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Eben Pagan – Guru Marketing Plan NOTES

Session 1 – Part 1 Getting In Touch With Your Purpose

Getting In Touch With Your Purpose

• Most messages never reach and connect with their intended party.
We live in an over communicated society
We need to have filters and defence systems to protect us from information
• Overload, disconnection, apathy, distrust, competition,
as we become more successful outside we become more unsuccessful inside
you have to overcome apathy – we just don’t care
• Distraction, interruption...these are the challenges, and now more than ever our
messages need to connect.
It’s hard to reach people even when you can get to them – people just don’t
There is so much info coming at us
We can’t focus on one thing for an extended period of time
Your message will not get through to them, land, and reach them unless
you have the skill to get it through to them.
It's not going to happen on its own.
Your message reaching your intended recipient and then them responding,
following the message upstream, and then behaving by voting with their
money requires skill...a skill we are going to learn here.
• What are we trying to do here?
More money / power...yes.
More successful
More influence
Move away from non significance
But probably we all want to do something significant.
• In manipulating the perceptions of people (ourselves included) in an ethical and
positive way, it's important to remember we're here to help.
• The intention of helping people feel understood and having their reality
'gotten' is key to helping people.
It’s important that they feel we get them and understand their reality
We must join realities
• We want to create a different world and make the world a better place.
Experts vs. Marketing Mindsets:
We forget what it was like before we became an expert
Our communication with ourselves changes as we become an expert and our
ego gets attached to these changes
We think we are smart & important
Experts have blind spots and ego attachments that prevent them from being
able to do good marketing.
Experts feel they've earned the right to tell people what to do.
Experts think people should listen to what they say and they are stupid
of they don’t
Experts feel other people should come find them and the world should
beat a path to their door.
They see how valuable their teaching is but the ego distorts this into a
self absorbed asshole
Experts tend to think marketing and sales are second class jobs due to
the dynamic ethics / adaptive nature / circumstantial changeability of
marketing and sales.
Below their level of sophistication and shouldn’t stoop to that level
They are purists & artists and want to really help people without the
manipulation and watering down their message
They don’t want to resort to saying something salesy to get a person’s
They see salespeople and think I don’t want to be that
Understand: there's a way of maintaining a high level of ethical integrity and a
real caring for other human beings and a purity for your desire to help them
evolve and grow and when working with them to give them your best stuff in a
way they can hear it and get the best results, BUT ALSO when they don't
know you, like you, or trust you yet you communicate like a laser beam so
you get through and cut through all the junk
Marketers know nothing happens until another human being buys
until another human being out there makes the decision within
themselves that 'this is right for me' and they take out their hard earned
cash and they trade it for whatever it is you got.
Nothing else matters without this.
Them buying is the oxygen in your businesses body.
Response is good but following the whole path you go to have buying
behaviour because if not you don't have the value flow coming in to
support your habit of being an expert
Marketers know most of the things they create and test won't work.
They don't take it personally.
Persistence to find the things that do work and roll them out and scale
them is the difference maker.
Most people try something it then doesn’t work and they then say “well
that strategy doesn’t work!”
Edison and his light bulb
Marketers knows the average human being is 25 pounds overweight,
apathetic, moderately depressed, low self esteem, 0.75 best friends,
lead boring lives, and even everyone they know is boring and to take
action requires something interesting going on.
You as the marketer get to be that inspiring interesting person that
pulls them out of their apathetic moderately depressed and dull life and
makes things interesting.
Remember the reality they live in.
Never assume that they are just like you because they probably aren’t
Experts usually think their ideal customers are just like them,
motivated, smart and driven. etc
Marketers know financial and business success are only found in
dedicating themselves to learning marketing and sales just as much as
they dedicated themselves to learning what they are good at.
Dedication to creating marketing messages, cutting through the BS,
reaching the prospective customer, motivating them to take action is
just as important and learning your area of expertise and skill in the
first place.
The Marketing Stage:
• On the marketing stage, you can shine the spotlight on one thing.
• You, Your Business, Your Product, or Your Customer.
You – They need to know how smart & great I am
All experts do this
Biz – I need to have the logo and a fancy answering service
People don’t have relationships with businesses or brands
Product – My book has all the answers
• Meeting the customer where they are at, in their language, explaining in their
being customer centric is key.
• To do this requires shining the spotlight our customer holding a gem on a little
tray...and the gem is called "their needs"!
We really want to put the spotlight on THEIR NEEDS not just them
• Communicating where they're at Without Making Them Wrong is important,
and yet still pushes their emotional hot button.
• Focus on the needs is what we want on the marketing stage.
• Now, the needs that make a difference?
Their pain and desires.
• We could call pain Fear, Anxiety, Frustration, Problem.
• We could call Desire Aspiration, Want, Fantasy.
These are all interchangeable.
• What they have in common is THEY ARE EMOTIONAL.
Rationality is used as a tool to support the emotional.
But this all starts with irrational, emotional needs of the customer.
• Shining the spotlight on those, communicate with them, use them, is when you
get attention and create marketing that works.

EXERCISE: Getting In Touch With Your Purpose (6 Questions):

• If we can get in touch with our purpose it will pull us forward in the right direction
• Let’s take a few minutes to get in touch with your reason for looking at this
• We're here to learn about how to attract customers to our info product "guru"
• But why? What happens if you attract the customers that you want?
• What happens if you don't succeed in attracting them.
• Answer the following questions as openly and honestly as you can. Be extra
honest. This will be useful when we do this with customers later on
• Spend a minute or two on each question
• Include the question in the answer
1) What's your fantasy outcome or your dream result after going through
this program?
Describe in as much detail as possible.
2) What's your nightmare, your biggest fear if you don't succeed
attracting the customers you want to your business? What will happen
if THAT happens?
3) When you think of your fantasy, what image comes to mind that
contains the essence of the entire fantasy outcome? Describe the image
using words hat have a high level of emotional significance and
meaning to you.
4) When you think of your nightmare scenario, which WORDS come to
mind? Focus on emotional words that trigger strong feelings when you
say or think of them.
5) What's the real world, symbolic "icon" of your dream or fantasy coming
true? What one thing would happen "out in reality" that would tell you
that your dream has come be real? Again, focus on powerful, emotional
descriptions, words, and images.
There is probably one thing in that scene that symbolises the whole
thing coming true
6) What's the real world, symbolic "icon" of your nightmare coming true?
What would happen "in reality" that would indicate that your worst fear
was coming true, and what's the icon that would represent that
Again there is probably one thing in that scene that symbolises the
whole thing coming true
• Use The 5 Whys Technique
• For example, if you were practising for 20 years for the Olympics, and you see
the scene of you getting the medal and so forth, the iconic image that would
mean all the rest of it happened would be the Gold Medal.
• In any scene where you know the reality has come true, there's an icon of the
reality coming true of the manifestation.
• The hunk of metal (which may not even be gold) isn't the important thing, it's the
symbolically attached meaning we give things.
• The icon of the Olympic medal not coming true might be the bronze medal
hanging around your neck.
• To you, you might love getting bronze, but practising 20's what it
means to THEM that's important.

• 5 Whys Technique leading to
1) Why do you want to make a difference in people’s lives?
"Because she feels very blessed in her life and has that choice to do so”
2) What do you think will happen if you help other people?
“It will help other people be secure”
3) Why do you want to help people feel secure?
“a feeling of purpose
4) Why do you need a purpose?
“I need a purpose because I don't have any structure in my life"
• What’s the symbol of you not having structure?
Symbolic icon out in reality that represents this sentence:
Her Bed (her bed is linked up at a deep level with needing a purpose and
• When she thinks about Her Bed and Needing structure and purpose she feels
she wants a reason to get out of bed that energizes her and draws her out into
the world again
• "Now, when I say: I really want to help you put some structure in your life so you
can find your purpose so you have a reason to get out of bed how do you feel?"
Now, we don't REALLY know what she means when she says the words
'structure' 'purpose' and 'bed' BUT what we do know is that if we say 'I want to
help you put some structure in your life so you can find your purpose so you
have a reason to get out of bed' that we have her full and complete attention
and her thinking we can help her cause no one else has figured this thing out
and even she hadn't figured it out that way.
• So ask: What's the real reason behind all this stuff? What's really going on
underneath? What's the reason and what's the payoff? And how do you know
you got it? What's the emotional image and the icon within that image that lets
you know the nightmare is coming true and lets you know the dream is coming
true? What's the icon that triggers the torrent of emotion (e.g. the bronze medal
and the gold medal)?
• We can rationalise anything to ourselves and is very hard to dislodge
ourselves from it
• Once we get a model in our mind of the way things are and the way we want
them to be, we justify, rationalize, explain, and convince other people to see it the
way we've got it.
We've all got this.
This whole exercise is an exercise in what you're battling in you. If you can
see this part of yourself and you can breakthrough that and let it go and get
down to reality, then we can make a lot of progress.

Session 2 of 15: Your Customer Avatar

• Ask: what is the one image that triggers that torrent of emotion that I feel about
the subject?

EXERCISE: Creating Your Customer Avatar (6 Questions):

• Developing a "character" or mental image that represents the "average" of all
your prospective customers is one of the most important exercises you can do to
create successful marketing strategies and communications.
• By creating a Customer Avatar, you can then imagine what it would be like to
experience life as that person which gives you the opportunity to "walk in their
shoes" and also allows you to discover their fears, frustrations, wants,
aspirations and "emotional hot buttons".
• Begin by answering the following questions...
1) What are the "demographic" commonalities of your ideal customers?
Are more of them male or female? How old are they? What kinds of
jobs do they have? How much money do they make?
2) What are the "psychographics" commonalities of your ideal customers?
(In other words their inner reality) What are their fears and frustrations
in life? What are their desires and aspirations?
3) What do you customers have in common?
(Get creative here. Do they like the same music? Do they share a
political view? Do they have an experience that they've all shared?)
4) If you had to sum up the "story" of your ideal customer's life as they
tell it – how would it go?
5) What would be an ideal NAME for your customer? What name
epitomizes your customer?
6) What's a day in the life of your ideal customer like? Narrate it, from their
We are creating a character here, and soon we will do an exercise to
inhabit this character and answer questions from it.

How To Think About The Customer Avatar:

• This is about creating a person that you will inhabit
• In terms of a Customer Avatar, if you split all 100 of your customers, each person
individually, into 10,000 pieces of components ... you're really trying to see what
pieces of the 10,000 overlap as being in common with all 100 customers.
• Out of the 10,000, maybe only 12 overlap among all 100 customers.
• It may be weird overlaps too. This makes up your composite customer avatar.
• You chop off all the things they don't have in common and only stay focused on
the difference that makes a difference on the elements they have in common
that matter.
• Those are the emotional elements. So, even though 12 pieces if an incomplete
person as opposed to 10,000 everything you say within the range of 12 pieces
will resonate with ALL your customers, and they will feel like you're talking JUST
• And you name this 'avatar'. This isn't to marginalize people, but rather to
relate and understand.
• Now, to integrate the Exercise above together...

EXERCISE: Your Customer Avatar's Ultimate Scenario (1 Question):

• We learn an important skill at 4 years old. We learn to EMPATHIZE.
• Most of us never practice this skill proactively, so we experience only a fraction of
the value and benefit we could get from this amazing skill.
• To practice, write a narrative, from your customer's perspective telling the story of
being in a painful, frustrating situation without knowing what to do...then
discovering the valuable solution that YOU offer...taking advantage of it...and
then experiencing the benefit.
Focus on irrational, emotional fears, fantasies, and drivers and the emotions
felt once the solution is found and realized.
1) Describe your Customer Avatar's Ultimate Scenario here in narrative
form – in their words, from their perspective
Focus on the feelings
• The theory of mind is that we developed intelligence to deceive and detect
The ego uses this to figure out who to get something from someone else
We can reclaim the use of this power for good
• Once you've done the Ultimate Scenario exercise, mark off the parts that
are emotional and irrational (nothing to do with logic or reality).
Underline these.
• Now, look over the narrative and find maybe a paragraph that represents
the heart of the matter.
• You've really getting down to it and connecting with where that customer is at,
where that receiver of your marketing message is at, where you're really
identifying those scenes and icons and elements that are irrational and
emotional, and you're really hitting them home and getting it.
• Find that section and put parenthesis around it.
• So in Customer Avatar Ultimate Scenario exercise, you pretend you're them and
tell the story in their words (aka your words) of being in an emotionally
challenging, frustrating situation, trying to integrate some of what we've worked
on above, how they found you and your solution, and then their experience of
using it (again focusing on the irrational and emotional and on some of these
iconic images and emotional scenes).
• Also, in terms of the Exercise above, when you talk to a customer’s Emotions,
if you talk to the REAL WORLD (something that happens symbolically in
the real world) so that they know that their greatest fear or greatest dream
is coming true...that tangible thing creates a bridge that creates an instant
rapport or connection and allows them to understand you get it and are in
that reality with them.
• Talking to the Olympic athlete, it's one thing to say "Imagine how it will feel when
you achieve your ultimate goal, you'll have that feeling of domination of the rest
of your competitors", but it's another thing stop the abstraction and stop losing
them and just say "Gold Medal" and the go, that's it.
Now, a Gold Medal for one athlete might mean or symbolize conquering their
inner demons while for another it might be fame or recognition from other
people, BUT GOLD happens to be the external thing that means 'You got
there and we all know it'.

