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TIP 0502-01


ISSUED – 1963
REVISED – 1980
REVISED – 1992
REVISED – 1998
REVISED – 2002
REVISED – 2007
REVISED – 2013
©2013 TAPPI
The information and data contained in this document were
prepared by a technical committee of the Association. The
committee and the Association assume no liability or responsibility
in connection with the use of such information or data, including
but not limited to any liability under patent, copyright, or trade
secret laws. The user is responsible for determining that this
document is the most recent edition published.

Paper machine vacuum selection factors


The purpose of this Technical Information Paper (TIP) is to provide a reference basis from which paper machine
vacuum system airflow requirements may be calculated. Air flow sizing requirements for fourdriniers, press
sections, tissue formers and cylinder machines are presented.

Selection (vacuum factors) factors given in this TIP are only guidelines. Paper machine dewatering capability should
be evaluated besides calculating existing vacuum factors because there are many variables affecting sheet
dewatering besides vacuum capacity and resulting vacuum levels. Vacuum system suppliers, machine builders, or
application specialists should be consulted for accurate sizing and for specific applications. Dewatering performance
of formers and presses should be compared to industry standards (see TIP 0404-47 on paper machine performance)
before consideration of adding vacuum capacity to meet the “TAPPI Factors.”

Safety precautions

Mill safety requirements and other precautions should be taken when working with vacuum pumps and other paper
machine equipment. Be careful of intakes for vacuum system inbleed valves.

General comments

Standard vacuum system sizing factors can only be applied to conventional paper machine geometries using typical
operating practices. Vacuum sizing factors are used to simplify the vacuum sizing process. All vacuum levels shown
are measured at the paper machine service not at the vacuum pumps.

Conversion factors

multiply by to obtain multiply by to obtain

lb 0.454 kg ft/min (fpm) 0.305 m/min (mpm)

oz 28.4 g ft3/min 1.669 m3/hr
oz/ft2 305.6 g/m2 (gsm) ft3/min /in. 0.669 m3/hr/cm
in. 25.4 mm ft3/min /in.2 0.263 m3/hr/cm2
in. 2.54 cm ft3/min /in.2/1000ft3/min 0.0863 m3/hr/cm2/100mpm
in. Hg 13.6 in H2O psi 27.8 in H2O
in. Hg 1.14 ft H2O psi 2.32 ft H2O
in. Hg 0.489 psi psi 6.89 kPa
in. Hg 3.386 kPa psi 2.04 in Hg
kPa 0.295 in. Hg ft H2O 0.88 in Hg

TIP Category: Automatically Periodically Reviewed (Five-year review)
TIP 0502-01 Paper machine vacuum selection factors / 2

Influence of temperatures and altitude


Airflow carried from the paper machine into the vacuum system consists of air and water vapor. If the vacuum
system is composed of liquid ring pumps, temperature differences between the water vapor in the air stream and the
seal water used for the vacuum pumps should be taken into consideration for pump sizings.

If vacuum pump seal water is cooler than incoming vapor, a portion of the vapor can be condensed. The degree of
condensation depends on pump design, seal water piping configuration (including inlet spray nozzles), and seal
water flow rates and temperature. The volume of vacuum airflow that a liquid ring pump will handle increases in
proportion to the volume of vapor that is condensed prior to the vacuum pump.

This condensing effect of liquid ring vacuum pumps can increase the vacuum capacity of the vacuum system by 5 to
20%. The amount of increase depends on the differential between the seal water and process temperatures, and also
depends on the operating vacuum level. When selecting a vacuum system to match the airflow requirements
determined by the selection factors in this TIP, consult vacuum pump suppliers for recommendations on the
influence of temperatures for the system selected.


Barometric pressure decreases as elevation above sea level increases. This reduction in barometric pressure reduces
vacuum gauge readings on paper machines.

The selection factors in this TIP can be used for system sizing at any elevation. However, vacuum gauge readings
(and power requirements of the vacuum pump) will be lower at elevations above sea level. Influence on vacuum
levels and power requirements are not significant enough for elevations below 3000 ft, and can be ignored. Vacuum
system suppliers should be consulted concerning the influence of elevation on system selection.

Suction roll vacuum box open area

In this TIP, vacuum selection factors for suction rolls are based on suction box open areas measured as shown in
Figure 1:

Fig. 1. For suction box MD widths ≤ 6 in., use chord length of suction box at inside diameter of suction roll
shell (bwC). For suction box MD widths > 6 in. (and all tissue machine suction rolls), use arc length of
suction box extended to outside diameter of roll (including cover) (bwA).

Paper and board grades

The following comments, descriptions and formulae refer to the forming and press sections on machines producing
paper and board grades.
3 / Paper machine vacuum selection factors TIP 0502-01

Forming section

It is important to understand that vacuum system requirements for any forming section are developed through
calculations which take into account key sizing parameters. The following descriptions apply to forming section
vacuum units located in the Appendix -- Figures A1, A2, and A3.

