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Assessment Questions

Why are date code labels used in food packaging in Australia? In about 75-100 words


Food package labels must include a name or a description of the food. This name or description
should be clear enough so you can tell it apart from other foods. If there is a prescribed name for the
food in the Code this must be included on the label. In Australia, the Food Standards Code states
that packaged foods with a shelf-life under two years must have a use-by date on the primary
packaging, and a best-before date in most other cases.

So they know how long a food can be kept before it begins to deteriorate or becomes unsafe to


List four pieces of information you might record on a label for items to be frozen, which will
assist with easier identification later?


name of food, weight or volume, ingredients, date and storage conditions, preparation instructions.


What is the purpose of food rotation labels? In about 50-70 words.


Food rotation labels are specifically designed for kitchen use and help prevent food borne illness and
cross contamination of food products. These stock rotation labels help eliminate the risk of
foodborne illness and food waste by using the first-stocked first-served method. Day-of-the-Week
Labels make weekly-use food items fast and easy to stock and rotate. Simply tear a label off the
dispenser and place on food items to be stocked.


What does the term “wastage” refer to in a commercial catering organisation? What is the
importance of avoiding wastage in a commercial kitchen operation?  in about 50 words


“wastage” refer to in a commercial catering organisation is Food waste is food that can be used
again but that is instead sent to landfills. This food is thrown out because it looks weird and inedible;
it was not eaten during a meal and it is unused and beginning to rot and Minimizing waste in the
workplace allows you to keep your small business operating costs low while helping preserve the
environment. Waste reduction strategies don't need to be costly or time-consuming to implement.


According to the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code, explain the meaning of the

Contaminant – 

contaminant means any biological or chemical agent, foreign matter, or other substances that

may compromise food safety or suitability.


contamination refers to food that has been corrupted with another substance – either physical,

biological or chemical.

Potentially hazardous food– 

Foods that must be kept at a particular temperature to minimise the growth of food poisoning

bacteria that may be in the food, or to stop the formation of toxins.


Provide 3 reasons why food needs to be protected from contamination.


1) it spreads germs around the kitchen.

2) Cross-contamination between foods can cause food poisoning.

3) foodborne illness.


How can food be protected from contamination? (provide three examples)

1) keep raw food such as meat, poultry and vegetables separate from ready-to-eat food.
2) Use separate equipment.

3) Clean and sanitize all work surfaces.

4) Purchase prepared food.

5) Implement a personal hygiene program.


List 3 different types of contamination? How are these caused?


There are three different types of food contamination - chemical, physical and biological.

This is why food handlers have a legal responsibility to ensure that the food they prepare is free from
these contaminants and safe for the consumer.

Commodity Storage area Storage temperature Storage provis

Most vegetables, like carrots, should be stored at cooler

potatoes, broccoli, cabbage and temperatures (32 to 35°F), and

must be kept in a
Vegetables  celery should be stored in a warm-season crops should be
plastic bag or container in the stored at warmer temperatures

crisper of your fridge. (45 to 55°F).

Most unopened drinks sold at

The ideal temperature you
room temperature should be
Beverages  should aim for ranges between kept in the pantry
kept in the pantry or in a cool,
45° F and 65° F.
dark place.
Dairy products 
Almost all dairy products need to dairy products should be stored refrigerator.

be stored in the refrigerator but at refrigerated temperatures

ice cream which needs to be between 34°F and 38°F

stored in the freezer.

Store in a cool, clean, dry place

Store them in a clean, cool, dark,
where temperatures are below
Canned products  dry place. Don't store jars above cool dry location,
85 F (between 50-70 F is good)
95 F.
but not freezing temperatures.

dry foods at 50°F for maximum

Keep Dry goods  in dry storage shelf life. However, 70°F is

Dry goods  dry storage area.
areas. adequate for dry storage of most


Most fresh foods must be stored use a refrigerator thermometer Raw food and coo

Cooked Food Items  in the refrigerator to delay their to be sure the temperature is should be stored s

deterioration and decomposition.consistently 40° F or below. the fridge.

Cold storages and deep freezers stored in the freezer at 0° F (-18°

Frozen goods  in freezer
are used for this purpose. C).

Fresh fruits and vegetables need

low temperatures (32 to 55°F)

Plastic bags with ti
and high relative humidities (80
Fruit  in the fridge. (openings) help ke
to 95 percent) to lower
longer by releasin
respiration and to slow metabolic

and transpiration rates.

Meat  Meat should be stored in the the ideal temperature for the in , the safe tempe
storage of fresh meat is 28°F to
coldest part of the refrigerator. refrigerated storag

experts recommend storing the

oils can be stored in the
Oils  oil at between 55 and 60 degrees stored in a cool, d
Fahrenheit for best results.