The Omega Point Archetypal Symbol:

• It's as if you have Past and Future and the Past has all these streams of events,
thoughts, ideas, emotions, that are all coming together, and in the Future there
are all these paths everyone is going to go on emotional, physical, into their
life...and right between the two is this unifying omega point, that before you get
there is acting like this great attractor in a way...and that is this external iconic
thing that's out here in reality, that when that thing happens or it materializes,
each of your customers says 'that's it!' and they have that feelingHH

• In the dating advice world, for a product about getting a man engaged in the
relationship again, the tangible verifiable thing that indicates you're losing the
man (you haven't lost him yet but it calls up all the fears), and it's the man in a
conversation with you and he looks away a little too long and it triggers the whole
sequence of events that is the 'button' that 'she's losing him'.
• That means she thinks she's probably going to lose him, and that calls up all
kinds of feelings of insecurity.
• Another idea for this analogy of Past streams towards an Omega point leading to
Future streams is using the Olympic athlete.
• From back in the stream all these events are coming together at the Olympics
and the potential Olympic medallist is thinking 'If "that" happens, life is going
to go in this certain direction" and they have all these hopes and idealized
fantasies around what is going to happen.
• And that one little point...that one thing...if that comes real, then they have this
irrational emotional faith or confidence or hope that that's it and then their life will
go on this path that they're hoping it goes and everything will be okay. BUT, if
that 'thing' is absent and not in their future, then it's going to go in this whole
other direction.
• And somehow these simple little things like a Gold or Bronze Medal, or a man
glancing for an extra half of second too long that external event that happens
out there...that archetypal picture or has so much meaning.
• There's always one of these. And that's the thing we're looking for and really
trying to zoom in. And then getting more details with this until you find the
ultimate leverage point.
We can deeper into this and look at how the medal is placed on the
person or the way they stand on the platform
• First you must 'find the sign that the omen was arrived', so to speak.

• Apathy (Not tangible) > Grades go down, Teacher calls from school, Child walks
through the room without looking at you, Changes their appearance, Call their
name and they don't answer (Tangible EXTERNAL omens).
• There's a difference between 'I feel like a winner' and 'I got a gold medal on'
(external tangible concrete measurable).
We can't all agree on apathy.
But we can all agree on 'standing on the platform with the gold medal on'.
We'd all know whether or not that's happening, but not 'They're a winner'.
We don't know what that means.
• The key idea here: Making the leap from In Here to Out There.
• From Internal, Conceptual, Abstract TO External, Material, We All See It, We
All Know What It Is, Clarity On The External Event.
• Turn the iconic thing into something tangible. Nothing is like "showing them the
spoon". Nothing is even close. The click of being in the same reality occurs, your
trustable, just the right amount of weird, and you're in there together.
• When you don't show them the spoon, you might go back and forth and
even get close, but it's nothing like showing them the spoon. The spoon
exists externally. It's not internal.
• Once you've got the external 'thing' or 'event' you can ask: "when do they stop
looking at you?" > "when the child comes home from school they walk past you
and don't make eye contact" –
“Has your child stop looking at you” is a bit weird but when you say “Has your
child started walking past you after coming home from school without making
eye contact, and you sense there might be a problem?" is much more
so now "stop looking at you" becomes situational, eye contact, and a specific
time, and if this is the one that is the intersection of all the realities and you
make a headline that says "Has your child stopped looking at you in the eye
when they come home from school?" or "Has your child started walking past
you after coming home from school without making eye contact, and you
sense there might be a problem?"
• If you're that parent, and that's the right iconic experience, you'll get that feeling
in your gut of “Uh oh I thought this was bad but it might be worse than I think
and they will read everything you have to say.
• What we're looking for is seamlessness in the ability to communicate in a way
that makes you feel emotions. You know how to feel, not logically, but because
they know all the buttons to push inside of you.
• Romance Fantasy novels have certain themes that push on woman’s buttons
that they enjoy having pushed on so they are consumed. It's not an accident.
• So when you're communicating, marketing, thinking like your customers we're
not trying to find the abstract or "If you feel pain you should buy my thing" we're
trying to find out what spoon is so we can show it to them so they go "somebody
understands, somebody gets it", and the spoon joins those two realities and
opens up the wormhole to those two realities.
• It’s like the actor acting out a scene and making you feel emotion
They don’t look at the screen and say “feel love”.

Compassion, Ego, and Relating:

• Walking a mile in another persons shoes so you can feel what they're feeling or
empathy compassion can be thought of as proactive empathy, and the most
valuable and profitable skill is Compassion...really getting into the other persons'
• Compassion.
Seeing from another perspective and taking another perspective.
• A theory here based on conjecture but: It seems that the ego grabs this skill and
uses it for its own means.
(It takes an understanding of what a person is thinking and does a thing over
on the other side to manipulate the person).
• The theory of mind suggests we don't operate on what another person says or
does, but rather based on what we think they're thinking. (e.g. kind of looking at
them to see 'are you telling the truth?' etc)
• No one has really figured out why we got so smart and intelligent and all the
other animals didn't get this smart. One theory of the evolutionary development of
our brain and our level of intelligence is that the primary purpose of the
intelligence and all these mechanisms is to deceive and to detect deception, and
we're well armed to do this. And primates and humans are constantly deceiving
themselves, and others, and detecting deception and playing all these political
games around it. No one wants to really say this because we have an idealized
view of 'I don't do that'.
• But, Ebens’ opinion is that, the ego grabs this ability, uses that theory of mind to
imagine what the other person is thinking, and then figures out 'okay how do I
say what I have to say in order to get what I need from them'. Reclaim this
natural ability or talent we all have, and use it for good, with intention, and with
consciousness. So doing the customer avatar exercise and writing the customer
avatars' ultimate scenario, and we focus on the feelings, we're reclaiming this
power. It often happens unconsciously, and it's so powerful to just take a minute
to imagine what it's like to be that other human being, really get into what they're
going through and where they're coming from, and get to that magic place of
getting what it's like to be them and all their motivations and perspective and go
'Oh of course! If I was experiencing what they're experiencing, I'd be doing that
same thing. That makes perfect sense. Now I understand.' At that point we can
start communicating and really build trust and rapport.

Session 3 of 15: The Marketing Starting Point

EXERCISE: The Marketing Starting Point:

• This is the starting point or orienting point when creating a new niche, a new
marketing piece, a new headline or basically any new marketing strategy or
• Start by listing your prospective customer's Fears & Frustrations (what worries
them and gives them anxiety), then list your customer's Wants & Aspirations
(what outcomes do they want).
Attach something tangible & real world
• Focus on the emotional and irrational, as this is where the power and leverage is.

Fears & Frustrations | Wants & Aspirations

• Focus on the tangible. Focus on the irrational.
• And twice as much weight should be given to Fear, Pain, Loss motivations.
So camp out in their nightmares and connect on pain.
• If you connect on pain they will trust you more and will be more likely to buy to
get out of the pain, and over the long term if you have integrity they will come to
trust you more and more.
Pain will motivate more than pleasure
• Identify 2 Fears & Frustrations from the list above with the highest emotional
value, and 1 Want & Aspiration with the highest emotional value.
Three Fundamental Motivations And Two Fundamental Directions:
• Power, Affiliation, and Achievement.
• People motivated by Power are looking for influence and control and to be at
cause in the world.
• People motivated by Affiliation are motivated by love, approval, acceptance
from others.
• Those motivated by Achievement are motivated by getting a particular result
or an outcome, making progress in an area.
• Talking a persons language is VERY important, so don't bias the issue by simply
projecting your own language.
Don’t treat them like they are just like us
• Further, we can add in Toward and Away From (Fear and Desire) motivations to
Power, Affiliation, and Achievement. We explained Toward Power, Affiliation, and
Achievement above.
• Now let's look at Towards for each Motivation. Towards Power Motivation
moves towards power.
• Example: Diver
Talk to them about feeling the power of diving off the board and the
influence they have on the audience and the control they have of
Hear the roar of the crowd
Executing the perfect dive with all the right spins and cut the water
• You need to build both move towards and move away muscles
Example is the telegraph poles in a crash
• 80% of people are problem solving orientated and 20% are motivated by
goal setting
• Now let's look at Away From for each Motivation.
• Away From Power Motivation moves away from the loss of power.
They don't want to lose power, they don't want to become less significant,
less influential and they particularly don't want their social status lowered and
social status means place in the hierarchy where they can tell other human
chimps what to do.
• An Away From Affiliation Motivation moves away from rejection, away from
loss of approval, away from disapproval.
They don't want to do anything to piss another person off or upset another
human being or make someone feel bad because they're afraid that person
will reject them.
• An Away From Achievement Motivation moves away from failure so they'll do
anything to not fail or not appear like they failed.
• With 2/3rds of people Away From Motivated, it makes peoples actions to save
face or persona or hold onto their ego centric role, all their actions make sense
when you understand they'll do anything not to lose social status & power, or do
anything not to be disapproved of or rejected, or do anything not to fail.
• Start the program with you whys with away & towards motivators
If you learn this stuff you will get more power
If you don’t learn this stuff you will lose power
If you learn this stuff you will more love and approval & affiliation
If you don’t learn this stuff you will lose approval and get rejected
If you learn this stuff you will get the results you want
If you don’t learn this stuff you will fail
As you get more specific relative to your business with these, it really starts
connecting up and they feel you're in their reality with them.

EXERCISE: Focusing Fears And Aspirations (6 Filters):

• Choose the two most powerful motivators from your "Fears & Frustrations" list,
and your one most powerful motivator from your "Wants & Aspirations" lists to
start with.
• Next, we're going to run these three motivators through the three types of human
motivation "layers": Power, Affiliation and Achievement (based on research by
David McClelland at Harvard)... and we're going to use both the "Toward" and
"Away From" aspects of each.
• Power: Authority, Influence, Control
• Affiliation: Love, Friendship, Acceptance
• Achievement: Goal Attainment, Accomplishment, Progress
1) Phrase Your 3 Emotional Motivators In "Toward Power" Language
2) Phrase Your 3 Emotional Motivators In "Away From Loss Of Power"
3) Phrase Your 3 Emotional Motivators In "Toward Affiliation" Language
4) Phrase Your 3 Emotional Motivators In "Away From Rejection"
5) Phrase Your 3 Emotional Motivators In "Toward Achievement"
6) Phrase Your 3 Emotional Motivators In "Away From Failure" Language
• Try to boil it down to a simple equation of TANGIBLE SYMBOL = MOTIVATION
WORD, this can speed up the process (e.g. Eye Contact = Power)
• Keep drilling down
• Example:
I want my child to come home from school and look me in the eye
So I know I am in control of them
Eye contact = control
It makes me feel like I am losing control of my child
So that I feel like they love me
Eye contact = love
I feel like they don’t love me anymore
That will allow me to know they know the etiquette they need to get into
That will allow me to know that they don’t know the etiquette they need to get
into college

• Contractors not being able to pay their employees so they can’t in turn feed their
You know that feeling when you get to the end of the month and can’t make
And then tell a story about one of their employees
• Being misquoted in the media
How specifically will they be misquoted?
Business executive misquoted in interview – loses election/career
destroyed/stock price plummets (away from affiliation)
Session 4 of 15
So far:
1) We first warmed up by who our customer avatar was and what they were feeling
2) Fear and frustrations and wants and aspirations
3) 6 sermons
4) Now it’s the deep dive

The Marketing Rosetta Stone System

• The Marketing Rosetta Stone System is a series of in depth questions, a system
of layered refinements and focusing methods, and a set of formulas that Eben
personally uses to create powerful, attention getting headlines and
communications that grab the attention of your ideal customer.
• This exercise takes the Customer Avatar exercise to a deeper level. As you
answer these questions, imagine you ARE your Customer Avatar.
• The questions are phrased as if they are being asked of your customers, so
answer them AS your customer.