Unit Location Description

1 vacuum assisted pulsative foil suction boxes

2 low vacuum area of foil suction boxes
3 medium vacuum area of foil suction boxes
4 "wet boxes" - low vacuum area of flat suction boxes
5 "dry boxes" - high vacuum area of flat suction boxes
6 low vacuum area of couch roll
7 high vacuum area of couch roll

Particular attention should be paid to the following:

1. specific configuration of the forming section

2. desired vacuum levels
3. open area in high vacuum drainage elements
4. location of wet/dry line
5. furnish and grade
6. refining
7. forming fabric caliper, style and permeability.

All of these factors can suggest an increased air flow demand, especially on lightweight grades. A thorough system
analysis should also ensure that proper piping layout, separators, and pump sizing are addressed.

The rate at which air is drawn through various grades of paper illustrates that sheet weight, furnish type, freeness
and sheet moisture (or consistency) affect dewatering. The amount of air drawn through a sheet is inversely related
to its moisture content. Little or no air is drawn through the sheet prior to the dry line. Airflow increases as the sheet
is successively dewatered beyond the dry line.

For a given grade and furnish, airflow is inversely related to sheet weight. This is clearly illustrated on the broad
weight ranges of linerboard and bleached paperboard. On traditional lightweight grades the relationship of airflow to
sheet weight is not so apparent.

Stock freeness variation is also significant. Large differences between (high freeness) 42-lb linerboard and (low
freeness) 30-lb newsprint is evident in the sizing factors. Although there is a 4:1 basis weight ratio between the two
grades, similar airflows are required due to the offsetting freeness values.

The largest air flow requirements in the former occur after the dry line on, free-draining paper grades. Air velocity
produces drainage as it strips water from the sheet. However, the actual amount of water removed is very small.
Thus, in a "dry" position, a suction box cover having a small open area and lower total air flow can achieve the same
dewatering as a cover with greater open area, and can reduce drag load and table drive energy requirements.

This same drainage mechanism occurs at the couch. Hence, the use of two suction zones operating at successively
higher vacuum. Note that the last flatbox prior to a couch may be operating at higher vacuum than the 1st (low
vacuum) zone of a two-zone couch.

In the Apppendix, Figs. A1-A3 reflect current industry averages for the applications shown. All references to airflow
are in ACFM (actual ft3/min) at the recommended vacuum level, and at the paper machine vacuum element. They
represent the current norm for the vacuum capacity of modern paper machines in each grade category. Some
existing machines may be operating satisfactorily at lower levels. Excess vacuum capacity at the flatboxes, for
example, may offset low vacuum capacity at the couch, or vice versa. Also, impact of top wire dewatering
TIP 0502-01 Paper machine vacuum selection factors / 4

equipment can greatly influence (often reduce) flatbox requirements. The values in Figs. A1-A3 should be
considered if a production upgrade is contemplated. In such instances, careful attention must also be given to
pressure drop, sizing of vacuum piping and valves, pre-separators, seal legs, suction roll journal open area, etc., to
ensure that the pressure drop between the vacuum source and the point of application does not exceed 1 in. Hg

Figs. A1-A3 reference two different factors for high vacuum flatbox capacity - one based on a ft3/min/in. of wire
width, and the other based on a ft3/min/in.2 of open area. The first provides a quick total capacity requirement based
upon modern machine speeds and tonnage. The latter should be used for more accurate calculations of needed
airflow, and reflects vacuum density needed to develop a desired vacuum level. The implication for mill engineering
is that production changes demand evaluation of total ft3/min needs as well as the suction area through which it will
be applied. It also is important that a study of paper machine drive loads and installed drives be undertaken any time
additional vacuum capacity and/or stationary vacuum elements are considered.

A general equation and wet end illustration (Fig. 2) for calculating required airflow of a vacuum element are noted
below, along with nomenclature and units of measurement:

Equation 1:

Vacuum airflow = Q = ww × Vf × #u × sw × #b

Q total air flow (ACFM @ in Hg vacuum)
ww wire width (inches)
Vf vacuum factor (ACFM/in2 or ACFM/in)
#u number of slots/box
sw slot width (inches)
#b number of boxes
md machine direction length (inches)
cd cross machine direction (inches)
#u number of slots/box

Fig. 2. Wet end illustration.

NOTE: The vacuum service location numbers in the following examples refer to Figures A1-A3.
5 / Paper machine vacuum selection factors TIP 0502-01

Low vacuum foil & suction box requirements

Airflow and differential pressure requirements for the units in locations #1 and #2 are very low as no air is actually
being drawn through the sheet. For units in location #3, higher vacuum levels are generally applied as these units
operate near the “dry” line and some airflow through the sheet is starting to occur. Only slotted cover designs are
utilized on these units. To determine airflow requirements for units in these locations, multiply wire (fabric) width ×
vacuum factor (ft3/min /in.) × number of units = total flow required per location.

