Cables Cisco Pinout

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Cisco 2600 Series Cable

This document provides cable specifications for Cisco 2600 series router and includes:
• Console and Auxiliary Port Signals and Pinouts
• Ethernet 10BaseT Port Signals and Pinouts
• ISDN BRI Signals and Pinouts
• 56/64-Kbps DSU/CSU Signals and Pinouts
• Serial Connection Signals and Pinouts
• Smart Serial Connection Signals and Pinouts

Note All pins not listed in the tables in this appendix are not connected.

If you prefer to order cables, refer to the section “Obtaining Service and Support” in the
“Overview of the Router” chapter for information about how to contact service.

Console and Auxiliary Port Signals and Pinouts

Your router comes with a console and auxiliary cable kit, which contains the cable and
adapters you need to connect a console terminal (an ASCII terminal or PC running terminal
emulation software) or modem to your router. The console and auxiliary cable kit includes
the following items:
• RJ-45-to-RJ-45 rollover cable.
• RJ-45-to-DB-9 female DTE adapter (labeled “TERMINAL”).

Cisco 2600 Series Cable Specifications 1

Console and Auxiliary Port Signals and Pinouts

• RJ-45-to-DB-25 female DTE adapter (labeled “TERMINAL”).

• RJ-45-to-DB-25 male DCE adapter (labeled “MODEM”).
For console connections, proceed to the section “Console Port Signals and Pinouts” later in
this publication; for modem connections, proceed to the section “Auxiliary Port Signals and
Pinouts” later in this publication.

Console Port Signals and Pinouts

Table 1 lists the pinouts for the asynchronous serial console port, the RJ-45-to-RJ-45
rollover cable, and the RJ-45-to-DB-9 female DTE adapter (labeled “TERMINAL”).

Table 1 Console Port Signaling and Cabling Using a DB-9 Adapter

Console RJ-45-to-RJ-45 RJ-45-to-DB-9 Console

Port (DTE) Roll-Over Cable Terminal Adapter Device
Signal RJ-45 Pin RJ-45 Pin DB-9 Pin Signal
RTS 11 8 8 CTS
DTR 2 7 6 DSR
TxD 3 6 2 RxD
GND 4 5 5 GND
GND 5 4 5 GND
RxD 6 3 3 TxD
DSR 7 2 4 DTR
CTS 8 1 7 RTS
1. Pin 1 is connected internally to Pin 8.

Table 2 lists the pinouts for the asynchronous serial console port, the RJ-45-to-RJ-45
rollover cable, and the RJ-45-to-DB-25 female DTE adapter (labeled “TERMINAL”).

2 Cisco 2600 Series Cable Specifications

Auxiliary Port Signals and Pinouts

Table 2 Console Port Signaling and Cabling Using a DB-25 Adapter

Console RJ-45-to-RJ-45 RJ-45-to-DB-25 Console

Port (DTE)1 Roll-Over Cable Terminal Adapter Device
Signal RJ-45 Pin RJ-45 Pin DB-25 Pin Signal
RTS 1 8 5 CTS
DTR 2 7 6 DSR
TxD 3 6 3 RxD
GND 4 5 7 GND
GND 5 4 7 GND
RxD 6 3 2 TxD
DSR 7 2 20 DTR
CTS 8 1 4 RTS
1. You can use the same cabling to connect a console to the auxiliary port.
2. Pin 1 is connected internally to Pin 8.

Auxiliary Port Signals and Pinouts

Table 3 lists the pinouts for the asynchronous serial auxiliary port, the RJ-45-to-RJ-45
rollover cable, and the RJ-45-to-DB-25 male DCE adapter (labeled “MODEM”).

Table 3 Auxiliary Port Signaling and Cabling Using a DB-25 Adapter

Auxiliary RJ-45-to-RJ-45 RJ-45-to-DB-25

Port (DTE) Roll-Over Cable Modem Adapter Modem
Signal RJ-45 Pin RJ-45 Pin DB-25 Pin Signal
RTS 11 8 4 RTS
DTR 2 7 20 DTR
TxD 3 6 3 TxD
GND 4 5 7 GND

Cisco 2600 Series Cable Specifications 3

Console and Auxiliary Port Signals and Pinouts

Table 3 Auxiliary Port Signaling and Cabling Using a DB-25 Adapter

Auxiliary RJ-45-to-RJ-45 RJ-45-to-DB-25

Port (DTE) Roll-Over Cable Modem Adapter Modem
Signal RJ-45 Pin RJ-45 Pin DB-25 Pin Signal
GND 5 4 7 GND
RxD 6 3 2 RxD
DSR 7 2 8 DCD
CTS 8 1 5 CTS
1. Pin 1 is connected internally to Pin 8.

You can identify a rollover cable by comparing the modular plugs at the two ends of the
cable. When you hold the plugs side by side, with the tab at the back, the wire connected
to the pin on the outside of the left plug should be the same color as the wire connected to
the pin on the outside of the right plug. (See Figure 1.) If you purchased your cable from
Cisco Systems, pin 1 is white on one connector, and pin 8 is white on the other (a rollover
cable connects pins 1 and 8, 2 and 7, 3 and 6, and 4 and 5).

Figure 1 Identifying a Rollover Cable

Pin 1 and pin 8

should be the
same color
Pin 1 Pin 8

4 Cisco 2600 Series Cable Specifications

Ethernet 10BaseT Port Signals and Pinouts

Ethernet 10BaseT Port Signals and Pinouts

This section describes the signals and pinouts for an Ethernet 10BaseT port.

10BaseT Connector Pinouts

Figure 2 shows the 10BaseT connector (RJ-45) and Table 4 lists the pinouts.

Figure 2 10BaseT Connector (RJ-45)


Table 4 10BaseT Connector (RJ-45) Pinouts

Pin1 Description
1 TX+
2 TX–
3 RX+
4 –
5 –
6 RX–
7 –
8 –
1. Any pin not described is
not connected.

Cisco 2600 Series Cable Specifications 5

ISDN BRI Signals and Pinouts

ISDN BRI Signals and Pinouts

Table 5 lists the connector signals and pinouts for the ISDN BRI S/T card. Table 6 lists the
connector signals and pinouts for the ISDN BRI U card.

