound Neighborhoods of Note
in La Vista. Little League, Pop Warner football and College Gardens: The College Gardens neighbor-
soccer leagues are popular among La Vista families, hood surrounds the campus of California State Uni-
and local high school teams are strongly supported. versity, San Angelo, and reflects a college atmosphere.
The Del Oro River Parkway lines the northern edge of Apartments, condos, townhouses and duplexes clus-
the area, beckoning to joggers, hikers and cyclists. ter around the university, as do a handful of fraternity
The county-owned La Vista Public GolfCourse is popu- and sorority houses. A sizable share of the single-fam-
lar with duffers, though the links are considered some of ily homes in College Gardens are rented to students as
the least challenging in the city. Those seeking a more well.
rarefied air can visit the Oakhills Country Club, a golf More upscale subdivisions and condominium com-
course and dining facility with an exclusive member- plexes cater to professors and instructors at CSU San
ship. Angelo.
Education also plays a key role in the daily life of La College tastes also influence the commercial scene
Vista residents. Along with various elementary, jun- in College Gardens, though perhaps not to the degree
ior high and high schools, the area is home to the Cali- found in University Commons. Pizzerias, fast food out-
fornia State University, San Angelo campus. lets, convenience stores, used book stores and a few
Homes in La Vista tend to be tract-style traditional nightclubs occupy shopping centers near the college.
houses on smaller lots, with winding streets and nu- Given that CSU San Angelo tends to be more of a
merous courts. Other architectural styles, particularly "commuter" campus, several gas stations are also
Mission or Santa Fe homes, are not uncommon, how- found near the campus.

Points of I nterest
California State Uni versily, San Angelo (p. 114) Paradise Beach: A nude beach along the Del Oro
Del Oro River Parkway (p. 214) River. Located along a remote stretch of the river, the
Fairtime Mall (p. 122) beach can be difficult to reach by land, which enhances
La Vista Cabana Club (p. 190) its popularity with sunbathers.
La Vista Public Golf Course (p. 214) Since Paradise Beach is public property, nudity is
Meridian Engineering (p. 175) technically illegal but sheriff's deputies rarely bother
Oakbridge Country Club (p. 190) to hike to the beach to issue citations. Their one or
PAGE Sacred Heart Memorial Hospital
NUMBER two visits each year are typically sparked by long-run-
San Angelo Christian Center (p. 164) ning complaints from nearby homeowners.
Northside Houses in the area recall the 1930s, with detatched
A ragged collection of fading industrial districts and garages, gravel driveways and wooden clapboard sid-
struggling residential neighborhoods, the Northside has ing. But peeling paint, sagging foundations and over-
aged badly since getting its start nearly 100 years ago. grown yards betray years of neglect at many homes.
The city has jurisdiction over the community. Vacant weed-covered lots, sometimes surrounded by
Belching smokestacks, modest homes, barking rusted chain-link fences, are not uncommon. Piles of
junkyard dogs, colorful gang graffiti and occasional abandoned furniture and other debris are frequent
gunshots are just a few of the sights and sounds of sights along the streets, which are plagued by flood-
Northside. ing problems in the winter.
First settled by gold panners who sought their for- A mix of residents live in the neighborhood, from
tunes on the Del Oro River, Northside caught the eye elderly original homeowners to younger families seek-
of factory builders at the turn of the century. Close ing low-cost housing. Many houses are inexpensive
enough to the city for crucial services, yet far enough rentals-owned by absentee landlords who have moved
away that their activities would draw few complaints, up to better neighborhoods. Boxy, low-rent apartments,
Northside seemed perfect for the early industrialists. often roach- or rat-infested, are also scattered here and
As the plants established along the Valley Pacific there in the neighborhood.
Railroad lines began to prosper, inexpensive housing
A few old-fashioned corner groceries can be found
for the rising numbers of factory workers began to go
among the convenience stores, liquor marts and bars
constituting most of the local commercial scene.
Today Northside is a mix of older middle-class
neighborhoods, industrial districts and a few high- Veterans Memorial Hospital, an imposing but age-
crime areas. The heavy industry that once sustained worn facility constructed in the 1940s, looms over the
the northern part of the city has declined with the new shadowed streets and decrepit homes of the neighbor-
emphasis on light industry and high-tech enterprises hood. Many Bannon Park residents are employed at
in outlying regions of San Angelo. As a result, the hospital, though typically in low-paying jobs as
Northside has undergone an economic downturn. laundry workers, orderlies or janitors.
Northside residents tend to be poor, and a high per- Crime has become a serious concern in Bannon Park,
centage rank below the poverty line. Many work long particularly crack dealing and gang-related violence.
hours for low pay at nearby factories, while public The Northside Posse is the largest independent street
assistance checks support a number of other house- gang in the area. Sets of the Nomads and Prophets
holds in the community. street gangs are also active.
Racial tensions are high in the ethnically mixed
The city police department has assigned neighborhood
Northside area, and simmering grudges occasionally
police officers to help residents retake their streets and
boil over into violent confrontations.
park, and numerous Neighborhood Watch associations
A few outlaw motorcycle gangs are active in
have formed in recent months despite threats by the gangs.
Northside, and some neighborhoods are claimed by
crack-dealing street gangs. Overall, the area has a high In spite of the determination of some residents to
crime rate. fight back, Bannon Park remains a dark, dangerous
place shunned by other San Angelinos.
Neighborhoods of Note Irish Bar: A sandbar named for a Gold Rush-era
Bannon Park: A rundown neighborhood of dilapi- mining camp populated by Irish prospectors gave this
dated older homes, Bannon Park takes its name from industrial neighborhood its name. One of the earliest
a nearby park honoring a pioneer San Angelo banker. industrial disrric.:ts of San Angelo, Irish Bar is home tor ~
Despite its moneyed name, the neighborhood has fallen . I f- l' . . I . . I l' I . PAGE
some o I· L 1e 1rst :actones 111 t lC city. inc U( 111g t 1e NuMeeR
on hard times. Hunter-Price Arms plant. 57


Jl. . . C1ry or St11 ~nuoM>

A Description of San Angelo

'§00 -

A dismal, dingy neighborhood, Irish Bar also con- There are very few homes in Irish Bar; the noise,
tains numerous other factories, trucking terminals, fumes and other nuisances of living in an industrial
warehouses, auto wrecking yards and distribution cen- area made residential development unprofitable. As a
ters. Dead-end streets, railroad freight lines and a result, the streets of the neighborhood are virtually de-
jumble of rail spurs complicate traffic through the serted at night, making Irish Bar a popular area for drug
neighborhood. Rust-stained corrugated metal ware- sales and other illicit activity. Stolen cars are frequently
houses, weeds sprouting in fenced storage yards and a abandoned in the neighborhood, where they are quickly
profusion of diesel big rigs form the overwhelming dismantled by thieves or destroyed by vandals.
impression of most visitors.
A constant barrage of noise assaults the ears in Irish Points of Interest
Bar, from rumbling truck engines to blaring public ad- Jeremiah Bannon Park: The large park that gives
dress systems and piercing whistles at manufacturing the Bannon Park neighborhood its name has been vir-
plants. Smoke, fumes and other odorous emanations tually taken over by drug dealers and street gangs.
are also frequent. Graffiti-covered restrooms, untended landscaping
Some of the key industries found in Irish Bar in- and knots of street toughs congregating on crumbling
clude a fiber-board pressing plant, a soft drink bottler, blacktop basketball courts accord the park a menac-
a corrugated box facility and a mobile-home manu- ing air.
facturer. *Pantheon Steel: A shuttered steel foundry in Irish
A few newer business enterprises can also be found Bar. Founded in the 1930s, Pantheon Steel played a
in the neighborhood, including a gigantic FoodBasket key role in the city's economy for decades until an
supermarket distribution center. Smaller businesses aging, outdated plant began to drag profits down in
include auto body shops, wrecking yards, mini-stor- the early 1980s. The company fell prey to a hostile
age lots, recycling centers and some light manufac- takeover by financier Donald Croft, who laid off hun-
turing. The city Corporation Yard, which houses most dreds of employees and liquidated its assets.
city-owned vehicles, repair shops and other facilities, The plant itself, however, remains unsold. An out-
can also be found in Irish Bar. moded design that precludes equipping the facility with
robotics, coupled with longstanding pollution prob-
"What was that? I don't hear so good ' lems, has blocked all attempts to sell the property.
anymore ... Whispering? Oh, the Whisper. Yes, I saw As a result, the huge plant stands empty and silent,
him once, back in '24 or '25 'twas. already stripped of what equipment could be sold to
"I'd just finished my shift at the Hunter-Price
other foundries.
factory up in Irish Bar and I was out having a
smoke when the Whisper comes leaping over the
alleyway, chasing someone cross the rooftops. Long Other Points of Interest
black coat, wide-brim hat-creepy-lookin '. There one
City Corporation Yard (p. 72)
second, gone the next.
City Water Plant (p. 72)
"Never did hear if he caught the feller he was
Hunter-Price Arms (p. 126)
chasing." Veterans Memorial Hospital
-Hollis Smith, 96, retired


Pleasant Grove into subdivisions in the emerging community of Sun-
The area that would one day be known as Pleasant set Farms. Pleasant Grove has the highest share of
Grove was little more than farmland when railroad pio- short-term residents of any established area of San
neers Leland Shaw and Jeremiah Bannon chose it as Angelo, due primarily to the nearby airbase.
the site of the key freight yard for their new rail line Most Pleasant Grove residents are lower middle-
130 years ago. class, although there are also many poorer neighbor-
Completion of the Valley Pacific Railroad yard in hoods in the community. Numerous households are
1872 sparked construction of a nearby town named on public assistance.
Junction Flats to house families of rail employees, Retired military personnel make up a key segment
along with shops to serve them. of the area's population, and Pleasant Grove tends to
In 1939, the Army Air Corps opened Forgan Field be one of the more patriotic communities in San
in nearby Pleasant Grove, but the full impact of the Angelo.
new airfield wasn't felt until three years later. Crime in Pleasant Grove is moderate to severe. A
The advent of World War II in 1942 brought thou- few neighborhoods are home to feuding street gangs,
sands of civilian workers from all over the nation to and at least two outlaw motorcycle gangs are based in
Forgan Field, including many African Americans. the area.
Denied housing elsewhere, some enterprising black
workers built their own homes out of discarded air- Points of Interest
craft parts crates. In time, these rudimentary shelters *Camp Baker: A closed U.S. Air Force communi-
were replaced by new houses built with government cations depot. All equipment has long since been re-
assistance to house airbase workers. moved from the depot, but a handful of dilapidated
Today Pleasant Grove ranks as a key residential area wooden buildings remain.
of San Angelo, though job prospects and business have A flimsy fence surrounds the depot, which is still
failed to keep pace with housing. owned by the military. Security officers from nearby
Used car lots, fast food outlets, pawn shops, liquor Forgan Air Force Base occasionally check the prop-
stores, check-cashing establishments and tawdry shop- erty for squatters.
ping centers comprise the bulk of the Pleasant Grove * San Angelo County Fairgrounds: The 85-acre
commercial scene. home of the San Angelo County Fair, held each Au-
Several discount stores and wholesalers do a brisk gust. Exhibition halls, livestock barns, arenas and
business, while industrial districts are home to all kinds stages are scattered around the fairgrounds. When the
of warehouses, auto repair shops, building suppliers fair is not running, the facilities are rented for home
and other ventures. expos, banquets and other events.
The rail yard and Forgan Air Force Base are still the
largest single employers in the area, however.
Apartments, duplexes and modestly priced homes Other Points of Interest
constitute most of the housing stock in Pleasant Grove. Del Oro Correctional Center (p. 111)
Many homes are rented out by owners who have Forgan Air Force Base (p. 145)
moved up to better areas of the city, while others are Gold Camp Amphitheater
picked up by first-time homebuyers looking for bar-
Light of Charity Mission (p. 184)
gains. Pleasant Grove Memorial Hospital
Newer homes are found to the northwest, where de- Valley Pacific Rail Yard (p. 132)
velopers are hard at work converting old pastureland

Rancho Madera Southport
The modern community of Rancho Madera once lay An industiial area dating back to the late 1800s, when
at the heart of the vast holdings of Mexican rancher a number of agriculture-related plants were established,
Juan Madera. The ceding of California to the United Southport is today one of the top centers of employ-
States in 1848 brought an end to his cattle empire, and ment in the city.
Madera eventually returned to Mexico a broken man. In the early days of San Angelo, easy access to the
Now a suburban bedroom community, Rancho railroad and the proximity of the river lured several
Madera consists chiefly of middle-class neighborhoods dairy creameries, bakeries, canneries and fruit-pack-
interspersed with schools, parks and churches. ing plants to the region.
A few clusters of apartment complexes, four-plexes As the economic base of San Angelo diversified, so
and other rental housing shelter poorer residents, par- did the types of industries found in Southport. Today
ticularly Southeast Asian or Russian newcomers to the the region contains a toy factory, plastics plant, furni-
U.S. Crowding, crime, health code violations and safety ture manufacturer and a music CD packaging facility,
deficiencies are problems at some complexes. to name just a few. Other Southport ventures produce
Supermarkets, video rental stores and fast food eat- everything from plumbing fixtures to chainsaws to hos-
eries occupying shopping centers along key boulevards pital beds.
comprise the bulk of the business scene. Several agriculture-related operations, the largest be-
Many longtime workers or mid-level managers at in- ing a Heartland Foods tomato cannery, continue to
dustries in nearby Southport reside in Rancho Madera, prosper in Southport, though they now rely primarily
as do numerous Peregrine Aircraft employees. on milk, produce, wheat and other products trucked in
Crime is on the rise in the suburban community, part! y from outlying areas.
due to influxes from Brenton and South San Angelo The city's largest private employer, Peregrine Air-
neighborhoods. Sheriff's investigators are also worried craft, operates a 625-acre design and manufacturing
by reports of activity by Southeast Asian gangs and plant in Southport.
the Organizatsiya in Rancho Madera. Intermixed with the huge factories are warehouses
and innumerable industrial parks housing a variety of
Other Points of Interest small business ventures, ranging from spa manufac-
San Angelo County Juvenile Hall (p. 110) turers to tool-and-die shops. Many industrial park ten-
Montgomery Youth Center (p. 110) ants are suppliers, consultants and vendors for the cor-
National Guard Armory (p. 146) porate giants a few blocks away.
Rancho Madera Community College (p. 115) The popular 49er Amusement Park, open all week
in the Spring and Summer and weekends in the Fall,
St. Mary's Rancho Madera Hospital (p. 143)
is another attraction in the community.
Southport also contains the Texxon Golden Dome
"E11ery tlayfor eigliree11 yeqrs I drove p<1sl this stadium, home of the San Angelo Miners football team,
great li11/e fmit s1a11d. '/'hey 'd sell fre~h c:om and conveniently located near Highway 170.
tomutoes, atrawberrie.-. - lt,!/1<11ever wets fre.~h and ;,,
seascn, right from their own fields. Neighborhoods of Note
"One day I'm driving to work and I see these two Devil's Bar: Named for a treacherous sandbar in the
guys fighting up in the s/cy. One 's covered in jlome:r. nearby San Angelo River, the Devil's Bar region con-
All of a sudden this fireball falls out of the sky and tains a jumble of junkyards, auto wreckers, firing
hiu in the field, up ahead, on the side of the road. I'll
ranges and other noisy or unsightly operations, includ-
be damned if it didn't hit that fruit stand. Eight years,
ing a rendering plant.
PAGE and in a second it's gone, just like that."
NUMBER "I really miss that fruit stand." Vacant fields overgrown with grasses and wildflow-
- Jeremy Whiteman, 57, plant worker ers comprise the bulk of Devil's Bar. A few houses
City of 5an Ange4o 4SOO -

A Description of San Angelo

are scattered here and there, mostly ranch-style dwell- terprises in Arroyo Verde. Others hold down low-pay-
ings situated on several acres. Many Devil's Barresi- ing service or retail jobs, and public assistance checks
dents keep horses or other livestock. support some households in depressed neighborhoods.
Gangs, drug trafficking and violent crimes are a se-
Points of Interest vere problem in some portions of South San Angelo.
* Junkyard Row: A progression of auto wrecking Overlaid by a patchwork quilt of gang turfs, the com-
yards found in Devil's Bar. Replete with junked ve- munity sees more than its share of violence as rival
hicles of every make and model, these yards are a fa- gangs compete for crack markets.
vorite stop for auto enthusiasts and do-it-yourself re- The Prophets and the Nomads are the two largest
pair buffs. street gangs in South San Angelo.

Other Points of Interest Neighborhoods of Note

Anderson Pharmaceuticals (p. 128) Aero Parkway: The middle-class Aero Parkway
49er Amusement Park (p. 215) neighborhood envelops Ace Braddock Municipal Air-
Heartland Foods Inc. (p. 129) port, a favorite with private pilots and corporate jets
Peregrine Aircraft (p. 126) alike. The Aero Parkway Public Golf Course, one of
San Angelo Speedway (p. 200) the city's older nine-hole courses, acts as a buffer
Texxon Oil Co. (p. 131) around the busy airport.
Texxon Golden Dome Stadium (p. 201) Aero Parkway homeowners, many of whom are long-
TJT Furniture Inc. (p. 131) time residents, have established a citizen patrol to fight
influxes of crime from troubled nearby neighborhoods.
Armed with cellular phones, citizens drive the streets
South San Angelo at night and call police to report suspicious activity.
A sprawl of diverse neighborhoods, South San Angelo Lemon Terrace: One of South San Angelo's poor-
got its start in the early 1920s as builders ventured est neighborhoods, Lemon Terrace has a dire problem
across the San Angelo River to construct housing for with crack-dealing street gangs and other illicit activ-
downtown office workers. ity.
Plentiful fruit orchards gave way to neat grids of mod- Cheap apartments provide much of the housing in
est homes, and the community is now a major residen- Lemon Terrace, and businesses are almost non-exis-
tial area in the metropolis as well as home to the Ace tent. Empty shopping centers and boarded-up store-
Braddock Municipal Airport. fronts are everywhere.
Solid middle-class neighborhoods comprise the lion's The Lemon Terrace Prophets are the strongest gang
share of South San Angelo, but the community also in the neighborhood, and control several heavily
contains a handful of poorer environs plagued by crime, guarded crackhouses. Violence with rival Nomads sets
drugs and joblessness. is common. Colorful, cryptic gang graffiti decorates
Gang violence in these poverty-stricken pockets has walls, vacant buildings, overpasses and just about ev-
cast a pall over the reputation of all South San Angelo, erything else that stands still long enough.
irking homeowners in more stable neighborhoods.
Markets and stores meeting everyday household needs Other Points of Interest
line busy streets, while the 85-store Elmhurst Mall fights
Ace Braddock Municipal Airport (p. 62)
the poor public image of the community to lure regional
Elmhurst Mall (p. 122)
Kelley South San Angelo Hospital (p. 143)
Most South San Angelo residents commute to office
Wastewater Treatment Plant (p. 71) PAG
jobs downtown, factories in Southport or high-tech en-
i_=:==================================:::J NUMBER

Clry of San Ang-ulo ·~ -

A Description of San Angelo

The proximity of the port also brought mills to West

"Lemon Terrace isn't so bad. I've lived San Angelo, mostly to prepare rice or grain to be
here 30 years, raised my children. There are
shipped overseas. Towering silos loom over these
a lot of good quality people here, but all you places, some now shuttered by bankruptcy.
ever see on the TV are the dopers, the gang- A compact downtown area of stores and offices
bangers. dominates the commercial scene. Community boost-
"Do you know we built a park in this ers are trying hard to lure office space across the river
neighborhood? Just down the block there's
with low rents and inexpensive land, however.
an empty lot. The Justice Foundation bought A profusion of tawdry neon-lit motels are also a key,
the property for us, and people here in this though Jess desirable, component of the West San
neighborhood built the playground. One of Angelo business scene.
the heroes was supposed to help, but they
Blue-collar factory workers, along with low-paid or
had some emergency-I think some lunatic unemployed individuals in need of low-cost housing,
tried to blow up downtown or something. constitute a sizable share of the population.
"That's OK, though. The heroes are just A fairly heavy crime rate afflicts West San Angelo,
one part ofthe city-it's still up to the rest of and a few street gangs are active in the community.
us to do for ourselves. That's what I'm Prostitution at the numerous cheap motels is also a prob-
teaching my grandchildren. And we're going
to keep on taking back Lemon Terrace, one
block at a time, working together."
Points of Interest
-Vickie Harris, 53, homemaker
Oro Causeway: The causeway, a vast basin on the
western edge of West San Angelo, plays a critical role
in flood protection for the region. Water from the Del
Oro and San Angelo rivers is diverted into the cause-
West San Angelo way during heavy storms to avert downstream flood-
Heavy industry and inexpensive neighborhoods are ing. Once things quiet down, the water can safely be
the chief components of West San Angelo, found released back into the rivers.
across the Del Oro River from central San Angelo. Willow Bend Marina: One of several Del Oro River
An unincorporated area governed by Oro County, marinas. The Willow Bend Marina is home to various
the community has become something of a dumping houseboats and other river vessels. Some people live
ground for noxious factories, unsightly rice silos and full-time on their boats, and one of the vessels houses
low-cost housing. an art gallery business.
The nearby Port of San Angelo fueled the growth of
heavy industry in West San Angelo, already home to a
few plants, in the 1960s. Builders threw up modest
neighborhoods and cheap apartment complexes to house Other Points of Interest
the influx of workers. Allied Chemicals (p. I 27)
Industry continues to dominate the business scene, Mien Community Temple (p. I 65)
though problems with contaminated groundwater, air Port of San Angelo (p. 34)
pollution and unsightly facilities have taken the luster U.S. Fertilizer (p. 132)
off the operations.


Utilities Getting Around
Water, power and telephones are critical to keeping
urban San Angelo going. These vital utilities are pro- San Angelo
vided by a mix of government agencies and private Most people get around San Angelo by driving; in fact,
enterprise. a car is almost a necessity in the sprawling city. There are
Water: Drinking water for urban San Angelo resi- other forms of transportation available, however, as well
dents comes from the Lake Oro reservoir or one of the as options for getting into or out of the city.
two rivers. Treatment plants prepare the water for do-
mestic use, and sewer plants filter out impurities be-
fore the water is returned to the rivers. Wells are typi- San Angelo
cally used only in emergencies or in times of drought.
A branch of the city public works department over-
International Airport
The San Angelo Interna-
sees the water system within the city limits. In the sub-
tional Airport provides
urbs, water needs are met by independent special dis-
commercial passenger
tricts. Water in rural San Angelo comes primarily from
and freight service to most
wells, either privately owned or managed by irrigation
U.S. cities, as well as Ca-
nadian and Mexican des-
Sewers: Due to the flood danger facing the city, ur-
ban San Angelo has an extensive storm drainage sys-
Opened in 1965, the
tem. Canals, creeks and underground piping are all used
airport serves nearly
to divert rainwater.
9.6 million passengers
The earliest parts of the system, cavernous storm
each year. All of the top
drains dating back to the late 1800s, were replaced in
U.S. airlines have regular
the 1960s and are now mostly abandoned. No maps
flights from the airport. Its
exist for much of the old sewer system, which runs for
vast parking lots are crowded, and the airport restau-
miles below the downtown.
rants, gift shops and car rental agencies are always
Gas and Electricity: The Western Gas & Electric
bustling. A detachment of the Sheriff's Department pro-
Co., a private utility company, provides natural gas
vides security at the San Angelo International Airport.
and power to all San Angelo County residents as well
as those in neighboring counties.
Hydroelectric plants in the Sierras provide much of the Other Airports
power distributed by Western Gas & Electric Co. Five Along with the international airport, San Angelo fea-
large substations are scattered around the metropolis, tures a number of smaller airports catering to private
regulating distribution of electricity to the county. aircraft.
While a private enterprise, its activities are regulated The Ace Braddock Municipal Airport, named for a
by the state Public Utilities Commission. The com- World War I pilot born in San Angelo, has two run-
mission must also approve all proposed rate changes. ways, 60 hangars and nearly 200 aircraft tie-downs.
Telephones: Valley Bell, created in the 1980s breakup Numerous charter services, airplane repair firms and
of a telecommunications giant, provides telephone ser- other businesses can be found here. The airport, lo-
vice to most of the San Angelo area. cated in South San Angelo, is heavily used by San
Angelo businesses as well as private pilots.
The Lakeview Airport, a single-runway airport withr-...,,..,.....
120 aircraft tie-downs, mostly serves private plane own- NuMaeA
ers in nearby neighborhoods.
Cttynt~HAllft•lt\ 4~00 -

A Description of San Angelo

Notes: Cole "Pops" Fuller has been a cropduster at

the Marshall Airport in southern San Angelo County
for more than 20 years. He flies a biplane that just barely
stays airworthy with the hard work of his "mechanic,"
his teenage niece Becca Harding.
"Pops" Fuller has a reputation as a daredevil, even
among other cropdusters. He takes on the jobs no one
else risks, dusting fields littered with powerlines, trees
and other obstacles. Fuller has walked away from two
crashes while cropdusting.
His more sophisticated, business-like competitors con-
sider Fuller something of a throwback to the old days
of cropdusting-something he takes as a compliment.
Fuller, 48, stands 5' 10" and has a heavy build. He
has thinning brown hair and brown eyes. Fuller habitu-
ally wears an old-fashioned flyer's jacket, and dons
goggles and sometimes even a scarf while flying.

The numberof helicopters in the skies over San Angelo
is on the rise. The police and sheriff's departments have
aerial patrols, and the University Medical Center oper-
ates an air ambulance service. Three local television
stations have helicopters as well.
The Marshall Airport, just outside that rural town,
Private helicopter companies based at local airports
has a single runway, 60 tie-downs and a dozen han-
offer charter services, and a few top companies main-
gars. Along with several charter services and
tain helicopters. Several of the taller office buildings in
cropdusters, businesses at the airport include the Aero
downtown San Angelo have rooftop helipads.
Grill, an old-fashioned diner.