Example 1

Calculate low vacuum element requirements for a 240-in. corrugating medium machine operating at a maximum
speed of 2000 ft/min with four units in location #1, two units in location #2, and two units in location #3.

Location 1: Q = ww × Vf × #b = ft3/min @ 38 in H2O

Q = 240 in. × 1.5 ft3/min/in. × 4 units = 1440 ft3/min @ 38 in H2O Vacuum

Location 2: Q = ww × Vf × #b = ft3/min @ 38 in H2O

Q = 240 in. × 1.5 ft3/min /in. × 2 units = 720 ft3/min @ 38 in H2O Vacuum

Location 3: Q = ww × Vf × #b = ft3/min @ 54 in H2O

Q = 240 in. × 3.5 ft3/min /in. × 2 unit = 1680 ft3/min @ 54 in H2O Vacuum

The equations above give required airflows at the noted vacuum levels. Although each vacuum element will operate
at different vacuum levels, no correction for vacuum airflow is required because of the relatively low vacuum and
small vacuum level differential. During actual system operation, in location1, these vacuum levels can be from 10 to
38 in H2O. Low vacuum fans are commonly used for these applications. Either one fan can be sized to connect to all
seven (7) elements in locations 1, 2 and 3, or two (2) fans could be used with one connected to the elements in
location 1 and 2, and another on handling only the last element, at location 3.

If only one fan is used, this would be sized for 3840 cfm @ 54 in H2O (Loc. 1 @ 1440 cfm + Loc. 2 @ 720 cfm +
Loc. 3 @ 1680 cfm = 3840 cfm).

If two fans are used, one would be sized for 2160 cfm @ 38 in H2O (Loc. 1 @ 1440 cfm + Loc. 2 @ 720 cfm = 2160
cfm) and the other would be sized for 1680 cfm @ 54 in H2O (Loc. 3 only).

High vacuum suction box (flatboxes) requirements

Airflow requirements are much greater in locations #4 and #5 - the traditional "wet" and "dry" suction box or flatbox

Slotted suction box covers are more common in these locations. Their requirements may be calculated in a similar
way: multiply [wire (fabric) width] × [number of slots per box × slot width (MD)] × [vacuum factor (ft3/min/in2)] ×
[number of boxes]:

Q = ww × #u × sw × Vf × #b

Where suction boxes with "drilled" covers are still used, the cover open area (% OA) is required for the vacuum
airflow calculation: multiply [wire (fabric) width] × [overall cover width (MD)] × [percent open area of the cover's
drilled pattern] × [vacuum factor (ft3/min/in2)] × [number of boxes]:

Q = ww × bw × % OA × Vf × #b
TIP 0502-01 Paper machine vacuum selection factors / 6

Example 2

Using the corrugating medium machine with three “wet” suction boxes and three “dry” suction boxes, the airflow
requirements for locations #4 and #5 are as follows. Note the vacuum factors listed for wet and dry flatboxes, in
Figure A.2 show a range of 0.8–1.0, and 1.5–2.0, for the wet and dry flatboxes, respectively. For this example, 1.0
ft3/min /in² (cfm/in²) is used for the wet boxes and 2.0 ft3/min /in² is used for the dry boxes. Practically speaking, the
three dry boxes may be a single tri-vac element.

Location 4: Slotted covers: six 0.75 in. wide slots, 3 boxes

Q = ww × #u × sw × Vf × #b = ft3/min @ 10 in. HgV

Q = 240 in. wire × 6 slots × 0.75 in./slot × 1.0 ft3/min /in2 × 3 boxes = 3240 ft3/min @ 10 in. HgV

Location 5: Slotted Covers: six 0.625 in. slots, 3 boxes

Q = ww × #u × sw × Vf × #b = ft3/min @ 15 in. HgV

Q = 240 in. wire × 6 slots × 0.625 in./slot × 2.0 ft3/min /in.2 × 3 boxes = 5400 ft3/min @ 15 in. HgV

Typically, a single vacuum source will connect to all of the flatboxes (wet and dry). Therefore, these calculated
vacuum capacities need to be converted to equal vacuum levels prior to adding them together. Note, this is a
common error where this step gets omitted.

Adding vacuum capacities for the wet and dry flatboxes first requires expanding the airflow requirement for the
lower vacuum (wet) boxes to 15” HgV, which is the vacuum level expected for the dry boxes. In actual practice, the
vacuum levels will be graduated across all six flatboxes where they can have a range from 6” Hg at box #1 to 15 in.
Hg at box #6. The following are the calculations for expanding vacuum airflows (Example 3).

