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Learner Information System (LIS)

Template for Unenrol

Service Request Type : Unenrolment of Learner

Submit to : Division Planning Officer, Schools Governance and Operations Division
Note : Endorsement of School Head is required (signed and scanned). Please us

Present and Correct Enrolment Learner's

Region Division School School ID Grade Section Date of First LRN First Name

Requested Teacher/ICT Coordinator Name of School School ID


Note for school:

1. Fill-up the form correctly and completely
2. Attach this form as Excel file.
3. Attach a scanned copy of the form with School Head signature
4. Attach the following copies:
a. Birth Certificate
b. Form 137 and/or Form 138

Note for Division Planning Officer:

1. Consolidate requests by school by issue
2. Submit to Regional Planning Officer for encoding in the online form
ICTS - User Support Division
ormation System (LIS) and Basic Education Information System (BEIS)
National Helpdesk
Template for Unenrollment of Learner (Request Form 15)

Operations Division
d scanned). Please use worksheet/excel format for the matrix.

Learner's Personal Information Unenroled From

Middle Name Last Name Ext Name Date of Birth Gender Region Division School

Division Region Date Endorsed by

School Head
Unenroled From Reason for
School ID Grade Section School Year Unenrolment

Learner Information Sy

Template for Confirm

Service Request Type : Confirmation of Transfer from Closed Schools

Submit to : Division Planning Officer, Schools Governance and Operations Division
Note : Endorsement of School Head is required (signed and scanned). Please

Present Enrolment (Receiving School) Affec

Region Division School School ID Grade Section Date of First LRN

Reported by Teacher/ICT Coordinator Name of School

Note for school:

1. Fill-up the form correctly and completely
2. Attach this form as Excel file.
3. Attach a scanned copy of the form with School Head signature
4. Attach the following:
a. Form 137 and/or Form 138

Note for Division Planning Officer:

1. Consolidate requests by school by issue
2. Submit to Regional Planning Officer for encoding in the online form
ICTS - User Support Division
Learner Information System (LIS) and Basic Education Information System (BEIS)
National Helpdesk
Template for Confirmation of Transfer from Closed School (Request Form 14)

and Operations Division

d and scanned). Please use worksheet/excel format for the matrix.

Affected Learner's Details Closed School Details (Or

First Name Middle Name Last Name Ext Name Date of Birth Gender Region Division

School ID Division Region Date

ed School Details (Originating School) Remarks
School School ID Grade Trasnfer Out

Endorsed by Signature
School Head Name
Learner Information S

Template for R

Service Request Type : Correcting Transfer Related Issues

Submit to : Division Planning Officer, Schools Governance and Operations Divisio
Note : Endorsement of School Head is required (signed and scanned). Pleas

Present Enrolment (Receiving School) Affe

Region Division School School ID Grade Section Date of First LRN

Reported by Teacher/ICT Coordinator Name of School

Note for school:

1. Fill-up the form correctly and completely
2. Attach this form as Excel file.
3. Attach a scanned copy of the form with School Head signature
4. Attach the following:
a. Form 137 and/or Form 138

Note for Division Planning Officer:

1. Consolidate requests by school by issue
2. Submit to Regional Planning Officer for encoding in the online form
ICTS - User Support Division
earner Information System (LIS) and Basic Education Information System (BEIS)
National Helpdesk
Template for Reporting Transfer Related Errors (Request Form 13)

and Operations Division

d and scanned). Please use worksheet/excel format for the matrix.

Affected Learner's Details Previous Enrolment (Orig

First Name Middle Name Last Name Ext Name Date of Birth Gender Region Division

School ID Division Region Date

evious Enrolment (Originating School) Remarks
(Transfer Error)
School School ID Grade Section

Endorsed by Signature
School Head Name

Service Request Type : Reopening of School Enrolment

Submit to : Division Planning Officer, Schools Governance and Operations Division
Note : Endorsement of School Head is required (signed and scanned). Please

School Details Learne

Region Division School School ID Grade Section Date of First


Reported by Teacher/ICT Coordinator Name of School

Note for school:

1. Fill-up the form correctly and completely
2. Attach this form as Excel file.
3. Attach a scanned copy of the form with School Head signature

Note for Division Planning Officer:

1. Consolidate requests by school by issue
2. Submit to Regional Planning Officer for encoding in the online form
ICTS - User Support Division
Learner Information System (LIS) and Basic Education Information System (BEIS)
National Helpdesk
Template for Reopening of School Enrolment (Request Form 12)

rnance and Operations Division

d (signed and scanned). Please use worksheet/excel format for the matrix.