Cole "Pops" Fuller Buses and Light Rail

Cropduster Rapid Transit, a regional agency funded by the city
10 STR 14 DEX 10 CON 10 BODY 10 INT and county, handles the mass transit needs of the San
10 EGO 13 PRE 10 COM 2 PD 2 ED Angelo metropolitan area.
3 SPD 4 REC 20 END 20 STUN Bus routes follow most of the main streets, with stops
Powers and Skills: Combat Pilot 12-, Trading 11-, every couple of blocks or so. Express routes, particu-
KS: Agriculture 8-, KS: Fertilizers, herbicides & in- larly commuter runs from La
secticides 11-, KS: Aviation History 11-, PS: Cropduster Vista to the ,...lll!l~-~~IC!!l19
11-; CK: Marshall 11-, AK: San Angelo County 11-. downtown, have
Disadvantages: Age: 40+, Distinctive Features: fewer stops.
Pilot 's clothing (easily concealed), DNPC: Becca R apid Transit
Man.ling. niece (competent, 8-), Psychological Limit:
~~~E~ Daredevil, Reputation: Daring pilot, 8-, Rivalry : Other
cropdusters (professional).
Cl:y of Si• J.tvtlo •- -

A Description of San Angelo

buses vary
greatly, from "Sorry l'm late. You' re never going to
run-down ve- believe this. Yes, 1 know I'm supposed to be in
hicles to new the office by 9 a.m., but-The time now? It's
natural gas- 10:30. J know-Listen to me! My bus got
powered mod- transported to another dimension! You can 't
els. Buses are dock my pay for that!"
stored at the -Toni Houston, 23, office clerk
Rapid Transit
yard below the
elevated I -7 Heights and the downtown. Spurs extend off the main
freeway lines to connect to industrial plants and other vital lo-
downtown. cations.
The Light Rail system, built in the 1980s, has lines in The railroad runs a freight yard in Pleasant Grove,
the downtown, Eastside, La Vista, Pleasant Grove and
where boxcars arriving from all over the United States
South San Angelo. It has not yet been extended into are assembled into new trains bound for other West
Arroyo Verde, Brenton, Castle Heights, Lakeview,
Coast cities. Built in the late 1800s, the yard today has
Rancho Madera, Southport or West San Angelo.
a serious pollution problem.
The tracks run parallel to surface streets or in free- Valley Pacific Railroad security officers patrol the
way center dividers, and for the most part are not el-
yards, but are helpless to stop the innumerable hobos
evated.Stations are located anywhere from three to five
who use freight trains as free transportation.
miles apart. Electricity-powered trains run from 5:30 Amtrak provides passenger rail service to San Angelo,
a.m. to midnight every day.
stopping at a restored historic train depot in Midtown
Numerous private bus companies also operate in San as well as a larger modern station in City Center.
Angelo, offering trips to other cities, charter buses and
other services. The largest is Roadrunner Bus Co., a
national line providing bus trips all over the United Taxis
States. The company operates several depots in San Taxis are not common in San Angelo, except in the
Angelo, including a large bus station in Riverfront. downtown and at the airport. Most of the dozen or so
taxi companies in the city will send cabs to other com-
Railroads munities on request.

The railroad, once a chief element in the economic

life of San Angelo, has waned somewhat in importance Boats and Ships
but remains key to many industries. The Port of San Angelo, detailed earlier, handles cargo
Valley Pacific Railroad tracks run through several shipping for the region. While recreational boating is
communities and tie San Angelo to the rest of the na- popular, boats and ships are rarely used for transporta-
tion. The city and railroad have eliminated most at- tion in the city. A few of the paddlewheelers docked
grade road crossings for safety and traffic flow rea- near The Wharves sometimes take jaunts down the
sons, but a number remain, particularly in Castle delta.


City Ordinance S.21.29: No place designated
City Government
as a base, headquarters or other focal point of An elected City Council, headed by the mayor, over-
activity by individuals with paranormal powers, sees municipal affairs in San Angelo. There are seven
also referred to as supers, heroes and superhe- council seats; six council members are elected by dis-
roes, shall be established without a Special Use trict, while the mayor is chosen by all the voters in the
Permit by the City Council. city. Council members and the mayor serve four-year
- San Angelo City Code terms. Elections are held every two years. Four coun-
cil seats are on the ballot in one election, with the
mayor's post and other two seats going before voters
The government of San Angelo plays a vital role in two years later. City codes do not limit the number of
the everyday lives of all its citizens - even the super- terms a council member may serve.
human ones. Along with being a chief employer in the The mayor sets the council agenda each week, with
region, government agencies provide an array of criti- the aid of the city manager. While he often has con-
cal services to residents, everything from street repairs siderable political influence, the mayor's official du-
to drinkable water. ties are mostly ceremonial and promotional in nature.
The City Council and other government leaders can Most decisions on city policies, personnel, ordi-
also have a profound influence on the paranormal nances, development projects and other major actions
population. A friend ly administration could offer sanc- must be made by the full City Council, which meets
tioning and other aid, while hostile officials could crack every Wednesday night.
down on vigilantes or even try to ban use of super- The seat of city government is the historic down-
powers entirely. town San Angelo City Hall. A modern annex across
the street houses most city offices, however.

Government The Mayor's Office

Mayor Alex Martinez
Jurisdictions STR 12 DEX 10 CON 12 BODY 11
The city of San Angelo lies within San Angelo INT15 EGO 15 PRE 18 COM 14
County, but the division of governmental duties be- PD 3 ED 2 SPD 2 REC 4
tween the two entities has been spelled out by state END 20 STUN 22
law or, in some cases, by long-standing agreement. Powers and Skills: Bureaucratics 14-, Conversation
In the city of San Angelo, the City Council handles 13-, High Society 13-, Oratory 15-, Persuasion 14-,
zoning, development and budgetary decisions. The city Martial Arts (boxing): Jab, Block, Cross, KS: San
is also responsible for roads, water, parks, trash col- Angelo politics 14-, KS: California politics 11-, KS:
lection and other municipal services. Law 12-, CK: San Angelo 14-, PS: Politician 14-, PS:
In unincorporated San Angelo County, decisions on Lawyer 11 -, PS: Boxer 8-, Language: Spanish (idi-
zoning, finances , services and so on are made by the omatic), Perks: Mayor of San Angelo, License to prac-
elected Board of Supervisors. Welfare and public tice Jaw, Wealth: Well Off.
health agencies, which serve residents of both the city Disadvantages: Age: 40+, DNPCs (family, normals)
and county, are overseen by the county. 8-, Distinctive Features: Mayor (easily concealed),
Some services in unincorporated areas of the county, Hunted by the press, 11- (Mo Pow, NCI, Watching),
such as parks, water and fire protection, are handled Psychological Limit: Angered by prejudice, Psycho-
logical Limit: Ambitious, Public Identity, Reputation:
_A_G_E_by special districts headed by independently elected
NUMBER boards. A few services, such as the public library sys-
Mayor 11-, Rivalry : Political Rivals (Prot).
tem, are jointly funded by the city and county.
Clry o1 Son Anuoto • S{)O -

, , ·~. for Cassandra Knight's seat in the House of Repre-
sentatives when she retires.
An attorney before entering the political scene, the
mayor has a wife, Teresa, and two daughters, Maria,
23, and Mercedes, 19. Martinez fought several bouts
as an amateur boxer in his youth, something his po-
litical advisers are fond of pointing out during cam-
Martinez, 50, stands 5'8" tall and has a burly build.
He has gray-streaked black hair, dark brown eyes and
a mustache. He is ski lled at putting visitors at ease,
though Martinez can also be quite caustic in political

.... The City Council

The city of San Angelo is divided into six council
..• ~
districts, which are redrawn after each census. Each
.. council member represents about 250,000 citizens .
Council posts are nominally non-partisan, and San
Angelo voters tend to frown on excessive involvement
by political parties in council races. However, a num-
ber of Democratic and Republican politicians got their
start on the City Council.

Notes: The first Latino mayor of San Angelo,

Selected Council Members
Councilwoman Emily Carver: An outspoken ad-
Alejandro "Alex" Martinez was elected to the City
vocate for her African-American constituents in South
Council in 1986. He captured the post of mayor in
San Angelo, Emily Carver has worked hard to bring
1992, and won re-election in 1996. No serious chal-
jobs and services to the poorer neighborhoods in her
lengers have yet emerged for the next election.
district. She has also strongly criticized the San Angelo
The son of Mexican immigrants to California, Mayor
Police Department for not working harder to curb gang
Martinez maintains close ties with the Latino popula-
tion of San Angelo. However, he enjoys a strong base
"Good morning, and thanks for my
of support among residents of all ethnic backgrounds,
call. I wasn't sure how to get in touch with you -
though conservatives tend to dislike Martinez. I'm glad the Justice Foundation relayed my
Recently, the mayor has spoken out strongly against
efforts to limit immigration, crack down on illegal "A".vway, /called on behalf of Mu~or Mt1rt1lie~.
aliens and overturn affirmative action programs. He \s verv impressed with your he111dlmg of tf1e
Martinez views these attempts as unfair attacks on recent A~ok incident, and lie 'ti like to pre.v.enl you
Latinos in particular. with a plaque on behalf of the city.
He has also spoken in defense of the civil rights of "We've tentatively scheduled a ceremony for 9
supers, though Martinez has roundly condemned the " m TlmrsdlJy o11 tire steJ1.' of City Hall. Is that a
· · . ., have,. d,,., 1·ob. A secret
actions of criminal paranormals in San Angelo. good time for )!OU• 011• Y011 " ...
identity? Well. do you thi:1k you can g~t. tl~e. . ?"
There are rumors that the mayor, a Democrat, may · g o" without makmg your /Jos.~ .m~picwus ·
seek higher office in the near future, possibly running mornm 'JJ • • tant
- Ton~ Harlow. 42. muy(i)I' s,ass1s
violence in South San Angelo. Carver, an African- '
American loan officer at Prospector Bank, defeated Campaign Tip
veteran councilman Randolph McAlpine in 1996 to City Hall could provide an interesting workplace for
a hero• s DNPC. For example, the DNPC could come
win her council seat.
across evidence of co1Tuption, prompting a kidnapping
Councilman Ralph Chan: Now a retired commu-
or blackmail attempt against the DNPC.
nity college vice-chancellor, Ralph Chan has served Or the hero could work at City Hall in his Secret ID.
on the City Council since 1972. Chan, an older Chi- A particularly demanding post, such as an aide to the
nese-American man who represents the downtown area mayor, could lead to all kinds of complications for the
including Chinatown, is conservative on fiscal issues PC. But such a job can also make the PC privy to some
but progressive on social questions. In 1986, the hero interesting information on the behind-the-scenes work-
Twister saved Chan's grandchildren after a boating ings of city government, not to mention provide valu-
accident on Lake Oro. Since then, Chan has been a able contacts with top officials. civic leaders and other
firm suppo1ter of paranormals in San Angelo. San Angelo powerbrokers.
Finally, contacts at City Hall are a must for any well-
Councilman Tom Kincaid: A strong pro-business
connected PC or NPC.
voice on the council, Tom Kincaid represents the city's
middle-class Eastside neighborhoods. Elected in 1994,
Kincaid quickly emerged as the leader of a council Lower-ranking civil employees are hired by the city
faction opposed to the ni<tYOf's ch<tmpiuning uf sudai personnel office. l{ank-and-tile city workers, who are
causes. He owns a chain of mini-storage lots in San represented by a public employees union, cannot be
Angelo and other Northern California cities. fired without cause.
The city of San Angelo employs approximately
City Employees 16,244 people.
The day-to-day business of keeping San Angelo go-
ing falls to the thousands of municipal workers em- Notable City Departments
ployed by the city. Their activities are overseen and City Attorney
directed by the top executives of the city, who are hired The City Attorney's Office handles all civil litiga-
(and occasionally fired) by the City Council. tion involving the city and advises the City Council
on legal matters. This office does not handle criminal
. "Don't let anyone tell you the sewer monster's prosecutions, which are the responsibility of the county
~ 11;ft a m~th. I've seen it with my own eyes. And district attorney's office.
ll s nothmg human, believe me.
. "/mean'. there are people living down there, City Manager
m tlm.i;e bzg closed-off drains below old town. The city manager acts as the chief executive officer
Troglodytes. we call 'em. Wefind thefiwfood of San Angelo. Much like the head of a corporation,
wrappers and other stuff they leave here an' he oversees the day-to-day operation of city govern-
th:re sometimes. 8ur this thing. it ain ~no tmg. ment, sets policy and ensures that City Council direc-
I ~vas down under 32nd Street when I hemrJ tives are carried out. His office also prepares an an-
a noise. I turned around, and there it was nual budget, which the council reviews and approves
splashing down a side tunnel. Something big. each July, the start of the fiscal year.
H"d these green scales and a tail. I dropped my
flruhligJu in the water then, so I didn 't see much Community Development
e,'le. The sizable Community Development Department
!?A.GE "My boss, he said I must've been drinking on oversees three key city functions: city planning, ur-
NuMeeR the job. But I know what 1 saw. " ban redevelopment and economic development.
68 -:. Cl<l!ence Hoyle., 32, P,.ublk works emplqyee


Cl1y oi Son Anoolo ..oo -

Organization of City Hall
Administrative Services Historic Preservation Office Community Pools
Computer Services Division Zoning Administrator Youth Sports
Finance Office Redevelopment Agency Zoo
Accounts Payable Fire Department Police Department
Business Licenses General Services Public Works Department
Payroll Architectural Services Administration
Purchasing/Procurement Building Maintenance Public Works Director
Treasurer Construction Management Animal Control
Human Resources Division Contract Administration Animal Control Shelter
Risk Management Office Mayor's Office Corporation Yard
City Attorney Parks and Recreation Vehicle Maintenance
City Clerk Administration Sign Shop
Elections Office Parks Planning Engineering Division
Records Office Golf Division Traffic Engineering
City Council History and Science Division Parking Division
City Manager Museums Parking Enforcement
Fiscal Affairs/Budget Office Old San Angelo Parking Maintenance
City Manager Park Maintenance Division Refuse Collection Division
Public Information Officer City Cemeteries Recycling Coordinator
Community Development Street Trees Road Maintenance Division
Economic Development Office Recreation Division Street Lighting
Planning Department Adult Sports Street Sweeping
Building Division After-school Day Care Utilities Division
Permits Community Centers Water
Inspections Senior Centers Sewer
Code Enforcement Division Teen Centers Wastewater Treatment Plant
Design Review Division

The Economic Development Office tries to attract Finally, the Redevelopment Agency works to reju-
new businesses, bringing jobs, tax revenue and other venate blighted neighborhoods through civic improve-
benefits, to San Angelo. The office also strives to keep ments and new construction, providing tax breaks or
firms already in the city happy . other financial incentives to persuade developers to
The Planning Department advises city officials on build in rundown areas.
zoning and development questions. Planners also re-
view proposed projects to ensure that they meet city, Parks and Recreation
state and federal regulations. The expansion and upkeep of the San Angelo city
park system, including public museums and the San
GM's Option I Angelo Zoo, is the responsibility of the the Parks and
I Battles between superpowered foes can be incred- I Recreation Department.
I ibly destructive. A City Council hostile to paranormals I Recreational activities and facilities are also over-
I could direct' the Cicy Attorney's Office to file flllit I seen by the department. Adult softball leagues are very
I against the PCs or their enemies for compen~ation for I popular in San Angelo, and many city businesses spon-
I any damage to public property. In fact. the city could I sor at least one team of employees. Youth soccer
seek an injunction banning the PCs from operating in
I San Angelo altogecher if it could prove they pose a I leagues are also exploding in popularity. rP~A~G""'!E'""I
I thre"t to the health [UlJ safety of others. I Public pools are open every summer, and commu-
nity centers provide classes, meeting halls and other 69
City cit &11• h.nuoto .t~O'O -

programs. The Parks and Recreation Department also
nms a series of after-school programs for latchkey chil- "OK, so L.A. has your quakes, your fires,
dren in conjunction with the San Angelo City Unified your riots. Well, we've got the supers to
School District. clean up after and believe you me, they can
be a lot worse than any natural disaster.
Public Works "I remember one time I went to repair this
The largest department in city government, public broken water main a:fter some scrap between
works provides most of the basic services people as- a bunch of supers, except it wasn't so much
sociate with municipal government. Road repairs, trash broken as just ... gone. One of the heroes told
pick-up and street cleaning are all performed by pub- me some guy fighting on t' other side acciden-
lic works employees. tally teleported it to Antarctica during the
The department also oversees utilities such as water battle.
and sewer service, though power and gas are provided "Tell me the last time an earthquake did
by private utility companies. In addition, the depart- that."
ment offers animal control services and operates an
animal shelter.
_Brett Harper, 34, public works employee

In the city, enforcement of parking codes is the re-

just hang out. The centers are fairI y popular, due mostly
sponsibility of the Public Works Department, not the
to Akiyoshi's innovative ideas on attracting teen visi-
police. Parking enforcement officers, who are unarmed
tors and her infectious enthusiasm for the program.
and are not sworn peace officers, patrol the city streets
Akiyoshi is engaged to Officer Carey Sorenson, who
and issue citations.
serves on the Paranormal Alert Response Team of the
San Angelo Police Department.
The city police and fire departments are detailed un-
Public Works Director Frank Lindbergh: A 40-
der Public Safety.
year veteran of city government, Lindbergh is the most
senior city executive. He started out at the bottom on
City Officials of Note a road repair crew, worked his way through college
City Manager Gene Chandler: The city manager and moved up through the ranks to become head of
of San Angelo for the past 25 years. Some people say the city Public Works Department 15 years ago.
Chandler has more influence over civic affairs than Blunt and sometimes tactless, Lindbergh stands out
any elected official. He prefers to operate behind the from the crowd of younger, more polished city offi-
scenes, rarely granting interviews to reporters and cials. But he has molded his department into a model
keeping a fairly low profile at public council meet- of efficiency, especially si nce the advent of
ings. Rumors that Chandler may announce his retire- superpowered humans. Public works employees are
ment soon are flying around City Hall. skilled at cleaning up and repairing broken infrastruc-
City Attorney Michael Wasserstein: A skilled, ture in the wake of battles between supers.
knowledgable attorney with a reputation as a hard- As he gets closer to mandatory retirement age,
nosed negotiator. Wasserstein, a middle-aged man with Lindbergh has become more irascible than ever, and
a fondness for expensive suits, is infamous at City Hall some gossip has it that he may be asked to take early
for his bad puns. retirement.
Recreation Supervisor Tessa Akiyoshi: A perky, Redevelopment Coordinator Darell Bunch: A
energetic young woman who oversees the three teen young, aggressive African American man hired a few
centers operated by the city Parks and Recreation De- years ago to energize the redevelopment agency.
partment. The centers try to keep teens off the streets Bunch led the successful redevelopment of the
~,'! l'"'d

out of trouble by offering hassle-free places to Wharves neighborhood downtown, which attracted
play basketball, study, hold garage band concerts or national attention.
- Ctty of San A11(1&fo 4SOO -

• • • 1 ings. One bloc of commissioners, led by Morgan, con-
Campaign Tip tends that supers are damaging the economic reputa-
PCs who are popular or have good reputations tion of the city with their violence and property de-
might be the target of recruiting efforts by Akiyoshi, struction. But another faction argues that supers are
who is always looking for local celebrities to appear
an incentive to tourism and high-tech companies. The
at the teen centers. She could also try to persuade a
PC to serve as a mentor to troubled youths or help
dispute remains unresolved, and the panel has not yet
out in other ways. submitted a report on the topic to the City Council.
Behind the scenes, commissioners use their influ-
His latest project involves the fading warehouse dis- ence to help persuade companies to locate in San
Angelo and act as unofficial mediators in disputes in-
trict in Riverfront, though troubled Northside and
South San Angelo neighborhoods are also a priority volving local businesses.
for his agency. The constant pressure from the Economic Develop-
ment Commission to reduce fees and government regu-
lations has caused some friction on the City Council.
City Commissions Mayor Martinez does not get along well with the panel,
A number of appointed commissions help govern San but Councilman Tom Kincaid strongly supports it.
Angelo. Some are authorized to issue rulings on be-
half of the City Council, while others merely advise Other City Commissions of
the council. Appointments to commissions are made Note
by the council, and are often used to repay political
The city has dozens of commissions dealing with
favors. Also, serving on a key city commission, par-
everything from employee relations to street trees.
ticularly the Planning Commission, has paved the way
Some meet every other week, while others confer just
for many a City Council campaign.
once or twice a year.

Economic Development Human Rights Commission

Commission The Human Rights Commission, recently created at
One of the most influential panels in city govern- the urging of Mayor Alex Martinez, looks into allega-
ment, the Economic Development Commission ad- tions of discrimination and abuses of civil rights in
vises the City Council on the San Angelo business the city. The panel also frequently takes stands on state,
scene. national or even international issues, which has made
A collection of heavy hitters in corporate and politi- it something of a laughingstock among conservative
cal circles sits on the commission, including real es- San Angelinos.
tate broker Joseph Fong, builder Benjamin Morgan Gay rights, possible civil rights violations by San
and newspaper publisher Peter K. Fletcher. Other com- Angelo vigilantes and questions on the rights of su-
missioners include a Prospector Bank vice president pers have been topics on recent Human Rights Com-
and a senior partner in the law firm of Madison, mission agendas.
Fairchild & Associates. -
The commission meets monthly to discuss city-re- ca ign Tip
lated economic and business issues. Some of its re- PCs who make a habit of pulping foes or p~shtng '
cent recommendations to the City Council have in- normals around could find them~elves th~ subject of
cluded reducing city fees to aid newly started small Human Rights Commission heai:ngs. While the com-
businesses and streamlining the permit process for new mission has no actual power, this could create a real
1 • e th PC On the other
construction. ublic relations prob1em ior ~ · . .
The effect of supers on the city business scene has ~and, PCs seeking help in fighting antt-m~t~nt dis- PAGE
. . t'on
cnmma 1 nu'ght find allies on the comm1ss1on.
been a topic of debate at several commission meet-
City of S..n Angolo H OD -

Planning Commission Supervisors are elected to four-year terms. Elections
The city Planning Commission rules on zoning and are held every two years, with three supervisorial seats
development-related issues in the city. However, votes up for election in one cycle and the other two in the
on controversial projects are almost always appealed next. There is no limit on the number of terms a su-
to the City Council by the losing side - a source of pervisor may serve.
great frustration to most commissioners. Supervisorial posts are part-time in nature; most
board members also hold other jobs. The board meets
Notable Places weekly on Wednesday mornings.
The board's chambers and most county offices are
City Hall: The historic San Angelo City Hall was
constructed in 1922. An example of architectural styles found at Chamberlain Center, built in 1981 and named
for a longtime supervisor of the l 940s- l 960s, down-
heavily influenced by the Spanish missions of early
California, the picturesque building is now a historic
However, San Angelo has long since outgrown the The Board of Supervisors
nearly 75-year-old City Hall, and most offices are now Supervisorial districts, which are redrawn after each
housed in an annex across the street. Only the City census, cover all areas of the county, including the
Council chambers, city manager's office and city incorporated city of San Angelo. Each supervisor rep-
clerk's office are located at the original City Hall. resents roughly 600,000 citizens. While supervisorial
Corporation Yard: Most public works employees posts are nominally non-partisan, political parties are
report for work at the city Corporation Yard in Irish frequently active behind the scenes in key races.
Bar, which houses all city-owned heavy equipment,
such as street sweepers, dump trucks and refuse trucks. Prominent Supervisors
The huge yard also contains gas pumps, a sign shop Supervisor Erik Bates: A retired football player for
producing all street signs for the city and a garage main- the San Angelo Miners, Erik Bates now owns a night-
taining most city vehicles. club in Garrett's Landing. Bates, who had no prior
Water Treatment Plant: Commonly called the Wa- political experience, surprised many observers by win-
terworks, its original name, this Irish Bar facility treats ning his supervisorial seat in a 1995 special election
water drawn from the Del Oro River for use by San after the accidental death of Supervisor Rod Weber.
Angelo citizens. Access to the plant, run by the city Supervisor Jeffrey Daley has taken Bates under his
public works department, is limited but security is wing, and the two often vote together on key issues.
fairly light. Supervisor Jeffrey Daley: A men's clothing store
The city Wastewater Treatment Plant, a separate fa- owner, Jeffrey Daley won election to the board in 1990
cility several miles downriver in South San Angelo, on a strong law-and-order, pro-business platform.
uses bacteria, chemicals and other processes to clean He has often spoken out on the need for greater con-
the water from San Angelo sewers before it is returned trol of paranormals - both heroes and criminals -
to the river. whom Daley argues pose a serious threat to the safety
and security of San Angelo citizens.
County Government Daley also advocates allowing extensive develop-
ment of the environmentally sensitive Quail Valley
An elected Board of Supervisors directs the govern-
area. However, his proposals on these issues have been
ment of San Angelo County. The five supervisors are
blocked by the board majority.
elected by district, and they select one of their number

--... as chairman each year. The chairman runs board meet-

PAGE ings. bu1 has no other powers.
Daley's election campaigns have been heavily fi-
nanced by developer Benjamin Morgan. He represents
the Lakeview and La Vista areas.

-- City ol Son AnQ•lo 4SOO -

Supervisor Connie Nishimura: A consultant on and often use this fact to control elected depa1tment
welfare and other human assistance questions, Connie heads.
Nishimura has represented downtown and Eastside Other key county agencies, such as the planning, pub-
neighborhoods since l984. She has led the opposition lic works and human assistance departments, are
to proposals to build in the Quail Valley area. headed by board appointees. These personnel serve at
There are rumors that Nishimura, who is well-known the will of the board, and can be disciplined or re-
in the national debate over welfare reform , may be moved by supervisors.
tapped for a post in the White House. Rank-and-file county employees are hired by the
county personnel office. They are represented by a pub-
County Employees lic employees union and cannot be fired or disciplined
The county of San Angelo employs roughly 32,727 without cause.
people who provide a wide range of services to resi-
dents of both the city and unincorporated county. Their Medical Examiner's Office
activities are overseen by several department heads. The medical examiner, sometimes innacurate ly
Unlike city government, a number of chief county called the coroner, is charged by law with investigat-
officials are elected, including the district attorney, ing all unnatural deaths in the county.
sheriff, clerk, treasurer-tax collector and assessor. Forensic pathologists, medical doctors employed by
Elected officials report to the Board of Supervisors, the office, conduct autopsies in all cases of homicide,
but cannot be fired or disciplined by the board, giving and most cases of suicide and accidental death. They
them some degree of independence. However, super- are often called to the scenes of unnatural deaths to
visors control the budgets of all county departments, get a better idea of the circumstances.


City ot Sam Angolo 4~-00 -

toxicology and other blood tests, though
"We 're out patching Marshall Boulevard one day back in ~he DNA testing is handled by private labs un-
•80s. Hot as all get-out, in the middle ofnowhere. Norm, he JUSt
der contract to the county.
got on with public works a week earlier, and he's w01:king t":
backhoe. Takes it onto the shoulder, which collapses mto this
A closed-circuit te levision system is used
when bodies must be identified by friends
irrigation ditch.
"Nonn's not hurt, but we're all standing around wondering h?w or relatives, sparing them the necessity of
to get our backhoe out of the ditch when along comes Alloy.. domg going into less-public areas of the morgue.
those giant leaps he used to make. He takes one look, steps mto Detectives, district attorney's investiga-
the ditch and lifts out the backhoe. Puts it back on the road, pretty
tors and other law enforcement personnel
as you please. .•are frequent visitors 10 the morgue.
" 'Be more careful next time,' he says, winks, and leaps off. The ehief medical examiner is appointed
- Bob Wanawski, 44, road crew supervisor
by lhe county Board of Supervisors. Dr.
George Kassis is the current chief medical exam-
Pathologists are also charged with conducting au- iner of San Angelo County.
topsies when the cause of death is in doubt. They are
often called to testify on the medical evidence at mur- Other County Departments
der trials. Assessor's Office
In addition to its investigatory role, the Medical Appraisers from the Assessor's Office set the tax-
Examiner's Office acts as a watchdog of public health able value of all property in San Angelo County.
and safety. Its findings can spur the early discovery of Records of property ownership. sales and transfers in
a disease outbreak, reveal fatal product safety flaws the county are kept by the office, and are available for
and provide insight into trends in death statistics. review by the public.
The San Angelo County Medical Examiner's Office,
or morgue, is located downtown. The high-tech mod-
Count y Clerk
ern morgue contains autopsy rooms, cold-storage fa-
The County Clerk's Office issues birth and death cer-
cilities and various offices, and was built in 1990 to
tificates, marriage licenses and business licenses to
replace an overcrowded, outdated facility.
the public. Copies of these documents are among the
The autopsy rooms are equipped with video cam-
public records kept at the office.
eras to provide records of procedures, and one room is
The elections office, part of the clerk's responsibili-
sealed and specially ventilated for autopsies on espe-
ties, registers voters, prepares ballots, tallies votes on
cially noxious bodies. An extensive lab handles most
election day and keeps . - - - - - - - - - -..

records of campaign CaMpaign Tip·

Campaign Tip contribution forms As with the Assessor's Of-
Heroes in darker or more street-oriented cam- filed by candidates. fice, the public records at the
paigns will probably see a lot of the county medi- These forms, which County,Clerk's Office could
cal examiner's office as they investigate mysteri- are public records, list prove invaluable to PCs con-
ous deaths. every person who do- ducting an investigation. On
Inventive GMs can work the office into a vari- nates more than $100 the other hand, villains, re-
ety of plots, however. Perhaps a vile cult steals to the candidate. porters or anyone else could
The list of registered use these records to dig up a
bodies from the morgue for some wicked ritual,
little information on the PCs,
for example. In fact, the body could be that of a voters in the county,
particularly those with Public
supervillain accidentally killed by the PCs or po- which reports ad-
IDs or those who make no
lice - the cult may want to resurrect him or just dresses and political particular effort to protect
NUMBER tap into his power for a really dangerous spell. affiliations, is also a their IDs.
public record.
""°"' -
CllJ ol l!.tn ·~


Agricultural Commissioner Health and Human Assistance Dept. Golf Division

Cooperative Extension Health Services Division Regional Parks Division
Weights and Measures Alcohol and Drug Abuse Prevention Personnel Services Agency
Airports Eldercare Services Planning Department
Air Quality Management District Emergency Medical Services Probation Department
Animal Control Medical Clinics Public Defender's Office
Animal Control Shelter Mental Health Services Public Works Department
Dog Licenses Public Health Services Administration
Assessor's Office Health Officer Public Works Director
Property Records Environmental Health Office Building Division
Appraisals Hazardous Materials Bureau Inspections
Auditor-Controller's Office Inspections Permits
Board of Supervisors Permits Corporation Yard
Clerk of the Board Public Health Nursing Vehicle Maintenance
Administrative Assistants Tobacco Education Program Sign Shop
County Clerk San Angelo County Gen. Hospital Engineering Division
Elections Office Human Assistance Division Traffic Engineering
Campaign Financial Records General Assistance Program Refuse Collection Division
Registrar of Voters Welfare Services County Landfill
Voter Registration Welfare Fraud Investigation Recycling Coordinator
Marriage Licenses Social Servics Division Transfer Stations
Records Child Protective Services Road Maintenance Division
County Counsel Children's Receiving Home Street Cleaning Section
County Executive Job Training Program Sheriff's Department
Budget Analysis Public Guardian/Conservator Superintendent of Schools
District Attorney's Office Local Agency Formation Commission Business Services
General Services Agency Medical Examiner's Office Office of the Superintendent
Building Maintenance Division Office of Emergency Services Regional Occupation Program
Construction Management Division Civil Defense Special Education
Contract Administration Division Parks and Recreation Department Superior-Municipal Courts
Data Processing Division Administration Treasurer-Tax Collector's Office
Graphics and Printing Division Parks Planning Veteran's Service Office
Purchasing Division

Campaign Tip I
Campaign Tip '
As with city government, county offices could make Property records at the assessor's office could
an interesting workplace for a DNPC, other NPC or even prove an interesting investigative asset to PCs -
a hero's Secret ID. The job could be either mundane or just who owns the land where that supervillain base
fascinating, depending on which office employs the char- was built, anyway?
Contacts with top county officials, or even ordinary
employees in key departments, can be a useful resource
for well-connected PCs and NPCs. Even villains can use "You ever have to appmise a superhero base?
such contacts - a stooge in the Medical Examiner's
Office could be useful in a scheme to frame a PC hero
I mean. how do you determine" property w1Jue
for murder, for example. for something like that?" .
- Mervin Horwodd-Willis, 30. appnuser

County Executive's Office Superintendent of Schools
The chief appointed official in county government, The county Superintendent of Schools, who is
the county executive answers only to the Board of Su- elected, oversees all the school districts in San Angelo
pervisors. She oversees the day-to-day business of run- County. This office ensures that districts have sound
ning county government, implements board policies fiscal practices, fu lfill state education codes and meet
and prepares the multi-million dollar annual county other requirements. The office also keeps track of
budget. county-wide test scores and other measures of school
quality. Individual school districts are run by elected
Health & Human Assistance Dept. boards of trustees and appointed superintendents.
One of the largest in county government, the Health
and Human Assistance Department oversees public The sheriff, district attorney, public defender, pro-
health and welfare services to all San Angelo County bation department and court system are covered in
residents. The agency handles welfare, workfare, Public Safety.
AFDC and general assistance programs to the poor
and indigent citizens of San Angelo County. County Officials of Note
The public health division operates free clinics for County Administrator Helen Voorhes: An adept,
the poor, conducts health inspections of restaurants, capable administrator who has held the top job in San
checks on report::; of environmental hazards, keeps Angelo county government for the past eight years.
track of health statistics and monitors cases of infec- Always diplomatic, Voorhes gets along well with her
tious diseases, such as tuberculosis. bosses on the Board of Supervisors. She is married to
Finally, child protective services investigates and in- Richard Voorhes, a vice-president with Eclipse Indus-
tervenes in cases of abuse or neglect of children. tries.
Assessor Irving Holland: A Jean, cadaverous man,
Office of Emergency Services Irving Holland has been San Angelo County assessor
Normally a small, quiet department, the Office of for the past 20 years, running unopposed in his last
Emergency Services plays a vital role when calamity two elections. Holland is known as a stickler for accu-
strikes. It coordinates a unified response to county- racy who over the years has hounded dozens of em-
wide emergencies, works with state and federal agen- ployees out of his office for minor errors.
cies, collects information on local needs and performs Dr. George Kassis: The chief medical examiner for
other crucial tasks. San Angelo County. A scientist in an increasingly po-
liticized post, Dr. Kassis has a reputation for being
Campaign Tip "difficult." He insists on keeping his office apolitical
The Office of Emergency Services could well call on and directs pathologists to evaluate cases solely on the
PCs, particularly sanctioned heroes, for assistance in medical evidence. The medical examiner has also
battling wildfires, flooding or other threats in San clashed with county supervisors over budgeting for
Angelo County. his department.
There is some speculation that his years of making
enemies are about to catch up with Dr. Kassis, who
Public Works Department does not hold an elected position. As the highest-ranked
Rivalling the health department in size, the Public civil servant in county government, he cannot be fired
Works Department performs many of the same func- without cause, however.
tions as its counterpart in the city of San Angelo. In Planning Director Lynn Rodriguez: A quiet,
___,addition, this department oversees the county landfill knowledgable planner elevated to the position of de-
NUMBER near Marshall. partment director less than a year ago, Rodriguez has
had a difficult time adapting to her new responsibili-
llJ ol Son AnOolo 4!.00 -

ties. She has also faced heavy pressure from Supervi- Corporation Yard: Like its city counterpart, the
sor Jeffrey Daley and other advocates of construction county corporation yard houses the heavy equipment
in the environmentally sensitive Quail Valley area near and shops of the Public Works Department. The yard
Lakeview, who want her department to produce fa- is located in Pleasant Grove. Smaller satellite yards,
vorable analyses of the proposal. mostly used to store road maintenance equipment, are
Chief Building Inspector Edgar Marino: Head of found in Marshall and Garret's Landing.
the building inspection division of the Public Works San Angelo County Landfill: The 675-acre county
Department, Marino has stained the office with a repu- landfill near Marshall handles all t~e refuse generated
tation for corruption. An expose in the San Angelo in the San Angelo area. The county funds and oper-
Times recently revealed several cases of inspectors ates the landfill, while
accepting bribes to sign off on improperly constructed Campaign Tip other jurisdictions, such
homes, offices and other buildings. County supervi- A toxic waste spill at the as the city, pay "tipping
sors have ordered an investigation of the charges by San Angelo County Land- fees" to use it. A newly
the county administrator's office, and the district at- fill could be part of the ori- built recycling facility at
gin story for a PC or NPC
torney may also be probing the building inspection the landfill sorts glass,
super. If the chemicals were
division. aluminum and paper
illegally dumped by an un-
Health Officer Dr. Sanjiv Natarajan: A native of ethical or careless com-
recyclables, but the bulk
India, Dr. Natarajan serves as the chief health official pany, the newly created su- of the refuse goes into
in county government. A strong advocate of provid- per might seek revenge. the ground.
ing medical services to the poor and indigent, Dr. The landfill does not
Natarajan has had to fight to keep the county's free handle toxic wastes, but hazardous chemicals routinely
health clinics open in the face of severe budget cuts in make their way to the facility by accident or design.
recent years. He has also resisted efforts to eliminate Also, the county bomb squad typically responds to the
the county's already minimal funding of the non-profit landfill several times each year to dispose of poten-
Faraday Memorial Clinic, which provides medical care tially explosive chemicals.
to supers.
State and Federal
County Commissions
As in the city of San Angelo, a number of appointed Governments
commissions advise the Board of Supervisors on key Numerous state and federal agencies are active in
issues. A few, such as the county Planning Commis- the San Angelo area, particularly those dealing with
sion, are authorized to make decisions on behalf of health, the environment and law enforcement.
supervisors, although commission actions can be ap- State offices are scattered throughout urban and sub-
pealed to the board. urban San Angelo, mostly in rented office space or
shopping center storefronts.
Notable Places Federal offices are based at the eight-story Federal
Chamberlain Administrative Center: A 10-story Building downtown. Built nearly 30 years ago, the
building in downtown San Angelo housing the county building is now badly outdated and lacks enough room
administration offices. Built in 1981, the center was for all the federal agencies active in the San Angelo
named after Horace Chamberlain, a county supervi- area.
sor from 1942- 66. Most county departments are based As a result, many agencies rent space in the Twi-
here, though some, such as the Health and Human As- light Tower or other downtown office buildings. Con-
sistance Department, have branch offices throughout
the county. The Board of Supervisors meets here.
:~':~~::.~~ ;;;: 15-story federal building is slated I!:~~ I
CUJ of San Angolo '!I® -

Public Safety
the jail system and provides security for the courts as
816.05.2: Officers responding to any event involv- well as the San Angelo International Airport. Finally,
ing a ~bjcct known to possess Or eXhibit paranor· state and federal law enforcement agencies have a pres-
mal power, <as defined by CA Health & Safety Code) ence in San Angelo.
~tall complete department fom1 SPI 13-8, lo be al-
tad1ed w the report. A copy of the entire reporl Slu11J
be forwarded to the Paranormal Affairs Office. San Angelo City Police
816.05.3: When completion of the form is imprac-
tical due to the urgency of the situation, or other cir- Department
cumstances at the officer's discretion, the form shall The San Angelo Police Department, which is part of
be completed and submitted to the division com- city government, enforces the law within the city lim-
mander within 72 hours. its. Officers can pursue fleeing suspects into other ju-
8/6.06.1: Officers shall categorize observed para- risdictions, but otherwise normally work in conjunc-
normal abilities and annotate form SPl 13-8 accord-
tion with the appropriate local law enforcement agency
ingly. Classifications include...
when they must leave the city.
Source: SAPD General Orders The department is commonly referred to as the
SAPD, or the "saps" by criminals and others less en-
amored of the police. Naturally, San Angelo police
This chapter outlines the organization, duties and hate the term "saps."
notable people of the various agencies charged with The police department employs approximately 2,450
protecting the people of San Angelo. sworn officers, plus about 800 clerical personnel and
support staff. Non-administrative officers are repre-

Law sented by a police union, but state law forbids police

officers to strike.

Enforcement Structure of the Police Dept.

A number of law enforcement agencies are active in The San Angelo Police Department, or SAPD, has a
the San Angelo area. The police department, a branch fairly simple organization. At the very top is the po-
of city government, handles law enforcement within lice chief, hired by the City Council. The current po-
the city limits. The county Sheriff's Department has lice chief, Jack O' Shea, has held the post for the past
jurisdiction over the unincorporated county, operates eight years.

Organization of the San Angelo Police Department

Administration Division Robbery Bureau Sector Three
Chief of Police Burglary Bureau Sector Four
Fiscal Affairs/Budget Organized Crime Bureau Airborne Detail
Public Affairs/Media Vice/Gambling Bureau Dispatch Center
Personnel/Payroll Narcotics Bureau Traffic Enforcement/Motor Bureau
Crime Analysis/Statistics Computer Crime Bureau Special Weapons and Tactics
Paranormals Affairs Office Gang Task Force (Joint unit w/ Paranormal Alert Response Team
Internal Affairs Division SA Sheriffs Dept., DOJ & CHP) Community Relations Bureau
Detectives Division Juvenile Crime Bureau Neighborhood Police Program
Homicide Bureau Patrol Division Training Division
PAGE Sex/Elderly Assaults/Child Sector One Police Academy
NUMBER Abuse Bureau Sector Two Reserve Forces Bureau

NCI, watching) 11-, Psych: Protective of police force,
Psych: Physical fitness advocate, Rep: Police Chief 11-
Notes: Jack O'Shea started his police career more
than 30 years ago after a stint in the U.S. Army. After
returning from Vietnam, he got a job at a small-town
police department in Illinois and began studying crimi-
nal justice in college. O'Shea earned a night school
degree and moved on to the St. Louis Police Depart-
ment, where he quickly rose through the ranks.
In 1985, the former chief, Kent Robinson, brought
O'Shea to the San Angelo Police Department. O'Shea
briefly served as a deputy chief, then took over as as-
sistant police chief while Robinson groomed him to
head the department. When Robinson retired in 1989,
O'Shea beat out 94 applicants nationwide to succeed
Robinson as police chief.
While he presents the image of an old-fashioned po-
lice chief, O'Shea keeps up with changes in the orga-
nization and administration of modem police depart-
ments. He judiciously implements new techniques and
policies, such as the Neighborhood Police Officer pro-
gram. In addition, O'Shea has a zero-tolerance policy
toward brutality and corruption. Reports of wrongdo-
ing are quickly investigated, and officers found guilty
of violations can be reassigned, demoted, suspended
Police Chief John "Jack" O'Shea or fired.
STR 13 DEX 13 CON 15 BODY 10 However, the chief always stands behind his offic-
INT 18 EGO 15 PRE 18 COM 10 ers in public and firmly defends the department against
PD 5 ED 4 SPD 3 REC 6 outside criticism or interference.
END 30 STUN 28 Most officers generally respect Chief O'Shea, de-
Powers and Skills: Bureaucratics 13-, Combat Driv- spite periodic grumbling about pay, working condi-
ing 12-, Conversation 13-, Criminology 13-, Deduc- tions and other long-running beefs.
tion 13-, High Society 8-, Oratory 13-, Persuasion 13-, The chief opposes vigilante activity, mostly because
Running +3", WF: Small arms, tonfa, KS: Criminal he believes that it places the public at greater risk than
Law 11-, KS: Law Enforcement 14-, KS: San Angelo having trained officers handle dangerous criminals.
Police Department 14-, KS: San Angelo city govern- However, he is willing to enter into agreements with
ment 11-, KS: San Angelo underworld 11-, CK: San heroes who are law-abiding. For example, O'Shea sup-
Angelo 14-, CK: St. Louis 11-, PS: Police Chief 11-, ported the city sanction given to the Justice Founda-
Fringe Benefits: Local police powers, license to carry tion hero team.
a gun, San Angelo police chief, Perk: Well-connected, In recent months, O'Shea has had to defend his de-
10 Contacts in city government and other law enforce- partment against Councilwoman Emily Carver's ac-
ment agencies. cusations of laxness in curbing gang activity in South
Disadvantages: Age: 40+, Distinctive Features: San Angelo. He has also fended off proposals to have
Commanding presence (easily concealed), Hunted by the city Human Rights Commission investigate com- ... ,~
Mauler (Mo Pow) 8-, Hunted by the press (Mo Pow, plaints of police brutality.
Clft al S2n AngilO 4SOO -
-~ I
Public Safety
Mauler, a hulking super-criminal who hates the po- pol icies and procedures. Training officers receive
lice, has vowed to get the chief someday. corporal's pay while they are training a new officer,
O'Shea, 54, has silver-gray hair and blue eyes. He but otherwise are considered pau·olmen with no real
stands 6' tall and appears slim. He keeps in shape by rank.
running regularly, and competes in seniors track-and- In most West Coast police departments, "detective"
field events. O'Shea is a widower with two grown sons, is an assignment, not a rank. Since only experienced,
one of whom is a sheriffs deputy in Los Angeles. proven officers are assigned to investigation squads,
A devout Catholic, O'Shea has in recent years be- most personnel in these details will be sergeants or cor-
come good friends with Archbishop Francis Kelly of porals. In the SAPD, detectives normally rotate back
the San Angelo Archdiocese. to street patrol duties after three to five years in inves-
* * * tigations. The best detectives are sometimes granted
Ricardo Alvarez serves as assistant chief of the San exceptions to this rule on request, however.
Angelo Police Department. He works directly with the
chief, carries out special assignments and runs the de- "I'm coming nut of thiJ pqw11 shop over 011
partment while O'Shea is away. Fourth Street willt a $t1ck full of cash when this
Below the chief's office, the San Angelo Police De- loon jumps 0111 from bt1hind a parked ;,ar. He's
partment has four tiers of command. The deputy chiefs decke1J out itt tltiJ oddball superhero costume,
are administrators who oversee the five Jivisions of ~('ept it's all raggedy-looking. I mean, Jw worn
the department: administration, internal affairs, detec- this old .'liirl with !lw sleeve.f /tacked offfor a cape!
tives, patrol and training. "So lte comes 0111 with, 'Captllin CuM>age
crJ111111aml.r yau to halt in the T1mne qfjuifice!' Ai
Next are captains, who are also mainly administra-
/eus1, tlta/ 's 11'/Jat if sounded Ukf! to me.
tors. Each patrol sector is commanded by a captain. " 'Captain 'Cabbage? Your name;., Captain
Other captains are responsible for the various bureaus Cub/Jagu? · I as/;. him. I'm laughing .w han/ I can
and details making up each division. barely ~el tlte wortlr 0111.
Lieutenants are supervisors who ensure that the day- "He gets all puffed up, real indignant-Like, and
to-day operations of the department run smoothly. One says, 'My name is Captain Courage, you miscre-
lieutenant acts as a watch commander on every shift ant! I am the embodiment ofthe courage ofthe
for each patrol sector. Lieutenants also head some bu- common man, the valor ofthe Little people, the
reaus, and assist captains commanding other details. brm•ery• of ... '
The sergeants comprise the final tier of command. "/never got to hear the rest of it, though. 'cause
tltat 's when the police pulled up. I wa,\' laughing so
Sergeants directly supervise the men and women on
hard I could11 ·t hardly breathe - co11ld11 't run or
the street. Department policy calls for a sergeant to
even pll/ up a decent fight. Probably the easiest
respond to major incidents, but since each sergeant collar rite .>aps ever made. "
oversees four to six units on an average shift this is - Larry Y~brou~h, 2~, jail inmate
not always possible.
Below the sergeants are the street officers them-
selves. There are two ranks of officers, corporals and SAPD Personnel Breakdown
patrolmen. Corporals are more experienced officers Chief of Police - l
who have passed an exam, but in practice they do not Assistant Chief - l
"pull rank" on patrolmen. In general, the first officer Deputy Chief - 5
on the scene, whether a patrolman or corporal, com- Captain - 25
mands until a sergeant or lieutenant arrives. Lieutenant - 145
Sergeant - 325
Training Officers are patrolme n who are partnered
Corporal - 490
PAGE with new officers as necessary lo teach them SAPD
l'IUMBER Training Officer - 110
Patrolman - 1,350
Clt't GI Ila• An9alo 000 -

Public Safety
Divisions of the San Angelo experienced officers vs. "green" personnel in each di-
vision. The policy also helps prevent burnout, particu-
Police Department larly in the high-stress detective bureaus like homi-
Some details on the more active or well-known bu-
cide, and allows the department more opportunity to
reaus and personnel in the SAPD.
reward proven officers with greater responsibilities.
Special task forces are sometimes organized within
Administration Division the division to handle specific cases, such as a serial
Most of the employees of this division are not sworn killer or serial rapist.
officers, who are needed on the streets. The clerks, Some of the notable bureaus within the division in-
office managers and other personnel in the adminis- clude:
trative division play a vital role in keeping the depart- Burglary Bureau: Technically this bureau investi-
ment running, however. gates all burglaries, but in fact the sheer number of
Some of the notable bureaus in the division include: such crimes in San Angelo means only the most bra-
Public Affairs/Media: Sgt. Alyssa Walker serves zen or costly thefts will be actively investigated. De-
as the public information officer of the San Angelo tectives do not even respond to most home burglaries.
Police Department, handling press inquiries and sched- Computer Crime Bureau: A fairly recent addition
uling public appearances. Tough and capable, Walker to the police department, this small bureau investigates
can hold her own with the most persistent reporter, cases involving computers and the Internet. Recent in-
but dislikes this duty. She has repeatedly asked to be vestigations have involved the theft of credit card num-
returned to street patrol, but her superiors value Walker bers from Prospector Bank databanks and a band of
in her current post. teenage hackers who altered the San Angelo City web
Paranormals Affairs Office: Headed by Lt. Chet page to include obscene messages.
Dawes, this detail tracks incidents of superhuman Gang Task Force: A joint effort of the city Police
crime and known superhuman criminals in San Angelo. Department, San Angelo County Sheriffs Department,
Dawes also serves as a liaison between the police de- California Highway Patrol and state Department of Jus-
partment and sanctioned heroes, such as the Justice tice, the task force fights gang activity throughout the
Foundation. An experienced, no-nonsense officer with metropolitan San Angelo area.
an ironic sense of humor, Dawes gets along fairly well Officers, deputies and other personnel assigned to
with supers. the task force gather intelligence on gangs, arrest gang
members suspected of crimes and try to stem gang-
Internal Affairs Division related violence. Task force activities are overseen by
This is the smallest division in the San Angelo Po- the police department.
lice Department, with just five officers, a secretary
and a deputy chief. Officers from this division inves- Sgt. Due Lam
tigate reports of wrongdoing and corruption on the po- Gang Detective
lice force. The division also probes every incident in STR 13 DEX 18 CON14 BODY12
which an officer shoots someone. A stint in the IAD is INT 13 EGO 13 PRE 13 COM IO
considered a good stepping-stone to administrative PD 8 ED 6 SPD 3 REC 6
rank, but the officers in this division are not popular END 32 STUN 30
with rank-and-file officers. Powers and Skills: Martial Arts: (police self-de-
fense) Boxing Cross (use art with tonfa), Martial Arts:
Detectives Division (jiu jitsu) Choke Hold, Disarm, Escape, Legsweep,
As noted above, police officers rotate back and forth Combat Skills: +2 w/pistols, +3 w/martial arts, Com-~ _
between the patrol and detectives divisions. Adminis- bat Driving 13-, Criminology 12~, Deduction 12-,~P~~E~
trators consider this a good way to keep a high ratio of Shadowing 11-, Stealth 13-, Streetwise 12-, WF: Small
City of Stu A.OG"I() 4500 -

Public Safety
arms, tonfa, KS: Law Enforcement 11-, KS: San
Angelo Underworld 12-, KS: Southeast Asian gangs
14-, KS: San Angelo PD 11-, CK: San Angelo 12-,
Language: English (fluent w/accent) (Vietnamese na-
tive), PS: Police detective 11-, Fringe Benefits: Perks:
Local police powers, concealed weapons permit, Con-
tact: Phuoc Tran (Mien Community Temple) 11-;
Contacts: Street gangs 8-.
Disadvantages: DNPC (Tam "Tommy" Pak, gang
member) 11-, Distinctive Features: Cop (easily con-
cealed), Hunted by Southeast Asian gang (Less Pow)
8-, Psychological Limit: Dedicated police officer, Psy-
chological Limit: Protects innocents, Psychological
Limit: Subject to chain of command, Reputation:
Southeast Asian gang expert (limited group: local law
enforcement community) 11-.
Notes: Due Lam and his family fled Vietnam in 1978,
taking to the Pacific Ocean in an aged, barely seawor-
thy boat badly overcrowded with refugees. Gun-tot-
ing pirates came across the craft in the ocean, robbing
the refugees and brutalizing the women. Lam vowed
then that he would never let that happen to him, or
anyone around him, ever again.
After reaching the United States, his family was re-
settled in San Angelo. Lam studied hard in high school,
the Thunder Knights. Lam hopes to persuade Pak to
learning English quickly and earning a criminal jus-
leave the gang life behind.
tice scholarship to California State University, San
Lam, 31, stands 5'6" tall and has a lithe build. He
Angelo. He also began studying martial arts.
has black hair and brown eyes, and speaks fluent En-
In 1988, Lam became the first Vietnamese-Ameri-
glish with a slight accent. Lam is unmarried.
can officer hired by the San Angelo Police Depart-
ment. As a patrol officer, Lam received several com- * * *
Homicide Bureau: One of the most prestigious de-
mendations for heroism and eventually was promoted
tails, the homicide bureau investigates all unlawful
to sergeant.
deaths in the city. Homicide detectives are known for
He joined the gang task force in 1994, specializing
being experienced investigators and quick thinkers.
in Southeast Asian gangs. Many refugees are afraid of
This assignment can be extremely stressful, due to the
police and will not even report crimes. With the aid of
often gruesome nature of the crimes and considerable
Phuoc Tran of the Mien Community Temple, Lam has
pressure to quickly solve well-publicized cases.
succeeded in building some inroads into the South-
Narcotics Bureau: Detectives in this bureau are of-
east Asian community.
ten called on to work undercover, making drug buys
In 1995, he a1Tested three members of a Southeast
to gather evidence on suspected dealers and distribu-
Asian gang later convicted of a brutal home invasion
tors. The bureau sometimes brings in San Angelo
robbery in Rancho Madera. The gang has sworn re-
sheriff's deputies or officers from neighboring juris-
venge on Lam.
dictions for undercover work when the target might
,_P_A..,G"""E-. Lam has also befriended Tam "Tommy" Pak, a young
recognize a San Angelo police detective.
NUMBER Amerasian man involved in an Asian gang known as
The Internal Affairs Division watches the narcotics
City of $lln Angolo • 'OO -

Public Safety
bureau closely, due to the large sums of untraceable "I'm tired of having ro go into court and
cash involved in these cases. The detectives resent this explain why I didn 'r just shoot the gun our of
scrutiny, since no one on the detail has been accused some pe1p 's hand. The heroes make if look like
of corruption in more than IO years. ir1s easy. bur I 'm not Quicks/wt or the Rifleman
Organized Crime Bureau: This small bureau -I'm just a cop doing my job."
mostly keeps track of the various motorcycle gangs -Brady Fox, 31. SAPD detective
active in the San Angelo area. Detectives also keep an
eye out for incursions by mafia families, yakuza syndi- Patrol Division
cates or other organized crime groups from the Bay
The patrol division contains most of the department's
Area or Southern California.
sworn personnel. Officers in the patrol division work
the streets, responding to crimes and keeping an eye
Standard Patrol out for trouble on their beats.
Officer Equipment Patrol officers normally do not investigate crimes;
they take reports from victims, make an arrest if the
Sig Sauer P-229 .40 cal. pistol - ld6+l RKA
suspect can be found and move on to the next inci-
(Charges: 3 clips of 12, OAF)
dent. In major crimes, such as homicides or robberies,
Tonfa - +3d6 HA,+ I OCV (OAF)
they secure the crime scene and await the arrival of
Pepper Spray - Flash 2d6 vs. normal sight &
smell plus 2d6 NND (not vs. Life Support)
However, an alert patrol officer can do a lot to curb
(OAF, Charges: 3)
crime and get criminals off the street. For good or ill,
Handcuffs - Entangle 4d6 (Entangle takes no
they are also the chief representatives of the depart-
damage, Entangle with one BODY, Only en-
ment to the public.
tangles arms, Only on a target at 0 DCV,
The city is broken down into four numbered patrol
Charge: l recoverable, No range)
- sectors: Sector One includes Northside and Eastside;
Sector Two encompasses Downtown and Midtown
"Lt. Grogan never did find out who put the skunk neighborhoods; Sector Three covers the South San
in his car. bur he suspecred DeBruin and me. So we Angelo neighborhoods located west of Interstate 7;
got assigned to paddy wagon duty in the Armory - Sector Four includes the remaining South San Angelo
we call it the wino wagon. area east of I-7.
"We're sitting there in the wagon drinking some The northern sectors (Sectors One and Two) and
coffee one night when this homeless guy staggers southern sectors (Sectors Three and Four) are over-
out into Polk Avenue. I yell at him to get out of the seen by a lieutenant who acts as a shift commander.
street, but before I can even get the words out. up Each sector contains fou r to six beats.
comes this Mack truck. Brakes squeal. and crunch!
Each sector is also supervised by a sergeant. Each
Bum goes flying.
"I radio dispatch for tm ambulance. excepr l know beat contains one patrol car, or unit, on each shift.
it's" morgue wago11 we ret1l(Y neefl. I'm tT):i11g ro During the night and early morning (6pm to 2am), they
wlk 011 tile rndio. bur DeBmin keepa grabbt11R my are two-man units, and during the day most are one-
t,1m1 ancl pointitlg at rhe ftreet. . . man units.
"It's the bum! He's gone through a lmck wall mto Some of the notable programs within the patrol di-
some store. I mean l'ight through the wall. 8111 rmw vision include:
he ·a crawling out a"'J lot>king around, kind of Airborne Detail: The San Angelo Police Depart-
confused. Nm a scrord1 on /lim. He wa11der.\ off ment owns two two-man helicopters, based at Ace
down the street. Braddock Municipal Airport. One officer pilots the1..----~1
helicopter, while the other acts as an observer and op- 1!:i1~e~
" 'Now there's something you don't see every
day,' I tell DeBruin."
crates a mounted spotlight. One of the helicopters is ~
- Jack Nally, 29, police officer
normally in the air every night. They are used to pa- schools and community events, especially among chil-
trol troubled areas, pursue fleeing suspects and assist dren, and live at home with their human partners.
in searches. The dogs themselves are considered officers, and a
Community Relations Bureau: This bureau over- plaque at police headquarters memorializes Macho, a
sees citizen Neighborhood Watch groups, which en- police dog shot and killed by a bank robber in 1990.
courage residents to keep an eye out for suspicious Neighborhood Police Officers: A popular program
people or activities and report anything unusual to instituted by Chief Jack O'Shea in 1993, this effort
police. Its personnel also coordinate anti-drug cam- assigns selected officers to work with residents in
paigns and other crimefighting efforts in the commu- troubled neighborhoods. Cooperating with community
nity. associations and Neighborhood Watches, the officers
Dispatch Center: The dispatching center receives try to identify trouble spots, curb gang activity and
all incoming generally help residents take back their neighborhoods.
emergency police The NPOs also work with other government offices
calls, keeps track
SAPD Radio to tear down abandoned buildings, enforce heal th
of radio transmis- Channels codes, target illegal liquor sales and combat other
sions by patrol I - Patrol Sector I crime-related problems in neighborhoods.
units and routes 2 - Patrol Sector 2 Paranormal Alert Response Team: The elite
uni ts to hand le 3 - Patrol Sector 3 PART squad handles incidents involving
4 - Patrol Sector 4
calls . All police superpowered crime suspects. Officers on this detail
5 - Records
radio transmis- 6 - T actical Ops Channel are equipped with special gear for detaining and hold-
sions are (SWAT, PART, etc.) ing paranormals, including som~ prototype devices
scrambled to pre- 7 - Tactical Ops Channel 2 created by local high-tech labs.
vent criminals 8 - Car-to-car Most PART squad members have other assignments
from listening in 9-10 - Unassigned (Can be within the department, but are always on call to re-
on police opera- assigned by GM, or used spond to emergencies involving superhumans.
tions, but illegal for sanctioned heroes) Under a mutual-aid agreement with San Angelo
descramblers can County, the sheriff's department can call on the city
be purchased on the black market. PART squad as needed. Lt. Jerry House commands
Mounted Officers: A handful of city police offic- the PART squad, with Lt. Chet Dawes of the
ers are qualified for horseback patrols, but the depart- paranormals affairs office acting in an advisory ca-
ment does not make extensive use of horses except in pacity.
Old San Angelo. Horseback pau·ols are mostly used
during special events, such as parades or the county
fair, and for crowd control. "So we got the callout, 10-BBA - supers-
K-9 Officers: A dozen officers in the San Angelo involved incident. Dispatch says some guy's
Police Department are partnered with police dogs. going nuts over in the Fairtime Mall parking
These highly trained dogs are adept at finding and lot, tossing cars around, and the SO asked
pursuing fleeing suspects, and instill such fear in crimi- for a mutual assist.
nals that suspects often simply give up when a police "We get out there in the PART van and
dog arrives on scene. The dogs are also used in search deploy, but the negotiators eventually talked
and rescue operations, and a few are trained to sniff the super down so it ended up that we didn't
out drugs or explosives. have much to do. Turned out he was some
Human officers in the K-9 program are vqlunteers teenager who'djust been dumped by his
PAGE who arc reimbursed by the SAPD for their dog-related girlfriend. "
expenses. The police dogs are popular attractions al - Beverly Fancher, 28, police officer
(ll'f of S.n An;o lo 4SOO -

Public Safety
powers, PART commander, concealed weapon permit.
Disadvantages: DNPCs: Children(incompetents) 8-,
Distinctive Features: Cop (easily concealed), Hunted
by Salvo (Mo Pow) 11-, Psych: Dislikes paranormals,
Psych: Subject to chain of command, Reputation:
PART squad commander 8-.
Notes: A veteran San Angelo Police Department of-
ficer, Lt. Jerry House joined the force in 198 l. He
quickly distinguished himself in his patrol duties.
Coupled with his expertise as a sharpshooter, gained
from a stint in the U.S. Marine Corps, his hard-charg-
ing attitude soon earned House an invitation to join
the department SWAT team.
He initially served as a SWAT sniper, but later
switched to the squad's entry team, winning accolades
in both roles. In an incident watched live by thousands
of San Angelo television viewers in 1988, House fired
the shot that killed a gunman holding 38 hostages in-
side a Prospector Bank branch.
When the San Angelo Police Department formed the
Paranormal Alert Response Team in 1992, House was
the first choice to head the new squad. He has proven
to be a competent and effective leader who trains his
elite squad relentlessly to meet the extreme dangers
inherent in battling paranormal crime.
He does not get along well with paranormals, even
Lt. Jerry House recognized heroes. House takes an especially dim view
PART Comma nder of self-proclaimed heroes who interfere in PART squad
STR 18 DEX 18 CON 18 BODY 15 operations. House takes the decision to sanction some
INT 15 EGO 15 PRE 18 COM 12 heroes as an affront to his team, which he believes is
PD 8 ED 6 SPD 4 REC 8 fully capable of dealing with the superhuman crime
END 40 STUN 40 threat without the assistance of free-lance "heroes"
Powers and Skills: Running +3", Superleap +2", whose loyalties House perceives as questionable. He
Martial Arts (Commando Training): Aikido throw, tends to treat all paranormals as potential adversaries.
Boxing cross, Choke, Jiu-jitsu disarm, Kung fu block Mauler, a wanted criminal with immense strength,
(use art with tonfa), WF: Small arms, grenade has sworn revenge on House for his arrest by the PART
launchers, heavy machine guns, tonfa, Combat skills: squad a few years ago.
+3 w/sniper rifle, +2 w/small arms, Breakfall 13-, House has been divorced twice, and is currently un-
Bureaucratics 8-, Climbing 13-, Combat Driving 13-, married. His three children, two sons from his first
Concealment 12-, Criminology 8-, Demolitions 8-, marriage and a young daughter from his second, live
Interrogation 13-, Security Systems 8-, Shadowing 11-, with their mothers.
Stealth 14-, Streetwise 13-, Tactics 14-, KS: SAPD House, 38, has intense blue eyes, thinning red hair
11-, KS: San Angelo Underworld 11-, KS: Military and a mustache. He stands 5' 11" tall and looks very
World 11-, KS: San Angelo paranormals 14-, CK: San fit The PART lieutenant follows a boxing workouti:..P~A..,..,G,..E"'f:
Angelo 14-, PS: Police Lt. 11-, Perks: Local police routine at the police gym to keep in shape.
Campaign Tip PART/SWAT Equipment
GMs can use the write-up of Lt. Jerry House as a
template for other PART squad members. Common Equipment:
Sig Sauer P-229 .40 cal. pistol - I d6+ I RKA, 3
clips of 12 Charges, OAF
PART members respond to incidents in two armored Kevlar Vest - Armor, 5 PD/5 ED, OIF, Activation
vans, one carrying the team and its equipment, with 11 -, Limited Power: 3 PD vs. piercing attacks
Trauma Plate - Armor, +5 PD/+5 ED, OIF, Acti-
the second equipped to safely transport captured
vation 8-
Radio - Radio Listen and Transmit, OIF
Handcuffs - Entangle 5d6, Entangle takes no dam-
age, Entangle with one BODY, Only entangles
PART Armored Van arms, Only on a target at 0 DCV, 1 recoverable
Val Char Charge, No range
4x2 Size Flexcuffs (hard nylon or plastic cable ties) - En-
tangle 3d6, Entangle takes no damage, Entangle
-4 DCV
with one BODY, Only entangles arms, Only on a
6.4 tons (-6) Mass (KB)
target at 0 DCV, l recoverable Charge, No range
40 STR Black Fatigues - +I to Stealth rolls, OIF
10 DEF Combat boots, jungle cap, sunglasses
15 DEX Entry Team Additional Equipment
2 SPD Night Vision Goggles-Infrared Vision, OAF, Lim-
15" x8 Move ited Power: Restricted field of vision, - I PER
240" MAX H&K MPS 9mm SMG- ld6+1 RKA, Autofire, 4
Equipment: clips of 30 Charges, OAF ...or...
Remington 870 12-gauge shotgun - 4d6 RKA,
Police Radio: Radio Listen and Transmit
OAF, 8 Charges, Reduced Penetration
Flash-bang Grenade - 2d6 Flash vs. normal sight
A typical PART response involves a squad of nine and hearing, AE 4" radius, OAF, 1 Charge
officers and Lt. House. The PART officers carry stan- Tear Gas Grenade - 1d6 Flash vs. normal sight
dard SAPD SWAT equipment, including bullet-proof plus ld6 DEX Drain, Area of Effect 4" radius, OAF,
vests, radios, flashlights and flex-cuffs. l Charge
Squad members are armed with sub-machine guns
or shotguns, in addition to handguns. They also carry Sniper Additional Equipment
tear-gas grenades to flush out banicaded suspects and Sniper rifle with scope - 2d6 RKA w/+2 OCV
"flash-bang" grenades to blind or distract suspects (OAF, Charges: 5)
during high-risk entries.
Special PART Equipment
Titanium Handcuffs - Entangle, 5 Def, 5 Body,
r----------------~ Entangle takes no damage, Half END cost, Only
I GM's Option I entangles arms, Only on a target at 0 DCV, 1 Re-
I GMs seeking a less lethal tone to their campaign I coverable Charge, No range
I should replace the firearms carried by the PART I Prototype Tangier Field - Entangle 6d6, OAF, Re-
quires three attack rolls, 3 Charges, Activation ! I -
I squad with prototype beam weapons developed by I
Pacifiers - Drain 4d6 STUN plus Drain ld6 REC,
, ,I Orion Labs. (Beamgun - 8d6 EB [OAF, Charges: I OAF, I Continuing Charge, No Range, Extra Time:
P~~! 'I 2 Clips of 6 charges, Beam Attack]). I I Minute

86 ~----------------~
cial-action teams dealing with paranormals. Officials
from England, France, Japan and Russia have visited
San Angelo to inspect the team.
Special Weapons and Tactics: The SWAT team
draws experienced officers from throughout the de-
partment to form an elite, highly trained force capable
of dealing with the gravest threats to the city.
The heavily armed SWAT team handles situations
involving hostages, barricaded suspects, snipers and
anything else beyond the capabilities of ordinary of-
Lt. Bill Weathers, a calm, professional police vet-
eran, serves as SWAT team commander for the de-

Training Division
This division handles the training for all new police
department personnel. New hires are required to at-
tend a 24-week academy before being assigned to duty
with a training officer, who provides additional on-
the-job instruction in department policies and proce-
The department does not maintain a permanent, year-
round academy; academies are scheduled two or three
times a year as needed. Classes are held at police head-
quarters, with field instruction taking place at the de-
partment firing range or other locations.
This division also provides advanced officer train-
ing and update training for experienced personnel.
Finally, the training division oversees reserve offic-
The PART squad carries some special equipment to ers, who are called in to help police public events such
help even the odds against superpowered foes. The as fairs or parades or to bolster understrength patrol
squad has several sets of titanium handcuffs rated to sectors. Most reserve officers are either retired law
handle individuals with up to eight times normal hu- enforcement personnel or recent academy graduates
man strength. "Pacifier" tranquilizers are also used to waiting for the next examination for a full-time posi-
control superpowered individuals for transportation to tion with the department.
a secure facility.
Also, the squad carries three prototype "tangler" guns ) "You ever have that nightmare where you
developed by Orion Labs. If the three guns are fired at
shoot the l'od guy tmd no1hi11R happe11s?
the same opponent, they may create an electrical field
Tht1t's what it was like. I unloaded 12
entrapping the target. However, each shot expends a
rounds into him. and nothing hapfJened.
huge amount of energy, so the guns can only be fired
Well, llOI quiie not/ring.
three times before requiring several hours to recharge.
Law enforcement agencies all over the United States "Ht la11ghed. " . . PAGE
_ James White. 30, police officer m 1MeeR
consider the San Angelo PART squad a model for spe-
Cltt OI Sin Anw:~lo ASOD -

Public Safety
Officers of Note Uniforms and Insignia
Cpl. Margaret Barrera: A detective in the Sex/Eld- Officers in the San Angelo Police Department wear
erly Assaults/Child Abuse Bureau, Barrera handles black uniforms with shoulder-mounted radios. They
sexual assault cases. Her compassion and skill earned do not wear hats unless in dress uniform.
Barrera Officer of the Year honors in 1992. She is Detectives are not required to wear uniforms, but
skilled at karate and can often be found training at the are expected to dress in business-like attire unless they
Wilder Karate Center. are taking part in an undercover operation.
Sgt. Brady Fox: A flamboyant undercover detec- The SAPD uses Ford Crown Victorias almost exclu-
tive with the Narcotics Bureau known for taking stun- sively, and has recently started buying a brand new
ning risks and making spectacular arrests. Tn 1995, Fox fleet to replace aging 1994 and 1995 patrol vehicles.
captured a drug dealer by grabbing the man and leap- The cars are painted white, with blue stripes. Both front
ing out a fifth-story hotel window into the pool below. doors bear the department logo, a stylized badge.
He's also been involved in several shootouts. Most of Tn addition, the police department maintains a fleet
Fox's colleagues are now afraid to work with him. of 60-plus Kawasaki 1000 Police motorcycles, and two
Officer Ray Hodges: A patrol officer assigned to river boats.
Sector One (Northside) who holds the department The department also has a number of unmarked cars
record for drunken driving arrests. Hodges jokes that for investigations, and for undercover work keeps a
he has a "sixth sense" about intoxicated drivers, but handful of sports cars and luxury cars seized from drug
his almost uncanny ability to spot drunks actually stems dealers.
from years of experience and training. He sometimes
teaches seminars for other departments on this topic.
Sgt. Curt Wiesbeck: A veteran officer who serves
San Angelo County
as president of the police union. Wiesbeck has held Sheriff's Department
the job for 10 years, most! y due to his skill at winning The Sheriff's Department has jurisdiction over all
favorable contracts from the city. He has also molded unincorporated areas of San Angelo County. The de-
the union into a potent political force in City Council partment covers a far larger area than the police de-
elections, which gives the organization added clout at partment, but deals with a lower population density.
the bargaining table. As with the police department, deputies can pursue
Wiesbeck, whose salary is paid by the union, works fleeing suspects into other jurisdictions, but otherwise
full-time for the San Angelo Police Officers Associa- normally work in conjunction with the appropriate
tion but retains his peace officer status. local agency.
One of the department's chief responsibilities in-
Notable Locations volves operating the county jail system. All arrestees
Police Headquarters: The headquarters building, in San Angelo County are housed at one of the county
located downtown, contains the administrative offices jail facilities, whatever the arresting agency. The city,
of the department and the main garage for patrol ve- California Highway Patrol and other law enforcement
hicles. The detectives division is also based at police agencies help finance the jail system through funding
headquarters, though some bureaus maintain satellite agreements or booking fees, but most of the expense
offices in police substations around San Angelo. falls under the county budget.
The eight-story headquarters was built in 1980 on The Sheriff's Department employs approximately
the site of a historic, but badly outdated, police build- 2,400 sworn personnel, about 900 of whom work in
ing follow ing years of public debate and intense op- the corrections division, and roughly 600 clerical work-
""P~'A""'G""'E!"t position from city preservationist organizations. ers and support staff.

Ctty al S.n Ang.&Jo 45-QO -

Public Safety
L Structure
Staffing Ratios The San Angelo County Sheriff's Department some-
While the Sheriff's Department has about the same
what resembles the city police department in organi-
number of total employees as the city police force, it
actually has a lower ratio of patrol officers to popula- zation, with some changes to reflect its different re-
tion because about one-thfrd of its employees work in sponsibilities.
corrections. At the top of the hierarchy is the sheriff, who is
The San Angelo Police Department puts 1.3 officers elected by the voters every four years. The current
on the street for every 1,000 people in its jurisdiction, sheriff, J.T. Preston, has held the job for five years.
while the county Sheriffs Department fields .8 patrol
officers per 1,000 people. Sheriff John Taylor Preston
Both departments are considered understaffed - the STR 15 DEX 14 CON 13 BODY 10
preferred ratio for law enforcement agencies is 2 patrol INT 15 EGO 18 PRE 20 COM 10
officers per 1,000 people.
PD 5 ED 4 SPD 3 REC 6
END 30 STUN 28

Non-administrative personnel are represented by a Powers and Skills: Bureaucratics 13-, Combat
union, the Deputy Sheriffs Association, but are for- Driving 12-, Conversation l 3-, Criminology 13-,
bidden by state law from striking.
Deduction 13-, High Society 8-, Oratory 13-,
A professional, competent organization, the Sheriffs Persuasion 13-, Riding l 1-, WF: Small arms, tonfa,
Department suffers from funding problems that have KS: Law Enforcement Administration 14-, KS: San
rendered it understaffed and slightly under-equipped. Angelo Sheriff's Department 14-, KS : San Angelo
As a result, sheriff' s officials spend most of their time county government l l-, KS: San Angelo Underworld
trying to stretch limited resources to handle the rising l l-, AK: San Angelo County 14-, KS: Horses 12-, PS:
crime problems of the growing county population. Sheriff 11-, Fringe Benefits: Local police powers,
Nevertheless, clever use of federal grants and other license to carry a gun, San Angelo Sheriff, Perk: Well-
resources has allowed the Sheriff's Department to in-
connected, 8 Contacts in county government and other
stitute some new programs, such as helicopter and river law enforcement agencies.
patrols, in recent years.

Organization of the San Angelo County Sheriff's Dept.

Office of the Sheriff Child Abuse Bureau Patrol Division
Undersheriff Robbery Bureau North Patrol (based at Pleasant Grove
Internal Affairs Bureau Burglary Bureau Substation)
Administration Division Narcotics Bureau South Patrol (based at Castle Heights
Fiscal Affairs Gang Suppression Unit Substation)
Public Affairs/Media Financial Crimes Bureau Resident Deputy Program
Personnel/Payroll Fugitive Warrants Bureau Mounted & Parks Detail (motorcycles
Crime Analysis/Statistics Explosives Ordinance Detail (Inter-de- & horses)
Corrections Division partmental unit, with SAPD, CHP River Detail (2 boats, 4 jet skis)
Main Jail and Air Force I 203rd EOD Detach- Aero Detail (4 helicopters)
Del Oro Correctional Center ment) Special Enforcement Detail (SED)
Work Project Technical Services Community Services Bureau
Investigations Division Radio Maintenance Training & Reserve Forces Division
Homicide Bureau Communications Bureau (Dispatch) Sheriffs Academy
Sex/Elderly Assaults Bureau Identification Bureau Reserve Forces Bureau
L'::=:=:=:=:======================================================================..t NUMBER

Disadvantages: Age: 40+, Distinctive Features:
( /
Sheriff (easily concealed), Hunted by the press (Mo
Pow, NCI, watching) l 1-, Physical Limit: Arthritis
(infrequent, slight), Psych: Aggressive, blunt
personality, Reputation: Plain-spoken sheriff I 1-,
Rivalry: County Supervisors (Prof, Superior).
Notes: Sheriff J.T. Preston took office six years ago
after the previous sheriff, Jerry Wilder, decided not to
run for re-election. Before taking over as sheriff,
Preston had served 15 years in the Sheriff's Depart-
ment, working his way up to the rank of captain.
Preston has a forceful, blunt personality that earns
him few points with more politically minded county
supervisors, but he doesn't care. In particular, Preston
has clashed repeatedly with the board over funding
for the department, and is not above taking his case to
the public via newspaper and television interviews.
He favors cowboy hats and Western wear, an<l an
autographed photo of John Wayne hangs prominently
in Preston's office. An avid horseman, he rides with
the Sheriffs Posse in parades and other community
But those who take Preston for some kind of country
bumpkin are making a mistake. He is an able admin-
istrator who stays on top of the latest trends in law
enforcement and is skilled at stretching the limited The undersheriff, Ned Pickett, serves as an assistant
resources of his department to accomplish its mission. to the sheriff and fills in when Preston is away from
The sheriff is beginning to have some arthritis prob- the office.
lems, especially in his wrist, which was broken in a Below the sheriff's office, the department has three
struggle with a drunken driver nearly 20 years ago. tiers of command. Captains oversee each of the divi-
J.T. Preston is 48 years old, with close-cropped, re- sions of the department, aided by lieutenants who su-
ceding brown hair and brown eyes. A strong, barrel- pervise various bureaus and details within each divi-
chested man, he stands 6' 5" tall. Preston is married sion .
and has three grown children, including a daughter In the patrol division, one lieutenant serves as watch
who Ii ves in San Angelo. commander on each shift for both patrol sectors. He
keeps up-to-date on patrol activities, and may respond
· "Listen up, rookie. I've got JO weeks to retire-
in person to major incidents.
ment, so if we run into any supers, you let me Sergeants supervise the men and women on the street,
handle it, OK? And no guns. Some of these guys and are the last tier of command. Below the sergeants
get testy around guns, and l don'twannaget
are the street officers themselves. There are two ranks
disintegrated, electrocuted, turned to stone, of officers, corporals and officers.
teleported to Dimension X or nothin' else. Not
As in the San Angelo Police Department, corporals
with just 10 weeks left on the job. You hear me?" are more experienced officers who have passed an
-Gus Pappas, 49, deputy sheriff exam, but do not have a role in the command structure
of the department.


Training officers are partnered with new officers as Lt. Nick Machado of the sheriffs department heads
necessary to teach them Sheriff's Department policies the bomb squad, which also includes Deputy Tom
and procedures. Training officers receive corporal's "Bulletproof" Parker.
pay while they are training a new officer, but other- Financial Crimes Bureau: Detectives in this bu-
wise are considered officers with no real rank. reau investigate fraud and embezzlement cases. Most
of the detectives on this detail are near-experts on fi-
Divisions of the San Angelo nancial matters, and a few are trained accountants.
Fugitive Warrants Bureau : This overworked, un-
County Sheriff's Department der-staffed bureau seeks suspects with active arrest
Some of the more notable divisions and bureaus of
warrants. Since warrants are issued whenever a crimi-
the sheriff's department are covered below. Offices
nal defendant fails to appear for trial, there are thou-
that handle identical duties to their counterparts in the
sands of such cases in San Angelo County alone. The
San Angelo Police Department are not covered.
bureau also assists other jurisdictions in seeking fugi-
tives who have fled to San Angelo. For the most part,
Corrections Division detectives in this bureau focus on apprehending vio-
The largest branch of the Sheriff's Department, this
lent offenders or felons.
division staffs the San Angelo County Jail and the the
Del Oro Correctional Center. These facilities are de-
Patrol Division
scribed in greater detail under the Corrections System
Next to the corrections division, the patrol division
is the largest in the San Angelo County Sheriff's De-
Juvenile Hall and other youth facilities are overseen
partment. Officers in this division patrol the commu-
by the county Probation Department.
nities and rural back roads of the county, responding
Most new deputies are assigned to a one- to two-
to crimes, making arrests and keeping an eye out for
year stint in the corrections division before moving to
the patrol division.

Detectives Division
Most of the bureaus in the detectives division are " /worked with Mi11,f-M<Utero11 ct few
smaller than those in the police department, given the ~·e1ses before lte went bad, you know. Ile
Mn•ed my /mu a couple oiftime.r, at least a
understaffing problems facing the agency. coupe. l
Also, the Sheriff's Department does not rotate offic- "LJ
ne was a good guy' not H·ern , .d .
ltke some
ers between the patrol and detectives divisions, so
oif tI1ese supers. We used •o lk .
openings on the various squads are Jess frequent and I " ta sometimes
£1 'JOut /row society was J:ulli11g
more highly coveted. Cnme . ·'' apan.
terrofri"111 01''d 1 d"
Some of the bureaus of note include: • ' "' ' • a ie.r C!fmid to leave

Explosives Ordinance Detail: The bomb squad rhe1~ ho"ies. He even got kind of hor
deals with all incidents of suspected explosives in San ta/kmg abo111 lillerbugs! No respert r,
othen I "d I ,,or
Angelo County. Members are expert at detecting, re- . , re se11 • mean, /iJrerhu,,,,"> B
th • . ~· llf
moving, defusing and safely detonating bombs of many ~t s JUSt how he was. One-tra~k mind.
I guess he just couldn't ta,-- t"t
kinds, but this duty remains extremely hazardous. I' . I\-<:: anymore.
This detail has some protective equipment, included d.m not saying he was right to do what he
heavy padded armor and face shields, and a remote- id, now. But I ~nderstand how he felt."
controlled, wheeled robot used to move suspected ex- - Hugh Fields, 42, sheriffs detective
plosives. PAGE

tty of S.11 An09l0 4~ 00 -

Public Safety
;i- '.l
Sheriff's Deputy Standard
Sheriffs deputies carry most of the same equip-
ment as their police department counterparts. How-
ever, the Sheriffs Department allows its officers
to choose their own weapons (at their own expense),
based on experience and personal preference, as
long as they satisfy departmental guidelines. Depu-
ties may opt to carry the standard issue firearm,
the Beretta 92FS, 9mm semi-auto.

Patrol officers normally do not investigate complex

crimes; they take reports from victims, make an arrest
if the suspect can be found and move on to the next
incident. In major crimes, such as homicides or rob-
beries, they secure the crime scene and await the ar-
rival of detectives.
However, an alert patrol officer can do a lot to curb
crime and get criminals off the street. For good or ill,
they are also the chief representatives of the depart-
ment to the public.
The county is divided into North Patrol and South
Patrol, with the San Angelo River being the dividing Officer Tom " Bulletproof" Parker
line. Both North and South Patrol areas are further Sheriff's Deputy
divided into roughly a dozen beats each. Two substa- STR 13 DEX 11 CON 13 BODY IO
tions, one in Pleasant Grove and one in Rancho INT 10 EGO 10 PRE 10 COM IO
Madera, serve as the headquarters for each patrol di- PD 4 ED 3 SPD 3 REC 5
vision. END 26 STUN 24
In urban San Angelo, North Patrol handles Pleasant
Grove, Lakeview and La Vista. South Patrol is respon- Powers and Skills: Damage Resistance, 5 PD, 3 ED,
sible for Castle Heights, Arroyo Verde, parts of South Martial Arts (police self-defense): Boxing cross,
San Angelo, Rancho Madera and Southport. Choke, Kung fu block (use art with tonfa), WF: Small
Response times, which are beginning to rise, are a arms, tonfa, Combat Skills: +2 w/pistols, Combat Driv-
serious concern for the patrol division. Also, a bud- ing 13-, Criminology 8-, Demolitions 11-, Streetwise
get-prompted crackdown on overtime means that some 13-, KS: San Angelo Sheriff's Department 11 -, KS:
beats are under-staffed at times, with one or two fewer San Angelo Underworld 8-, KS: Law Enforcement 11-,
units on the streets than prescribed. KS: Explosives 12-, AK: San Angelo County 12-, PS :
The San Angelo Deputy Sheriff's Association has Deputy Sheriff 11 -, Perk: Fringe Benefits: Local po-
lodged numerous complaints about this practice, which lice powers.
it claims places deputies at greater risk since backup
[!iii!ii--..-,1is not always readily available.


Disadvantages: DNPC: Wife (normal) 8-, Distinc- Aero Detail: The San Angelo County Sheriffs De-
tive Features: Cop (easily concealed), Psychological partment has four Bell helicopters. Three were sur-
Limitation: Unassuming, Psychological Limit: Sub- plus U.S. Army helicopters acquired from the federal
ject to chain of command, Reputation: Low-powered government as a grant.
metahuman 8-. The helicopters are based at Forgan Air Force Base.
Notes: On patrol in Castle Heights one night in 1993, One of the helicopters is normally in the air each night,
Deputy Tom Parker knocked on the door of a home and one usually flies during daylight hours.
where a domestic disturbance had been reported. The They are used to patrol troubled neighborhoods, pur-
next thing he knew, Parker was lying on the front lawn sue fleeing suspects and assist in searches. Each heli-
with the sound of a shotgun blast ringing in his ears. copter is equipped with a high-powered spotlight.
As he watched his partner draw her gun on the Drowning Accident Rescue Team: A volunteer
drunken man with the 12-gauge shotgun in the shat- squad of specially trained and equipped sheriffs depu-
tered doorway, Parker knew he was already dead - ties who take on assignments below the waters of San
he hadn't even been wearing his bulletproof vest, and Angelo's rivers and lakes. The DART team, as they
he'd taken the blast full in the chest. He waited for the are more commonly known, searches for drowning vic-
darkness to come. tims, recovers bodies, searches for evidence under-
But it never did, so Parker got up and brushed the water and so on. Deputies from the team also visit
splintered wood from his torn uniform. Aside from a local schools to talk about water safety. The San
few scratches and some bruising, he was unhurt. He Angelo Police Department regularly calls on the
helped his stunned partner subdue the sobbing drunk, sheriff's dive team for assistance under a mutual-aid
and the n went to the hospital. accord.
That night, Parker discovered that he was a low-pow- Mounted and Parks Detail: A detail that uses
ered metahuman, or LPM, with some slight resistance horses, bicycles and Kawasaki motorcycles to patrol
to physical injury. Pistols and knives are unlikely to the trails, pathways and parks of San Angelo County.
harm Parker, though high-powered rifles and other The Sheriff's Posse, which includes both active and
heavy weapons can still cause him serious injury. retired members of the mounted detail, is a popular
His fellow deputies have dubbed him " Bulletproof," attraction at parades and once traveled to Washing ton
a nickname that Parker somewhat dislikes but bears D.C. to march in a presidential inaugural parade.
good-naturedly. Resident Deputy Program: A program used by the
Aside from his unusual ability to resist damage, department to patrol remote hamlets in San Angelo
Parker is a typical patrol officer in the sheriff's de- County. Resident deputies live in the communities they
partment. He also serves with the department bomb police and keep their patrol vehicles 24 hours a day.
squad, since his power makes it safer for him to handle When not on patrol, they respond to emergencies from
explosives than other deputies. their homes. This allows the department to forego as-
A quiet, low-key man, Parker prefers to blend in with signing deputies from the substations to patrol these
the crowd. The modest fame that his paranormal power towns, some of which are more than an hour's drive
has brought him makes Parker uncomfortable, but he from metropolitan San Angelo. Resident deputies are
believes that God gave him this power for a reason, so employed in Marshall, Garrett's Landing and Canfield.
he tries to put it to good use. River Detail: The sheriffs department owns two
Parker, 30, is an African-American man with short motorboats and four Jet Skis used to patrol the San
black hair and brown eyes. He and his wife plan to Angelo and Del Oro rivers.
start a family soon, though Parker is worried about River patrol deputies cite reckless boaters, inspect
the potential genetic effects of his LPM powers. boats for safety equipment and sometimes help land-
based deputies catch suspects who try to flee along PAGE
the riverbank. Sgt. Rick Russell heads the boat detail.
C.Jtyo1St1n Anooto •~oo-

Pu bl iC Safety
Special Enforcement r.=========;i Sheriff's Personnel of Note
Detail: An elite, highly SED Team Bernadette Capelli: The sheriff's personal secre-
trained team of officers Equipment tary, Capelli serves as an effective barrier between
that responds to incidents The Special Enforce-
Sheriff Preston and those who would waste his time.
involving heavily armed ment Detail uses equip-
ment similar to that de- A woman of imposing size and an abrasive personal-
or barricaded suspects in ity, she can be extremely intimidating. However,
tailed for the San Angelo
the county. Similar to a Police Department Capelli is very loyal to the department.
police SWAT squad, the SWATandPARTteams. Cpl. Jordan Emerson: A helicopter pilot in the Aero
SEO team has the fire- Detail of the sheriffs department. Emerson, who pi-
power and skills to handle l!::==============:'...l loted a U.S. Army helicopter gunship in the Gulf War,
the most dangerous threats to public safety. Lt. Frank loves to fly. He won a departmental commendation
Stalker commands the sheriff's SEO team. for bravery in 1995 after landing his chopper in a haz-
ardous area of high-tension power lines to pick up a
Technical Services deputy wounded in a shootout.
This division handles the communications and iden- Lt. Calvin Abukawa: A veteran detective in the ho-
tification needs of the department. micide bureau respected for his knowledge of foren-
The communications center handles all 911 emer- sic science and criminology. Abukawa is an expert at
gency calls in San Angelo County. Operators route crime scene examination and acts as a consultant to
the calls to the appropriate agency, such as the police other local departments on the subject at times.
department or a fire protection district. A joint powers Deputy Robert Hernandez: A popular deputy as-
authority of participating agencies provides funding signed to the Pleasant Grove substation as a patrol of-
for the center, which is staffed and operated by the ficer, Hernandez comes from a family of cops. His
Sheriff's Department. father, one of the first Latinos hired by the sheriffs
The center also handles dispatching and radio com- department, was killed in the line of duty 15 years ago
munications duties for Sheriff's Department patrols. when he unwittingly pulled over a car driven by a
This division also includes an identification bureau, prison escapee. Robert's uncle, Tony Hernandez, is a
responsible for fingerprinting and other evidence col- D.A. investigator, and his two brothers, Joe and Hec-
lection at crime scenes. The bureau also fingerprints tor, are deputies assigned to the main jail. Also, his
job applicants, registers sex offenders and processes sister, Teresa, is a bailiff in the county court system.
applications for concealed weapons permits.
Notable Locations
Transcript of 911 Call Sheriff's Headquarters: The nine-story Clarence
Operator: 91 1, what is your emergency?
Caller: Hello, yes, there's a man going crar;y out In Wayne Sheriffs Administrative Building, named af-
the street. Can you send the police? ter the first elected sheriff of San Angelo County, is
Operator: A man going crazy? What's he doing? located in downtown San Angelo. Known informally
Caller: Yes. He's shouting and throwing things at as the sheriffs headquarters, it houses the administra-
people's houses.
tive offices of the department and most of the investi-
Operator: OK. can you describe him for me?
Caller: He's, uh, about 12 feet tall, with blue hair gations bureaus.
and glowing eyes ... red eyes. Glowing red eyes. Pleasant Grove Substation: This substation serves
Operator: Twelve feet tall, with blue hair and glowing as the headquarters for north sector patrols.
red eyes? OK, ma'am, is he armed? Rancho Madera Substation: This substation serves
Caller: Oh no! (loud crunching sound)
Operator: Ma'am, are you all right? Stay on the phone as the base for south sector patrols. The high-crime
with me ... neighborhoods assigned to officers stationed in Rancho
NUMBER Caller: I 'm OK. No, he's not armed, but he just Madera recently prompted some wags to nickname
threw my Honda Accord up on the neighbor's roof. the substation "Ground Zero."
94 Please hurry!


Community boosters who got wind of the moniker The highway patrol also has a helicopter (call-sign
complained, however, and sheriff's officials are now H-22) and a light plane, which are used for aerial pa-
trying to stamp out use of the name. trols over the freeways throughout the Central Valley.
The plane is equipped with radar, and is used in con-
Uniforms and Insignia junction with ground units to nab speeders.
Deputies wear forest green pants and tan shirts, with CHP officers wear tan uniforms and drive black-and-
shoulder-mounted radios. They do not wear hats un- white patrol cars. Motorcycles are also used by the
less in dress uniform. highway patrol, mostly during the summer months.
Detectives are not required to wear uniforms, but State Parks Rangers: The Lake Oro State Recre-
are expected to dress in suits or other business attire ation Area is patrolled by State Park rangers, who can-y
unless they taking part in an undercover operation. firearms and are authorized to make arrests. However,
The department maintains a fleet of 1994 and 1995 sheriff's deputies are normally called in to assist with
Chevrolet Caprices as patrol vehicles. With the Ca- serious incidents and investigate major crimes.
price Police Package models being discontinued, the State parks rangers wear uniforms similar to those
despartment has begun purchasing 1997 Ford Crown of sheriff's deputies and drive light green four-wheel-
Victorias for use as patrol vehicles and unmarked cars drive Chevrolet Blazers. Rangers also use three mo-
for detectives and executive officers. torboats and six Jet Skis for patrols on Lake Oro.
The older Caprices have a forest green and white
paint scheme, while the newer Crown Victorias are "/was first on the scene. A real pileup on 1-7, a
all white, which helps them stay cooler during the big rig hit a car in the southbound lanes,
scorching San Angelo summers and cuts painting costs. bounced it into some other vehicles ... chain
Both front doors bear the Sheriff's Department logo. reaction.
In addition, the department uses 1995-96 Ford Bron- "/jump off my motorcycle, and I can see these
cos for rural and parkway duty. kids are trapped in a Chevy that's flipped over
The department also maintains several unmarked cars and on fire. I run over, but the doors are all
for investigative work, and has a handful of sports cars jammed up. The kids are screaming and crying,
and luxury cars, seized from drug dealers, used for really tore my heart out. The heat and smoke ... I
undercover operations. had to back off
"Next thing I know, this middle-aged woman is
pushing by me. I grab her and tell her she has to
State Law stay back, the gas tank might explode. She gives
Enforcement Agencies me a shove - I fly I 0 feet and land on my rear!
"When I get up, I can barely see the woman
Two state agencies also handle law enforcement re-
through the smoke, but she's lifting up the car! A
sponsibilities in the San Angelo area:
car weighs what, a ton? Two tons?
"Anyway, I and some other guys run over there
California Highway Patrol: The California High-
and help the kids out. I talked to the woman
way Patrol handles traffice enforcement duties on state
afterward. She'd never done anything like that
and federal highways in the San Angelo area. While
before, never even lifted weights at the gym or
police handle traffic enforcement on city streets, the
CHP enforces vehicle codes in unincorporated areas
"/can still remember what she told me, 'The
under an agreement with the county.
good Lord showed me what I had to do, and gave
The CHP has offices in Pleasant Grove, Rancho
me the strength to do it. ' I guess it all made
Madera and the town of Marshall.
petfect sense to her." PAGE
- Tyrone Barton, 35, CHP officer
City ot &In Aua•kl 4~U O -

Public Safety
Federal Law
Angelo. Investigators with INS occasionally conduct
Enforcement Agencies raids on businesses suspected of knowingly employ-
A number of federal law enforcement agencies are ing illegal aliens.
active in the San Angelo area. They enforce federal The INS also investigates individuals suspected of
laws and sometimes offer assistance to local law en- smuggling undocumented aliens into the United States
forcement agencies. for pay.
One recent case involved Chinese immigrants who
Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms: Agents had been crammed into a freighter due to dock at the
from this bureau, a branch of the federal Treasury De- Port of San Angelo. Conditions aboard the ship were
partment, enforces federal laws relating to alcohol, to- so squalid that one woman died before the ship was
bacco, explosives and firearms. The ATF maintains a stopped by the U.S . Coast Guard and INS officials.
small office, headed by Adrian Masselli, at the Twi-
light Tower.
Drug E nforcement Agency: The DEA investigates
drug-related crimes in San Angelo, focusing on tong- Law enforcement agencies in San Angelo are not
related heroin smuggling and methamphetamine sales overrun with corruption - far from it. While most
by motorcycle gangs. Meth labs in rural San Angelo agencies no doubt have a few bad apples, there is no
are also a target of the DEA in joint operations with systematic bribe-taking, such as the reported "padding"
the Sheriff's Department. of entire precincts in East Coast departments.
Colin Hunt heads the small DEA squad based at the Contrary to popular belief, the fabk<l '\:o<le uf si-
Prospector Bank Building office tower. There are ru- lence" among peace officers does not always extend
mors that the squad is probing tong-related opium to corrupt cops, who are likely to be reported to their
smuggling at the Port of San Angelo. superiors.
The DEA and county sheriff's department are run-
ning a joint undercover operation targeting the meth- Brutality and
amphetamine ring run by the Flaming Skulls motor-
cycle gang. Excessive Force
Federal Bureau of Investigation: The FBI office Almost all San Angelo officers, of any department,
in San Angelo probes all federal crimes, such as bank do not condone the use of excessive force or beatings.
robberies, terrorism and some civil rights violations. Most officers also see a difference between subduing
Agents also keep an eye on tongs and motorcycle gangs a suspect and beating a confession out of someone,
in the city. however.
Dale Parsons is the special agent in charge, or SAC, Officers tend to "close ranks" around colleagues who
of the San Angelo FBI office, based at the Federal are accused of excessive force by a criminal suspect.
Building downtown. But officers with a reputation for brutality will find
Immigration and Naturalization Service: A branch few supporters on any police force and will soon find
of the federal Department of Justice, the Immigration themselves the target of internal affairs division in-
and Naturalization Service has a small office in San vestigations.


I Clry or &In Anplo 4 SQO -

Public Safety

Emergency Likewise, other agencies can call on the city fire de-
partment for aid. Each year, the department typically
sends several companies to help battle wildfires in the
Services mountains or in Southern California.
Crime and criminals are not the only threats to pub- The fire department employs 3,600 people and has
lic safety in San Angelo. Fires, auto accidents and 85 stations scattered throughout the city. Department
medical emergencies must also be dealt with. These headquarters are located in an annex to Station #1
are the responsibility of San Angelo firefighters and downtown.
private ambulance companies.
Structure of the Fire
"A fire start in our apartment. Bad wiring, I think. Department
Our landlord very cheap. I get fa mily out, but my The fire chief, who is appointed by the City Council,
daughter inhale smoke. Coughing very bad. Fire
heads the department. The current chief, Dean Mandel,
department come very quickly to help, put out fire,
give tlaughter oxygen. 11ren hero land near fire trucks.
has held the job for the past three years.
"Paramedics talk to him, and he come over. Says, The Deputy Fire Chief, Franklin Sexton, assists
'Your daughter need go to hospital. I fly her very Mandel and runs the department in his absence. The
fast. · Wife and I say yes, and hero carries daughter to fire marshal, David Ortiz, heads the fire prevention
hO$pita/. bureau.
"She OK now. Hero save her life. My family love Below the office of the chief, the San Angelo Fire
U.S., belit place. love heroes. " Department has a simple, four-tiered command struc-
- Hung Tran, 38, school custodian ture. Division chiefs command each of the bureaus,
except for the fire prevention bureau.
San Angelo Fire The fire suppression bureau, which handles the
firefighting duties of the department, splits the city
Department into three divisions, each commanded by an assistant
The San Angelo Fire Department, a branch of city chief. Next in line are the battalion chiefs, who super-
government, responds to all fires and other emergen- vise a number of fire companies inside a division.
cies in the city limits. The department can call on other Battalion chiefs normally respond to fires, but do not
agencies, including the Forgan Air Force Base fire enter burning buildings - they direct the overall strat-
department, for assistance when battling extensive egy of battling the blaze.
blazes or other large-scale emergencies.

Organization of the San Angelo Fire Department

Administration Bureau Fire Marshal's Office Technical Section
, Community Liaison Officer Arson Section Plan Check Unit
Fire Chief Education Section Fire Suppression and Rescue
Administrative Services Bureau Hazardous Materials Section Bureau I

Accounts Payable Unit Industrial and Commercial North Division I

Manuals and Orders Unit Section Central Division
Maps and Drafting Unit High-Rise Unit South Division
Payroll Unit Public Safety Section Support Services Bureau
Personnel Services Unit Institutions Unit Disaster Preparedness Division ' I PAGE
Fire P revention Bureau Schools and Churches Unit Training Division NUMBER

- ~'
Finally, captains are in charge of companies. A com-
pany may consist of a truck, an engine or both. Fire
trucks are huge rigs with aerial ladders, while engines
are the somewhat smaller, more commonly seen ve-
hicles. Each carries three to four firefighters.
Depending on the assignment of the companies, a
station may also be equipped with grass-fire rigs, boats,
water tankers, ambulances or other specialized ve-
hicles. Some stations contain three companies - a
truck, an engine and an ambulance.
Captains respond to all emergency calls, and gener-
ally stay with their companies inside burning build-
ings or other emergency scenes.
Engineers, who must have some firefighting experi-
ence and pass a written test, drive the trucks and en-
gines. At the bottom are the firefighter-paramedics,
who make up the bulk of the department's personnel.
Not all firefighters are paramedics, but they all have
at least some emergency medical training. Paramed-
ics have advanced training that qualifies them to ad-
minister drugs, start IVs, intubate an<l defibrillate pa-
All firefighters in the city are paid, full-time profes-
sionals - volunteer firefighters were phased out in
the 1960s. The city has been trying to increase the
number of female firefighters, but the department re- Fire Chief Dean Mandel
mains almost 95 percent male. STR 13 DEX 11 CON 13 BODYlO
"My company's up on the roof of this old storefront
downtown. It's just after dawn, spring, so it's nice and PD 4 ED 3 SPD 3 REC 5
cool. Same old story - some homeless people broke in END26 STUN 24
l ~he night before, lit afire to stay warm and it got away
p rom them. Now it's burning pretty good. Powers and Skills: Bureaucratics 12-, Combat Driv-
"We're ventilating the roof when /feel it start to ing 12-, High Society 8-, Paramedic 11-, KS: San
give underneath me. I shout to my guys to get outta Angelo Fire Department 14-, KS: Firefighting 13-, KS:
there, but before I can jump clear the roof collapses. Firefighting Tactics 11-, KS: Emergency Medicine 11-,
"I'm looking straight down into hell. That's exactly KS: Fire Department Management 11-, CK: San
what it looked like. a burning hell. The guys are all
Angelo 11-, PS: Fire Chief 11-, Perk: Fringe Benefit:
shouting 'Cap! Cap! Cap's gone through the roof!'
Fire Chief, Contacts: State and local fire agencies, 5.
I'm mentally saying goodbye to my wife and kids, you
know, when suddenly I'm jerked up by the collar of my Disadvantages: DNPCs (family, normals) 11-, Dis-
· tumour. tinctive Features: Fire Chief (easily concealable),
"/look up, and this super's got ahold ofme, pulling Hunted by the press (Mo Pow, NCI, Watching) 8-,
me out of the hole. Don't know where she came from. Reputation: Unpopular Fire Chief 8-.
She carried me down to the street, then.flew o.ff. Never Notes: Dean Mandel took over as fire chief in 1994,
found out her name." after serving as an assistant chief in the Angel Beach
-Robert Plummer, 41, fire captain Fire Department in Southern California.


I -
Resentment lingers over the City Council's choice
of Mandel over several applicants from within the San
Angelo Fire Department, and he is not well-liked by
most fire personnel. The chief has proven an able, if
unremarkable, administrator, however.
Mandel, 52, has thinning blond hair and blue eyes.
He stands 6' tall and has an average build. He and his
wife have four children, ranging in age from 4 to 16
years old.

SAFD Personnel Breakdown

Fire Chief - 1
Deputy Chief - I
Fire Marshal - 1
Division Chief - 5
Assistant Chief - 3
Battalion Chief - 9
Captain - 255
Engineer - 375
Firefighter/Paramedic - 2,450

Bureaus of the Fire Len Desantis

Department Arson I nvestigator
Some of the more interesting or active bureaus of STR 13 DEX 14 CON 13 BODY 10
the city fire department: INT 13 EGO 11 PRE 13 COM 10
PD 5 ED 4 SPD 3 REC 6
Fire Prevention Bureau END 26 STUN 25
Headed by the fire marshal, this bureau investigates
all suspicious blazes and conducts fire inspections in Powers and Skills: Combat Driving 12-, Conversa-
the city. Personnel in this office also review plans for tion 12-, Criminology 12-, Deduction 12-, Shadowing
all developments proposed in the city for fire safety, 11-, Streetwise 12-, WF: Small arms, KS: Firefighting
access needs and other requirements. 11-, KS: Fire Investigation 14-, KS: Arson Techniques
Some of the notable details within this bureau in- 11-, KS: Fraud 8-, KS: San Angelo Fire Department
clude: 11-, SC: Chemistry 11-, CK: San Angelo 11-, CK:
Arson Section: All suspicious blazes in the city are Marshall, 11-, PS: Arson Investigator 12-, Perk: Con-
probed by this office. Arson investigators are armed tacts, street informants, 1 1-, Language: Italian (fluent
and have the authority to make arrests in connection conversation).
with their investigations. They are also very knowl- Disadvantages: Hunted by Pyre (Mo Pow) 8-, Psy-
edgable about arson techniques and accelerants such chological Limit: Keeps to himself, Psychological
as kerosene, as well as insurance fraud and other com- Limit: Dedicated to duty, Reputation: Respected fire
mon motives for arson. investigator (limited group: fire department) 11-.

Cny "' !Lin A11g.IO 4$00 -

Public Safety
Notes: Leonard DeSantis joined the San Angelo Fire Unlike some agencies, the San Angelo Fire Depart-
Department nearly 15 years ago after several years with ment does not separate firefighters into fire or rescue
the Marshall Volunteer Fire District in rural San companies. All companies are capable of either as-
Angelo County. After a few years as a firefighter and signment.
engineer, he earned a night school degree in criminal 1f reinforcements are required at a fire or other emer-
justice and transferred to the arson investigation squad. gency, the department can call a "second alarm." Ad-
In 1994, DeSantis cracked the "Pyre" case, which ditional companies and personnel are dispatched. Third
had thrown San Angelo into a citywide panic. or even fourth alarms can also be called if further as-
Superpowered arsonist Geoffrey Lindsay set 20 fires sistance is required.
in 12 days, killing two people and causing hundreds A few companies have specialized equipment or
of thousands of dollars in damage. In cryptic letters to training for certain emergencies, though they still spend
the San Angelo Times, he dubbed himself "Pyre" and most of their time as ordinary firefighting companies:
announced his intent to burn down the entire city. Cliff and River Rescue: These companies carry
After a harrowing, round-the-clock investigation, climbing gear, stretcher baskets and other equipment
DeSantis tracked Pyre to his seedy Armory apartment. for conducting rescues on the steep bluffs along the
With the aid of the .Justice Foundation, he captured San Angelo and Del Oro rivers.
Pyre, who was later sentenced to the Gaviota Island Hazardous Materials: Companies assigned to
Federal Penitentiary. handle hazardous materials emergencies are equipped
A very private person, DeSantis keeps to himself and with full-body suits and other protective gear. They
prefers to work alone. Although he is very respected are trained in identifying, handling and cleaning up
within the department, he has few friends and most of toxic chemicals, and are knowledgableabout tht medi-
his co-workers know little about his private life. cal effects of exposure to hazardous substances.
DeSantis, 42, has brown hair and eyes with a dark
complexion. He stands 5' l O" and has an average build. 1997 City Fire Statistics
DeSantis is divorced, with no children. Total Calls: 163,668
Education Section: This office handles fire preven- Fires: 12,057
tion education in San Angelo public schools, arranges Medical Assistance: 109,575
firehouse tours for youth groups and organizes other Other Emergencies: 42,036
outreach programs.
Hazardous Materials Section: This section keeps Special Signals
track of the storage and transportation of all hazard- Second Alarms: l 04
ous materials in the city. These records are used to Third Alarms: 20
keep firefighters responding to blazes or other emer- Fourth Alarms: 2
gencies informed of potential hazardous materials risks Fifth & Higher Alarms: 0
associated with a particular business or other location. - Source: San Angelo Fire Department

Fire Suppression Bureau Support Services Bureau

This bureau, responsible for fighting fires and han- Training and disaster preparedness are the responsi-
dling other emergencies, contains most of the person- bility of the Support Services Bureau. This branch of
nel and resources of the San Angelo Fire Department. the fire department organizes academies for newly
This bureau is split into three divisions, which are hired firefighters, arranges update training and handles
further broken down into battalions and companies. continuing education services.
Fire companies. commanded by a captain, usually con-
-"'"!""...,, Personnel assigned to this bureau also draft plans

GE sist of the crew on a truck or an engine. Thus. each for responding to earthquakes, floods, chemical spills
M ER statio11 houses one or two companies.
OBO and other disasters in San Angelo.


Cny Of &In Ano•IO 4SO -

Public Safety
"Remember the Consolidated Electronics Notable People
warehouse fire back in '91? I was with Co. 8 Firefighter Mitch Loughlin: A firefighter with a
then. We were sitting around the station reputation for making dramatic rescues. He has pulled
watching 'L.A. Law' on the tube when we got a several people from blazes over the years, often plac-
call-out on the third alarm. You should've seen ing himself at considerable risk. In 1994, Loughlin was
all the trucks. Guys from all over the city were seriously injured when a stairway collapsed underneath
there. him in an apartment building fire, but he returned to
"We get the news that some of the night shift active duty a few months later.
is trapped on catwalks up near the roof, so our He is a Native American from the Canfield Indian
company goes in. The whole warehouse is Rancheria near Lake Oro.
burning up now - it's slow going. but we· re Engineer Russ O'Connell: An engineer stationed
making our way to 'em. downtown, O ' Connell has restored an antique San
"Then part of the roof comes flying off, and Angelo Fire Department engine that he drives in pa-
this super is plucking people off the catwalk rades. One of the most senior firefighters in the de-
and flying them out. Easy as pie -for him, partment, O ' Connell is also known for his distinctive
anyway. handlebar mustache.
"Well, so much for that, we say, and start "Sparky the Fire Dog": Actually a firefighter in-
headin' out. I'm thinking I'm gonna be there side a costume, Sparky the Fire Dog is a popular char-
all night mopping 11p - not much hope of acter with San Angelo schoolchildren. He visits schools
supers helping with that, huh? - when a load and community events to pass along fire safety tips.
ofdebris drops out of the rafters, lands right
011 top of me. Fire Protection
"Broke my back. They told me later the guys
barely got me out of there. I was in the hospital Districts
for six months, and I had to re ti re from the In the unincorporated areas of San Angelo County,
department. fire protection duties are handled by independent spe-
"The super got a parade down Kirby Boule- cial districts. These districts, which are overseen by
vard. I got a pension and a gold watch. elected fire boards, are funded by a share of property
"The watch stopped 'bout a year ago." tax revenues. Fire districts are organized along much
- George Maguire, 44, disabled the same lines as the city fire department, though some
rely on volunteers for the bulk of their personnel.
There are several fire districts in San Angelo County .
Uniforms and Insignia The three largest are the Foothills, Pleasant Grove and
City firefighters, engineers and captains wear light South San Angelo Consolidated fire protection dis-
blue shirts and navy blue slacks. They wear short- tricts.
sleeve shirts in the summer. Of course, they wear pro- Remote parts of San Angelo County are covered ei-
tective "turnout" gear, including coats. boots, helmets ther by volunteer fire departments from the nearest
and breathing apparatus, when responding to a fire. community or by the California Department of For-
Administrators - battalion chiefs and higher ranks estry, under agreement with the county.
- wear white uniform shirts. Each fire protection district has its own uniform and
Engines. trucks and other vehicles of the San Angelo insignia. The color scheme of fire vehicles likewise
Fire Department are the traditional red, with reflec- varies, with lime-green, white or yellow nearly as
tive stripes and the department name in gold letters popular as the traditional red.
over a logo on the doors.
City Cd S•~ Mgolo •Y.>O -

Public Safety
Metropolitan Ambulance: Once the busiest private
State and Federal ambulance company in San Angelo, Metropolitan
Agencies Ambulance has been overtaken in recent years by new-
Agencies of the state and federal governments also comer ET. As a result, "Metro" crews are nervous
have some responsibility for fire protection in the San about their future. There are rumors that owner Ravi
Angelo area. Singh faces bankruptcy after over-extending himself
replacing outdated ambulances. The tension has
California Department of Forestry: Firefighters sparked a rivalry between Metro and ET crews, and a
from the forestry department, or CDF, battle blazes in recent softball game between the firms ended in a
state parks, such as the Lake Oro State Recreation Area. brawl.
Also, San Angelo County contracts with CDF to pro- Valley Medical Systems: In recent years, Valley
vide fire protection in remote parts of the county not Medical Systems has gained a reputation as the worst
covered by other fire districts. The CDF operates a private ambulance company in San Angelo. Horror
number of air tankers, huge airplanes used to drop stories of ambulances running out of gas, breaking
water and flame retardant on wildlands fires. down and getting Jost on emergency calls are often
U.S. Air Force: A detachment of Air Force person- told. The owner of Valley Medical Systems, Naomi
nel provides fire protection at Forgan Air Force Base Coffey, is known as a miser loathe to spend money on
in Pleasant Grove. The department has special train- salaries, upkeep, new ambulances or anything else.
ing and equipment for air crashes, and can be called Coffey spends most of her time cajoling county offi-
on for assistance by other fire agencies. cials out of revoking her license to operate in San
U.S. Forest Service: The U.S. Forest Service, a Angelo
branch of the federal Department of the Interior, is
responsible for fire protection in national forests. The Campaign Tip
famed "smoke jumpers," firefighters who parachute Paramedics will try to treat injured supers, unless do-
to remote wildlands fires, are affiliated with the USFS. ing so puts them at risk. However, superhumans often
have powers that could hinder or prevent medical treat-
ment - for example, armored skin could rule out intra- 1
Private Ambulance venous injections! Most ambulances do not carry spe- 1
cial equipment for treating supers.
Jn addition to the ambulances operated by local fire
agencies, three private ambulance firms serve the "We got a call to this frat house in the Commons.
metropolitan San Angelo area. These companies are Big parry going on, lots of beer, loud music. We're
licensed by the Board of Supervisors and overseen by figuring an alcohol poisoning or drug O.D. You work
a rescue wagon, you see these things a lot.
the county health services division.
"So this guy comes up and tells us the victim's in the
pool. OK, so it's a drowning. We hustle to the pool.
ET: The busiest private ambulance service in San "Well, the guy's not drowning, but he is at the
Angelo. Owner Austin Lane began ET, which stands bottom of the pool smiling up at us. He's got gills and
for "Emergency Transport," just five years ago. The fins, just like His buddies say he changed as he
company has expanded rapidly and lured a number of swam around the pool after taking some drugs -
the best ambulance crews away from other firms. His mushrooms I think.
employees have asked Lane several times to change "We called in some specialists from Faraday, but
the name of the company, which makes them the butt you wouldn't believe what a pain in the butt it was to
transport that guy - he couldn't breathe plain ol' air
l!....uf endless "alien'• and ''extra-te1Testria1•· jokes, but he
NUMBER likes the ET name ;.mu will not change it.
-Tony Rudenko, 30, paramedic
The Judicial and Organization of the D.i strict
Penal Systems Attorney's Office
Once an officer or detective makes an arrest, the case District Attorney
moves to the criminal justice system. As with law en- Office Manager
forcement, most of the activity occurs at the county Personnel/Payroll
level, though the federal and state governments also Records
play roles in the administration of justice. Consumer Affairs Division
Family Support Division
Felony Crimes Division
The District Attorney's Career Criminal Section
Drug Crimes Section
Office Homicide Section
The county District Attorney's office is responsible Organized Crime Section
for the filing of criminal charges and prosecution of Property Crimes Section
all criminal cases in San Angelo County, including Robbery Section
Sex Crimes/Child Abuse Section
the city of San Angelo.
Investigations Division
The D.A. reviews arrest reports filed by local law
Juvenile Crimes Division
enforcement agencies, including the San Angelo Po- Misdemeanor Crimes Division
lice Department, San Angelo County Sheriffs Depart- Traffic Section
ment and the Highway Patrol, and decides on which
cases formal charges will be fi led. Charges may also
be filed based on police affidavits.
The D.A.'s Office is headed by the San Angelo Dis-
Structure of the D.A. 's Office
The elected district attorney of San Angelo County,
trict Attorney, who oversees the administration of the
Jan Lehman, heads the office.
approximately four dozen deputy district attorneys who
try the various misdemeanor and felony cases in the
San Angelo Municipal and Superior courts. District Attorney Jan Lehman
The District Attorney is an elected position with a STR 8 DEX 11 CON 12 BODY 8
four year term. Deputy D.A.s are full-time county INT 13 EGO 11 PRE 12 COM 12
employees, hired by the D.A. In addition to Deputy PD 2 ED 2 SPD 2 REC 4
D.A.s, the D.A.'s Office employs a dozen criminal END 24 STUN 18
investigators and as many assistant investigators. Their
duties include conducting follow-up interviews with Powers and SkilJs: Bureaucratics 11, High Society
witnesses, collecting and reviewing additional evi- 11-, KS : Civil Law 12-, KS : Criminal Law 13-, KS:
dence, and so on, to bolster the prosecution's case. San Angelo Legal Scene 12-, KS : Criminal Procedure
11-, KS: Juvenile Crime 11-, PS: Attorney 14-, Perk:
District Attorney, License to Practice Law, Contacts:
''Nmv, are you strong enough to pick up tr
Judicial and legal community, 8.
car? That's t iery impre.rsiv'IJ. flow about a bus?
Disadvantages: Age : 40+, DNPC s : Family
A train /pconwtive? A jet fighter? So. some-
(normals) 8-, Hunted by the Press (Mo Pow, NCI,
thing like ripping rite door:;·aff an armored car.
Watching) 11-, Physical Limit: Nearsighted (fre-
you' re certainly .'Urong enough for that, are11 '1
quently, slight), Psych: Seeks justice, Reputation: ___,
- Juliet Price, 33. deputy D.A. Tough D.A. 11 -, Rivalry: Roger Feist, deputy D.A. ~P!~~
Ctfy of &111 •1'l9'1lt> 4500 -

Public Safety
Divisions of the D.A.'s Office
Details on the more interesting or active divisions of
the District Attorney's Office.

Consumer Affairs Division

Attorneys in this division handle cases dealing with
false advertising, faulty or dangerous merchandise,
"lemon law" violations and other illegal business prac-

Family Support Division

The attorneys in this division are charged with en-
suring that non-custodial fathers and mothers pay child
support as required by the courts. Their task is com-
plicated considerably by defendants who flee the state,
work under the table, assign their assets to other fam-
ily members and try almost every other conceivable
dodge to avoid making payments.

Felony Crimes Division

Most deputy D.A.s work in this division, which
handles the bulk of the office's caseload. Felonies are
major crimes, such as robbery, sexual assault and mur-
der, that carry a potential penalty of more than a year
Notes: Jan Lehman was elected two years ago after a in county jail, any prison time or a fine of more than
tight race with former D.A. Garry Harrison. Her strong $1,000.
position on juvenile crime and Harrison's drunken driv- The attorneys in this division and its various bureaus
ing arrest on the eve of the election were the chief fac- prosecute all felony criminal cases in the city and
tors in her victory. Prior to her election, Lehman worked county of San Angelo.
as a deputy district attorney prosecuting criminal cases Many cases never go to trial, however. Cases with
in the office for 12 years. exceptionally strong evidence, or very weak evidence,
Lehman's biggest accomplishment as district attor- are often settled by negotiations between the prosecu-
ney to date is the conviction of San Angelo's notori- tor and defense attorney.
ous crime boss, Arlisson Kalstrom, on multiple rack- These "plea bargains," which must be approved by
eteering charges. the judge in the case, often involve a guilty plea to a
So far, Lehman has not taken a strong stance on vigi- lesser offense to avoid the time and expense of a jury
lante activities by superhumans. Her office has aggres- trial.
sively prosecuted paranormal criminals, however, and While plea bargains are not popular with the public,
Lehman has spoken out in favor of enhanced penal- they are the only way for the D.A .'s Office to handle
ties for defendants who use superpowers in a crime. its caseload. Also, taking every case to trial would al-
Lehman; 44, has short blond hair and green eyes. most certainly cause a breakdown in the already
She wears contact lenses. Lehman and her husband, clogged court system.
PAGE corporate attorney Anthony Gordon, have two young
NuMaeR children. The family often spends weekends in the
104 Napa Valley wine country.


Cli, or S.n AllQ•lo •SOO -

Public Safety
Andrew Carlisle Misdemeanor Crimes Division
Deputy District Attorney Attorneys in this division handle all misdemeanor
STR 11 DEX 10 CON 11 BODY 11 cases, such as most traffic violations, petty thefts, mi-
INT 12 EGO 13 PRE 11 COM 10 nor assaults and other lesser crimes.
PD 3 ED 2 SPD 2 REC 4 In general, misdemeanors are crimes that carry a
END 22 STUN 21 potential penalty of no more than a year in jail or a
fine of less than $ l ,000.
Powers and Skills: High Society 8-, Oratory 11-,
KS: Civil Law 13-, KS: Criminal Law 14-, KS: San
Angelo Legal Scene 13-, KS: Organized Crime 11-,
Notable People
KS: Criminal Procedure 11-, PS: Attorney 13-, KS: Deputy D.A. Roger Feist: A grandstanding public-
Sailing 12-, Transport Familiarity: Boats, Perk: Li- ity hound who works in the criminal prosecution divi-
cense to practice law. sion. Keenly aware of public opinion and his own
Disadvantages: Age: 40+, Physical Limit: Far- popularity, Feist seems more interested in gaining fa-
sighted (frequently, slight), Reputation: Organized vorable press than the pursuit of justice, and his pros-
ecution of cases reflects this. His numerous contacts
crime prosecutor 8-.
Notes: Andrew Carlisle is a long-time deputy D.A .. inside and outside the San Angelo legal scene give
He has been practicing law for over 20 years, five with Feist a powerful voice in the internal politics of the
the Public Defender's Office and the remainder as a D.A. 's Office, however. Feist is expected to challenge
deputy D.A .. Carlisle was on the prosecution team that D.A . Jan Lehman in the next election, and most ob-
brought down reputed mobster Arlisson Kalstrom, servers project a down-to-the-wire finish. There are
something that Carlisle downplays in conversation. reports that he has already engaged the services of
Carlisle specializes in prosecuting organized crime political consultants Hardesty & Associates.
cases, few as there are in San Angelo, and white-col-
lar crimes. One day he hopes to make that the case Campaign Tip
that will propel him to the national spotlight - and a Superpowered individuals have captured the public's
lucrative private practice after retiring from county ser- imagination, and Feist will try to tum this to his advan-
vice. tage. PCs who are not popular may find Feist unwilling
to prosecute cases they have been involved in, leading
A 48-year-old man, Carlisle has black hair and a
to the release of captured foes. On the other hand, Feist
close-trimmed black beard, which is beginning to show
will try to ingratiate himself with popular PCs, hoping
some gray. He has brown eyes and wears glasses. In to link himself to them in the minds of the public -
his spare time, Carlisle is an avid sailor who owns his which may not be very desirable for the PCs either.
own sailboat.
Investigator Tony Hernandez: A former San
Investigations Division Angelo Police Department detective who retired after
This division handles the investigatory needs of the 20 years on the force and went to work for the D.A. 's
District Attorney's Office. Although police or sheriff's Office. His bad knee, injured while pursuing a bur-
deputies perform the initial investigation of crimes, glary suspect over a fence, does not impede Hernandez
more work is often needed to prosecute a defendant. in his new job.
Witnesses must be found and re-interviewed, alibis He's known for his slow, methodical approach to
probed and new evidence examined. investigations and extensive knowledge of the San
D.A.' s investigators are often former police or Angelo crime scene. His three nephews, including
sheriff's detectives, sometimes retired for health rea- Deputy Robert Hernandez, work for the county - - - .
sons but still able to caJTy out investigative work. Shen'f"f S department. PAGE

Cl!y ot Sift An~olo •!00 -

Public Safety
Deputy D.A. J uliet Price: A brash, brilliant pros-
ecutor who specializes in cases involving "Yu11r H_ono~ I objec/ to the i11tmduclion
superpowered defendants. A great-great-granddaugh- ofthe po/we !me-up as evidence M 1·
ter of Gabriel Price, a famous marshal of early San was the I . · Y c 1e111
on y repute-man in the line-11p o»r
Angelo, Price backs up her dramatic courtroom style course th · · 'J
h. . e w1mess wair going to idemify
with intense preparation. She has an extremely high zm as the suspect in a crime involving
conviction rate. Price, who drives a flashy red sports supe~s! He should ha11e been put i1~ a line
car and attracts speeding tickets like a magnet, is un- up with other repti/tt./ik.e peoipl ·
l · e, or at •
married and has a busy social life. east ot/1er supers. I move that am• test1·-
Deputy D.A. Malcolm Washington: A quiet, com- mony on th'zs topic· be disallowed.·"
petent attorney who heads up the consumer affairs di- - Tanya Simm .
ons, 35 • pubhc defender
vision. Washington avoids office politics, preferring
to focus on prosecuting businesses that cheat their cus-
tomers or manufacture defective products. His divi- underpaid attorneys, and finally the small support staff
sion has been praised by consumer affairs advocates of secretaries, clerks, and legal assistants.
for tackling deceptive advertising by local auto Steven LeGuinn is the public defender of San Angelo
dealerships. County. He has held the post for only two years, and
Washington, who is blind, has a guide dog named changes his mind almost daily about continuing to h<!ad
Bolo and uses a special computer that scans documents the office.
for translation into braille or reads them aloud. On one hand, the office is a nightmare to supervise,
with a skimpy bu<lget, unsympathetic supervisors and
a revolving-door staff. On the other hand, the high-
The Public Defender's pressure conditions forge a strong sense ofcameraderie
Office in the office, and helping his inexperienced assistants
beat the higher-paid, better-funded deputy district at-
The county Public Defender's Office represents
torneys in court has proven extremely satisfying.
criminal defendants who cannot afford their own at-
LeGuinn, 44, has thinning, curly brown hair and a
torney. The office is run by the public defender, who
mustache. He wears glasses and has brown eyes, usu-
is hired by the Board of Supervisors. His assistants
ally bloodshot from lack of sleep.
include both full-time county employees and private
LeGuinn has been gaining weight since taking the
attorneys under contract.
public defender's job as it allows him little time to
The courts can assign cases to outside attorneys in
keep fit.
private practice when the Public Defender's Office
cannot represent a defendant due to a conflict of inter-
est. Notable People
Supervisors try to keep funding of the office, which Brent Flynn-Davies: A crusading assistant public
is not popular with the public, to a minimum. As a defender with a special interest in the rights of
result, salaries and benefits are low. Most attorneys in paranormals. Flynn-Davies has won acquittals for a
the Public Defender's Office are either fresh out of number of superhumans accused of crimes in the past
law school or extremely committed to public defense. five years.
A skilled and capable lawyer, he is one of the few
defense attorneys in San Angelo to win such cases
Structure of the Public
against Deputy D.A. Juliet Price. Flynn-Davies has
Defender's Office rejected numerous offers to join private law firms,
PAGE The office has a very simple organization, with the preferring to defend the poor and indigent.
pu bl'ic de1ender
+ at the top. Next are his over-worked,
Clly ol San Atlg.lo 4SOO -

Public Safety
The Probation There are actually two court systems in San Angelo
- state courts deal with matters of state law, while
Department federal courts handle violations of federal law.
Officers of the San Angelo County Probation De-
partment are responsible for ensuring that criminals
sentenced to probation fulfill the terms of their sen- Campaign Tip
tence. This office also oversees the Juvenile Hall and
By definition, crimefighting heroes are bound to
other youth detention facilities in the county.
wind up in court at some point, and really busy
Probation officers are expected to meet regularly with
crime-busters may be seeing a lot of the county
their charges, partly to make sure they do not leave
courthouse. Of course, PCs can always be employed
the county and partly to provide counseling, help in
there in their Secret IDs as well.
finding a job and other aid. In some cases, officers can
The court system can provide GMs and players
search the home or car of a person on probation with-
with a lot of interesting adventure ideas. A villain
out warning or consent to make sure the person is not
on trial might try to stage a breakout, or his col-
violating the terms of his probation.
leagues might launch a rescue attempt. The
Due to budget cuts, however, the county probation
breakout could fail, leaving the villains holed up
department is severely understaffed. Each probation
in the courthouse with the judge, jury and other
officer has hundreds of cases, far too many to handle.
innocents as hostages.
As a result, most cases go unsupervised.
Or a nefarious mastermind could blackmail, bribe
The county Juvenile Hall and other facilities are de-
or threaten a judge or jury to let his minions off the
tailed under The Corrections System.
hook, sparking an investigation by the PCs.
Rufus Hopkins is the chief probation officer of San
The heroes might become involved as witnesses
Angelo County.
givning testimony, or they might be asked to pro-
vide extra security at the courthouse during the trial
State and Federal of a major supervillain.
Even if the PCs aren't needed to testify in court,
Attorneys the prosecutor could need their help to track down
The state and federal governments also have a surprise witness or last-minute piece of evidence
prosecutorial branches that are active in San Angelo. crucial to getting a conviction.
The state Attorney General's Office provides assis- On the other hand, it might be the hero herself
tance to the District Attorney's Office as needed. The who has to go on trial - maybe as the target of a
office also investigates allegations of official miscon- prejudiced prosecutor, or as the victim of a frame- M
duct or mishandling of cases by district attorneys. up by a villainous foe. While the PC tries to defend
The U.S. Attorney is the federal equivalent of a herself in court, her friends scour the city in search
county district attorney, and has a similar staff and of evidence proving her innocence.
duties. Ellen Wang is the United States Attorney for One twist might be to summon a PC to the court-
the federal district encompassing San Angelo County. house in his Secret ID for jury duty! In fact, the
trial could be that of a villain he captured earlier
The Court System - creating a real moral dilemma since the hero
can't exactly disqualify himself without revealing
Once the D .A. 's Office files charges or a civil suit is
filed, the matter goes before the courts for ajudication.
his Secret ID. .

(; 1(1 of !i:!ln :t.!lgGIO 4500 -

Public Safety
State Courts Judges of justice courts are elected to six-year terms.
Matters of state law, which include most civil and Vacancies are filled by the county Board of Supervi-
criminal cases, are handled by the state courts. State sors. Municipal court judges are also elected to six-
courts have a simple four-tier structure. year terms, but vacancies are filled by the governor.
At the bottom are justice courts and municipal courts. The county Superior Court hears appeals from mu-
Each county is divided into several districts. Districts nicipal and justice courts, all felony cases, wills and
with fewer than 40,000 residents have a justice court estates, divorces, mental competency bearings, cus-
with one judge. A few rural areas of San Angelo tody disputes and many other kinds of civil cases.
County have justice courts. The juvenile court is a branch of the Superior Court
More populous districts are served by a municipal that deals with defendants under 18 years of age,
court. The state legislature determines the number of though minors can be tried as adults for certain crimes.
judges in each municipal court. Procedures for juvenile court trials differ from other
Justice and municipal courts have jurisdiction over cases - for example, there is no jury.
civil cases involving up to $25,000 and try all misde- In addition, the Superior Court has appointed a hand-
meanors and infractions. Preliminary hearings for felo- ful of referees to deal with routine and uncontested
nies are also heard in municipal or justice courts. These cases in divorce, probate or juvenile law.
hearings determine whether there is sufficient evidence The state legislature determines the number of Su-
to warrant a trial in Superior Court. perior Court judges in each county. Superior Court
Routine traffic violations are often decided by traf- judges are elected by county voters for a six-year term.
fic referees, who are experienced attorneys hired by The governor fills vacancies, and most judges come
the courts to free judges for more serious cases. to the bench by gubernatorial appointment.

Criminal Procedure
There are a number of steps involved in bringing a crimi- If the municipal court judge agrees that the case should
nal suspect to trial on a felony charge. Most cases in Cham- go to trial, an arraignment is held in Superior Court. At
pions campaigns are likely to be felonies. this hearing, the defendant enters a plea of guilty or not
First comes the arrest by local law enforcement offic- guilty. Many cases are resolved at this point with a guilty
ers, based on probable cause that the person committed plea, reached in a plea bargain between the defense and
the crime in question. The D.A.'s Office may or may not prosecution. Judges are not bound by plea bargains, how-
be involved in the case at this point, though it often is in ever.
the case of a long-running investigation. After all, there's If the case proceeds, a pre-trial hearing is held at which
no point in making an arrest if the D.A. won't file charges. various motions are considered, such as motions to sup-
The arrestee is booked and sent to a holding cell. In a press evidence or disallow certain testimony. Once the
few cases, the arrestee may be released or allowed to post judge has ruled on the motions, a trial is scheduled.
bail at this point. Most of the time, however, the indi- Criminal trials are decided by a jury of 12 people, and
vidual remains in custody until his first appearance in court. jury decisions must be unanimous. An acquittal cannot be
These hearings are nonnally held within a day or two of appealed, but a guilty verdict can. When the jury is un-
the arrest, after the D.A.'s Office has filed charges. The able reach agreement, a hung jury is declared and the pros-
judge informs the defendant of the charges, sets bail if ecution can opt to try the defendant again if it seems worth-
applicable and orders a court-appointed attorney if neces- while.
sary. If the defendant is found guilty, a sentencing report out-
The next step is a preliminary hearing, held in munici- lining his past record, potential for rehabilitation and other
pal court for felonies. At a preliminary hearing, the pros- pertinent information is prepared. After a sentencing hear-
ecution tries to prove that it has enough evidence to war- ing, at which victims may be allowed to speak, the judge
PAGE rant a trial. The prosecution is not required to reveal its passes sentence. Sentencing is often constrained by state
entire case at this proceeding. laws requiring prison terms for certain crimes.
The state and county share the cost of all three kinds The courthouse has a huge pigeon population, re-
of trial courts, though salaries of municipal and Supe- sulting in unsightly stains all around the building and
rior Court judges are set by the legislature. frequent complaints. Periodic attempts to thin out the
Above the trial courts are the Courts of Appeal and birds using poison have drawn complaints from San
the state Supreme Court. These entities handle appeals Angelo animal rights groups, however.
of civil and criminal verdicts reached in lower courts.
Death penalty cases are automatically appealed from Judges of Note
the Superior Court to the state Supreme Court.
Judge Arthur S. Beach: A longtime municipal court
There are strict legal guidelines regarding the disci-
judge considered something of a bumbler by his col-
pline and removal of judges during their terms of of-
leagues. Beach has been known to fall asleep during
fice. A state commission of judges and attorneys in-
long, boring court sessions. His fellow jurists try to
vestigates allegations against judges. The panel can
keep all but the simplest of cases out of his courtroom.
admonish a judge privately or advise his retirement or
removal to the Supreme Court. Judge Stewart Blackbridge: A no-nonsense jurist
Judges can be censured or removed for conviction with a short temper. A Superior Court judge,
of a felony or crime involving moral turpitude, failing Blackbridge runs a tight ship and likes trials in his
to perform duties, habitual drug or alcohol abuse, mis- court to keep a snappy pace. Attorneys who engage in
conduct in office or conduct that brings the judicial time-wasting or courtroom theatrics are likely to in-
office into disrepute. Judges can also be forcibly re- cur his wrath.
tired for serious disability. Even though he handles more cases each year than
Most local trial courts are housed at the historic San any other Superior Court judge, few of his decisions
Angelo County Courthouse downtown. are overturned on appeal. A veteran jurist, Blackbridge
Court facilities actually occupy two buildings, a cen- also serves as presiding judge of the San Angelo
tury-old domed courthouse next to an eight-story mod- County Superior Court.
em building. The old courthouse houses the Superior Judge Meredith Holiday: Her colleagues call her
Courts, while the municipal courts, records, offices "Doc" Holiday, but criminal defendants have another
and other facilities are in the modern annex. name for her: "Hang 'Em" Holiday.
Courthouse corridors are often filled with attorneys A Superior Court judge, Holiday has a reputation
hurrying to trial, witnesses waiting to testify and for handing down extremely tough sentences and bru-
newspeople in search of a scoop. tal lectures on personal responsibility to those con-
victed in her court. An experienced jurist, she has no
Federal Courts patience for excuses.
Cases involving federal laws are tried in the federal .Judge Harold Kwan: A Superior Court judge
courts, located downtown at the U.S . Courthouse. known for his extensive knowledge of civil Jaw. A
calm, well-prepared judge, Kwan oversees some of
"After he got out of the hospital, Dave came back the most complex civil cases for the courts. He is a
to work for a few days, but it just didn't work out. I workaholic who is well-liked but not especially so-
didn't mind his insect eyes so much myself, but it ciable with his colleagues.
made the customers nervous. 1 just didn 't have any Kwan has quietly helped dozens of Asian American
choice but to ask him to resign. young people go to college over the years - paying
"Now he's suing me for wrongful dismissal and tuitions, using his contacts to line up jobs and provid-
discrimination. My attorney says it's a precedent-
ing other aid as needed.
setting case. It could go all the way to the Supreme
Judge David Stein: A juvenile-court judge who has
"Great, I said. That 's all I need." been criticized for handing down light sentences to"'~ · ...
- Eugene Ingalls, 45, business owner young defendants, even gang members convicted of
violent crimes. 109
Cl~ OI S.n An!IOIO ••Oil -
Public Safety
Stein strongly opposes vigilante crimefighters, and
takes a hard line on evidence or testimony based on
their activities. His decisions are always within the
law, but defendants captured by vigilantes are fre-
quently let off on technicalities in Stein's court.
Victim's rights groups have called for his removal,
though Stein is several years away from his next elec-
tion and cannot be removed without proof of miscon-
duct or incompetence.

"Order! Order in the court! Ms. Jacobs,

please tell your dient lo cpme down off the
ceiling. I wilt not have this courtfoom turned
into a circus!"
- Judge Stewart Blackbridge, 60, judge

Judge Baxter Theiles: The youngest Superior Court

judge in San Angelo County. Theiles, who formerly
served in the Municipal Court system, was elevated to
the Superior Courts following the scandal-tainted res-
ignation of Judge J. Prescott Marr.
Considered something of an idealist, Theiles tends
to hand down imaginative sentences, such as ordering
a check forger who defrauded scores of businesses to
Federal Penitentiary, an ultra-secure facility for
personally apologize to every single store owner. His
superpowered inmates, even if they have not been con-
rulings have caused controversy among both civil
victed of a federal crime.
rights activists and victim's rights advocates, who see
This generally involves a court hearing at which the
them as either too harsh or too light.
state must prove to a judge that the prisoner cannot be
His older brother, Ernie "Tinfoil" Theiles, lives on
safely contained by state facilities.
the streets of San Angelo. The judge has tried for years
to persuade his brother get help for his mental prob-
lems, to no avail. State Corrections
The state corrections system detains individuals con-
victed of violating state laws. Those convicted of mis-
The Corrections demeanors or lesser felonies, generally
System l .. Hid to te~tif:V in a 245 case against tl1is ga11g-
The final. component of the criminal _justice system, f bat1g~r. One. o/the Baker Park Proplle/s. 8111 it was
the corrections system handles the punishment of con- ~~ . . ct>icrt Jiic/oe Stein ... vo11 ctm guess wlwt
victed criminals sentenced to incarceration. The state i
, 111v1.e • oc • II /t
ht1p/)(!iied. It came out tltat Pa~"gm~ "~·11w Y ~ttug 1
corrections system ofjails and prisons handles prison- ~ tire guy a11d left llim for us w jmd. Srem threw Ifie
ers convicted of state crimes, while those convicted of ~•.:: wlto~ case-0111- dismissed all the cht11d·ges.(
,'I. '" DA so mtl 0 course. 1
....,..__.... federnl crimes go into the federal prison system. -~ "}'011 nevlir saw a c1ep11 J

• • • • -