Example 3

First, convert operating vacuum levels to absolute pressure:

Atmospheric pressure = 0 in Hg Vacuum = 29.92 in Hg Absolute

Location 4 (wet boxes): operating vacuum = 10 in HgV = 19.92 in HgA (29.92 – 10 = 19.92)

Location 5 (dry boxes): operating vacuum = 15 in HgV = 14.92 in HgA (29.92 – 15 = 14.92)

Second, calculate airflow requirement for wet boxes operating at 10 in HgV (or 19.92 in HgA) and expanded to the
higher vacuum of the dry boxes operating at 15 in HgV (or 14.92 in HgA). The vacuum level at the highest vacuum
dry flatbox would be equal to the vacuum level of the flatbox vacuum header.

Use equation: P1V1 = P2V2

Where: P1 = absolute pressure of wet boxes = 19.92 in HgA

V1 = calculated vacuum capacity for wet boxes = 3240 ft3/min
P2 = absolute pressure of dry boxes (and header vacuum) = 14.92 in HgA
V2 = calculated, new, vacuum capacity for wet boxes at the higher vacuum level

Rearrange equation: V2 = V1 × (P1 ÷ P2)

Location 4 (wet boxes): V2 = 3240 ft3/min × /14.92 = 4326 ft3/min @ 15 in Hg
Location 5 (dry boxes): No conversion required = 5400 ft3/min @ 15 in Hg
7 / Paper machine vacuum selection factors TIP 0502-01

Total flatbox vacuum required: all flatbox capacity values are now at the same vacuum level of 15” Hg and
can now be added.

Wet boxes = 4326 ft3/min @ 15 in Hg

+ Dry boxes = 5400 ft3/min @ 15 in Hg
All six (6) flatboxes = 9726 ft3/min @ 15 in Hg

(Note, if flatbox capacities obtained in Example 2 were just added together (3240 cfm + 5400 cfm), the
incorrect total requirement would have been 8640 cfm. This would have been about 1100 cfm, or 11%
below the true vacuum capacity requirement.)

Suction couch requirements

Actual couch box widths are determined in relation to roll size and wrap angle for a particular machine. The
ft3/min/in.2 values listed for locations #6 and #7 indicate current industry averages used on couch rolls. It should be
noted that this ft3/min/in.2 is applied to total couch suction box open area. This active suction area is determined by
multiplying the MD length of the suction box (bw) by the width of the forming fabric (ww). Couch roll shell %
open area is not used in determining the required airflow.

Example 4

Continuing the corrugating medium example for a 42 in. O.D. couch roll with a single 45° suction box, the required
airflow is:

Location 6: Q = ww × bwA × Vf = ft3/min @ 20 in. HgV.

Q = 240 in. × [(45° ÷ 360°) × (π × 42 in)] × 7.0 ft3/min /in2 = 27,710 ft3/min @ 20 in. HgV

Couch vacuum factor adjustments vs. speed

The influence of machine speed is an important consideration in sizing the vacuum source for the couch. The low
and high vacuum factors (locations #6 and #7 on Figures 2 and 3) should be corrected whenever machine speeds
exceed the maximum speed listed for the grade. Correction factors are shown following table:

Couch vacuum factor adjustments for speed

Operating Adjustment
Vacuum Factor
in. Hg ft3/min/in2/1000 ft/min
First (Low)
Box; or 10 0.25
Single Box 15 0.50
Only 20 1.00

Second (High) 20 0.50


If the corrugating medium machine in the example is designed to run at 3000 ft/min, this speed exceeds the
maximum speed listed in the sizing tables by 500 ft/min. The vacuum factor shown in Figures A.2 and A.3 would be
increased by 1 ft3/min/in.2/1000ft/min, or 0.5 ft3/min/in.2. The adjusted sizing factor becomes 7.5 ft3/min/in.2
(calculated as 7.0 ft3/min/in.2 + 0.5 ft3/min/in.2).
TIP 0502-01 Paper machine vacuum selection factors / 8

Considerations should also be made for low speed applications (machine speeds under 1000 ft3/min) often found on
narrow machines having small diameter couch rolls. Journal open areas are often insufficient to handle increased
airflows without exceeding allowable journal air velocity limits. At machine speeds below 1500 ft/min, a higher
percentage of water drained by the couch enters the shell rather than being thrown out. This additional water must
exit through the couch journal. Increased water volume further reduces the effective open area available for air
passage, and increases journal losses. Machinery builders and vacuum system suppliers can provide assistance for
addressing these conditions.

Finally, as machine speeds increase, fabric drivability is partially affected by couch vacuum and couch dewatering,
and is another consideration for speed increases.

“Super high vacuum” flatbox

These high vacuum boxes have been used successfully, primarily on newsprint and lightweight grades. They are
used following, or in place of, the suction couch. They have become particularly popular on certain twin wire
machines following the suction couch roll.