Part I: Orientation Questions

1) What do you think your "obvious" problem is?
2) What do you think the "obvious" solution is?
3) What are you betting will happen?
4) How are you trying to solve the problem right now, but it's not working?
5) What's the story that you're telling yourself about the situation and how it will
work out?

Part I: Orientation Questions Explanation:

• 1 and 2: Your customer has a view of what they think the problem and solution is.
They're wrong, but you can't tell them they're wrong.
We need to get into their reality.
• 3: Everyone assumes it will go a certain way and they live into their life as if this
is the way it's going to turn out
They place bets this way
• 4: We're all trying to solve the problem and it's not working, so how are you doing
it and how is it not working
• 5: We all have this fantasy of how it will all work out fine and 'I got this handled',
so what's that story you are telling yourself
Part II: Your Mental Reality
• Next, we’re going to dive deeper into the “Mental Reality” of the customer. Stay
focused on the irrational, emotional reality that your customer is living in. Again,
read and answer each of these questions AS YOUR CUSTOMER AVATAR.
1) What do you keep telling yourself about your situation over & over?
2) What pictures do you make repeatedly about your situation?
3) What are you not facing or admitting to yourself?
4) Where are you imagining things to make yourself feel better?
5) Where are you actually actively deceiving yourself?
6) Where is your inner conflict over this?
7) What is the fantasy that you hide out in that comforts you and protects you –
and acts as your "bubble" so you don't have to face the cold, hard reality of
the situation?

Part II: Your Mental Reality Explanation:

• Most of this stuff is unconscious. We tell ourselves this stuff without really
thinking about it

Part III: Your Greatest Fears

• Next. We’ve already practiced with the Fear & Frustration exercise. Now it’s time
to dive into the deeper “away from” fear motivators that your customer is
experiencing. Try to answer as “radically honestly” as you possibly can to find the
most powerful motivators that your customer is experiencing.
1) What do you secretly fear might be true?
2) What do you secretly fear might happen?
3) What do you worry about happening?
When in bed at night what can you not stop yourself worrying about
4) What do you not look at, because it triggers too much fear?
You can’t even look at it
5) What’s the worst case scenario?
6) What’s a worst case scenario that’s FAR worse than your current worst case
7) What, if you found out it was true, experienced it, learned about it, or
discovered it would CONFIRM your fear – and trigger a much greater
motivation to act?
8) How do you fear that others would react if they found out about your
9) What do you fear might fail in your life if your situation continues or gets
10) Where will you lose power, influence and control in life if things don’t change
– or they get worse?

Part III: Your Greatest Fears Explanation:

• Notice how we’re adding a level of subtlety to all of these questions. We hit the
gross with ‘What’s Your Biggest Fear and Frustration?’ and now we’re going to
come in much more subtly but more powerfully.
• 1:....The child that doesn’t make eye contact might be high
• 6: Hbecause the worst case scenario you’re thinking is nothing compared to how
bad it could be
You think that is bad (and this is what they think is the worst thing) but it’s only
the beginning here’s all the things it will trigger....
• 7: H what it was confirmed that 97% of children that don’t make eye contact with
their children are taking hard drugs?
• 8: Hthis bridges outside of ourselves into the other human being and this can
achieve a lever that is a thousand feet long.
If you’re the one worried about your child being on drugs, who cares about
them being on drugs?
What if the school found out your child was on drugs?
• 10: H notice this talks about Power, Affiliation, Achievement

Part IV: Your Ultimate Fantasy

• Now we’ll turn back to the “positive motivation” side. Answer the following
questions, again from the perspective of your Customer AvatarH
1) What do you wish was true?
2) What do you hope is true?
3) What are you betting on being true?
4) What’s the “dream solution” that you’d pay almost anything for?
5) If it could happen perfectly, how would that story go?
6) What, if you found out it was true, experienced it, learned about it, or
discovered it would CONFIRM your intuition that your “best case” scenario
was true, that there’s hope, and that you CAN do itHand would trigger a
much greater motivation to act and to buy?
7) How will others respond to you if you get this situation “fixed” in an ideal way?
8) What will you be able to do, get or achieve if your fantasy situation comes
9) Where will you become more powerful and influential in life if your fantasy
situation becomes reality?
Part IV: Your Ultimate Fantasy
• Now we delve deeper into a subtle view of the positive motivation. Again, subtle,
subtle, subtleH
• 1: What do you just wish was the truth
Probably not but I wish it was
• 2: A wish is a fantasy, it very well might not be but I wish it was. Hope is where ‘it
might be’ and ‘I really hope that it is’. Hope is closer than wish.
I hope it is
• 3: This is closer than hope because they’re actually living into in their life betting
on it being true.
The parent whose child doesn’t make eye contact, it’s a phase and it may
freak them out, but they’re betting everything is going to work out okay and
• 4: In other words, what’s the Magic Pill you’d do ANYTHING for
For the Parent, “if they could just give me a pill and my kid would make eye
contact with me and smile every time they see me, I’d do anything for that”.
Now, that might not actually solve the problem! But people in pain and
desperate don’t know that. They just want the pill. We think very short term in
the fear cycle.
• 5: Remember their summary of the Ultimate Scenario?
• 6: So, what if you learned that there was a pill that when you give it to your child,
you give it to any 12 year old child, 97% of the time it makes them make eye
contact and smile at the parent when they see them?
“I didn’t even know that exists! There’s hope! I need to get this!”
• 9: Hagain, Power, Affiliation, Achievement on the positive side, a little more

Part V: The Ultimate Leverage Points

• In the next exercise we’re going to find the highest leverage points within the
answers we’ve generated in the previous exercises.
• We’re now going to look for the elements INSIDE of the Fears, Frustrations,
Wants, Aspirations, etc that are the “icons” or symbols that trigger the strongest
emotional responses and motivations.
• These are the ultimate “levers” that you’ll be using to design your marketingH
1) What’s the iconic, symbolic evidence, event, experience that PROVES your
greatest fear is happening?
2) What’s the evidence, event, experience that proves your ultimate fantasy is
coming true?
3) What are the words, phrases and stories that most perfectly capture,
characterize, connote, communicate the icon of your fear?
4) What are the words, phrases and stories that capture, characterize, connote,
communicate the icon of your fantasy?
5) What images capture, characterizes, connotes, communicates the icon of your
greatest fear?
6) What images capture, characterizes, connotes, communicates the icon of your
ultimate fantasy?
7) How would someone need to “tailor” their communication to you so that you
could believe that your greatest fear icon was coming true – and make it
8) How would someone need to “tailor” their communication to you so that you
could believe that your ultimate fantasy icon was coming true – and make it

Part V: The Ultimate Leverage Points

• Now we bring it home and start zooming in on those hot buttons and subtle
leversHwe learned about the external and about the symbol or icon that this
reality is coming true or going in a certain direction
• 1: What’s the piece of evidence that says ‘this is really going on’
• 2: What’s that one thing that happens where you go *gasp*, like when you
scratch off and see ‘You’ve won $10,000’, you see it, there it is. You don’t have
the $10K yet, but that indicates you’re going to get it.
• 3 and 4: So now we’re not just looking for the icon of fear, but we’re looking for
the words, phrases, stories that capture it, describe itHthe connotationH
Again, what are the words and phrases that mean that thingH
• 5 and 6: So we were just talking about the words that describe the icon, and now
we’re describing the words that describe the SCENE that the icon is in.
• So, 3 and 4, we’re talking about the Gold Medal. And, 5 and 6, we’re talking
about scene the Gold Medal appears within.
You might describe the weight of the medal sitting on your chest. The scene,
we might be describing the roar of the audience and applause that’s coming.
In other words, we have the Content (3 and 4) and Context (5 and 6)
• 7 and 8: This is a multi layered/level question, but it’s really saying is – if you’re
this fearful and scared potential customer who has this problem and feels
isolated and don’t know what to do about itHif an expert showed up and said
some things to you, what would they need to say to you so you could
believe them and believe what they were saying, you could believe their
How would they need to put it?
What kind of spin would they have to put on the ball so you said ‘Oh they do
get it, they understand’
Would they need to say ‘I went through your exact same issue’?
Would your story be needed and exact description of the situation you had in
your life so they could say ‘gasp someone else has been through this!’
and then would you need to give them some of the solution so they could trust
Conversion story
• And same thing with question 8, except on the positive side.
How do they need to tailor their communication and modify it so when the
show up and say ‘that little iconic thing you’ve moving toward or is appearing
in your life – that’s real.
And I’ve been through that, and I can help you achieve it. I can help you get
what you want.’
• So, why the arduous process system of questioning?
• Because we don’t talk about these things with other people and THESE ARE
THE THINGS THAT DRIVE US! Our secret fear might be that a friend might
reject us and not like me.
• So, in the dynamic, with everyone, we’re doing all these little things and saying
things and positioning everything we’re doing so that person thinks we’re cool.
And that’s the game we’re playing. But we haven’t looked at it. We’ve never
really said. Everyone knows it because they can see us but we can’t see
• And when we force ourselves to think this way, we uncover all sorts of Gold.
• Once you drill all the way down and find the gold nugget, you go ‘There it is!
THAT’S the thing motivating these people. That’s the thing that is REALLY
driving them. That’s what I got to focus on’.
• That’s when you discover the “Child walks by without making eye contact.
They’re on drugs.” That’s where find that equation. In these questions.
• Sometimes, you must ask these questions for WEEKS, back and forth, ask real
people these questions, look at it in your mind, continually trying to find that
one little symbolic thing, that event, or that thing that happens out in reality
and people see it and go ‘Oh! There it is.’
• KEY POINT: Everything you’ve done above can act as the marketing source
material or you for years to come. You’ve considered your customer and gotten
inside your customers shoes and considered their perspective more than most
• Woman with back pain fears surgery
• Economy is going bad
Even if we had used fear in a good economic climate it would still work
because people feel they never have enough and maybe more to lose
• Person thinking their video will go viral and they’ll never have to worry about
product launches again
• Someone who is lying to their wife about losing their job might be confiding in a
work colleague instead and having an affair with them
• “Losing respect” is in the mind & abstract but moving back in with your family is
out here in reality
• Not being able to respond to your wife about where is the money
Not knowing is often more stressful than getting the bad news
The lengthy eye contact – asking eyes
The look that says “I don’t know if I can make the bills”

Session 5 of 15:

Targeting “High Emotion” Value Words And Phrases And Creating An Emotional

EXERCISE: Targeting High "Emotion Value" Words & Phrases:

• The difference in "emotional value" between two words or two phrases is typically
Most people have no idea just how different these values can be.
• A $1 bill and a $100 bill are printed on the same paper with the same ink. It's the
"message" on the bill that makes all the difference.
• By learning to differentiate the emotional values and "motivation" values of words
and phrases, you can dramatically increase your response and conversion in the
marketing world.
1) List the strongest "Emotional Hot Button" words and phrases from the
previous exercises (List at least 20)
2) Next, value each word or phrase above on a subjective scale (in other words,
take your best guess) at the "Emotional Hot Button Value" of each word and
phrase on a scale from 1 100 (with 1 being very low emotional value and 100
being the highest emotional value).
Just write a number next to each word or phrase, based on your
guess. Notice the wide variation in values.
As you use these different words and phrases in the future, think of
them like money. You can use the ones that are worth $1 or you can
use the ones that are worth $100.
• The difference between two words can be the difference in value between $100
bill and a $1 bill. For example, what's the difference between the similar meaning
words "Procedure" and "Surgery"?
Do they REALLY mean the same thing?
• So, go back through your Fear & Frustrations and Wants & Aspirations, your
Rosetta Stone questions, and pluck out the words and phrases that have high
emotional value.
Notice, they're probably not words like "Afraid" since that is this inner
abstract thing, and "Surgery" is that external thing that triggers a gasp
and a well of emotion.
• If you were given a bill with a free hand at writing, put whatever denomination
you wanted on it, you'd pick the highest denomination possible, but when it
comes to using words we use lots of variation, free expression, etc
• It doesn't occur to us that we can put the value on the bill, so you should put
$100 there, not $1 or $27 or $32. Find the $100 communication and hammer
that thing home over and over again because that's what works and gets the
• Pay attention to the ones with high emotional value since those are the ones that
get you the return and turn into $100 bills, not $1 bills.
• Much like in a gold ore refineryH we know there is gold in the junk and
eventually out of the ore refining process all the junk goes by the wayside and
out the bottom a little bit of pure 24k gold comes out...that little concentrated high
value thing....
THIS IS WHAT WE'RE DOING RIGHT NOW. But were doing it with words,
symbols, knowledge and ideas.
• Once you've thrown everything into the top and gone through the Rosetta Stone
process and refined it down to the kernel...once you have the essence that
pushes the hot button of the customer...YOU CAN DO A LOT OF THINGS WITH
• Once you've got it, it turns into all sorts of valuable uses and applications that are
possible with it. We end up using that pure communication, the pure message, in
several variations. But the essence of it is it's gold.
And once it's gold, it goes on to become cool things. But until you go through
the process we've gone through, you don't know what's gold and what isn't.
• Now, there's a layer we can't do in this program called "Testing". That is when
you find out what you got. So we have to add testing to this...but conceptually,
this is what's going on.
EXERCISE: Creating An Emotional Equation:
• As Einstein said (paraphrased): "Make everything as simple as possible, but no
• Now we are going to simplify our emotional motivators to the ultimate level of
• Start with an emotional motivator or trigger a sign, event, symbol or
"icon" that means that a fear or fantasy is coming true.
• Next, list what that sign MEANS (and remember: focus on EMOTIONAL "hot
button" meanings).
Limit yourself to a maximum of a few words to describe each.
• As an example, a woman who suspects that her husband might be cheating may
see a "sign" or "icon" of this fear seeing her husband watching another woman
while she's talking to him.
In this case, to HER, the equation is "Him watching another woman = He is
cheating on me."
• Most likely the high "emotion value" words or phrases in the exercise before this
one that points to an icon or an event or an external is most likely the Sign. It
may be the meaning, but most likely it's the sign.
• We need both element of the equation. So, go through your list and choose those
that have the highest emotion value and leave everything else behind.
• There may be 1, 2, 4, but just choose the highest emotion value. Then write
down what the Sign is and write down what the Meaning is.


• People want to sell the house for more money, pay less commissions, see the
house will be certainly sold
all logic and no good
• Not selling home = trapped & stuck with the house
Bankrupt if value of house goes way down
Bankrupt is an emotional word
No one just wants money, they want to do something with the money
Why do they want money?
I want a bigger house
Why do you want a bigger house?
To be more important
Buy bigger house = feel more important
Refurb house = impress friends and family = kids love them more = not
get ripped off
• Make a mistake
• They fear if they can’t get the house sold then they will be ripped off
River Oaks homeowners ripped off by Real Estate Agent
River Oaks homeowners how to avoid being ripped off by Real Estate Agent
• Save money, buy more, pay less is not unique or pull them in
They are logical
• Universal is the enemy of good marketing

EXERCISE EXAMPLES – Alcoholic Woman:

• Drunken hook up – never call again
• Broken condom – am I safe?


• Vibrator = I'll Never Get Married

EXERCISE EXAMPLES – Speaker Product Launches:

• The symbol of bankruptcy is firing their staff
• Bankruptcy = National Public Humiliation
EXERCISE EXAMPLES – Home Study Electronics
• What strikes terror into these people or inspires incredible passion?
• Sign they are heading towards their fear which is manual labour
Bad grades = Hard manual labour
• Sign they are heading towards their desire which is
• Look for the TOP GUN JET
That’s why people join the air force
• Home study electronics course = high income
• Play Video Games = Get Paid Lots of Money; Design The Thing That The
Games Run On = Get Paid
We're looking for the thing where the reaction is 'THAT is what I'm supposed
to be doing!'
We're looking for the version of 'Get Paid to Mystery Shop'
• This is about where they're at in their minds and emotions. This isn't about
reality. What pushes the emotional hot button? What is that equation?
Everyone's got one.

Session 6 of 15:

EXERCISE: The Marketing Rosetta Stone 7 Layer Refinement Process

• This is a check list to run the previous stuff through
• Review the in depth questions you’ve answered “as your customer” along with
the powerful headlines that you’ve designed. Now choose the single most
powerful emotional headline that you’ve written.
This would ideally be the most power Sign from the last exercise. That
hot button motivator or symbol or word or sign that image that triggers
their fear immediately.
• Next, run it through these 7 layers to refine it into an irresistible message.
• What we are doing is stripping off and focusing even more and making it more
emotionally powerful and in a more ‘show them the spoon’ format where it’s
unmistakable and pushes the button.

EXERCISE: The 7 Key Psychological Marketing Refinement Layers:

1) Message Focus: Get, keep, increase attention and motivation by focusing on
what the customer really WANTS.
Results/Outcomes vs. Process:
Benefits vs. Features:
What result do they get, the external thing they get?
What are the benefits to the customer, what do they experience?
Benefits are the internal thing they get from the result
2) Message Context: “Get into” the real world of matter and events, not conceptual
External vs. Internal:
Verifiable vs. Unverifiable:
Personal satisfaction is internal & unverifiable
$100 is external & verifiable
3) Emotional Domain: Focus on the older, emotionally motivated part of the brain
& experience.
Irrational vs. Rational:
Emotional vs. Logic:
It’s not about logic, something is triggered and all these thoughts and
feelings come up
If you don’t have emotion then you don’t trigger buying behaviour
4) Communication Quality: The enemy of powerful marketing is generality and
Specific vs. General:
Tangible vs. Intangible:
Drill down to the specific
Concrete and in reality
5) Communicate Quantity: Measurable motivates more than immeasurable.
Fast vs. Slow:
Low Cost/Risk vs. High Cost/Risk:
Weight loss vs lose 14lbs in 90 days
Guaranteed – great but must be combined with other things
6) Communicate Confidence: Provide the tangible proof that your claim is real
Proven vs. Questionable:
Evidence vs. Opinion:
Testimonials or imply these things
Case Studies
7) Message Clarity: Get one simple idea across in a way that can’t be
Simple vs. Complex:
Clear vs. Confusing:
Surgery is clear vs procedure
If 10 people were to read your ad then they would all agree on it
Should have only one meaning
Exercise Explanation: The 7 Key Psychological Marketing Refinement Layers
• 1: Do not fall in love with the process, but rather the Result the customer is going
to get.
Don’t fall in love with the feature that is usually the product, instead of the
benefit the customer gets.
So results are the outcomes, and benefits are whatever the end user
experiences from that.
You might think of the result as the External thing and the Benefit as the
Internal thing that comes from the process. Orient around Result and Benefit.
Air conditioning in a car
• 2: Is ‘personal satisfaction’ external and verifiable? No. But ‘They will get a $100
bill’ that is external and verifiable.
• 3: Finding something external and verifiable but that also triggers the emotions –
like Surgery being verifiable if they take out a scalpel and cut you open, but it’s
also very emotional.
Irrational is more like something that is triggered and all these other thoughts
pop up and other complexes come up automatically.
And emotional is it triggers an emotion in the other person.
If you don’t have emotion, you don’t have buying behaviour and you will be
• 4: The line of question is getting more specific, more specific, etc
Keep going drilling and becoming more specific.
Tangible is concrete and in reality in some way.
• 5: Saying ‘lose a lot of weight’ is not ‘lose 20 pounds in 90 days’ since in the
latter there is a speed involved.
Some companies even name themselves ‘3 days blinds’.
Low cost, low risk is where Guarantee comes in, BUT it’s only powerful when
combined with the other things. Like ‘Fresh Hot Pizza Delivered In Under 30
Knowing the iconic buttons are getting pizza delivered cold, stale and the
driver never showing up, and you say ‘Fresh Hot Pizza In Under 30 Minutes
Guaranteed’, that’s when it becomes a powerful USP which is an order of
magnitude above Headline.
But the rest has to be there.
• 6: How do you communicate in a way that gives another person confidence in
How do you stand there and say stuff and another person feels more and
more like you’re confident and credible.
Well, Proven vs. Questionable. How do you communicate Proven?
Sometimes you have to imply these things.
Evidence vs. Opinion, there will be some evidence involved.
This is why Case Studies and Testimonials are so important.
Sometimes all of this can be done by showing a little testimonial or headline
that says ‘xyz actor loses 17 pounds in 90 days with Nutrisystem’, and it’s all
• 7: If at the end, it’s not like a laser beam with one way to understand this, then all
the rest is for not. If it’s said in a confusing way, all your time is wasted.
Simple is “Surgery”. Clear is “Surgery”.
Complex and Confusing is “Procedure”.
When we say the word “Surgery”, you think of someone with a knife cutting
into your body with it (with blood as an irrational fear). When we say
“Procedure” very many less people think of someone with a knife cutting into
a body. Simple tweak but it has to run through the Clarity meter.
• Take your Sign and run it through the 7 layers, and tweak it so
it’s a result,
a benefit,
irrational and emotional,
specific and tangible,
it’s low cost or low risk,
it’s proven,
there’s evidence,
it’s simple,
and it’s clear.
• Just keep tweaking it and messing with it and take it through the checklist. Refine
• Tweak it until it fits all of these. Whatever that signal is that the positive thing is
coming true or the negative thing is coming true – that indicator that causes a
gasp – run it through all 7.
• THEN you now have this thing which you go out and TEST since it is most likely
to attract your customers’ attention.

EXERCISE EXAMPLES – Building Contractor:

• Contractors if they don’t do anything in their business they could go bust
• They think I have failed
• The indicator is “ A Sheriff Shows Up With A Lien”
Result, benefit (negative version), consequence, external, verifiable,
irrational, emotional, specific and tangible, instant, high risk (flip around),
proven (how do you know it’s real that is lien shows up it will hose their
business), evidence (what is the evidence that this might happen? What
happens before they get the lien? it might be late payment notice which is
an indicator of fear that the business may be shut down), simple, and clear
• It might be just a late payment notice
• “I didn’t make progress today” vs “I’m going to wind up AloneH”
• An example of what we’re talking about here: Eben missed a text message
from a friend that said they were in an accident and needed to call Eben, and he
got the text much later and couldn’t get in touch with his friend and no one knew
where they wereHand he was up at night, but it wasn’t logical thoughts popping
up, it was thoughts he didn’t know where they were coming from.
And he was imagining scenarios of them being dead or in a gutter, like who
knows what kind of accident it could have been. His mind went everywhere
because he couldn’t even reach the people close to them. “Maybe they’re
hiding something from me? Maybe they’re all dead??” And he’s going through
his life thinking “and maybe this meant that”.