Table 5 ISDN BRI S/T Port Signals and Pinouts (RJ-45)

8 Pin1 TE2 NT3 Polarity

3 Transmit Receive +
4 Receive Transmit +
5 Receive Transmit –
6 Transmit Receive –
1. Pins 1, 2, 7, and 8 are not used.
2. TE refers to terminal terminating layer 1 aspects of TE1, TA, and NT
functional groups. This applies to the Cisco 1603 and the ISDN BRI
S/T WAN interface card.
3. NT refers to network terminating layer 1 aspects of NT1 and NT2
functional groups. This applies to the Cisco 1604 ISDN S/T port.

Table 6 ISDN BRI U Port Signals and Pinouts (RJ-45)

8 Pin1 Function
3 No connection
4 Signal—Tip or Ring
5 Signal—Tip or Ring
6 No connection
1. Pins 1, 2, 7, and 8 are not used.

56/64-Kbps DSU/CSU Signals and Pinouts

Table 7 lists the 56/64-Kbps DSU/CSU connector signals and pinouts.

6 Cisco 2600 Series Cable Specifications

Serial Connection Signals and Pinouts

Table 7 56/64-Kbps DSU/CSU (RJ-48S) Signals and Pinouts

8 Pin1 Description
1 Transmit
2 Transmit
7 Receive
8 Receive
1. Pins 3, 4, 5, and 6 are not used.

Serial Connection Signals and Pinouts

This section provides information about the 1-port serial WAN interface card for the
Cisco 2600 series routers. With the appropriate serial transition cable, this card can provide
an EIA/TIA-232, EIA/TIA-449, V.35, X.21, DTE/DCE, EIA-530 DTE, or NRZ/NRZI
serial interface.

Types of Serial Cables

Six types of serial cables (also called serial adapter cables or serial transition cables) are
available from Cisco Systems:
• EIA/TIA-232 Serial Cable Assembly
• EIA/TIA-449 Serial Cable Assembly
• V.35 Serial Cable Assembly
• X.21 Serial Cable Assembly
• EIA-530 Serial Cable Assembly
All serial cables provide a universal plug at the interface card end. The network end of each
cable provides the physical connectors most commonly used for the interface. For example,
the network end of the EIA/TIA-232 serial cable is a DB-25 connector, the most widely
used EIA/TIA-232 connector.

Cisco 2600 Series Cable Specifications 7

Serial Connection Signals and Pinouts

All serial interface types except EIA-530 are available in DTE or DCE format: DTE with a
plug connector at the network end and DCE with a receptacle at the network end. V.35 is
available in either mode with either gender at the network end. EIA-530 is available in DTE

Connecting the Card to the Network

After you install the serial WAN interface card, use the appropriate serial cable to connect
the interface card’s DB-60 serial port to one of the following types of equipment:
• An asynchronous modem, if connecting to an analog telephone line
• A synchronous modem, data service unit/channel service unit (DSU/CSU), or other data
circuit-terminating equipment (DCE), if connecting to a digital WAN line

EIA/TIA-232 Serial Cable Assembly

Figure 3 shows the EIA/TIA-232 serial cable assembly. Table 8 lists the DTE pinout and
Table 9 lists the DCE pinout. Arrows indicate signal direction: —> means DTE to DCE and
<— means DCE to DTE.

Figure 3 EIA/TIA-232 Cable Assembly

8 Cisco 2600 Series Cable Specifications

EIA/TIA-232 Serial Cable Assembly

Table 8 EIA/TIA-232 DTE Cable Pinout (DB-60 to DB-25)

60-Pin Signal Note n 25-Pin Signal
J1-50 MODE_0 Shorting group – – –
J1-51 GND
J1-46 Shield GND Single – J2-1 Shield GND
J1-46 Shield GND Single – J2-1 Shield GND
J1-41 TXD/RXD Twisted pair no. 5 —> J2-2 TXD
Shield – – Shield –
J1-36 RXD/TXD Twisted pair no. 9 <— J2-3 RXD
Shield – – Shield –
J1-42 RTS/CTS Twisted pair no. 4 —> J2-4 RTS
Shield – – Shield –
J1-35 CTS/RTS Twisted pair no. 10 <— J2-5 CTS
Shield – – Shield –
J1-34 DSR/DTR Twisted pair no. 11 <— J2-6 DSR
Shield – – Shield –
J1-45 Circuit GND Twisted pair no. 1 – J2-7 Circuit GND
Shield – – Shield –
J1-33 DCD/LL Twisted pair no. 12 <— J2-8 DCD
Shield – – Shield –
J1-37 TXC/NIL Twisted pair no. 8 <— J2-15 TXC
Shield – – Shield –
J1-38 RXC/TXCE Twisted pair no. 7 <— J2-17 RXC
Shield – – Shield –
J1-44 LL/DCD Twisted pair no. 2 —> J2-18 LTST
Shield – – Shield –
J1-43 DTR/DSR Twisted pair no. 3 —> J2-20 DTR
Shield – – Shield –

Cisco 2600 Series Cable Specifications 9

Serial Connection Signals and Pinouts

Table 8 EIA/TIA-232 DTE Cable Pinout (DB-60 to DB-25) (Continued)

60-Pin Signal Note n 25-Pin Signal
J1-39 TXCE/TXC Twisted pair no. 6 —> J2-24 TXCE
Shield – – Shield –

Table 9 EIA/TIA-232 DCE Cable Pinout (DB-60 to DB-25)

60-Pin Signal Note n 25-Pin Signal
J1-50 MODE_0 Shorting group – – –
J1-51 GND
J1-36 RXD/TXD Twisted pair no. 9 <— J2-2 TXD
Shield – – Shield –
J1-41 TXD/RXD Twisted pair no. 5 —> J2-3 RXD
Shield – – Shield –
J1-35 CTS/RTS Twisted pair no. 10 <— J2-4 RTS
Shield – – Shield –
J1-42 RTS/CTS Twisted pair no. 4 —> J2-5 CTS
Shield – – Shield –
J1-43 DTR/DSR Twisted pair no. 3 —> J2-6 DSR
Shield – – Shield –
J1-45 Circuit GND Twisted pair no. 1 – J2-7 Circuit GND
Shield – – Shield
J1-44 LL/DCD Twisted pair no. 2 —> J2-8 DCD
Shield – – Shield –
J1-39 TXCE/TXC Twisted pair no. 7 —> J2-15 TXC
Shield – – Shield –
J1-40 NIL/RXC Twisted pair no. 6 —> J2-17 RXC
Shield – – Shield –
J1-33 DCD/LL Twisted pair no. 12 <— J2-18 LTST
Shield – – Shield –

10 Cisco 2600 Series Cable Specifications

EIA/TIA-449 Serial Cable Assembly

Table 9 EIA/TIA-232 DCE Cable Pinout (DB-60 to DB-25)

60-Pin Signal Note n 25-Pin Signal
J1-34 DSR/DTR Twisted pair no. 11 <— J2-20 DTR
Shield – – Shield –
J1-38 RXC/TXCE Twisted pair no. 8 <— J2-24 TXCE
Shield – – Shield –

EIA/TIA-449 Serial Cable Assembly

Figure 4 shows the EIA/TIA-449 serial cable assembly. Table 10 lists the DTE pinout and
Table 11 lists the DCE pinout. Arrows indicate signal direction: —> means DTE to DCE
and <— means DCE to DTE.

