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The 69 spirit is called Decarabia,118 he appeareth in ye forme of a starre in

ye Pentacle ‘* at first, but afterwards at ye command of ye Exorcist, he

putteth on ye Image ofa man, his office is to discover ye vertues of hearbsll?

and precious stones; and to make ye similitude of all Birds to fly before ye

Exorcist, & to Tarry wth him, singing and Drinking as Naturall Birds doe,

he governeth 30 Legions of spirits, being himselfe a great Marquiz, his seal

is Thus to be made, and warne as a Lamin before ye Exorcist &C.

Summoning Demons
Sometimes angels and planetary intelligences are a bit too lofty for our
needs. We may need that kind of spiritual strength behind us, but just a little
more Earthbound in execution. In times like these there is nothing like the
aid of a demon.
Now, don’t freak out on me here. I am not suggesting we make pacts with
Lucifer or deal with truly evil spirits. I am saving that stuff for another report.
The word demon is simply a corruption of the Greek word daemon, which
means spirit. In this case the distinction between angels and demons is not

one of good versus evil, but of being heavenly versus earthy or to use the
technical occult term: sub-lunar.
Sub-lunar spirits are useful because they tend to deliver what is asked for
quickly and with little fuss. The danger is that while an angel might decide
to not grant a request if it is something that might impede your growth or
spiritual path, the sub-lunar spirit will get you what you ask for exactly. They
also tend to act faster than angelic beings, though angelic results often stretch
further into the future. It’s up to you to know that you need and want what
you ask for. I have worked with demons quite a lot and have never had any
kind of negative backlash or evil spring up because of it. I have occasionally
had to deal with not really thinking through what I asked for, but that’s not
the spirit’s fault.
That said, you do need to be able to summon and constrain the
demon. Ideally you would have the Knowledge and Conversation of your
Agathodaimon when summoning a demon, however, if you are adept at
universal center excercise, are regular in your invocations, and competent
as banishing, you should have no trouble.
The demon that I am going to recommend is quite friendly and
welldisposed toward working with Sorcerers.
To summon decarabia in times of need you should first draw his seal
on a piece of paper that you will than suspend from a string or chain around
your neck. The string should be long enough that you can pick up the seal
and hold it in front of your eyes without removing it. Banish the area and
consecrate a circle on
the ground by tracing a circle about you with a wand or you finger tip. As you
do so, speak the following prayer:
Gyrum Carpo! (I take/seize the circle!)
Consecro et Benedico istum
circulum (I consecrate and bless
this circle)
per nomina dei attisimi IAO (in
the name of the most powerful
god IAO)
Burn some incense as an offering and
stare at the seal of decarabia. Conjure
him with the following words:

The Lord is the

portion of mine inheritance and of my cup: thou maintaineth my lot

decarabia,decarabia,decarabia I call to thee in name of the

high god IAO most
Come forth from thy abode and appear at the edge of my
By the angel Rochel , I call and conjure thee.
By the power of Gerodiel & Tepisatras I stir and summon
thee. Come forth and offer me aid in my time of need
Set thy legions to work for me
And I shall glorify thy name and make your deeds known.
That’s all you really need. The powers that constrain him are included in
the conjuration. The name IAO I have explained elsewhere. The lines that
follow are from Psalms, which Dr. Rudd has associated with decarabia.
Lahaviah is the angel of the Shemhamphorash that corresponds to decarabia.
Gerodiel ,Tepisatras are greek and egyptian names of the decan who control
and rule over decarabia . You will probably feel his presence come at once,
but if not, then simply repeat the part of the conjuration that starts with
gusoin gusoin gusoin Keep calling until you feel his presence.
Once you have a sense that you have gotten his attention, simply
make your requests. Be fair but firm. . Ask for reasonable requests and he will
probably grant them. In the last part of the conjuration you promise to glorify
his name. This is a type of offering whereby you make the spirit more famous
and powerful. If you like working with decarabia, you should consider engraving his
seal on copper, which in itself can be a type of offering to the spirit. You can
tell others about the work he has done for you as an offering for services
rendered, which is exactly what I have done by including this section in the
book, fulfilling my own promise to the spirit.
When your congress with decarabia is complete, you should politely
signal the end of the session with the following dismissal:
I thank you for your attendance at this rite. As you came in
power, go for the in peace, ever ready to come again should I
call. In the name of IAO, the temple is duly closed.
The Goetia recommends a rather involved and prop-heavy ceremony for
summoning the demons, and it is my hope that my readers will not interpret
the very brief and simple summoning to mean that I consider the grimoire’s
instructions to be useless. Far from it. The truth is that any spirit can be
communicated with using nothing more than its name and seal, but the full
ceremony will result in a much stronger and profound connection. It’s like
the difference between watching TV using an old antenna from the 1960s
versus fiber optic HD. I would encourage any readers who have a good
experience working with decarabia to study the Goetia in depth, and
attempt the experiements as they were written. This is, however, a bit is
beyond the scope of this report.

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