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Table of Contents

Color Inserts
Title Page
Copyrights and Credits
Table of Contents Page
Part 1: Beautiful and Dying World
Chapter 1: Final Regeneration
Chapter 2: Heurtebise Over the Atlantic
Chapter 3: New Routine
Chapter 4: Messenger
Chapter 5: Ogasawara Eastside
Chapter 6: Here I Am
Part 2: Final Model
Chapter 7: Heurtebise
Chapter 8: Mutual Acknowledgement
Chapter 9: Mari Escapes
Chapter 10: Breadth of Acknowledgement
Chapter 11: Europe’s Triumphant Rally
Chapter 12: Night Class
Chapter 13: Evil Unto Evil
Chapter 14: Night Class II
Chapter 15: With a New Name
Part 3: The Lance of Shinji
Chapter 16: Sudden Turn
Chapter 17: Shinji
Chapter 18: Nerv Japan
Chapter 19: Life-Form Deluge
Chapter 20: Stowaway
Chapter 21: Crowd
Chapter 22: Asuka
Chapter 23: Battle at New Island
Chapter 24: Into the Depths
Part 4: Hikari / Armaros
Chapter 25: Retribution
Chapter 26: Ayanami
Chapter 27: A New Mouthpiece
Chapter 28: Wrath of the Beast
Chapter 29: Mari
Chapter 30: Classroom
Chapter 31: Skeleton Key
Part 5: World Tree
Chapter 32: Fortress of Frosted Glass
Chapter 33: A Drop in the River
Chapter 34: Eva-02
Chapter 35: Longinus
Chapter 36: Hikari and Asuka
Chapter 37: Ogasawara Islands
Chapter 38: Roots of the World Tree
Part 6: Aether Flux
Chapter 39: Wayward Lance
Chapter 40: Pillaging Machine
Chapter 41: Marionette
Chapter 42: To the Light
Chapter 43: Ghosts
Chapter 44: Red Shift
Chapter 45: Substitute
Part 7: Battleship Return
Chapter 46: Armaros Hakone Assault
Chapter 47: Beyond the Twilight
Part 8: Pacific Partition
Chapter 48: Mari’s Assault
Chapter 49: Hakone
Chapter 50: A Wolf’s Wisdom
Chapter 51: Inside the Tunnel Network
Chapter 52: Pacific Partition
Chapter 53: Black Giant
Chapter 54: Classroom
Chapter 55: The Giant of Light’s Second Coming
Part 9: Immaculate Conception
Chapter 56: The Lance of Casuality
Chapter 57: Clash of the Titans
Chapter 58: Longinus Ring
Chapter 59: Shape of Shinji
Omake: Concept Gallery
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Chapter 1:
Final Regeneration

The giant pulse echoed throughout the underground complex.
Would Super Eva finally make its reappearance?
The crawling giant lurched one of its arms upward, as if trying to grab
hold of something. The thin layer of ice covering it slowly broke away as
smoke rose from its body. The giant was acting strangely. It trembled, as if it
didn’t have full control. Heat shot out of its body as it tried to reposition
“It’s lost its balance. It doesn’t need to accelerate as much as it did,”
Maya whispered.
The ruins of Central Dogma. The underground lab complex and former
headquarters of Nerv. Lilith’s Chronostatic Sphere, its defining feature, had
been stolen away, leaving an imprint in the place where it had been. Maya
had hurried to the deserted area on a hunch. She was grinning now, though
she didn’t know it.
“But… Look at you. Such an old model.”
The giant that looked like Super Eva turned again, shaking off the ice,
which highlighted the yellow accents of the old Eva-01. It broke through the
experimental aquarium, boiling away what little water was left. Steam rose
from the giant’s super-heated body.
“Heh… Ha ha… Ah ha ha ha ha!”
Maya, the grim chief of science and engineering, exploded with
laughter. The giant continued reaching for the invisible sky from within the
smoke and rubble, as if to say, “I should be flying by now.”

The entry plug shook violently. Asuka held on to the headrest of

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Shinji’s plug seat. She looked up through the center hatch at the classroom
ceiling, gasping when it suddenly closed. The entry plug shook from all sides
We’re accelerating through 3D space…and it feels like we’re inside
something much larger.
She heard the unmistakable contractions of a giant’s muscle fibers.
“No! We’re inside an Eva?!”
Shock waves reverberated through her body, originating from in front
of her.
“And a pulse… It’s Super Eva’s heart!”
I can’t believe it! We actually brought Super Eva back!
Asuka was shocked that her prayer had come true. She knew Shinji
would concentrate on his Eva once he was seated in the plug. And she
would’ve considered the experiment a great success even if Shinji had only
traced Super Eva’s signal from Yomotsu Hirasaka beyond the Bonin Islands,
also known as the Ogasawara Islands. She had not been expecting this kind
of magic to occur.
“Hah!” Asuka giggled. “Good job getting your better half back,
She looked around, but she couldn’t tell where they were because of
the distortions in the virtual display.
His vision is getting narrower…
“Asuka,” Shinji croaked. She looked over and saw that he was turning
pale as he struggled to shift the heavy control stick. His breathing had grown
It’s tunnel vision. He’s panicking.
“There’s something wrong… I can’t…breathe…”
Shinji clawed at his throat with his left hand. He unbuttoned his collar,
tearing off the first button of his shirt in the process.
“Father and Ritsuko-san… They’re here… The only things left in this

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body… Painful… All of it!”
“Stop talking nonsense and get up!”
According to Toji and the others, this Shinji was a representation of
himself in the dream. Asuka had placed her bets on the classroom being a
secure location that Shinji had dreamed up, but things weren’t as safe as they
“Get a hold of yourself!” Asuka shouted.
Shinji was suffocating. Asuka tried to bring him back into reality
through his projection.
“I have to get out of here. But I can’t fly…and that’s the only way
The plug rumbled as the Eva collapsed to the floor. Asuka yelped, her
back slamming against the wall. She caught the interior of the entry plug just
as her face was about to smack into it.
“Pull yourself together!” she growled,
“I can’t fly,” Shinji said. “Where are my wings?! Did you take them
away, Father?!”
He’d lost control of himself. Asuka groped around in the entry plug,
raised her hand, and brought it down on Shinji’s face. “Calm down, you
idiot!” Several pop-up windows appeared on the screen, informing her that
the Eva was now in combat mode.
“An enemy…” Shinji muttered.
A chill ran down Asuka’s spine. Is he confusing his pain with the
Shinji and Super Eva shared the same heart, and the line was blurred
between their two entities. But if the dream theory was correct, then the Eva
was currently his only remaining body.
Did the Eva feel that sensation just now? Is Shinji’s dream nothing
more than a dream?!
“Enemies… Aaah!” Shinji frantically tried piloting his Eva.
“Weapons… I’m defenseless! I can’t fly… I can’t even move!”
The Eva was kneeling, but it slipped as it kicked the ground, having yet

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to recover its balance. It tumbled forward as it struggled, kicking up a cloud
of dust. The giant rose and fell again. It looked like a baby that didn’t know
how to walk, lurching around the prefab laboratory, tearing it apart in the
“Get back here, Maya! It’s not safe!” Misato shouted at the figure in
the white lab coat as she watched the whirlwind the giant was kicking up.
Misato recognized the pulse, rapid though it was.
“Is that Super Eva?!”
Its head certainly looked like that of Eva-01…
But those orange shoulder pylons look like the ones Unit One used to
have. And there’s four of them. Wait, four?! It’s been modified! Did Maya do
Misato knew there must be a reason why Maya had been preoccupied
in Cage Two, but even she couldn’t make such modifications this quickly.
Still, she knows something!
“Maya, what happened here? How did Super Eva return? And
The giant’s modified appendages were skeletal, not fit for combat. It
lacked the polish of a newly installed system, and its movements seemed a bit
“Maya!” Misato approached the scientist.
“This is the only place it could have appeared,” Maya said, not looking
at her.
“Appeared?” Misato asked. “Are you saying this thing came out of
But Maya remained silent.
“It would be really nice if you could explain this whole thing to me.”
“I don’t think you’d understand even if I did.”
Maya watched the flailing giant, her eyes filled with surprise,
expectation, and anxiety. Misato knew she couldn’t make sense of the

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situation herself. And she certainly couldn’t allow her friend to remain in this
“Chief Ibuki,” Misato said, acting as the Commander of Nerv Japan,
whose mission was to protect human life and society from supernatural
threats. “You have used a great deal of energy and resources—natural and
human—without authorization. I know you and your people are exhausted.
How about we have a little chat, preferably in a small room, so you can
Maya turned to face Misato, looking very annoyed. “I can’t stand by
such a foolish decision! That will only bring destruction down on humanity…
on us! We must tune this unit immediately!”
The modified Super Eva flailed, sending a block of concrete the size of
a car flying past them, shaking the floor as it landed.
Misato shrugged her shoulders and took a step back. “Well, excuse me
for being a fool, then.”
Maya sighed. “I apologize, Commander Katsuragi. I’ve been making
restraint armor in the cage for that thing.” She’d asked others to bear her
uncertainties long enough. “I took the liberty of preparing it on a hunch. This
place is still the hub of reality for all individuals last seen here—even without
Lilith’s Chronostatic Sphere—which is probably why the giant also
reappeared here.”
She turned her back on the struggling giant.
“I don’t know how it happened, but Super Eva returned to the location
of the Chronostatic Sphere, to where the decommissioning facility for Unit
Zero used to be, in the old Central Dogma.”

Back inside the modified Super Eva, the A.I. had begun pouring LCL
into the plug as an emergency measure after receiving information from the
unit’s accelerometer. Unfortunately, it didn’t fill the plug in time to prevent
the impact. Asuka yelped, clinging to Shinji’s neck as the liquid buffer failed
to absorb the shock.
“Stop it, Shinji!” she yelled. “There are no enemies around!”
Shinji was still fighting the invisible foe. The giant awkwardly thrust

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its hands up to the sky, destroying what little balance it had. Asuka hung on
for dear life, unable to tell what might come next.
“I can’t move, Asuka!” Something flashed across the display,
increasing Shinji’s panic as the giant turned to see what it was. “Let go of
“Stop it! That was your own shadow!”
Shinji grabbed her shoulder with his left hand. “Let go of me!”
Asuka’s thin shoulders flinched when she heard the anger in his voice,
but she squeezed his hand and shouted back at him. “Not on your life!”
The shock of this forced him to look at her for the first time. He
inhaled sharply. Her expression wasn’t one of fury but of sadness, her hair
tossing about in the LCL.
He turned away and muttered, “Sorry.”
Shinji’s apology seemed more reflexive than sincere, but at least his
panic had subsided for the moment. Asuka floated through the LCL over to
the pilot seat and pulled Shinji into her chest.
“All the power in the world and you’re still a big baby.” she said, her
arms trembling around him.
She quietly exhaled, bubbles drifting away like stardust, and took a
deep breath of the LCL—slowly, so as to keep herself from sobbing.
“Shinji…they say you’re a denizen of this dream.” Asuka’s lips
brushed against his hair.
“This is all…a dream? I’m dreaming?”
“You are the dream! Your dream has invaded reality! The real you has
gone missing, along with Super Eva, after you triggered the Third Impact!
They say no one can survive that, but…”
Asuka held him tighter. Her chest rose and fell with the rhythm of her
breathing, and Shinji could feel the warmth of her body, even through her
He could feel it. Him. Shinji. Not Super Eva.

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“But I made it back! And in one piece, too! So tell me how it
happened, Shinji! Tell me how I made it home!”
Asuka had kept this anxiety to herself long after her return. She’d spent
a significant amount of time as the Asuka/Eva synthesis. Her mind and body
had been scrambled after she was amalgamated with the ocean of organic
data on the Ark. Her memories about the experience were hazy to the point of
seeming unreal. She still found it hard to believe that she’d actually reverted
to her human state.
“Asuka, move,” Shinji whispered into her chest. “I was fighting
Armaros on Yomotsu Hirasaka…and then the Third Impact. Right.”
Shinji’s eyes were open now, next to the ribbon on the front of her
uniform. He was staring into the distance.
“I want to see what’s in front of me,” he said. Images began to appear
on the virtual display, reflecting his calm.
Where am I?
“I was in the classroom, but now… This is the ruins of old Central
Dogma,” Shinji said.
Asuka wrinkled her nose. “Where’s Lilith’s Chronostatic Sphere?”
“Armaros… He took it.”
“Excuse me? What the hell have you people been doing?!”
“I could ask you the same thing, you know.”
“Well, I… Stuff happened.”
“Uh-huh. Stuff happened down here, too.”
But what happened to me?
Shinji looked at the Eva’s body through the display. “Who modified
me? Maya? Where’d my Vertex wings go? I can’t fly without them.”
“You’ve got bigger things to worry about than flight right now,” Asuka
said. “How about standing on your own two feet? Look, you’ve got just the
thing to help you,” she said, pointing to what looked like a railing. “Use that
to support you as you get up.”
She was referring to the circular linear rail Maya had built around a

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Q.R. Signum to simulate the Tower of Babel.
“Stop treating me like a baby!”
“And look! Maya and Misato are at your feet.”

“Maya, that thing is going to step on you!”

Maya was running toward the giant’s foot. She stopped, beckoning
Misato to come closer.
“What?” Misato asked, tilting her head.
She’s like a kid in an amusement park.
Maya was beaming. “I found it!”
“Found what?”
The giant’s heartbeat was beginning to calm down. Misato gave Maya
and the giant an apprehensive once-over before approaching them. Maya
pointed to some scratches in the metal.
Are those words?

I observe from the far side of time –Ikari Gendo.

Misato gasped. The words had been etched into the otherwise pristine
metal with the precision of a progressive tool. Akagi Ritsuko’s name
appeared next, followed by dozens of others in different handwriting. A
single word connected them all at the end: ALIVE.
“What is—Maya?!”
Maya had disappeared behind the giant.
“There it is. The Time Brake.”
The small black disc took her breath away. Shinji had slowed down the
event horizon.
You have 0.8 seconds of the Third Impact left, Shinji. And you can use

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it however you wish, in whatever form you take.
“It’s all up to you, now.”
The rhythmic heartbeat of the Eva shook the air.

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Chapter 2:
Heurtebise Over the Atlantic

Hikari had a hunch.

“It’s like I can feel Ikari-kun and his Eva’s heartbeat,” she muttered to
herself. She tilted her head and marveled.
It’s good to know, but how is it possible?
“It doesn’t make sense. I haven’t seen or heard anything about it, so
why am I ready to accept it as fact?”
Hikari was talking herself through the problem. The A.I. picked it up
and transmitted her words.
<<Kommandobrücke to Heurtebise. What’s going on?>> This
transmission reached the Euro Eva in mid-flight. <<Is your entourage
bothering you?>>
After receiving emergency repairs on a U.S. aircraft carrier, Heurtebise
was now flying over the North American continent, toward the Atlantic and
eventually Germany for full-scale repairs.
There wasn’t a single country on Earth that would stand in the way of
the heroically wounded white giant and its pilot after they’d saved the world.
However, countless aircraft, from those nations—belonging to various air
forces, politicians, civilians, and news outlets—swarmed around her. Even
now, Hikari could see a small child waving from the cabin window of a
single-engine prop plane. Heurtebise waved back.
“Heurtebise to Kommandobrücke. Herr Clausewitz, do you know if
piloting an Eva gives you a sense of the vital signs of other pilots?”
<<Are you referring to Soryu Asuka Langley and Eva-02?>>
“No. But I felt the pulse of Ikari Shinji and Super Eva, both of whom
are M.I.A. I have no evidence to prove this.”
<<Hang on.>> The window closed itself as the transmission ended.
He’s probably checking on Heurtebise’s telemetry—vitals and

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brainwaves, the whole package. Hope my blood pressure doesn’t get the
better of me.
The experience still embarrassed her, even though she was used to it,
and the idea that Clausewitz could be contacting Japan to check…
His transmission window returned.
<<I’m sorry, Hikari. No response from Nerv Japan as to their current
whereabouts, though they’ll keep us posted. But I do hope we can see them
again if they’re still alive.>>
“I know they are. I’ll have to visit them soon.”
Why did I say that?
Hikari shook her head.

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Chapter 3:
New Routine

R had grown used to their uniforms from the past

generation—the black sailor shirts paired with long skirts. The two were
currently moving the desks from the classroom into the hall in rows of three.
“What are you guys doing?” Toji asked. He was also wearing a black
uniform, with his bag slung over his shoulder. “You’re blocking the
“This is the only way we can take classes,” Trois said, pointing to the
“Of course…” Toji said, smacking his forehead. “Can’t do anything in
class with that entry plug right in the middle of it. But classes in the hallway?
Doesn’t sound much better.”
Six opened a window from inside the classroom and poked her little
head out of it. “We’ll open the windows. Won’t be too hot or cold.”
It was then that Toji noticed… These are winter uniforms we’re
wearing. Weird how they don’t feel hot.
“We might as well remove this partition along with the windows and
doors. Come on, boys. We’ve got work to do.”
And so began another day of Shinji’s School Life, An Ikari Yui Dream

“You’re here! I thought you would’ve disappeared by now,” Asuka

said to Shinji from the doorway. He was in his seat, staring at the blackboard,
the air around him heavy with melancholy. Gone was his carefree smile from
the day before.
Shinji had ejected his entry plug when Misato called out to him at
Central Dogma. What Misato saw, however, was the modified Super Eva
coming to a halt. Meanwhile, Asuka emerged alone in the empty classroom,
Toji having told the other students to leave. From what he’d told her, strange

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lights had been emanating from the plug while she was inside the modified
Super Eva.
“Who cares whether I’m here or not? I’m just a dream, aren’t I?” Shinji
said, turning away.
Toji and Rei Six snorted.
“What?!” He blushed.
“At least we know you really are Shinji.”
“You’re sulking so bad!”
A mechanical hand and a miniature one slapped him on the back.
“Whoops,” Toji said. He’d forgotten to control his strength.
Toji had recovered his fleshy left hand after the battle of Novaya
Zemlya, but in Shinji’s dream, it had reverted to his prosthetic from three
years ago. The dream used whatever memories and emotions Shinji had, from
the school building to the uniforms, down to the details of Toji’s arm. The
prosthetic was proof that Shinji had never quite gotten over the fact that he’d
almost killed Toji with Eva-03. Realizing this, Toji lightly bumped Shinji
with his prosthetic fist.
“Ow! Will you stop?”
Asuka sighed. “I guess the three stooges are reunited…after a member
“Ha ha ha! Toji’s a stooge!”
“She’s talking about you, too, Six…”

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Chapter 4:

R EPLACEMENT AND VERIFICATION of the modified Super Eva’s

components had begun. He’d managed to return as an Eva even after
descending upon the Earth as a giant of light with several hundred kilometers
worth of moon rock on his back. An operation to rescue his pilot, Ikari Shinji,
was already underway but had been halted. The hatch refused to open, and
attempts to cut it open bore minimal results. Complicating the situation was
the fact that Asuka claimed to have entered the Eva from the plug in the
In the process of assembling a 3D scanner to perform an X-ray on the
unit, other divisions had begun dismantling his parts. It was there that they
found the corpse of an unknown man. He hadn’t been dead for very long, and
he was dressed in a JSSDF uniform.
Fuyutsuki proposed dealing with it internally, but Misato said, “Let’s
contact Lieutenant Colonel Kasuga.”
Kasuga arrived only two hours later. He was already on his way toward
Yomotsu Hirasaka with his Akashima unit, but he used the JSSDF’s N2
Flanker, a.k.a. the Platypus-2, to fly back to Hakone.
Nerv Japan had three more aircraft in Novaya Zemlya, aside from the
one Toji had been in when it was shot down. They were used as aerial turrets,
since they were equipped with positron cannons. Tonight, they were
undergoing a simulation set up by an A.I. interceptor. The aircraft, which
needed no runway, rumbled their graviton floaters and landed one after
another in Nerv HQ’s VTOL hangar.
Kasuga’s Platypus-2 used Toji’s IFF to land along with them. He
avoided passing Mount Daikan Airport, now controlled by the JSSDF, so
they wouldn’t see that he was going to Hakone. This incident was liable to
explode if the JSSDF caught wind of it. JSSDF senior officers, along with a
medical team, rendezvoused with Kasuga at Nerv HQ to inspect the body.
“That’s one of ours, all right. Master Sergeant Sakura Yoshio of the

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First Airborne Brigade. He’s among the people that went M.I.A. during the
underground raid of Nerv HQ three years ago.”
His equipment was verified to be three years old, but that could easily
have been fabricated. Misato wondered whether Kasuga actually believed
that bit of evidence. She was more interested in the dead man’s watch and
terminal, which showed a date three months after the Battle at Nerv HQ.
Was time actually progressing in the sphere?
The JSSDF scanned the body with the medical equipment they’d
brought out of their field hospital. They homed in on the dead man’s left arm
and whispered among themselves.
“He really came from three years ago,” Kasuga said, to no one in
“Why do you think that?” Misato asked.
“We have medical records of his broken arm from seven months
before. A bit reckless, this one,” one of the JSSDF’s medical staff answered.
“The recovery of his broken bones is right where it was three years
ago. That’s impossible, even if we accounted for malnutrition.”
The master sergeant’s body was stuffed in a body bag then place in a
refrigerated container.

Nerv Japan wanted to respect the dead and had therefore risked a great
deal by inviting the JSSDF to confirm that it was one of their soldiers.
According to Maya, Super Eva had broken through the Chronostatic
Sphere, where time had stopped three years ago, and had received upgrades
appropriate to its new state. Misato wanted evidence for this theory.
Three years ago, at the Battle at Nerv HQ, between the feet of giants,
JSSDF special forces had been dispatched to eliminate all Nerv staff. It was
then that Lilith had brought time to a halt.
“Super Eva brought the force of the Third Impact into the sphere.
Master Sergeant Sakura probably saw his chance to escape and crawled into
his restraint armor.”
Not that I feel sorry for him. Misato shuddered from a strange déjà vu.

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The guy shot me in a different future.
She shook her head to chase out this grim thought. “More
They moved from the medical bay to the meeting room. While the
JSSDF staff had left, along with the body of their comrade, Kasuga stayed
behind, saying, “My soldiers on Yomotsu Hirasaka Island need every bit of
intel I can find.”
Misato respected his wishes and agreed to share whatever they knew
about the modified Super Eva. Just then, Maya returned from the cage with a
new discovery.
“What’s up?” Misato asked.
Maya ran her hand through her hair. She looked haggard. The strange
spirit that had previously possessed her had fled. “Basic modifications were
completed on the other side. All that’s left for us to do is fit him into his new
restraint armor and maybe switch some components out for more reliable
“You mean those four sheets you were working on after sending your
entire team home?” Misato asked.
Maya crinkled her nose.
Misato went on. “Take two days off when you’re finished. Don’t worry
about reattaching Unit Zero-F’s arm. The cage team can do that just fine.”
Maya shrugged and took her seat.
With everyone present, an image of Fuyutsuki in the command center
flickered to life on the monitor.
“We speculated that time had frozen within the Chronostatic Sphere,
but it looks like it has advanced by three months.”
“I don’t think so,” Maya quipped. She was the one who’d speculated
that Super Eva’s modifications had taken three months to complete.
“Hang on, Maya. It’s only been a week since Yomotsu Hirasaka fell.”
“Perhaps time is accelerating on the other side.”
“It’s what?”

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Maya elaborated. Shinji’s mother had manipulated the dimensional
door from the other side to transport Super Eva, whose time was close to
stopping, to a place where time had completely stopped. Time had then
accelerated within the Chronostatic Sphere, as if Yui was telling her husband
to do something about their self-destructing son.
“Super Eva’s time was close to stopping?” Misato frowned.
“The Third Impact would have happened within the sphere if time
moved for him.” Maya continued. “We’ve seen instances where Unit One
would do everything in its power to make Shinji’s wishes of stopping
something come true. Take the freezing of Lake Ashi when Quatre’s Eva fell,
for example.”
“So, the rapid freezing…”
“Happened on a particle level, yes. But nine percent of its heat
remained. We still don’t know why.”
“So it can interfere with time. Are you saying it stopped its own time in
order to prevent Yomotsu Hirasaka from landing?”
“We have records of the power curve of the Second Impact. The Third
Impact, which happened over the Ogasawara Islands, appears to follow the
same curve. A massive accumulation of energy followed by a moment of
silence before the release. If it continues to follow the same rules as the
Second Impact, the explosion will reach Hakone.”
Misato furrowed her brow. “So…the Third Impact isn’t over yet?”
Toji raised his hand. “Shinji’s mom told me about that. Shinji’s putting
a tap over the impact with his remaining 0.82 seconds of life.”
“A tap?” Misato asked.
“A tap to control it, I suppose,” Maya said.
“The energy produced by the Third Impact is immense to the point of
bending space-time. It’s going to take a long while, but Shinji is releasing it,
little by little, throughout his new life. This is his duty now.”
“But isn’t he just a dream?”
“Well, if the real Shinji woke up, it’d all be over in 0.82 seconds.” The
edges of Kasuga’s lips hooked to form a smile.

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“I suppose this is all funny to you, sir,” Toji said.
“I apologize. All of this sounds like a fairy tale…or a horror story.”
“We can only work with what the facts have to offer,” Misato said,
although she sympathized with him.
“We’re throwing all our ideas at a wall to see what sticks. How we’re
going to utilize the massive amount of power in front of us is more
Kasuga conceded. “Very well, Commander Katsuragi. But if you
would allow me one more question: If the pilot Ikari Shinji is not the real
Ikari Shinji, then where is his body?”
“The real Shinji exists,” Maya said.
“What?!” Toji exclaimed, “Wait, but…how?!”
This was her new discovery. “We’ve scanned the Super Eva and found
the original plug inside the entry hatch along the spinal receiver.”
“That’s crazy. What happened when Soryu got in?”
Maya looked down at her tablet. The look on her face clearly said,
Don’t ask. “I don’t know. Maybe it disappeared, maybe it was stacked on top
of it. What we do know is about the plug itself. See?”
A figure was seated within the entry plug. The final moments of Ikari
Shinji were frozen into a single image. His hands were holding the control
sticks; his left clutched to his chest and his right thrust out in front of him.
His mouth was open in a scream, and his bangs flew every which way. Once
he resumed motion, it would all end in 0.82 seconds. The gray image of the
scanner made him look like a statue.
“You’re a damn hero, Shinji.” Toji felt his heart burn within him. He
couldn’t imagine what his friend had been thinking.
“What if you cut open the body? Can you get him out of there?”
“Even if we could operate on the chest, we can’t get the plug housing
open. Dr. Akagi referred to it as the Untouchable Space.”
“You did get a message from her!”
“They were all quite surprised. None of them expected an S2 engine to
expand and form a heart.”

18 Goldenagato |
Maya took out an explosion-proof memory card, inserted it into the
LCD tablet, and slid it over to Misato. On it was information regarding the
Eva’s modification progress, along with the list of names carved into his foot.
The names didn’t quite match up with the list of missing persons, though.
Some had died inside the sphere. There were also messages to their family.
“There’s so much I want to ask Shinji, and even more I want to tell

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Chapter 5:
Ogasawara Eastside

T HE ENORMOUS COLUMN of seawater rushing up toward the space lens

collapsed as the moon on the other side changed positions. The island was
visible now, though thick clouds remained after the dispersion of salt-
saturated mist.
“Landing point sighted. Beginning approach.”
It feels like every hair on my body is standing on end at the thought of
landing on this island. Is it just me?
Warrant Officer Endo glanced around the cockpit from his command
seat. His other three companions looked about as worried as he was.
<<Copy that, 409. Standing by underwater.>>
<<Roger that, Chichijima base camp.>>
Akashima, the JSSDF’s mobile weapon, had left the support submarine
I-409 Revamped ten kilometers under the sea and was now approaching
Yomotsu Hirasaka, the island that used to be part of the moon. As they
approached the bay, they couldn’t shake off their encounter with the black
monsters from the other day.
There was something on this island.
The Akashima approached from the outer rim, through strong ocean
waves, and was now climbing up the crumbly terrain. Endo smacked the
display on his console repeatedly within the shaking cockpit. “It’s not going
“Don’t break it, sir,” the communications officer said.
“This thing came from the moon, remember? So what’s this
chlorophyll reaction we’re getting from the center of the island? Maybe our
sensors are broken.”
“The Americans reported seeing a forest through their UAVs inside the

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“Shrikes One and Two passing overhead.”
Two Platypus-2’s flew over the Akashima, one of them the vessel
Kasuga had used earlier. They flew in from the west, near Chichijima, where
the JSSDF had set up a command center for the Akashima unit. Kasuga was
there as well.
Unfortunately, the base at Iwojima hadn’t withstood the waves.
Yomotsu Hirasaka had creased the Pacific Plate, and the Philippine Sea had
risen over the Ogasawara Islands. It would be some time before Iwojima
“Shrike Two to Shrike One. Flock of birds making their way to high
altitude. Watch out.”
“Shrike One to Shrike Two. Say again?!”
All birds capable of flight were supposed to have disappeared on the
day the great flock formed a belt that covered the skies. Their innate
navigation had gone haywire because of the geomagnetic disturbance, which
had started when the Longinus Ring began expanding as it orbited the Earth.
All over the world, people reported birds descending into a frenzy and
destroying themselves.
Then Armaros had spoken through the Ayanamis. He said it was time
for the Human Instrumentality Project to be fulfilled. The moon would be the
new stage for creation, once it traded places with the Earth. Most of the world
wouldn’t have understood what this meant, even if someone had explained it
to them.
But one thing was for sure. Across the globe, birds had disappeared
without leaving so much as a corpse. People began whispering to each other
that they’d gone to another world. Humanity had developed its own set of
instincts from observing other species, and this instinct had led them to the
“The birds are back!”
But…are they really?
The pilots couldn’t shake the foreboding they’d felt since entering the
island’s airspace.

21 Goldenagato |
What if this is the other world the birds flew to?
“Hold. Akashima to Shrike One. Detecting errors in terrain data from
your flight information.”
The Shrike, the JSSDF’s Platypus-2, used extremely powerful
synthetic aperture radar to penetrate clouds and other gases that would
normally block radio waves, in order to plot out a flight path for the
<<We’ll do another sweep. Requesting grid number.>>
“From A-3 to A-5—”
“Doppler radar’s picking something up! That mountain is moving! Is it
a landslide?”
Low vibrations rumbled through the valley, though they weren’t
powerful enough to be an earthquake. Alarms started blaring inside the
“A.I.’s detecting something… Giant threat?!”
“Picking up quadrupedal movement that doesn’t belong to the initial
“Stop the Akashima! Shrikes One and Two, shut off your active sense
oscillators and pull out. We might be up against the monster sighted by the
American UAV.”
The two Platypus-2’s pulled out shortly after receiving the notification.
They’d been told to suppress their common sense before being dispatched to
the island. Shrike One took the initiative and charged its positron cannon.
They broke through the thick clouds that had gathered like cream soup.
<<Akashima to Shrikes. Be warned. Bogey looks like it’s about to
head up.>>
The monster was facing the sky? The Shrikes fled to even higher
altitudes, passing through another gas cloud. The creature broke through the
clouds like a fish breaching the surface of the ocean. They couldn’t tell
whether the thing had a face, but it looked like it was scanning for something.
“Shrike Two to Akashima. We have visual on the bogey. It looks like a

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big dog. No, like a wolf with armor. And it looks like it’s melting.”
Shrike One shouted in shock. <<Shrike Two, look at its crown! Behind
the horn!>>
The pilot of the Shrike Two zoomed in on the gun camera. There was a
red protrusion sticking out behind the horned forehead.
“Hang on…that’s a humanoid with its arms stretched out!”
<<Is that one of Nerv’s Evangelions?>>
The giant beast with a red Eva slapped onto its forehead barely noticed
the tiny Platypus-2’s. It continued to rise above the clouds.
<<A red Eva… That would be Unit T—>>
The Eva’s roar rolled like a thunderclap. The JSSDF pilots winced at
the sudden shock wave, the air around them crackling.
Noise flooded the HMD, a long and distant howl. Then the giant sank
beneath the clouds once more.
Shrike Two’s pilot shook her head. “That was no dog. That was a

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Chapter 6:
Here I Am

M ARI HAD FOLLOWED Asuka and Six to Shinji’s school, but she was
pushed back by the invisible membrane at its gates. She wasn’t among those
who would take part in Shinji’s idyllic dreamworld.
Little Mari was the pilot of the U.S. Eva Wolfpack, which had been
destroyed when it consumed an excess amount of life-form data. She was
now sulking her way home, one hand holding Azuchi’s leash, the other
holding the hand of a female security officer. They were close to the LRT
station when she suddenly stopped.
“Mari?” the officer asked, thinking perhaps that the girl had yet to give
up on going to school.
Azuchi, too, looked at Mari. Then the dog jumped back and began
barking in surprise.
Mari’s eyes were wide open, her pupils strangely dilated as she stared
into the distance. She turned to the southeastern sky and started howling.

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25 Goldenagato |
Chapter 7:

I T HAPPENED IN GERMANY, in a town called Norden, which faced the

northern sea. Nerv Germany had established a base here, some distance away
from the Euro Sixth Army garrison.
“What happened to it?”
Aida Kensuke stood on a steel frame, looking down from the ceiling
upon the giant in the underground facility. This was the cage of the Euro Eva,
“Did they get the Angel to dig for coal?”
He might be forgiven for thinking this, considering how black the
Eva’s hands and feet were. Something must have happened during its
mission. The artificial Eva-02 had been pure white and beautiful. Now its
lower half was being pressure washed because of how tainted it had become.
What could be so urgent that they needed to dispatch Heurtebise?
Hikari had already buried mankind’s greatest enemy.
And tomorrow’s a big day for it, too.
A victory lap around Europe had been scheduled for the heroic Eva,
which was why it was being cleaned, repaired, and given a fresh coat of
white paint over its restraint armor.
“The angel of righteousness stays busy.”
Heurtebise had been hailed as the hero who’d defeated the black giant,
Armaros, and Hikari was the guest of honor.
“But never mind the people,” Kensuke said. He cast his gaze upward at
Armaros’ Q.R. Signum embedded in Heurtebise’s shoulder.
“And here I thought Armaros’ graviton portal opening scales would’ve
disappeared along with him.”
Heurtebise possessed one more black plate, and it was located in the

26 Goldenagato |
chamber of the Devil’s Backbone, a Field Piercer grafted onto its left arm,
which looked like it might possess the Eva at any given moment. The veins
of the two scales continued to pulse red with power.
Armaros’ two lesser giants, the Torwächters, used them to open up a
tunnel network. Those tunnels looked as if they were made of the same black
membrane as the scales. Maybe the Q.R. Signums came from the tunnel
network and not from Armaros himself? There’s no way of knowing.
Kensuke shook his head, frustrated at the mysteries that still remained.
“Maybe that’s why…” He looked down again at the distant floor.
“Maybe that’s why Nerv Germany is still a little gloomy, despite having won
the battle.”
Kensuke was too far up to see the looks on the crew’s faces, but he
could tell that they were all pale.
<<Would you like to know?>>
A voice came from nowhere. Kensuke instinctively pushed away the
steel frame he was holding on to. There was still a bit of ceiling, despite him
being 150 meters away from the floor, and he ducked under a steel truss to
hide himself. He peeked out at the spot where he’d just been.
No one’s there. I’m getting jumpy.
“What am I doing?” He was embarrassed at himself for panicking.
I could’ve set off the motion sensors with that much movement.
Kensuke turned around. He gasped when he saw Hikari right in front
of him and backed away in shock, his back slamming against a slanted steel
Hikari was wearing an older plugsuit, the black one with gold circuits
running around it. She stood on the steel frame without anything to keep her
balanced. She didn’t even look bothered by the height.
“Run, Aida. Get as far away as you—”
An arm thrust out from under her jacket, grabbing Kensuke.
“What are you…?!”

