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Choose the word whose underline part is pronounced differently from the others.
1. A. campus B. examination C. reputation D. passenger
2. A. culture B. multiple C. gull D. pull
3. A. practice B. office C. mice D. picture
4. A. scenery B. blend C. men D. sentence
5. A. morning B. dormitory C. sport D. minor
A. Choose A, B, C or D to complete the following sentences:
1. This year the only award for the………….... student belongs to him.
A. good B.well C.better D. best
2. The restaurant has the.............for serving some of the finest food.
A. repute B.reputation C. reputed D. reputable
3. …………..aspects of learning English do you find the most difficult?
A. What B. Where C. When D. Why
4. We think that with our solidarity we can….........this difficulty.
A. overdo B. overgo C. overtake D. overcome
5. They couldn't pass the final ……………….
A. exam B. examine C. examining D. examination
6. We have many well................... teachers here.
A. qualify B. quality C. qualified D. qualification
7. This shirt costs................... 88,000VND
A. approximative B. approximately C. approximation D. approximate
8. If you study at The Brighton Language Center - UK, you can live in ..................on campus.
A. dormitory B. mobile room C. hotel D. private room
9. I saw your school's………… today's edition of the Vietnam News.
A. advertise B. advertisement C.advertiser D.advertising
10. I can complete a……………. English test if you want.
A. speak B. spoke C. spoken D. speaking
11. She said that she ………………….learning English with you.
A. like B. liked C. liking D. to like
12. The government supplied the victims ............... food and water.
A. to B. with C. on D. for
13. She asked me where I ……………..from.
A come B.came C. to come D. coming
14. What aspect of ………………English do you find difficult?
A. study B. studied C. learnt D, learning
15. If you want to attend the course, you ………….. pass the examination.
A have to B. has to C. had to D. could
16. She ……… whether I liked classical music or not.
A. ask B. asks Casked D. asking
1. He is a strict................................ (EXAMINE)
2. I want to....................................……course. (ATTENDANCE
3. This school has excellent ………………………….. (REPUTE)
4. We often take part in many……………................activities at school. (CULTURE)
5. If you want to ...............………………...your English, we can help you. (IMPROVEMENT)
A. Read the following passage, and then answer the questions.
There are about 5,000 living languages in the world today, but only about six of them are
major languages of the world. Two-thirds of the world's population speaks those six languages. More
than 300 million people speak English as their first language. Another 300 million speak it as a
second language. No one knows how many people speak it as a foreign language. Chinese is the only
language with more speakers than English. This is because of the huge population of Chinese, more
than one billion people. More people study English than any other language. In many countries, the
textbooks in universities are in English. Many university classes are taught in English although their
first language is not English.
1. How many living languages are there in the world?
2. Which is the language with more speakers than English?
3. How many people speak the major languages of the world?
4. How many people speak English as the first and the second language?
A. Change the following sentences into indirect speech
1. "The shirt looks nice" Lan said.
2. The boys said “ We are going to hold a party here."
3. “I must do it now" said the man.
4. "What's your name?" The man asked me
5. "Where do you come from?" The policeman asked her.
6. " Why are you so late?" The teacher asked the students
7. “Can you ride a horse?" the woman asked Peter
8. “Are you interested in reading detective books?" Nam asked me
B. Complete the sentences with the cues
1. If you/ want/ go out/ you/ must finish/homework.
2. She/ pass/ entrance exam/ if she/ try/best.
3. He/ carn/ much money/ if /he/work/ harder.
4. Please call/me/ if you/ see/her.
C. Conditional sentences: type 1
1/ If you give my dog a bone he (bury) …………………… it at once.
2/ If we leave the car here it (not be) anybody's way.
3/ He'll be late for the train if he ( not start)……………………… at once.
4/ If you come late they (not let) in.
5/ If he (go).................................on telling lies nobody will believe a word he says.
D. Finish the second sentence.
1. Do the test carefully or you may get bad mark.
If you ____________________________________________________________________
2. Come soon or you may not meet us.
If you ____________________________________________________________________
3. Hurry up or we will miss the bus.
If we _____________________________________________________________________
4. If you don't study hard, you may fail the exam.
Unless ___________________________________________________________________
5. Unless Nancy hurries, she will miss the last train.
If Nancy __________________________________________________________________
6. I don't have a key, so I can't get into the house.
If I ______________________________________________________________________
7. Tom eats too much, so he gets fat!
If Tom ___________________________________________________________________

A. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others
1. A. campus B. nation C. advance D. relax
2. A. fee B. intermediate C. dormitory D. scenery
B. Choose the word whose main stress pattern is placed differently from that of the others.
3. A. amount B. order C. publish D. campus
4. A. deposit B. edition C. collection D grocery