Figure 4 EIA/TIA-449 Serial Cable Assembly

J1-46 60-pin connector (J1) 37-pin connector (J2)

J1-45 J2-19
J1-16 J2-37


J1-1 J2-20
Connectors are not to scale. J2-1

Cisco 2600 Series Cable Specifications 11

Serial Connection Signals and Pinouts

Table 10 EIA/TIA-449 DTE Cable Pinout (DB-60 to DB-37)

60-Pin Signal Name Note n 37-Pin Signal Name
J1-49 MODE_1 Shorting group – – –
J1-48 GND
J1-51 GND Shorting group – – –
J1-46 Shield_GND Single _ J2-1 Shield GND
J1-11 TXD/RXD+ Twisted pair no. 6 —> J2-4 SD+
J1-12 TXD/RXD– —> J2-22 SD–
J1-24 TXC/RXC+ Twisted pair no. 9 <— J2-5 ST+
J1-23 TXC/RXC– <— J2-23 ST–
J1-28 RXD/TXD+ Twisted pair no. 11 <— J2-6 RD+
J1-27 RXD/TXD– <— J2-24 RD–
J1-9 RTS/CTS+ Twisted pair no. 5 —> J2-7 RS+
J1-10 RTS/CTS– —> J2-25 RS–
J1-26 RXC/TXCE+ Twisted pair no. 10 <— J2-8 RT+
J1-25 RXC/TXCE– <— J2-26 RT–
J1-1 CTS/RTS+ Twisted pair no. 1 <— J2-9 CS+
J1-2 CTS/RTS– <— J2-27 CS–
J1-44 LL/DCD Twisted pair no. 12 —> J2-10 LL
J1-45 Circuit_GND _ J2-37 SC
J1-3 DSR/DTR+ Twisted pair no. 2 <— J2-11 DM+
J1-4 DSR/DTR– <— J2-29 DM–
J1-7 DTR/DSR+ Twisted pair no. 4 —> J2-12 TR+
J1-8 DTR/DSR– —> J2-30 TR–
J1-5 DCD/DCD+ Twisted pair no. 3 <— J2-13 RR+
J1-6 DCD/DCD– <— J2-31 RR–
J1-13 TXCE/TXC+ Twisted pair no. 7 —> J2-17 TT+
J1-14 TXCE/TXC– —> J2-35 TT–

12 Cisco 2600 Series Cable Specifications

EIA/TIA-449 Serial Cable Assembly

Table 10 EIA/TIA-449 DTE Cable Pinout (DB-60 to DB-37) (Continued)

60-Pin Signal Name Note n 37-Pin Signal Name
J1-15 Circuit_GND Twisted pair no. 9 – J2-19 SG
J1-16 Circuit_GND – J2-20 RC

Table 11 EIA/TIA-449 DCE Cable Pinout (DB-60 to DB-37)

60-Pin Signal Name Note n 37-Pin Signal Name
J1-49 MODE_1 Shorting group – – –
J1-48 GND
J1-46 Shield_GND Single – J2-1 Shield GND
J1-28 RXD/TXD+ Twisted pair no. 11 <— J2-4 SD+
J1-27 RXD/TXD– <— J2-22 SD–
J1-13 TXCE/TXC+ Twisted pair no. 7 —> J2-5 ST+
J1-14 TXCE/TXC– —> J2-23 ST–
J1-11 TXD/RXD+ Twisted pair no. 6 —> J2-6 RD+
J1-12 TXD/RXD– —> J2-24 RD–
J1-1 CTS/RTS+ Twisted pair no. 1 <— J2-7 RS+
J1-2 CTS/RTS– <— J2-25 RS–
J1-24 TXC/RXC+ Twisted pair no. 9 —> J2-8 RT+
J1-23 TXC/RXC– —> J2-26 RT–
J1-9 RTS/CTS+ Twisted pair no. 5 —> J2-9 CS+
J1-10 RTS/CTS– —> J2-27 CS–
J1-29 NIL/LL Twisted pair no. 12 —> J2-10 LL
J1-30 Circuit_GND – J2-37 SC
J1-7 DTR/DSR+ Twisted pair no. 4 —> J2-11 DM+
J1-8 DTR/DSR– —> J2-29 DM–
J1-3 DSR/DTR+ Twisted pair no. 2 <— J2-12 TR+
J1-4 DSR/DTR– <— J2-30 TR–

Cisco 2600 Series Cable Specifications 13

Serial Connection Signals and Pinouts

Table 11 EIA/TIA-449 DCE Cable Pinout (DB-60 to DB-37) (Continued)

60-Pin Signal Name Note n 37-Pin Signal Name
J1-5 DCD/DCD+ Twisted pair no. 3 —> J2-13 RR+
J1-6 DCD/DCD– —> J2-31 RR–
J1-26 RXC/TXCE+ Twisted pair no. 10 <— J2-17 TT+
J1-25 RXC/TXCE– <— J2-35 TT–
J1-15 Circuit_GND Twisted pair no. 8 _ J2-19 SG
J1-16 Circuit_GND _ J2-20 RC

V.35 Serial Cable Assembly

Figure 5 shows the V.35 serial cable assembly. Table 12 lists the DTE pinout and Table 13
lists the DCE pinout. Arrows indicate signal direction: —> means DTE to DCE and <—
means DCE to DTE.