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This act knocked both of them off-balance. They were falling now, and
still Kensuke tried to understand the reason behind her actions.
Is she taking her anger out on me?
This was the conclusion he came to as he plummeted.
Hikari had become the pilot of Heurtebise because of Kensuke’s—and
the rest of the intelligence division’s—shady transactions. She’d been bought
with information and resources. The Horakis had taken the move to Europe
well enough; they treated it like a holiday. Unfortunately, Armaros had
thrown the Lance of Longinus around the globe at that time, and the light it
gave off had turned hundreds of thousands of people into pillars of salt—
including Hikari’s sister.
Kensuke stopped struggling. I guess I had it coming.
Their free fall to the bottom of the cage continued until Heurtebise
broke free of its restraints and moved its black hand to catch them.

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Chapter 8:
Mutual Acknowledgement

Toji understood BLS as Basic Life Support, a course he was obliged

to take to prepare for emergency situations.
Fuyutsuki corrected him. “This BLS stands for Biological Structure, a
structure made of multiple theories. It gives form to a person’s crude thoughts
—in this case Ikari Shinji’s—and layers it on top of the physical world.”
“Hence BLS Layer,” Toji mused. “Got it.”
Shinji couldn’t exist outside the Eva’s dream. He was like a ghost who
haunted a particular classroom. Maya was growing sick of being asked about
the phenomenon, so Fuyutsuki had taken it upon himself to give it a proper
“Writing our reports should be a lot easier now. Having to mention ‘the
pilot’s dream’ to the U.N. every time is a bit iffy.” Toji bowed his head
politely before following up with another question. “So, the Shinji inside
Shinji’s dream…what is he, really?”
“I suppose you can think of him as an icon of the BLS stationed in
reality. An avatar, if you will.”
His dream altered the properties of the BLS layered classroom. For
starters, it denied entry to those unacquainted with Shinji. However, it could
summon anyone who was known to him from a great distance, using their
shallow dreaming state. Anything they were wearing would immediately be
converted into the school uniforms of Shinji’s mother’s time.
Mind invaded matter in the BLS. How could Shinji know what his
mother had worn to school if he’d had no memory of it? This phenomenon
corroborated the theory that residual thoughts of Shinji’s mother, Yui,
remained inside the Eva. It also suggested that she was responsible for the
creation of the layer. Toji had even met Yui under the guise of the dead Rei
Cinque within the BLS.
Currently, Six was sitting at a distance from the others, observing her
Type-N robots and their search patterns on the display. She turned and asked,

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“What was that about Shinji and BLS?”
“Don’t say that out loud, Six,” Toji replied. The grade-schooler raised
her eyebrows and returned to her display.
“Have you found her yet?” Toji asked. She shook her aqua-colored
hair. They were still looking for Mari, pilot of the U.S. Eva, Wolfpack, who’d
been put under the care of Nerv Japan in Hakone…and had escaped on their
watch. As much as Six wanted to go out and find her herself, if she did, she
might be added to the list of missing persons.

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Chapter 9:
Mari Escapes

M ARI, THE UNEXPECTED GUEST, had originally hailed from Nerv

U.S.A. She was a wild card and had even wanted to devour the Asuka/Eva
synthesis in the past. But she was of no danger to anyone so long as she
wasn’t allowed inside an Eva.
After the Yomotsu Hirasaka incident, Mari, who’d previously lived on
little more than animal instinct, had been reduced to constantly having her
hand held. Before she’d disappeared, however, she’d howled long and hard—
like a wolf.
Azuchi—Lieutenant Colonel Kasuga’s golden retriever, who’d been
put under Six’s care—had gone missing along with Mari. The city’s alert
level had been raised, but none of the sensors in the infrastructure had
registered anything.
“Catgirl Mari goes twirl and twirl.” Six sang an original tune to herself.
It jolted the security team awake, and they shifted their attention to the
countryside. Unfortunately, enough time had passed that Mari’s scent was too
weak for the search-and-rescue dogs to pick up. In fact, the hounds had
actually tucked their tails between their legs. Even without her Eva, Mari was
still the alpha of all animals.
Nerv U.S.A. had originally begun splicing animal DNA into humans in
an effort to increase pilot-Eva compatibility. The U.S. Eva, Wolfpack, had
been heavily modified according to this principle. Mari could never stop
thinking of herself as a pack.
Now, her pack was calling for their alpha, and she responded by
howling back and running to them.

By the time Azuchi and Mari’s tracks were found south of Tokyo-3 to
the side of Lake Ashi, they’d already stowed away in in one of the aircraft at
Mount Daikan’s new airport. This was only discovered later, since the search
team was still focused on the mountains.

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“No luck with Mari?” Misato asked. She entered the command center
in a simple uniform that she didn’t get to wear very much. She only needed to
look at the display to answer her question.
“Afraid not, Commander. But how did the meeting with the Japanese
politicians go? What’s up with the New Island Committee?” Toji asked.
“It wasn’t something they could talk about over the phone. Although,
really, this thing’s going to leak in about five seconds.” Misato pressed the
folder she was holding into Toji’s chest.
He opened it. “Uhh… ‘Regarding Tsukino Yami Island.’”
“A temporary name. Not that it’s going to stick, since a U.N. goon just
plucked it out of the air,” Misato ranted, “but that’s not the point.”
Toji continued flipping through the report until he got to the page with
the red Eva. “What the…? Unit Two? Why—”
“Unit Two is now a relief on the forehead of a mountain-sized monster
on Yomotsu Hirasaka Island.”
Misato weaved through Toji and the others and sat in her command
chair. She took the headset at her side and contacted Cage One. “About
Trois’ Unit Zero. Her converted left arm and regenerated right arm are still in
the tanks, right? Okay.”
Toji was preoccupied with the picture taken by the JSSDF’s gun
camera. Eva-02 was half-buried within the forehead of the giant beast.
“Heat shock them and then use array cables to hang them over the
middle of the base, right above the sarcophagus.”
Misato’s mad request snapped Toji back to reality. “Excuse me?!” She
wanted to hang an exposed Eva’s arm outside? He immediately thought of
hanging fish over a doorway, mackerel and pilchards in particular, to keep
evil spirits at bay. “That’s enough tech to build a light aircraft carrier. What
are you trying to pull?”
But Toji’s snide remark only helped Fuyutsuki understand Misato’s
train of thought. “Are you making a deal with the devil?”
“Call Asuka for me,” Misato said, returning to the matter of Eva-02.

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“Are you sure? Soryu’s gonna want to retrieve it.”
“Like I said.” Misato sighed. “We couldn’t keep this a secret if we

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Chapter 10:
Breadth of Acknowledgement

Tokyo-3 continued to suffer aftershocks from the direction of the

Ogasawara Islands after Yomotsu Hirasaka shook the plate beneath it, but
school was still open. An entry plug still sat in the middle of Shinji’s
classroom. The students were in the black uniforms of yesteryear, and while
they’d initially found the plug an annoying addition to their routine, they
soon grew used to it.
Nerv command had issued a statement to the students to maintain the
situation. Super Eva hadn’t quite managed to prevent the Third Impact from
happening, but he was keeping it at bay and was currently undergoing
modifications in the cage. Shinji’s vision of the BLS layer, which had
manifested over the school like a ghost, was their only chance of seeing what
was inside the Super Eva. As such, they couldn’t afford to change the
All the students of the school were children of Nerv staff. In fact, the
students with the entry plug in the middle of their classroom were all pilot
candidates. As young as they were, they deserved to know what this was all
about. Indeed, they were fortunate to be in this position, despite the world
almost ending a few days prior. They might enjoy this bit of strangeness
during their remaining time on Earth.
Asuka laid her face flat on the table, a strange posture for her to be in.
Shinji asked her what was the matter.
“Ugh… Just leave me alone, Shinji.” Asuka mumbled, not bothering to
lift her head. Her golden hair glistened on the table. She couldn’t help herself.
though, and eventually said, “They found Unit Two.”
Shinji tried to remember what had happened during the Asuka/Eva
synthesis’s final moments.
“That’s weird. I thought it got atomized after being bitten by Mari’s
“Right?” Asuka finally looked up.

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“Your forehead and nose are red.”
Asuka’s face appeared tired and gloomy, as it usually did when she
was thinking about something.
“The Longinus Ring generated the spatial lens while in orbit, which
atomized Yomotsu Hirasaka and reconstituted it on the other side, close to
“Yeah. That’s how the moon slab managed to land here.”
Why is she reviewing this? Shinji thought.
“I was completely integrated into Unit Two’s synthesis, so when it got
atomized, I got reconstituted by the spatial lens, too. That’s how I managed to
return to my human form.”
“Uh-huh. Even Mari reverted to a normal human after all the animal
DNA that was spliced into her.”
“That’s right,” Asuka said. Then she glared at Shinji, “You never liked
Mari, did you? She was really sad because she couldn’t get into this school,
you know!”
“Don’t look at me,” Shinji balked, “I don’t know how any of this stuff
In fact, Mari couldn’t step into the school because she was an unknown
factor to Shinji.
“But this is still your dream. Can’t you just acknowledge her so she can
come in? And the teachers, too? You know what? Never mind.”
Shinji sighed. Was that really how things worked here?
“Anyway, back to my point. What if Mari and I weren’t the only things
reconstituted by the spatial lens?”
Shinji finally saw what Asuka was getting at. “So, you’re saying Unit
Two got reconstituted, too. On Yomotsu Hirasaka, no less. But I’m pretty
sure Wolfpack ate it clean.”
“Maybe it wasn’t completely digested yet. I don’t know, maybe the
Ark’s life-form data in its belly got reconstituted around Yomotsu Hirasaka.
No, that wouldn’t work. Maybe it’s operating on a different time scale.”
Shinji realized that this wasn’t the meat of Asuka’s worries. “You want

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to take Unit Two back, don’t you, Asuka?”
No one could tell if Eva-02 was still usable, or if they could retrieve it,
given the dangers. But making the most out of Eva-02 latent powers had
become Asuka’s life’s purpose. She sighed deeply. All Shinji could do was
offer her a shrug before the school bell rang. Everyone scurried back to their
desks. Shinji kept an eye on Asuka while returning to his.
What’s gotten into her? It isn’t like Asuka to be this scared.
Little Rei Six slid inside the classroom from the back—almost late,
though still in uniform.
The final member of the classroom entered, and it was enough to stun
everyone into silence, even Asuka, though a smile still touched the edge of
her lips.
Their homeroom teacher had made an appearance at last.
Asuka called out to the class representative. “Shinji!”
“Oh! All rise!”
“Terribly sorry about the trouble,” said the homeroom teacher. “It
seems the school has finally seen it fit to let me in.”
So this is how it works…
Shinji understood what Asuka had been trying to tell him a little better.
Now, how far could he open up his dream to the outside? Toji was currently
in the command center, while Trois was tuning up Eva-0.0 so it could be refit
with a new arm. Rei Six was trying to fill the void left by the two absentees,
but she was failing spectacularly.

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Chapter 11:
Europe’s Triumphant Rally

N IGHT SHIFT BEGAN in the command center.

“Any luck?”
“We’re not getting anything from the North American surveillance
sites, either.”
There were fewer people now compared to the afternoon.
Communications operators whispered among themselves in the lower deck,
debating whether they should wake up their superior, who’d retreated to the
nap room for the day. Network dropouts and overloads had become a daily
problem, given recent world events.
“Euro media’s live broadcast is doing all right, at least.”
The main display showed a parade on mute. Fuyutsuki had decided to
peek into the command center before retiring to his personal quarters, and he
pursed his lips when he saw the television broadcast playing in a sub
window. A hail of confetti fluttered about the Atomium in Brussels.
“The Europeans are holding a victory parade?”
“The moon is still expanding, and the Lance of Longinus is still
circling the Earth,” one of the night shift operators remarked. “I’m not sure
what this parade’s about.”
People filled every corner off the street. The blue EU flag flew high in
the center, surrounded by the flags of its member states.
“I suppose they just need one,” Fuyutsuki said. “The Longinus
Phenomenon turned one and a half million of their people to salt.”
European rapid response soldiers rode their armed vehicles through the
streets, a smile on every single face.
“Hey, those are the new maser vehicles! They’re huge!”
By the time the young operator finished saying this, the maser cars
were lying on their sides. For a moment, it appeared to be a trick of the

37 Goldenagato |
camera, but upon closer inspection, the sixteen-ton vehicles really were lying
on their sides, like a bunch of cardboard boxes.
“Is it an accident?”
If only.
The camera shook and rumbled as dust clouds rushed the lens at
terrifying speeds. Eventually, the feed cut back to the studio, but things had
descended into such panic that even the studio cameras were left abandoned.
The frame switched to standby before finally playing stock footage of
Heurtebise returning from space.
“What just happened?”
“I don’t know. Perhaps a whirlwind? See if you can dig up more
The internet would’ve been buzzing with theories right about now, but
the worldwide communications crisis had severely limited such speculation.
Fuyutsuki shouted to the comms officer on the lower deck. “Get on the
priority link to Nerv Germany if the media can’t come up with anything.”
“About that, sir,” the officer began, “We haven’t been able to reach
them for the last thirty minutes. They might be experiencing some hardware
Toji tumbled into the command center, looking significantly worse for
wear. He’d been watching the broadcast in his quarters, on the off chance he
might see Hikari in the parade. He’d seen the exact moment when rejoicing
had turned to panic.
“What the hell is going on?!”
The feed had returned and was now playing footage through a camera
whose correction software was being pushed to its limits. As it panned
sideways, it showed the beautiful cityscape. In the distance, a black giant
loomed, shrouded in fiery smoke.

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39 Goldenagato |
His armor looked a little different, but it was still covered in black
scales. People ran through the streets, tripping over and trampling each other.
The image shook as the camera was knocked to the ground.
On the way down, it captured an image of Armaros’ left arm, which
now looked like a grotesque chainsaw. A ray of light shot out of it.
The Atomium, a monument that had been erected for the World’s Fair,
Screams filled the air, half of which were calling for their hero, the
Euro Eva, Heurtebise. But the artificial angel didn’t appear. A family in the
rubble cried out for Hikari to help them. Toji felt as if he was being torn apart
watching them. Mercifully, the footage ended.
Fuyutsuki put out an emergency call for Misato.
“Suzuhara,” Asuka whispered. “We’re going to school now.”
What happened to Hikari? Where’s Heurtebise? Why is Armaros…?
As frazzled as Toji was, part of him remained Acting Deputy
Commander of Nerv.
“Hang on,” he said, in a voice inaudible to Fuyutsuki and the rest. “We
can’t go to school at night. The BLS Layer only activates during school
hours, since that’s the setting of Shinji’s dream.”
“Is now really the time to worry about that?” Asuka asked.

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Chapter 12:
Night Class

S NEAKING INTO SCHOOL at midnight was trickier than Toji and Asuka
had anticipated. A sleepy Aoba had to teach them how to get into the school
without alerting the security company.
Once they were inside, however, Asuka raised her voice. “Come on
out, Shinji! We don’t got all night!”
“Soryu!” Toji exclaimed. “I know it’s night and all, but he’s not a
ghost. He didn’t show up the last time you carried the entry plug in here, did
“No, and it’s a good thing, too. The BLS Layer would’ve kept the
science and engineering staff out of here.”
“You really put them through hell.”
They reached the classroom after an uneventful walk.
“You don’t expect me to lug this thing by myself, do you?” Asuka
tapped the entry plug in the middle of the classroom. “See? Nothing. Should I
turn on the lights?”
“Don’t bother. The moon’s annoyingly bright lately.”
“I mean, it’s sucked most of the Earth’s landmass and is only 110,000
kilometers away from us at this point.”
“Look, Shinji. The moon is so beautiful tonight!” Asuka pointed out
the open window. Immediately, her long T-shirt and hotpants dissolved and
were replaced with the black uniform.
There’s the BLS Layer!
“The transformation looks like something out of a magical girl anime.”
“You watch those things?”
<<His sister loved that stuff.>>

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They both recognized the voice and immediately turned.
A shade resembling Kensuke sat at his desk, looking exhausted.
“You know, when they were kids.”
Six was right. Shinji can summon anyone he thinks would fit into the
dream, even those who are far away.
Toji had never seen anyone this blurry before, however. Perhaps
something was happening on Kensuke’s end.
“Hold on, Soryu. Kensuke, where are you now?”
“I was in Germany, but now… Things are bad here, Toji.”
“Does it have to do with Armaros?”
“So, you’re aware. Those final moments happened so fast. Darkness
spread all over that white body, over Horaki and Heurtebise. They’ve become
Toji slammed the table. “What?!”

42 Goldenagato |
Chapter 13:
Evil Unto Evil

Alarms detecting hostile movement blared throughout the command

“That was quick,” Fuyutsuki said. “Hold! Do not engage urban combat
“Do not shoot!” Misato added for good measure.
<<This is Trois. Unit Zero ready at Komagatake sniping post.>>
“Thanks. Proceed as planned.”
<<Please don’t shoot me,>> a voice identical to Rei Trois said.
<<IFF signal registered to Quatre’s Eva! Coming in from old
Rei Trois heard the voices of Ayanami Rei Quatre and Hyuga in her
entry plug. Eva-0.0 had shed its bulky zero-gravity and pressure-restraint
armor in favor of lighter equipment. She’d packed its gamma-ray laser
cannon for the mission and was now pointing the weapon north. The
accuracy of the zero-gravity cannon would normally suffer under the Earth’s
atmosphere, and the mechanisms were already warning Trois of the damage
that might be done to the barrel. But no matter. Accuracy wasn’t a problem at
this distance.
Old Owakudani was a region where volcanic steam gushed out of
Mount Hakone. Vegetation was scarce in the area, and yet something
appeared to be cropping out of it now. Trois zoomed in to get a better look.
“This is Trois to command. Target in sight. Our guest has arrived.”
An orange-and-black mutant Eva rose out of the ground through the
tunnel network. Looking at its Angel Carrier wings, no one could tell that this
chimera used to be identical to the Eva-0.0 Trois was piloting.

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Chapter 14:
Night Class II

Alarms blared throughout the city.

For Toji and Asuka, they sounded distant because of the shocking news
they’d just heard: Heurtebise had become Armaros, and Hikari was caught up
in it. They couldn’t believe what Kensuke was saying.
“What are you saying?” Asuka couldn’t remain quiet.
“I don’t know.”
“I’ll go to Europe. There’s a Platypus on the VTOL deck. If I fly it as
fast as I can—” Toji raised his fists. He fully intended to abandon his post as
Acting Deputy Commander.
“I think that’d be a waste of time,” Asuka said.
“Why?!” he shouted. But he then conceded. “You’re right…” He
didn’t know what to do anymore. He banged on the table again.
“Toji, I think what Soryu’s trying to say is that Armaros can teleport.”
Kensuke tried to ease the tension.
“That’s right,” Asuka said. “If we’re going to fight that thing, then
we’ll have to meet him at his destination!”
Toji’s legs wobbled, and he leaned back into his desk for support. And
where is that supposed to be?
“That’s where my sword is, too,” Asuka whispered. “Ugh, I knew it
was going to end like this.”
Kensuke raised his eyebrows.
She turned around and started talking to an empty desk. “Take Shinji,
for example. Why does he get in an Eva after defeating a powerful enemy?
Operating an Eva is a negative action in itself. His rule was that he would
only use one as long as he could prevent a greater disaster by doing so. But
I’m not sure we can wait for the enemy to make the first move in this case.”
Kensuke felt lightheaded. She’s still thinking about the aftermath of the

44 Goldenagato |
He’d joined the intelligence division after being passed over to be a
pilot. He’d had his ideals, but he’d long since abandoned them.
“You wanna put your money where your mouth is?” he asked.
“Of course! But first…” Asuka pointed south-southeast. “We’re going
to Yomotsu Hirasaka. That’s where we’ll meet Armaros.”
“On the new island?” Toji wondered. “Wait… That might be it! We
won’t have to look for him. Armaros is sure to come for us if we stir up
trouble there. Yomotsu Hirasaka might be our opportunity to take the
“Right?” Asuka said. “The spatial lens is directly above the island,
siphoning seawater to the moon. It’s like a giant umbilical cable creating the
new world. The black giant will definitely come for us if we cut it off. Isn’t
that right, Shinji?”
Shinji had appeared at some point and was now sitting on top of the
entry plug.
“Come on, Toji!” he said with rare enthusiasm.
Kensuke couldn’t bear to watch them. Why did I ever leave this place?
Yomotsu Hirasaka. That was where Eva-02 was. Asuka desperately
wanted her Eva back. And if there was a chance to confront Armaros—and
save Hikari—all the better.

The school bell rang in the dead of night. It was an effect of

manipulating the timer to sneak past security, but it signified the beginning of
a separate reality. Kensuke smiled as he faded away. His physical body was
probably waking up.
The entrance to the local shelter was located on school grounds, so the
neighborhood watch started investigating the school as soon as they heard the
bell ring. Frantic beams of light pierced the window panes, grazing Asuka’s
“Let’s get out of here. I don’t wanna explain myself.”

45 Goldenagato |
“Oh, boy,” Toji muttered. “Shinji…”
Shinji was getting into the entry plug. “I know. It’s my turn. And
“I’ll do everything I can,” he said, subtly reminding his friend not to do
anything rash.
Toji clenched his fists. “All right!”
He was encouraged by his spectral friend.

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Chapter 15:
With a New Name

Q UATRE’S MUTANT EVA stood waiting outside, clearly hostile.

The matter pressed upon Maya’s mind as she prepared to evacuate
Super Eva, the whereabouts of whose pilots were unknown, along with the
replica Longinus by way of the underground rapid rails.
Is the heartbeat getting faster?
Maya had devoted all of her time to fitting Super Eva with his new
restraint armor. At first, she thought the exhaustion had finally gotten to her,
but the change was real enough. She looked up. There’s light in his eyes!
“Everyone step away from the Eva!”
Cage personnel were caught off guard by her declaration. They
immediately stopped working and started running.
“Never mind the cable management! Shinji-kun, are you there?!”
<<Maya-san,>> Shinji said, through Super Eva’s external speakers.
His consciousness had returned to Super Eva as soon as he entered the plug
in the classroom.
<<I really don’t have wings anymore. How is this thing supposed to
“You’ll never know until you try,” Maya said.
<<All right, then.>>

Toji and Asuka were returning from the school.

Searchlights mounted upon the other divisions of Nerv headquarters lit
up its center, which was shaped like a satellite dish. Everyone had been
started by the sudden appearance of Quatre’s mutant Eva. Turncoat Rei
Quatre stood at the tip of the Q.R. Signum in the mutant Eva’s chest, wearing

47 Goldenagato |
Shinji’s plugsuit. She noticed Toji and Asuka, and waved to them. The
mutant Eva copied her.
The one-armed mutant grabbed the Eva arm dangling off the cables
hooked to antenna arrays and grafted it onto its right shoulder.
“I guess that was bait,” Toji mused, finally understanding Misato’s
In the middle of the reflector, a vertical shaft offered a view down to
the sarcophagus covering the old Geofront. This was the same shaft through
which Quatre had once infiltrated the command center, so everyone was
understandably nervous. The air was electric as Trois trained her rifle on
Quatre from the Komagatake sniping post, ready to fire at a moment’s notice.
The searchlights lit up another spot, some distance away from Quatre’s
Eva. It was there that Katsuragi Misato, commander of Nerv Japan,
confronted Kaji Ryoji, vessel of Seele.

Misato ruminated over the facts—facts she couldn’t bring herself to

“So, the black giant going wild in Europe… You’re saying that the
Euro Eva is now Armaros? Why?”
“Because the Euro Eva killed Armaros.”
“That can’t be…”
“And if the son of Gendo defeats the Euro Eva with Unit One, he and
Unit One will become Armaros. If Asuka Langley defeats that black giant
with Unit Two, they shall become Armaros.”
“We can’t be rid of him.”
“Correct,” the Kaji-vessel said, somberly. Under the three spotlights,
the shadow of his two arms multiplied into six. “It’s a fundamental truth of
this world. Nothing ever changes.”
“You’re wrong… That’s insane! Even if it were true…why have we
been fighting this whole time? Just so we can say we tried?!”
“Thus my question: ‘Satisfied?’”
The Kaji-vessel didn’t so much as grin. Misato felt as if the real Kaji

48 Goldenagato |
was admonishing her.
“Nothing changes. The one who defeats the most powerful being in
existence simply becomes the new black giant. That’s all.”
The black giant was the minister of the Human Instrumentality Project,
which would continue to exist as long as there were humans.
“And that’s the Evangelion?”
“No. This is all part of the Mechanism, which is part of the Ark.” The
Kaji-vessel sighed. “You did good, Katsuragi.”
Don’t say it like he used to!
But her spirit had already been broken.

Toji and Asuka had made it to the VTOL deck. They contacted the
command center for permission to operate the Platypus-2.
<<You know how clumsy Soryu is. Apparently, she left something
huge on Yomotsu Hirasaka.>>
<<Oh, no you don’t. Sensei! This guy was planning to fly all the way
to Europe before I told him where we should go!>>
The two were pointing fingers at each other like children. Misato
listened to their banter.
What is going on back there?
Their tone didn’t reflect the hopeless situation that had just been
presented to her—the inevitable remodeling of the world and the
implacability of Armaros.
“Stop your bickering! Don’t you know this is an emergency?!” shouted
Fuyutsuki. “You have orders to stand down. Act your age!”
<<We’re acting because it’s an emergency!>> Asuka shouted.
<<We’re going off to save our friend and pick Unit Two up along the way. It
sure as hell beats sitting around and doing nothing. This is the final act, and
I’d much prefer to go out with a bang!>>
The final act.
Asuka’s words rang throughout the command center.

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She has a point. If there’s anything after this…
But no. Everyone felt that Armaros’ resurrection was a sign that
whatever came after this was the end. Fear, or perhaps determination, coursed
through the veins of all present in the command center.
<<Commander!>> Hyuga’s voice came through the comms. <<It’s
Cage Two! Super Eva is on the move!>>
Misato gasped, realizing that Shinji had agreed with his classmates.
They’d been on the defensive ever since Novaya Zemlya, always reacting,
while never really solving anything. Now, she felt the push toward action.
<<Can we go now, Misato? You can’t keep us any longer!>>
<<Fuyutsuki-sensei, I leave the rest to you.>>
<<You two!>>
Misato frowned and sighed deeply, scratching her head.
“List their flight under reconnaissance! Hyuga-kun, rewrite the code
for Super Eva.”
Misato directed her next question to Fuyutsuki, who’d gone silent over
her headset. “No objections, Assistant Acting Deputy Commander?”
<<And what is it that I must object to?>> the old man replied.
Fuyutsuki had long ago decided that he would go with whatever policy Nerv
Japan enacted. His only job was to give everyone a dose of common sense.
<<Now accepting new registration code!>> Hyuga said, waiting for
Misato’s command from the middle deck.
These damn kids. They’d sulk in a second if we stopped treating them
like adults!
Misato looked into Kaji’s eyes and said, “May the world never need
another Evangelion. Evangelion-01 Final Model, lift off!”
The power lines were still damaged from the previous battle. The
remaining city lights went out as what little power remained was spent.
Behind Misato, the 3,500-ton giant leaped into the air. Shinji took a deep
breath of LCL as the powerful acceleration shifted into weightlessness. He
clutched his grip uttered a single word.

50 Goldenagato |
The four pylons of the newly christened Final Model shifted positions,
wrapping around the small black circle on his back, the Time Brake. Four
black wings sprouted out of it—the wings of the giant of light.
Asuka whistled. She was already seated inside the parallel duplex
cockpit of one of the new Platypus-2’s, issued to replace the one lost at
Novaya Zemlya. Toji cheered from outside the craft when he saw the wings
of light; he was still setting up the cargo pods. The wings were relatively
closed, and they seemed to push Final Model through the air more than
anything else. Shinji sped through the east side of the caldera and vanished
from sight. Burning particles scattered behind him like feathers, leaving an
afterimage of the wings.
The 120-meter-tall giant left a shock wave as he went away, but the
caldera still rumbled.
“All right, Toji,” Misato said. “I know this seems like a waste of time
to you, but I hope you’ll tune in to our worthless struggle.”

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52 Goldenagato |
53 Goldenagato |
Chapter 16:
Sudden Turn

T HE MOON’S REVOLUTION had been significantly reduced, thanks to its

increased size, and it once again aligned with the spatial lens over Yomotsu
Hirasaka. The great pillar of seawater reappeared, shooting into space, as the
moon siphoned the Earth’s materials. This was the second time this had
Even with two reconnaissance aircraft, the JSSDF Akashima had lost
sight of the four-legged giant beast with Eva-02 plastered to its head, which
was absurd considering the sheer size of the thing. The beast as big as a
mountain had disappeared as if it had dissolved into the Earth itself.
Many nations had surrounded the Pacific Ocean, three of which had
approached the island using large, amphibious submarines. The North
American Alliance, the South American Coalition, and the Chinese Far East
Collective all landed on Yomotsu Hirasaka, and a force of about ten thousand
began making its way to the center of the island. Half of them were
researchers, while the other half carried N2 bombs.
Heurtebise’s transformation into Armaros had not been widely
disseminated, mainly because of the Europeans’ own disbelief. But news of
the black giant’s reappearance had spread like wildfire, and the rest of the
world soon heard of the horrors that had occurred in Europe. They prepared
themselves for the violence that was to come.
If Yomotsu Hirasaka was discovered to be the vanguard of the
apocalypse, it would need to be blown to pieces.
The Akashima, JSSDF’s anti-Angel unit, was now calling on all
nations to withdraw from the island.
“You are encroaching upon Japanese waters protected by international
Over the hills leading to the mountain at the heart of the island, the
Akashima and Shrikes One and Two were engaged in a standoff with
offensive aircraft that appeared to share the Platypus-2’s N2 graviton floater

54 Goldenagato |
In fact, these three nations had approached Japan several times to seek
their cooperation, but the government of the archipelago hadn’t responded.
Part of it was the chaos at the heart of the government due to the recent
disasters, but it was also the fact that Nerv Japan had been given more
authority to respond to such disasters in a timely fashion. The attempts to
limit Nerv’s actions in Japan had backfired.
“Do these Japanese not realize this is an emergency?” A gunner from
the U.S. Navy’s aerial platform disengaged the Akashima from his sights,
though he kept his hands on the console so he could lock on to it again if
need be.
“The Chinese Far East Collective probably think they can do anything
so long as they have their Evangelions.”
“Hah! They needed Germany to buy them time when Armaros
whooped them back in Europe!”

Back on the island, soldiers and scientists of different nations

discovered a dreamlike world as they advanced. They found colonies of
young plants with vibrant colors, and even identified species that were
thought to have gone extinct ages ago.
“This is supposed to be a chunk of moon rock.”
They’d come to destroy this abomination but instead found themselves
“This is brilliant.”
Their emotions stood in conflict with their mission.
How had so much greenery cropped up on a rock that had fallen from
outer space?
Soldiers set up observation towers to record the devastation left by the
N2 bombs nanoseconds after they destroyed this utopia.
Each held the tools of destruction in their hands, and some peered

55 Goldenagato |
through the lens of the terminal to record the moment Paradise was brought
low by human hands. Perhaps there would come a moment in the future
where the data would prove useful.
If any of them survived.
As the soldiers advanced around a great wall of rock, they came across
another startling sight in a deep valley.
“Isn’t that the thing intel told us about?”
They looked upon a large, gray cube, shining like glasswork.
The Ark.
It was a collection of terrestrial life information that had disappeared
after Armaros transported it away from the Atlas Mountains in North Africa.
The Ark turned slowly, concealing its true form as the main method of
jump-starting the Human Instrumentality Project.

56 Goldenagato |
Chapter 17:

W HAT HAD BECOME of Shinji’s body? Was he truly human at this

The question had first been asked when he was regenerated within
Super Eva. He’d begun sharing its existence ever since the Eva’s heart took
the place of his own.
And now, he was a dream. A dream within an Eva. A representation of
what Shinji saw in the classroom.
I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t bothered by it.
He had no sense of time and space.
It feels like I’m living in one point and then another.
“Get in, Shinji,” Asuka had said confidently.
“What? No!” He’d frowned and refused.
He snorted, laughing at this memory.

Eva-01 Final Model’s shoulder pylons shifted in the direction of

Yomotsu Hirasaka. The wings of light extending from behind it propelled the
Eva with tremendous force.
It was a strange sensation, and Shinji felt as if his perspective had been
squashed. He could see the Izu Peninsula—now an island—far away, but by
the time he registered it, the distance between them had closed. He was
already zooming past it.
“So light.”
The four-thousand-ton Super Eva had felt light because of his immense
propulsion potential. Now the restraint armor was even thinner, and he felt
lighter. Still, gigantic objects can’t move quickly by their very nature. The
period of pendulum movement was determined by the length of a thing and
not its mass.

57 Goldenagato |
This feels like the dream…
The raging output felt like it could break the laws of Newtonian
Shinji brimmed with the worst power in the world. The peak of the
Third Impact’s energy, the energy that flowed through his heart from a higher
dimension, threatened to wrench open his chest through the time
compression. This violent knocking rumbled through every inch of Final
Model’s body at regular intervals, forming the Eva’s heartbeat.
The all-consuming power was somehow offset by reverberations
created by the artificial Kodama in his chest.
“I feel fine…for now.”
This was Shinji’s current reality.
“Toji, where are you?” he called out to the N2 Flanker Platypus-2.
<<Shinji…you’re going…too fast…>>
They could still communicate through electromagnetic waves, though
Toji’s voice was lagging and distorted. It was then that Shinji realized his
thoughts were traveling at an immense speed.
Still too fast… Calm down.
Final Model had been in a constant state of acceleration ever since
Hakone, and now it slowed in order to allow the Platypus-2 to catch up to it.

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Chapter 18:
Nerv Japan

“You’re certainly making things harder for yourselves.” Kaji Ryoji

grinned as he watched Eva-01 Final Model fly toward the eastern sky. “Well,
then. Don’t suppose I can have some tea?”
The vessel that contained Seele had somehow retained Kaji’s manners,
but the sight of it was still off-putting, even to those who knew the
“Cafeteria’s open,” Misato said. “Help yourself. Only the vending
machines are around to serve you at this hour, though.”
“I know where it is.”
Misato ignored Kaji’s smug grin and motioned for security to escort
their guest.
“What about you, Quatre?” She looked up at the mutant Eva. “Get you
Ayanami Rei Quatre stood on top of the unit’s chest, admiring her new
arm. She extended it and curled it, the Eva syncing its movements with her
while emitting metallic, muscular creaks.
She looks really hot in Shinji’s plugsuit. Age must be getting to me if
I’m thinking of that kind of stuff.
Rei Quatre provided a succinct reply. “No.”
I guess she has to be ready to retaliate in case anything happens to
Seele. According to Shinji and Trois, Quatre isn’t really controlled by
Seele/Kaji the way she was controlled by the Q.R. Signum. It’d be closer to
the truth to say that she partnered up with him out of curiosity.
“Do you have fun leading young girls on?” she asked the Kaji-vessel.
“The puppet was the one who led me on, in this instance. She was the
one who insisted we attend this gathering.”