A. Choose the correct word(s) to complete the following sentences (3ms)
1. Indian is difficult to get used …………………. with the chopsticks.
A. to eat B. eating C. eat D. to be eaten
2. Are you looking forward ........the football match tonight?
A. to watch B. for watching C. watching D. to watching
3. If I ……… report before Sunday, I .................. send it to my teacher
A. finish/ would B. finish/ will C. finished/ will D. am finishing/ will
4. She asked ............. To speak to
A. who I wanted B. who wanted I C. I wanted who D. who I want
5. It is very important ........... students to attend the course regularly
A. for B. With C. of D. to
6. Listening is an important ..................... in learning English, but I am not good at it.
A. skill B. label C. blanket D. tuition
7. The teacher asked me ........................ a passage into Vietnamese.
A. translate B. to translate C. translating D. translated
8. What aspect ………………... learning Englishdo you find most difficult?
A. in B. from C. of D. on
9. Martin asked if he .......... use a phone.
A. can B. could C. may D. must
10. What did the man say ...........?
A. to you B. at you C. you D. for you
11. The weather was bad, we didn't go on a picnic.
A. however B. but C. because D. so
12. Ann's birthday is..... February 14th.
A. in B. on C. for D. at
13. He asked me who the editor of this book ?
A. is B. are C. was D. were
14. He told me he leave the city the following day.
A. will have to B. would have to C has to D. had to
15. He wants to know whether I 1 back tomorrow.
A. come B. will come C. would come D. came
16. I wonder why he love his family.
A. doesn't B. don't C. didn't D. hasn’t
1. Please phone this number for more …………………….. (INFORM)
2. I want to ……………………… for selling my house. (ADVERTISMENT)
3. Mai is an ………………………. of this newspaper. (EDITION)
4. This book is not ………………………… (AVAIL)

5. He …………………….. answered these questions. (EXACT)
A. Read. Then choose the right word to complete the paragraph (1.5ms)
hard countries school children hearing friends
Every year students in many (1) …………. learn English. Some of these students are young (2)
…………. Others are teenagers. Many are adults. Some learn at (3) others study by themselves. A
few learn English just by (4) ............... the language in films, on television, in the office or among
their (5) ................ But not many are lucky enough to do that. Most people must work (6) …….…...
to learn another language.
B. Read. Then answer the questions. (1.5ms)
All languages have rules for forming words and for ordering those words in meaningful
sentences. In written languages, meaning is expressed through a system of characters and rules for
combining those characters. In spoken languages, meaning is expressed though a system of sounds
and rules for combining those sounds. Word order is more important in English than it is in some
languages, such as Russian.
1. What kinds of rules do all languages have?
2. How is meaning expressed in written languages?
3. What is more important in English in comparison with some languages?
A. Change into reported speech: (1.5ms)
1. “How long does the course take?" I asked the secretary
 .......................................................................................................................................................
2. “Can you speak any foreign languages?" The interviewer asked me
3. “My sister will trayel to Hongkong next week.” Said Mai.
4. “I must go now,” the father said to us.
The father said ...............................................................................................................................
5. “Who puts the salt in my cup of coffee?”, asked Peter.
Peter asked ....................................................................................................................................
6. “Why do you come here late?", she asked me.
She asked ......................................................................................................................................
7. “Can you play the piano?”, he asked the girl.
He asked the girl ...........................................................................................................................
8. 'I'm having a good time here." said Maryam.
Maryam said ..................................................................................................................................
B. Conditional sentences: type 1
1. If I see him I (give) …………………….. him a lift.
2. The table will collapse if you (stand) …………………….. on it.
3. If he (eat) ……..................all that he will be ill.
4. If I find your passport 1 (telephone)…………………… at once.
5. The police (arrest) …………………………. him if they catch him.
C. Finish the second sentence.
1. Speak slowly or he can't understand what you mean.
If you ______________________________________________________________________
2. Keep our environment clean or we won't enjoy a healthy life.
If you ______________________________________________________________________
3. Mary doesn't buy this shirt because she doesn't have enough money.
If Mary _____________________________________________________________________
4. Daisy can't go to the party because she has to look after her sister.
If Daisy _____________________________________________________________________
5. I got wet because I forgot to take my raincoat with me.
If I ________________________________________________________________________
6. I'm not millionaire, so I can't buy you a car.
If I ________________________________________________________________________
7. Today is not a holiday, so we can't go for a picnic.
If today _____________________________________________________________________
D. Write a letter of inquiry to the institution requesting for more information about the course
and fees (1.5ms)
Dear Sir,
1. I/ read/ advertisement/ Tuoi Tre/ yesterday.
 .......................................................................................................................................................
2. I interested/ leam/ English and I/ would like information/about/ school.
3. I/ can/ speak/ read/ English/ well/ but/ I/ want/ write it.
 .......................................................................................................................................................
4. Could/ you/ please/ send/ details/ courses and fees?
 .......................................................................................................................................................
5. I/ ready/ supply/ record of study/ if necessary.
 .......................................................................................................................................................
6. I/ look forward to/ hear/ you.

I. Conditional sentences: type 1
1. If I lend you $10 when you (repay).................................
2. We'll have to move upstairs if the river (rise).............................any higher.
3. If he(work) ………………………...hard today can he have a holiday tomorrow?
4. Ice (turn………………… … water if you heat it.
5. If the house (burn)............................... down we can claim compensation.
6. If you (not like)...............................this one I'll bring you another.
7. Tell him to ring me up if you (see) ………………………….. him.
8. If I tell you a secret, you (promise) …………………......not to tell it to anyone else?
9. If you (not believe) …………………………... what I say, ask your mother.
10. If he (like) ……………………........... the house will he buy it?
11. If he ( read).......................... in bad light he will ruin eyes.
12. Someone ( steal)……………………….. your car if you leave it unlocked.
13. What will happen if my parachute (not open)………………………………..
14. If he (wash) ………………………………. my car I'll give him $10
15. If she (need)…………………………...... a radio she can borrow mine.
16. If you (not go) ……………………......... away I'll send for the police.
17. I'll be very angry if he (make) ………………............any more mistakes.

18. If he (be).................................. late we'll go without him.
19. She will be absolutely furious if she (hear)………………........ about this.
20. If you put on the kettle 1 (make)................................. the tea.
II. Finish the second sentence.
1. If he doesn't sell more, he won't get much commission.
Unless _______________________________________________________________________
2. If I don't have a quiet room, I won't be able to do any work.
Unless _____________________________________________________________________
3. Be careful or you will have an accident.
If you ______________________________________________________________________
4. He will buy this house because he likes/it.
If __________________________________________________________________________
5. If she doesn't know who it is, she won't open the door.
Unless _______________________________________________________________________
III. Change into Reported Speech.
1. “Do you like pop music?" Hoa told Maryam.