Figure 5 V.35 Serial Cable Assembly

J1-46 60-pin connector (J1) 34-pin connector (J2)

J1-45 J2-B
J1-16 J2-D
J1-15 J2-A


Connectors are not to scale. J2-NN

14 Cisco 2600 Series Cable Specifications

V.35 Serial Cable Assembly

Table 12 V.35 DTE Cable Pinout (DB-60 to Winchester-Type 34-Pin)

60-Pin Signal Name Type n 34-Pin Signal Name
J1-49 MODE_1 Shorting group – – –
J1-48 GND
J1-50 MODE_0 Shorting group – – –
J1-51 GND
J1-53 TxC/NIL Shorting group – – –
J1-54 RxC_TxCE
J1-55 RxD/TxD
J1-56 GND
J1-46 Shield_GND Single – J2-A Frame GND
J1-45 Circuit_GND Twisted pair no. 12 – J2-B Circuit GND
Shield – – Shield –
J1-42 RTS/CTS Twisted pair no. 9 —> J2-C RTS
Shield – – Shield –
J1-35 CTS/RTS Twisted pair no. 8 <— J2-D CTS
Shield – – Shield –
J1-34 DSR/DTR Twisted pair no. 7 <— J2-E DSR
Shield – – Shield –
J1-33 DCD/LL Twisted pair no. 6 <— J2-F RLSD
Shield – – Shield –
J1-43 DTR/DSR Twisted pair no. 10 —> J2-H DTR
Shield – – Shield –
J1-44 LL/DCD Twisted pair no. 11 —> J2-K LT
Shield – – Shield –
J1-18 TxD/RxD+ Twisted pair no. 1 —> J2-P SD+
J1-17 TxD/RxD– —> J2-S SD–
J1-28 RxD/TxD+ Twisted pair no. 5 <— J2-R RD+
J1-27 RxD/TxD– <— J2-T RD–

Cisco 2600 Series Cable Specifications 15

Serial Connection Signals and Pinouts

Table 12 V.35 DTE Cable Pinout (DB-60 to Winchester-Type 34-Pin) (Continued)

60-Pin Signal Name Type n 34-Pin Signal Name
J1-20 TxCE/TxC+ Twisted pair no. 2 —> J2-U SCTE+
J1-19 TxCE/TxC– —> J2-W SCTE–
J1-26 RxC/TxCE+ Twisted pair no. 4 <— J2-V SCR+
J1-25 RxC/TxCE– <— J2-X SCR–
J1-24 TxC/RxC+ Twisted pair no. 3 <— J2-Y SCT+
J1-23 TxC/RxC– <— J2-AA SCT–

Table 13 V.35 DCE Cable Pinout (DB-60 to Winchester-Type 34-Pin)

60-Pin Signal Name Type n 34-Pin Signal Name
J1-49 MODE_1 Shorting group – – –
J1-48 GND
J1-50 MODE_0 Shorting group – – –
J1-51 GND
J1-53 TxC/NIL Shorting group – – –
J1-54 RxC_TxCE
J1-55 RxD/TxD
J1-56 GND
J1-46 Shield_GND Single – J2-A Frame GND
J1-45 Circuit_GND Twisted pair no. 12 – J2-B Circuit GND
Shield – – Shield –
J1-35 CTS/RTS Twisted pair no. 8 <— J2-C RTS
Shield – – Shield –
J1-42 RTS/CTS Twisted pair no. 9 —> J2-D CTS
Shield – – Shield –
J1-43 DTR/DSR Twisted pair no. 10 —> J2-E DSR
Shield – – Shield –

16 Cisco 2600 Series Cable Specifications

X.21 Serial Cable Assembly

Table 13 V.35 DCE Cable Pinout (DB-60 to Winchester-Type 34-Pin) (Continued)

60-Pin Signal Name Type n 34-Pin Signal Name
J1-44 LL/DCD Twisted pair no. 11 —> J2-F RLSD
Shield – – Shield –
J1-34 DSR/DTR Twisted pair no. 7 <— J2-H DTR
Shield – – Shield –
J1-33 DCD/LL Twisted pair no. 6 <— J2-K LT
Shield – – Shield –
J1-28 RxD/TxD+ Twisted pair no. 5 <— J2-P SD+
J1-27 RxD/TxD– <— J2-S SD–
J1-18 TxD/RxD+ Twisted pair no. 1 —> J2-R RD+
J1-17 TxD/RxD– —> J2-T RD–
J1-26 RxC/TxCE+ Twisted pair no. 4 <— J2-U SCTE+
J1-25 RxC/TxCE– <— J2-W SCTE–
J1-22 NIL/RxC+ Twisted pair no. 3 —> J2-V SCR+
J1-21 NIL/RxC– —> J2-X SCR–
J1-20 TxCE/TxC+ Twisted pair no. 2 —> J2-Y SCT+
J1-19 TxCE/TxC– —> J2-AA SCT–

X.21 Serial Cable Assembly

Figure 6 shows the X.21 serial cable assembly. Table 14 lists the DTE pinout and Table 15
lists the DCE pinout. Arrows indicate signal direction: —> means DTE to DCE and <—
means DCE to DTE.

Cisco 2600 Series Cable Specifications 17

Serial Connection Signals and Pinouts

Figure 6 X.21 Serial Cable Assembly

J1-46 60-pin connector (J1) 34-pin connector (J2)


J1-1 J2-9
J1-30 J2-1
Connectors are not to scale.

18 Cisco 2600 Series Cable Specifications

X.21 Serial Cable Assembly

Table 14 X.21 DTE Cable Pinout (DB-60 to DB-15)

60-Pin Signal Name Type n 15-Pin Signal Name
J1-48 GND Shorting group - – –
J1-47 MODE_2
J1-51 GND Shorting group – – –
J1-46 Shield_GND Single – J2-1 Shield GND
J1-11 TXD/RXD+ Twisted pair no. 3 —> J2-2 Transmit+
J1-12 TXD/RXD– —> J2-9 Transmit–
J1-9 RTS/CTS+ Twisted pair no. 2 —> J2-3 Control+
J1-10 RTS/CTS– —> J2-10 Control–
J1-28 RXD/TXD+ Twisted pair no. 6 <— J2-4 Receive+
J1-27 RXD/TXD– <— J2-11 Receive–
J1-1 CTS/RTS+ Twisted pair no. 1 <— J2-5 Indication+
J1-2 CTS/RTS– <— J2-12 Indication–
J1-26 RXC/TXCE+ Twisted pair no. 5 <— J2-6 Timing+
J1-25 RXC/TXCE– <— J2-13 Timing–
J1-15 Control_GND Twisted pair no. 4 – J2-8 Control GND
Shield – – Shield –