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“Either way, I can’t get off to her. I can’t get off to any girl under the
age of thirty-two.”
You keep adding extra years to that, you jerk.
Security escorted Kaji Ryoji from the top deck. The thirty-two-year-old
commander of Nerv, Katsurage Misato, looked to the sky in the direction of
Super Eva—Eva-01 Final Model.
“I got a scare when I saw those wings of light come out of him,”
Misato said to Maya over her headset.
<<Shinji requested the installation of Vertex wings, but he already has
wings with the Eva’s ability to stop time indefinitely. The four shoulder
pylons aren’t really flight units. They’re quantum wave mirrors, like the
restraint armor around his heart.>>
“You need two, three layers to stop his heart from exploding?”
<<Yes. They form a sort of bottleneck to prevent instantaneous release
of that tremendous energy. That’s the part we can see.>>
“The Time Brake. The little black void on his back.”
<<Eva-01 Final Model can freely use the Third Impact’s energy, the
most immense energy in the known universe. It could take years to trickle
that energy out, or 0.82 seconds to blow it all at once. It all depends on
“A cruel business. How much does he know?”
<<All of it.>> Maya had tried to keep him from leaving. <<I told him
how changing the pylons’ formation would alter the shape of the brake field
and how it would cost him his life every time that happened. It only steeled
his resolve.>>

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Chapter 19:
Life-Form Deluge

T HE MULTI-NATION EXPEDITION was thrown into disorder upon

discovery of the Ark. Dispersed soldiers turned into pillars of salt one after
another. The N2 powered field seemed to act as an umbrella against this, and
the surviving troops retreated, huddling under their N2 reactor-powered
vessels for protection. N2 explosives were activated, cutting off escape even
for soldiers who’d managed to avoid saltification. Reports came in slowly
about how they were being attacked by an unknown force, but their formation
had descended into chaos.
“Is that the one?” Endo asked from the Akashima’s command seat. The
JSSDF’s mechanical giant currently hovered high over the troubled ground,
turbines whirring and artificial musculature creaking as it surveyed the
situation. Its spotter, Shrike One, had reported a large number of moving
objects over the ridgeline.
“Are the troops…retreating?” It was a reasonable conclusion, given the
direction the mass was headed.
<<It’s not human,>> Shrike One replied. <<Although, we’ve had
reports of horses and deer being sighted in the area.>>
“I don’t think we’re dealing with any of those.”
Maxing out his zoom, Endo saw animals of every conceivable species
flowing out of the ridge. At first, it appeared to spout only terrestrial beasts,
but unknown life-forms soon followed.
I have a bad feeling about this.

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Chapter 20:

T EN KILOMETERS AWAY from Yomotsu Hirasaka Island, the

Akashima’s support vessel, the I-409 Revamped, resurfaced in order to
ventilate. This particular feature had been retained even after its
enhancement. Not everything went as scheduled, however. They’d picked up
a stowaway when the vessel resupplied at Chichijima.
“Over here!”
Mari let go of the ladder to make a foothold for Azuchi, the golden
retriever. The big dog stepped on her hands and leaped out, then followed
through the hatch and hopped out of the vessel herself. She easily slipped by
the guard who’d been posted on sea level.
“Sorry for the free ride. You can bill Nerv U.S.A.,” the girl said. She
and the dog jumped into the ocean.

They didn’t send any lifeboats for her. They couldn’t, really.
Alarms notifying the approach of a bogey blared, and the crew
scrambled to their battle stations. Sonar picked up the propulsions of several
large submarines retreating from Yomotsu Hirasaka. It was as if Azuchi and
Mari were trying to replace them by swimming toward it.
Ogasawara Mobile Command wondered if they were up against large
submarines of American, Chinese, and Australian origin. The order to halt
resurfacing procedures was immediately issued after a preemptive
noisemaker was fired from the extended VLS to the nose of the unknown
“Don’t shoot!” the unknown party responded. The bogeys surfaced,
revealing themselves to be super-class submarines that dwarfed the I-409
Revamped. They continued advancing, ignoring all warnings.
The XO of the I-409 Revamped heard a strange sound ring throughout
the inside of the approaching ships.

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“Their load is a lot lighter. There aren’t any soldiers within their cargo.
What happened to the people they left on the ground?”
They’d deserted the landing party, wanting to get away from this place
as soon as they were attacked.

The sky at the northern tip of the island rumbled.

Eva-01 Final Model flew 1,200 kilometers in a straight line from
Hakone at blinding speed and decelerated instantly over Yomotsu Hirasaka,
as if he were weightless. He stretched out his arms, and the trail left behind
by his wings of light dispersed, scattering particles that looked like burning
If the landing party’s cameras had still been rolling, they would have
recorded the soldiers being contaminated by the life-form data streaming out
of the Ark. Not only that, they would have captured the Angel Carriers
regenerating from those scattered bits of data and rising to intercept the Eva.

63 Goldenagato |
Chapter 21:

The Akashima stood in wait, unsure of how to deal with the black
life-forms coming over the hill. Their movement was unnatural. Most were
quadrupeds, but they had none of the stability associated with animals. They
all seemed as if they might trip under the tidal wave of their own mass.
“IFF active scan complete,” Endo said. “It’s positive!”
Identification tags of the United Nations emergency forces from the
operation at Novaya Zemlya were mixed in with the beasts that approached
Are they being run down by these animals?
“Arm Mode: Rescue! Trace their dog tags and pick them up!”
The A.I. picked a small creature out of the pack and set it on top of the
giant arm.
“Error with rescue protocol! That thing’s not human! Again!” Endo
commanded. But the animal on top of Akashima’s palm crumbled into white
powder before the A.I. had a chance to pick up another one. Among the
remains were torn bits of camo fabric that scattered in the wind.
A chill ran through the four operators of the Akashima when they
recognized what their display was showing.
Incessant banging on their armor brought them back to their senses.
“Maintain forward position and retreat!”
“We’re going back to the valley with the third flag! Accelerate
thrusters and don’t let those things come near us!”
“But they—” the pilot hesitated, biting back the words “might have
been human once.” The thought of harming or killing such creatures…

64 Goldenagato |
“It’s too late now!”
The animals couldn’t hit the Akashima hard enough to get through its
layers of armor, of course.
But they could hear it.
They could hear the desperate sound of hundreds of feet crawling up
the mech. They wanted something, but they shattered into white sand before
they could make their desires known.
The chromatograph showed that the white palm prints were made of
pure sodium.

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Chapter 22:

“Our nose is about to get burned!”

The Platypus was still chasing Shinji’s Eva-01 Final Model, and it had
long since broken the sound barrier. In fact, it was about to break the thermal
barrier. Its N2 reactor not only powered the graviton floaters but also emitted
a defensive repulsor field. Their speed was so great that heat had gotten
through their invisible barrier, burning the tip of the aircraft’s nose cone.
“We’ve arrived at our destination.”
Toji woke Asuka, asleep next to him, while he shifted the propulsion
lever back to neutral.
“Just let me off at the nearest convenience store.” She stirred from her
slumber, staring anxiously out the side canopy. She was about to pull her
jacket up to her chin when her eyes suddenly widened. “Bad!”
“Bad what?”
“Lower your altitude! But not too low.”
“Care to be specific? What’s that…?”
A wild variety of animals streamed out of the forest. Each followed its
own instincts, devouring everything in sight.
“Didn’t know there were animals here.”
Toji zoomed in through the gun camera to get a better look, tilting the
ship toward the side canopy since Asuka had seen it fit to stick herself against
it. He noticed her trembling shoulders.
“That’s…me! That’s me!”
“That’s me. They… They’re all me!”
“Soryu, calm down!”
Asuka clawed at the polycarbonate canopy, as if unable to contain the

66 Goldenagato |
flood of memories rushing out of her.
“The Ark… Is it here?!”
Asuka had come into contact with the Ark on the moon during her
reconnaissance mission. The deluge of life-form data had crashed through
her, breaking her consciousness from the inside. She’d lost what made her
Asuka in the torrent.
Her mind had been overwhelmed by the data, and just when she was
about to be lost in the flood, Eva-02 had stepped in to protect her. Her limited
consciousness was absorbed into the Asuka/Eva synthesis, and so she’d
continued to exist—would have continued to exist, if she hadn’t been
reconstituted as a human being by chance.
The rush of emotions hit Asuka’s brain so hard that it told her to vomit.
She hyperventilated, threw the HMD helmet behind her, and unzipped the
front of her jacket.
“Urgh… Mind if I hurl?”
“Soryu, no! We’ve got Angel Carriers at ten o’ clock!”
Several Carriers came out of the ridge of the mountain, flapping their
terrible white wings.
“They’re fighting. Now, where’s Armaros…? He’s not here?!”
“Make enough noise and he’ll be here!”
Dammit. We were so focused on fighting Armaros, I forgot he had
“Soryu, charge the positron cannons!”
Toji began mental calculations to use the frontline base on the
Ogasawara Islands.

67 Goldenagato |
Chapter 23:
Battle at New Island

Sparks flew as the tip of the Bizen Osafune broke through the field of
a Carrier to lodge itself in its head. Shinji left the blade where it lay, letting
go and grabbing Armisael’s double helix as its cocoon rose out of the
Carrier’s abdomen.
Eva-01 Final Model flew past the Carrier while yanking the torn helix
through the blade in its head with all his might. The remaining helix of the
Angel larva spun furiously as the sword unraveled it by force. It let out a
hideous screech before it died.
The Angel Carrier was still alive, but it stumbled when the cord in its
belly was pulled free. The Q.R. Signums in its shoulders were dispatched
with some well-placed shots from the lighter version of the Powered 8
railgun, the Powered 8 CL.
Asuka and Toji watched from the Platypus.
“That’s something else…”
“Why aren’t the other Carriers attacking?”
Because the Armisael Carrier was bait.
As the Eva-01 Final Model pulled away from the rapidly deteriorating
remains of the Carrier, the other four surrounded him, sticking their staves
into the ground.
“That’s the Tower of Babel! They’re enclosing him in a pyramid, like
back on Novaya Zemlya!”
Asuka sank into her seat as Toji charged toward the nearest staff.
“Don’t miss, Soryu!”
On her HMD helmet, a crosshair formed on the tiny staff in the
distance. Asuka pulled the trigger, but the positron cannon blasted the right
arm of the Carrier holding it instead of the staff itself.

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“You suck at this! This is what happens when you do too much mental
“Sh-shut up!”
The Platypus realigned itself, but it flew by the staff before they could
get another shot.
Just then, a blast from an energy weapon kicked up a dust cloud.
Someone else had destroyed the staff for them.
“That’s the JSSDF’s… What was it called again?”
The pyramid formed around Final Model even with a missing staff.
The Eva tried to escape to no avail. By now, shots aimed at the remaining
staves couldn’t penetrate the field. The Carriers stepped harmlessly through
the enclosed space, charging up their vast energy.
The Akashima was accelerating backward as it distanced itself from
the pyramid.
<<Akashima to Nerv. Keep your distance from that structure! The
Tower of Babel causes disruptions in communications, even energy
communications. Your signals will be affected.>>
“Thank you, Endo-san. Our experiments at Nerv showed that using a
single staff lessened the disruptive effects of the pyramid. We did simulations
with three staves, too.”
<<Acting Deputy Commander? Why aren’t you at HQ? Anyway,
Akashima to Nerv. There’s one remaining Carrier that didn’t make it into the
pyramid. It’s the one whose arm you blew off. Be on the lookout.>>
We knocked one out for you, Shinji. The rest is up to you.
The Tower of Babel’s rainbow membrane was too tough even for Eva-
01 Final Model to break through at full power. The Angel Carriers inside the
tower swelled to great proportions, their skins cracking to make room for the
new growth.
Shinji yelped in surprise as one of the giant Carriers leaned toward
him. Though it had yet to attack, he drew the Bizen Osafune, which was far

69 Goldenagato |
too large for melee combat in this enclosed space, and pointed it at the
enemy. The Carrier paid no heed to the weapon and fell upon Eva-01 Final
Model, intent on crushing him.
“What the hell is up with this thing?!”
The Bizen pierced its belly, and liquid poured out of its cocoon.
The pain upon touching it was immediate. The fluid continued to burn
Eva-01 Final Model’s restraint armor, and it ate a hole in the ground when it
dripped down.
Is it Matarael in that cocoon?! It hurts…but I can take it!
Final Model tried to regain his footing, but he couldn’t outrun the four
long legs that crawled out of the cocoon. They grabbed him in midair,
presumably intending to slam him into the ground.
Shinji braced himself as he felt the distance between them and the
ground reduce to nothing.
But the impact never came.
Matarael’s acid had burned the Earth away, exposing a cave network.
Final Model and the Carrier tumbled into the darkness.

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Chapter 24:
Into the Depths

Once past the initial resistance of the corroded ground, Final Model
found himself in free fall.
Was this an underground cave system?
He attempted to spread his wings on instinct, but the shaft was too
cramped. The wings slammed into the wall behind him, and the force
violently bounced him around within the stone cavity.
I’m putting out so much energy, I can’t make fine adjustments!
Final Model’s wings dispersed. He’d escaped the legs of the Carrier,
but now he experienced a kind of vertigo as he rattled down the shaft. He
didn’t know which way he was facing, but at least he knew where up was.
Matarael crawled across Final Model’s back, as if blocking his escape
path. It kicked its long legs into his body, sending the Eva tumbling. His free
fall continued. He tried activating his wings of light again, but they only
slammed his body into the wall.
I’m heading straight down.

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72 Goldenagato |
He’d inadvertently fallen into a deep fissure that ran vertically along
Yomotsu Hirasaka. While it wasn’t a wide crevice, it was wide enough that
you couldn’t span it by spreading your arms. Shinji extended his A.T. Field
outside of himself, scraping the walls behind and in front of him to slow the
free fall.
The Carrier gave chase as soon as he slowed down. Matarael’s four
long legs extended out of its belly like a lance. It brought its spear down on
the spherical A.T. Field, which Final Model had formed to prop himself
against the wall. He blocked the attack with the Bizen, but Matarael’s legs
were harder and sharper than before, possibly an effect of the Tower of
Babel. Shinji slanted his sword, redirecting his enemy’s attack, and slashed
up. Sparks flew as the two switched places in free fall.
He plunged the blade into the underside of the Angel Carrier and
pulled it out again with great force. The blow lopped off the Carrier’s arm,
along with the Q.R. Signum in its shoulder.
Pressure and temperature rose around him. Shinji looked down into the
fissure and saw a faint red glow. He’d succeeded in reducing the force of the
two-hundred-kilometer moon rock, but it had done plenty of damage all the
same. Its impact had opened fissures all over the Earth’s crust.
That red glow must be magma.
Perhaps the impact had caused it to overflow, or perhaps it was
escaping through a crack in the bottom of the sea.
Either way, lava had risen from the core to form a magma pool at the
bottom of this fissure. But there were circular rocks peeking out of the lava
that looked like they might make a good foothold.
Final Model put the Bizen to one side as his left hand held one of
Matarael’s legs at bay. He slipped past its other legs, lunging to the front of
the Carrier as the Angel’s remaining three legs tried to enclose him. The Eva
was too fast for it, and the Carrier’s back slammed into one of the circular
islands in the magma. Final Model brought his knee strikers down upon the
cocoon in the Carrier’s abdomen, crushing Matarael’s larva.
The one-armed Carrier thrust its hand at the Eva, but the Bizen quickly
destroyed its remaining Q.R. Signum with a side swipe.

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Shinji had succeeded in defeating one of the Carriers, but another soon
joined him. He’d seen this coming.
Another Sandalphon Carrier.
He kept it in his sights. “Toji, what’s going on at your end?!”
But then he remembered. The Babel effect prevented him from
communicating with anyone on the Earth’s crust.

Shinji had expected to engage Armaros soon after landing on the

If nothing else, my heartbeat should’ve called it here. I can’t be sitting
around under the Earth’s crust like this. I have to get back to the surface.
He had to return so he could attract the black giant.
“But can I fight Horaki-san?”
He heard a knocking. A knocking that came from the entry plug’s
Eva-01 Final Model was currently under Yomotsu Hirasaka. As such,
it was impossible for anyone to access his hatch.
“Open center hatch,” Shinji whispered, remaining alert. The virtual
display above him disappeared. The ceiling slid back, replaced by fluorescent
ceiling lights hanging from fireproof tiles.
The noisy classroom.
That answers that question.
Shinji couldn’t exist outside of the Eva’s dream. The classroom was his
only link with reality.
“Ikari-kun? Where are you right now?” Rei Trois asked. He could see
her black hair, corrupted by the Q.R. Signum, but he couldn’t afford to look
at her just now.
“Under Yomotsu Hirasaka. Fighting a Carrier that just fell into a lava

74 Goldenagato |
Final Model removed the Powered 8 railgun from the clamp on his
back and replaced it with the Bizen blade. His display warned him that the 8
might not work under these circumstances, but he fired a test shot to see.
With a successful bang, the gun told him that it would work just fine. He
lowered his body and approached the bubbling surface of the lava.
Trois remained expressionless, despite being the oldest of the Ayanami
Reis. She whispered, to avoid attracting the attention of the other students.
Katsuragi Misato invited the Seelefied Kaji Ryoji.
Memories came back to Shinji. “I thought I saw something when I left
Hakone. So it was the mutant Eva.”
The mutant Eva-0.0 was piloted by the turncoat Ayanami Rei Quatre.
She must have been present as well.
“She seems to be negotiating with him for information. For
something…in exchange for the replica Longinus.”
“She’s what…?”
“Will it be all right?” Trois asked, with a rare note of dissatisfaction.
Shinji didn’t have to say anything to make his dissent known.
Part of the lava flow slowly rose, and Shinji fired the 8 at it, sending
bursts of molten orange everywhere. But nothing came of it.
They’d gone through hell and back to retrieve the replica Lance of
Longinus, which had first been stolen when Asuka fought off a Carrier in
Eva-02. Shinji had then found it, and Rei Trois, on the Apple’s Core—the
testing grounds for the Human Instrumentality Project—with Rei Quatre’s
“To me, the replica Longinus is our most dangerous asset. You also
took it back so that Seele wouldn’t get his hands on it.”
“I don’t think Misato will give it up so easily. I think she might hand it
over to Seele if there was no other way. But if we can’t use it…”
Not that he could go back and take it now if he wanted to.
Is that why she gave us permission to leave? Because things would get
complicated if we stayed behind?
“Dammit. To hell with the consequences. I would’ve brought it along

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with me if I knew this would happen!”
Chairs rattled as the school bell announced the end of a class.
“Thank you, Ikari-kun. I have to go now.”
“Trois?” Shinji glanced at the hatch and found that it had closed. His
virtual display returned to the screen.
Is she planning something?
The Lance of Longinus replica. A powerful weapon currently
possessed by Nerv Japan. Shinji had thought of bringing it with him, but
Misato had stopped him, saying it wouldn’t make sense to bring such a
weapon on a classified reconnaissance mission.
“I don’t know if it’s actually going to work against Armaros. Better to
leave Hakone with some way of defending itself.”
Perhaps they’d resigned themselves to defeat on their way to the island.
Either way, he’d be fighting Hikari.
<<God knows what effect the actual Longinus would have on
Armaros, given how wild this island is.>>
<<But we can’t let them take away the replica. That would be the
worst possible scenario.>>
“What? Who’s there?” Shinji looked around the inside of the plug. The
voice sounded like…his own. Or at least, it felt like it. “What was that?”
The voices were audible representations of Shinji’s thoughts. He was
inside the Tower of Babel, the structure made by the Carriers’ staves. It
interrupted communications on the outside, but it had the opposite effect on
the inside, where thoughts and energy were transmitted at a rapid rate.
Is it happening again?
Shinji remembered the battle at Novaya Zemlya. The Carriers were
stronger inside the tower, but their conversations still proceeded at a linear
A communications boost doesn’t mean anything when I’m alone. But
the Carriers are still a lot stronger…
<<They might be disrupting our A.T. Fields.>>

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<<And we’re up against Sandalphon, an Angel particularly attuned to
volcanoes. This won’t end well.>>
Shinji gasped as he felt the ground shift beneath him. Matarael’s
corpse, which Final Model had been standing on, was beginning to
disintegrate. Its body had been splayed out over the circular boulder, its long
legs spread in four directions, but the rock was softer than he’d expected. He
began to wonder whether it was a rock at all. Either way, the Matarael Carrier
was sliding into the red-hot lava with Eva-01 Final Model still on top of it.
Shinji grunted. While the A.T. Field was supposed to protect him from
the intense heat, he still felt the liquid fire coming in from all sides. He
struggled, grasping for the rocks within his reach. But the boulders were
slippery. He couldn’t get a good grip on them. To make matters worse, he
was now experiencing tunnel vision due to the bright magma around him.
The A.I. registered the surrounding curvature and reflection as a hit to the
library, and the icon for “Designated Sealed Target” popped up. As his entire
body sank into magma, a large oval shape layered itself on top of his display.
“Chronostatic Sphere 70%.”
Final Model’s heart leaped in his chest.
Why here?!
The magma behind him erupted. All he could do was wait for the
Sandalphon Carrier to fall back down.
Immediately, Shinji readied the Powered 8.
Immediately, Shinji evaded.
Immediately, Shinji switched back to his blade.
What flooded his consciousness was more than mere words. The three
actions of Final Model overlapped like pictures and then froze. The three
Evas conflicted with each other, not only in words but in motion.
“The boundary between thoughts and words isn’t the only thing getting
blurred. The possibilities… They’re overlapping!”
Why had he immediately thought of that?

77 Goldenagato |
Was this another effect of the Tower of Babel? Lilith was present on
the bridge to the new world. She was the center of the Chronostatic Sphere,
the black egg…
The Carrier tackled him as he stood frozen.
His back slammed into the Chronostatic Sphere.
Blood rushed to his head.
What is this thing doing here?!
<<It’s because this is the elevator to the moon!>> one of his
fragmented possibilities said.
Shinji had had a hunch that the black egg would have been relocated to
the moon after it disappeared from the old Geofront. And now, here it was,
halfway on its journey. Its next stop would be the moon itself.
Final Model, waist deep in magma, pointed the gun with his right hand,
while his left hand reached for the sphere behind him.
“Father! Ritsuko-san!” Shinji banged on the surface with his fist.
Lilith had generated the Chronostatic Sphere three years ago at the
Battle at Nerv HQ, engulfing dozens of personnel. Commander Ikari Gendo
and Dr. Akagi Ritsuko were among those lost to the sphere.
<<Communication and impact shouldn’t get through if it’s made of the
same material as the Glass Egg in Hakone.>>
<<I can’t call on Father or Ritsuko-san in that case.>>
“Shut up!” Shinji shouted down his Possibilities.
He’d yet to find closure with his estranged father, even after three
years. In fact, he’d forced himself to forget about finding closure. But how
could he when time in the sphere had stopped? No one blamed him, and he
couldn’t even blame himself. The people inside the sphere had been counted
among the dead a long time ago.
That was supposed to be the end of it. The end of his father.
So why was he so troubled by it now?
Because time is moving inside that thing!

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<<Maya said that someone worked on Super Eva on the inside to turn
him into Final Model.>>
<<Father, Ritsuko-san, they all worked on me, touched me. But I can’t
remember a thing.>>
That’s insane!
His father had carved a message into the exterior of his foot,
presumably halfway through the remodeling.
<<I observe from the far side of time.>>
Shinji could almost see his smirk.
His heart pulsed like a warning bell. Yet the Chronostatic Sphere
remained indifferent. Much like his father.
Final Model continued sinking into the lava. Pain rushed up one of his
legs. The Sandalphon Carrier had bitten it.
His vision turned upside down.
The density of the magma here was three times that of water.
Theoretically, objects tended to float more easily in heavier liquids. But the
Sandalphon Carrier had latched its maw onto the Eva and was dragging him
down into the lava.
Shots flew from the railgun at his feet. The lava absorbed most of the
energy from the bullets, so it was doubtful that any of them had hit
Final Model’s pulse rang louder than the 8’s shots now. The Eva could
sense wavelengths from another planet if the pilot was up to it. But Shinji
couldn’t spot the Sandalphon Carrier hidden in the magma, possibly because
he was finding it difficult to concentrate. He carried on firing at his legs,
risking self-harm, but it seemed to be working. The force clamped on his foot
soon faded.
Final Model continued to flail within the pool of magma. Even as his
vision dimmed, he could still make out the object of his obsession—the giant
black egg looming over him like a shadow.
Magma continued to flow, burning Eva-01 Final Model’s shoulders.

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The Chronostatic Sphere started moving, slowly rising out of the lava.
Final Model spread his wings of light, pushing the black sphere, which
was larger than he was, out of the molten pool. His heart raced, and the black
disk on his back, the Time Brake, glowed. The four pylons opened and
started pushing him out.
Shinji screamed with all his might as he stumbled in the magma. With
a groan, he lifted the sphere out.
But that was all he could do.
The top of the egg stopped. Something was preventing its movement,
aside from the sheer weight of the thing.
“What now?!”
Sandalphon had smacked Final Model as it stood in the lava. He lost
his balance and fell. Without any footing, he could no longer hold the
Chronostatic Sphere, and the black egg landed upon Final Model, pushing
him into the magma.

Final Model reached up to climb the wall of the fissure.

The rock face crumbled when he grasped it. All that power, and he
could do nothing with it.
“Damn it all!”
An alert sounded from the threat behind him. “Pattern Blue, eight o’
Final Model reached for the Bizen and caught a full view of
Sandalphon. It was eight times larger than the Eva, about the size of the old
Angel Gaghiel.
The Angel Carrier was missing. Perhaps Shinji had managed to destroy
its Q.R. Signums when he blindly fired the 8. But it was more likely that the
Carrier had simply been crushed under the combined weight of the magma

80 Goldenagato |
and Sandalphon’s girth. That was what the appearance of Pattern Blue
I can’t breathe.
Final Model attempted a counterattack, but his branching selves
blocked him.
“I won’t fall for it twice!”
Shinji took a deep breath of the LCL, bracing for the Angel’s second
attack. His possibilities split again, but they didn’t come into conflict. The
three hypothetical Final Models jumped in three different directions, each
readying his own Bizen.
The wings of light were more difficult to close than they were to
spread. Kaworu had warned him about the difficulty of returning to his
human vessel once he flew in Super Eva. Now his wings were sparking like a
jet engine. The action was more thrust and less flap.
Shinji did his best to control it through his breathing. With a flash, the
wings of light subsided and then he jumped. The three strikes lopped off both
of Sandalphon’s arms.
What is this? It’s hard to breathe, but I can put out a lot of power…
The giant Angel fell into the lava, its armless body splashing about like
a flatfish. Molten orange splattered in all directions. Three blades
immediately pursued it, piercing right through its core.
I’m burning up!
And not simply because he was in a high-temperature, high-pressure
Shinji slowly pulled the Bizen out of the Angel’s flesh.
“What’s happening over there?”
Another Final Model stood in front of him. He pulled the Bizen out of
the core, and his body was covered in black outlines. Then the shade
“Oh… That’s me…”

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Shinji felt like he was hearing an alarm clock in his sleep; distant and
constant. The warning windows in his plug were wrenching him from his
slumber as they detected what was happening to his consciousness. He’d
been going to school, but he’d never attended any classes that taught him
how to deal with a phase-changing Final Model.
“This is bad,” Shinji said, realizing the trouble he was in. He was
carrying the world’s biggest payload, the peak of the Third Impact’s power,
and with a lit fuse, no less.
His four pylons were already working overtime to help the Time Brake
halt the discharge. His display showed the black void on his back glowing a
menacing red. If the brake failed, the Third Impact would resume.
“Eva-01 Final Model to Hakone command!” he shouted at his console,
despite the futility of it.
Shinji calmed himself. He was out of breath.
Why… Why am I more worried about Father than my friends and the
Ikari Gendo was a stubborn man. Shinji denied any similarity between
him and his father any time someone pointed one out.
We’re not alike at all. We’re complete opposites.
He remembered his father when he spoke to Ayanami.
That was the second Ayanami. But now…
An image of Rei Trois flashed into his mind.
“You have to face your father.” That’s what Misato-san would say.
Shinji felt this was inevitable, the way things were going.
I have to see Father.
And that was why he couldn’t let it all end here.
The peak of the Third Impact’s power. He couldn’t just open the lid
like a boiling kettle. He had to figure out how to direct the energy.

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Which can only mean one thing.
“I have to gather the energy—in my right hand—before it runs out of
my body!”
Ayanami Rei Trois had previously decided to travel into space as a
sniper. Shinji had escorted her into orbit himself. Upon reactivation, Eva-0.0
had photonized the excess power of the exterior S2 engine and ejected it from
the Eva.
Now, get out! Shinji said this to himself, underlining his intent. Again,
the possibilities branched. Two more Final Models walked out of Final
<<I’m holding a weapon in my right hand. I’ll use my left hand!>>
<<There’s so much power. I’ll need both hands!>>
The possible futures are being realized in this prologue to the new
“Don’t screw this up, Shinji!”
It was the first time he’d been so assertive with himself. The two Final
Models turned to look at him.
<<So that’s how it is,>> said one of the possibilities.
<<No time for second guessing now,>> said another.
The possibilities should have returned to him, since he’d decided they
were mere possibilities. “But…”
<<But even if it’s a long shot…I’d like to see it.>>
<<Only one way to find out.>>
The three Final Models formed a circle before he could explode. They
put their right hands on top of each other. The concentrated light from the
impact felt dense and heavy, pulling their arms down under the weight. The
three Evas fell to their knees, their shoulder pylons scraping against each
All the possibilities lifted their hands in unison.
He couldn’t fall now. He still had to confront Hikari/Armaros. Then

83 Goldenagato |
they would all return to Hakone together. He would talk to his father in his
own words. He couldn’t fall. Not now!
“I don’t know what I am!”
<<I don’t know what this world will become!>>
<<I don’t know what my place will be!>>
The three Final Models came together, lifting their shining right hands
to the sky.
Hear me!

Meanwhile, on the surface of Yomotsu Hirasaka Island…

“Whoa!” Toji saw the exact moment the soapy membrane of the Tower
of Babel broke. A pillar of light shot into the sky. The beam kept getting
longer and longer.
Under the Earth, a gigantic arm of light reeled, as if throwing a javelin.
“Keep it down, Suzuhara!”
“I mean, look at that thing!”
The arm of the giant of light. The very arm that had carried Yomotsu
Hirasaka to Earth. The arm flung the spear at the spatial lens in orbit.

Kaworu’s voice whispered in Shinji’s ear.

That was a lance you actualized using the limits of your consciousness.
No weapon. No myth. The lance of philosophy. The Lance of Lucretius. The
Impactor will demand full disclosure, because you’ve struck at the placenta
of the new world. I can’t wait to see how the world reacts to this.
Countless crystal fragments sparkled across the sky. The original
Lance of Longinus orbited the globe at an altitude of twenty thousand
kilometers. Now, the spatial lens, presumed to be a field distortion situated at
a similar height, shattered like glass upon the spear of light’s impact.

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The spear turned a metallic gold as it passed through the lens, grazing
the moon before speeding away.
The great pillar of seawater rushing from the coast of Yomotsu
Hirasaka lost its momentum and collapsed.
Victorious, Eva-01 Final Model had reverted to its original state and
was now clinging to the edge of the gaping fissure.

85 Goldenagato |
86 Goldenagato |
Chapter 25:

T HE LANCE OF LONGINUS behaved like it had in North Africa, as if

someone had incurred its wrath. The lance descended from its altitude, tip
first. Its current length was 305,000 kilometers, almost forming a perfect ring.
Now, it did a violent, ninety-degree turn, coming straight down on Yomotsu
Hirasaka Island.
“The Lance of Longinus changed its trajectory?!”
It happened right after Misato received word of an unknown force
destroying the spatial lens.
That was cause enough for celebration, but fear quickly followed. The
lance would now punish the one responsible, and the Earth right along with
Was it Shinji? He was the first person Misato had thought of when she
heard the news. How?!
She glanced at the enemy—the enemy she herself had invited—Seele.
“The lens should be impervious to physical attacks. They would be
ionized and reconstituted on the other side of it. So how…?” Kaji furrowed
his eyebrows.
“This is quite a predicament. Perhaps we could discuss it in the
command center rather than here.”

The Lance of Longinus came down upon Shinji like divine retribution.
<<Above you!>>
<<The lance is coming!>>
Toji and Asuka shouted at Shinji, who’d managed to climb out of the
deep fissure.
Eva-01 Final Model looked overhead, still unsure as to what was going

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A chill ran down his spine. Shinji remembered his last encounter with
the lance. It had traveled at a blinding speed of ninety kilometers per second.
By the time he saw it, the thing had gone right through him.
He remembered North Africa, how the Lance of Longinus had gouged
Super Eva’s heart right out of his chest. His hairs stood on end.
What do I do?!
There was no escaping the absurd weapon and its ability to alter its
path at will.
The giant flinched from uncontainable fear.
It was as if the world itself shook.

Ten seconds. Twenty seconds. Thirty seconds passed. They felt like an
Final Model had raised his hands to cover his face. Now he peeked
through the gaps in his fingers.
An unsettling silence.
<<Kzzzt—This is Hakone command to Final Model.>> Hyuga’s voice
streamed into Shinji’s ears as he gazed at the sky.
<<The Lance of Longinus has stopped, ten thousand kilometers over
Yomotsu Hirasaka. I repeat, the Lance of Longinus has stopped.>>
“Phew…” The twin-pronged lance had never stopped, not since
Armaros had thrown it from the surface of the moon. It had run right through
Ayanami Rei Cinque in orbit. It had pierced Shinji’s heart in North Africa. It
had flown from the South Pacific to the archipelago like the wire of God.
The Lance of Longinus had no regard for the hopes of humanity. And
now, it had stopped.
“Heh heh…” The corners of Shinji’s lips softened as the beginning of
an awkward laugh formed.