Hoa asked Maryam........................................................................................................................
2. "Where do you live, the boy?" asked the man.
The man asked ..............................................................................................................................
3. "Have you finished your homework?" The teacher asked us.
4. "I have something to show you now," he said to me
He told me .....................................................................................................................................
5. "I'm leaving here for Hue tomorrow." she said.
She said..........................................................................................................................................
6. "I'll come with you as soon as I am ready." Tom said to her,
Tom said ........................................................................................................................................


A. Choose the word whose underline part is pronounced differently from the others:
1, A. publish B. supply C. difficult D. campus
2, A. exam B. France C. ability D. national
B. Choose the word whose main stress pattern is placed differently from the others:
3, A. dormitory B. satisfactory C. practical D. interest
4. A. economic B. pagoda C. material D. relax
A. Choose the best answer:
1. What are you doing
A. till this weekend B. this weekend this weekend D. the weekend
2. I wish you driving so fast. It makes me nervous.
A. weren't B. won't drive C. can't drive D. will not drive
3. Our train arrived ...... Dieu tri station ....... 6.30.
A. to - at B. in -at C. on - till D. at - at
4. He said that he was coming ……………………….
A. tomorrow after B. the next day C. yesterday D. following day
5. We usually go to our home village at least once ……………………… the summer.
A. In B. to C. on D. for
6. John wishes he …………………………… have to clean all the windows.
A. don't B. doesn't C. wasn't D. didn't
7. We met a lot of people ………………………… our holiday.
A. During B. while C. for D. at
8. Columbus discovered America ……………………… the 15 century.
A. In B. on C. since D. for
9. Lan doesn't get good marks. I wish she………………………. good marks.
A. Get B. got C. to get D. getting
10. I wish he ………………………… a big house.
A. Has B. had C. have D. having
11. I've known him ........................................ I left school.
A. When B. before C. since D. after
12. It was cold ………………...... I turned the heating on.
A. so B. but C. because D. if
13. He said he ……………………. A friend at the station that day.
A. is meeting B. was meeting C. meets D. to meet
14. What aspect ………………….. learning English do you find most difficult?
A. in B. from C. of D. on
B. Supply the correct form of words:
1. She lives .................................... although she is very poor. (HAPPLY)
2. In Malaysia, is free …………………….. is free. (EDUCATE)
3, Music and painting are …………………………… subjects. (OPTION)
4. The shoes were nice, but they were ……………………. (COMFOR)
A. Choose the best options to fill in the blanks:
"Speech is one of the most (1)__________ ways of communicating. It consists of far more
than just (2) __________ noises. To talk or to be understood by other people, we have to master a
language, that is, we have to use combinations of sound that (3) __________ for a particular object
or idea. Communication would be impossible if everyone made up their own language. Learning a
language is very important. The basic vocabulary of English is not very large, and only 2,000 words
are needed to speak (4) __________ quite well. But the more words you know, the more ideas you
can express, and the more precise you can be (5)__________ their meaning Words are the main
things we use (6) __________ what we want to say. The way we say the words (7) __________ also
very important. One tone of voice can express (8) __________ emotions and show whether we are
pleased or angry for instance."
1. A. importance B. unimportance C. important D. unimportant
2. A. make B. making C. to make D. makes
3. A. stood B. stands C. standing D. stand
4. A to il B them C. it D. with them
5. A. for B. of C. in D. about
6. A. expressing B. in expressing C. for expe D. to be expressed
7. A. is В. аrе C. will be D. was
8 A. much B. many C. few D. little
B. Read the text then answer the questions:
England is not a large country. No town in England is very far from the sea, and many
English families spend their summer holidays at the seaside There are no mountains in England, no
very long rivers and no very large forests.
There are many towns in England No town is very far from another. The English countryside
between the towns is like a carpet of many colors In spring and summer, the

fields ,meadows and forests are like green or dark green and the gardens are green red blue yellow
and white with flowers.
1. Is England a large city?
2. Where do many English families spend their summer holidays ?...
3. Are there many towns in England ?
4. What is English countryside like ?
5. What are the fields, meadows, and forests like ?
A. Rewrite the sentences without changing the meaning:
1. "What is your father doing now?"
Lan asked me ............................................................................................................................
2. "Do you live here?"
The tourist asked me .................................................................................................................
3. John has a small flat and he doesn't like it.
John wishes ...............................................................................................................................
4. They went fishing when they lived in the country.
They used ..................................................................................................................................
B. Complete each sentence of the following letter (2.5ms)
1. I/ look / forward / hear / you / soon.
2. He/ said/ go/ Ha Noi/ following day.

- đứng đầu cầu làm chủ ngữ
- đứng sau những từ like, love, prefer , enjoy , dislike, hate... để nói một thói quen.
Ex. I like playing soccer.
- đứng sau những từ sau mind, avoid, stop, finish, go on , continue, remember, try …
Ex: Would you mind opening the door ?
- đứng sau những từ sau mang nghĩa bị động want, need , require ...
Ex: The house needs painting
Stop to Vo: ngừng để làm.........
Stop + ngừng làm .......
• Remember/ forget/ regret + : (việc đã qua rồi)
Remember forget/ regret + to Vo: (việc chưa đến)
• Try + to Vo: cố gắng
Try + thử
II. TAG QUESTIONS (câu hỏi đuôi)
S + V, V not S?
S + V not ,V S?
 You are coming, aren't you?
 We have finished, haven't we?
 You like coffee, don't you?
 They will help, won't they?
 I can come, can't I?
 We must go, mustn't we?
 John should try harder, shouldn't he?
 You are English, aren't you?
