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Quality. Christian. Education.

21st Century Literature from

the Philippines and the World
Quarter 1 Module 1: Lesson 4
21st Century Bicolano Authors
21st Century Literature from the Philippines and the World
Quarter 1 Module 1: Lesson 4

Writing a close analysis and critical interpretation of literary texts and doing an
adaptation of these require from the learner the ability to:

a) identify the geographic, linguistic, and ethnic dimension of Philippine literary history from
pre-colonial to the contemporary
b) identify representative texts and authors from each region (e.g., Engage in oral history
research with focus on key personalities from the students’ region/province/town
Specific Objectives:
1. Enumerate the famous 21st Century Bicolano authors.
2. Examine a sample literary text to relate its significance from students’
3. Appreciate the contributions of Bicolano authors to the development of regional
literary traditions.
Republic Act 8293, section 176 states that: No copyright shall subsist in any work of the
Government of the Philippines. However, prior approval of the government agency or office
wherein the work is created shall be necessary for exploitation of such work for profit. Such
agency or office may, among other things, impose as a condition the payment of royalties.

Borrowed materials (i.e., songs, stories, poems, pictures, photos, brand names, trademarks,
etc.) included in this book are owned by their respective copyright holders. Every effort has
been exerted to locate and seek permission to use these materials from their respective
copyright owners. The publisher and authors do not represent nor claim ownership over them.

I. Introduction

This module contains information about the award-winning Bicolano writers, their sample
masterpieces and their contribution to the development of literature in our region. By reading
some of the literary pieces authored by our fellow Bicolanos, you will indulge the beauty of our
culture, traditions, beliefs and identity. The activities in this module are intended to hone your
critical thinking and creativity. It will also deepen your understanding about how important our
Bicolano writers in bringing us close to the marvelous world of literature.

The module also provides example literary piece that you can relate to. There are varied
activities that are provided after each text. These activities are designed for you to not just
enjoy reading the text but for you to dig deeper in understanding it. In this way, you may be
inspired to aim becoming a writer and contribute to the development of our regional literature.
Aside from that, this module provides activities that will enable you to:
1.) enumerate the famous 21st Century Bicolano Authors;
2.) examine a sample literary text to relate its significance from students’
region/province/town; and
3.) appreciate the contributions of Bicolano authors to the development of regional
literary traditions.

Your target output upon completion of this module is a short free-verse poem/short
story reflecting the aspect that you want to contribute to the regional literary traditions.

II. Pre-Test

Activity 1.
A. Identify the works of some Bicolano writers by matching column A with column B. On
your notebook, write the letter of the correct answer.

1. Merlinda Bobis a. An Opon sa Ibalon:Kan Mahale an Maskara
2. Emelina G. Regis b. Two faces of the Forest
3. Francisco Penones Jr. c. Daragang Magayon
4. Honesto Pesimo Jr. d. Maynila: Libro ng Pobya
5. Jaime Jesus Borlagdan e. Sa Ngaran nin Aki

B. What do you think are the contributions of Bicolano writers to the development of
regional literary traditions? Recall some of their notable contribution and write a short
paragraph. Your work will be rated by the rubric that follows

What’s on your mind?


5 4 3 2
Content and Content is Content is Content is not Content is
Development comprehensive complete and comprehensive. incomplete.
and accurate. accurate. Was Was able to Was able to
Was able to able to give at give at least two give at least
give at least least three contributions of one contribution
four contributions of local authors to of local authors
contributions of local authors to the regional to the regional
local authors to the regional literary literary
the regional literary traditions. traditions.
literary traditions.
Organization Structure of the Structure of the Structure of the Organization
and Structure paragraph is paragraph is paragraph is not and structure of
clear and easy mostly clear easy to follow. the paragraph
to follow. and easy to detract from the
follow. message.
Grammar and Rules of Rules of The paragraph The paragraph
Mechanics grammar, grammar, contains few contains
usage, and usage, and grammatical, numerous
punctuations punctuations punctuation and grammatical,
are followed; are followed spelling errors. punctuation,
spelling of the with minor and spelling
words are errors; spelling errors.
correct. of the words are

How did you find the activity? This time kindly proceed to the next activity to
recall outstanding local literary works.