Cover design is normally 4-6 slots, each ½ in. wide. Covers are typically premium ceramic materials.

Current selection factors are 12–16 ft3/min/in.2 @ 20–22 in. Hg

Press section

Suction rolls

In the Appendix, Figures A4.A, A4.B, and A4.C reflect current industry averages for press section vacuum factors.
For convenience, typical suction roll and press configurations are illustrated. These show roll nip geometry and
vacuum box locations. The corresponding tables indicate box width, vacuum level and air flow recommendations.

Press suction roll airflow requirements are determined by the same criteria as couch roll airflow requirements -
active suction area (i.e. [suction box MD length × felt CD width) × vacuum factor (Vf)]. Active suction area is the
total suction box open area (suction roll shell % open area is not used in determining the required airflow).

Q = ww × bw × Vf = ft3/min @ 20 in. HgV

Individual vacuum factors are specific to a particular press configuration. Note: the term “Standard” under
GRADES applies to all paper grades that would be produced using that configuration. Special cases or grades are
indicated separately.

Care should be taken when applying vacuum factors to press configurations not shown. Key sizing parameters such
as angle of wrap (around the suction roll), felt weight, nip dwell time, sheet weight, press load, etc. should be
considered. Machinery builders and press felt suppliers should be consulted for proprietary press configurations and
for machine speeds above 3,500 ft3/min.

Press fabric conditioning

The primary performance objective for fabric suction boxes is to uniformly remove water and foreign contaminants
from fabrics. Basic guidelines in good fabric dewatering and conditioning are provided in TAPPI TIP 0404-27
“Press felt dewatering and conditioning - suction box (Uhle box) design and vacuum requirements.” Consult this
TIP for fabric conditioning guidelines.

Anti-blow boxes

These are stationary suction boxes, similar to Uhle boxes, which are installed beneath the felt and sheet, just prior to
a press nip. These are slotted boxes with one or two slots of ½ in. to not more than ¾ in. wide. As the name
9 / Paper machine vacuum selection factors TIP 0502-01

describes, they are to hold the sheet to the felt and minimize fluttering which can create wrinkles or affect draw at
the nip. These are more common on lightweight grades of paper but have been used on some board grades where
press geometries do not lend to good sheet control. Operating vacuum level can be from 5 to 10 in. Hg. Since the
resistance to airflow is greater due to the combined lower porosity of both felt and sheet, the vacuum factor is much
lower than for a Uhle box. Recommended vacuum factors are 2 to 3 ft3/min/in², with vacuum equipment selected for
10 in. Hg. Often the anti-blow box can be bled from the vacuum source for the Uhle box on the same felt. Finally,
no vacuum separator is required for these since they are not considered to be a water removal device.

Other formers and machine types

Tissue machines

The sizing information, shown in the Appendix in Figures A5.A, A5.B, and A5.C, covers conventional fourdrinier,
C-Wrap and crescent tissue formers with yankee dryers. The sizing factors cover a range that is typical of current
design practice. As noted in the figures, sizing factor values increase with machine speed.

There are many proprietary tissue formers and machine configurations. This paper does not address proprietary
designs. The specific machine builder should be consulted for vacuum system capacity information on these
machine designs.

Twin (and multiple) wire formers

Vacuum factor recommendations are not included for twin wire formers (gap and top wire), and the various
configurations of multiple forming fabric formers. This is because there are many unique and proprietary
configurations for multiple wire forming. However, vacuum capacities can be determined for many elements of
these formers where the vacuum elements have similar functions as a fourdrinier former. The machine builder
should be consulted for vacuum capacity information on their specific machine design (for example, when a former
has a primary and secondary couch, or uses inverted vacuum boxes).

Cylinder machines

Factors for conventional cylinder machine press and fabric conditioning sections will be the same as those listed for
the Fourdrinier. The difference is in the forming section. The selection factors for Suction Drum applications were
specified in the 1980 version of this TIP (then numbered TIS 014-9) and are reproduced below:

Suction Drum Suction Drum - Sheet Box

With Press No Press (Felt & Sheet) Suction Slice
Box ft3/min/ Box ft3/min / ft3/min / ft3/min /
Width in. Hg in.2 Width in. Hg in.2 in.2 in. Hg in of in. Hg
(in.) (in.) sheet
13-45 22 1.0 13-21 20 1.5 3 15 - 20 2 2-3
* Suction zone can be 45º to 180º wrap of suction drum roll.

Some cylinder machines have two or three Sheet Boxes instead of a Suction Drum. These boxes are the same as felt
suction boxes (similar to a uhle box, usually with 0.5 in. slots) but apply vacuum between the cylinder vats and the
first press. They are used to aid forming and to carry the sheet. They are sometimes used between press nips to
dewater the bottom felt and sheet when no suction press exists. The average vacuum factor being used for these
sheet boxes is approximately 3.0 ft3/min/in.2 @ 20 in. HgV.