 Marv and Betty were here, weren't they?
 He'd better do it, hadn't he?
 There are some people, aren't there?
 It isn't raining, is it?
 We have never seen that, have we?
 You don't like coffee, do you?
 They won't help, will they?
 I can't come, can I?
 We mustn't go, must we?
 John shouldn't try harder, should he?
 You aren't English, are you?
 Mary and Betty weren't here, were they?
 I am tall, aren't I?
 Don't go out, will you?
 Take it now, will you?
 Let's go out, shall we?
 Everything/Something/ is wrong, isn't it?
 Nobody knows, do they?
 This/That is a house, isn't it?
 Those are your flowers, aren't they?

A. Choose the word in each group that has the underlined part pronounced differently from
the rest
1. A. label B. bureau C. plumber D. bill
2. A. Internet B. access C. invent D. respond
B. Choose the word in each line that has different stress pattern.
3 A. remote B. control C income
4. A. entertainment B. education C. development D. interactive
A. Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences
1. How much time do you spent ________________ the web a day?
A clicking B. opening C. entering D. surfing
2. Do you find the Internet ________________, Nam ?
A. use B. used C. useful D. usefully
3. I don't like watching boxing matches on TV because they are
A. violent B. violence C. exciting D. interesting
4. Nowadays, we can watch a ________________ of interesting programmers on TV
A. varies B. variation C. variety D. varieties
5. Mr. Tam needs to leave right now, ________________ ?
A. needn't he B. doesn't he C. need he D. does he
6. It's too hot and my hair needs ___________________ .
A. to cut B. cut C. cutting D. is cutting
7. Tommy suggested _________________ the shrine on the mountain.
A. visit B. visiting C. visited D. to visit
8. Town criers shouted the latest news ______________ they were talking.
A. since B. as C. therefore D. because
9. It's quite easy to get access ______________ the Internet.
A. on B. in C. to D. into
10. Today TV __________ can watch a lot of interesting local and international programmers.
A. lookers B. seers C. viewers D. observers
11. There won't be any trouble with you, ______________ ?
A. will there B. will it C. will they D. won't they
12. Internet users sometimes have to ______________ various viruses.
A. bore B. carry C. keep D. suffer
13. Who told you of the news? The ______________ may not be correct.
A. inform B. information C.informational D. informative
14. I have sent you a lot of letters but you have never been ______________
A. responsively B. response C. respond D. responsive
15. She thinks chatting on the Internet is time ______________
A. consume B. consumer C.consuming D. consumption
16. Can you tell me who ______________ this kind of machine?
A. invented B. invention C.inventor D. inventive
17. The next stage in the development of television is ______________ TV.
A. interact B. interaction C.interactive D. interactively
18. Remote controls are used to _______________ with TV.
A. interact B. interaction C.interactive D. interactively

1. He drives ………………...., so he never has an accident. (CAREFUL)
2. Harry Potter is an …………………. book for children to read. (INTEREST)
3. They ……………. me to their birthday party last week (INVITATION)
4. He is very famous …………….. in this city. (MUSIC)
A. Complete the passage with the words in the box.(2 m):
entertainment products programs actually appeared
children been useful broadcast sport
Television first (1).......................... some fifty years ago in the 1950s. Since then, it has (2)
…………. one of the most popular sources off (3)........................ for both the old and young
Television can (4)………….... satisfy almost all kinds of taste. It offers cartoon for (5)……………
world news, music, and many other programs. If someone is interested sports, for example, he can
tune into a (6)…............... channel. There he can enjoy a live (7)………………. of an international
football match. Television is also a very useful for companies to advertise their (8).............................
B. Reading comprehension:

The telephone directory, or phone book, is an alphabetical listing of the name addresses, and
phone numbers of all the people in an area who have phones and want the numbers to be listed.
There is no charge if you have your telephone number listed.
It's important to know how to use the telephone directory. The directory has white pages that
list the names of people and businesses who have phones. The yellow pages, in the back of the
directory list the names and numbers of businesses. They also have advertisement for some of the
businesses listed. The yellow pages are classified alphabetically by subjects You can find a listing of
plumbers, electricians, physicians, school, and so on. Under each heading is an alphabetical listing of
all the local businesses or people in that category.
Choose the best answers
1. The telephone directory is a _________________.
A. Magazine B. phone book C. text book D. novel
2. Your phone numbers _________________ in the telephone directory.
A. can't be listed B. is never listed C. can be listed D. may be listed
3. If you want to have your telephone number listed in the phone book, you ______________.
A don't have to pay any money C. have to pay some money
B. have to pay much money D. have to pay a little money
4. There are __________________ in the phone book.
A. only white pages C. white and blue pages
B. only yellow pages D. both white and yellow pages
5. The yellow pages are classified alphabetically by __________________.
A. Names B. subjects C. addresses D. phone numbers
1. She is collecting stickers, .........................................................................................................?
2. We often watch TV in the afternoon,........................................................................................
3. You have cleaned your bike,.....................................................................................................
4. John and Max don't like Math,..................................................................................................
5. Peter played handball yesterday,...............................................................................................
6. They are going home from school,............................................................................................
7. Mary didn't do her homework last Monday,.............................................................................
8. Kevin will come tonight,...........................................................................................................
9. I'm clever, .................................................................................................................................
10. Mr McGuinness is from Ireland,.............................................................................................
11. The car isn't in the garage,.......................................................................................................
12. You are John,...........................................................................................................................
13. She went to the library yesterday,...........................................................................................
14. He didn't recognize me,...........................................................................................................
15. Cars pollute the environment,.................................................................................................
16. Mr. Pritchard has been to Scotland recently,...........................................................................
17. The trip is very expensive,......................................................................................................
18. He won't tell her, ....................................................................................................................
