Internship Final Report - Template

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Internship Program

Submitted as per the requirement of the course curriculum of

“Internship” in School of Law for internship at
<Name of the internship organization>
from <start date> to <end date>

Submitted by: Submitted to:

<Name> Internship and Placement Committee
<Enrolment No.> <Concerned Faculty>
<Batch> <Designation>
Declaration of Originality................................................................................................................4
Objectives of Internship...................................................................................................................7
Nature of Work................................................................................................................................8
Tasks Assigned and Accomplished.................................................................................................9
Overall Learning Outcome............................................................................................................14


At the very onset of this report, I would like to thank my University, Bennett University, Greater
Noida, which helped me in seeking this opportunity. Every member of the staff, as well as the
administration was extremely supportive considering this being my first internship. Every
documentation and other formalities were completed just in time from the university's end. I
have nothing but gratitude for their efforts and kindness.

Secondly, my heartiest gratitude and appreciation to Adv. Amit Gupta Sir. This internship would
not at all have been possible had it not been for Amit Sir. From the smallest of intricacies in law
to the biggest of concepts were made understandable for us from his end in the simplest of ways.
Moreover, he gave us the liberty to dig deep into laws and research so that our knowledge and
research skills could be enhanced.

Lastly, I would like to thank my parents who were extremely supportive in these tough times of a
pandemic and allowed me to go to the courts to learn the actuality and practical nuances of law.

I thank each and every one of the aforementioned as this internship could not have been possible
without their support.


<Enrolment Number>



I, _______________________________(name), with Enrolment No:_________________,

Student of _______________(Batch) at School of Law, Bennett University, do hereby declare
that the material presented in the internship report represents original work carried out by me
during my internship at ________________________________(name of organization) from
__________(start date) to ______________(end date).

With my signature I certify that: -

 I have not manipulated any of the data or results.

 I have not committed any plagiarism of intellectual property.
 I have clearly indicated and referenced the contributions of others.
 I have explicitly acknowledged all collaborative research and discussions.
 I have understood that any false claim will result in severe disciplinary action.
 I have understood that the work may be screened for any form of academic misconduct.

Date: Student Signature


1. & And
2. NCT National Capital Territory
3. Anr. Another
4. S. Section
5. POCSO Protection of Children from Sexual
6. Cr.P.C Criminal Procedure Code
7. Hon,ble Honourable
8. No. Number
9. Ors. Others
10. SC Supreme Court
11. v. Versus

This particular internship report has been made by me for the evaluation of my internship at
District Court Saket, under the learned counsel Adv. Amit Gupta for the period of one month.
The Internship and Placement Committee of the college has provided me with this opportunity to
intern at the aforementioned office. The main aim of this report is to highlight the tasks that were
accomplished by me during the course of my internship program. This opportunity has enhanced
my learning and the same has been highlighted in the internship report. This internship report is
divided as per a week-by-week basis for comprehending the set of facts and experiences in a
better manner. Moreover, the submissions to the organisation as a part of of the weekly practices
has also been provided in the report in a brief manner.

Research has played a pivotal role as a part of this internship program and I have been able to
enhance the same through this opportunity. I have been able to understand the body of work in a
professional legal sphere with the help of this program. The pertinent legislations in regards to

the Indian criminal law could be understood and interpreted in a better manner due to this
internship opportunity.

 To understand the due course of research in a legal sphere.
 To get versed with the relevant laws pertinent with the cases and research questions given
during the internship program.
 Reading and understanding various other documents that were integral to the research
work (and cases).
 To get in-depth knowledge on the working of courts in India.
 To have the opportunity to do a detailed analysis of the laws, its application to a petition,
as well as it's submissions before the Honourable Court.

 Researching on various aspects of criminal law (POCSO Act and IPC mainly).
 Researched on various aspects of bail application, chargesheet, and various other
secondary evidences.
 Understanding the documentation of a bail application and the main petition.
 Assisting the legal professionals who assigned me various tasks throughout the course of
my internship process.
 Preparation of various necessary case notes after reading several articles, books and other
secondary sources.
 Analysis court room proceedings and preparing notes of the same.


In the very first week of my internship, I was supposed to report to Saket Court where we
analysed the court room proceedings. The first half of the internship went by that where we
actually had to attend these proceedings, take down notes and learn the practicalities of a
working court room atmosphere. The same was a first-hand experience of how the counsels
plead before the judge and how they are supposed to answer the questions of the judges as well
as the counter questions of the counsel of the opposite parties. The entire learning process was
pretty fruitful as we got to discover various intricacies associated with courts. However, due to
the lockdown restrictions, the internship shifted to a virtual medium post the first 10 days but the
same was pretty handful for me as the focus shifted to more of a research-based internship rather
than fieldwork which is an impediment in the present-day scenario.

