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Name: _____________________________Grade Level and Section: _________

Teacher: ___________________________ Date: _________________________

School: ____________________________ Score: ________________________


II. Learning Competencies: Uses inductive or deductive reasoning in an
argument. (Quarter 2 Week 9_M8GE-IIh-1)
 Differentiate inductive and deductive reasoning.
 Distinguish between inductive and deductive reasoning.
 Draw a conclusion from the given situation.
III. Instructions: The following activities focused on inductive and deductive
reasoning and its uses. Below are some activities related to this topic. Read and
understand carefully the directions in every activity.
IV. Activities

Guide: As you go on with these activities, you will learn more on the uses of inductive
and deductive reasoning. It will help you identify what is inductive and deductive and
analyze what reasoning should be used in every argument.

Activity 1

Directions: Complete the following statements below. Choose your answer in the box

hypothesis generalization

examples conclusion

basic rule

The difference between inductive and deductive reason is that inductive reasoning uses
specific (1)_______________ to arrive at (2) __________________________
while deductive reasoning uses (3)_______________ and general statements to arrive
at a conclusion. The parts of deductive reasoning are: (4) _____________ and (5)

Activity 2

Direction: Use inductive or deductive reasoning to draw a conclusion from each given
situation. After completing the situation, identify what kind of reasoning being used.

1. 5, 10 , 15, 20. The next number is ________.

2. A child’s teacher in pre-school was female. In his grades 1 and 2, his teachers were
both female. The child may say that _____________________________________.

3. All right angles measure exactly 90°. If < 1 is a right angle, then

4. Smoking can cause cancer. Tomas smokes.


5. Look carefully the movements of the line. What is next?

Activity 3

Direction: Identify the kind of reasoning being used in the following statements.
Encircle the letter of your answer.

1. Harold is a grandfather. Harold is bald. Therefore all grandfathers are bald.

A. Deductive Reasoning B. Inductive Reasoning
2. Filipinos are hard-working. Jose is a Filipino. Therefore Jose is hardworking.
A. Deductive Reasoning B. Inductive Reasoning
3. 2, 4, 6, 8 ,__ What is the next number?
A. Deductive Reasoning B. Inductive Reasoning
4. Her teacher will use PowerPoint in the last few classes. Therefore, the teacher will
use PowerPoint tomorrow.
A. Deductive Reasoning B. Inductive Reasoning
5. Since all squares are rectangles, and all rectangles have four sides, all squares
have four sides.
A. Deductive Reasoning B. Inductive Reasoning
6. If you brush and floss your teeth daily then you will have fewer cavities. Marie
brushes and flosses her teeth daily. Thus, she will have fewer cavities.
A. Deductive Reasoning B. Inductive Reasoning
7. Kathryn, Liza and Nadine are beautiful. They are actress too. Thus, all actresses are
A. Deductive Reasoning B. Inductive Reasoning
8. The daughters of Ms. Lanie are kind. Lia is a daughter of Mis Lanie. Therefore, she
is kind.
A. Deductive Reasoning B. Inductive Reasoning
9. If x= 3, then 2x+10 = 16.
A. Deductive Reasoning B. Inductive Reasoning
10. Vertical angles are congruent. ∠A and ∠B are vertical angles. Therefore, they are
A. Deductive Reasoning B. Inductive Reasoning

V. How Much Have You Learned?

Directions: Read the question below. Write your answer on the space provided.

1. How is deductive and inductive reasoning used in real-life scenarios? You can give
examples to justify your answer.

Prepared by:


Math 8 Teacher


Abuzo 2013. Mathematics – Grade 8 Learner’s Module, 1st ed. Meralco Avenue,

Pasig City: Department of Education-Bureau of Learning



Activity 1

1. example
2. generalizations
3. basic
4. hypothesis
5. conclusion

Activity 2

1. 5, 10 , 15, 20. The next number is 25. INDUCTIVE REASONING

2. A child’s teacher in pre-school was female. In his grades 1 and 2, his teachers
were both female. The child may say that teachers are female. INDUCTIVE
3. All right angles measure exactly 90°. If < 1 is a right angle, then < 1= 90°.
4. Smoking can cause cancer. Tomas smokes. Therefore, Tomas will have a
5. Look carefully the movements of the line. What is next?


Activity 3

1. B 2. A 3.B 4.B 5.A 6.A 7.B 8.A 9.B 10.A

V.Students’ answers may vary.


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