19. Hugh had a red car,..................................................................................................................
20. Let's go for a walk,..................................................................................................................
21. We must lock the doors,..........................................................................................................
22. She wasn't here last night,.......................................................................................................
23. You don't like tea,....................................................................................................................
24. Ann will be here soon, ............................................................................................................
25. Peter plays soccer very well,...................................................................................................
26. Her father goes to work at 6 AM,............................................................................................
27. This picture is yours,...............................................................................................................
28. They will go to HCMC next week,.........................................................................................
29. You don't used the Internet very often,...................................................................................
30. He never goes to school late,...................................................................................................
31. Let's go somewhere for a drink,..............................................................................................
32. Open the door,.........................................................................................................................
1. My brother stopped (go) ______________ to the youth club because he is very busy.
2. She was late because she stopped (help) ______________ some children cross the street.
3. Where are the keys? I remember (lay) ______________ them on this table this morning.
4. Remember (visit) ______________ me when you come here.
5. I am sorry I have forgotten (do) ______________ what you said to me this morning.
6. I will never forget (work) ______________ with you. You have helped me a lot.
7. I regret (go) ______________ out last night.
8. I regret (inform) ______________ you that your application hasn't been accepted.
9. When I arrived, he was trying (start) ______________ his new car, there was something wrong
with the machine. He even tried (work) ______________ it downhill twice, but that didn't work
10. I've lost my keys. Have you remember (see) ______________ them today?
11. He gave up ______________ (gamble).
12. Try to avoid ______________ (make) him angry.
13. Stop ______________ (argue) and start ______________ (work).
14. The children prefer ______________ (watch) TV to ______________ (read).
15. I am against ______________ (make) any complaints.
16. It's no use ______________ (cry) over spilt milk ______________ (Proverb)
17. I suggest ______________(hold) another meeting next week.
18. He finished ______________ (speak) and sat down.
19. He was fined for ______________(drive) without lights.
20. It is difficult to get used to ______________ (eat) with chopsticks.
C. Rewrite the following sentences without changing their meanings:
1. The children like to walk in the rain.
The children enjoy ....................................................................................................................
2. Tom said: "Let's go out for a walk".
Tom suggested...........................................................................................................................
3. They feed the animals twice a day.
The animals ..............................................................................................................................
4. Mr Cook doesn't like Giving in a small house.
Mr Cook wishes.........................................................................................................................
5. Tom did wear the rain coat, so he got a cold.
Tom got a cold...........................................................................................................................
D.Use the given words to make sentence:
1. Internet / now/ very useful/ our life.
2. It/ cheap way/ communicate / friends/ relatives / means / email, chatting or wed cam.
3. It/ provide / variety entertainment / such as/ music, movies, games, novels, magazines, ect…

A. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the rest.
1. A. life B. wife C. mine D. dinner
2. A. invited B. visited C. wished D. handed
3. A. eat B. meet C. need D. great
4. A. order B. border C. tuitor D. dormitory
5. A. campus B. cake C. capture D. hamburger
6. A. publish B. cut C. bury D. but
7. A. fly B. scenery C. slowly D. usually
8. A. order B. border C. tuitor D. dormitory
9. A. campus B. cake C. capture D. hamburger
B. Choose the word in each line that has different stress pattern.
A. occasion B. pagoda C. embroider D. comfortable
A. seperate B. literature C. consist D. language
Choose the correct word to complete the following sentences.
1. The Malaysian unit..................................................currency is ringgit. ( to/ in/ on/ of )
2. Maryam often goes to pray because her religion is Islam. (church/
pagoda/ mosque/ temple)
3. He …………………….. English for 4 years. ( learns/ has learnt/ learnt/ will learn)
4. Math and literature are …………………….subjects for children in Vietnam. ( adding/
compulsory/ optional/ religious)
5. They used to………………….... swimming in the afternoon. ( go/ going/ went/ gone)
6. He wishes he………………......a pilot. ( is/ were/ will be/ would be)
7. I would rather you........................... the test well. (do/ did/ done/ to do)
8. It's time we ………………………… the bus. (caught/ catch/ to catch/ watching)
9. I wish they ………………………. here next time. ( are/ were/ would be/ will be)
10. t's very kind……………………. you to say so. ( on/ of/ for/ to)
11. Can you tell me how many chapters this book consists ………………… (on/ of/ for/ to)
12. Vietnamese are ........................and hospitable. (friend/ friendless/ friendly/ friendship)
13. Although we are far from each other, we still……….......(keep in touch/ say hello/ keep
together/ keep on)
14. Music and painting are...................... subjects. (Option/ optional/ optionally/ optioning)
15. The children are playing……………… in the schoolyard. (happy/ happily/ happiness/
16. We are the beauty of Ha Long Bay. (impress/ impression/ impressed/
17. lis....... ……………..made us happy. (unfriendly/ friendly/ unfriendliness/ friendliness)
18. He made a deep.........................on the members of his Speaking English Club. (impress/
impression/ impressed/ impressing)
19. The Smiths enjoyed the ………atmosphere in Vietnam. (peace/ peaceful/ peacefully/
20. Hanoi is not………………….from Kuala Lumpur. (difference/ different/ differ/ differently)
21. In Malaysia. ………………… is free. (educate/ education/ educational/ educationally)
22. We went to see many. ………………… places in Hanoi. (fame/ famous/ famously/
23. It's (fashion/ fashionable/ fashionably/ fashioned) to wear shorts skirts and faded jeans again.

24. Vietnamese women usually wear The Ao Dai, ….………………. on important celebrations.
(special/ specially/ especial/ especially)
25. Young people are fond of ………………… jeans. (to wear/ wearing/ wore/ worn)
26. Many designers took…………….... from Vietnam's ethnic minorities. (inspire/ inspiration/
inspirer/ inspirational)
27. Some designers have..................... the Ao Dai by printing lines of poetry on it.(modern/
modernize/ modernized/ modernly)
28. She (takes/ is taken/ took/ was taken) to the national theater by the Greens last night.
29. She describes herself …………………..a fashion designer. (by/ in/ from/ as)
30. He (living/ live/ lived/ has lived) with his friends in an apartment in Hue since last week.
31. My car …………………. yesterday. (repairs/ repaired/ is repaired/ was repaired)
32. Must this test ………………… on time. (finish/ finished/ be finished/ be finish)
33. The Ao Dai is the (beautiful/ traditional/ casual/ baggy) dress of Vietnamese women.
34. (How/ What/ Why/ Where) have the fashion designers done to modernize the Ao Dai?