~~~ Supers whose powers make them an escape risk or a ,\. w«~" '1 too happy. either... F .
deputy sheriff
. .
danger to other mmates can be sent to Gav1ota Island
-~1 ~~

Cf!) of S.11 Ang•io 4:.00 -

Public Safety
crimes requiring less than a year's incarceration, serve San Angelo County Juvenile Hall
their time in a county detention facility. Inmates younger than 18 years old are sentenced to
All county detention facilities are operated by the Juvenile Hall, found in Rancho Madera. Youths are
Sheriffs Department, except Juvenile Hall, which is also detained at the facility, which is overseen by the
under the Probation Department. county Probation Department, pending bail or trial.
People convicted of felonies may go into the state The county Juvenile Hall has 500 beds and is a me-
prison system, which has 22 prisons of varying de- dium- to maximum-security facility.
grees of security, all overseen by the California De- Other youth-oriented correctional facilities include
partment of Corrections. Various facilities around the the Boy's Ranch and the Montgomery Youth Center.
state house inmates requiring medical care. The CDC Non-violent, first-time offenders are sometimes sen-
decides where to place inmates based on their crimi- tenced to the Boy's Ranch in rural San Angelo County,
nal history, sentences and other factors. where counselors attempt to rehabilitate them through
Of all the people convicted of felonies in San Angelo work, discipline and group therapy. Despite its name,
County, about 67 percent serve their time in county the ranch houses both boys and girls.
facilities, 20 percent in state prisons and the remain- Youthful offenders deemed unsuitable for the Boy's
der on probation. Ranch are sent to the Montgomery Youth Center, a
minimum security facility in Rancho Madera, to serve
San Angelo County Main Jail out sentences of Jess than six months.
The San Angelo County Main Jail, located down- Minors sentenced to prison are the responsibility of
town, houses arrestees awaiting trial and inmates con- the California Youth Authority. The closest California
victed of misdemeanors or lesser felonies. Youth Authority prison is the Gold River Youth Camp
People being detained for trial are kept separated in the Sierra foothills.
from prisoners sentenced to incarceration.
The eight-story building houses more than 2,800 in- California State Prison, Canfield
mates and is staffed by 700 sheriff's personnel. The Now known ac; California State Prison, Canfield, the
jail has segregated facilities for men and women, but prison near Lake Oro dates back to 1886. The oldest
faces severe overcrowding problems. County voters parts of the prison, one of the first built in California,
have rejected two bond measures to fund construction are solid granite.
of a new jail. A maximum security facility, the prison houses 6,800
Capt. Phillip Turpin oversees jail operations for the inmates- nearly double its official capacity of 3,650.
Sheriffs Department. As a result, all but the most dangerous inmates are
double-bunked in cells.
Del Oro Correctional Center Most inmates are divided along racial lines into
Located in Pleasant Grove, the Del Oro Correctional prison gangs. White supremacist, Latino and black
Center is designed to handle inmates deemed less dan- gangs are the most numerous and most powerful. Vi-
gerous than those at the main jail. Non-violent offend- cious gang wars wracked the Can, as it is known, in
ers and inmates with short sentences are supposed to the 1970s but finally faded under a severe security
be housed at the lightly secured facility. Overcrowd- crackdown.
ing at the main jail downtown has forced the Sheriffs Gang members were dispersed throughout the state
Department to place some higher-risk inmates at the prison system, and gang leaders were sent to the infa-
Del Oro Correction Center, however. mous ultra-secure Pelican Bay State Prison.
The correction center, an H-shaped two-story build- While violent incidents still occur at the Canfield
ing surrounded by a fence topped with concertina wire, prison, they tend to be personal disputes and not gang- ~--­
houses 1,200 prisoners and has a staff of 200. Capt. related. The last fatal stabbing at the prison took place !u~~e~
Will Robbins is in charge. in 1995.
Chy Of 1011 A1'gulo ~soo -

Public Safety
The last successful escape occurred in 1983, when a day. But even the Marion prison proved incapable
the criminal known as Phosgene broke out, killing two of dealing with superpowered inmates.
correctional officers. The incident helped prompt con- In response to the rising problem of incarcerating
struction of Gaviota Island Federal Penitentiary. paranormal criminals, the U.S. government opened
While the Canfield prison is capable of housing ex- Gaviota Island Federal Penitentiary in 1990.
tremely low-powered supers, more powerful supers
are normally trnnsferred to Gaviota Island. Gaviota Island Federal
Along with five cellblocks, California State Prison, Penitentiary
Canfield has a correctional industry operation that Originally known as Isla de las Gaviotas, or "Isle of
manufactures furniture for state offices. Inmates are the Gulls," Gaviota Island was nothing but a wind-
paid to work in the furniture plant on the basis of skills, swept rock off a wild part of the Northern California
production and hours worked. By state law, products coastline until 1988. Faced with a growing number of
of the prison industry operation cannot be sold. superhuman inmates, several of whom had already
Other facilities include a chapel, recreation yards, made spectacular escapes from standard correctional
dining halls, kitchens and a library containing a col- facilities, the U.S. Congress approved construction of
lection of law books for so-called a multi-billion-dollar ultra-secure
"jailhouse lawyers." "Rich? Oh, he'J in the joint. Yep, prison for p.iranormals on the island.
Inmates spend most of each day out Cal/field State Priacm. You tiid11 't Gavioi:.i Island Federal Penitentiary
or their cells, i:eturning only for {hear? B<l.\', rulk abom wmr basic opened in 1990. The onl y facility of
counts and at night to sleep. Those 1bf1d fm,·k: He '.r, 11111gging tbix old its kind, the prison holds only the
ladJi 11p ifl Bct111io11 Purk wlrf'll this
who do nol work in the furniture most powerful and most dangerous
.Juper·ueep comes by. Beat the
plant are assigned other johs around crap out of Rich and leji bi111/or superhuman convicts.
the prison, mostly landscaping and ~ the .'i(lf1S. " Due to the extreme cost. of con-
upkeep. Prisoners spend their off- - V.ic Ma1r.anga, 39, criminal struc1ing and ope.rating the prison, it
hours visiting friends, watching TV " was designed to handle state prison-
or working out i n the recreation yard, which includes ers as well as federal inmates. States must prove to a
basketbal I courts and weights. judge that they are incapable of safely housing a para-
The prison reservation covers 2,520 acres, mostly normal convict before he can be sent to Gaviota Is-
rough, wooded terrain surrounding the actual prison land.
facilities. California State Prison, Canfield, has a staff The island itself is a desolate rock rising 100 feet
of 2,261. Warden Thomas B. Oliver runs the prison from the ocean about two miles offshore. The rocky
with the assistance of his administrative staff. shoreline is met by steep cliffs on all sides, and the
only access is by helicopter.
Federal Corrections The penitentiary is mostly underground, with only a
The Bureau of Prisons, a branch of the Department fenced compound of support buildings and a helipad
of Justice, operates the federal corrections system to on the surface. The first sub-story contains adminis-
incarcerate prisoners convicted of federal crimes. tration facilities, the second and third cellblocks and
The bureau runs more than 50 prisons across the the fourth a geothermal power plant.
United States, ranging from minimum-security camps Inmates are housed sing Iy in cells specially designed
where white-collar criminals spend their afternoons to counteract their powers. Gaviota Island Federal
playing tennis to maximum-security penitentiaries. Penitentiary has a capacity of 200, and is nearing its
Prior to 1990, the most secure federal penitentiary limit. The federal government is considering building
----.1 was located in Marion, Ill. Leaders of prison gangs, a second, similar facility off the East Coast.
' P~~~ escape artis.ts and other dangerous inmates are sent to Warden Elias Kamen has been in charge of the

~ 12
the prison, where tbey are Jocked in their cells 23 hours Gaviota Island prison since it opened.


I~ ~J ' ~-Uta ~ lim-1- O:lty ol!:rmA11(1<alo "'!i>O -

SAN ANGELO Life In San Angelo

We nesday, Marcti 11, 1998

IO a.m. Qnli-~ a.AA~H at Juan MadJYlll
The Academic
01tDp ~aevo1> .gun. o~ at Oti.on. l.ahi.
One of the top employers in the city, the field of edu-
boltaM~AU cation has a profound influence on the daily lives of
j p.m.. Mee~ at P~lline diJ1C11af/: hundreds of thousands of San Angelinos. Several pub-
on. Twil:x>Je.bepaw. lic school districts, private schools, colleges and uni-
versities handle the educational needs of the area.
2p.m. MeetWo!tk.outand btaini.nzJ AE!Ahl.on.
4p.m.. Cffimi!lae J wl:Lce IOI at ~an. Q"Eeio
CtJ~ Coee~e. <quLJ. on. 4D
Higher Education
Universities and colleges play a critical role not only
7p.M. ChaN~ Baee ~on. PeJUiVae Coopen. in the lives of residents but in the economic life of the
C~diuw, l~ome city.
- Daily planner, Azteca As a center of corporate business activity, not to men-
tion scientific research and high technology, San Angelo
has a compelling need for college graduates. Many come
There may be heroes in the sky over San Angelo, but from out-of-town institutions, but companies in the city
for most people everyday life in the city is a lot like life strongly support local universities as well.
anywhere. Census figures show that 23 percent of San Angelo
There are schools to attend, timecards to punch and residents attended at least some college. Nearly 16 per-
groceries to buy. Martial arts classes in the evenings cent hold bachelor's degrees and 8 percent have gradu-
for the kids, and a trip to church on Sunday for the ate degrees.
And so it goes in suburban San Angelo. But the city .l

is also home to many less fortunate individuals, for

Campaign Tip
whom a hot meal and warm bed at a local shelter is a Colleges and universities are a natural setting for
big deal. DNPCs and Secret IDs, along with NPC experts to
On the opposite side of the coin, life for San Angelo's be consulted by the heroes. And research projects
upper class can be a dizzying whirl of high-society balls, gone awry can provide any number of origin stories
black-tie banquets at the country club and yacht club or adventure seeds.
jaunts on the river.
It's all part of living in San Angelo . University of California, San
Angelo (04)
Founded in 1915, UC San Angelo occupies a lush,
1.3-square-mile campus in the University Commons
neighborhood of Midtown.
The 1,200-acre campus extends partway up a hill-
side and showcases a variety of architectural styles,
from ultra-modem to classical. Grassy fields and groves
of trees are scattered throughout the beautiful school.
Some of the 28,102 students enrolled at the univer- ,.P_'A_G_E.,.
sity live in on-campus dorms, while others reside in NUMBER
r:''Y Snn Auuoto :~GO -

Life In San Angelo

fraternity or sorority houses or the numerous nearby California State University, San
apartment complexes. A spirit of activism runs strong Angelo {17)
at the university, and students often organize on- and San Angelo State, as it's commonly called, offers in-
off-campus protests against various social injustices. struction to 30, 149 students at its 345-acre campus near
The 1,869 faculty members at UC San Angelo in- the San Angelo River, on Peterson Drive in La Vista.
clude some of the top minds in a variety of fields. In Dorms and Greek houses are present, but the college
addition to teaching duties, professors are expected to social scene is not strong. Many students attend part-
conduct research. time while working full-time jobs, and others live at
An effort to design an in-car computerized locator home to save money.
map using satellite positioning technology is just one The university has a faculty of l ,654 and employs
of hundreds of research projects underway at the uni- 2,702 people in all, excluding student employees.
versity. The business, political science and engineering pro-
UC San Angelo employs 12,415 people in all, not grams at San Angelo State have excellent reputations.
including student employees.
The sociology, mathematics, physics, chemistry, his- Harper School of Law {06)
tory, English and engineering programs at the univer- A privateMidtownschool with an enrollment of 1,500,
sity are nationally known. The medical school, affili-
the Harper School of Law takes its name from a past
ated with University Medical Center, and law school
U.S. Supreme Court justice who was born in San
are also well-regarded. Angelo. Degrees in taxation, business and transnational
Science and technol-
business law are offered at the school.
ogy-related sdtuols ··You try teaching physics
are also strong, and to " roomful Qf people who
many UC San Angelo \ grew up watching supers fly Community Colleges
graduates go on to around on pure willpower. There are four community colleges in the San Angelo
find jobs at the multi- Try explaining Newton to area. Community colleges are two-year schools offer-
tude of high-tech cor- rltem.6 Then you ' 1 e xm rime ing associate degrees and minimal registration fees. In

porations in the city.

rravtrl. other <limensions .•. order to save money, many people fulfill their general
being a physics professor education requirements at a community college, then
was a lot easier in the old
Other move on to a four-year college to earn a degree. Many
older adults returning to school are also seen at these
Colleges } - Henry Warren, 62,
college... professor
In addition to UC
San Angelo, the city is
Delta Community College
home to a California State University system campus
A small campus in the south San Angelo County town
and a handful of private colleges.
of Garrett's Landing, Delta Community College offers
In California, the University of California system,
boating safety classes accredited by the U.S. Coast
which charges higher tuitions, offers doctorate and pro-
Guard as well as more traditional coursework.
fessional degrees in addition to undergraduate degrees.
Dorms provide housing for some of the 12,000 stu-
The California State University system offers
dents at the school, one of the few community colleges
bachelor's and some master's degrees.
in the state with on-campus housing.
A rivalry exists between the two public San Angelo
universities, mostly carried out at an annual football
match-up and in the form of fraternity pranks. La keview Community College
__G_E.., Private colleges in the city tend to be small. Most The newest addition to the city's community college
:U~BER are night-school offerings for business-people or trade
~14 schools in secretarial and technical fields.
ment of
Lakeview Community College has an enroll-
about 9,000.


Chy ol &«nAno-k> .csoo -

Life In San Angelo

Financed partly by endowments from wealthy her radical theories on artificial intelligence. One of
Lakeview residents, the campus boasts state-of-the- her long-term research projects involves an effort to
art facilities including a fiber-optic communications create an AI computer.
and computer network. Lucy Perez: A UC San Angelo sociologist whose
theories on interaction between normals and supers are
Rancho Madera Community causing a stir in the academic world. Her research sug-
College gests that divisions are already forming in society be-
A suburban campus, Rancho Madera Community tween normals and supers.
College has 14,000 students. Many of its classes are The god-like feats of supers inspire resentment and
geared toward technical fields, and the college works feelings of inadequacy in the normal population, Perez
closely with manufacturing plants in nearby Southport says. Supers, on the other hand, tend to identify more
for guest lecturers, internships and other programs. with other supers than with non-powered society.
Her theories are not yet widely known, but several
San Angelo City College (C7) magazines are preparing stories on Perez and her pro-
The oldest and largest community college in San vocative ideas.
Angelo, San Angelo City College occupies a charm- Lawrence Rabinowitz: An astronomy instructor at
ing but aged campus in Midtown. California State University, San Angelo. Rabinowitz,
About 20,000 people attend classes at the school, who also runs a small university-owned observatory in
which offers a pre-veterinary program that enables stu- the foothills, has personally discovered several comets
dents to work at the nearby San Angelo Zoo. Courses over the years.
in photography and visual arts are also popular. Though he rarely speaks of it, Rabinowitz is a Holo-
caust survivor. A child at the time, he struggled to sur-
Scholars of Note vive in a Nazi labor camp until it was liberated by
American Gls. His parents and many other relatives
Ken Ashida: A UC San Angelo genetics professor
perished in the death camps, however.
and a participant in the human genome project, an in-
ternational effort to map human DNA. Ashida strongly April Revette: A UC San Angelo physics professor
supports the project, but others fear it could be used to and the granddaughter of scientist Hal Revette, creator
discriminate against people based on their genetic of an artificial singularity in 1982. April Revette be-
makeup. A map of normal human DNA, once com- lieves that her grandfather did not perish in the explo-
pleted, could form the basis of a test for superpowers. sion of his laboratory, as commonly thought, but was
Ashida is a licensed pilot who enjoys flyings his pri- pulled through the singularity into another dimension.
vate plane to conferences across the U.S. She is obsessed with re-creating the singularity to res-
Everett Flagg: A criminal justice professor at San cue her grandfather. Revette is secretly diverting grant
Angelo State who is an expert on vigilantism. Flagg is money from a fuel cell research project to finance a
regularly quoted in news stories on the legal and soci- clandestine effort to duplicate her grandfather's work.
etal implications ofself-appointed crime-fighters. Law Hendrick Wheeler: An anthropology instructor at
enforcement agencies faced with a rise in vigilante San Angelo City College who teaches a course on magic
activity, particularly among supers, also call on Flagg and witchcraft. He is versed in arcane beliefs from
for advice. around the world, as well as people and places in San
Carolyn Hillman: A computer science instructor at Angelo associated with the supernatural. Wheeler has
UC San Angelo. Hillman, a recent graduate of the uni- numerous contacts in the various pagan and New Age
versity, has become known in the high-tech scene for movements in the city.

Cir, 01 Sn Angolo 4500 -

Life In San Angelo

Public and Private while others are magnet schools focusing on comput-
ers, the arts, job training or other specialized fields.
Schools A seven-person school board governs the district,
Several public school districts serve the San Angelo which is headed by Superintendent Gordon Bester. Re-
metropolitan area. Most are unified school districts, lations between trustees are cordial, despite political
meaning they include elementary, middle or junior high, differences on budget and academic matters. Class sizes,
and high schools. A few contain only elementary sex education, teacher's contracts and parental efforts
schools, sending older students on to a union high school to ban certain books have been volatile topics at recent
district that encompasses several smaller elementary school board meetings.
school districts. Thousands of teachers report to work each day at San
Districts are governed by independent elected school Angelo City Unified School District campuses. A num-
boards. These boards, typically having five to seven ber of city school teachers have earned state and even
trustees, set the budget, curriculum and policies of each national recognition for their enthusiasm, dedication and
district. A hired superintendent oversees day-to-day innovative new techniques.
operations and implements board decisions. Although the district also has its share of bad apples,
The county Office of Education, or the state Depa1t- most teachers are dedicated to providing the best edu-
ment of Education, can step in when a school board cation possible to their young charges, often under some-
fails in its responsibilities, particularly in fiscal affairs. what trying circumstances.
The state has taken direct control of bankrupt districts Overall, the city school district has a mediocre repu-
in other California cities, but that has never happened tation, due largely to the serious maintenance problems
in San Angelo. at many of its older campuses. Leaky roofs, electrical
School funding comes from a variety of sources, in- shorts, broken heaters, peeling linoleum floors and a
cluding state tax revenues, property taxes, lottery funds lack of air conditioning are frequent complaints. School
and fees on new development to finance school con- custodians also battle graffiti and vandalism.
struction. Nevertheless, financial problems are nearly Budget problems have constrained district efforts to
constant at most public school districts. address these problems, though multi-million dollar pro-
grams to remove asbestos and upgrade outdated play-
ground equipment are under way.
San Angelo City Unified School safety is also a concern to many parents, par-
School District ticularly in crime-plagued South San Angelo and
The largest in the county, the San Angelo City Uni- Northside neighborhoods. The gang problems in the
fied School District serves the population within the communities carry over to the schools, and the district
city limits of San Angelo. security force often has its hands full keeping order.
The district has an enrollment of 163, 529, oversee- High schools in the San Angelo City Unified School
ing nearly I 90 elementary schools, 26 middle schools District are largely named after early settlers and other
and 25 high schools. Some are neighborhood schools, San Angelo pioneers.

San Angelo Tim~.{

School libraries a step behind when it comes to modern world
SAN ANGELO - Ronald Reagan is still library shelves in the San Angelo City Unified
president of the United States. The last war in the School District, where budget shortfalls have long
Middle East took place in 1973. And the first hobbled new-book acquisition programs.
PAGE space shuttle launch is still several years away. "Our school libraries are shamefully out of
At least according to some of the books stiJI on date," admitted Superintendent Gordon Bester,
Other San Angelo Publ1ic School 11

Canfield Unified School District
Castle Heights Elementary School District
Delta Unified School District
La Vista Unified School District
Brenton Elementary School District 'I

Marshall Unified School District

Pleasant Grove Unified School District
Rancho Madera Elementary School District
South San Angelo Union High School District

Campaign Tip
One staple of four-color comics often overlooked by
gamers is a team of teenage heroes. A group of
superpowered youngsters from San Angelo high schools
could be an interesting addition to your campaign, ei-
ther as a PC or NPC team.
Along with worrying about homework, driver's li-
censes and the prom, the teen heroes could fight gangs,
drugs and other problems facing young people. Keep-
ing a Secret ID while living at home definitely poses an
additional challenge!
Even if players aren't interested in a long-term cam-
paign involving teen heroes, a mini-campaign in this Educators of Note
sub-genre could provide a refreshing break from your
Superintendent Gordon Bester: The superintendent
main storyline.
of the San Angelo City Unified School District, hired
five years ago from a school district in the Midwest.
Bester has proven a capable administrator, though his
Private Schools self-promotional style sometimes rankles colleagues. A
bombastic, enthusiastic man, he tends to take credit for
Along with public schools, numerous private schools
everything positive in the district. Bester keeps the dis-
serve the educational needs of San Angelo. They range
trict public relations staff busy cranking out press re-
from tiny home schools of less than a dozen pupils to
leases on his latest achievements.
campuses as large as any public school. Most private
Halley Brooks: A science teacher at Juan Madera
schools are religious in nature, though they are gener-
High School, twice named Teacher of the Year in San
ally open to students of any faith.
Angelo County. An energetic and innovative teacher,
1n particular, the Catholic Archdiocese of San Angelo Brooks is very popular with students. Her class projects,
operates a number of private schools covering all grade such as a cardboard-boat building contest with a re-
levels from elementary to high school. While costly, gatta in the school swimming pool, are famed and much-
the Catholic schools offer numerous scholarships and copied events. Brooks, who was paralyzed in a youth-
financial aid programs to poorer families. ful diving accident, uses a wheelchair to get around. PP...A'""'!G!"""Eiiii

ry ol ~n At19ofo ·UOO -

Life In San Angelo

Brother Francis Carmody: A Jesuit priest who Dr. John H. Keyser: A San Angelo dentist who serves
serves as principal of St. Sebastian Catholic High on the Rancho Madera Elementary School District
School, the largest private school in San Angelo. A soft- board of trustees. Elected in 1994, Keyser has earned a
spoken man popular with teens, Brother Carmody holds reputation as a rabble-rouser. His accusations of fiscal
the boys-only mismanagement against fellow trustees and adminis-
"It was cool, Mom! He school to very high trators have severely strained relations on the school
picked up the whole bus and academic stan- board.
flew it off the bridge. right dards. He is also Hannah Schmidt: A German-language instructor at
before it fell into the river! quite active in out- Samuel Brackett High School who heads the teacher's
Mom, why are you crying?'' reach efforts in union in the San Angelo City Unified School District.
- Jason Bryant, 9, student poorer neighbor- Born in Germany, Schmidt leads a class trip to Munich
hoods, and has each year. In her job as president of the San Anglea
personally intervened in countless cases to reduce or City Teachers Association, Schmidt plays hardball with
waive tuition fees to allow families to send their sons to the school board. Pickets at board meetings are not un-
St. Sebastian. usual during contract negotiations, and Schmidt led a
two-week teacher's strike in 1990.
Chester Wang: A history teacher at Lakeview High
School known as an expert on San Angelo history, par-
ticularly during the days of the Gold Rush. Wang has
also published a book on the experiences of Chinese
railroad workers in California during the 1800s. He is
married to U.S. Attorney Ellen Wang.

Top 5 Private Schools

1. St. Sebastian Catholic High School
2. San Angelo Christian Schools
3. Gold Trail Academy
4. St. Mary Catholic High School
5. Liberty Christian School
Source: Business Chronicle


Other Local Chains
The Commercial In addition to franchises of nationally known compa-

Scene nies, San Angelo is home to numerous locally owned

chains selling everything from fast food to books.
International corporations, multi-billion dollar banks
and high-tech labs may grab headlines, but commer- Antonio's
cial enterprises are the chief component of the business A popular chain of eateries, Antonio's franchises of-
scene in metropolitan San Angelo. fer inexpensive American-style Mexican food. Open
Most ordinary residents will 24 hours, they are favored by
never sit in on an Eclipse In- Campaign Tip the late-night partying crowd.
dustries board meeting or visit Antonio's outlets are all over
These stores, fast food eateries and other
Orion Labs, butthey likely visit businesses can be used to add some color to the city, typically in small
some of these businesses every your campaign. Inventive GMs can put them burger-stand style buildings.
day. to all kinds of uses, from scenery for streer
battles to sources of employment for NPCs.
Instead of simply saying that some slob
Burger Meister
Local Chains villain's hideout is littered with fast food de- Burger Meister is a locally-
The San Angelo business bris, a GM could specify they are Masked owned chain of fast food res-
community contains numerous Bandit Pizza boxes. In fact, clever PCs might taurants offering hamburgers,
local chain stores and fran- seize on such a trivial detail to open a new fries, soft drinks and other typi-
chises, characterized by almost avenue of investigation, leading the adventure cal fare.
identical building layouts and in a whole new direction. Even if this doesn't The popularity of Burger
occur, the added detail helps players envision Meister declined somewhat af-
shared marketing campaigns.
the scene, and maybe even gives them a better
ter a 1995 food poisoning scare,
feel for the villain's personality.
Barnes Co. While they' re unlikely to play a major part but the firm's profits have re-
in adventures - supervillains in the comics bounded. A s ubsidiary of
A key supplier of household
rarely stoop to knocking over burger joints and Eclipse Industries.
goods, Barnes Co. department
stores are found in many San record stores - these places can go a long
way toward making players believe their PCs Chroma lab
Angelo shopping malls.
are part of a real, live city. The more inter-
The firm dates back to the A chain of one-hour photo de-
ested they are in the city, the more opportuni-
first general store in San ties you will have for some good role-playing. veloping stores found through-
Angelo, opened by Amos out San Angelo, ChromaLab is
Barnes in the days of the Gold owned by the Durham Corp.
Rush . His son expanded the business and opened the
first department store in the city in the 1920s. Fontaine's Department Store
Corporate executives now run the profitable chain of Expensive, high-end stores located in many shopping
departmentstores, though the Barnes family remains a malls, Fontaine's Department Stores offer an extensive
major stockholder. Appliances, tools, electronics and clothing selection, along with perfume, jewelry, linens,
clothing are among the top-selling products at Barnes household goods such as china and crystal, and some
Co. department stores. furnishings. A popular bridal registry entry.


CtfrolS.llAnlf o .t.~- -

Life In San Angelo

FoodBasket Market Prominent Stores

A supermarket chain with stores throughout urban Along with a plethora of chain stores, the San Angelo
San Angelo, FoodBasket Markets include pharmacies business scene includes several popular and interesting
and deli counters. The company operates a distribution independent operations.
center in the Irish Bar neighborhood in Northside.

Lightspeed Video "l'd just been promoted Aardvark Records

One of the largest video rental to supervisor, and An independent music store in the Univer-
chains in San Angelo, Lightspeed everything 's going fine, sity Commons neighborhood, Aardvark
Video runs brightly colored, neon- until this super comes Records specializes in used records and CDs.
Ii t stores throughout the city. Pick- crashing through the roof The owner, ex-hippie "Starchild" Zane, re-
eting organized by Rev. John War- into Produce. The fight cently opened a vintage clothing shop next
den of the Church on the Hill recently wasn't even on our block, door. Both businesses are quite popular with
prompted the chain to remove adult fer chrissake! high school and college students.
movies from its shelves. "Even then, it wouldn't
have been so bad, except
his ice powers froze all City Food Co-op
Masked Bandit Pizza
The City Food Co-Op is a cooperative
A top-selling chain of pizza deliv- the vegetables. And you
grocery store found in Midtown. The Co-
ery outlets, Masked Bandit Pizza has should have seen the
water when it all melted! op offers discounts to shareholders, though
an annoying cartoon mascot resem-
anyone can shop at the store. Along with
bling an Old West outlaw. Most people It looked like a flood in
there." a good selection of commercial foods, the
shorten the name to MB P.
_ warren Albright, 34, Co-op stocks organic produce, tofu, veg-
supermarket manager etarian foods and other specialty items.
Norton's Books
A consumer-oriented bookstore lo-
cated in most San Angelo shopping Daley's for Men
malls, Norton's Books features all the latest best-sell- A City Center clothing store, Daley's for Men spe-
ers and popular magazines. cializes in costly designer business suits and tuxedoes.
Jeffrey Daley, a San Angelo County supervisor, owns
Nugget Records this store.
A music store with outlets all over San Angelo, Nug-
get Records has retained its original name from the early Ducrette Jewelers
days of the business.
One of the oldest jewelry shops in San Angelo,
The chain now stocks compact discs almost exclu-
Ducrette Jewelers is now located in La Vista after flee-
sively. Magazines and videos are also sold at Nugget
ing a decaying downtown neighborhood. The shop, still
Records. The shops are infamous among San Angeli nos
owned and operated by the Ducrettefamily, has a repu-
for their uniformly surly, bizarrely attired teenage clerks.
tation for honesty and fine work.

Short stop
ShortStop is a chain of 24-hour convenience stores Empire Books
with a baseball theme. A frequent target of robberies, Empire Books is a used bookstore in University Com-
the markets have been dubbed "stop-and-robs" by lo- mons specializing in rare and out-of-print books.
~cal police and sheriff's personnel. Sagging bookshelves are crammed with tomes of all
types, and stacks of new anivals await shelving near


the front counter. A treasure trove, though finding a pop" groceries left in San Angelo. Competition from
particular book can be like searching for a needle in a convenience stores and chain supermarkets has driven
haystack due to the haphazard organization of the store. most corner stores out of business.
Lydia Haynes-Smith has operated Empire Books for The Cruz's are the parents of the hero Azteca of the
over a decade. Justice Foundation.

G.I. Surplus Pippa's Fashions

A military surplus store in Pleasant Grove, G.I. Sur-
Pippa's Fashions is an expensive, high-fashion cloth-
plus features commercial camping, hiking and back-
ing boutique in Lakeview owned by Philippa Cabrini,
packing gear in addition to assorted uniforms, fatigues,
a clothing designer who came to San Angelo years
knives and other armed forces cast-offs.
ago from her native Italy. A favorite shopping stop
One urban myth popular among San Angelo young
for San Angelo's social elite.
people holds it that a secret room at G.I. Surplus con-
tains an arsenal of machine guns, rocket launchers and
other military heavy weaponry. The owner of G.I. Sur- Spy Shop
plus, Deke Benning, is a retired Air Force master ser- The Rancho Madera-based Spy Shop offers high-
geant. tech surveillance equipment, night-vision goggles,
miniature cameras and other equipment.
North Mission Market The county Sheriffs Department takes a dim view
An old-fashioned "corner grocery," the No11h Mis- of this operation, and detectives are investigating re-
sion Market is owned by Armando and Marguerite ports that fake IDs are sold at the Spy Shop. Joel Par-
Cruz. The couple extends credit to regular customers, ish, a rakish entrepreneur, runs the store, but crime
and hands out free candy to neighborhood children with figure Trung Binh Do is a silent partner in the busi-
good grades when report cards are issued. ness.
The store stocks a modest selection of foods, but
homemade burritos cooked fresh each morning by Art-related businesses and galleries are covered in
Marguerite are its most popular offering. The North Media, Entertainment and the Arts.
Mission Market is one of just a handful of "mom-and-

the tiest prices on
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Shopping Malls Campaign Tip Other Malls
The city is home to several shopping Wirh thousands of The area supports several other malls
malls, huge conglomerations of shops, pe.ople jammed into a con- in addition to San Angelo Plaza.
department stores, fast food eateries ta 111 ed area, shopping Elmhurst Mall: An older single-story
and cinemas surrounded by acres of malls a(e excellem targets structure, the Elmhurst Mall in South San
parking lots. Thousands of people ~or supervillai1111 interested Angelo suffers from the bad reputation of
shop at these malls every day, and 1? hostage-raking or exror- the surrounding neighborhood. Though
thousands more find jobs at the busi- twn. A well-planned take- ctime inside the mall is light due to a heavy
nesses within. over of a mall by several presence of private security, shoppers from
supervillains could present other neighborhoods are afraid to go there.
a real challenge for the The enclosed Elmhurst Mall has 85 stores
San Angelo Plaza PCs - particularly if with four anchor tenants and an aging
(C10) some of them have been movie theater showing second-run films.
The newest addition to the city re- tra~ped inside the mall in Mall tenants employ I, 185 people.
tail scene, San Angelo Plaza has al~ their Secret IDs! Fairtime Mall (12): The largest shopping
ready become a mecca for diehard mall in San Angelo, Fairtime Mall contains
shoppers. 210 tenants including seven anchor stores
The two-story mall covers a one-by-six block stretch and an eight-screen cinema. Located in La Vista, the
of downtown. The open-air mall features underground three-story enclosed mall has more than 4,800 employ-
parking garages and boasts more than 130 shops, in- ees.
cluding five department stores. A six-screen theater Parking at Fairtime Mall can be an ordeal, particu-
and food court are also found at the mall. larly during the holiday season, despite the recent addi-
tion of a five-story parking garage.
A Norton's Books outlet and a Fontaine's Depart- Marshall Factory Outlets: A collection of 60 stores
ment Store are just two of the many businesses at San on the outskirts of the rural town of Marshall, the
Angelo Plaza. Mall tenants employ more than 3,000 Marshall Factory Outlets offer bargains galore to dedi-
people, a figure that nearly doubles in the holiday sea- cated shoppers. Retail manufacturers offer their over-
stocked, slightly damaged or out-of-style merchandise
Opened in 1992, San Angelo Plaza replaced a di- for sale at the outlets.
lapidated outdoor mall mostly made up of storefronts Clothes, shoes, books, athletic gear and household
along a street that had been closed to vehicle traffic goods are just some of the products available at re-
and planted with grassy strips intermixed with an oc- duced prices. Construction of another 12 outlets is un-
casional fountain. derway at the center.


l~lmkl [¥Jl L -
Corporate Campaign Tip
The corporate world holds all kind of potential for GMs and players
World alike.
All those NPCs and DNPCs in your campaign - not to mention the PCs
themselves - have to work somewhere, and most are no doubt employed
The cornerstone of the San Angelo at one of the many corporations in San Angelo. Owners and corporate
business scene, corporations are also officers are listed for only a handful of the corporations detailed in San
Angelo: City of Heroes, making it very easy for players to insert their own
key players in almost every aspect of
NPCs or PCs into the top spots of interesting companies.
city life. Business titans are influential
Or GMs can use these companies as competitors to PC-owned corpora-
players in the political arena, while cor- tions. Some business rivals might even stoop lo underhanded tactics like
porate affairs provide endless grist for industrial espionage or sabotage, possibly with the aid of villains, to deal
legal and financial specialists. with PC companies.
Corporations sponsor all kinds of sci- The corporate world also provides a place for wealthy PCs and NPCs to
entific and medical research, both by make investments. After all, when you buy stock you buy into a specific
company scientists and outside re- company. Players might want to detail just which corporations their fabu-
searchers. They are also interested in lously wealthy PC has in his stock portfolio - providing GMs with all
strange phenomena. kinds of hooks for later adventures. as suggested under Banking and Fi-
nance in The Professional World.
Advertising, government, law en-
Corporations can be tremendous assets to PC heroes - not to mention a
forcement, entertainment - corpora-
dangerous adversaries. They can provide invaluable equipment, advice and
tions touch almost every aspect of facilities to the heroes. A really diplomatic PC might even get them to do
modern life in San Angelo, not the least so for free!
of which is employment. Big corpora- Corporate sponsorship of hero teams is another possibility. After all, pro-
tions, especially manufacturers, pro- viding a base, high-tech vehicles, supercomputer and other typical team
vide most of the private sector jobs in needs can be pretty expensive. A corporation might be willing to defray
the city. A national places-rated sur- some of the costs in exchange for the good publicity of having its own hero
vey ranks San Angelo in the top 20 team.
U.S. c ities for job opportunities, and Of course, the heroes will likely be expected to film TV commercials and
economists expect the city's job mar- other advertisements for the company. And some of the less ethical corpo-
rations in San Angelo might have other, shadier uses for employee heroes.
ket to grow 7.2 percent by 2000.
Villains can also get involved in the corporate world. If the PCs can hold
down top corporate jobs in their Secret IDs, so can some of their criminal
"My prese11tatio11? Oh, yeah, it went
counterparts. Coupling the raw power of supervillain with the resources
N'~'''· unless yo11 t,'l)t11111l1e fact th(lt 110 one
and contacts of a key corporate exec can make for a dangerous combina-
f!l'd a11y tllte111im1. My n11t! big chtmce ft) the board <?f diret•/nrs•.• it was i11 tion.
tht> hoartlroom o11 tli11 tnp floor. I 'vr llttver Out of ruthlessness or desperation, a corporation could hire villains to
o1•e11 been cm ilte lop floor ~Jore.I take out the competition. For example, a super-saboteur or spy might be
"I'm .r1anding "fl rl1ere" ;,, mv best suit hired to conduct some industrial espionage or arrange an "accident" at a
I 'vp gut all lflose chartf / .f!Je~t rite /tut ' rival plant. Less subtle tactics, like hiring some villainous thugs to wreck a
tltrtre weeks on. I even cn/or-axled my competitor's factory. are also a possibility.
Or a villain might just take it into her head to do a little company-smash·
. "A~d I suddenly get the feeling no one '.t ing of her own, whether out of revenge for the industrial accident that cre-
l1.~re11111g. 1'11~"re all /oolci11g ""' lhe
ated her in the first place or as part of an extortion scheme.
w111~ow behind me! iht·~·e R1•i11g super,v t1re
t/11/cmg it""' oi·er the·S"" Attgelo Cm7Jo· Finally, corporations themselves can act as villains to the PCs. The tre-
1·a11 Ce11ter four blocks O}l."ttJ . Tlw chair- mendous resources and capabilities of some of these firms make them able
nwn tlwnked me for f1l;V time - l wn.rri 'I behind-the-scenes foes for PCs, particularly since the heroes can't strike
even ha{ffinished. PAGE
back without taking the law into their own hands and possibly endanger- NUMBER
"Man, I need a drink." ing hundreds of innocent employees.
- Phil Cosgrove, 34. junior executive 123
Corporations Low-cost water desalinization plants, cleaner energy
sources, undersea habitats and advancements in hy-
San Angelo is home to the corporate headquarters of droponic farming are just a few projects under way at
numerous national and even international operations, company labs. The exploration of space, particularly
many of which originated in the Golden City. Most the possibility of colonizing other planets, is one of
also have their primary production centers in or near the long-term goals of Avalon Enterprises. Corporate
the city. researchers are working closely with NASA on a pro-
Of course, companies from all over the world also posal to step up exploration of Mars, for example.
own factories, labs and other facilities in San Angelo, Avalon Enterprises is a privately held corporation,
including top manufacturers in a number of fields. The meaning its stock is available only to a select group of
high-tech reputation of the Arroyo Verde area has at- buyers. It is not traded on the stock market.
tracted many prominent businesses, in particular. Thecompanyhas 25 principal subsidiaries and 13,992
This section primarily covers manufacturing-oriented corporate employees. In 1996, Avalon Enterprises
corporations. Banks, health-care and retail-oriented posted $201 billion in sales and a $300 million profit.
companies are covered elsewhere in Life in San The corporate headquarters of Avalon Enterprises are
Angelo. located in a 16-story tower in downtown San Angelo.
The firm also owns an extensive research complex in
Avalon Enterprises Arroyo Verde.
Founded in 1970, Avalon Enterprises is dedicated to But Aval on Enterprises has facilities all over the globe,
findi ng humanitarian solutions to global problems including a handful in very out-of-the-way places such
through high technology. as Antarctica, the Amazon rainforest and the ocean floor
Pollution, world hunger, disease, over-population and off the coast of Florida.
homelessness are some of the ills targeted by Aval on
Enterprises researchers. A company policy forbids it Eclipse Industries
from taking contracts to develop weapons or military A savage top-level power struggle wracks Eclipse
technology of any kind. Industries, a sprawling conglomerate with a hand in
While it might seem a poor financial risk, Avalon everything from fast food eateries to heavy industry.
Enterprises has actually turned a tidy profit from its The current chief executive officer, C. Fullerton
inventions over the past three decades. A surprisingly Hughes, has held the position since the 1970s. Weak-
high number of its research endeavors, deemed too ened by age and infirmity, Hughes has lost control of
risky by competitors, have paid off handsomely. the conglomerate, however.
In fact, its founder and president, Averell Pendleton, A feud has broken out among ambitious executives
ranks as one of the wealthiest men on the planet. Now eager to replace the ailing Hughes at the helm of the
a billionaire recluse, he controls the corporation from company. Top executives, division chiefs and subsid-
his palatial estates on various private islands around iary presidents are locked in a vicious behind-the-scenes
the world. He hasn't been seen in public since 1990. battle for the lucrative and influential post.
Pendleton founded Avalon Enterprises in 1970 as a The two chief contenders appear to be Stephen Bow,
research and development firm in San Angelo. He per- executive vice president for acquisitions, and Pepper
sonally invented some of its first products, and holds Coyle, chief marketing director.
several patents. The competition has split Eclipse Industries into fac-
Soon the company began to expand, and it has con- tions, with lower-ranked executives and employees lin-
tinued to grow into an international powerhouse. Par- ing up behind various contenders in hopes of cashing
---~ tially-owned subsidiaries handle the manufacturing and in when their candidate succeeds to the top spot.
<listri hution of products, leaving Aval on Enterprises As they battle for influence and the notice of the board
free to concentrate on research. of directors, Eclipse Industries executives are cutting


Campaign· Tip . .,,.. oU.4' corpor.Hion.
• a c)t1Sl\IC " ' am ,.. u.
Eclinse tnduSlrle- IS f I runnujun too\ for ui•..,..
,. mely \\t<e u c. r- "' '" .• of in-
costs to boost division profits, launching risky new u.nd can be an eic.1re • . . can resu\l in al\ tt1nus
\ls ghOddy gajicty' prnclt<:~~ hiCh otight ptu<lUCC f,Upt.'fS·
research projects in hopes of creating a breakthrough
new product and quietly trying to undermine rivals.
duo.lrja\ accident~. ao1t1e o.
\ may a\tio lJ"' a
target of environmental·
. · wnsle
Tl1e cong\omera e t EWCT po\lut ion, '\\egtl1 l<llUC
Confusion and conflict at the top levels of the con-
themed N'PCS ang y d racti~..:s.
glomerate are also paving the way for some shady deal- . d other unsoun P .., rne.c. \ndustoell
dump11\g an rgnnization. cc '"...- . . \
ings. Lack of executive oversight, coupled with a re- A a1naw.\ing, ru~awa~ ~ ech a<lgelfY for v1\\am' n
can be a key supp\1er ot htgh.:~Y begstolen fl()lll corporate
lentless pressure to boost revenues, has led to under-
the campaign. hem& can ~~s1 .u j~s by disgruntled ern·
the-counter sales of weapons technology, for example.
Meanwhile, Hughes seems disinterested, indeed even
oblivious, to the infighting going on among his subor-
·,n bolh break-ins an 1ni,1 e nderwor\d jigurer. by
bl i;•1\CS 10 U
pIoy.,.,,.. Under- thc·taC!enre' another potwtial source o
"d" coq:iora te e:le

gre... > Eel' • h\·

dinates. The board of directors can hardly be unaware vi\lainOl.IS gadget!;. battle for control of ipsc
The bel1ind-the·scenes . d f adventure plots aR am·
of the battling, but it has so far failed to take action. . . can gener.ite all km s o . . {luencc und take
dus111e~ !live!' uy to win m ic
Founded in 1952 by a group of American investors, b1tioua corporate cx~1 . for hire c11n certainly bccon
Eclipse Industries started out as a steel manufacturer down riv:i\ll. Superv11\Uli'4, ally clever might figure
· h fray but a re. · perhapt; hy
but soon diversified into almost every field of business involved 111 t e. i1e PCs into helping In~ - .. \ divi·
enterprise. In time, it grew into an international con- out u wuy to me~ t ·u gal 11ctivities ma nva
rovidi11g false ups atiout ' e
glomerate. P. of the conglon1crnte. . iinicu\at\y profitable
Eclipse Industries and its affiliates are among the chief s10F~ i"l\y pc-owned \)ompn111es. pt-·' for a l111'cover by
n .. • . uld be targe cu ff
defense contractors in the U.S., particularly in the field hlgh-tc<:h indusmes. co I"' reiccts i~ buyout o era.
.. c When the ·~ ~
of high-tech military weaponry. Current projects include the cong\0111ci.1t . , t
nll heck could break loose.
efforts to develop rail guns, powered combat armor and
a hovercraft propulsion system for tanks. numerous fines for violating environ-
Obtaining new companies continues to be a key part mental laws. Corporate executives are not particularly
of the corporation's strategy. The conglomerate spe- concerned, however, as long as profitability and the
cializes in targeting weak or struggling businesses, then value of Eclipse Industries stock remain high.
sweeping in with an attractive buyout offer. Eclipse Industries is a public corporation, meaning
Rumors of firms suffering suspiciously timed acci- shares are traded on the stock exchange for purchase
dents or other problems coinciding with takeover ef- by the general public. The company board of direc-
forts by Eclipse Ind. are circulating in the business tors, selected by shareholders, includes San Angelo
world. In one case, an Idaho steel foundry had a fatal powerbroker Benjamin Morgan .
accident during a federal safety inspection after reject- The international conglomerate owns more than 70
ing overtures from Eclipse Industries. The corporation subsidiaries and employs 336, 100 people around the
later picked up the steelworking company in a hostile world. It reported $87 billion in 1996 sales, with $1.3
takeover as the price of the foundry's stock plummeted. billion in profits.
The federal Securities and Exchange Commission is Eclipse Industries subsidiaries found in San Angelo
quietly investigating the reports, but as yet no proof of include Allied Chemicals, Burger Meister restaurants,
any irregularities has been found. Patchwork Textiles, ShortStop convenience marts and
Some acquisitions are absorbed by related Eclipse In- U.S. Fertilizer. A logging company owned by Eclipse
dustries companies, while others are simply liquidated Industries, Elliott Lumber, operates near the city.
and a few are allowed to operate as wholly-owned sub- The corporate headquarters, found downtown in City
sidiaries. Revenues from these firms flow into Eclipse Center, employs 1,500 people. The 36-story Eclipse
Industries coffers, and the conglomerate has the final Plaza, slated for completion next year, will house its
say on their operations. new corporate offices and space for lease to other busi-
Ruthless cost-cutting directives forced on subsidiar- nesses. In addition, the defense division of Eclipse In-l"!P~A~G~E~
ies have resulted in a dismal worker safety record and dustries operates a research complex in Arroyo Verde.
Hunter-Price Arms Peregrine Aircraft
One of the oldest corporations in San Angelo, Hunter- A gigantic aerospace company, Peregrine Aircraft
Price Arms was founded in 1886 by the sons of two is responsible for some of the most advanced military
pioneers from the Gold Rush-era beginnings of the town. aircraft in the world.
Joshua Price, son of lawman Gabriel Price, and Silas The firm is also well-known for hiring its own corpo-
Hunter, son of a rancher, opened their munitions fac- rate hero, the super known as Dynamo. Officially a
tory in the Irish Bar neighborhood in August 1886. special consultant on security, Dynamo also plays a
Eventually, the operation expanded to produce rifles major role in public relations and marketing campaigns
and pistols, as well as explosives. at Peregrine Aircraft.
Hunter-Price Arms munitions have been used in ev- The company got its start in the back room of a San
ery U.S. conflict since the Spanish-American War, and Angelo drug store in 1928, where inventor Arnold
the company continues to be a key military supplier. It Havelind designed a racing biplane for pilot Gig Norris.
also sells weapons and ammunition to other nations, Norris won several races in the plane before perishing
though such deals must be reviewed by the U.S. gov- in a mid-air collision in 1934.
ernment. Originally known as Norris Air, the company changed
Its current product list includes assault rifles, gre- its name to Peregrine Aircraft in 1935 and began de-
nades, mortars, anti-personnel mines and artillery shells. veloping commercial airliners. Havelind continued as
Hunter-Price Arms also sells hunting rifles, shotguns the chief designer into the 1940s. The corporation got
and handguns, along with ammunition of various cali- into the field of military aircraft during World War II,
bers, to stores around the nation. and fighters, bombers and other attack planes have been
Overshadowed by larger U.S. gun-makers, Hunter- its mainstay ever since.
Price At111s recently turned its eye to experimental high-
tech weaponry to expand its influence.
The firm has formed a joint partnership with Orion
Labs to develop a working rail gun, a next-generation
cannon that fires shells not by detonating charges but
by accelerating them on rails by electromagnetic force.
Eclipse Industries is also at work on a prototype rail
Hunter-Price Arms is still based in San Angelo, and
the city is also home to its primary manufacturing cen-
ter. The firm employs 2,010 people at its Irish Bar
plant, and reported $224.4 million in sales for 1996.

Top 10 Manufacturers
Name (lol:al employees)
I. (tcserved for PCs or GM-created firm)
2. Peregrine Aircl'aft (13,390)
3. HyperDyne Computers (6,500)
4 . Anderson Pharmaceuticals (5,62~)
S. (reseFved for PCs or GM-created firm)
6. Consolidated Electronics (4.940)
1. Taiyo Corp. (4,485)
PAGE 8. Allied Chemicals (2,400)
9 Heartland Foods Inc. (2,340)
126 10. (reserved for PCs or GM-created firm)


Other Peregrine Aircraft products include missiles Allied Chemicals
and spacecraft, particularly rocket engines for launch- A minor player in the chemicals industry, Allied
ing satellites. Defense cutbacks have hurt Peregrine Chemicals has nonetheless had a colorful history go-
Aircraft in recent years, and thousands of workers were ing back to the earliest days of World War II.
laid off in l 990-9 l . But the company has started to
Chemist Paul Duquette founded Allied Chemicals
bounce back by refocusing its efforts on commercial
in 1939, and the company soon became a vital war-
applications and foreign sales.
time industry. Acids and solvents from the San Angelo
Despite defense budget cuts, the U.S. government
plant were used around the country to manufacture
continues to be one of the company's chief customers,
tanks, aircraft and other armaments.
with defense contracts accounting for fully half of its
annual sales. In l 994, Peregrine Aircraft won a U.S. The company was targeted by Nazi saboteurs in 1942,
Army contract to develop the next generation of at- but the intervention of the Golden Age hero known as
tack helicopters. The company is also at work on a the Minuteman foiled their scheme.
top-secret military transport plane employing stealth After the war ended, however, Allied Chemicals suf-
technology. Along with building aircraft for the U.S. fered a series of reverses and went into decline. The
military, Peregrine Aircraft sells older models to other board of directors forced the aged, ailing Duquette out
nations. All foreign sales must be approved by the U.S. as CEO in 1964, but a string of successors failed to lift
government, however. the company out of its financial doldrums.
Peregrine Aircraft has been a public corporation since In l 988, corporate raider Donald Croft attempted a
the 1950s, meaning its stock is sold to the general pub- hostile takeover of Allied Chemicals. The bid failed,
lic. The company is run by a board of directors elected but the financial strain of fighting off the takeover
by shareholders, though a hired chief executive officer weakened the company and left it ripe for a buyout by
manages its day-to-day affairs. international conglomerate Eclipse Industries in 1992.
Headquartered in San Angelo, Peregrine Aircraft con-
Executing its usual strategy for new subsidiaries, the
ducts principal operations in six states and Canada. Its
mega-corporation ordered drastic cost-cutting and lay-
facilities include a 320-acre manufacturing plant in San
offs to boost profitability. The brutal cuts backfired in
Angelo and a flight test range near the Southern Cali-
1994, however, when a chemical spill at the San
fornia city of Angel Beach.
Angelo plant was attributed to the paring of safety-
Peregrine Aircraft has 67,378 employees and posted
related expenses. A civil case followed, and Allied
$14. 3 billion in 1996 sales. The company does 65 per-
Chemicals was ordered to pay $10 million to injured
cent of its business in the U.S., with Europe account-
ing for 14 percent. Africa and the Middle East provide
another 9 percent of its sales. Allied Chemicals continues to produce acids and sol-
In San Angelo, Peregrine Aircraft operates a corpo- vents used in heavy industry as its chief product, but
rate headquarters downtown and a 625-acre manufac- has also begun investing in plastics and polymers.
turing facility in Southport with 23,390 employees. The Based in San Angelo, Allied Chemicals operates labs
plant contains more than 200 office complexes, aircraft and production plants in five states. The company has
assembly hangars, engine-testing sites, research labs virtually no international presence, a situation its new
and maintenance shops. owners are trying to remedy. Allied Chemicals has
roughly 8,400 employees and posted $430 million in
Other Corporations of Note sales in 1996. Along with its corporate headquarters,
the firm's San Angelo facilities include a 32-acre West
Hundreds of corporations of every description are
San Angelo plant that employs 2,400 people. Hydro-
found in San Angelo. Some are based in the city, while
others are divisions or subsidiaries of international con- chloric acid and sulfuric acid are just two of the pri-"'1~
' P_A_G_E""'I'
mary products of the plant. NUMOER
Cfty Clf San -Jl(Jttto 4500 -

Life In San Angelo

Anderson Pharmaceuticals University Medical Center in downtown San

From over-the-counter cold medicines to I. "I /().rt"~¥ Joh w1te11 C Ange.lo.
. h . . I A I
hig -cost prescription t rugs, m erson la.rt t.otell l!./ect .
m11"'S do1i'1tsf,. d o11so/i. u
uascu.1 111
• San Angc Io, lhe corpo-
Pharmaceuticals makes it all. A Lop player fi,,,1 .Vear. m•e11 i hee11 a/i:e, ration produces and Elislributes its
•• tvor~· rh 1e to
in the phanna<.:cutical industry. the c-0111- flJ lake ' ice. ~>'wife had products around the world. Ander-
pany manuta<.:tures several well-known supp017 "111seco11,/ ,,,fi /") • l t<> son Plmnnaccut1ca · Is has ?'- -()() em-
hranus·' o 1· tI rugs an<I anlr'b'1ot1cs.
. 0 ne o f' ·•J111yw"I'" " . /v. ·· pIoyees i.Ul d· I1ad$7 .2b'll'
I ion m . !9l'(
'J 1
San Angelo's oldest firms. Anderson 011 tlte rv·~IL ~~ee 1~11!.Wt .ruper.r sales. The corporate headquarters is
Ph;.u-maceutrcals. celehrnted 125 years m. TV " 101, ll<Jt/uii1e e/.s, lune I 1 .
• ~mc:/1
Iocated .rn SoutI1port, ac:l'Ja<.:enl to a
business in 1996
J rlte:re supers• ,./ oey l<Jo111 l
e In rln. key manufacturing plant und research
AJrer the Civil ended phanna- <>ver the 1t1nt1d. . " 1 campus. The company employs 5.620
• have • n11ce 111 <IW/1 '/.
cist-turned-Union soldier J.B. Ander- s> S011te big h(lft/e 11 ..,/. t e people in San Angelo.
( Ille Olh~r f I
son headed for California to try his A COJ'flllll(!dfi L
11d rlJ~)' get • re<llf,f.
luck at prospecting. He ended up in ")'
011 1
Pmd for rhut? Consolidated Electronics
t.."llm1 · •r"'
vflle o>j • •
San Angelo. where ho finally did find <wmg co11m .
I .. •
em ara When the topic oJ American busi-
'11 1e1r:1C1/s n 0111 ?
gold- but not in !he rivers or mines. llV1:· their • Tire" nesses hu11 by foreign competition
"It'll C:<)Jll . l J
After a few weeks in the squalid, tlteir o11'l1 I. IC 'Jook.1· arises, Consol idatcd Electronics is one
· 1111c1t ho. . ••
disease-ravaged mining camps. A11d 1hm D , .\e,1i <tl't'll. of the cx.umples most often cited.
PR . h . :mamo, she go1
Anderson persuaded $ome prospec- ;o u•uJ, Pe . Cl Founded by engineer Ronald Latimer
Aircrtlji. regr111e
tors who had slruck it rich to invest jn 1936. Consol itlated Electroni<.:s
in a pill-manufaclu ring plant. The down ''Meamv/ii/.e 1
fo1·fi • 8<J1 turned
boomed duri11g World w,1r lI a!' a maker
gamhle paid off. and Anderson tvee.t ·· . (JUr mo- . ,.
'"' Jovs la.rt or milirnry radio equipment. In lhe 1950s,
eventually hought out his partners. the firm added televisions to ics product
- Brian 111 C
After his death in 1902, his son!l/ •~1c Ufl<>ch, -lO, line. The later acquisition of a clock manu-
and grandsons nm the business t111e111p/oyec1 facturer further diversified the company.
until 1956. But compclition from low-priced .Japanese
Originally lcx:ated in Irish Bar. Ander- imports began to take a toll on sales in the
son Pharmaceuticals relocated to a modern factory in 1970s. Ronald Latimer retired as president and CEO
Southport in 1948. ln the 1950s, the corporation opened in 1984, passing control of the firm to his son, Roger,
its first overseas plants and began to diversify with who still runs the struggling corporation.
the purchase of a cosmetics company. Other acquisi- Company products now include stereos, CD play-
tions followed, but in 1978 the firm made a strategic ers, clock radios, VCRs, televisions and other con-
decision to concentrate on the medical market and sold sumer electronics.
off its unrelated subsidiaries. Over the past 12 years, however, Consolidated Elec-
Today, Anderson Pharmaceuticals produces many tronics has seen its market share continue to shrink as
brands of drugs and antibiotics, including medicines firms in South Korea, China and Taiwan joined the
for arthritis, depression, cancer, heart disease and ul- electronics boom. CE has laid off employees in each
cers. The corporation also markets a line of vitamins. of the past three years, going from 22,500 full-time
Anderson Pharmaceuticals has a long tradition of in- positions in 1994 to 15,900 in 1996. It had $1.l bil-
vesting in research, which has paid off with numerous lion in 1996 sales, but reported a net loss of $187 mil-
profitable new drugs over the years. Current projects lion.
include a promising new drug for treating schizophre- Based in San Angelo, Consolidated Electronics sold

I--- nia and research into biotechnology and genetic engi- its pricey downtown headquarters in the early 1990s
~~~e~ neering. Clinical trials on its new products are some- and moved its corporate offices to an annex at its Ar-
28times conducted in conjunction with physicians at the royo Verde factory.


C.lty of SIA Af1f}OIO .asoo -

Life In San Angelo

The Arroyo Verde complex also includes research cent of its profits are from overseas sales, and Heart-
labs, which are now minimally staffed. In all, Con- land has targeted Mexico and Asia as future markets.
solidated Electronics employs 4,940 people in San Headquartered in Iowa, Heartland Foods Inc. has
Angelo. canneries in 12 states. The company employs 42,560
The company also operates warehouses in four states, people and reported $7.7 billion in 1996 sales.
along with six factories and warehouses in Mexico. In San Angelo, Heartland Foods Inc. operates a
Southport cannery that produces canned soup, tomato
Heartland Foods Inc. juice, canned pasta and spaghetti sauce. Opened in
Rare indeed is the kitchen cupboard that doesn't con- 1948, the plant uses tomatoes trucked in from rural
tain at least one Heartland Foods Inc. product. Based south San Angelo County and nearby Oro County.
in the Midwest, the corporation sells canned soups, The factory normally employs 2,340 people, but tem-
sauces and vegetable juices. porary workers hired at the peak of the tomato harvest
The company began in 1876 as a canning and pre- run the number up to 2,600 or more.
serving business, but soon moved on to soups as a pri-
mary product. In 1912, Heartland Foods Inc. became HyperDyne Computers
one of the first American companies to achieve national A top U .S. computer manufacturer, HyperDyne
distribution of a food brand. Computers is striving to stay ahead of the pack in the
Over the years, the company built a reputation as a crowded personal computing market. The firm is
conservatively managed business and cautiously began among the top 10 providers of desktop computers, serv-
to diversify beyond soups in the 1980s. Only 20 per- ers and peripherals in the United States.


ty o s..>n ..,,uo~o 4SOO -

Life In San Angelo

Still a top contender in its market, HyperDyne Com-

puters has so far failed to carve a niche for itself in the
latest computer revolution - the Internet. Company
insiders are debating the next step for the corporation.
HyperDyne Computers has acquired several subsid-
iaries over the years, mostly in the fields of comput-
ing and electronics. Among them are a medical diag-
nostics instrument firm, a microwave-component
maker and a computer workstation manufacturer.
Still based in San Angelo, the corporation owns re-
search and production facilities in the United States
and l 8 other countries. It has sales and support offices
in 124 nations. HyperDyne employs 116,000 people
worldwide and reported $38.6 billion in 1996 sales.
Along with a corporate headquarters downtown,
HyperDyne Computers has a major design and pro-
duction facility in Arroyo Verde. A pleasant 585-acre
campus, the facility has 6,500 employees and a $300
million annual payroll.

Infinity Software
A leader in the field of computer entertainment, In-
finity Software creates games that capture the imagi-
nations - and pocketbooks - of millions of com-
puter gamers each year.
The company was founded in 1982 as a partnership
between game designer Paul Cates and programmer
In 1964, engineer Wayne Frazier founded Dave Fitzsimmons. Their first product, a text-based
HyperDyne Computers in a spare bedroom of his San adventure game titled Hunt for the Lost Mine, per-
Angelo house. Years of design work in his spare time formed moderately well.
paid off in 1973 when HyperDyne Computers intro- Cates and Fitzsimmons used the profits from Hunt
duced one of the first hand held scientific calculators. for the Lost Mine to produce one of the first computer
Frazier plowed the profits from his first success into games to capitalize on the re-emergence of
expanding HyperDyne Computers, allowing the cor- superpowered humans. Justice Squad became the top
poration to produce a line of business computers a few seller of 1986, but artistic differences over the game
years later. In the 1980s, the company scored again, split the partners.
cashing in early on the personal computer boom. A bitter battle for control of Infinity Software
The company has been traded publicly on the stock erupted, and in 1988 Cates succeeded in forcing
market since the mid- l 970s, and when Frazier retired Fitzsimmons out. The buyout left Fitzsimmons a mil-
in 1986 the board of directors recruited the head of a lionaire, but a bitter man. The firm reorganized as a
rival company to run HyperDyne Computers. privately held corporation and began a rapid expan-
In 1994, the corporation won a contract for a 10-

r"m year, $1.5 billion project to design tactical targeting Infinity Software has continued to prosper in the
·~~ 'computer systems for the U.S. Air Force. 1990s, producing hit computer games in a variety of

CH; of Son Angolo '500 -

Life In San Angelo

genres. The studio designs software for both PC and environmentalist ire for pollution and ecologically un-
Macintosh platforms, along with game cartridges for sound practices.
home entertainment systems. Created in the 1912 government-ordered breakup of
The company has more than 100 PC game titles on a petroleum monopoly, Texxon Oil Co. took over the
the market. Recent top sellers include the fantasy game western territories of its progenitor. In the ensuing de-
Crystalgate, the 30 action game Hit Man and the simu- cades, it became one of the top oil companies in the
lation Ace Braddock: WWI Pilot. A licensed Justice United States, and then worldwide.
Foundation game originally slated for a Christmas '96 The company's international expansion has contin-
release has been delayed several times. ued into the 1990s, as have its efforts to seek out new
Based in San Angelo, Inifinity Software employs 365 oil reserves. It recently negotiated rights to oil fields
people at its AIToyo Verde design studio and reported in Indonesia and the former Soviet Union.
$98 million in 1996 sales. Headquartered in Angel Beach, California, Texxon
Oil Co. runs 35 refineries worldwide. It operates four
Taiyo Corp. U.S. refineries and more than 9,600 gas stations in 38
High-tech products are the lifeblood of Japan-based states. The company is also involved in the petrochemi-
Taiyo Corp., an international giant in the computer cal, coal and power generation industries.
and communications industries. The leading supplier Active in more than 100 nations, Texxon Oil Co. is
of computer chips worldwide, the corporation ranks especially interested in the Asian-Pacific market. The
fourth in personal computers and seventh in telecom- company has 79,000 employees and posted $116 bil-
munications. lion in 1996 sales.
Founded in Tokyo in 1908 by Japanese investors, In San Angelo, Texxon Oil Co. has countless ser-
Taiyo Corp. started out as an importer of telephone vice stations along with a Southport plant that pro-
equipment. In the 1960s, the company began dabbling duces plastic waste bags, produce bags and grocery
in computer research but did not invest heavily in these sacks. The plant employs about 260 people.
efforts until the 1970s. By 1983, Taiyo Corp. had be- The company also operates a distribution facility in
come a top maker of memory chips around the world. West San Angelo. A dozen or so huge oil tanks, filled
Still on top of the chip market, the company is also by an underground pipeline from an Angel Beach re-
investing in new technologies, such as advanced color finery, supply tanker trucks with gasoline for delivery
plasma display panels, as it fends off competitors. to service stations in several states.
Based in Tokyo, the corporation has 132 subsidiar- Finally, the corporation helped finance construction
ies and affiliates in 33 countries. Taiyo Corp. employs of the Texxon Golden Dome stadium in Southport,
154,000 people worldwide and reported $43 billion in home of the San Angelo Miners pro football team.
sales in 1996. In San Angelo, the company owns a
200-acre chip-producing plant in Arroyo Verde. TJT Furn iture Inc.
Headed by Kiyoji Takemoto, a senior vice president, A top maker of office furniture, the Canadian firm
the plant employs 4,485 people and contains 1.2 mil- of TJT Furniture Inc. manufactures free-standing
lion square feet of manufacturing space. modular office partitions, desks, file cabinets and other
The factory, which uses numerous toxic and caustic necessities.
chemicals, has its own water treatment facility and Founded in 1921 in Toronto, the company switched
emergency response teams. from household decor to office furniture during the
hardships of the Depression. The corporation prospered
Texxon Oil Co. in the post-war business boom, and in 1970 went pub-
A familiar name to everyone who owns a car, Texxon lic.
Oil Co. is a leading international producer of oil and TJT Furniture Inc. manufactures its prodllcts in ~~~e~
natural gas. The company has also been a focus of Canada, the U.S., .lctpim, Mexico and the United King-
cur ot SP1• Anguto uoo -

Life In San Angelo

dom. Wholly owned subsidiaries sell its furniture in colorful and historic Chinatown district.
32 nations. Other subsidiary firms produce furniture After the gold boom that gave the city its start played
for specialized markets, such as hospitals and prisons. out, access to the railroad kept San Angelo alive as a
The company has 7 ,360 employees and reported $1 .2 center of agriculture and later encouraged its indus-
billion in 1996 sales. In San Angelo, TJT Furniture trial growth. The rail company continued to expand
Inc. employs 364 people at its furniture-manufactur- by laying new tracks and buying other railroads until
ing plant in Southport. rising competition in the mid-20th century sent Val-
ley Pacific Railroad into a slow decline. Financial
U.S. Fertilizer losses spurred the firm to begin cost-cutting in 1992,
A supplier of soil-enriching products for agriculture reducing its workforce and trying to control expenses.
and gardening, U.S. Fertilizer has had a troubled his- Today Valley Pacific Railroad operates 16,800 miles
tory but appears to be on the rebound. of tracks in I 5 states. The company has I 9,000 em-
Founded in 1923 as a subsidiary of Texxon Oil Co., ployees and reported $3.1 billion in 1996 sales, a $3
U.S. Fertilizer remained solidly in the middle of the million loss. In San Angelo, the company operates its
agri-business pack for the next 40 years. primary West Coast freight yard in Pleasant Grove.
The oil company sold U.S . Fertilizer to the Japan- The 610-acre yard employs I ,560 people and has a
based conglomerate Hitomi Co. in 1962. The firm con- $9 l million payroll.
tinued to perform unspectacularly unLil lhe late 1980s, Despite America's reduced reliance on railroads, the
when an expensive new line of fertilizers targeting romance of the rails remains strong. San Angelo is
home gardeners flopped. The financial hemorrhage home to many railroad retirees and diehard rail buffs,
continued despite several top-level shakeups. who restore old locomotives, build scale-model trains
In 1994, Hitomi Co. sold its interest in U.S. Fertil- and give talks on the history of the railroad.
izer to Eclipse Industries. The new owners put the firm
back in the black by ruthlessly slashing costs and lay-
ing off employees. Today, a leaner U.S. Fertilizer is Other Major Corporations in San
moving up in the ranks of American agri-businesses. Angelo
U.S. Fertilizer owns a key production plant in West Some retail-oriented corporations are described under The
San Angelo. Two 8-million-gallon tanks at the plant Commercial Scene, while health-care corporations are cov-
ered in The Medical World and banks are outlined under The
contain anhydrous ammonia, a deadly poisonous gas
Professional World.
used to manufacture fertilizer. The 16-acre facility
employs 120 people. Name Product
Barnes Co. Department stores
Black Widow Pesticides Pesticide manufacturer
Valley Pacific Railroad Durham Corp. Film manufacturer, film
A San Angelo institution, the Valley Pacific Rail- processing
road in large part kept the town alive after the Gold Fontaine's & Co. Department stores
Rush dried up. Today competition from trucking and FoodBasket Markets lnc. Supennarkets
air freight services places considerable strain on its Hitomi Co. Diversified conglomerate
Kelley Hospitals Health care
finances, but the railroad continues to tough it out. MacGregor Paper Co. Paper recycling
Valley Pacific Railroad got its start in 1865, when Nugget Records Retail music stores
local banker Jeremiah Bannon and investor Leland Patchwork Textiles Clothing, bedding manu-
Shaw formed the company to connect San Angelo to facturer
Prospector Bank Banking
the transcontinental rail lines being built across the
St. Mary·s Hospitals Health care

Rocky Mountains.
~~~e~ Work on the railroad line brought hundreds of Chi-
S:111 Angelo C larion Newspapers

San Angelo Times Newspapers I
~ nese laborers to the region, giving rise to San Angelo's


Corporate Executives Pepper Coyle: The chief marketing officer for
Scott Blake: A former U.S. Air Force test pilot and Eclipse Industries and a leading candidate for the job
NASA astronaut who heads flight test operations for of CEO. A warm, personable executive, Coyle is also
Peregrine Aircraft. Blake is based at the company's an efficient administrator and a skilled player of cor-
Angel Beach test range, though his job requires fre- porate politics.
quent visits to San Angelo to confer with designers and Her leadership skills and ability to attract loyal fol-
corporate executives. lowers are Coyle's greatest strengths. While she lacks
Blake, who is divorced, is very much a ladies' man the utter ruthlessness of chief rival Stephen Bow, Coyle
who is carrying on an affair with Bethany Rhys has a strong sense for strategy that allows her to fend
Waterhouse, the wife of an up-and-corning attorney and off most attempts to undermine her influence.
a fixture on the high society scene in San Angelo. Roger Latimer: The president and CEO of Consoli-
Stephen Bow: The ruthless executive vice president dated Electronics, a San Angelo corporation in dire
for acquisitions of Eclipse Industries. Bow is also se- financial straits. Latimer inherited the top jobs, and a
cretly the arch-criminal super known as Photon. controlling share of company stock, in 1984 from his
Inside Eclipse Industries, Bow is regarded as one of father Ronald, founder of the business.
the top contenders for the CEO spot when current chief
C . Fullerton Hughes retires. Nonetheless, he is widely After years of waiting for his chance to run Consoli-
feared in the company, and few people dare to cross dated Electronics, Latimer has been frustrated at ev-
him. ery turn by competition from low-priced Asian im-
As executive vice president for acquisitions, Bow uses ports. The company has laid off workers in each of
any tactic or strategy necessary to take over a target the past three years, and posted a net loss in 1996.
company, including industrial espionage and even sabo- Latimer still considers Consolidated Electronics a
tage. He often hires outside help for these jobs, par- family business, and the possibility that it will go bank-
ticularly the free-lance corporate superspy Wisp. rupt under his control weighs heavily on him.
For more information on Stephen Bow, see Photon in Latimer has developed a strong hatred for foreign
the Allies and Enemies chapter. competitors, Japan in particular, and his frequent criti-
Kenneth Cameron II: The president of Peregrine Air- cism of Japanese business practices veers dangerously
craft, a leading maker of military aircraft. Cameron close to racism. He has appeared on several national
joined the corporation in 1962 when it purchased his news magazine shows to call for drastic hikes in tar-
small firm , which manufactured jet engine parts. iffs on Japanese products.
Putting his knowledge of aerospace design to work,
Cameron eventually became vice president of engineer- Kyoji Takemoto: A senior vice president with Taiyo
ing for Peregrine Aircraft and captured the post of CEO Corp. and head of theJapanesecompany's San Angelo
in 1977. In 1989, Cameron left his management job to operations. He is known as an able and hard-working
become president of the company. executive, though a bit remote to his employees and
Stock options and other bonuses have made Cameron cool to the San Angelo social scene.
one of the wealthiest people in San Angelo, but he still Takemoto's family dates back to the days of feudal
exhibits a strong work ethic. The lackadaisical attitude Japan, and he is quite proud of his samurai heritage.
of his only son, playboy Kenneth Cameron III, is a An heirloom katana handed down in his family for
great disappointment to him. generations sits in a glass display case behind his desk.