Raw poultry should be stored in a

poultry products should be in a bowl or on a
Poultry  bowl or on a platter in the
maintained at 40° F. bottom of the refr
bottom of the refrigerator.

Keep the seafood in its original

store packaging and place in a

should be stored at a in it on ice in the r
Seafood  clean container to prevent the
temperature 40°F. keep it as cold as p
seafood from leaking onto other


Vacuum sealing food preserves it food is placed in th

3 to 5 times longer than food stored at an appropriate bag which is then

Vacuumed sealed items 
stored in plastic containers or temperature of refrigerated. vacuum sealer wh

bags. the air from the co


List three examples of items that can cause physical contamination of food

ans. jewellery, hair, plastic, bones, stones, pest bodies, and cloth.

What is the difference between ‘use by’ date and ‘best before’ dates?in about 75-100 words


Use by dates indicate when a product may no longer be safe to eat. You should not eat, cook, or
freeze it after the date displayed, even if it looks or smells fine. Best before dates are an indication of
quality rather than safety. Expiration dates tell consumers the last day a product is safe to
consume. ... Another term that gets mixed up with this is the 'use by' date which applies only to
perishable goods such as fresh fish or meat. Dispose them off immediately once they have passed
the 'use by' date.


Briefly explain the FIFO method of stock rotation in about 50 words


First In, First Out (FIFO) is part of an accounting method where assets which are acquired first are sold of first.
The method FIFO considers the inventory as consisting of items bought in the end. FIFO is “first in first out”
and simply means you need to label your food with the dates you store them, and put the older foods in front or
on top so that you use them first. This system allows you to find your food quicker and use them more


List the suitable storage area, provision for correct storage (e.g. sanitised container) and
typical storage temperatures for each of the commodities listed in the table. Explain how
these storage areas should be prepared prior to storing food items following a delivery.


Why must refrigerated food items be held between 0-5 degrees?(in 10-20 words)

To reduce the risk of bacterial contamination, many foods must be stored in the refrigerator and thus

kept below 5 degrees Celsius.


List the food safety standards regarding each of the following in regards to storing
perishable food supplies:

Appropriate storage containers 

1) they Store food without buckling.

2) Store food in suitable, covered containers and All materials used in the construction of boxes
should meet preservation standards as much as possible.

Food labels 

Information (for example name of food, Nutrition value, weight or volume, ingredients, date and

storage conditions, preparation instructions, name and address of manufacturer, packer or seller,

lot number) must appear on food labels by law, although there are some exceptions.

Write briefly about Storage conditions and temperature requirements of following:- a. Cool room: b.
Freezer: c. Dry store: 

1) 2. Cool Storage Conditions: 8 to 15°C temperature is known as cool storage conditions.

2) frozen foods should be stored at –18°C (0°F) or lower. If the temperature rises above –18°C,

food can become discoloured and lose vitamin content.

3) Store dry foods at 50°F for maximum shelf life. However, 70°F is adequate for dry storage of

most products. Place a thermometer on the wall in the dry storage area.

Cleanliness and sanitation 

Proper cleaning and sanitizing of all food contact surfaces and utensils.
Proper cleaning and sanitizing of food equipment.
Good basic housekeeping and maintenance.
Food storage for the proper time and at safe temperatures.
Proper personal hygiene, including frequent hand and arm washing and covering cuts.

What to do with contaminated items 

Minimise contact, i.e. handle materials as little as possible and transfer them via routes that
minimise exposure to others.
Discard materials into a suitable container or bag. ...
Use bags that are marked or coloured for infectious waste.

Quarantining and examples of items to be quarantined 

The potential food that has been aborted, spoiled or damaged would be enough to feed. The

above examples only highlight the risks involved in inadvertent introduction of ... and weeds are

the objects for quarantine consideration.


Name the program which contains all the information for maintaining and recording
deliveries and temperatures?


Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code.


For the items listed below, list at least 1 indicator of spoilage and contamination of the
following perishable supplies

Item Indicators of spoilage and contamination

Fresh Potatoes  get mushy or slimy.

Fresh Pears  mould a bad smell.

Pistachio nuts  they spoil and release a strong odor.

Honey  yeasts and spore-forming bacteria

Plain flour  bad smell.

Cheddar cheese  conferring it with a musty taint/odour and liquefaction

Cryovac beef blade 
Change in odor and Fat decomposition,Surface slime,

Fresh Salmon  change in color, a change in texture, an unpleasant odou


What is enzymic browning and how does it affect the quality of a food item? Explain in about
50 words.


Enzymic browning is an oxidation reaction that takes place in some foods, mostly fruit and
vegetables, causing the food to turn brown. Oxidation reactions occur in food and non-food items.

Enzymic browning is a reaction which requires the action of enzymes and oxidation in order to occur.

Enzymatic browning is one of the most important reactions that occur in fruits and vegetables,
usually resulting in negative effects on color, taste, flavor, and nutritional value. The reaction is a
consequence of phenolic compounds' oxidation by polyphenol oxidase (PPO), which triggers the
generation of dark pigments.