35. The word Jeans comes (in/ on/ from/ at) a kind of material that was made in Europe.
36. The national dress of Japanese women is (Kimono/ Ao Dai/ Sari/ Jeans)
37. Nguyen Du is considered one of the most famous Vietnamese (poetry/ poem/ poets/ poetic)
38. I would rather you ………………… the test well.( do/ did/ done/ to do)
39. It's time we ………………….the bus. (catch/ to catch/ catching/ caught)
40. They wish they... …………………...a new house. (have/ had/ will have/ would have)
41. You can want. (so/ if/ unless/ because)
42. What did that man say ………………? (at you/ to you/ you/ for you)
43. He said he (is meeting/ was meet ing/ is going to meet/ meets) a friend at the station that day.
44. When he was at Sandra's flat yesterday, Martin asked if he................................use the phone.
(can/ could may/ must)
45. The teacher asked me (to translate/ translate/ translated/ translating) a passage into English.
46. When I rang Tessa sometime last week, she said she was busy (today/ that day/ this day)
47. What aspect...................learning English do you find most difficult? (in/ from/ of/ on)
48. Judy (admitted/ offered/ promised/ suggested) going for a walk, but no one else wanted to.
49. You'd better learn by……………….. all the new words. (heart/ well/ mind/ carefully)
50. Most students live in…………………. on campus.
51. You can take the exam at.....................or advanced level. (small/ intermediate/ high/ low)
52. On the way, we stopped three times to admire mountain ......................(picture/ scenery/ foot)
1. Van is a(n)............................. student in the USA. (bright/ foreigner/ exchange/ intelligent)
2. The weather was bad, ..........................we didn't go on a picnic. (however/ but/ because/ so)
3. My father (was traveling/ was used to travel/ used to travel) a lot but he doesn't any more.
4. Ann's birthday is...........................February 14". (in/ on/ for/ at)
5. This isn't my first visit to London.................. here before. (I'm/ I'm going to/ I've been/ I was)
6. There is a river …………………….. across the village. (flowing/ running/ lying/ reaching)
7. They put ……………the blanket and laid............. food. (in/ on - down/ over - down/ out-on/ in)
8. It's very crowded here. I wish……………….. (there were a few people/ there weren't so many
people/ there was somebody here.)
9. Your teacher…………….. you should work harder on your English pronunciation. (told/ said
to/ said/ told to)
10. I'm very proud.............................. you, my darling. (on/ in/ at/ of)
11. You have to try your ……………………… to improve some sounds. (best/ good well most)
12. We have.............................. ways of learning a foreign language. (differently/ difference/
differents/ different)
13. Some can learn foreign language very......................... (quickly/ quick/ in a quickly way)
14. In order ………………..... words better, some learners write words on small pieces of paper.
(remember/ to remember/ so remember/ for remember)
15. Some people learn any new words they come………………. (by/ to/ over/ across)
16. You are serious ill . You ......................... stay in bed and take tablets. (have/ should/ are)
17. The doctor asked the bed on time. ( to go/ go/ went/ go to)
18. He………………, "Why are you late?''( said/ told to/ said to/ saying)
19. My mother told me not to drive ……………………..( fastly/ in a fastly way/ fast)
20. They often go to that.... ……………....... to pray. (market/ hotel/ shrine/ hostel)
21. Does he have a good…………………... of coins? (collect/ collector/ collection/ collecting)
22. Getting to the village is a very...... …….....journey. (interesting/ interested/ interest/ interests)
23. There is a meeting …………………... 9 AM and 2 PM.( at/on/ till/ between)
24. I wish they………………….. here tomorrow. (are/ will be/ were/’ would be)
25. She...................... here since yesterday. ( comes/ came/ has come/ will come)
26. I would rather she............................ the work again.( did/ do/ does/ will do/ to do)
27. We have lived in Ha Noi…………………… 4 years. ( since/ on/ in/ for/ at)
28. This test must be done………………….. (careful/ careless/ carefully/ carelessly)
29. At this moment I....................that we have a good chance of victory. (was feeling/ am feeling/
had been feeling/ feel)
30. You have to be..................... your stupidity (ashamed of/ shamed of/ ashamed for/ timid of)
31. Where are you going? I'll give you a ……………..... (ladder/ elevator/ lift/ staircase)
32. My brother won't come home........................10 p.m. (until/ than/ to/ in)
33. What about..........................? Will I be able to find a house? ( accommodation/ identification/
qualification/ construction)
34. It's too hot and my hair needs……………….. (to cut/ being cut/ cutting/ cut)
35. She is …………………..a good singer nor an actress ( nor/ both/neither/ either)
36. England has a rainy…………………...and umbrellas are very useful there. (climate/
condition/ environment/ state)