Table 15 X.21 Serial DCE Cable Pinout (DB-60 to DB-15)

60 Pin Signal Name Type n 15 Pin Signal Name
J1-48 GND Shorting group – – –
J1-47 MODE_2
J1-46 Shield_GND Single – J2-1 Shield GND
J1-28 RXD/TXD+ Twisted pair no. 6 <— J2-2 Transmit+
J1-27 RXD/TXD– <— J2-9 Transmit–
J1-1 CTS/RTS+ Twisted pair no. 1 <— J2-3 Control+
J1-2 CTS/RTS– <— J2-10 Control–

Cisco 2600 Series Cable Specifications 19

Serial Connection Signals and Pinouts

Table 15 X.21 Serial DCE Cable Pinout (DB-60 to DB-15) (Continued)

60 Pin Signal Name Type n 15 Pin Signal Name
J1-11 TXD/RXD+ Twisted pair no. 3 —> J2-4 Receive+
J1-12 TXD/RXD– —> J2-11 Receive–
J1-9 RTS/CTS+ Twisted pair no. 2 —> J2-5 Indication+
J1-10 RTS/CTS– —> J2-12 Indication–
J1-24 TXC/RXC+ Twisted pair no. 4 —> J2-6 Timing+
J1-23 TXC/RXC– —> J2-13 Timing–
J1-15 Control_GND Twisted pair no. 5 – J2-8 Control GND
Shield – – Shield –

EIA-530 Serial Cable Assembly

Figure 7 shows the EIA-530 serial cable assembly, and Table 16 lists the pinout. Arrows
indicate signal direction: —> means DTE to DCE and <— means DCE to DTE.
The EIA-530 interface cannot be operated in DCE mode, and no DCE cable is available for

Figure 7 EIA-530 Serial Cable Assembly

J1-45 60-pin connector (J1) 25-pin connector (J2)
J1-16 J2-13
J1-15 J2-25

Connectors are not to scale.

20 Cisco 2600 Series Cable Specifications

EIA-530 Serial Cable Assembly

Table 16 EIA-530 DTE Cable Pinout (DB-60 to DB-25)

60-Pin Signal Name 25-Pin Signal Name Direction

J1-11 TXD/RXD+ J2-2 BA(A), TXD+ —>
J1-12 TXD/RXD– J2-14 BA(B), TXD– —>
J1-28 RXD/TXD+ J2-3 BB(A), RXD+ <—
J1-27 RXD/TXD– J2-16 BB(B), RXD– <—
J1-9 RTS/CTS+ J2-4 CA(A), RTS+ —>
J1-10 RTS/CTS– J2-19 CA(B), RTS– —>
J1-1 CTS/RTS+ J2-5 CB(A), CTS+ <—
J1-2 CTS/RTS– J2-13 CB(B), CTS– <—
J1-3 DSR/DTR+ J2-6 CC(A), DSR+ <—
J1-4 DSR/DTR– J2-22 CC(B), DSR– <—
J1-46 Shield_GND J2-1 Shield Shorted
J1-47 MODE_2 – –
J1-48 GND – – Shorted
J1-49 MODE_1 – –
J1-5 DCD/DCD+ J2-8 CF(A), DCD+ <—
J1-6 DCD/DCD– J2-10 CF(B), DCD– <—
J1-24 TXC/RXC+ J2-15 DB(A), TXC+ <—
J1-23 TXC/RXC– J2-12 DB(B), TXC– <—
J1-26 RXC/TXCE+ J2-17 DD(A), RXC+ <—
J1-25 RXC/TXCE– J2-9 DD(B), RXC– <—
J1-44 LL/DCD J2-18 LL —>
J1-45 Circuit_GND J2-7 Circuit_ GND –
J1-7 DTR/DSR+ J2-20 CD(A), DTR+ —>
J1-8 DTR/DSR– J2-23 CD(B), DTR– —>
J1-13 TXCE/TXC+ J2-24 DA(A), —>
J1-14 TXCE/TXC– J2-11 TXCE+ —>
J1-51 GND – – Shorted
J1-52 MODE_DCE – –

Cisco 2600 Series Cable Specifications 21

Smart Serial Connection Signals and Pinouts

Smart Serial Connection Signals and Pinouts

The Smart Serial cable interface supports two independent serial interface ports. Each port
supports six types of serial interfaces: EIA/TIA-232, EIA/TIA-449, X.21, V.35 in both
DTE and DCE modes, and EIA530/EIA530A in DTE and mode. The serial end of the
Smart Serial cable is a 26-pin connector. These cables are used with the 2-port serial and
2-port asynchronous/synchronous WAN interface cards.

22 Cisco 2600 Series Cable Specifications

Smart Serial Connection Signals and Pinouts

Figure 8 shows the serial transition cables you can connect to the DB-60 port on the
asynchronous/synchronous serial modules and serial WAN interface card.

Figure 8 Smart Serial Interface Adapter Cables

Router connections


EIA/TIA-232 EIA/TIA-449 V.35 X.21 EIA-530

Network connections at the modem or CSU/DSU

Cisco 2600 Series Cable Specifications 23

Smart Serial Connection Signals and Pinouts

EIA/TIA-232 Smart Serial Cable Assembly

Table 17 lists the DTE pinout and Table 18 lists the DCE pinout for the EIA/TIA-232 Smart
Serial cable. Arrows indicate signal direction: —> means DTE to DCE and <— means

Table 17 EIA/TIA-232 DTE Smart Serial Cable Pinout

26-Pi Directio DB-25

n Signal Name Note n Pin Signal Name
J1-23 MODE_0 Local
J1-24 MODE_DCE connections
Drain Shield — J2-01 Shield_GND
J1-05 I_RXD/TXD+ Twisted pair no. 9 <— J2-02 RXD
J1-18 GND+ — GND
J1-01 O_TXD/RXD+ Twisted pair no. 5 —> J2-03 TXD
J1-14 GND+ — GND
J1-11 I_CTS/RTS+ Twisted pair no. 2 <— J2-04 CTS
J1-12 I_DSR/DTR+ <— J2-20 DSR
J1-08 O_RTS/CTS Twisted pair no. 4 —> J2-05 RTS
J1-07 O_DTR/DSR+ —> J2-06 DTR
J1-06 B_DCD/DCD+ Twisted pair no. 1 <— J2-08 DCD
J1-19 GND+ — J2-07 GND
J1-03 B_TXC/TXC+ Twisted pair no. 7 <— J2-15 TXC
J1-16 GND+ — GND
J1-02 O_TXCE/RXC+ Twisted pair no. 6 —> J2-24 TXCE
J1-15 GND+ — GND
J1-13 B_LL/LL+ Twisted pair no. 3 —> J2-18 LTST
J1-26 GND+ — GND
J1-04 I_RXC/TXCE+ Twisted pair no. 8 <— J2-17 RXC
J1-17 GND+ – GND

