BEEE - Unit - I - QB

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19EE13101 – Basics of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Question bank
Objective Questions
Unit – I

Objective Questions:
1. Inductor is _______________ element.
a) Active
b) Passive
c) Linear
d) Polar

2. The opposing capacity of materials against the current flow is

a) Conductance
b) Inductance
c) Susceptance
d) Resistance

3.  The algebraic sum of voltages around any closed path in a network is equal to ____________
a) Infinity
b) 1
c) 0
d) Negative polarity

4.  All _____________ are loops but _______________ are not meshes

a) Loops, Meshes
b) Meshes, loops
c) Branches, loops
d) Nodes, Branches

5. The basic laws for analyzing an electric circuit are :-

a) Einstein’s theory
b) Newtons laws
c) Kirchhoff’s laws
d) Faradays laws

6.  A junction whell two (or) more than two network elements meet is known as a ______________
a) Node
b) Branch
c) Loop
d) Mesh

7. Which is the best-preferred method to calculate currents flowing in the circuit?

a) Mesh-voltage analysis
b) Node-current analysis
c) Superposition principle
d) Duality principle

8. What is the type of current obtained by finding the square of the currents and then finding their
average and then fining the square root?
a) RMS current
b) Average current
c) Instantaneous current
d) Total current

9.  In a sinusoidal wave, average current is always _______ rms current.

a) Greater than
b) Less than
c) Equal to
d) Not related

10. Calculate the crest factor if the peak value of current is 10A and the rms value is 2A.
a) 5
b) 10
c) 5A
d) 10A

11. Find the average value of current when the current that are equidistant are 4A, 5A and 6A.
a) 5A
b) 6A
c) 15A
d) 10A

12. What is maximum value of power factor?

a. 0.5
b. 1
c. 1.5
d. 0.95

13.  In a balanced three-phase system-delta load, if we assume the line voltage is V RY = V∠0⁰ as a
reference phasor. Then the source voltage V YB is?
a) V∠0⁰
b) V∠-120⁰
c) V∠120⁰
d) V∠240⁰

14. In a delta-connected load, the relation between line voltage and the phase voltage is?
a) line voltage > phase voltage
b) line voltage < phase voltage
c) line voltage = phase voltage
d) line voltage >= phase voltage

15. If power factor = 1, then the current to the load is ______ with the voltage across it.
a) out of phase
b) in phase
c) 90⁰ out of phase
d) 45⁰ out of phase

16. For reactive load, the power factor is equal to?

a) 0
b) 1
c) 2
d) 3

17.  If we apply a sinusoidal voltage to a circuit, the product of voltage and current is?
a) true power
b) apparent power
c) average power
d) reactive power

18. The power factor is the ratio of ________ power to the ______ power.
a) average, apparent
b) apparent, reactive
c) reactive, average
d) apparent, average

19. Consider the circuit shown below. The number mesh equations that can be formed are?

a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4

20. In capacitor, the energy delivered by source is ____________ by capacitor.

a) returned to source
b) dissipated in the form of heat
c) stored as electric field
d) stored as magnetic field

21. In which of the following cases is Ohm’s law not applicable?

a) Electrolytes
b) Arc lamps
c) Insulators
d) Vacuum ratio values

22.  In a current-voltage relationship graph of a linear resistor, the slope of the graph will indicate
a) conductance
b) resistance
c) resistivity
d) a constant

23. Consider a circuit with two unequal resistances in parallel, then ___________
a) large current flows in large resistor
b) current is same in both
c) potential difference across each is same
d) smaller resistance has smaller conductance
24.  Kirchhoff’s current law is applied at ___________
a) loops
b) nodes
c) both loop and node
d) none of the mentioned

25. Find the current through the branch containing resistance R3.

a) 2A
b) 3.25A
c) 2A
d) 2.75A

Explanation: By KCL, 5A = 0.25A + 2A + i3.

I3 = 2.75A

2 Marks:

1. Define Active & Passive elements.

The element which is capable of generating or supplying energy is called Active
element. Example: Generators, Batteries, Operational Amplifiers etc., The element
which is capable of receiving energy is called Passive element. Example: Resistor,
Inductor, Capacitor.

2. Define the terms Loop and Mesh.

The closed path of a network is called a Loop. An elementary form of a loop which
cannot be further divided is called a Mesh. In Mesh is closed path that does not
contain any other loop within it.