Cft)' ot Sun Anooio l500 -

Life In San Angelo

The Development Finally, Morgan Development Co. has a hand in resi-

dential development, focused on building high-end
Industry luxury homes in the Lakeview area. Most of its houses
People need homes. Businesses demand offices and sell for $250,000 or more.
stores. And industries require factories. Someone has A proposal by the firm to develop Quail Valley near
to build it all, and that's the role of the development Lakeview has sparked controversy in San Angelo as
industry. environmentalists protest the plans. County officials
Construction is a multi-million dollar business in San are considering the proposal.
Angelo, employing thousands of The company constructed 1.6 mil-
people in every trade from architec- lion square feet of industrial and
"I was over at the roach
ture to roofing. Many are indepen- commercial space in 1996. It had
coach when this costumed
dent consultants and contractors 120 housing starts and sold $35.7
super flew right into the side of
hired by the big development com- million in residential real estate.
the second story. Took out most
panies as needed for specific A related company, Morgan Prop-
of the braces, brought the
projects. erty Management Inc., oversees
whole place down on himself.
Nonetheless, developers are not hundreds of thousands of square feet
"Why would I do anything for
especially popular in San Angelo. of office space as well as a sizable
him? Listen, pal, it was his own
Residents, even those who just ar- chunk of downlown real estate.
fault that he crashed. He
rived in the city themselves, think should've watched where he
the metropolis has grown too large. was going." Other Development
High pollution indices, congested - Carl Simmons, 39, con- Companies of Note
traffic and a shortage of open space struction worker A building boom in the 1980s
are all cited as evidence of over-ex- spawned a plethora of construction-
pansion. related businesses in San Angelo.
As a result, new projects are often opposed by pro- Though the market cooled off in the early 1990s, de-
spective neighbors - particularly when an apartment velopment appears to be on the upswing once more
complex or low-cost subdivision is proposed next to - particularly in Castle Heights and Arroyo Verde.
an existing neighborhood. The environmentalist com- Efforts to redevelop rundown parts of the inner city
munity also dislikes developers. are also providing new opportunities for the San
Angelo development industry.
Morgan Development Co.
The top builder of office and industrial space in San Bradley Homes
Angelo, the Morgan Develoment Co. is a powerhouse The top residential development firm in San Angelo,
in the political, business and financial worlds. Bradley Homes has long had a reputation for fair prices
Several of the skyscrapers gracing the city skyline and good-quality work.
are the work of Morgan Development Co., including Founded in the 1960s by Perry Bradley, the com-
the 42-story Morgan Office Tower-popularly known pany constructed many of the suburban subdivisions
as the Twilight Tower. of La Vista and Rancho Madera. Now headed by
The company, owned by powerbroker Benjamin Jeanette Bradley, the firm remains committed to build-
Morgan, is also extremely active in the industrial arena. ing affordable homes for middle-class families.
It is responsible for factories, labs, warehouses and In 1996, Bradley Homes had 760 housing starts,
manufacturing facilities all over San Angelo, but es- mostly in the Castle Heights area, and a $123.5 mil-
-P_A_G_E-pecially in Southport and Arroyo Verde. lion sales volume.

Gny al l.1r, At•t;elo ·UCO -

Life In San Angelo

Olympus Construction I nc. Benjamin Morgan

Owned by development mogul Aris teides Development magnate
Pappagianis, Olympus Construction Inc. has a hand
in residential, retail and office construction. Val Char Cost Notes
Pappagianis, a Greek emigre, founded Olympus Con- 12 STR 2 133kg; 206
struction Inc. in l 952. Over the years, the firm has 10 DEX 0 OCV: 3/DCV: 3
built several city landmarks, including the 32-story San 13 CON 6
Angelo Corporate Center downtown. The company is 12 BODY 4
now constructing the 36-story Eclipse Plaza tower. 18 INT 8 PER Roll 13-
In the residential arena, Olympus Construction Inc. 15 EGO 10 ECV: 5
18 PRE 8
specializes in acquiring huge parcels of land and draw-
10 COM 0
ing up large-scale development plans for hundreds of 2 PD 0
acres at a time. Once city or county officials have 3 ED 0
signed off on the plans, the company sells most of the 2 SPD 0 Phases: 6, 12
property to other builders for actual construction. 5 REC 0
The redevelopment of existing neighborhoods, in ac- 26 END 0
cord with a city program that offers tax breaks and 25 STUN 0
other incentives for building in blighted areas, has be- Total Costs
Char: 38 +Powers: 97 =Total: 135
come another focus of the operation in recent years.
Base: 75 + Disad: 60 =Total: 135
Olympus Construction Inc. posted 585 housing starts ktlls
in 1996, and sold $104 million in residential property. Bribery 13-
The company also built 227 ,500 square feet of retail 5 Bureaucratics 14-
and office space. 3 Conversation 13-
Familiarity w/Demolitions 8-
Familiarity w/Gambling 8-
Villegas & Sons 3,3 High Society 13-, Persuasion 13-
A road construction company that has risen rapidly 7 Trading 15-
in the development world, Villegas & Sons is owned 2 PS: Company president 11-
by Ramon Villegas. The firm has undertaken several 5 KS: Morgan Construction Co. 14-
road and highway projects in recent years, including 2 KS: Corporate world 11-
constructing new 1-7 interchanges in Arroyo Verde and 2 KS: Stock market 11 -
5 KS: Development world 14-
downtown San Angelo.
4 KS: Rare orchids 13-
The company purchased an Oro County gravel min- 5 CK: San Angelo 14-
ing operation and aggregate plant in 1996, ending its 3 AK: San Angelo County 12-
reliance on other asphalt suppliers and boosting its 3 TF: Boats, aircraft
profitability. 3 Well-Connected
Villegas & Sons employs 780 people. 2 Perk: Morgan Construction Co. president
I Perk: Eclipse Industries board of directors
2 Perks: Skyline Club, Royal Grove Country
Club member
10 Money: Wealthy
16 Contacts: Supervisor Jeffrey Daley 14-,
Supervisor Erik Bates 11-, Horizon Institute
14-, Nathan Hardesty 14-, Anders Drake 11-, PAGE
Senator Catherine Forbes 11-, Rev. John NUMBER

Clly of S.1' '"'D•IO H QP -
Life In San Angelo

next room started arguing. When the muted sound of

blows began, he pulled the pillow over his head.
* * *
Twenty years later, Benjamin Morgan tore down that
seedy apartment house. In fact, he demolished the en-
tire neighborhood to make way for a luxury high-rise
hotel. The project brought Morgan his first million dol-
In the years since, Morgan has risen to become one
of the most powerful people in San Angelo. His com-
pany, Morgan Construction Co., builds luxury homes,
office buildings and high-tech industrial plants
throughout the county. Several city landmarks, includ-
ing the 42-story Twilight Tower, are his work.
A respected, influential figure in the city, Morgan
has friends in the top circles of politics, government,
and business. He sits on several corporate boards of
directors and city advisory commissions.
Morgan's good works and charitable donations have
won him numerous humanitarian awards over the years.
Outside the public eye, however, Morgan can be ex-
ceedingly ruthless. He allows nothing to stand in his
way - not the law, not business rivals, not do-gooders
who catch wind of his more questionableactivities. And
anyone who opposes Morgan is destroyed, utterly.
Warden 11-, C. Fullerton Hughes 14-, Roger Behind the scenes, he comes as close as any one per-
Feist 14-, Randolph McAlpine 11-, J. Prescott son can to running the city.
Marr, LI- Personality/Motivation: Control is everything to
6 Favors: Senator Catherine Forbes, Stephen Benjamin Morgan. Not power. Not money. Not po-
Bow, Meg Fairchild, Rep. Robert N. Welch, litical influence. Those are just tools. Only by being
Mayor Alex Martinez, Sheriff J.T. Preston
in control, of himself and everything around him, can
75+ Disadvantages
Morgan ever truly feel safe. And anything he can't
5 Age 40+
5 DNPC: Cassidy Morgan, daughter (Norm) 8- control must be eliminated - he will never, ever, be
5 Psych: Enjoys raising rare orchids (Uncom, powerless again.
Moderate) This fundamental need for control is at the heart of
15 Psych: Hates supers (Uncom, Total) his dislike of superhumans, for they are forever be-
20 Psych: Overwhelming need for control (Com, yond his mastery. Individual supers can be corrupted
Total) or ruined, but as a whole the heroes and enemies of
10 Reputation: Respected businessman 11- San Angelo are an eternal wild card.
Morgan hates wild cards.
Background: The boy cowered under the thread- Quote: "Who are these heroes, these 'superhumans,'
bare blankets on his bed as the front door to the dingy to make decisions for the rest of us? Are they to be the
apartment slammed shut. He heard the thump and masters of humanity's/ate, or are we?"
,.P_A_G_e- slurred curses as his father staggered into a wall. The Powersfl'actics: Benjamin Morgan is arguably the
NUMBER boy put his hands over his ears as the two voices in the most powerful man in San Angelo. He can't fly or
ll- City of !•II AliO•ICJ ·~oo -

Life In San Angelo

shoot energy blasts. He doesn't have super strength or under the weight of judgments in court cases filed by
enhanced senses. But he pulls the strings of the Golden unhappy customers.
City. Very little happens in the government or busi- The company had a bad reputation for shoddy work-
ness scenes that does not involve Morgan in some be- manship, and numerous home buyers won civil cases
hind-the-scenes capacity. against N&W Co. for selling defective homes.
Morgan has contacts everywhere- government, law Faced with mounting debts, not to mention govern-
enforcement, top corporations, churches, even chari- ment inquiries into possible violations of environmen-
table organizations. And all kinds of people owe him tal laws, Norwood declared bankruptcy in 1992 and
all kinds of debts. His resources and contacts mean dissolved the company. Many of his creditors have yet
that Morgan can usually bring pressure to bear on just to see a dime.
about anyone he desires, regardless of the person's Norwood continues to live a comfortable life in San
position or community standing. Angelo despite being flat broke on paper, but efforts
Of course, Morgan stays out of the action himself. to prove that he hid assets during bankruptcy proceed-
Third parties deliver his suggestions and expertly veiled
ings have so far failed.
threats. Most of the time his name is never even men- Aristeides Pappagianis: A Greek emigre who built
tioned. That's the way Morgan wants it. And he al- a development empire in San Angelo. He founded
ways gets what he wants. Olympus Construction Inc. in the 1950s and has played
Appearance: Morgan, 58, is a heavyset man with a crucial role in the growth of the city ever since.
short, thinning white hair and blue eyes. He stands 6'2" Pappagianis rarely appears in public nowadays, pre-
tall and has a burly build. Morgan favors plaid work ferring to let his associates and children handle most
shirts and jeans, but will wear a business suit when of his business affairs. Nevertheless, his behind-the-
appropriate. scenes political influence remains potent.
One of the wealthiest people in the city, Pappagianis
Other Builders of Note lives in an elaborate, well-secured estate in picturesque
Perry Bradley: A longtime San Angelo homebuilder Falcon Bluff, overlooking the Del Oro River.
and owner of Bradley Homes. Bradley constructed
many of the 1960s-era subdivisions in the county. His Labor and Union
innumerable donations to local youth groups, not to
mention his firm's good reputation, have made Brad- Activity
ley a popular and well-respected figure in the county. Labor unions are not especially strong in San Angelo,
His daughter, Jeanette Bradley, took over the except in a few key areas. There are several powerful
homebuilding business in I 995 after her father was public employee unions in the city, and labor organi-
diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease. He now spends zations are also strong in construction trades, hotels,
most of his time at home and rarely goes out in public. trucking and warehousing.
Pierre Duval: A prominent San Angelo architect Public reaction to unions is mixed - while some San
known for his expertise in designing high-tech facili- Angelinos are strongly pro-union, others feel they can
ties. In recent years, Duval has been hired by several get a better deal on their own. Business owners, of
hero teams to design headquarters or bases. He was course, tend to be very anti-union, citing the exorbitant
the primary architect for the Justice Foundation team demands made by some employee groups.
headquarters. Strikes and other job actions by unions are infrequent,
Duval, a native of France, splits his time between as several corporations have taken advantage of such
his San Angelo studio and a vacation home on the situations to break unions in recent years.
Riviera. He is courting wealthy widow Helen Payne. Corruption in labor unions is fairly rare in San Angelo, ~...,...... ,
Duane Norwood: The former owner of N&W Co., and ties to the Mafia are almost non-existent given the~ · !:i~':e~ '
a housing construction firm that went bust in 1992 mob's relative lack of influence in the region.
The Intellectual perts is always available for consultation on any topic
from paranormal medicine to time paradoxes.
The Justice Foundation hero team, in particular, has
Scene credited the Horizon Institute for providing informa-
tion that helped resolve several emergency situations
Information is the commodity of the future, and San in recent years.
Angelo is home to several think tanks, consulting firms Financing for the Horizon Institute comes from a va-
and other organization trading in this market. riety of sources, mostly through donations by private
individuals and companies. Some top donors from San
Horizon Institute Angelo include builder Benjamin Morgan, Eclipse In-
dustries and financier Alistair McDermott.
The Horizon Institute, a non-profit entity, attempts
to gauge the effects of superpowered humans on sci-
ence, technology, criminal justice, the military and Campaign Tip
The experts at the Horizon Institute can be a valuable
society as a whole.
resource to a PC hero team, particularly to one lacking
The Institute is based at a three-story former ranch expertise in a particular field of science or engineering.
house in rural south San Angelo County, with a sizable Also, the Institute may be able to provide advice on
paid administrative staff boasting experts in several handling an extremely unusual situation, like trying to
fields. close a dimensional gateway. I
In addition, the list of consultants affiliated with the
Horizon Institute reads like a who's who in sociology,
law enforcement, defense, business, engineering, sci- Justice Foundation (C9)
ence and politics. A non-profit think tank founded by Averell
The board of directors alone includes a retired admi- Pendleton, president of A val on Enterprises, the J us-
ral, a former justice of the Supreme Court and U.S. tice Foundation is devoted to researching the root
Senator Catherine Forbes of California. Nicholas Boyle, causes of crime, war, terrorism and other forms of vio-
an ex-deputy director of the CIA, serves as administra- lence.
tor of the Horizon Institute. Based in a City Center office building, the founda-
The prime function of the think tank involves care- tion has a small paid staff. It primarily offers grants to
fully evaluating the changes wrought by the activities sociologists, and others investigating topics related to
of superhumans on Earth. The findings of its research, its purpose, who conduct much of the actual research
usually conducted by paid staffers or under grants, are of the think tank.
disseminated in the appropriate scholarly publications. The other chief activity of the agency involves pro-
Recent papers published by Horizon Institute re- viding funding and support for the Justice Foundation
searchers include an analysis of the effect of hero team based in San Angelo.
paranormals on the sporting world, a review of recent Most of the funding for the foundation continues to
supers-related bills in the U.S. House of Representa- come from Pendleton and A valon Enterprises, though
tives and a report on anti-supers bigotry in a small town donations from other sources are not insignificant.
in Minnesota.
A branch of the Institute is quietly collecting data on Other Institutions of
all known supers - heroes, criminals or otherwise. The
ultimate purpose behind this intelligence-gathering op- Note
eration is unknown. The San Angelo business scene includes numerous
While its research efforts are its primary focus, the consulting companies, mostly offering advice on cor-
NUMBER Institute provides considerable assistance and advice porate affairs, engineering and development. A few
to supers, particularly heroes. Its helpful staff of ex- are involved in more esoteric fields, however.
The Gaia Co.
The Gaia Co. is a San Angelo consulting firm that
focuses on environmental concerns, especially pollu-
tion. While it poses as an ecologically friendly opera-
tion, The Gaia Co. actually exists primarily to help
corporate clients get around state and federal environ-
mental laws.
The consulting firm also helps corporations fight ci-
tations by the federal Environmental Protection Agency.
Its studies, which uniformly shift the blame for pollu-
tion from big business, are something of a joke in schol-
arly circles.

RV&G Inc.
A data retrieval company, RV &G Inc. collects infor-
mation for other businesses on everything from scien-
tific papers to marketing statistics.
The firm has an extensive computer database, and
also conducts on-line searches for requested data. In
addition, RV &G Inc. can perform patent and trade-
mark searches for clients.
The Martial World
The Yggdrasill Center Martial arts are popular in San Angelo, attracting
A think tank with an environmental focus, The everyone from school kids to street toughs.
Yggdrasill Center conducts research on the biosphere Instructors in almost every fighting art, even some
and ecology around the world. fairly obscure ones, can be found in San Angelo.
The center takes its name from Yggdrasill, the great Chinatown, of course, is a center for martial arts activ-
ash-tree of the universe from Norse mythology. The ity, but schools are found throughout the metropolitan
roots of the tree connected the domains of gods, men area.
and the underworld.
Cuffent projects of the center include an investiga-
tion into a rise in ocean temperatures off Indonesia, a Wei Cheng
report on the ecological effects of logging on forests Kung fu master
in Washington and a probe of the status of the ozone
belt. STR 15 DEX 20 CON 18 BODY 12
INT 15 EGO 18 PRE 15 COM 10
Campaign Tip PD 6 ED 4 SPD 4 REC 6
Investigations undertaken by The Y ggdrasill Cen-
END 30 STUN 30
ter could tip PCs off to a villainous scheme to alter
Powers and Skills: Gliding 6" (only for not leaving
the Earth's environment in some way - a really
tracks), Missile Deflection vs. thrown objects, affows
large-scale threat might involve melting the polar
or projectiles, Talents: Combat Sense, Defense Ma-
ice caps, for example. Or perhaps the ecological
neuver, Simulate Death, Combat Skills: +2 w/kung PAGE
changes are merely inadvertant side effects of some
unrelated scheme. fu, Acrobatics 13-, Breakfall 13-, .contortionist 13-, t·~
Martial Arts (Kung Fu): Block, Disarm, Dodge, Es-
cape, Kick, Knife Hand, Legsweep, Nerve Strike, Not to be outdone, his brother Ho soon established
Punch, Throw, Uproot, Use Art with Swords, Axes, his own kung fu school in Chinatown, counting nu-
3-Section Staff and Staff, +3 Damage Classes, WF merous members of the tongs, or Chinese organized
Common Martial Arts Melee Weapons, Paramedic 12-, crime groups, among his pupils .
Language: English (fluent w/accent; Chinese native), Over the decades, the intense rivalry between the two
KS: Chinese Healing 14-, KS: Kung Fu 14-, KS: brothers has continued to burn bright despite Wei's ef-
Chinatown 14-, KS: The Martial World 11-, KS: Chi- forts to heal the breach. This rivalry has extended to
nese Myths and Legends 11-, PS: Kung fu master 11-, their students, who have been involved in several brawls
Familiarity w/tongs 8-. over the years, to Wei 's dismay.
Disadvantages: Distinctive Features: Serene (eas- Already known in the martial arts community as a
ily concealable), Psychological Limit: Seeks recon- skilled instructor of authentic kung fu , Wei also has a
ciliation with brother, Psychological Limit: Protects reputation as a knowledgeable practitioner of ancient
the weak, Psychological Limit: Code of the Chinese Chinese healing arts.
Master, Reputation: Kung Fu Master 11-, Rivalry: Ho Wei Cheng, 74, has long white hair but otherwise
Cheng (prof.). shows few signs of age. Still strong and hale, Wei now
Notes: Wei Cheng grew up in rural China with his restricts his teaching to advanced students, who also
brother, Ho Cheng. At a young age, the boys became act as instructors to beginning and mid-level pupils. A
students to renowned kung fu master Kien Li. But the widower, he has several grown children and grandchil-
brothers grew up to be opposites in almost every way. dren.
Wei became noted for his calmness and serenity, while
Ho was feared for his explosive temper and arrogant
Schools and
After one outburst too many, Master Li threatened to Instructors of Note
dismiss Ho. When Wei tried to speak up for him, fury Dojos, gyms and training centers scattered through-
at his popular brother overcame Ho. He beat Wei bru- out San Angelo offer instruction in virtually every mar-
tally before Master Li intervened and expelled Ho. tial art imaginable, from boxing to the newest street-
Wei continued to hone his kung fu skills at the school fighting techniques. The city is also home to many
until the rise of the communists in the 1940s. At the fighting arts masters who pass their skills on to select
urging of Master Li, who was later imprisoned and students.
killed, he emigrated to the United States.
Wei discovered his brother had also come to the states
and had settled in San Angelo, but when he visited the
Alder Martial Arts
A chain of schools in San Angelo, Alder Martial Arts
city his efforts at reconciliation with Ho failed.
offers instruction in karate, Aikido and tai chi. The prof-
Nevertheless, Wei discovered that he enjoyed life in
itable chain is owned by Tristram Alder, a nationally
San Angelo's Chinatown, and he began his own kung
known karate champ who sometimes even comes by
fu school to pass on the teachings of Master Li. He
the schools to sign autographs and recruit new pupils.
soon became a well-known, respected member of the
Chinatown community.


House of the Dragon
A martial arts studio in downtown San Angelo, the
The Medical
House of the Dragon teaches kung fu, kickboxing and
weapon skills. Vance Hatch, who claims to be an ex-
Green Beret, owns and runs the House of the Dragon. Every city needs hospitals and medical personnel to
Students of this school have a reputation for being bul- care for its citizens, and San Angelo is no exception.
Hyong- Kim Kwang Faraday Memorial
A Korean master of Tae Kwan Do, Hyong-Kim Clinic (D6)
Kwang teaches select groups of elite students. He does A unique medical facility, the Faraday Memorial
not advertise, nor does he hold his classes in any par-
Clinic specializes in treating the injuries and illnesses
ticular place. Once prospective students have found ofsupers in San Angelo, not to mention those of normals
Kwang, they must prove their honest desire to be in- caught in the crossfire of superpowered conflicts.
structed before he will agree to take them on. The clinic, located in a three-story Midtown build-
ing, opened in 1991 . Financier Alastair McDermott
funded its construction in memory of Kip Faraday,
Sakai Fighting Arts also known as the super strong Alloy. The hero, who
Sakai Fighting Arts is a karate school run by James had won McDermott's friendship by rescuing his son
Sakai, a Japanese-American man who also teaches from kidnappers in 1986, died in 1990 of a rare blood
police self-defense courses for local law enforcement disease linked to his paranormal metallic body.
agencies. In addition to karate, he teaches kobojutsu Headed by Dr. Philadelphia Ryan, known as "Dr. Phil"
and kenjutsu. to her patients, the clinic provides medical care to
paranormals and conducts research on their special-
Sakai, a former San Angelo County sheriffs deputy,
ized needs. Its staff of highly skilled physicians ex-
has strong ties to the local law enforcement commu-
cels at untangling the medical mysteries of treating
nity. His school is located in Pleasant Grove.
supers, many of whom have bizarre metabolisms,
strange eating habits and unusual allergies.
Wilder Karate Center All records are kept strict! y confidential, and the clinic
does not require patients to reveal their true identities.
A karate and self-defense school in suburban La Physicians at the clinic are even known to take after-
Vista, the Wilder Karate Center is owned by Alexa hours visitors or make a house call or two to accom-
Wilder, champion of the 1984 All-City Martial Arts modate patients obsessed with secrecy.
Exhibition. Along with treating supers, the Faraday Memorial
Wilder also teaches free self-defense seminars for Clinic offers medical care to normals who are injured
women and children at community centers through- or otherwise affected by paranormal powers. Victims
out San Angelo. Her insistence on making martial arts of plasma blasts, bizarre toxins, inter-dimensional
instruction affordable to those who need it means teleports, alien viruses and other strange ailments are
Wilder's school faces nearly constant financial prob- usually taken directly to the clinic or referred there by
lems. doctors at other San Angelo hospitals.


c11y o1 San ~10 •~ao -
Life In San Angelo

The first of its kind in the United States, the Faraday University Medical
Memorial Clinic has inspired similar operations in a
handful of cities but remains the pre-eminent institu- Center cos)
tion in supers medicine. Clinic physicians often assist A downtown hospital affiliated with the University
supers who have come from all over the U.S., and even of California, San Angelo, University Medical Cen-
other nations, for treatment. ter is the largest hospital in the county.
Faraday Memorial Clinic policies mandate equal The 641 -bed medical center features two eight-story
treatment for all patients, but very few criminals go to towers, one topped by a helipad, rising over a collec-
the clinic since they are likely to be reported to police tion of smaller buildings .
and arrested. Physicians are also required by law to The hospital has I , 14 1 physicians on staff, and nearly
report all gunshot victims to law enforcement officials. 7 ,000 employees in all. A teaching hospital, it has a
complement of interns and residents in addition to at-
The clinic has 20 beds, including a small intensive
tending physicians. Several University Medical Center
care unit and an isolation room.
doctors are natiopally recognized authorities on their
Most of the clinic's annual budget comes from pri- specialties.
vate donations, though the San Angelo County health The medical center has a well-regarded trauma cen-
department provides partial funding for its operations. ter and an air ambulance service. Critically inj ured ac-
Public funding for the clinic has been a hot topic at cident and crime victims are often taken to the medical
county budget hearings in recent years, however. center even if other hospitals are closer.


Clly ••Angelo 4500 -

Life In San Angelo

University Medical Center has specialized facilities Catholic nuns. The hospitals are now run by a not-for-
for burns, organ transplants, neonatal care, cardiology, profit corporation, though nuns serving as volunteers
orthopedics, oncology and pediatrics, among others. are still frequently encountered.
The hospital complex also houses an AIDS research The corporation has hospitals in the downtown,
center. Lakeview, Rancho Madera and Pleasant Grove. St.
In addition to its teaching programs, the hospital is a Mary's hospitals are particularly well-known for their
focus for medical research of all kinds and constantly childbirth centers and community outreach health
advertises for participants in various clinical trials. classes.

Campaign Tip San Angelo County General

An experiment gone wrong at University Medi- Hospital (ElO}
cal Center could provide an origin story for a
A county-run hospital in the tough Armory neighbor-
superpowered PC or NPC. A new drug or other
hood of downtown, San Angelo County General Hos-
treatment could induce superhuman powers in a
pital primarily provides medical services to the poor
volunteer, whether by accident or design.
and indigent
If by design, the incident could be the work of an
Many doctors and nurses are attracted to this hospi-
unethical scientist, or perhaps a villain or secret
tal by the challenging, fast-paced work, despite the low
agency that substituted its own experimental se-
pay and often unenviable working conditions. Perpetu-
rum for the drug being tested.
ally under-staffed, under-funded and under-equipped,
the outdated 415-bed hospital is nearly always fu ll.
Other Hospitals The hospital's reputation is still recovering from a
Most San Angelo hospitals have been absorbed by 1994 scandal involving unauthorized experiments on
chains or alliances, though a handful of independent humans by Dr. Anton Megalo, who disappeared while
facilities are scattered here and there. being investigated.
In addition to acute-care hospitals, San Angelo boasts
a multitude of convalescent homes, psychiatric care
centers, nursing homes and other heal th-care facilities. San Angelo Hospitals
Community clinics operated by the county provide rou- Castle Heights Community Hospital
tine health-care services to the poor and indigent. Children's Hospital of San Angelo
Delta Community Hospital
Kelley Castle He ights Hospital *
Kelley Hospitals Kelley La Vista Hospital
A network of local hospitals, Kelley Hospitals was Kelley Medical Center
named after the first physician in Old San Angelo, Dr. Kelley South San Angelo Hospital
Avery Kelley. Marshall Community Hospital
The health-care firm has hospitals in the downtown, Pacific Glen Psychiatric Hospital
La Vista and South San Angelo. Kelley South San Pleasant Grove Memorial Hospital
Angelo Hospital has a trauma center equipped to Sacred Heart Memorial Hospital
St. Mary's General Hospital
handle extremely critical patients.
St. Mary's Lakeview Hospital
The chain recently broke ground on a new facility in St. Mary's Pleasant Grove Hospital
the growing community of Castle Heights. St. Mary's Rancho Madera Hospital
San Angelo County General Hospital
St. Mary's Hospitals University Medical Center
The St Mary's fami ly of hospitals was founded at Veterans Memorial Hospital PAGE
the turn of the century in San Angelo by an order of *Under construction
c1ryot~nAllO•la ·~ -

Life In San Angelo

Prominent Doctors Dr. Anton Megalo: A doctor at San Angelo County

General Hospital who vanished in 1994 after officials
Dr. Gil Adams: A plastic surgeon with a lucrative discovered that he was engaged in unauthorized human
private practice. One of the wealthiest men in San experimentation.
Angelo, Adams is an avid mountain climber. He has Megalo apparently used advanced cybernetic implants
scaled most of the peaks in California, climbed Mt. to enhance the senses, strength, agility and speed of his
McKinley in Alaska and hopes to take part in an expe- test subjects, chiefly derelicts and runaways. The few
dition to Mt. Everest soon. journals recovered from his abandoned lab hint at a
Dr. Julia Brandeis: A psychologist and part-time in- handful of successes, along with countless failures that
structor at UC San Angelo who has authored two best- left his subjects disfigured, crippled or dead.
selling books on the psychology of superhuman crimi- There are rumors that Megalo still lives somewhere
nals. in San Angelo, continuing his illicit experiments and
The FBI and other law enforcement agencies some- providing medical services to the underworld to fi-
times consult her on cases involving insane or disturbed nance his research.
supers. A limp from a childhood injury forces Brandeis Dr. Gillian Palmer: A popular pediatrician at Sa-
to rely on a cane. cred Heart Memorial Hospital in suburban La Vista.
Dr. Farah Ghazanfari: An Iranian-born eye surgeon Golden City Magazine named Palmer one of San
considered one of the top physicians in her field in the Angelo's best physicians in a 1995 cover story. An
world. Already well-known in the medical community, amateur painter, Palmer sells her creations at street fairs
Ghazanfari came to the United States following the fall and farmers' markets.
of the Shah in I 979. She came to San Angelo in the Dr. Gregorio Ramos: A brilliant neurosurgeon
early 1990s after a lengthy recruiting effort by Kelley known for his innovative brain surgery techniques in-
Hospitals lured her away from an Ohio hospital. volving laser technology. Originally from the Philip-
pines, Ramos serves on the medical staff at Univer-
THE FARADAY CLINICSM sity Medical Center.
PRESCRIPTION ""·"' Dr. R.J. Spencer: A family physician in private prac-
From the desk of: Dr. Philadelphia Ryan f tice. Spencer has penned several books on the declin-
ing number of general practitioners in the United States,
and regularly appears on talk shows and other venues
to discuss his findings. Spencer also heads a charitable
organization of California physicians who visit remote
areas of third world nations to set up temporary clinics
for the populace.
Dr. Harper Welles: A promising young surgical resi-
dent at University Medical Center who gained some
notoriety and nearly lost her residency for posing nude
in a national men's magazine. She is the daughter of
attorney Oscar Welles, owner of the Welles Law Firm.
Dr. Victor Yazzie: Chief of the trauma center at Uni-
versity Medical Center. Yazzie has been credited with
creating one of the best emergency-care centers in the
state. Yazzie, who is a Navajo Indian, has a large col-
tcc1io11 of authentic Native American art.

The Military employees work at the airfield. The airbase also sup-
ports the roughly 6,000 dependents of its active-duty
personnel, and provides services to the large popula-
World tion of military retirees in San Angelo.
Three gates on Rogers Boulevard provide access to
Forgan Air Force Base, and are manned by sentries 24
hours a day.
The base is practically a small city unto itself, com-
plete with its own housing, shopping, recreation fa-
cilities and churches. Public safety needs are handled
by special Air Force units, as are all other services,
such as road maintenance and trash pickup.
Twelve co-ed dorms, with room for 60 personnel
each, provide on-base
"This doesn't make any
The armed forces have a strong presence in San housing for single of-
sense. I'm reading a thermal
Angelo, thanks primarily to the activities of Forgan ficer s and enlisted signature... My God, it's
Air Force Base in Pleasant Grove. personnel. Forgan Air huge. If it wasn't moving I'd
Aside from the air base, the city also contains sev- Force Base also has say it was an explosion. Yes
eral National Guard armories and recruiting offices two housing develop- sir. Getting a fix on it now
for all branches of the armed forces. ments for families. ... it·s two klicks south/
In addition, a federal Veterans Administration hos- The I 00-home southeast of San Angelo.
pital in Northside provides medical care for the area's Wherry Housing Negative, sir, no active silos
large military retiree population. complex on the base in that area.
is reserved for offic- "Hold on a... Getting some
ers, while the 540- E.M. interference - off the
Forgan Air Force Base scale. This is too weird. No,
home Capehart Hous- sir, I don't ... wait a minute, I
Forgan Air Force Base in Pleasant Grove serves as ing complex five think /... One moment,
one of the chief employers in San Angelo and accounts miles from the base general. Johnson, remember
for the sizable military presence in the community. houses families of that fight between those
The base, established in 1939 as Forgan Field by the both officers and en- supers outside Albuquerque a
Army Air Corps, is named for a pilot from San Angelo listed personnel. few months back? I'll just
killed in World War I. In 1948, the newly formed U.S. The Air Force ad- bet... Bringing the file up
Air Force officially renamed the facility Forgan Air ministers and polices now... Match on the thennal
Force Base. all military housing, signature!
"General, I think we're
During the Cold War, the airbase housed a Strategic including the off-base
looking at a paranormal
Air Command bomber wing and was the site of nu- site.
battle of some kind. This is not
merous protests by anti-nuclear demonstrators. The An on-base shop- a launch. I say again, this is
bomber wing has since been decommissioned. and the ping complex con- not a launch. "
base now houses an Air National Guard F-16 wing. tains the commissary, - Capt. Robert Harlan, 32,
Forgan Air Force Base primarily serves as a key air- base exchange, a bar- NORAD
craft repair and supply depot for the Air Force. ber shop, beauty sa-
The airbase covers 3,852 acres, with 48 miles of roads lon, florist and snack bar. Dining facilities and a credit
and 1.4 million square yards of runways. Approxi- union are also available. Fitness centers, a theater,
mately 3,600 active-duty military personnel are as- bowling alley, swimming pools and a golf course can -""'!""!'~ AGE
signed to Forgan AFB, and another 10,300 civilian also be found at the airbase.
Cny of :Slit Anguro 4SOO · -

Life In San Angelo

The base also contains some little-known facilities,

such as a nuclear reactor used for neutron radiogra-
Military Personnel of
phy, a process of checking internal aircraft compo- Note
nents for rust that cannot be detected with x-rays.
Major General Frank X. Neale: The commanding
An ultra-secure portion of the base also houses fa-
officer at Forgan Air Force Base. Neale, a 35-year Air
cilities for top-secret military research. While the Air
Force veteran, started his military career as a bomber
Force prefers to locate such facilities in out-of-the-
pilot during the Vietnam War. The young officer was
way places, the concentration of supers in San Angelo
shot down over North Vietnam and spent two years in
makes Forgan AFB a logical location for supers-re-
a POW camp.
lated research.
The Cavalier powered armor program is the largest After several months of recuperation following his
ongoing project at these facilities. release, Neale returned to active duty and began to
The base commander is Major General Frank X. climb in rank. Assignments to the Pentagon and bases
Neale, a 35-year veteran of the U.S. Air Force who all over the United States, Germany and Japan fur-
took charge in 1995. thered his career.
In 1995, Neale was transferred to Forgan Air Force
Other Military Base after several years as the commander of a Mid-
western airbase. He plans to retire from military duty
Installations in two years.
Lt. Col. Martin Chun: The Security Police com-
National Guard Armories mander at Forgan Air Force Base. Chun is responsible
State National Guard and armed forces reserve units for protecting and policing the airbase. Personnel un-
in San Angelo can be called out in times of crisis, such der his command staff the base gates, patrol for in-
truders and investigate crimes committed on the base,
as rioting or natural disasters. Almost all National
Guard personnel are part-time volunteers who train as well as provide security for the aircraft and classi-
one weekend a month and two weeks each summer. fied facilities on the base.
Two armories in San Angelo house equipment for Chun has headed security at Forgan Air Force Base
National Guard units, including tanks and Highly Mo- since 1995. He previously served at bases on the East
bile Multi-wheeled Vehicles (HMMWVs) or Coast and overseas, in Europe and Korea. Known for
"humvees." The recent theft of an M-60 tank from a his thoroughness and attention to detail, he also has
San Diego depot has prompted the National Guard to little patience for sloppiness or incompetence. Airmen
heighten security measures at all its facilities. unlucky enough to be called into Chun's office after a
Armories are also used as meeting points and train- security breach or other mishap are in for the chew-
ing grounds by National Guard units. ing-out of a lifetime.
The central San Angelo armory (ElO) is located in Major Luke Halliday: Commander of the San
the downtown neighborhood of the same name, while Angelo detachment of the state National Guard.
the other armory is located in Rancho Madera south Halliday served in the U.S. Army and the reserves
of the San Angelo River. before transferring to the National Guard. He is a vol-
Major Luke Halliday, like most of his subordinates unteer in the guard and holds down a civilian job at
a part-time volunteer guardsman, serves as commander Peregrine Aircraft. In his spare time, Halliday trains
of the San Angelo detachment of the National Guard. hunting dogs.


The Mystic Scene
The power of the flux has brought magic to life, though
some claim mystic forces have been at work in the world
for millennia. Given the time-defying nature of flux
energies, none can say for certain whether these tales
are true.
Arcane goings-on are a topic of mystery to most San
Angelinos, and those few with direct experience of the
mystic scene tend to keep the knowledge to themselves.
Nonetheless, certain places, items and people in San
Angelo have gained a reputation for mystic or super-
natural ties.

Chinatown cc11)
The downtown neighborhood of Chinatown has long
been a focus of mystic activity and arcane forces in
San Angelo.
In the Golden Age of heroes, Chinatown fell under
the power ofT'ien Lung, a Chinese sorcerer and arch-
criminal who controlled the Wing Chao tong.
Nowadays, the neighborhood has reinvented itself for has a Gothic motif popular with architecture students
the tourist trade, but behind the public facade lurks the and sketch artists.
real face of Chinatown - a place of ancient healing The otherwise nondescript building hides a dark se-
arts, magic, vengeful spirits and other strangeness. cret, however. Constructed in the 1920s, the Orloff
The back alleys of Chinatown are home to countless Building is actually the work of a secret cult. The en-
dusty curio shops offering all kinds of puzzles, gizmos, tire structure has been carefully designed to attract and
pets and other oddities, some reputedly bearing bizane absorb mystic energies - a gigantic magical battery.
curses. Philosophy-quoting kung fu mystics, often The buildup of 75 years of arcane forces has started
schooled in healing rituals, are also part of the unseen to have a strange effect on the Orloff Building. Doors
Chinatown. occasionally open and shut of their own accord, draw-
The arcane forces at play in Chinatown extend into ers fly open and residents sometimes come home to find
the century-old storm drains below the streets as well, their furniture mysteriously rearranged.
and there are tales of labyrinthine networks of tunnels The purpose of the building, and the goals of its cult-
and secret places in the dark underground. ist builders, are still a mystery.
Based on the superstitions, legends and religious be-
liefs of ancient Asia, the mystic goings-on in Chinatown
are often unintelligible, and invisible, to outsiders.
Raven Books cos)
A little-known occult bookstore in Midtown, Raven
Books stocks candles, incense and other oddments along
Orloff Building (G9) with hundreds of tomes on arcane topics.
A four-story apartment house on Pratt Street in the The store's bookshelves are crowded with volumes ...,.,..,_..
Cathedral Square neighborhood, the Orloff Building ranging from compendiums of spells to scholarly texts. NUMBER

Rare manuscripts, a few dating back centuries, are kept Old San Angelo lailhouse (BS)
behind the counter or locked away in storerooms. Some San Angelinos claim the historic Gold Rush-
Vincent Kane, son of the mystic Golden Age hero era jailhouse in Old San Angelo is haunted by the ghost
known as Dr. Oblivion, opened Raven Books in 1962. of Andrew Jenkins, a town marshal killed by a mob of
Kane did not inherit his father's magical powers, but vigilantes in I 854.
shared his interest in things arcane and became well- Late at night, his restless spirit rattles the cell doors
known in occult circles for his wide-ranging knowl- in the jailhouse to check the locks, just as Jenkins did in
edge. life before going to bed, according to ghost-story afi-
Liz Kane, Vincent's daughter, now runs Raven cionados.
Books. She doesn't sell books that she considers harm-
ful or dangerous, and refuses customers that may use
Spear of Destiny
the knowledge in her vast collection of tomes for evil.
A mystic artifact of enormous but undefined power,
the Spear of Destiny is believed to be the weapon used
Other Mystic Places by a Roman centurion to pierce the side of Jesus Christ
Late-night stories of ghostly visitations, supernatu- at the crucifixion. Legend has it that whoever possesses
ral happenings or other unexplained phenomena are the lance will rule the world. After the death of Christ,
told about many San Angelo landmarks. the Spear of Destiny tumbled down through the pages
of history, resurfacing briefly during the Crusades be-
fore being lost again to the mists of time.
Brookcrest Estates Numerous stories of the spear tell of its various ad-
A posh Lakeview subdivision, Brookcrest Estates is
ventures and particularly the efforts of evil men to gain
purportedly afflicted by a rash of hauntings, polter-
its power. The opera Parsifal, by composer Richard
geists, possessions and other supernatural activity.
Wagner, recounts the story of a wicked sorcerer who
Parapsychology experts and psychics hired by des-
sought to wrest the lance from the Knights of the Holy
perate homeowners have rated it as one of the most
Grail. The truth of these tales remains unknown, how-
supernaturally active sites in the nation.
Most of the homes in Brookcrest Estates are up for
The Spear of Destiny next resurfaced in the dark days
sale, but word of the bizarre happenings in the neigh-
leading up to World War II, when Nazi dictator Adolf
borhood has spread and buyers are scarce.
Hitler, who had a fascination for the occult, ordered his
Unbeknownst to its frightened residents, Brookcrest followers to seek out the holy lance to add its arcane
Estates lies atop an ancient Native American burial power to his military might.
ground. As is so often the case concerning the spear, accounts
of this point in its history differ. Some tales have it that
Cathedral Square (G9) the relic was snatched from the hands of Nazi opera-
The Old World streets of Cathedral Square have tives by a daredevil adventurer and taken to the U.S.
given rise to many stories of supernatural activity, par- for safekeeping.
ticularly those involving vampires and werewolves. This version was recounted in the highly fictional-
Midnight tales of ghosts, ghouls and demonic crea- ized but very popular I 982 film Tyler North and the
tures in the neighborhood also abound. Spear of Destiny.
Gypsy fortunetellers are a very real part of the Ca- But other reports suggest that Hitler actually obtained
thedral Square scene, and many of the older women in the Spear of Destiny and was only stopped from uti-
the neighborhood, immigrants from Eastern Europe, are lizing its power by a Golden Age hero team, possibly
PAGE knowledgeable about healing herbs, protective charms the Liberty Corps, in a secret mission behind enemy
NUMBER and other methods of combating occult influences. lines.

In either case, an iron spear point believed to be that
of the fabled Spear of Destiny spent the post-war years
on display in glass box in a West German museum.
The artifact, whose authenticity was never proved,
was stolen while on loan to the San Angelo Metropoli-
tan Museum in 1950. It has not yet reappeared.

Other Mystic Artifacts

Various tales and legends ascribe arcane powers to a
handful of items found in San Angelo. Most ordinary
people are not familiar with these relics or their his-

Codex of Summoning
A dusty volume dating back to the Middle Ages, the
Codex of Summoning appears to contains various com-
plex spells for calling forth demons or other extra-di-
mensional beings. None can tell if the arcane directions
are effective or merely insane scribblings.
The only copy of the tome is shelved in an out-of-the-
way area in the rare books room of the Niven Library
at UC San Angelo. The book has not been checked out
in more than 50 years, and librarians have forgotten
that it even exists.
Takemoto Blade
Mask of the Jaguar An heirloom katana dating back to 1600s-era Japan,
A clay mask of Aztec origin on display at the San the Takemoto Blade has passed to Kyoji Takemoto, a
Angelo Metropolitan Museum, the Mask of the Jaguar senior vice president with Taiyo Corp. assigned to San
was found in a ruined temple in Mexico in the early Angelo.
20th century. Generations ofTakemotosamurai wielded this katana,
The Aztecs believed that the war god Tezcatlipoca created by a master swordsmith, in the service of their
frequently appeared as a jaguar, historians say. Some lords. Today the sword is displayed in a glass case in
obscure legends suggest the mask may be integral to a Takemoto's office at the Taiyo Corp. computer chip
complex magical ritual intended to bring Tezcatlipoca, plant in Arroyo Verde.
or a likeness of the god, to Earth. No record of this Some Japanese legends say the Takemoto Blade car-
ritual is believed to exist today, however. ried an enchantment of some kind.


t-rry ot Sin Anpto 4500 -
Life In San Angelo

Father Day has been forbidden by church su-

periors, who deny that exorcisms are still per-
formed, to respond to rumors about his experi-
ence in the Philippines.
Marcus Fortune: A psychic detective who
investigates cases involving supernatural or
mystic influences. His offices are found in a non-
descript office building in downtown San
Angelo, and Fortune doesn't advertise. Most of
his business comes from referrals.
Some people say that Fortune once tracked and
killed a vampire preying on the Riverfront night-
club scene, earning the enmity of a colony of
nosferatu in the city.
Liz Kane: The owner of Raven Books, an
occult bookstore in Midtown. The young grand-
daughter of mystic Golden Age hero Dr.
Oblivion, Kane has a formidable knowledge of
the arcane for her relative youth. Heroes often
consult her for advice on the world of magic.
Nadia Patrascu: An aged Romanian woman
who lives in Cathedral Square. Despite being
illiterate, Patrascu has an encyclopedic knowl-
edge of helpful herbs, charms, omens and the
supernatural, handed down orally in her family
Mystic People for generations.
Harvest Alexander: A witch who is an expert on Geoffrey A. Shields: A San Angelo collector with a
herbs. Alexander sometimes teaches classes on plant fancy for books and artifacts related to the occult.
identification for local park districts and learning ex- Shields keeps a sizable collection of bizarre i terns from
change programs. She also prepares herbal concoc- around the world in his Brackett Park home, along with
tions and homeopathic remedies for a variety of ills. an extensive library of magic-related tomes.
Father Peter Day: A Catholic priest who report- Despite his interest in acquiring things arcane,
edly exorcised a child possessed by a demon in the Shields has only a rudimentary knowledge of the mys-
Philippines before being reassigned to San Angelo. A tic world and does not realize that some of his col-
deeply pious man, he now serves as a special assistant lectibles could conceivably be quite dangerous in the
to Archbishop Francis Kelly. wrong hands.

· Police find demon in Cathedral Square

City police officers responded to a prowler call at St. Mary's Cathedral in the Cathedral Square
' ~. neighborhood early this morning. When they arrived, they were met by a bizarre scene. Police records ,
tell of a large "bat-like demon" hovering over one of the cathedral buildings. The creature was approxi-


The Pol itica I "I saw c.011
cre.rs1Jrtt11 G -
lve,ek. ihey al/ Sct)' he·~ ftl'c1a "" NiKlllli11e las1
World m1 11 o11
>. • •
e lllat\IJ/g .re11 •
.. " llllf<:ase h
.te. All 1/teso ~·i
• 111 I t'1i11k I •.
U!:. tl1e
I. COstut11e,, andfl ,, · · 1pers, wirli th ..
i ioiv. Bre"d a . tts1~)' P<fwers - . • e11
The world of politics plays a key role in the story of "We " II(/ c1 rc.·11.1'(>.v, )'OU i. • tis n side.
Ji• so bur" 111 ""Ok• ~
any big city, San Angelo not excepted it '·' <1ft:l1in I. ·
our tltm llf1/;0A.. . 'II lie cos111111edfi·
In addition to the City Council and county supervi- wcl'Ure . ";)' IUJ/fces whe11 11 rea/(;\· slug
!I' 111 the c;.... . 1t!' co1•e.1:
sors detailed elsewhere, San Angelo is home to nu- Its all a .r,1<1111.
'"• lne.r 10 t11"'- d

· mne111 cuu
ow11 Golden R ' .
merous state and national politicians, not to mention
local political powerbrokers and activists. - "Freedom" 2
· 8, revolutionary

Or the candidate herself could have superpowers, either discreetly

Campaign Tip or openly. In fact, a popular PC with a Public ID could be asked to
run for office by a local political party - he would have instant
PCs will no doubt be drawn into the world of politics at some
name recognition with the public, for one thing. Of course, such a
point. Supervillains are always capturing politicians, it seems, re-
campaign would create all kinds of complications for the PC and
quiring the intervention of the heroes. And politicians inveighing
his compatriots, not to mention being a major distraction from
against the "mutant menace" are a staple of many comic books
fighting superpowered criminals.
and Champions campaigns.
Villains can also get involved in the political scene, perhaps by
Inventive GMs can come up with some new twists on these offering covert financial backing to a candidate or politician who
themes, however. Perhaps the PCs are asked to endorse, and even tries to shut down the PC hero team, or running for office by them-
campaign for. a pro-supers candidate. Such a candidate would likely selves - "Vote Titan for Mayor, or Die" might make a persua-
arouse the ire of hate groups and others who dislike supers, spark- sive campaign slogan! Such an escapade could be played for comic
ing attempts to discredit or even assassinate the candidate. relief, or used to mask a deeper, more sinister plot.



- I
C:try o• Son All!l•I<> • ~o -

Life In San Angelo

Senator Catherine

Char Cost Notes

s g; 6
DEX 0 OCV: 3/DCV: 3
INT 3 PER Roll 12-
EGO 10 ECV: 5
PD 0
ED 0
2 SPD 0 Phases: 6, 12
4 REC 0
STUN 0 Background: Jonathan should have known better.
He knew how his mother felt about paranormals, but
Char: 25 +Powers: S =Total: 100
he'd insisted on bringing the girl to dinner anyway.
Base: 50 + Disad: 50 =Total: 100
And when he announced that they were going to be
ureaucrattcs I -, onversatton I - married ...
High Society 13-, Oratory 14- Catherine Forbes tried to be tactful as she explained
Persuasion 13-, PS: U.S. Senator 14- the prejudice they would face, the dangers of conceiv-
1 PS: Attorney 8-
5,2 KS: Political World 14-, KS: Political rivals 11-
ing a child with mutated DNA. But the girl burst into
5,5 KS: U.S. Senate 14-, KS: Federal government 14- tears, and Jonathan had refused to speak to her as they
2,2 KS: Federal judiciary 11-, KS: U.S. military 11- left.
4 CK: San Angelo, Washington D.C. 11- A few months later, she got the wedding invitation.
3 AK: California 12-
She didn't attend, of course. Later, Forbes heard the
l Perk: License to practice law
5 Perk: U.S. Senator newlyweds had bought a home in downtown San
I Perk: Skyline Club member Angelo, a fixer-upper. She privately wished them well,
3 Well-Connected but Forbes hasn't spoken to her son since that dinner
12 Contacts: U.S. President 11-, Fellow Senators I 1-,
Rep. Robert N. Welch I 1-, Rep. Cassandra Knight
11-, Governor of California 11-, Maj. Gen. Frank * * *
X. Neale I 1-, Supervisor Jeffrey Daley 11-, A San Angelo native, Forbes won a U.S. Senate seat
Councilman Tom Kincaid 11-, Kenneth Cameron in 1990 after a long career in state and local politics.
II 11-, C. Fullerton Hughes I 1-, Benjamin Morgan An attorney, Forbes has not practiced law in many years,
11-, Rev. John Warden 11 -
devoting her full attention to her political career.
3 Favors: Fellow Senators, Governor of CA, County
Supervisor Jeffrey Daley Forbes, a Republican, advocates stricter government
so+ sad vantages control of supers, whom she considers a potent threat
5 Age 40+ to the safety and security of all Americans.
10 Hunted by the press (As Pow, NCI, Watching) I!-
Forbes fears that superpowered individuals might
5 Phys: Nearsighted (Infrequent, Slight)
lO Psych: Prejudiced against supers (Uncom, Strong)
someday take over the world, enslaving those who lack
PAGE JO Public ID (Sen. Catherine Forbes) their might. The megalomaniacal schemes of some su-
10 Reputation (veteran U.S. senator) 11- pers have bolstered her arguments.
CllJ ol Son Angolo 4600 -

Life In San Angelo

She has been slowly gathering support in Congress

for a law requiring supers to register with the federal
Other National
government, but Forbes does not yet feel that she has Politicians
enough votes and has not introduced the legislation. Rep. Manuel Garcia: A Democrat from Pleasant
In the Senate, Forbes serves on committees oversee- Grove who has served in the House of Representatives
ing the judiciary and the armed forces. Her positions since 1992. A political firebrand who tends to label his
on these powerful bodies are a measure of her rapid detractors as racists, Garcia has condemned supers as
rise at the Capitol. fascist tools of the oppressors in America. His re-elec-
Though she lives in Washington D.C., Forbes main- tion victories have been narrow affairs, however, as
tains a home in San Angelo and frequently visits for Garcia's confrontational style has made him fairly in-
fund-raisers, speeches and other activities. An occa- effective in Congress.
sional speaker at the Church on the Hill, Forbes is also Rep. Cassandra Knight: A Democrat who has rep-
a close friend of developer Benjamin Morgan. resented downtown San Angelo in the House of Repre-
She serves on the board of directors of the Horizon sentatives since 1984. Knight, who is African Ameri-
Institute, a non-profit think tank that examines the role can, fights to retain and expand the numerous federal
played by supers in society. programs aiding the people of San Angelo. Her proud-
Married to attorney Roger Forbes for 35 years, she est achievements include establishing federally funded
has two adult children. In addition to Jonathan, from preschools in the city's poorest neighborhoods and win-
whom she is estranged, she has a daughter living in ning a federal grant for an AIDS hospice in Midtown.
Angel Beach. Knight underwent surgery and chemotherapy for breast
Personality/Motivation: Senator Catherine Forbes cancer in 1995 and, though the cancer has not recurred,
is an experienced, smooth politician who can be as is reportedly considering retiring at the end of her cur-
charming or as hard-willed as the situation demands. rent term.
Publicly, she presents logical, well-reasoned argu- Rep. Robert N. Welch: A Republican who repre-
ments for stricter government policies on superhumans. sents the Lakeview area. A Vietnam veteran and ex-
Privately, Forbes considers supers to be dangerous, police officer elected in the 1994 Republican sweep of
garish and ill-mannered. Even the so-called heroes, who Congress, Welch has a strong anti-crime platform. He
go around in loud, immodest costumes spouting easy has helped San Angelo area law enforcement agencies
solutions to society's ills, are repugnant to her. win several federal grants. Welch also applauds the
Of course, Forbes doesn't consider herself a preju- actions of crime-fighting supers, and has proposed cre-
diced person - just an honest one who can see past the ating a federal agency composed of supers to battle
glitz and glamor around supers that have blinded oth- crime on a national scale.
ers. Welch does not know that he fathered a child while
Quote: "Some people say we need gun control, but in Vietnam. An outcast in Vietnam, his son, Tam
superpowers are more dangerous than any firearm. ''Tommy" Pak, was sent to the U.S. in the 1980s by
Who's going to control them?" his mother. After running away from several foster
Powers/Tactics: A skillful politician, Catherine homes, Pak ended up in San Angelo, where he has
Forbes is an excellent speaker with a persuasive style. fallen in with an Asian gang. Neither Pak nor Welch
She also has many valuable governmental and politi- are aware of their relationship.
cal contacts.
Appearance: Catherine Forbes, 54, is a distinguished "/heard that Congresswoman Knight is thinking
woman with graying brown hair and brown eyes. She about retiring. I hope she doesn't but I'd certainly
stands 5'6" and has an average build. Forbes wears understand. She's done a lot for this community.
contact lenses and uses bifocals for reading. Unlike those supers, Ms. Knight really cares about PAGE
the people. " NUMBER
- Steve Bradford, 42, unemployed
Local Politicians Political Activists
Joseph Fong: A key player on the local Republican Sergei Alexandrov: A Russian-American who has
Central Committee. Fong, a chief fund-raiser for the been thrust into the role of spokesman for the growing
party, is friendly with most of the Republican politi- community of Russian and Ukrainian immigrants in
cians in San Angelo and is well-known in the political San Angelo. Alexandrov, who came to the United States
community despite his never having held elective of- in the 1970s, has worked his way up to the No. 2 spot
fice. He owns Fong Realty, one of the larger commer- in the county Health and Human Assistance Depart-
cial real estate brokerages in San Angelo, and serves ment. In his spare time, he assists newcomers from
on the city Economic Development Commission. Ukraine and Russia with finding housing, jobs and gov-
Nathan Hardesty: A political pro who runs a top- ernment services. He also occasionally speaks out on
notch consulting firm responsible for numerous suc- issues affecting Russian and Ukrainian immigrants.
cessful local, state and national campaigns. Hardesty, Mary Anne Battaglia: A San Angelo homemaker
who is the brother-in-law of developer Benjamin Mor- and founder of STOP, or Supers Trashing Our Peace.
gan, has an excellent reputation in the field, though dis- Battaglia argues that the frequent public battles between
gruntled foes of his clients claim that he engages in supers are desensitizing young people to violence. She
dirty politics. also says that intense media coverage of supers-related
Hardesty & Associates most recently made headlines violence sends the wrong message to impressionable
by guiding political outsider Erik Bates to an upset vic- children.
tory in the 1995 special election to replace the late Su- STOP has attracted a modest following in San Angelo,
pervisor Rod Weber. Deputy DA Roger Feist has hired and Battaglia has appeared on several talk shows and
Hardesty to manage his upcoming campaign for the newscasts to present the organization's case.
district attorney's post. Jeremiah Trent: A low-powered metahuman and
Randolph McAlpine: A longtime city councilman founder of the Paranormal Defense League. A member
who lost his seat to Emily Carver in 1996. Despite his of the wealthy Trent family, Jeremiah was disowned by
loss at the polls, McAlpine remains a political his father and now has little to do with the rest of the
powerbroker in San Angelo. He now operates largely family. A house painter by trade, he uses his minor
behind the scenes, lobbying his former colleagues on stretching powers to eliminate the need for scaffolds
behalf of his friends and business interests. and ladders.
McAlpine has made a fortune in the rental housing As president of the PDL, Trent speaks out against
market, but most of his properties are run-down and prejudice, mostly on behalf of low-powered
neglected. He owns hundreds of homes and apartments metahumans and supers who have been deformed by
in Brenton, Lemon Terrace, Rancho Madera and the their transfo1mation. A shoest1ing budget and paltry
downtown, mostly rented to newly arrived Russian and membership roster limit the political clout of the league,
Southeast Asian immigrants who rarely complain to however.
the authorities about substandard housing. Jose ViHalobos: A founder and leader of the San
One of the biggest slumlords in the city, McAlpine Angelo Concilio, an organization formed to promote
conceals his real estate holdings by assigning them to and protect the rights of Latinos. Villalobos helped or-
various property management firms under his covert ganize the Concilio in the 1960s, and continues to be
control. an influential leader of the group.
Lois Rosenwald: A retired teacher and former San The Concilio came into prominence in 1970, when it
Angelo City Council member who serves on the local won a court case against San Angelo County for dis-
Democratic Central Committee. Rosenwald has proven criminatory hiring practices against Latinos. Along
1 PAGE 0 adept at mediating squabbles within the party and bring- with protecting civil rights, the Concilio also promotes

MBER ing oft-contentious special interest factions together to
Latino culture through traditional festivals, dances,
deliver solid support for local Democratic candidates. musical performances and other events in the city.
I -l
Cfty al hn .lf'O'IO ·HOO -

Life In San Angelo

Other Financial Institutions

The Professional Hundreds of banks, credit unions and other institu-

World tions operate in San Angelo, ranging from small in-

vestment banks with a select clientele to consumer-
Professionals make up a key component of San oriented outfits with branches scattered all over the
Angelo commerce. Countless banks, stock brokerages, metropolis.
ad agencies, publishers and law firms can be found in
the city, especially in the high-energy downtown dis- First Bank of Chinatown
trict. A small bank founded in the 1940s in Chinatown,
the First Bank of Chinatown has a primarily Asian
"So the heroes captured some bad guy. Big deal. clientele. In addition to consumer services, the bank
The electro-magnetic pulses fritzed out half the invests in Asian-owned business ventures, particularly
computers in my office. Who's going to pay for that?" in and around Chinatown.
- Kevin Wong, 36, administrative assistant
Delta Financial Bank
Banking and Finance Delta Financial Bank is an investment bank provid-
Banks, stock brokerages and other high-finance ven- ing start-up capital for new businesses, loans for ex-
tures flourish in San Angelo. Along with hundreds of isting firms and other business-oriented financial ser-
bank branches and credit unions, the city is home to vices.
the corporate headquarters of several financial insti- The bank, which has its headquarters in downtown
tutions. San Angelo, has helped finance much of the develop-
San Angelo financiers are trying to strengthen their ment and growth of the city in the past 20 years.
presence in the international financial scene, which
continues to be dominated in the Pacific Rim by San Golden City Credit Union
Francisco and Los Angeles. The Golden City has be- One of the largest credit unions in San Angelo, the
come home to the corporate computing centers of nu- Golden City Credit Union has a dozen branches scat-
merous West Coast banks, however, due to its rela- tered through the city. The credit union encourages
tive safety from earthquakes. membership by public employee unions, so many
teachers, peace officers and other civil servants bank
Prospector Bank here.
Founded by San Angelo pioneer Jeremiah
Bannon in 1865, Prospector Bank is now the larg-
est locally owned financial institution in the city.
The bank has an estimated $1.9 billion in assets,
with $1.6 billion in deposits and $1.2 billion in net
loans. Prospector Bank has a 2.4 percent share of
the city's banking market.
Its headquarters, the Prospector Bank Building,
is one of the tallest buildings in San Angelo. The
consumer-oriented bank also has branches through-
out Northern California, and a corporate comput- AUTOMATIC TELLER CARO
ing center in Arroyo Verde. -- - - - PAGE

City o1 Sa" •noolo '~o -

Life In San Angelo

"ft was just another day. The customers were polite, Campaign Tip
my line was moi·ing well. I was just about to close my Most PCs rarely even step into a bank, except when
teller's window for my lunch break when it happened. some villain is robbing one. But the financial scene can
"There was some kind ofa commotion at the front provide GMs with some intriguing adventure ideas,
door and Charlie. our security guard, went over to particularly for those ubiquitous fabulously wealthy PCs.
check it ottt. Someone screamed. and Charlie flew Poor investments, embezzlement or other problems
across the lobby into a wall. He fell on the floor, all could throw that fortune into disarray, requiring the
loose, like rag doll - l thought he was dead. attention of the PC. People seeking handouts or ped-
"Then Chain jumped into the lobby, shouting and dling investment schemes will be a nearly constant an-
swinging that titt.1nium chain around. He ordered all the noyance.
customers down 011 the floor, and told us to fill up a bag Or a rival could attempt a hostile takeover of a PC-
with cash. owned company. possibly turning to spying, industrial
"I was so scared, I was shaking, but Chain didn't even sabotage or other nefarious methods to mount an over-
look at me. Just moved on to the next teller. When he powering attack. In fact, the takeover scheme could be
had all the cash, he jumped out the plate glass windows engineered by a villainous foe. who may or may not be
into the street, and then 01•er the buildings across the aware of the PC's involvement in the company.
way. At the other end of the financial scale, destitute or
"The police came and took Charlie away in an poor PCs could find themselves in hot water with a lo-
ambulance. He had to retire, later. I was so relieved cal bank or credit union. Imagine the reaction of a hero
when I heard that some hero had captured Chain a few whose car gets repossessed! Even middle-class PCs can
months later. The depmy DA said I might testify against face financial difficulties, s uch as paying credit card
him, but it turned out they didn 't need me. bills or student l oan~. A villnin could use surh pres-
"He got 20 years at Gaviota Island. I wish it had been sures to attempt to corrupt a heroic PC.
more. I still have nightmares about that day. " The enemies of the heroes can get involved in the
- Gloria Roosevelt, 36, bank teller financial world in other ways as well. Organized crime
and other large-scale criminal operations often require
the assistance of shady money men to launder their ill-
Financiers and Money Men gotten gains. Any investigation of such an organiza-
Donald Croft: A top financier in the city who spe- tion will most likely require PCs to delve into the fi-
cializes in hostile takeovers. Croft, known as "The nanc.:ial scene.
General" for his philosophy of business as war, cap-
tured and liquidated a number of San Angelo compa-
nies in the merger-crazed 1980s. Hundreds of people
who lost jobs in Croft's highly profitable takeovers In 1986, the late hero Alloy saved his infant son from
still harbor ill feelings toward him. a band of kidnappers. Since then, McDermott has
An economic slump cut into the pool of cash avail- strongly supported supers in the city. He also helps fund
able for such schemes, slowing Croft's acquisitions in the Faraday Memorial Clinic, which provides medical
recent years, but he remains a much-feared power care fo r paranormals.
player on the financial scene. He is the founder and president of Highland Securi-
He is a partner in Croft, Hardy and Moskowitz Inc. ties, based in the Twilight Tower. McDermott and fel-
A fierce rivalry exists between Croft and Alastair low financier Donald Croft are professional rivals who
McDermott. make no secret of their dislike for each other.
Alastair McDermott: A prominent San Angelo in- Arthur Wu Tan: President of the First Bank of
vestment broker. A native of Scotland, McDermott Chinatown and a highly influential community leader
•_ _ _.earned a fortune in the stock market at a young age. in Chinatown. A visible, active figure in the Asian com-
!:i~~E~ Now rnic..ltlle-agccl. he is still considered one of the ..whiz munity, Tan has also become known in civic affairs for
kids'• of the cily'i; fimmcinJ scene. his efforts to promote and protect Chinatown.
Xavier Trent: The head of the oldest stock broker-
age in San Angelo and a member of one of the city's
Investigations and
wealthiest families. Under his restrained, conservative Security
management, Trent's brokerage firm continues to earn Private investigators and security firms are an ac-
steady, if unspectacular, returns for its clients. tive, if often low-key, component of the city's profes-
Trent, who moves in the city's top social circles, is a sional scene. They frequently interact with the legal
member of the Order of the Knights Templar. His and financial worlds as well.
younger brother, Jeremiah Trent, heads the Paranor-
mal Defense League but is a black sheep in the family.
Karyn Weiss: An independent broker who has be- Taylor Mackenzie
come well-known in San Angelo for her daily stock Private investigator
market updates on radio station KGTI. Weiss also per- STR 13 DEX 14 CON 13 BODY 10
forms with the Argyles, an amateur a cappella and bar- INT 13 EGO 13 PRE 13 COM IO
bershop singing group popular at farmer's markets and PD 5 ED 4 SPD 3 REC6
other small community events. END 26 STUN 25
In 1996, Weiss learned that she has IBV, the AIDS Powers and Skills: Running +3", Bureaucratics 12-,
virus, possibly contracted from her philandering ex- Combat Driving 12-, Concealment 12-, Conversation
husband before their divorce. She is considering going 12-, Deduction 12-, Familiarity w/Criminology 8-,
public with her diagnosis, but worries about the reper- Familiarity w/Disguise 8-, Familiarity w/Lockpicking
cussions to her professional and personal life. 8-, Martial Arts (Aikido) Dodge, Escape, Takedown,
Shadowing 11-, Stealth 12-, Streetwise 12-, Trading
"A11other 14-lrour clt1y - tax seaS{)ll. you 12-, WF: Small arms, PS: Private Investigator 11-, KS:
know?- and I'm on my way to my car, except Benjamin Morgan 8-, CK: San Angelo 11-, Perk: Li-
the street's all blocked off. Cops a11Ll TV ae ws
are everywhere. a PART squcul van pulls up. I
hadu '1 heard tt thing. Turned out some super was
holed up in a flophouse up the. :uree1.
"Wlrat do you think I did? I went home, of
ctJurse. I was exluuwed, and I had another long
day ahead of me. Tax season, remember?"
- Robert Fujisaki, 52, accountant

