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Lemery Colleges, Inc.

A. Bonifacio St.,Brgy. Bagong Sikat, Lemery, Batangas

Community Profile of Barangay Bukal

I. Introduction
1. Define community profile

Community Profiles are excellent tools for researching, planning and analysing
geographic areas for a number of social, economic and demographic characteristics. It
provides a comprehensive statistical picture of an area in Excel format, providing data
relating to people, families and dwellings. They cover most topics on the Census form. It
is a terms of a wide-scale assessment of that community's needs: 'It is a comprehensive
description of those needs, the resources available to meet those needs and, as such,
improve the health and wellbeing of the community. A comprehensive description of the
needs of a population that is defined, or defines itself, as a community, and the
resources that exist within that community, carried out with the active involvement of the
community itself, for the purpose of developing an action plan or other means. A
community profile is a data sheet that records information on a board range of factors
(such as environmental/natural features and management, sociodemographic
characteristics, political and economic structures, local institutions, economic activities
and livelihoods, basic household and community facilities, and social organization).
Community profiles are prepared as an aid to social programming and consist of
relatively brief, mainly quantitative descriptions of groups (normally living in one
location) and their organizations. Community profiling is a social research method which
involves building up a picture of the nature, needs and resources of a locality or
community, with the active participation of its members, the aim to create and
implement an action plan to address the issues unearthed. It is used to identify the
strengths, weaknesses, needs and problems of a community, to make decisions about
health services and to justify the allocation of resource. It covers research procedures to
obtain mainly quantitative information to guide public policy or to evaluate policy
initiatives. Community profiles have been undertaken by statutory bodies, pressure
groups and community themselves.

In my own definition of community profile, it is a complete description of the need

of a population and its existing resources, carried out in active way by the community to
draw up an action plan or other means. an information sheet which summarizes a
locality or barangay. It includes the historical background that shows when and how the
barangay was established, the names of the Barangay officials are listed on the political
information, the demographic information which shows the land area and its population,
the hazard profile were presented in pictures which shows the location or geographical
areas that would be affected by any natural calamities, any past occurrences of hazard

Lemery Colleges, Inc.
A. Bonifacio St.,Brgy. Bagong Sikat, Lemery, Batangas

events in or near the community, and the fiscal information that includes barangay funds
or fees imposed on use of barangay facilities.

Barangay: Bukal

Municipality: Lemery

Province: Batangas

Bukal is a barangay in the municipality

of Lemery, in the province of
Batangas. Its population as
determined by the 2015 Census was
2,159. This represented 2.32% of the
total population of Lemery.

II. My Community
1. Historical Background

In the early days, when the Spaniards came to conquer the Philippines, this
place was a wilderness. There were small springs everywhere where people washed
and got water for drinking.

One day, [a] few Spaniards went around the place to shoot birds and to get
acquainted with the natives. The day was so warm. The leaves almost withered. The
Spaniards got thirsty in their walk. There were no people at that place. Nowhere to go
for drink! They went farther until they saw people sawing wood. They asked the latter
where they could get water to drink. The natives told the foreigners to get water from the
spring, a thing not far from the place where they stood. The Spaniards went to the
spring to quench their thirst. Every time they asked water for drink, the natives told them
to go to the spring. The Spaniards didn’t know the name of the place yet that they were
made to believe that the name was Bukal, meaning spring. The place that was formerly
a wilderness became a barrio. People began to settle here. So that living would be
pleasant, the people appointed a “Cabeza de Barangay,” the head of the barrio.

According to the records of the people, the first “Cabeza de Barangay” was Ambrosio
Paran. His successor was Francisco Umali, followed by Victoriano Umali, and many

Until now, the place is still called Bukal.

Traditions, Customs and Practices in Domestic and Social Life

Lemery Colleges, Inc.
A. Bonifacio St.,Brgy. Bagong Sikat, Lemery, Batangas

Birth– It has been the belief of the people to prepare two or three chickens before a
child is born as a substitute to the child's life. As soon as a mother gives birth, the whole
visitors feast on the chickens with the mother partaking [of] the food first.

Baptism– Immediately after a child is born, the godparents are made known at once.
The date of baptism depends on the godparents. Whether there is a feast or none, the
godparents give gifts or money to the child with a corresponding gift from the child's
parents called "pabandeha."

Courtship– A girls love is not one for a short period of time. A suit or must first seek the
consent of the parents and relatives of the girl in the form of gifts or "pasagad,"
otherwise his love will not be reciprocated.

Marriage– There is usually a wedding party in the bride's house after the church
wedding. The "sabugan" is the climax of every marriage ceremony. Sometimes, a
couple will be able to collect from five hundred to one thousand pesos. This amount
comes from the relatives of the bride and groom including their godparents.