Examples of Types Of Things People Worry About Universally:

• “I’m going to get RejectedH
• Made Fun OfH
• Put In JailH
• Lose Something (Money, Friends)H
• My Spouse Is Going To Leave MeH
• My Child Is Going To Run AwayH

Extra Ideas:
• Ask: “What is the person worried about at nightH”
What do they think of before they go to sleep?
• The 3 Big Niches People Pay Money For Knowledge: Money, Relationship,
• Example: Backpain = Surgery
• We want to help people get fulfilment but if we want to attract them we can’t say
that because they won’t believe it

A Summary:
• Your prospective customer and a good client for your business, in their reality
they are experiencing fear and frustration and anxiety and may be experiencing
wants and aspirations too (but probably the fear, frustration, and anxiety will
be driving them more).
• There’s a picture, an icon, something that pushes that fear/anxiety (emotional)
button that’s very specific and most people wouldn’t think of
e.g. ‘husband looking at another woman while she’s talking to him’,
‘child walks in after school and doesn’t make eye contact’,
‘sheriff shows up with the lien’
this is the trigger whether it’s happening now, imaginary or in the future,
• It’s that external thing.
• That’s what we’re talking about and we want to figure out what that thing is for
them where they feel like they’re the only one in the world in that situation, the
only one in the world that’s having it happen or could have it happen so that
when you start talking about it they go “*gasp* that’s me”
on the fear side: “wow, someone understands me I’m isolated and afraid over
here, someone else gets me, I should reach out and talk to them”
and on the desire side: “yes! That’s exactly what I’ve been looking for and
they know how to help me get it!”.
• If you can describe their problem better than they can, they assume you know
the solution, and going both ways, if you can describe a persons goal or outcome
better than they can they will assume you know how to get there.
So we’re trying to get right down to the kernel, the essence.
• SOHWe’ve drilled down to find that 24k of gold nuggetHthe hot buttonHthe
thing that just triggers your prospect emotionally whether positively or
negativeHso nowH
• Here are 10 formulas you can use with whatever your hot button / emotional icon
of freakoutness.

EXERCISE: Attention Grabbing Communication Formulas: (10 formulas)

• These are some of the most powerful, universal, ‘archetypal’ formulas for
grabbing the attention of your prospective customer.
• Adapt each of them to your marketing by starting with a “Fear/Frustration” or
“Want/Aspiration” that has been run through the 7 Layer Refinement Process.
Think of these as hooks, lead, banner ad, headlines, article title, etc
1) “The thing that’s happening is a sign that your fear is coming true”
2) “What you feared might happen IS happening”
3) “What you hoped was possible IS possible”
4) “You were right all along, but that’s the problem”
5) “Something is being hidden from you, and you’re about to learn the
6) “You can fix your problem secretly”
7) “If you have this problem, then do this”
8) “Why trying the “obvious” common sense solution makes things
9) “Why it’s not your fault that this is happening to you and how to fix it”
10) “Why the standard approach doesn’t work – and what to do about it.”

Explanations Of AttentionCGrabbing Communication Formulas

• We’re taking out Hot Button and dressing it up in a way that a person reads it and
is just sucked into it. It grabs the ancient part of the brain, pushes the emotional
hot button, and they’re riveted and it speaks right to themH
• 1: If your child has started walking by you without making eye contact that could
mean they’re on drugs
You got to know the parent fears the drugs before you write that,
so these formulas are only to be used after you’re refined your message
• 4: Never make them wrong. If someone has intuition that they should get back
surgery but they feel they can put it off,
so you could say “How avoiding back surgery could lead to full
so it’s like you are with them and not making them wrong but ‘yes, you’re
okay, but there’s something else going on here that you never considered’.
A testimonial might read “I always thought I’d need back surgery one day, but
I put it off. It’s a good thing I talked to my doctor because they told me that if I
had waited much longer I could have ended up paralysed.”
And so ‘Ya I was right, I could put off back surgery, but whoa, I never thought
of that’
Saying to a person ‘You’re right, but there’s something you don’t get’, it builds
a certain type of rapport
• 6: Everyone is trying to do this anyway.
“How do get your kid to make eye contact with you without them knowing your
doing a technique on them”
• 8: A lot of people who don’t control their eating have a fantasy that they’re going
to go to the gym and working out, then I’ll be able to keep eating what I want to
eat but I’ll turn my fat into muscle and lose weight. “I’m not going to worry about it
and just work out more”.
So you could say to that person “Why gruelling exercise doesn’t work and
actually results in you gaining more weight”
And you might replace the word “weight” with “FAT”. Because Fat’s the thing,
not just weight.
• We can tweak the above up with more factors, such as Proven.
“Science proves exercise doesn’t help you lose weight. Actually results in
gaining more FAT”.
What do you say so your prospect says “I have never heard anything like this,
they get this, I have to check this out”. It’s complete “that’s about me”.

Session 7 of 15:
The Big Picture Formula

The 3 Part Formula To Grow An Info Business:

1) Marketing
2) Products
3) Relationships
• You can outsource administration, organization, the doing of this thing and the
coding of that thing, and all sorts of thingsHbut these 3 things need to be owned
by YOU as a business owner.
• These are the things that if you don’t show up yourself and do a good job, so
everyone can see how it’s done on a continual basis, they fall by the wayside. It
requires achieving excellence in all these areas.
• Also notice the intersection.
• Take Marketing and Products and the overlap point between them. Likewise,
Marketing and Products are becoming the same thing. The greatest content is
the best marketing.
• Marketing and Relationships come together in a powerful way called The
Endorsed Relationship. That’s what lives between Marketing and Relationship is
the transference of trust. Someone who is just a copywriter, writing headlines,
getting inside the customers head, and more isn’t going to come up with this and
see the overlap. And someone who is just focused on Relationships and just a
networker and good at meeting people isn’t going to figure it out. You have to
understand BOTH of these things and see how to make this WHOLE thing
happen (e.g. writing a marketing piece that’s very personal and have someone
endorse you).
• And finally, the intersection between Products and Relationships is
“collaboration”. It is the result of Relationships. An example is you doing a
monthly interview series and you build Relationships with people you interview
and that’s your Product or even two people “collaborating” and making the
Product together. A person who is just a Product person won’t come up with that
“collaboration” thing, and someone who is just a networker and great at
connecting people (but they don’t understand Product), they won’t come up with
that. SO, put a circle around these 3 areas or put yourself right in the centre
overlap between these 3 areas and realize these 3 things and the combination of
them is what fuels the long term growth of a successful information product

• Any human you interact with has their own objectives and things they’re trying to
do in life and their own goals, frustrations, fears, wants, aspirations (everything
we’ve talked about so far).
• And until you can tune into them and understand THEIR model and where
they’re coming from, what they find frustrating, what their value system is, and
what they’re trying to do that’s irrational
(if you ask why, why, why, why – behind all of it is what we talked about
[“The 6”]: Power, Affiliation, Achievement, Avoiding The Loss Of Power,
Rejection, Failure and you’re listening to people with this radar and asking
“what is this person not facing right now?” / “what are they not looking at in
their own life right now that’s driving them?
They’re afraid of it and they’re not looking at it”, and you’re just listening and
you see the subtleties – and then you take the words they’re saying and
integrate them into the conversation and listen and feed them back, and they
say “yes, that’s exactly what I’m trying to do”) that is when you start getting
• All this stuff is really about understanding other human beings
• We’ve got a slant on it here toward marketing since we’re going to take all the
things we’ve learned and we’re going to condense them into tight laser beamed
focused marketing messages.
• The most successful information marketers are great at Marketing, Products, and
Relationships. They may have strength in one of them, but they at least do all 3
of them.

Session 8 of 15:

Identifying The Ultimate Influencer And Focusing On Benefits

• Marketing is all about Psychological & Emotional leverage
Example: Cheat vs Infidelity
Cheating is the moral transgression and you’ve been bad and wronged me
whereas infidelity is the thing
• The most powerful way to get this leverage is to consider who influences
your prospect and figure who the one is who have their finger on their hot
• Childrens mirror neurons
• This is a double leap into these other peoples realities
• Ask
Who influences my customer
Whose opinion so they care about
Who do they want to impress
Who are they afraid would disapprove of them
Whose approval do they need

EXERCISE: The Marketing Rosetta Stone “Perspectiving Process”: (4 Questions)

• In any situation there are many “players”.
• Your customer has many different people around them who influence their self
image, emotions, and decision making process.
• The power of these influencers is essentially entirely unknown to your customer.
One of these influencers exerts MUCH stronger influence than the others (see:
• In this exercise, we’ll identify the strongest influencer and then focus in on the
part of their influence that you can use to create powerful marketing and
• This exercise involves the skill of “perspectiving” – looking at the world, a
person or a situation from the perspective of several different other people.
• Answer the questions below – again, from the perspective of your customerG
1) Who are all the other people in the “Situational Drama” around your current
problem or desire? (List at least 7 different people, roles, etc)
2) Choose the most influential person from the list above, then ask yourself:
What do you FEAR that this person will find out, think or feel if they “find
out” the “truth” about your situation?
What do they think about you too?
3) What do you HOPE they think and feel – what is the façade that you’re
trying to keep up to maintain their approval, keep your power in the
relationship, and avoid rejection and insignificance?
4) What are the words and phrases that would best trigger your “emotional
hot button” around this influential person and what they think or feel about
you – or what they might do if they find out “the truth”?

Explanation of Exercise on Marketing Rosetta Stone “Perspectiving Process”:

• 1: If it’s parent with a problem child it might be
Grand parent
Potential college
Other kids
• 2: In other words, what are you afraid they will do in response if they get the
inside skinny on reality?
What does he fear that she will find out?
For example, a man might fear that a woman will find out he doesn’t have a
lot of money – the perspective of the woman he wants to attract
• 3: A lot of this stuff is based on ego, insecurity, etc
For example, with relation to a man fearing a woman finding out he doesn’t
have a lot of money, he might want to maintain this façade of ‘I’m very
financially successful’ because in his mind he has it wired up that women are
only attracted to men who have money.
So if you write an article ‘How to appear rich to women’
It might be deceptive but it is merely to attract his attention
He’ll say ‘that’s exactly what I’ve been trying to figure out how to do!’
And in an article you can start with the idea about how women are
attracted to men with money, but then transition into a better
Bridge into how this is holding him back
But it STARTS by meeting him at HIS perspective about what he thinks
women are thinking and pushing on that hot button.
So the formula is ‘Say something in their reality > Then bridge into another
thing that is ethical, positive, useful’.
They need to hear certain bait in order to read your stuff, but you’re not being
deceptive because you’re appreciating where they’re coming from first and
then transitioning.
The spirit of what we’re talking about here is if you need to give your
prospect bad news, show them how it’s better news that they got the
bad news.
• 4: What are those emotional hot button words?
• So, “perspectiving” is about not only going out into your customer avatars’ reality
and imagining you’re them, but also then going from their reality out into the
reality of the people that are around them.
• Like Checkers, you’re making a double jump here. Two levels removed. By
asking things like ‘Who influences my customer?’, ‘Who are the cast members in
the drama around this issue I’m talking to them about?’, ‘Whose opinion do they
care about?’, ‘Who do they want to impress?’, ‘Whose approval do they need?’,
‘Who are they afraid would disapprove of them?’ Leverage is the idea that with a
little bit of exertion you can create tremendous amounts of results. The ideas
we’re talking about here are getting psychological and emotional leverage. That’s
what all the stuff we’ve talked about so far is about.

Psychological and Emotional Leverage

• And the “ultimate influencer”, considering who influences your prospect [who is in
your prospects life and how those peoples’ opinions influence your customer
themselves], is you taking levers and buttons that have been set all their lifeH
and by you using words, images, pictures, and concepts you’re taking all that
power and taking it and using it as if it were your own.
• When you find that one person that has their finger on the hot button of your
prospect, you can create unbelievably powerful communications.


• You can also do a triple jump and write a narration from the perspective of the
ultimate influencer

• Marketing is the child of sales
• Doing one on one sales and consultations will enable you to have insights
you would never have otherwise
EXERCISE: Focusing On Benefits:
• Prospective customers who don’t know you, don’t like you (yet), and don’t trust
you (yet) are focused on one main objective: Getting the RESULT that they
This is their focus
• Your products or service “comes between” them and the result that they want –
so it’s valuable to forget about what you sell or offer, and get crystal clear about
the result or benefit that your customer is seeking.
• Use this exercise to find the benefits of the products, services, systems,
techniques that you offer.
• Focus on irrational, emotional “hot button” results and benefits (and remember to
include the avoidance of pain here).
1) Feature: What is your product, service, system, technique, etc?
In between the customer and their result
It’s a hassle to them and is an obstacle
2) Advantage: What does it do?
In reality
Out here
3) Benefit: What is the result or benefit that your customer experiences?
(List at least 5)
4) DEEPER BENEFITS: Within every benefit there is another “level” of
benefit. By asking yourself “What’s the next level of benefit?” you can
uncover more specific, tangible, emotionally motivating benefits.
List the Original Benefit, Benefit Level 2, and Benefit Level 3.