Top 5 Brokerages . ,
. H· d and MoskoWttz Inc.
1. (ue) Croft, ar Y . . •
\. (tje:) Higll\and ~unl~~-created firms)
2. ~Reserved for n....s or "
3. Trent & Co.
4 Darby Peters
S~urce: Business Chronicle


City ol a.n AngOl<> HOO -

Life In San Angelo

censed P. I., Contacts: Street Scene 11-, County records Other Private Investigators
offices 11 -, SAPD 8-, Sheriff's Department 8-. Abel Giantino: A veteran private investigator con-
Disadvantages: Hunted by Benjamin Morgan (Mo sidered the dean of his field in San Angelo. He often
Pow, NCI, Watching), Psychological Limit: Blames contemplates retiring, and has even quit for a few
self for father's death, Psychological Limit: Investi- months at times, but Giantino cannot break away from
gates Benjamin Morgan. the shadowy, seductive world of investigations.
Notes: A newcomer to the private investigations scene, Giantino has taken many newcomers to the field un-
Taylor Mackenzie recently opened her own office after der his wing, and trained most of the private investiga-
working with Abel Giantino for several years. tors in San Angelo. His most recent apprentice was
Her father, Davis Mackenzie, was a prominent San Taylor Mackenzie, for whom Giantino feels an almost
Angelo attorney convicted of taking bribes 20 years fatherly affection.
ago. Evidence found in his office proved that Davis A highly skilled investigator, Giantino has scores of
Mackenzie had accepted a bribe from an unknown contacts in San Angelo, everywhere from the mayor's
source to throw a case, apparently using the ill-gotten office to the scum of the streets. People all over the city
funds to pay for expensive life-saving surgery needed owe him favors, and he knows most of the secrets of
by his only child, Taylor. the metropolis.
His legal partner, Michael Bailey, testified against Nonetheless, Giantino prefers to remain on the side-
Mackenzie in exchange for a reduced prison sentence. lines of the behind-the-scenes power struggles of San
Convicted, disba1Ted and disgraced, Mackenzie killed Angelo, content to use his contacts and knowledge only
himself on the eve of his sentencing hearing. His wife, to solve his own cases. An attractive Victorian home
heartbroke.n, died a few years later. converted into commercial space houses his Midtown
Fulfilling a promise made to her father, Abel Giantino office.
looked after Taylor Mackenzie and helped her get started Paul Wolf: A fo1mer police officer who is believed to
in the private investigations field after she finished have resigned from the San Angelo Police Department
college. Mackenzie believes that her father was cor- under threat of indictment in a corruption case. Wolf
rupted and betrayed by powerful San Angelo devel- has an extensive network of street contacts and infor-
oper Benjamin Morgan. She is secretly investigating mants built up over years of pol ice work. He is skilled
Morgan, who is aware of Mackenzie's inquiries but at surveillance, and also relies on less-than-legal strat-
has yet taken no action as he considers her no threat. egies, such as breaking and entering, shunned by more
Mackenzie is building a modest reputation as a skilled reputable investigators.
investigator, but so far most of her cases have been Rumor has it that Wolf will work for almost anyone,
low-paying ones involving divorces, custody disputes including organized crime figures. He has occasion-
and missing people. An aging office building in a seedy ally been employed by defense attorney Anders Drake.
part of downtown houses her cramped office. His office is found in a run-down part of the down-
Few people expect a young woman to be a private town.
detective, and Mackenzie often takes advantage of this Wolf is a member of the secretive Order of the
when conducting a surveillance operation or tailing a Knights Templar.
She takes Aikido lessons for self-defense purposes
and knows how to use a handgun, though she does not "It's not finding them that's hard, or even
often carry one. necessarily finding out who they are. It's
Mackenzie, 27, has long blond hair, which she often doing it without being noticed. Now that's the
braids, and blue eyes. She stands 5'7'' and has an ath- challenge. "
~..-PA-G'""E..,letic build. Mackenzie runs several miles each morn- - William Tory, private investigator
ing. She is single and has no brothers or sisters.
1.FJl;1111111b II I
Campaign Tip "· . Bail Bonds and Bounty
In the real world, private investigation jobs mostly Hunting
involve a lot of tedious footwork, like poring through Eli Hirsch: Owner of the largest bail bonds firm in
stacks of paperwork or spending hours in a cramped, San Angelo, with offices located across the street from
smelly car waiting for a surveillance target to show the main jail downtown. For a 10 percent fee and col-
up. lateral, Hirsch will post bail for arrestees. He refuses
But in Champions and the four-color comics, the clients that he feels might flee, preferring to avoid the
private investigations scene is filled with intrigue problem of seizing collateral in return for his forfeited
and danger, providing an excellent background for bail. After the birth of his first grandchild, Hirsch also
a DNPC or Secret ID, not to mention all kinds of began refusing business from accused child abusers.
fodder for adventures. A kind, grandfatherly man, Hirsch excels at comfort-
AP.I. could enlist the help of the heroes after find- ing the distraught relatives and loved ones of arrestees,
ing out something better left alone. Villains, orga- but his gentle manner belies a hard-nosed attitude to-
nized crime bosses or even the government could be ward bail-jumpers.
after him. Or, if the gumshoe has already been si- Dallas Jackson: A bounty hunter based in San
lenced, her notes could lead the heroes through an Angelo. A free-lance operator, he has worked with most
investigation to rescue her from kidnappers or un- of the bail bondsmen in the city, including Eli Hirsch,
mask her killer. at various times. For a sufficient fee, normally a per-
On the other hand, a private eye could be a major centage of the forfeited bail, Jackson will travel any-
hindrance to the PCs. Paul Wolf or some other un- where in the United States in search of a bail-jumper.
savory investigator could be hired to research a PC's He is an expert at finding fugitives, and though he car-
Secret ID, get incriminating photos for a blackmail ries a pistol Jackson prefers to land his quarry without
scheme or probe the hero base's security systems violence.
for a future attack. If the PCs figure out they are
being investigated, they still have decipher who is
behind it all and what the investigator plans to do ICENSll 'fO CAl\RY CON(EALliD PIS1'l)l...Rl!VOLVf.KOK (.JfHl',R. l'lllfAllM
L wmnN musTA'ft: OI· tA1 .1l'OnN111
with the information. 1asulll'> av:
C ERD'I' lll\'11! OF ISS UB.N,U/96
In fact, the discovery of a P.I. snooping around AoEHCv:s11.-.11oo~gArsr As .JAr.KsoN
could be the prologue to a full-scale adventure. MAMg OFl.ICl!NSCF- ;.J,; ' • Wl"EE ~fl
llE.'ill)EN<:E AOOR; 2.,139 PA I SA·...!-' A ""Gk'JJ"
'/- TA cour<TY l'~ tul ._, ~·
Hiring a private investigator to check out the PCs cm: r' A 1c
Bl'Sll'liSS AOOR: • 7 '" '
4 4

is an excellent strategy for criminal masterminds OCC\}PA0<)l'J!£1<1P n'fB..ACJ::.~ q • 11"

• "

WUT 220
and clever Hunteds, in particular. Let a PC hero BIRTI«>Arf.. ..}/5/4~ llOT: 'hRO twlt. RRO
EY~.S •
fi nd out from a private detective that his oldest en- . cu"'sc· SEIF
KliASON f011 J>llSlll lNG LI ,..,. ... _.
... -- ,., ~'IO>
emy now knows his Secret ID, and watch a tired MAN\;1' SN CAL

old Disadvantage come back to life. rPE'r'J'A

'.~264- -1-0 96


Cl!y ct San Anpolo HOO -
b&Q1 . I

Life In San Angelo

Security Firms Bodyguards provided by the firm are typically highly

The police and sheriff's departments may respond trained and well-equipped with the latest communica-
once a crime takes place, but when business owners tions equipment, protective gear and weaponry. All
want to stop criminals in the first place they often turn are prepared to sacrifice their lives, if necessary, for
to private security. the person they are assigned to protect.
Security guards receive some training in The president of Security
self-defense and firearms if they are arm ed, Campaign Tip Concepts lnc., Daniel
but their main job is to observe and rep Ort GM~ can use Daniel Kearney Kearney, served in the Secret
incidents to police, not to try to make ar- and _his company to involve Service and later as a private
rests themselves. Nonetheless, their very PCs m adventures · Per hapsone bodyguard for several Holly-
presence helps ward off would-be criminals of the firm 's cJients• IS . being. wood celebrities before found-
in many cases. st~lked by a superpowered ad- ing the firm. The company
m1rer or has become a target of also has a branch office in the
Old West Security supervillains and .
' requires Southern California city of An-
A top private-security company in th e some PC assistance. gel Beach.
county, Old West Security provides armed On the other hand, a PC h
team . h . ero
and unarmed guards for banks, construe- m1g t itself become a cli-
Wainright Armored
tion sites, private parties and almost any ; ent ~f Security Concepts Inc ..
other need. Its personnel, seen all over the seekmg equipment and advic;
city, wear a gray uniform top and black on securing its base, f,or ex- A locally owned company,
slacks. ampe. 1 w ainright Armored Cars pro-
r~ addition, Kearney and Se- VI des ru·mored car services to San
Security Concepts Inc. ~ur11y :on~e~ts Inc:. are always. An gelo banks and other busi-
The San Angelo firm of Security Con- i~er~sted rn lllnovati ve srrate- nesses. Equipped with heavy ar-
gtes m personal security n
cepts Inc. has a national reputation for rfirn· mor and bulletproof glass, the
. . le
its high-tech, state-of-the-rut approach to . l mighc be interested· h'
m 1r- company's trucks are staffed by
personal security. The agency provides Hlg a super or 1wo as bod _ experienced, well-trained armed
guards. poss1 · 'bJ y providing em-
Y gua rds. The last robbery of a
bodyguards, equipment and advice on
protective strategies to celebrities, the ploymenr for some PCs. Wai might Armored Cars vehicle
ultra-rich and other high-profile targets. took place in the late 1980s.


Ctry or S..n Angolo 4SOC -

Life In San Angelo

The Legal Scene filiated with the office have sat at the defense table in
countless high-profile trials.
The city has a thriving legal community and a strong Madison,Fairchild & Associates was founded in I 938
bar association numbering thousands of members. The by attorneys Roger Madison and Rex Fairchild. The
practice of law attracts a diverse crowd, from those now-elderly Roger Madison still serves as senior part-
seeking lucrative corporate jobs to reform-minded ner, but spends most of his time meeting with top cli-
champions of the underdog. Attorneys of all stripes ents and advising partners on cases. Meg Fairchild, the
can be found in San Angelo, including a handful sus- daughter of the late co-founder of the firm, has risen to
pected of less than ethical behavior. become a senior partner in her own right.
The firm occupies a sumptuous suite of offices high
Campaign Tip in the San Angelo Corporate Center in City Center.
Conflicts between supers are spectacularly haz-
ardous for bystanders, not to mention being hard on Other Law Firms
the scenery. Normals injured during a super-battle
California Legal Services
could sue the heroes and/or villains involved for
A not-for-profit firm, California Legal Services of-
medical costs and punitive damages. Likewise, citi-
fers free or low-cost legal advice and assistance to the
zens whose property is damaged could also seek
poor, particularly in fair housing issues. This agency
compensation in court. The Welles Law Firm, in
has filed a number of lawsuits against property owners
particular, will be quite interested in pursuing a ci vii
and local government for failing to provide quality af-
case against supers.
fordable housing. Wesley Hale works for this agency.
GMs are advised to use these stories sparingly,
however. It's not much fun for players, and not ap-
Graham, Drake & Wagner
propriate to the genre, to force PCs to constantly
One of the top criminal defense practices in San
defend their actions in court. But a suit could be
Angelo, the law firm of Graham, Drake & Wagner
used to force negligent or careless PCs to face the
handles many of the highest-profile cases in the city.
consequences of their acts.
Of late, the firm has taken an interest in cases involv-
In fact, a court case against the PCs could be the
ing superhuman defendants. Partner Anders Drake has
work of a villainous foe who seeks to embarrass the
been quite successful at winning acquittals, or at least
heroes, or maybe just tie them up in court while he
reduced sentences, for his superpowered clients.
implements his master plan. The claims in the suit
In fact, Graham, Drake & Wagner often represents
might be bogus, witnesses bribed, and so on. A par-
indigent or destitute supers for free, trading the loss in
ticularly fiendish enemy might try to win an injunc-
legal fees for the publicity value of such cases.
tion prohibiting the PCs from operating as heroes
until the case is resolved, or seek a court order forc-
ing the PCs to stay 100 yards away from the villain
iTop 10 Law Firms
- making it difficult for them to foil his plans. I. (Reserved for PCs or GM-created firm)
2. Madison, Fairchild & Associates (general law)
Madison, Fairchild 8t 1 3. Davis & Weber (corporate law)
4. Graham, Drake & Wagner (criminal law)
Associates 5. (Reserved for PCs or GM-created firm)
One of the top Jaw firms in San Angelo, Madison, 6. Welles Law Firm (personal injury)
Fairchild & Associates has a sizable staff representing 7. Ortiz, D'Angelo & Associates (family law) I

8. Golden City Law Offices (personal injury)

nearly all legal specialties. 9. Law Firm of Joseph Hanrahan (probate & estate law)
Its tax attorneys match wits with the IRS, while civil I 0. (Reserved for PCs or GM-created finn) PAGE r
attorneys handle cases ranging from product liability Source: Business Chronicle NUMBER
to feuding neighbors. And criminal law attorneys af-
Recent cases taken by the firm include a burglar who
fell through a store skylight and a woman who crashed
her car into a bulldozer after disregarding a flagman at
a road repair site.

Prominent Attorneys
Leia Birch: A young attorney on her way up. Birch
handles civil litigation, particularly cases of corporate
negligence that result in injury to customers or employ-
ees. In 1995, Birch won a $10 million judgment against
an Eclipse Industries subsidiary for workers injured in
a chemical spill. The conglomerate's high-powered le-
gal team has appealed the case.
Birch is an avid scuba diver who often vacations in
the Caribbean and other diving hot spots.
Anders Drake: A well-known criminal defense at-
torney who specializes in cases involving superhumans.
An elegant, dignified man, Drake has never been known
to lose his composure. He has an encyclopedic knowl-
edge of criminal law, and often manages to have cases
against his clients dismissed due to technicalities. Some
police and prosecutors attribute Drake's record to judi-
cial corruption, however. He is a partner in the firm of
Graham, Drake & Wagner.
Campaign Tip Meg Fairchild: A prominent attorney with the city's
top law firm, Morgan, Fairchild & Associates. Daugh-
The law firm of Graham, Drake & Wagner can be a
useful tool for GMs to free up captured villains for use ter of the late co-founder of the firm, Fairchild special-
in later adventures. Its attorneys can get clients out on izes in corporate law.
bail, arrange plea bargains or even win acquittals for Following the death of a childhood friend from AIDS,
imprisoned foes. After all, everyone can't break out of Fairchild became a tireless fund-raiser for AIDS re-
jail. search and charities. She organizes several benefit con-
GMs should exercise restraint in using Graham, Drake certs, casino nights, high-society balls and other fund-
& Wagner to spring villains, however. If the players raising events each year.
begin to feel that captured foes are being set free willy-
nilly, they may become discouraged or decide to put Fairchild breeds and trains show dogs as a hobby.
enemies out of conunission permanently- in either case, Wesley Hale: An attorney with California Legal Ser-
not a pretty picture for campaign longevity. vices who has won several fair housing suits against
the city and county on behalf of his poor or indigent
clients. City leaders blame Hale's lawsuits for holding
up efforts to redevelop the San Angelo riverfront.
The Welles Law Firm is actually a chain of storefront J. Prescott Marr: A former Superior Court judge
Jaw offices that floods local airwaves with commer- who resigned under a cloud, though charges of corrup-
1 ials aimed at people injured in accidents. Other San tion against him were never proven. Now an attorney
PA~~ Angelo attorneys dislike this firm, which is owned by in private practice, Marr advised the defense team of
attorney Oscar Welles. San Angelo crime boss Arlisson Kalstrom and handles
Ct!) aP Sart A""QO'O .n(IO -

Life ln San Angelo

Kalstrom's appeal. He reputedly has other ties to orga- The editors, fact-checkers, graphic artists and type-
nized crime as well. setters at Gramercy Press are based in one of the fash-
Jacqueline Stone: A gutsy human-rights attorney who ionable office buildings surrounding Parker Square in
has launched a campaign against Light of Truth Minis- The Wharves.
try. Stone represents several families who have lost loved
ones to the cult. as well as some dissatisfied former Inner Light Publishing
members. Cult attempts to intimidate Stone, including A publishing company owned by the cult-like Light
posting fliers in her neighborhood accusing her of reli- of Truth Ministry. The cult obtained the small printing
gious intolerance, have so far failed to dissuade her. house when the owner converted to its teachings. Post-
The challenge of taking on a multi-million-dollar cult ers of the cult master, Adam, soon appeared on the walls
is right up Stone's alley. In the past, her solo practice and recordings of his teachings played in the offices.
has handled cases involving police brutality, corporate Under heavy pressure to join the cult, most employ-
layoffs and the rights of the disabled. ees quit within a few weeks to be replaced by Light of
Stone, who is single, recently adopted an orphaned Truth acolytes receiving little or no pay.
infant from Guatemala. Renamed Inner Light Publishing, the firm prints the
Lucas Wong: A longtime San Angelo attorney now various texts, fliers, pamphlets and posters required
in semi-retirement. Wong, a famed defense attorney in by Light of Truth Ministry. The company is based in
his day, has become something of a mentor to many Riverfront downtown.
idealistic young lawyers with a passion for champion-
ing the underdog. His dingy Chinatown office is still MHM Comics
the scene of many late-night strategy sessions as he An independent comic book publisher based in a City
advises his younger colleagues. Center skyscraper, MHM Comics (The ac-
"S. ronym is drawn
o You're a t·olfectorJI /'
The Publishing Scene #11.
'"'PV• · vCJce Fuundarion
got a of JuQ . • Vt!
from the last
names of the three
A numberof publishing houses call San Angelo home. /ere o11 tilt- '''"''/. .
"''1}USI $.~'.5 0.
TIOW t1/J01i/ If.? j ..>. • f founders of the
Their catalogs contain fiction and non-fiction books b, ... , where tllev
riute the E.A·iJe.r., 1 company) prints the
of all kinds. 01,e 8<J for S/5. . COtdd let tht11 licensed Justice
While San Angelo cannot compare with New York "OJ
cours.e. ifyou •re loo'·' Foundation comics,
City in the publishing world, firms based in the Golden fif)r Q real cl · · , "mg as well as other
City do have an edge in the narrow, but popular, field 1947 n1t1a 'as.r1c_,. l1ere s '""
.. •
o11 r/, . o 0 ...1ne to1•er ,\ 'lory comic books based
of books regarding supers, their adventures and re- e Wedding t>:fS" R. on the real-world su-
lated phenomena. and Niglltingo/e T. ·y. "''K~r
hack $.J,()O • 'hat II 4et you pers of San Angelo.
•• • thoJJgh.
About half the ad-
Publishers of Note The Paragon mil .
cl<USic l' W. 11·.ter/es, a ventures in MHM
Gramercy Press "'-· ., . • 'hat, are You kiJLJ;;,,,,,:;
\.RI amk m tit a. "' • Comics books are real,
A company that specializes in publishing non- Geez, ., e f.l"Ck-u-bool.: bi,,.
or based on real events.
fiction books, particularly biographies and auto- -Barne K'1 The rest are created by
biographies, Gramercy Press has printed a few Y PP. 33, comic
book shop owner the talented writers who
best-selling books by or about local supers, in- work for the firm. but
cluding the memoirs of Golden Age hero Sky Ranger. readers don't seem to mind.

The Religious San Angelo Christian
Center (G4)
World An Assemblies of God church in La Vista, the San
The city of San Angelo has a diverse religious land- Angelo Christian Center has a membership of more
scape encompassing everything from vast Roman than 3,200, making it one of the largest in the region .
Catholic cathedrals to tiny storefront churches. In be- The center occupies a lush 65-acre complex, includ-
tween, practically every form of faith can be found - ing a private school campus, offices, youth centers and
from the oldest traditional religions to the freshest New acres of parking. The vast sanctuary itself is a marvel
Age beliefs. of architectural design. Something is going on at the
San Angelo Christian Center almost all the time,
whether it be an actual service, a gospel concert, a
Catholic Archdiocese Christian singles event or an elaborate stage play based
of San Angelo on the Bible.
The activities of the Catholic Church in the region The church, which has a $6.6 million annual budget,
predate San Angelo itself. Spanish priests built the counts several top figures in the local political and busi-
Mission San Angeles in the area in the late 1700s to ness worlds among its members. Rev. Timothy
convert nearby tribes of California Indians, but met Crandall is the pastor.
with little success. Despite the failure of the mission,
the Mexican ranchers who followed kept the Catholic Other Religious
faith alive.
The arrival of mostly Protestant American settlers Institutions of Note
in the 1800s, not to mention waves of immigrants from Every form of organized religion is represented in
around the globe in later years, have diluted the once- San Angelo, though some churches are larger or bet-
supreme influence of the Catholic Church in San ter-known than others.
Angelo. Nevertheless, Catholicism still ranks as the
largest single religion in the city and the influence of Al Qazar Mosque (E6)
the church remains potent. The largest Islamic mosque in San Angelo, the Al
Originally part of the San Francisco archdiocese, San Qazar Mosque is named for an 18th century Palestin-
Angelo gained its own bishop and diocesan offices in ian military leader. The Midtown mosque, which holds
the 1880s and became an archdiocese headed by an daily prayer services, serves Sunni followers of Islam.
archbishop in the 20th century. Mohammed Omar-Sidawi is the imam, or prayer
The archdiocese oversees parishes serving hundreds leader, of the Al Qazar Mosque.
of thousands of city residents. Scores of chari-
ties, schools. missions, associations and other ''Whe11 Shrapnel hurt Twi.rter back in '93 1 · '
institutions affiliated with the church are also gtll'e him a 50-50 h . · ' l11e uoctors
. c ance to ltve rhrough the night I
governed by the Catholic Archdiocese of San wem to St. K'.r to light a candle for him . .
Angelo. I wasn't alone. later. I hear..1 h h , and belzeve me,
A Ii , u c urc es all over San
Archbishop Francis Kelly heads the archdio- 11ge o were ft/ltd with people that night .
the ne. r da h • praymg. And
cese, which is based at St. Kieran's Catholic ~ 'Y t e doctors announced Twister .
Church in downtown San Angelo. make it. was gomg to
-\ "Surper..t, 11om1als - I figure we 're all in this .
\ We each do Oflr part. ,, together.
~ -Claudia Vitelli, 42, travel agent
Mosque leaders are currently trying to persuade Mos- St. Anthony's Catholic Church
lems who work at liquor stores to find other jobs, as
the consumption of alcoholic beverages is forbidden
The best-attended church in San Angelo, St. Anthony's
by the Koran. A special task force has been formed to
help find new employment for those who quit their old Catholic Church is located in the North Mission neigh-
jobs. An outreach program also tries to combat nega-
tive public images of Moslems and Arab Americans as The church offers three Sunday morning Masses, in-
terrorists, particularly stereotypical depictions in films cluding two Spanish Masses, as well as services at
and television. midnight Saturday and Sunday evening. Practically
every Mass is packed, and on holidays the church is
filled beyond overflowing.
Temple Beth Israel {E9)
The synagogue with the largest Jewish congregation
in San Angelo, Temple Beth Israel is located down- St. Basil's Cathedral {H9)
town. The temple follows the reform branch of Juda- A Russian Orthodox church found in the Little Kiev
ism and is led by Rabbi Arik Goldberg. portion of Cathedral Square, St. Basil's is noted for its
distinctive architecture. St. Basil's is well-attended by
First Baptist Church of San the numerous Ukrainian, Russian and Eastern Euro-
pean immigrants in the neighborhood.
Angelo (C7)
The oldest non-Catholic church in the city, the First
Baptist Church of San Angelo was built in 1854 in St. Kieran's Catholic Church
Poverty Gulch. The white clapboard church is a his- {C9)
toric landmark. An ornate downtown church, St. Kieran's Catholic
Church houses the offices of the archdiocese. Named
Mien Community Temple for an obscure 6th Century Irish saint, the church was
A small Buddhist temple in West San Angelo, the built in the early 20th Century but did not become the
Mien Community Temple is chiefly attended by South- principal church of the archdiocese until 1972.
east Asian residents. The temple actively assists new- The closure of the huge Cathedral of St. Mary in Ca-
comers to America, providing translators, help with thedral Square due to earthquake safety fears prompted
paperwork, advocacy programs and other aid. the archbishop at the time, an austere man who dis-
liked the ostentatious Gothic cathedral, to move his
Mt. Zion African Methodist offices to St. Kieran's in the more convenient City Cen-
ter. When the Cathedral of St. Mary reopened in 1983,
Episcopal Church the archdiocesian offices remained at St. Kieran 's. Most
One of the largest churches in Brenton, Mt. Zion Af-
people refer to the church as St. K's.
rican Methodist Episcopal Church (most people
shorten the name to Mt. Zion A.M.E. Church) has
made a name for itself for its moving services and T'ien Tsun Temple (011)
famed gospel choir. A Chinatown landmark, the T' ien Tsun Temple is
The choir, winner of several national awards, trav- dedicated to all the Chinese gods. The three-story temple
els frequently around the western United States. Rev. on Canton Street is a favorite with tourists. It was built
Everett Smythe serves as pastor for the predominantly in 1868.
African American church, which features a busy youth
program including outreach efforts targeting street Other prominent Chinatown temples include the Fui.....'A"'."G' ""'E!!'l'I
gang members. Shen Temple and the Wong Taisin Temple. NUMBER

Rev. John Warden

Val Char Cost Notes

13 R 150 g; 2l/2D
10 DEX 0 OCV: 3/DCV: 3
13 CON 6
10 BODY 0
13 INT 3 PER Roll 12-
15 EGO 10 ECV: 5
18 PRE 8
10 COM 0
PD l
ED 0
SPD 0 Phases: 6, 12

Acting 13-, Conversation 13-

Familiarity w/High Society 8-
0ratory 15-, Persuasion 14-
PS: Pastor 11-
KS: Christianity 14-, KS: The Bible 14- His mind wandered back to their many arguments
KS: World Religions 11-, KS: Counseling 12- on the topic of superhumans. Warden had come to re-
KS: Church on the Hill 14-, SC: Psychology 8- alize that supers, with their awesome powers and amaz-
CK: San Angelo 11- ing feats, sowed seeds of confusion in society. Instead
1,3 Perk: Right to Marry, Well-Connected of trusting in the Lord, people now trusted heroes to
7 Contacts: Congregation 14-, Other San Angelo save them.
churches 11-, Sen. Catherine Forbes 11-, The supers moved as gods among men, and some
Benjamin Morgan 11-, County Supervisor were even worshipped as such.
Jeffrey Daley 11-, Horizon Institute 11-
But Emily had argued that supers were no different
Disad vantages
from anyone else, deserving of love and compassion,
ge, +
Dist Feat: Minister (easily concealed) not fear. How little he had understood her, Warden
Psych: Seeks reunion with runaway daughter, thought sadly, misreading her passion for mere teenage
Emily Warden (Uncommon, Strong) defiance.
10 Psych: Believes supers are marked by Satan Finally came the night when, in the heat of another
(Uncommon, Strong) bitter argument, Emily had revealed herself as a super-
l0 Reputation: Anti-Supers Minister l l - human with the power to see and make real the fears
of others. She reached out to Warden, but saw only
Background: Rev. John Warden knelt down to pray. his fear - fear of his own daughter.
As he had done every day for the past year, first he Emily fled into the stormy night. Warden followed,
~1.~e~ prayed for the health and safety of his daughter, Emily, wandering the rain-lashed streets for hours, but she had
somewhere on the streets of San Angelo. disappeared.
Ctr, of .S..11 A.ngoJo 4SOO -

