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(Rule 8 – Light and Ventilation)

Prepared by: Engr. Kevin Marc G. Babate


• Understand National Building Code of the Philippines and its

Implementing Rules and Regulation
• Evaluate Rule 8 – Light and Ventilation
Rule 8 – Light and Ventilation

SECTION 801. General Requirements of Light and Ventilation

1. Subject to the provisions of the Civil Code of the Philippines on Easements of Light
and View, and to the specific provisions of the Code, every building shall be designed,
constructed, and equipped to provide adequate light and ventilation. (Refer to
Guidelines on Easements, View Corridors/Sight Lines and Basements at the end of this

2. All buildings shall face a street or public alley or a private street which has
been duly approved. (Refer to Guidelines on Streets/RROW and Sidewalks at the end
of this Rule)

3. No building shall be altered nor arranged so as to reduce the size of any room or the
relative area of windows to less than that provided for buildings under this Rule,
or to create an additional room, unless such additional room conforms to the
requirements of this Rule.

4. No building shall be enlarged so that the dimensions of the required court or yard
would be less than what is prescribed for such building lot.
Rule 8 – Light and Ventilation

SECTION 802. Measurement of Site Occupancy

1. The measurement of site occupancy or lot occupancy shall be taken at the ground
level and shall be exclusive of courts, yards, and light wells.

2. Courts, yards, and light wells shall be measured clear of all projections from the walls
enclosing such wells or yards with the exception of roof leaders, wall copings, sills,
or steel fire escapes not exceeding 1.20 meters in width.
Rule 8 – Light and Ventilation

SECTION 803. Percentage of Site Occupancy

1. The measurement of the percentage (%) of site occupancy (or lot occupancy) shall be
taken at the ground level and shall be exclusive of courts, yards and light wells.
Courts, yards, and light wells shall be measured clear of all projections from the
walls enclosing such wells or yards with the exception of roof leaders, wall copings,
sills, or steel fire escapes not exceeding 1.20 meters in width.

2. In case of proposed additional construction on a lot on which another

building/structure already stands, the Percentage of Site Occupancy (PSO) arising
out of such existing buildings/structures must be included in the computation of the
PSO for the Total Lot Area (TLA). In case of discrepancy between the specified Maximum
Allowable PSO and the other light and ventilation provisions under this Rule, the
resulting lesser building/structure footprint or gross floor area at the ground floor (or at
grade level) must prevail.
Rule 8 – Light and Ventilation

SECTION 803. Percentage of Site Occupancy

3. Maximum site occupancy shall be governed by use, type of construction, and height
of the building and the use, area, nature and location of the site; and subject to the
provisions of the local zoning requirements and in accordance with the following types
of open spaces:

a. Public open spaces – streets, alleys, easements of sea/lakeshores, rivers,

creeks, esteros, railroad tracks, parks/plazas, playgrounds, and the like.

b. Total Open Spaces within Lot (TOSL) – courts, yards, gardens, light wells, uncovered
driveways, access roads and parking spaces consisting of two (2) types:

i. Paved or tiled (hardscaped areas); sub-classification of open space shall fall

under Maximum Allowable Impervious Surface Areas (ISA) within the Total Lot
Area (TLA); and
ii. Unpaved areas within the lot that are with exposed soil and planted
(softscaped), i.e., the Unpaved Surface Areas (USA); this sub-classification is
the true open space.
Rule 8 – Light and Ventilation

SECTION 803. Percentage of Site Occupancy

4. The following Table illustrates the manner in determining the Maximum

Allowable Percentage of Site Occupancy (PSO), Maximum Allowable Impervious
Surface Area (ISA), Maximum Allowable Construction Area (MACA), Minimum
Unpaved Surface Area (USA), and the Total Open Space within Lot (TOSL) with reference
to Type of Land Use Zoning per Lot.
Rule 8 – Light and Ventilation
Rule 8 – Light and Ventilation
Rule 8 – Light and Ventilation
Rule 8 – Light and Ventilation
Rule 8 – Light and Ventilation

SECTION 804. Sizes and Dimensions of Courts

1. Minimum sizes of courts and yards and their least dimensions shall be governed by
the use, type of construction, and height of the building as provided hereunder,
provided that the minimum horizontal dimension of said courts and yards shall be not
less than 2.00 meters. All inner courts shall be connected to a street or yard, either by a
passageway with a minimum width of 1.20 meters or by a door through a room or

2. The required open space shall be located totally or distributed anywhere within the
lot in such a manner as to provide maximum light and ventilation into the building.
(Figures VIII.12. through VIII.15.)