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“Heh heh heh… Ah ha ha ha! Ha ha ha ha!”
<<You okay, bud?>>
Shinji kept laughing until he choked and started coughing. He was
wheezing in the LCL now. It was a strange feeling. But he finally felt like he
was on the scoreboard. For the first time, he saw the overwhelming force of
the enemy being thwarted.
“You can’t bring the lance down on me even after I destroyed the lens.
This island is too valuable.”
<<There’s an Ark here,>> Asuka said.
“And I saw the Chronostatic Sphere deep in the Earth. I think Lilith’s
still in there.”
Along with Father and all the rest…
They were both objects impervious to physical damage. Their presence
on this island meant that it would be the start of the new creation. The
command center buzzed as they talked about their observations like one
might talk about the weather. With communications reestablished, Final
Model, Platypus-2, and Hakone could finally compare notes.
Hyuga studied the underground vertical space and whispered to Aoba.
“That fissure looks like a cannon. Do you think they’re trying to use the
pressure to launch the sphere from our side?”
“Launch it to the moon? The new world?”
“Yeah. There’s another Ark on the moon, and I don’t think it can move
there by itself. Probably the switch from Earth to moon would be complete
with the addition of Lilith’s Sphere. If we could prevent it somehow…”
<<Shinji-kun, what did you do?!>> Maya’s voice.
I threw something… But what?
“I… I threw a spear.” Kaworu had said that much.
“I was stuck in an underground magma pool…and my hand grabbed
the spear. I threw it at the sky, thinking it was made of lava. I think Kaworu
called it the Lance of Lucresomething…”

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<<That’s it! That was the thing that shot through the tower and
shattered the spatial lens!>> Toji cut into their conversation excitedly.
Maya proceeded to tell Shinji the cost of his actions. <<It’s your
telemetry reading. It suddenly dipped by 0.13 seconds!>>
<<Wha…?! Shinji, you moron!>>
<<Listen to me!>> Maya said. <<You just used sixteen percent of the
Third Impact’s power—of your remaining life.>>
Shinji didn’t answer.
I already saw everything she’s saying on the warning windows.
<<Detecting movement on the ground. Lots of it.>> Asuka said, the
sense of urgency returning to her.
“Are they the blackish creatures we heard about?”
<<No. They’re all of uniform shape and rock solid. Match found on
database. They’re Q.R. Signums!>>
<<To the north of you, Shinji! And to the south, too!>>
The JSSDF Akashima’s icon lit up on the comms display.
<<Nerv, black plates—Q.R. Signums—are covering the ground to the
There was a beeping sound to the right. The North American Alliance
was calling in now. There were still survivors on the ground. They’d engaged
with the Angel Carriers and were requesting pickup and air support.
<<We have survivors! The Akashima will go back them up.>>
“He’s coming,” Asuka said.
“Yeah, that’s why we’re here. Shinji’s in a good spot to put a stop to
this damned creation myth.”
Armaros was coming. They’d rushed to the island, defying orders,
specifically to confront him. To confront her. The pilot of the Euro Eva,
Hikari, who’d been transformed into the black giant after defeating him.
The scales gathered on a steep rocky mountain at the center of the
island whose peak was taller than Everest. Toji and Asuka went higher in
their Platypus-2 to get a better look.

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“So, Suzuhara, what are you gonna do when you see Hikari?”
“Well… First of all—”
Asuka looked at Toji as he stopped himself mid-sentence. She’d
always thought he was dumb, but his was the type of dumb that was fool
enough to come up with a plan. This time, however, he wasn’t prepared.
“Shh. Wait… What—” Toji stiffened, twitching. “Sh-shut up! Go
Asuka’s skin crawled when she heard him scream.
<<What’s going on, Asuka?!>> Shinji picked up on her distress from
inside Final Model.
“It’s Suzuhara. He’s acting weird!”
Toji returned to himself upon hearing his name. “You… You didn’t
hear that just now? This is bad. Real bad. Soryu, take over the controls!”
“I-I can’t. I don’t know how!”
The jet began slanting to the side. Toji did his best to stabilize it with
the control stick, but he looked as if he was suppressing his right hand with
his left. For some reason, he had more control of his cybernetic hand. He
raised his head with grim realization.
“Is this…your voice? I want to be wrong…but I know I’m not…”
“You’re not saying…?”
Both Toji and Asuka had observed this exact situation before. It was
what happened to the Ayanamis when they acted as the black giant’s puppets.
“It’s Hikari’s voice…” Toji said.
But Asuka didn’t understand.
“Can’t you hear it? This Armaros is talking with Hikari’s voice.”

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Chapter 26:

<<I can’t stand just sitting around all day.>>

“Huh?” Back in Hakone, Ayanami Rei Trois turned in the direction of
the voice. “Quatre? How did you get in?”
Quatre had arrived with Kaji. She’d last been seen on the top deck, on
top of her mutant Eva. Had she snuck into the base somehow?
<<Security isn’t exactly pristine here.>>
<<Did someone say all-you-can-eat pralines?! Where?>> Six’s voice
joined in.
“Wait…” Trois said. “Our mental mirroring is reestablished.”
The link between the Ayanamis had been broken ever since Rei Quatre
took a Q.R. Signum into her Eva.
<<So it has.>>
<<How’d that happen?>>
She could hear their voices the way she could feel the sun after the
clouds had gone away. Had they finally been released from Armaros’
clutches? But that couldn’t be. Quatre’s mutant Eva still
had an active Q.R. Signum inside it, and the corruption left behind
remained on Quatre’s and Trois’ bodies.
But how to explain this?
“Listen up, us,” Trois started. “No, that’s not right,” she corrected
herself. “Quatre, Six, let’s talk with Trois.”

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Chapter 27:
A New Mouthpiece

Asuka sent an emergency broadcast. “Mayday! Pilot has lost

consciousness, and we’re losing control! Shinji! Hakone command!”
<<Hakone command to Platypus-2! Switch to UAV mode! The A.I.
should be able to take care of it!>>
<<Uhhh…>> Asuka looked around at the panels. Toji was still
struggling, but he could control his mechanical arm enough to flip open the
control panel.
“That which must not be… I got it!”
“Asuka, what’s happening?!” Shinji asked.
Final Model turned to Platypus-2, and that was when he saw the
mountains move, like an optical illusion.
“Giant beast sighted! It’s coming this way! Why now?!” But it was no
accident that the beast had picked this moment to appear.
It headed in the direction of the gathering Q.R. Signum. The assistant
combat A.I. identified the threat, but it was too large to get a reading.
<<Acting Deputy! I think Suzuhara’s picking up the black giant’s
thoughts… But why?! Why isn’t Armaros speaking through the Reis?!>>
It was because Armaros’ spirit had changed.
The half-mechanical half-organic beast shook earth and air as it
approached. It paid no attention to Final Model or the demon-possessed
“Is it going after the Q.R. Signums?”
Toji and Asuka’s jet stabilized from its tailspin. Now they were
looking for a landing zone.
<<Dammit, you knocked me on the head!>>
<<You’ll be fine. We’re okay now. This thing should be able to take us

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down safely. But that thing… It’s crying.>>
Final Model stopped in midair after being reassured of their safety. He
now saw countless animals of all shapes and sizes running after the giant
beast. The creatures moved with an unnatural speed. Their bodies weren’t
even built to go that fast. Perhaps these were the creatures the Akashima had
seen, the humans who’d lost their form after being overwhelmed by the Ark’s
life-form data.
They jumped into the giant body like it was a pool, melting into it.
The beast swelled as it absorbed each and every creature. Its claws
raked the earth over and over, scattering broken fragments of Q.R. Signums
everywhere. It was as if it was trying to prevent itself from absorbing them.
But all across the animal’s gigantic body, the black scales stood erect. It lifted
its newly formed arm like a weapon, and the body of the new black giant
appeared at last.
“Eva-01 Final Model to Hakone command. Armaros sighted. E4,
twenty seconds, sixty percent of tentative map. Subject armed with… Is that
a trombone? It looks like a musical instrument…”
<<That’s the positron rifle.>> Euro Eva Heurtebise’s rifle had been
transformed in both shape and size.
The Platypus-2 found a relatively flat piece of ground, and it shifted
into landing gear and began its descent upon the soft moss. On the other side
of the hill, the giant beast was attacking Armaros. Flames blew out of the
black giant’s instrument.
On this strange island, their adversary now faced a representative of all
non-human species.

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Chapter 28:
Wrath of the Beast

T HE AMALGAMATED GIANT BEAST, upon whose forehead Eva-02 lay

buried, dodged Armaros’ opening salvo. The shot hit the hill behind it, and
the earth rumbled from the impact. But the beast’s size proved to be a
disadvantage as the next antiproton blast hit it a few seconds later. Antimatter
reactions wracked its mountain-like body, but the beast charged at the black
giant and sank its vengeful fangs into his shoulder.
Another gunshot blared.
“The trumpet is sounded,” the Kaji-vessel whispered as he saw the
image on the screen.

Asuka struggled to get Toji out of his harness.

“Urgh… Humans are supposed to rule…over the beasts of the earth…”
“Yeah, yeah, we get it. Hang in there, now. We’re just getting started.”
“I know… Dammit! It’s the same thing that happened with the U.S.
Eva. Why is he so hostile toward non-human creatures?” Toji forced himself
up through his convulsions. “Answer me, Hikari.”

<<Those without will are doomed to obey.>>

The giant beast stared in disbelief at the hole in its chest. It looked like
it was crumbling.
But in fact, it had dissolved into a flock of birds. Strangely, Eva-02 had
disappeared along with it. Was it, too, transformed?
Kaji spoke with Seele’s knowledge. “They are only animals in the end,
nothing but concentrated matter. Even if they could become the soil of the
Human Instrumentality Project, they cannot climb the steps and be its

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Misato stood silent next to him, not sure what to make of his statement.
The Kaji-vessel concluded, “But it would be a different story if they
got their hands on a core.”

As the flock flew away. Asuka saw a small white figure run into the
forest, as if giving chase.
Asuka put her hands on the throttle of the idling Platypus-2. She
clicked her tongue, “Ugh! I would’ve learned how to fly this thing if I knew
this would happen!” She started rifling through the equipment to see if there
was anything she could use.
“Mari… Mari what…?” Toji said, looking at her.
Asuka slapped his leg. “You pick now, of all times, to be useless?!”
She opened the cockpit.

Shinji could hear it now. “Vice Rep…”
Hikari’s voice.
Final Model confronted the Armaros as birds flew off on either side of

“Horaki-san… Can you hear me?”

There was a time when he’d called her “Class Rep” and “Vice Rep,”
and even “Hikari-chan.” But “Horaki-san” was how he’d referred to her ever
since they’d entered high school. The pitch-black positron rifle gleamed in
her hand like a brass instrument. He hoped against hope that she wouldn’t
point it at him, but that was out of the question. Shinji had rebelled by
breaking the lens in the sky, and now Armaros had come to dispose of him.
It’s not impossible. If it were, I wouldn’t have bothered coming here.
<<I can hear you…feel you.>>

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“How about you get out of that thing, and we can all go back to Tokyo-
3 together?”
<<I can’t…>>
But the black giant pointed her gun at him before he could finish.
The positron rifle flashed. He managed to erect an A.T. Field, Bizen
still in hand, to repel it. But the knockback proved too great, and Final Model
tumbled from the impact. Armaros closed the distance within those few steps.
She swung the stock of her glowing rifle right past Bizen and into Final
Model’s throat.
It knocked all 3,500 tons of him into the air.
The force felt like it would stop his breathing.
Maybe I don’t even need to breathe, since I only exist in an Eva’s
But the pain rattled his mind.
No! If I don’t fight her, I’m going to lose.
“Not that I wanna win, either!”
The body of the Euro Eva was close to two times its original size now.
Perhaps this happened to everything possessed by Armaros.
Final model crashed into an idyllic forest. Shinji felt the incoming shot
before he could see it. He spread his wings of light just enough to nudge him
away from the positron rifle’s gamma-ray burst.

Toji realized that Asuka had left him alone after they’d landed. He
roused himself, opening the throttle.
<<Stop it, Hikari!>>
The Platypus-2 flew again with a roar of its graviton floaters.

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<<I killed them… Destroyed them… Destroyed! Destroyed!>>
Armaros’ rifle had gained a bayonet, and it was now carving a circle
into the ground. Chunks of earth flew all around, several of them hitting the
jet’s shields.
<<You didn’t intend to!>>
<<But I carried it out with these hands!>>
Now linked to Armaros, Toji needed no words to understand the reality
of Hikari’s situation.
<<I can feel the pain of everything I destroyed, the deaths of everyone
I killed! I can feel it flow through my arms!>>
<<Help me, Toji!>>
The sight was beyond description. Human lives ended as quickly as
their bodies scattered. A major city was leveled in an instant. He didn’t know
how to save her after being confronted with such a vision. For an instant, the
stage went still.
And then…
Final Model’s heart, Shinji’s heart, pulsed from deep within the
mountain ridge.
<<I must stop…that noise.>> Hikari’s voice was monotone.
“Why?! That’s Shinji’s heart!”
<<You’re getting too close, Toji!>> Shinji shouted from the shadow of
the rock.
He’s trying to distract me by making me focus on Horaki!
<<With time…humanity will have no need for words or thoughts as a
basis for their actions. They shall have something purer.>>
“What are you talking about?!”
No one knew where Armaros started and Hikari ended. The words

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belonged to Hikari, and with her superior vocabulary, she could convey
things the Ayanamis couldn’t.
<<In a word, it’s the pulse. The rhythm that misleads life.>>
Toji blocked Armaros’ path. The black giant suddenly crumbled,
melting into the ground. Countless Q.R. Signums slipped right under the
“No! She’s going your way, Shinji!”
Shinji saw the first hints of Q.R. Signum form out of the rock he was
hiding behind and backed away. But it was too late. An arm protruded from
the pool of black scales, caught him, and knocked him to the ground.
The rest of Armaros’ body emerged from the rocks, which had acted as
her shield. She shoved the bayonet of the positron toward his heart, where the
Center Trigonus was located.

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<<That is why I must erase your pulse!>>
Shinji grabbed the barrel, redirecting the fatal shot. The bullet exploded
into the ground behind Final Model, and he took advantage of the blast to
tackle Armaros.
Unfortunately, the black giant was already sinking back into the rock
wall. Hikari’s voice echoed over the broken valley.
<<Humanity will continue to hope as long as that thing exists! It will
continue to connect the rhythm of life! We cannot proceed to the new
The sound reverberated through the mountain.
“Why can’t I detect the effect?!”
The barrel of the rifle caught Shinji off guard as it swept his feet out
from under him.
<<We cannot proceed if the Human Instrumentality Project is not
brought to completion, no matter how many times we repeat this world!>>
Shinji activated his wings in panic. Hikari would know to go after his
feet. He remembered the struggle against this strategy of hers back in
Hokkaido. He’d hoped to cross the Armaros bridge when she got here, but
that ship had long since sailed.

“That’s enough!”
Toji couldn’t argue with Hikari when her thoughts were being
transmitted directly into his brain. He was talking to her now, not through
telepathy but through the Novaya Zemlya communications protocol.
“Let’s talk about this, Hikari!”
He heard Hikari’s voice as she fired at Eva-01 Final Model in the sky.
<<I don’t need words to talk with you anymore, Toji. See? I can
communicate with you just fine.>>

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Toji felt unsettled, as if a giant eye was looking at him. The mind link
would’ve made him lose consciousness again had he not been prepared for it.
He gasped, realizing that his plane was going down. The balance needle of its
graviton floaters screeched as if under heavy stress.
I’m under attack? No!
<<Toji!>> Shinji sent him an image of the Platypus-2 through Final
Model’s eyes. <<Abandon ship! Eject now!>>
A band of polished black light stretched up from the ground to engulf
the Platypus-2. Now it seemed as if the jet was sprouting arms of its own.
Arms that looked like they belonged to a hollow suit of armor.
Shinji screamed. <<That’s a Torwächter arm! You’re being turned into
one of her eternal servants!>>
The positron cannon hanging from the Platypus-2 switched to its
photon excitation mode and turned. A blinding beam of light fired at the arm,
amputating the grotesque growth. The arm fell to the ground with a loud
thud, and Toji’s jet shot up like a bullet.
What the hell was that?!
The whole thing felt like an illusion, but the wing cameras showed the
stump of an arm still squirming.
<<Come with me, Toji.>> Shinji and the others were probably
watching and wondering how another Torwächter had come into existence.
“Now, hang on…” He suddenly felt terrified of Hikari.
<<I can take you with me as a memory if you don’t want to.>> Which
was a poetic way of saying she’d kill him.
Still, Toji couldn’t agree. The chain of supernatural phenomena was
supposed to break him, but it only ended up motivating him. He knew that
Hikari wasn’t the one talking right now. He took the Platypus-2 and charged.
<<Get away from there, Toji! She’s baiting you!>>
He ignored Shinji’s pleas.
Toji’s jet avoided the tip of Armaros’ positron bayonet with a sudden
drop of altitude brought on by a deliberate deactivation of the VTOL’s

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floaters. He didn’t think Hikari was responsible for all the horrors Armaros
had committed.
Armaros pointed her gun at the Platypus-2 and fired. The repulsor field
generated by the N2 reactor deflected the shot, but the fuselage rolled
violently from the explosion. Toji’s prosthetic leg smacked against his chin,
and he immediately felt woozy.
His surroundings brightened as he felt himself fading away. Final
Model had deployed his wings of light and dashed in between the black giant
and the plane before Armaros could get another shot in. A dust cloud
exploded behind the Eva as the shock wave finally caught up to him.
“You need to cut your neural feedback link when you get cut like that.
You might end up crippled otherwise!”
Shinji was shouting. Bizen’s slanted blade was still sheathed in the
field. He brandished his pommel at Armaros.
“Sorry, Vice Rep! I’m carving the entry unit out of that body and
taking you home!”

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Chapter 29:

A SUKA HAD DEPLANED the Platypus-2 and was speeding away from it
on the dirt bike Toji had loaded into the cargo section. It was the same bike
Toji had used in Hokkaido as Nerv’s attaché, when he’d gone up and down
the northern mountains in search of Euro Rapid Response soldiers who’d
crash there. The bike was as battered as the heavy VTOL that carried it.
She was getting used to driving around the uneven terrain, but without
a destination, she was still wasting time. Could she really catch up with Mari?
I should’ve given this some thought…
Meanwhile, the birds that had flown north changed course, passing by
her overhead. Asuka dropped her eyes back to the road…and saw Mari and a
golden retriever. They were still following the flock.
“Mari! Azuchi!”
Mari gave her a passing glance, but Azuchi actually barked in
response. Neither of them stopped, however.

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“Hey, wait up!”
As Asuka turned her bike around, a pack of animals appeared,
following Mari and Azuchi. They ran past her, down a steep cliff without
“You’re kidding…”
Asuka looked ahead at the forest Mari was running toward, at the
foggy valley the birds had disappeared into. As she watched, the giant beast
reappeared out of the mist. It let out a sky-piercing howl.
As she felt the pressure it gave off, Asuka understood.
That enormous thing is what Wolfpack became!
Asuka cranked the accelerator. There was no need for second guesses
“Shinji! Tell Hakone command that I’ve found Mari. I can’t get to
them from my end. She’s wearing Six’s plugsuit, so I can track her with her
IFF tag as long as I’m close enough.”
<<Asuka, you’re not with Toji?!>>
“I’m in my plugsuit, too. Tell them to track my signal if it comes to
She let go of the transmit button. Mari was in sight now.
“Come on, Mari, we almost killed each other! The least we can do is
What had happened between them was ridiculous. At the time, Asuka
had been synthesized with her Eva, along with thousands of other life-forms.
The Asuka/Eva synthesis had become Mari’s ideal, and in the end, the U.S.
Eva had devoured her.
The match was supposed to end with Mari victorious, but both of them
had been ionized by the spatial lens as it transported matter to Yomotsu
Hirasaka. When they were reconstituted at the focal point closest to the Earth,
all traces of their Evas and other life-forms were gone. They had reverted to
ordinary girls.
“We weren’t the only ones reconstituted over Yomotsu Hirasaka. Unit
Two and Wolfpack got the same treatment elsewhere.”

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It didn’t sit well with her that her reversion had basically been a
shipping accident.
But why is Wolfpack so huge?
“Hey!” Asuka spoke to Mari directly. “You don’t think it got huge
because the lens lost focus, do you?!”
“There’s a box with countless life-forms on this island,” Mari said.
The Ark.
“Those lives continued to exist despite being locked away, and they’ve
built up a lot of rage. The beast only took that into itself. The same goes for
the life-forms you had in you, Asuka, and all the birds in the sky.”
The rage of being locked away in the Ark indefinitely, over countless
cycles of worlds…an eternity.
“You couldn’t keep your hands off me when you were reconstituted.
You cried like a lost child. Now you won’t even bother looking at me.”
Which means she has somewhere she needs to be.
“I have to go home to it, give it a reason other than rage. I can’t go
back to being human or Eva.”
Mari punctuated her statement with a howl. The other animals howled
with her. In the distance, a loud roar rumbled through the air.
Although Asuka couldn’t really understand Mari’s perspective, their
destination was the same.
“I know what I’m going to do when I get there. I’m going to rip Unit
Two out of your pack.”

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Chapter 30:

Rei Quatre, bored of waiting for Seele/Kaji/Kaji, got off the mutant
Eva that was parked on the top deck of HQ and made her way to
Sengokuhara High School. This would be the second time Quatre had been to
the school layered under Shinji’s dream. She’d been far away last time and
only went to school when she was asleep. Now she broadcast her intentions
over the Ayanami mental mirroring.
<<I think I’ll walk today.>>
For once, Rei Trois wasn’t under troublesome security surveillance, so
she told Quatre how to get there.
“Well then…”
Quatre and Six had accepted Trois’ invitation to talk. All she could do
now was wait.
The school was restless as it entered break time. Turncoat Quatre
looked very similar to Trois, so she’d passed unnoticed. But the seat behind
her shuffled suddenly. This was what drew the class’s attention.
She turned around. “Suzuhara-kun? I thought you were supposed to be
at Yomotsu Hirasaka.”
Toji’s figure was hazy.
“This is…the classroom. I’m still in the middle of a fight.”
“You know this classroom is Ikari-kun’s dream, don’t you? It pulls the
consciousness of his classmates into itself. You have to go back. You might
lose your physical body.”
Quatre smirked, pressing her hand on Toji’s chest like she was about to
push him. The hustle and bustle of their classmates continued unabated.
“You’re…Quatre? Ayanami Quatre…I need a favor.”
“I’m getting a lot of requests today.”

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He whispered something into her ear, and then he was gone.

Toji awoke in the cockpit of the Platypus-2. He didn’t have to shake

himself awake. The turbulent roll had already done the job for him. He
reversed the graviton thrusters on the other side of the rudder to reposition the
The tailspin stopped after the A.I. kicked in. He’d managed to avoid a
direct hit, but the shock wave clipped part of his left wing. A plane that
operated solely on aerodynamics would’ve crashed by now.
<<Toji!>> Shinji shouted frantically.
“I’m fine! But Shinji…!”
“Please, save Hikari!”

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Chapter 31:
Skeleton Key


“Stop it! What do you think you’re doing?!”
Normally, Seele/Kaji/Kaji could keep Quatre’s mutant Eva in check.
“You don’t expect me to just sit here and negotiate.”
But now the mutant Eva was running amok in HQ.
“She can take the Longinus replica herself if she knows where to
“Is this your idea of a negotiation?!”
Guns surrounded Kaji in the cafeteria as Quatre had her field day.
“We haven’t even begun negotiating. Either way, I have nothing to do
with this. I can no longer control the black scale. If you have any complaints,
direct it to the puppet!”
Quatre’s Eva jumped down the hole in the center of the top deck,
surrounded by anti-air units pointed at her. She plummeted past the dome of
the sarcophagus that contained the old Geofront and broke through the
underground complex with her halberd.
“Southeast containment unit six.” Fuyutsuki started directing the
command center as he read the status board. “Unit Zero, Trois. Prepare for
combat in enclosed space. Proceed to containment unit six via routes three
through six.”
“This is Trois. Acknowledged.”
The earth shook through the earthquake-proof structure. An
underground explosion.
“Quatre’s Mutant Eva has arrived at Containment Unit Six!”
“Drown her in fast-acting bakelite as soon as she breaks through! That
mutant can teleport whenever she wants.”

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Hyuga relayed corrections to Trois, who was rushing to the scene.
“Command to Trois. You seem to be stopping above route six.
Everything okay there?”
Trois wasn’t on the sixth track of the linear transport rail. She was
walking along the track of route three. A secret cargo train approached her,
one that wasn’t in the diagram of the higher-ups. She forced it to stop with
her Eva. The car went off the tracks. The heavy refrigerated box it was
transporting broke open, releasing cold vapor. Trois reached in and found
what she was looking for. The replica of the Lance of Longinus vibrated in
her hands.
“They transported it as soon as you told them where you were going.”
<<You could make it as a thief. Granted, you’re not as talented as I
Quatre smirked perversely over the mental mirroring. Trois had leaked
the lance’s location to Quatre, since she wanted to smoke it out. Her plan had
gone off without a hitch. Quatre’s mutant Eva escaped from the foot of
Mount Kamiyama under the fire of heavy artillery. She spread her black
wings and flew over the caldera.
<<That was excellent, Trois. But what now? And what about the small
<<Aaaaah! I—can’t—hear—yoooooou! I didn’t see anything,
The Eva-0.0 Type-F Allegorica proceeded to the Komagatake sniping
post at a deliberately leisurely pace.
“Ikari-kun and the others are fighting right now. This might be the
skeleton key to either make or break the world. I will not let it be used as a
bargaining chip for Seele.”
In the end, Trois’ Eva-0.0 couldn’t escape the Hakone caldera. She
took the Lance of Longinus replica and ran to the Glass Egg that hovered
over the shores of Lake Ashi. The impervious object had once been the shell
of Lilith’s Chronostatic Sphere in Central Dogma.
And so, Trois barricaded herself inside it.

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Chapter 32:
Fortress of Frosted Glass


The Glass Egg. A 666-meter structure made of matter…or perhaps a
power field. Aside from the eighty-meter opening (already present upon
discovery), the thing was absolutely impervious to all forms of damage and
was on its way to being repurposed as a shelter.
Rei Trois’ Eva-0.0 passed by the construction equipment, replica of the
Lance of Longinus in hand.
<<Control to Unit Zero. Trois, return to the cage.>>
Despite being in close proximity with HQ, Hyuga’s comms sounded
distant because of the Glass Egg’s electromagnetic shielding capabilities.
Usually, Eva-0.0 would be remotely shut down via telemetry. Trois had
anticipated this move and disabled the feature before she carried out her plan.
She’d been forced into the Glass Egg like a rat into a corner, but Eva-
0.0 could function indefinitely, thanks to its external S2 engine. HQ knew that
Trois would be in trouble were she put under siege conditions.
Fuyutsuki tried talking her out of it. <<Deboard and surrender yourself
to the security division immediately. You are guilty of unauthorized
operation of an Eva, theft of a highly critical weapon, and destruction of
property in the process. Surrender, and we’ll let you off with disciplinary
action. But should you continue your insubordination while in an Evangelion,
you will be charged with treason.>>
But Trois had made up her mind. “You’re the ones betraying
everybody,” she declared through the comm speakers. “Nerv isn’t what it
used to be when Commander Ikari was around. We no longer have any
contact with secret organizations like Seele. Ikari-kun destroyed that era.”
Misato heard this exchange in the cafeteria. A data terminal sat on the
table, and on the other side sat the Kaji-vessel.
“Don’t you think it’s strange, Kaji-kun?”

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“I think it’s a bad joke. I thought you people wanted to negotiate with
“I’d like to know why the Rei you brought with you, Quatre, went
crazy earlier. Where is she?”
“I don’t know anything about that puppet’s emotions or motivations.”
Rei Quatre had disappeared, along with her mutant Eva. It felt as if the
other two Ayanamis had been drawn into her madness. In any case, none of
them seemed likely to follow orders now, be it from Misato or Seele. Misato
was sure of one thing, however.
We adults betrayed you. That’s what you think, isn’t it, Trois?
Children had the privilege of charging into situations without planning
or approval. Adults had responsibilities to bear. Seele/Kaji had immediately
responded to Misato’s outreach. He was still suspicious, but he could be of
great use. The more she knew about the rules governing this world, the better.
Swallowing her personal feelings was worth the information. Humanity knew
next to nothing about the current enemy and impending apocalypse.
Misato hit a key on the terminal. “Let’s talk, Trois.”
She’s been stubborn from the beginning. Actually, I’m not sure she
knows how to falter.
“I’m open to your requests, if you have any.”
<<Do not use the Longinus replica as a bargaining chip with Seele.
Ikari-kun is still fighting out there. We cannot afford to lose the lance.>>
“Don’t you think I know that?!” Fuyutsuki said sourly to a silenced
microphone back in the command center. “Yui would’ve been able to see the
whole picture, but this temperamental child copy can only see one side!”
His anger subsided the more he remembered Yui. The woman whose
DNA ran through Rei’s veins had been the picture of an idealistic child,
which was why she’d volunteered to bury herself in the heart of Eva-01.

Seele/Kaji wanted assurance that he would know the whereabouts of

the Longinus replica after the game was over.
“Seele thinks the world is going to end soon, and they don’t

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particularly care how we use it until then or whether it comes back to them
That was the logic of the higher-ups at Nerv Japan. That was how the
lance had ended up as a bargaining chip to begin with. A paltry piece of
information to trade compared to whatever the Kaji-vessel could tell them.
“And now that’s called into question.”
The lance’s power couldn’t be used continuously after being thrown.
That was a fact.
A fact that Trois insisted on.
“Where is Seele’s mode of transport now? Where is Rei Quatre’s
mutant Eva?”
Hyuga looked at the display, at the quantum flow inclinometer set up
in a ring around the caldera.
“She warped in the direction of Gora, but there’s been no sign of her

<<Don’t ruin the watermelon patch.>>

Six whispered into Trois’ mind, concealing their reestablished mental
mirroring. The watermelon patch had originally belonged to Kaji and had
been passed on to Shinji three years ago, after the Battle at Nerv HQ. It had
survived many a disaster. Rei Six had moved it to the Glass Egg.
The egg was impervious to everything from earthquakes to radio
waves, from wavelengths to particles. No light should have been able to
pierce the shell, leaving the inside of the egg pitch-black, and yet, warm
sunlight could somehow penetrate its frosted exterior. The temperature within
the egg remained constant, without any need of regulation, as if preserving
the mystery of the object. It was the perfect greenhouse. Six had used the
Eva-0.0 Type-F Allegorica to relocate it to one of the decks and had been
tending to it with her Type-N robots.
<<You have to be real careful with those melons.>>
Six anticipated Trois’ answer.
“Hee hee.”

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<<I didn’t know you could laugh,>> Quatre said.
Honestly, it came as a surprise to Trois as well.
Before, the mental mirroring compiled the information gathered by
multiple Ayanamis to form a single Ayanami Rei. But now…each brought
her own perspective to the table. There was noise now.
<<Like a fizzy glass of soda?>>
Trois’ Eva-0.0 stowed the Longinus replica behind her and trained the
Powered 8 railgun on the entrance.
<<I repeat, this is Command. Trois, return to the cage immediately.>>
On the other side of the wall, vehicles armed with anti-Angel
electromagnetic cannons surrounded the structure. No one had expected a
standoff to occur on the shores of Lake Ashi.

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Chapter 33:
A Drop in the River

A SUKA WAS TRAILING MARI with her dirt bike on Yomotsu Hirasaka.
At times, she saw flashes of light rise over the ridgelines. Shinji’s Eva-01
Final Model was locked in combat with Hikari’s Armaros. Toji’s Platypus-2
was there, too, provided he hadn’t crashed yet. Meanwhile, she was still
trying to retrieve her weapon. Mari knew where it was and had gone ahead.
Somewhere on this island, deep inside this forest, was Mari’s Eva,
reconstituted as a giant beast by the spatial lens, and upon its forehead,
Asuka’s Eva-02.
Asuka had followed a strange path so far. She hoped to be reunited
with her own Eva at the end of it. That said…
Why am I even doing this?
A good part of her questioned her actions.
Both of them had been exposed to the Ark before. Asuka was protected
by the powerful properties of the new orichalcum plugsuit, but she wondered
how it was with Mari.
Little Mari was leading her pack. She moved like a cat, climbing up
trees and rushing through groves. She didn’t saltify, but the effects of the life-
form data were becoming apparent. She had ears on top of her head and had
sprouted a tail for balance. Her nails turned into claws that gripped and
kicked the ground beneath her. She was faster than a child now. Indeed, her
current speed was inhuman.
For as long as she could remember, Mari’s DNA had been spliced with
genes from other animals. She had no sense of self. But she never considered
this a disadvantage. If anything, she found the wind that invaded her
humanity comforting.
Asuka did her best to follow her on the dirt bike.
The tests run at Hakone said she was wiped of all traces of foreign
DNA. What’s going on?

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<<This is just that kind of place.>>
Asuka turned, recognizing the mysterious voice as belonging to an
Rei Cinque?!
Deep within the primitive forest, in the shadow of a large fern, the Rei
that had disappeared between Earth and moon reappeared. Ayanami Rei
Cinque looked more mature than Trois and Quatre, having spent more time in
the artificial womb, and it was this Ayanami that Asuka saw.
She immediately slowed the bike, but Cinque pointed her hand at Mari
and said, “Go.”
More voices rushed into Asuka’s head.
<<I have to take it back!>>
<<I have to get Unit Two back! I can’t just wait for Shinji to do it.>>
<<Who is that?>>
“Wha?!” she screamed in surprise. The voices in her head all belonged
to her. Her wheels nearly slipped. She regained her balance, but by the time
she turned back, Cinque was gone.
A hallucination.
Animals of every kind rushed by her to follow Mari. The beasts grew
old, faded. Some of them fused into one another as they continued. The pack
was in a constant flux.
What kind of place is this?
The strange pack mounted the wide, green slope at a great speed. Gas
streamed down the middle of the mountainside, but Mari and her Ark life-
form data pressed on.
<<It’s like they’re being called up into the sky.>>
<<I’m the only one I’m interested in.>>
<<There must be some hidden meaning to this.>>
My decisions… Are they converging? And with the other lives, too?
The Ark recorded life-forms from all time periods.

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This is the umbilical cord that gives birth to the new world. Are the
me’s from the other timelines coming together?
“Am I having second thoughts?” Unlike Shinji, she understood
immediately. The steady drone of the engine remained constant. Asuka
focused it to anchor herself in reality.
She called the golden retriever out of the pack just as it was beginning
to morph. The dog barked in response.
“You’re Kasuga-san’s pup, aren’t you? The one running the Akashima
unit? You can’t go on mixing with the others. The Akashima’s on this island,
so your master must be close, too!”
Azuchi barked again. Mari said to Asuka, as if speaking for the dog,
“Take care of Azuchi.” And with that, she jumped off the ridge and out of
Asuka’s sight.
“Huh? Wait!”
The pack followed suit. All were sucked into the mist. The gray
expanse rippled like a field of wheat in the wind. Overhead and far into the
distance, the clanging of restraint armor rang through the air like a carillon.
They’d closed in on it at some point. Closed in on Mari’s mountainous
Eva, perhaps magnified through an accident involving the spatial lens, or
perhaps because it had assumed the Ark’s life-forms.
The former U.S. Eva, Wolfpack.
Mari and her pack were finally home. Mari had been a trembling wreck
who refused to leave Asuka and Six’s side back at Nerv HQ. She couldn’t
bear being separated from the genes inside of her. They all wanted to save
her, wanted to give her a life worthy of a human person, but she just couldn’t
live that way.
“Azuchi and her sister Momo are together with Nerv U.S.A.’s mobile
Her voice grew softer and softer. These were Mari’s last words as a
human being.