Life In San Angelo

He'd had no contact with her since, though there were

occasional news reports on a young girl with fear-in-
Other Prominent
ducing powers operating as a free-lance criminal. For- Religious Figures
tunately, while his congregation knew that Emily had Archbishop Francis Kelly: Head of the Catholic
run away no one knew of her powers. Archdiocese of San Angelo. Kelly has a well-earned
Warden realized that he had been daydreaming again. reputation for kindness and charity. A beloved local
No time for that, he told himself, and resumed his figure, he is an outspoken advocate for the poor and
prayers. He asked God to bless the rest of his family needy in San Angelo. Kelly also supports the city's
and help them cope with their fears for Emily. He Latino community. He and Police Chief Jack O'Shea
prayed for the well-being of his congregation. They are close friends.
had stood by him, even when others called him a bigot Phuoc Tran: A Buddhist monk at the Mien Commu-
and a hate-monger. Warden prayed for the wisdom nity Temple. Tran, born in Laos, acts as a liaison be-
and strength to continue telling people the truth about tween law enforcement agencies and the Southeast
superhumans. And, as he'd done every day for the past Asian refugee community. A fear of police and poor
year, he prayed that Emily might someday come home. English inhibit many refugees from even reporting
Personality/Motivation: He is very strong-willed, crimes. But police and sheriff's officers are working
and can be rigid and uncompromising at times. A de- with Tran to overcome these obstacles.
vout and faithful man, Rev. Warden sincerely believes Tran and Sgt. Due Lam of the Gang Task Force are
that superhumans are unwittingly destroying people's also tackling the rising problem of gang activity in-
faith in God. Superpowers are a temptation from Sa- volving Southeast Asian teens.
tan that too few are able to resist, he believes. In this, Mohammed Omar-Sidawi: The imam, or prayer
the heroes are even worse than their criminal counter- leader, at Al Qazar Mosque in Midtown. Born in the
parts - holding themselves up as examples, as para- city of Sidon in southern Lebanon, Omar-Sidawi saw
gons of virtue, because of their incredible abilities. firsthand the Israeli invasion and bloody civil wars that
Warden does not believe that most superhumans are tore his nation apart in the early 1980s.
themselves evil, but that they are nonetheless further- He came to the United States for college, but never fit
ing the cause of evil. in with Western lifestyles. Seeking a foundation for his
Quote: "America has turned its eyes from the Lord life, he turned to his childhood instruction in Islam.
to these superhumans. We've forgotten the First Com- Omar-Sidawi now follows a conservative Islamic path
mandment: Thou shalt have no other gods before Me. " and encourages others to do the same.
Powers/Tactics: Rev. John Warden is a skilled pub- Father Nikolai Rodanovich: A Russian Orthodox
lic speaker who also has some training in counseling, priest who heads St. Basil's in Cathedral Square.
given his position as a spiritual leader to his flock. He Rodanovich, a native of Ukraine, is a respected and
is well-versed in Christianity and the Bible, as well as trusted figure in the community. Disputes or other prob-
other major world religions. lems are often brought to him for resolution.
Warden is the pastor at the non-denominational Rev. Everett Smythe: The pastor at Mt. Zion Afri-
Church on the Hill in La Vista, which is attended by can Methodist Episcopal Church in Brenton. Smythe
many prominent San Angelinos including Benjamin is known for his energetic preaching style, which can
Morgan and Supervisor Jeffrey Daley. Senator make Sunday services an emotional experience for
Catherine Forbes occasionally visits the church as well. many church members.
Appearance: Rev. John Warden, 47, has dark brown He has taken a strong stand against gang and drug
hair and brown eyes, with glasses. He stands 6' tall and activity in Brenton, though Smythe has also been out-
has a husky build. Warden usually wears business suits; spoken about his belief that local officials don't care~ 1
he does not wear clerical collars but almost always about resolving problems of joblessness, poverty and ~P!~e~
has a Bible with him. urban decay in the neighborhood.
His outspokenness on these volatile issues has at
times put Smythe in danger. In 1995, deputies arrested C~mpaign Tip
three Prophets street gang members who riddled his Light
· of Trnth Mi111'stry can be
1111 • .
church office with bullets in a drive-by shooting. pmgn tool for GM• Tl mteresung earn -
·~· ie cu 1! could b ·
Smythe, who had stepped out for a moment, was un- Pers. Possibly forming its h egrn recruiting su-
wo,.ks and gcner11e pos·,.,?wn cb~ t~am to perfo1111 good
harmed. r18h 1. its
. '
supcn; mi"'ll b
1ve pu hc11y 0
· ur of I.he lime-
In early 1997, a late-night attempt to firebomb his • .• . ~ t used 10 inti ·d .
anu protect L1gh1 ofTru1h r . . .. n~1 at~ cult foes
home failed when an alert neighbor woke the family Some Lighr of Tr I p. opcrtres <1ga111st incursions.
and doused the blaze with a garden hose. No arrests com • . u~ l super-converts coulJ h .:
panrons or acqutuntances f h e iormer
have been made in the incident, but sheriff's investiga- ex-enemies lcadi~g I d o t e PCs. or "reformed"
· o rama1ic e
tors suspect that white supremacists were responsible. rwo groups come r~.,, 1·
... o cool wt.
nrounrers when the
0 n the other h .1
nnu. an emhillcred f
a~gry relative of a Lighr of Trurh aco ormer member or
Light of Truth Ministry VIO/enr CllJllpaign to b . a lyre COUid begin a
A multi-million-dollar operation based at a commune
·. nn::. dewn tbe c ll .
qu1r111g the interveru ion f PC . u . r>oss1bJy re-
outside San Angelo, Light of Truth Ministry is regarded but unable to co d ~ :" symparJ1e11c ro hi5 cause
fr n one hrs a~r1oos
by most people as a bizaJTe, but mostly harmless, cult. rnally, a really sneak GM .
People who have lost loved ones to Light of Truth or DNPC ro join the cult / . could arrunge for hero'•
mas and melocJram· t • hnngtng some real moral dilem-
been subject to its intimidation tactics hold a different ct o t e cam · ·
rhat he<iting up supervHlatn ' . p.ugn. Players may lind
view, however. . s J~ a anap tom p01rcd ro res-
cuing a loved (1ne tiro
Light of Truth teachings blend Eastern philosophies, m a cult ·
per~on doesn't want lob . , p<1rt1cularly when rhe
New Age mysticism and other beliefs as laid out by its e re1icued at all.
master, Adam. Adherents are urged to reject the out-
side world and contemplate inner truths to help heal a ries where full-time cult members live.
troubled world. Disease, war, famine and other strife In addition, Light of Truth has a sizable homeless
represent the symptoms of a spiritual crisis threaten- outreach program. Its largest program in San Angelo
ing the Earth, according to the sect. is based at a mission near the rail yards in Pleasant
Disciples, who wear white robes, engage in medita- Grove.
tion, yoga-like exercises and an array of rituals designed But Light of Truth Ministry is also a multi-million-
by Adam to purge themselves of outside influences. dollar non-profit business. The cult owns several com-
Once purified, they begin the work of cleansing the panies, including a publishing house and a clothing
world through prayer, fasting and other efforts. manufacturer that supply Light of Truth members with
White-robed Light of Truth members are a frequent texts and robes.
sight near college campuses, outside bus depots and in The cult has a hierarchical structure. Initiates are part-
other public places, where they pass out pamphlets and time members who typically visit faith centers several
preach to passers-by. times a week but continue to live at home and hold
Light of Truth is based at a 500-acre commune in outside jobs. Acolytes, on the other hand, are full-time
rural south San Angelo, where Adam and most cult members who have given up life outside the cult. They
leaders reside with hundreds of acolytes. Adherents raise live at the Light of Truth commune or the faith centers,
crops and livestock at the commune, providing much carrying out the work of the cult.
of the food for cult members. Acolytes are given a new name, taken from a list of
The ministry also owns numerous faith centers in ur- enlightened persons from history. They do not use fam-
ban San Angelo. Faith centers are meeting places for ily names, as Light of Truth teaches that they are now
1 PA ~e~ rnitiates and serve as a base for extensive recruiting one family.
~~~efforts. The centers are typically adjoined by dormito- Faith leaders are experienced cult members who are


cir, at•ri1JA.1101•lC'I 4500 -

Life In San Angelo

responsible for the spiritual well-being of initiates and Recent Light of Day targets have included attorney
acolytes. They also supervise the various operations Jacqueline Stone, who represents families seeking the
of the cult, from its homeless outreach programs to return of loved ones from the cult, and the S.A. Weekly,
recruitment efforts. which printed an expose on the operation. Very few
At the top of the hierarchy are the master, Adam, readers saw the story, however, as cult members re-
and his coterie of advisers. moved the papers from newsracks and destroyed them.
Joining Light of Truth can be quite expensive. Ini-
tiates are expected to purchase robes and reading ma- Elijah
terials from the cult at inflated prices. They also tithe a
Light of Truth acolyte
share of their income to the cult, and must pay addi-
STR 9 DEX 11 CON 12 BODY 9
tional tithes for the various rituals prescribed by faith
INT 13 EGO 12 PRE 10 COM 12
leaders. Initiates are constantly pressured to become
full members, known as acolytes.
Acolytes must sign all their worldly possessions over PD 2 ED 2
to the cult as proof that they reject the outside world. Skills/Powers: Animal handler 11-, Bureaucratics
They work for Light of Truth for little or no pay, but 11 -, Computer Programming 12-, Familiarity with
are housed and fed by the sect. Electronics 8-, Gambling 11-, Familiarity with High
Most of the cult's income comes from tithes, par- Society 8-, KS: LightofTruthdoctrines 12-, KS : Stock
ticularly the ones given by acolytes. Light of Truth market 12-, Persuasion 11-, PS: cult acolyte 11 -, PS:
has acquired several businesses signed over by new Stock broker 11-, Riding 11-, Trading 11-
disciples, not to mention access to the bank accounts Disadvantages:Age 40+, Distinctive Features: white-
of affluent members. robed acolyte, Watched by leader 14- (As Pow, NCI,
While new Light of Truth members come from all limited geographical area), Physical Lim: Bad leg (-2"
walks of life, recruiters target bright, young people with Running), Psych: Loyal to Adam (Very Com, Total),
low self-confidence or feelings of alienation. They are Psych:Severed ties to "past life" (Com, Total), Psych:
particularly active on college campuses in San Angelo. Driven to recruit and "enlighten" others (Com, Str)
Initiation rituals are designed to break down the de- Notes: Elijah is one of many acolytes of the Light of
fenses of recruits, who eat spartan diets and sleep only Truth Ministry. His real name is Simon Turner, chang-
a few hours a night. The cutting of ties to family and ing his name when he joined the cult six months ago.
friends slowly makes Light of Truth the only life its Simon was a stock broker, working in an office on
disciples know. Wayne Street, in San Angelo's downtown financial dis-
Efforts by wonied parents and friends to contact aco- trict. Every day he would work 10 to 12 hours and
1ytes are politely rebuffed by faith leaders, who typi- return home to his wife, Cynthia, and two children,
cally respond that no one by that name belongs to Light Stevie and Erin. Years of mounting pressures at work
of Day - not strictly untrue, since acolytes are given and home became too much for Simon to handle. One
new names. night after work he was given a pamphlet from a kind,
Government efforts to investigate allegations of seemingly happy man in a white robe. "Eternal life.
brainwashing, force Light of Truth to conform to zon- Inner Harmony ." The words beckoned to Simon.
ing regulations or audit cult-owned companies are like- He gave up everything, drove to the compound and
wise stonewalled. signed over his bank account to the cult. He denounced
Foes of the cult are subject to a variety of intimida- every worldy possession and took the name Elijah.
tion tactics, including defamatory leaflets, threatening His wife and children, left penniless, have moved in
phone calls and vandalism. Light of Day attorneys are with Cynthia's parents. Her efforts to contact Simon
also quick to file lawsuits against outspoken opponents were fruitless, so Cynthia has hired an attorney to tryfioP_A_G_e""'"
of the ministry as well as government intervention. to recover some of their finances from the cult's grasp.
Other Fringe Religions Grey, who refused any religious title, claimed the
rites of the temple were revealed to her by spirits from
and Cults the lost civilization of Atlantis, who communicated
Although Light of Truth Ministry is the largest fringe with her via meditative trances. She taught her fol-
group in the San Angelo religious scene, the city is home lowers that Atlantis was not destroyed, as legends say,
to a variety of untraditional faiths. but merely abandoned when its people moved on to a
Based on New Age beliefs, occultism or ancient pa- higher state of consciousness. By following the spiri-
gan faiths, these groups are small but climbing in popu- tual path set out by the Atlanteans, temple followers
larity. While more traditional religions are quick to la- believe they too can someday ascend to a higher plane.
bel all these groups as cults, actually very few engage In 1986, a sometime temple member named Aurora
in cult-like activities such as brainwashing. Whitfield brought her 10-year-old daughter Kirsten to
Grey. She told Grey that Kirsten's dreams sometimes
Church of the Army of the came true. Baffled, and a little frightened, Aurora
Whitfield turned to Grey for advice.
Grey proclaimed Kirsten a reincarnated Atlantean high
An apocalyptic sect, the Church of the Army of the
priestess. With her mother's permission, Grey raised
Lord preaches that supers are the Earthly manifesta-
the child herself - guiding her emotional and spiri-
tions of angels and demons sent to herald the coming
tual development, while teaching her the inner-most
Armageddon. Sect teachings are based on selected Bible
secrets of the Temple of Atlantis.
verses, the prophecies of Nostradamus and the revela-
tions of its self-styled messiah, John McBride. Mem- Grey renamed the youngster Themis, after a ti tan
bers live on a secluded ranch near the town of Canfield from Greek myths with the power to foretell the fu-
in the foothills near Lake Oro. ture, but as word of her powers spread outside the
The Church of the Army of the Lord does not ac- temple she became known as Dreamweaver.
tively recruit new members, and the sect is actually As she grew up, Dreamweaver gained new powers,
quite suspicious of outsiders. including the ability to enter and influence the dreams
The sect raises its own food, produces its own cloth- of others. Grey taught her to use her powers to help
ing and manufactures most other needed supplies. Temple of Atlantis followers find enlightenment, and
Sheriff's investigators and federal ATF agents fear the introduced new ceremonies centering on her abilities.
Church of the Army of the Lord may be arming itself The changes reinvigorated the Temple of Atlantis,
for the foretold final conflict between good and evil. reaffirming the faith of longtime members and bring-
ing in many new followers.
Temple of Atlantis (03) When Grey died of cancer in 1996, Dreamweaver took
New Age mysticism and the paranormal psi powers her place as leader of the Temple of Atlantis. Some-
of its high priestess are at the heart of the Temple of what shy and naive, she nonetheless believes strongly
Atlantis. in Grey's teachings and is committed to carrying on
Founded in 1970 by Marietta Grey, the Midtown her work.
temple attracted a small following in the next two de- Local authorities are worried about the potential for
cades. Its teachings are based on meditation, dietary brainwashing or other abuse, but no one has ever come
restrictions, peaceful living and harmony with nature. forward with a complaint about Dreamweaver or the
Followers are urged to move beyond emotion to a place Temple of Atlantis - not even those who later left
of serenity. the temple.


c1ry of san Ano-lo •~OO -

Life In San Angelo

New Age mystic

Val Char Cost Notes

l () STR 0 lOOkg; 2D6
18 DEX 24 OCV: 6/DCV: 6
18 CON 16
10 BODY 0
13 INT 3 PER Roll 12-
23 EGO 26 ECV: 8
18 PRE 8
14 COM 2
5 PD 3
4 ED 0
4 SPD 12 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12
6 REC 0
36 END 0
24 STUN 0
Total L:osts
Cbar: 94 + Powers: 91 T0tal: 185
Base: 100 + Disad: 85 Total: 185
Cost Powers END
30 Ekmenlal Control: Dream Powers
13 A) Telepathy l 2d6, Dreams only,
Concentrate 0 DCV 6
13 B) Mental Illusions l2d6, Dreams only,
Concentrate 0 DCV 6
15 C) Clairsentience (Normal sight, hearing, Background: When little Kirsten Whitfield dreamed
smell, Precognition), No Conscious that her dog, Skipper, had been killed by a car, her
Control, Only when sleeping 5 mother Aurora told her not to worry - it was just a
Cost Skills nightmare.
3 Conversation 13- Two days later, Skipper ran into the street. The on-
3 Oratory 13- coming station wagon had no time to brake, and the
2 PS: Priestess 11- family buried him in the back yard.
5 KS: Teachings of Temple of Atlantis 14-
Then it happened again. Kirsten dreamed that her
2 KS: Legends of Atlantis 11-
2 CK: San Angelo 11-
Daddy left. This time she didn't tell her mother, but it
3 Contacts: Followers 11-, Professor Hendrick still happened a month later.
Wheeler 8- The strange dreams kept coming, sometimes about
IOO+ Disadvantuges people Kirsten knew, other times about national or even
15 DNPCs: Fo.llowers (normals) 11- international events. Things a 10-year-old girl could
20 Hunted by Riptide (Mo Pow) 11- never have known or predicted.
15 Psych: Believes in teachings of Temple of Atlantis In desperation, Aurora took her daughter to meet
(Uncommon, Total) Marietta Grey, leader of the New Age Temple of
15 Psych: Naive (Common, Strong) Atlantis. After talking to the little girl, Grey prescribed
10 Public ID (Kirsten Whitfield)
some herbs to help her sleep, sending the two on their _ _
10 Reputation: Psychic, New Age priestess 11- 1

way. ~~·


But when a dream Kirsten had described to her came Of late, an amorous paranormal admirer has created
true a week later, Grey called the mother and daughter problems for Dreamweaver. Riptide, a wanted crimi-
back to the temple. nal who envisions himself a scion of lost Atlantis, be-
She explained Kirsten was actually a reincarnated high lieves she is the reincarnation of an Atlantean priest-
priestess of Atlantis, an ancient, enlightened civiliza- ess and his true love. Riptide hopes to wed her and
tion that vanished when its people ascended to a higher become the ruler of a reconstituted Atlantis, despite
consciousness. Grey offered to raise the child to under- the fact that she wants nothing to do with him.
stand and prepare for her role as a spiritual guide for Personality/Motivation: Dreamweaver, or Themis
the rest of humanity. Confused and frightened , Aurora as she is known to her close associates, believes to-
assented. That was 13 years ago. tally in the teachings of the Temple of Atlantis.
Growing up under Grey's tutelage, Kirsten learned Her sheltered upbringing - Themis stopped attending
that she had a special purpose - to bring others to the public schools after Marietta Grey took her in - has
enlightenment offered by the teachings of the Temple left her somewhat shy and naive, but she is also ex-
of Atlantis. She began to welcome her prophetic dreams, tremely strong-willed. The amorous attentions of Rip-
even if she could never control them. tide frighten her somewhat.
But she soon developed other powers that she could The young woman's sole desire is to continue helping
control, including the ability to enter and influence the others find the enlightenment offered by the Temple of
dreams of others. Atlantis.
Grey helped Kirsten learn to use her powers to re- Quote: "I know why you've come, and I can help
veal hidden truths and guide followers on the spiritual you."
path laid out by the Atlanteans - never for coercion ur Powers/Tactics: Dreamweaver has the power to en-
control. ter and influence the dreams of others. Her powers of
Now a teenager, the girl began to play a public role telepathy allow her to see dreams, and her mental illu-
in Temple of Atlantis ceremonies. Grey renamed her sions represent her abilities to change the dreams of
Themis, after a Greek titan with the power of proph- others. Her powers have no effect on those who are not
ecy, but as word of her dream powers spread she be- dreaming.
came known as Dreamweaver. Her precognitive dreams are not controlled. They
The Temple of Atlantis began to grow as new follow- happen of their own accord, though Dreamweaver can
ers flocked to hear the words of wisdom imparted by always tell the difference between a normal dream and
Dreamweaver. a prophetic one.
In the meantime, her mother, Aurora, remarried and Dreamweaver has low defenses and no combat abil-
moved away from San Angelo. She and Dreamweaver ity. This reflects her upbringing and occupation as a
are not especially close. priestess, not a costumed crimefighter.
In 1996, Marietta Grey died of cancer as Appearance: Dreamweaver, 23, has slightly curly
Dreamweaver had long ago foreseen. The heartbroken shoulder-length brown hair and green eyes. She stands
young woman vowed to continue spreading her mentor's 5'5" and has a slender build. Her clothes are usually
teachings and realize Grey's goal of bringing enlight- casual. For temple services she wears cream-colored
enment to a cynical world. robes patterned after classical Greek clothing.


The Scientific In the end, however, the assemblage of gifted minds
proved too fragile to survive the inevitable clash of
World egos. In 1964, a dispute details of which are known
only to its members - irrevocably shattered the "Brain
The city of San Angelo has acquired a national repu- Trust."
tation as a center of scientific inquiry and high technol- A number of now-prominent San Angelo professors,
ogy. As a result, numerous labs and companies on the scientists, physicians, engineers and researchers are
leading edge of science, technology and research have alumni of the informal club. Some are still in contact
located in the metropolis, particularly in the Arroyo with their old friends, while others continue to be split
Verde area. by the long-ago incident that drove the union apart.
The city's two public universities and various hospi- They include Orion Labs chief Franklin Colt, ren-
tals are also heavily involved in scientific research, as egade cyberneticist Dr. Anton Megalo, scientist-hero
are several of the larger corporations in town. Savant, supers physician Dr. Philadelphia Ryan and
physicist-turned-bag lady Lilith Newmeyer.
Campaign Tip
Weird science and incredible inventions are staples Helix Technologies
of the world of comic books. Most hero teams seem
Most people consider Helix Technologies a run-of-
to have at least one scientist, and the bad guys often
the-mill medical lab that performs routine DNA testing
have their own renegade geniuses on hand.
for local hospitals and law enforcement agencies.
The world of San Angelo is no exception. These
They' re wrong.
companies and NPCs can be used for all kinds of
Helix Technologies, based at an Arroyo Verde com-
scenarios in your campaign - some are handy for
pound, is actually an ultra-secret operation that has
consultation by the heroes, while others provide aid
made incredible advances in the fields of cloning and
to their enemies. A few might even be considered
genetic engineering. The lab has already succeeded in
enemies in their own right!
creating and cloning at least one "perfect" human be-
ing. The company's true purpose has been kept totally
The "Brain Trust" secret from the government, other labs and the public
A remarkable convergence of brilliant minds took at large, however.
place at UC San Angelo in the early 1960s. Several Even most Helix Technologies employees and con-
individuals who went on to become leading lights in sultants are not aware of the covert experiments con-
their chosen fields studied under Hal Revette, himself a ducted by the inner-most circle of scientists at the lab.
famed scientist, at approximately the same time. A Soviet emigre, Vladimir Kaminov, founded Helix
Drawn to each other as if by fate, graduate students, Technologies in 1990 with his American-born son, Pe-
undergrads and even a few high schoolers coalesced ter, and daughter-in-law, Anna.
into an informal group of junior scientists with Revette Vladimir had come to the United States in the 1940s,
as a mentor. fleeing a Stalinist purge. A gifted
Known around campus as the geneticist, he had been involved in a
"Hmmm, inrert11itrg. It ~ppeors failed effort to induce superpowers,
'"Brain Trust," the fractious gang of
your motee11/ar structure mvolve.'t
geniuses debated the fine points of the . ' ,w of q1ui11rum-phose rtlO· like those possessed by the Golden
< '>I
latest theories, compared notes on 11ante sig1&ature "e .. , •v,,. t1ever
Age heroes of America, in Soviet
their individual research projects, de- em:ountefed IieJ""··.1. .... Wht1t? Oli, soldiers.
voured news of fresh scientific ad- tlCllIllll . g 10 wc1rry cJbour, as long A mysterious benefactor per-,..- -...
rt .
vances and even conducted a few clan- as you stay awa)' from ce ain suaded Vladimir, who had retired ~!,~E~
destine experiments. rypes of 1·mlicrtion ···" . . after several decades as a geneti-
- Franklin Colt, 53, sc1enust 173
1 GM'
cisL in the U.S .. to begin a study of I A PC~ Opbon
. - - - - ..
I Cameron, who escaped from the labs
the possihilily of human cloning. I nolo .• c~eared by He/ix Tecli- I during the fire, now competes in the
The benefae Lor provided Lhe I hero.g~:r~~u/.d be an interesting I underground pit-fighting world as
Kaminovs with rudimentary plans I .secondclo~P~/ich~ lab created a I Bloodsporr (see Allies & Enemies).
· · e a cci Cameron I1·
tor the lughly advanced Lechnolo- I al.ready succeede<l . •. as I
gies rel1uired t_o genetically engi- I its lost equipmer11" re~~atmg I 0 ri 0 n Labs

ncer a human with peak physic;il crctly hidden duplic;;esia~ se- I . .

and mental abilities, produce I original proioty . 0
che When San Angel1J1os thmk of amaz-
clones using the engineered DNA
I fiac1·r•ty. pei; cit a1101her I · · · d ·
mg mvent1ons an stunnmg ~c1ent1 1c
· 'f·
and rapidly manire !he newly ('re- I . The PC could have escaped I breakthroughs. they think of Orion Labs.
ated individuals. I from 1 ~ 1 e labs, or perhaps sh I An Arroyo Verde complex houses the
was mind w· . d e I . I1 .,, t• I .
The sponsor. who met only wjtl1 I h . . - ipe and senr onto private a,, cons1uereu one o t 1e premier

. . .
Vlad11111r Kammov, also supplied
. 1 ·ther.estreetsofSa
. b' . . 11 Ange/o 10 tesr I c_ f · ·1· · · · · th ·
e nters o sc1entt 1c mqmry m e, nauon,
the billions of dollars necessary I mighi a k • tltltcs. Local a h · · I d · 'bl
'ur on11e.~ an quite poss1 Y e wor . th Id
to create the hyper-advanced I look 'tfler s rhche. PC hero. ream · 10 I U ntler c h 1e · f scientist
· · F ran k 1·m C o It,
technology. Although not even
I. '
- - - - _ _ _
e amnesia vic1i
m. I .
Onon Labs conducts research under con-
Vladimir knew his true identity. the benefac- - - • tract to other corporations and the govern-
tor was Ren Westlake, a time traveler from the future. ment. While these projects often result in break-
In 1995, the Kaminovs succeeded in producing pro- throughs, they mostly serve to help finance so-called
totypes of the cloning technology. They successfully "pure" research projects in a variety of fields.
created a genetically engineered human clone, named Colt believes strongly in serendipitous discoveries,
Cameron. in which investigations into one topic produce unex-
Then disaster struck. A sailing mishap on Lake Oro pected breakthroughs, often in an entirely different
killed Vladimir, and a few days later a fire destroyed field of study. This concept is at the heart of his ad-
the Helix Technologies labs. Curiously, the prototypes ministrative policy, and Colt often authorizes projects
were nowhere to be found amid the rubble, and in seemingly unprofitable or unlikely subjects. A
Cameron's body was never recovered. But all of the healthy percentage of these efforts have paid off for
notes, designs and other information pertaining to don- Orion Labs.
ing technology were destroyed in the blaze. A well-known scientist in his own right, Colt founded
Peter and Anna Kaminov have re-established Helix Orion Labs in 1978 after becoming disillusioned by
Technologies and have embarked on a crash program the emphasis on applied science at other companies.
to recreate the lost cloning equipment. Now the labs employ scores of scientists in a variety
The DNA-testing services provided by the firm are of fields, including physics, atomic theory, chemistry,
just a front, though they are useful in gathering DNA engineering, electronics, biology, medicine and genet-
samples for the lab's more secret experiments. Rec- ics, to name just a few. Orion Labs also makes heavy
ognizing that someone does not want to see the clon- use of outside consultants for specific projects.
ing equipment replicated, the Kaminovs have intensi- Along with its scientific pursuit'>, Orion Labs is also
fied security. Along with an array of high-tech sen- responsible for many of the high-tech gadgets in the
sors, Helix Technologies facilities are protected by world of San Angelo. Many heroes and law enforce-
armed guards. ment agencies use devices invented at the labs to help
Westlake, who engineered the death of Vladimir even the odds against superhuman criminals.
Kaminov and destruction of the labs to ensure he re- The labs are also a key source of information and

mained the sole possessor of human cloning technol- advice, and many a strange device taken off a cap-
P-'A"""G"""e""''ogy, does not realize the Kaminovs are attempting re- tured super-criminal has been sent to Orion Labs for
build the stolen prototypes. analysis.
Campaign Tip
?rion ~hs is a giCa1 rCSOUl'CC for GMs and playerS
ahkc. PC mvcnl011 could find employment at the lab.
while lhei1· less ScientificuJly inclined colleagues could FutureWorks Robotics
go tO Orion Labs lor advice on the offbeat problem& Engineers at FutureWorks Robotics are at the fore-
often .encountered l>y heroei - just how to get to Oi- front of robo-technology. The Arroyo Verde company
me~10~ X to rescue a kidnapped DNPC. for elUlmple. fashions robots for specialized uses in various fields,
SC1en11sts <tt Orion Labs are always happy to srudy a
including heavy industry, medicine and warehousing.
captured gadget or rwo. On Lhe other hand a PC could
hire the lab to huild tome of his own gadg~try! Designers are also tinkering with a primitive artificial
GMs c~n use Orio~ Labs ro explain some of the high- intelligence in hopes of someday creating sophisticated
tech equipment camed by police and mjfitary person- self-programming robots.
nel. While lab Joe1n•1 sell equipment to the bad
guys, there's no reason why stolen devices couldn't wind
up in the wrong hands. Meridian Engineering (H4)
The lab might ask supers with a particularly interest- Designs for ultra-secret spy satellites are the forte of
ing origin or powers to drop by for an examination. Meridian Engineering. Housed in a non-descript La
Finally, experiments gone awry at Orion Labs are al- Vista office park, the firm produces plans for sophisti-
ways a great adventure possibility - not to mention a cated orbital satellites able to take photos so precise
chance for PCs to repay lab for all its past assis- that a license plate can be read. Other satellites are de-
signed to pick up radio transmissions, detect nuclear
testing or perform other covert tasks.
Other Laboratories All of the company's work is done under contract to
and Research Firms various departments of the federal government, and
nearly all employees have security clearances.
A recognized leader in the field of high technology,
San Angelo has attracted a number of top companies
involved in scientific research and advanced engineer- New Frontiers Inc.
A prime player in the field of advanced micro-cir-
cuitry, the New Frontiers Inc. labs of Arroyo Verde are
BioGen Sciences busy designing the next generation of electronics.
A bio-science firm based in Arroyo Verde, BioGen Chemists, engineers and other experts at the labs are
Sciences has a state-of-the-art genetic engineering lab forever experimenting with new ways to shrink the size
used primarily for agriculture-related research. and cost of electronic components, particularly com-
The firm has developed new strains of corn, tomatoes puter chips. Micro-circuitry technology created by New
and other crops, boosting their resistance to blight and Frontiers Inc. is typically licensed to other companies
disease. Other projects involve crafting helpful micro- for integration into advanced electronic devices.
organisms, such as oil-eating bacteria that can be used
to clean spills.
But BioGen Sciences has been the target of protests Radiant Concepts
by critics, who argue that human-engineered organ- Lasers and laser technology drive Radiant Concepts,
isms could have unforeseen, possibly catastrophic, a small but respected lab in Arroyo Verde. High-tech
effects on the world. factories and hospital operating rooms are just two
places where the company's precision lasers can be
CryoDynamics found.
An Arroyo Verde lab, CryoDynamics researches su- Radiant Concepts is considered a leader in the bur-
percooling technology for industrial and computing geoning field of laser technology, due in no small part PAGE
uses. The firm also builds and tests prototype systems to the advances made by its research team, headed by 1:i~eeR
at its facility. Holly Tamura. ~5


Ctry ot lion Ang•la 4 -

Life In San Angelo

Ren Westlake
Time traveler

Val Char Cost Notes

15 STR 5 200 kg; 3D6
18 DEX 24 OCV: 6/DCV: 6
15 CON 10
12 BODY 4
18 INT 8 PER Roll 13-
15 EGO JO ECV: 5
15 PRE 5
10 COM 0
6 PD 3
4 ED I
4 SPD 12 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12
7 REC 2
30 END 0
30 STUN 2
Total Costs:
Chur: 86 +Powers: 194 =Total: 280
Base: 100 + Disad: 180 = Total: 280
Cost 'owers END
20 Clairscntience: Preco~nition, Only for
major newsworthy events prior to 2063 (-1 ) -
20 Plasma Pistol: 3d6 RKA, 2 clips of
8 Charges, OAF
14 Body Armor: Annor +8 PD/+6 ED, OIF
3,3 Streetwise 12-, Tactics 13-
6 +3 to Hearing PER
3 Weaponsmith (energy weapons) 11-
2 +I" Running (7" total)
5 WF: Small Arms, Knives, Rocket Launchers,
0 >s1Skills
Man-Guided Missiles
2 TF: Parachuting, Scuba
Maneuver Notes 3 KS: Future events 12-
Choke Hold +O Grab, 2d6 NND (2) 3 KS: 2 lst century technology l l-
Killing Strike +O ld6+1 HKA 2,2 KS: Military 11-, KS: Stock market 11-
Martial Block +2 +2 Block, Abort 15 Perk: Filthy Rich
Martial Disarm -1 +l Disarm, 25 STR 2 CK: San Angelo 11-
Martial Strike +O +2 5d6 6 Languages: Japanese (fluent w/accent), German
Martial Throw +0 + 1 3d6 + vel/5, target falls (fluent w/ac.:ccnt).
16 CS Levels: +2 w/Ranged combat, +2 w/Martial arts JOO+ l>isudv:mtages
3 Breakfall 12- 5 Age, 40+
3 Bureaucratics 12- 5 Dist Features: Military bearing (easily concealed)
3,3 Combat Driving 12-, Combat Piloting 12- 20 Hunted by Averell Pendleton (As Pow, NCI) 11-
3,3 Computer Programming 13-, Demolitions 11- 20 Psych: Megalomaniac (Common, Total)
4 Familiarity with Electronics, Interrogation, 15 Psych: Merciless, ruthless (Common, Strong)
Inventor and Mechanics, all at 8- 15 Psych: Expects total obedience (Common, Strong)
3,3 Gambling 11-, High Society 12- 15 Secret ID (Time traveler from the future)
PAGE 3,3 Persuasion 12-, Stealth 12- 85 NPC Bonus

Background: On the run, hunted by his own sol- As his resources grew, Westlake began to implement
diers. Branded a war criminal, for God's sake! And the next step in his strategy - increasing his military
all General Ren Westlake had tried to do was save the power. He became the shadowy sponsor of numerous
Earth. hyper-advanced technology projects, such as the clon-
In the year 2063, Westlake led a military coup that ing experiments at Helix Technologies.
attempted to impose an authoritarian world government Drawing on his knowledge of 21st century technol-
on the squabbling nations of a nightmarish world. ogy, Westlake provided rudimentary plans for the weap-
Beset by famines, plagues, endless wars, rampant ons, vehicles and other equipment he desired - often
pollution and out-of-control population growth, the supplying the crucial information needed to make the
world was on the edge of total collapse. Westlake hoped technological leaps required.
to pull it back from the brink by seizing control, then Westlake is nearly ready to launch the third stage of
implementing the harsh measures necessary to preserve his strategy, creation of a small but potent secret mili-
humanity. Even though some considered his plans heart- tary force employing hyper-advanced technology.
less, even inhuman, Westlake knew drastic methods Personality/Motivation: Ren Westlake has a goal:
were needed. nothing less than saving the Earth. And the only way to
But the coup failed, not least because his colleagues save the world is to unify its bickering, short-sighted
were more interested in boosting their personal power peoples under a strong leader. A leader willing to rule
than in safeguarding Earth, and Westlake went from a with an iron fist, to make the hard choices. Someone
world dictator to the most-hunted fugitive on the planet who won't be held back from decisive action by senti-
in a single night. ment or wishy-washy humanitarian ideals. Someone
Then he got a second chance. willing to go to any extreme and make any sacrifice to
Westlake discovered what appeared to be a prototype ensure the future of the human race.
time portal in some abandoned laboratory he'd broken In short, someone like Ren Westlake.
into as a hiding spot. The device had been damaged, Westlake is deeply committed to saving the Earth from
but Westlake used his technical skills to jury-rig the itself, though his vision of a totalitarian world govern-
equipment. As his pursuers closed in, he stepped through ment may fall short of others ideas of a utopian future.
the portal - and emerged in the San Angelo of 1988. But Westlake has seen at least one of the alternatives,
Westlake was too late to save the Earth of 2063. Con- and it's not something he'd like to see again.
ditions had slid too far before he'd even been born. He Quote: "My time is coming. "
could see that now. Powersffactics: Ren Westlake is a normal human,
This time, he'd make sure things went differently. But with no superpowers. His elite military training and
in order to change the course of the future, Westlake access to high-tech weapons make him a dangerous foe
needed power. And in the 1980s, money was power. in combat, however.
Wagering on sporting events, investing in key stocks, Westlake typically wears a suit of extra-light body
executing precisely timed criminal heists - Westlake armor and carries a plasma pistol, though his best de-
quietly nurtured an expanding, but invisible, financial fense is his careful planning, which should make it un-
empire. necessary for him to ever engage in direct combat.
As he explored the world of the 1980s, Westlake dis- He has naturally acute hearing, which has helped
covered signs that another time traveler had preceded Westlake get out of more than one close call.
him. A few inventions before their time, a few changes Appearance: Ren Westlake, 50, has close-cropped
from the history Westlake recalled - mostly having to white hair and pale blue eyes. He stands 5' 1O" and has
do with humanitarian causes. Still, it couldn't hurt to a stocky, muscular build. Westlake keeps in excellent
be cautious. So Westlake stayed undercover, making physical shape with daily workouts. He has a distinct
sure to remain safely anonymous. military bearing and a commanding presence. --......-Ji

Other Inventors and Holly Tamura: Chief of research at Radiant Con-
cepts. A brilliant young scientist, Tamura has helped
Scientists of Note make several discoveries in the field of laser technol-
ogy that have given the company a solid edge over its
Brian Card: An engineer at Meridian Engineering competitors. Industrial cutting lasers are her specialty.
who helped design several top-secret spy satellites. Card Tamura, who is Japanese American, has a strong in-
sold information on the projects to agents of the Soviet terest in her heritage. She belongs to several cultural
Union during the late 1970s and early 1980s. societies and has twice visited Japan to seek out long-
The collapse of the USSR brought an end to the ar- lost relatives.
rangement, but Card now lives in mortal fear that his
indiscretions will someday be revealed.
Franklin Colt: A top scientist and head of Orion Labs.
An African American man who grew up in Brenton The Social Scene
and attended UC San Angelo, he is one of the most Like any city, San Angelo is home to all kinds of
respected scientists in the world. clubs and other organizations. There are even a few
As president of Orion Labs, Colt still makes time for secret societies in the Golden City.
his own research projects and has participated in most
of the major breakthroughs achieved by the private lab.
Colt founded the lab in 1978 after becoming discour-Clubs & Organizations
aged at the scant opportunities for "pure" research at Various clubs and organizations are an important part
top corporations. Every project had a budget, usually of the San Angelo social scene. Societies based on the
small, and a schedule, usually tight. He longed to un- ethnic or national background of members are com-
dertake projects that interested him without having to mon in San Angelo, with German and Greek organiza-
produce an immediate, profitable application. tions being the most prominent. These clubs host an
Using royalties from his earlier inventions, Colt es- array of social and cultural events throughout the year.
tablished Orion Labs as a center of both applied and Service clubs, mostly local chapters of well-known
pure scientific inquiry. The innovative approach has national or even international organizations, are also
paid off with a number of important breakthroughs in popular among San Angelinos, as are lodges and fra-
several fields. ternal orders.
His full name is Benjamin Franklin Colt, but he pre- In addition, veterans organizations are fairly strong
fers to just go by his middle name. in the city, with members including a number of Viet-
Peter Kaminov: The highly intelligent, driven head nam and Persian Gulf veterans, though most members
of Helix Technologies, a focus of advanced cloning are aging World War II or Korean War vets.
and genetic engineering techniques.
Kaminov is totally focused on the potential for creat- Argonaut Society (D3)
ing genetically engineered human clones. He has never A l 930s-era club of explorers, daredevils and other
even considered the ethical or societal implications of adventurers, the Argonaut Society was founded by ex-
such efforts, and laws prohibiting human cloning are plorer Tyler North in 1928. North took the name from
of no concern to Kaminov. the Greek myth of the quest of Jason and his heroic
He also lacks any regard for the clones that might be friends for the Golden Fleece.
created by such a process- to Kaminov, they are merely The private Midtown club building featured a din-
experimental subjects, not human beings in their own ing room, lounge and trophy hall. Members included
........__,...irighl. Kaminov is consumed by the how, not the why WWI pilot "Ace" Braddock, archaeologist Professor
I ~1,~~ or even the if, of his studies. Simon Morrow, Arctic explorer Dakota Ross and big-

Clly or Sen Angulo ooc -

Life In San Angelo

game hunter Rock Cody. Howard Shaw, the heir of The Cyber Underground
railroad magnate Leland Shaw, also belonged to the Despite its sinister name, the Cyber Underground is
club and sponsored many of its expeditions. really just a club of teenage hackers based in San
The exploits of the Argonaut Society electrified San Angelo. Even though the oldest members are in their
Angelo and the nation during the bleak years of the early 20s, the underground has amassed an impressive
Depression, but the club began to fade after the disap- pool of computer expertise.
pearance of Tyler North in 1939. North had led an ex- Cyber Underground tactics vary from person to per-
pedition to investigate reports of a mysterious lost val-
son, from secretly inserting a program that collects
ley of prehistoric creatures, but never returned. The passwords into a target computer system to the low-
advent of World War II soon eclipsed the club. tech approach of going through a firm's trash bins in
The few surviving members of the Argonaut Society, search of discarded notes and computer manuals.
now all long since retired, still meet occasionally at theOther underground members are so-called "phone
club, found in the now "yuppified" Piper Glen neigh- phreaks," adept at navigating through telephone com-
borhood. The club's trophy hall, home to rare and un- pany computers to get free service, obtain extra lines,
usual artifacts from all over the globe, is sometimes change phone numbers or play practical jokes on en-
visited by scholars from San Angelo universities. emies.
The capabilities of the Cyber Underground, particu-
Other Clubs & Organizations larly the potential for stealing financial data or crash-
Most clubs in San Angelo are fairly mundane, orga- ing computers controlling vital functions like the city
nized either to help the community or bring together power grid, are of considerable concern to San Angelo
people interested in a particular hobby. A few organi- authorities.
zations stand out from the crowd, however. But club activities have so far been confined to minor
computer break-ins and low-grade mischief, like rede-
Skywatch signing the San Angelo city web page with nude pic-
An association of San Angelo UFO buffs, Skywatch tures and obscenities.
meets once a month at a local hotel. Members keep Most Cyber Underground members subscribe to a
track ofreports of UFO sightings, encounters with ex- loose hacker "code of ethics," which proscribes eras-
traterrestrials and other odd phenomena. Many claim ing files, planting viruses or committing other destruc-
to have personally seen alien spacecraft. The club also tive acts. The challenge of breaking into encrypted files,
publishes a free monthly newsletter on UFO phenom- coupled with a general feeling that cyberspace should
ena. be a place for the free exchange of information, moti-
Skywatch adherents are convinced that the govern- vates the Cyber Underground.
ment is covering up evidence of UFOs, and claim the Members normally communicate via their comput-
military is hiding a recovered alien ship at Forgan Air ers, and in fact most have never met face-to-face. They
Force Base. go by pseudonymous "screen names," often drawn
from cyberpunk science fiction novels.
The Cyber Underground prides itself on being the
Secret Societies "elite of the elite" among hackers. In order to join,
The city is also home to a few secret societies, who prospective members must hack into one of several
try to keep their membership, activities, and some- highly secure computers into which data on contact-
times even existence, quiet. ing the underground has been secretly planted.


Order of the Knights
Campaign Tip
The Cyber Underground can be a useful resource
for PCs who lack computer-related skil1s. The no- A secretive fraternal society, the Order of the Knights
tion of cracking a villain's computer network might Templar claims to trace its history back to a historic
appeal to some of its members, more for the chal- order of knighthood active during the Crusades.
lenge than any altruistic reasons. The Order of the Poor Knights of Christ and the
Of course, dealing with a paranoid, obsessive Temple of Solomon began sometime in the early l lOOs.
bunch of teenage tech no-nerds can try the patience By the 13th century, the order had grown powerful
of even the most understanding of heroes. PCs work- enough to essentially ignore the edicts of various Euro-
ing with the Cyber Underground will also have to pean monarchs. But in 1306 King Philip IV of France,
deal with the complications of teen life - school, who owed debts to the order, convinced Pope Clement
parents and so on. Imagine finding out that your V to order the arrest of all templars in France.
ace hacker can't help you because she's been Many knights templar were tried and condemned as
grounded for a month! heretics, and the order was officially dissolved in 1312.
On the other hand, a villain could turn the tables Some believe the order merely went underground, how-
on the heroes by enlisting the Cyber Underground ever, and conspiracy buffs say it continues to secretly
in an effort to attack their base computer system, influence world events even loday.
possibly erasing files, planting viruses or compro- In 1925, financier Andreas Hunt and some friends
mising security systems. These kinds of destructive founded the Order of the Knights Templar i n San
acts will not appeal to most Cyber Underground Angelo. Hunl, who claimed to be an actuai descendant
hackers, but a persuasive villain could probably find of a templar, set up elaborate rituals for initiating new
at least one teenager willing to do his dirty work. members and conducting meetings.
Members vow never to reveal the existence of the or-
der, nor its membership, but are taught various hand
signals and phrases by which they can recognize one
.. You ougllto el1fck olll the Ju.~tice Fnunda- another. Hooded velvet robes are worn for baroque cer-
titm Wl!hsite! It has bi'os of e\•eryone (n~ the emonies lit by flickering candles.
team,.a di(lgram of the TurboJet, all kmds of The newly formed Order of the Knights Temp Jar built
stuff. And you cart se11d e-mail ro tl1em., roo~ a non-descript meeting hall in Cathedral Square, which
,;/ set1t <1ne to Azteca about how on page is still used today.
of Justice foundation #ZB 11~ say~ that D~­ While the modern order continues to follow all the
meltlicl might be bell ind the tlluswnary .g1a11t customs and traditions laid down by Hunt, it now ex-
robots attacking their base whe11 ~(le~"' ~5 ists mainly as an ultra-secret lodge for bored execu-
Savant told the team that Dementia disori- tives and bureaucrats. They meet monthly at the hall,
ented her victims with chaotic, incoherent and occasionally hold feasts on certain historic dates.
illusions. The order has attracted people from all walks of life.
"He hasn't sent me a reply yet, though. Among its members are financier Xavier Trent, private
. . ?"
Think J should e-mail him agcwi. investigator Paul Wolf, a police captain and an assis-
- Nathan Weingartner, 14, student tant to the mayor, as well as numerous attorneys, doc-
tors, corporate executives and a few blue-collar work-


The Street Scene
The gritty world of the streets stands in direct con-
trast to the glittering high society scene. Life on the
street can be hard, even with the aid of shelters, meals
programs and other charitable endeavors. Even so, San
Angelo seems to have more than its share of homeless.
While an accurate count of the homeless has never
been made, they live in virtually every part of the city.
The highest concentrations of homeless people are found
downtown, particularly in City Center and the Armory,
and in Pleasant Grove.

Poverty and
Many of those on the streets suffer from mental ill-
ness, alcoholism or drug addiction. Others were forced
into homelessness by insurmountable hardships. And a
handful actually prefer a life in the open air, without
rules or responsibilities.
A high percentage of the city's homeless population
has lived in San Angelo for several years. Others are
highly mobile, traveling around the state and nation by ing, temporary jobs, such as day work at construction
hopping freight trains or hitchhiking. They rarely stay sites. Government aid, whether disability checks, food
in town longer than a few months. stamps or other help, supports others, but the money
Cars, working or not, are used as shelter, as are seems to run out faster every month.
bridges, underpasses, doorways and almost anywhere Teenage runaways, sometimes fleeing abuse, are an-
else that a person can stay dry and maybe even warm. other component of the street scene. Runaways tend to
In the summer, times are easier and many homeless band together, relying on prostitution and panhandling
people build crude camps along the brushy riverbanks. to support themselves. They sometimes break into aban-
Camping on the river is illegal, however, and police doned buildings for shelter, or build camps in under-
occasionally sweep the riverbanks to dismantle the un- passes or other out-of-the-way spots. Many runaway
sightly, unsanitary camps. Mostly this just chases the youths frequent the University Commons neighborhood,
homeless to some other part of the riverfront, to be where they blend in with the college-age crowd.
rousted again a few months later. Runaways and other homeless people prefer to avoid
Seedy motels and dilapidated downtown residency ho- confrontations with authorities, especially law enforce-
tels provide a respite from the streets, and government ment officers. Crimes are almost never reported, and
assistance provides a few people with enough income investigators are rarely able to find witnesses willing
for long-term stays, though they often have to rely on to talk. In fact, most street people are averse to volun-
soup kitchens and food banks for meals. teering any kind of information, particularly personal
Panhandling and recycling are key sources of income data like names or hometowns, and are suspicious of
for the city 's homeless, and a few hold down low-pay- strangers.

- I
Ernie "Tinfoil " Theiles Disadvantages: Age 40+, Distinctive Features:
Homeless man with tinfoil-lined cap (concealable),
Money: Destitute, Psychological Limit: Fears alien mind
DEXlO CON 12 BODY 11 control, Psychological Limit: Obsessed with alien in-
EGO 11 PRE JO COM 10 vasion.
ED2 SPD 2 REC4 Notes: Aliens! They' re everywhere, pulling the strings
STUN 21 of their human puppets, secretly ca1Tying out their con-
Powers and Skins: Eidetic Memory, Shadowing, quest of Earth.
11-, Streetwise 11-, CK: San Angelo 11-, KS: Street But Ernie Theiles knows the trnth. And he knows how
scene J 1-, KS: Films and books about aliens 14-, KS: to block their mind-control powers. Just put some tin-
Chess 14-, Perks: Contact: Judge Baxter Theiles foil in your cap, see? It deflects the telepathic emana-
(brother), 14- , Contacts: Street people, 11-. tions, protecting your mind from alien domination. So
what if everyone laughs at you? At least you're safe.
It all started 20 years ago in college. That was when
Campaign Tip Ernie began to see the truth. Class lectures, chess tour-
The street scene can provide seeds for some compel- naments, homework ... those things just didn't seem
ling adventures and memorable NPCs, offering GMs
important anymore. He holed up in his apartment, read-
an opportunity to set stories against the backdrop of a
pressing social issue in the tradition of many four-color ing his tattered sciern.:e fiction books until one day it hit
comics. him - an extratetTestrial influence was at work in the
The anonymous, faceless hordes of street people are college! Soon he could see the signs of mind control in
easy prey for criminals, not to mention mad scientists his professors, his feiiow students, even the dean when
in search of experimental subjects. The PCs could hear she expelled him.
rumors of disappearances or other strange goings-on Sure, his parents forced Ernie to see a psychiatrist,
that are being ignored by authorities. who mumbled something aboutrnental illness and medi-
Homeless people are often well-informed about the cation. But Ernie could see the truth- the doctor and
people, places and news of the street scene - keeping his parents had been co-opted by the aliens. The pills
on top of things can be a matter of survival! Street-
were really a slow-acting poison. So Ernie left, and
level PCs, in particular, might want to develop contacts
among the homeless. Often overlooked, and with plenty
he's been on his own ever since.
of time on their hands, homeless NPCs can be particu- Life on the streets isn't so bad. Oh, it can be hungry
larly good at surveillance work. A PC might even pose and cold, but there are food banks and shelters. Ernie's
as a street person to conduct undercover work, though kid brother Baxter is a judge now, and he sometimes
such a disguise is unlikely to fool the truly homeless. comes by with some money or clothes. He tries to get
Many homeless people once held respectable jobs, with Ernie to come Jive with him, but the only way Ernie
families, homes and other responsibilities before ad- can track the progress of the alien invasion is to stay on
diction, illness or misfortune drove them to the streets. the streets, just another invisible street person. He's even
Perhaps the heroes need a crucial piece of information gotten pretty good at following the alien pawns around
from a former attorney, scientist or other important per-
without being noticed.
sonage who has disappeared into the street scene.
Or the PC could have a homeless DNPC - imagine
Ernie Theiles knows the truth. And isn't that what's
the difficulty of trying to help a friend or relative who really important?
is unable to cope with a "normal" life. For a twist, the afford all them
"Hey, I jigger if lie c:<1n are some cha11gt•
GM could arrange for the PCs themselves to become
homeless - perhaps they are on the run from the law colorf11 I ou.tfits• lw cw• SI' •H
ks him. f say.t, ey,
for a ver'rtm. So os .,. Ami Ire snys. real
after being framed by a villainous enemy.
A E gor snme .....~ire
- change.
1 ....~
'r corr)' ti wo er.
NUMBER emtx1rrassed• ·u11• ."''"·m: if yci ask me.
1 r I .' 44 panhnndler
No pockt:tS.. Bad rarWo
182 _ H~rve)' a mp. •


Clly <>'Son M - 4500 -

Life In San Angelo

Other Street People Charities and Shelters

"Keychain" Boland: A homeless Armory man con- A number of charitable organizations serve the poor,
sidered something of a character by charity workers. hungry and homeless in San Angelo. Some provide basic
He carries a huge ring of discarded keys, and is per- necessities, like food and shelter, while others offer
petually on the lookout for new additions to his collec- university scholarships and other aid to help people pull
tion. He is harmless unless someone tries to take his themselves out of poverty.
keys away.
No one has ever been able to learn the reason for his
obsession with keys, and Boland seems to have no in-
Golden Rule (E9)
terest in finding the locks that his hundreds of keys fit. An ecumenical charity dedicated to serving the poor
He has had several run-ins with city police, who con- and homeless of San Angelo, the Armory-based char-
sider his key ring a potential weapon, but usually ends ity feeds thousands of people six days a week.
up back on the streets within a few days due to the Golden Rule also runs a shelter for families and a
school for homeless children at its compound. Money
vagaries of prosecuting a mentally ill person.
Christopher Jarrett: The l7-year-oldde-factoleader from 100-plus churches, the United Way and private
donations funds the sizable operation.
of a band of teenage runaways who roam back and
forth between University Commons and City Center. The lunchtime crowds at Golden Rule are one of the
chief complaints of Armory-area residents, who believe
Jarrett, who fled a foster home in Arizona, watches out
for his fellow runaways and tries to organize their ac- the charity attracts an undue concentration of home-
tivities to ensure they have food, shelter and other ne- less people to the area. Disputes with the city over per-
mits and building code violations are another sore point.
Although he projects an air of cool confidence, Jarrett
is sometimes overwhelmed by his unsought leadership Kitchens and Shelters
role. His band of teen runaways includes Emily War- Many San Angelo charities seek to aid the city's large
den, also known as the superpowered criminal Phobia. population of homeless and needy people, though their
Alberto Morales: A thug who is greatly feared by efforts do not always come without criticism.
fellow street people. Morales, who boasts that he has
killed five men, routinely extorts and robs other home- N Street Shelter (E10)
less people for money to feed his methamphetamine ad- The N Street
diction. A strong, ruthless man, he has brutally beaten Shelter is a
several people, including Ernie "Tinfoil" Theiles. Mo- county-run facil-
Poll Results:
rales has been barred from most shelters and kitchens ity in the Armory
Are soefaJ se ·
due to his violent, erratic behavior. neighborhood fairly co · rvict!$ agencies un-
Lilith Newmeyer: A disheveled woman who pushes dewntown. s nccmrated in downrow
an Angel()? n
a rattling, rusting shopping cart filled with her belong- Drafty, crowded
ings around City Center as she mumbles arcane formu- and noi sy, the Downtown Residenq
las to herself. Few people know that Newmeyer was sheller badly No 74%
once a UC San Angelo physics professor who report- needs repairs
edly worked for the U.S. government on top-secret and expansion. Undecided
projects before a slow spiral into mental illness drove B..Ulttb'b311 R.esi~ents
her to abandon her job, friends and family for a life on No 21%
the streets. 68%
Undecided %
- S1111 A11o~lo
... C''rar1tJ11
., PAG

cu1atS1nAnook> -'SOO -
Life In San Angelo

Full Gospel Mission (DS) The operation conducts several canned food drives
An overnight downtown shelter for the homeless, the each year, and uses cash donations to purchase addi-
Full Gospel Mission also offers an evening meal six tional food at discount rates from local supermarkets.
days a week, but diners must first listen to an evangeli- Boxes and bags of food are handed out each week at
cal sermon. various distribution points around the city.
A coalition of San Angelo churches supports the mis- The food bank, one of San Angelo's oldest and best-
sion. Several other similar missions are also found in known charities, was founded by Father Paul Stuart, a
the Armory and Pleasant Grove. Catholic priest.

Jobz Inc. (E10) Other Charities

A hiring hall, Jobz Inc. is located in a Riverfront All the major national charities familiar to Ameri-
warehouse downtown. Companies pay the operation a cans are well-represented in San Angelo, providing
fee to fill temporary day-labor jobs. Every day, hun- everything from disaster relief to funds for cancer re-
dreds of poor and indigent people flock to the hall in search. But the city is also home to a number of local
hopes of securing a day's work, butmostleaveempty- charitable organizations, which likewise cater to a va-
handed. riety of needs.
Lawn-maintenance firms are a chief client of Jobz
Inc., but short-term, labor-intensive jobs of all kinds David Hernandez Memorial Fund
are available - everything from demolishing houses Named for the first Latino sheriff's deputy in San
to sweeping parking lots. Angelo County, who was killed in the 1980s shortly
before his scheduled retirement, the David Hernandez
Light of Charity Mission Memorial Fund assists spouses and children of local
The Light of Charity Mission is an offshoot of Light peace officers killed in the line of duty.
of Truth Ministry, which many San Angelo residents An annual charity golf tournament at La Vista Public
consider a cult. The mission, located in Pleasant Grove, Golf Course raises money for the fund.
provides an evening meal, showers, a clothing locker
and an overnight shelter for homeless people. Percival Cooper Children's Home
Staffed by white-robed acolytes from Light of Truth The Percival Cooper Children's Home is a charitable
Ministry, the mission serves as both a public relations organization that runs a home for children who have
tool and a recruiting station for the cult. been orphaned or abandoned. One of the city 's first
charities, it was established in 1871 by Percival Coo-
St . Lawrence Dining Hall (D11) per, a pioneer lawyer who was himself an orphan.
St. Lawrence Dining Hall is a kitchen providing a hot
meal every night for hundreds of homeless and desti- Sacred Heart Memorial Hospital
tute people in the downtown. Charitable donations and Auxiliary Guild
money from the Catholic Church finance the program. Sacred Heart Memorial Hospital Auxiliary Guild
members brighten the days of hospital patients with
San Angelo Food Bank visits, gifts and occasional entertainment. Volunteers
A volunteer effort, the San Angelo Food Bank dis- knit caps for every baby born at Sacred Heart Memo-
tributes donated foodstuffs to the needy citywide. rial Hospital, arrange clown shows for children in the


Cll)'ollbnA>lO>to •o;.()0-

Life In San Angelo

pediatric wing and spend time with patients or their

families. Proceeds from a hospital gift shop and annual The Wealthy
fund-raising events help cover the guild's expenses.
Helena Pierpoint Morgan, the wife of developer Ben- Scene
jamin Morgan, serves as president of the Sacred Heart
Memorial Hospital Auxiliary Guild. Most other San The gold fields of San Angelo yielded riches to lucky
Angelo hospitals have similar volunteer guilds. '49er prospectors, and today their descendants con-
tinue to seek their fortunes in the city. Real estate, com-
San Angelo Blood Bank merce, medicine, law, manufacturing and other pur-
suits, not nuggets, fuel the dreams of modern-day gold-
Working in conjunction with area hospitals, the San
Angelo Blood Bank publicizes the need for blood do-
The city boasts a number of millionaires and other
nors and holds regular blood drives throughout San
wealthy individuals, fueling a small but thriving high
society scene.
A recent series of ads featuring such prominent regu-
lar donors as Mayor Alex Martinez, financier Alastair
McDermott, Sheriff J.T. Preston, TV personality Parker
Campaign Tip
The world of the wealthy provides a number of
Bell and hero Lotus of the Justice Foundation proved
hooks for PC backgrounds and exciting adventures.
especially popular.
Superheroes who are fabulously wealthy in their
Secret IDs are a staple of the comics and Champi-
San Angelo Women's Center ons campaigns. Players who purchase the Perk:
A non-profit organization, the San Angelo Women's Filthy Rich for their character should detennine
Center assists women who are victims of sexual as- where the PC ranks on the chart of San Angelo's
sault or domestic violence. The center, based in La Vista, wealthiest people, not to mention the PC's standing
also provides programs for abused children. Counsel- in high society.
ing, legal aid, relocation assistance and other help is Even if the heroes aren' t wealthy themselves, they
available. are likely to interact with the world of the rich at
The center also operates a shelter, called Angel House, some point. Wealthy individuals are a natural target
for women and children fleeing abusive relationships. for criminals, though most have the good sense to
The location of the shelter is a tightly guarded secret protect themselves with security systems, body-
for security reasons. The hero Corona volunteers at the guards and other defenses. While these precautions
Center in her Secret ID as attorney Callie Dalton. might be adequate for most criminals, supervillains
are another matter - one that may require the as-
sistance of the PCs.
Sarah Tanner Foundation But wealthy NPCs can be used for far more in
A scholarship fund for medical students from poorer your campaign than crime victims. As people of
San Angelo neighborhoods, the Sarah Tanner Founda- power and influence, they have access to the top
tion was started by wealthy retired cardiologist James circles of government, business and society. Finan-
Tanner and his wife, Amelia. The foundation is named cial independence has provided some NPCs with the
after their daughter, who died of leukemia as a child. time and resources to pursue interesting or useful
hobbies, or to become experts in a particular sub-

Thomas Caldecott
Retired arch-criminal

Char Cost Notes

DEX 15 OCV: 5/DCV: 5
CON -4
13 INT 3
13 EGO 6 ECV: 5
15 PRE 5
10 COM 0
15 PD 23
15 ED 22
5 SPD 35 Phases: 3, 5, 8, IO, 12
6 REC 8
30 END 7
24 STUN 12
Total Costs:
Char: 106 +Power$: 189 =Total: 295
Base: 100 + Disad: 195 =Total: 295
ultipower: nne ontrol
l 8m Speed Time: Aid 12d6 SPD, Ranged 9
3u Timeslip: Teleport, 25" 5
6u Time Travel: Extra-Dimensional Move-
ment, 2x mass, Any time 6
Detect temporal disturbances, Sense,
Ranged, PER Roll to sense: 12-

3 a ent: Abso ute 1me ense

9 Combat Skills: +3 w/time powers 1 KS: Corporate World 8-
3 Bribery 12- 2 CK: San Angelo 11-
3 Concealment 12- 2 CK: Local history 11 -
3 Disguise 11- 1 Perk: Shareholder in major corporations
Familiarity w/Security Systems 8- 5 Money: Well-off
1 Familiarity w/factics 8- luu+ u1sadvantages
3 High Society 11 - 10 Age,60+
3 Lockpicking 12- 5 Dependence: Heart Medicine (Uncommon,
3 Stealth 12- l/day, 3d6)
3 Streetwise I2- IO Phys: Heart disease (Infrequent, Greatly)
3 PS: Arch-criminal 12- 10 Phys: Using powers strains heart (lnfreq, Greatly)
2 KS: Golden Age Supers 11- 20 Psych: Code vs. killing (Common, Total)
5 KS: Golden Age Underworld 14- 20 Psych: Repentant (Common, Total)
2 KS: Criminal gang 11- 10 Reputation: Golden Age arch-criminal (Extr) 8-
AGE 15 Secret ID (former arch-criminal)
NUMBER 2 PS: Investor 11 -
95 NPC Bonus
186 .__ KS : Stock market 11 -
2 ____________ __J


Background: In Golden Age San Angelo, no arch- Caldecott sensed two temporal disruptions after re-
criminal was more well-known than Clockwork, the tiring, once in 1966 and again in 1988. The shock of
Master of Time. the second disturbance brought on a heart attack. A
A dashing, daring figure, Clockwork pulled off some pacemaker was installed, but Caldecott still suffers from
of the most audacious robberies of his day. Sometimes periodic spells of weakness.
he worked with a gang of normal accomplices, other Personality/Motivation: Thomas Caldecott is a re-
times joining with his fellow superhumans for a par- pentant man. He longs for a way to make up for his
ticular scheme. Golden Age criminal career, but so far nothing has eased
Despite his criminal acts, Clockwork was actually his remorse.
somewhat popular with a segment of the public since He fears nothing he does will ever be enough to erase
he took care to never injure or kill anyone during his the wrongs he committed.
exploits. Once, Clockwork even helped police find an Caldecott's mind is still sharp, though since the death
ex-accomplice who had murdered a woman in a later of his wife he has very little social life. Most of his
crime. friend s have also passed away, and he spends his days
He battled the Liberty Corps several times, and though walking the streets of a San Angelo very different from
the heroes managed to foil many of his plots they never the days of the Golden Age - yet, in some ways, not
succeeded in capturing Clockwork. so different after all.
But as time went by, the man behind the mask began Quote: "There has to be something l can do to help. "
to feel pangs of guilt. He couldn't fool himself any longer Powers/Tactics: Caldecott has the power to control
with boasts that his crime spree had never hurt anyone. the flow of time. He can speed or slow time for both
His jewel heists had bankrupted some stores, while his himself and others. As the criminal Clockwork, he used
art thefts had wrecked prized collections. these powers to escape capture several times by slow-
He had sold family heirlooms, handed down for gen- ing time to a crawl for pursuing heroes while he fled in
erations, for pennies on the dollar. normal time.
And as time passed, the colorful days of the Golden He can also travel through time, though Caldecott
Age began to wane. A new, harder time was dawning, has almost never used this power for fear of disrupting
and Clockwork realized he couldn't expect to go on the timestream. He does not have a complete under-
forever without being forced to injure or kill someone standing of temporal flows, but Caldecott can sense
in his crimes. disturbances to the flow of time.
In 1950, Clockwork retired - he took off the mask While his time control powers are as strong as ever,
and became wealthy investor Thomas Caldecott, put- Caldecott's aging heart cannot take the strain of ex-
ting the proceeds of his criminal career into the stock tended use of his paranormal abilities. Even a minor
market. use of his powers leaves him weak and shaky. A major
He met and married his wife of 35 years, Coral, never expenditure of power, such as traveling through time,
telling her of his past or powers. The couple had no could kill him.
children, and she passed away in 1985. His physical attributes are also seriously degraded
Over the years, Caldecott's past has weighed more by age. Even his once-superhuman abilities, such as
and more heavily on his mind. Even his sizable chari- his agility, are now barely above the human norm.
table donations have failed to assuage his guilt. Appearance: Caldecott, 86, has white hair and beard,
He rarely uses his time control powers anymore due with light blue eyes. He wears black-framed glasses.
to the strain on his heart, but now and again Caldecott His 5'8" frame is spare, and his facial features are
performs small, anonymous acts of heroism - slow- sharp. As Clockwork, he wore a red costume with gold
ing a speeding car just long enough for a child to get cape, boots, midriff and gloves. He wore a mask, and
out of its path, for example. a golden timepiece design on his chest. ..G-E..

Prominent Wealthy parties at Payne's Brackett Park mansion are a key
part of the high society scene. A past president of the
People San Angelo Historical Society, Payne has a strong in-
Wealthy individuals still active in their chosen ca- terest in preservation efforts in the city. She is being
reers are covered under their respective professions. courted by French architect Pierre Duval.
Dakota Ross: An explorer and adventurer of the
Veronica and Violet Barnes: Elderly twin sisters 1920s-1930s who published a best-selling autobiog-
who inherited the Barnes department store fortune. The raphy in the 1980s. One of the few surviving mem-
eccentric sisters own a considerable share of Barnes bers of the Argonaut Society in San Angelo, Ross was
Co. stock, but are not involved in company operations. particularly well known for his daring Arctic and Ant-
The twins, who never married, live together in the fam- arctic expeditions. A cranky, gruff exterior conceals
ily mansion in Poverty Gulch. A frequent sight on the his sharp mind and keen interest in the modem world.
social circuit, they are fond of dressing alike. James and Amelia Tanner: A rich Af1ican-Ameri-
Kenneth Cameron III: The young heir apparent to can couple who administer a small charitable founda-
the Peregrine Aircraft fortune, considered the most eli- tion. A retired heart surgeon and medical researcher,
gible bachelor in San Angelo. While he has made a James Tanner invented an artificial heart valve that he
pretense of learning the family business, Cameron sold to a major corporation for hundreds of thousands
seems content to live the carefree life of a playboy. of dollars. Now he and his wife provide scholarships
His father, president of Peregrine Aircraft, has all but to medical students and grants to local hospitals
given up on him and the two do not get along. through the Sarah Tanner Foundation, named after a
Charles Harrison Moore: A retired attorney with a daughter who died as a child.
passion for hunting and sport-fishing. He has hunted Bethany Rhys Waterhouse: A young woman who
all over the world, and typically spends several months has risen quickly in the world of high society. She is
out of town each year on married to Russell
hunting expeditions. Top 20 Wealthiest San Angelo Waterhouse, considered
Moore's mansion on the Resident s one of the up-and-coming
bluffs of the Del Oro River young attorneys at Madi-
contains hunting trophies of 1. (Reserved/or PCs or GM-created characters) son, Fairchild & Associates,
all kinds, including a hand- 2. Aristeides Pappagianis (developer) the city's top law firm.
3. Thaddeus Long (sports mogul) Known for her extensive
ful of now-rare or endan- 4. Xavier Trent (investor)
gered species such as griz- 5. (Reserved/or PCs or GM-created characters) jewelry collection, Bethany
zlies, tigers and rhinos. He 6. Benjamin Morgan (developer) also has earned a reputation
also collects hunting rifles 7. Kenneth Cameron II (president, Peregrine Aircraft) for her charity work. Her
8. Veronica and Violet Barnes (heiresses) balls and parties on behalf
of all types, from the most 9. Peter K. Fletcher (newspaper publisher)
sophisticated new models 10. (Reserved/or PCs or GM-created characters) of local causes are becom-
to vintage muskets dating 11. Alastair McDermott (investor) * ing very popular among the
back to the 1700s. 12. Donald Croft (investor) city's social elite.
Helen Payne: A wealthy 13. C. Fullerton Hughes (CEO, Eclipse Industries) Unbeknownst to her hus-
14. Thomas Caldecott (retired investor) * band, Bethany Waterhouse
widow known as an excel- IS. (Reserved/or PCs or GM-created characters)
lent hostess. Her late hus- 16. Randolph McAlpine (rental property owner/politician) is having an affair with
band, Howard Payne, 17. Ethan Reynolds, aka Twister (restaurateur) * Scott Blake, a dashing ex-
owned Pantheon Steel be- 18. Tom Fitzsimmons (software designer) test pilot and astronaut who
19. Dakota Ross (explorer-author) • works for Peregrine Air-
~ PAGE'tore :1 ~~elCIprefy to financier 20. (Reserved/or PCs or GM-created characters)
eeR 0 on<1 u ro t. 6 laborate craft.

c11yotS00An9•lo •~co -

Life In San Angelo

Lifestyles of the Rich Campaign Tip

and Famous Weallhy individuals are accustomed to getting what
A wealth of private clubs and other social hot spots they want, which could pose a problem for the PCs
if an NPC decides that what he wants is a
exist to provide a backdrop to the heady high society
superpowered bodyguard ... or if his daughter wants
scene in San Angelo.
a superpowered boyfriend. Imagine a PC hero be-
ing bombarded with candies, flowers, gifts, billboard
~Campaign 'Tip messages and other entreaties by an ardent suitor.
Many of the places fn!qbented by the ci\y's so- Or the GM could turn up the heat by making the
1cial elite are exclusive private clubs. Non-mem- NPC an outright enemy instead of a mere annoy-
ber~. even heroes, may have a hard time getting
ance. Those contacts and resources make even a
into these..places. GMs can use these types of prob- non-powered wealthy NPC a serious threat to the
lems to encourage players to invest some points in heroes. She may not have any superpowers, but she
contacts or favors. can hire plenty of people who do if she sees the need.
Membership in one of these private clubs is i:, l On the other hand, a rich NPC could sponsor a
pt. Perk. PC hero team to combat the increasing lawlessness
in society or fulfill some other purpose - maybe
Skyline Club (C9) just as a tax write-off! NPCs who might be inter-
The Skyline Club is an exclusive private dining club ested in such a venture are marked with a * on the
on the top story of the Prospector Bank Building in chart of San Angelo's wealthiest residents.
downtown San Angelo. Only members and their guests
are allowed to dine at the restaurant, which serves
sumptuous lunches and dinners. By tradition, the mayor has an honorary member-
Most of the chief powerbrokers in the city belong to ship, but Mayor Martinez rarely visits the club except
the Skyline Club, which caters solely to the upper crust. when entertaining out-of-town business guests.
It is also considered a key networking spot among the
city's business elite. Royal Grove
Members include Country Club
Anders Drake, BENJAMIN MOF{GAN The elite Royal Grove
II.le el>ov. ~med pe"'<>'1 i1 ;i momber In gOOd -ding ol Country Club boasts lav-
ish dining facilities, a
Thaddeus Long, 90-0052- I
,.,...,...,~ championship golf
Benjamin Morgan,
course, an Olympic-sized
Jeffrey Daley,
indoor swimming pool, a
Xavier Trent, Sena-
riding stable and other
tor Catherine Forbes
amenities. The most pres-
and most of the other
tigious, and expensive,
movers and shakers
country club in San
in the city.


Cnyof~tlAtlflak> 4$00 -

Life In San Angelo

Other Places of Note deals take place at the gym. Security at the club, lo-
The city's social elite have their pick of places to hob- cated in a grim part of the City Center, is extremely
nob, with numerous country clubs and other attractions tight.
scattered around San Angelo.
La Vista Cabana Club (14)
Ashcroft Riding One of the few survivors of the once-plentiful pool
Stables clubs of 1950s-era suburban La Vista, the members-
A private equestrian club only La Vista Cabana Club includes a swimming pool,
in Lakeview, the Ashcroft a diving pool and other swimming-related facilities.
Riding Stables cater to the Once considered the "country clubs" of the middle
very rich and their chil- class, cabana clubs are now mostly known for their
dren. In addition to an ex- swim teams and barely register on the social scale.
tensive stable, the club offers miles of wooded riding
trails, training corrals and a show compound complete
Oakbridge Country Club
with grandstands.
Oakbridge Country Club in La Vista has a well-re-
Shows are held at the stables almost every weekend,
garded 18-hole golf course cut by numerous creeks.
and regular classes in riding and jumping are avail-
The l 960s-style clubhouse is undergoing renovation and
able . The club is owned and run by Lady Judith
remodeling work.
Ashcroft, a British champion of the equestrian circuit.
The least expensive club in the city, Oakbridge Coun-
try Club is considered a good start for would-be social
Castle Heights Country Club
One of the newest country clubs in San Angelo, Castle
Heights Country Club has an 18-hole course designed
by a retired professional golfer. San Angelo Yacht Club
A shortage of mature shade trees makes the course An exclusive organization of wealthy sailing fans, the
blazing hot in summer, however, and early morning tee San Angelo Yacht Club
times are highly coveted. holds several outings on
Lake Oro and the
Central City Racquet Club (DlO) delta each year.
A gym and sports com- The organization
plex in the City Center, the a l so sponsors
Central City Racquet the annual Lake
Club is popular with many O ro Regatta
top executives at nearby sailboat races,
corporate headquarters. which are open
The pricey club offers racquetball courts, two pools, a to non-club members for a
gym, steam baths and other attractions. Many business slightly higher registration fee.


Museums and Libraries
San Angelo Metropolitan Museum: Hall Avenue
The Media
In order to keep up with life in the big city, people
at E Street - "The Golden Age" takes a timely look
back at the first superhuman heroes of San Angelo. have to stay informed. San Angelo has a host of news-
The exhibit spans 1936 to 1950, offering insights into papers, magazines and radio and television stations
the careers of such early luminaries as Minuteman ready to meet the need.
and the Liberty Corps. Their enemies. from Nazi
spies to Clockwork, are also examined. Dioramas, old
newspaper clippings and a few artifacts of the era tell
the story. While the exhibit touches on some contro- The city has a lively newspaper scene, with two large
versies, such as the racist public reaction to the daily papers and a host of smaller competitors and
addition of the Japanese-American Silver Samurai to weekly publications.
the Liberty Corps following World War II. overall it
takes a fond look back at what now seems a simpler
age. (Open daily from l 0 a.m. to 5 p.m.)
San Angelo Times
- "On the Town" listings, The largest daily newspaper in the city, the San Angelo
Golden City Magazine Times has been a part of the community since 1902.
Founded by Vernon Fletcher, the operation is still domi-
Life's not all work and no play for San Angelo resi- nated by the Fletcher family today, although it is now a
dents, and the city is bursting with entertainment op- corporation with thousands of shareholders and a board
tions. of directors.
Sports, nightlife, fine dining, the arts and outdoor rec- Peter K. Fletcher, a great-nephew of the founder, is
reation are just a few possibilities. But residents also the current publisher.
need to stay up on the latest news, and that's where the The San Angelo Times is a morning paper, published
media comes in. seven days a week. The Sunday editions are the larg-
est, and usually feature major projects or the start of a
series of reports on some pressing local issue.
Campaign Tips Each day's paper is a little different, but the core ele-
Plenty of adventure possibilities will present them- ments include a front section devoted to state, national
selves in this chapter, but GMs may also want to keep and international news, a metro section on local news,
the human side of the PCs in mind when reading
a sports section, a lifestyles section, a business section
through it, particularly entertainment-related material.
and two or more sections of classifieds.
Fighting crime and saving the world all the time can
get a little old - an occasional adventure in which the Sections focusing on food, entertainment, gardening,
heroes unwind with a trip to the ball game, day at the real estate and small businesses typically appear one
beach or night at the opera can open up new vistas in or two times a week on a regular schedule.
your gaming and provide players with a chance to ex- The San Angelo Times has a daily circulation of
plore another side of their PCs. 344,342 and a Sunday circulation of 429, 440.
The various people, places and activities described in The paper employs 2,080 people in all at its down-
this chapter can also be sprinkled into more standard town plant. Its newsroom staff of about 60 reporters
adventures to help give players the sense their PCs do covers state and local news. The sports, lifestyles and
their heroing in a real, living city.
business sections have their own staffs of reporters,
For example, if one point in the adventure calls for a
and a crew of award-winning photographers snaps the
television report on the villain's latest escapade, con-
sider mentioning which station aired the report, using pictures to go with the words. Graphic artists provide
one of the listed TV reporters or anchors. snappy-looking maps and charts to liven up the news
pages. PAGE

City m San Anuo ooo -
Media, Entertainment
And The Arts

International news and photos come in over the As- mally distributed free at supermarket racks, these neigh-
sociated Press wire, though the San Angelo Times oc- borhood papers are tiny operations with one or two
casionally sends teams overseas for special projects writers at most. The city also supports numerous weekly
or series. or monthly "shoppers," filled entirely with classified
The paper's edi- "Hey Jolene! Dynamos ads of all types.
torials tend to be fighting Phosphorous by Curry The city also supports a host of monthly specialty
fairly liberal, Bridge on the river! We just publications. Gays, lesbians, parents, singles, computer
which angers picked it up on Jhe police aficionadoes and New Age adherents are just as few of
some conserva- scanner. Here 's some fibn, get the groups targeted by these papers.
tives in town. out there! Bill, you go with her.
Contrary to com- This is for page one, folks! Business Chronicle
plaints from those Sheny, get the.file on Phospho- The weekly Business Chronicle reports on the San
rous out of the morgue. Now,
who disagree with Angelo business scene - everything from shake-ups
where's my- hey, has anyone
its opinion page, seen my coffee?" at top corporations to innovative small businesses. The
the paper' s editors - Norm Fowler, 40, city editor paper also prints charts ranking the top companies in a
strive to keep bias variety of categories.
out of news stories and generally succeed.
Overall, the San Angelo Times has a good reputation Chinatown Express
for accuracy and fairness. Critics claim the paper some- A twice-weekly paper, the Chinatown Express focuses
times plays it safe by not more aggressively pursuing on life in the Asian American community, particularly
investigative sluries, bui ihe Times still breaks its share
of exposes on scandals and corruption. One recent se- Written in Chinese, the Chinatown Express has a repu-
ries detailed the rampant corruption in the San Angelo tation for breaking big stories, particularly those deal-
County building inspector's office, for example. ing with gangs and organized crime.
Competition with the San Angelo Clarion, an older The paper was founded by immigrant Hu Chow, who
but slightly smaller daily paper, is intense. Scoops are became known as Harvey Chow, in the 1960s. A one-
celebrated and missed stories cursed as both papers man operation, Chow established the muckraking repu-
struggle to provide better coverage of the Golden City tation of the Chinatown Express, and his shooting death
than their rival. in a Chinatown restaurant in l 988 is believed to be the
The San Angelo Times has won three Pulitzer Prizes work of Chinese organized crime figures irked by his
over the years, along with a host ofless-famous awards. exposes on the tongs.
The death of Chow failed to silence the Chinatown
Other Newspapers Express, however. His daughter, Suzy Chow, took over
At 3 million people and growing, San Angelo is a the paper and continues to operate it much as her fa-
big newspaper market - far too big for just one paper ther did.
to satisfy its residents.
The city has a second metro daily, and outlying towns Golden City Magazine
are served by their own daily or multi-weekly news- The glossy Golden City Magazine, published
papers. Still other newspapers focus on various cul- monthly, concentrates on life and lifestyles in San
tural or ethnic sub-groups in the metropolitan area. Angelo. Regular stories include interviews with promi-
In addition to these publications, San Angelo has sev- nent residents, photo spreads on the beautiful homes
eral weekly newspapers with limited circulation. Nor- of the city and fine arts listings.


C.,.,afl••1"""'110 •500 -
Media, Entertainment
And The Arts

Marshall Post-Dispatch ries, entertainment listings and extensive personal ads

A small daily newspaper, the Marshall Post-Dispatch section.
keeps residents of Marshall and the surrounding area The paper takes an irreverent attitude toward just
up-to-date on local happenings. The paper publishes about everything, particularly public officials and civic
six days a week, skipping Saturdays, and has a circu- leaders. Mainstream is something of a dirty word at
lation of 10,000, rising to 12,000 on Sundays. the S.A. Weekly.
While accuracy is still a basic, reporters at the paper
San Angelo Clarion make no pretense at objectivity or fairness. Many sto-
The oldest daily newspaper in the city, the San Angelo ries are interlaced with passages on the writer's feel-
Clarion was started in 1862 by Angus O'Toole. The ings or past experiences.
paper is now owned by a national newspaper chain. The S.A. Weekly also takes delight in publishing ma-
Like its rival, the slightly larger San Angelo Times, terial that would never see print in traditional papers,
the Clarion reports on local, state, national and inter- such as original poems and short stories. Critics blast
national news. The paper also covers sports, lifestyles, the paper as juvenile, raunchy and ultimately silly, but
business and entertainment, among other topics. such attacks only bolster its readership.
The paper's opinion pages tend to be slightly conser- The paper stages several awards contests each year
vative, which irks more liberal San Angelo residents. to boost readership and ad sales, including an annual
News stories are generally well-balanced and fair, how- "Best of San Angelo" poll of readers and a local music
ever, in spite of claims of biased reporting by critics of awards contest.
the Clarion's editorials.
The San Angelo Clarion has a daily circulation of Vietnamese Journal
223,392, rising to 285,410 on Sundays. It has The Vietnamese Journal is a paper for Southeast
a metro newsroom Asian residents of San Angelo. Published weekly on a
of 35 hard-working shoestring budget, the newspaper offers advice on life
reporters . Sports, in America, profiles of prominent Southeast Asian resi-
lifestyles and busi- dents and editorials blasting the communist govern-
ness coverage are ment of Vietnam.
handled by sepa-
rate staffs, and
"l've seen a lot of things in my day, but
the photo depart-
I've never seen anything like the night I
ment handles the
covered the Twelve people
camera work.
died in that tenement fire. Burned to a
Competition for
crisp. It was gruesome. And they say it
stories is intense between reporters for the
was arson. Well, no kidding. I mean,
Clarion and Times, but usually friendly- after dead- every one of the victims was a member of
line, at least.
organized crime.
The newspaper employs 1,342 people in all at its
"Funny how everyone else on that floor
downtown plant. Selena Waters is the general manager
got out before the fire started. I'm not
of the San Angelo Clarion.
naming my source, but som(!body said
they all got a call from some guy, telling
S.A. Weekly them to leave the building. "
The S.A. Weekly is an altemative tabloid papers known - Donald Patrick, journalist
for its strong progressive leanings, investigative sto-

Madeleine Sainte-Marie
Newspaper reporter
INT 15 EGO 13 PRE 13 COM 12
PD 4 ED 3 SPD 3 REC 5
END 26 STUN 22
Powers and Skills: Bureaucratics 12-, Conversation
14-, Deduction 12-, Familiarity w/Criminology 8-,
Familiarity w/High Society 8-, Persuasion 12-, Stealth
12-, Streetwise 12-, PS: Newspaper reporter 11-, KS:
San Angelo supers 14-, KS: U.S. supers 11-, KS: World
supers 8-, KS: Newspapers 11-, KS: Notable people
11-, CK: San Angelo 11-, AK: New York 11-, AK:
Louisiana bayous 11-, KS: Cajun foods 11-, Language:
French (idiomatic), Perk: Press Pass, Contacts: SAPD
11-, Sheriff's Department 11-, City Hall 11-, Street
scene 11-, FBI 8-, Justice Foundation 8-.
Disadvantages: DNPC (Mai Tien) 8-, Distinctive
Features: Cajun accent (concealable), Psych: Competi-
tive, Psych: Curious, Psychological Limit: Code of eth-
ics, Reputation: Reporter 11-.
Notes: Madeleine Sainte-Marie covers the supers beat
for the San Angelo Times. Her editors consider her one
of the paper's ace reporters, and readers depend on
Sainte-Marie to deliver the latest scoop on A few people have taken issue with her stories on
superpowered doings in the city. them, but on balance Sainte-Marie has a good reputa-
Born in the Louisiana bayou country near New Or- tion for accuracy and fairness. She's also known for
leans, Sainte-Marie grew up in a backwoods Cajun keeping her word to sources.
family. Even as a child, she was intensely curious about Off the job, she volunteers for the Big Brothers/Big
everything. Sisters program and often spends time with her "little
Editor of her high school newspaper, Sainte-Marie sister," Mai Tien, a Vietnamese American youngster.
earned a journalism scholarship to Columbia Univer- Sainte-Marie, 35, has shoulder-length curly black hair
sity in New York. A job covering the police beat at a and brown eyes. She likes wearing hats, and a battered
small-town daily paper in the Midwest launched her fedora given to her by an old newspaper colleague is
career as a professional journalist. among her favorites.
A succession of jobs at progressively bigger and bet- She speaks with a recognizable Cajun accent. Regu-
ter papers led Sainte-Marie to San Angelo, where she lar workouts at a local gym help her stay in shape.
landed the prime supers beat by dint of her hard work Single, with no children, Sainte-Marie visits her par-
and perseverance. An able, skilled reporter, Sainte- ents and relatives in Louisiana at least twice a year.
Marie excels at putting her interview subjects at ease. Cajun cooking is one of her hobbies.


more impassioned of the pair, balancing McAdams's
Other Reporters of cynicism.
Note J.J. McAdams: Half of a crack investigative duo for
Jerry Abbot: A veteran columnist for the San Angelo the San Angelo Times. With his reporting partner,
Clarion. A throwback to the cigar-puffing, no-nonsense Bobbie Goldblum, McAdams broke the story on the
newsmen of the past, Abbot often jabs at politicians, payoffscandal involving the San Angelo County build-
judges and other officials in his column for such faults ing inspector's office.
as waffling on issues or pushing pet projects at public Adept at negotiating bureaucratic mazes, McAdams
expense. His criticism often hits the mark, and more specializes in rooting out documents and following
than one civic leader has quietly dropped a particularly money trails. He has a cynical take on life.
silly proposal after being ridiculed in Abbot's column. McAdams and Goldblum are now investigating ru-
Abbot unfortunately exhibits another legendary trait mors that former City Council member and powerbroker
of early newsmen - he is an alcoholic who spends Randolph McAlpine is secretly a top slumlord in San
most of his off-hours at downtown watering holes. His Angelo.
health is not especially good, but Abbot has resisted Jesse Orozco: A young reporter for the S.A. Weekly
entreaties to take better care of himself. who writes stories on social injustice in San Angelo,
Maggie Blaylock: A free-lance photographer with a particularly those involving prejudice or bigotry.
home in San Angelo. Blaylock regularly travels over- Matt Powell: A sports reporter and columnist for the
seas on assignment for magazines and papers, often San Angelo Clarion. He covers the San Angelo Nug-
placing herself at considerable risk. Her photos focused gets basketball team for the paper, but his candid as-
world attention on the Rwandan civil war in 1994. sessments of some players' work ethic and skills have
Blaylock also shot photos of the Tienanmein Square not made him especially popular with the team.
protest in China, the Bosnian war and several African In 1996, player Tate Hall slugged Powell in the San
famines. A daring, inventive photojournalist, Blaylock Angelo Sports Complex locker room following publi-
seems destined for a Pulitzer Prize. cation of a particularly critical column. Hall was fined
Suzy Chow: Owner, editor and chief reporter of the by the team for the incident, but Powell declined to file
Chinatown Express. Chow returned to San Angelo from criminal charges against the volatile player.
a job at an East Coast newspaper to take over the pa- Paul Quigley: A crusading San Angelo Times col-
per following the death of her father, Harvey Chow. He umnist. Quigley, who worked for a Texas paper before
was shot to death in 1988 while dining at a Chinatown coming to San Angelo, writes biting columns on local
restaurant in a suspected tong reprisal for his exposes concerns and controversies.
on Chinese organized crime. Quigley tends to champion the underdog in his widely
Suzy Chow has lived up to her father's reputation as read thrice-weekly columns.
a gutsy reporter determined to root out corruption, preju- He has taken up several causes over the years, and
dice and injustice in Chinatown. The Chinatown Ex- his latest pet peeve seems to be the potential for ci vii
press continues to be the authoritative source on news rights abuses by self-proclaimed heroes, particularly
of San Angelo's Asian population. those with superpowers.
Bobbie Goldblum: A San Angelo Times investiga- D. Jonathan Whittier: Editor of the San Angelo
tive reporter who works with fellow reporter J.J. Clarion. Whittier came to the paper from a hard-charg-
McAdams. The duo has landed several major awards ing East Coast paper, and has infused the newsroom
for its exposes on public corruption, corporate skull- with the same go-get-' em attitude. He is largely respon-
duggery and other wrongdoing. sible for the Clarion's recent circulation gains on the
Goldblum shines at developing sources and finding San Angelo Times, in spite of his paper's smaller newsll!!!'!-~I
people willing to talk on the record. She tends to be the staff and budget.


Campaign Tip Major Radio Stations
The newspaper world presents a vast range of possi-
FM Stations
bilities for inventive GMs and players. Reporters make
KJAZ ("K-Jazz") 88.5 FM, jazz
excellent DNPCs, or Secret IDs for heroes. They are
KXQD 92.7 FM, public radio
also a virtual well of adventure possibilities - report-
KSDF 94. l FM, Spanish-language
ers are forever sticking their noses where they're not
KAOS ("Chaos 95") 95.3 FM, alternative rock
wanted. A reporter investigating a superhuman crimi-
KVSA %.5 FM, UC San Angelo, various formats
nal or an organized crime figure could be kidnapped,
KMNA 97.9 FM, Christian music
causing a friend or relative to seek help from the PCs.
KRVR ("The River") 99.1 FM, country (sister station
Or the reporter herself could come to the heroes for aid,
pursued by superpowered thugs hired to silence her.
KBRZ ("Cool Breeze 100") 100.3, easy listening
An ordinary citizen who disagrees with an editorial
KHDV 101.7 FM, oldies
might be satisfied with writing a letter to the editor. But
KSWN ("Rock 102") 102.5, rock
when Amok decides to respond by demolishing the San
KLIC ("Klick-103") 103.3 FM , classic rock
Angelo Clarion building, the help of the PCs may be
KBBO 105.5 FM, hip-hop, rap and R&B
KXFT ("The X-Factor") 106.9 FM, top-40
Reporters can also be a chief source of information on
the campaign world. A civic-minded reporter might of- KQTR (''Country 107") 107.3 FM, country
fer free advice or tips to PCs conducting an investiga- AM Stations
tion, while a less helpful newshound might trade infor- KJSD ("Home of the Miners") 840 AM, sports
mation for an exclusive story or gossip on other supers. KFHA 1250 AM, classic country (sister station of
Of course, reporters can also pose problems for the KRVR)
PCs. They can discover inconvenient facts about the hero KGTT ("Talk Time") 1440 AM, news/talk
- like his Secret ID - blow undercover operations and KWIO 1490 AM, big band
serve as handy hostages for villains. A crusading col- KNDI 1560 AM, news/talk
umnist might take it into her head to write a series of
columns villifying the PCs, or a corrupt reporter in the
pay of the hero's enemies could even begin blackening
his reputation with falsified stories.
Radio Personalities
Enemies of the PCs can find other ways to use news- Dr. Jessica Carpenter: Known as "Dr. Jess," this
papers to further their plans. A supervillain could try to popular San Angelo psychologist dispenses advice on
trick a reporter into peddling disinformation to deceive relationships, parenting and other topics on her after-
the heroes. Or nefarious villains could use innocent- noon call-in show on KGTT.
sounding personal ads to communicate with their part- Chuck Highsmith: Pilot of "Skywatch l," a light
ners, henchmen or even the PCs! plane used for radio traffic reports. Highsmith, a re-
tired Air Force pilot, provides San Angelo commuters
with up-to-the-minute reports on traffic tie-ups,
Radio wrecks, road hazards and other problems. In between
peak commute times, Highsmith flies inspection runs
Stations I. KNDI (news/talk)
along power lines for Western Gas & Electric Co.
The airwaves of San 2. KXFf (top-40) Shelley Keyes: A popular DJ on FM radio station
Angelo are hopping 3. KRVR (country) KBBO. Keyes keeps the tunes coming for rap, R&B
with all kinds of music, 4. KOTT (news/talk) and hip-hop lovers in San Angelo on her late-night
call-in shows and all- 5. KAOS (alt. rock) show. Many listeners find the Jamaican-born disc
news stations. Source: Arbitron7"' jockey's accent irresistible.

Clly tr. 5~11 A.nlJalO
Media, Entertainment
.u oo -

And The At1S

Bob Mellon and Tony Spencer: The hit morning- more than 100 channels from all over the nation, in-
drive team of Bob & Tony on station KXFT. They trade eluding a number of "super-stations." The cable sys-
wisecracks, conduct funny interviews, - - - - - - - - - - . tern also provides two public access chan-
hold wacky contests and once in awhile Cam pa ig n nels.
play some top-40 songs. Tip
"Dingo" Raines: An Australian "shock Supers are a colorful and Television Reporters
jock" on AM news/talk station KNDI flashy lot, as well-known
known for his off-color commentary and to the public as any celeb-
and Personalities
Parker Bell: The host of a syndicated
outrageous behavior. His often vulgar rity. "Dingo" Raines will
talk show based in San Angelo. The
morning drive-time show has been the certainly work them into
Parker Bell Show has been criticized for
target of numerous protests and letter- his "shock jock" routine,
its tawdry topics, which tend to focus on
wri ting campaigns by offended San engaging in graphic specu-
lation on obscene uses for cheating spouses, out-of-control kids, and
Angelinos . Radio executives have de-
their powers or inventing wild disputes between lovers. Bell's cheap
fended his top-rated show on free-speech
vulgar "news stories" theatrics, such as confronting guests with
grounds, however. Raines lives for pub- about them. He might
surprise allegations or ambushing them
licity, and is forever dreaming up new challenge a female PC to
with unexpected guests, are also a target
ways to get in the public eye. In 1995, an oil-wrestling match in
of critics.
police anested Raines for making a nude front of City Hall, or invite
But the formula has proven successful,
skydiving jump from the top of the Twi- a naive PC hero onto his
show in order to humiliate and neither Bell nor her producers seem
light Tower.
Roberto de la Torres: A popular DJ him on the air. likely to change the show's format any
on Spanish-language radio station KSDF. The antics of Raines can time soon.
Part of the San Angelo radio scene for present a real moral di- A former Miss San Angelo, Bell has
lemma for PCs - their toughened up a lot since her early days as
nearly 10 years, de la Torres remains rela-
first impulse will probably a talk show host. Now she's adept at han-
tively unknown to non-Spanish speaking be to beat him to a pulp,
dling guests and jeering audiences, always
residents but is widely respected in the hardly a heroic action
keeping things barely on the verge of boil-
Latino community. His efforts to sway since he's just a normal.
ing over and viewers on the edge of their
Latino youths from gangs and give them But once he latches onto
some pride in their heritage have won de the PCs, Raines will never
la Torres particular praise. He is a per- let up until he senses that In San Angelo, her show airs afternoons
sonal friend of Mayor Alex Martinez. his audience is losing in- on TV station KXTY.
terest. Tobi Cantrell: A likable young reporter
assigned to do daily "person in the street"
Television Stations interviews for KCTZ. She and her cameraman, Jake
The city supports six major broadcast stations, in- Loftus, are a common sight on the streets of San Angelo
cluding local affiliates of national commercial net- as they charge about asking ordinary people for their
works. opinions on local happenings.
There are four national broadcasting networks in the Cantrell hated the assignment at first, but after nearly
San Angelo world: the National Broadcasting Network a year she's become quite good at picking out willing
(NBN), American Broadcasting System (ABS), Co- subjects. She's also conscientious about showing the
lumbia Broadcasting Network (CBN) and the World diversity of the city with her nightly spots.
Broadcasting System (WBS). In addition, always being on the street has helped
Nearly every household in metropolitan San Angelo Cantrell land a few scoops when something interest-
is hooked up to a cable system, giving them access to ing has taken place nearby. rAGE

mml _J
Jake Loftus: A cameraman for KCTZ who accom-
panies "person on the street" reporter Tobi Cantrell on
her daily forays into the streets of San Angelo.
Loftus tries to keep the irrepressible Cantrell out of
trouble, like the time she wanted to interview gang
members at a Lemon Terrace crackhouse about their
neighbors' complaints. His nerves are sometimes shot
at the end of the day, but Loftus enjoys working with
Tom Longstreet: The respected veteran news anchor
of KABL. Longstreet has worked for the station for 20
years, becoming a veritable San Angelo institution.
Wally Masterson: An obnoxious late-night talk show
host on KWNT. Masterson speaks out on conservative
causes, though he's something of an embarassment to
local conservatives.
Mostly his weekly show features Masterson berating
some hapless guest before ignoring the person com-
pletely and going off on a rant about commie-sympa-
thizing liberals. Most viewers seem to watch it more
for entertainment value than any serious discussion of
political issues.
In the past, Masterson has come out strongly in favor
of vigilantes and non-sanctioned heroes who fight crime
in San Angelo.
Darcy Vuong: A news reporter for KSVX who has
built a reputation for fairness and accuracy. Vuong
also anchors the weekend news for the station.

Gavin Garfield: The flamboyant weatherman for aJor tat ons

KABL. Garfield is fond of loud ties and oddball suits. KSVX Channel 4 (NBN affiliate)
He delivers his forecasts in a booming baritone, and KABL Channel 7 (ABS affiliate)
likes to do live reports from some off-beat places KZNE Channel 9 (Public Television)
around town - once giving the weather in a clown KCTZ Channel 11 (CBN affiliate)
KWNT Channel 44 (Independent, WBS affiliate)
suit while visiting the circus. KXTY Channel 28 (Independent)
A few weeks ago, Garfield struck a child on a bike
with his car while driving home from the station late
one night. He panicked and drove off. The child was "lo1•t 'em or l1a1e •em. one thing :J for ~11re•. .
badly hurt and Garfield has not yet worked up the nerve s11pers ure 11tws. Peo11le whine and complai11
to turn himself in to police. abo111 'em, brtt if Dynamo make.~ an appearance
Guilt and fear of being caught are consuming the once- at 1f1e local /a1mdm-ma1 - pow! It mak~ the
voluble weatheiman, and his KABL associates wrongly evening riews.
"Per.~onall)~ I'd ratlier covtr 1he p(l/ice bear. ''
suspect Garfield may be ill.
-Marietta Carmine. copy editor

Ctty af San A.t1(JOIO .UOO - •

Media, Entertainment
And The Arts

Sports Pro Sports Personalities of

San Angelo may not be the sports capital of the world, Note
but die-hard sports fans can still find plenty of outlets Odysseus B rown: A retired boxing champ who has
for their passion whether they like to play or merely become something of a neighborhood hero in Brenton.
spectate. He is a leader in the fight to rescue the area from crime
and despair.
Professional Sports Teams Brown, a former middleweight boxer, runs a neigh-
The city supports two professional spores teams, along borhood youth center where young people can play
with a semi-pro arena soccer team. Athletes with su- sports, work on homework or just hang out in a safe
perhuman powers are not allowed to play in most pro environment. He has gained the respect oflocal gangs,
sports leagues, though the World Federation of Wres- and they leave the center alone. Brown has even per-
tling does feature bouts between supers. suaded a few youngsters to leave gang life behind.
The courts have upheld the ban on supers in pro Tate Hall: A volatile forward for the San Angelo
spo1ts, citing the inherent unbalancing of the game and Nuggets basketball team. Hall plays an aggressive
game that draws a lot of fouls, and he's no less tem-
danger to non-superhuman players, despite claims of
peramental off the court.
In 1996, Hall slugged San Angelo Clarion sports
writer Matt Powell in the eye during a locker room
San Angelo Miners
dispute over a column deriding his shooting skills. He
The San Angelo Miners pro football ·team plays in
was fined by the team.
the NFC Western Division of the NFL. Star running
Despite his mercurial nature, Hall has proved valu-
back Kellem Jafari helped the team to a 10-6 record in
able to the team by keeping foes off-balance and draw-
the 1996 season, advancing to the second round of the
ing plenty of fans eager to see his next outrageous act.
playoffs before being eliminated.
Kellem J afari: A top NFL running back who plays
Home games at the Texxon Golden Dome stadium
for the San Angelo Miners. His feats on the gridiron
are extremely popular, and usually sell out early in
have sparked occasional rumors that he may be a low-
the season. Sports magnate Thaddeus Long owns the
powered metahuman, but Jafari has always rejected
such claims.
Erik Bates, now a county supervisor, played
T haddeus Long: A
as a wide receiver for the Miners before retir- "I've got a million-dollar idea, just
San Angelo sports mo-
ing from football. need a few investors. Here's the .short
gu l who owns the
concept - Super-Football!
San Angelo Nuggets "See, all the teams are made up of1 Miners football team
and Nuggets basket-
Local sports mogul Thaddeus Long brought .supers, and we'll make up new rules,
you know, for flying, energy blasts, that ball team. Despite his
the San Angelo Nuggets basketball team to San
.sort of thing. Maybe you get points for public complaints
Angelo in 1985. The team plays in the NBA.
knocking the other ball carrier out or about financial losses,
The struggling Nuggets last made it to the something.
Long is one of the
playoffs in 1987, and in J996 fell just short "Won 't that be great? I mean, you 'd city's wealthiest
with a 36-46 record. Fan support for the team pay to see that, wouldn't you? And the
is moderate, though the management claims 7V rights ... I can let you get in on the
Long is now intent
to have sold out every home game since the ground floor really cheap, if you act
on bringing a pro
Nuggets came to San Angelo. now. "
Tate Hall, known for his outrageous antics - Percy Carroll. 42, entrepreneur baseball team to San
on and off the court, plays forward for the team.

. Coach said I was pretty
"I ran track !fl college. d h t CSU
. d so damned liar on t a
College Sports good, too. I frame . to get that four-minute
The two universities in San Angelo offer a full slate San Angelo track, t1yin.g
oal my dream.
of collegiate sports, including such mainstays as foot- mile. 111at was my g ' m er up in Washing-
, "Then J l1eard that some , p . d .t
ball, basketball and baseball. : k d fi0 ur-second mile, an '
But the universities also support teams in swimming, ton state cloc e a . OK so he
, o importanr cmymo1 e. • . ,
wrestling, water polo, softball, track and many other didn t seem s . I· NCAA /wt. hell, I d1dn t
ouldn't compete mt 1e ' .
sports, including offbeat pursuits like archery and field c and the troplues.
' care about the meets r ·rs be the best I co11ld
hockey. "/ wanted to p14sh my im~i;tclass you witltoiu
Alumni and student support for college teams is be, but when someone can
strong, particularly for football and basketball pro- even '1ret1king a swem ... k after that. Coach
grams. The highlight of each college football season ' "I quit the team "few wee s
. ppointed." d
is a cross-town matchup between California State Uni- \ was rea lly disa - Angel Cardoza, 26. a rep
versity, San Angelo, and UC San Angelo.
Both university campuses have their own football
stadiums, along with a full complement of playing Arenas, Stadiums and
fields, gymnasiums, pools and other sporting facili- Coliseums
ties. San Angelo has plenty of sporting facilit ies for fans
The city's four community colleges also offer sports hungry for a close-up look at their idols.
programs, which give some athletes more time to de-
velop and catch the eye ofuniversity recruiters. Financ- San Angelo Sports Complex (H-7)
ing for community college teams is always tricky, and An 18,220-seat arena in the North Mission neighbor-
the programs mostly stick to traditional sports. hood of Eastside, the San Angelo Sports Complex is
the home of the San Angelo Nuggets pro basketball
Recreational Sports team.
Interest in recreational adult softball leagues is espe- The team plays 41 home games each season, attended
cially strong in San Angelo, and some have dubbed the by 717 ,500 fans or an average of 17,500 spectators
city the "softball capital" of the United States. per game. Tickets arc available at the box office or
The city parks department and most parks districts in through an agency.
the county offer a cornucopia of organized leagues for The facility also hosts a semi-pro arena soccer team
softball enthusiasts in the spring, summer and fall. There and a few pro hockey matches each year featuring a
are even a few winter leagues, despite the problem of team from the Bay Area. Championship high school
frequent rain-outs. basketball games, especially sectional or state tourna-
Despite the high cost of signing up - up to $200 or ments, are another attraction.
more for a team in some leagues- leagues are always Concerts are held at the San Angelo Sports Complex
full and usually end up turning away a few latecomers. during the winter months when rainy weather makes
Employee teams are often sponsored by local busi- the Gold Camp Amphitheater less palatable.
nesses, and some large San Angelo corporations spon-
sor several such teams each year. San Angelo Speedway
Organized youth sports are also a big draw in San A quarter-mHe track in Devil's Bar, the San Angelo
Angelo. Swimming, baseball, softball, soccer and foot- Speedway hosts a dozen or so drag races each year.
ball are the most prominent, but parents can probably The speedway, which has grandstand sea ting for about
find a league for just about any youth sport. Soccer is 2,000 people, has not yet managed to land a champi-
...~P--~A-G""'"E""'particularly popular. onship race.



c;lfy ofS.0An11olo ASOO -

Media, Entertainment
And The Arts

Texxon Golden Dome age and experience of participants, but the grand prize
Home of the San Angelo Miners football team, the goes to competitors in the open division. Superhumans
Texxon Golden Dome stadium in Southport seats may compete in a special division, but cannot fight in
75,000 people. The stadium features a retractable roof. the open division.
The Texxon Oil Co. paid team owner Thaddeus Long The two-day exhibition takes place each fall at the
several million dollars in the late 1980s for the right to San Angelo Convention Center.
put its name on the stadium.
The Miners play eight home games each season, and City Park Fishing Derby
nearly all the games sell out early in the season. A ticket A popular summer-time event, the City Park Fishing
agent or scalper may be the only choice for tardy fans. Derby brings hundreds of youthful anglers to Samuel
Brackett City Park in Midtown for a day of fun.
Annual Sporting Events The city parks department stocks the large duckpond
Each year, San Angelo hosts several annual sporting at the park with trout, and children sign up for a one-
events in almost every field of endeavor. day fishing derby with prizes for the largest catch and
various other categories. A sporting goods company
All-City Martial Arts Exhibition in the city donates fishing poles for needy youngsters.
The All-City Martial Arts Exhibition pits contestants For more serious anglers, various sporting clubs hold
from fighting arts schools all over San Angelo against fishing derbies and tournaments on the waterways of _ __
each other. San Angelo throughout the year. Some contests fea- ·~P!~~
The competition has several divisions based on the ture impressive cash prizes for the winners.
David Hernandez Memorial Golf Restaurants, Bars and
The annual David Hernandez Memorial Golf Tour- the Music Scene
nament held each spring at La Vista Public Golf Course San Angelo has a thriving nightlife. Fine dining, bar-
benefits a charity aiding families of local peace offic- hopping, dancing and live music are just a few of the
ers killed in the line of duty. The tournament and char- options. There's some-
ity are named for a veteran sheriff's deputy killed in thing going on somewhere
the 1980s. almost every night of the Cam~-;11 n Tip
week, but on weekends Even heroes need a night
out on the town sometimes!
Golden City Triathlon the nightlife scene really
An adventure where the
Thousands of the toughest of the tough compete each takes off.
PCs take off their costumes
year in the Golden City Triathlon, an ironman event and spend a night bar-hop- l
with running, bicycling and swimming legs. Men and Nightclubs & ping could provide some in-
women compete as teams or as individuals in several Bars teresting opportunities for
age categories. character development.
Almost every kind of
The highly coveted overall trophies are awarded to Such a gaming session
nightspot can be found in
the first man and woman to finish the race. The Golden might also be a good way
San Angelo, from neigh- o unwind and re-connect
City Triathlon takes place each summer. borhood watering holes heroes to the normal world
to huge industrial dance after a particularly cosmic
Lake Oro Regatta clubs in old warehouses. adventure.
Local sailing enthusiasts eagerly look forward to the lf the idea of an adventure
Lake Oro Regatta each spring on the reservoir north- All That Jazz ·without combat doesn't
east of San Angelo. The competition features several A downtown restaurant I haveanyappeal, these clubs
races held over a three-day span on Memorial Day and lounge, All That Jazz can also be used as settings
weekend. for more standard adven-
is one of the classier
tures. Some popular
The San Angelo Yacht Club organizes the event and nightspots in San Angleo.
nightspots have hundreds of
provides the trophy. Non-members of the exclusive club Live jazz bands play at
patrons, possibly making
can participate by paying a slightly higher registration the club on weekends. them attractive targets for
fee. hostage-taking schemes. Or
Catfish Cantina maybe the supervillains are
Perry Bradley Baseball A University Commons only after a particular per-
Tournament bar, the Catfish Cantina son in the crowd.
A youth baseball championship held each fall in San is mostly known for hav-
Angelo County, the Perry Bradley Baseball Toummanet ing the cheapest beer in all metropolitan San Angelo.
was named in honor of a local homebuilder and long- The bar also offers free, if sometimes stale, popcorn.
time fiscal supporter of youth sports programs in the
city. Club Calypso
The Lemon Terrace Tigers, a scrappy Little League Club Calypso, a downtown nightclub, has an island-
team from a tough neighborhood, has captured the tro- themed decor and features weekly live performances
phy for two years running. by reggae bands.


cny otStn Ang•lo •soo -
Media, Entertainment
And The Arts

The 8-Ball The Matrix

A smoke-filled bar and pool hall in the sleazy Strip The Matrix is a popular nightspot in the Riverfront
neighborhood downtown, The 8-Ball is a favorite hang- neighborhood downtown. Found in a huge converted
out for San Angelo's criminal element. Drug deals and warehouse, the Matrix features an immense dance floor
other illicit transactions are nearly constant. Police are with the hottest dance, industrial and alternative tunes.
frequent visitors, and District Attorney Jan Lehman has Currently one of the top clubs in San Angelo, the
pledged to close down The 8-Ball using red-light Jaws. Matrix is the place to see and be seen. The "meat mar-
ket" atmosphere at the club turns some party-goers off,
El Loco Bar however.
A neighborhood watering hole in Pleasant Grove, the
El Loco Bar has been all but taken over by the Flaming
Rio Club
The city's premier gay and lesbian nightclub, the Rio
Skulls biker gang. A noisy, rowdy and sometimes vio-
Club downtown is currently the hot spot for dance-se-
lent place with an
rious men and women. Women-only dance nights are
ever-present row of "I 118.f!d fo. run abar 1''Ve1• in
held every Sunday.
motorcycles in front, Pleasant Grove ... neighborhood
the dimly lit bar also lciird of pltrce. Nevet•bm11ght ;,,
has a few pool much money. but it 110id the />ills. The Snakepit
"011e t/ay this guy comes i11, An underground nightclub in the sordid Strip neigh-
tables. pull:; a grm anti says lie wants e1ll
borhood downtown, the Snakepitcaters to young people
Despite , or per- the moneJ from 1/1e r:egi~er. I tell
into the Gothic or vampire scene.
haps because of, its him !illr4. thing, t10 prctblem. Thet1
slightly dangerous one of the rnstumers stands up
and l't!ts It.lose "'ith a rour you
reputation , the El w(t11/dt1 't believe - it sormded
Loco Bar is fairly like a tl11111tkrclap. M1 «Ifs rang The Tropicana is one of San Angelo's top strip joints.
popular with some for u week. Found in the Strip neighborhood, the darkened club is
local residents. "Tiie robber collap.Ye.~ 011 the sometimes used by police detectives to meet contacts
jloor. blood pourit1g 1>ut his eurs. and informants.
Turned out it Imm bntll his
Laff Riot eardrums. Cun ):QI• helww that?
Zero Hour
A La Vista comedy 111" c11Sfo111er had bee11 ''Olni1114 10
m;i.• bar for year-, cmd I 11evt1r A La Vista dance club with an alternative bent, Zero
club, the Laff Riot tNen k11ew lw. wm a .f11ptr. Hour hosts extremely popular 18-and-over nights sev-
feat ures local and "Gmttflil? Art you kidding! eral times a week.
nati onally known He broke evef)' mirror. wi11dr1w
c omedians Thurs- and drit1kiltg gltt,fs i11 the pluce.
days through Sun-
Cu.ft nit' $2,000 IQ t:eplace it ull. Top 10 Neighborhood Bars
/'cla 1·ather give11 the robber the
days. Each night coupl'a C·note1 I liud ;,, the 1. (Reserved for GM or player-characters)
usually features register." 2. Rocky's Bar and Grill (Midtown)
three acts, including - Joe Giglione, 51, retired 3. Catfish Cantina (University Commons)
one headliner. 4. Old City Tavern (downtown)
5. (Reserved for GM or player-characters)
6. Press Club (Midtown)
Old Town Brewery
7. El Loco Bar (Pleasant Grove)
A microbrewery in Old San Angelo, the Old Town 8. Inkspot (Midtown)
Brewery is a popular stop for tourists and locals alike. 9. Harry's Grill (Eastside) I

Several ales and beers brewed on site are on tap. 10. (Reserved for GM or player-characters) PAGE

Cl!y al $00 Angolo •;oo -
Media, Entertainment
And The Arts

Restaurants Twister's (BlO)

San Angelo boasts restaurants catering to almost ev- A popular restaurant with a supers theme, Twister's
ery palate, from gourmet dining to authentic ethnic was started by a retired San Angelo hero. Ethan
dishes from around the world. Reynolds, better known as the wind-powered hero
Twister until he suffered crippling injuries in a 1993
battle, opened his first restaurant in The Wharves dis-
Campaign Tip trict in 1994. Twister's restaurants feature Tex-Mex
Superheroes need to eat, too - at least most of them
cuisine and full bars.
do, anyway. These restaurants can be used to bring some
Reynolds has since opened franchises in three other
local color to adventures to help players feel like their
PCs live in a real city. Or GMs can use restaurants as West Coast cities. Every Twister's features one of his
settings for some interesting adventures. old costumes, along with a fascinating collection of
For example, a hero out on a dinner date - probably supers memorabilia from Golden Age to modern times.
in his Secret ID - could witness a robbery, kidnapping The San Angleo restaurant features the titanium chain
or other crime at the restaurant. Perhaps one of the or- carried by the criminal Chain, a costume worn by
ganized crime groups in San Angelo has ordered a hit Golden Age hero Sky Ranger, a steel bar bent by Lotus
on a fellow diner! and areplicaoftheMinuteman'sjet pack, among many
As with nightclubs, some of these restaurants are very other displays. Autographed photos and handprints of
crowded and could be the target of hostage-taking ef-
supers from across the United States hang on the walls.
forts - whether by design or as the result of a failed
The Size 36 footprint of East Coast hero Titan is a real
robbery attempt.


City al San 4ng4"D •SOii -
Media, Entertainment
And The Arts

Other Restaurants of Note Founded in 1988 by Vietnamese-American business-

The San Angelo metropolitan area boasts thousands man Son Vu, Jumping Java is a real success story in
of restaurants serving every kind of food from around the city's business scene.
the world.
Las Palomas
Ekaterina's A tiny restaurant in a North Mission storefront, Las
A small restaurant in the Little Kiev portion of Ca- Palomas is considered one of the best spots for authen-
thedral Square, Ekaterina's serves authentic Ukrainian tic Mexican food in San Angelo.
and Russian dishes. Word of Ekaterina's good cook-
ing is beginning to spread to other parts of the city. Falcon Bluff Inn
One of San Angelo's most expensive restaurants, the
Emerald Palace Falcon Bluff Inn overlooks the picturesque Del Oro
A bustling Chinatown landmark, the Emerald Pal- River in the exclusive neighborhood of Falcon Bluff.
ace is renowned for its Chinese cuisine. Tourists flock The fine dining spot offers excellent food, live enter-
to the fine dining spot in droves, and the establish- tainment nightly and a charming bar warmed by a fire-
ment rates highly in San Angelo guidebooks. place.
The Emerald Palace has been expanded countless
times over the years, creating a haphazard maze of din- River Princess Riverboat
ing rooms, out-of-the- A paddlewheeler tied up at the fashionable Wharves
way private rooms, "I saw Azteca at the Emer- district of downtown, the River Princess Riverboat
kitchens and store- ald Palace in Chinatown once. boasts its own seafood restaurant.
rooms. He was on a date with that The spectacular views of the river, particularly when
The numerous pri- cute new reporter from the paddlewheeler makes an occasional cruise to the
vate rooms at the res- Channel 4, I guess. But all delta, make up for the somewhat mediocore food. The
taurant are s ome- these people kept coming up to restaurant frequently also offers dinner entertainment
their table, asking for his by jazz bands or magic acts.
times used by the San
autograph. They didn't stay for
Angelo underworld, dinner.
particularly ''He walked right by our Rustler's Steakhouse
Chinatown tongs, for table on the way out, though. " The Rustler's Steakhouse chain of restaurants serves
meetings or other ren- - Dave Hong, 24, student up traditional American fare with a hefty selection of
dezvous. steaks and roasts. A popular dinner spot for families.

Jumping Java Winthers Catering

The Jumping Java chain of coffeehouses throughout Considered the top catering service in San Angelo,
San Angelo feature indoor and outdoor seating, along Winthers Catering provides sit-down dinners and buf-
with a selection of coffees, sandwiches and snacks. fets for almost every kind of function. The business,
Two of the busiest Jumping Java franchises are found run by Marian Winthers, is a fixture at high-society
in the University Commons and College Gardens parties and charity balls.


tty at n Ang•lo uoo -
Media, Entertainment
And The Arts

Background: "You've suffered a serious injury to

your spinal cord. I'm afraid you' II never walk again."
Ethan Reynolds Doped up on painkillers, Ethan Reynolds tried to fo-
cus on the doctor by his hospital bed. But scenes from
Char Cost Notes
TR the battle with Shrapnel kept playing over and over in
DEX 39 OCV: 8 I DCV: 8 his head.
CON 26 Hurriedly pulling on his Twister costume and flying
BODY 0 to City Hall, where Shrapnel had threatened to demol-
ish the building and everyone inside as part of some
PRE 8 bad extortion plot.
COM 0 Using his wind powers to buffet the deranged super
PD 2 and deflect his deadly shards. Then a searing pain in
5 ED 0 his back and darkness - waking up in a hospital bed.
5 SPD 17 Phases: 3, 5, 8, I 0, 12
8 REC 0
Crippled! Twister couldn't believe it. These kinds of
46 END 0 things weren't supposed to happen to heroes. He'd been
35 STUN 6 one of San Angelo's foremost heroes, starting back in
otal Costs 1985 when he used his powers to save some falling
ar: 9 I + Powers: I 66 = 257
construction workers on his first day in town.
Base: 100 + Disad: 157 =Total: 257
ost owers End A passing TV news crew caught the dramatic scene
22 Elemental Control: Wmd ontrol Powers on film, and soon the former Texas oilfield worker found
30 A) Gust: Telekinesis 40 STR, No squc:cL.c: himself being called a hero. He kind of liked that.
m~~ 5 So he got a costume and began calling himself Texas
36 B) Whirlwind: Telekinesis 20 SlR, Area
Effect: 4" radius, No squeeze or punch [60) 6 Twister. Most people left off the Texas part, and after
23 C) Wind Riding: Flight 20", x2 Non-combat 4 awhile he did, too.
22 D) Wind Shield: Force Field 20 PD/15 ED. Now, eight years later, he was in a bed at University
1h END Cost Medical Center. Some nurse was talking about physi-
cal therapy-hecouldfly! He didn't need any therapy.
But when he tried to summon the winds, nothing hap-
Familiarity w/Streetwise 8- pened.
PS : Hero 11- Depression set in, until one day Twister saw a TV
2 PS: Restaurateur I 1- spot on the opening of a new celebrity theme restau-
2 KS: Restaurant business I 1-
1 KS: San Angelo supers 8- rant. An idea began to form ...
2 CK: San Angelo I 1- Soon Twister was feverishly at work, lining up inves-
5 Perk: Money: Well Off tors, cajoling souvenirs out of his friends in the supers
2 Perk: Contact: Councilman Ra! h Chan 11- community and devouring books about the restaurant
100+ 1sadvantages
15 DNPC Cybill Daley, personul assistant (nurma) 11-
20 Hunted by Chain (Mo Pow) I 1- In 1994, he opened the San Angelo Twister's - the
20 Phys: Parapalegic (Frequently, Fully) first supers theme restaurant, serving up Tex-Mex food
I 0 Psych: Altruistic (Common, Moderate) and all kinds of supers-related memorabilia.
20 Psych: Can't use powers (Very Com, Strong) Since then, Twister has opened three more West Coast
20 Psych: Code vs. Killing (Common, total)
I 0 Public ID: Ethan Reynolds restaurants. Franchises across the nation and even the
I0 Reputation: Retired hero 11 - world are in the works.
12 (Running 0") The active, upbeat Twister keeps a full schedule of
PAGE ...._
_ Bonus
___ (experience)
_ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __. business meetings, promotional appearances and drop-
in inspections.
His personal assistant, Cybill Daley, helps Twister Other Restaurateurs
keep his busy schedule on track. She schedules his ap- Andre Rousseau: The French head chef at Falcon
pointments, arranges transportation and accompanies Bluff Inn, voted the best chef in San Angelo by Golden
him everywhere. City Magazine for several years running. A gregarious
Personality/Motivation: Some people might have be- man who belies the mercurial reputation of French chefs.
come bitter at being paralyzed. Twister likes to say that Son Vu: A native of Vietnam who became an Ameri-
he's too busy to be bitter. can citizen in the early 1980s. Vu arrived in the United
Since his 1993 injury, he's poured all his energy into States virtually penniless after the fall of South Viet-
his restaurant chain. He does miss his superpowers, nam in 1975. Through hard work, luck and persever-
the loss of which Twister attributes to some strange ance, Vu opened his own coffeehouse, Jumping Java,
side effect of his injuries. Actually, a psychological block in 1988.
related to the trauma of the incident prevents Twister Jumping Java has since grown into a multi-million-
from using his powers. dollar franchise operation, making Vu one of San
Being wealthy is a new experience for Twister. Angelo's oft-most cited success stories.
He's purchased a fine home and taken care of his
relatives back in Texas, but isn't quite sure what
to tlo with the rest of his riches.
The idea of sponsoring a hero team hasn't oc-
curred to Twisce1~ but he prol'litbly wouldn't lake
much persuading.
Quote: "Welcome. 10 1\viste.r :,·/" FINE TEX·tHEX aJIS!IE IN A Sl.PER..ll~u­
rn.,.~ SETTING!
Powersfl'actics: Twister controls the winds,
allowing him lo tly, push ohjects around and Nachos Su:::tlzers (ft?v~/
create whirlwinds. By smToundinghimself with Paragon Pepper Po e $5.95 ~~·
Jumbo Gumbo PP rs $3.95
swirling winds, he can partially deflect attacks. R8wh/de Poiato Skins $4.95
He can so1n~times predict the weather by F.!yr.e 81Jlfalo Wll')gs $4.25
sensing changes in air pressure. Tortilla Chips &Silo Salso $3.95
• . Entrees $2.95
Twister believes the 1993 injury that para- Twister Combo
lyzed his legs also rohbe<l him of his powers. Justice-Combo $f3.95
Amok Combo $14.95
In fact, his current inability to use his powers
Paragon Chlldren's Combo $16.95
is t.he resul l of a psychological block. Tembfer Taco Plate $7.95
Appearance: TwL<>ter. 45, ha<> black hair Cheetah Chlmioch P $9.95
anga late $10.95
with a short beard. anti brown eyes. He has Salads
Tatter Taco Salad
a husky build and us es a wheelchair. Mucho Macho Satad $8.95
In his <lays as a hero, Twi~ter wore a while Shrlllfcer's Shrimp Salad $12.95
Caesar Salad $7.95
costume with light blue boats. midriff and $7.95
gloves. He wore a billowing blue cape with s Beverages
a while lining. Twister did not conceal his I Oda (Q)la, Dier eor-. Rool Beet)
cedTea, Coffee $1.SO ~
identity. Beer(OomestlcBottle) 1
$ ·25 I i
Beer (Imported Bottle) $1,95 ~
Replica<> of 1hi11 costume are located in Beer (Oral!) $2.95
the lobby of every Twister•s restaurant. Iii.....,.,__
Mixed Drinks IS ...
ee - 'menuJ
~ ~llfE. IJ' IS<U!~ ~ ,\~ l'>f IOCllV™-'r
OUlY JIU! VISlr ro nv~~ioow J.Hi ~ iFfflf'Hllr.£,,.."'!;:111 /AA/wOf'fHE. tlEh.
Yrl\E~IT l'tfWU_, 'l'ttlOOIGT~
'llXJot\'(l.I! ~ rs., ~ IMR'tmwr ro 54tlSF'r


The Local Music Performances by national and even international mu-

Scene sic stars are another component of the San Angelo

music scene. Every major tour plays at least one date
San Angelo has a vibrant music scene, with dozens in the metropolis.
of local bands playing all styles of music. Most of the While several ticket agencies and concert promoters
downtown bars and nightclubs feature live music on compete for bookings, Gold Camp Concerts ranks as
weekends. Only a few bands from the city have ever the top promoter in the region. Run by Angelina
scored record contracts, but San Angelo has started to Compton, the firm handles most of the major tours
make a name for itself among music companies as a each year, leaving other promoters to fight over lesser-
place to find new talent. known bands.
Gold Camp Concerts books everything from the
loudest heavy metal bands to nostalgia tours by old-
Bands and Musicians time crooners. Concerts by some rap stars and wilder
of Note rock bands occasionally stir minor controversies
Argyles: An amateur a cappella and barbershop among more conservative San Angelinos.
group that performs at farmer's markets, street fairs The company owns and operates the Gold Camp
and other small community events. Amphitheater on the Del Oro River in Pleasant Grove.
Bayou Barbecue: A very popular band playing Built facing the river on 19.5 acres, the amphitheater
C:ijun-inspire.d world beat music. The band plays few seats up to 25,000.
club dates, but often performs at private parties, county Noise from the amphitheater has been an ongoing
fairs and community concerts in San Angelo parks. complaint of nearby neighborhoods for years.
Los Vaqueros: A band especially popular with the Concerts are also sometimes held at the San Angelo
Latino populace in San Angelo. Los Vaqueros plays Sports Complex in Eastside, while classical musicians
modern Mexican music. are booked into the San Angelo Center for the Per-
Slimer: A punk band formed by four teenagers at forming Arts in Midtown. In the 1980s, several con-
Amos Barnes High School. Covers of songs make up certs took place at the Texxon Golden Dome stadium.
most of it<> playlist, but the band has a few original
songs. Most Slimer concerts take place at city teen
centers, but the band has started to receive some no- Best Bands Poll '97
tice elsewhere. Overall: Bayou Ba rbecue
2-Cool: A comedy rapper who appears at the Laff Alternative Rock: Naked Eye
Riot and other San Angelo comedy clubs. Rock: Vertigo
Zach & Lindsay: A popular jazz duo frequently Heavy Metal: Sava ge
booked at classier restaurants and clubs in the city. Big Band/Swing: Nelson Saville O rchestra
Country: Dusty and the Boys
Rap: G-Dogg
World Beat: Bayou Barbecue
Bar Band: Roughhouse
Source: S.A. Weekly


Hy of 11 Ao09k.I •£-00 -
Media, Entertainment
and the Arts

The Fine Arts Drama and Dance

The metropolis of San Angelo also boasts an active
and Museums theater and dance scene.

For those with more refined tastes, San Angelo of-

fers a vast array of museums, symphonies, dance
Theater and Dance
troupes, libraries and art galleries. Companies of Note
Dozens of theater and dance companies are active in
San Angelo. Midtown and the Riverfront neighborhood
Classical Music downtown are the centers of the theater and dance scene
The city has a busy classical music scene, with nine in the city, where numerous struggling bands of artists
symphonies and two opera companies. strive to put their work before the public.
The San Angelo Symphony, a 115-piece orchestra,
gives 32 classical and 16 pop performances heard by Folklorico Latino de San Angelo
more than 300,000 people annually. Other local or- A dance troupe of youngsters, Folklorico Latino de
chestras include chamber groups, youth symphonies San Angelo performs traditional Mexican and Spanish
and a women's philharmonic. dances at cultural festivals, county fairs and other com-
The San Angelo Opera Company puts on half a dozen munity events.
major productions each year, sticking closely to crowd- Based in the North Mission area of Eastside, the
pleasing favorites, while the Golden City Opera Asso- crowd-pleasing troupe practices almost every day. It
ciation stages several new works during its season. has strict rules about keeping up with schoolwork and
staying out of trouble.
Classical Musicians of Note
Tomasz Korytzki: The Polish-born conductor of the San Angelo Ballet
San Angelo Symphony. Korytzki is known as a perfec- The most prestigious ballet company in the city, the
tionist who drives himself as hard as his musicians. San Angelo Ballet offers roughly 40 performances a
Nanette Starr: The acclaimed lead soprano of the year plus an additional eight shows featuring children
San Angelo Opera Company. Starr has a reputation as performing the Nutcracker. The ballet season runs from
a difficult performer with a lofty opinion of her own October to mid-June and attracts up to 120,000 people
talent and value to the opera. Nonetheless, her leading annually.
roles in the opera's annual productions have vastly in- The board of directors recently hired Russian ballet
creased ticket sales and attendance. star Natalya Petrosian after the embarassing abrupt
Starr has a professional rivalry with Amelia Tattinger, departure of former lead dancer Leticia Sadler.
a newly arrived soprano whom Starr believes was hired
to someday replace her as the new star of the opera. Theatre Tutti
Amelia Tattinger: Second soprano with the San One of several avant-garde theater companies in the
Angelo Opera Company. Recently hired from an East artsy Riverfront area downtown, Theatre Tutti stages
Coast opera house, Tattinger has quickly charmed her some of the most offbeat plays and pieces of perfor-
new colleagues and audiences. Her arrival has pro- mance art in the city. While popular with those seek-
voked tension with the opera's mercurial lead soprano, ing an outrageous experience, it's definitely not for
Nanette Starr, though. everyone.


Cl\y of S.1111 /'t.ny.1JIO 4SOD - •
Media, Entertainment
and the Arts
Campaign Tip
28th Street Theater . The library can be n great resource for PC's conduct-
The unimaginatively named 28th Street Theater ing research, and the micn>fiche files of old new
downtown stages all kinds of plays, but tends to stick perrvs·e<11~?be ufsteh•ful for looking up info1m.ition on he:::~
O t .. rns o e pail.
to traditional comedies and dramas. It is considered
one of the city's best bets for dramatic productions, b Rare book~. 5ome centuries old. kepi at libraries can
pa1ticularly for mainstream audiences. e a goo<l adventure hook for GMs PerLanc f h
11 , ... one o 1 e
b k · ·
oo s co11ta111s clues ro the loca•:o 1· I . .
. ·f u n o a osl mystical
~kac1 or otl~er powerful item. Villains could steal the
Dancers and Thespians of • promp11ng PC'ti to investigate its signjficance Or
Note maybe lhe rheft 11i1emp1 fails. and 11·brAn. fl" . I . k
ti L - ~ o 1c1a s as ·
ie ueroes to safeguard !he tome.
Carline Huston: A popular San Angelo actress who
has appeared in numerous local theater productions.
She has also done some film and television work, along Museums
with a few commercials. San Angelo has more than 50 museums, large and
Natalya Petrosian: A Russian ballet star hired as small. Some are popular destinations for tourists and
the new lead dancer for the San Angelo Ballet follow- school classes, while others are rarely open to the pub-
ing the acrimonious departure of Leticia Sadler. lic. Many local museums focus on the history of San
Petrosian, who speaks very little English, is something Angelo, but others cover everything from art to the de-
of an untried commodity and ballet insiders are quietly velopment of telephones.
concerned about her ability to attract audiences.
Leticia Sadler: The former lead dancer with the San Mission San Angeles (FS)
Angelo Ballet who quit at the end of the 1997 season, The Mission San Angeles, founded in 1792 and aban-
citing artistic differences. The talk around town is that doned in 1828, is now a popular attraction for thou-
the ballet board refused Sadler's outrageous salary de- sands of tourists and schoolchildren every year.
mands. Sadler now claims to beente1tainingoffers from Fully restored in the 1960s, the mission is operated
famed ballet companies around the U.S . by the non-profit San Angelo Historical Society. The
Jeff Street: A model from San Angelo who has ap- mission includes a chapel, crafts shops, living quarters
peared on dozens of magazine covers over the years. and library. Approximately 240,000 people visit the
Street is trying to break into acting, but so far has only mission every year.
landed a few commercials. Displays illustrate mission life in the 1700s, and live
crafts demonstrations are often given on weekends. The
Libraries Mission San Angeles is located in Eastside.
There are 138 libraries in the San Angelo metropoli-
tan area, ranging from public library branches to spe- Other Museums of Note
cialized law and medical libraries. Both universities The city is home to numerous other museums of all
have libraties, which stock rare books and government kinds. Several are clustered across from Samuel
documents in their collections. Brackett City Park in Midtown, forming a kind of "mu-
The public library system, jointly funded by the city seum row."
and county, has42 branches offering 3.2 million books.
Many branches retain microfiche copies of San Angelo Brackett House Museum (C7)
Times and San Angelo Clarion editions dating back to A Victorian mansion built by pioneer prospector
the 1940s. The largest public library in the city is the Samuel Brackett in 1868, the Brackett House Museum
___ Central Branch downtown. in Povety Gulch is now open to the public. Volunteer
~~~e~ An estimated 1.9 million people visited San Angelo docents lead tours of the home on weekends and by
public libraries in 1996. appointment.
C:lt) Olk• Al•a•to •soo -
Media, Entertainment
and the Arts