Death– When somebody dies, the whole neighborhood shows their sympathy to the
bereaved family by helping in whatever chores they have, giving money or gifts, and
staying with a family the night before the burial.

Festivals–The patron saint in this barrier is "Mahal na Poon." Every May 30th, a festival
in honor of Him is celebrated.


Before the Spaniards came to conquer the Philippines, there we're already a few big
houses in Bukal. According to the tales of the old, people were often led astray by the
witch that roamed the wilderness. The people planted a cross with the belief that the
cross would see them from the evil spirit.

During that time, there was a big flood in Bayuyungan. The flood to a heavy toll of
properties. The people wondered why the cross was not carried by the flood. They were
kept in awe and wonderment. The then Cabezang Genio of Matingain ordered his men
to transplant the cross across the street. Bukal was again flooded but the cross still
stood. The people's faith in the cross increased. The following day, the head of Bukal
and Matingain met. They decided where they should plant the cross. The then Mayor
Ramon Cabrera, our present Justice of the Peace, asked the heads of both barrios to
plant the cross between Matingain and Bukal. Miracles after miracles where made by
the Sacred Cross.

Lemery Colleges, Inc.
A. Bonifacio St.,Brgy. Bagong Sikat, Lemery, Batangas

2. Political Information

Barangay Officials

Barangay Chairman

Hon. Ricardo Dimailig

Barangay Secretary

May Kristine Manalo

Barangay Treasurer

Evangeline A. Adaya

Barangay Councilor

Hon. Carlito Macalintal

Hon. Edwin Palomeno

Hon. Irwin De Castro

Hon. Lovely Umali

Hon. Mario Peren

Hon. Rodolfo Manalo

Hon. Ronel Rehiz

Barangay Sk Officials

SK Chairman

Christian Cepillo

SK Secretary

Clarissa Manalo

SK Treasurer

Lharaine Anne Manalo

SK Councilors

Arvin Encarnacion

Lemery Colleges, Inc.
A. Bonifacio St.,Brgy. Bagong Sikat, Lemery, Batangas

Benedict Tordecilla

Darrel Mayuga

Emmanuel Marasigan

Laila Base

Laurence Cepillo

No. of other Appointed Barangay Officials and Workers

Lupon Members-5

Barangay Tanod-13

Barangay Health Worker-5

Barangay Nutrition Scholar-1

Day Care Worker-1

VAW Desk Officer-1

BADAC Cluster Leaders- 26

Legal Basis of Creation: History

Number of Precincts: 11

3. Demographic Information

Total Land Area (in square hectares): 98.57

Barangay Category(Urban, Rural): Rural

Land Classification(Upland, Lowland, Coastal, Landlocked) : Lowland

Major Economic Source: Agricultural, Commercial

No. of Registered Voters: 1,127

No. of Population: 2,382

No. of Households:504

No. of Families: 689

No. of Sitios: 3

Lemery Colleges, Inc.
A. Bonifacio St.,Brgy. Bagong Sikat, Lemery, Batangas

Tarican 173 Households

Bukal Ilaya 189 Households

Sinag 142 Households

Population by Age Bracket

AGE Male Female TOTAL

1. Children 0-5 years old 73 94 167

2. Children 6-12 years old 141 163 304

3. Children 13-17 years old 94 101 195

4.Adult 18-35 years old 363 332 695

5. Adult 36-50 years old 210 208 418

6. Adult 51-65 years old 160 159 319

7. Adult 66 years old & above 61 127 188

Population by Sector

SECTOR Male Female Total

Labor Force 388 257 645

Unemployed 90 236 326

Out-of-School Youth (OSY) 0 0 0

Out-of-School Children (OSC) 0 1 1

Lemery Colleges, Inc.
A. Bonifacio St.,Brgy. Bagong Sikat, Lemery, Batangas

Persons with Disabilities(PWD’s) 17 14 31

Overseas Filipino Workers(OFW’s) 114 146 260

Solo Parents 7 22 29

Indigenous Peoples (IP’s) 0 0 0

4. Hazard Profile

Baranagay Bukal has only one calamity that might happen, it’s the floods. We are
in lowland, We are surrounded by the other barangays that has what we lagnas. There
are some houses that is affected by the said floods.
Lemery Colleges, Inc.
A. Bonifacio St.,Brgy. Bagong Sikat, Lemery, Batangas

5. Fiscal Information

A. External Sources

Internal Revenue Allotment: 2,916,478

Others (External) Subsidy: 2,000

General Fund: 538,431.24

SK Fund: 299,747.84

B. Local Sources

RPT Share: 70,000

Fees and Charges: 8,000

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