Moreover, in the week one, the relevant case law on which we had to do the research, was
assigned to us which was by the name of 'Amarjeet Chaurasiya v. State of (NCT of Delhi) &
Anr.' The preliminary work in regards to the case given to me in the first week was assimilation
of the necessary documents, like the chargesheet, bail application, relevant letters, etc.

This was my first-hand experience with necessary documents like chargesheet and bail
application. Therefore, I firstly focused on reading more upon the legal provisions associated
with both chargesheet and bail applications. Relevant provisions of Cr.P.C, s.173 in particular, as
well as other relevant provisions were read in regards to the chargesheet. Moreover, I got an
opportunity to learn the law pertaining to bail. I researched upon s. 436, 437, 438, and 439 of
Cr.P.C in depth in order to understand bail and its various kinds as well as bail application.

Moreover, during the course of the first week of my internship program, I read the necessary
chargesheets and bail applications that were pertinent to my particular case. These were the
entire set of tasks that were assigned to me in the first week.


As already mentioned, the aforementioned case law formed the centre of our entire internship
programme as we that was the main case that was being dealt by Adv. Amit Sir at that point of
time. The case was that of criminal law.

The facts of the case were that Amarjeet (accused), being the cousin uncle of Anjali
(prosecutrix), a 17-year-old girl, used to sexually harass her resulting in her eventually filing the
case before the court, saturated out of mental agony and distress. In regards to her complaint, she
explained certain instances where she was subjected to voyeurism as her uncle clipped her
photographs while she was bathing. The accused used to follow her to school as well as other
places where she frequently visited. Moreover, he disrobed and asked her to do the same as she
went for tuitions to his place. Moreover, he abused her verbally and asked her to write abusive
letters towards her parents, as well as close relatives. Agitated and distressed by the same, she
filed an FIR and subsequently the case came before the Court.

During my second week, I deliberated upon the aforementioned facts in a detailed manner so that
case notes could be prepared and handed over to Amit Sir by me. Moreover, I read the petition in
entirety to delineate upon the applicable provisions of law.

The main applicable provisions in the aforementioned case were s. 354C, 354D, 341, 376, 506,
509 of the IPC as well as s. 12 of the POCSO Act.

As stated, s. 12 of the POCSO Act was the most necessary section for our research in week 2. As
we know, the accused was in the category of the child and the offence that she had charged the
accused for, was necessary to lie within the ambit of s. 12 of POCSO Act. POCSO Act is one of
the most necessary legislations that have come for minors and children in India. As sexual
offences against child have become prevalent in the recent times, a need for necessary legislation
that was separate from others was needed. These offences included sexual harassment,
pornographic acts and other kinds of harassment against child. Hence, POCSO Act came in to

tackle these issues and punish the convict with adequate punishment ensuring gravity of the
same. Since this case involves sexual harassment, s. 12 is applicable (POCSO Act). S. 12 of the
Act states that when a person conducts sexual harassment against a minor will be punished with
imprisonment of either kind for a time that may extend to three years, as well as a fine.

As a part of the internship process, I was allowed to deliberate and analyse the entire scenario
which helped me in understanding the case in a better way. I feel very fortunate that Amit Sir
gave me the opportunity to dig deep into the factual circumstances as well as the necessary law
aspects of the case.

As a part of the research, I researched the practical evolution of rape laws and sexual harassment
laws in India, laws relating to women and children, sexual harassment laws related to a child as
well as certain other laws of criminality which were pertinent in regards to my case.

Furthermore, as already mentioned, the petition itself had several documents and evidences
which required a careful analysis. As a part of our week 2 process, we were expected to go
through every essential secondary document that formed the integral part of the petition. As
already stated, there were some necessary bail applications and chargesheets and we deliberated
upon the same. We analysed in detail, the submissions of the victim before the SHO while
registering the complaint. Moreover, we were asked to analyse the contradictions between the
submissions of the petitioners and the respondents. We could actually analyse through in-depth
research that how the ingredients are fulfilled from Anjali’s case, pertaining to rape, sexual
harassment and cruelty against women as well as we could see how the secondary and
circumstantial evidence were resorted to by the accused to make their case strong and prove that
they are not responsible for the aforementioned charges.

Furthermore, I was supposed to make a brief of the FIR and chargesheet for the convenience of
Amit Sir. Moreover, tabulation of the relevant dates associated with the case that I researched
upon was also done by me where I was able to assist Amit Sir in structuring the petition in a
better manner. As a part of the same, the necessary dates were recorder by me in regards to the

date of FIR, the date of first arrest, the date of first bail application, the respective dates for
subsequent three bail applications, the date of framing of charges and so on.

Furthermore, post careful analysis, I could find out that there were certain discrepancies in
regards to the chargesheets and secondary evidences (mobile data for example) and the same was
pointed out to Amit Sir by me and I was duly appreciated by him in regards to the same.