24 Cisco 2600 Series Cable Specifications

EIA/TIA-449 Smart Serial Cable Assembly

Table 18 EIA/TIA-232 DCE Smart Serial Cable Pinout

26-Pi Directio DB-25

n Signal Name Note n Pin Signal Name
J1-23 MODE_0 Local
Drain Shield — J2-01 Shield_GND
J1-05 I_RXD/TXD+ Twisted pair no. 5 <— J2-02 TXD
J1-18 GND+ — GND
J1-01 O_TXD/RXD+ Twisted pair no. 9 —> J2-03 RXD
J1-14 GND+ — GND
J1-11 I_CTS/RTS+ Twisted pair no. 2 <— J2-04 RTS
J1-12 I_DSR/DTR+ <— J2-20 DTR
J1-08 O_RTS/CTS Twisted pair no. 4 —> J2-05 CTS
J1-07 O_DTR/DSR+ —> J2-06 DSR
J1-06 B_DCD/DCD+ Twisted pair no. 1 —> J2-08 DCD
J1-19 GND+ — J2-07 GND
J1-03 B_TXC/TXC+ Twisted pair no. 7 —> J2-15 TXC
J1-16 GND+ — GND
J1-02 O_TXCE/RXC+ Twisted pair no. 8 —> J2-17 RXC
J1-15 GND+ — GND
J1-13 B_LL/LL+ Twisted pair no. 3 <— J2-18 LTST
J1-26 GND+ — GND
J1-04 I_RXC/TXCE+ Twisted pair no. 6 <— J2-24 TXCE
J1-17 GND+ – GND

EIA/TIA-449 Smart Serial Cable Assembly

Table 19 lists the DTE pinout and Table 20 lists the DCE pinout for the EIA/TIA-449 Smart
Serial cable. Arrows indicate signal direction: —> means DTE to DCE and <— means

Cisco 2600 Series Cable Specifications 25

Smart Serial Connection Signals and Pinouts

Table 19 EIA/TIA-449 DTE Smart Serial Cable Pinout

26-Pi Directio DB-37 Signal

n Signal Name Note n Pin Name
Drain Shield — J2-01 Shield_GND
J1-22 MODE_I Twisted pair no. 2 — J2-19 SG
J1-24 MODE_DCE — J2-20 RC
J1-05 I_RXD/TXD+ Twisted pair no. 5 —> J2-04 RD+
J1-18 I_RXD/TXD- —> J2-22 RD-
J1-03 B_TXC/TXC+ Twisted pair no. 7 <— J2-05 ST+
J1-16 B_TXC/TXC- <— J2-23 ST-
J1-01 O_TXD/RXD+ Twisted pair no. 5 —> J2-06 SD+
J1-14 O_TXD/RXD- —> J2-24 SD-
J1-11 I_CTS/RTS+ Twisted pair no. 4 <— J2-09 CS+
J1-10 I_CTS/RTS- <— J2-27 CS-
J1-02 O_TXCE/RXC+ Twisted pair no. 6 —> J2-17 TT+
J1-15 O_TXCE/RXC- —> J2-35 TT-
J1-08 O_RTS/CTS Twisted pair no. 1 —> J2-07 RS+
J1-09 O_RTS/CTS- —> J2-25 RS-
J1-06 B_DCD/DCD+ Twisted pair no. 11 —> J2-13 RR+
J1-19 B_DCD/DCD- —> J2-31 RR-
J1-07 O_DTR/DSR+ Twisted pair no. 3 —> J2-12 TR+
J1-20 O_DTR/DSR- —> J2-30 TR-
J1-12 I_DTR/DSR+ Twisted pair no. 10 <— J2-11 DM+
J1-25 I_DTR/DSR- <— J2-29 DM-
J1-13 B_LL/LL+ Twisted pair no. 12 —> J2-10 LL
J1-26 GND+ — J2-37 SC
J1-04 I_RXC/TXCE+ Twisted pair no. 8 <— J2-08 RT+
J1-17 I_RXC/TXCE- <— J2-26 RT-

26 Cisco 2600 Series Cable Specifications

EIA/TIA-449 Smart Serial Cable Assembly

Table 20 EIA/TIA-449 DCE Smart Serial Cable Pinout

26-Pi Directio DB-37 Signal

n Signal Name Note n Pin Name
Drain Shield — J2-01 Shield_GND
J1-22 MODE_I Twisted pair no. 2 — J2-19 SG
Not used J2-20 RC
J1-05 I_RXD/TXD+ Twisted pair no. 5 <— J2-04 SD+
J1-18 I_RXD/TXD- <— J2-22 SD-
J1-03 B_TXC/TXC+ Twisted pair no. 7 —> J2-05 ST+
J1-16 B_TXC/TXC- —> J2-23 ST-
J1-01 O_TXD/RXD+ Twisted pair no. 9 —> J2-06 RD+
J1-14 O_TXD/RXD- —> J2-24 RD-
J1-11 I_CTS/RTS+ Twisted pair no. 1 <— J2-07 RS+
J1-10 I_CTS/RTS- <— J2-25 RS-
J1-02 O_TXCE/RXC+ Twisted pair no. 8 —> J2-08 RT+
J1-15 O_TXCE/RXC- —> J2-26 RT-
J1-08 O_RTS/CTS Twisted pair no. 4 —> J2-09 CS+
J1-09 O_RTS/CTS- —> J2-27 CS-
J1-06 B_DCD/DCD+ Twisted pair no. 11 —> J2-13 RR+
J1-19 B_DCD/DCD- —> J2-31 RR-
J1-07 O_DTR/DSR+ Twisted pair no. 10 —> J2-11 DM+
J1-20 O_DTR/DSR- —> J2-29 DM-
J1-12 I_DTR/DSR+ Twisted pair no. 3 <— J2-12 TR+
J1-25 I_DTR/DSR- <— J2-30 TR-
J1-13 B_LL/LL+ Twisted pair no. 12 —> J2-10 LL
J1-26 GND+ — J2-37 SC
J1-04 I_RXC/TXCE+ Twisted pair no. 6 <— J2-17 TT+
J1-17 I_RXC/TXCE- <— J2-35 TT-