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The silver waves crashed again, and they melted away into Wolfpack’s
surface. Asuka would never forget the look on Mari’s face until the day she
died. It was the first time she saw her smile.
<<How pointless.>>
<<Do you feel left out even after seeing her meet that gruesome end?
“No! I’m just pissed that I saw her go out with a smile! C’mon,
Asuka revved her rear tire to turn in the direction of the ridgeline. She
shifted into a lower gear, accelerating up the narrow hill at full speed. She
rushed through the gray gas, past Wolfpack’s curling spine.
“Come on!”
She jumped together with Azuchi, landing on Wolfpack’s back. Not a
bad jump for a first try—that’s what Asuka thought, at least.
She felt as if Wolfpack’s armor was closing in around her. She needed
to follow its spine and trace it all the way to the head, to where her Eva-02
had been reconstituted.
The giant beast lurched up, and Asuka felt the insides of her stomach
churn as the air pressure rose.

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Chapter 34:

“Sorry, Suzuhara.” Asuka and Azuchi watched as the bike fell off
the other side of the giant. She looked to the beast’s head and saw Eva-02.
While features from its days as the Asuka/Eva synthesis remained, it had
regained most of its original design.
In a distant forest over the mountains, rays of light flashed with
Must be Armaros’ positron rifle.
Could Shinji actually fight Hikari?
Fortunately, the beast’s quadrupedal movement didn’t cause much
turbulence to the head.
Will this thing even move? Asuka thought, as they approached Eva-02.
The mechanical parts activated, as if to put her worries to rest. Asuka
and Azuchi fell into the ejected entry plug. She looked around and found that
the virtual displays were all lit up.
“Hunh. It’s on? It’s activated?!”
She was shocked. The plug wasn’t even inside Eva-02 yet.
Asuka gripped the controller, but it gave no response. The readings on
the display didn’t make sense to her.
“Okay, what the hell is going on here?”
Azuchi barked, as if prompted by her surprise. The graphs on the
screen scattered like a pack of animals.
“I guess the one who tried to eat me is still around.”
Was Eva-02 part of Wolfpack now, as its appearance suggested?
Despite being powered up, she didn’t feel that unique pressure from the
front of the entry plug where the core resided. It emitted no A.T. Field, no
barrier of individuality. Instead, it allowed itself to be covered by Wolfpack’s

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superior field without so much as a complaint.
<<Asuka…!>> A voice came from the receiver in her arm.
“Shinji? What’s your situation?”
Shinji reported his stalemate. <<I can’t convince Horaki-san to leave
Armaros. Sorry, but is Unit Two functional?>>
She didn’t know. But Asuka flared her nostrils and said, “I’ll figure
something out.”
Not like we have a choice.
<<All right…>> Shinji answered, understanding the heart of her
Schematic windows opened one after another on her sub display, and
she looked for a way to infiltrate through the command line.
“Mari? Can you hear me? Are you satisfied now?” Asuka asked.
Mari had jumped onto the gigantified U.S. Eva and melted right into it.
No, it was more appropriate to say that she’d returned to her pack and
become one with it.
“You ran away from Hakone and came all the way here to meet this
big palooka, didn’t you?”
A pause, and then, <<I can hear you.>>
But this was no audible response. The blinking cursor on the sub
display produced a line of text.
<<I’m not satisfied…yet.>>
“Why not?”
<<I can’t be. Not while there’s a big pack around.>>
“You lost me. Look, can you detach this Nerv Japan Eva from you?”
<<I don’t know.>>
“Excuse me? You’re not going to tell me you can’t see it, are you?
Because it’s right on your forehead. That joke is tired.”
<<I don’t know where your Eva begins and ends.>>

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She doesn’t recognize it as a separate entity because they’ve been
synthesized? Or is the life-form data that occupied Unit Two not completely
purged yet, and so she can’t tell it apart from Wolfpack because they’re both
Asuka’s finger stopped on the reactor output line when she felt
Wolfpack turn its head from inside Eva-02. “Sorry, what was that about a big
Her hairs stood on end.
Scheiße… The Ark is that way.
Azuchi’s ears flipped when she heard Eva-02’s mechanical sinews
“Unit Two doesn’t like it, either. Not after the horrible things it did to
us. Mari, that’s not a pack!”
Then again, maybe a collection of all terrestrial life-forms could be
considered a pack.
A sudden acceleration jolted Asuka out of her musings and into her
seat. Azuchi yelped as she slid under the seat toward the back of the plug
“Mari, don’t eat that thing!”

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Chapter 35:

Final Model brought the blade of the Bizen down on Armaros, and
she blocked it with her serpent head gauntlet. The two giants were locked in a
test of strength, casting their shadows over the forest.
<<The world to come…has been prepared.>>
Shinji didn’t know what to do against Hikari/Armaros anymore.
<<There is no reason…for the future of this world.>>
Could he really persuade her to stop?
Asuka’s tragic “Probably not” sank into his mind. Could he bring
himself to defeat Hikari if it came to it? But even if he were to sacrifice
Hikari, the tidings from Hakone weren’t exactly optimistic. Shinji and Final
Model would simply become the new Armaros in her place. His heart would
be consumed by the enemy.
There was no solution.
His head was burning up. He had to come up with a way out of this.
The Platypus-2 fighter jet was still in the air, but Toji had grown
quieter and quieter. All the big words they’d said in Hakone before heading
out seemed pathetic now.
Never mind that. What am I going to do with Horaki-san?!
<<Nerv Japan Super Eva coded Evangelion, step away from
A shout came through the open communication frequency several
dozens of kilometers out in the ocean.
“Huh?! Who’s there?!” Shinji said.
<<Hang on, that’s JSSDF code!>>
Before Toji could confirm it, one of Akashima’s wingmen—Shrike
Two, equipped with the same engine as the Platypus-2—approached them to

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clarify the warning.
<<Final Model, you have six artillery shells coming your way! Impact
Final Model activated his wings of light and dashed away. Taking
advantage of the opening, Armaros pointed her rifle at him, but…
The ground shook as the six rounds kicked up a heavy dust cloud. The
explosion covered the entirety of Armaros’ giant body, and the shock wave
was enough to raze the trees around them.
<<This is the JSSDF Yamato. Super Eva—no, Final Model—we have
a special delivery from Hakone for you. Freshly air dropped from
Nerv took their spare reactors and refurbished old World War II
antiques with them. It was the first time the battleship had fired her six guns
loaded with two-ton artillery shells in fifty years. With the exception of
ceremonial shellings, of course.
<<Damage report!>>
<<That’s crazy! Hikari?!>>
As chaos descended on the communication line, the black giant
charged out of the smoke.
Was Armaros unharmed?
No, she was missing her left arm. She threw away the grip still
clutched in her right hand.
<<Everyone…is so…mean…>>
The black giant spoke with Hikari’s voice. Just as it looked like she
was about to tackle Final Model, she crumbled into millions of Q.R.
Final Model pulled his Bizen out of the ground and swiped it left and
right. He managed to swat most of the Q.R. Signums away, breaking the

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black scales with his A.T. Field, especially the ones that were encroaching on
his wings of light.
“Dammit!” Shinji barely found purchase. Were the scales warping in
and out of existence? He couldn’t waste any more time with them. He looked
in the direction of the voice, at the growing storm of Q.R. Signums behind it.
<<Kodama…help me…>>
The words were no mere cry of pain. Q.R. Signums gathered behind
her as Final Model rushed her.
Shinji readied the Bizen. But then a large, Eva-sized shadow lumbered
out of the artillery smoke. He noticed it too late.
A spindle slammed into Final Model.
The 3,500-ton Eva tumbled from the sudden impact. He noticed the
weapon before it slipped out of his wavering vision.
A sling… No!
The Torwächter weapon.
Armaros had manifested her messenger upon the invocation of her
sister’s name. The black giant’s signature plate had sprouted from her back. It
extended into the ground, piercing it. A warp tunnel appeared, and out of it
came the hollow suit of armor.
With the addition of this black messenger, Euro Eva’s transformation
into Armaros was almost complete.
The Torwächter stepped from the smoke.
“An empty suit of armor is no match for me now!”
Final Model was on his knees. He dashed toward Armaros, avoiding
another attack from the spindle. Rather than dealing with the Torwächter’s
weapon, he was better off confronting Armaros head-on.
Final Model used his momentum to propel himself from his awkward
position, but Armaros lifted her left arm at him.
Why the broken arm?
Shinji sensed danger. He brought the Bizen up at an angle, deliberately

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missing his swing and causing Final Model to fall forward. The spiral
gauntlet wrapped around Armaros’ left arm extended like a serpent, piercing
the air where Final Model’s head had just been, grazing him.
He knew this sensation.
“Toji! I think that’s the evolution of Heurtebise’s Field Piercer. The
Devil’s Backbone, was it? Six’s Eva has something like it!”
The ground broke under the Eva’s weight, but he used the wings of
light to regain his footing.
<<Shinji, she got me.>>
When the fog cleared, he saw that the Platypus-2 fighter jet was done
for. A Q.R. Signum had pierced its N2 reactor, possibly while Armaros had
been flying earlier.
<<Dammit! I didn’t know Q.R. Signums could drain N2 reactors!>>
“They can do that?! How…”
<<I’ve lost all control! I can’t eject—>>
“Hang in there, I’m coming!”
Final Model sped through the air, but the next words Shinji heard
sealed Toji’s fate.
<<Toji…help me…>>
“No! Toji, don’t listen to her!”
A black strip extended from the ground as soon as the invocation was
uttered. It engulfed the Platypus-2, wringing it like a dirty rag.
“Toji… Aaaargh!”
The black strip emitted the red glow of Q.R. Signum, and it pulsed as it
took on a humanoid shape. A slim suit of black armor stood in the place of
the Platypus-2, and the black strip became a black plate.
“Hakone command… Toji…is now a Torwächter.”
<<Hakone command to Final Model. What?! Say again!>>
“Toji turned into a Torwächter!”

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The enemy didn’t spare Final Model, who now stood in a daze. The
two black messengers, Torwächter Kodama and Torwächter Toji, touched
their plates and spread apart, opening a square window between them, which
showed recognizable terrain this time. The Ark. And from it crawled six
winged Angel Carriers.
The Carriers surrounded Final Model while the Torwächters stepped
through the window and were transported elsewhere.
Back on this side of the portal, the Bizen Osafune made a loud clang as
it was knocked to the ground.
“Shinji!” Asuka called out.
Wolfpack had arrived.

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Chapter 36:
Hikari and Asuka

Wolfpack made the first move. It opened its maw to reveal a bluish-
white ring lining its mouth. Even after being broken up and reconstituted by
the spatial lens, the United States Eva had retained the particle accelerator it
received after consuming Ramiel. The ring fired a bluish-white beam.
Armaros manifested a field over her serpent head gauntlet and
deflected the beam with her left arm.
Wolfpack closed its mouth, but it hadn’t given up yet. Its hairs stood
on end as it opened its maw again. This time, two particle accelerating rings
lined its mouth. This second beam was brighter than the first.
Armaros blocked again with her field-reinforced left arm, but the recoil
was so great that the black giant was knocked back.
Even so.
“Hikari! Can you hear me?”
Armaros growled in a stagnant, though still human, voice. <<A…su…
But she lifted the goose-necked muzzle of the Field Piercer and aimed
it at Wolfpack.
“I wanted to thank you, Hikari!”
Eva-02 remained dormant atop the giant Wolfpack’s crest. Asuka
shouted from within the protruding plug, the wind whipping her hair.
“I know you and your Eva saved me and Unit Two countless times!”
If Mari—Wolfpack—was headed to the Ark, then Armaros was sure to
stand in their way.
But the black giant looked like she was wavering as she prepared her
next attack. <<Your mother…is within…my Heurtebise…and your Eva…>>
Armaros fired the Devil’s Backbone. Wolfpack anticipated the attack
and leaped into the air. The phase light grazed Eva-02 on the giant beast’s

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head. Gamma rays and other radiation rained down like stardust over Asuka’s
She’d always suspected it. Now there was someone to corroborate her
theory. Even as Armaros, Asuka believed Hikari. Her best friend.
“Thank you.”
Asuka’s heart burned within her. She felt the tip of the plug heat up,
too, and she finally received feedback from her control console.
“Hey now!” She had control over Eva-02’s arms. Asuka balled up her
fists and knocked them into her chest, rattling her restraint armor.
With basic functionality restored, the plug began its reinsertion. The
display rebooted itself, and Mari made herself known.
<<I can see the Eva in your pack now. Are you leaving?>>
“I am.”
Eva-02’s body stirred as the sync test pattern disappeared, and Asuka’s
vision opened up. She brought her arms down to her side, pulling herself
away from Wolfpack. The amalgamation of life-forms strained. Asuka
flinched from the pain, but she didn’t give up.
“Sorry if this hurts, Mari!”
Asuka’s main display scattered again, as if the pack was howling in
anguish. Various life-forms rippled over Wolfpack’s back, reluctant to let her
Azuchi howled and chased them off. It was as if she was telling the
wild animals to “Stay away from the human!” Such was the duty of Canis
lupus familiaris. It had broken away from the wolves so that it might live
with humans.
Wolfpack jumped into the air over the black giant, shaking the earth
and covering the sky with its giant body. Eva-02 writhed on top of it,
squirming and creaking. Tissues of the amalgamated Wolfpack were torn
from it as the giant beast landed, leveling a small patch of forest.
A burst of blood-red rain spattered from the elliptical hole that had
housed Eva-02. Asuka and her Eva had landed on the ground, freed from the

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Slowly, the red giant lifted its face. Hair flowed down its back, which
was covered in Wolfpack’s blood. This hair, which was the synthesis of its
N2 reactor and the graviton floaters from its Crimson A1 days, fluttered like
The N2 reactor’s power is cut off. It’s not recognizing the floaters. But
I can work with this.
“You could’ve gone straight to the Ark, you know,” Asuka said.
That’s where you want to go, isn’t it?
<<I wanted to ask you how to eat the Ark,>> Mari said.
“Ugh, even if I knew, I wouldn’t tell you.”
Eva-02 picked up the abandoned Bizen Osafune.
“Achtung, bitte! My name is Soryu Asuka Langley, and I’ve returned
to where I should be.”
The command center, 1,200 kilometers away, immediately responded.
<<This is Hakone command to Eva-02. Your signal is plaintext, and
your IFF isn’t recognized, either. Use the prescribed encryption.>>
Well, yeah. Unit Two got ionized and reconstituted. What do you
“I probably can’t encrypt because I’m a little out of sync. Just sync me
up, will you?”

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Chapter 37:
Ogasawara Islands

T HE JSSDF AKASHIMA had built a frontline base camp facing Yomotsu

Hirasaka on Chichijima, an island in the Ogasawara Islands that could
withstand the abnormal tides caused by the Earth’s shrinking diameter and
reduced gravity. Nerv Japan had had the same idea, but their organization
was far too small, no matter how many Evangelions they possessed. They
couldn’t afford to split their resources like the JSSDF.
Lieutenant Colonel Kasuga leaped onto the scaffolding of the
observation deck in the armored prefab building.
“Where is it?!”
“It’s close, sir. Right on top of Anijima next door.”
He peered through his binoculars into the raging wind. “A Torwächter
window! Any news from Endo at Tsukino Yami?!”
“They’re in the middle of a rescue operation on the other side of the
operation. North American Alliance—”
Something winged shot out of the window over Anijima’s mountain
“IFF belongs to Nerv Japan’s Eva-01 Final Model.”

Shinji felt like he was being dragged away.

He crashed into the woods below. The shock brought him back to his
senses. His vision was red and hazy. Was he surrounded by the ocean?
“This isn’t Yomotsu Hirasaka…”
The Powered 8 railgun had unlatched itself from his back and bounced
away. Final Model scrambled for the rifle, but twenty hands appeared over
the muzzle.

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He fired, blowing the head off the lead Carrier, sending it crashing to
the ground.
Behind him, the white wings of the Angels spread over the blindingly
blue sky. In their center was the tip of the Lance of Longinus, suspended
twenty thousand kilometers in orbit with its coiling tail.
It made an L-shaped turn and sped toward him. He knew what it was
after. The lance had halted over the Yomotsu Hirasaka, the umbilical cord
that connected the new world of the moon to the Earth. Now it was intent on
skewering Shinji. The helical prongs had unraveled themselves, looking like
piano wire. The weapon accelerated, anxious to fall upon its target.
Unit Two looked south from Yomotsu Hirasaka, noticing this sudden
“Hakone command, Shinji’s in trouble!”
<<Ikari-kun…broke the sky lens.>> Hikari/Armaros said. <<That’s
why I must take his heart…and crush it.>>
“Don’t you dare taint Hikari’s voice with your arrogance!”

Meanwhile, Hakone had come to the same conclusion.

“We’ve calculated its trajectory! It’s heading for Chichijima on the
Ogasawara Islands!”
“Commander, Final Model’s IFF signal is relocated to Anijima in
It was just as Asuka had predicted.
“Put Eva-01 Final Model on the line!”
Misato was still negotiating with Kaji in the cafeteria. Fuyutsuki and
the strategic team in the command center were still in their stations. But they
all heard Shinji’s scream as he was held down by six Carriers.

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The sound sliced the very air they breathed.

The Lance of Longinus gained speed and light as it accelerated. Shinji

could do nothing but brace himself. Then he heard a distant thud, as if
something had landed nearby. A huge shadow fell across the restrained Final

What was that noise?

Misato had felt it, but she couldn’t take her eyes off of Longinus’s
descent on the terminal. Suddenly, something that looked like the roots of a
plant blocked the distant view of the screen.
<<Take control of the camera! You people need to maintain the
observation equipment better.>> Fuyutsuki shouted over the comms.
“Command, what’s happening?!”
“Commander!” The security staff in the cafeteria were growing
restless. Not exactly nerves, but their voices were a mixture of terror and
The roots weren’t covering the camera lens.

Black roots covered the sky over Hakone, weaving together. Misato
went out onto the terrace and looked up “What is this?”
“Impossible!” Even Seele/Kaji was surprised. “How did it manifest
itself in the third dimension?!”

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Chapter 38:
Roots of the World Tree

T HE SAME PHENOMENON was occurring everywhere in the world.

Roots covered the skies. The stratospheric platform over the equator, the
backbone of the world’s communications network, had begun mooring
around the roots, making them dangerous to navigate. Observations from the
fleet of high-altitude aircraft were coming in, and people around the world
learned that the sky was covered with black roots.
They all shared one thought. Was this Armaros’ doing?

Little Rei Six whistled to herself as she looked at the roots in the sky.
Eva-0.0 Type-F had been tasked with suppressing Trois’ siege, and she was
currently headed northwest from the caldera toward Nagao Pass, where she
could assume sniping position.
The roots were intertwined, leading to a trunk high in the sky.
Countless thinner tendrils hung down from the thicker roots, though their tips
disappeared before they could reach the ground.

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Final Model was unreachable, and no one knew what had happened to
the Lance of Longinus. Hakone command was abuzz, analyzing the roots’
“Gravitational flux not detected at any point! Instead, gravitational
pressure and the strain of the Longinus Ring over the equator are steadily
“That’s impossible!”
“Is that the real thing?!”
“Look at the weather map! The jet stream is changing course because
of the trunk.”
Fuyutsuki watched the scene with a different kind of awe from the rest
of the staff. “The absolute terror. The World Tree in the Antarctic. The roots
that went down forever and disappeared into nowhere. Am I seeing its full
stature now?” he whispered to himself.
“Gendo dispatched an expedition for the Lance of Longinus there.”
The sudden words startled him. Fuyutsuki turned around. The elevator
doors opened to reveal the Seele/Kaji.
“This is the World Tree, the true form of what you people refer to as
the tunnel network. The road that connects the Human Instrumentality
Fuyutsuki was aghast. “Who allowed this menace into the command
“I did.” Commander Misato said.
“I’ve been given permission to fire at will, sir, don’t you worry.” A
security guard trained his pistol at the Kaji-vessel and stepped inside.
The display showed what had become of the skies around Hakone.
The tunnel network. A passageway used by Angel Carriers,
Torwächters, Quatre’s corrupted mutant Eva, and the black giant Armaros.
An invisible highway that might as well have been magic.
The way Kaworu had described it to Shinji, it was the trap room for the
Human Instrumentality Project’s stage. Remembering her own warp
experience, Misato felt that might be the best way to explain it.

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“But I thought that thing was underground—”
“Not underground but in another dimension. It’s displayed itself across
the sky for your understanding,” Seele/Kaji said with obvious annoyance. He
hadn’t predicted this development.
For our understanding?
“This 3D representation doesn’t truly reflect the shrinking of space to
shorten the distance traveled. Think of this as a visualization.”
“So you’re saying…someone visualized this?”
No, she still didn’t get it. The explanation only brought forth more
questions. Misato squinted her eyes, and her confusion triggered Seele/Kaji’s
“To whom has the boundaries of the world been shown? Who has
observed it? Who threw the spear, like Lucretius of ancient Rome, to see the
limits of human observation?” Seele/Kaji shouted.
But even he fell silent with surprise at what came next. Quiet fell over
the command center, and not because of Seele/Kaji’s revelations.

As Kaji had suggested, the roots spread all over the observable world.
Indeed, they were now covering the moon.
But their expedition didn’t stop there. One of the roots disappeared
toward the sun’s surface, like a fuse about to be lit.

<<How far does the world go?>>

Shinji had shouted those words when he threw the lance birthed from
Final Model into the sky.
Seele/Kaji slouched in his steel chair as he listened to the things that
had happened so far.
“That spear wasn’t prepared by the Human Instrumentality Project. To
begin with, that spear of materialism sung by the Roman philosopher was a
question. A question of how far one could throw the spear outside the known
universe. The spear was a metaphor for the limits of recognition.”

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In the face of worldwide calamity, the lower deck of the command
center was confirming the safety of Final Model, the current location of the
Lance of Longinus, and the organization of a world thrown into chaos.
Meanwhile, the top deck was preoccupied with exchanging personal
theories about the calamity.
The difference was so great that Misato’s ears began ringing.
We’ve made a mythology.
Seele/Kaji sighed. “That is what the Thirteenth Angel, Nagisa Kaworu,
said. But the son of Gendo…! He flung the spear to the limits of his known
universe. If you wish to know where that is, feel free to ask the third puppet.”
“Trois?” Misato mused. “The limits of her and Shinji’s known
universe… Do you mean the Apple’s Core? You’re saying that’s where he
threw the spear?”
“The spear of wisdom can exceed the speed of light. He flung the lance
to the other side of the sun, and the lance flies true. No wonder then, that the
World Tree has manifested itself.”
<<This is the world Ikari-kun chose.>>
Kaji’s statement reminded Misato of what Ayanami had once said.
“What we currently see is the known universe according to the son of
Gendo—according to Ikari Shinji.”
<<Hakone—mand! This is Eva-01…Final Model.>>
“Shinji-kun?!” Misato turned to the display in amazement. Fuyutsuki
issued orders to the communication booth at the lower deck.
“Those roots are affecting our communication lines. Switch
communication relay to municipal disaster prevention band if the underwater
cables to Ogasawara are still functional.”
“Hakone command to Final Model. Shinji-kun, are you all right?”
<<Kzzt. I’m fine for now…but I’m engaged with several Carriers.>>
His voice became clearer.
“We’re on the JSSDF circuit now,” Hyuga said.
“It’s from the Akashima Unit. Lieutenant Colonel Kasuga. He says

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Final Model is engaged with six Carriers in the sky over Anijima. They’re all
surrounded by roots.”
Misato breathed a sigh of relief and then asked the burning question.
“What happened to the Longinus?! Our seismographs detected some kind of
impact, but we can’t see anything from here.”
<<I don’t know,>> Shinji said. <<These black roots showed up before
it could hit me. The Longinus and its entire length were buried in it but never
went through.>>
“Mr. Seele?” Misato asked Kaji.
“The Longinus…is now in the flow of the World Tree.”
<<These roots are so annoying! I can’t fly straight! What are these

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Chapter 39:
Wayward Lance

Perpetual earthquakes shook the once-green plateaus of Mongolia,

now laid bare by locusts. Quakes shook the very structure of the Earth, and
not just figuratively. Complex terrain, like eroded rivers, which would have
taken tens of thousands of years to form, had been carved into the globe over
the last few months. This place was close to the cold plume of the Earth’s
mantle, and it pulled all the plates to it. Tectonic movement had intensified
ever since the Longinus had wrapped itself around the world. No one knew
what had happened to the fallen nations situated above the ditch of the
But today, the quakes had gone silent. They’d gone silent ever since
the tree appeared in the sky.
And then, the ground rumbled again as new mountain peaks were born
in the distance.
That was what most people thought, anyway.
In fact, it wasn’t the Earth that shook, but the roots.
The rumbling reverberated through all the corners of the sky.
The Longinus had been aiming toward piercing Eva-01 Final Model
when it plunged into the roots of the World Tree. It had formed a ring with
itself while in orbit, but the tunnel network took all thirty thousand kilometers
of its length.
And still it continued to grow.

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Chapter 40:
Pillaging Machine

<<What the…?! Are these…roots?>>
Hakone command had momentarily lost Asuka’s signal from Yomotsu
Hirasaka Island, due to the appearance of the tunnel network. Her voice was
choppy now, and they had zero visuals.
“Hakone command to Final Model!”
<<Understood. Heading there now!>>
The phenomenon had spared Final Model from being skewered, but
they couldn’t afford to tarry.
Meanwhile, Aoba noticed a point of similarity among the reports
coming in about the World Tree. He notified Commander Katsuragi Misato.
“So, this was only visible immediately after the phenomenon
He brought the video over to the command seat.
“The thin, vertical roots hanging from the thick horizontal roots
disappeared before they could reach the ground, but they were reported to
have been sucking something up.”
The video was blurry, but it did look like there were lumps traveling up
the roots.
“They appear to be rocks and boulders, but I don’t think they’re
sucking up the ground. We can no longer see this happening.”
“How are we supposed to tell what this is?” Misato filed the
information away for later and returned her attention to the battlefield.
It was then that a distressed Maya barged into the command center.
“Who let Asuka pilot Unit Two?!”
Eva-02 had reappeared on Yomotsu Hirasaka, attached to the U.S.

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Eva’s back after being ionized and reconstituted. Maya knew that much
before Asuka and Toji had left for the island. But she didn’t expect them to
find it, let alone pilot it. She didn’t think Eva-02 couldn’t move on its own
after being fused with Wolfpack.
“Dr. Ibuki, I ask you to refrain from making statements that cast doubt
on the operation in the command center,” Fuyutsuki warned her.
The commander turned around. “No one gave her permission to do
anything. But considering the fact that the Eva is moving when it shouldn’t
be, don’t you think this is a lucky break?”
Pretty much everyone agreed with that. The revival of Eva-02 gave
humanity a chance to fight back in the final battle against the beings who
claimed divinity.
“It’s such a lucky break that anyone is bound to be suspicious of it,”
Maya said. She put on a headset and began talking to the display. “Asuka,
you spent a long time as an amalgamated entity! You know your
individuality isn’t stable yet. Get out of the Eva!”
<<You’re kidding,>> Asuka responded. <<All systems are green in
Unit Two, and there are no problems with my vitals. It’s ridiculous how good
this all feels.>>
Misato turned around. “Maya, what’s bothering you?”
“Asuka is currently wearing the synchronization-suppressing
orichalcum plugsuit, and yet her sync rates remain elevated. This might be a
prelude to something. Or maybe it’s happened already.”
<<Whoa!>> Asuka’s voice interrupted their conversation. <<This isn’t
the time for theorizing!>>
Visuals returned to the display, showing an Asuka doubled-over in
<<Can you see what I’m seeing? It’s a damn mess right now.>>

Eva-02 was running with the Bizen while the mountainous Wolfpack
roared like a barrage of artillery. It pointed its gaping maw up and fired its
particle beam at the sky.

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Armaros and the two Torwächters had been freed from the restraints of
the Earth and were now flying through the roots of the World Tree covering
the skies.
The roots formed a net over the horizon, from which even more roots
extended. They kept creeping west, and it seemed as if they would soon make
the return trip and encroach from the east.
The three black giants danced through the air, suspended on these
additional roots. The one connected to Armaros looked familiar. It glowed
much like the Tree of Life during the consummation of the Human
Instrumentality Project three years ago. The only difference was that this one
was black.
“So, the back plates of the giants…are the tips of the roots of the
World Tree>>”
“What is going on?!” Fuyutsuki shouted.
<<I guess we know who the puppet and puppet master are now,>>
Asuka said.
And it was true. The two Torwächters looked like marionettes whose
strings were being manipulated by Armaros.
Misato turned to Seele/Kaji, still surrounded by security guards.
“So, this is the image of the black giants’ identity.”
“Took you long enough,” Kaji said. “The son of Gendo has placed the
World Tree in the sky. Armaros and its two messengers are the fruits that
hang from the roots.”

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Chapter 41:

“S O IT’S STUPID SHINJI’S FAULT that the land battle turned into an
aerial battle!”
Asuka’s battlefield had gained a new dimension.
She still referred to Armaros by her friend’s name as the black giant
flew higher into the air. The two Torwächters now attacked like they were
rappelling on ropes. Their flight paths were easy to read on an individual
level, but the fact that she had to face two of them at once made predicting
their movements much harder.
Asuka tried predicting their maneuvers based on the fulcrums attached
to the roots but to no avail.
To make matters worse, their momentum changed every time they
hopped from one trunk to another. She was currently equipped with the Bizen
Osafune, the longsword that Shinji had left behind. As far as swords went, it
had extraordinary reach, but it wasn’t designed to fight aerial enemies.
<<Hakone command to Unit Two. Fall back to the battleship! You
have weapons waiting for you.>>
<<This is the battleship Yamato. We are currently fifty clicks away
from the southeast shore of the island. ETA—>>
Whatever it was, she didn’t have time for it. To think that my Unit Two,
the first Eva aside from the specially equipped Unit Zeros to achieve flight,
would be reduced to this!
“Dammit! If only the Allegorica unit were reproduced, too! I flew to
the moon with that thing!” Asuka gritted her teeth.
She felt a spine-chilling déjà vu as she looked at the sky, like she was

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being sucked up into the azure expanse.
I think I flew when I was synthesized with the Eva…

The two Torwächters were like synchronized dancers as they opened

another window. Three Angel Carriers flew out of it.
The Carriers descended, and the Torwächters spindles came flying with
them. Asuka evaded their attacks, noticing that Armaros was no longer
paying her any heed.
“What are you looking at, Hikari?!”
An ultra-hard ribbon shot out of a Carrier’s cocoon right at the U.S.
Eva. Sparks flew as Asuka blocked it with her blade.
Another Zeruel? This can’t get any worse!
Eva-02 turned face up. The point of the Bizen was now sheathed in an
A.T. Field, and it blew away the Carrier that swooped down at it. It made
another turn and heaved the point at the sky again.
The blast of the A.T. Field blew the Carrier away where she couldn’t
see it, but she was now in the trajectory of the Torwächter’s spindle.
An intense shock wave accompanied a bright beam. The Zeruel Carrier
activated its A.T. Field, deflecting Wolfpack’s ray. The explosion of light
was blinding.
A stray bullet made it through Eva-02’s field, knocking it off-balance
and burning its back. Error warnings blared from the N2 reactor, suggesting
an immediate cease of operations.
Her attacks weren’t reaching Armaros.
Her words weren’t reaching Hikari.

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Asuka saw the distance between them as a failure of her will.
I have to go there.
How did I fly?
“I need those wings. I need them now.”
Asuka’s left hand unconsciously reached to the collar of her plugsuit,
touching the ever-loosening zipper.
“Don’t do it, Asuka!” Maya’s voice boomed in the command center.
“That thing is the only wall you have separating your self from the Eva!”

On the other side of the island, the JSSDF Akashima had regrouped
with the remaining forces of the North American Alliance. The three aerial
attack platforms, whose mission was to explode the Ark with their N2
charges, were somehow spared the fate of saltification and beastification,
despite their proximity to the Ark. The crew of the Akashima, a robot
equipped with similar N2 technologies, had also remained human.
They’d managed to repel a Sachiel-type Angel Carrier with a saturation
attack. Now they were fending off black creatures that crawled out of the
ground, ever-shifting, neither animate nor inanimate. The creatures were
fragments of life-form data that had spilled out of the Ark, pitiful but still
Humanity fought back, not to be defeated by these incomplete life-
forms. Soldiers fired their guns from the ground, while the American attack
platforms used their aerial battery to lay waste to their opponents with
depleted uranium that rained across the battlefield like a storm.
Supersonic downpour and the bloodied remains of black monsters fell
upon the beautiful forest. Overhead, scavengers circled the battlefield,
salivating as their feast of carrion was prepared for them.
A loud rumble echoed from the earth, louder than all the artillery fire.
Fresh greenery sprouted from dark red ground, rippling through the
battlefield like a shadow, again and again.
“This is unreal!” the pilot of the Akashima’s upper body said.
“The American attack platforms deployed on the coastal LZ have

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managed to slip through the roots with supplies. Good timing, too. We’re at
forty percent ammunition,” the navigational spotter reported.
Endo sucked a tube of energy gel in the harness of his command chair.
<<This is the Brazilian Third Brigade. Thank you for rescuing our
But the rescue mission had reduced Endo’s support of the battle with
Armaros to a single shot. Shrike One and Shrike Two, the Akashima’s
offensive spotters, were forced to fly at low altitude so their N2 reactors could
be used as umbrellas.
“Well, our UAVs keep getting eaten by those giant bird things.”
“Hand-off confirmed. Incoming at nine o’ clock! More red particles
spreading from the Ark.”
The red particles were life-form data, which turned into black monsters
wherever they fell.
“Wait, hang on… Something’s weird here.”
Endo shifted his body to look at a periscope-shaped camera. The Ark
was on the other side of the cliff. Red particles were scattering from the rock
face, but a throng of them suddenly shot up, weaving between the vertical
roots as they flew south.
“Akashima to Nerv Japan! Be on the lookout! The Ark just spat out a
mass of red particles, and it’s heading your way!”

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Chapter 42:
To the Light

S EVERAL HUNDRED KILOMETERS to the north of Yomotsu Hirasaka, in

the skies above the Ogasawara Islands, Shinji was locked in a ferocious
battle. He’d been carried away by Type-3 Angel Carriers, and the winged
white revenants were refusing to let him go.
I could fly if it weren’t for these roots!
Even if Hakone command had told him that he was the origin of the
roots of the World Tree, Shinji probably wouldn’t have understood. The roots
had a glossy black sheen to them, as if they were covered with resin. It was
the same shade of black as Armaros and the mindless Torwächters she
The whole thing was like a nightmare.
Something caught on Final Model’s leg. An arm extended from the
cocoon of the Carrier behind him—a thick arm, with sharp claws.
Which Angel is this supposed to be?!
He forced himself away from it, but another Carrier tackled him with
its power shield before he could regain his footing.
The A.T. Field-like shield knocked Final Model away, sending him
tumbling across the sky into one of the roots.
He fired a depleted uranium round from the light alloy sabot of the
Powered 8 railgun, but it was instantly turned into a puff of rainbow ions by
the shield. Final Model was still off-balance, but he took the knife and
attached it to the point of the Powered 8 CL.
“Come on!”
Final Model’s heart throbbed as the quantum warp moved the micro

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black hole to the point of the knife. The bayonet glowed menacingly as Shinji
brought it down on the Carrier latched to his leg.
The micro black hole blade glowed with heat rather than vacuum, and
Shinji thrust it deep inside the cocoon.
I hit something!
But whichever Angel possessed the arm didn’t die. It was clamping as
hard as it had been before. The Carrier whirled, and Shinji saw a power
shield-encased staff coming right at him. The blow hit Final Model hard, in a
rush of blinding pain.
What is happening?!
He held the bayonet in front of his chest to fend off the next attack, but
it never came.
He could no longer move in free fall. The sea was approaching quickly.
Suddenly, Maya’s voice came in from the command center.
<<Shinji-kun, you have to get back to Asuka! That girl is about to
synthesize with her Eva again!>>
A giant pillar of saltwater rose up from the center of the Pacific as
Final Model slammed into the ocean at peak velocity. Then the water was
sucked back in, and a whirling white spiral broke the surface.
Don’t do it, Asuka!
The water was boiled and electrified, instantly turning to plasma. A
powerful shock wave overwhelmed the three Carriers, breaking their shields
and turning them into mincemeat.
A glowing left arm pointed at the sky like a blade. It rushed through
the Q.R. Signums in two of the Carriers’ shoulders with intense heat. But the
arm went right through the cocoon in the third Carrier’s abdomen.
“I see!” Fuyutsuki said. “The larval Angel of the seemingly immortal
Carrier was the twin Angel Israfel, and both had to be destroyed at the same
The elation in his voice didn’t last long. What came next shook
Eva-01 Final Model leaped out of the swarming clouds, his left side

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shining bright.
“What on Earth?” Misato whispered, watching as the camera on
Chichijima shook.