California State Gold Rush

Museum (CS) "My brother-in-law Frank us d b
secu ·ry rd e to ea
A state-operated museum in Old San Angelo, the n gua over at the Mer .
California State Gold Rush Museum focuses on the 'ti/ the Ferrer stole one of h ropo/1;QJ1 Museum,
gold-panning heritage of San Angelo. emeralds from the gem dis',; world~ largest
he was on duty M P y one mght While
Displays cover such facets as gold-panning tech- k . . one of the security I
new it happened uni1·1 t'1 peop e even
niques, life in the mining camps, early businesses, vigi- "I 1e next day.
t wasn ~Frank's fault - wh ' ..
lantes, treatment of Native Americans and other mi- the Ferret? But his b . os gomg to stop
,, . · oss said the
norities, and historic figures. The museum also has a OJ directors insisted that museum board
small collection of gold nuggets and flakes. Frank had the le I . s~rneone be fired.
as semority o•
shift, so he gor sacked. " :I anyone on the

Chinese Cultural Center (811) - Belinda WOQd

s, 43, travel agent
Found in Chinatown, the Chinese Cultural Center
focuses on the Chinese experience in San Angelo. Ex-
hibits cover railroad laborers, the birth of Chinatown the system includes infrared lasers and a variety of
and the transition to modern times. The center also motion detectors.
regularly offers art shows by Chinese artists and hosts
traveling exhibits. Van Ruyter Museum of Art (CS)
In addition, the Chinese Cultural Center provides Established by Gwendolyn Van Ruyter, an early
guided walking tours of historic points in pharamacist and art lover in Gold Rush-era San
Chinatown on weekends for a small fee. r,r:;:=::~;-:-"":::~--""::"------ Angelo, the Van
Campaign Tip Ruyter Museum
San Angelo Metropolitan Ml!scums are a natural setting for four-col0r of Art has grown
Museum (C6) conu:bookhappenings.Alongwithbeingin- into one of the
The largest in the city, the San Angelo terest111g places for PCs and DNPC city's top muse-
th ti s to work
Metropolitan Museum opened 70 years ~Y are uJJ of experts on all kinds of Strang~ mns.
ago and has been expanded several . ::~g.s - ready for consultation by baffled he- Located on Hall
times. More than 1.5 million people visit A venue, the mu-
the museum each year. Item son d'ispJay at a museum could be tar- seum conta I ns
The main hall contains permanent ex- geteu for theft hy the enemieli of the PC more than 300
hibits, including a natural history room whether fo~· frnan~ial gain or as pnn of som~ works of American
and an extensive gem exhibit. The haJJ schem~ to increase their power. Perhaps that art by both local
also features a small planetarium. sword m t?e Medieval Europe exhibit is actu- and national 1y
The four auxiliary halls are used for all~ Excahbur! known artists. Con-
travel ing or temporary exhibits. A F~ally.museumssponsorallkindsofarcheo- sidered one of the
Golden Age retrospective and a display Jogrcal and anthropological expeditions arou d finest art collections
ofMeso-American cultural artifacts are ~ the glo~. One of these projects could unco
on the West Coast,
two current exhibits. . e rca11 y strange, like a crashed alien
meth1nu · 1u d es some
ver ·1t me
Security at the museum is tight, es- stars~~p, or getinto some other kind of trouble quite valuable paint-
pecially in rooms housing the gem requmng the help of the PCs. ings and sculptures.
collection. Along with human guards, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _...;,.__._~._j

- -


Theaters and Visual Arts "I'm retllly proud
The city has a vibrant vi- of this porlrait <~(
Auditoriums sual arts scene, with nu- Alloy. Trick)1 lighting
A variety of theaters and auditoriums are the show- merous galleries, art shows problem1 all tltose
place for San Angelo's performing arts scene. The larg- and public arts projects. refle<:tive .mtface.'i.
est halls are found downtown, but community halls, Several San Angelo muse- Like sl1omi,tg imi> "
school auditoriums and other gathering places are ums are devoted to the arts. mirror."
found throughout the city. _ Jamie Bosley,
Artists and Art 48, photographer
Historic San Angelo Opera
Dealers of Note
House (CS) Sandor Cassidy: An avant-garde sculptor whose cre-
Dating back to the late 1800s, the grandiose Historic ations have gained national attention. He uses dis-
San Angelo Opera House is home to the San Angelo carded appliances, broken TVs and other junk rescued
Opera Company. Located in Old San Angelo, the im- from landfills in his sculptures. Cassidy lives and
maculately restored opera house features balcony seat- works in a converted Riverfront warehouse downtown.
ing along with gilded wall and ceiling decorations. Emilio: A former graffiti artist who goes only by
his first name. Emilio has painted a few murals spon-
San Angelo Center for the sored by local government, including the Muro de los
Performing Arts (CS) Heroes in North Mission. His graffiti-inspired paint-
A fine arts palace tucked into the "museum row" ings are causing a stir in San Angelo art circles.
opposite Samuel Brackett City Park, the San Angelo Kwame Mfume: The owner of an African art store
Center for the Performing Arts is home to the city's in Midtown. Mfume, a native of Ghana, has a sizable
top symphony and ballet troupe. collection of authentic African sculptures, masks and
The modern glass, steel and concrete center features other works at his small shop. He visits Africa several
a vast 3,000-seat concert hall for performances by the times each year to purchase new selections.
symphony and ballet. An adjoining, slightly smaller, Dr. Joel Majors: A San Angelo podiatrist who
hall features chamber music, while spring pops con- sculpts huge stone monument statues as a hobby. The
certs are held outdoors across the street in the park. Gold Panner Statue outside City Hall is one of his ere-
Receptions are occasionally held in the center's ations.
lovely gardens following performances.
"The most e:(citing thing tlwt '.f ever ltappmed '''
Limousines, tuxedoes and evening gowns are the or-
me? That's hard w say. but I tlli~ mre of the most
der of the day when the symphony and ballet are in
exciting tliit18$ I've done i.Y .'>c11/11ting Alloy.
residence. .. He accide11te1lly smnshed rlmmgll ilte wtlll of m.v
apt1rtmet11. J 1ltit1k lie ~·tl.f figlltiug Ma11ler or ~ome·
San Angelo Convention bodv. I luwe11 '1 beet1 able to see since I IVO.f six, so...
"An.)'W'f.V, h~ helped me t;lem1 1111 qfter:wartl and
Center (E9) cisked if tlltre was a1iythii1g he <Ymf,J dq for ~ne. So 1
A huge facility, the San Angelo Convention Center asked ltim '" let mf sculpt him. He was st> t11ce.
features several auditoriums rented for all kinds of oc- Generous, I mean. A11d his body felt·"' .m1o(lth "'"'·
casions. Seasonal musical performances, rallies, com- wt/I n1erallk. He had tllf' nf" Greek god..
pany meetings, martial arts exhibitions and gun shows "A weeR later he wa.~ dead. Ju.~r like tlt~t. I still
are just a few events held each year at the downtown /iave slle swtue. Hud it brot1zed, "'fact. I II always

love tl1a1 srutue. I miss flim ...
MBER center. _ Rosilyn Jackson, 32. sculpter

City 01 Gen Angelo ~fl.00 -

Media, Entertainment
and the Arts

Parks, uge home to several herds of deer. Flocks of migrating

geese also visit Lake Oro, and ducks are abundant.
The main public beaches and boat ramps are found
Recreation near the town of Canfield. The lake is a popular spot
for sunning, swimming, boating, fishing and water-ski-
Facilities and ing.
In addition, the recreation area includes several camp-
Other grounds and picnic spots scattered around the lakeshore.
The Lake Oro State Recreation Area is administered
Attractions by the state. State parks rangers, who are armed peace
officers, patrol the lake area in four-wheel drive ve-
hicles, motorboats and Jet Skis.
Outdoor activities are extremely popular in San
Angelo. Biking, boating, running, hiking and picnick-
ing are just a few of the recreation options open to city Samuel Brackett City Park
residents. (C6)
Encompassing nearly 850 acres oflawns, gardens and
Campaign Tip forests, Samuel Brackett City Park stands out in San
Parks and other outdoor areas are good places for su- Angelo as nearly everyone's favorite park.
per-battles - there are usually plenty of normals around A band of greenery between Midtown and the Del
for villains to menace, but the property damage bill will Oro River, the park provides residents with a much-
probably be lower than that of a fight in the middle of needed break from the headaches ofcity life and is popu-
downtown. lar with tourists, too.
Established in the early 20th century, Samuel Brackett
City Park is named after the pioneer prospector who
Regional Parks discovered gold in the Del Oro River.
Fortunately, residents seeking some fun in the sun Along with acres of riparian woodland, the park con-
needn't go far, thanks to the city's network of regional tains the San Angelo Zoo, botanical gardens, tennis
parks, bicycle paths and other attractions. Some of these courts, hiking trails, a golf course, lawn-bowling greens
parks are run by the city, while others are the responsi- and playgrounds. There are several picnic grounds,
bility of county park districts or even the state. though visitors can lay a blanket down just about any-
These are the large parks that draw visitors from all where. Soccer and football fields are also found at the
over San Angelo. Neighborhood parks of note are cov- park, as are archery fields and riding stables. A large
ered under Points of Interest in A Description of San duck pond is popular with children and model sailboat
Angelo. enthusiasts.
Samuel Brackett City Park is overseen by the city
Lake Oro State Recreation parks department.
An estimated 3.8 million people visit the Lake Oro Other Noteworthy Parks
State Recreation Area every year, making it one of the San Angelo contains literally tens of thousands of
most popular state parks in California. acres of parkland, giving people in almost every part
The recreation area surrounds the reservoir, and in- of the city a chance to get away from it all without
cludes several hundred acres set aside as a wildlife ref- going too far from home. ~!~E~

Confluence Point Park (812) Brackett City Park in midtown, Pleasant Grove, Rancho
Located on a floodplain where the Del Oro and San Madera and South San Angelo.
Angelo rivers meet, Confluence Point Park is a popu-
lar stop for nearby City Center office workers and San Angelo Zoo ( C4)
Chinatown residents. The park features picnic areas, A 45-acre zoo inside Samuel Brackett City Park, the
playing fields, playgrounds, a boat ramp and a marina. San Angelo Zoo contains more than 600 animals from
In the winter and spring, Confluence Point Park is sub- around the world. Gorillas, lions, bears, elephants, gi-
ject to flooding when the rivers rise. raffes, rhinos and
"You've heard about the
The brushy riverbanks adjacent to the park are popu- many other creatures
talking monkeys over in
lar camping spots for the city's homeless populace, and all call the zoo home.
Samuel Brackett Ciry Park.
campers sometimes wander into the park to panhandle Many of the animals haven~ you? Yeuh. a bunch of
despite an ongoing campaign by city park rangers and are endangered in the lab ,·himps e.\'caped jivm a
police officers to keep them away. wild. top-.recret laborarorv at
A gorilla rainforest, Forgan Air Forctt 8~1ie where
Del Oro River Parkway (02-12) alligator swamp and scientists were doing intelli-
The Del Oro River Parkway, stretching from Lake Australian outback gence-enchancing experi-
ments. The military wanted to
Oro to the downtown, is a 30-mile-long system of bi- habitat populated by
use rllem for i11Jiltratio11 and
cycle paths, parks and nature areas. A popular, beauti- kangaroos and ko-
sabotage mi.rsions.
ful retreat in the midst of the city, the parkway is truly alas are among the "But the chimps got smart
one of the jewels of San Angelo. Crowds of bicyclists, most popular attrac- enough to breakfree. Now
in-line skaters, hikers, joggers and other visitors of all tions. thq live in the park, you
ages can be found on the parkway's paths and trails at The zoo also con- lmow, in the remote areas
all times of year. tains a wooded where hardly anyone ever
breeding facility for goes. Some of the animal
La Vista Public Golf Course rare felines, such as rights activists know about it
snow leopards and and they bring the monkeys •
One of several public golf courses in San Angelo, the
food Ofld medicine.
La Vista Public Golf Course is popular with duffers, jaguars.
"It's all true, I swear."
though it's not considered much of a challenge by ex- Most exhibits at-
-Zach Barrows, 14, student
perienced golfers. tempt to replicate
The links actually feature two 18-hole courses, along the natural habitats
with a clubhouse and driving range. Golf ca1ts are avail- of the animals, and there are very few old-fashioned
able for rent, and the golf pro can be hired for lessons. cages left at the San Angelo Zoo. Moats or glass win-
The course's proximity to a skeet-shooting range some- dows now separate zoo inhabitants from curious visi-
times spurs complaints from golfers. tors.
An estimated r.:::=============================:=:;-i On weekdays, the zoo is often filled
180,000 rounds of Top 5 Public Golf with busloads of schoolchildren on field
golf were played on trips.
Courses Pam Brandenburg oversees the opera-
the two courses in I. Samuel Brackett Municipal Golf Course
1996. tion as zookeeper, and a zoo foundation
2. La Vista Public Golf Course
Other major pub- 3. Del Oro Public Golf Course conducts extensive fund-raising efforts to
lic golf courses are 4. Rancho Madera Public Golf Course supplement the meager budget provided
located in Samuel 5. Aero Parkway Public Golf Course by the city.


Clly al Sfn Angelo •>CO -
Media, Entertainment
and the Arts

Theme and Carnival rides, midway games, livestock exhibitions

and other traditional fair fun abound, as do competi-
Amusement Parks tions for everything from pigs to flower arrangements.
Amusement parks are almost a requirement for large Entrants can win a prize for just about any craft, hobby
West Coast cities, and San Angelo is no exception. A or creative outlet they care to pursue.
private theme park attracts hundreds of thousands of The county Sheriff's Department provides security
visitors each year. for the fair, and typically calls in the reserves to beef
up its fairground patrols.
49er Amusement Park Deputies on foot or on horseback seem to be almost
everywhere, particularly after nightfall. But there are
A 100-acre theme park in Southport, the 49er Amuse-
usually few problems at the fair as a result, mostly in-
ment Park features more than two dozen Gold Rush-
volving drunken or otherwise intoxicated individuals.
themed rides and other attractions.
There is a small, two-cell detention block in the secu-
Portions of the park claim to recreate an 1800s-era
rity office, where prisoners are held until a regular
waterfront, a riverside mining camp and a lost gold
Sheriff's patrol can pick up the prisoner for transport
mine, among others . Costumed prospectors, gold
to the Main Jail.
panners, stagecoach robbers, lawmen and a host of other
colorful characters walk among park visitors.
Attractions at the park include several roller coast- Other Annual Community
ers, the Whitewater Rapids log ride, the Lost Mine Events
Adventure and a special children's area where young- Almost every one of the communities making up ur-
sters can try their hand at gold-panning and other ac- ban San Angelo has some kind of annual event, usually
tivities. There are also movies, theatrical revues, con- featuring a parade, fun runs and activities in the near-
certs and video arcades. est park.
The history is often flawed, but most visitors find Holiday celebrations, from Fourth of July fireworks
the 49er Amusement Park great fun. shows to the annual Holiday Parade through downtown
each Christmas season, are also popular.
Annual Community Finally, several outlying towns host annual festivals
honoring various foods, such as the ever-popular
Events Garrett's Landing Fish Fry.
Family-oriented community events abound in San
Angelo. The largest is the annual county fair, but Marshall Harvest Festival
something's going on somewhere in the region almost Celebrating the agricultural heritage of the region, the
every weekend of the year. Marshall Harvest Festival features such attractions as
a farmer's market, food vendors, tractor pulls, petting
San Angelo County Fair zoos, sheepdog trials, livestock auctions and carnival
The San Angelo County Fair, held at the county fair- rides.
grounds in Pleasant Grove one week every August, at- Held in the rural town of Marshall, the fall festival
tracts up to 400,000 visitors annually. attracted an estimated 150,000 people in 1996.


CUy al 11011 Angulo H OO -

San Angelo Underworld

Like every city, San Angelo has a dark side. Crime,
gangs and drugs haunt the Golden City no less than
r Dd .
M~ Die!.!';!! A9!10
ve~by shooting kills t "91!
1. ·11 d - A gaug-relared sh · ·
other major population centers. ,.;I c! two rcen·1ue.... H ooung tnCidenr
. 'c- •., on alcyo B I
Nearly all San Angelo residents are concerned about evening. Sho1s f . n ou evard Tues1Jav
If rom a pasi1110 . k·11 "
crime, but most parts of the city are actually pretty oward, J 7, and K . W . C' car I ed Jaleel
. e.~s1e hue• 14• m
· I he 7:20 p.m.
safe. Overall, the city has a moderate crime rate.
Sheriff' ·
s rnvelV1gators ide IT
Crimes by superhumans may get all the attention, but peered member or tht! P ~1 ' red Howard <ts a sus-
by far most crimes in San Angelo still involve normals Whlre wui; an innocent b~~ els stree1 gang1 bur said
attacking, robbing or stealing from each other. h
of bullets as she walk •d Mander caught iu rhe $prdy
bor. c ome fro111 vi. iting u neigh-
San Angelo Crime Deputles later found lhe .
a South San Angelo crnck/mspected gunmen inside
Statistics 16-year·oldS"" uud a 15.
rhree had l5ee11 be
iouse ar I I:52 p.m. Two
Year-old Were arrested All
A sizable percentage of crimes are never reported to aren, and are be/" .
bent of the Nomn·'" sr ieved to be mem-
police, making exact estimates of crime rates difficult. N .. v~ rcer gang.
cighbo~ l'cported ·
These figures are based on FBI Uniform Crime Re- lhe crackhouse .~hortlyscebe••~g a m~sked figure leaving
ports for the San Angelo urban area, which includes iore officers arrived.
city and county jurisdictions.
The chart lists an average annual total for each type
of crime, based on San Angelo c1ime statistics for the
past five years. Campaign Tip
Most superheroes are just too tough for your ev-
eryday, garden-variety criminal. Neverthe!ess, an en-
San Angelo Crime Statistics counter with a robber, mugger or other street thug
at the start of a session can accomplish a lot:
1997 • It can remind your players just how powerful
Crime Total P~r D!!l'. ~rime Ev~u.,. their PCs are compared to most people, particularly
Murder 276 .75 31 hrs.
if the PCs just got the stuffing pounded out of them
Rape 1,290 3.5 7 hrs.
by some all-powerful villain in the last adventure.
Robbery 8,571 23 1 hr.
Assault 13,848 38 40 min. • Saving innocent crime victims can help players
Violent Crimes 22,695 62 23 min. get into a heroic mindset.
Burglary 47,520 130 12 min. • The GM can give PCs who tend to get ignored
Theft 103,410 283 5 min. or outclassed against more powerful foes a chance
Vehicle Theft 36,000 99 15 min. to shine.
Property Crimes 186,930 512 2.8 min. No one is immune to crime - not even DNPCs.
Source: FBI. Crime Analysis Section
When some supervillain kidnaps the PC's girlfriend,
the solution's easy - beat him up and rescue her.
But what's the hero going to do when his dear old
Aunt Martha gets mugged? He can't exactly go
around beating up every mugger in the city - or
can he?

The Drug Scene Campaign Tip
Illegal drugs aren't hard to find in San Angelo. And, The organized crime scene mostly plays into Dark
contrary to popular belief, they are probably present in Champions adventuring, but can play a role in four-
every neighborhood in the metropolis - not just the color campaigns as well.
inner city. Individually, ordinary criminals aren't much of a
The best place to find drugs is the sordid Strip neigh- threat to your average superhero. But an organized crime
group might have the resources to invest in some heavy
borhood in the downtown, where virtually any kind of
weaponry - even a PC who could care less about some
drug can be purchased.
thug with a knife will think twice when the Flaming
The drug of choice is methamphetamine, also known
Skulls bring out a surface-to-air missile!
as "crank." One advantage of meth is that no compli- As mentioned elsewhere, organized crime groups
cated smuggling schemes are required; the drng can be could hire some superhuman help, particularly if the
manufactured locally in illicit labs. These labs, set up PCs have been causing problems lately. Or the group
in rented houses, barns, warehouses or even motel itself could include a few superhuman members.
rooms, change locations often in hopes of thwarting Players can use the organized crime world in the back-
narcotics investigators. grounds of their PCs. Perhaps the death of a hero's par-
Depending on the recipe used, various kinds of meth- ents or sibling at the hands of the Chinese tongs moti-
amphetamine can be created. One of the more popular vates the PC. Or the hero might be a reformed ex-gang
varieties is called "ice" or "crystal" meth.
These groups can make good Hunteds for PCs. When
The toxic chemicals used to manufacture crank are a hero is hunted by the Prophets street gang, the GM
classed as hazardous wastes, and each year a few ex- has an almost inexhaustible supply of enemies to throw
plosions take place at makeshift meth labs in San at her. And the PC never has to worry about replacing
Angelo. the Disad, since in all likelihood the Prophets will con-
Some outlaw motorcycle gangs are known to be in- tinue to exist for years - they' re never going to get
volved in manufacturing and selling methamphetamine, killed or locked up the way a single enemy might.
but for the most part meth dealers operate independently.
Cocaine, particularly crack, also plays a key role in
the city's drug scene. Crackhouses are not uncommon
in Brenton, South San Angelo and Northside neighbor-
hoods. To a lesser extent, they can also be found in Organized Crime
parts of the downtown, Pleasant Grove and Rancho Gun-toting street gangs. Ancient Chinese tongs. Wild
Madera. motorcycle-riding outlaws.
Street gangs control much of the cocaine traffic in These are the faces of organized crime in San Angelo.
San Angelo. The largest gangs, the Prophets and the Overall, organized crime is not an overwhelming prob-
Nomads, are the chief competitors in the crack trade. lem in San Angelo. There are no bloody mob wars or
Heroin, LSD and marijuana appear to be making a drug cartel gunbattles. Other than a handful of highly
comeback, however, particularly among young people. visible street gangs, most criminal organizations in the
And designer drugs, new synthetic concoctions, are also city prefer to keep a low profile.
on the rise. Crime bosses in San Angelo also tend to stay out of
The tongs and Mexican Mafia are the key players in supers-related affairs, which can attract all kinds of
heroin trafficking. Though some outlaw motorcycle unwanted attention, and genrally shy away from em-
gangs are involved in marijuana sales, most marijuana, ploying superhumans.
LSD and designer drug operations are independent in They may occasionally make use of superpowered
nature. These drugs are particularly popular near the individuals, but only when doing so fits into their over- -PA_G_E"""
CSU San Angelo and UC San Angelo campuses. all operations. NUMBER

,lmlJM '
For example, the Chinese tongs have no interest in The San Angelo chapter has all but taken over the El
sponsoring a heist of high-tech equipment from an Ar- Loco Bar in Pleasant Grove, which serves as its de
royo Verde lab. But a paranormal with a Chinese back- facto headquarters. Bikers from other gangs are for-
ground may be brought into the tong as an enforcer. bidden to wear their colors in the El Loco, so the Flam-
ing Skulls pretty much have the place to themselves.
Outlaw Motorcycle The chief criminal enterprise of the Flaming Skulls
involves manufacturing and selling methamphetamine,
Gangs also called "crank" or "ice." The gang cooks up crank
A few criminal motorcycle gangs are active in San in crude labs, often assembled in rented homes, mini-
Angelo. Outlaw bikers are known for their beloved storage units or vacant buildings.
motorcycles, often outlandish clothing and anarchic, The Flaming Skulls use each location for only a few
violent behavior. days before relocating the labs to avoid law enforce-
Some motorcycle gangs are national organizations ment raids. Only an inner circle knows the exact loca-
with chapters in various cities. A few travel the coun- tions of the labs.
try, and others are purely local. Gang members also perpetrate most of the other crimes
Every outlaw biker gang has a set of "colors," ragged common to outlaw biker gangs. The Flaming Skulls
jackets emblazoned with a patch, logo or other distinc- and Centurions are technically at war, though things
tive mark. Next to his motorcycle, his colors are an have been calm lately.
outlaw biker's proudest possession. The gang colors depict a grinning human skull sur-
Spontaneous violence is a key part of the biker mys- rounded by flames. Guy Claymore, known as "Big
tique, one that gangs often use to cow bar owners, gas Guy," is president of the Flaming Skulls.
station attendants, waitresses and crime victims.
Some gangs are involved in making and selling meth- Other Outlaw Motorcycle
amphetamine. Othercommon biker gang crimes include Gangs
sales of other drugs, rape, assault, robbery, extortion, There are about a half-dozen motorcycle gangs in San
kidnapping, bombing, arson and murder. Angelo, though a few are so small or rarely active as to
be negligible.
Flaming Skulls
The largest, most powerful outlaw motorcycle gang Centurions
in San Angelo, the Flaming Skulls are heavily involved The Centurions are the second-largest motorcycle
in the city's methamphetamine trade. gang in San Angelo, and compete fierce! y with the Flam-
Founded in San Angelo in the late 1960s, the Flam- ing Skulls for methamphetamine markets. The intense
ing Skulls now have chapters rivalry erupts into periodic violence,
in several West Coast cities. •11!'111!1!1!11111111919!1"-"'IPJ!ll!!!ll!l/.P!i!!" · -~~~- usually sparking a law enforcement
.. "'
The president of the San crackdown that cools things off
Angelo chapter technically again.
outranks all chapter presi- The president, Charlie "Praetor"
dents, but in practice rarely Fargo, gave the gang its name and
asserts this authority. Roman motif. The Centurions are
In San Angelo, the Flaming considered one of the most cold-blooded biker gangs in
Skulls have about 50 active members. Nationwide, the San Angelo, ruthlessly killing anyone who gets in their
gang has an estimated strength of 250. Each summer, way - even fellow Centurions suspected of informing
i-~-~-~all the chapters join together for an annual "run" - a to police.
· NuMC:~ weekend of drunken revelry somewhere in the Sierra The gang has about 35 active members, and is based
Nevada mountains. at a N orthside motorcycle shop owned by a friend. It is
CU'y rrf Son Aflfl9IO • '-°O -

San Angelo Underworld

not part of a national organization. Gang colors show a Tom "Diamondback" Walters is the current presi-
crested Roman helmet and a Latin motto. dent of the Rattlers. The bikers have taken over a va-
cant store, which they have fortified and equipped with
Desperadoes security cameras, for a headquarters.
The Desperadoes are a racially mixed motorcycle Gang colors show a coiled, striking rattlesnake.
gang with a sizable Latino contingent. One of the old-
est biker gangs in San Angelo, they are on the decline. Motorcycle Gang Members of
Founded in the mid- l 960s, the gang was for a time
the largest in San Angelo. But age, jail and family ob-
ligations have taken a toll on the Desperadoes. Their ''Fat Frank" DeVille: The legendary founding presi-
ranks now number about 15, making the biker gang dent of the Flaming Skulls. A tough-talking, head-
almost a non-entity in the organized crime scene. knocking bear of a man, he led the gang for 15 years
The current president is Jim "Barbwire" Delgado, and until he was convicted of ordering a rival gang leader
his North Mission welding shop is the closest thing the murdered and sent to California State Prison, Canfield,
Desperadoes have to a headquarters. The gang is a lo- on a long sentence.
cal phenomenon. Reportedly in failing health from chronic hepatitis,
A pair of crossed six-shooters over a tombstone con- De Ville continues to exert a strong influence over the
stitute the gang colors. Flaming Skulls from his prison cell.
Charlie "Praetor" Fargo: The well-read president
Rattlers of the Centurions. Fargo has an extensive knowledge
A violent gang with a white-supremacist tinge, the of history, and sometimes fancies his gang as modern-
Rattlers are one chapter of a national organization based day Roman soldiers.
in Idaho. Beneath the cultured facade and philosophical quota-
In the past, the Rattlers fought regularly with the tions, Fargo can be extremely cold-hearted. He has or-
Desperadoes but the war petered out with the decline dered the execution of Centurions suspected of inform-
of the latter gang. Now most conflicts involve the Flam- ing to police in the past, and is willing to do so again.
ing Skulls, who are also active in Pleasant Grove. The relative lack of education of his outlaw brethern
The San Angelo chapter has roughly 30 active mem- is a continuing source of annoyance to Fargo as it dims
bers, and is involved in most of the criminal activities their appreciation of his own genius.
typical of motorcycle outlaws. A few area hate crimes Tim "Shorty" Morris: One of the newest members
are also believed to be the work of the Rattlers. of the Flaming Skulls, Morris got his "colors" just six
Jn 1994, five founding months ago after a long probation-
members left the Rat~ " . G1ty lieanl 1hi1·n,mor tl1e Centurit>ns wefe ary period in which the gang tested
8 rg El • -o so he h11d a couple IoyaIty an d I11s
· w1·11·mgness to
tiers to launch a com- gomiafirebomb '''e ""'" • if. A 111s
L •

mercial waste removal of us 1118 rhi.t frigBin' M-00 up to rlie r; · commit crimes. Unbeknownst to
business . The finn has fr " in ' machine-glfn, mnn. Put some sai nJgs the Skulls, Moiris is actually a
prospered, winning con- a!!nd ii-looked like sometliing ourta tlie 'Num deep undercover agent with the
. • "luiow' Rambo! Rar-tat-tat-tatl
tract~ with several Pleas- tJr some1l1111 · yo · ., Ire choppers fede ral Drug Enforce men I
ant Grove corporations. "We put up .fome nemng S" t • . Agency.
ultln 't see. a11d we were t'ead)' for .em.. Cept
Despite outward appear- co . fl e nioht man, with his helll He is collecting infonnation o n
ances, ho wever. the fi ve
Cavalier ew over 011 o • 1/
vision. Bet1t the gun-barrel, man. towlly. And "'' the gang's criminal activities. par-
did not sever their ties was the errd of 1ht1t." b'k ticularly the manufacture and dis-
with the Rattlers, and a - "Weird Willy" Logan. 32. outlaw 1 er tributionof methamphetamine, in ..P_NJ__,E..,
key factor in t·heir success a joint operation with the county Sheriff's Depart- NUMBER
has been the intimidation of competitors by the gang . ment.
Street Gangs "I used to bang with
Street gangs, which are often heavily
armed with assault rifles and other high-
Street gangs are a serious problem in the the Pope Street
Nomads down it1
powered weaponry, are wantonly violent.
more desperate neighborhoods of San Almost anything, even a wrong look, can
Angelo. Local law enforcement agencies Brenton. Sold rock, did provoke a shooting.
some b11si11es.r - .rome
estimate nearly 50 gangs are active in the
4ril-e-by's, 'fhe11 Mind-
city. Most gangs are made up of youths
from pre-teen ages to their early 20s.
Masrer. he •traigJu-up Exiles
nu·lled me at tl1is roclc
While blacks and Latinos predominate house, yo. Got into my The Exiles are an independent street
in many gangs, all San Angelo gangs are messed-1cp heat/ mid gang made up entirely of young low-pow-
racially mixed to some degree. Predomi- showed trw wliat time it ered meta-humans. Teenage boys and girls
nantly black gangs began recruiting youths was - illowed me I wa.T of all races are Exiles, who number about
of other races in the early 1990s, for ex- doill[l Wl'011g, 20. Every prospective Exile must have
ample, hoping to expand into other neigh- "/quit bangin • and some kind of paranormal ability, though
dealin'. Now I'm nearly all fall into the category of low-pow-
borhoods. Gang membership is not lim-
tnldng do1se.v up ;,, ered metahumans. Several members are
ited to young men, either; there are sev-
S.A. C. Gonna be a runaways.
eral all-female gangs in San Angelo as teacher 011e <lay. Yori
well. The Exiles, most of whom take on new
know. he/pin ' kids arid
Most black gangs are affiliated with one all dat. When I'm 1101 names based on their power, are led by
of two loosely knit coalitions, the No- working ut that whack Catseye. The gang seems to be most active
mads and the Prophets. Individual gangs, burger joi111, / do downtown, but roams the city.
or "sets," of these two frequently take llOlunteer- time over 01 It keeps a very low profile, and most San
their name from their turf, home street tlte ltnnrtfiett.r shelter. Angelinos are unaware of the gang's exist-
or some nearby landmark. "Sm11e people .ray ence. Even city police know little of the Ex-
what Mind-Master:~ iles beyond rumors.
The Baker Park Prophets and Pope
tloin' is messed up. While some members of the Exiles are in-
Street Nomads are examples of two
ir11rJ, is, /Jes just
gang "sets." volved in crimes, the gang as a whole does
straighteni11 ' 01, 1 ilie
Other street gangs are independent, suckers who won ·1 not seem to be involved in any criminal en-
with no allegiance to any person or or- listen ro no one " terprise. The Exiles mostly seem to act in
ganization. Theseincludemany Latino
and mixed-race gangs.
- Akinsheye Johnsron self defense.
19, sludent Many young Exiles dye their hair garish
Most gangs are associated with a par- colors, while others have tattoos or multiple
ticular color. Gang graffiti is always of the chosen color, body piercings.
and members often wear "rags," or bandannas, of their
color. Some gangs also use hand signs to communi- Nomads
cate. The Nomads are a coalition of mostly black street
Criminal activities of street gangs vary widely, but gangs, comprising one of the largest street gangs in
most are centered on drug dealing. The Nomads and San Angelo. Authorities estimate the gang has 20-25
Prophets sell cocaine from heavily guarded crackhouses, sets, concentrated in South San Angelo. Nomads sets
for example. are also based in Brenton, Northside and parts of Pleas-
Other activities include every kind of property and ant Grove, however.
violent crime. Drive-by shootings are a frequent tactic, Ramsey Hoyle founded the Nomads in 1987 at Vernon
though these hits are often so imprecise that innocent Fletcher High School. The gang's color is black. They
-P-A""'"GiiiiiEiiil\bystande!'ti are killed. typically wear at least one article of black clothing.

l.~al-- I
Clry r1t San Angll4o

San Angelo Underworld

• soo -

Crack dealing is the primary activity of the Nomads, Skinheads

and sets of the gang operate several fortified Several white supremacist skinhead gangs are ac-
crackhouses in Brenton and Northside neighborhoods. tive in San Angelo, particularly in rural and suburban
The Nomads are at war with the Prophets over drug areas. Authorities suspect the gangs may be working
markets, and violence between the gangs is not uncom- together under some unified leadership, but are not
mon.Drive-by shootings take place every few weeks. certain of this.
Skinhead gangs have 15 to 20 members, mostly teen-
Prophets agers who have shaven their heads. Many skinheads
Another coalition of primarily black street gangs, the are heavily tattooed and may wear neo-Nazi symbols.
Prophets are the second-largest street gang in the city. These gangs are not involved in the drug trade, but
Roughly 15 to 20 sets are affiliated with the Proph- criminal activities include hate crimes, beatings, van-
ets, primarily in Brenton. The Prophets are also active dalism and terrorism of non-whites.
in South San Angelo, Northside and Pleasant Grove.
The Prophets began in 1989 as a response to the ex- Catseye
pansion and power of the Nomads. Several indepen- Gang Leader
dent street gangs in Brenton banded together to increase STR 15 DEX20 CON 15 BODY 12
their strength, taking on the name of the largest local INT 10 EGO 10 PRE 15 COM 10
gang. Silver is the color of the Prophets. PD 5 ED4 SPD4 REC6
Like the Nomads, the Prophets engage primarily in END 30 STUN 30
cocaine dealing from guarded crackhouses. Property Powers and Skills: Infra-red vision, Acrobatics 14-,
crimes and violence are also tied to the gang, however. Breakfall 14-, Lockpicking 14-, Martial Arts (karate):
Block, Dodge, Punch or Snap Kick, Side or Spin Kick,
Other Street Gangs Stealth I 4-, Streetwise 12-, PS: Gang Leader 11-, CK:
San Angelo 11-, Perk: Exiles Leader.
All kinds of gangs are found on the mean streets of
Disadvantages: Distinctive Features: Cat's eyes (con-
San Angelo. Many of them are independent, owing al-
cealable), Money: Poor, Psych: Hates prejudice, Psych:
legiance to no one or no group.
Protects paranormals, Reputation: Leader of Exiles 8-
Notes: Born with the distinctive eyes of a cat, Dustin
Varrio Mission Boys Close had a difficult childhood. He endured endless teas-
A primarily Latino gang based in the North Mission ing and beatings from his playmates, while adults shied
neighborhood of Eastside, the Varrio Mission Boys away from him.
(VMB) are side players in the heroin trade but are mostly Fed up with it all, he began running away as a young
concerned with protecting their turf. Fights with other teenager. Finally his parents gave up on forcing Dustin
gangs are fairly frequent, and gunplay is not unknown. to stay home, and now can only hope that he chooses to
Red is the chosen color of the VMB, considered the return on his own someday.
largest Latino gang in the city. The hero Azteca of the Taking the name Catseye, Dustin began meeting other
Justice Foundation was once a Varrio Mission Boy, but young people whose paranormal abilities had also made
left the gang life behind in a "gauntlet" ceremony - them outcasts. Soon a half-dozen or so teens had joined
his gang brothers beat Azteca bloody as he walked the forces, seeking both companionship and protection from
gauntlet without defending himself. The gang and the mean streets of the city.
Azteca have no contact; he is dead to the Varrio Mis- Catseye named the gang the Exiles, and decreed that
sion Boys. only paranormals could join. He is still the leader of

City of San Ang•lo csoo -

San Angelo Underworld

Three tongs, or Chinese organized crime groups, are
active in San Angleo. Chinatown, of course, is the fo-
cus of their activities.
When Chinese laborers settled in the United States in
the 1800s, they brought with them the ancient tradition
of triads, or secret societies serving as both protectors
and predators. Known as tongs in the U.S., these soci-
eties at first acted as a kind of benevolent association,
governing and defending the Chinese newcomers in an
often hostile land.
But the tongs also controlled crime in Chinatown. In
time, this led to conflict over the vast profits generated
by the opium trade and illegal gambling.
Bloody clashes, known as "hatchet wars" for the tra-
ditional Chinese axes carried by participants, erupted
between the tongs. The last hatchet wars took place in
the 1920s.
Today, the criminal tongs continue to operate behind
the scenes in Chinatown, though each tong also spon-
sors a public component that appears to be nothing more
than a merchant association or other mundane organi-
zation. As a result, not all tong members can immedi-
ately be classed as criminals.
the Exiles, even though the gang has since attracted
In addition, the tongs are extremely insular. Only
several older teenagers.
people of Chinese background are permitted to join.
Catseye, 15, has blond hair and golden cat-like eyes.
Even victims of the tongs are reluctant to deal with
He has a strong build, and seems to possess the quick
outside authorities. The tongs are incredibly difficult
reflexes of a cat. He also has a pierced ear and nose.
for local law enforcement agencies to investigate.
Tongs are led by chairmen, or dragon heads. Other
Other Gang Members of Note officers include a vice-chairman, an "English secretary"
Obaseki Dutton: Known as "Deadeye" Dutton to his who helps run tong
"~Ju lurow Gordon lAi?
fellow Prophets after a 1992 shooting blinded his left businesses and a
Remember M'IUlt happe11ed to
eye. Dutton is one of the gang's most violent members, "street secretary" who
him. lieya? He plo11ed agui11st
and a key enforcer. Sheriff's personnel are seeking oversees tong soldiers. / 1
..... 1 1 1
~·-'~'f ('~'Y~'JF~OM"~·~u~11-M«w"''""""'OM'-----
Dutton in connection with four murders. A1l three tongs es- chopped. I he"r he got burned
Ramsey Hoyle: The founder and head of the No- sentially engage in the "P by lightning 011 a dotulless
mads street gang. Now in his mid-20s, Hoyle com- same sorts of crimes. 11igl1r. Dragon head, lte'.v
mands much respect in the gang but doesn't have much Opium sales and ille- pmtecred by tire god.~. that'J
real power due to the group's fairly disorganized state. gal gambling are the m1e. (f you know whut '.\· good
J esus Quintana: Leader of the Varrio Mission Boys linchpins of their .for ytm - know your place,
street gang in North Mission. Quintana, in his early criminal empires, but do11 ·, get grt•edy. "
J"!P~A'!"'G~E,...20s, acts as a protector and father figure to the gang. A the tongs also engage - Fei "Proficablc'' Cong, 32,
NUMBER · tong member
smooth-talking wheeler-dealer, he could have been a in loansharking, pros-
222 politician - and still might become one someday. titution, protection rackets and murder for hire.


c11y ol S•• Angelo ·~oo -
San Angelo Underworld

Each tong has an affiliated street gang, used to help

run its criminal enterprises and handle any dirty work
that needs to be done. These gangs are usually com-
posed of younger men, but are not exclusively made up
of teenagers as are most other street gangs.
In addition to helping with tong affairs, the street gangs
are allowed to have their own businesses, such as gam-
bling, robbery and illegal fireworks sales. The tong
street gangs are unbelievably violent and utterly care-
less of bystanders when combat erupts.

Wing Chao
Of the three tongs active in Chinatown, the Wing Chao
is clearly the most powerful and most feared.
The tong has approximately 325 criminal members.
While the Wing Chao dates back to the earliest days of
Chinatown, it came to the fore during the Golden Age.
A man known only as T'ien Lung, Chinese for celes-
tial dragon, directed the rise of the Wing Chao tong to
its pre-eminent position during the 1930s and 1940s. William Shiyu Yuan
T'ien Lung reportedly had the power of ancient Chi- Businessman/fong leader
nese sorcery at his command, with which he foiled sev- STR 10 DEX 12 CON 10 BODYlO
eral efforts by the Liberty Corps to break the hold of INT 15 EGO 15 PRE 15 COM 10
the Wing Chao on Chinatown. PD 3 ED2 SPD 2 REC4
His reign as dragon head of the tong is thought to END 20 STUN 20
have ended in the early 1950s. The present dragon head Powers and Skills: Combat Skill: +2 w/pistols,
is William Shiyu Yuan, outwardly a respected Stealth 11-, Streetwise 12-, Trading 12-, WF Small
Chinatown businessman. Yuan's involvement in the arms, PS: Businessman 11-, PS: Tong Leader 11-, KS:
tongs has been rumored but never publicly proven. Tongs 11-, KS: Wing Chao 14-, KS: Local Politics
11-, AK: Chinatown 14-, CK: San Angelo 11-, Lan-
The Jade Dragons street gang, led by Johnny Lao, is guage: Chinese (fluent, no accent), Perks: Fringe Ben-
affiliated with the Wing Chao. The gang takes its name efits: Dragon Head of Wing Chao, Wealth: Well Off.
from the green banners associated with the tong, and Disadvantages: Age: 40+, DNPCs (family, normals)
members often wear green sashes or headbands. Num- 8-, Hunted by rival tongs (As Pow) 11-, Psych: Power-
bering 40 or so, the Jade Dragons are embroiled in a hungry, Psych: Despises outside interference in
mild war with the Wo Fat gang over the fireworks trade. Chinatown, Secret ID.