Other than enzymic browning, what are three other quality issues that could adversely affect
the quality of perishable supplies?


Other than the enzymic browning, there are three otherqualities which adversely affect the quality of
perishable supplies:

1. Drying and hardening.

2. Crystallisation.

3. Mould.


What should you do if a packet of flour has been infested by weevils?Mention two points.
Who would you report the infestation to?


If you suspect an infestation in a newly purchased packet of flour.

1). put it in the freezer for at least 24 hours to kill off larvae and existing weevils to avoid cross

2) Make sure flour is stored in a cool dry area where a few bay leaves are scattered to repel insects.

3) It is also advised to Keep the infested grains in sunlight.

Who would you report the infestation to: weevil infestations.


How would you dispose of kitchen waste and potentially hazardous substances according to
environmental requirements and to prevent potential contamination in a food production
area? Explain in about 100-150 words.


It can be dangerous to dispose of hazardous wastes through regular rubbish collections.

Classify your waste to check if it's hazardous, Separate and store hazardous waste safely,
Separate your edible kitchen waste (vegetable peels, fruit peels, small amounts of wasted cooked
food) in a container.

Collect dry organic matter (dried leaves, sawdust) in a small container.

Use an authorised waste carrier to collect, recycle or dispose of your hazardous waste.

And most common methods used to dispose of hazardous waste.

Landfill Disposal. The oldest and most common form of waste disposal is landfill or dumpsites.

Incineration. This is the burning of your hazardous waste into an incombustible residue.

Dumping at Sea.

Underground Disposal.


List three indicators of spoilage and contamination of perishable supplies.


infestation of animal and pest waste.


exposed packaged food through damaged packaging.


degradation of flavour, aroma, colour and texture.

enzymic browning


When should you reject a delivered item? List five situations.


1) if it's moldy or is the wrong consistency (e.g. moist foods should never be delivered dry).

2) Never accept a product that shows signs of pest damage.

3) Any food that has an abnormal smell or color should be rejected.

4) if packaging around the food is split or damaged.

5) if delivered at the wrong temperature.


What date codes are often already provided on perishable food packaging by the


Date codes are often already provided on perishable food packaging by the manufacturer So they
know how long a food can be kept before it begins to deteriorate or becomes unsafe to consume.


List four pieces of information you might record on a label for items to be frozen, which will
assist with easier identification later?


1. Name and description of the product ·

2. Net weight ·

3. Date mark ·

4. Ingredient list ·

5. Nutrition information panel.


How can you avoid cross-contamination when storing your perishable supplies? (in 40-60

1) Always keep ready-to-eat and cooked food separate from raw food.

2) Refrigerate eggs as soon as possible to increase their longevity.

3) Place raw meat, poultry, and seafood on the lowest shelf of the refrigerator in containers or sealed
plastic bags.


What are the food safety procedures and standards for storage of perishable supplies in
terms of temperature, humidity, light and ventilation? In about 150 words.

1) Most perishable foods need to be stored in the refrigerator. (There are some fruits and veggies
that should be stored at room temperature instead.) The temperature of your fridge should be
between 32°F – 40°F. Use a refrigerator thermometer to check the temperature of your fridge.

2) Store food in suitable, covered containers.

3) Avoid refreezing thawed foods.
4) Check and observe the use-by dates on food products.
5) Take special care with high-risk foods.
6) Keep high-risk food at 5 °C or below or above 60 °C to avoid the temperature danger zone.
7) Store raw foods below cooked foods.

8) Information. Always store perishable foods in the refrigerator at 40 °F or below or in the freeze at
0 °F or below. You can find refrigerator and freezer storage information, a cold storage chart at
Basics for Handling Food Safely


Provide 5 examples of indicators of whether the stock is spoiled or contaminated.


Bad odors.

Changed texture.

Frost and package damage.

Eggs float.

Canned food.

Unique puddling or souring.

Mold. Mold is usually a pretty obvious sign of spoilage, making it an easy way to tell if food is spoiled.


What checks should be performed before rejecting? Mention three checks. 


1) The quality of the food you are purchasing is very important.

2) Make sure to reject food if it's moldy or is the wrong consistency.

3) spoiled or past the best before date.


What is the general procedure for rejecting perishable supplies? Explain in about 100 words.


1) Make sure to reject food if it's moldy or is the wrong consistency (e.g. moist foods should never be

delivered dry).

2) Never accept a product that shows signs of pest damage.

3) Any food that has an abnormal smell or color should be rejected.


What are two quality checks you should do on perishable supplies? List any 3.

Inspect items for animal and pest damage and report incidents of infestation.
Identify deficiencies, and report findings.
dispose of any non-usable supplies within scope of own responsibility.

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