Learners to be Enrolled

LRN First Name Middle Name Last Name Ext Name Date of Birth Gender

School ID Division Region Date Endorsed by

School Head
m (BEIS)

School/Calendar Year Reason for

to be Reopened Reopening
K-10 SHS ALS Enrolment

Learner Inform

Template fo

Service Request Type : Unmerge LRN

Submit to : Division Planning Officer, Schools Governance and Operations Divisio
Note : Endorsement of School Head is required (signed and scanned). Pleas

Present Enrolment

Region Division School School ID Grade Section Date of First


Requested by Teacher/ICT Coordinator Name of School School ID Division

Note for School:

1. Fill-up the form correctly and completely
2. Attach this form as Excel file.
3. Attach a scanned copy of the form with School Head signature
4. Attach the following copies:
a. Birth Certificate
b. Form 137 and/or Form 138

Note for Division Planning Officer:

1. Consolidate requests by school by issue
2. Submit to Regional Planning Officer for encoding in the online form
ICTS - User Support Division
Learner Information System (LIS) and Basic Education Information System (BEIS)
National Helpdesk
Template for Reporting TWIN Learners that Merged Identity (Request Form 04)

ance and Operations Division

signed and scanned). Please use worksheet/excel format for the matrix.

Learner's Personal Information

(as appeared in Birth Certificate)

Correct LRN First Name Middle Name Last Name Ext Name Date of Birth Gender

Division Region Date Signature

Endorsed by
School Head Name
ystem (BEIS)

st Form 04)


Learner 1
Learner 2
Learner Informatio

Template for LRN

Service Request Type : LRN Reactivation / Enrolment with Data Issues

Submit to : Division Planning Officer, Schools Governance and Operations Division
Note : Endorsement of School Head is required (signed and scanned). Please us

Present Enrolment

Region Division School School ID Grade Section Date of First LRN

Attendance (Currently Used)

Requested Teacher/ICT Coordinator Name of School School ID


Note for School:

1. Fill-up the form correctly and completely
2. Attach this form as Excel file.
3. Attach a scanned copy of the form with School Head signature
4. Attach the following copies:
a. Birth Certificate
b. Form 137 and/or Form 138

Note for Division Planning Officer:

1. Consolidate requests by school by issue
2. Submit to Regional Planning Officer for encoding in the online form
ICTS - User Support Division
Learner Information System (LIS) and Basic Education Information System (BEIS)
National Helpdesk
Template for LRN Reactivation / Enrollment with Data Issues (Request Form 02)

e and Operations Division

ed and scanned). Please use worksheet/excel format for the matrix.

Correct Learner Personal Information

(as appeared in Birth Certificate)
First Name Middle Name Last Name Ext Name Date of Birth Gender Mother's
(MM/DD/YYYY) Maiden

Division Region Date Signature

Endorsed by
School Head Name

Code: Reason for

1. No enrolment found
2. Update Failed
3. Enrolment Failed
4. Previously Disapproved
Learner Information Syste

Template for Repo

Service Request Type : LRN Merging

Submit to : Division Planning Officer, Schools Governance and Operations Division
Note : Endorsement of School Head is required (signed and scanned). Please u

Present Enrolment

Region Division School School ID Grade Section Date of First LRN

Attendance (Currently Used)

Requestedby Teacher/ICT Coordinator Name of School School ID

Note for School:

1. Fill-up the form correctly and completely
2. Attach this form as Excel file.
3. Attach a scanned copy of the form with School Head signature
4. Attach the following copies:
a. Birth Certificate
b. Form 137 and/or Form 138

Note for Division Planning Officer:

1. Consolidate requests by school by issue
2. Submit to Regional Planning Officer for encoding in the online form
ICTS - User Support Division
Learner Information System (LIS) and Basic Education Information System (BEIS)
National Helpdesk
Template for Reporting Multiple LRN/Enrollment (Request Form 01)

e and Operations Division

ed and scanned). Please use worksheet/excel format for the matrix.

Correct Learner Personal Information

(as appeared in Birth Certificate)
First Name Middle Name Last Name Ext Name Date of Birth Gender Mother's
(MM/DD/YYYY) Maiden

Division Region Date Signature

Endorsed by
School Head Name
Other Existing

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