Explanation of Exercise Focusing On Benefits:

• 1: e.g. example: air conditioning
Product or service are the features
They are the hassle and the bit between the person & the result
• 2: Whatever your technique or product does or produces in the real world out in
reality e.g. cools the air inside your car
Get new clients
• 3: This is the result, outcome, positive experience or avoidance of pain the
customer gets by availing themselves of it.
E.g. you feel comfortable on a hot day with the windows rolled up
• 4: If you teach men how to write personal ads and the original Benefit was ‘single
women contact you for dates’.
• The second level Benefit might be ‘you get to choose the one you want’
• And the third level might be ‘you don’t have to deal with rejection approaching
women in person”.
• More specific and tangible you become the more powerful the benefit.
You can drill down to the ridiculous where it stops making sense, but drilling
two or three levels down can be powerful.
When you drill down, keep getting more tangible and specific, not intangible
and abstract – watch out for this
Inexperienced sales people sell features.
• The #1 response to selling a feature is an objection. Most sales programs are
about overcoming objections. This is backwards. Maybe instead, you should
focus on not getting objections in the first place.
• Experienced sales people get very few objections. Why? Because they’re not
trying to push features. They ask what you’re looking for and connect up the
features to the benefits/results you’re looking for.
• Experts write about what they think others should do
Not customer centric
• “Needs”: All the irrational stuff of Fears and Frustrations and Wants and
Aspirations lives.
• “Benefits”: What your product, service, content, techniques ultimately deliver to
your customer and the benefits they get from using your stuff. The point?

• Benefits linked up to the irrational unconscious hot button Needs and desires.
• INSTEAD, start with the deeper irrational “Needs” (not the superficial
needs), and then figure out the “Benefit” you can offer to help them meet
those needs, and design your products, content, marketing from THAT
• Being entrenched in what people ‘should do’ creates a forgetting of what the
customers needs are. Build the whole thing around the customers needs.
• The only thing that matters is the customer wants it, is looking for it, and pushing
those hot button needs. And what we’re doing here is getting closer and closer to
the centre point of both Needs and Benefits where they meet.
• The sweet spot where they have this totally emotional driving irrational Need and
they’re desperately looking for a solution, and you’ve got a magic technique that
delivers the Benefit they want, and they say “That’s it”. Fresh Hot Pizza Delivered
In 30 Minutes Or Less – Guaranteed. Done. When It Absolutely Positively Needs
To Be There Overnight. Done.
• You can’t help the world become better unless you put the right bait on the hook
for them. Putting a Dorito on the fish hook only has the fish say ‘Not exactly’.
• Stop focusing on what you think they need, but focus on what they think they
need. It’s about what THEY think they need.
• They don’t know you. Remember that. If your headline doesn’t speak to them
and their reality and open up a worm hole or portal into their reality and they go
‘Oh, that’s my reality’Hyou don’t get the chance to meet them and it won’t
happen in the first place.

• Give up porn
Better marriage
Tell her what he wants in bed
The words to say
Stay tangible and once you go intangible look at the tangible version of
It’s about what THEY think they need
• ‘How do I fire someone without getting sued’
• ‘How to turn your beer gut into a 6 pack’
• The want a job
Why do they want the job?
More money
How much more money?
• All of this is being geared toward attracting people in the first place and the
domain of customer attraction advertising and marketingGthing out there pulling
people in the first place.
• It’s about what they think they need, what’s their irrational and secret fear, what
do they hope no one finds out, where are they deceiving themselves
• An emotional hot button is something that brings out an emotion in someone
Session 9 of 15:

Your Ultimate Marketing Weapon: A Powerful Headline

• Headline writing is the bridge between the conceptual ideas we’ve been talking
about and the real world application.
• When you understand your customer and you understand all of their irrational
need, the right answer emerges. You don’t make it up C it emerges.
• Here is an example of advertising artistry: People learn music so people think
they’re cool.
John Caples could have said “Piano Lessons By Mail”, but he said, to begin
with “They laughed”.
Human laughter in this case means he’s a lower status human chimp in the
political human chimp hierarchy, and laugher is an unconscious human chimp
noise we learn to do in all languages essentially the same way, and we do it
when certain things happen.
So, “They laughed when I sat down at the piano” meaning the higher status
human chimps made the noise that indicates they think I’m a lower status
human chimpH”But when I started to play!”
• Implies that he think piano playing is how I move up the hierarchy in the human
chimp political game, and that their laughter went away, and he became a higher
status human chimp.
• All of this is in the headline. He’s put 3 ideas “They laughed” “When I sat down at
the piano” “But when I started to play” that don’t seem to mean much, but to his
customer those 3 things mean everything.
• What do they want? Why are they doing this thing in the first place? Think like a
customer. Then saying it in a specific way. When you understand all the layers
we’re talking about, and you listen and pay attention, and you find the overlap
between the customers irrational hot button desire and the benefit your product
offers and the circle is getting smaller and then bam– “they laughed when I sat
down at the piano, but when I started to play”...
• Going through this process, a headline such as “They laughed when I sat down
at the piano, but when I started to playH” EMERGES.
• He’s not selling piano lessons 2 he’s selling status. He’s selling power and
• And yet he’s saying it with specific tangible things that to most of us
wouldn’t sound like status.

EXERCISE: 7 Power Headline Formulas:

• Now we’re going to practice creating the ultimate “marketing weapon” – a
powerful headline.
• First, review your notes to find the strongest emotional motivators.
• Then, consider the benefits that your product/service offers.
• Finally, use the following formulas to write at least 10 variations of this headline
that will grab your prospective customer’s attention and draw them in instantly.
• These are different ways of approaching finding the overlap between hot button
emotional need and benefit your product offers.
• Finding those intersections and putting it into an opening communication – the
first statement your customer getsHthe introduction that draws them in.
1) Result (Benefit) Focus
2) Pain Focus
3) Situation Focus
4) Action Focus
5) Customer Focus
6) Approach Focus
7) Magic

Explanation of Power Headline Formulas:

• 1: How To Get [Result] [Quickly] [Without Risk]
E.g. How to get out of debt in 90 days or less with this simple, guaranteed
This headline is a little more biases toward the system/technique/product.
It’s like, how to get the result you want, but with the system.
• 2: How To [Eliminate Specific Pain] [Without More Pain]
E.g. How to lose 33 pounds of fat without torture diets or hard exercise
This headline is a little more biases toward the customers’ hot button.
This one is more just focused on the pain and we’re not actually talking about
the system/technique/product.
• 3: If [Specific Emotional Hot Button Situation Is Happening], Then [Worst
Fear Might Be True]
E.g. If you experience lower back pain while sleeping, then you may need
You may be selling an information product on how to avoid surgery and
you’re not selling surgery, but you know that persons biggest fear is
surgery and hence this formula.
Then the sub headline may be “here’s how to tell whether you need surgery”.
The reality is maybe only 1 in 20 actually need surgery, but now you got their
attention and pulled them in because you’ve reached into their world and
grabbed them by the emotional hot button.
• 4: What To Do If [Specific Hot Button Situation]
E.g. What to do if you notice your husband looking at other women
• 5: 10 Mistakes Most [Customer Description] Make [In Situation] – And How
To Avoid Them
E.g. 10 mistakes most men make when approaching women – and how to
avoid them
This can be a nice indirect way of sharing info without making them wrong,
and this way they can read the mistakes to find out what they are and justify it
to themselves that it’s not them.
This is how the human chimp thinks.
“How to buy anyone of these River Oakes homes with zero down payment
even if you can afford to pay all cash”.
They can call up and respond and be saying to themselves “I might be one of
the people with all cash, you don’t know!”
By calling, they’re not saying ‘I’m broke’ or wrong.
It gives them permission to pick the phone up and dial without saying ‘I’m a
broke loser’.
Cause ‘you never know, I might be one of the all cash people’.
Specific, Benefit they want, and then the Permission Lever.
• 6: Why [Common Sense Approach] Doesn’t Work V And What To Do About
E.g. Why diets don’t workHand what to do about it
This is more general but can work well for filling up your funnel.
Instead of ‘diet’ (too general), niching it to ‘high protein diet’ can be more
Dial it up by saying ‘Why high protein diets make you fat and what to do about
• 7: How To [Turn Problem] [Into Benefit]
E.g. How to use your credit cards to make money / How to lose weight by
eating MORE food
This is the most powerful headline because what everyone really wants is
Magic. Our culture and marketing has trained them to want it.
Magic is what you can ideally say to get the most response.
Again, we’re talking headline to draw them in based on their reality. This is
what the human chimp responds to, they think this is real.
We play the lottery even though we’re seven times more likely to get struck by
lighting than win the jackpot.
• Magic doesn’t have to be a paradox, it’s just what we want and it gets our
Not exercise a lot, go to personal development programs, get a great career,
Yes, pop a pill and wake up buff with two blondes in your bed. Turning the
negative into a positive and you can make progress.
• When you do the exercise above and find the overlap between the emotional hot
button and the benefit that our product offers, and we write 10 headlines based
on these 7 formulas, we can start reaching out and telegraphing and grabbing
our prospects and pulling them in. It doesn’t have to be real or the headline
you’re going to use. It doesn’t have to be honest, or accurate, or anything. For
this exercise, just make it compelling.
• Take off the constraints about being authentic or any of that. We’re practicing
and playing here.
• “What do I need to say that would be the most compelling thing?” / “If I could just
say the most compelling thing that would pull them in, what would it be?”.
• You Don’t Start With Reality, You Start With The Ultimate Bait. So write 10
• This is the bridge between the matrix and reality and we’re crossing the bridge
from all the tools we’ve learned into the real world. Roughly speaking, you have
your world and the customers world.
• And we’re trying to find that overlap. Zooming in there are their emotional hot
button issues and then you’ve got the benefits and results you offer, and you’re
looking for the intersection and coming in clear and clearer and more focused
and focused until you find that exact spot that is the highest leverage placeHand
in your external marketing your much more in the customers worldHand you’re
going out there to meet them where they’re at.
• You’re stepping into their reality.
• That’s why all this stuff is being in their head, figuring out the words they use,
figuring out the things that push their emotional hot buttons.
• It’s 90% 80% them and maybe 10% or 20% the benefits you offer, and the
benefits all have to fit into their reality.
That’s in the external marketing.
• The headlines, the content your using, that is meeting them out in the world.
• As you then move into your conversion process (which is now they’ve come into
your world a bit and you’ve drawn them in)Hnow it’s maybe a little more 50/50.
• So maybe 50% you’re talking to their emotional hot buttons and their needs, but
you’re introducing a lot of benefits of what you offer because you’re trying to pull
them in now, and you’re meeting Need they have and Benefit you have, Need
they have Benefit you have, Need they have Benefit you have.
• You’re telling stories about how you’ve been through the same things they have
or other customers have and you’re connecting all the dots, setting up the
relationship in a way so it makes it easy for them to say at the end ‘this is a
perfect match for me’.
• THEN, when you get into the Product, they’re consumingHnow you’re more in
your world than their world, but everything is still said in their language and
relates to them, but you’re pulling them in maybe at the beginning of a chapter or
a technique in their world – talking about their emotional hot button or what they
want – then you’re giving them your technique for solving the problem and
walking them through step by step, tangible, external stuff that’s measurable that
they can get where you can see the results, and then walking them to the result
they want in the end so it’s maybe 20% talking about them and their world and
80% of your techniques, but all of it is in their language.
• So this the transitioning of the overlapping circles.
• We’re always in that realm but more in their world and we start with the headlines
and the opening line, then in the conversion process we’re kind of in the middle
cause we’re trying to pull them into our universe, and then in the product we’re
mostly in our world but said in a way that they can relate to all of it.
• This skill we’re learning is at the core of everything in info marketing and selling
info products and the business.
• It’s being able to think about what they need and think in that external, tangible,
show them spoon kind of way.
• Don’t teach things that don’t have a tangible, physical component. Don’t do that
anymore. Stay in this new reality we’re talking about. All the time.