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The next moment, the giant plummeted into the ocean again. His mass
created a path through the unfathomable depths, a path he used to speed away
in the direction of Yomotsu Hirasaka.
The vertical roots dangling over the archipelago were no more. If these
had been the doorways to the tunnel network, it would explain how one could
warp to a place with no earth.
All that was left now was a straight line. The sky burned red with
remnants of the quantum effects, reflecting on the divided sea.
“Has it finally begun?”
Final Model faded into the distance. While his size remained the same,
half of his body glowed with the intense light.
Maya sank into her seat on the top deck with resignation. Still in shock,
she turned to look at the status board that reported Final Model’s telemetry.
Shinji had burned into his life span again. 0.5 seconds had been taken
out of his remainder. The Third Impact inched ever closer within his
compressed time.

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Chapter 43:

Tokyo-3. The shores of Lake Ashi.

Ayanami Rei Trois continued to garrison herself within the Glass Egg
in order to protect the replica Longinus. She called up Six through their
mental mirroring.
Never mind me, Six. Go to Yomotsu Hirasaka.
<<You shouldn’t say that to someone who has her sights on you.>>
Six laughed. The battle on Yomotsu Hirasaka was intense. But the
current situation had forced Six’s Eva-0.0, the most technologically advanced
Evangelion in Nerv Japan’s arsenal, to deal with Trois’ little siege.
Trois noticed some kind of noise, and she turned her head toward the
opening of the egg. She enhanced the auditory senses of her Eva.
<<I repeat…>>
A voice?
A distant voice, if it was a voice at all.
Where is it coming from?
It seemed to have come from inside the egg. But did it also come from
all around her?
<<…account for the distortions…>>
<<Let’s hope…avoids entropy…>>
What did that mean?
Were the troops outside launching some kind of psychological attack?
Trois’ ruby eyes widened.

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She knew that voice.
“Commander Ikari.”
“Commander Ikari!” She shouted, a wave of emotions flooding her.
“Commander Ikari! Commander Ikari!!!”
How did she know? Later, she wouldn’t be able to explain it during
questioning, but Rei Trois had kept the memories of the original Ayanami.
She cried out his name over and over until finally…
An answer.

<<The shell is resonating…Dr. Akagi…cease operations…do not
make a sound…>>

Trois had started talking to herself…and someone had responded.

The monitoring crew back in the command center heard it all. They’d
been split into three. Two were in charge of broadcasting everything from
Yomotsu Hirasaka and its surroundings, while one was tasked with
negotiating with Trois.
“She’s talking to someone…and that someone is talking back!”
Fuyutsuki issued orders to the distraught crew in the middle deck.
“Increase the volume inside the plug and filter out the noise.”
<<Rei…sent Eva-01…did he make it?>>
Misato, engrossed in the battle over the distant Pacific, immediately
turned her head when she heard that voice.
“Hang on…what’s happening? Put this conversation on the main line!”
“Ikari…” Fuyutsuki murmured.
It was the voice of Ikari Gendo, the former commander of Nerv.
Members of the staff old enough to serve under his command could vouch for

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<<Yes, Ikari…Shinji is here,>> Trois answered.
Her voice was trembling, and she knew it.
“Has the intelligence division initiated their manipulation tactics?”
Misato asked, just in case.
“No…this is physically impossible!” Hyuga showed her the source of
the sound.
“The walls of the Glass Egg are reverberating to transmit the voice.
But there’s no known technology that can do that!”
“How should we take this, Maya?”
Ibuki was on the floor. One of the security guards surrounding Kaji
helped her to her feet.
“If that really is former commander Ikari…” she began.
Misato beat her to it. “I thought Lilith’s Chronostatic Sphere with
Commander Ikari and all the rest was underneath Yomotsu Hirasaka now.”
Chief Ibuki of the science and engineering division nodded. “The Glass
Egg is supposedly the shell of the Chronostatic Sphere that Lilith transported
to Hakone from the previous world. Perhaps it’s resonating with no regard for
“The shell of the Chronostatic Sphere can resonate? But the accelerated
flow of time—”
“It might be starting to tune itself to the outside. Perhaps the egg is
about to hatch.”
<<…model…forming a singularity… We contained it, but did you
manage to fix it completely?>>
Now came the voice of Dr. Akagi Ritsuko.
<<Yes. Chief Ibuki stabilized it,>> Trois responded.
<<I see…she did it…>> Ritsuko’s voice was tinged with emotion.
By the time Misato turned around, Maya had left the command center.

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“Contact security! Do not open fire at a lab coat-wearing woman
heading for the Glass Egg! That goes for you, too, Six.”
<<Unit Zero Type-F, loud and clear.>>
Despite her carefree response, Ayanami Rei Six still trained her Field
Piercer, the Angel’s Backbone, on Trois’ Eva from outside the mountain line.
Fuyutsuki was shocked. “Trois better not be planning on taking Dr.
Ibuki hostage!”
Misato sighed. “I don’t think those girls—Trois and Maya both—
would use human lives as bargaining chips. For better or worse, they don’t
recognize the worth of an individual life.”
Misato asked Hyuga to call up the laboratory of Aoba’s former
professor on the display. She still needed a scientific eye to assess the
“She just wants to meet an old friend. That’s all.”

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Chapter 44:
Red Shift

Shinji’s voice called out to her. <<Final Model to Unit Two. Asuka,
just hang in there! I’m on my way!>>
Asuka had one hand on the control stick to swing the Bizen as the
fingers of her left hand played with the loosening zipper on her collar.
“Hikari… She’s looking at something.”
Her right arm lurched wildly, and the Bizen swung diagonally, as if
cutting the sky itself.
“I have to go after her now, or I’ll lose her.”
The Torwächters rotated their spindles, but she deflected their
“I have to go!”
She pulled the release tab on her neck. The zipper of her specially
crafted orichalcum plugsuit came loose in the LCL, immediately slipping
down her shoulders as the resin contracted.
Asuka’s skin burned as the connection between her and the Eva
intensified. She remembered the agony she’d felt when the flood of life-form
data overwhelmed her, disintegrating her physical body.
And yet, she wasn’t afraid.
Stay with me.
Something was in the Eva-02. Time and time again, that something had
lent her its power. It was the force that had allowed her to return when Hikari
called out to her.
As the black giant, Hikari had confirmed the existence of this
<<Your mother…is within…my Heurtebise…and your Eva…>>

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Good enough for me.
The Bizen pierced the ground with a heavy thud. Light broke from her
restraint armor, seeping out of the cracks, blowing it all away. Eva-02 leaned
against the longsword as its legs failed. The Zeruel Carrier saw its chance and
thrust its razor-sharp monolayered ribbon arm toward it.
A wind of red flecks enveloped Eva-02.
Life-form particles from the Ark.

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162 Goldenagato |
Zeruel’s arm was pulled into the whirlwind, and the centrifugal force
would have torn it off had it not been so resilient. As it was, the larval Zeruel
was yanked out of the Carrier’s cocoon with great force. The umbilical that
connected the two creatures was torn to shreds, and the larval Angel let out
what sounded like a shriek of pain. It fired its zero-time light attack in
retaliation before being sucked into the red wind. Emptied of its larval Angel,
the Carrier lost its balance and fell backward.
Zeruel’s two blade arms sprang out of the whirlwind, forming a cross.
They slashed at the Carrier, shattering the Q.R. Signums on its shoulders and
slicing its body to bits. Blood spurted out, but it was immediately caught up
by the wind and blown into the sky.
The two Torwächters moved in to face this new threat, bringing their
spindles down on it. The red wind reached out its Zeruel arms again to deflect
them. Sparks crackled across the sky as the projectiles slid off of the blades.
Zeruel’s zero-time light attack glowed upon the waiting Torwächters, and the
black giants were pushed back by the explosion mere moments later.
In the distance, the mountainous Wolfpack howled to urge Asuka on. It
was the best Mari could do, given the progress of her assimilation. The sound
was immediately picked up by the crimson particles.
The Asuka/Eva synthesis had appeared on the battlefield. The red wind
enveloped her restraint armor, and she rammed the staggered Torwächter
with her head.
Crimson A1. The form Eva-02 took as a protective measure against the
encroaching life-form data of the Ark to keep Asuka’s person intact. She’d
willed it back into existence.
She stepped on the Torwächter and jumped away.
<<That’s pathetic, Suzuhara. I thought you were supposed to…
Asuka retained her personality despite being mixed together with
countless organisms. The surface of her body highlighted her feminine
features. Her flowing hair was now the Allegoric wing unit. The graviton
floaters activated.

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The Asuka/Eva synthesis reached her hand out to Armaros, who was
being pulled up by the vertical roots. The black giant was looking northwest,
over the horizontal layers of the primary roots of the World Tree.
She began sinking into the roots, as if caught up by a current.
Asuka went after her. But she needed Q.R. Signums to open a portal. It
made her long to be a Torwächter again. Her memories of that time had been
hazy, but they’d become vivid again once she synthesized with her Eva.
She sank her slender body into the tunnel network and disappeared
from the skies above Yomotsu Hirasaka Island.

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Chapter 45:

“She’s looking this way. Why?” Kaji whispered. “What is she…?”

He turned around, eyes flitting from one chaotic display to the next,
stopped at one screen in particular.
Lake Ashi, darkened by a power outage. The Glass Egg…
“Katsuragi!” The Kaji-vessel suddenly called out. He took a step
forward, and the two armed guards blocked him. He paid them no heed. “Get
Ikari’s puppet out of here!”
The top deck crew all stared at the dangerous man.
Misato and Fuyutsuki looked quizzically at him.
“What are you talking about?” Misato asked.
“The black giant is coming here to take the replica!” he shouted,
despite the guards restraining him. “The moon’s expansion has halted ever
since the Longinus disappeared from orbit. You saw how the tunnel network
ceased transporting materials from the Earth’s mantle. It stopped because the
lance is no longer pressurizing the Earth!”
This was the explanation for the strange sight they’d seen shortly after
the appearance of the World Tree’s roots.
“So…all those roots are like needles that sap the Earth of its
“That’s why the Longinus is necessary for the creation of a new world!
Even if it got lost within the tunnel network, the black giant should have
retrieved it and flung it into orbit. Should being the operative word.”
“What do you mean?”
“This new Armaros… She knows that she can use a substitute rather
than wasting time trying to find the lance within the vast quantum flow!” Kaji
tore his arm away from the guards to point at the Glass Egg. “And there is the
replica Longinus!”

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The spear that Ayanami Rei Trois had stolen to prevent it from being
handed over to Seele.
Misato wasted no time. “Trois, keep yourself locked up! We’ll get you
armed soon!” She spoke into her headset, broadcasting to all of HQ. “Alert!
Armaros is coming!”
Fuyutsuki didn’t question her. He issued orders to the middle deck.
“Lift the barricade on the Glass Egg. All sectors evacuate and ready shelters!
Initiate urban combat procedures!”
“Urban combat procedures deployed.”
The alarm was followed by Magi’s hollow, artificial voice reading a
canned message. <<The entirety of Tokyo-3 and the Hakone caldera has been
put under Class One Threat.>>
“Six! Abort mission, now! Take the Unit Zero Type-F to the urban
<<All right.>>
“Tell her to escape, Katsuragi!” For a moment, Kaji’s tone resembled
the man who’d been Misato’s lover.
“Inform the JSSDF stationed at Gora and Mount Daikan Airport! We
need all the help we can get!” And with that, Misato hung up the console and
turned to the Kaji-vessel.
“Escape? And where to? Can you think of any place in the world that
isn’t covered by the roots of the World Tree, Kaji-kun?”
“You promised us the lance!”
“Security, take him away.”

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Chapter 46:
Armaros Hakone Assault

Alarms blared over Tokyo-3.

Armaros was coming.
Kaji Ryoji, current vessel of Seele, had revealed that much.
Aoba was in the eye of the storm, processing inquiries from
government agencies.
The images on the screen showed people walking toward the shelters,
some in the sun and some in the shade, as the city was slowly converted into
a combat zone.
As Misato watched the hustle and bustle of the lower decks of the
command center, she began to wonder if she’d jumped the gun. They were
going on Seele’s word alone.
“It would be better for you if I stayed here,” the Kaji-vessel said with
annoyance, as he was forced out of the command center.
Kaji had been a man with a constant smile on his face, but that smile
had taken on a different meaning ever since Seele possessed him. Now it was
the smile of a man who knew the inner workings of the world, a smile that
looked down on humanity for their ignorance. Something must have been
very wrong for that smile to be wiped from his face.
Seele was afraid of the black giant who was coming for the replica of
the Lance of Longinus.
<<This is Hakone command to Trois. You are to maintain your
position. We are sending you armaments via the Togendai lift. Also, Dr.
Ibuki is headed your way. Don’t step on her.>>
“This is Trois. Copy that.”

Trois’ rebellion had been swept under the rug now that Armaros was
approaching. She’d been ordered to stay within the Glass Egg, though no one

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had asked how she felt about it.
As far as she could see, the city was locking itself down. The armed
vehicles barricading the bridge into the Glass Egg had opened up to make
way for a single EV scooter. Trois peered through her gunsights to see who it
was and then called out through her external speakers.
<<Dr. Ibuki!>>
“Trois, is the egg still resonating?!”
The scooter braked and slid smoothly on the steel plates set up for
heavy equipment. The only sounds were the hum of Eva-0.0’s external S2
engine and the distant alarm coming from the entrance.
But then, another echo…
<<Is that you, Maya?>>
Ibuki would never forget that voice.
She staggered to her feet.
Akagi Ritsuko. Her predecessor, whom she respected as a scientist and
despised as a person.
“Senpai, senpai! Akagi-senpai!”
Why had she devoted her life to researching Eva technology?
Why had she continued developing said technology?
Because something had happened three years ago that forced Maya to
reconsider her life.
All because you disappeared…
<<I can hear you…Maya. Three years outside…inside…time goes
on…Unit One…us that much.>>
The walls of the Glass Egg reverberated to transmit the voice of a
person who wasn’t there. It seemed that time was moving again within the
Chronostatic Sphere.
<<Now, tell me your findings, Dr. Ibuki.>>
Right. I have three years’ worth of research to catch her up on.

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“Alert! Disturbance detected in the aerial roots!”
“Anomalous waves are going through international provisional root
numbers 210 to 3166!”
A root of the World Tree over Hakone rippled faintly. The distortion
ran across the sky toward Hakone. A similar phenomenon had been
witnessed when the original Longinus, then 130,000 kilometers long, passed
through the roots in the sky.
An alarm sounded.
“Quantum flow inclinometers are picking something up! Alpha decay
observed. Probability of existence rapidly increasing!”
“The black giant is coming!” Seele/Kaji whispered as the guards
escorted him out of the command center.
Fuyutsuki heard him and blurted out, “No! It’s too soon!”
The distortion traveling the roots became more humanoid in shape as it
“We got a matching signature in the Magi! One hit…it’s Armaros!”
“It’s over the mountains! Within reach of the caldera!”
The black giant had taken the roots’ tunnel network and was now in the
skies over Hakone.
Misato watched the board, as the city had yet to complete its armament
protocols. She made the order. “Open fire!”
The battle-ready Tokyo-3 pointed in the direction of the black shadow
and fired. But the focused artillery did nothing. Armaros merely dangled
from the roots like a spider from its thread.
A ray of bright light struck the giant next. A shot from Little Rei Six.
Eva-0.0 Type-F’s Angel’s Backbone.
<<Misato! There’s something weird going on with her field!>>
The Field Piercer was supposed to be the most effective weapon
against A.T. Fields, and yet it couldn’t penetrate Armaros.
“Sensei?” Misato asked the scientist.

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“Armaros is covered with Q.R. Signums. They might be functioning as
a physical defense grid!”
Which meant ranged attacks were out of the question.
“Six, move into melee range!”
<<Copy tha—Whoa!>> Six yelped.
Armaros had fired something as she slid down the roots. Eva-0.0 Type-
F activated its graviton floaters, turned around, and crushed the crystalline
projectiles with the barrel of the Angel’s Backbone.
They disintegrated into red dust.
“Q.R. Signums! Don’t get caught by them!”
<<I know that!>>
Eva-0.0 Type-F kicked the ground with its four legs and bounded down
the hill.

A transmission from Trois’ Eva-0.0 flashed on the main display.

<<I’ll retaliate with the Longinus.>>
Eva-0.0 switched out its gamma-ray laser cannon for the replica
Longinus. The Eva held it with both hands over Maya’s head.
It was then that the anomaly occurred. The helix of the replica bulged,
and its twin points began to glow.

Trois’ transmission window closed itself on the display of the

command center, making it seem like the Ayanami had gone rogue yet again.
Kaji was being dragged to the elevator, but he fought back when he
heard Trois’ plan.
“No! You’re playing right into her hands!” he shouted.
“Let him stay a little longer,” Misato said, withdrawing her order.
“Trois, remain within the shell! The black giant is after the spear!”
Everyone inside the command center—every person on the planet,
really—was far too focused on Armaros’ descent to notice what was going on

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within the Glass Egg.
And how could they not, when Armaros was so close to touching down
on Hakone?

Six suddenly felt a sudden, sickening chill that made her want to throw
up. It was as if a mass of negativity was pointing at her, staring at her. She
leaped away.
The explosion grazed Eva-0.0 Type-F and blew away Nagao Pass,
where it had just been standing.
“What was that?!”
The command center watched as the northwestern rim of Tokyo-3 was
blown to pieces.
“The enemy’s Field Piercer!”
“You mean the Devil’s Backbone that Euro Eva had before it turned
into Armaros?!”
Part of the mountainside was engulfed by the implosion, while the
surrounding area was blown away by the shock waves generated from the
impact. A giant mushroom cloud rose into the sky as dust rained down on
The Angel’s Backbone was the ultimate firearm. It could pierce any
A.T. Field. The right arm and leg of Six’s Eva-0.0 Type-F had been fused
into the barrel in order to stabilize the shot.
Heurtebise, however, was equipped with the Devil’s Backbone, a Field
Piercer crafted out of an Eva’s spine and powered by a Q.R. Signum. The
mind of the core was severely twisted, but in exchange, the weapon was
hideously strong, as strong as the experimental Neyarl.
“Line 736 and its tunnel have burned down!”
“Be careful!”
<<I can still do this!>>
Six pressed on, flying over the mountain ridge to avoid firing at the

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<<I just need to get a clean shot!>>
But the two plates on Armaros’ back had already descended, and they
lodged themselves into the ground of Hakone caldera.

“That voice!”
<<Stay away…from my home.>>
The voice came from the roots in the sky, and it could only belong to
one person.
“Asuka?!” Misato watched as Zeruel’s arms extended from the roots
and chased after Armaros.
The Asuka/Eva synthesis, Crimson A1, had gained Zeruel’s razor-
sharp feelers as it consumed the life-form data of the Ark. They wrapped
themselves around Armaros’ right arm and yanked it up, dragging the black
giant away, even though she was twice Crimson A1’s size. This was the
power of the roots’ quantum flow. Even Armaros was helpless to resist, and
she disappeared into the thick primary root.
Armaros and Asuka/Eva synthesis dipped and bobbed, in and out of the
roots, shooting and slashing at each other.
“Asuka?!” Rei Six called out to her.
Crimson A1 responded in a monotone voice. <<Tell Shinji…to do
something…about that idiot Suzuhara…>>
“But I thought Toji turned into a Torwächter on Yomotsu Hirasaka!”
<<He did… Just look outside for a second…>>
And with that, the two giants were carried away by the roots’ current,
away from Hakone.
“Asuka bought us some time.”
“Not much,” Kaji said. “One wrong move, and she’ll be back.”

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“Anomaly detected… Inside the Glass Egg!”
All attention shifted to the small image of the 666-meter egg.
“Why is it so dark?”
The inside of the Glass Egg had turned pitch-black. While its frosted-
glass shell prevented whatever was inside from being clearly visible, the
multi-layered floors and scaffolding built within the egg could still be seen
after the egg had been dredged up from the bottom of the lake.
What had happened in that moment when everyone’s attention was
diverted by the coming of Armaros?
Moreover, what had happened to Rei Trois and Maya inside?
Misato panicked. “Trois, status report!”
“When did it start?!” Aoba shouted from the middle deck at one of the
lower deck operators, who scrambled to play back the recording.
“The egg turned black about twenty seconds ago!”
Trois’ transmission window flickered to life on the main display. She’d
<<Eva-0.0…Trois to…command…come in…>>
“This is Hakone command. What happened, Trois?”
<<The terrain outside the egg changed for 18.7 seconds. Orange light
all around…>>
<<This is Ibuki. Can you hear me, command?>> Maya, also inside the
Glass Egg, contacted them using her own transmitter. <<Infrared
thermometer readings showed the walls of the egg to be between nine and
twelve hundred degrees Celsius. The entrance also disappeared for a
“The egg was pitch-black from the outside, too.”
<<The images on the eggshell must come from somewhere.>>
“Which means,” Misato said, “you might have been carried off to god-

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Everyone turned to look at her on the top deck.
“Look,” Misato pointed.
The bridge connecting the Glass Egg to Lake Ashi’s shores had been
disconnected. Concentric waves rippled out over the surface of the lake.
“The Glass Egg is moving up and down.”
Fuyutsuki squinted his eyes and then widened them. “Could it be…that
the matter inside the egg was transported and then returned?”
“Any comments, Mr. Seele?”
“The egg underneath the island is Lilith’s egg, the one you call the
Chronostatic Sphere. You figured out that much, I’m sure.” Kaji pursed his
lips. “It’s resonating with the old egg’s shell in Hakone. Perhaps it’s a
replacement of sorts. Either way, it’s allowed you to speak with Gendo and
the others. Speak and nothing more.”
Reports of the battle came in from middle deck. “We just got word
from the U.N. Relief Army, East Asian Division. Armaros and Crimson A1
have made contact over the Sea of Japan and are moving toward the
“Keep tracking them!” Misato turned her chair to look at Kaji. “Are
you saying that the inside of the egg switched places when it went dark?”
“Most likely. Your chief of science did see the magma underneath the
new island.”
“This is ridiculous…” was all Fuyutsuki could say.
“Wait, hang on.” Misato shook her head. “Is it possible to make the
switch permanent?”
“No. They’re only resonances in the end,” Kaji said. “Granted, they
caused a temporary space displacement. But this phenomenon is
unprecedented in the history of Seele. This was probably the height of it. Any
further interference and the law of cause and effect would—”
He stopped before he could finish his elaboration.
Misato noticed Kaji’s shoulders quivering. Was he laughing?

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“The replica Longinus… Very well!” The Kaji-vessel raised his face.
The smug grin had returned. “Katsuragi Misato, Commander of Nerv Japan.
Let us come to a mutually satisfactory agreement.”
A new alarm sounded, followed by the heavily armored headquarters
grinding to a halt on its circular rails. The lights switched to emergency
“Rei Quatre’s mutant Eva has infiltrated the lower levels! She’s
damaged the hull of the command car!”
“No! Where did she come from?! Why didn’t we see her?!”
Fuyutsuki clung to the backrest of a chair for support. “You let her
warp away so she could hide right under our noses!”
Kaji grinned. A loud rumbling came from the elevator shaft before its
walls were blown away. Blocks of hard concrete tektite were strewn about
the command center. The security guards who still had their wits about them
opened fire on Kaji, but a giant hand blocked their bullets.
“It’s the mutant Eva!”
Quatre’s Eva-0.0, that hideous chimera of weaponry, had now gained
the wings of an Angel Carrier.
Kaji—Seele, rather—hopped on to the palm and announced, “You may
keep your castle. We shall take the replica Longinus and make our journey to
the new world.”

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Chapter 47:
Beyond the Twilight

“Now that I think about it…”

Kaji’s explanation had struck a chord with Maya, who’d seen the helix
of the replica Longinus unravel.
“Using the Eva to release the spear’s energy might prolong the
displacement phenomenon.”
I could see senpai again?
But the mature part of her immediately suppressed her emotions. The
scientist in her risked overlooking something.
Maya couldn’t see the mutant Eva because of the smoke that rose from
the fire at Nagao Pass. But she knew Quatre was fast approaching.
“Maybe we only heard the voices because the sphere is finally moving
after a long period of stasis. The Glass Egg was formed as an approximation
of the shell of the previous sphere.”
The earth rumbled from outside the Glass Egg. Six’s Eva-0.0 Type-F
had landed.
<<Who do I shoot?!>> Six asked. <<Do I just let Kaji and Quatre in or
do I try and stop them?>>
Despite being destroyed, the command center had retained its ability to
process information. Fuyutsuki continued to issue orders from under an
oxygen mask. A group of engineers had been hooked up to tubes and cables
to provide support for the cage.
Had any good come out of it?
Armaros, who’d come to steal the Longinus replica, was now miles
away. And there was a possibility that Ikari Gendo and Akagi Ritsuko, along
with the rest of the personnel of the old HQ, might return.
But not everything smelled of roses.
The Lance of Longinus was lost. The Eva who’d used it had been

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transported to the sphere at the bottom of Yomotsu Hirasaka, where the fires
of hell burned all around.
Misato wiped the dirt off her face as she weighed her options. “Put
Quatre on the line.”
Hyuga entered the communication protocol of the old Eva-0.0. “Go
“I forgot to ask earlier, but how is Lilith? You wouldn’t like it if she
came over here, would you, Kaji-kun?”
There was a slight pause before Kaji responded. <<No need to worry.
Lilith has already settled on the new world. Though the yolk and the white of
the egg might be switched out, the embryo remains the same.>>
Ultimately, Seele’s goal would serve humanity.
The visor they found in the basement of a church in Cyprus, where
Chairman Keel’s soul slept.
The soul that should not have reawakened in this world on the brink of
the apocalypse.
Kaji’s will had fused with Seele’s when he put the visor on, and there
was one thing Seele wanted: to observe the fickle system of Armaros and his
messengers, and to make sure that they didn’t break until the next iteration of
the Human Instrumentality Project wiped out what was left of humanity.
With Seele’s soul fused to Kaji, his next destination would be Lilith’s
Goodbye…Ryoji. Let’s do this.
Misato grabbed the receiver on the console.
“Six, let Quatre through. Do not attack.”
<<Uh…Six here. S-sure…>>
“Trois, you are to hand over the replica Longinus to Quatre, but do not
leave the Glass Egg. Understood?”
<<I cannot comply with this plan,>> Trois said. <<Even if there were
some way to return…>>

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179 Goldenagato |
Trois understood that Misato was ready to part with Kaji.
An arm grabbed Six’s Eva-0.0 Type-F and flung her to the side.
A pillar of water shot out of the ground. Quatre’s mutant Eva stepped
out of it instead of Six.
<<Guess who went through a hole in the ground to get from HQ to
Lake Ashi?>>
<<That would be me.>>
Quatre had passed through the flooded underground using a passage
Six had opened up with the Angel’s Backbone. The mutant Eva made her
way to the surface. She stepped to the entrance, wary of any bullets that
might come her way, but the opening of the egg forced her into a crouch,
leaving her defenseless.
She spotted Dr. Ibuki Maya inside. Trois’ gamma-ray laser cannon was
the perfect weapon for barricading herself, but she could no longer fire it due
to the wide area of effect it had. That would be as bad as stepping on the
chief of science and engineering. Instead, Trois armed herself with the
<<Hand it over, Trois,>> Rei Quatre said.
Trois took a step back to avoid stabbing Quatre as she came through
the cramped opening. <<Even if all goes well, you might not make it back,
<<No matter. I’ve been tainted by Armaros’ scale and betrayed Nerv
as a result. At this point, I hate the world we live in.>> She was now inside
the egg.
<<Quatre, I’ve always felt that you’re more alive than I am.>>
Quatre took another step forward, close enough now that the prongs of
the Longinus replica brushed against her Eva’s chest. Trois immediately
stepped back.
Quatre stepped forward again. <<And I feel that you misunderstand the
concept of living!>>
The A.T. Field-encased black wings of the mutant Eva flapped open to

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cover Trois’ line of sight. Quatre already had one hand on the spear.
<<Six, get Dr. Ibuki out of here!>> Quatre called out, making Maya
finally notice the precarious position she was in.
The giants stepped around the construction decks and ran for the
entrance. Overhead, Quatre’s Eva pulled the spear closer to herself.
<<It irritates me to see someone with my face think that she’s allowed
to die or be sacrificed. As Ayanami Reis, our personalities have become
Six switched the Angel’s Backbone to the weapon’s free-joint mode,
and she neatly coiled it up so that Maya could ride on her bayonet. They got
out of there, but Trois was still holding on to the lance.
<<I do not plan on sacrificing myself. Ikari-kun picked a color for me.
I am going to look for clothes to suit that color, to find myself so I can suit
that color. I have no intention of dying before then.>>
<<In that case…>> Quatre shifted her momentum and pushed the
lance back. Trois lost her balance, and her Eva tumbled forward from the
shift in her center of gravity. Quatre crouched, scooping Trois up as she fell.
<<Give it to me!>>
Trois’ Eva rolled all the way from the entrance to the outside of the
egg, letting go of the lance.
“Let’s begin.”
“What kind of a silly ritual was that?”
Kaji arose within Quatre’s plug. It mattered little to him what she did.
<<It’ll be the same regardless of who does it.>>
Seele saw Ayanamis Rei and Trois as nothing more than puppets of
Ikari Gendo, fashioned after his wife for the completion of the Human
Instrumentality Project. They were all the same.
And yet we have our differences.
Quatre giggled.

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Was I actually proud of myself for a second there?
She felt as if there was an A.T. Field that spread from her abdomen to
her chest and all the way to her arms.
The helix of the replica Longinus swelled, emitting light from the
“So, what is this lance?”
“The spear form of the Longinus has a simple enough function. It can
join and sever causality. Even Lilith, that being that creates life indefinitely,
would stop if this were driven through her.”
“Every effect has a road leading up to it. This shell is connected to the
inside of the egg underneath Yomotsu Hirasaka.”
The Q.R. Signum in the mutant Eva’s chest began to throb.
“What’s wrong?”
“Armaros…noticed that I’m holding the spear. She’s looking for…”
Blood rushed through her neck, making her veins pop and pulse. It
looked black, but perhaps that was an illusion caused by her pale skin.
Her hair, tinted silver by the initial corruption of the Q.R. Signum, now
turned black as well. Her left hand let go of the control stick of its own
accord, and Quatre had to hold it down with her right hand to stop it.
There was no record of Q.R. Signums taking over a person’s bodily
functions, even when they were mentally infected. This might be a first. The
Euro Eva had been built around one of Armaros’ scales. Many had speculated
how Armaros would use this feature. Now they had their answer.
“Heh heh heh.” Quatre strained to laugh, but she was satisfied. She
knew she’d made the black giant desperate if it was reduced to such
Kaji got up. “Let me out and I can interfere with the Q.R. Signum for
you. It should alleviate your pain.”
“Look… The space around us is changing. It’s like the sunset…” An

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Ayanami memory.
While the two eggs hadn’t switched places, they had begun
overlapping in the strange twilight. Seele/Kaji stepped out onto the chest of
the mutant Eva and touched the Q.R. Signum to prevent it from being taken
over by Armaros.
There were thousands of figures in the distance.
Gendo’s minions from three years ago.
Ikari must be among them.
Will I rely on you, even in the next world?
Seeker, if only you would abandon your karma. You, too, could have
become Seele…
Kaji realized too late that someone was standing behind him.
<<You did your best, but it wasn’t enough.>>
He turned. Rei Cinque—in an old school uniform and carrying Rei
Quatre—stood before him.
<<Take her home.>>
Kaji took Quatre, but Seele inside him was distressed.
What is happening?
Now unburdened, Cinque turned around and touched the Q.R. Signum
with her right hand.
The black scale pulsed. Its countless veins glowed red. And then, it
“What?!” Seele/Kaji was shocked.
“Yui!” Ikari Gendo, former commander of Nerv, called out and ran
after her.
When Kaji turned to look again, Ayanami Rei Cinque had aged several
years and was wearing a white lab coat. She was now Ikari Yui.
Seele/Kaji’s vision went dark. The next moment, he was in a different

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place entirely, holding Quatre. Everything was orange twilight, and he could
still hear the hum of the mutant Eva behind him. They were somewhere
inside the egg.
He looked ahead.
Mist flowed at their feet, flowing toward and pooling around Lilith.
The white and swollen source of all life was nailed to the cross.
She would take whatever data was in the Ark, go to the moon, and
continue to produce life. The Earth would wither and become the next moon.
The swollen moon would become the new Earth.
The Seele within Kaji felt reassured that his mission in this world was
coming to an end.
Fruits will grow even if you neglect the tree.
Given time, humanity would fail the same way, over and over.
The Human Instrumentality Project had been imposed on humans as a
product of original sin, and unless they completed it, they would never
progress to the next stage. The best thing to do was finish it quickly.
Seele had guarded the memory of the world ever since the time of the
first Noah. Though they’d never attained success, they’d kept the record of
all the failures.
The world had no blueprint.
All they could do was eliminate one failure at a time.
They were the ones who’d learned how to interfere with the
messengers. They were the ones who’d crafted the Ark to shorten the creation
of new worlds. They were the ones who’d created a replica of the original
Lance of Longinus.
Seele/Kaji looked at Lilith.
What was the entity imposing the Human Instrumentality Project?
Whatever it was, it had abandoned the world.
No…perhaps it was still present. Perhaps it had chosen to keep its
silence for all eternity. Indeed, perhaps it had forgotten its original plan and

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now had nothing left to say.
Such was the eternal question that had haunted humanity from the
dawn of time.
<<My God, are you with us?>>
He took a step toward Lilith.
Then Kaji noticed something twisting around his legs in the mist, like
it was trying to pull him down.
Lilith’s cross was planted in his watermelon patch. Type-N monitoring
robots, stained with water and moss, scurried about with their creaky
crawlers, watering the plants with a hose.
It was no hallucination. Little Rei Six had moved Shinji’s patch inside
the Glass Egg. It was looking pretty good by now. The striped green spheres
glowed beautifully under the orange light.
Seele/Kaji knelt in the black soil, Rei Quatre still in his arms.
Shinji’s watermelon patch. It had been Kaji’s once.
What is this…feeling?
Something fell from Kaji’s face and bounced onto the watermelon
vines. Kaji Ryoji’s existence had been overwritten ever since he’d found
Chairman Keel’s visor in Cyprus.
Now, the visor hit the ground and rolled away.