Cisco 2600 Series Cable Specifications 27

Smart Serial Connection Signals and Pinouts

X.25 Smart Serial Cable Assembly

Table 21 lists the DTE pinout and Table 22 lists the DCE pinout for the X.25 Smart Serial
cable. Arrows indicate signal direction: —> means DTE to DCE and <— means DCE to

Table 21 X.21 DTE Smart Serial Cable Pinout

26-Pi Directio DB-15

n Signal Name Note n Pin Signal Name
J1-21 MODE_2 Local
J1-24 MODE_DCE connections
Drain Shield — J2-01 Shield_GND
J1-05 I_RXD/TXD+ Twisted pair no. 8 <— J2-04 RECEIVE+
J1-18 I_RXD/TXD- <— J2-11 RECEIVE-
J1-01 O_TXD/RXD+ Twisted pair no. 5 —> J2-03 TRANSMIT+
J1-14 O_TXD/RXD- —> J2-09 TRANSMIT-
J1-11 I_CTS/RTS+ Twisted pair no. 2 <— J2-05 INDICATION+
J1-08 O_RTS/CTS Twisted pair no. 3 —> J2-03 CONTROL+
J1-09 O_DTR/DSR+ —> J2-10 CONTROL-
J1-26 GND+ Twisted pair no. 1 — J2-08 CCT GND
Not used Not used
J1-04 I_RXC/TXCE+ Twisted pair no. 7 <— J2-06 TIMING+
J1-17 I_RXC/TXCE- <— J2-13 TIMING-
Not used Twisted pair no. 4 Not used
Not used Twisted pair no. 6 Not used
Not used Twisted pair no. 9 Not used

28 Cisco 2600 Series Cable Specifications

V.35 Smart Serial Cable Assembly

Table 22 X.21 DCE Smart Serial Cable Pinout

26-Pi Directio DB-15

n Signal Name Note n Pin Signal Name
J1-21 MODE_2 Local
Drain Shield — J2-01 Shield_GND
J1-05 I_RXD/TXD+ Twisted pair no. 5 <— J2-02 TRANSMIT+
J1-18 I_RXD/TXD- <— J2-09 TRANSMIT-
J1-01 O_TXD/RXD+ Twisted pair no. 8 —> J2-04 RECEIVE+
J1-14 O_TXD/RXD- —> J2-11 RECEIVE-
J1-11 I_CTS/RTS+ Twisted pair no. 3 <— J2-03 CONTROL+
J1-10 I_DSR/DTR+ <— J2-10 CONTROL-
J1-08 O_RTS/CTS Twisted pair no. 2 —> J2-05 INDICATION+
J1-02 O_TXCE/RXC+ Twisted pair no. 7 —> J2-06 TIMING+
J1-15 O_TXCE/RXC+ —> J2-13 TIMING-
J1-26 GND Twisted pair no. 1 — J2-08 CCT GND
Not used Not used
Not used Twisted pair no. 4 Not used
Not used Twisted pair no. 6 Not used
Not used Twisted pair no. 9 Not used

V.35 Smart Serial Cable Assembly

Table 23 lists the DTE pinout and Table 24 lists the DCE pinout for the V.35 Smart Serial
cable. Arrows indicate signal direction: —> means DTE to DCE and <— means DCE to

Cisco 2600 Series Cable Specifications 29

Smart Serial Connection Signals and Pinouts

Table 23 V.35 DTE Smart Serial Cable Pinout

26-Pi Directio V.35

n Signal Name Note n Pin Signal Name
J1-22 MODE_1 Local
J1-23 MODE_0 connections
Drain Shield — J2-A Shield_GND
J1-06 B_DCD/DCD+ Twisted pair no. 1 <— J2-F RLSD
J1-19 GND+ — GND
J1-13 B_LL/LL+ Twisted pair no. 3 —> J2-K LT
J1-26 GND — J2-B GND
J1-05 I_RXD/TXD+ Twisted pair no. 9 <— J2-R RD+
J1-18 I_RXD/TXD- <— J2-T RD-
J1-01 O_TXD/RXD+ Twisted pair no. 5 —> J2-P SD+
J1-14 O_TXD/RXD- —> J2-S SD-
J1-11 I_CTS/RTS+ Twisted pair no. 2 <— J2-D CTS
J1-12 I_DSR/DTR+ <— J2-E DSR
J1-08 O_RTS/CTS Twisted pair no. 4 —> J2-C RTS
J1-07 O_DTR/DSR+ —> J2-H DTR
J1-04 I_RXC/TXCE+ Twisted pair no. 8 <— J2-V SCR+
J1-17 I_RXC/TXCE- <— J2-X SCR-
J1-02 O_TCXE/RXC+ Twisted pair no. 6 —> J2-U SCTE+
J1-15 0_TXCE/RXC- —> J2-W SCTE-
J1-03 B_TXC/TXC+ Twisted pair no. 7 <— J2-Y SCT+
J1-16 B_TXC/TXC- <— J2-AA SCT-

30 Cisco 2600 Series Cable Specifications

EIA-530 Smart Serial Cable Assembly

Table 24 V.35 DCE Smart Serial Cable Pinout

26-Pi Directio V.35

n Signal Name Note n Pin Signal Name
J1-22 MODE_1 Local
J1-23 MODE_0 connections
Drain Shield — J2-A Shield_GND
J1-06 B_DCD/DCD+ Twisted pair no. 1 —> J2-F RLSD
J1-19 GND+ — GND
J1-13 B_LL/LL+ Twisted pair no. 3 —> J2-K LT
J1-26 GND — J2-B GND
J1-05 I_RXD/TXD+ Twisted pair no. 5 <— J2-P SD+
J1-18 I_RXD/TXD- <— J2-S SD-
J1-01 O_TXD/RXD+ Twisted pair no. 9 —> J2-R RD+
J1-14 O_TXD/RXD- —> J2-T RD-
J1-11 I_CTS/RTS+ Twisted pair no. 4 <— J2-C RTS
J1-12 I_DSR/DTR+ <— J2-H DSR
J1-08 O_RTS/CTS Twisted pair no. 2 —> J2-D CTS
J1-07 O_DTR/DSR+ —> J2-E DSR
J1-04 I_RXC/TXCE+ Twisted pair no. 6 <— J2-U SCTE+
J1-17 I_RXC/TXCE- <— J2-W SCTE-
J1-02 O_TCXE/RXC+ Twisted pair no. 8 —> J2-V SCR+
J1-15 0_TXCE/RXC- —> J2-X SCR-
J1-03 B_TXC/TXC+ Twisted pair no. 7 —> J2-Y SCT+
J1-16 B_TXC/TXC- —> J2-AA SCT-