3. Define the terms Node and Junction.

A Node is a point in the network where two or more circuit elements are
connected. A Junction is a point where three or more circuit elements are

4. Define Ohm’s law.

The ratio between the potential difference across two terminals of a conductor and
current through it remains constant, when the physical condition of the conductor
remains unchanged. Here the physical condition is temperature.


5. Define Kirchoff’s current law.

The algebraic sum of currents entering and leaving a junction is
equal to zero.
For this node according to Kirchoff’s current law, i1+i3+i5=i2+i4.
6. Define Kirchhoff’s voltage law.
The algebraic sum of potential rises and potential drops
around a closed circuit is equal to zero.
For the circuit shown the diagram, consider the loop
ABEFA, according to Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law, E 1=i1R

7. Define power and energy. Give the expression for

electrical power and energy.
 Power is the rate of doing work and its unit is Watt. The unit of electric
power is defined in terms of the joule per second. One joule per second is
the work done when one coulomb of electricity is moved through a
potential difference of one volt in one second. Power P = EI = I 2R = E2/R
 Energy is the product of power and time. If the power remains constant at
P during the period of time t seconds, the energy equals Pt Watt-sec or
Joules. Energy W = Pt = EIt = I2Rt = E2t/R Joules.

8. Define RMS value of an ac voltage signal.

The RMS value of an alternating current is defined as that steady current which when flowing
through a given resistance for a given time to produce a same amount of heat as produce by the
alternating current when flowing through the same resistance for the same time. It is also known
as Effective value of an AC.

9. Define Average value of an ac voltage signal.

The average of the instantaneous values taken over one complete cycle of the wave.


10. Define form factor.

The ratio between RMS value and average value is known as form factor. For sine
wave signal the value of form factor is 1.11.

11. Define peak factor.

The ratio between Maximum value and RMS value is known as peak factor. For
sine wave signal the value of peak factor is 1.414

12. Define Power factor.

Power Factor of an AC electrical power system is defined as the ratio of the real power
following to the load to the apparent power in the circuit.

P.F = Real Power / Apparent Power

13. What are the advantages of 3 phase circuits over single phase circuits?

1. Generation, transmission and distribution of 3 phase power is cheaper,

2. More efficient,
3. Uniform torque production occurs.

14. Define Apparent Power.

The product of RMS voltage (V) and RMS current (I) is called apparent power.
S = V.I (VA)

15. Define Reactive power (Q)

The product of applied voltage and the reactive component of current is called reactive

Denoted by Q.

16. Define Active Power(P).

While the power is called active power. The unit of active (or) real power is called Watt.

Denoted by P.

17. What is line voltage and phase voltage?

 Voltage across any 2 lines is called Line voltage. It is denoted by (V L)
 Voltage across the winding is called phase voltage. It is denoted by

18. What is line current and phase current?

 Current through the line is called as line current. It is denoted by (I L)
 Current flowing in any phase winding is called phase current. It is
denoted by (IPh)

19. Difference between star and delta connection.(Write any 4 points)


Basic Definition The terminals of the three branches are The three branches of the network are connected
connected to a common point. The network in such a way that it forms a closed loop known as
formed is known as Star Connection Delta Connection

Connection of The starting and the finishing point that is The end of each coil is connected to the starting
terminals the similar ends of the three coils are point of the other coil that means the opposite

connected together terminals of the coils are connected together.

Neutral point Neutral or the star point exists in the star Neutral point does not exist in the delta
connection. connection.

Relation Line current is equal to the Phase current. Line current is equal to root three times of the
between line and Phase Current.
phase current

Relation Line voltage is equal to root three times of Line voltage is equal to the Phase voltage.
between line and the Phase Voltage
phase voltage

Speed The Speed of the star connected motors is The Speed of the delta connected motors is high
slow as they receive 1/√3 of the voltage. because each phase gets the total of the line

Phase voltage Phase voltage is low as 1/√3 times of the Phase voltage is equal to the line voltage.
line voltage.

Number of turns Requires less number of turns Requires large number of turns.

Insulation level Insulation required is low. High insulation is required.

Network Type Mainly used in the Power Transmission Used in the Power Distribution networks.

Type of system Both Three phase four wire and three phase Three phase four wire system can be derived from
three wire system can be derived in star the Delta connection.

20. What are the types of 3 phase power measurement?

1. One Wattmeter method

2. Two Wattmeter method

3. Three Wattmeter method

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