Some presses operate with a lifted top felt between press nips and a suction box (like a uhle box) to dewater the felt
prior to the next nip.

There are also various “hybrid” cylinder type formers in operation on multi-ply grades today. The manufacturers of
these units should be consulted for vacuum system recommendations for their specific formers.
TIP 0502-01 Paper machine vacuum selection factors / 10


Proper vacuum system designs are critical for maximizing paper machine production and efficiency. All machine
installations are unique. Therefore, when designing a vacuum system, one should review all of the system
parameters – vacuum factors (existing versus industry standards), machine age, and any part of the process (from the
suction point on the paper machine to the vacuum source) that contacts the airflow. Vacuum factors and resulting
vacuum levels must be evaluated against actual sheet dewatering results. For example, a linerboard machine which
may be low on couch vacuum capacity (based on vacuum factor evaluation), but has outstanding press performance
with exit solids at over 47%, probably cannot benefit from added couch vacuum capacity.

It should be noted that most vacuum suppliers’ performance curves conform to industry standard conditions for inlet
temperature, atmospheric pressure and relative humidity. Some suppliers’ performance curves may be published at
partially saturated conditions, and at various inlet temperatures. Saturated data should be derated to the industry
standard conditions before being compared against data published at standard conditions. In actual paper mill
applications, condensing corrections must often be made for proper pump selection. Consult your vacuum system
supplier for assistance.


TIP 0404-27 “Press felt dewatering and conditioning - suction box (Uhle box) design and vacuum requirements”
TIP 0404-47 “Paper machine performance guidelines”
TIP 0404-60 “High vacuum sheet dewatering”
TIP-0404-61 “Paper machine shower recommendations”


Vacuum, Suction, Vacuum boxes, Couch rolls, Suction presses, Forming fabrics, Vacuum rolls, Pressure roll,
Cylinder machines, Crescent formers

Additional information

Effective date of issue: January 2, 2013

Working Group:
Doug Sweet, P.E., Chairman, Doug Sweet & Associates, Inc.
John Callaway, KBR
Jim Faufau, IBS of America
James Nelson, Independent Consultant
John Neun,Albany International
Charles Wunner, CVN/Vooner Paper Machinery
Steve Wiseman, Voith Paper Rolls
Fausto Olivares, Cutes Europe


Figures for fourdrinier formers (A.1, A.2, A.3, A.4, & A.5) appear on pages 11, 12 and 13. These are followed by
press section diagrams on pages 14, 15 and 16, and tissue formers on pages 17, 18 and 19.
11 / Paper machine vacuum selection factors TIP 0502-01


GRADES lb/30002 ft/min NO. ft3/in per IN. NO. ft3/min/ IN. NO. ft3/min/in IN.
(unless noted) UNITS UNIT H2O UNITS in per H2O UNITS per H2O
MG & MF PAPERS 2000 ----- ----- ----- 1-2 1.5 26. ----- ----- -----
GLASSINE, GREASEPROOF 1500 ----- ----- ----- 2-3 1.5 26. ----- ----- -----
CARBONIZING 2000 ----- ----- ----- 2-4 1.5 26. ----- ----- -----
WAXING BASE 2000 ----- ----- ----- 1-2 1.5 26. ----- ----- -----
CIGARETTE, CONDENSOR TISSUE 750 ----- ----- ----- 2-4 1.5 26. ----- ----- -----

NAPKIN 12-18 4000 ----- ----- ----- 0-1 1.5 26. 0-1 3.5 26.
TOWEL, TWO PLY 14-20 4000 ----- ----- ----- 0-1 1.5 26. 0-1 3.5 26.
TOWEL, SINGLE PLY 28-39 2500 ----- ----- ----- 1-2 1.5 26. 0-1 3.5 26.

PRINTING & WRITING 30-60 lb/3300 ft² 3000 ----- ----- ----- 1-2 1.5 26. ----- ----- -----
BOOK PAPERS 35-45 lb/3300 ft² 3000 ----- ----- ----- 1-2 1.5 26. ----- ----- -----
HEAVYWEIGHTS 70-115 lb/3300 ft² 1500 3 1.5 26. 2-3 1.5 26. ----- ----- -----

DIRECTORY ROTO, CATALOG 18-45 (29-73 gsm) 3000 ----- ----- ----- 2 1.5 26. 0-1 3.5 38.
SC MAGAZINE 35-45 (57-73 gsm) 3000 ----- ----- ----- 2 1.5 26. 1 3.5 38.
LWC PUBLICATION 22-45 (36-73 gsm) 3500 ----- ----- ----- 2 1.5 26. 1 3.5 38.

NEWSPRINT 28-33 (45-54 gsm) 3500 ----- ----- ----- 2-3 1.5 26. 1 3.5 38.