EIA-530 Smart Serial Cable Assembly

Table 25 lists the DTE pinout and Table 26 lists the DCE pinout for the EIA-530 Smart
Serial cable. Arrows indicate signal direction: —> means DTE to DCE and <— means

Cisco 2600 Series Cable Specifications 31

Smart Serial Connection Signals and Pinouts

Table 25 EIA-530 DTE Smart Serial Cable Pinout

26-Pi Directio DB-25

n Signal Name Note n Pin Signal Name
J1-21 MODE_2 Local connections
J1-23 MODE_0
Drain Shield — J2-01 Shield_GND
J1-06 B_DCD/DCD+ Twisted pair no. 11 <— J2-08 CF(A); DCD+
J1-19 B_DCD/DCD- <— j2-10 CF(B); DCD-
J1-13 B_LL/LL+ Twisted pair no. 12 —> J2-18 LL
J1-26 GND — J2-07 GND
J1-05 I_RXD/TXD+ Twisted pair no. 9 <— J2-03 BB(A); RXD+
J1-18 I_RXD/TXD- <— J2-16 BB(B); RXD-
J1-01 O_TXD/RXD+ Twisted pair no. 5 —> J2-02 BA(A); TXD+
J1-14 O_TXD/RXD- —> J2-14 BA(B); TXD-
J1-11 I_CTS/RTS+ Twisted pair no. 4 <— J2-05 CB(A); CTS+
J1-10 I_DSR/RTS- <— J2-13 CB(B); CTS-
J1-03 B_TXC/TXC+ Twisted pair no. 7 <— J2-15 DB(A); TXC+
J1-16 B_TXC/TXC- <— J2-12 DB(B); TXC-
J1-12 I_DSR/DTR+ Twisted pair no. 10 <— J2-06 CC(A); DSR+
J1-25 I_DSR/DTR- <— J2-22 CC(B); DSR-
J1-08 O_RTS/CTS Twisted pair no. 1 —> J2-04 CA(A); RTS+
J1-09 O_RTS/CTS- —> J2-19 CA(B); RTS-
J1-04 I_RXC/TXCE+ Twisted pair no. 8 <— J2-17 DD(A); RXC+
J1-17 I_RXC/TXCE- <— J2-09 DD(B); RXC-
J1-02 O_TCXE/RXC+ Twisted pair no. 6 —> J2-24 DB(A); TXCE+
J1-15 0_TXCE/RXC- —> J2-11 DB(B); TXCE-
J1-03 B_TXC/TXC+ Twisted pair no. 7 <— J2-15 DB(A); TXC+
J1-16 B_TXC/TXC- <— J2-12 DB(B); TXC-
J1-07 O_DTR/DSR+ Twisted pair no. 3 —> J2-20 CD(A); DTR+
J1-20 O_DTR/DSR- —> J2-23 CD(B); DTR-

32 Cisco 2600 Series Cable Specifications

EIA-530 Smart Serial Cable Assembly

Table 25 EIA-530 DTE Smart Serial Cable Pinout (Continued)

26-Pi Directio DB-25

n Signal Name Note n Pin Signal Name
Not used Twisted pair no. 2 Not used

Table 26 RS-530A DTE Smart Serial Cable Pinout

26-Pi Directio DB-25

n Signal Name Note n Pin Signal Name
J1-21 MODE_2 Local connections
J1-22 MODE_1
Drain Shield — J2-01 Shield_GND
J1-06 B_DCD/DCD+ Twisted pair no. 11 <— J2-08 CF(A); DCD+
J1-19 B_DCD/DCD- <— j2-10 CF(B); DCD-
J1-13 B_LL/LL+ Twisted pair no. 12 —> J2-18 LL
J1-26 GND — J2-07 AB; GND
J1-05 I_RXD/TXD+ Twisted pair no. 9 <— J2-03 BB(A); RXD+
J1-18 I_RXD/TXD- <— J2-16 BB(B); RXD-
J1-01 O_TXD/RXD+ Twisted pair no. 5 —> J2-02 BA(A); TXD+
J1-14 O_TXD/RXD- —> J2-14 BA(B); TXD-
J1-11 I_CTS/RTS+ Twisted pair no. 4 <— J2-05 CB(A); CTS+
J1-10 I_DSR/RTS- <— J2-13 CB(B); CTS-
J1-12 I_DSR/DTR+ Twisted pair no. 10 <— J2-06 CC(A); DSR+
J1-25 GND — AC; GND
J1-03 B_TXC/TXC+ Twisted pair no. 7 <— J2-15 DB(A); TXC+
J1-16 B_TXC/TXC- <— J2-12 DB(B); TXCS-
J1-08 O_RTS/CTS Twisted pair no. 1 —> J2-04 CA(A); RTS+
J1-09 O_RTS/CTS- —> J2-19 CA(B); RTS-
J1-04 I_RXC/TXCE+ Twisted pair no. 8 <— J2-17 DD(A); RXC+
J1-17 I_RXC/TXCE- <— J2-09 DD(B); RXC-

Cisco 2600 Series Cable Specifications 33

Smart Serial Connection Signals and Pinouts

Table 26 RS-530A DTE Smart Serial Cable Pinout (Continued)

26-Pi Directio DB-25

n Signal Name Note n Pin Signal Name
J1-02 O_TCXE/RXC+ Twisted pair no. 6 —> J2-24 DB(A); TXCE+
J1-15 0_TXCE/RXC- —> J2-11 DB(B); TXCE-
J1-03 B_TXC/TXC+ Twisted pair no. 7 <— J2-15 DB(A); TXC+
J1-16 B_TXC/TXC- <— J2-12 DB(B); TXC-
J1-07 O_DTR/DSR+ Twisted pair no. 3 —> J2-20 CD(A); DTR+
J1-20 GND+ — J2-23 AC; GND
Not used Twisted pair no. 2 Not used

34 Cisco 2600 Series Cable Specifications

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