37. The farmers were working…………………...the field when we came. (on/ in/ at)
38. The children ran............................. the hill to see the sunset (on/ to/ up/ in)
39. There used to be a huge old banyan tree................... the entrance of my village. (at/ on/ in/ up)
40. Ba and Tam sometimes go fishing ………………… weekend (in /on/ from/ of)
41. They have learnt English. …………………..many years. (in/ for/ on/ at)
42. The boys often go skiing…………………. winter. (in/ at/ on)
43. He is famous stamp……………..….. (collect/ collection/ collector/ collective)
44. It's an …………………. journey. (interest/ interested/ interesting/ interestingly)
45. We will go ……………………. a picnic tomorrow. (in/ on/ at)
46. My village is about 120 kilometers....................the west of HCM City. (in/ at/ to/ for)
47. There is a shrine…………………. the top of the mountain. (on/ in/ at/ to)
48. Let's................... .somewhere for a drink! (go/ to go/ going/ doing)
49. He used to (work/ working/ worked/ word) full time, but now he is a part time worker.
50. I don't mind (walking/ to walk) home but I'd rather (get/ to get) a taxi.
51. He had made his decision and refused (changing/ to change) his mind.
52. Harry suggested (having/ to have) a party.
53. It was a really good holiday. I really enjoyed (being/ to be) by the sea again.
54. She spends most of her free time (surfing/ to surf) the net.
55. We've finished (decorating/ to decorate) the flat.
56. I like (think/ to think) carefully before (making/ to make) a decision.
57. Have you ever considered (going/ to go) to live in another country?
58. I'd like (going/ to go) out with you, but I'm not allowed (going/ to go ) out at night.
59. After (stopping/ being stopped) by police, the man admitted (stealing/ to steal) the car but
denied (driving/ to drive) at 100 miles an hour.
60. Tommy suggested (visiting/ to visit/ visit) the shrine on the mountain.
61. How much time do you spend (posting/ to post/ surfing/ to surf) the web a day?
62. Town criers shouted the latest news (since/ as/ therefore/ because)
63. You don't know where she is (do you/ is she/ isn't she/ don't you)?
64. It's quite easy to get access (on/ in/ into/ to) the Internet.
65. Nobody can deny the benefit of the Internet in our life. (therefore/ so/ however/ besides)
Internet also has limitations.
1. I enjoy working there, everyone is so ______________ (friend)
2. Some people have no ______________ beliefs. (religion)
3. English and French are Canada's ______________ languages. (office)
4. We're very impressed by the ______________of your town's people. (friend)
5. She looks ______________in her new dress. (attract)
6. The little village is very quiet and ______________at night. (peace)
7. His parents are very ______________of him (pride)
8. How can we make the subject more ______________to young people? (interest)
9. Most of the ______________ impiou have lived here all their lives. (village)
10. If you want to ______________ your English, we can help you. (improvement) .
11. This dictionary is not so big but it is ______________ (inform)
12. The newspaper is ______________read by both teenagers and adults (wide)
13. Thanks to the ______________of Internet, we can get access to different valuable resources of
the world. (develop)
A. Read the passage, then answer the questions
Television is an important invention of the 20th century. It has been so popular that now we
can't imagine what life would be like if there was no television. Television is a major mean of
communication. It brings pictures and sounds from around the world into million of homes.
Television viewers can see and leam about people, places and things in far away lands. Television
widens our knowledge by introducing us to new ideas which may lead us to new hobbies and
recreations In addition to the news ,television provides with a variety of program that can satisfy
every taste Most people now seem to like spending their evenings watching Television. It is more
convenient for them to stay at home watching television than to go out for amusement elsewhere.
1. Is television an important invention of the 20th century?
2. What does television bring?
3. What can television viewers do in far away land ?
4. How does television widen our knowledge ?
5. What do most people seem to like doing their evenings?
B. Read the passage and answer the questions
Human telephone operators will be replaced by computers. These computer will recognize
speech, ask us what information we need, access the information from a database, and convert it to
speech . If you want to book a flight or pay a bill by phone, you will interact with a talking computer
to do so. Human telephone operators will be used only for more complex operations such as dealing
with complaints or solving problem.
Note: - operator : người trực tổng đài điện thoại
- database : cơ sở dữ liệu
- (to) convert: biến đổi
1/ What will replace human telephone operators ?
2/ What will these computers do?
3/ What will you interact if you want to book a flight?
4/ What will human telephone operators be used for?
C. Read the passage and answer the questions
The spaceship flew around the new planet several times. The planet was blue and green. They
couldn't see the surface of the planet because there were too many white clouds. The spaceship
descended slowly through the clouds and landed in the middle of a green forest. The two astronauts
put on their space suits, opened the door, climbed carefully down the ladder, and stepped onto the
planet. The woman looked at a small control unit on her arm and said to the man. "We can breathe
the air.... it is a mixture of oxygen and nitrogen". They looked at everything carefully. All the plants
and animals looked new and strange. They couldn t find any intelligent life.
After several hours, they returned to their spaceship. Everything looked normal. The man
switched on the controls, but nothing happened. The engines were not working. He switched on the
computer, but it didn t work, either. "Mary", he said, "we are stuck here.... we can't take off !". She
replied " Don t worry, John. They'll rescue us soon."
* Questions.
1. What did the spaceship fly around?
2. What was the new planet like?
3. Could they find any intelligent life there?
4. What happened when they returned to the spaceship?
D. Read the text carefully, then choose the best answers :
It is a city in Thailand that has a wonderful night market. In the evening, the main street is
lined with small stands and shops that sell almost anything you can imagine. Some stands sell
jewelry or clothing, other sell traditional Thai crafts, and still other sell fresh fruit and spices. It's
easy to spend an entire evening just looking at everything. If you decide to buy something, you won't
be disappointed. The prices are very reasonable. There are a lot of wonderful attractions in Chiang
Mai, but the night market is a favorite for many people.
