Letter Writing: Types of Letters To Be Asked in CBSE Class 10 English Exam Are

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Letter writing

Marking scheme

 Format – 1 mark
 Content – 2 marks
 Expression – 2 marks

Types of Letters To Be Asked in CBSE Class 10 English Exam Are:

→ Letter to the editor of a newspaper (drawing the public’s attention towards social
or common issues)

→ Complaint letter (reporting a lost wallet, cycle, etc., complaint on neighbours, poor
facilities at a tourist place, etc.)

→ Order placing letter (ordering books, equipments for school, etc.)

→ Enquiry letter (planning a trip, details for joining a class, etc.)

1. Topics for Letter to Editor:

→ Expressing your views about child labour, unemployment, crime against women,
habits of smoking, problems arising due to increasing population, drug addiction,

→ Pointing to the rash driving by the DTC drivers, over speeding by bikers, etc.

2. Topics for Complaint:

→ Regarding some products that you purchased, like defective mobile handset,
camera, etc.

→ Regarding misbehaviour of staff or salesman

→ Regarding problem faced in society like shortage of water, frequent power break
down, etc

3. Topics for Order Placing Letter:

→ Placing an order for school uniforms for dress store of school.

→ Placing an order for books for the school library or other educational purpose.
→ Placing an order for sports items for your school team.

→ For placing orders for some eatables for your birthday party or any other event.

4. Topics for Inquiry:

→ Asking about the details for taking admission in a course.

→ Inquiring about some welfare schemes launched by the government.

→ Writing to a tourism company to inquire about the details of some tour package.

Format for Writing a Formal Letter

There’s a strict format to follow while writing a formal letter which is explained

1. Sender’s address: On the left side of the page, just next to the margin, write the
sender’s address/ contact details.
2. Date: Below the sender’s address write the date after leaving one line.
3. Receiver’s address: After date, write the address of the recipient (the Officer /
Principal / Editor).
4. Subject of the letter: Here you have to mention the main purpose of the letter in 4 -
5 words.
5. Salutation: Respected Sir / Madam
6. Body: Here you have to explain the matter of your letter. Body of letter must be
divided into 3 paragraphs as follows: 
→ First Paragraph: Introduce yourself and the purpose of writing the letter in brief.

→ Second Paragraph: It should include the matter in detail.

→ Third Paragraph: Here you have to conclude your letter by mentioning the
conclusion or solution.

7. Complimentary Closing:
Thanking you.

Yours Truly, Yours sincerely , With Regards

8. Sender’s name/signature and designation (if applicable)

Every story has a beginning, middle, and an end. A story is divided into paragraphs.
The first paragraph is introductory while the last one contains the conclusion. The
paragraphs in the middle serve to develop the story.

Characteristics Of A Good Story:

1. Write a catchy first paragraph

2. Develop your characters
3. Choose a point of view
4. Write meaningful dialogue
5. Use setting and context–setting includes the time, location, context and
atmosphere where the plot takes place.
6. Set up the plot–A plot is a series of events deliberately arranged so as to
reveal their dramatic, thematic and emotional significance.
7. Create conflict and tension–conflict produces tension that makes the
story begin. Tension is created by the opposition between the character
or character and internal or external forces or conditions.
8. Build to a crisis or climax—this is the turning point of the story.
9. Find a resolution––the solution to the conflict is resolved.

Stories are accounts of real or fictional incidents narrated in an interesting manner. A

story needs to be planned well. Every story has some people who are the characters,
their actions and reactions form the story. There has to be a background or a place
which is referred to as the setting of the story. A writer also needs to think of
additional details to make characters more realistic.

The different things that make a story are:

 Plot
 Characters
 Setting

Plot: Most stories have a sequence and purpose or the reason why the story is being
told. Some stories have a moral or a message. Others have a usual ending or a
suspense element. Some stories are adventurous, some are funny and some are
scary. We see a starting point that moves through different courses to an ending

Characters: The story has people, animals or any other creatures as its characters.
To add a touch of reality, it is necessary to base them on real life. It is also important
to think of special qualities or behaviour patterns. Build the characters to create
reactions of admiration, fear, hatred, etc. in the reading mind. There is usually one
main character, the protagonist, and other supporting characters. Suitable thoughts
or dialogue also add more details to the character.

Setting: The background of the story is the setting. The story can happen in a forest
or a classroom. It is possible for the story to happen in a totally imaginary place like
toyland, fairyland, etc. Again you will need to detail the settings to make it more
suitable to the plot and the characters.

A story moves at different speeds in different situations. The story may be told
through any one of the characters or a combination of some characters. It is very
important to have a good beginning and proper ending.

Story Writing Topics to Remember

 The story needs to be original.

 The story needs to be told in an interesting manner.
 The story needs to have a message.
 The beginning of the story needs to be exciting and should capture the
attention of the readers.
 The end of the story needs to be worth remembering. An interesting and
suitable title should be given.

Marking Scheme
Title – 1mark
Content – 2 marks
Fluency – 1 mark
Accuracy – 1 mark

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