BAG 30-70 2500 2-3 1.5 26. 2 1.5 38. 1 3.5 54.
SATURATING 65-150 1500 4-5 1.5 38. 2-3 1.5 38. 1 3.5 54.
LINERBOARD 26-42 lb/1000 ft² 2500 3-4 1.5 38. 2-3 1.5 38. 1-2 3.5 54.
LINERBOARD 42-90 lb/1000 ft² 2000 4-5 1.5 38. 2-3 1.5 38.

CORRUGATING MEDIUM 23-26 lb/1000 ft² 2500 3 1.5 26. 3 1.5 38. 0-1 3.5 54.

SBS PAPERBOARD 40-100 lb/1000 ft² 1500 4-5 1.5 38. 2-3 1.5 38. 1 3.5 54.
PACKAGING SPECIALTIES 10-40 lb/1000 ft² 2000 ----- ----- ----- 1-2 1.5 26. 0-1 3.5 38.
(cup stock, file folder)

PULP (fluff and market) All 750 4-5 1.5 38. 2-3 1.5 38. ----- ----- -----
TIP 0502-01 Paper machine vacuum selection factors / 12


lb/3000 ft2 ft/min NO. ft3/min/ ft3/min/ NO. ft3/min/ ft3/min/ ft3/min/ ft3/min/
GRADES (unless noted) BOXES in.2 in. in. BOXES in.2 in. in. in.2 in. in.2 in.
MG & MF PAPERS 2000 1-2 0.2 1. 6. 2-4 0.3 3. 6. 3.0 10. 3.0 15.
GLASSINE, GREASEPROOF 1500 2-4 0.2 1. 10. 2-4 0.3 3. 10. 3.0 10. 3.0 22.
CARBONIZING 2000 2-4 0.2 2. 6. 2-4 0.3 3. 6. 3.0 10. 4.0 20.
WAXING BASE 2000 1-2 0.3 2. 6. 2-4 0.5 6. 6. 3.0 10. 6.0 15.
CIGARETTE, CONDENSOR TISSUE 750 1-2 0.2 1. 6. 2-4 0.3 3. 6. 3.0 10. 3.0 15.

NAPKIN 12-18 4000 ----- ----- ----- ----- 0-1 0.7 4. 6. 3.0 10. 3.0 20.
TOWEL, TWO PLY 14-20 4000 ----- ----- ----- ----- 0-1 0.7 4. 6. 3.0 10. 3.0 20.
TOWEL, SINGLE PLY 28-39 2500 ----- ----- ----- ----- 1-2 0.8 12. 6. 3.0 10. 6.5 20.

PRINTING & WRITING 30-60 lb/3300 ft² 3000 0-2 0.4 4. 10. 3-4 0.7 11. 10. 3.0 10. 8.5 20.
BOOK PAPERS 33-80 lb/3300 ft² 3000 0-2 0.4 4. 10. 3-4 0.7 11. 10. 3.0 10. 8.5 20.
HEAVYWEIGHTS 70-115 lb/3300 ft² 1500 1-2 0.4 4. 10. 3-4 0.7 11. 10. 3.0 10. 7.0 20.

DIRECTORY ROTO, CATALOG 18-45 (29-73 gsm) 3000 0-2 0.4 4. 10. 3-4 0.7 11. 10. 3.0 10. 8.5 20.
SC MAGAZINE 35-45 (57-73 gsm) 3000 0-2 0.4 4. 10. 3-4 0.7 11. 10. 3.0 10. 8.5 20.
LWC PUBLICATION 22-45 (36-73 gsm) 3500 0-2 0.4 4. 10. 3-4 0.7 11. 10. 3.0 10. 8.5 20.

NEWSPRINT 28-33 (45-54 gsm) 3500 0-2 0.6 6. 10. 3-4 1.0 14. 10. 3.0 10. 8.5 20.

BAG 30-70 2500 0-2 0.8 – 1.0 22. 10. 4-5 1.5 – 2.0 42. 10. 3.0 10. 9.0 20.
SATURATING 65-150 1500 1-2 0.8 – 1.0 10. 10. 2-4 1.5 – 2.0 20. 15. ----- ----- 7.0 20.
LINERBOARD 26-42 lb/1000 ft² 2500 1-3 0.8 – 1.0 22. 10. 3-5 1.5 – 2.0 42. 15. ----- ----- 7.0 20.
LINERBOARD 42-90 lb/1000 ft² 2000 2-4 0.8 – 1.0 20. 10. 3-5 1.5 – 2.0 50. 15. ----- ----- 6.0-7.0 20.

CORRUGATING MEDIUM 23-26 lb/1000 ft² 2500 3-4 1.0 16. 10. 3-4 1.5 – 2.0 30. 15. ----- ----- 7.0 20.