1/ Where is there a wonderful night market?
A Dam Sen park B. Chiang Mai C. Ben Tre D. Car Fair
2/ Where can you see small stands and shops ?
A. In the corners B. In front of C. In the main streets D. In the top
3/What do they sell?
A. Clothing B. Jewelry C. Fruit D. Everything
4/ How are the prices?
A. expensive B. not cheaper C. reasonable D. most expensive
5/ Which is one of the attractions in Chiang Mai for people ?
A. beautiful sights B. sell anything C. night market D. only sell jewelry
1. They were riding................................... the forest.
2. Remote controls are used to interact. ...................................TV.
3. I prefer documentaries.. ...................................sports.
4. What do you use the Internet..................................?
5. The information is posted..........................Jim Hello 10 December 2002...................07 pm
6. They got approximately 60 percent.......................their income …………………advertising.
7. It's not easy to get access.................................... the Internet.
8. The bus service is free....................................the evenings and ..................................weekends.
9. Nowadays 60% of the world's radio stations broadcast....................................English
10. There was nothing interesting. ................................, so I turned the TV..................................
B. Rewrite the following sentences in the such way that they have the same meanings with the
ones given.
1. We couldn't answer those two difficult questions
→ Those two questions ................................................................................................................
1. Mark is too young to see that horror film.
→Mark isn't ..................................................................................................................................
2. People in many countries are watching that football match on TV.
→ This football match ..................................................................................................................
3. We couldn't drive because of the fog.
→ The fog prevented ....................................................................................................................
4. I stopped. I bought a newspaper.
→ I stopped ..................................................................................................................................
5. We watched them leave. I never forget it.
→ I will never ...............................................................................................................................
6. I haven't eaten pizza for a year.
→ The last time ............................................................................................................................
7. You don't need to cook today.
→ It isn't .......................................................................................................................................
8. They understand more than we do.
→ We don't ...................................................................................................................................
9. Has someone repaired this telephone?
→Has this telephone ....................................................................................................................
10. They told me that our teacher was sick.
→I .................................................................................................................................................
11. I hate having to wear my crash helmet whenever I ride my motorbike to school.
→I wish ........................................................................................................................................
12. I'm not used to the noise in the city.
→I wish ........................................................................................................................................
13. It's a pity that my room is too small.
→ I wish .......................................................................................................................................
14. I'm sorry I don't know how to swim.
→If only .......................................................................................................................................
15. It's a pity the weather isn't better today.
→If only .......................................................................................................................................
16. It's a pity you can't understand how I feel about you.
→If only .......................................................................................................................................
17. “How old are you?"
→ She asked me ...........................................................................................................................
18. "Where do you live?
→ She asked me ...........................................................................................................................
19.“ What school are you going to?"
→ She............................................................................................................................................
20. “How many languages can you speak?"
→ She ...........................................................................................................................................
21." Why do you want to take the course?”
→ She ...........................................................................................................................................
22." How did you hear about the course?”
→ She ...........................................................................................................................................
23." How long does the course take?”
→She ............................................................................................................................................
24." How much are the course fees?"
→ She ...........................................................................................................................................
25." When will the course begin?"
→ She ...........................................................................................................................................
26." I'm living in London now."
→ Judy said (that) ........................................................................................................................
27. “I work for a small publishing company."
→She said .....................................................................................................................................
28. “I'm their marketing manager."
→ The man said ...........................................................................................................................
29. "I'm studying Spanish in the evening.”
→ The boy said ............................................................................................................................
30. “I'm going to work in Spain next year.”
→My sister said ............................................................................................................................
31. “We don't have much time to enjoy ourselves."
→They said ..................................................................................................................................
32. "We haven't had lunch with our friends for ages."
→ The boys said ...........................................................................................................................
33." Are you a student?" The secretary asked (me)
→ ..................................................................................................................................................
34. Can you speak any languages?" The secretary asked (me)
→ ..................................................................................................................................................
35." Have you got any certificates?" The secretary asked (me)
→ ..................................................................................................................................................
36." Do you have any plans to study abroad?" The secretary asked (me)
37." Are you interested in learning foreign languages?” The secretary asked (me)
→ ..................................................................................................................................................
38. “Will you be in France in the future?" The secretary asked (me)
→ ..................................................................................................................................................
39." Do you like French music?" The secretary asked (me)
→ ..................................................................................................................................................
40. I can't go out because it is raining.
→ It is raining, ..............................................................................................................................
41. " I'm leaving here for Hue tomorrow." she said
→ She said that .............................................................................................................................
42. "Where do you live , the boy?" asked the man
→ The man asked .........................................................................................................................
43. He can write a new book this month.
→ A new book .............................................................................................................................
44. I have seen them at the seaside.
→ They have ................................................................................................................................
45. It's not a good idea to travel during the rush hour.
→ It's better to avoid ....................................................................................................................
46. Her hobbies are acting and drawing
→ She enjoys ................................................................................................................................
47. Don't stop him doing what he wants.
→ Let ............................................................................................................................................
48. I started doing my business 4 years ago.
→I have ........................................................................................................................................
49. She said to me "Do you do your homework right after school?"
→ She asked me if ........................................................................................................................
50. The father said to the children: " Are you ready now?"
→ The father asked his children if ...............................................................................................
51. People make cheese from the milk.
→ Cheese .....................................................................................................................................
C. Write sentences with the words provided
1/ Last summer/ his family/ spend/holiday/ Dalat.
2/ He/ used/ play/ football/ when/ he/ young.
3/ He/ prefer/ wear/ jeans/ to/ baggy/ pants.
4/ I/ wish/ he/ here/ now.
5/ When/ I/ arrive/ school/ bell/ ring.


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