Furthermore, I got an opportunity to research on the special powers of the court under s. 439 of
Cr.P.C as it was highly relevant to the case given to me. Moreover, I read upon the laws related
to statements given to the police and magistrates as the same was integral to the aforementioned
set of facts.


By week 3, the theoretical ideas in our case were fulfilled as we had undergone an in-depth
process of research and application of the same. Therefore, we had to draw the necessary
parallels for the advantage of our client (the accused). In the due process of working upon the
acquittal of our client, as mentioned, the necessary letters that have been mentioned in the facts
of the case required deliberation and careful analysis. As a matter of fact, there existed some
200-250 letters that I and my fellow interns were expected to read and extract the necessary
letters that were deemed to work towards our advantage in the due process of their acquittal. The
third week in entirety went in carefully reading those letters, highlighting the key facts in our
favor and extracting the letters that were relevant to us and would make our case stronger.

Moreover, as we had already read upon the necessary laws in abundance, in the third week, I and
my fellow interns got an opportunity to carry out discussions with Amit Sir in regards to s. 354C,
354D, 341, 376, 506, 509 of the IPC as well as s. 12 of the POCSO Act. Since our client was
accused in the instant case, we spent ample number of times in negating each of these mentioned
provisions through fruitful interactions. Therefore, we got the opportunity to see both the ends of
the factual circumstances. We knew the law on sexual harassment, rape, etc. but the interactions

and in-depth research helped us in the negation of the same to our very advantage and therefore
the same can be said to be a fruitful aspect.


Week 4 for me and my fellow interns who were assisting in the instant case was quite similar to
that of the proceedings of week 3 as we were summing up the research work and conclusions.
The 4th week as an addition to week 3, was devoted towards I making summary notes of all the
research on the law, documents, evidences that I had done on the case law assigned to us and
furthermore, I continued with the interactions with Amit Sir where we discussed scenarios that
were favourable to the case of the accused. We also focused on the counter interpretation of the
aforementioned sections. By the end of it, all the summaries, fact finding reports, data tabulation
reports, and date sheets what submitted to Amit Sir in the required format that he had asked us
to. I focused on structuring the reports and documents in a manner that it would become easy to
find for Sir and would be helpful for him in structuring his pleadings in my opinion. I got good
reviews from Sir as he commented on my hard work, dedication and discipline. With the
submission of the final report to Amit Sir, my internship which was a rather fruitful experience,
came to an end.


As it was my first internship, therefore, it was my preliminary introduction to the field of law, its
intricacies and practicalities. We go to know how the professional courts used to function. This
was my first-hand experience of getting introduced the idea of legal research. I got so much help
for my upcoming law school years and later in life as I got the opportunity to learn how cases are
researched, how lows are dwelled deep into and how the same are interpreted. I also got to know
the significance of chargesheets, bail applications and secondary proofs and experiences. one of
the most fascinating aspects of my internship experience and learning is that it has transformed
me into an open minded individual. I have been able to learn how to look at both the sides of the
law, one being from the perspective of an accused and another from the victim's perspective.

Furthermore, I got introduced to very significant legislations like the IPC, Cr.P.C and
nevertheless the POCSO Act, which has made me understood how valuable this set of laws are
in the present scenario. Having the liberty to dig deep into these laws will help me in the
upcoming years of my law school life as I was given the opportunity to read up on them as much
as I wanted to.

It is concluded that my internship at District Court, Saket was definitely a fruitful one. I enjoyed
every bit of it as it gave me a plethora of opportunities to dig deep into the relevant criminal laws
as have been mentioned above. The internship can be said to be a blend of of research based as
well as practical based tasks. I was able to learn the practical aspects of a court room proceedings
as well as the theoretical aspects of criminal law. I could know the consonance between theory
and practical. However, the pandemic had less to offer for us in regards to the practical learnings
as we could travel to the courts only for the first ten days and the other 20 days were mostly
research based.

The work of research involved laws pertaining to sexual harassment and rape of women and laws
pertaining to sexual offences against child.

I was able to understand the law and practicality pertaining to filing of chargesheet and bail
applications. I was able to learn organisational skills as there were abundance of papers that I had
to extract and arrange (letters) as well as tabular data had to be prepared by me.

Amit Gupta Sir gave us the liberty to learn the intricacies of legal concepts. I was able to
contribute to the case by providing with the necessary notes and excerpts to Amit Sir which
helped him in framing the necessary line of arguments.

All in all it was a fulfilling and productive experience for me working under Amit Sir. It helped
me enhance my knowledge and learning. The open mindedness that this internship offered
helped me in interpreting law from both, an accused as well as a victim's perspective. I was able
to learn the take on various research scholars and professionals on the given set of laws. To
conclude, my skills were further advanced due to the kind of work I received from Amit Sir
which will help me in upcoming years of my law school journey and will help me establish
myself as a legal professional.


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