III. Lesson Proper

Activity 2.
Based on your previous lesson, recall a literary piece written in your region and discuss
the relevance of the text to the current situation of your community using the format below.
Three-sentence summary:

Building Your Vocabulary

Activity 3.
The following are the difficult words that you will encounter in the text that follows. To
further understand their meaning, fill in the following sentences with the correct words. Choose
from the words below. Write your answer in a separate sheet of paper.
Slumped Devour Clenched Wafted
Gushing Whipping Brutal
Crumpled Shattered Untamed

1. She _______________ the piece of paper into a ball and tossed in the garbage can.
2. The tigers _____________ their prey.
3. Everyone has been _________ over the baby.
4. He ____________ his fists in anger.
5. The movie is a _________________ depiction of the war.
6. She fainted and ____________ to the floor.
7. A breeze ___________ the scent of roses towards our table.
8. She suffered a _______________ that took them out of competition.
9. The man confidently explores the forest and unafraid of _____________ animals.
10. The rock ____________ the window.

Study These

Jaime Jesus Borlagdan

This is the weight stripped off by the sky mixed are

the earth and water.

If the disorder will be put back in place or traced, it would

be like peeling away from a sticky embrace.
Twisted are the limbs of electricity and branches, broken
by strain slumped at each other. The leaves, the pebbles
which tore the windows. Scratches, sap were the solidified
Marks of the gushing path of the ocean which walked the
earth, last night under the twister moon whose beam was
inward to its own gloom.
The embrace of the Habagat, south wind, was a
whipping tight brutal pressure whose desire is to devour
the world in one clenched hand.
Almost without fear, almost close to be like love
which enveloped all.
On the roads, in the veins the waited which was met
by anxiety wafted like untamed horses.
At the clearing of dust, the morning was a crumpled
Remained was the soil naked.
There in the falling of the flower to the dirt which nursed
the root, bloomed the scent of the trampled upon grass. In
the surfacing of light clarity again is formed.
In the shattered container this alone is what is kept in the
long digging this is what's in the pit.


Let us find out how well you read the poem. Answer the questions and write your answer in a
separate sheet of paper.

1. What is the poem about?

2. How did you find reading the poem?
3. How did the author describe the aftermath of a storm?
4. If you were the author, are you also going to illustrate the situation after a storm in
same way? Why or Why not?
5. How is the poem significant to the lives of the Bicolanos?
In the succeeding poem you have to note the important concepts. Write them in a
separate sheet of paper.

The poem entitled Storm is written by Jaime Jesus Borlagdan. He is popularly known as
Jimple Borlagdan, a multilingual Filipino writer, song-writer, graphics artist and musician. Born
on March 6, 1979, in Tabaco City, Albay, Philippines. He is better known in the Tabaco
underground scene as the front man and guitarist of the band, Krear Bathala. On July 14,
2000. Borlagdan released his collection of poems in Filipino, Maynila: Libro ng Pobya, which is
now considered by his young followers as an important and influential collection.


This time, You will learn more about the 21 st Bicolano authors and their famous

Francisco Penones, Jr. - sounded a clarion call in his poem An Opon SaIbalon: Kan Mahale
an Maskara (The Board in Ibalon When Unmasked). Society, he declared, is the boar that
brought hunger and poverty to the land. For this poem, Penones received a CCP award.

Merlinda C. Bobis – wrote a masterly poetic drama titled Daragang Magayon (Beautiful
Maiden) overturns the passive maiden in the legend and makes her decisive to do her part in
changing society. In her poems, Bobis subtly presents an idealism associated with
remembering one’s childhood, each of them a strong and evocative portrait only thoughtful,
sensitive poet can create. For this, she merited a Palanca award.

Carlos O. Aureus - weaves together theology and philosophy to present Bikol values and a
panorama of Bikol scenes. In ten well-written stories, a novel and a play, he wins the coveted
Palanca, CCP, Free Press and Graphic literary awards.

Emelina G. Regis - won a Palanca Award for her environmental play Dalawang Mukha ng
Kagubatan (Two Faces of the Forest).
Barbara Barquez Ricafrente - writes poems and paints with rage. She is the first novel
awardee of the U.P. Creative Writing Center.