Notes: A respected businessman to the outside world, dragon head of the Qi Leong. The tong often uses scar-
William Shiyu Yuan is secretly head of the most pow- let banners and clothing.
erful and most feared tong in Chinatown. The Crimson Tigers street gang is affiliated with the
Yuan owns several business chains in San Angelo, tong. Gang members, who number 25 or so, often wear
including laundromats, dry cleaners and Chinese res- red satin jackets emblazoned with an embroidered ti-
taurants. A very wealthy man, Yuan also has some po- ger. Most know Shao-Lin Tiger style kung fu.
litical pull, particularly on issues involving Chinatown. The Crimson Tigers, led by Tao Huang, are excep-
He is a very influential figure in the Asian community. tionally violenteven by tong standards and the Qi Leong
Few people know that Yuan is also the dragon head must often hold the gang in check.
of the Wing Chao tong. He has held the position for the
past several years, and his grip on the tong is now un- Other Tong Members of Note
questioned after several early rivals for the position died
Thomas Chang: The "English secretary" of the Choy
mysteriously. Wing Chao tong members whisper that Lok On tong. Chang feels that dragon head Kuang Ma
some dark force backs Yuan's claim to power. is too much of a traditionalist, and his insistence on
Only his daughter, Debbie Yuan, has successfully outdated practices are holding back the tong. His ef-
defied the dragon head. She cut her ties to her familyforts to push the tong into the 21st century have been
and secretly became the hero Lotus after discovering met with anger by Ma, and Chang is now considering
her father's other life. As a member of the Justice Foun-
eliminating the venerable dragon head.
dation, Lotus has vowed to make up for the injustices Peng Ho: A tong veteran who has risen to become
inflicted on Chinatown by her family. dragon head of the Qi Leong tong. He is also called
Yuan, 48, is a Chinese-American man with black hairThree-Finger Ho, having lost two fingers on his left
and brown eyes. He stands 5'8" tall and has an averagehand to a hatchet-wielding assassin. A crafty and devi-
build. He typically wears expensive business suits. ous man, Ho would like to see the Wing Chao tong
taken down a few notches.
Other Tongs Johnny Lao: Head of the Jade Dragons street gang,
Although the Wing Chao tong dominates Chinatown, linked to the Wing Chao tong. Lao is well-known in
two other Chinese organized crime groups are also ac- Chinatown for his expertise in Choy Lee Fut style kung
tive in the community. These tongs are forever seeking fu, which extends to weapons elements with a chain
to shift the balance of power in Chinatown. whip and swords.
Choy Lok On: The Choy Lok On tong has roughly Kuang Ma: Venerable dragon head of the Choy Lok
220 criminal members. Kuang Ma has been the dragon On tong. Ma is a traditionalist who despises rival tongs
head of the tong for the past 20 years. for giving up certain ancient tong practices in the name
The Choy Lok On tong headquarters is decorated with of expediency.
yellow banners, and tong soldiers sometimes wear yel- For example, initiations into the Choy Lok On tong
low sashes or other clothing. are three-day affairs involving several rituals and cer-
The Wo Fat street gang is linked to the Choy Lok On emonies brought over from China. Most other tongs
tong. The gang has approximately 30 members, and is forego the long ceremonies in favor of initiations last-
involved in a mild war with the Jade Dragons gang ing a day or sometimes just an hour.
over the illegal fireworks trade in Chinatown. Most Wo While the Choy Lok On certainly takes advantage
Fat members know Hung Gar style kung fu. of modem advances, like firearms and computers, Ma
Bobby Kwan leads the Wo Fat street gang. strives to keep the tong true to its heritage. This policy
Qi Leong: The smallest of the three San Angelo tongs, rankles younger members of the tong, but so far none
~--~the Qi Leong has approximately 180 criminal m6m- have acted on their belief that the Choy Lok On needs a
~~~~ bcrs. Peng Ho. also known as Three-Pinger Ho, is the new leader.

Ctty ~ S.n Ano•lo 'i-00 -

San Angelo Underworld

Vietnamese Gangs Tensions in Chinatown are rising, particularly with

A handful of Vietnamese gangs are active in San tong-affiliated street gangs, but the reputation of Viet-
Angelo. These gangs are organized and operate differ- namese gangs for wild violence has so far stayed the
ently than most other street gangs. Actually, there are hand of the tongs.
two kinds of criminal gangs dominated by Southeast
Asians. Trung Binh Do
Adult gangs are made up of older men, usually former The leader of an adult Vietnamese gang, Trung Binh
South Vietnamese military personnel. They are involved Do is a former colonel in the army of South Vietnam.
in gambling, murder, arson, fraud and extortion. When Saigon fell, Do came to the U.S., where he soon
Youth gangs are made up of a small number of Viet- organized a criminal gang composed of former com-
namese teens. Unlike other street gangs, they generally bat soldiers from Vietnam.
do not claim a set territory and many do not even have Based in San Angelo, the highly trained gang com-
names or colors. Membership is extremely fluid , some- mits meticulously planned arsons and murders, often
times changing daily. for hire.
Property crimes and home invasion robberies are the Do has invested some of his criminal proceeds in the
forte of young Vietnamese gangs. Most of these gangs
Spy Shop in Rancho Madera.
are highly mobile, traveling all over the nation, but a
few have settled down in particular cities, like San
Angelo. Vietnamese Gang Members of
Two major Vietnamese gangs are based in San Angelo, Note
one comprised of adults and the other of youths. Highly Tam "Tommy" Pak: A young Amerasian man who
mobile youth gangs also occasionally visit the city. has fa llen in with the Thunder Knights gang. He mostly
hangs around the edges of the gang, since his half-
Thunder Knights American heritage means that Pak can never become
This Vietnamese youth gang has followed the path a full member of the Thunder Knights.
taken by other street gangs, settling in one city and Pak was born in Vietnam in 1975 and sent to the
claiming a specific turf. The Thunder Knights are try- United States as a young boy by his mother. He ran
ing to move in on Chinatown, Jong the stronghold of away from several foster homes before becoming in-
Chinese tongs. volved with the gang.
There are about 30 Thunder Knights, Jed by David Sgt. Due Lam of the San Angleo Police Department
Thuong, an intelligent man in his late 20s. Most of the has befriended Pak, and hopes to steer him out of the
Thunder Knights crash in various motel rooms or apart- gang life before he gets in too deep. Lam worries that
ments, but Thuong lives in an expensive La Vista home. Pak, who longs to be accepted by the gang, will be
Extorting Chinatown shopkeepers is the primary coerced into committing a murder or some other vio-
criminal activity of the Thunder Knights, but gang lent crime.
members also take part in robberies of businesses and Pak does not know that he is actually the son of Rep.
homes. Most of these are done in other cities to con- Robe11 N. Welch, who served in the U.S. military in
fuse investigators and avoid a local police crackdown. Vietnam.


CllJ al S•n ~"!1010 •900 -

Allies and Enemies

This chapter describes a few of the foremost

heroes and enemies of San Angelo

As the City of Heroes, San Angelo is home
to several do-gooders who fight for truth and
justice. Heroes in the city come in all shapes,
sizes and power levels.

Justice Foundation
TheJusticeFoundation hero team was created in 1994
as an offshoot of the San Angelo think tank by the same
name. The institution, established by billionaire Averell
Pendleton, seeks to uncover the root causes behind war,
crime, terrorism, hunger, poverty and other problems.
The hero team takes a more direct approach to crime
;,.~ and superhuman violence.
The four founding members of the Justice Founda-
tion team - Corona, Cavalier, Azteca, and Savant -
are still active; in 1996 they were joined by a new hero,
Lotus. An advanced headquarters compound in down-
town San Angleo houses the operation.
The TurboJet, a prototype vertical takeoff and land-
ing passenger plane loaned to the team by Peregrine
Aircraft for field testing, provides transportation for
the Justice Foundation.

GM's Option I
I GMs and players new to Champions may want to I
". I consider using the Justice Foundation as the PCs I
for their game until they' re comfortable making their I
I own heroes.
Aztec a
Diego Cruz

Val Char Cost Notes

23 STR 13 600kg; 4V2d6
24 DEX 42 OCV: 8 I DCV: 8
20 CON 20
12 BODY 4
10 INT 0
10 EGO 0 ECV: 3
13 PRE 3
12 COM 1
20 PD 15
18 ED 14
6 SPD 26 Phases: 2, 4, 6, 8, LO, 12
9 REC 0
40 END 0
36 ST UN 2
fotal Cost
Char: 140 +Powers: 110 - 250
Base: JOO+ Disad: 150 250 =
,..,ost Powers t;ND
7 Maquahultl (Aztec sword): l d6 HKA
(2d6 w/STR) (OAF) 1
5 Damage Resistance, 5 PD, 5 ED -
6 Running, +3" (9" total) 2
5 Superleap, +5" (9" total) , Requires Aero-
batics roll 2
4 Throat-mic: Radio Listen and Transmit (IIF - radio
button, throat mic)
C:ost Skills 2 KS: Martial World 11-
3 Talents: Combat Sense 2 KS: Tae Kwan Do 11-
3 Acrobatics 14- 2 CK: San Angelo l l -
3 Breakfall 14- 2 WF: Small arms
3 Climbing 14- 4 Language: Spanish (idiomatic)
3 Combat Driving 14- 2 Perk: Local Police Powers
3 Contortionist 14- 5 Donation for TurboJet
29 Martial Arts - Tae Kwan Do 2 Donation for Justice Foundation HQ
Maneuver OCV DCV Notes
Arm Sweep Block +2 +2 Block, Abort I. nrage y racia slurs ( ncommon} I · , 11 -
Crescent Kick Block +I +3 Block, Abort 15 D NPCs: Armando and Marguerite Cruz, parents
Flying Side Kick +l -2 10d6 (normals) 11-
Front Kick +O +2 8d6 5 Hunted by Varrio Mission Boys (Less Pow,
Punch or Elbow Strike +2 +O 8d6 Watching) L1-
Takedown +I +I 6d6, Target Falls 20 Hunted by Photon (Mo Pow, NCI) 8-
+ I Damage Class L5 Hunted by Bloodsport (As Pow) ll-
3 Mechanics 11 - 20 Psych: Code Against Killing
3 Paramedic 11- (common, total)
5 Stealth 15- LS Psych: Hot temper, impulsive (Com, Str)
3 Streetwise 12- 15 Psych: Must prove himself (Very Common, Mod)
I PS: Public Hero 8- 10 Public ID
I KS: Varrio Mission Boys gang 8- PAGE
IO Reputation: Impulsive hero, I I- NUMBER
2 KS: Street Gangs L1-
IO Rivalry: Other martial artists, including PCs
Background: Ever since he was a child, Diego Cruz Marguerite Cruz, run a corner grocery in North Mis-
had adored his older brother. Santiago was the leader sion.
of the Varrio Mission Boys, the toughest street gang in Quote: "You looking for trouble? I'll show you
North Mission. Diego wanted nothing more than to fol- trouble. "
low his brother into the gang, even though Santiago Personality: Azteca can be impulsive and hot-tem-
kept running him off whenever he tried to hang around. pered, though he tries to keep his anger in check. Some-
Then a drive-by shooting by a rival gang brought times he feels that he still must prove to others that he
Santiago down. Dying in the street, he ordered the teen- has truly reformed. Azteca is quite proud of his Latino
age Diego not to avenge him and told him to make some- heritage, and wants to be a good role model for young
thing of his life. people. In particular, he tries to dissuade teens from
Diegodidn'tlisten . After Santiago's funeral, he joined getting involved in gangs. He has had no contact with
the Varrio Mission Boys. With one of his new gang the Varrio Mission Boys; he is dead to the gang.
brothers at the wheel he went on a drive-by to pay back
Powers/Tactics: Azteca has enhanced strength, agil-
Santiago's killers. Diego missed the shot, though, and
ity and defenses. He is a skilled martial artists who
when the driver tried to elude a police car he crashed.
fights using tae kwan do. He also carries an Aztec
A young girl hit by the skidding car was killed. The
sword, known as a maquahuitl, made of wood with a
driver went to jail, and Diego was sentenced to proba-
sharpened obsidian edge. Azteca only uses the sword
tion. An idealistic black probation officer, Wayne
against inanimate objects, in keeping with his code
Dozier, tried to turn the angry young man around, teach-
against killing.
ing him Tae Kwan Do to give him some self-discipline.
In combat, Azteca prefers to fight other martial art-
But Diego wavered between going straight and staying
ists but does not hesitate to take on more powerful foes
true to the Varrio Mission Boys. During a probation
if necessary. When battling a particularly dangerous
search of one of Diego's homeboys, Dozier was shot
enemy, Azteca relies heavily on martial maneuvers that
and killed.
boost his DCV.
Diego finally decided to heed the words of his brother,
and his mentor. He left the gang life behind, walking a Appearance: Diego Cruz, 21, stands 5' 11 " tall and
gauntlet of Varrio Mission Boys who beat him bru- has a muscular build. He has black hair, brown eyes
tally. Diego didn't fight back, finally staggering to the and a dark complexion. As Azteca, he wears a loose-
end of the gauntlet before collapsing. His gang broth- fitting sleeveless jacket with an Aztec symbol on the
ers walked away from him forever. back and short black pants.
He had always been the strongest, fastest and most Campaign Use: Azteca is an example of a former
agile kid on the block, but as Diego continued his mar- criminal gone straight, a staple of the four-color genre.
tial arts training he discovered that he was actually su- His dormant ties to the Varrio Mission Boys could be
perhuman in some ways. He decided to put his abilities used to create some interesting adventures. Perhaps
to use helping others, and when a chance to join the Azteca needs the help of his former gang brothers to
newly created Justice Foundation hero team came his solve an underworld mystery, leading to a tense, tem-
way Diego signed on. porary reconciliation. On the other hand, perhaps the
He fights under the name Azteca, to honor his Latino VarrioMissionBoys need Azteca's help- a rival street
heritage, but is also studying at San Angelo City Col- gang could be obtaining high-tech weapons from some-
lege to become a paramedic. His parents, Armando and where.
San Angclu Tunes

North Mission Teen Killed in Drive-by Shooting

NUMBER Shots rang out at 10:30 p.m. last night in the North Santiago Cruz, 18, lay dead in the street. The third
Mission neighborhood. Amidst the chaos and panic shooting in as many months, many witnesses believe it
Michael Quinn

Val CHA Cost +Armor Cost

15 + 20* (35) :SIR 5 JO 15
13 + 10* (23) DEX 9 15 24
15 CON 10 10
10 BODY 0 0
10 INT 0 0
10 EGO 0 0
10 + JO* (20) PRE 0 5 5
10 COM 0 0
5 PD 2 2
5 ED 2 2
4 + l * (5) SPD 17 5 22
6 REC 0 0
30 END 0 0
31 STUN 0 0
*All Armor chars. are OIF (-112), Primary chars. do not
iffect fiRured chars. (-112)
Combat Stats
OCV: 8 I OCV: lS
Phases: 3, 5, 8. JO, 12
·aotal Cost
Char: 80 + Powers: 170 250
Base: 100 + Disads: 150 250
Cost Powers END
Note: All powers and STR work from END Reserve
Power Packs (OIF)
17 END Reserve 100 Pts, Recover 15 ENDffurn -
Powered Armor (OIF)
33 Plasma Hurling: I Od6 Energy Blast 5
30 Flight, 20" (2x Non-Combat) 4
30 Armor, + 15 PD, +15 ED - 2 TF: Propeller and jet planes
13 Life Support: Self-contained air, all safe environs - 1 WF: Pistols
Visor (OIF) 2 Perk: Local Police Powers
3 Flash Defense: 5 pts. Sight - 5 Donation for TurboJet
Helmet (OIF) 2 Donation for Justice Foundation HQ
7 High-Range Radio Hearing -
3 Infrared Vision - D PC: Dr. Augustus Clay, scientist ( Normal) I I -
4 Telescopic Vision, +4 to range on PER - JO DNPCs: Family (Normals) 8-
Cost Skills 10 Distinctive Features: Armored suit (Concealable)
3 Combat Pilot 12- l0 Hu nted by U.S. Air Force (MoPow, NCI, Watch) 11-
1 Familiarity w/Electronics 8- 20 Hunted by Photon (MoPow, NCI) 8-
3 Tactics 12- 20 Psych: Cocky (Com, Tot)
2 PS: Air Force Pilot l I- 10 Psych: Feels guilty about deceiving teammates
2 KS: Air Force I I- (Uncom, Str)
I KS: Cavalier Suit 8- 20 Psych: Subject to orders (Very Com, Str)
2 CK: San Angelo 11- I0 Reputation: Justice Foundation hero I 1-
2 AK: Forgan AFB I I- 15 Secret ID (Michael Quinn)
I SC: Aeronautics 8- 10 Vulnerability: l l/2x STUN vs. Electricity (Common) PAGE

City of a.n Angoro • iyjQ -

Allies and Enemies

Background: Lt. Michael Quinn loved being a test Quote: "If you thought that was good, watch this."
pilot for the U.S. Air Force. When it assigned him to Personality: Cavalier can be something of a hotshot,
Forgan Air Force Base for something called Project: which sometimes lands him in trouble. He likes to show
Cavalier, Quinn figured his superiors simply wanted off, and doesn't mind taking risks to pull off an espe-
the best pilot in the Air Force to check out some hot cially impressive maneuver. His showboating and oc-
new jet fighter. casional disregard for orders creates all kinds of fric-
He didn't see any new jets when he got to the top- tion with his Air Force superiors, particularly Gen.
secret Sector 10 at the airbase, but Quinn certainly got Briar. But his status as the only pilot qualified to wear
to see the inside of a lot of laboratories as scientists put the Cavalier armor gives him some "job security."
him through every test imaginable. Cavalier has discovered that he enjoys using the ar-
Finally they explained that his brainwaves were the mor to rescue people and fight crime; he personally
best match for a new cybernetic helmet. But the helmet sides with Dr. Clay in the debate over the best use of
wasn't for fighters. It was for an ultra-advanced, top- the suit but doesn't get much of a say in the dispute.
secret battlesuit. Dubbed the Cavalier armor, it was Most of the scientists and military personnel involved
assembled by a huge force of scientists, engineers, tech- in Project: Cavalier treat him like a test subject - Dr.
nical experts and others for the U.S. Air Force at a cost Clay is the only one who really seems interested in his
of billions. General Harold S. Briar, the commander of opinions and ideas. He considers the older scientist
the project, didn't like assigning a junior officer to test something of a mentor.
the armor. But Quinn had the best chance of being able The need to deceive his Justice Foundation friends
to control the suit; the general didn't have much choice. about the origin of the armor and his true identity both-
The first rests were a success, even when Quinn devi- ers Cavalier, but national security issues are one thing
ated from his assignment to rescue some people trapped he does take seriously.
in a burning car on Interstate 79. Soon the San Angelo Powerstractics: Along with excellent defenses, the
papers were full of reports on a new armored hero. Gen. Cavalier armor can generate bursts of superhot plasma
Briar was furious. in combat. The suit has a full life-support system, and
But Dr. Augustus Clay, chief scientist on Project: incorporates some enhanced vision technology, radio
Cavalier, convinced the general that having Quinn j oin systems and a personal flight system.
the superhuman community would be a perfect real- Feedback circuitry in the suit provides enhanced
world test of the armor's capabilities. Gen. Briar even- strength and speed, though the cybernetic helmet is the
tually assented, and when the new hero was offered a primary control device for the armor.
place on the Justice Foundation hero team he signed A flaw in the electrical damping systems of the armor
off on the idea. makes Cavalier vulnerable to electricity-based attacks.
Under strict orders to conceal his Air Force affilia- Engineers have so far been unable to resolve the prob-
tions and the true origin of the armor, Cavalier has told lem.
his teammates that he discovered the battlesuit and keeps Quinn's role is much like that of a test pilot; while he
it working with the help of a friendly engineer whose excels at using the Cavalier armor and has a basic un-
identity he must protect. In reality, whenever the suit derstanding of aeronautics, Quinn doesn't know much
requires repairs or maintenance he returns to Sector I 0 about the construction, maintenance or repair of the
at the airbase. battlesuit.
While Cavalier continues to field-test the rumor, work Appearance: Michael Quinn, 25, has brown hair and
has started on the design of a second, more powerful hazel eyes. He stands 5 ' 1O" tall and has an athletic build.
generation of the armor. The final fate of the project The Cavalier armor is an ultra-high-tech, fully en-
remains up in the air, however, with Dr. Clay favoring closed metal alloy battlesuit with plasma generators
AGE peaceful applications for the suits and Gen. Briar in- attached to each arm and jet-powered flight boots. The
sisting that the armor be designed for combat. armor has a light blue hue, with crimson detailing.
Ctty Cl'f O;i1n Att(1110 6SOQ -

Allies and Enemies

• >
Callie Dalton


Val CHA Cost Notes

1 I g;
OCV: 8 I DCY: 8
21 33
20 20
·,, . /k
13 INT
12 EGO 4 ECV:4
18 PRE 8
12 COM 1
8 PD 6
8 ED 4
5 SPD 19 Phases: 3,5, 8, 10, 12
8 REC 4
50 END 5
35 STUN 10

19 Elemental Control: Flame powers

31 A) Flameblast: I Od6 Energy Blast 5
18 B) Force Field, +15 PD/+15 ED (Yz END Cost) 1
15 C) Force Wall, 10 PD, JO ED (Feedback) 5
18 D) Flight, 15" (Yi END Cost) I
Radio buttonffhroat mic (IIF)
4 Radio Listen and Transmit

ombat Skills: + 1 wfflame powers

3 Oratory 13-
Campaign Use: Cavalier is an example of the happy- 3 Persuasion 13-
go-lucky showoff who only seems to get serious when 1 Familiar w/Tactics 8-
things are really desperate. He can be a good NPC to 2 PS: Attorney 11-
2 KS: Law 11-
keep things light in a tough situation.
2 KS: Musician (viola) 11-
The highly advanced Cavalier armor will likely be 2 CK: San Angelo 11-
coveted by just about every villain with an interest in 3 Perks: Licensed Attorney, Local Police Powers
high-tech gear. Adventures built around attempts to 5 Donation for TurboJet
capture Cavalier and copy his armor - or just flat-out 2 Donation for Justice Foundation HQ
steal it - are a strong possibility. I : racy Ke er. partner ormn ) I 1-
If the Justice Foundation is being used as an NPC 20 Hunted by Photon (Mo Pow, NCI) 8-
team, the PCs could be called in to help rescue Cava- JO Hunted by Phosphorous (As Pow) 8-
lier from his captors. 10 Phys: Dehydrated by power use (Infreq. Greatly)
15 Psych: Altruistic (Com, Str)
The development of a second-generation battlesuit also
20 Psych: Code against killing (Com, Tot)
provides some adventure possibilities, particularly if a 15 Psych: Seeks justice (Com, Str)
bitter scientist or rival test pilot steals the armor to be- JO Reputation: Justice Foundation team leader 11-
come a superhuman criminal. 15 Secret ID (Callie Dalton)
20 Vulnerability: 2x STUN vs. ice or cold attacks PAG'E

Background: Callie Dalton always had a passion right thing no matter the risk or cost. Corona has earned
for justice. Even as a child, she insisted the villains in the respect and trust of her teammates for her able,
her bedtime stoiies be made to see the enor of their compassionate leadership.
ways. Fiercely determined, Corona never admits defeat. Her
A legal career was a natural step, and after graduat- grit has won several battles in which Corona refused to
ing from law school with honors Dalton went to work go down despite relentless attacks, giving her fallen
at one of San Angelo's top legal firms. friends time to recover and rejoin the fray.
While she soon discovered the occasional gaps be- In her limited free time, Corona enjoys playing the
tween justice and the law, Dalton never lost her deter- viola and spending time with Tracy Keller in their home.
mination to see right triumph over wrong. They often visit auctions and yard sales together on
Shortly after going to work at the law firm, Dalton weekends to hunt up furniture for the house, which they
became lost while hiking in the high mountains. Night are still decorating.
fell, and Dalton huddled shivering against a rock as a Powers/Tactics: Corona controls flames so hot they
shower of falling stars began. Suddenly there was a are invisible except as heat distortions, similar to those
bright flash and an explosion! seen over asphalt on a hot day . Using these flames, she
Rangers checking out the meteor strike the next day can blast enemies, generate force fields and fly.
found Dalton unconscious at the edge of the blast ra- Corona's flame powers are generated by separating
dius. After a few days in the hospital, she returned to water molecules into hydrogen and oxygen, the com-
work. But something seemed different, and soon Dalton ponents of rocket fuels. As a result, extensive use of
realized that she could now produce flames from her her powers can leave her severely dehydrated, and Co-
body, just by concentrating! rona tries to drink a lot of water prior to any battles.
The strange energies released by the meteor strike had Cold-based attacks are especially effective against
somehow altered her, transforming her into a superhu- Corona
man with control over fire and flame. In combat, Corona tends to hover and pelt foes with
After learning to control her powers, Dalton became flame blasts while directing the tactics of her fell ow
the superhero Corona, carrying her fight against injus- Justice Foundation heroes via radio.
tice and dedication to helping others to a new arena. Appearance: Callie Dalton, 29, stands 5' 6" tall, with
When the non-profit Justice Foundation sought her an athletic build. She has thick red hair and green eyes.
out to discuss forming a team of superhumans to pro- As Corona, she wears a light blue bodysuit, boots
tect San Angelo, Corona didn't hesitate to volunteer. and a short red vest. Belts and pouches carry vital equip-
Her idealism quickly captured the respect of her team- ment, and a small mask conceals her identity.
mates, and Corona became the leader of the team. Campaign Use: Corona is the archetypal four-color
Corona recently purchased a small, quaint home in hero, committed to doing right and helping others. Her
Midtown with her longtime companion, Tracy Keller. rock-solid belief that superhumans must use their pow-
An artist, Keller works for a graphic design firm down- ers to aid others could come off as being hokey, but her
town. She is aware of Dalton's superhuman alter ego determined stand against those who use their powers to
and supportive of her commitment to helping others. bring harm actually could be quite inspiring to the PCs.
Quote: "Hang on. We 're on our way." Her convictions run true all the way to the very core
Personality: Corona's unshakable conviction that su- of her being, and she will never give up in the battle
pers must use their powers to benefit humanity forms against villainy. She can be beaten, but Corona can
the guiding spirit of the Justice Foundation hero team. never be defeated.
She is a strong leader, who never hesitates to do the


Clty ot l1n AnQelo '~ -

Allies and Enemies

Debbie Yuan

Val CHA Cost Notes

w ~1R :>U IOOtons; l2d6
15 DEX 15 OCV: 5 I DCV: 5
25 CON 30
12 BODY 4
15 INT 5
12 EGO 4 ECV:4
15 PRE 5
24 PD 18
22 ED 17
4 SPD 15 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12
18 REC 2
50 END 0
55 STUN 0
Total Cost
L.nar: I:>~ + Powers: 71 - 1otal: 230
Base: 100 + Disad: 130 = Total: 230
Cost Powers END
Heightened Physical Abilities
IO Damage Resistance, 12 PD, 8 ED -
IO Knockback Resistance -5" -
2 Running +l" (7" total) I
5 Superleap +5" ( 17" total) 3
Radio button/Throat mic (IIF)
4 Radio Listen and Transmit -
Cost Skills
3 Acting 12-
15 Combat Skills, +3 hand-to-hand combat
3 High Society 12-
2 PS: Student 11-
2 CK: San Angelo 11-
2 AK: Chinatown 11-
2 AK: UC San Angelo 11-
2 SC: Biochemistry 11-
4 Language: Chinese (idiomatic)
2 Perk: Local Police Powers
5 Donation for TurboJet Background: Debbie Yuan couldn't believe it. Her
2 Donation for Justice Foundation HQ
Disad vantai;:es father, respected Chinatown businessman William
5 U N t"l. : William Shiyu Yuan. father (Slightly Less Shiyu Yuan, was actually the secret dragon head of
Powerful) 11 - the fearsome Wing Chao tong.
15 DNPCs: Family (Normals) I I - The organized crime group had held Chinatown in its
20 Hunted by Photon (Mo Pow, NCI) 8-
iron grip since the Golden Age of heroes, when it was
15 Hunted by tongs (As Pow) 11-
15 Psych: Code against killing (Com, Str) led by the sorceror known only as T'ien Lung, or Ce-
5 Psych: Protects Chinatown (Uncom, Mod) lestial Dragon. Debbie found more papers in her father's
15 Psych: Hates tongs (Uncom, Total) desk, records of money laundered by the tong, when ._ _.,.
15 Psych: Vegetarian (Com, Str) the door suddenly swung open. PAGE
10 Reputation: Justice Foundation hero 11- NUMBER
15 Secret ID (Debbie Yuan)
"Debbie! What are you doing in my office?" de- Lotus has come to trust her teammates. She sometimes
manded her father as he entered the room. In a panic, works with Savant, conducting experiments or other
she tried to stuff the papers back into the desk drawer. scientific work at the base laboratory. A vegetarian,
Her father nodded, shutting the door. Lotus frequently kids Cavalier about his love of ham-
"I see you've discovered my secret, little one," he burgers.
said, thoughtfully. "I'd hoped to wait until you'd fin- Lotus enjoys being a hero, and finds the whole busi-
ished college to tell you but destiny has its own de- ness of battling crime, stopping vile plots and travel-
ing to exotic locales fascinating. Although she knows
"What you're doing is wrong," Debbie burst out. when to get serious, her enthusiasm often lifts the
"You' re preying on our people." team' s spirits in a tight spot.

"No, daughter, we bring order to Chinatown," he re- She has continued her classes at UC San Angelo,
plied. "But order costs, and the people must pay. That's and is currently undecided between a career in sci-
fair, isn't it? And with your powers we can eliminate ence or acting.
the lesser tongs. When the Wing Chao rules supreme, Powers/Tactics: Lotus, a short, petite young woman,
there will be peace." has incredible strength, endurance and defenses. She
"You can't fool me with words, father," Debbie said. surprises many foes who expect her to be a martial
"I know about the tongs. About how they kill people, artist or psi talent.
extort money - I won't be part of it." A front-line combatant, Lotus has gone blow-for-
She ran from the room in tears. Even though she was blow with some of the toughest supers in San Angelo.
only 18,juststartingcollegeat UC San Angelo, Debbie Her superstrength also comes in handy for rescuing
knew what she had to do. Her family had committed normals trapped under debris.
great injustices on the people ofChinatown. As the hero Appearance: Debbie Yuan, 19, stands 5'6" tall and
Lotus, she would use her superhuman strength to com- has a fairly petite but wiry build. She has straight black
bat the tongs and atone for her family's wrongs. hair and brown eyes.
Quote: "/know I have the strength to do what's As Lotus, she wears a pale green bodysuit with a
right." lotus symbol on the chest and a mask to protect her
Personality: Lotus feels a strong commitment to pro- identity.
tecting the people of Chinatown, particularly against Campaign Use: Lotus is the young, idealistic su-
the depredations of the criminal tongs. She strives to perhero who still finds the whole idea of being a hero
make up for the wrongs committed by her father, Wil- exciting and fun. Her enthusiasm could be used to jazz
liam Shiyu Yuan, and his Wing Chao tong. up more jaded PCs.
Lotus has cut all contact with her father since discov- Her ties to the Wing Chao tong can certainly be ex-
ering his tong links one year ago, but she still meets her ploited for some strong adventures, especially if Lo-
mother occasionally when William Yuan is away. She tus ever has to direct! y oppose her father. Other possi-
operates under a secret identity to protect her mother bilities include a scenario requiring Lotus to protect
and younger siblings from reprisals. William Shiyu Yuan against tong killers, or one in
Since joining the Justice Foundation hero team which he must aid Lotus when another tong marks her
shortly after starting her superhero career in 1996, for death.


Salim Abdul-Jahi

Val CHAR Cost Notes

10 STR 0 JOO Kg; 2D6
15 DEX 15 OCV: 5 I DCV: 5
18 CON 16
18 INT 8
23 EGO 26 ECV: 8
18 PRE 8
10 COM 0
12 PD JO
10 ED 6
5 SPD 25 Phases: 3, 5, 8, I 0, 12
6 REC 0
36 END 0
27 STUN 3
Total Costs
Char: 117 +Powers: 133 =Total : 250
Base: I 00 + Disad: I 50 = Total: 250
Cost Powers ENU
Mental Powers
20 Elemental Control: Mind Powers
20a Ego Attack, 4d6 4
16b Mind Scan, 8d6 (Concentrate, 112 DCV) 4
20c Telepathy, 8d6 4
6d Clairsentience: Sight, hearing, retrocognition
(Activation 8-, No range, Concentrate 0 DCV) 4
3 Detect Lies 13- - 10 Phys: Nearsighted (Frequently, Slightly)
3 Mental Awareness -
3 Mental Defense, 5 Pts. (Costs END) I 20 Psych: Altruistic (Common, Total)
Body Armor (OIF) 20 Psych: Code Against Killing (Common, Totall)
12 Armor, +6 PD, +6 ED - 10 Psych: Dislikes reading minds without permission
Radio button!fhroat mic (llF) (Uncommon, Strong)
4 Radio Listen and Transmit - JO
Public ID (Salim Abdul-Jahi)
Reputation: Justice Foundation hero 11 -
Cost Skills
3 Deduction I I- 20 Susceptible: 3d6 STUN from being in telepathic
I Familiarity w/Computer Programming 8- contact with injured person
2 PS: Professor I I-
2 KS: UC San Angelo 11- Background: Salim Abdul-Jahi thought back to those
1 KS: African history 8- early days at UC San Angelo in the mid-1960s. As one
2 CK: San Angelo 11- of the "Brain Trust," that fractious band of scientific
3 Scientist
geniuses at the campus, he had first discovered his pas-
3 SC: Astronomy, Chemistry, Physics, all 11-
2 Perk: Local Police Powers sion for science.
5 Donation for TurboJet Under the guidance of Dr. Hal Revette, he had worked
2 Donation for Justice Foundation HQ side by side with people who would someday become
Disadvantages the leading lights of science and technology in San
5 Dependent on insulin (Uncommon, I/day or 3d6)
5 Distinctive Features: African clothing (Easily Cone) Angelo.
20 Hunted by Photon (Mo Pow, NCI) 8- The collision of intellects and egos eventually proved .r.A""!G~E~
JO Hunted by Dementia (As Pow) 8- too much, and Abdul-Jahi sadly remembered the final NUMBER
JO Phys: Diabetic (Frequently, Slightly) conflict that had driven the "Brain Trust" apart for-
c1ryn161no\fllJ•lo •~a -

Allies and Enemies

ever. Even so, the loss had led directly to the most so in extreme circumstances, and even then must usu-
important moment in his life - his discovery of Is- ally be talked into it by his teammates.
lam. Savant is a deep thinker who rarely speaks up unless
He eventually converted to Islam, and even changed he has something substantial to add to the conversa-
his American name to Salim Abdul-Jahi to celebrate tion. His serious manner, maturity and personal honor
his new beginning and newfound pride in his African make Savant one of the most important members of the
heritage. Justice Foundation.
Years passed, and he eventually became a professor Powers/Tactics: Savant has a number of psychic
at UC San Angelo. A strange explosion claimed the senses, including the abilities to scan for a specific mind,
life of his old mentor, Dr. Revette, in 1982, and soon read the thoughts of others and send messages into
after Abdul-Jahi began to experience strange visions another's mind. In addition, Savant can attack foes with
of past events. He could sense the thoughts of people a punishing bolt of mental energy.
around him, and could even tell when someone he knew By concentrating deeply, he can sometimes "see" im-
was nearby. ages from the past of a particular place or object. He
And he could always tell when someone was lying must handle the object or be physically present in the
to him. Abdul-Jahi concealed his psi powers, even as area, however.
colorfully clad superhumans burst onto the San Angelo Savant is also a skilled researcher in several fields,
scene, using their new powers to seek justice, fame, and acts as the team scientist.
wealth, revenge or any of a hundred other goals. In combat, Savant avoids physical confrontations and
When he heard about the formation of a local hero lashes enemies with ego attacks from a safe position as
team to fight for juslit.:e in i 994, Abdui-Jahi realized much as possibie. His mental powers are actually most
that he had stood on the sidelines long enough. He be- useful to the Justice Foundation team in non-combat
came a founding member of the Justice Foundation as situations, such as investigations.
the hero Savant. Appearance: Savant, 48, stands 6' tall and has a thin
Quote: "You cannot lie to me." build. He has receding black hair, which he keeps very
Personality: Dignity and self-discipline are the keys short, and a goatee. His eyes are dark and Savant has a
to Savant's personality. He rarely jokes around, even very dark complexion.
with friends, but despite his reserved manner Savant He does not wear a superhero costume, preferring to
has come to respect his fellow Justice Foundation team dress in African-style clothing or ordinary street clothes.
members. He particularly admires Corona's commit- He often wears a vest over a black shirt and blue jeans.
ment to justice and helping others. Although he chides Savant is diabetic, which limits his diet and requires
Azteca about his impulsiveness, in his heart Savant regular checks of his blood sugar. He relies on insulin
respects the young man for his efforts to straighten out injections to help regulate his blood sugar, and could
his life. become seriously ill withoutthem.
Savant takes his Islamic beliefs very seriously, pray- Campaign Use: Savant is an example of the older,
ing at the appointed times and taking part in religious more experienced hero who tempers the sometimes reck-
holidays. His beliefs are at the core of his patience and less enthusiasm of his younger compatriots.
self-assurance. His strong sense of personal privacy, His retrocognition abilities could be useful to PC he-
and respect for the privacy of others, means that Sa- roes investigating an old mystery, or they could result
vant dislikes using his telepathic powers to invade the in Savant summoning the PCs for help after stumbling
thoughts of other people. He will only consent to do across some secret from the past.


Turbolet Justice Foundation
The Justice Foundation TurboJet is a prototype ver-
tical takeoff and landing passenger jet built by Per-
egrine Aircraft. The company donated the prototype The Justice Foundation Headquarters are located in a
jet to the team but expects regular reports on any prob- two-story annex to the think tank's offices in down-
lems or design suggestions. town San Angelo. A high stone wall surrounds the com-
The jet is well-known to the public as the transporta- pound, which includes a garden, swimming pool and a
tion of the Justice Foundation. separate garage for ground vehicles.
The basement contains the power generator, computer
Val Char Cost Notes mainframe and storage rooms, while the first floor
4xl ~1ze 3U houses offices, a conference room, guest rooms, a
-4 DCV 0 kitchen and a lounge. A laboratory complex, commu-
6.4t Mass 0 -6" Knockback
nications center and gym are found on the second floor.
40 STR 0
8 DEF 18
The TurboJet hangar, equipped with a roof that opens
16 BODY 0 to accommodate takeoffs and landings, sits on the rein-
20 DEX 30 forced roof of the headquarters.
4 SPD 10
20" Move (Flight) 60 x32 Non-combat Mult Val Char Cost Notes
640" MAX 0 236 mph 7 BODY
Equi pment 13 DEF 33
5 H1gh-Kange R;idio Hearing (Ull·, lhtlky)
500 Hexes Size 18 2 stories of I 8xl 2 hexes
7 Radar Sense (OIF, B11Jky) and an 8x8 hex hangar
Cost: 160 2,000 Hexes Grounds 2 4 x 44 hexes with
Disad va ntages DEF 2/Body 2 wall
I) Distinctive Features: Prototype v l VL Jel (Not E<1uipme11t
Concealable. Always noticed) Base Ra 10 (OIF, Immobile)
15 Watched by Peregrine Aircraft (Mo Pow, NCI) 14- 4 High-range Radio Listen and Transmit
10 Public ID Labor atories
2 Chemistry Lab 11-
3 Criminology Lab 11-
2 Engineering Lab 11-
2 General Knowledge (computer) 11-
2 Medical Lab I I-
Security Staff
20 Personnel: Security Officers (skilled normals), 8x
External Sensors (IIF, Immobile)
11 Clairsentience with Infrared Vision

15 Distinctive Features (not concea a e, a ways noticed)

15 Watched by local government (Mo Pow, NCI) 14-
10 Public ID

Solo Heroes
The Justice Foundation allies aren't the only heroes
in town. San Angelo is also home to several solo he- PAGE
roes who prefer to operate independently. ~uMeER
c -
Clly at S• n A 1,g.1fo -4~0 -

Allies and Enemies

The Bard
Brian Quayle

Val CHAR Cost Notes

10 s IOOkg; 2d6
13 DEX 9 OCY: 51 DCY: 5
13 CON 6
10 BODY 0
13 INT 3
18 EGO ECY:4 16
18 PRE 8
12 COM
6 PD 4
5 ED 2
4 SPD 17 Phases : 3, 6, 9, 12
6 REC 2
28 END I
30 STUN 8
Total Costs
Char: 77 +Powers: 123 =Total: 200
Base: 100 + Disad: I 00 = Totals: 200

Armor ed Costume COIF)

12 Armor, +8 PD, +4 ED
Magic Flute OAF (flute)"'
*Note: Requires music skill roll (-1/i), Powers
Cost Skills
do /Wt work on deaf targets or in extremely
JWisy surroundings (-0), and are "line of sight." 3 Acrobatics 12-
58 Multipower: Magic Flute ( 160 pt. pool) 3 Talent: Perfect Pitch
9 Combat Skills: +3 w/tlute powers
3m Cacophony of Pain: 6d6 NND, 0 END, Incan-
tations; -7 to skill roll o I Familiarity w/Streetwise 8-
2 PS: College student 11-
4m Piping of Pan: Entangle, 2d6, Area Effect: 12"
5 KS: Musician (flute) 14-
radius, Non-selective, Based on ECV, Invisible
7 +10 w/KS: Musician (only to offset skill roll
to all senses, 0 END cost, Entangle takes no
penalties, -Y2)
damage from attacks, Entangle stops hearing
I KS: Supernatural 8-
sense group; Constant Incantations, No Range;
-16 to skill roll* O 3 CK: San Angelo 12-
3 AK: Cathedral Square 12-
Im Sonance of Submission: +30 PRE, Only for
Disadva ntages
fear, awe or respect (-Y2), Affected by Mental
I0 DNPC: Joanna Donaldson (Nmmnl) 8-
Defense (-114), Constant Incantations; -3 to roll*
15 DNPCs: Friends in Cathedral Square (Normals) 11-
4m Ballad of Bemeaning: Drain EGO 4d6, Invis-
15 Hunted by the Piper (Mo Pow) 8-
ible to all senses, 0 END cost; - IO to skill roll* O
3m Dance of th e Fay: Mind Control, 10d6, Area
5 Money: Poor
Effect: 10" radius, Nonselective, 0 END Cost, 15 Psych: Ambivalent about heroing career (Corn, Strong)
Constant Incantations, No range, Only for 5 Psych: Protects Cathedral Square (Uncom, Moderate)
15 Psych: Self-conscious about being inexperienced
compelling targets to dance-2; -15 to skill roll* O
Im M imetic Melody: Images vs. sound, 8" raclius, hero (Common, Strong)
5 Reputation: Mystic hero 8-
0 END Cost, Constant Incantations; -2 to skill
15 Secret ID
roll* O
2m Wail of Warding: Force Wall, +10 PD/+10 ED,
0 END Cost, Constant Incantations, Only vs. Origin : Fifty years ago, a malevolent entity known
AGE magical attacks (-1), -7 to skill roll* o as the Piper crossed over to San Angelo from his home
NUMBER r-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.J
dimension, intent on some evil plan. Using his magic
City ot S.11 ~!Q•IO 000 - ·

Allies and Enemies

flute, the Piper mind-controlled the citizens of San His girlfriend, Joanna Donaldson, doesn't know
Angelo and turned them against the superheroes of about his nightly activities as the Bard. A fellow UC
the Liberty Corps. Outlawed and on the nm, the Lib- San Angelo music student, she lives in the University
erty Corps finally managed to break the Piper's mys- Commons neighborhood.
tic hold on the people of the city. In a battle in Cathe- Quote: "More ghosts. That 's just wonde1ful. Like I
dral Square, the heroes banished the wicked entity to don't have enough to worry about with midterms com-
his own dimension. ing up."
Unbeknownst to the Liberty Corps, the Piper's magic Powersfl'actics: All of the Bard 's powers are based
flute had remained behind when its master was defeated. on his flute, which is actually an arcane artifact of tre-
A passer-by sold the flute to a neighborhood pawn shop, mendous power.
where it gathered dust for the next half-century. Each tune played on the flute has a particular effect
Early in 1997, young college student Brian Quayle on foes. A discordant one causes injury to listeners,
found the flute in a forgotten corner of the shop. Al- while others can induce feelings of fear, awe or respect.
ways alert to a bargain, he bought the flute for his music The Bard can entrap listeners with a mesmerizing song,
classes at UC San Angelo. But Quayle soon discov- requiring them to make rolls based on their EGO rather
ered that this was no ordinary instrument. than STR to break free. Other powers include the abil-
ity to reduce the willpower of listeners, compel enemies
He still hadn ' t decided what to do with his newfound
to dance and create sound effects. Finally, the Bard re-
powers when he heard a scream one evening while
cent! y learned to use the powers of the flute to create a
walking home from the bus stop. Quayle spotted a
protective shield against magical attacks.
woman being attacked by two muggers. Pulling out his
Most of his powers require the Bard to continue play-
flute, he sent the thugs fleeing in terror with a burst of
ing to maintain the effect, and are useless against any-
eerie music.
one unable to hear his music. He must make a music
Cathedral Square had been going downhill for years.
skill roll to properly activate the powers, modified by a
Street crime was on the rise, and the Organizatsiya had
penalty based on the active points of the power.
started strong-arming Eastern European immigrants in
The flute has many more powers that the Bard has
the community. Not to mention the ever-present hints
not yet discovered, including the mass mind control
of supernatural forces at work.
abilities used by the Piper.
Taking on the costume of a minstrel, Quayle became Appearance: The Bard wears agreen medieval-styled
the Bard - mystic protector of Cathedral Square. costume with red gloves, boots and cowl. He also wears
Personality: Brian Quayle often feels that he has got- a black domino mask (just to be safe), and a leather
ten in over his head as a hero, particularly since he belt and "holster" for his flute when not in use.
knows little about the supernatural and magical threats Campaign Use: The Bard is a reluctant hero whose
that he sometimes faces. He is also self-conscious about ambivalence could be used to challenge PCs about their
his relative inexperience; when he meets other heroes own reasons for putting up with the dangers and incon-
Brian feels like he's making a fool of himself. veniences of the heroic life. GMs can use the Bard as
But he's also driven to protect Cathedral Square, the "voice of reality," perhaps leading PC heroes to re-
where he grew up. He still lives in the old neighbor- examine motivations they've come to take for granted.
hood, where rents are cheaper, to stretch his meager The Bard hardly qualifies as an expert on the arcane
budget. Outsiders consider Cathedral Square a strange, or supernatural, but he may be the only resource avail-
slightly creepy place; to Brian, it's home. The people able for PC teams without mystic-themed heroes.
of the neighborhood - his landlady Mrs. Hradetsky,
old Mr. Popov the grocer and all the rest - had been
like a second family since the death of his mother.
On the other hand, his inexperience in magic, par-
ticularly with supernatural entities, could land the Bard
in trouble requiring the assistance of the PCs. l-----

1 0
20 DEX 30
23 CON 26
10 BODY 0
10 JNT 0
10 EGO 0 ECV: 3
18 PRE 8
12 COM I
5 PD 3
5 ED 0
5 SPD 20 Phases: 3, 5, 8, JO, 12
7 REC 0
60 END 7
36 STUN 9
otal Costs
har: 117 + Powers: 133 = Total: 25
Base: 100 + Disads: 150 = Total: 250
Cost Powers
15 Elemental Control: Lightning Powers
35a Energy Dlast, l0d6 5
15b Force Field, +15 PD, +15 ED 3
26c Flight, 18" (2x Non-Combat) 3
l 7d Teleport 20'', Only via wnductive material (-V2) 4
Cost Skills
4 'ombat Skil s, +2 OCV w/energy blast
Background: Jordan Allen grew up in the poorest
Familiarity w/Bureaucratics 8-
1 Fami liarity w/High Society 8-
family in the poorest town in backwoods Georgia.
3 Streetwise 13- There was never enough money, and the family of six
2 PS: Corporate hero 11 - children often went without. When the TV broke, it
2 KS: Peregrine Aircraft 11- took three years of saving before the Allens could af-
2 CK: San Angelo 11-
ford a replacement - a used black-and-white set, at
2 AK: Georgia 11-
3 Contact Peregrine Aircraft 14- that.
5 Money: Well Off The kids wore each other's hand-me-downs, and it
seemed like Jordan's mama spent every evening at the
15 P ~: Billy llcn. brother/manager (Normal) 11-
sewing table resizing or patching worn c lothes. Class-
10 Distinctive Features: Southern accent (Concealable)
15 Watched by Peregrine Aircraft (Mo Pow, NCl) 14-
mates from families better off than hers teased Jordan
15 Psych: Considers heroing a job (Common, Strong) unmercifully about her ragged clothes.
15 Psych: Enjoys using powers (Common, Strong) As soon as Jordan graduated from high school, she
IO Psych: Fears being poor (Uncommon, Strong) left that two-bit town for the big city lights of Atlanta.
I0 Psych: Subject to employer's orders (Common, Mod)
Walking home from her job one night, Jordan was ac-
I0 Public ID (Jordan Allen)
JO Reputation: Corporate hero 11- costed by a knife-wielding mugger.
10 Rivalry with other heroes, incl. PCs (Professional) The young woman was almost as surprised as her
I0 Vulnerability: 2x effect vs. energy drains (Uncommon) attacker when a bolt of lightning erupted from her hands
20 Susceptible: 3d6 vs. metal-based attacks (Common)
to blast him across the street.

City of S1r1 Ang1ilt1 A500 -

Allies and Enemies

Panicked, Jordan quit her job and went back home, ues to carefully manager her career.
where she confided in her younger brother, Billy. After Heroes motivated primarily by altruism or a search
thinking it over, Billy told Jordan that her powers could for justice are sometimes offended by Dynamo's mer-
make them rich - if she played her cards right. cenary approach to heroing.
While Jordan secretly practiced using her lightning She doesn't much care.
powers, Billy designed a costume and name for her: Powersnactics: Dynamo's powers are based on her
Dynamo. Returning to Atlanta, Dynamo began to per- control of electricity. She can fire lightning bolts at
form rescues and other acts of heroism. enemies. In battle, Dynamo surrounds herself with a
Operating under precise instructions from Billy, Dy- crackling protective energy field. She flies by generat-
namo timed her heroic endeavors to attract maximum ing an electro-magnetic force, and can turn herself into
public attention and TV time. She always took time electricity to teleport through power lines, telephone
out for interviews, appeared at key local charity events wires, metal girders and other conductive material.
and even dated some of Atlanta's most eligible high- The electrical charge in her body makes Dynamo es-
profile bachelors. pecially vulnerable to energy drains and metal-based
Soon Dynamo created a sensation wherever she went. attacks.
That was when Billy approached an Atlanta soft-drink Since joining Peregrine Aircraft, Dynamo has learned
company about the first-ever celebrity endorsement by a little about dealing with a gigantic corporation and
a super-hero. proper behavior at high-class company-sponsored
The one-commercial deal earned the siblings millions events, such as parties at stockholder's meetings.
of dollars as newspaper columnists and heroes around Quote: "Y'all are trespass in' on Peregrine property.
the nation erupted in howls of outrage. I hope y'all aren't think in' of go in ' peacefully. "
Peregrine Aircraft took note of the young Southern Appearance: Dynamo, 25, has short, fashionably cut
hero-celebrity, and when the furor died down the aero- blonde hair and blue eyes. She stands 5' 8" and has a
space corporation approached Dynamo about coming slim fig ure, carefully accentuated by her profession-
to work for the company. Officially, she would be a ally designed costume.
special consultant on security matters, but her main Dynamo wears a light green and yellow costume, with
duty would be public relations - appearing at com- no cape. She does not wear a mask.
pany events, signing autographs for tour groups, etc. When Dynamo uses her powers, her eyes emit a blue
Billy drove a hard bargain, but in the end Dynamo glow and a crackling field of electrical discharges sur-
signed on as Peregrine Aircraft's newest- and prob- rounds her.
ably best-known -employee. Campaign Use: Dynamo's cynical, selfish attitude
Personality: Growing up poor had a profound effect toward being a superhero can lead to some interesting
on Dynamo, and she has privately promised herself that philosophical debates with more altruistic PCs .
she will never lack for money again. As an employee-hero, Dynamo's primary interest will
The hero business is exactly that - a business - to be protecting the properly and interests of Peregrine
Dynamo. She's interested primarily in the potential for Aircraft. This conceivably could bring her into conflict
financial gain in any enterprise, and is always on the with the PCs - a corrupt executive implicated in ille-
lookout for gal arms sales might order
new ways tc Man suffers n1ysterious electrical burns Dynamo to stop the PCs
cash in on he1 (Atlanta) Fire Deparlntent personnel responded to a re~tt ~f_a 1111m down from entering corporate
super-powers. yesterday evening. Upon arrival. rescuers fotm~ chi: umdcnuh~d man lay- property as they investigate
H er brother. ing on the sidewalk with third degree bums on h1~ chest. hands anti face. He his illicit do ings. for ex-
was treated und taken to Grndy Memorial Hosp1tul. . . •
Billy, contin- ample.
According to one witness. the man wa\ struck l>Y a lwl! .o~ h~hl111ng. Con-
flicting statements from another witness indicate that clectqcuy Imm a ncnrby PAGE

City S11> A•IQ•I• •500 -

Allies and Enemies

Paragon, the Perfect

5 Dependence: Paragon Serum (Uncommon, I/day, 3d6)
Val Cost Notes I0 DNPC: Geoffrey Stafford. aged butler (Normal) 8-
20 { 10 400kg; ~ 20 DNPCs: Fan Club (Incompetents) 11-
20 DEX 30 OCV: 7 /DCV: 7 15 Distinctive Features: Incredibly Handsome (Conceal
20 CON 20 able, Always noticed)
20 BODY 20 20 Hunted by Photon (Mo Pow, NCI) 8-
20 INT 10 10 Hunted by Bloodsport (As Pow) 8-
20 EGO 20 ECV: 7 20 Normal Characteristic Maxima
20 PRE 10 20 Psych: Code Against Killing (Com, Tot)
20 COM 5 25 Psych: "Perfect" (Very Com, Tot)
8 PD 4 I0 Pu blic lD (Robin Fleming)
8 ED 4 15 Reputation: Perfect, 14-
4 SPD 10 Phases: 3. 6, 9, 12
10 REC 4
END 5 Background: Theepitomeof grace, Paragon walked
50 STUN JO smoothly through the crowded ballroom. Never taking
a wrong step, never hesitating, he moved purposefully
toward the head table.
Some of the teenage fans he'd invited to the fund-
raising event for his foundation to aid disadvantaged
children spotted Paragon, and rushed heedlessly through
the crush toward him.
One of the gawking teens bumped into a waitress,
and her tray of drinks began to slip.
n cnt11.: .mmming 8-, Eidetic enwry, L,rg Hnrng Moving quicker than thought, Paragon did a hand-
Calculator, Speed Readi ng spring off a nearby table to sail over the heads of the
3 Acrobatics 13- elegantly clad donors blocking his path. Landing ef-
6 Combat Skills: +2 w/martial arts
fortlessly, he snatched the expensive champagne glasses
24 Martial Arts - Classic Comic Book
Maneuver OCV DCV Notes from the air. Not a single glass broke nor a single drop
Block +2 +2 Block, Abort of champagne hit the floor as Paragon returned them to
Punch +O +2 7d6 the stunned waitress. He wasn't even breathing hard.
Kick -2 +I 9d6 As he smiled and began to sign autographs, the as-
Throw +O +l 4d6 + vel/5, target falls
Dodge +O +5 Dodge, Affects all tounded audience erupted in applause.
attacks, Abort O f course, it wasn' t always so. For years, wealthy
+I Damage C lass heir Robin Fleming suffered from ill health and a frail
3 Stealth 13- physique. He used his inheritance to fund research into
3 Tactics 13-
developing the paragon serum, that would allow any-
3 Linguist
5 Languages: Spanish, Vietnamese, Russian. Chinese one to reach their full physical and mental potential.
(Cantonese), French (all fluent conversation) Eventually, the scientists reported success. Fleming
2 PS: Hero 11- insisted on being the first human test subject, and from
2 KS: San Angelo Underworld 11- the very first injection he could feel the serum begin-
2 CK: San Angelo 11-
6 TF: Ground, Air and Water Vehicles
ning to work.
NUMBER I0 Money: Wealthy Regular doses of the drug, coupled with an intense
training regimen, soon turned Fleming into a perfect
,. lly ol •• ""9•1o '500 -

Allies and Enemies

human being. Strong, agile, brilliant- now he really

did have it all.
But Fleming realized that to use his perfectly-honed
abilities solely for his own gain would be wrong. San
Angelo needed him. The world needed him.
So he became a hero, fighting crime under the name
Paragon according to a perfect strategy to maximize
his effectiveness. Soon the underworld came to fear the
name Paragon.
He also organized non-profit foundations to fight the
root causes of crime, and a Paragon Fan Club to spread
his message among young people.
Paragon is one of the most public superheroes in San
Angelo, accepting speaking engagements, giving inter-
views freely and authoring innumerable articles for
everything from prestigious scholar!y journals to popu-
lar newstand magazines.
There has even been speculation that he might run for
political office someday.
Quote: "Here, let me give you a hand with that."
Personality: Perfect in every way, Paragon is the
apex of courtesy, honor and courage. He always seems
to know exactly the right thing to say or do in any Unbeknownst to the public, Paragon's body has now
situation. become addicted to the powerful paragon serum. With-
Always self-assured, Paragon has just the right tinge out daily injections, he will weaken and eventually die.
of humility and he knows just when to make a self- Appearance: Paragon, 30, stands 6' tall and has a
deprecating joke to put others at ease. very athletic build. His body is perfectly proportioned,
Actually, his constant perfectness can be a little hard and he is incredibly handsome. Paragon has stylish
for those around Paragon to take. He knows the an- blond hair and blue eyes.
swer to every question and the solution to every puzzle. Campaign Use: Paragon is an example of an NPC
He succeeds at almost everything he tries, seemingly hero designed to get under the skin of the PCs. He's
without effort. And he's everything a hero is supposed annoying to be around, but unlike villains they can't
to be. A lot of people find Paragon perfectly annoying. just slug him in the mouth.
Powersffactics: Paragon is the Perfect Human. His Paragon has a lot of skills that most PCs never bother
physical and mental abilities are all at the peak of nor- to invest points in, such as languages and transporta-
mal human perfection. Blessed with a photographic tion familiarities. Perhaps having Paragon show them
memory, Paragon can perform complex equations in up with non-combat skills will lead PCs to spend expe-
his head, read books in a flash and learn new skills rience points on something other than ever-more pow-
almost overnight. erful attacks.
A skillful acrobat and martial artist, he knows sev- He can also be used to get the PCs involved in an
eral languages and can drive or fly almost any vehicle adventure. For example, Paragon's flawless intellect
in the world. and faultless assessment of his own capabilities could
In combat, he fights with flawless tactics. When fac- lead him to call on the PCs for assistance in resolving a _ _..., 1
ing a more powerful foe, he relies on his amazing intel- particular threat. Of course, he'll expect to be in charge tti~~E~
lect to exploit their weaknesses or vulnerabilities. of the joint operation, which could lead to friction. 1:43
C1ry O 11" Alt!IOIO •SOO -

Allies and Enemies

For every superhuman who chooses to use his pow-
ers for good, there seems to be another who takes ad-
vantage of his power to satisfy his greed, powerlust or
vengeful side. These are just a few of the superhuman
criminals active in San Angelo.

Warren Voight

Val CHAR Cost Notes

70 STR 60 400 tons; 14d6
18 DEX 24 OCV: 6 / DCV: 6
30 CON 40
14 BODY 8
10 INT 0
10 EGO 0 ECV:3
20 PRE 10
30 PD 16
25 ED 19
5 SPD 22 Phases: 3, 5, 8, I 0, 12
20 REC 0
60 END 0
80 STUN 16
Total Costs
Char: 215 +Powers: 90 =Total: 305
Base: 100 + Disad: 205 = 305
Cost Powers END
7 Hartlened Defenses, PD ancl cD - 20 Phys: Alcoholic (all the time, greatly)
14 Damage Resistance, 16 PD, 12 ED - 20 Psych: Wants to be left alone (common, total)
10 Knockback Resistance, -5" - 20 Psych: Hot temper (common, total)
5 Lack of Weakness -5 - 15 Reputation: Rampaging berserker (extreme) 11 -
4 Mental Defense, 5 pts. (only when berserk, -1/4) - 20 Vulnerability: 2x STUN vs. Sonics
5 Power Defense, 5 pts. - 30 NPC Bonus
8 Superleap, +8" (22" total) 4
(.osl Skills
30 Combat Skills, +3 all combar
Background: "Get outta here, you bums!"
3 Streetwise 13- The storekeeper angrily shook his broom at Warren
2,2 KS: Street Scene 11-, CK: San Angelo 11- Voight and his companions as they lounged outside his
U1sadvanlagcs downtown shop, enjoying a bit of sun and some cheap
]() Berst:rk when annoyed. 14-/l~ccovcr 8-
25 Hunted by police (Mo Pow, NCI) 11-
15 Hunted by Justice Foundation (Mo Pow) 8- "Worthless winos, frightnin' my customers. Get a
10 Money: Destitute job!"
Voight began to get annoyed.


"Get off my sidewalk before I call the police on you!" Amok often attacks cars, buildings and other inani-
Something inside him snapped, and a blind fury mate objects as normals usually flee at first sight of
erupted in Voight. He stood up, snatched the broom him . He'll gladly fight supers or anyone else who holds
from the startled shopkeeper and broke it in half like a still long enough, though.
toothpick. The merchant ran away in panic, followed Once his anger has been touched off, Amok cuts a
by Voight's companions, as he began demolishing the random path of destruction through the city until halted
store. by heroes or exhaustion.
Once Voight had it all - a family, a respectable job, Quote: "Stop bothering me!"
a home in a nice neighborhood. But his hot temper and Appearance: Amok, 43, is a homeless African Ameri-
drinking cost him everything. can man with black hair and brown eyes. He stands 6'
Now Voight lives on the streets of San Angelo, just tall and has a muscular build, which he often conceals
another face in the anonymous crowd of homeless under an old overcoat. His clothing is typically dirty,
people. smelly and worn-out.
He still has a temper, and a few years ago Voight Campaign Use: Amok is very handy for on-the-spot
realized after one of his rages that he had done a lot adventures. GMs caught without a prepared adventure
more this time than bust a few store windows. Wrecked can just set him loose on downtown San Angelo for a
cars and half-destroyed buildings were everywhere. battle royale with the heroes.
Voight had somehow developed superstrength and A really clever villain might set Amok on a rampage
defenses. He didn't really care. as a distraction while he pulls off a crime somewhere
The newspapers dubbed him Amok, and over the years else in the city. Or Amok can be used to inject some
he has gone on several berserk rampages through the unrelated combat into a long, drawn-out investigation-
city. Police are looking for him, but when he's not en- type adventure.
raged Amok blends into the street scene - one more
homeless person among many.
Personality: Amok just wants to be left alone. Pe-
In what can only be described as a ;upcr·being
riod. When people annoy him, he tends to go berserk,
gone amok. downtown San An~Jo wa~ litensUy
smashing through downtown San Angelo in an uncon- shaken at iii very foundations. A large African
trollable fury. American man with incredible strength walked
Anything can set Amok off - a chatty homeless per- llirough City Center yestorday afternoon. knocking
son, a snotty liquor-store clerk, a religious pamphle- large holes in the sides of buildings and 1mashing
teer or city police officers moving vagrants along. Para- cars as be made his way down Kirby Avenue.
normal arch-criminals sometimes try to recruit Amok Police responded but their efforts to restrain the
for their schemes, which also bugs him. man proved fruitless, as officers were tossed about
Amok doesn't really want to fight anyone, but when like rag dolls. For possibly the first time ever, San
Angelo's fineSI was on the receivfog end of a
he's annoyed his temper takes hold and he becomes
beating they have flO often delivered to others. and
uncontrollable. Afterwards, he's often remorseful about
by a minority. If not for the tremendous injuries
his berserk actions and drinks to forget his horrible ram- Suffered by many of the police, the tenn poetic
pages. justice might seem appropriate.
Powers/Tactics: Amok has incredible strength and Luckily for the officers at the scene, the city's
defenses, but his paranormal powers have also left him ravorite team of "supers" arrived and immediately
oddly vulnerable to sound-based attacks. engaged lhe man in paranormal fisticuffs. A short
Amok only fights when he's berserk, so his combat time after the battle began, however, it ended, as
tactics are almost non-existent. He attacks anything in the mysterious hulk of a man disappeared amidst
front of him at full OCV until it's destroyed, then goes the rubble of a two story office building... PAGE
on to the next target.
City oflll" Anga>o •500 -

Allies and Enemies


CHAR Cost Notes

srn 8 300kg; ~6
DEX 24 OCV: 61 DCV: 6
CON 20
EGO 0 ECV: 3
PD 4
ED 4
SPD 12 Phases:3,6,9, 12

Char: 97 + Powers-: 88 = 185

Base: IOO + Disad: 85 =Total: 185

Cluunmuil Armor (0
12 Arinnr, +8 PD. +4 ED
6 Running, +3" (IJ" total) 2

Contortionist 13-
Combat Skills: +2 w/muay thai
Familiarity w/Gambling 8- !S<:H!SNE
Martial Arts - Muay T hai flD 9-9&

Maneuver OCV DCV Notes

Block +2 +2 Block, Abort
Killing strike -2 +O ld6 HKA
Low kick +O +2 8d6
Punch/Elbow strike +2 +O 8d6 Background: As fire engines raced by, sirens blar-
Roundhouse kick -2 +I 10d6 ing, the man tried to remember how he'd ended up
+2 Damage Classes
Stealth 13-
walking along this street in Arroyo Verde.
Streetwise 12- What he was doing there.
PS: Pit Fighter I 1- Who he was.
KS: Muay Thai 12- He looked up to see a sheriff's deputy approaching.
KS: Underworld Fighting Scene 8-
The deputy shined a flashlight in his face, and the man's
KS: Street Scene 8-
WF: Common Melee foot lashed out to knock it from the officer's hand. A
isadvuntagcs flurry of expert punches and kicks left the deputy bro-
20 Nunnal Characteristic Maximu ken and bleeding on the pavement.
20 Phys: Amnesia (All the time, Greatly)
The man wandered off into the night.
20 Psych: Casual Killer (Very Ccommon, Strong)
I 0 Psych: Likes to fight (Uncommon, Strong)
A clone created by scientists at Helix Technologies,
NUltlSER 5 Reputation: Deadly pitfighter (Extreme, Lim group) 8- the synthetic life form code-named Cameron was ge-
10 Rivalry: Other martial artists, including PCs netically designed to be a perfect physical specimen.
City <JI'"" An~ •SOO -

Allies and Enemies

With strength, agility, resistance and endurance near No one he's fought in the ring has provided much of
the apex of normal human ability, he was programmed a challenge, and Bloodsport has started to wonder just
with martial arts skills while being matured to the physi- how good those heroes using martial arts are compared
ological age of 20 in the lab's high-tech nutrient vats. to him. He's beginning to think that maybe it's time he
Then a fire broke out at the Arroyo Verde lab. found out.
Cameron barely escaped and wandered away, lacking Powersffactics: Bloodsport fights using the muay
any knowledge of his identity and origin. Since the au- thai, or Thai kickboxing, style of martial arts. His
thorities didn't know of his existence, and could never heightened physical abilities make him a formidable foe,
know, the lab never reported him missing. and the fighting techniques placed into his mind are
The sheriff's department picked Cameron up as a perfectly honed.
vagrant, and he was sent to a psychiatric hospital for
In combat, Bloodsport naturally tries to fight other
treatment as an amnesiac. But Cameron got tired of the
martial artists. He will try to avoid a direct fight with
place and escaped. He had only to cripple a couple of
enemies he is unlikely to be able to harm, such as fly-
security officers to do it.
ing energy projectors. He doesn't mind sneaking up
Eventually, he met some friends who showed him how behind a preoccupied mentalist for an easy takedown,
he could use his phenomenal martial arts skills to make however.
some money. Cameron liked making money.
While Bloodsport doesn't make a special point of kill-
Now he fights in illegal, underworld pit-fighting com-
ing his foes, unless they have angered him in some way,
petitions, in which two martial artists fac.e off, some-
he doesn't take much care not to kill them, either.
times with weapons, sometimes not. Spectators make
bets on the match, which ends when just one man is left Appearance: Bloodsport is 6'2 and has an excellent,
standing. Some matches only end when one man re- athletic build. His angular features are accentuated by
mains alive. Known as Bloodsport, Cameron has never short blonde hair, which he usually wears in a flat top.
yet lost a match. Bloodsports fighting costume is white and crimson
That makes his backers happy, and it makes with spiked wristbands and shoulder pieces. While ap-
Bloodsport happy, too. pearing functional , these items are actually made of
Quote: "/hear you're pretty good. Lets see ifyou're plastic and painted silver and thus do no extra damage.
good enough to beat me." Bloodsport's backers continue to promise him lethal
steel replacements for these "costume weapons."
Personality: Bloodsport is virtually a blank slate emo-
tionally and personality-wise. It just wasn't in his en- Campaign Use: Although he's kind of a dim bulb,
coding. Since escaping from the Helix Technologies lab, Bloodsport could make a good rival or hunted for mar-
he has discovered a few things about himself, though. tial arts-themed PCs. He will be interested in testing
He doesn' t like being cold or hungry. He doesn't like himself against any hero known for his fighting skills,
things that confuse him. He does like having lots of though Bloodsport knows enough not to take on any
money, which Bloodsport has discovered can keep him truly superpowered foes.
warm, well-fed and supplied with all kinds of distrac- Contact with Bloodsport could put the PCs on the
tions from confusing thoughts. trail of the illicit experiments at Helix Technologies,
But the one thing Bloodsport really likes is fighting. particularly if a mentalist hero reads his mind and dis-
It's the only thing he's any good at, and he's very good. covers just how little there is in there.


Cfty of San Ano-lo

Allies and Enemies

.&500 __.,

Background: A thunderstorm split the night outside
the upscale La Vista home, while inside raged a battle
Emily Warden of a different sort.
Emily Warden tried to make her father see that
Val CHAR Cost Notes
10 TR lOOkg; 2d
superhumans weren't evil, just human beings who de-
15 DEX 15 OCV: 5 I DCV: 5 served some understanding, some compassion.But Rev.
18 CON 16 John Warden couldn't be dissuaded, especially not by
10 BODY 0 his teenage daughter.
13 INT 3
Her constant arguing and willful defiance only proved
18 EGO 16 ECV:6
15 PRE 5 his point about supers having a disruptive influence on
12 COM 1 the spiritual and social well-being of the city, he said.
18 PD 16 Emily tried to keep calm as her father patiently ex-
15 ED 11
plained that the pernicious influence of the flashy,flam-
5 SPD 25 Phases: 3, 5, 8, 10, 12
boyant superhumans had poisoned her mind. He was
36 END 0 treating her like a little child again, just like always.
35 STUN 11 In a moment of unreasoning anger, Emily let slip the
Total Costs one secret she had kept from her family. She herself
Char: 119 + Powers: 10 I = Total: 220
was a paranormal, with the superhuman power to sense
Base: 100 + Disad: 120 =Total: 120
Cost Powers END and make real the fears of others. Emily saw the shock
30 Elemental Control: Fear owers in her father 's eyes, and in that instant her uncontrol-
A) Telepathy 12d6, Reads fears only (-2) 6 lable fear-st:nsing powers lanced out.
B) Telepathy 8d6, 0 END Cost, Always on,
In one horrifying moment, Emily realized that what
No conscious conu·ol. Reads fears only (-2) 0
C) Mental Illusions 12d6, Based on fears
her father most feared was ... her.
onl y (-2) 6 Overcome by emotion and grief, she fled into the night,
Running, +2" (7" total) never to know how quickly the momentary burst of fear
ost Skills in her father 's heart gave way to concern and love.
JU Combat Skills, +2 DCV all combat
A year later, Emily lives on the streets of San Angelo.
3 Concealment 12-
1 Fami liarity w/security systems 8- Still estranged from her parents, she usually stays with
3 Lockpicking 12- a ragtag band of teenage runaways that drifts from
3 Steallh, 12- University Commons to City Center. She tries to help
3 Streetwise, 12-
them find food and shelter, but sometimes panhandling
2 PS: Runaway 11-
2 KS: Street Scene 11-
or petty thefts don't bring in enough money - particu-
2 KS: Abandoned Buildings 11- larly when someone in the band needs medicine or medi-
1 KS: San Angelo Underworld 8- cal care.
1 KS: Religious Scene 8- When that happens, Emily puts on a mask and be-
2 CK: San Angelo 11-
comes Phobia, supercriminal for hire. As Phobia, she
2 AK: Downtown 11-
7 Contacts: Other Runaways 14-, Exiles 11-, Cha rities 11 - has taken part in a handful of crimes in recent months
l>isadvanlagrs and police are looking for the newly emerged paranor-
15 DNPC : Rev. John Warden. father (Slightly Less ow) 14, mal criminal.
20 Hunted by police (Mo Pow, NCI) 8- Quote: "Don't be afraid."
10 Money: Destitute
5 Psych: Dislikes using powers (Uncom, Mod) Personality: While her constant exposure to the in-
15 Psych: Hates prej udice (Com. Str) ner demons of those around her could have twisted
I 0 Psych: Misses family (Com. M od) Phobia's personality into sadism or even driven her mad,
PAGE 20 Psych: Understanding, compassionate (Very Com, Str) it has instead gifted her with a profound empathy. Her
NUMBER 10 Reputation: Young crimi nal for hire 11 -
powers enable Phobia to realize that so many of the
15 Secret ID
harmful and hurtful things that people do stem from
their own fears and prejudices. Even so, at times she
has to seek some solitude - a chance to escape the un-
ceasing hammering of fearful thoughts plucked from
the minds of others.
Phobia cares deeply for her fellow runaways, who
have become a kind of surrogate family. For their sake,
she is sometimes willing to work as a criminal-for-hire,
although she strongly dislikes doing so and especially
regrets confronting foes with their fears made real.
Anyone harming or threatening her young compan-
ions, however, faces her full, unfettered fury. Phobia
will do almost anything to protect her friends.
She also longs to return to her real family, but feels
that she cannot so long as her father continues to con-
demn superhumans as tools of evil. Phobiadoesn' t hate
her father, but believes his bigotry and fear have built
an unbreachable wall between them. She has kept her
relationship to the well-known reverend secret, to pro-
tect her family and his reputation.
Her fellow runaways know her by her "street name,"
Powersffactics: Phobia has the power to sense and
manifest the fears of those around her, via a limited
form of telepathy and mental illusions. Her telepathy,
although restricted in its use, can be fairly effective
and can sometimes even root out deep-seated or sub-
conscious fears.
While she can direct a more powerful version of her Her powers also provide players with a chance to
telepathy against a specific target, her power to sense explore the inner fears of their PCs - some of the re-
the fears of others is uncontrolled and always active. sults could be quite interesting and provide new insight
As a result, Phobia is continually assailed by the dark into the heroes.
thoughts of those around her. After the PCs encounter Phobia a few times, they may
In combat, Phobia tends to try to blend into the crowd begin to learn more about her tragic background. Even-
and use her powers to confound foes while remaining tually they might try to reunite Phobia with her family,
undetected. which could help her father see past his bias about
Appearance: Phobia is 5'6" with a body developing superhumans and dissuade him from preaching hate.
from that of a teenager to a young adult. She has short Along with providing an uplifting way to "defeat"
blonde hair and hazel eyes. She most often wears blue Rev. Warden, this story arc could offer a chance for
jeans and a nylon jacket over half shirt. Phobia is fond some dramatic role-playing and a real challenge -
of wearing dark make-up and nail polish, as well as persuading a runaway to return home, and convincing
ostume jewelry. her father to accept her superpowers, requires some-
Campaign Use: Phobia is the archetypal villain with thing other than the ability to pound the tar out of some
a heart of gold. She only commits crimes to help her supervillain. AGE
fellow runaways, and even then reluctantly.
Stephen Bow

Val CHAR Cost Notes 3,3 Tactics 13-; Trading 14-

15 STR 5 200kg; 3d6 4 PS: Corporate Executive 14-
26 DEX 48 OCV: 9 I DCV: 9 4,3 KS: Eclipse Industries 14-; KS: Corporate World 12-
25 CON 30 2,4 KS: San Angelo Underworld 11-; CK: San Angelo 14-
12 BODY 4 2,2 AK: California 11-; AK: Pacific Rim 11-
18 INT 8 2 TF: Horses, Skiing
18 EGO 16 ECV:5 2 Language: Japanese (fluent conversation)
25 PRE 15 2 Perks: Corporate Executive, Passport
COM 2 5 Perk: Money, Well Off
PD 10 10 Contacts: Eclipse Industries 14-; Eclipse Industries
ED 5 subsidiaries 14-; Other San Angleo corporations 11-;
SPD 24 Phases: 2, 4, 6, 8, I 0, 12 San Angelo Cit)'. Council 8-; Board of Supervisors 8-
REC 0 Disadvantages
END 0 IS Hunted hy Justice Foundation (As Pow) 11 ·
STUN 37 25 Hunted by police (Mo Pow, NCI) II-
10 Hunted by Siren (Less Pow) 11-
Char: 204 +Powers: 410 =Total: 614 10 Psych: Fears darkness (Com, Mod)
Base: 100 + Disads: 514 =Total: 614 15 Psych: Utterly ruthless (Com, Str)
Cost Powers ND 15 Psych: Power-hungry (Com, Str)
2 D Reserve: 120 pips, 20 R C/tum (Recovers 20 Reputation: Arch-criminal (Extreme) 14-
only in light) 5 Rivalry w/Pepper Coyle (Professional)
Heat and Light Attacks 15 Secret ID (Stephen Bow)
Multipower: Heat and Light Attacks (powered 15 Susceptible to total darkness, 2d6/minute (Com)
by END reserve) 5 Vulnerable: J~x STUN vs. darkness attacks (Uncom)
lOm Energy Blast, 12d6 (No Knockback) 6 364 NPC Bonus
lOm Energy Blast, 8d6 AP (No Knockback) 6
6u Energy Blast, 12d6 (Explosion) (2x END) 18 Backgrou nd: A shark in a business suit. That's what
l 5m Ranged Killing Attack, 5d6 7
most people thought of Stephen Bow. As an ambitious
lOm Flash vs. sight group, 4d6 5
12m Flash vs. sight group, 2d6 (3" radius) 6
junior executive at Eclipse Industries, he quickly
12m Darkness (special effect: Blinding light) vs. climbed the corporate ladder with a speed and rapa-
sight group, 5" radius 6 ciousness that stunned even his most ruthless colleagues.
5m Absorption, 8d6 vs. energy attacks to END Nothing was too underhanded for Bow. Potential ri-
Reserve, Versus heat or light powers only (-Y2)
vals found their careers ruined by scandalous office
Heat and Light Manipulation
20 Elemental Control: Heat and Light Powers rumors or inexplicable disasters in their departments,
(powered by END reserve) while Bow hounded underlings mercilessly for results
30 A) Flight, 20", x4 Non-combat, Y2 END Cost 2 and profits. Anyone who might challenge his rise to
32 B) Force Field +15 PD/+20 ED, V2 END Cost 2 power faced an almost immediate pre-emptive strike
13 C) Desolidification, not vs. darkness powers,
Through transparent objects only (-~) 8
by Bow, anything from planted evidence of an embezzle-
20 D) Change Environ: Create light in 8" radius 2 ment scheme to domestic strife sparked by whispers of
20 E) Change Environ: Raise temperature to 120 an office affair.
degrees faren. in 8" radius 2 The few who hung onto theirjobs counted themselves
5 Ultraviolet Vision
lucky and either quickly found work elsewhere or stayed
Cost Skills
3,3 Bribery 14-; Bureaucratics 14- far away from Bow. Some of his less fortunate victims
3,3 Conversation 14-; Deduction 13- ended up in prison or penniless, and more than one com-
3,3 High Society 14-; Persuasion 14- mitted suicide in despair.
3,3 Stealth 14-; Streetwise 14-


In just a few years, he became executive vice presi-
dent of Eclipse Industries, in a position to take over as
CEO from the ailing, aging C. Fullerton Hughes.
When Stephen Bow walked into the lush corporate
offices of the globe-spanning conglomerate each day,
people tripped over themselves to get out of his path.
And that was even before he became a superhuman.
In 1996, Bow visited an Eclipse Industries labora-
tory for the first demonstration of a prototype solar-
powered laser, designed to be launched into orbit to kill
enemy spy satellites. Something went wrong, though,
and the buildup of solar energy in the device caused a
small explosion in the lab.
After being treated by paramedics for a few minor
cuts, Bow cut the project's funding and fired everyone
But a few days later, he discovered that the accident
had somehow given him the power to control heat and
light. Bow now had the power of the mighty sun itself!
Taking his first vacation in several years, Bow went
to a remote area of the Sierras and learned to conceal
his newfound powers. After returning to work, he con-
tinued to secretly explore and hone his powers while
deciding how best to use them in his ambitious schemes.
When he deemed himself ready, Bow took the name
Photon and prepared to test himself against the self-
styled heroes who claimed to protect San Angelo. He doesn't take defeat lightly, and Photon may well
In his first public appearance, Photon attempted to seek vengeance on those who interfere with his plans.
free Amok during a court appearance at the San Angelo Any serious setback, such as his arrest or the revela-
County Courthouse, but was foiled by the Justice Foun- tion of his true identity, will earn heroes Photon's un-
dation. He has sworn revenge on the heroes for inter- dying enmity.
fering with his plans. Although his first foray failed, His dependence on light has given Photon a slight
Photon still hopes to assemble a team of the mightiest fear of the dark, although he can tolerate darkness for
superhuman criminals in San Angelo as the initial step short periods of time.
in his quest for ultimate power. Powers/factics: Photon's powers are based on the
Quote: "You dare to inteifere with me? Then see just sun itself. He has total mastery of heat and light, with
what my power can do to you, little man. " numerous attacks based on these effects. Photon can
Personality: Photon is obsessed by power, and the also absorb heat- or light-based energy attacks and gen-
acquisition of power. Only the strong survive, and Pho- erate powerful force fields. In addition, he can trans-
ton intends to be the strongest of all. form his body into sunlight, gaining the power to pass
Since a good deal of his influence flows from his po- through transparent objects such as windows.
sition at Eclipse Industries, Photon rigorously protects His powers recharge only in light. Full daylight re-
his secret identity. Despite the temptation to use his stores his END reserve at the normal rate, while lesser
degrees of light reduce its REC. The total absence of "'"p_A_G_E..,
powers to further his corporate ambitions, Photon makes
every effort to keep his two identities separate. any light, even artificial lighting or moonlight, prevent• I'251
cny or S..n A.ttgQlO '"°° -
Allies and Enemies

his powers from recharging at all and can even kill curing their doom. If Photon's Secret ID is revealed,
Photon in time. he will most certainly seek revenge on those respon-
Aside from his superhuman abilities, as Stephen Bow sible.
he commands the resources of a vast high-tech corpo- Initially, however, most adventures involving Photon
ration. Numerous business and political contacts pro- will likely relate to his efforts to form the mightiest
vi de him considerable behind-the-scenes influence, supervillain team around. Along with the obvious, such
which Bow can use to thwart enemies or rivals even as trying to break a potential recruit out of jail, Photon's
without using his superpowers. efforts can result in more complicated adventure seeds.
Despite his formidable array of powers, Photon real- For example, perhaps the villain Fireball offers to join
izes that he can still be defeated by a well-coordinated Photon on the condition that the arch-villain help him
hero team. He intends to found a team of his own, re- exact revenge on a past foe. Or Photon could kidnap a
cruiting the most powerful, most dangerous and most top scientist in an effort to augment the power of a
feared supers in the world to counter the might of vari- weaker potential recruit.
ous hero teams that might interfere with his plans. GMs should assemble Photon's villain team gradu-
Appearance: Photon wears a brilliant yellow-white ally over numerous adventures. As the PCs encounter
costume with black trim resembling crackling energy. villains, take note of the ones that fare best or gain the
He has a full-face mask. respect of the players. A few adventures later, let slip a
Campaign Use: Photon is a classic four-color arch- hint they 've been recruited by Photon. In this way, the
villain. He simply intends to be the most powerful, most PCs will eventually confront a truly menacing team
respected and most feared superhuman in the world. comprised of their most dangerous foes. Along with
Aiong the way, Photon seeks to crush aii those who the suspense engendered by the gradual buildup of the
have thwarted him. team, creating a force of villains known to the PCs
Over time, as the PCs foil his schemes again and again, through personal experience will result in stronger sto-
Photon will probably become obsessed with their de- ries than presenting a pre-generated villain team whose
stmction and will gear most of his efforts toward se- members the PCs have never met.


Christina Spiros

Val CHAR Cost Notes

)j STR 3 150kg; 2Yid6
24 DEX 42 OCV: 8 I DCV: 8
20 CON 20
10 BODY 0
10 EGO 0 ECV: 3
15 PRE 5
12 COM I
20 PD 17
20 ED 16
5 SPD 16 Phases: 3, 5, 8, 10, 12
8 REC 2
60 END 10
35 STUN 8
Char: 140 +Powers: 145 =Total: 285
Base: I 00 + Disad: 185 = 285
Cost Powers El'IV
70 Multipower - Sonic Attacks . Background: Christina and Maria Spiros were so
!Om Energy Blast 10d6 5 happy to both find jobs at Allied Chemicals in West
6m Energy Blast 8d6, Explosion, Personal
Immunity, No range, Burnout 11- 7 San Angelo. The two sisters had been almost insepa-
8m Flash, 3d6 vs. hearing sense group 4 rable since childhood, and when they moved west to
12m Mind Control I 2d6 (verbal commands in song) 6 San Angelo in 1994 the duo naturally stuck together.
8m Mind Control 6d6 (verbal), AE: 4" radius, Working at a factory producing stinky, potentially
No range 6
8m Flight 18", 2x Non-combat 4 dangerous chemicals wasn't so great, but at least they
Cost <'IKills could be together. And it gave Christina a way to keep
I Pamiliarity w/Bureaucratics 8- an eye on her kid sister. After all, she had promised
3 Mimicry 11- their parents that she'd look after Maria.
3 Stealth 14-
A few months of scrimping and Christina was even
3 Ventriloquism 11 -
2 PS: Chemical plant worker 11- able to buy a piano and continue her voice lessons. She
2 KS: Allied Chemical 11- had always loved to sing, and her instructor said she
2 KS : Eclipse Industries 11- had real talent.
I KS: Corporate World 8- In the blink of an eye, everything fell apart.
2 CK: San Angelo 11-
2 AK: Midwest 11- One day Christina heard the plant's emergency sirens
rnsa<lvantages go off. A major spill in Sector G, said the panicked
15 DNPC: Maria Spiros, comatose sister (Incompetent) 8- worker rushing past her toward the decontamination
10 Enraged by corporate greed (Uncommon) 11-, 8- gear. But Sector G was where Maria worked.
25 Hunted by police (Mo Pow. NCI) I J-
Christina rushed to help her sister, pushing her way
25 Hunted by Photon (Mo Pow, NCI) 11-
IO Psych: Meticulous planner (Uncommon, Strong) past the emergency response crews and ignoring the
25 Psych: Obsessed with vengeance (Very Common, Total) noxious fumes emanating from the tanks of toxic chemi-
15 Psych: Out for revenge (Uncommon, Total) cals. She found Maria's limp body near her station and
15 Reputation: Vengeful killer (extreme) 11- dragged her to safety before collapsing herself.
15 Secret ID PAGE
35 NPC Bonus
Christina regained consciousness a few days later, but NUMBER
her sister never has. Three years later, Maria still lies
C:tr;• uf 54n ,t.~11110 ooo -

Allies and Enemies

unresponsive in a deep coma. As soon as Christina powers involve the manipulation of sound, including
was well enough, she took her kid sister back to the several attacks, a deafening screech and a charming
midwest and put her in a long-term care facility. song. The commands for her song-based mind control
The workers injured in the spill filed suit against Al- must be verbalized.
lied Chemicals and its parent company, Eclipse Tndus- Siren has a list of Allied Chemicals and Eclipse In-
tries. The attorney handling the lawsuit uncovered evi- dustries executives, compiled from a careful examina-
dence that executives at the parent company had forced tion of company records obtained by her attorney as
deep cost-cutting measures on the plant. part of the suit. She intends to kill every one of them, in
When Chiistina discovered that cuts to safety pro- the name of justice for her sister.
grams, demanded by Eclipse Industries executive vice She carefully researches her targets and plans her at-
president Stephen Bow, had a direct role in the acci- tacks to avoid placing herself at undue risk or endan-
dent that injured Maria, she got so angry she screamed. gering innocent bystanders.
Windows shattered. Drinking glasses exploded. Light Siren is primarily interested in exacting revenge on
bulbs popped. Mirrors cracked. those she deems responsible for Maria's injuries, but
Christina looked around her, stunned. Eventually she she also needs money to pay for her sister's long-term
realized that exposure to the highly dangerous toxics care. As a result, she sometimes takes on jobs as a free-
had altered her body chemistry, endowing her with su- lance mercenary, usually as hired muscle in someone
perhuman sonic powers. else's criminal enterprise.
Keeping her newfound powers a secret, Chtistina clan- Appearance: Siren wears a white full-body costume
destinely began to explore their reach and plan her re- with a large, black stylized "S" design and black gloves.
venge. The money-hungry executives at Allit:ll Chemi- Her biack half-mask exposes her short, jet black hair
cals and Eclipse Industries who had caused her sister's and the smooth, pale skin of her face. Siren is tall, stand-
injuries were going to pay when Siren came back to ing 5' 10" normally, and a full 6' in costume.
town. Especially Stephen Bow. Campaign Use: When corporate executives begin
Quote: "You could ask me to keep quiet ... but it dropping dead around town, it's bound to catch the at-
won't do any good. " tention of PC heroes sooner or later. A careful investi-
Personality: Siren has become completely obsessed gation of the ties between the deceased businessmen
with avenging the wrong done to her sister, partly be- could reveal their link to the Allied Chemicals accident
cause of her own subconscious guilt about not living in 1994, giving the heroes their first clue in unraveling
up to her promise to protect Maria. the mystery.
Since returning to San Angelo, she spends virtually Adventures involving Siren could create some mixed
all her time tracking targets and plotting the next step emotions for PCs; they will likely feel obliged to pro-
in her revenge. Siren has decided that any thoughts of a tect some really unlikeable people from a woman with
normal life will have to wait until she has fulfilled her a legitimate grievance against them. The conflict be-
vow to bring those who hurt Maria to justice. tween their heroic ideals, public image and personal
Her own experiences at the hands of Eclipse Indus- feelings about Siren's quest for vengeance is good fod-
tries have left Siren with a burning hatred of corporate der for some excellent roleplaying.
greed, and she sometimes becomes filled with rage when Siren is not aware of Stephen Bow's dual identity as
confronted with examples of unethical or dangerous the arch-villain Photon. Once he figures out the score,
business practices in the name of profit. She tries not Photon will be out to neutralize the threat posed by
to allow these incidents to distract her from her pri- Siren. One particularly four-color way to resolve the
mary goal, however. problem would be for Photon to recruit Siren for his
Powerslfactics: Her exposure to toxic chemicals team of ultimate super-villains, where he can keep an
PAGE mutated Siren's body, giving her superhuman speed, eye on her. Of course, if Siren ever discovered Photon's
agility, endurance and resistance to attacks. Her chief real identity ...
Origins of San Angelo Bibliography
When Mark Arsenault started Gold Rush Games and re- Reference
ceived a license from Hero Games to publish Champions Baden, Michael. U1111atura/ Deatli: Co11fessio11s ofa Medical Exami11er.
adventures, he used San Angelo as the setting for his first Baumgartner, Anne S. A Comprehe11sive Dictionary of the Gods.
Bosley, Deborah; and Jensen, Jamie. San Francisco: The Rough Guide.
book - Heroic Adventures, Vol./. Then a funny thing hap-
Carpenter, Allan. Facts About the Cities.
pened. Gamers who bought the adventure anthology began Ellefson. Connie Lockhart. The Melting Pot Book of Baby Names.
asking Mark for more information about San Angelo. Fischgrund, Tom, editor. Barro11sTop50: An Inside Look at America :v
When Patrick Sweeney stumbled across the Gold Rush Best Colleges.
French. Christopher W.. editor. The Associated Press Stylebook.
Games forum on America Online, he discovered a lot of
Hawking. Stephen W. A Brief History of Time: From the Big Bang to
messages from people suggesting a Champions book about Black Holes.
San Angelo. Although he had never heard of San Angelo Kessler, Ronald. The FBI.
and had never written a roleplaying book, Patrick had been League of Women Voters. Guide to Ca/ifomia Govemment.
Neighbors. a community publication of The Sacramento Bee.
interested in breaking into the game-publishing world for
Sacramento '.r Answer Boo/<..
a long time. So he sent Mark an e-mail about the prospec- Our Sunday Visitor, Inc. Catholic Almlllwc.
tive San Angelo project. Porter, Darwin; Prince, Danforth; and Levine, Dan. Frommer~· 96 Cali-
After reviewing a formal proposal and meeting for lunch, fornia.
Mark assigned the book to Patrick. He also organized an Rieger!, Ray. Hidde11 Sar1 Francisco and Northem Califomia.
Robinson, John J. Dungeon. Fire ar1d Sword: The Knights Temp/ar in
on-line roundtable of experienced authors to provide sug- the Crusades.
gestions, advice and feedback on the ongoing project. Smoot, George; and Davidson, Keay. Wrinkles in Time.
Nine months, two missed deadlines, one computer crash The Sacramento Business Journal. The Business Lists 1996.
Wordsworth Reference. The Wordsworth Spanish Dictio11ary.
and a ton of e-mail later, San Angelo: City of Heroes was
finished .
Role-Playing Games
Allston, Aaron. Ninja Hero.
Author's Afterword Arsenault, Mark; and Berman, Geoff. Corporatio11s.
Cook, Monte. Champions U11iverse.
Now tirings get interesting. I've always believed that no Findley. Nigel D. GURPS Illuminati.
matter how much preparation a GM does, a game world Long, Steven S. Dark Champio11s: Heroes of Vengeance.
isn't complete until players get involved. They invent char- - Justice, Not Law.
octers the GM never foresaw, discover connections he never MacDonald, George; Peterson. Steve; and Bell. Rob. Champions: Tfle
Super Role-Playing Game.
realized and take the campaign in directions he never imag-
ined. The world comes alive.
I think this concept holds true for authors of role-playing
g;imes as well. One person, no matter how inventive, can
Martin. George R.R. (editor). Wild Cards I-XVI.
never hope to match the creative output of the hundreds of Comic Books
g;imers who will use his adventure, campaign or game. Batman. DC Comics
I'm very proud of San Angelo: City of Heroes. But right Batma11: The Dark K•iight Returns, DC Comics
now it's all still conjecture - just words on a page. It's up Code of Ho11or, Marvel Comics
Crisis on Infinite Earths, DC Comics
to you to make it real; to bring San Angelo to life. And it The Fantastic Four, Marvel Comics
ooesn 't bother me that your version of San Angelo will 1tifi11iry Inc .. DC Comics
differ from mine, or from that of gamers in the next town Iron Man. Marvel Comics
Justice league Jnremationa/, DC Comics
over. I have to admit a sneaking admiration for the old
Justice League ofAmerica, DC Comics
"infinite Earths" of DC Comics; sure, it was terrible for *Ki11gdom Come, DC Comics
continuity, but it was a lot of fun to see alternate versions *Kurt B11sieks Astro City, Homage Comics
of my favorite heroes and villains, not to mention alternate *Marvels, Marvel Comics
The MighryAvengers, Marvel Comics
histories, places and things.
The New Teen Tita11s, DC Comics
I can't wait to see all the different ways that people put The U11canny X-Men, Marvel Comics
San Angelo: City of Heroes to use; all the infinite San Watchmen, DC Comics
Angelos out there waiting to be born. WildC.A. T.S., Image
Up until now, this has been my book. My world. NUMBER
*Of particularinfluenceon this book.
Now it's yours.

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