SBS PAPERBOARD 40-100 lb/1000 ft² 1500 2-4 0.6 16. 10. 4-5 1.2 32. 15. ----- ----- 7.0 20.
PACKAGING SPECIALTIES 10-40 lb/1000 ft² 2000 0-2 1.0 10. 10. 4-5 1.2 20. 10. 3.0 10. 7.5 20.
(cup stock, file folder)

PULP (fluff and market) All 750 2-4 0.6 20 10. 2-4 1.2 40. 15. ----- ----- 7.0 20.
13 / Paper machine vacuum selection factors TIP 0502-01


GRADES lb/30002 ft/min NO. ft3/min/ IN. NO ft3/min/ in. NO. ft3/min/ ft3/min/ in. ft3/mi In. Hg ft3/min/ in. Hg
(unless noted) UNIT in. H2O UNITS in. H2O BOXES in.2 in. Hg n/ in.2
PRINTING & WRITING 30-60 lb/3300 ft² 3000 3 1.5 26. 1 1.5 26. 2-4 0.7 11. 10. 3.0 10. 8.5 20.
BOOK PAPERS 33-80 lb/3300 ft² 3000 3 1.5 26. 1-2 1.5 26. 2-4 0.7 11. 10. 3.0 10. 8.5 20.
HEAVYWEIGHTS 70-115 lb/3300 ft² 1500 3 1.5 26. 1 1.5 26. 2-4 0.7 11. 10. 3.0 10. 7.0 20.

DIRECTORY ROTO, 18-45 (29-73 gsm) 3000 ----- ----- ----- 1 1.5 26. 2-4 0.7 11. 10. 3.0 10. 8.5 20.
SC MAGAZINE 35-45 (57-73 gsm) 3000 ----- ----- ----- 1 1.5 26. 2-4 0.7 11. 10. 3.0 10. 8.5 20.
LWC PUBLICATION 22-45 (36-73 gsm) 3500 ----- ----- ----- 1 1.5 26. 2-4 0.7 11. 10. 3.0 10. 8.5 20.

NEWSPRINT 28-33 3500 ----- ----- ----- 1 1.5 38. 2-4 1.0 14. 10. 3.0 10. 8.5 20.

BAG 30-70 2500 2-3 1.5 26. 1 1.5 38. 4-5 1.5 – 2.0 42. 10. ----- ----- 9.0 20.
SATURATING 65-150 1500 4-5 1.5 38. 1 1.5 38. 2-4 1.5 – 2.0 20. 15. ----- ----- 7.0 20.
LINERBOARD 26-42 lb/1000 ft² 2500 3-4 1.5 38. 1 1.5 38. 3-5 1.5 – 2.0 42. 15. ----- ----- 7.0 20.
LINERBOARD 42-90 lb/1000 ft² 2000 4-5 1.5 38. 1 1.5 38. 3-5 1.5 – 2.0 50. 15. ----- ----- 6.0-7.0 20.

SBS PAPERBOARD 40-100 lb/1000 ft² 1500 4-5 1.5 38. 1 1.5 38. 4-5 1.2 32. 15. ----- ----- 7.0 20.
PACKAGING SPECIALTIES 10-40 lb/1000 ft² 2000 ----- ----- ----- 1 1.5 26. 4-5 1.2 20. 10. 3.0 10. 7.5 20.
(cup stock, file folder)
TIP 0502-01 Paper machine vacuum selection factors / 14

(IN.) IN. ("HG)

STANDARD 3-5 4-5 20

1.5 10 BLED FROM "A"
ALL B 5 - 10


A 4-5 20


STANDARD A 4-5 4.0 - 5.0 20


15 / Paper machine vacuum selection factors TIP 0502-01


(IN.) IN. ("HG)

STANDARD A 4-5 4.0 - 5.0 20

ALL B 70 - 80 deg. 10

(2) FELTS / (1) NIP

1.0 - 2.0 BLED FROM "C"

ALL B 70 - 80 deg. 10
STANDARD C 4-5 4.0 - 5.0 20

(1) FELT / (1) NIP

A 4-6 4.0 - 5.0 20

0.5 - 0.6 BLED FROM "A"
STANDARD B 70 - 80 deg. 10
C 4-6 4.0 - 5.0 20

(2) FELTS / (2) NIPS

TIP 0502-01 Paper machine vacuum selection factors / 16


(IN.) IN. ("HG)

B' 90 - 120 deg. 0.75 - 1.0 10 SEPARATE OUTLET

C 4-6 4.0 - 5.0 20

(2) FELTS / (2) NIPS

STANDARD A 10 - 24 0.5 - 1.0 10


STANDARD A 3 - 10 3.0 10


17 / Paper machine vacuum selection factors TIP 0502-01
TIP 0502-01 Paper machine vacuum selection factors / 18
19 / Paper machine vacuum selection factors TIP 0502-01

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