Maria Lilia F. Realubit - a recipient of the national award “Alagad ni Balagtas” by the Unyon
ng Mga Manunulat sa Pilipinas and is a National Book Awardee (1987) for her book “Philippine
Drama: Twelve Plays in Six Regional Languages”. She wrote the first book on Bikol history and
literature: “Bikols of the Philippines.”


Jaime Jesus Borlagdan - he wrote Maynila: Libro ng Pobya, which is now considered by his
young followers as an important and influential collection.

Estelito “Esting” Baylon Jacob - he wrote the collection of poetry in Bikol entitled Mga

Seasoned writers include Luis Cabalquinto, Gode Calleja and Rudy Alano. The young
writers are Home Life magazine winners Angelica Gonzales, Honesto Pesimo, Jazmin
Llana, Victor Velasco, Nino Manaog, Xavier Olin and Cynthia Buiza.

Marco Lopez, Alvin Yaban, Ulysses P. Aureus and Lorenzo D. Paran III - young literary
fictionists and search for self, identity and nation.


After knowing the different authors, let find out the definition of regional literature and
literary traditions.

Regional literature - “literary traditions, written or oral, of the various ethno linguistic groups in
the country, communities that despite much internal migration, can still have distinct
geographical settings or identity.

Literary traditions - is the passing down of stories which give meaning to human experiences,
according to literary articles. It can be categorized as national, formal or periodic.


At this point, let us study how local authors contribute to the development of
regional literary traditions.

Local authors contribute to the development of regional literary traditions in

various ways. Some of these are the following:

o Local writers directly influence literary traditions.

o Writers directly and indirectly reply to writings of others on literary traditions.
o Basically, a majority of writers will write on their past history or what happened
to them in common. Events in a society are highly associated with the culture of
that place.
o By writing on those traditions, they help grow those literary traditions both locally
and regionally. They also remind people of those cultures that were long
forgotten. o Local writers may also help to explain events in details. People
locally or regionally depending on the popularity of the writers is in a position to
understand the literary traditions.
o Writers are able to spread their literary traditions in a variety of ways. One way
is through poems and songs.
o Writers are valuable in the development and growth of traditions.


Significance of Authors in the Development of Regional Literature

Local authors play an important role not only in the development of regional literature
but also our national literature. They have enriched the Filipino culture, preserved the heritage
of our literary arts and helped in introducing and exploring our humanity as Filipinos.

Enrichment Activities

Activity 4.
A. Go back to the poem Storm by Borlagdan, now based on that text, what are the
aftermaths of the storm? Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.

1. ______________

5. ______________ 2. ______________


4. ______________ 3. ______________
Activity 5.
Now that you are able to recall the aftermaths of a storm as mentioned by Borlagdan, what
are your life experiences that can be related to a storm? Explain your answer. Use a separate
sheet of paper for your answer.

Activity 6.
In the previous discussion, you have known the contributions of local authors to the
development of regional literary traditions. This time identify the contribution to the development
of literary traditions as reflected in the following excerpts. Write the answer in your answer
1. Kun ika an Kabikolan,
Dai mo isaray kaiba kan mga luma mong bado
An dati mong gawi-gawi.
Kaidto, bakong lambanog an rason
Tanganing tuwangan ta an harong ni Juan
Haling Iraya pasiring Ilahod.
Bakong linubak asin mahamis na sabaw-tipong
An nagtitipon kun igwang baraylehan.
Iribanan kita kun mag-ani, magbanwit,

Excerpt from “KUN IKA AN KABIKOLAN” by Estelito “Esting” Baylon Jacob


2. When I told you how we village girls

Once burst the moon with giggles,
you piped, ‘That must been
a thrilling sound,
peculiar, ancient
and really cool—
can’t you do that again?