• “How I went from dead broke to making $100,000 a year in 14 days H as a
$100,000 is better than 6 figures
Then it tells the story of one of your students.
This is what I did and they tell the story of being dead broke and construction
job, whatever is your typical customer, and then they found this course, they
learned, went to work, made $1700 their first week, second week they made
$2600, and now they make $100k a year working 27 hours a week.
How I went from dead broke to making $100,000 a year in 14 a
Then tell the story of one of the students
• Started with the headline, “Trying to face divorce recovery alone might keep you
alone for the rest of your life”.
What is the tangible thing that happens when you know you are on the road to
divorce recovery?
New relationship
Now, in imagining Mr Right or trying to get away from Mr Wrong, something
represents that.
There’s an iconic thing that is the ‘Prince Charming shows up in his Chariot’,
but for this situation.
Is it a man being around and paying all the bills and taking care of
Part of it is that, but it’s not cause she wants to take something or get
something. It’s more that she wants to have a safe reality to live within so she
express herself and have a level of security because that’s when the best her
comes out. It’s not that she wants it selfishly, it’s that she wants to bring her
best self to the situation. But that means “Rich Mr Right” shows up and in her
fantasy it’s ‘Okay I can blossom’.
So to her, it might actually be Divorce Recovery = Attracting Rich Guy.
That might be in her fantasyHfor a headline.
So on the one hand is “attract rich guy” and on the other is “alone for rest of
life”, we want to put these together as one idea.
And It May Be A Rolls Royce Type Headline That IMPLIES Without
Stating Directly.
Things women look for to suggest a man is rich may be vacation, a home, a
watch, jobH
• To get there get more specific, external and tangible and what’s irrational
and really happening
• So if we take job, what kind of job implies stable high income? A doctor. And
what kind of doctor? Paediatrician.
Notice we are getting more specific through questioning and more tangible.
Hence the headline. And if a woman met the guy in Starbucks asking what he
did after realizing he had no ring on and he said “Paediatrician”, the whole
fantasy seems to make sense that is what she would need to heal from the
whole divorce thing.
Now, when there are lots of ideas to incorporate, the issue becomes
So you open a word document and put each of the ideas
downV”divorce recovery”, “paediatrician”, “stability”, and sort and
move around the elements until you come up with the headline that says
“How a divorced woman who was down and out met and attracted a
paediatrician that helped her heal” and then you’d figure out all the
words to say that all together.
And then you explain it in a way that if that woman sees that headline she
says ‘wow that speaks to me cause it’s talking about my situation’ and ‘if I
could even get CLOSE to what THAT sounds like that would be huge for me –
if I could just get 10% that’d be close enough’.
So you might have “I thought I’d be a lonely divorcee forever until I met
the paediatrician of my dreams at the most unlikely placeV” which is
close, but does it speak to that woman? Is it believable? Almost. But do you
get the feel of this process?
• That’s the important part to take away from this. Clarifying and refining toward
a magic connection point with the emotional hot button that connects to
the prospect, maybe introduces the benefit, and pulls them in your
• Open a file and move the words around, drill down to more specific and play with
it until you get a headline

Session 10 of 15:

Your Unique Selling Proposition And Lead Generation Content

• Rosser Reeves created the USP
• The highest form of headline writing is creating a USP. So when you’re going
through the above, listen for what may sum up the entire message.
• Listen for the “Fresh hot pizza” or the “Double Your Dating”, because then you
just want to come up with variations on it.
• Listen for your USP. The part of your communication that cuts right through the
clutter, draws your prospect in, explains the delivered benefit, and does it all in
an economical sense of phrase.
• Listen for it, and listen to your customers because they are the ones that have
the need. And we can never really know them as well as they know, or they
experience. You want something that when someone hears it they go ‘That’s
what I need and am looking for’.
Ask them why they bought
What was the scene you had in your mind
Fears & frustrations
What were you looking for?
• So look through your headlines and see if you can find one that could act as a
Don’t have taglines after your name instead have a USP
• Moving onHas we talked about before, Content and Marketing are merging as
• SoHhow do we create this as ONE SEAMLESS EXPERIENCE FROM START
TO FINISH? It all must seam like a natural courtship, from triggering the
emotional hot button to reading an article to getting more great content to
attending a conference, and to the customer it seems seamless. A natural
Read an article
Sign up for free newsletter
Become a paying member
Buy a training program
Attend the conference
• Build the relationship in a way that builds the comfort smoothly. A unified
experience so as to see Product and Marketing not as separate.
• The opening headline work we’ve done is most important to cut through the BS
and get at the attention of your ideal prospect, but once you got it you need to
pull them in and keep their interest.
• Conversion is the Desire and Action part.
• But the Attention and Interest of AIDA, and blending those two together IS what
we’re talking about here.
• So we want to create valuable content that acts as great marketing (or stated
differently, great marketing that appears to the customer as content > and this is
what products are too – your products are great marketing that offer some great
content so that instead of just solving people’s problems they instead purchase
the book, and you’ve thought this through,
and they read ‘I’m happy you bought this book since it’s step 1 of a 7 steps
process to really create an optimal level of success in this area and in this
book we’ll solve the problems we promised in the marketing piece, but then
you’ll realize there are other levels to go to, and we’ll even introduce some of
them, but enough about that let’s get you out of pain and solve your problem’
and you plant seeds and connections to other products)
By the way if you want to learn more about this go here...

EXERCISE: How To Create “Content” That Generates Traffic, Leads & Customers
(5 Steps):
• “Content” is the general word used online to describe articles, videos, interviews,
etc. that carry your message.
• As internet marketing evolves, it continues to combine and integrate “content”
with “marketing” – to the point where the lines are getting blurred.
• One of the most important skills you can develop as an Information Product Guru
is the ability to create articles, videos, and other content that draws prospective
customers in, teaches them valuable techniques, builds credibility and trust, then
attracts them to your website and turns them into BUYERS.
1) Start With An “Emotional Hot Button Issue”: Create a title that involves
one of the Emotional Hot Buttons you’ve identified with your other
A headline
2) Pull The Prospect Into Your Content: Describe their problem or desired
outcome better than they can.
3) Next, Teach A Simple Technique Or Solution: Teach them a “magic pill”
technique that shows them instant results.
4) Finally, Invite The Prospect To Get More Free: Promise 3x 10x the value
by coming to get a free report, video, or product. Promise benefits.
5) Tell Them Exactly What To Do: Give them specific instructions on how
to get their “free stuff”. Tell them what to expect next.

Explanation of How To Create “Content” That Generates Traffic, Leads & Customers:
• 1: Creating a great headline
• 2: use the skills we’ve developed above
• 3: Take the simplest, fastest, best thing you got and teach them that
lead with your hit song
• 4: promise benefitsHSo the formula is give them the best thing you got, maybe
it’s a page, then say ‘For a free 27 page report where I share the other 9 of
these, click here’, then the link says ‘click here to get free report’
• 5: “I’ve created this free PDF report, it’s 27 pages, all you have to do is come to
my website, enter your name and email address and you can download it for free
right now. Take it up. Come to my website, enter your name and email. Plus I’ll
send you a $97 video that will teach you x y and z as well” Tell them EXACTLY
what you want them to do.
If I could wave a magic want to have your customer do exactly what you
want them to do, what would that be?
Tell them exact steps, cause they don’t know.

• Bankruptcy  truth about bankruptcy
HThis is about architecture and a model to follow that gets great organic results
and is customer focused.
• Youtube search for “marketing tip”
• Ebens videos H this is a way to use videos to get traffic to your website. And you
can put video from your youtube channel on your post opt in page.
Session 11 of 15:

Affiliate Marketing
• Here, we’re talking about Affiliate Marketing in the lead generation sense than in
the selling stuff sense since this program is about getting leads and getting
customers to come to you in the first place.
• Ask yourself: “If I was going to arm someone to do the best job they could do, if I
was going to give them every advantage selling my product, what is all the stuff I
could give them?”
• Some of what you can offer is an Education so they believe in the stuff,
Marketing collateral in terms of everything you’d use in terms of posts video text
links and more you give them this stuff, and give them new stuff on a regular
basis since they want to provide value to their leads just like you do.
Banner ads
Give them stuff on a regular basis
• Tracking can be done with 1shoppingcart or direct track or someone else can
handle things like a clickbank or commission junction.

EXERCISE: Affiliate Relationships: Building An Army Of Marketing Partners To

Sell Your Products: (3 Questions)
• The affiliate marketing model is one of the most powerful marketing models ever
• Many top businesses in the world have built their businesses with very little risk
using affiliate partners to market and grow their businesses.
• Start by setting up an affiliate tracking system and marketing creative, then begin
building relationships with marketers who specialize in generating customers for
your businesses like yours.
1) Who specializes in generating traffic and customers for your niche?
2) What’s the best way to reach out and contact these new potential
3) What can you offer these partners to help them with their marketing
Explanation of Affiliate Relationships:
• 1: If you don’t already know them, type in the keywords for your niche and see
what websites come up and then go to them since that’s where your customers
are going.
These are people getting traffic for your business.
• 2: It’s different in each case, but here’s a formula
Don’t use e mail. Pick up the phone and call them and talk to them like a
human being.
Ninja level is to go to conferences they go to and meet them.
Call about the possible partnership and then if they’re going to the industry
conference, make plans to stop by their booth and have lunch.
The difference between an e mail that says “Put some of my stuff on your
website and I’ll give you money if you sell it” and “Hey how you doing?
• Ya we have some good stuff, let me show you, we could do some custom things,
create some content for your website, I could see some opportunities for you
guys to make more money, why not do x y and z?” Huge. The in person
• You can’t compare them to each other. The stuff that is available sitting there
talking to someone is amazing. (Ebens story of meeting the top sales person for
media buys for one of the top websites in the world and the knowledge
unavailable to everyone else about being able to buy premium placement on the
site for a fifth of the price if you know what to do and how to do it). Any company
is used to having people in and teaching about their business and you’ll learn 2
or 3 things about the model or something that will show you opportunity.
• And this stuff is NEVER available with e mails of “Hey will you sell my stuff?”
• So contact them, get in touch with them, human beings talking. And when
you’re talking to the other human being, you’re looking for all the stuff
we’ve been talking about – their emotional hot buttons, what their big pains
are, etc.
• They’re sitting there, they got to figure out how to make more money, economy is
weird, traffic this, new plan, this didn’t work – and if you can figure out what
their currency is, what they’re trying to do, then you can get “in”, so to
speak, and build trust.
• 3: What can you offer to help them with THEIR marketing efforts. Not YOUR
marketing effort. With THEIR marketing efforts.
Simple technique – ask: “What are you trying to do? Can I help you do what
YOU’RE trying to do?” What are they trying to do?
Cause they have their own agenda and own strategy and thing they’re
trying to do – AND WHEN YOU UNDERSTAND THAT, you can start
overlaying what your trying to do.
The partner website that gets a bunch of traffic and has a part of the site that
isn’t working out well and you find out that’s the CEO or Founders little pet
project and it’s not working out – you realize, ‘Oh I could help them do this!’
Cause they have some mission off strategy from the business but they really
love it and want to make this thing go and you say ‘I know how to do that and
I can help you make it go’ and next thing you’re “in” and you end up with your
article appearing on the front page of Yahoo or whatever.
GET GREAT PLACEMENT. You may know some of the partners now, so what
could you do to help them?
• “What are you trying to do? Can I help you do what YOU’RE trying to do?”

