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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region 2
Schools Division of Nueva Vizcaya
Lesson Plan in Science 8
(Final Demonstration)
Grade 8-Daffodil
March 17 2020
8:10-9:00 am
Content Transfer of Energy in Trophic Levels
Topic Food chain
Content Standard
The learners demonstrate an understanding of the one-way flow of energy and the cycling of materials in an
Performance standard
The learners should be able to make a poster comparing food choices based on the trophic levels.
Learning competency
The learners should be able to describe the transfer of energy through the trophic levels.
Learning Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
i. distinguish between producers and consumers
ii. analyze the transfer of energy from one organism to another
iii. construct a food chain in a given ecosystem
Strategy Lecture, Group presentation, Emoticons, One pic one word, Riddle game,
References Science and Technology II: Biology Textbook. NISMED. 2012. pp. 133-134.
Rabago, L M. et al, 2019:Functional Biology, 2nd edition,
Instructional Powerpoint presentation, laptop, LCD TV, Emoji stickers, Riddle game materials,
Materials worksheets, Masks for the food chain, Rubric
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
1. Prayer mins

May I ask the prayer leader for today to lead the

class in prayer? (Prayer leader will lead the class in prayer)

2. Greetings

Good morning class! Good morning, Sir.

3. Checking of Attendance

Class Monitor kindly check the attendance of the

class. (The class monitor will check the attendance
and inform the teacher who is/are absent.)
While our class monitor checking the attendance,
kindly arrange your chairs properly and check if
there are any pieces of trash around you. Please
properly dispose it inside the trash can. Yes, Sir.
Ok then go to your respective group.

4. Setting of Standards
In Facebook, people can react in our post by these
emojis, right?
What do you like the most? Yes, Sir.
Yes, what else? Sir, love.
Ok, we were going to use these three emojis today Sir, wow.
as represent your scores.

The “like” means one point, “haha” means 2 points,

“smile” means 3 points, “wow” means 4 points and
for 5 points is the “love”. Your goal is to earn points
and this is by group so all of you must cooperate, do
you understand class?
Yes, Sir.
5. Review
Class, what is our last topic yesterday?
Right, to check if you have understood it well, we Sir, it’s all about the kinds of ecosystem.
will play the “four pic one eco”. It is like the four pic
one word. You have to work out what is that
ecosystem based on the pictures.
(Instructions to be flashed on the screen) None Sir.
 First, Group leaders pick one colored paper
inside of this box. Based on what color you (Group leaders will pick one colored paper)
picked would be your item. (For instance)
 Each group have 30 seconds to solve the  Group 1 – green
puzzle.  Group 2 – yellow
 You have to give 3 examples of animals  Group 3 – sky-blue
found in that particular ecosystem.  Group 4 – dark-blue
 You have 2 points for the puzzle and 1 point
each for the animals found in that
Class, do you have any questions? None, Sir.
Ok let’s start from the group 1.

Sir, tropical rainforest.

Correct, you have already 2 points.
Now kindly give 3 examples of animals found in the
tropical rainforest?
Very good! For that, you have 3 points a total of 5
points. You have already love emoji.

It’s your turn group 2. Are you ready? Sir, monkey, snakes, and birds.

Yes, Sir.
Sir, Desert.
Well done! Now, give 3 examples found in that
ecosystem. Sir, Ant, tarantula, lizard
Very good! You have a love emoji!
Group 3, it’s your turn.

Lake, Sir.

Correct! Give 3 examples of animals found in the

Very good! You got Love emoji. Sir, shrimp, ducks, and frog.
Last group are you ready?
This is your ecosystem. Yes, Sir.

Give 3 examples of animals found in the ocean. Sir, ocean.
Very good, you have love emoji.
Sir, shark, seal, and fish.
Before we proceed to our new topic, let’s solve a mins
riddle game.

The farmer needs to get the fox, the chicken and

the sack of rice grain across the river, but he can
only take one at a time.
However, if he takes the grain first and leaves the
fox with the chicken, the fox will eat the chicken.
If he takes the fox first, then the chicken will eat the
So what should the farmer do?
Choose one representative from your group to solve
these riddle.
The one who can solve this puzzle will get 5 points
for his group.
Who would like to be the first to try? Sir, the farmer takes the chicken first, then he
goes back and takes the grain.
Ok, the 2nd step? Sir, he leaves the grain and then takes the
chicken back with him.
Then the 3rd step? Sir, he then leaves the chicken and takes the
fox to wait with the grain.
And the last step? Sir, he then goes back and gets the chicken.
That’s it, and then probably he has a well-earned
Very well, your group got love emoji.
If we are going to arrange the fox, the chicken and
the rice grain by their respective food.
What do we call these series of organisms through
which the food nutrients travel from one organism
to the different organisms?
Very good! Today, we are going to discuss about the Sir, food chain.
food chain.
We also update our learning status for this day.