Gendo desperately called out to the figure standing on the mutant Eva.
The woman smiled lovingly back at him.
<<My dear, sweet Gendo.>>
The prongs of the replica Longinus still glowed in the mutant Eva’s
hands. Yui was standing on its shoulder.
<<You will keep chasing me despite having lost all reason to. You will
exist only to pursue karma in the distant world.>>
The Carrier wings of the mutant Eva crumbled away. It began to grow

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bigger. The S2 engine on its back cried like a baby as it was separated from
its body and then calmed as it was cradled in a newly synthesized right hand.
<<You will be stripped of everything that makes you yourself, until
you become like a single, slender arrow. Like the me you see right now.>>
The S2 engine turned into an egg, and the being that cradled it was no
longer an Eva, but Yui’s bare and radiant body.
“Will we become one, then?”
<<You are to follow me from a place only you are able. That is the rule
imposed upon you and no one else.>>
The giant of light no longer resembled Yui.
The replica Longinus was glowing now, and she pushed its shining tip
into the walls of the egg.
The light consumed everything.

<<We shall meet again in a future iteration of the Human

Instrumentality Project.>>

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Back in Hakone, the invincible shell of the Glass Egg cracked,
bringing the Chronostatic Sphere, the sealed-off world Lilith had created
three years ago at HQ, back into existence.
The ground under Tokyo-3 shook.
The vertical structure that was old Central Dogma materialized,
landing sideways on the shores of Lake Ashi.

He felt someone call out to him and turned to face it.
Shinji had returned to Yomotsu Hirasaka and was greeted by the sight
of a mushroom cloud, rising up through the roots of the World Tree and
reaching the stratosphere. Shock waves rippled out, causing the foundations
of the world to wobble. Then a pillar of flame shot straight up through the
mushroom cloud itself. Sound followed sight, and the eruption was so loud
that it knocked Eva-01 Final Model back.
Black smoke billowed. It broke through the clouds, bursting into an
aurora when it penetrated the ionosphere. It flew up into the Earth’s low
orbit, and the sun and moon illuminated it, shining over a sky that had been
colored by the roots of the World Tree.
A single point of light exited the cloud. It looked like a sphere. No, an
Realization dawned on Shinji.
Yomotsu Hirasaka had released Lilith’s Chronostatic Sphere into the
sky, into the moon.
Final Model raced after it. With Lilith gone, Earth was no longer the
stage for the Human Instrumentality Project. The planet had lost its reason for
existing. He spread his wings of light and accelerated into the heavens.
“The old HQ is inside that thing…along with it Ritsuko-san and
<<It will be all right.>>

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A distant voice came from the other side of the World Tree’s network
of roots.
Final Model stopped in his tracks. The wings of light he’d activated at
the cost of his life span melted into particles in the sky.
The shores of Lake Ashi, where the world from three years ago lay on
its side. Figures, one after another, stepped out of the dusty rubble. People
who’d disappeared three years ago reappeared, looking no older than when
they’d vanished.
Nerv Japan and JSSDF’s joint rescue team escorted the bewildered-
looking crowd. Both civilian and political rescue squads were exempt from
the operation, since they were still under emergency lockdown.
Kaji, too, appeared from the rubble, Rei Quatre on his back and two
watermelons in his hands. Misato shot out of the black SUV and ran toward
“You look like a hot mess.”
“I couldn’t let that melon patch go to waste. That thing’s on the moon
Kaji motioned with his chin. Behind him, the Nerv crew each carried a
watermelon or two.
“I’m so tired.”
Nerv’s former commander, Ikari Gendo, had also made it out, but he’d
been injured by the crumbling scrap heap. He’d lost consciousness and was
moved onto a stretcher and into an ambulance that carried him away, sirens
On the other side of the scene, Akagi Ritsuko consoled Maya, who was
bawling into her chest.
Misato wasted no time in issuing orders to the rescue team.
“Find out where everyone’s from and put tags on them. Keep all of
them under surveillance. Put them on the Togendai linear rail and move them
to the shelter inside HQ. You can part with JSSDF there.”

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As much as Misato wanted to talk to Ritsuko, this was what she needed
to do for the moment. “I’m going back to the command center.”
“How about some watermelons before you go?”
“We’re still under a Class One Threat. Our kids are still fighting out
there, one on the Pacific and another right over our heads! Also—”
Misato paused.
Why am I talking to him so naturally?
Kaji read Misato’s mind. “Oh, Seele was inside the sphere, too.
They’re blasted to the moon now.”
Misato froze, her expression blank, her hand still holding the open door
of the SUV. It flustered him, and he looked away, adjusting the sleeping
Quatre on his back.
Misato fought back the tears. “I already said my goodbyes to you.”
“You’re an awful woman, you know that?”

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Chapter 48:
Mari’s Assault

T HE ERUPTION HAD LAUNCHED Lilith’s Chronostatic Sphere into the

sky. Fortunately, the ash and debris were light enough to be carried away by
the wind to the southern part of the island, giving the North American
Alliance a chance to regroup.
Overhead, a volcanic bomb the size of a bus collided with something
and shattered. The JSSDF Akashima and Shrikes One and Two, along with
the American attack platforms, generated repulsor fields using their N2
reactors. Furthermore, the Brazilian engineering unit activated twelve of the
N2 warheads reserved for destroying the Ark.
But the Ark provided whoever looked at it with a veritable hellscape. It
continued to produce black monsters that pursued the troops despite all their
resistance. The creatures rushed to the lava that flowed like molten candy.
The troops continued to lay suppressing fire. But how long would their
ammunition last?
A huge, clawed foot stepped over the burning orange river. An equally
large tail cast its shadow over them like a mountain.
“Stop! Hold your fire! That might be the mutated U.S. Eva Nerv Japan
told us about!”
The ground shook as the beast landed on all fours, the trees rustling as
it rushed forward.
“That’s Wolfpack?!”
“So, the Unknown Mountain Beast spotted by our UAVs… That
thing’s an Eva?!”

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The U.S. Eva sent out its pack. Animal-shaped A.T. Fields came
charging out of the beast. They began consuming the black shadows that had
overrun the area.
“That’s Wolfpack, all right! It’s the only Eva that uses its A.T. Field
like that!”
“She’s one of ours!”
Mari no longer considered herself affiliated with the U.S. troops. She
wasn’t even concerned with the well-being of the human troopers on the
ground. All she wanted to do was consume the Ark’s life-form data to feed
her pack. But the soldiers, abandoned by their convoy and fighting an
unspeakable enemy, were inspired by her nonetheless.
<<Behind the beast! They’re coming in hot!>>
Four Angel Carriers pursued Wolfpack.
“Don’t let them get her!”
The railgun mounted on the heavy trailers let loose a volley of fire, and
the troopers took up a defensive formation.
Torwächter Kodama and Torwächter Toji came swooping down from
the sky, hanging from the roots.

Shinji was listening to Six elaborate on the launch of Lilith’s sphere.

“Are you sure about this?!”
<<Yeah! Everyone locked inside made it back to Hakone! Even
Commander Ikari and Dr. Akagi!>>
“And you’re absolutely sure?”
Shinji had been about to pursue the sphere, which he’d thought
contained his father and many others. Now he felt his anxiety ease.
Thank God.
<<Anyway, Asuka told you to do something about Toji.>>
Final Model cleared the smoke.

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Shinji had gone through a wall of ash, and he thought he saw Wolfpack
over a distant mountain ridge. The two Torwächters pursued her, dancing like
puppets dangling from strings.

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Chapter 49:

T ROIS HAD RETURNED to Cage Two—Shinji’s cage—instead of Cage

One, and was currently in the process of forcing Super Eva’s shoulder pylons
into Eva-0.0.
She grimaced with pain as she drove the pylon’s anchor into her
shoulder. This kind of work required high levels of precision and would
usually be conducted with a positioning gantry with the Eva in a pilotless and
dormant state.
But she was running out of time and couldn’t wait for permission to be
granted. She checked her synchronization rate through squinted eyes, beads
of sweat forming on her face, only to be lost in the flow of the LCL.
<<Trois, what are you doing?!>> Hyuga barked from the command
Trois paid no heed to him, went to the third tier of the arming tree, and
equipped herself with the Field Penetrators Kesara and Basara.
“I’m going after Unit Two.”
<<Stand down, Eva-0.0,>> Fuyutsuki said. <<You are not to operate
without orders issued from Command.>>
“Asuka can’t face Armaros on her own, even if she is synthesized.”
The ground rumbled as Trois’ Eva stepped into the lift deck.
“Epicenter!” Fuyutsuki leaned against the edge of the console for
support and shouted to Aoba’s subordinate on the lower deck who was in
charge of meteorology.
“Detecting several epicenters! Sending it to the main display now!”
And yet, the screen showed the sky instead of the Earth. There was
another planet on the far side of the roots, a planet that was also entangled by
them. The moon. The former satellite had swollen to the point that it was now

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only ten thousand kilometers away from the Earth.
“It’s falling, and fast! It’s causing massive tidal disturbances all over
the Earth!”
The command center erupted.
“We’ve been close enough to feel its effects before, but not like this.
Why now?!”
“Nothing in geophysics or planetology can explain it,” Aoba’s lecturer,
the aging theoretical physicist, said. “This is the appropriate physical reaction
to the relation of mass between the two bodies. If anything, the gravitational
pull we had before this was preposterous. Something interfered with it.”
“Base isolation systems back online!” someone in the damage control
unit shouted.
They’d finished repairing the damage done to HQ by Quatre’s mutant
Eva. Their operation jacks were pulled out, and the rumbling in the command
center settled.
Outside, the quake continued.
“What do you mean by ‘something,’ professor?” Fuyutsuki asked. The
elderly man scratched at his receding hairline.
“I think it’s because we lost the Longinus Ring.”
Fuyutsuki didn’t understand what this meant. The Lance of Longinus
had been constricting the Earth from orbit. Was it also controlling the ever-
expanding moon?
“It’s only a hypothesis. If the exchange of matter between Earth and
moon are interrupted, the moon would cease to be the stage of the new Earth.
They would need something to control that process.”
The Lance of Longinus was currently flying through the roots of the
World Tree, spread out over the Earth and moon.
“I guess the lance’s disappearance didn’t solve our problems.”
Misato entered the command center—noisy with the whir of
construction tools—with Kaji in tow.
<<External cameras!>>

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Alarms blared from the observatories surrounding the Komagatake
sniping post. Black ash scattered from the sky, peeling off the surface of the
vertical roots.
“Open fire, Katsuragi!” Kaji whispered urgently. “Those are the same
things as the black creatures from the sea!”
You’re kidding! Misato thought.
“Arm the anti-air guns!”
“Magi, assign the fire control A.I. in the armory to simultaneous
suppression of multiple targets per turret.”
Having issued the order, Fuyutsuki looked at Misato and then at Kaji.
Could he really trust her decision?
This man was possessed by Seele, by the shadow of Chairman Keel.
Fuyutsuki couldn’t believe him so easily.
“The roots of the World Tree are probably connected to the Ark on
Yomotsu Hirasaka, Fuyutsuki-sensei,” Kaji tapped the side of his head.
Did he retain the memories of Seele?
“Only the parts they consciously thought about,” Kaji said, as if
reading his mind.
Anti-air guns fired from the armory.
“They’ll fade soon enough. They aren’t exactly alive and only know
how to eat…but you should still warn the rest of the world.”
It was as Kaji said. The black shadows descended from the roots,
consuming everything—plant, animal, and person—in sight.
The world was thrown into chaos, the air filled with crying and
Within the roots that covered the sky, Armaros and the Asuka/Eva
synthesis continued to do battle, their silhouettes undulating along the stem.
<<Take care of this place, Six,>> Rei Trois said.
Six’s Eva-0.0 Type-F was currently shooting down the descending

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black shadows.
She turned and saw Trois’ Eva-0.0—armed with the Field Penetrators
Kesara and Basara, a rifle, an N2 grenade launcher, and the gamma-ray laser
cannon—fly away with her external jump boosters.
<<Quatre erased my memory of the warp procedure, but with the
tunnel network clearly visible…>>
The orange body, flanked with boosters on four sides, leaped toward
the tips of the dangling roots of the World Tree.
“You’re kidding!”
The icon for Trois’ Eva-0.0 disappeared from the combat link.
<<I can’t communicate using ordinary means, but with our tin can
telephone… You can hear me, can’t you, Six?>>
Trois’ connection had dropped out, but she could still speak through
the mental mirroring that connected the Ayanamis.
<<I’ll need you to speak for me.>>
Misato and the others still didn’t know that the mirror link had been
reestablished. Six pictured the moment she would break the news…and their
response to it. She squeezed the trigger on the Powered 8, her mood visibly
“I guess I’m the one getting yelled at today.”

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Chapter 50:
A Wolf’s Wisdom


The U.S. Eva, Wolfpack, charged in a straight line. Its destination, the
Ark, lay in the shade of a mighty rock. Wolfpack cut through the tentacle of
an Angel Carrier that carried Shamshel, and it easily avoided the Torwächters
The Ark.
The key to repeating the world.
The congregation of all terrestrial life-forms.
The data of all organisms on Earth.
Both the Earth and moon possessed an Ark of their own. The two had
originally been one, but they’d been severed from each other, suddenly
invincible and incorporeal. Without a physical existence, they could only
deteriorate for all eternity.
But something had affected them.
When Asuka and Eva-02 had come into contact with the Ark on the
moon, they’d not only lost their egos but their physical shape as well, from
the amount of life-form data that had flowed into them. When they failed to
shed this excess data, the Asuka/Eva synthesis was formed.
But for Mari, becoming an amalgamated mass of genetic material was
her ideal. She’d once referred to the incomplete life-forms of the Ark as a
pitiful pack. They’d been sealed away for eternity, their only task to
accelerate the regeneration of the world.
She felt sorry for them.
Mari’s Wolfpack advanced to the Ark, intent on setting the countless
life-forms free. She didn’t know whether she’d be able to. But she was no
longer human enough to form a plan.
The girl now operated on the level of a beast.

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“Go! Destroy that damn mirror box!”
The North American Alliance urged Wolfpack on.
Torwächter Kodama and Torwächter Toji had acted separately so far,
but they changed their tactics when Wolfpack crossed the final hill to the
Ark. They lined up perfectly, surrounding it, and touched their back plates,
which had become elastic slings hanging from the sky roots. They separated,
producing an oblong window to another dimension.
“Focus fire on the two black units!” Warrant Officer Endo shouted.
He trusted his gut, but it was too late.
The two Torwächters spread their window like finish-line tape and
dashed right into Wolfpack’s giant body. The beast’s front paws were lopped
off with little resistance, the connective tissue limbs transported by the

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Wolfpack fell forward, shaking the ground hard enough to flip tanks. It
took ages for the tremors to subside.
Mari’s charge had been halted with the Ark in her sights.
<<Gaaah… Aaaagh!>>
The fallen behemoth clawed at the trees with its hind legs, growling in
Mari’s voice.
Torwächter Kodama and Torwächter Toji descended, their window
still open. They would finish the job.
The North American Alliance and the Akashima were still firing at the
Angel Carriers, too busy to help Mari.
“Stop it, Toji!”
Shinji’s Final Model appeared, knife in hand, half of his body glowing.

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Chapter 51:
Inside the Tunnel Network

I of the World Tree, pitch-black winds blew Trois’

Eva-0.0 through the tunnel network. She’d used this highway before when
her body was controlled by Seele/Kaji.
Even with a chunk of missing memory, Rei Trois knew that using the
tunnel network was a matter of will. Places were only distant if you thought
of them as distant. With no goal in mind, you’d wander the roots forever.
I need to catch up with Asuka and Armaros.
She’d barely formed an image of them when she arrived at her
destination. She saw a black giant fighting against a red, feminine one.
“Safety off.”
The FCS made an inquiry about the focal length of her beam’s
convergence point. Distance seemed to operate under vague rules in this
“Set distance at infinity. Cancel auto-identification of individuals. Use
my line of sight to aim.”
The A.I. popped up a number of windows warning Trois about the
dangers of friendly fire, but she dismissed them all.
The gamma-ray laser charged its capacitors to their limits to output a
shot with the power of 2,100 gigawatts.
The Asuka/Eva synthesis leaped away. The mass of energy failed to
focus itself on one point, perhaps due to the properties of the space, and the
bright ray grazed Armaros’ right side and head. Most of the energy was
deflected by her shields, but it managed to blow half her face away.
<<Aaah! It burns! It hurts!>> The black giant screamed in Hikari’s
<<Where is it… Where is the spear?!>> Now it was Armaros speaking
through Hikari.

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The keeper of the Human Instrumentality Project was looking for the
original Lance of Longinus after losing its replica. The fact that she’d yet to
find it might have had something to do with Asuka distracting her will.
<<Where is it? I must put…the spear back into the sky!>>
Fused with Eva-02, Asuka was close to losing her ego again, but the
cries of her best friend still pierced her heart.
Trois rushed into the fight, her right hand drawing Basara from her left
“You have to come back to us, Horaki-san! Asuka, Suzuhara…even
Ikari-kun. They’re all hurting for you.”
Armaros brandished her hatchet-like melee weapon. Trois ducked,
turned, and swung.
“And the same goes for me!”
Sparks flew from Armaros’ shielded chest. Trois used the momentum
from her rotation to sheathe Basara after the strike. The sword cases turned
red as they consumed energy from her external S2 engine. The Field
Penetrators analyzed the characteristics of Armaros’ shield and began firing
up the field excitation blades of Kesara-Basara.
However, the dedicated sub-A.I. estimated the penetration ability of the
blades to be at thirty-five percent after attunement. While she could break
through the shield, she wouldn’t be able to chop off any limbs. Trois
skimmed through the data.
Her entire body is covered with Q.R. Signums, each with its own
unique shield signature. They’re resonating.
Asuka attacked from behind the black giant with the Bizen Osafune,
but Armaros had anticipated this move and blocked it with the hatchet. She
wanted to save Hikari and was focusing too much on the entry unit as a
“Asuka, if we don’t incapacitate her first…!”
Trois switched to her rifle as she waited for Kesara-Basara to finish

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<<Why won’t you…help me…Asuka…>>
Asuka flinched and steadied the Bizen.
Armaros used this chance to spread her arms in the dark flow. Who
knew what she was thinking now?
<<Must…advance to the next…>>
“Advance? Advance what?”
<<The world…>>
Armaros thrust out her right arm.
It vanished.
Trois and Asuka were equally shocked.
What is she doing?
It looked like an optical illusion. Armaros’ gigantic body became even
<<I’ll take everything from here… Toji…Kodama…come.>>

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Chapter 52:
Pacific Partition


Shinji blocked Torwächter Toji’s spinning spindle with his glowing

“You have to stop, Toji!”
Meanwhile, Torwächter Kodama circled over to the twitching
Wolfpack to lop off its head.
What should I do?!
The American attack platforms fended off Torwächter Kodama’s
attack by focusing their gatling guns on it.
Shinji was being forced into melee combat, and he prepared himself
But then he was caught off guard.
Toji’s Torwächter rushed him, flinging the physically superior Final
Model over his head. Toji was good at judo, and it was paying off deadly
dividends now.
Torwächter Toji grabbed the Powered 8 at his waist.
The railgun folded its acceleration barrel into a compact figure eight,
opened fire, and shot down a flying platform intercepting Torwächter
Kodama. Its pilot and gunner crawled out of the wreckage and looked up,
only to see even stranger things in the sky.
“Look! The tip of the roots!”
The roots, which had been floating aimlessly before, were stabbing the
Earth one after another.
“The tips are turning into black arms. There’s more of them coming

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“Focus on the roots! Take them down!”
The remnants of the North American Alliance got to work, their
fighting spirit restored after seeing this new threat. Their cannons had been
level with the ground to fend off Torwächters, Angel Carriers, and black
monsters spawning from the Ark. But now they pointed up. Ships coming in
from Saipan Island to replace the convoy also provided supporting fire.
But the roots raining down from the sky kept piercing the ground.
“What the hell are those things?! They look like Armaros’ arms.”
It was as if the Earth were being held in place by anchors that fell from
Final Model tumbled again, riddled with the 8’s high-speed rounds.
Most of the bullets were melted away by his field, but pain still coursed
through his body. Still, two of his pylons were destroyed, and his restraint
armor was heavily damaged.
He’d underestimated Toji. His A.T. Field didn’t work well against an
opponent he knew.
“Stop it! Please…Toji!”
He slashed at the air with his knife. But the next attack didn’t come.
The two Torwächters disappeared into the roots that covered the sky.

Screams rent the air as everyone lost their balance. The whole island
was being pulled westward. The Akashima hovered over the battlefield, until
a mountainside rammed into it.
“What was that?!”
Endo would’ve been gravely injured if he weren’t strapped into his
seat. The Akashima wasn’t moving; the rest of the landscape was.
“This isn’t your regular tectonic plate shift!”
You didn’t have to be a geophysicist to know that much. The
screaming continued from down below.

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<<This is Ogasawara front line to Yomo…Tsukino Yami Island.
Akashima, we’re seeing some crazy things over here.>> Lieutenant Colonel
Kasuga contacted them from the JSSDF base at Chichijima. <<Endo, the
island is currently being dragged west by the roots in the sky!>>
Warrant Office Endo balked at this statement, but a quick look at his
map confirmed his superior’s mad claim.
They’re dragging us west, all right. And then…what, are we going all
the way to Okinawa?!
“Lieutenant Colonel, we might ram right into the Ogasawara Islands at
this point!”
<<No,>> Kasuga shot back. <<That island won’t reach here. The
Earth’s rotation has been thrown off significantly. Right now, Tsukino Yami
is headed north-northwest by previous calculations.>>
Pillars of fire erupted out of the sea, following the island’s trail.
Endo checked his map. “Izu Peninsula? Oh, no…”
Yomotsu Hirasaka had fallen right into the Earth’s mantle from orbit. It
was now cutting through the ocean floor like a knife, its destination its
original landing spot before Shinji had diverted its trajectory—the place that
lay just beyond Izu Peninsula, Hakone.

A bulge appeared on one section of the primary roots. It traveled down,

growing larger and larger, so that by the time it reached the Atlantic Ocean, it
had become a giant whose feet could touch the Earth.
Armaros had taken the roots of the World Tree into herself, growing to
the size of the giants of light who would cause the Final Impact. She was a
pitch-black giant of darkness.
Her arms sprouted from her shoulders into many fine branches,
twisting around the roots of the World Tree. She continued westward until
she reached the east coast of the United States. Then she began moving
northeast, toward the Arctic Ocean.
The branching arms started weaving together, forming a single arm. In
the distant Pacific, the roots pulling Yomotsu Hirasaka formed the second

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Shinji pursued Toji and the other Torwächter, but he couldn’t ignore
the Carriers attacking him. As he fought off the giants, he witnessed the
moment the roots came together to form two giant arms.

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Chapter 53:
Black Giant

“It’s heading to Hakone? You’re kidding, Misato-san.”

<<If only I were.>>
“This is crazy. You can’t just pull something against the Earth’s
rotation. Even before it shrank, the Earth could rotate forty thousand
kilometers in twenty-four hours, which comes down to… Uhh…”
<<1670 kilometers per hour, give or take a few. It’s faster now, with
our decreased diameter.>>
“They’d have to break the sound barrier to do that!”
Shinji didn’t feel its effects. He didn’t fall after accelerating. The winds
were a little stronger, but even then…
He swallowed hard when he saw the island’s peak. It was indeed being
pulled away by a gigantic, spindle-shaped cloud.
The two Platypus-2 observer jets, Shrikes One and Two, flew high
above the ocean, where they were in no danger of colliding with the vertical
roots. Their observation booms and rotary guns were tucked tightly into the
fuselage, and they watched the scene unfold while flying at high speed.
<<Either way, it’s the truth. At this rate, it’s going to ram into Izu
Peninsula in about an hour.>>
Shinji couldn’t believe what he was hearing. “And the moon?”
Professor Mizusato answered his question in a hoarse voice. <<With
the disappearance of the Longinus Ring, the Earth is on a crash course.
Taking the Roche limit into account, both bodies will clash, affecting a third
of the area on each. It’ll be like chafing pants on a hot summer’s day.>>
“Chafing… What?”
Shinji didn’t understand, but he knew it would be catastrophic.
<<It just means the countdown party’s happening sooner rather than
later. Shinji, you’ll have to—>>

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Another earthquake shook Hakone, and Misato’s window flickered
before being cut off. Her courage wasn’t just for show. Shinji knew she had
to be brave for everyone else.
It hurt to watch her.
Misato didn’t blame him. Not that Shinji was at fault. But he was the
one who’d manifested the tunnel network, the roots of the World Tree, into
this dimension. The roots were supposed to be invisible, but they’d
swallowed the Lance of Longinus when they appeared, and now the moon
was falling on their heads. The roots had become part of Armaros, and she
was currently dragging Yomotsu Hirasaka all the way to Hakone.
There was only one thing left to do.
And he had to do it while he was still human.
“If I’m doing this at all…now’s the time.”
He’d known that much the moment he saw the giant’s black arm.
Resistance was—

The battleship Yamato had landed on the west side of the moving
island. The ship provided support at medium range as well as supplies from
Nerv Japan. At the ship’s rear deck, Shinji’s Final Model unlatched the Battle
Axe SRM-50.

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Chapter 54:

While earthquakes ravaged Hakone, Six was locked in combat with

a Carrier of the double-helix Angel Armisael. She was currently being
assaulted by the Carrier’s hardened spiral rings. She managed to block them
with the whip form of the Angel’s Backbone. But a chill ran down her spine
as she looked east.
“That quake just now… It can’t be!”
Something was cutting former Izu Peninsula in half. The island had
been divided by a road of sorts. On the horizon, two black arms extended
from the sky, as if pulling the thing.
Six looked west. A gigantic black shadow had fallen over Mount Fuji
and the Sea of Japan. Its armored lower half walked under the roots, but its
top half extended high above and was covered by them.
“No…I hate this.” Blood rushed to her head. “Trois!”
<<I see it, Six. Armaros has expanded to the point of being visible
outside the tunnel network. We can only see her chest from here.>>
“What should we do?”
<<I’m sorry, but I’m a little preoccupied.>>
Six saw through Trois’ eyes. Within the dark corridors, Armaros’ body
was so large that it felt like she was seeing it through a magnifying glass.
Meanwhile, Torwächter Toji and Torwächter Kodama, fashioned after
Hikari’s sister, were coming at her. They’d been summoned into the tunnel
network to deal with Trois’ Eva-0.0 and the Asuka/Eva synthesis, Crimson
Six felt dizzy, like her little head was filled to its brim.
“This is crazy… Marmaros is huge now, and its arms are dragging
Yomoyomo Island all the way to Hakone.”
<<It’s what?!>>

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“I don’t know anymore!”
An alert came from Hakone command as she let out an exasperated
<<Hakone command to Six! You’re falling into a commercial-
residential area! Take evasive maneuvers!>>
The Eva didn’t have enough space to accelerate and crashed into
something on the ground. Or it would have, anyway, if it hadn’t bounced
away from that something.
Eva-0.0 Type-F was stranded in the city, leaning against an invisible
wall as the Angel Carrier approached the urban combat area. Six ejected her
entry plug, but the hatch didn’t open. The outer plating was caught against
some kind of tube.
She pulled the offending debris out of the small crack. The hatch
opened properly now, and the small pilot rolled out of the plug right into—
no, through—the invisible wall.
“This is…the school.”

Six dragged herself into the classroom. As usual, Super Eva’s entry
plug was in the center of it.
“Shinji, let everyone into the school! Nothing can destroy your dream
—the Eva’s dream—right?!” Six activated the hatch opener on the adjacent
<<Six? I don’t mind, but I’m about to…everyone…after…>>
“What? You’re breaking up!”
Six couldn’t wait for the slow-opening hatch. She stood on the tips of
her toes and smacked the surface of the plug with her little hands.
She squeezed her head through the crack like a cat.
But what she found inside was an empty seat in a darkened plug.

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She knew she’d heard his voice earlier.
But Shinji wasn’t here.

“Huh? What gives? We could always meet at the school!”

Shinji’s Final Model still existed in this world because he’d frozen the
final second of Third Impact. Now he only had one foot in this world—no, a
mere toenail.
Final Model’s internal clock was nearing its end. As a result, Shinji
could no longer leave it.
The Shinji in the classroom was part of a dream. That was why Six’s
Eva had bounced off the impenetrable barrier of the school. The dream
wasn’t bound by natural physics. As such, it was a strange place. Asuka had
brought Shinji’s entry plug here. Shinji had managed to get inside the Eva
from here. And Final Model had activated in the cage when he did. Not as a
dream but as an Eva who could interact with and fight in the real world.
At least, that’s how it was supposed to be.

Six knelt on the desk she’d been standing on.

<<That idiot isn’t here? That’s weird.>>
<<He was just here a second ago,>> a voice said.
Six gasped. Asuka and Toji appeared, the former in a plugsuit and the
latter in a g-suit.
“Toji! Asuka!”
Both of them looked fuzzy.
There were two other figures with them, both too vague to make out.
<<The little one’s Mari. I think the other one’s Hikari.>>
Asuka stood next to the window as Toji seated himself sideways. He
folded his hands over his knees with a pained look.
“I thought you turned into a Torwächter!” Six said.
<<I did… Sorry about that. I tried fighting back, but I wasn’t strong

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enough. My ego’s about to go at any moment.>>
<<I can still fight,>> Asuka said. <<I’ll put you out of your misery.>>
<<Please and thank you.>>
Their physical selves were currently within the tunnel network, battling
it out as enemies.
<<But…>> Noise ran through Asuka’s figure. <<I don’t know how
much longer I have left.>>
Her consciousness would eventually be overwritten again if she
remained synthesized with her Eva.
Six shook the smaller shadow. “Mari… Mari! Cat Ears, come on!”
<<It’s no use. It’s what she wants.>>
The small shade split into smaller, animal-shaped ones and ran to a
distant desk before reforming into a humanoid shape.
<<We made the same attempt with Hikari earlier, but it’s no use. And
have you noticed, Six?>>
<<Your clothes didn’t change.>>
Before, they’d always switched to old uniforms whenever they entered
<<The being that halted time, Shinji’s mom… She’s probably gone
Toji winced as he balled up his left hand. His pale, human hand.
<<Shinji was so traumatized, he forced me into a prosthetic. Dammit! If only
Quatre had come through with the thing I asked.>>
<<Six, you have to go back! The Carrier is attacking headquarters.>>
What would be waiting for her when she did?
“Okay…” Little Rei Six nodded, not out of determination but out of a
lack of options. Her blue hair bounced as she bounded out of the classroom.
But she tripped on something in the hallway and came back.
“By the way, I found this earlier.” Six held out the thing that had

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jammed Eva-0.0 Type-F’s plug hatch. “Is this what you asked Quatre for?”
It was a metal container, a working bio-preservation canister.
“Her name’s written on the other side of it.”
She turned the tube, showing them the “4” that was the Ayanami’s
Quatre did this? Toji decided that it must have been when Six was
pulled in by the mutant Eva at Lake Ashi. Quatre could have forced a mental
routine into Six’s mind via the mirror link.
He didn’t need to check inside to see what it was.
It was his cultivated leg.
<<Just what I’ve been waiting for!>>

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Chapter 55:
The Giant of Light’s Second Coming

T HE BLACK ARMS that came down from the sky towed Yomotsu
Hirasaka at breakneck speeds.
“Oh, come on! You can’t be serious!”
All eyes were on Nerv Japan’s Eva, the giant whose body was half
made of light. He was fighting off a Gaghiel Angel Carrier. Aglow, Shinji
grabbed the larval Angel’s gigantic jaws.
Endo could only watch the strange sight through the eyes of the JSSDF
“That Nerv Japan Eva isn’t just glowing…it’s getting bigger! It’s
almost like—”
Final Model continued expanding as he held onto Gaghiel’s jaws. The
Carrier shrieked in pain. Now, the only part of the Eva that wasn’t glowing
was the Time Brake on its back.
<<More than half!>>
That was the amount of life span he’d used. Final Model grew to
Armaros proportions, swinging his shining battle axe.
The frozen time was released in the whirlwind, resuming the paused
power of the Third Impact. Could Shinji control it?
The sound reverberated across the island. Final Model’s four shoulder
pylons had fractured from the inside, wings sprouting out of each of them.

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Razor-sharp winds blew from the north of the island all the way to the
south. Swinging his axe, the brilliant Final Model chopped Armaros’ gigantic
right arm off.
<<Another half!>>
The power he required was beyond words. The cost would drop his
remaining life span to zero.
The giant of light stepped to the other side of the island. The ground
wobbled. Shinji swung his axe through the air again. It sank into Armaros’
left arm. Everything felt like it was moving in slow motion.
Shinji wondered if he had any regrets.
He was seventeen. Fresh soil. Infinite potential. On the other hand, one
could never fulfill that potential. He’d suffered through anxiety and was
terrified of death, but he was past the point of feeling regret.
Still, he was sick of his life.
He’d been chosen as a hero, and yet he could only squeal like a
desperate animal.
His remaining leg pulled up to his knees and over the mountain to
catch up with the rest of his body. The upper half of the giant of light spun,
the battle axe chopping the black giant’s left arm again.
The battle axe had found its mark, but it was buried in something that
looked like a black serpent, wrapping the arm.
Shinji saw a ray of light in his peripheral vision. It came from the
direction of Armaros’ squirming right arm, tangled in the roots. He turned to
face it…and something pierced his heart.
<<Gah… Longinus!>>
Shinji had cut off Armaros’ right arm, effectively chopping down the
roots of the World Tree. Freed from this labyrinth, the spear had immediately
sought its prey. The Lance of Longinus had returned to our world.