Excerpt from “Going Ethnic” by Merlinda Bobis


Activity 7.
A. Complete the outline below.
Bicolano authors contribute to the development of regional literary traditions.
I. Bicolano authors
1. ______________
2. ______________
3. ______________
4. ______________
5. ______________

II. Influence of their work to the Bicolano people

1. ______________
2. ______________

III. Role in the development of regional literary traditions

1. ______________
2. ______________
3. ______________

B. What is the role of the local authors in the development of regional literature?

Since you have learned the contributions of local authors to the development of
regional literary traditions, kindly answer the following questions:


Activity 8.
A. Answer the task below. Write your answer in a separate sheet of paper.
1. If you were an author, how are you going to contribute to the development of regional
literary traditions?
2. What aspect of regional literary traditions do you want to develop in your masterpiece?

B. Write a short free verse poem/short story reflecting the aspect that you want to
contribute to the regional literary traditions. Those who opt to write a poem, it can be
composed of at least two stanzas while those who choose to write a short story, it can
also be composed of at least two paragraphs. Write the short story or poem on a
separate piece of paper. (10 pts)


10 7 5 2
Content and Content is Content is Content is not Content is
Development comprehensive complete and comprehensive. incomplete. The
and accurate. accurate. The The poem/short poem/short story
The poem/short poem/short story reflect at did not reflect
story story reflect at least two any
comprehensively least three contributions to contributions to
reflect at least contributions to the development the development
five the of local literary of local literary
contributions to development of traditions. traditions.
the local literary
development of traditions.
local literary
Organization Structure of the Structure of the Structure of the Organization
and structure paragraph is paragraph is paragraph is not and structure of
clear and easy mostly clear and easy to follow. the paragraph
to follow. easy to follow. detract from the
Grammar and Rules of Rules of The paragraph The paragraph
Mechanics grammar, grammar, contains few contains
usage, and usage, and grammatical, numerous
punctuations are punctuations punctuation and grammatical,
followed; are followed with spelling errors. punctuation, and
spelling of the minor errors; spelling errors.
words are spelling of the
correct. words are

IV. Assessment

Activity 9.
A. See if you can match these authors in column A with the notable descriptions in column
B.Write your answer in a separate sheet of paper


1.Carlos O. Aureus a. Subtly presents an idealism associated with

remembering one’s childhood, each of them a
strong and evocative portrait only thoughtful, sensitive
poet can create

2.Estelito B. Jacob b. Weaves together theology and philosophy to present

Bikol values and a panorama of Bikol scenes.

3.Barbara Barquez Ricafrente c. Wrote the collection of poetry in Bikol entitled Mga

4. Merlinda C. Bobis d. recipient of the national award “Alagad ni Balagtas” by

the Unyon ng Mga Manunulat sa Pilipinas

5. Maria Lilia F. Realubit e. Writes poems and paints with rage

B. Try answering this question. Write your answer in a separate sheet of paper. Your
answer will be rated by a scoring rubric.

What are the advantages of having known the contributions of local authors to the
development of regional literary traditions?

10 7 5 2
Content and Content is Content is Content is not Content is
Development comprehensive complete and comprehensive. incomplete. The
and accurate. accurate. The The poem/short poem/short story
The poem/short poem/short story reflect at did not reflect
story story reflect at least two any
comprehensively least three contributions to contributions to
reflect at least contributions to the development the development
five the of local literary of local literary
contributions to development of traditions. traditions.
the local literary
development of traditions.
local literary
Organization Structure of the Structure of the Structure of the Organization
and structure paragraph is paragraph is paragraph is not and structure of
clear and easy mostly clear and easy to follow. the paragraph
to follow. easy to follow. detract from the
Grammar and Rules of Rules of The paragraph The paragraph
Mechanics grammar, grammar, contains few contains
usage, and usage, and grammatical, numerous
punctuations are punctuations punctuation and grammatical,
followed; are followed with spelling errors. punctuation, and
spelling of the minor errors; spelling errors.
words are spelling of the
correct. words are

V. Enrichment/ Additional Task

Activity 10.

Draw an interpretation of the poem/short story that you have written in Activity 6 B. Use
a separate paper for this task.

10 5 3
The poster is creatively made The quite creative and The poster is not creative and
and clearly illustrated the illustrated the interpretation of did illustrate the interpretation
interpretation of the the poem/short story. of the poem/short story.
poem/short story.

Key to Correction

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