We should be able to:

#distinguish between producers and consumers
#analyze the transfer of energy from one organism
to another
#construct a food chain in a given ecosystem.


What is the difference between the producers and

consumers? Sir, producers are organisms that they can
produce their own food by the sun’s energy
while the consumers, organisms that cannot
produce their own food.
Very good! Which one would be the producer?
Correct! Sir, the rice grain.
Very good! What do we call the process used by
the plants, and even algae or the phytoplankton to
produce food?
That’s right! Energy enters the ecosystem mostly as Sir, photosynthesis.
light through the process of the photosynthesis.
Light energy is transformed into the chemical
energy of food.
From the two consumers (the fox and the chicken),
which one will eat the rice grain?
Indeed! It is our primary consumer, while the fox Sir, the chicken.
will be our higher consumer. What is the other
term for the last consumer?
Very good! What do we call the steps or the specific Sir, Apex predator.
levels in the food chain?
Sir, trophic levels
Correct! We can also end up the food chain by the
organisms that will decomposed death organisms
and they put nutrients back into the soil, making
them available to producers, what do we call this
Rice plant  chicken fox
Fungi or bacteria Sir, decomposers.
Yes, kindly give one example?
Very good, what else?
Sir, Bacteria.
Fungi, Sir.

May I ask the leaders to get their materials in front.

Are you familiar with “Your Face Sounds Familiar”? Yes, Sir.
What are they doing as the contestant in that TV
show? They will impersonate Sir.
Yes, they will act as their assigned iconic singers.
Today we will use this concept in your group
After you arrange the organisms found in your
ecosystem in the correct order, you are going to act
your food chain by wearing the mask inside your
envelop according to your assigned organisms. I will
give you 5 minutes to arrange your food chain and
then you will present. Every member of the group
must participate, leaders assign your members, and
choose your reporter to explain your food chain. Do
you have any questions? None, Sir.
Ok, you may start.
(On-screen timer)
Ok, Time’s up. This is our rubric for your
(Posting the rubric)
We have four criteria which are accuracy,
organization, delivery, and teamwork.
Group 1 will be the first to present their food chain,
and other group must listen.
(Group 1 will be the first to present)
What is the main source of the energy that we all
dependent on? Sir, the Sun.
Correct. What type of organism uses the sun's
energy to start off our food chains on earth? Sir, plants.
Yes, through the process of photosynthesis.
What these plants are called since they use the
sun's energy to make their own food? Sir, Producers.
What do we call the organism that eats another
organism? Consumer, Sir.
Leader’s kindly get your copy and all of you, bring
out one ½ crosswise.
Using QR code scanner, scan the code to view the
questions on your worksheet and write it down. Use
only one cellphone per group and I’ll give you 10
minutes to finish your work. Do you understand
class? Yes, Sir.
Ok you may now start.
(On screen timer)

(What is the organism that can capture energy from

sunlight or chemicals and use that energy to Autotroph/producer.
produce food?)

(It is the process that plants use light energy to

produce oxygen and food.)

(The autotroph or producers in land are plants what

about in the ocean?) Algae or Phytoplankton.

(Fungi is an example of what type of heterotroph?) Decomposer.

(What do we call the last predator in a food chain?) Apex predator.

From what you have learned today with regards to mins
food chain. What will happen if there is one missing
in the food chain for example the deer?
Grass  deer  tigers
Sir, the population of the grass will increase
because it won’t be eaten by deer and thus,
will accumulate while the population of tigers
will decrease because they won't get their
Yes, it will affect the other organisms if there is food.
missing. What does implies to you?
Very good, what else? Sir, all forms of life is important.
How do we maintain ecological balance in nature? Sir, everything is connected to everything else.
Yes, what else? Sir, by planting trees.
Sir, by doing the 3 R’s which are reduce, reuse,
Very good, anymore? and recycle.
Indeed, these are can be the most effective method Sir, careful use of natural resources.
of lowering our carbon footprints and maintaining
an ecological balance.
Let’s watch a short video showing the impact if we
don’t take good care the nature or maintain the
ecological balance.
(Playing the video.)
For your assignment, try to combine these two food mins
chains in a ½ crosswise to pass on next meeting.
Tomato plant  bees  sparrow bird  eagle
Grass  grasshopper  mouse snake eagle.

Prepared by: Checked by:

Student Teacher Cooperating Teacher

Verified by:

Head Teacher V, Science

Approved by:


Secondary School Principal IV

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