3. YARD – the required open space left between the outermost face of the
building/structure and the property lines, e.g., front, rear, right and left side yards. The
width of the yard is the setback. Yards prescribed for Commercial, Industrial,
Institutional and Recreational Buildings are shown in Table VIII.3. hereafter.
Rule 8 – Light and Ventilation

SECTION 804. Sizes and Dimensions of Courts

1. Minimum sizes of courts and yards and their least dimensions shall be governed by
the use, type of construction, and height of the building as provided hereunder,
provided that the minimum horizontal dimension of said courts and yards shall be not
less than 2.00 meters. All inner courts shall be connected to a street or yard, either by a
passageway with a minimum width of 1.20 meters or by a door through a room or

2. The required open space shall be located totally or distributed anywhere within the
lot in such a manner as to provide maximum light and ventilation into the building.
(Figures VIII.12. through VIII.15.)

3. YARD – the required open space left between the outermost face of the
building/structure and the property lines, e.g., front, rear, right and left side yards. The
width of the yard is the setback. Yards prescribed for Commercial, Industrial,
Institutional and Recreational Buildings are shown in Table VIII.3. hereafter.
Rule 8 – Light and Ventilation

SECTION 805. Ceiling Heights

1. Habitable rooms provided with artificial ventilation shall have ceiling

heights not less than 2.40 meters measured from the floor to the ceiling; provided
that for buildings of more than one (1) storey, the minimum ceiling height of the first
storey shall be 2.70 meters and that for the second story 2.40 meters and the
succeeding stories shall have an unobstructed typical head-room clearance of not
less than 2.10 meters above the finished floor. Above-stated rooms with natural
ventilation shall have ceiling heights of not less than 2.70 meters.

2. Mezzanine floors shall have a clear ceiling height not less than 1.80 meters above
and below it.
Rule 8 – Light and Ventilation

SECTION 806. Sizes and Dimensions of Rooms

1. Minimum sizes of rooms and their least horizontal dimensions shall be as follows:

a. Rooms for Human Habitations – 6.00 sq. meters with a least dimension of 2.00

b. Kitchen – 3.00 sq. meters with a least dimension of 1.50 meters; and

c. Bath and toilet – 1.20 sq. meters with a least dimension of 900 millimeters.
Rule 8 – Light and Ventilation

SECTION 808. Window Openings

1. Rooms intended for any use, not provided with artificial ventilation system, shall be
provided with a window or windows with a total free area of openings equal to at least 10% of
the floor area of the room, provided that such opening shall be not less than 1.00 sq. meter.
However, toilet and bath rooms, laundry rooms and similar rooms shall be provided with
window or windows with an area not less than 1/20 of the floor area of such rooms, provided
that such opening shall not be less than 240 sq. millimeters. Such window or windows
shall open directly to a court, yard, public street or alley, or open watercourse.

2. Required windows may open into a roofed porch where the porch:
a. Abuts a court, yard, public street or alley, or open watercourse and other public open

b. Has a ceiling height of not less than 2.70 meters;

c. Has one of the longer sides at least 65% open and unobstructed.

3. Eaves, canopies, awnings (or media agua) over required windows shall not be less
than 750 millimeters from the side and rear property lines.
Rule 8 – Light and Ventilation

4. There shall absolutely be no openings on/at/within/through all types of abutments (such

as firewalls) erected along property lines except for permitted vent wells. This Rule strictly
applies to all new and existing developments.

5. In locating window openings it should be borne in mind that in cases of extreme

emergencies windows must serve as emergency egress to vacate the premises or access for
rescue operations. Such windows shall meet the following requirements:

a. They can be opened from the inside without the use of any tools;

b. the minimum clear opening shall have a width not less than 820 millimeters and a height
of 1 meter;

c. The bottom of the opening should not be more than 820 millimeters from the floor;

d. Where storm shutters, screens or iron grilles are used, these shall be provided with quick
opening mechanism so that they can be readily opened from the inside for emergency egress and
shall be so designed that when opened they will not drop to the ground;

e. All areas immediately outside a fire exit window/grille must be free of obstacles and must
lead to a direct access down into the ground or street level.
For Consultation:

- MS Teams
- Call: 09178068218 (Please text ahead if you wanted to
call me)

- Live Consultation: 3:00pm - 4:00pm TTH

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