EXERCISE: Endorsed Relationships: How To Take Advantage Of Marketing

• High Leverage Endorsed Relationships: This is finding people who already
have a relationship with a group of people, and they go and transfer the trust and
influence they have to you by endorsing you via a testimonial or recommendation
for you.
Get people do market you to their CUSTOMER list (proven to opt in and buy)
rather than their subscriber list.
Have people tell their buying customers about you instead of basting out to
the world.
• Many businesses and individuals have invested tremendous amounts of time,
effort, energy and money to find prospects and customers for their business that
are GREAT prospective customers for YOUR business.
• Identify these potential partner businesses, contact them and build relationships,
then get them to endorse you to their lists and customers.
1) What does your prospective customer need to do before and after they
are your customer? (Consider the things your customer does right before
and right after they purchase and use your products and services. Where are
they showing up? List them.)
2) Who already has a relationship with your customer? (Who has already
invested the time, effort, energy and money to attract and build a relationship
with your prospective customer? Who already has some sort of trust
relationship? List the possibilities. It might not necessarily be someone who
sells them anything.)
3) What’s the best way for your new partner to transfer their trust and
endorse You to their list? (How can your new partner introduce you to their
subscribers, customers and clients in a way that connects the needs of their
customers and the benefits you offer AND includes an endorsed testimonial
from the person who has the relationship already?
• What is the best way to make it relevant and connect all the dots with where their
customer is already at and what they said they were originally interested in?
• In an ideal situation, they let you write the communication for them.
• Plus, you’re looking for the overlap with the relevance that relationship has WITH
the needs of the customer AND the benefits of your product.
E.g. If you do a JV with online dating coach who doesn’t have products you
offer you have to ask ‘What do people interested in online dating need?’
and it may be ‘knowing how to write a personal ad that gets response from
someone they’re interested in dating’ and then you ask ‘which of our products
has THAT in it?’ and then the endorsed mailing might say ‘Check out this
great way to write an online dating profile’ and inside the communication it
‘Dear Friend, I just checked out this book that has this amazing technique for
writing an online dating profile’ and then maybe they give a piece of it ‘I met
this person, got to know them, gone through products, it’s great, and if you
want more great tips on writing a profile PLUS what to do when you meet
them in the real world, you should check this out’
because the customer has said they want online dating, and although they
may be a match for your regular dating stuff, MEET THEM WHERE THEY
ARE AT, and have the person introducing you speak that language and you
put this all together – and this is how you raise response.
Session 12 of 15:
Design Key Takeaways:
• Use 2 of the banner ads such as the one above, but a different second one,
SIDE BY SIDE so it doesn’t trigger the “Oh, it’s a banner ad”. Use the dimensions
of a large banner ad, but SPLIT IT INTO 2, and have 2 banner ads side by side
so it doesn’t look like a banner ad.
468 x 60 break it in half with rounded corners
Put a picture in each and it looks like 2 articles
• Make your ads look like articles.
Make your stuff look editorial, not like ads.
• Push universal hot buttons: Death, Sex, Shopping, etc
• Lay your ads out like articles so people feel a natural trust and affinity for
Not like ads.
• Example: wired dolphins
• Use serif fonts for headline example: Time New Romans
• Use sans serif fonts for body copy
• Run banner ads on Googles content network
2 Key Elements of Professional Design: ALIGNMENT + SPACING
• Use Bold Helvetica Font
• Adjust spacing between characters and lines
• Add a picture (istockphoto) (Add some shadow behind the picture)
• Add a Call To Action: Offer (E.g. “Free Vide: How To Get Abs Like This In 5
• Have it look like massive ‘value add’ not ‘I’m trying to take something from you’
and have it fly under the radar
• Banner ads is just a manner of playing with spacing and alignment
• Add quotations OR simply “hang the quote” so you have a hard left alignment
with the quote hanging out.
• Each tweak you make takes it a little more to the next level
• Simple fonts, Bold, Regular nice left alignments, Looks friendly and helpful, etc
• [This video was Eben designing a banner]
Session 13 of 15:

Split Testing Metrics

• You must track everything you do. Track, chart, look at everything you do. Excel.
Google Docs. Whatever you want to use.
• Test everything.
• Your traffic, landing page, conversion, e mail conversion, etc.
• Send Pepper and Office Autopilot are two options.
• As Eben said, once you find the gold using the processes described in this
program, it needs to be TESTED and people need to respond and you need to
see what works.
• And the discipline of marketing is testing, and getting results, testing, and getting
resultsHthe rest is ideas. And something like Send Pepper allows for the
TESTING and implementation phase after the ‘hot button gold’ has been found.
Split testing must be done. Find out what you’re doing that works and repeat it.
• [This video had Tobin from Send Pepper showing how Send Pepper works]

Your Avatar
• In terms of choosing who the avatar for your business might be, it might make
the most sense to attract the avatar that YOU really want to talk to and who your
business makes sense for.
So, if you lost 2 ½ inches in your waistHthat’s your guy since he’s the guy
you can speak authentically to. It may happen that more people will jump on
afterwards, but if you start with your authentic truth where you can really
speak to someone with authority on something cause you did it and it was
your journey, like losing 2 ½ inches, 31 inch waist in 60 daysHthen that will
speak to the right person who will understand you and get you and every
piece of your marketing after that will flow.
• Also, it’s not maybe a matter of ‘which’ marketing piece to useHbut WHERE.
Where does it fit within the marketing.
• So think of it as a place where you begin to make contact with them, to where
you’re their go to source for information and ideas to get the result they want.
• So when they meet you at the beginning it’s a banner ad, article, video on
Youtube, and they’re coming closer, and closer to you like a squirrel walking
toward your hang holding a corn chip and you lure them inHand then they may
hit your squeeze page 12 times before they finally give their e mail and then they
read your sales letter and they buy your stuff and they’re “in” and you give them
everything or maybe they read our sales page and leave and so you send them
cool stuff and they come back and forth , back and forth and it might be a year
before they buy. So this is long term. So any piece you develop for marketing fits
SOMEWHERE, so don’t throw it away.
• At the beginning of the funnel people are different and you may have 2 pieces of
different content that resonates with 2 people coming into the same funnel, and
both different people are now on the squeeze page.
• And on the bullets on the squeeze page is the universal stuff so as not to cause a
large disconnect.
• And along the path down to the sales letter you may start getting into story
telling, but you couldn’t have used that at the beginning of the relationship.
• So every piece of marketing you create makes sense in some place. Everything
you build is valid.
• You just have to figure out where it slots in. The point is that it is in the ‘dialogue’
that you learn who these people are, what they want, how they think, you really
get into their headsHand then sometimes you test and it doesn’t work and it
becomes a whole other thing (E.g. Alexs’ story)
• So, any avatar you come up with could be a niche and you can make a living on
any of them, but at some point the question is really: Who do you want to talk to?
Who do you want to be in authentic dialogue with?
• You have an opportunity to dialogue, more than once, over and over again, with
different people who could be helped by the same product, or at times laterally
with a new product.
• The internet is big enough for you to make money in any of these niches AND a
positive impact on another humans life day after day, over and over again,
• [This video also had Alex explaining some ideas about the customer avatar]

Session 14 of 15: Dominating Your Market Within 90 Days

The 5 Step Guru Model:

1) Squeeze Page:
You send customers here, start with an attention grabbing headline,
underneath the headline have benefit driven bullets,
have a free gift to exchange with them for an email,
have an opt in box so you can continue an ongoing relationship with them
2) Free Gift:
Once they give you their email and name have a “10 mistakes” report as a
free gift.
You can also give away a free audio, a free video, or a free 15 minute phone
3) Thank You Page:
After they give their e mail and name, redirect them here. ‘Thank you for so
much for giving me your name and e mail address. I’m going to follow up with
you right away. Go check your e mail. Your free gift is waiting for you.”
And once you have a product, redirect them to the sales page, so the Thank
You Page now becomes the Product Sales Page.
4) Newsletter:
It takes time for some people to decide to buy or try.
So in their inbox and newsletter is where you develop the relationship and
trust over time. In the newsletters, move the free line. Show up with lots to
give, especially when just meeting people. Care about them and be interested
in getting them to the next level.
Give away your best stuff for free to prove to them you’re an expert, you know
what you’re talking about, your stuff works, and ‘if it works – great – use it for
free, and if you want more, come back and get more’.
Show them you ‘get it’ in the newsletter.
Telling your story, telling stories of your clients, going through scenarios you
know are their biggest obstacles, and show them you are a friend who is there
to get them to the next level.
In the P.S. ask question: “What’s your biggest frustration in _(your
This helps your newsletters become a way to start direct dialogues.
Send e mails, build relationship, and if you’re doing it right they will want to tell
you what they’re going through – and so you get their words, their fears, their
emotional hot buttonsHand you can also survey your list with the question:
A)“what’s your biggest obstacle or frustration in _____?” and
B)“If you could ask me any one question about ______, what would it be?”.
So you engage them, get them to communicate back with you, and show
them you care.
5) Videos:
Youtube is an example of a social media site for this.
Put your content where people are already going, like youtube. Create a guru
channel. In these youtube videos give away your magic bullet, the stuff you
know works, that they will see results with, and they can take action on and
see ‘yes, this person really gets it’.
Youtube videos also give social proof via subscribers and comments. So, it’s
free social proof. Also you get to develop your expertise and be seen as an
Also, always send them to your website to get more free stuff (e.g. a report).
Rule #1 is always be building your list. Get that list growing to get the
dialogue, build the relationship.
As a side benefit, business partners start to find you on youtube. So people
start contacting you for business opportunities.
So these 5 strategies work together. Your youtube videos drive people to your
squeeze page. Your squeeze page builds your list. You communicate with
them through newsletters. And if you have that going, that’s everything you
need to go deeper and deeper and tighter and tighter. This is how you build
your guru business.
Now you’re ready to go out and promote your business. You have it all going
to be able to go out and find affiliates, find your JV partners etc. Get your
marketing tighter and your message together. Get them in dialogue. That do
they need, what do they want.

Develop Your Products

• From this information you start to develop your products. Instead of creating a
product first, you ask “what do you want to buy – Okay, I’ll build a product for
• Build the product around the needs of the customer and people will buy it. You
know they’re asking for it cause you have the system in that they’re
communicating to you, responding to you, and THAT is where you get your
products from.
• The name of your products come from your customers. They tell you what they
want. You ask them, so they tell you, so you make it for them, and they’re ready
to buy. So create your products around your customers’ needs. When you’re
ready for products, recall that your Thank You Page turns into a Sales Page.
• And do a product launch and create buzz in your list. Product launches are useful
for this. The best part of product launches is you get paid before creating the
productHand getting revenue into your business is what this system is all about.
Getting people to send money for your products so you stay alive long enough to
go deep and get to the heartHand you have to get them talking and have
products that solve their needs in order to do it.
• When you have this system up, you’re ready to start promoting and
communicating cause you know exactly what your customers need and exactly
what affiliates you want to search for, and from there you just go deeper and
tighter and it just keeps going deeper and deeper.
• This is really about overcoming inner obstacles, and this whole process is really
very simple and doesn’t take a lot of time. [This video was Andrea Albright
explaining her system]
Session 15 of 15:

Your Ritualized Time Management Plan

• Going and doing everything taught in this program is the real thing and the most
important thing. The challenge is getting ourselves to do it over, and over, and
over again for the long term.
• So to make this inevitableH

EXERCISE: Marketing Time Management Plan:

• The “first domino” that causes all the other to fall is DAILY MARKETING
• The key elements of your daily marketing execution are:
1) Marketing design and writing,
2) Marketing testing and tweaking,
3) Building relationships with partners and advertising channel contacts.
• Invest a MINIMUM of 25 30% of your day on these activities.
Superstars spend 50%
1 hour a day on each

1) Ritualized Your Marketing Design and Writing (60 Minutes Daily)

How will you need to set up your environment, schedule, business to ensure
that you invest at least 60 minutes UNINTERRUPTED per day designing and
writing your marketing?
2) Ritualized Your Marketing Testing and Tweaking (60 Minutes Daily):
How will you need to set up your environment, schedule, business to ensure
that you invest at least 60 minutes UNINTERRUPTED per day testing and
improving your marketing?
Example: videos, landing pages, autoresponder sequences, banner ad copy
& placement
This is how we learn through feedback
It’s the only real way we learn
3) Ritualize Your Relationship Building (60 Minutes Daily):
How will you need to set up your environment, schedule, business to ensure
that you invest at least 60 minutes UNINTERRUPTED per day building
relationships with your marketing partners?
• You do this for an hour uninterrupted, you could get good so you could write 15
banner ads or pay per click ads in less than hour if you practice it over time.
• You call 1 new person a day, you’ll finally have enough people that you could
start introducing them to each other.
But you have to get into the stream.
• And if you don’t ritualize this stuff, it won’t happen regularly.

In summaryV
• We want to do well by doing goodVand the Guru Marketing Plan logo is the
visual representation of thatVletting your light shine unconsciously allows
other to let their light shine. In tweaking people’s emotions, remember it’s
all about. If you do it just to make money, you won’t be happy. You bring
yourself with you to wealth. To get to happy – joy, fulfillment, enjoyment,
durable long term satisfaction with life do the things that contribute to life.
Helping other people evolve brings this. Remember, the spirit of everything
is helping other humans.

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