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Chapter 56:
The Lance of Casuality

H E WAS ENGULFED by light. Shinji felt his consciousness drift away

with the ever-expanding power of Final Impact.
<<What was I doing? I cut off Armaros’ arm…and the Longinus came
out of it…>>
And pierced him right through his shining chest.
His heart, the window to higher dimensions was already lost, but he
felt intense agony all the same. The only thing left of the giant of light that
Final Model had become was Shinji’s ego.
But even that was passing away.
<<Armaros’ remaining arm is still pulling the island…but…to where?
I can’t remember…>>
I told you. Nothing good can come of those wings. Kaworu whispered
to Shinji, who was fading away with the giant of light.
Final Model’s four wings remained extended. The wings that had first
spread when Yomotsu Hirasaka was about to collide with the Earth. The
wings that half the globe had seen during the Second Impact.
With the wings unleashed, we would lose the path to knowledge, and
with it, our reason to exist.
<<Kaworu-kun!>> Shinji shouted. <<Where is this island going?! I
know it’s someplace important!>>
The light of the Longinus continued to pierce him with its immense
length. Shinji tried to remember the island’s destination within the intense
It’s headed to the town you call home.
The giant of light lurched, grabbing the spear that pierced him with a
great rumble. Sparks flew from the gaps in his balled up hands, raining over
half the island and causing the black monsters attacking the JSSDF and the

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North American Alliance to crumble into white salt.
Endo quickly issued an order to the ground troops. “Attention, all
units! I don’t care who you belong to, do not leave the reactor fields! You
will be saltified! Americans, step away from Wolfpack! Now!”
The giant of light roared far overhead.
The Lance of Longinus was now a single strand of light, having
exhausted its entire length in the roots of the World Tree. It maintained its
speed of ninety kilometers per second while still in Shinji’s hands, creating a
deadly fireworks display.
The giant of light howled again, perhaps from pain or perhaps to brace
himself. He continued gripping the spear, shining brighter as he approached
his final moments—so bright that his outlines faded.
Oddly, everyone present understood what was happening.
<<The Third Impact was stopped with a bookmark. Now, the final
page has been turned.>>
The single black point on the giant of light’s back, the Time Brake,
The four wings of light on his shoulders expanded like a mushroom
Soldiers and researchers alike were captivated by the sight.
“Amen,” one said, submitting to the will of Heaven.
“No!” said another, in frustration.
The light suddenly froze.
At first, no one could believe their eyes.
Everything else on the island moved at its usual pace. The skies were
still covered with the roots that had become Armaros’ arms. Her right arm
was still cut off, and the left arm was still pulling the island and everything
on it at breakneck speeds.

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“That giant spear… It stopped!”
The island rumbled as it was towed. The strange field still cut through
the winds. But now…
Final Model’s heartbeat had joined the symphony.
The Lance of Longinus had stopped, still piercing the giant of light and
still within his hands.
At that moment, the giant’s wings also stopped expanding.
Had they continued, the whole world would have been engulfed by
light, bringing an end to it all.

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Chapter 57:
Clash of the Titans

“T stopped?!” Misato shouted, shocked at the

footage the JSSDF had sent her.
Kaji scratched his chin and then pointed with his index finger. “Of
course. The spear!”
The spear could sever the ties of causality. Indeed, it could even stop
Lilith’s perpetual birth. Now, it had stopped the impending catastrophe.
“How ironic that the spear that was to be Shinji’s punishment would
halt the curtain call.”
“Only for the time being!” The voice came from the lower decks,
reminding them that they’d only delayed the inevitable.
“Ritsuko—Dr. Akagi?!”
Ritsuko entered the middle deck, where Hyuga and Aoba were
stationed, in a dirty lab coat. A sentry looked over to the command deck,
unsure whether to let her through, but Misato gave him the go-ahead. He kept
his eyes on Ritsuko while she stared Misato down over the gap between the
middle and lower decks.
Maya interrupted the silence. “Look at the spear!”
The Longinus, within the giant’s hands, slowly resumed its course. He
no longer had the strength to stop its penetration. Shinji’s very consciousness
was fading.
The same thing had happened the last time he’d turned into a giant of
There was no way he could retain his humanity, given the vast amount
of energy.
<<Mount Fuji!>> someone at the caldera observatory exclaimed.
The highest peak had just been blown away.
Armaros had jumped over the sea from the continent in the west, and

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had tripped over the greatest mountain in the archipelago while her shoulders
groped for purchase in the root-filled sky.
All fell silent as they saw the mighty mountain obliterated like it was a
sandcastle. They felt the earthquake before they heard the sound. It came
from the south, and the more sensitive technicians began to feel as if their
bodies were floating.
“Yomotsu Hirasaka’s approach has deeply disturbed the Earth’s crust.
We’re gaining altitude! The entire Hakone caldera is going up!”
In just one more step, Armaros would probably arrive from the
northwest. Though Shinji had amputated her right arm, her left continued to
drag Yomotsu Hirasaka from the southeastern sea. The island ripped through
the ocean floor, opening fissures of sulfur and lava. Meanwhile, the giant of
light was still on his knees, pierced by the Lance of Longinus.
<<The island has passed the gap of the Izu Peninsula!>>
Doom approached Hakone from all sides.
Please, someone do something!
Final Model’s hands fell limp to his sides as the lance resumed its
motion. The wings of light fluttered.
“Calling all Evas!” Misato shouted. She hadn’t thought of a brilliant
strategy to get them out of this situation. This was a simple plea. “Calling all
Evas. Our children. Please respond!”
She remembered her father and the part of her that had been burned
away by the Second Impact.
Had she been alone, she would’ve been content to die within the light
of the Third Impact. As it was, she wanted her family to be with her.
Shinji and Final Model had become the giant of light. The Asuka/Eva
synthesis and Trois’ Eva-0.0 were in the unreachable space of the World
Tree’s roots.
Their only remaining Eva, little Rei Six’s Eva-0.0 Type-F, was locked
in combat with Armisael. She was currently blocking its double helix, which
flew about the command district. She was too busy to answer the call. Her
stuttering telemetry showed that her heart was clanging like a bell.

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Most of the city had been destroyed. They fired their remaining
armaments into the air in waves to fend off the falling, half-formed creatures
that came out of the roots. Unmanned N2 Flankers took advantage of the
situation and shot out of the caldera with their maser guns blazing.
The situation was hopeless, as far as anyone could tell. The end of
civilization had arrived, and it would begin at Hakone.
Misato’s arm went limp as she held the receiver. Kaji, now released
from Seele, supported her before she could fall.
<<What? I’m busy.>>
The distorted signals came from Eva-0.0 and Eva-02.
“Trois?! Asuka?!”
Misato looked southeast.
The Magi flashed with an earthquake warning.
The outer rim of the southeastern mountains exploded, forming a sort
of curtain. The upper crust of the Hakone caldera rippled, and the white,
foaming waters of Laki Ashi rushed into the city.

The island-pulling arm was now above Tokyo-3. Two Evas flew out of
the stump where the giant’s other arm had been—Trois’ Eva-0.0, and the
Asuka/Eva synthesis, Crimson A1.
Each wielded one of the Field Penetrators, Kesara and Basara.
They knew exactly where to strike.
“I’ll take right. You take left.”
<<Don’t boss me around.>>
Waves rocked the Hakone caldera, knocking down structures that had
been built to withstand an earthquake. The Yamato, which had landed on the
western shore of Yomotsu Hirasaka Island, was now sliding into Lake Ashi.
The orange Eva-0.0—equipped with a propulsion unit, but possessing
no airborne mobility—flew in a parabola that was practically a straight line.
Crimson A1 spiraled around it with great agility.

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They were both headed for the giant of light.
<<Stupid Shinji!>>
The two Evas looked like dolls next to the giant of light. Still, Trois
and Asuka brought their swords down with a bright flash.
Back on the surface, Eva-0.0 Type-F slammed into the hardened
double helix of the Armisael Carrier with the Field Piercer. In the
southeastern sky, Six saw Eva-0.0 and Eva-02 slice through the giant of
light’s four wings. She turned away from the intense glare.
At the same moment, the Longinus finished running through the
giant’s chest and disappeared into the Pacific.
The giant of light wavered.
Perhaps that title was no longer appropriate for him. He was quickly
losing light.
But then, kicked out of his crouching position, the fading Eva leaped
over Hakone. He was headed toward Armaros.
He wouldn’t be satisfied unless he tried.
Shinji, now a gray giant, struck Armaros’ face, which had already been
blasted by Trois’ shot, with his fist. The impact produced something that
looked like four suns overhead. They burned brightly, illuminating the two
Four new wings cut through Shinji’s shoulders and spread throughout
the sky. When they touched the roots, a torrent of pure white light poured
The shrunken Earth shook as shock waves rippled across the planet.
The four wings were like flaming torches burning in the blackness of space.
Auroras appeared all over the globe. Shadows larger than the clouds crept
over the ground in slow motion.
The land around Hakone continued to rise, the quakes having arrived in
old Gotemba now. The gigantic figure compressing the atmosphere slowly
collapsed, spawning clouds as it fell. The four torches swayed in the sky,

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burning as far as the moon’s former orbit.
As the light of the Third Impact faded, the gray giant began scattering
like ash. Rei Trois and Asuka had thought that cutting Shinji off from the
impact’s power would save him. But they were wrong.
Had his consciousness survived, despite the loss of power?
“Ikari-kun! Ikari-kun…! Ikari-kun!” Rei Trois continued calling out his
Shinji didn’t know what to do or say at this point.
And so he crumbled into the atmosphere and was blown away.

<<That was way too quick, Shinji.>>

Toji clicked his tongue, his image riddled with noise. He’d watched
everything through the window of the oddly quiet classroom.
<<Here we go, Soryu!>>
Asuka stood still next to him. <<What the hell…did that idiot…think
he was doing?>>
This was the conscious half of her. The other half was piloting
Crimson A1.
<<Not the time to mope, Soryu!>>
<<How can I not?!>>
Toji rolled his prosthetic leg in her direction. <<Get a hold of yourself!
Where do you think we are? Our physical bodies are outside, but our egos are
in here. In Shinji’s dream!>>
Asuka gasped in understanding.
<<That’s right,>> Toji continued. <<We’re not done yet!>>
She watched as Toji took a pale left leg out of the LCL canister. It was
little more than an amputated femur, which he attached to his own stump.
The limb connected itself to him without stitch or suture, and the pale leg

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pulsed with the hyphae of an Angel.
The Angel Bardiel.
The prosthetic anchor was forced out of him from the inside, along
with any muscular tissue attached to it. The prosthetic joint fell with a bloody
The limb itself wasn’t possessed by an Angel. Toji and Eva-03 had
been infected three years ago, and Bardiel would reawaken upon sensing his
full humanity. He’d given up on organic limbs and lived with cybernetics for
that very reason.
Toji’s face wrenched with pain, but he smiled all the same. <<Shinji’s
body…might just be a vessel… Even if he died…to him it might be like
getting lost…>>
<<What… What are we supposed to do then?>> Asuka asked.
<<I dunno. Something. Anything. As for me…I’ve got a score to
Toji stood. He looked over at the slouching shade at the other desk, the
shade they’d supposed to be Hikari. He returned his gaze to Asuka and
slapped her shoulder with his fading hand.
<<Urgh… See you…on the outside!>>
Toji disappeared from the classroom of Shinji’s dream.

Do something, he said. Well, what?!

Why was she getting so depressed over something Shinji had done?
She felt like she was being taken for a ride. It was time to ask the
She opened the classroom window.
<<Don’t you dare get off here! I’m going to kill you if you do!>>
Beneath her, people gathering on the school grounds in droves, even
though the dream was supposed to be impenetrable.

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Was that an answer? Where is it coming from?
<<Where are you, Shinji?!>>
The people looked up at Asuka. As she scanned the crowd, she realized
they were looking at something above her.
<<The World Tree!>>
There was a gaping hole in the root-covered sky. The roots of the
World Tree were supposed to be impervious to physical phenomena. And yet,
Shinji’s Third Impact had burned right through them.
The roots were flaking and falling but disappeared before they could
reach the Earth.

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Chapter 58:
Longinus Ring

“Look! There’s a hole in the roots!”

A clear voice rang out, confirming the phenomenon.
In the command center, the main display switched to footage from the
aerial surveillance cameras. It didn’t take long for everyone to spot the gap in
the root-filled sky.
“The wings—the fire of Final Impact—burned right through them.”
Fuyutsuki said.
Soon, they began receiving reports that people were once again being
turned into pillars of salt.
“That seems about par for the course, considering we’re living out a
“Don’t let the press hear that.”
Misato gave Fuyutsuki a tired smile. The electromagnetic pulse
generated by the Impact was causing tremendous damage throughout the city.
“Cut the power to commercial and residential areas,” Misato ordered.
<<Shelter 5 of Tokyo-3 has flooded! Signs of life…zero.>>
Shelter 5 contained the most evacuees.
Things were probably even worse outside of Hakone.
The Third Impact, the debt that humanity owed, had been halted when
it was unexpectedly quartered and shot into the sky. They’d avoided paying
the full price until now. This number of casualties was expected.
And yet—
<<Those people are safe now. I moved all of them to the school.>>
Six’s communication window flashed to interrupt their conversation.
“Hakone command to Six. Say again?” Hyuga said, unsure what she

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was talking about.
<<I said I moved the people in the southern shelter out! It’s empty
“Six, you… You did what?!”
<<The school is in one piece. Not a bit of it is broken. Shinji’s still
Despite young Six’s lack of vocabulary, her words gave everyone in
the command center hope. The Eva’s dream was a place layered upon reality.
Nothing could enter it if the dreamer didn’t will it. The children had taken
advantage of this reality and evacuated everyone there. But most of all—
Six had revealed the existence of Shinji’s will. He was alive enough to
affect reality.

“Announcement from the ESO observatory in La Paz!” Aoba shouted.

“The Longinus has returned to its original altitude of twenty thousand
kilometers and is observed to be 157,000 kilometers long!”
“It kept growing inside the roots!”
“Its shape is now elliptical and will soon reach full circle!”
The ray of light that was the Lance of Longinus spread across the sky
like a white thread.
<<Hakone command! It’s Armaros!>>
Having trampled the western ridge of the caldera, the black giant
jumped to Yomotsu Hirasaka Island, which was riding up the southwest side.
The wing of a large aircraft was caught in the black giant’s leap and torn to
“Who was that?! What kind of idiot do you have to be to fly under
these conditions?!”
“We can’t afford to send out rescue right now.”
<<I’ll take care of it. I think it’s the doctors of the U.S. Eva. They’re
still looking for Mari.>>

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The graviton floaters of Rei Six’s Eva-0.0 Type-F whirred awake, and
she flew toward the plane, heavily damaged and tilting.
“We’re not done here, Six! We’ll talk about you evacuating the
civilians later!” Misato caught herself. “Later”? She still thought there was a
later for them, despite everything that was going on.
A loud shock wave brought her back to her senses.
<<Get back here, stupid Shinji!>> This came from Shinji’s entry plug.
The voice belonged to Asuka. <<Shinji!>>
Shinji’s figure was a shade conjured up by the dream, and it was
currently inside an entry plug, transported all the way to the classroom. Six
had left the hatch open after confirming that Shinji wasn’t inside. Now,
Asuka was banging on the outside of the plug with a broom, and her voice
was being picked up by its internal microphone.
“Wait, I thought Asuka is synthesized right now.”
“I guess her ego made it to the classroom.”
Kaji nodded. “So the kids have made a little command center for
themselves there.”
“They what?!”
Misato was irked, despite knowing she had the school to thank for the
safety of the civilians.
“Oh, don’t be mad,” Kaji said. “I’m sure they weren’t being
insubordinate just for the sake of it.”
“The Longinus…” The orbiting trail of light was about to meet its own
tail. A clear, bell-like ringing echoed across the entire planet. The Earth
shook again. There were no more gaps in the root covered sky.
“It’s a ring…a perfect circle.”
A rumbling came from the depths of the Earth, and seismic stations
around the world observed earthquakes that shared the same waveform. They
sounded like countless bells being struck in rapid succession.
Everyone heard it, but no one wanted to say what it was.
“Anomaly over the Pacific Ocean!”

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Yomotsu Hirasaka was being dragged across the ocean floor, shaking
and crushing the planet as it went. The wounds of the sea let loose flames,
culminating in the eruption of the cracked Mount Fuji.
Yet, oddly enough, the eruptions never came back down. They were all
sucked up by the giant moon, which was now only forty thousand kilometers
overhead. The moon was eating the Earth’s entrails.
“It’s taking up more material—and at a faster rate—than when the
spatial lens was still around. We don’t have much time!” Maya was close to
shrieking in the sub-booth.
“This is…the end.!” Misato muttered. Her fists were clenched so hard
that her knuckles turned white.
Meanwhile, Ritsuko was looking at the data in the booth next to Maya.
“Oh, you called in Mizusato-sensei as well, I see.”
Engrossed in his calculations, Aoba’s lecturer didn’t bother to look up.
“It’s been a long time. Ever wondered how your pretty friend over there
managed to make blades that cut right through the giant of light’s wings?”
Ritsuko peeked at the display. “Such power… And the ring’s field
strength is continuously fluctuating, like something is squeezing it. No
wonder it sounds like bells.”
<<This is the JSSDF Akashima—Kzzt—Nerv Japan…T minus sixty…
Utilizing Iphiclus-grade N2 warheads.>>
Following this noise-riddled transmission, a flash as bright as a falling
star descended upon Yomotsu Hirasaka. The North American Alliance and
the South American Coalition had used their precious N2 charges to try and
destroy the Ark.
“I thought we made it clear in the reports that the Ark is impervious to
physical damage!”
“They just have to see for themselves.”
By the time the noise from the N2 charges faded, the rocky mountains
surrounding the Ark had been leveled. UAVs sent to assess the effects of the
explosion captured an image of the cube standing unharmed in the newly
made crater.

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We might be freed from the Human Instrumentality Project if that thing
were destroyed. But as far as we know from the data, Armaros is the only one
who can actually interact with it.
Misato didn’t know what to do.
Meanwhile, Asuka’s ego continued calling out to Shinji.
That was when Misato saw it. Every time Asuka banged on the empty
plug, Final Model’s supposedly non-reactive status board reacted. Shinji’s
vitals were all still at zero. But there was a faint pulse every time she struck
the plug.
Kaji noticed it, too. “Are you calling Shinji, Asuka?”
<<Ryoji? Or are you Seele?>> Asuka stopped when she heard the
voice over the transmission.
“Seele was recently fired. Anyway, don’t you think it’s better for
Shinji this way?”
“He’s finally been relieved of all his baggage. Do you really want to
call him back to face an apocalypse?”
“All hands!” Misato suddenly shouted. “All hands! Start clapping!”
The crew of the command center was understandably confused at this
strange order from their commander. Fuyutsuki was the only one who
actually clapped.
<<That idiot wasn’t relieved of anything. He left his baggage for us to
take care of! He’ll pay for that!>>
“Every time you hit that plug, Shinji’s vital readings pick up his pulse.”
The crew gasped, listening in on the conversation now. They joined
Fuyutsuki in his clapping.
“Can’t tell you why, though. For all we know, Shinji probably thinks
he’s dead. I mean, he really is dead. But we might as well take full advantage
of the fact that we’re living out a legend.”
<<What should I do?>>

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“It’s time for the romantic portion of our story. First, think of the one
you love. You must give him a vessel.”
<<What the hell are you talking about?>> Asuka demanded.
She’d brought the broom to a halt, and yet the sound went on. Was it
coming from the grounds?
The mass of worried civilians was looking at the sky. Prompted by
Asuka’s rhythm, they’d begun clapping and making noise with anything they
could find.
Tokyo-3, their home, had been destroyed. The strange school was
peaceful, but everything outside of the invisible wall was in shambles.
Gravity had lost its hold, and some objects were being sucked into the sky.
The people couldn’t help themselves. They would’ve started screaming
if it weren’t for Asuka’s racket. They heard a rhythm, and their bodies
The internal pressure increased until—
Asuka heard another heartbeat inside of her.
She disappeared from the classroom. She’d been synthesized with the
Eva and life-form data for too long, and her ego melted away.

Armaros was barraged by artillery.

The waterline of Lake Ashi had almost reached the Yamato’s deck. Its
main guns roared as it fired into the black giant, now standing on the edge of
the plateau-like island.
Armaros whispered with Hikari’s voice again. <<Help me, Toji…
And that’s when it happened.
“Torwächters coming out of the severed roots!”
The two giants came toward the Yamato, but their movements weren’t
in sync. One of them turned to pursue Armaros.
<<Hakone command! Do not shoot! You’ll hit Suzuhara!>> Rei Trois

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One of the Torwächters was on Armaros’ back, plunging his blade arm
into the cracks of her armor.
“Suzuhara is in control of the Torwächter? But how?!”
“Torwächter Pattern Blue!” Hyuga shouted.
“Those hyphae! They’re infecting Armaros!”
“Bardiel! It’s awake?!” Misato gasped. “What happened to Suzuhara’s
leg sample?!”
“Specimen storage was affected when Rei Quatre’s mutant Eva raided
the base.”
Kaji laughed through clenched teeth. Misato could no longer think this
was mere coincidence.
“You brats really did a number on us!”
Armaros turned to the Torwächter and smashed his chest in with her
left hand, revealing the crushed nose of the Platypus-2 jet within. The canopy
went flying, dragging hyphal filaments with it.
“Stay down, you little brat!” Toji shouted.

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Bardiel’s mycelial growth had gained enough mass that it cracked
Armaros’ armor from the inside. The white Eva-02, Heurtebise, slid out of
the gash in the supergiant’s spine. But Bardiel couldn’t be allowed to have
free reign. Soon, its hyphae would take over Heurtebise and Hikari.
But as the plug released, the mycelial infection stopped. The hatch
“Ack! Gah! You’re late, Toji!”
Toji was too preoccupied to be shocked. “I got lost in the roots!
Wouldn’t have made it out if she didn’t call me! Uh…what’s with the dirty
rags, Kensuke?”
Kensuke held Hikari in his arms, and they were both wrapped in aged
“Excuse you! These dirty rags happen to be the Shroud of Turin.
We’ve been hiding under it this whole time.”
Armaros flailed, struggling to free herself from the Torwächter. Toji’s
left arm, tied with a tight harness at the joint, would do its final duty. It would
be cut off right after the Angel was put to sleep. But for now, it threw a small
“Look, Hikari! Your real sister isn’t a monster!”
Hikari’s blank eyes followed the ampoule. It contained the remains of
the saltified Kodama, Hikari’s sister.
Her dazed eyes filled with tears as her emotions came flooding back.
Meanwhile, the other Torwächter, the substitute Kodama, had begun
acting strangely. It was hit with a volley of artillery fire, courtesy of the
battleship Yamato, and promptly crumbled.
Toji had accomplished half of his mission.
“What now?!”
But he couldn’t control Bardiel’s power for long. He felt the Angel’s
strong resistance. It was probably going to take over and turn him into the

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next Armaros.
But there was one limb it couldn’t possess—the giant’s left arm.
It’s not the left arm…it’s the thing coiled around it like a snake.
“That’s the Devil’s Backbone!”
The weapon that could fire an A.T. Field-eroding graviton shot had
originally been an Eva—an experiment driven mad by a Q.R. Signum. The
serpentine coil moved the left hand around Armaros’ back and peeled Toji’s
Torwächter off of it.
“The Devil’s Backbone is taking over Armaros’ body?!”
The Suzuhara Torwächter was still holding on to Heurtebise’s plug unit
with Kensuke and Hikari inside it. Please make a protective field like an Eva!
Having lost its host, Heurtebise slipped out of Armaros’ back and fell
to the ground. As the Suzuhara Torwächter tumbled through the air, Eva-0.0
and the Asuka/Eva synthesis approached.
“Suzuhara-kun!” Trois’ voice came out of Eva-0.0.
“Can’t hold on… You gotta hurry!”
The Asuka/Eva synthesis went after Armaros, now freed from Toji.
“What’s Soryu planning?”
<<She’s…lost herself. She’s alive but won’t respond.>>
Lost to the synthesis.
The Platypus-2’s crushed cockpit peeked out of Suzuhara’s damaged
chest. Eva-0.0 slowly lowered her prog knife. It let out an ear piercing whine.
Toji painfully stretched out his left arm as Bardiel’s hyphae continued to
spread. He squeezed the edge of the cockpit so Trois could see it.
“Dammit! I can’t be Armaros now…not after we finally made a dent in
the Ark!”
<<We did?>>
Someone responded to Toji’s private musings.
“That voice… Mari? Are you in the U.S. Eva?”

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Kensuke crawled out from the Torwächter’s hand with Hikari in his
arms, but Trois stopped them from approaching Eva-0.0.
<<Not yet, Aida-san. Don’t let Horaki near.>>
She’d cut off Toji’s arm if he did.
“Just hang in there, Hikari… It’ll all be over soon…”
Armaros continued toward the Ark, but its body had begun shrinking.
It was returning to its normal size, which meant it would still be twice the
size of an Eva.

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Chapter 59:
Shape of Shinji

<<L ET ME TELL YOU a fairy tale of the lilin. Lilith was profligate.
Eve swallowed the serpent’s lies whole. Now, why did Adam do nothing to
prevent these things?>>
What are you talking about, Kaworu-kun?
<<Like I said, it’s a fairy tale. A tale in which the truth is concealed.
You see, Adam was cut down.>>
<<The snake—that is, sin and evil—was part of Adam from the
beginning. To become as a god, Adam had to abandon his most human
What for?
<<To see the being who granted him Lilith. And for this reason, he
was cut off.>>
See? See who?
<<The fullness…of light.>>

The Asuka/Eva synthesis was suddenly damaged as it circled

over to Armaros’ front. Had the Devil’s Backbone clipped her? That
certainly appeared to be the case.
A vertical rupture had appeared in her lower body—a dimensional one
—and it appeared on the synthesis’s belly. The rupture began to grow, and
the heartbeat grew louder with it.
The Devil’s Backbone turned its maw toward Crimson A1 and tried to
consume it, but an arm extended out of the rupture, grabbing the serpent’s
The Asuka/Eva synthesis arched her body, lifting her arms. The thing

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from the other side of the rupture came into the world, its hands clutching the
shocked head of Armaros.
The serpent wriggled free, and Armaros—or whatever it was now—
backed away, not quite knowing what to do with the thing in front of it.
“What’s going on?” Misato asked.
Was this Final Model with his wings cut off? It was similar but not
quite the same. Indeed, a brand-new Eva had been born into this broken

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“The Virgin Birth. The Immaculate Conception.” Fuyutsuki muttered.
“I see,” Kaji said, making the connection. “Asuka, when you were
overwhelmed with the Earth’s life-form data on the moon’s Ark…”
Misato saw what he was getting at. “Shinji’s life-form data was in
there, too.”

“Ow, that hurt!”

Asuka screamed in her plug, having regained her human body. Had the
pain of birth returned her sense of self? The Asuka/Eva synthesis had
expended all her energy closing the birth tunnel, and the bond between
human and Eva had been dissolved. She was back in Eva-02.
The first thing she saw was the inside of her own plug. The first thing
she heard was loud howling. The first thing she felt was Azuchi the dog’s
tongue on her face.
“I can’t—”
Her face flushed when she realized what had just happened. She
covered her still-throbbing lower body with her hands.
“I can’t believe you came out of… You idiot! Moron! Dumbass!”
Eva-02 began kicking the pristine Eva.
<<Ow! Asuka?!>> The voice definitely belonged to Shinji. <<What’s
happening out there?!>>
Shinji had been reborn with a new body, along with Final Model.
“Data is getting updated for the new unit!”
“The reversal of the window to higher dimensions. Deleting all
inconsistencies, making the window bidirectional.”
Final Model’s information came flooding into the command center.
Maya and Ritsuko saw it update in real time. It was a completely different
creature, but unlike its predecessors, it was inherently harmonious instead of
“Yes, and this heart… It’s taking in so much energy that it’s creating a
surplus. Is it breathing?”

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“Maybe the lives of Eva-01 Final Model and his pilot were spent when
his wings were cut off.”
The fingers of Aoba’s lecturer hadn’t stopped moving since he’d
started looking at the data. With a strict ban on all mobile devices, the
theoretical physicist had no other way to make his calculations.
“He really died. That heart should’ve been obliterated. And yet the
waveform of the transdimensional window remained. Those waveforms may
have gained their own unique signature, and when they reset…”
Someone gasped as Shinji’s Eva burned a red trail through the sky.

Having left Toji and the others in the hands of the JSSDF, Trois’ Eva-
0.0 flung Shinji’s weapon to him. Everything was accelerated, and both her
voice and the weapon seemed slow.
“Thanks, Trois!”
He turned to grab it and then unsheathed the Magorox Stage 2.
<<Suzuhara…got Hikari out… Do you know what to do now…my
baby?>> Asuka asked.
“I know. It’d be worse if you guys took care of this problem!”
The one who killed Armaros would become the next Armaros.
<<So it’s okay if you go and sacrifice yourself…? Is that it?>>
“Well, someone has to do something. Nothing will get done if we just
sit here arguing about it. But now the Devil’s Backbone might turn into
Armaros. I don’t know what’s going on anymore.”
<<That’s rich, coming from you.>>
Armaros summoned four new Angel Carriers, but Trois’ gamma-ray
laser cannon and Asuka’s Zeruel ribbons each brought one down. Shinji took
a deep breath, and by the time he exhaled, the remaining two had been
imploded by the glimmering blade of the Magorox.
“You lined the entire blade with micro black holes?” Maya sighed with

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an exasperated smile.
Carrier and cocoon were separated, and both were immediately sucked
up to the moon, still hungry for matter.
Shinji’s Eva collided with Armaros. He felt a sense of déjà vu as he
fought the writhing serpent head. He remembered his days as a Torwächter
and that he’d fought a snake back then.
A vision flashed before him, and he flinched. It looked as if his own
twisted face was within the mouth of the Devil’s Backbone.
Am I the snake, Kaworu-kun? Am I the deformity cast away from
<<That is not a thing for the you right now to know.>> A
straightforward answer, devoid of mystery for once. <<And now, you wish to
escape the wheel, do you not? Well, allow me to give you the right to do
You’re really not stopping me?
<<I told you, Shinji-kun. I am always on your side. No matter what
you may become.>>
<<Goodbye.>> He sounded like he was smiling.
Shinji’s blade flashed, and it cut across Armaros’ gigantic body from
its left arm down. The Q.R. Signums shattered into red shards. The black
giant that had become part of the World Tree in the sky fell to the Earth like a
spider whose thread had been cut. It crushed the edge of Yomotsu Hirasaka,
hanging over the Hakone caldera, and fell onto the eastern shore of Lake
Shinji couldn’t finish it off. And yet, he had to stop it, chain it. But
how? Bakelite? That was impossible. Nothing in this world could restrain
Armaros for long.
He heard Maya’s voice as he drifted in the extended flow of time.
<<Absolute zero… Sink it to the bottom… Lake Ashi…>>
What had Kaworu said about escaping the wheel? But as Shinji
hesitated, a giant beast used him as a stepping stone and leaped over him.

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Wolfpack was missing its front paws and had probably used up what
little power it had left in that jump. It clamped its jaw onto the Devil’s
Backbone’s field, shattering the restraint armor on its head.
<<Mari, stop!>>
<<Asuka, Shinji…watch me! This is my last chance to make my dream
come true!>>
Wolfpack fired a series of shots from its particle cannon into the
Devil’s Backbone. Armaros’ armor was filled with a pale blue light. It
exploded from the inside. Wolfpack had consumed the serpentine creature.
“What have you done?”
<<I have no interest in anything outside of the pack, and I think that’s
for the benefit of everyone I’ve come into contact with…urp. Oh, I feel so
satisfied now, I don’t know what to do!>>
The battle was over. And to the victor went the spoils.
The change occurred immediately. Wolfpack’s transformation into
Armaros took place faster than it had with Heurtebise, possibly because Mari
was a willing participant.
But the ceremony wasn’t without its anomalies. For although Wolfpack
was an Eva, it wasn’t human. The black giant rejected its new host, writhing
on the surface of the beast’s body. But even Armaros was powerless to resist
the law: The one who killed Armaros would become the next Armaros.
The giant had fled into the Devil’s Backbone, making the serpent its
new core. Each time it appeared on the surface of Wolfpack’s body, Mari’s
field beasts immediately appeared to bite it, forcing it back into its body.
Perhaps that was how Mari retained her personality, despite becoming

<<The Ark is moving from the island to Lake Ashi!>>

<<Saltification area moving west! Take caution!>>
During the storm, when things were being sucked into the heavens,
unencrypted alerts were issued over the general frequency. The transmissions

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came from the multitude of armies on Yomotsu Hirasaka.
The Human Instrumentality Project’s structure, The Ark, was on the
Mari had called it to her. The Ark quietly followed the new Armaros as
Wolfpack walked down a slope.
And so, the new minister for the Human Instrumentality Project was
The vertical roots stiffened and took them into the sky.
“Where are you going?”
<<A quiet place where I can rest. The farther the better.>>
There was a place only accessible through the tunnel network. Shinji
and the rest knew where the roots of the World Tree would take her.
“Mari, that’s—”
<<Bye-bye, and don’t wake me up.>>
And so, the black beast disappeared. Shinji tried pursuing her, but the
tunnel network began crumbling. Perhaps she’d ordered it to leave no trace,
or perhaps the effects of Shinji’s spear were finally running out.
Either way, the roots faded from the sky.
<<The Lance of Longinus is moving!>> Asuka shouted.
A golden retriever jumped out of the crashed aircraft and bounded over
to Rei Six. Azuchi’s long-lost sister had finally returned.

Wolfpack and the Ark had arrived at the last stop of the tunnel network
—the Apple’s Core. It was located on the other side of the sun, and it had
been the testing ground of the first Human Instrumentality Project. Shinji’s
Lance of Lucretius had landed here, and Wolfpack pulled it out of the ground
with its mouth. This was the limit of Shinji’s consciousness. The spear that
stood at the end of the world.

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Wolfpack threw it into the heavens. It was his spear. It would
eventually find its way back to Earth—no, to that forgotten planet. In the
world of eternal night, Wolfpack curled its giant body around the Ark and
went to sleep.

The Earth and moon each had their respective Arks. Now, Mari had
taken one of them to the Apple’s Core, also known as Eden. With this loss,
the planet Shinji was on had lost the right to be called Earth or moon.
The Lance of Longinus was exiting orbit. It took the broken fragments
of the moon along with it, appearing like a whirlwind that would travel
through space. The planet that had been its long-time companion began to
move as if being pulled by the lance.
The next iteration of the Human Instrumentality Project would be
between the new Earth, which was the moon, and the Apple’s Core, which
was Eden. The two planets had quite a bit of distance to close before their
next dance.
As for the survivors of the shrunken planet formerly known as Earth,
well, they were stranded there.
“Good enough for me,” Misato remarked.
At least Shinji and the others—this iteration of them, anyway—had
managed to escape the wheel of the Human Instrumentality Project.

And so the apocalypse came to an unsatisfying end. The world would

eventually rebuild itself, even without closure.
The next day, the moon disappeared behind the sun, siphoning
materials off of Jupiter, which happened to be in range.
“It’s probably quiet over on the Apple’s Core,” Asuka said. “Doubt
it’ll get destroyed with Mari on it.”
As for Shinji and his friends, they’d have to procure a new moon soon
to stabilize the planet’s orbit.
“Where do we start?” Rei Trois asked.
“With my father.”

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And then…
They had their work cut out for them.


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I N VISUAL ART, there is a way of checking the overall balance of a

work by drawing something and then taking a step back to look at the whole
thing. As far as writing is concerned, you can’t really read anything when you
take a step back, making it a difficult medium to strike a good balance in. It’s
been five years since the serialization, and I still don’t feel like my writing’s
improved. But at least I’ve managed to put down everything I wanted to say
about ANIMA.
And I have many people to thank for giving me that amount of time:
serialization editor-in-chief Abiru; Kageyama, my editor during the early
phases of serialization; Utatane, cover illustrator of the serialization run; Kio,
guest mecha designer; and Kashiwabara, who worked so hard that he got sick
and had to return to his hometown. For this volume, I would like to thank:
guest illustrator Magaki; editor-in-chief Koarai; my editor, Ishiguro; designer
Kameguchi; and many others. I thank you all for your extraordinary efforts.
And to all the readers who have been waiting so long for the final
volume after the end of the serialization…it has been a long wait indeed.
Thank you all for reading this.

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